Tl -IONIAYO ECLECTRIC OIL !! Worth Ton Times :ts Welgllt In Gold. Do you know anything or u `I If not, it In time you did. Tlmrr urn Inn lam',.... -1 ....,.1:..:.... otnur c0m:Jtnt\tt0n or pl`(`p0l'll0ltL| of the name in- gradients, or any other ingredients, and entirely tifferent from anything ever but re made. one which produces the most astonishing results, and having a wider range of application than any medicine ever` before discovered. it" contains no alcohol or other vulatilo liquids. consequently loses nothing by evaporation. Wherever npplicd you get the enct ol"e\'ery drop '. whereas with -other. preparations nearly all the alcohol is lost in that way, and you get only the smallquantity oi Oils which they may contain. Pranm-mi hv Q. N 'I"IJn\lAQ Dunn .. in v V _ _..... As 3 Family Medicine, it is well and favour- ably known, relieving thousands from pain in th ' . Sale, Bag : and Head, Coughs, Colds, Sore Ihroat, sprains, Bunsen, C_'rumps in the `Stomach, `Cholera Mzrrbus, Dymulcry, Bowel Com- _' plamlc;Burm, Scalds,Frost Bites, 811:. Tax Ununmn Pun Dnsraorzn has now been `before the public for a length of time, and Jvherever usedis` well liked. never failing ii. a singleinyance to give permanent relief when timely used,-51:6, we ha.vo never known a single case at dissatisfaction yvhore the directions lzeve been properly foliovicd, but on.tlne con~ muy all with its operations, and speak in the highest terms of its virtues and magical eects. V ' '- Wu nnnnlr from '..--u-_!---- !-- I` it being a. Sovereign Remedy. magical enacts. _ `- We speak from experience in the matter. havl ng tested it thoroughly ; and therefore those who are suffering from any of the complaints for which itia recommended, may depend upon The astonishing einhnv nn. n.......n-_ .. -, his invgluable medicine is unfailing in the cum o! All thou [gainful and dangerous dueasc-"I to whickthelomnle constitution in sub` ll moduralea allaxueaa um! removes gllobsxrucliunn! and n spcodv-cure muv beuliod on. 10 xnnun I.AnII-in nuu uu;;sUI. a L. 1 MAN . Newcastle, Un- tario, Solo Agents for the Dominion. Non.-Elect_ric-Selected and Electrized. Sold in Barrie by John Woods.., Watson & 00., Wells B1-os.,und J. P Kidd. I1-4mo| ? \~vVv said that Neuralgia is-the cry of the hungry ADISTINGUISHE D PH YSIOLOGIST HA5 nerves for their apccial food, which is the Phosphorous contained in the blood. This painful disease is uaually followed by general prostration on account ot the great waste ofnerva t.saue and insufficient supply ofncrve force to main- tain the tunctions ofthe \ ital organs. The com- mon cause ofNe utalzic 0 nd Rheumatic Pain: is depraved Nutrition arising from Dernngatuents of the stomach, Mal-asaiinilitiou of Food, and Poor Blocd. Dr. Wheeler : Compound Elixir of Phos-, phatea and Galina it supplies Phosphorous for the nervous a stem. itneas an excitant of nutrition, Iron for t e blood, and Calisaya for promoting strength. N0 preparation in. existence is to re- liable to maintain the vital torceu and energize all the organs and tissues of the body. 40-41 ,_ __- -.-..-....,, nu... nu] us we complaints Remedy._ astonishing elchcy of the Canadian Pair. Destroyer in curing the diseases for which it is rec ommended, and its wonderful e.`ects in sub- duln the tomxrqus pain: of Rheumatism, and in re ieving Nervous Affections, entitle it to M high rankin the list of Remedies. Orders are coming in from Medicine Dealers, in an palms of the country, for further supplies, and each testifying as to the universal satisfaction it ives. ~ ` -E The Oanidian Pain Destroyer never mile to give immediate. relief. All Hedicyxe Dealers kee it; Physicians order end nseit. ,' and no (am 11 will be without it after try); it. Price, only Twenty-ve Uents per bottle. Sold in Ben-iehy, John Woods, J. P. Kidd, Watson & O0. and Wells Bros., Bndford, b .1. Dee.eoi- Orgighnnt, Green Broth _ cut, an by all yl _, ieine Dealers. s ..+._..-.. .._, `mg 1/so FIRE jTHREK Inn 3 spceuv cure becrolied n. INRBIED LADIES it__iq pgculiarlysuilqd. -It will, In. I.lIIol`l u: bn an thomunllnlyperiod with regtarit . an? Pills should not be salon 1:13;/'n:aIYv.s d: 1 I )N T118 ngncnu: , an 3 cg an cure to bring on M iafdo lat annel`. 1.3- - A - ` THE? 6%iiE`t{f* _@I`su 'n%MED%v J03 %n9sn%s'ml0nIcAL PILLS. uugring Ho'1er`-Calf; 1:11. Dmwoody, 2nd Thsl. Dn". ' ' ..-.u...- u..:t... 1-. 1 n:..........|.. 0...: 'l"A D:An 0nI:w,-- u.-. -v-J, --nu Vyvu 5c: VIII . nu amuu quaulny OI )lla contain. Prepared by S. N, THOMAS, Panes, N. Y. And NORTHROP 8: LYMAN. Newcastle, On- ario. Sula Arrantq fm Hm nnrvnim. 1Ai~IA-DIAN PA-1:1-_ DESTROYER. I ' / perial Nantes. Coons:-own`, Ocl. 13, 1873. I5 "Yams truly, ~ . RT `;un,pJ: MUIVTIIB of am Mi:~ nyo_tIt__n liuu Hun an ...r._ -s-an .I.shorl lime ezlilnrinv. ` ."'9I"'s'vo yg... old Heifer; 1.: J. Danwody, 2nd 8. Wright. . ` `Um-Irina rnn r In (3 Simnann. Quid Gan- Kllllfll - 4 yntazs dun ` .l)N I'1lR .. l M HICKEY--In London, Ont., the lfi inat., after 3 lo] non. John HI:-.|mv. IE... I. V V Wanted for Schodl So t` N . ship of F103,: Female 'l?e::`ll1er,o h.:>,l:1:r:1h class certicse. Application to be mag `(and JAMES Ba)0'm Alxenwooa, PM own. Barrie, Oct. 13, '73. 40 n _ ' -pl ...___ `IXIANDWOD Q1113 nu`:-.._ ` T3351? \ ` 'l`l.