, Kn1 ~$'I`fo`rrapeat once more, we know j}.IioIhing about him 1" ' ~ v mm! anal." I .8- ..-._.I-.. nL...- -2- !.if1!!`ti`I ;""Vj'-is`| lViri.V Mo.;dmaht.' the. Fashion tute~:ai5i};i7t5'n` my? siu1t'5'1*8ad1nge. ' ' room wilfbe ' .tify__ "thee , lib in ai1ateienas,- V `rt ; opened every" Wednesday, from the hour I "of ram in the.a1'terxfoon till`-ve, for the accommodation of ladies and others who ~ are unable .to_ attend in the evening. ?_Also,that_ the_Literary evening on every other Friday, for the reading ofpessays; letc.,-will be thrown open to the public during the season, free of charge. `VESLEYAN Caulgcn -.-A public meet- . -ing was held last Wednesday,- in the Wesleyan Methodist Church, Barrie, presided over by_ the I?v. Mr. Mc- l Dowell, for the purpose 0 organizing a Total Abstinence Society, under`the auspices of the Church. A draft of con- istitution was presented and adopted. A `public meeting is to be held once a ; month, at which the various committees nun 4-n nanny-L T6 in Aunnnbn nnnni-, nnnl` l.ll.ULl|lll, lib WHICH IIIIU VH-KIUUH UUIIIUILUVUUB I are to report. It is expected great good will result from this`organizs.tion, to " young men and others belonging to the `congregation. The range of ' duties pro- posed will" furnish a. ne opportunity for _all wishing to employ their talents in `benevolentlabors. ` Meals at all hours at the Fashion Saloon. For Stoves, good 8-1V1dV.h9P9 8 5 Purvis Bros. ' A CKANGE.--Th6 Ottawa Times has changed _ hinds, and turned a somer- sa.ul_t politically. Messrs. McLean, Rog- ers & Co. are the proprietors. It is now 9. full-edged Grit paper. ' , 'I`_._.__._ ___ __ 13---!- " ""' ""'D"" """' l'_I""' ' Lmmox.-'l`l1e contest goes on-lively for the Opposition, and the probabilities that Cartwright will be elected to Staty at home are daily increasing. The no- mination is xed for the 22nd, and the election for the 29th inst. { ? Luzon IN THE S1wrEs.-Imn1igration to the States has received a sudden check. The 1;a.te failures have thrown nearly 100,000 persons out of employ, large numbers of whom are coming to Canada, whi|st some are going back to the Old Country. Better come to Can- ada, gentlemen. ' -. CUT GLASS.--It is said that pro- mises are like pie-crusb,-ma.de to be broken. This is evidently "the case with the traitor Glass. He said he would resign if called upon to do so. Upward: of 400 electors have requested him to fulll his promise, which he is not in as hurry to do. ' He` does not relish the idea of being cut glass! NlU\`V- I had caught him by the armand led `him into :1 corner, before he recogmzed whoA I was. `When he saw me I thought he would have (aimed. Don t betray me, he whispered. - ` ' I held nut mv hnnrl mm-. . ..`....:l:, DECLINED.--Sii' John A. Mucdonald has declined to contest West Toronto, on the ground that it would not be right in him to forsake Kingston--his own constituency. The leading men of the Party `are taking the requisite steps to. bring out a. man that will command the condence of the electors. That they will succeed, there is no doubt whatever. E#$iTi3u:19nf% is t1P139:f! i9.Y`ff_?I%i$iI!*.3=;s4 `ier ri?':i`5?9.A'8_5f-311! it` A 7 - _ _ I __ _' .l :j. I`; .H`._` 7' Tm: .-Vmalnius" Ar'rAm.~-The ex- citement in the States over this affair still continues." and extensive prepa,m- tions are being made to avenge the in- sult. to the national honor, and the gross inhumanity of the Cubans in seizing the .Virgz'm'us, and shooting upwards of 100 of its crew. "In this case the Americans have the cordial sympathy of the civiliz- ed world. Such barbarous conduct can- not be allowed` to go unpunishecl under any circumstances. Since writing the foregoing we nd the following 2- It is more than likely that the diiculty between Spain and the United States, arising out of the Virginia: affair, will be settled without blows; Spain de- clares her willingness to give honorable satisfaction, `and Charles Sumner de- clares it would be unbecoming of the United States to bear too heavilyupon Spain, struggling to found a Republic. The independence of ` Cuba and the free- dom of slaves, it is thought, will be pro- claimed. * GRAND Succuss oz `nu: Hows: Sewmo MAcHlNE.-0l all the inventions ot the pre- sent age none have been a greater b;-on than :hat of the Sewing Machine. l`he name of Elias Howe, the inve~~tor, will live till the end of time. We have often heard it said tltat every woman should have his portrait `suspended in her sewing room. I`heHot-ve machine still continues to stand high above all others, being the best made and best ad- apted to all kinds of work. Oflhis fact we have had ample proof during the past month. It took first prize and far outstripped all others at every Fair where allowed to oompetein the county.` At Smth Sitncoe Fair every -machine of any note sold In this part of the country competed. Some _'!tf these were worked by special operators brought from Guelph and Hamilton. Notwithstanding the faotthat the "Howe was_tvorked by 'Mr. J. W _Thompson, one ofMr. Beattte s salesmen in Barrie, it took first prize. Mr. Beattie also got rst fot b est specimen of Sewing Machine work.` This same machine beat allthatcame against it at Churchill, Thornton and Rose. mont. At Barrie the Howe was`not - allowed to compete as it was not a `Canadian ` machine. The judges,however,were satised of its guperinr'tty,- and the fact of its heating -at asl the Fairs that t ol|owed-the machines , -that took the prizes heregehowed the sound. nose at their opinion, ` We congratulate Mr. Ueattie in his having control of the Howe . or this coumy, and advise all desirous of securing the best machine in the market to buy it." p ~ . Buexrur.--Ers | GoaoA.-Gu'nrux. no ,0o1tron'mz9.- By 1 thorough knowledge of the netnnl laws which govern the operation! of digeltion end" nutrition, and hy A cerffnl appli- cation of `tho ne properties of welselected cocoa, llr. Eppe has provided our breekfeet tables with n delicately avoured beverage; which may save us nanny henvy doctorl billl. -Ciml Service Gazette. Mode Iilnplly with Boiling Weter or Hllk. Each pocket in ehelled --" June E: In & Co.,Hom Oheminte. Lonon - . - It."-n-um-nun nw (lnnnA.._ WA will an`- ` The best 1$;;;g;;g;,.g,,:;; are to V 1u_id'a.t_Ste15hens'. `V " ` 1; nii'.:'~'n 1 , '9-,1."-n-1_-_" :_~ 41."