by M3 lc to11%5.` ILDANDHOTEL, ( ate Raoyah) orne`6r Front and Oo1dwa.lerAs!reets, Ori1lia,Onl DUNUAN M. Uuutcuu, rnurmzuun, (Lats of "Hay wood Railroad House, Rice Lake.) 1'-%,'u`gae;gigned begs to inform allpartiea who eat! such woxk that he has always on any n hand ular'g e.anpply of . ; -AnrI'I t\*l'I 'I\A1'\f'.II \1> L A SH? AR I5 1\ ..)"\.II&-Q----:.---.-v----v Which he will sell at the lowest rates for.Os`h: Wu. 0._l(AOEY', I , ` - ~Ravold 81. Ruth. H3 ABRrE_`.BBA'NGH 11131.3 DIPOIIIOBY 0' `PF! Vsoc;Ei.% = ,2, nmmop. snuI|,'.,. 3'EL'B C'TR'U1AN `GALVANIST5 ' we-sum-asrnn_ s1-.---- mama; ,1 NEX2 ,f1 `~c 11z_4;.ss1r1.m_gy.v '7r.:-'m' H Alli! luau In um uuyulvu .5 Quinn STOVEPIPE BLO`CKS:!' -~. 1 u 1.. _III nuts on OhA'lnunIO ruin: `no dh -n. .-- - ,,__:_.~ -------- ~ `1*1';',X,7,Igf .'l` 5 LALLY, A tornevs-at-law, Bo- licitors in Change y, Qonveyancers, &c.-- ()11i:e-0wc-n Street, Hume, out 11 D. Pruwnn-r. L..L,B. Fnuoxa W. Lu. '1: H __Mnm-.v to Land. ' 5- 72 ___:---:------- wo BUILDERS :_ Vol. F iiiifs3r'6i>1i7i'fi.`1iziii76iT'* } - or via .. n-nun. .-nn Luau nt`I!-1.! ;:e1?XANDER.:LA:WE`T 5: $1 pbr year in advance; A/\/\ 303*. ])..TE. A. MO0RE S_ ` . l.IAlll' IIIIIRQIHI! AIIII QIIIVIIII! ~ WATER mun ' ` And also ofhis Improved Pggenit a.-n1-:n1'1)I:` 'DTl'I`V H. HUN-If, PBOPRIETOR. `HIM! DRESSING AND SIIAVIIIG SALOON. V . nnuvu sun, DUlLOP_!DIt. IO!` UODJIDIOII o JOSEPH ROGERS, Agent, Barrie. BRAND MONTREAL. In U: HAVE! -saynena sz ,'B.i-m, ' _Near the Fpnndryg ' . L . M513-Iv ' : IA (nun uuuaux ALVU L !..L' .'_`au.I:_! H111- cured in Canada, the United ttntes and Eu- rope. Patent guaranteed or no change. Send for minted instructions. Agency in operation ten years. . ` HENRY GRIST, Ottawa. Canada. SCBOLI-J--S~A WING, Dressed, and Tozigued mad Grooved Lumber, 0 evar deaozfipIion,a1way| on hand,'a'nd made to o'rder. n.....:.. TnIn- . _ 4'1, GEORGE Nnviign, ORILLIA. The prepared it`) execute-all or- dam in "aiming, Decanting and Paper Hang- ing, M. ' ` ` Paintinnr nf all dam-.rim.innn done with neat. ' . I Ozlllia. 25th May. 1871 -~A_V7lLLER 3 THOMSON, emf Isugmma, Provincial Land Survey om, Arahicts, &c. g1c-New Brick Block, Store, Dunlap-Street, ume. Mnmlos GAviLLnn.. A. Gmwoan Tasusbx, A n,Ia..1>Ls: f`._E_.P.Y.,S. ug, a(. Painting of alldescriptions done with neat- noise and dispatch and at reasonable rates. _ All work warranted to give aatisfaction. IIEBISBAGA stun oamnm. T GEORGE NEWTON, Painter 1 Decorator. 011]: QKI-h "an 1'1l . `lI..|n 1g%E.i.'Ts cm }iv}:iii~Ti:{; " `WXPEDITIOUSLY AND PLLOIPERLY sn- I mu-Ad in nnnno f!1nnu`Hn .'"('n9aanJ Ii`.n_ , - _.-.-'-'-"-7 l_ PHOMAb LOWE, Jlvnugvnno Lu w n.,, ' "Butcher aud`Poullerer, B inform the public .thn.the has taken Stall No. 4, in the Market House, Barrie. when he will carry on the above bulineu. nrrio.Daoember 11th. 1867 so nmunx unm L`, _ - - I ~ Ottawa, Canada. Mechanical Engineer, Solicitor V 1Pa.t.onts and Draugmsm :11. ' u:.-.- W. J. '1`. having bought out the Stock and Goodwill of I. Ve-Williams. is prepared to supply the public with Beer, Beef. Pork, and Potash Barrels, Kegs, Chums, Wash Tubs, Barrel Chums. and `the Celebrated Cylinder Churn ;, a!ao. Oiatems of all sizes, and all Work in a Ooonefs Line of Business. ` nl|l"lI$ _ _ _ _ _ _ ._ , Einnnni DLEAALVI l.