- In-an ....;l .. The house contains 10 rooms ` well and cistern. .1. The In 0 and comrnodiouu dwell , - the Enggsh Church. ncw occupligg 0mm". b O'Neill. Possession can be given imm(`d il:1r;: and a kitchen. also 3 with wood sheds and atabling; K For fuxther particwm apply to MR9 IND nnnnv. 42-if Superior nccommodsgion, nnd every mej. don paid to me requromonu ot true1Im_ Rooms for Commercial Trgvellers. Tenn: modeute. ' 42-ly Wnnnxnaron ROTEL. co0xsrm7.v__ ' C.ARMSTRONG, - - - PIIOPml.`roy-._ The best brands of Wines, Liquors, Cigm, And the etcoteras of u m-clan bgr _u1w|ys on hand. The table I! unequalled nu ma furnish. iugs; Thecommorcial rooms are beu_er um: any north of Toronto. The stabhng M. comodation cannot be excelled. Stage twice 3 day to and from Guilford and ` dly from the house to Rolemont and Amazon and back, ALI ~ I Iunl. allot I long Ind ::::s::Iohn Hikoy, Esq., late 0! B-p-,.':,'n t-~- -- auytuuu. V Spting Sow; In H. Blackstock, 2nd Thoa. Henry _ Fall Wheat; lot 7. Armson, 2nd W. Cun- Vningham. Surinn Whoa! . `In! Nanny nnmnnv Om-I W v 7713 nxcumvanz 1nC'1-*i:~|;.-` cooxsoowra. JOHN GREGG, - I rop1'i.`t.or. Winea, Li uors, and Cigars, ofthe beu quality, supp ied at the bar. A Good Table is always kept. Excellent accommodation for Travellers. An attentive Hoetler. Charxa, moderate. Stnge twice daily from the hang to.Gnil:ord, and daily from Rosemontrmd Anlieton and back 421; \ ....---_.~_4 _A.___ - V stables, bed. And sample rooma,he thinks la The Proprietor of the Dominion Hotel bu recently, owing to its greet increuae ofbnoium, been compelled to add double aocomotiation to his old house, And has had the eslnbliahment re-tted and re-fnrmnvd, and with mp1. will he eble to receive All of his old friends, who have so liberally supported him in the pm, Room for one, room for a I. Best wines Ind -liquors, best tiahle, bent accommodation, 0! ant- conntry place in the l)ominion.-W C. lllnd requests the public to bexr in mind that ho is - at the present time the only Licensed Aucllor-eer in these parts, an} in that department ofhis business he in prepared to give his best utter. siou to the interests of sellern. and in .11 uunmcau uu ll pnapurcu IU give UL`! 068! to tpe interests of sellers, und in :11 cases to give air play to buyers. :3`-Sales of smck of all kinds promptly attended to, and 1-rurnp: settlement always Assured. 4}}; "'~:J.~:.~ _. Nem*T 1\hnrti5nn2 sun. nun Ill UI-nIII'u.u II `M FILLD IS wnmmtei to cure all discharges rrom [hm Urinary Organs, in either sex, acquired or conagitutional, Gravel and Puiua in 114- Back, Sold in Roxes,~4o 6d.eaob, by all Chemist: n; Patent lladicino Vendors. ' nun . . uuauu u-avu-on-nu v vuvvun Sole Pmprietar, F J. CLARKE, ' APOTl'!1iOARlES HALL, LINUULNV l-S.\'(;'. . , Export Agents. Burgoyne, Burbidgvs & Co., Colemm slmt, - London. Newbory & Born, 37 Newguc street. London. Barclay & Boas, 95 Fan-iugdon street, Lomloz. Sanger & Sons. Oxford stret L. London. And all the London Wholesale Houses. Agents In Canada. MontreaI--Enns, Mercer & ('30., Wholesale Dxuggills, - Lymana, Glare & Go. Taro/Ho-Elliott 8 0o , Wholesale Druggisla Shnpter & Owen. ' Hamilton-Winer 8 Co. FIIl,1'f(11'.-_./\\~.'u-qr n.--...- .Qv (1,. Annxsrou HOTEL, 1:. oomuv, . _. numzuon-- W me: 8 U0. Huh"/'a.'r-Avary, Br-W` 3} Co. j._._ -The, gubscriber whilst thankful re: the rm.- pau-onage given in the past, respc-cuu`.1_. solicits n continuance of the same, anal begs to state that his ms, anocnnms, nu mms1::%s| In numy, OH) I . UlU\.IU11U|Igllu Saddle Houo-lol W. Blaokaleck, 2nd J. Henry. ; - ` Spring Colt--Isl M. Cooper, 2nd W. Hunter. Driving Hone--lal` Dr. Sutherland. 2nd G. Mocanhy. . . Catrina: I-[in-nnn..lnt J. Wihrn. Qnd F`. Cannot be beaten either for quality or p: Ho deals in the beatmm-ke:s,aml cannon.-a any house in town. `IL. ':"| , keeps on hand the beat of I'IfTl1"I'.in nap-\ 91\'v1I|I|fI 11130 All draught. I71}:-`n1 uraugut. - ' I-`armors Produce, as much 55 hey lay his hands on,bought,aud the hig1.8'lH11_L'-"51 price paid. Given call one: and you BL- sure to come again. _ _ man: r.;'.\'\m\. uwupa VII uuuu LUKE UUII U1 5 WINES AND LIQUORS.. !Alao ALE AND PORTER, bottled or: draught. lAJ\Ihl- . -`v A few.r.oon North of the Wellington Hon `-1 ' Hat` I. nulznl I c vvnu . -- Yn every Town and Village in this Cow ? to whom a liberal commission will be gm Barrio, Oct. 16, I873. 49'? L ;-' EAIEH AND Even} MEMBER. I IUI` NJI I-> 0F A `VALUABLE FARM LOT mu 3 `Nil TOWN OF BARRIE. _..... mu. U030! power of sale in 3 Mortgage fro R ' at? .55, Ilokliworlt-, which will be produced sale, on :Tesday. tho Twenty-eighth dayof October, 1878. At one o'uocx p. m., .. I . __M" SAU6TI0Nn00M5 IIIIJI. IHHI. ' _ * 3t(:nr1nng_H[eifer.;. 15:1. Dinwoody, 52nd T. Du . ` .- ' rm..- ..--- -11 u'-:r--, 1-. I n:.'.........'.a... 0...! UW. 0. HAND; Pnormrros & Avcnoxun. )0MINION HOTEL, ALLISTON. [10 THE FARMING COM A1173`-m MONEY 8Av1:D_1_n70N5\' sAr:.\'.:n A l UllLEY MIJTUAL LWDJIPN! 'AN'I`El)! oua Box or cLAnKe'-E4u 9:11? I nan-nnini In nun-n .-all (H:-n|.n-..-~ 4...," .- ` T6 ovary insurable Man orwuman a! - The GENERAL I\IANA(`J'IH 0' CANADA willbo for a few woaka` -Irlhe V I nn I r A{`l.`\!I"\.' In Messrs. Van T:-uel 81. Morgan`: - .m"8,.Dun1up Sheet, Biame, whore Ill Books, Papers, and iufulmaliun can be had. --uu-as cognac: ' 51 is, andlnot without` feuson, urged hue. "I"zm....I.;., 1r..:..';"-'-...;...m 1... Imnr `AGENTS-TVANTED ----. m ._- __ 1 \r:n...... in this Coll! _I'FE! IFE2 Organizud for the pzolectionoi _-_-- __,_ #___ _,. LOCAL AGEVNCY, Vouzo. ` wluuruuuull. , \` Double Bugy_; 131 John Burton, 2nd `Mei, MoCraoken.