- _I--`_ 4--_ London Quart or Saloon . CASH! CASH! On and alter the 1st of November Mr. Hunter,-of the Canton T. Stow, intends doing a strictly Cash business. See advertise ment. ' ' Tired Nature : Sweet` Restorer, Bunny Slaep," But there are nine; when this Ro- nawer .of Strength" is denied us, time: when our mind: and hadiesvhnva been go out- uorkd Ind uo |o'w__om on: ma! we woo the drowsyngod in vain." The Peruvian` `Symp,(an lI"onTunio) renew: our `strength vand punks: our real sweet and xnfreshing. IIIII-I B, &`Ul|llU8 ILIIII I`he balls were jangliug memly as] alighted at the church-door; a small crowd had already gathered on the puvement,dnwn together by that keen foresight of coming excitement of the human species. Friend of the bridegroom, I whtsperedto the verger, and I was forthwith shown ihto the Vestry. The clergyman virus there nyl- ready, and shook hands with me inn vague kind of a way. u1\L-to Hm tu;J.........,.... on 1... ....:.x`:.. - `in so far as we use it {oi J) or for enriching opt mm Vgnun or LIn.-[.if has no value except BV|'feVIling our norm, 1. mm noble quali~ lies and `for apraadiug happineu ground us: but we have dsilx proofs of l`h roag. value of Iho'-Canadian Pan`: Destroygt .iu aubdning thalorlatingipnjnu of rhanmptiam, nentilgiu, &;o.,_nn:! romoynnz pins` of avert uufmjg fru) mo body; 7 or uh. by I11 _aIa:IiKoino doulori.L .9,i9,'gg; pie: bt_la. '1 i Get your VVinbor (jlothing at Mr. McNabb s. 7 uonoon- Muunorun or 0ocoA.- We will now give an account of the eprocen adopted by least: Jamel Eppl _t__Co,, mnnnfectdren of dietetic articles. at their works in the Euston Road. London.--See article in Canal)`: House- lnld l'_'uu':h uoau. noun: I hold Guido. Ale by the Glass, Pint, Gallon at the Fashion V (`) yrs(ey:s.( in efary styi H at. the Fashion. Salqpn . ' -`1?f'.'r. Perkins.. `$61133 ngvoo V 'es and E provisions an a chegxp rate. ` !!l:AllBIl-2D: 77 . , PENNOCK--G()RDON.--At the Barrio [Inn-I an H... `lnh in. I... al... I)... u yu5un nulu u: u way. .``Not the. bridegmmn ? he saidhin I mild interrogaxive manner. ltold him I was only one of his Meade, and we stood kicking at each other In a comao tose kind of way, nll a little confusion at the vestry-door broke the spell. FIB!!! he nnmnn "7 uvlnicnnrnrl cnmn , ` B {RBIE M A RKETS, V Corrected by `Mr. Milne, Market Cloth. ` ` Fallwheat-$1 loitol I5; N "l`rudwell-8l Motel 11. SprIng--$1 00}! 05._ Pen-4510 50c. 0nts-36 N 380. Barley--95 to $1-07`. Hay-$16 0040 18 00. Roll Butter-2o to 25c. Tub Butte:--18 to 20. Eggs-14c. to 16. Pork--$8 to 6 so Mutton--$6 50 to 87 oo. Bides-- $6 50 `Skins--93 to 1 25. Wool-30 to 35 lb. Beef--Hind Quarter, 35 00 to 5 5o ,- Fore Quarter, 3 60 to 4 00. . Pammen_4n In an. M. 1.... ,--,_- .._ -___v .v- w...- There are but few preparations or medicine which have withstood the inn arfaljudginent oi the people tor any great len t of time. One of .hese is THOMAS ECLEC RIC OIL, purelye preparation ol six ofsorne of the best-Oils that are nown, each oi.e possessing virtues of its own. Scientic physicians know that medicines may be formed of severnlingredienta in certain xed proporticns of greater power, . and producing e'ects'which could never. result from theme of any one of them, or in different combinations Thus in the preparation of this Oilvn chemical ehanfe takes place, formingacoinpound which couli not in any possibility be made irom any other combination or proportions of the same in- gredients, or any other ingredients, and-entirely tlilferentr from anything ever but re made. one which produces the most astonishing results, and having a wider range of application than any A medicine ever befo:e discovered. it contains no alcohol or other volatile liquids, consequently lot-es nothing by evaporation. Wherever applied you get the benet of every drop; whereas with other preparations nearly al.' the alcohol is lost in that way, and `you get only the smallquatitity oi Oiis which they may contain. Prepared by S. N THOMAS, PHILPS, N. Y. And NORTHROP Jr LYMAN Newcastle, On- tario, Sols Agents for the Dominion. No-re.`--EIectric--Selected and Electrized . Sold in Barrie by John Woods.., Watson & 00., Wells Broa., and J. P Kidd. 3'1-4mo M rnovusv ECLEUIBIC 01!`. 2 2 . Worth Ten Tunes its Weight In Gold. Do you know anythlnx ol II. I If not, It In time you did.` I31` QUKIR : IJIIIWIIULT-"' .15 ' IIIU I)If' Ho:el,onIhe l9zh inst, by the Rev. M. Fruet, Benjamin Pennock to Mary Gof- don, bum ofla uisl. u As A Family Medicine, it is well and favour iblyh known, relieving thousands from pain in '. ' ' S-.'1e,Bac.7c and Head, Coughs, Colds, Sore ilhrout, sprains, Bruises, Cramps inthe Stoinaclz, Cholera Morbus, Dysentery, Bowel Com- jrltunls. Burns, Sr:alds,Frost Rites, go. Ts: Ununun Pun Dssmona has now been xefore the public for 9. length of time, and .vh_crever used is well liked, never failing in a Iingleinsyance to give permanent relief when timely used, and we have never known a. single case of dissatisfaction, where the directions `cave been propezly followed, but on the con- t. my all are delighted with its operations, and ipeak in the highest terms of its virtues and nagicsl e'ects. WA ennui: from Arum-inn:-.9 in Hm n1n!Onr Lian : nagiczu enectso . We speak from experience in the matter. h'a.v 1 cg tested it thoroughly ; and therefore these who are suffering from any of the complaints for which itis recommended, may depend upon it being a. Sovereign Remedy. 'I`ha antoniahinnefcacv nflha Canadian Pain ll DGHIK 3 DUVUFBIEIJ neuleuy. The astonishing eicacy ofthe Canadian Pain Destroyer in curing the diseases for which it is net ommended, and its wonderful effects in sub- zlulng the torturous pains of Rheumatism, and in relieving Nervous` Alfections, entitle it to high rank in the list of Remedies. Orders are. coming in from Medicine Dealers, in all parts of the country , for further supplies, and each testifying as to the universal setiefaction it ives. _ . g The Canadian Pain Daslmver mm fails": In bring on tnemunlnlypenoa wun regularity. T/Lesa. Pzlls should not be taken fyfmnalcs dz: r- Lng the FIRST THREE `MONTHS 0/ Pregnancy, as they are sure taking an 1311,. afrage,b1L` at any other time they are safe. In rll other cases ofNervousg1nd Spinal Affec- `.ms. Pains in the B_ack and Limbs, Fatigue on slmrhtexerlion. Pal ttatiap ofthe Heart,Hys1erien &.|-1 Whites, these Ills wxll elfect a cure when an atnermeanu have failed ;and although a poweyfu} re:nedy,donolcontainIron,c1lomel,antimony,or v _xything hurtfulto the consutuuon . Full directipns in the pmnphleraround each `package, which should be carefully preserved. A 103 .Mo_s1:s, NEW roux, son: pnomm-:'ron. -unlnllnr and lwelva nmI-n.hnl! n-no. I..