\JVIJ'JLb and Machinery fonhe manufacture of DOORS, SASHES, BLINDS, MOULDING, he ml is prepared to supply these ax-tic!ea at the lowest price. . nrnnnnn nn mmnvm.1.`nnmmln|? lowest pm: PLANING on mvEn1 iiEscu19T1oN.| D in II UOOUUF 8 IJHIB OI DIIBIIJCSS. Collier - - - - - - - - Street, NEARLY OPPOSITE THE MARKET, `BARRIE. V V 19-Iy-r 1 nuuur. b1u.L.,~ = - . Carpenter, Builder, &c_. I Cegs to announce tob: ;')Jl_1b1ic that he.hna- complgte 19 . _ I I ' e '11 `D A M P 0 W F. R ' "E5303 3 S:?l}A 1`.`iY, Bprristers and At- A _torueya, Sahcxtora in Cnancery. Notaries Pub1io,Convcysncars, Barrie, 00 Sizncoe, Ont. . .__.__...... ____.__._.... 1, 3. ARDAOII, 7 II. II. BTRATKY _____..__-------~---~---------____:..____... - - - - . . n mu. n Luu anvv1u'11,1B `DOW prepared to manufacture all articles in his line, of the beat description, and at chenp rue]. - Barrie. D 1. 3rd 1867. V` v`1`DlL`Ul1`I" N0- 1. No 2, and "No 3,? of this brand, are nnsmpaaaed for bodynnd brilliancy ot shade. Packages cont:-in full nett weight The pl hlic are warned that c other brands are 1; I short in every .-called 25 pound package. ~ Examine the brand and do not be nut n` ugrsnpnua In Large Douxeu, $1.uu- I Sold in isll the Drug Stores. Barrie, April 17, 1872. 3 SAHSAPAHILLA lulu rII.La. Wurranted to be benecial in all `cones. Call at the G. G. G. oice in McConkey s New Buildingovef the Bank of Commerce where "one thousand certicates could oe shown, prov- ing their eicacy. Sarsnprilloin large bottles; $1-00. Pile, 25 ' Sold in ml Drug For purifying the Blood. cleansing Ind giving vigor to the whole Human System, nothing . can npproach - GEORGEN S co. EXT, 01-` SARSAPAR LLA AN-D PILLS I , Wm-muted to !nn.!l csson. Cali pacxugu. Examin_o the brand and do not be put of)` L withjnferxor pajnta. The 3351'" is g1wayscamu>_- In-r. ' V V :31-. Sold by any respectable dealers in ints P throughout Ontario, and to dealers only -by _ ELT.T0'l` A: (In.. '.l'0BOH'l'O For sale in Barrie by John Woods, J. P. Kidd,'Watson &, Co. and Wel1 sBx-on > INGHAM BROTHERS: BU I`(JHERS,and GEN- , ' ERALPURVEYORS, Market ....,#.- +-_;;-t_- Stall No 2,\Bnnie. Have constantly _qn hund a good supply of Fresh Meat, Fowl, Game, &c., of as choice quality as the` markets a`ord_,` and offer the sun . at very moderate prices: _ nrnnd Ref. Snngsapn and Lsu-d. tnanthnr IJIUC E0 oruer. Barrie`. July.` '-Um EC Uvcn ._ Street. Bar is. __._.(._.__... at very IIIOUCTBLE PYIUEH-' Corned Beef, Sausages and Lard, together with a variety of otlne: useful commodities, can a.lwa.ys_be had at N o. 2'Stall. ` All nurchnsea delivered in anv nnrt of the ulW8yS ne 11811 Hal 1` 0. {BULK}. All purchases del1v_e1-ed in any part of the ' town free of charge. ` _ Gash paid for Cattle. A m:GHAu.' .1. nxxmuu. > Barrie Nov 13, 1872. - 43.|y R-`Hy NR3 SE-WREY, is prepared to nsnnfacture articles in his line- of the heat ' "L11? LJILLK L|.I.l2 ` .1 FOUNDRY, AGRI-' , _ . CULTURAL _ [M P LE- . _ MENTAND STOVE "1 EORGE BALL, T f tom the rs: dairies in the Provitnce, which for quality cannot bgbegten. _ ` _ _ . ~ )AINT1_NG AND DEOORA-.1159 The Subscriber has received 9. splendid kit 0 I`lTT`fS1'.VCV1 - 7 .N.B.