` - _ ' Farmer : Waggon; In Mr. McKinley,2nd~ James Watson. ._-- T - - ' '_ General Purpose Harness; Isl James Cun- ningham, 2nd James Cunningham. Shaw Cnllmn In Fr-nnnih -Fin]-In `2n}I MR3. JNO. O'NEILL, . On the pmni ., $15 town of Bary- . ..nn! I vy- n., on the mo long pat. r]., B-rri W": at c. a clear! , mm, and th `* --`W cu ASA? JUl\ L`, `V luflltnlomz, ruzonii mos. LENNO.\', RO'I`EC l`I()N |ROTECTI{:,\'= | lllllglllll ll JUIIIUU \JIllIIIIlI&|lIllII Sltaw `Cuuar;_ lat Francis -Fiel~h-, 2nd Francis Fields. > Etna bllfnah 9 In!-'nr.|nnin winhln P101-amen. 1 all)! 42-!) , I ma`: `II . Ill], gim. fillllllllg Elli; Lil l'IllV|I DIVE-' '90 I_I'IlIU|I Fields. Beanie, `Jud (Webster) Francis Fields. Washing Machine; In Thomas Scott . _ Woollen Stockings ;_ lat Thoma: McCul- gnuah, 2nd Mu. H :11. ' Sewing Michine (Howa);n` III George wa. l'on Mina; us Mr, punniggunm, 2nd James Cunningham. - ' ' Woolln Socks-, 1;: 'n.omne~scm, sad Mr. Cunningham. l`.nnL..I nul) . I-| IVI..-l-:...-L-- Illl.2a_I-_l- ptes_ by that Sguth Singcoe 13 `oneof the most prospexjous oountiesin. Qutt_gfip,_and only ygvanta railway oom- The h|!'V68't'i'8\pn{t,`a,nd'p'roduc3 is pg. `il? .<=on.v9rte5.F~ir,1r_o cash; We how `or rim better plwe iI.x\t<.>.v.I;,1f o;,mn.% ` gg youth 6! o1;o'% ogwlwsag. 'tM'.'.l`.L9nn In Id" . ?a.,;....'....-_" `ya :' \ I'I|U|l Qlllll, Ill CUMII \1VU\IIVll`,_llII "I am. . _ ` - . . . '; Gem : Shirl; lat Thomas Scan. - Coll~'otionTLVadiaa Work ; 1:! Mn. H111. _ `II; are p;9u'* ls: Wesley Blaokslook Jo IL iaher,3 Janine; Henry, ' Fiiicy Qmlc; 13! Jenna Guriningbnm, 9 John Bnnan. ' . A Hearth Rug; lugnry Downev. IIIIDU SQIII-ILIIE |9`_LAUV! ynwyasqu DU EIVU sgourae. of inatructioni On the piano at hfeeidence oi1vC1%3P'!39.rton steet, 2V doo'mj)n1-`ch of W'n-nl,`e"y street. For Vterms, 610.,` 511913 `at -the ._leaver`." --->~.--------._--. VUIIAII uunwuu Iauuw, ups luvuuuvl-I, ycl` - A thn.sillis.t'. .' ;ior nonwase that `ove_1jfounda"` V f e;"\'7`t1_f"a. one horse country paw; 1 A_ _"7,`_' `Ire the one referred 3. ~Wen.ygy;< ., ' ,1. . o ortiogeg there, `w ich nover. to ~oqrfk'mw `L ' ' ` ` Wwnnmo Bizionn. ms l)in~x.-, Our boynshrrienga, in mampcmg to do the. sublime higeqgnngents on the ydrth Simeon Show, has :.Vprodn_ced, per ;..... nl. .aIi; ....o-A. ..:a.r...L`.';~`.c am.....a... n...a. 'fIUUlI I` Imus. Gang Pphgh; lat-_:_F rgoin Fields. Fanning Mill; 1:! P nix Broa.,`3dd Francis Vnlxln. ' ' 1 l ' I "1 >'ich Quill ; In John Godvair, 2nd Mfg. liH~~ ' \ '. ' Miss Fanning i.8*7lI5w prepared tolgive` .1-nnrnn nf inntrnintinni an 4-Jun niann at ?Ul. rhng Coll-laI .l.Tt.mpIon,2nd J {Am- s of their utility the air held at Thom- last. Thursday, would have i, that` as it was atherough success in hearly`every department; 4 Thesshow `of horses, cattle, sheep, pigs,` and poultry was very good; and in Agricultural im- plements the ex_hil_yit`, no means scanty ; whilst the exhibition of roots, vegetables, fruit, and, f would not have a Go ty,_Show. Then there was the Inside department, which many avemed, and with great appear.- anoe of justice, rivalled,` even that of the North Riding - Show: in Barrie, and certainly. was of a `vefy high order of merit._ We must, however, demur to the reasons given for not anulgamating withlthe North Riding, viz., not being able to compete successfully in a County Show. Why, the Ladies department and Fine Ar s were't for exhibition any- where,and would invariably have secured. ` some of the highest prizes awarded. f After the.Show was` over the Directors, . Judges, and other friends, set `down to a_ sumptuous supper, provided by. mine ` host,Mr.McCartee,of the Thornton Hotel, after which there was a feast of reason` and flow of soul of more than average merit, as certainly no `better speeches were made at any similar meeting we have attended this Fall, than were made by the President,,-- J. Armson, Esq., the Secretary, John Scott, Esq., Dr. Madill, Mr. Fisher, and others. We had nearly forgotten to mention, that the pleasures of the day were much en- hanced by the admirable rendering of some_ choice music by the Thornton Brass Band. ` Below is the `list of prizes awarded :.--` rams us-r. - lirood More and Foal--lat C. Bonnet, 2nd M. Cooper. ` A Yearling .Am- ESSA` HAIR V` `. QM. _-_._,.. Since we last wrote.Fuim1Inveb11 the order of -the day, and from the 1- Pifo. viticial down to our own County ha"ve been one continual success, evenghe weather being unusually propitious. In Simooe 9. notable imfrrovement in. qug]. ity over all previous shows was visible, True, on the" first day of our Local ity an prevlpuxs uuuwn vvuv~ .....,..._... on first day of Locaff things presented rathem gloomy` appear- ance, and must have caused the manage'-` gnent some as `the number of - visitors wan ilnnaually thin.. How- ever the seoond day more compef1- sated for this, as; the crowd was very large LL - .......:..4... no Hm mun showing: an . . tables were scarcely so fully occupied as i and no intimation having reached the * ` subject theirarticles to another course ` happy to be able to state that there was uvvucv Bafbd 101' mm, as use ailyw sh my ....a.. -the ' ts at e gate owingw p " ' last year or some $140.6? On the whole the Show was at complete success. . ore especinlli in ualtmjudsea and visitors agreeing that the