- ....... utattuuutannu ruxstuuuutsl` HA I said that Neuralgia is the cry of the hungry _ nerves for their special iod, which is the Phosphorous contained in the blood. This painful disease is usually followed by general prostration on account otthe great waste of nerve. t;ssue and insufficient supply ofnerve force to main- tain the lunctions ofthe \ ital organs. The com- non cause ot'Neuta|2ic I nd Rheumatic Pains is depraved Nutrition `arising from Dernngetnents of the stomach, Mal-assimilition of Food, and Poor Blocd. Dr Whee|er s Compound Elixir of Phat-' phates andlinlisaa supp|ies'Phosphorous for the nervous system. ime as an ext.-itant of nutrition, lron for the blood, and Calisaya for promoting strength. Nopreparationiu existence is so re- liable to maintain the vital lorcea and et.ergize all the organs and tissues of the body. 40-4'. cu. nu: vainly-uUUl uruuu mu Spell. Here he comes! whispered some one; and next moment there appeared in the Vestry, looking pale and aguated, but very handsome, Mr. Chas. Thrap stow. gunner, a nu I0 4 U0. ' Potstoel-40 to 50 per bag. i The Canadian Pain Destroyer never fails to give immediate relief. All Medicine Dealers keep it; Physicians order and use it; and nc family will be` without it after tryng it. Price. onlv Tweutv-ve Gents her bottle. Pain znvaluabletnedicine is unfaihng in nu cum ol all those pnmful and dangerous disease; no which thctemale constitution is subject. [1 moderates allexcess and removes allqbstructiom mil a speedv cure mav betrelied on. 1'0 .l[ARRII?.D LADIES mil speeav mav oeoreueu MARRIED LADIES it is peculiarlysuiled. II_ will, in a short mm bring zhemunlhlypenod with regularily. T/Lesa Mr femn.In.c rlllr. Jun -muvaa-as, nlavv lunn, ovum rnUYl(lETOR. One dollar and twelve and-a-halt cents {or pop: as :,eucInsed to Northrop dz Lyman, Newcastle- 0nt.,cenernl _agenls for the Dominion, will insure nbotllo containing over50 pulls rel '1. Snldi;1 Barrie.bv John Woods : V.ul?;:I'::L Kw 1 noumconunnmg overou mus, Ily return mail. Soldia Barrie.by John Woods; 11. V. Palmer dz Co. Watson 61, 0o.,Wells_Broa., J Deacomand T. W. Georgen. Bradford; Green 6: Bro., Crni . hunt; and all edicine dealenv hf; T8111", Will U! WILKIUIXI Ho BIKE!" Eryn: Ito Price, only Twenty-ve Gents per bottle. iold in Barrie by John Woods, J. P. Kidd, `Watson & 0o.and Wells Bros., Bradford, by I. Deacon. Graigbui-st, Green Brotherra, and by all Medicine Dealet-|._ A `JOS.1ROG'lS, K ` A N;;18.= gqzag . ; VL 1!-37' QUIZ! Illllllll 0| suuayo auvu uuU- an LOU ISM The usual nmice and leimonials must be sent to one of the Inspector: before the and of November. - . WM. novs, Sac. Board of Enmineu. Bahia Nov, 18, l'I3.~ 47-id `ll. SUUU IIIIULIIIQ-ILLS: V _ It diam tke me long to count over those notes: there_ were exactly five thousand pounds. Noni, said I,Master Charley, take in-unren nfr Q _ ' """"':'r'J' . Vnz: Lat No. 'I_. North Charlotte Street Barrie, on- which is _ereoIed 3 _oomfqmb19,- .1; '_ . \ 131:1: A nnnQ- --4-n._ _ THE GREAT Ejlls REMEDY J08 MOSES PWDIGAL PILLS; ---in An examinalion of candidates for Public Schon1Teaohers Second and Third class oenicales, for the County of Simooe, wvll be held (D.V.) ' ' nu ma vunuc scuonl HOUSE, nnms, Corilmencina nn n vu vuuvuu wanna , uuu Ull Tuqday.`16th Dec. at 9 A. M fo:.'lh1rd.Llaos. 'l`he"exrJninnim` rm mu`. b|lI`iD`InIWJI LVUII an a 5, mo fgl;'lh1rd.(;1aos, The examinnlioti for First 0 us Cemcatan will in mm M .1..- -..__ VIII`-1 \ place, 7 .2 1. A/vvqv.` EORGENS PILLS. - Warranled to cure ` Coughs, Colds, Oatnrrhs, Headache, Dys- epsta, and Liver Complaints. g` For sale verywhere. 1 . 28-ly-r vv uuuuuuuuu ll Monday. 15,ch nec.` 1.ao%r.m. | FA! Rnnnnul Plan. . no.1. .... UBLIC SCHOOL TEKJHERS EX~ AMINATION. . E; Egris"-'.E1":Te% "or ' I - ms `JCIIDI4 SCEKI-cu I ` Five lhousnnd,I whispered in his ear. u'\T-.`. .I_,I`I I , , - rl . . us ` o1zui5I:__- 6UrnI,n`t.nnu_gs.% -. I: .....r.......:... -4" ' 'Win. Whitehead : Pgoperty. V... In M . n 'hY.-.'n. 111. ....... n. . `DIS'-I`lNGUlSHED, PHYSIOLOGIST HA5 nnirl lhnl Npurnlain is Ihn pp-u nf uh`. lumn... ;ANA-DIAN mm DESTHOYER New. .2\hnetti:mmn1t9. 'A_[. t'J'AI3Vt,1a:"1'zI3A}.; ESTATE FOR` SALE. '|lVlEI,l.INc nousi` ' 1?`%`.* *"`"= [ ' Special Names. wgx agvu uvvn lilo l.o_0\| Fat Second Class; and on |_'_-can. 1-\,, -VA IUI \JIILl_lIU3, I. Bulul - ` With trembling ngers, he took out n_pocket-back, and handed me a roll of notes. T ' [IT ,,._._A In I ,, II` II) 01 u--v vvlivvh lllll Commencing on 1 11.1. 'I\_ - _ A 57 gr. l B _.uuwm vv. unuu 1, -u'_'1'uxuusa I -A1`-1,Aw Solicitor - in - Chancery, Couveyancet, 2 Notary-a-Public, kc. A . V (`"5 :a-.0v ll Stunt VRlVl'; (In 47.111 '.'{1 H.E- BAN K H 0 T E L.- .1. Charles Clarksou, (late of the Tar! Cluh .1.'lmm.\ R-nu-On :l\I:-unnln-Its bl... ....L1:.. Lac 1... 3 -`,` I1-'12 I 11.51.-LV,~l\ I'LL! L l`J.lJo""` .|_. Ohnrlel of Turf -Houee)?bege`toin-timnteto the public that be has opened out a. at-class Hotel on the` pre- mtuealutely occupied asthe Bank or Toronto `The but-is tted up in tiret class style, and Liquor`: and Cigars of the choicest brands can always "be had. The Stebling is good and ample. The best. of nccomodation is offered to travellers and borders, as the moms are large and airy, and the best of board in to be had. ; An attentive ostler always in attendance. ` . nu-r . I-\u rum rat I vuvrr\r\AD .L The Subscriber hu:eby caulinns anyonb {tom purcharng a New of-hand dra. vu by Mr. Mallhew Roberlson, Lot 15, 7|}: Concea- Asion,lnuiz-l, in favor of the subscriber, and payabla on the 191 day of `anuary next, as the aid note was 108?, and payment thereof iulopped. ` - ` Wu I -llH\ITl~`.l2_ 47-4in, ENDERS WANTED, for `ma ereclion. nexl Spring, ofa Brick Dwelling House, nn E:m.lh aids: nl 'rhnnana.Q.rI-,l pllll and 1'4lVUl.'4l(D VYALVILU, ml` Illa, enmnuu. on ot.Ih side ot Theresa.-Street. Plans and Specications to be seen at the uice Lt" Gnvillet & Thomnun, Architects, &o., Dunlap Street, Tenders to be in writing and ad- dressed to the undersigned before the 1st of December next. T V W. D. ARDAGH. n ,., n ___-L__nn... Ian!) An 1; I didn t wait.`- to hear anything `further, but posted offtu the bank, and got. there just as thehonrd were as- mtnbling. I suppose some of the UUAIIU UM. lnluu uu. - Adirectors had got wind of Thtapstow s failure, for the first thing I-heard when I got into the board room was old Venables grunlbhngoutz Howahout 1hose Damascus bonds, Mr. _Mnnage.-1 I rode rovugh-shnd over oh! Venables, and tyrannisegl considerably over the board in general that d=.1y,l'ut I couldn't .help thinking how close a thing it was, and how Very near shipwreqkhlhad been: ` ' A _ A... !l`L........c...-'..-' T ` .....