-'A_*choi_,oe lot, of Cakes and Biscuits. 'from_ the beat'pa.ckers of Europe. ' b . ' " cousin-mug or ` * TEAS, SUGARS, COFFEES, Tomccos, &c., PICKLES, CANNED SALMON, _ LOBSIERS, S.ARDINES, V L AND mum` OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. manufactured of the best matgndls. alvgmya on ` hgnd,.with.a choice slection ,ofIta1i_aIi ggods` ; o - -12. Kim; Ji. cnnnmse uIII ;v--IIIv . l _ `Of the lstoat augi hdst. styles ._ .;,i 4 "and of the mgzglsppgbyed ` "" F"-"q construction, ier trest . East; second door from Ilia _Ms._s-keg. B_A'RRIE. -As theldvertisers are thor- oughly and prscticilly conversant with their = business iq._sl| i_ts,detsi1s, employs noueflint` ` -the` most skillful workmen,` and use iqnly the; b95l`w`g13'-1'i31vhe`:39y `csn izntlrnntes. jsll 9.9:} .' "31 . 0'3`; `H _.!.0l9.w'h. "4! V9` .0 sstisfsctidn lo` qt ..".'9.'F1.99`9! r`*'*9r"`.t.-s =.2d"ci Jr!-, .<=3 i : :{ws.pnn' g3 qe"y0II?.I_|ItssI-{2 vs!u2fo_#"`y9ur% 2` "`"'7. $`l!= ",.A-"QT 31? ' .`I`:i. o1t's`I't? `L WELLS, Graduate Toronto Unweraity. Member College Physicians and Surgeons, Unt -011ice-0ver Wells Bros Drug Store, Opposite Barrie Hotel, H-ole}, Dunlap street. 38 1iic}{i~ M_eBi6Z complgteu ms STEAM POWER ._.1 u:_,:_:_--.. 0.. oh- w.nnnC`nnhn-A nf` `imolenoumo L WHITE LEADS, ll Il TY! `UB1! `JUSTICE IS THE GREAT, BUT SIMPLE PIu`NI1>L1;, Ayn rms: W:HOLE,SECRET OF succzzss IN ALL GOVERNMENT_. _...___..-_-_.-_.j. ;zTo:'2Q s.::::z- `_ " yonngorgo _,`ll1Ik0 moi G ;s.' 11.4: .;L.. -._.u_mu- kn ilic it [ll Owl] clan: or-w,otI|ng`pao >u, oz_ .g|ihl"IeX_ younger o|d,mnke moremoneyatw __ gnu; 'ni';uihei upirg, gnomemgu an the time; .~ an guise. Puumxgutm. Mdrup 0. arm ~ g, |"1IW1.u!9P! .1 ~ PNGLISH BUN HOUSE AND CHEESE J. DEPOT. ,_ A1`vsoVa4;i;nfe:t.`ock'_<':f 'V ' _ @l:R'<>$V$}11%$8M_ nnnnann nf ' V`EV;lGNY 5- COTE. _ AND COUNTY`. i ADVERTISER `J EB HDWA RPS,-(Late Deputy Registrar) Conveyaucer,'&c.. agent fqr me Raynl In- auce Company, and the Accident Insurance ompuny 0!ce-Pasi Oice building, `atria Bl|EE|S`._| nuvvl v gun on -' GENUINE" D J! and H `NV. 9 H ARRIE TIGHT wloax COOPERAGE. ' nmw'no-ranks ct _ J. TAYLOR,` "Proprietor. versq.II.nA$ consisting of RS. COFFEES :.rl\_HE BAR RIE ultirvurnntr A nnv R.'J. L. G. MCCARTHI has removed his oice to his new residence on the West side of John Street, immediately oppodte air. Geo. Ball's planing and sash factory. Dr. Mo0., has 3 vacancy for I. student. . -14-71 "WA.N; I0 uenwra umyuy ELLIOT & 00., 'l'on.mI T."'N'f*?!I9!| iU0., Tonox-ro In I D 16-1y w snx, PURSE-ls. BRUSHES. 'l`0ll.l~}'l` . ARTICLES. FANCY Goons, and DBIJGGISTS SUNDBIES, in endless variety. at the new nnuu stone. PIPES, 'l`0B 4.000. and creams, unequaled Ion-`style am! quality, _ at the - ~ - . . V NEW DRUG STORE- PAINTS. OILS. `VARNISIIES, GLASS and PUTIY, at the- ' ul-in nnllh o1-nnl: er. 5.-srma, Booxsxx premises. The men! SIG [110] Nah); of Taro ned out in ex Communications 5 Publisher, post- Every article GuaI;3n_l;$iYto iive PERFECT Ail`lFAC'l'l0. ' a I no J.