r-st `prize articles were considerably better in their several sections than any before exhibit- ed in Barrie. Inside the Drill Shed the last year, and notably in the departmlents of horticulture and ladies work. The cause for this perceptable falling off is not hard to nd. Last year some of the nest specimens ' in both departments were rendered almost worthless by the clouds of ' dust which lled the building, 7 public that this would be remedied, ex- hibitors were naturally not `prepared to of such treatment. This year we are no room for `complaint on this score- a ' good `strata of saw dust having been laid over the 5 I , indeed all the internal arra _ were better than last year, and w as good as could reasonable be expected. V 4 'mm ghnw nf fruit was the meat at- expecwu. _ V _ , The. show of fruit was the great tractio , iwas unanimously held to be far ` of anything previously ex- hibited r Local, and goeslfargto `conrm K we have long held, that. as ne spec ens of fruit canjbe-'grown'in . this sectin as in any part of the Do- minion. V In -awarding A the prizes for apples the Judges must have had a pleas`- ant time of it, for a `greater muddle" we have never witnessed than was made in staging the fruit. For this exhibitors, and not the management .were'respon- sible, although we think if more precise rules were laid down it would te to make the judges duties less onerous, and prevent consideralileeonfusion. ' Tn mnwlan iwmlnne, rants. &c.. the prevent cuuruuuruunu qumunnuu. In garden produce, roots, &c., the show, though rather limited in quantity, was prime in quality. All the gsamples of cereals shown were about the average, and we have no doubt good reason to plume ourselves. on the fact that the "wheat which took first prize at the Pro- vincial was justly placed in an inferior position here. It is of little moment whether it was considerably maniputated or not, the indisputable fact remains that it was the finest sample perhaps ever exhibitedin Canada. , _.,,I--_ -1.` 1...LL..._ ___.. _-..... .... UVUI UAHLULDUM ALL wuuuuuq The display of butter was very im-I posing,` the judges palates we believe having to make the acquaintance of some, 75 samples, the greater part being of 9. high class. Not being of an envious disposition we did not wish ourselves in the position of any one of the gentlemen who acted" as judges, we are too diident, and then--7 4 disappointed ladies. *' Tn iulunnnn rnolrinn urn or-n VAIIQ1 for `In. VULJC luuuvauxv |.uvUovIu_Uuu. A number of articles of rtlstic, cabinet, and tinwaro were exhibited, which spoke volumes for our local craftsmn. A ;, ,_A.l.--, -1` _.I__L____-_L_ ___._ ____1 IUVIB, "unu uulo Wlggulllu [$30!-I, ll-I59 hat `Township Fai1s";would be better bolished, but if imything could convince us: at hlmir ..+.:m.. +1.- 17.5.. 5.1.: .9. 'l"hm-n- II\aI UllU`l.I':l `Z |4|l.DlalJ`lUl.llV\1\A Auunuug In cheese ma.king'we are very far he- hind, and yet other sections nd it 3 very protable investment. V A nnvnhov n" nrfinlnu nf rnun nn`\na+. VUIULIICE IUI` Uul LUUGI \ilDIIlDLllUl-Io A number of photographs, pen and ink sketches, _&c., were on `exhibition, Mad as works of art were Ieally admir- able. rm... _::..;.1...-'..c .......u,........1. ....... uu:]`.`,i1eVdisplayi`of needlework was 5----- We believe our forte is not in. this line, indeed we made such absurd blunders in discussing it with B. lady friend of ours, that we gave it up in despair, evidently our education in thisibranch `of the ne" arts has been sadly neglected. TTn\xu1}l;;nl\ On Jimnwnnf n\nn:rnnv-in A6` _--a labor _of1o'.ve undoubtedly. U Q3 IJCULI DIB\llJ IL SIUUUVW Upzaz __20'0 diiierent epecimens of native p an`t's, botanically arranged, were exhibited by H. B. Spotton, `attracting ` 1} very considerable amount of attention; which they well merited, being probably the most extensive amateur collection in the Dominion, and must have cost Mr. Spotton a vast amount of time and" labor T- 4.1.- -....1. -4` nnuuuan +1.. .....,\..4. .4. 1 -? IEIJUI yl 131.79 llIJ\4`I\l\llJUV\L_+J| i ` In the park of course the great at- traction" was the l1ors__es.,' and some yery' ne negs were on the ground. _ Most of the sections were `well lled, and so close was the competition in more. than one instance that the judges had considerable diioulty incoming to a decision. The youngeterI-true criterion of progress -were really excellent. iAmo'ngst 6013- ` inc: the short-horns were of course pro- l`hi_nent., "This magnicent breed - has . now\ been - tested in every variety of climzitse `and circumstances, and each succeeding year the demand for them (`becomes greater, and their value in the stool; ml}i0_l':\bQ00llI88 higher es their vvvuugvq anvuvvn, nuq uuvu Vuuqv nu uuu etoclg me1:ket~ becomes higher as excellence Beconiesfmore widly known; 5 1 M undoubtedly there is at future in store 1 1 I for them even more brilliant than the past. The contest among exhibitors was `keen and close, and thehonors pretty eq1_1e.l- 3.3 ly distributed. 'In devone one exhibitor I . `had it ell tq himself, we c9;ifs we-are 1 not 301?`) 85 this, .5116 bl'e_6ll bis unquefs- { tionably a handsome one, and is also, ? ,va1uable`-o-but not for this eeotidn, 1V9, - were pleased to see [both the Ayrshire ` and Hrefords put in an appearance; I both are excellent in their way. The ` geveral classes of swine, sheep and po'uft-.:?