-..._...pI.. I...._..J V` , . Banie, Nuvember 20th, 1873. -f-'EAcHERs \vANT1E15.' Tnnnhnr nannlntl `nr \1n}un.] Qt ' __ . Teacher wantedlor Suhoul Section No l, Mulmur; One who holhs a Second Class Certicate of qualication. Annlv In IULIII,-!`l'llD|N', ac. (`"3 29- -017 on 8treet,',Bau-ie, Ot Tziclner wanted for School Section No. L , Mulmur, who hulls a mm! clans cerlioale of qualication. Annlv In 47-9 ptumcxs w. LAL1.i', Airbiiu-ATZLAW Solicitor in Chance:-v. Cnnvnjvnnmr. `DOMINIION or CANADA, Prots from $2 0 to $300 per momh Permanent employment. ' TROY A`; CD _ 47-6: BIOW. T L TO THE LIBERAL cn`rusnava'rnm ELEGTORS on THE sown RIDING or smcon. GENTLEMEN,-- Mr. Ferguson, lately your Memlrer in Ibe.Loca! II-.uae,havingbeen appoint ed Collector of the Port of Colingwood, his 593! in lhe House has been vacated. and your Riding is now wilhout a. Representative in the Legialative Assembly of Ontario. F'm- the nnrnmm nf wok`-r'Hnn' R nnitnhln Can- l.4Egl8lH.I1V8 -AXSSCCDDIY OI UDUIUU. For the purpose of selecting a suitable Can- didate in our interest to fill the vacancy thus created, I, iu pursuance of the resolution come to at the -Public Meeting, holden at Alliston, hereby request. the attendance of all those in- terested in the cause at a Meeting to be holdcn at the ORAN GE HA LL ! In the VILLAGE of ALLISTON. Store ae E1.`5 %`; $i1"'f `gum. :51.-1 . `J on Tnm-vsdav, the 27 Nov.Insti, 'At noon, for the purpose of organizing a Liheral Conservative Association f'or'the Sou`li Riding of Simcoe-,and with a. View to the appointment of Delegates for the Nomination ofa. Candidate. (I7 1` `I Y'll l'\I' I.` |'rowNs1m> of MULMUR SALE OFKTKRNI I00 ACRES. lh purau; nee of a Power of Sale contained in an Indenlure of Mortgage. hearing (`are the Elevenlh day of May, 1872, and made by James Btadley and wife, (and which Inden- Iure of Mortgage will be `proluced at live time of sale) ml! be sold by uumvu DUUJBCI II) a xeserveu Did. _ For (miner particulars and condnlions of sale, apply to .\Ie:-.srs Hoakin 81. Spmgue, Kihg attest. Toronto, Vendors Sul cilors. D839] November 15th, 1873. }JU|-Ill, IUD` IIU WIIIUPUIBU. I held out my hand with a `signi- cant gesture. u1.`.'.m n.....'......,: n r .;.:.....____; ,-__ 1.9, V but who seemed to be very well c, *`iaIhii+l-imam-*='r::.ao ..e.....;. a.;;.; ear. I.-nu-' -_III`IIIi1' ` 7 ,|;nnIi,`ht>?~eier. -Ifoundl an `unexpeot-v ed-'ally'.`* `Slfe ited` heard my parting words of deioript ion, and she turned to I}na,ae.we"we're descending the stain, and said :*"-i Miss-`Iambe| s young man exeetiy like that Half-,:\-crown ';a.nd straw blandishmetvs, which, ljVIXi!`1It'_ lot`!ie-l:iI_Ntnlie* my leave? "-In A under the circumstances, I think even my worthy spouse would have con- doned-, put me into pozsessioniofthe facts. T` Miss Maidmont was really going to be married to-marrow morning at St. Spikenartfs Church to it Mr. Charles Tempest, `to. very good looking young man, whom they had not known long. My description of my friend tallied T exactly Wllh Susan s of the bride- groom ; but the comcidenc; might be merely accidental. 6- I-lml ll-1;" l\/I.-..l.....-...L _ .I.....o'...........|.. 47-`d |Q_uee'ns Hote1 --IN THE--- Town ur UBANGEVILLE. On Monday, the. 15th day of De- cember. 187 3, , , _ ,.. -.._ ...., By MR`. EMERY McLEA1\', Auc- ` tlonecr, The following lands and premises, that is In say .-~'l`he East-halfol Ln: number '1`we-nxy- Four. in the Fuunh Concession, lines: of Hut untariu s!reel,' in the 'l`m\nshxp n! Mulmur in the `Cc-uuly `of Simcoe, conIa'ning 100 acres. , About 70 acres have been under cu] livnlion. There are erected on the premises cum, puyaum nawyeany on the same lerms as the mortgage under which the sale will ;be held. Tn per cent. wdl have lo be paid at Jhe time} of sale. The propeny will be offered subject to a xeserved bud. Wu! fnrlhnr n:-nlinnlx-. and ...... I.-E. `AKE NOTICE. A Log House V a.nd i AND `DR A M12` nanxr Tb8 P|'-)p6r|\ Is about 19 miles from Angus, Ind 13 miles from Slaytner. A stream of water runs Ihrough Hm _1ol. On`; 1`hunSRIHl` n.m.... nf Ii... ........i.-'__ wmur runs Inrougn um _1ol. l On! Th-ausanl'DaI1ars of the purchm money` can remain on mortgage, at 8 per cent.,payable ha1f~yearly on the same terms as moruvzme under which ma ....1.. ...:n Innial, Nov. 18, 1873. I| ;ne_ant it {of you, Tom, he said. Perhaps he did, but we know the`fo.te of good intentions. `H rl:;1.`. o tab." nan I.-..... o. ........o ,....... GENTS VVA.`.$E`ED .EVl'I[:Y:-. L WHERE TO SELL OUR PUBLIC AAUATCTION, 1.\:revvA1\a:ap- OF THE `Al Ihe hon of Noon, in one lot, COUNTY OF SlM( ZOE. --v wu-uw vb navy! "END FRAM'1`E-`BARN. WW. HUNTER. A I ..o 1. ) 19-1.. 0.. LVU I1 can-I yourself `off 1" I6 Vnn nvnne V M. DUI` I lZ4l\u Lo! 12, l3|h Concession. Painswicke, P. 0. "-.r' "' """-"-"' ` W;3;I_ARLE3 CLARKSON,' ' Proprietor. ` Apply to JAS. KIRKPATRICK, Rmntnn --IN THE-- --AT THE- ..-u u. uv, . 32 Kingt. Fast, Toronto. wwy -0 JOHN A. LOVE, S:amon. u - 1? (Bl! `nun " 10% zils `of prime if:-(613 TROY .4; co, QR: `n'....o VF.-...n. 3911 `III I You promised, he urged, (not to :betray. me. ` No more I will, if you gu. Sh_3 s got ten thousand 0! her own,_ he whispered. "Ba off; or else No; I won t, said Charley. `mak- -ing up his mind with a desperate effort; ` 1 H n.ot,I1 ll make 9. clean breast of it. b't BAGGE, endmu Sulic`lnrs. ._,__ W. 0. LITTLE: LI\I\JlI Stanton. g7-U LIIIKXKI. 47-lin mazgma mvaa nu: u-vuw In (In: uuncnsxu uwllllmy or me people. All goods guaranteed as repxeaented, 9.r..1 sold at the lowest one price" gurea ` Specialities now showing. CANADIAN ALL: WOOL 'rwr.m' 3 At 80 cents, won.h.$] 00. BL aN'1 & FLANNELS, WINCEYS & DRESS Goon-. E. 3. cizommu 8: cc; 5 IJHI C "You shall have in ve minutes. Your minutes are long ones, Muse ter Chu_r1es," I said. 4 vmor. o.-.mkI:..... l:........... L. 1--L ---- Does CROMPTGHPS famed emporium Itnnd The cheapest wara'.;ouse in tie land, Or ru her is its (am: far spread, Its` wonders o er the county read; Do pleasing styies od(.`l'D each dress With choice supgrior fashion? Yea! rl1llE c1~:t.Ei`3i .}."'I"'i-`.`1) Does every pmchnaer admire Crornptom 8: 00's sugerb attire ? Are not the fabrics there diepl-yod Choicer than any in the tr: do `I Do one and all admire its drtss, Its atyle, its price, its fusaion ? Yea! Are not the prices that they charge Lower than nil the trade at large ? Is not I gain of ten per cent. . Insured at this establishment? Do one and all with pride confess Its wonderful achievements ? Yesl WSBORN Will do .1 range. of Work, bbth far Family and Light Manufacxurinz purposes such as no other _ machine in the market can auempt. sevgme MAG:-HNE2 ITHE assume: CUSTOMERS ll. SAY YES. PK l'| bl. I"|'l..