`y were well end largely represent; ed ;` but "our space will net permit us to particularize. ' . . -- A large number'efeei'hibit3~toek~~place inthe implemen_t_ departxnent, we are to judge by thelerowdelteh found there on each dayit must have ` coqsigle;g.bl_,6. ajztpaqtion, Of eburse. there was a conszarable amount of Bigeatlsfae ' tion at the awards of the judges (and ' nether ;nor e' thzmethe tunnel amount ;of 5 bmlusee `dieplnyed in ventilating it) ' thej-e {always is, and we suppooralweys - jud' enabled. to give 9. rstto eaeh ertiel 'Until mit `happy Vtimeeri-ivesvii exhibiton 31570 2their grievances,` eanillwill aiithem. .`:.'A'~lt_hough * A-we"do not forte moment qumtion the .e6jnpeteney ifefl "the In. .9116 V * and f -ji11e`meia Bros. ME. 3 ' ` Ln_'L1ie iy'y,busiI.xeat!':in,.f1=;1.1e I % f : ::. $hiz:-;f.-"Weh~*r..='f lmuwup rm; uquuvy gr-vugg. . 94,wv- vu-; lulu Prize for Gengral S__t_g.llion should` AC`happell ~a A ' A ,u/J`olll`y.T0m,' :;..."... .`.'."n11.*'j`:" . VI fllll. Working Oxen; In G. Simpson, 2ud.Geo. Thompson. *0m'a Imnr old Rnll - In D, Rnnnal_ Qml Geo. i5::?a" faE2I'1 " F9t1 ; T` -4rIIIIA.TA-3311.11. .,.3" +--W mums "1 ,Simco_e Fal_Lh6iy" the 2nd n..:... c... n........'.1 'p...`..~.-.5. :w.lI|:...; .|`;....m WLIII-U-IFIIB VVUIIHA I 17h:399f9r`s*.mh5vs- jj-Q1 : _ _.~..'""""" C -V " Am,-y-In the North Rid of 321 V T11-.1'"" r::<.-3* mam-1.i.+. 9...: s I. 5 E5 1 1. `F 3' .7` rt` [- l. :6 I. V A-I!*'.-an-&.-.1441 -.I-.+.`..u-uh-v-~ `I l-Atili 71iiid":i'inost::ex-V j `iuexteuaivelyt gnltivaited of:a.llio`ur. bulbous \ dens upwardu of 4,300` years` ago, and is today moreao, pense, than anyother. We ngny procure ` e choicest end most costly seeds, and take everyuconceivable \ _ guard againit the hundred and one vicis4 situdea by which they are surrounded, and yet -are often unable to secure as much as one per-cent of the'whole. ' But not so with our` bulbous-rooted friends, whose disposition i so acoommodating that the veriest , " L1`_'=. " can easily suc- ceed with them ; and yet their generosity is sormnrked that few plants show so much` gratitude for a. little extra. atten- Hnn G-Ian nsnh-out-. hnmnan 11 wall anrl precaution to e " Pliiifii .n$ti!9=bf '6 Ivilt-. V : whence -v Ias"_in`roduo0d into,our.gar- ` nght after then eny other - species, sirnply because a greater variety. V of colour egdv` quantity of bloom can be; i had from fit, with less trouble and ex- luuun gnzuuuuu LU]: I-I uuuv uauuz: nvucu' tion, the contrast botween a. well and ill-gijuwn specimen being so great that. one would scarcely believe it possible" that two owers so widely di'e1-ant could come from the same bulb. n.1,- _._n:__.4.:_._ .1` Li... 1....Il... 4'... ....1.{ :3 come Irom me same D_ll.lD. , '.l$he cultivation oi the bulbs. for sale is chiefly conned to Harlem and its vici- nity. Millions of roots are annually sent from there during the `month of September, to almost all parts of the world; Some, idea of the magnitude of the trade may be gathered from the fact, that upwardsof one hundred thousand dollars worthlare annually imported into -`London (England) alone. In Holland, where the crop "is harvested, the very best are selected and sent to Englnnd and- France. The next choice comes to this and other markets as named sorts; the next grade are put up and sold in separ- ate'co'lors ; the balance of stock is sold - at auction, to be put up in cases;for auction in `this country. - In ,lr".States it is usual for German pedlars-to buy these cases, and afterwards, hawk them about through the streetsf .-"Various at- 7 tempts have been, and injmore than one instance is being made, in the States at the present time, to raise this bulb in large quantities, and if credence is to be given to those interested, is likely to prove successful. Even if such was the case-which we me much disposed to doubt--we fail to see what is to be gain- ed by it. Owing to the wonderful adapt- ability of the soil and climate of Hear- lem to the growth o this bulb, the cheapness of labor, the competition amongst growers, and the facilities for transit, we can have them cheaper than if grown on this side the Atlantic. Be- ' sides, we are so accustomed to having Dutch bulbs, that we fear it would be a long time d before the publio-conding though it be-could reconcile itself to the change. Tn nutnnnu-inn knllxa if in Rant Irn nnlunl IIMU vuuusvi In procuring bulbs, it is best to select them yourself: frequently this cannot be done; in this case it is advisable to send to the most respectable seedsman you know, even if his Drices appear to be a trie higher than some others. A If you,do not know what varieties you want, state how you purpose growing them, and allow him to make the choice for you. ' mI,__ 1,..n__ __|,:,|, _,,, .1-1' ,1 ~ bulbs which A are so1id,'iand, heavy in proportion to their size, and have a thin,. clean skin, generally give - the finest blooms. Avoid those which are large, but light and scaly.