`l. 7 Second Prilvoe, < 2 Diplpmns, Fnr the season of 1871!. A.lro1slI"r ze at the Inmsl Central Fm : fur 1873, over both Canadian and American m..de Machines. llllwir 1. II llkllr, 1| ll SIIIIPU GUICQII IJIUCLHL U] [Lg At that mqtnqrrt`ll1e.re was a bit of_a stir, and a general call fur the bride- grcorn. Thga bride had just arrived, peopie said. He puslmd his way out to` 1119 carriage, and whispered a, few words to Isabel, who fell back m a faint, There was a great fuss` and hustle, and then some one came and said [there was an informality in the license, and that the wedding couldn t come off that day. 1 I r'r`n O uvnrf. On hnnr nnulkhnn . L_ oljine and_{I_Paint Oils oi .j,"}; f"`i1".\lta.nt1v onjhan,d- `A i Can wary purchaser rely For quality in what they buy, Ani ought they not to recommend C.ompto:n a Cu s to every iziend? - Am} don ! you think that all may areas In better clothes than ever? Yea! LARGEST, STRONGEST gm 131:5-1 ldlgricultural Inzplnncnls, Stoves, Seu-ing`JIu- c`u'nes, -ScaIc:, Hardware, &'c., Sule_ Agenis W 8 meme; A V 45-5111 |runv:s % 3norHar::: The subscriber begs to announce to thn pnb~ lie of Ban-ie'and `vicinity. that be has just re- turned from Toronto with a fresh and well as- Iorted stock of G2a0EBIE$- FRUIT, - _-_._ -I....-l.4~.-n :1 van m n---------- R. SHAHV, Two doors can of Cluk:zon's Hotel, Dunlap :0 ran . Rnrria. A L 0 I L, NEARLY ooouauass, Best Grade of `Oil Manufactured. not uuuu \/nun: . 'Ha.milton-50} king street West. 1`oronto-131 Youge street. n \4IJ\.I.\I\.lJ\4l.&I.J\..aga-gr, .n..n..- - ---v, 61.: , such as is not to lo necnelsewhere. OYSTERS 61? THE` Bssr mumps. 3ra0csu-ea camvcsdl am 5131 J %`3yI1 ._Is Warrauted 1,0 do every` variety of saw- mg, and the fact that it has cturied off the At the Pravincial, Oentrdl, Western run] other leading exh bitions. attests its super- iomy over all rivals. The (`show is built on the Cam Prin- ciple, being the mos . approved melhol known in mechanism, was easy and quie': motions positive, steady and true; is easily `understood, and cannot. get out of time or` ' adjustment. The-Osborn is the made Sewing Machine for Family. and ,Light Manufacturing purposes in We m1rke1,being made of the bestmalr-r'm1 that money can buy it will last a We lime- Tlm (lahnrn Snwinn lurking in mun`. in mat buy It will last me unic- I`lie Osborn Sewing Machine is equa`..m every respect, and in many points supemr, to Ihe best imported machines. and is wit`- at avmuch less gure. Ask for the Usboa :' and see that you get it. Thousands uI` tlmusands now in use, and the liighjst satisfaction expressed with their wo.k:ug qualities. ' 5 Nov. 12, 1873. {SK F03. DUFFIELDS REFINED sow WHOLESALE AND nsmt, BY. ` -.`..:-nuts`? a an FRUIT _TORE. J. I. V10'A1;\)n. ` Ia.uvVV stbves for salg, Cheap. _ 3-, < ...' AGENTS WAD TED. GUELPH SEWING MACHINE co Y. Branch Offices: ahove in the universal testimony of the . n tr 3: i3T.E: CITY A RESTAURANT nd a large line of` 25 "First Pfize, 3 Second Prisca, 2 I)ip!om:;s. For the smson of 1871. 9`! 12`. 1-0 1).?--u A Call is Invited. r 1'0!` IHU 3?'l|:`UlI U ?1F1st P'iz:-5. '7 Q....n-.1 D. WATSQN & co, , l)u!1;uu1"_Lm.1;uBl',_UlLUU Mano H. lt`qllB8_t.I0 `tIie.Rev Sidney Smit;h for permnssion to` take Izis'lik"en`ss.` and received the fol oyyix1g`_cha;-agtgaristic ._1-eply :-- Is thy; y;t[a'{19g;$l,t_he, Should" do sue]: 11 5313?; `ms 1`etoft_ yvgs wittgg, but, ,1gke. J3 was;h - FIRST PRIZE Baxrio, dealers in TEE It Ul Ulanxsuuu street, Barns. L > , ' Dyylggvisfa, trout street, Burris -V IMPOYJI` E: 11., u ...n.; utv Guelph Car:-av. haul` -\ re mad Ingsuni ljyaters. f8tev\:ed, Frie, oi Raw the Fashjqn Saioon. '1: re kept hnli FIN! [skim vnavvn .- Ind II ill 14 Drier: pm no _lBbI patron; aolici r KIIMII F demo) ~ nun r-lnght. I-`arm ybis ha. nco paid .' mtoco Befgr you` `buy anything _to pat pp drink,'_Ag`o `M Mr. Pe1'kins .; he keeps ` j;plenl'rg1`ta nt`1 low gure. . A -_ Cua! Gina-!v Onlud after the ,. V1utV_bfz;Novqmber Mr. Hunten, efthe ?0c:;ton T "atom, intends doing a 1.g`tritly Cash` business. See a.dven_iae- Input) . u A '- \,`. ~ ....x. 1161- 1'3;p;-1_~he am noed .inimja1` pamtaf,1T4`ndHer;`_ 0nce sentfa nequ'es_;t.t5 _ :t...n';.usxi`(h'. a-saaen rm. .......-.....:.... 4;. ~ Whhne Eugl M011 [CHILL La dept plicntio `"1 AL I.l.'?ahl [gum nu-I l'he kw! ' Purvis`-.?B`ro!u.-`-haV0: M1? `Iiumber 'of I-inn-m Cu: {in I A I `L an In i e donel under ll E99211 nun TE Q the III ,1 . j- lONE A Y] pic! in g (Io\..l- 3 subag ..4i~3"`e}~ [Mason "_I'i:Al|]LTNI`5RGN`0. Books! 8ook|'!! Boob!!! Gnilandseewhnt. A we hue, And what we hue not we can get. ~ m.nnn.u-w'! Smtiouerv I 1 Stock [includes have, and what nsve not we can yes. Sutionery ! Stationery I Stock Foolscsp, Post," Note Paper, Envelopes, kc , in allahapesgaixesn d prices. _ Wall Pnnerl W111 Pane:-1! Wall Paper IIIUIUI utiullllllllla Had Miss Maidmont a photograph . ohher lover T I asked. ' an... 1'.-.) :_ L, , allenapes; else: I a pncol. Wall Paper! Well Pepe:-ll Wall` Paper eell.n ont greatly reduced prices. Orders for Books, Magazines, &c., promptly Attended to. We are agents for, end sell the best makers in Pianoi, Organs and Melodeons. The "Well, ernnnn" Upright Piano iron exhibition now at oureestoblishment. Gnlland examine it. vm.. c.n...1...'v mum in dnilv mnkinn its was` WE iisiiiilllldggggjq: .)ur_estublis'un-nt. Uauanu ounune u. The `-Decker Piano in daily msking WI)` inn the Drawing Rooms of the `bolt society. solely on in own merits, ntesied by the principal nlicial Journnlu m the Unitedtsus. Wheq`pm-chasing have your ordou with us fox a Decker. J. EDWARDS 8 SON, 4 . Booklelleia, &c.. ` - f Bsrrie. ' Thomas Carlyle, aftef having itbused, to .his heart s content, the leading in-. stitutions of the day, was asked for his renmdy ; and, in reply wrote a paper oin- titled Mon~isoh s Pills, nml therein , 1:-.. _..L 1.1 vvvvvv u ..--v..-u-.. .. _ -... , . clearly showed that his genius lies,not in building, but in pulling "down ; though it must be admittedithat he never stole private letters, or betrayed primte corres- pondence,.or received, or paid for such things being done. The Grits, lacking Oat-lyle s brains and honor, are like him in one res_pect, they I are - pullers down ; only this gmd nothing mo_re." They have succeeded, for the present, in over` throwing Sir John but not in tarnisliing the reputation of Canada's greatest living statesman ; and by striking below the belt, they liave gained a temporary triumph; but, like. the man who put . chased an elephant but lunl no means of keeping it, they have got. into oice, though, with theexception of Blake and Mr. Dorion, they are, as states- men, the merest cipliers. As Opposi- tionists they ranted , fretted and fumed ; but as they can play that role no longer Othello like, their occupatioifs gone. The lirst breaker with which they are threatened is that at least two of the `/abinet are likely to lose their seats. Cartwright,of Lennox, their heaven-born` Financier ; and Laird,'of Prince Edwaral Island, Minister of the Interior.- If these gentlemen "are left at home it will be a. serious blow _to the Government, as it will conclusively prove that the electors ' have no condence in either the_ ability. or honesty of men who are rewarded for treachery. But this is not- the only diiculty with which Mr. Macken7`.ie s Cabinet is threhtenecl-there is the Riel diiculty, _which is a real heart:-tore to them; for did. not Messrs.'Blake and Mackenzie, forpure bunkum offer =l5,000_ reward for him when they were the leaders in the Ontario Cabinet, and now, lo and behold ! he is an M P., and one _ whose vote may stave o` defeat. VVhat will they do with him? We will see- The Pacic Railway will have to he. built. \Vill they deal with this Rail- way as they did with the .R-ailxvay Policy of the late John Sandfield Mac- donald---nmnely, aftey abusing him, on succeeding toiofce they carried out his policy. VVe would not be at all surpris ed at such it co1u'se. We believe, in fact, that thougli` they denounced Sir Jolm they will steal his policy. \\'luat` about the Huntington Charges. The I.ondon(Eng.) Times justly sn_\'s_, that the mere defeat of the late Ministrywill not absolve the sccnrers from thoroughly 1 investigating the charges" made. Will i the Ministry do this? \Ve trow not, for they do not believe Sir John sold the Pacific C`ha.rter,.-it has answered its piirposes as is stepping store to oilice, and now their song is ~'.`Down among the dead men let it lie. Then there is the ` .' c question of Dual Represent:ition,.witl1 ' Mr. Dorion holding two seats. v The 7 Globe and Mr. Blake both have said that ' twelve members in the Gabinetr were too many-,n.nd Mackenzie has fteen." There are se-,.-eutl other questions the Gqvem- ment willihzwe deal with and explain. They will, then `we venture to say nd out, that, whilst "it" is easyito destroy, it is diicult to construct._- Therefore we have lieeded our article ".` Brealiers Ahead." V We_wi11`oonc1nde is by _s:.;,a.,g ,` that the Opposition Mackenzie has to "T A deal with `is comp'osed,_ `of gentlemen` . who will not steal pri v,ate'_lette_rs,' bribed ' `? cli-ks, noijydoj 'other_ .' of .16 `me. things. ..rv.1.1iqh: were Adena :_by are-_ `: he OPP?-iiivh-`-3-"?i1tv3=3tiH.*2`"'nbblows; below` the `belt; no factiags`obge;a;`{;io.gg '_.I51939d'i!I`_thi1`=Wf_iY- ?'1 he* -Mf1xi.iatty win,` ' ifthey deserve it.` l>;hit3l;5.'rd;1liiit it will" `- `fon the` 91'1_!'.',"8i_ 1W t1i.e"y*_`.`i'v'ill {gee T ~mim *-Riv-`="r.Tnh1i A3 -'m'u d ~ - 4'.-.m...;.'..;..i F. i`0r1brn%J%%3W%: ` i'I1k'1n`bAiE? `No? 2o. is%7 uu nut? 11'". gal all nuvu1vu.n.|.__ Uyuulf ' % jemies aside,` and ghose the` z_1b_legt they can` get ,1'e_pie'};!:.them _in the, Legis1atsiw.iaixd =8fi?BEi,!I ` .the_:h.mdajbf:;tliej`s%11mt .w.h0;-are 2 .lM1i:3s:. f9"_:.Eh.iA..i`9?9P35. 3. #9:! - w wk erPs*; uu uu uuu miuauz, nuu uuuy Wu] gel; from jSir'John `A. and his followers, what Hwkeniie and -ilk newier gave, A --that is;-.+.1.31,'iti.s.hj.F.'*5' PM _ . -|Jl'IIUl IUVWI I 4' P|Uu- She had, in her own room,`it seem 'ed.` Susanw couldn t get at it now wnhout uspicion ;' but she pronmed to secure it, and bring 11: with her, if] would meet her at nine o'clock`-at the corner of the street. `I .....- -.-._,A._AI . ,,A . I_A `rm an-uvuv. V xfuuuu vI}.IIu_I.rU ujtq `DID `an ablli nd true `gepuesentte, `and via 1101:! thy] LV'i_ll7131311setiongl__`9rVother' inn nniad nnMn.`=ni:'(l "1-Janna` +.lu:" nhlmii-_ `scum sx`u c'o'i-yve_ are 'tlmt..' Mr. T. -R. Ferguson has` 1'68]: unpainted A to the oioe of Collector of bupto'ml.' ; His failing health rendered `ifall bxit im- ` possible` that he should [attend - .Pai'liament. --saueh-' smog ha; 10,; ; 'n`i`\nhln mad I-.rn`n `r'niu-Adan +5'a{ei{v'-~-uni} -4` '. B}-{.EAKER.S' AHEAB 2 . AGENTS FOR THE ` - uonqn-u In! r\l\1 uduuh to HIE Q: 331' AND cnunnsr CABINIT onuucs II Ila world; nlhvlhnll to and lot huh ILLUS- 'l`RA'l`ID~CA`|'AlJJlIll nu`l"l`nl0llALClR. CULAI. Ind uurtdn . _,__. gr-.,. ' . . `Y I s. 'Glv:(2: `will remember ..tl1o , bowl or rag Set up by. that journal because Sir John A. Macdonald made it number of ap- pointments prior to resigning. It uz_'ge_d that they should not` be allowed to stand ......,1 .;..,a .. 3...: u...+. :+.' 5.5; ...1m.3a the . Brunswick, and Tever, despite opposilion, these lalili D113 . IHU IIUQI .U I I ; Iuu DllII_Uf|l',9"_"", `good, and wermd th e't--it"but.ec i th , sentiments ofthe Go_vemni_eiit','; which _ actually delayed the issue ofthe;Gaze,t. -containing the `appointments, for above. 9.` fortnight. They rst took their stand against the appointments of Mr. Craw- ford and Mr. Tilley to the Lieutenant- Governorships of `Ontario A and New against Mr. Hugh Mc- Donald as a Judge of N ova Scotia; how- gentlemen were appointed. ` And then they tried to prevent Thos. R. `Ferguson from being appointed Collector of Customs at the P0?` Of C011ingWo0d, and upset the rest- Of the appointments; but we see by the Gaz-tie-that they are all right, so that Mackenzie 65 Co. have failed, and had to cave in, for the Governor-General would not cancel the appointments made by the late Government,-inother words . would not violate the constitution to . yatify the spite of his new but incap- M able advisers. What renders the matter worse is that so many hungry oice- ` seekers amongst the Grits have been shut out of a berth. N o wonder the ' Globe and theGi-its howl. i The long winter evenings are upon us, and it rests with us to make them plea: sent and protable, or dreary and dis- egreeable. Our youth .of both" sexes crave pleasure: their spirits are high; life wears at sunny smile, _and they de- mamd that their evenings shall be as re- ex of themselves; aind if home is not made attrafctive by society, it will he sought and found in channels, the after- fruits of which too often [bring par- ents hearts with sorrow to the grave. Our rst advice to parents then, is, make Home cheerful by good temper,'in.