` As it requires many years to propagate a large stock of any" variety 'of Hyacinth, the new introductions are necessarily tobe . procured only atsuch a price as places them beyond the reach of the ordinary cultivator. Fortunately this is not of great consequence,- as in most instances these "novelties possess the novelty of nameonly, for it has been proved that the finest shades df colour and richness of hue are still to be found amongst the old or parent_va1'ieties. The following list contains some of the best varieties of . the -day. nn..1.1n ovum. _D..:...... -4` \xr..4....1.... ; ['5-IU - Double White -Prince of Waterloo,- Princess Alice; Double Recl-Boquet Tendre -Lord-Wellington ; Double Blue --Blokeberg--_=Laurena Koster ; Double Yellow--Boquet d Oran e-Iaune -Su- preme; Single White-- rand Vainquer `--Queen Victoria} ; Single Red-Robert Steiger-No1-`ma; [Single Blue-Ba.ron -Von .eTluyll-Cha.rles Dickens ; Double _.Ye1loii.-He1'oine-I d'a. ;`m1_ ,,s,,, !,A.,., ,,:-, .3 1 uum_pIuu. I One you old Bull; 1:! C.|BenneI,2I_1d G00. Thompson. T Aged Ram; let T. Duff 2nd dillo. Shoorling Ram; 1.: T. burr, 2...: diuo. Ram La nb; la! '1`. Duff, 2x_;d`-dillo. Two Aged Ewes; In T. Dad , 2nd ditto. Two Sheulnng.Ewea; Isl T. Duff, 21):! do. Aged Boat; 1:! C. BenneI,2nd H. Downey. Spring Boar; lat H. Blaohlook. L Bra/ediug Sow, aged; ls: C. Bannel, 2nd T. Scythea. ` e...:... a... . 1-. u nu....I......~..|. n...: urn.-- I . '_!,`h`e single v~-i';tir.s give themost owers and nest spikes, and are best suited for indoors, while the doubles give the prettiest and largest individual bells ,- they are, however, worthless for growing in glasses, moss or sponge.` In the open ground the Hyacinth will bloom well in any rich, light garden soil, Jyfhich has been well mnnurecl in the spring.- Ground intended for Hyacinths should have received a good dressing of ` well rotted `cow manure and silver sand in i the spring. Where the ground has not been so,- it will be-better to of manure on e surface, and giveone or two waterings of liquid manure in the spring when the ower spikes begin to appear. Although" it is almost univer- sally recommended to mannrjthe ground immediately before planting,` our person- al experience is against it, and the Dutch always tglge pqtne other_cI_up off the land `after I119-I2"lrm'g it, and -`we can scarcely -improve on their methods `of culture. , Planting may` be `done any time up till ; __the' ground pbecoxggjrozen, but in this I 'sec_tion_fthe earlier they are planted in ` October 'the'better.e Plant three or four I assizltsf it emit roots and resist damp. pnf urn Elan rnnaf. nimnla ' ant] annnnua; plant as it is ; s read two or three inches - inches below ` the surface, taling care to- - Wrignnd the bulb. with 'clean's:_xn|;"which- vvnvvl, Ivixvu uucuu it Acw uuuru VU qruxu, 1 then place in vootehouse or coal ellar, and cover potawiith ve ornix inches of nalndorienrth. They mayremainundis- `turliocf for six weeks, 0n_ theL'n.a.t the expiration of thatme, they `will be`-(band to.have_g1-own Lgbqut an `inch,a,na;.mt a lot or rootlete 'hrd\`i'gl i' H) ` the soil. should fheh be ;g;;d.,raauauy axposed,`to:1:h`e"ligh!I, ana afbar avfew `days-the ahQn1drliisvo a.llT:th", ' -, 1 *'mti1"-` uauxapg II} M.) 12111.! 1'-UUla $63135 amp. Pots a.1e_the iuost simple and success-' fu1.emeans_- of growing fox` indoors. By potting at `intervals `of say` three week, xi succession of bloom may be kept up for months ; or, if alleame potted at once, some will be longer pushing than others : 191110139 219 in a cooler-place. they W! 09!? in m!!h.1aber-1 Soil h1'11 13 rearedb - bh' half fhgnlgnngit nycunnuy yuuyiatcu yuumg wguuzer half the uantijzy required of tux-fy loam --the_ ot er half. may oone`ist__of equal parts of well-rotted ma.nure;` leaf mould, and silver sand. The pint,`or 5 inch pet, ia- the most convenient. size to em- vnu Diana an `Anni Cnnkna Ac n'lun..u.;`I':_ yvv, up uuc Luvuo uuuvuuwuu tum: V0611!- ploy. Place a. few inches of charcoal in the botbom,"over' this 9. few lumpy pieces of the soil, then ll up the pot; with, wqnaqsz, qzauwhiah W the -'hh.1h haw-o mgglxttle sandy, e};_se,.pmne down rmly,` ll` roungd wit.h7t.he soil, leaving the crown just in night. is done, .gi`v`e' a_good D ' g. w.it_h5fnin water, leave -them a few hours to-drain, fjlnn cuu\ `ulnud 11- -"n"4.1I....' I THE HYAQINTH. >.-_L __-_._I--. __..1 -------1----------~w-. erallj} mtify evu,-enthusiasts. that this is no. ` thevbetter "way. Glasses can b fxbtai led from orists and china stores, In 1.-n'I-hung naltl-Anna` A Run` t\lt `In...-n uluguuu. - . Spring Wheat; Isl Henry. Downoy,2nd W. Cunningham, ` ` ' Float; 1:! J. Galbraith, 2nd 1. Donnel `Barley; lsl W,Cunninghnm 2nd T. Parker. Oats; In W. Cunningham, ,nd ditlo. Pena; lsl W, Cunningham, 2nd 1. Donna`. Butter; lat W. Hunter ' ' _ Pom as; In C. Whilelock, 2nd W. Black- nl nah- vvvua`-vi! ALVIIJ JVIVIADIID IILILI ULIIJIE QUVLK, T` in xtiriona patterns`. ` A` beet or large out, is very interestmg, andm ch better` for the growth 01 bulb, in t m the roots do not get cooked, as they too apt to do in glasses, when V expo to the sun; Whichever is used a.I....I.J .. 11-.` ,,_2LI, _.l`_ ,,,L, th roots reach the" bottom of` the A UV `HIV nun. VV'II.I-UIIUVUI 15 Evil ` -lled with soft water upto, ' but_not quite touching the base-of the ` bulb; p .ce in a dark closet. or cellar vessel, w ich they generally do in aboutl three wee s, after which they should bcl gradually inured to, and get all the light M possible. It will be necessary to add j water occasionally to supply the waste ; and it should also occasionally be changed altogether, unless a piece of charcoal has been placed in the bottom of- the vessel. L Always use water as warm as the room they are growing in. Hyacinths are very sensitive to chills at either root or? ~_top, so that changes of temperature should be avoided. Hyacinths can be` grown in moss, sand or sponge, which . should be kept continually moist with; `tepid water. The directions given foe` growing in glasses will apply to these. It i ram that n (inn unilrrn nfl 5Iv:vu15 Lu glurufsuu W111 apply W laut.'5U.Ii It 18 rare indeed that a ne spilie of ' bloom can be obtained in these ways; but should you succeed in `doing so, the Rtifntinn will ha vnrv nu-ooh uuv nuuulu you lIuUUUU_u 111 um: |satisfa.ction will be very great. CHURCH OF. ENGLAND SOCIAL.