- ' telligence, pictures, music, social con- verse, and :1 thousand other plsns that will naturally suggest themselves. Make the boys and girls, and young men and women, feel that be it ever so humble, there is no place like home ; and the first step is taken, towards mak- ing good citizens. We do not ask for expensive, showy parties-they often do more harm, than good,--but an inter- change of thought, wit, and good-for- much jollity ;`let it he of the kind which will hear-cthe morning's_ reflection. Let * pmeutalirestraint be judicious, and gold- en, not one of iron, so that in after life" the young folk may look back to` their ` homes as the happiest spot on the `globe ; and depend on it, those trained thus will make the best citizens, as the earli- est, most enduring, and most powerful impressions, and ones, too,` that bring forth themost fruits for good or ill, are those made at home. _For, if it is true that nearly every good or great man attributes his health of he_art nndhead to his home, the conversealso holds - ,good, that to the lack of home attract- iveness and proper inuences,is `to be at- tributedmucli of the crime that now disgmccs society-for even the crime of drunkenness is nearly always to be trac- ed to the fountain of evil companions, C: .'.LSe(l by the ugtter. neglect of those essentials to home happiness that we have named. - `T `ti n .1 UUIIIGI VI LIIU ULICUL, I was punctual to my tryst; and at mne Susan made her appearance with 1 mouocco-case containing an excel- ` lent likeness 0! my friend," Charles Thrapstow, massive pin with topvz in- n, and all. "Ann. -nl-..A .u..... 5.. L- 1-..- I Inn: to ll(\lll(?\.l. Nextto home inuences for youth come the Church, (we use the term in its broadest sense). The youth `have left the Sabbath School, and amusement: of . various kinds a1-etaboed as unt for them to be engaged in. ..What,` we ask, do our churches set up in their place ? The young hear from "the pulpit every Sab- bath that religion never was designed to `make our pleasures less, . and yetbut little is done to prove the truth of the line. Our churches should rise to the occasion, and not merely content them- selves by decrying against one set of amusements, without placing in their stead something better, or these protests, _ will be in vain, for the elasticity of youth will nd vent in some channel or other. It bohoves our various congrega- tions to say whether or no it shall be diverted into right courses. Give our young men, aye, and women, -too, some healthful work in some `good cause; hold social meetings, without money as the object, and where it is seen that it is not their twenty-ve cents that is wanted, but themselves; bring the "youth of our various congregations to- gether, and let them get acquainted with each other; and show that it is not a (lead formula which says, I believe in the communion of Saints," but a pleasing reality." Make the churches attractive by sociability, for its own sake, and not `for tlurlniserahle pittance. gained, Tn ~n-\'t"\|\n1IIIlr1 Ina In-nun tn- I-LA u.:_L.... Jifi>i$x?;e{E]a 2$"3 ."me`$i;1?e'l'% nee aii slirplies its {meami mm J :1:n., In every '3 t1_ .. . _ _e L. ;;o:c1o_k,n_.;n.,__ ,6;3(_) p,`,P_- u;d,cheapestVcloth1_.1_A1g1s the:-9tq.b,.`,b_ -- ,. . .2` ,`~. evenings attractive homes, and no less ` attractive churches. \Ve would fuxfther add, also, the wish that our leadingmen 'in this town `would take an active part in the litcmry exercises of our Mechan- ics Institute, so tlmtfthe evenings may be spent protably and well ; for, he as- V iured tlmt those who encourage such in- 4 xtitutions as" our excellent Mechanics ' Institute, are doing God's work just as much so, at least, as those who attend . church regularly, and do nothing more. ` Tim command is, Go, work in my : _vineyard, which, to our mind, has a. - much broader meaning than many are disposed to` accord to it, and His work has 1; much wider eld than is generally thought for; fan the trtje worker in God's vineyard is he who does 311 that in him lies to leave the world better than he found it.--0 ammumcated.- Ul mun` Ilunu-.'|n.v,ur; lll|Jl'i\:|l\.}'7- glulltili, l ` T-wconclude, we urge for the winter tcco, nu one VVUl3|l|1! Ul. nlullgllby I100. The Pastor, the Rev. Mr. McDowell, ; p}':3.c}_1e(i in the afternoon at 2:30, and the Rev, Mr. Dowsa at _l_:3Q p In. Large gn(l at_tenth'o assemblies attended t,he`se sex-vices; On Monday evening, the 17th _ ixns, aver uccessful Tea Meeting was M lucid in t Clmrch. `After a most pttnnptuioxla entertainment had been_servod to 9, crowded congregation, the Rev. Mr. .jM_cDowell conducted the devotional ex- emises of singing and praying. ' David Mom-`ow, F411,, was called to the chair, ` wh.,in tgsnal felioitous manndr, _in- ; troduoed. the object o`ftho,__xpee_ting. ; Exoollontfaddrosgos wero deIivore(_l b ; ;t1- Reid?- M!cuhni I2:-.own, tsmie `ml: " ri==re`a1i=;9`d"o.n.'th.e .- -.af-!z<!:t,;t1;9t.til 9a-J ' ` (I-IURCH `DEDICATION AT V- A-LLANDA1.E. `Last Sabbath, 16th Nov., the [newly `erected Wesleyan Church `at Allandale ; Station, was opened `for Divine worship I by `the Rev._ Dr. Wood, who prachetl. a, powerful Sormon at 11 o'clock a.lm., and I performed the Dedication Servic, lol- emnly setting apart the edice, which was impressively presentml by the" Trus- Atiees, for theiworship of Almighty God. The P:ml'nr_ the Rdv 'l\h- Mnnnunll OUR WINTER EVENINGS. V foilowing gomtiuiision. the pen of our olkluigownstnvaim, Mr..ATf E. Rawson, and vie dbilbt got will be perus- eduwith interest by our numerous gend- Ill `NSC IZIIIIGUT U] `KC -UU_DllICCo [ Dun Sm,-I have been thinking that perhaps you might like me to keep your readers posted, in regard to the weather. and other matte:-s.in this part, and that you would perhaps send, me your paper. ` T our-{val} lumen (\`I'I I-fan 9.7+}! nf 1b the Editor oftlu Jdpunbe: ` 'l'\... _ D... `I 1.-.... 1...-.. Iyuu wuiuu peruuyu uuuu. um June ruin...` J I arrived here on the 27 that` October,f 1 and found 4 inches of ' snow on the 3 ground. During thin week the ther 4 mometer has ranged from 80 to 3404 above ze1o,.'the average being t 200. Al] ' little snow. has fallen this week, but 1 nothing to speak of; The Red River ': froze over on Tuesday night last; ' ` quite a number of the merchants here `` _ have not got in their winter stock yet. The three boats that carry freight on' this river, from Moot-head, (that is` where the Northern Pacic Railway crosses' ' Red River) are all frozen in, and there yet remains on them, and at Moorhead, over 600 tons of tnerchandize for this town`, which will have to be brought a distance of '250 miles by. teams. Now, if we only had 9. railway, this would be . avoided, and for want of one thistown and Province are very much kept back. Tlnnuul nnnnvnu 5':-An: Q in nor L uuuusulu Iluuu ' Miss Maiamom, Isoliliquised, wi2l.`.nd some way to warn her lover. Even robbinga hank may not embitter a girl against her s.weetheart, and no doubt shc s u'-.':.=r head and ears in love wuh Charm." No; I deter- mined on a different plan. I rnsn Phil`! nnvf n1nrn;nn AI-anon!` anu rruvuwc um Vu1`_y xuugzu Aupu uawn. Board ranges from $5 to $7 per week here ; and. although some person here wrote to one of the Orillia. papers, stat- ing that the board was very bad, I can say that Irnever fared better, oven in the Cityrof Toronto. Potatoes are from 50c to 75; per `bushel, and excellent our at from $7.50 to $8 per barrel. 'I`hm-A in non e-etrhlcc lmnfnl horn ltnnf. ll'Ul.I.l WI .UU UU 00 VI Udl.LUlo There is one /irstclass hotel here, kept by Haverty, Grady 8; Kelly, and if any person from Simcoe `is; coming here, I would advise" them to make for this hotel. ' T ' . p,,_-,1 . .1 . ,- 1 ,,,.1 J. :_ L-._,. . IIUVUL ` The freight tlfat is b1'ought in hereon. Red River iefar beyond the comprehen- sion of people in the Eastern Provinces." The brats carryrfrom 100 to 200 tons at a. load, and they clear from $4,000 to $8,000 every trip. Two of them made each 15 trips this summer,` and came full every time but once, and yet they have not been able to get all the freight down. The nnr\'n|-II] irnurn-n:m:nn `\Dl'A `:0 4-11-31}. IIUU IIUVIL GU11? UV` SUI! all Ullc llcxaulv DIU VV1ln The gezieral impression here is that times will `be rather dull this winter, but a busy spring and munmer ijsklooked ' forward to. nit- , I , 1 1- o ,,,'1 w"El:c;1:a ben 9. discovery of coal lately, about 400 miles from here. _We _ also sold aatove for gold dust, that was got out of tho Saskatchewaniver. "T :3 In-n urn] no:I1A u-nu unmnfhinn hm-` UV Ull-V VI UALV IJCUDAQUUIIC W an _ J!!! V U1 3 "I will try and give you something in- teresting` whenever I can do _so. '.At present I ha.ve.nothing more to commu- uicate. More anon, however. 'VA..... .9". Mr. Stephens, Barrie s Photographic Artist, took _the 1st Prize at our County Show. ` Messrs. Van Tassel &: Morgan took lst "Prize every..where for Melodeons, their Sewing -Machinesvare also universally admired. ' Messrs. Powell 6: 00., in addition to a prime stock of Groceries and Provisions have on hand a. quantity of delf, which they advertise to.se'll cheap. ~ CA \'-1'! CASH ! On and after the 1st of November Mr. Hunter of the Canton T Store intends doing a strictly Cash business. See Advertise- ment. - "noun. , . ' As_ for Thrnpstaw, I presently heard 1hat,aftef :all, he` had arranged with his creditors, and made it up withAMiss , Iv/lnidmont. He had a `tongue that would wind round anything. if you only A'ge.vAe* him `time, and I mien ! much surprised at hearing that his wedding-day" was fixed. He hasn t -nnt me an invitation, and I don't snppdse he wiH,andIoertainly shall `not thrust myself forward a second .time a.sun uninvited ,guest,--ham- bars : Journal. T If you wzfnt good pictures Stepens is the place to get them. SLEmmNG.-Winte_r has set in un- usually early, even for this northern sec- tion of country. The sleigh-bells are heard on our streets, and -business in consequence is looking up. ` ` EKDDJI |.11'.llU Ill UVU'_y`lll1ub' tut"! l IV (1 11175`! ~ ':-ms drug store, Mr. Woods, of the Me- dical Hall, has just received a. quantity of very pretty Toilet boxes, as also a lot of prime Tobacco and Cigars. ' .Carliu`g _s Ale at Saloqn. GIRLS, GET MARRIED, and go to E. B. C1-ompton.-S; Co's great Dry Goods and Millinery establishment for your wed- ding outts. Also advise your dearly beloveds to go there too. You are al`- ways sure to get clothing thenfe to t the body,` charm the eye, and suit the pock- at MARRIN Bn0s.-This , enterprising rm have recently greatly enlarged their premises, and have now the finest Show room in town. In this establishment . goods can be seen before being bought, which is :1 great advantage to `the pm. chaser. , - D1ssoI,U'rIoN or. P.1.1vrNEnsH1r.--The law partnership heretofore existing be- tween Messrs. Lally 85 Stewart is dis- solved, and the" business will, from this time forth, be carried on by Mr. Francis W Lzilly, Owen street, Barrie. See Mr. La.Ily's card in another column. V Tn BEAVER, as our readers are aware ~ is not only anindustrions, but a pr_o_vis. dent animal, and provides against win- hj!-\ 8 V 9,9],l.T -`Novi Mr.`Ci-emp'ton`s Beaver :l'in 'AI/I"' kiini 1.41: '1-\u1 ri ljqinncln Jxhb In a;;l.lftion to 9. full gtock of it No. I .=lSS:)lf2l1Cnt of everything kept at a. first '-.\,-ac I`:-n('r szltnrn M.` `lfnm-In n6` Hun Mn- No Hunlnaa.--Mr. I-Iendelrso, 116 well known hardware merchant `of this town, `does notbeiieve in puing, biit just states simple facts. In addition to V 9. No. 1 and cheap stock of hardware; he p, es for isgle cross-cut saws, buck~ saws, oho` axes, bray; `axes, hickory ; fxe hand on, &c. .` u, uuu urn Now, what was -to be done`! VShould I go to Mm. Mxidmont, and tell her how she was deceived m her daughter : lover`! That would have been the best way adapted to sparetthe feelings ofthe Muidmonta; but wolild it bring back the five thousand pounds? I thought not. ' - at man .'\/I..:1l....... 9: 1 ....1:I:........-.x `cheap. TnA'r s WHAT ; THEAMAT'i`ER.--The1`e is no use denying it, for it's so. . Mr- Helspn; .o_f th.e;Ne11m House, does a` roaring business in the Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Ready-made clothing,'Gro- oery, and Tailoring linea. The reason why is obvious.-`-His stock is good and Tun Tunons Smuxn.--`fIt is an ill wind that blows nobody any good. Mr. _McNab, taking advantage of the Strike amongst the` Tailors V in Toronto, has secured some of the best workm eu in the Dominion. Mr, McNa]);'s is the "plac, and new isthe time to stylish suits made. 5 Tia `.`W:ns'ra R-..--The Field Bro; > are doin a hgavy bygsigeqs the Agry cultural mpleinent line ; but they {ire tnakinga speciality. of the Webster, Sewing Machine, which they :nfe_ intro- ducing into nearly every household, and it said that it_ gives universal satisfac- tion. - Stdves of every kind for sale at Purvis !I`I\ ,` ` Go to Mr. Perkins for your China 79 7'13 LOCAL ITEMS.` uuxmoig WIRNIPEG, MAx1_'roBA, j ` _ Nov. 1st, 1873. VI], IIUWU V VI: `Yours, &c., _ TIP a, ubv., T. E. RAWSON. luluuu U): u uunuluul. yluu. Irose early next morning, dressed myself with care, put on a pair of pale primrose gloves, donned my newest beaver, and took a cab to St. Spike- nard s, Nolting Hill. T 'I`hn Lilla ran. nnnH..n .~........lu nn T