` 0n.Wednesday evening, the 8th inst., a social, to pay for an organ purchased of Edwards & Son of this town, for the Episcopal congregation worshipping in the Orange Hall; Allandale, was held, which was, perhaps, the largest ever -conirened in that locality. The tea, pro- vided by members of sthe congregation, was Served at Mr.` Cline s, and was one of great profusion of delicacies. After ample justice had been done thereto, the company adjourned to the spacious Hall, which was soon densely packed withjan appreciative audience. The chair/fwas taken by W. C. Little, Esq., M.PL:' who made a speech suitable to the occasion; this was followed by solos, duets, quar- tetts; &c., by Miss Sloan, Miss Gibson, Mr Q1-nor} ML`. Mn+LnIIn Man W UL: . LJLIIDI. II, .111. - JLIIIUHUKB, 1'11 -` U - `V Sloan, Misses Fraser, and others, which were admirably rendered and heartily applauded; in addition to which there were some -excellent choruses . by tho by'Mr. H. Lennox, and some four reci- _tations by.Mr. H. Edwards of this office, all of. which were well received. The Rev. Edward, Murphy, of St. .P9.ul s Church, Innisl, and Pastor of the `Con- gregation, , made a. we1l-timed speech, in which he referred to the ditliculties which had beset them in collecting a. congregation there some [six months since, and hoped that God's blessing would accompany their efforts. Mrs. Murphy, the Pastor's wife, during the evening presided at the organ, which she played with good taste, and also assisted in the singing with good effect. A fine iced caltevcake was given b Mrs. Cullen of, Allandale, -on which an out $11 was I iziiised ; and 8. childrens cake was given " by Miss Lee, of \Vest Gwillimbury, on ` -which about $5 was realized. Alto- gether the proceeds of the social amount- ed-to about $60, besides a'ording a very enjoyable evening. The Barrie brass i band kindly gave. their services, and i added much to the enjoyment of the oc~ . casion by playing, in excellent style, ' some very popular airs. We believe the success of this very excellent social was . largely due to Mrs. Murphy, who origin- ated the idea, and was untiring in her . e'orts__to make it successful. Church Hill|choir,a well-rendered reading ' who also made some humorous remarks, vvvw, uutng IJ_y LVJIBD unuuu, .u;:.aa uuuauu, Mr. Smart, M1". Mathers, Mr.- J. W. g`nnv. R/f;u:u\n wmnnvnnn an.-I 1-\|n|otI iuy`\':n`i Last Thursday, the 9:11 inst, the nu show was held at Rosemont, and was :1 great success, at least in point of n1im- A bers and pretty girls, of whom we never saw so many at an agricultural fair.Attlxe show was a very creditable display in horses, cattle and sheep, as also of agri- cultural ' implements; but they are a little behind the again the getting up and carrying out of an agricultural din- ner 5 this is, however, `easily rectified. The show on the whole was decidedly good,` as a township show, and so it ` ought`, for 9. more magnicent farming country than that surrounding Rose- mont, `it is hardly possible to conceive. ..,., uuv .-mgum w u menu who was fre- ` .qn9nt1zfn`}9 W6. he wureq up that 18bit", ' "ghwd qof a `.` sctub'<;`.'inl\ia sti1bla, ` ` . 21413 mu-outs" Wet9.;a1wi= of ' .' "hone "vehicl'e 1 flilil B5; [IF U. VVUHEIUUK, zuu VV. D150`- Iloc . _ Turnips; 1s_l T. Puller, 2nd W. Hunter. Apples; 1!! J. Wilson. 2nd'S. Wright. ` Beau; 13:1`: Scou, 2nd J. Barlon. Carroll; lsl C. Rnchoy; 2nd 1. W.Thompv `Irons; `n J. Barton, 2nd cmiiouey. fps; la! C. Rilohey 2nd J. Barton. ;1ulTT.Scou,nd J. Barton.` Cabbn 5 1: ! T. Lonnox, 2nd J.W.1`hotnp- M son. ' V . . '0IIilll; 1I.l\'R Lounox. nd '1', Soon, Cheese; Ill G:\'[`hnmp|on. Steel Mould-Bokvdjlow; 1:: Wm. Nelson, 2nd James Watson. ~\ ' . , Iron Harrow; 1;! Hang span, 2ad J. W. TTt_:omp_no n. ` \_ ' ~ Sulkoy Hay Rake; m rum. Fields. _ Broadcast Sower; Isl Jameinagg, 1: Culxivalqt; -In W_eol._ay Black k, single Buggy; Is} James Donne 2nd A. MoCraoken. ' \ . n...|.1- n......... 1-. us... n........ :)...|\.._;_ ---+- V" 1" ""1 "'"" Msrs. Van Taslg-1 & Morgan took lst _P;-igg ew;e;9y'\j\_'here for Melodeons, their Sewing Machines are also universally admired. V ` Vi$VI Hall is the place for pure drugs, and carefully compounded Phy- sicians presf:1'iptio1_1s. 'lA -.,__..._ 1r,-.rn,, I :4 `Ir . - _ A Mr. Watson, of _.the firm of VVa.tson S: 00., Chemists and Druggists of this town,`superintends the business himself, hence therush. ' Mr. John Lee, of the Bayeld street Cabinet and Furniture Warehouse, `says, in his advertisement, that he has for sale the largest, cheapest and best lot _of'fnmitu1-e in town. Give him a call and see whether or no he tells the the truth, - ' "Dr. Sritherland has, like Messrs. Van- '1`assel&VMorgan, cgrrie ' sbwherever he has taken his -~hom tg -late these gentlemen on their successes .`in-Simeoe a@.York. Simcoe wantsthe bestqf `everything, and is on the high- {tray to_ 51100698 in this direotion._ - A pro het is niat without honors,`ex- ` xhisjbwn oountry,,.M1f. G.,; J. .3..9*' #9-"`L*?*1 `Wt. `his 'tBnu;1e' :,.At".sll`I`tH~=ot;h hgen=v,`I'I` .- ?Bau-1?: ` .t.u_.Wehm%u_:th.`wQr _ :Go to Mr. Pxjkins for your China ware. _ ' Mflggbgfaflats and Caps, Cheap, af: Mr. It isnowa settled fact: that the only place in town to get life-like portraits in at Mr._ Stephens Go there and getgour money s worth. . T " Messrs. `Powell & 00., in addicion to a _ rime stock of Groceries and` Provisions gave on hand :1 quantity of deli`, which they gvdveg-tigg: to sell cheap. ` fI'Il Q I AUCTION SAI.E.-Mr. Meeking will sell by auction a lot; of houseIzo':d furni- ture, &c., the p1;opo1-ty Of Mr, Brett, at his residencq, Mo Dqniild street, opposite the; Gap], on Thursday, the 23rd inst. . The advertisement of Mr. Thos. Mc- Leud, of Dalston, we _c_all attention to. As he was the only exhibitor of register- ed Ayrshires we expect his stock must be of the bestin that class. Two year pl-I001:-lat W. Hunter, 2nd J. Donnel, ` . Draught Horses--3rd F. Fiel-la. ' General Purpose Honen- la! l`Parker,2nd 1`. Henry, 3rd 1`. McCullough. Snddla Hm-:a-lIl W. Blauknlmk. 2nd J. THE ROSEMONT snow. L ` The Ferns always have been, and per- I,haps will continue to be a. delightful ', study to the 1over'of nature. If the 3 ferns with their greenery are pleasant, 5,we think still more lovely are the de- I lightful colours and delicious fragrance lzof the `oral kingdom. `For winter If` owering_ we have undertaken to supply - , one of those things which make home f'fragrant. and beautiful in the winter 3 `months. VVe have dispensed with some 3 hundreds, and have more to spa:-e-we allude to the Hyacinth. As will be seen under` our Horticultural heading, their treatment is fully described. It is sim- ple in the extreme. An empty salt bottle, (I. little water, and 10 cents is all that is necessary to the culture of one bulb. We have still nstock on hand. The ferns and cases are supplied by Mr. Robt. Meeking. r. Ki:_x'g,'W'Et"ii~ `\V?"'1L`ifi -A`I`eA_'" Storq deals-in `all kinds; of prime fresh meat. ` ' ` H '7 Lire INsm.A_Ncz.--The enormoos pro- _ts of life instimnce companies are matg ters `of general observation. It;is pro posed to extend the ibenete of these - prots,'in fact to share them fully, not amongst joint stocks, but to the indivi- dual assurem. Some thousands join to gether for mutual benet; and reap the prots, less the necessary cons of the whole concern. The prospectus we lmve seen we think is 9. good one, but we have i not had time this week to examine it in ~' all its bearings. We expect to be able to pronounce on it next week. In the meantime we may say that all papers and information can be had at Messrs. `-Van Tassel & Morgan's. av-an vu-vv ,-- A mistake occurs in Ihe prize list, you will please publish the following in` your next issue:--First prize for Fancy Needlewoik should be Miss Sloan Isl, and Miss Ogilvio 2nd. First prize for Summnr Bonnets was awarded to Mrs. J. Ross. For the best col- lection of Braids-1 work done fy Sewing Ma- chine--lsl prize G. J Beanie, `Jud Julius MacKay instead of William Ross. Plannn ncnlra I-IRA nnrrnnlinhn in lhn nmnnr AVIBUHO, IlIU||JlI\l Ul_ `V ILIIDHI IIU-EH: Please make` these COITBOHODB m lhe proper form and oblige - '" Vnmn lmIv_ IUIIII lfuly, R. T. BANTIKG, - - Suorelnty. [Wetcan assure Banting the mislake was not ours ; of that we have positive proof. --ED. AnvANcz.] . ..4uum.- a: may cure Mi:~ mind 6, 14 at any other time they are wife. In 1;! other cases ofNm-vousand Spinnl Affec- `-Jno. Painsinth Back and Limbs, Fatigue: on slxgh! ox6m'on.Palitation of [ha Het_IrI,Hys!erieI tad Whili5s,theae ills will ebcl a care when 11]: ntncnueann have` {nixed - ajnd althoq h a powerful tamedpdo not conyiin gap, cplomeantimony , on 1_.nllnx lumfulxo the commhnzm vd_'uectio'_nu_ in the pamphlet around. out: I g, wig-ihihould be cdrc-.l'u_Hy prc_oerv9_d., `Oahu ~10-nw roux, sqn more, "gm-pn.'~[ V: I. I -.1 IICII, [Ir ll IIIIIU I II IIIII. There are but few preparations ot medicine whivh have vtithstood the int nraljutlgment of the people for any grant len t of time. One of these is THOMAS ECLECg`RIC OIL, purely a Ere.-paration 01 six ofsonie of the beat Oils that are nown, each one possessing virtues of its own. Scientic physicians know that medicines mny -be formed of several ingredients in certain xed proportions of greater power, and producing ulfucts which could never result from the use of any one of them, or in different coinbinntiona. Thuain the preparation of this Oil :1 chemical change takes place, irinittgxtrmniponnd which could nut by any possibility he nmle lrom any other combination pl`(`p0l'll0ltLI of the gredients. or any tnlrmliunta. nml vntirul: BARRIE MARKETS. Fall Wheat--$1 12 to] 15. Treadwell--$l 07 to! 00. Sprlug--0.1 05. Peas--45 to 600. 02115-35 to 38. BarIey-90c to $1 07. Hsy-'--$16 00 to 18 00. Roll Butter--20 to 23. Tub Butter-18 to 20. Eggs-l4c. to me. Pork--$6 to 6 60 Hldes- $6 50 Bkina-80 to 1 15. W0'ol--30 to 35c lb. Beef-.-Hiud- Quarter, 5 to (Sc; Fore Quarter, 3 to 450. Potatoes-"-40 to 50: per bag. muuuuny. _ V Cuttings Horne:--lat J. Wilscn, 2nd_ `F. Fields. Aged Boll-a Isl J. Dinwoody, 2nd 1`. Parker. v Miloh Cow--In J. Dinwoody, 2nd dmo. Dsgring Bull Culf -1slJ. Dinwoovly, 2nd T. u . u...:.... u..'a...' n..u'. 1-. 1 n ..........I.. 0...!