\'l'IEI'VV" DRUG` STORE, Don : Delay lo cal! and Purchase Your [Articles at the T new nnuc STORE. >.. ---wr-uxn-\ wmmoxs, BUGGIES, o.mmA';Es,| ATTIIIHIITIE 1:. Q1 `l."I l1'I'.'l varloiy. at me . - ' NEW DRUG STORE: MACHINE OIL! `from 40c nor ` gallon upwards atmo V i - [A new nauu STORE.` The subscriber having purchased thewanzire 7 stock in trade of Mr Wm. Whitebread. is pre- pared to make on the shortest notice and most reasonable terms as good and as cheap Double or Single L LL:-L - wA GbN s: MR..*f@.E:Q>.e.1PI@@.$?>. Mr. A. (Jroker having bought out my interest mtho above business, I heartily recommend him to my patrons, and trust that they will` `give go him the liberal patronage bestowed upon me_ . . W. WHITEBREAD n......:.. Tnlnlt: 1724 90,1- LII UIIUU VI Ullnv 1 AMERICAN .co.u. 011. AND ' - mmrps, cnmmms. ls.EI~`LEC- Tons. and Sl{A.DI'-:,.,o1_ every rnulnlv nl Illa As can be made in_this or any other county, - A. CROKER, ` (`.n?nr ah-not Ema! Run-in |uUNANn%L0oKsMmrs%| V `in WV lJLUV\J IIJ\\rv.nII- DYE 'l`lJl`l'~` with iulldlrectlons for use at the ' - NEW DRUG STORE- |-1::u-u-`--1? tulsnl 1\I' AIYII ECRG}I\"S PILLS. - Warrnnxed to cute Oouzhs, Colds, Oamrrl1s,Eead|che,Dys- peps1a,M1d Liver Complaints. @'For sale evarywheue. V I 28-Iy-1' .. -_..-.-~ .__._ ._....___..:_._L _LLl_ curuy, uuu at luuuuralv 1n.'.urcBl.-7Ap- ylj (0 ARDAGB & STRATHY, SOHCHOIIV, Harrie. ' ' Z-G6 0Nl.Y `Tum nmvr AND PUREST mums AND mnnxunxcs so:-1 nt I'Inn ` respectfully announces to the public that he has commenced bueinesv. in the above line; and is prepared to repair , Guns, Lqcks, Sewing Machines, , on reasonable terms, and on the shortest notice NEW onus stone, nAnn|s.| JIIAIJVVWIII-I I Barrie, June 26, 1873. :11%:":a1.-rm wmrnq LIV: I LL_Im|5I ER Y| D BESS`-1\;IAKIN`G 2 WARDRUBES qppgur Ann sow. `?@.%3,`fa` . - ~ - . -- - - 3 Lately from England, respectfully informs the public of Barrie anddvicinity that she has open- ' , e out a |M1LL1NERznij,g;ss-MAme1 [1, D. ."'ruwAm. u.u.p. H.H_-Money to Lend. %Bearrie,0nta1fi o; 1inursaay,; October 2,}'1s73. Barrie, July 3, 1373. _ _Em%ABJT_u%%s1s=I 2 doors West of the Wzingion Hotel, And will `guarantee to make the most fashionable rm rmuarccarln irmux Karrie, July 16. "13. IUIIB. Illlll an {At the m`Es3"T;~i'Ii' `;`sE,'"' `"7" DC'JIIhEaIINIE3'E" `M ` mmassmss nt ..-.~. c....`..... :;. `o.'.'._... '...A .' -1..'.:.. .... u..; Of any __hnuae in town, And as cheap as the ( cheapea't. Mrs. Rowell hsvjng had` an exten- sive gxpexiencg in England 18 prepnredoi `full all orders,en$mat.e'd to-herppromptiy, stylishly, And cheaply. ` ' . *` iLa gi_es_and; qntlemnn canlgq i * amb ihmeht with very good - un `at the IJIII \zn::nran;I1,1I!i!I..!=[ImIrI%:\E ` v - ,,-..-_ ____,:.A_A__,T___|_ ___ __ C H BOSANKO, SURGEON DENTIST, u . (successor to J. O. Mccauialand), . Willbein Collingwood on the lat. gi ' l and 2nd; Orillla.` 16th, _l'lIh ` Ill `and 18th, Hllladala 25th, and Stnyner, on the last day of each month. All other days he can be found in his oico, on Collier Street, opposite the Post Oice, Barrio. Special mention given to lling teeth with gold. Sets of beautiful Tepth at $16. A good opening for A student. ` ' W R T ml hnh` 4:" nan-n: nnnnnilln? '0! VDVUNLOP STR-EETI, 3412313, jfljn Annwimn TVTRRANTED. In-in. Inna `)5. '|R7.'l E264 V . .1 - 5.-'74.: 51.005 01 . .1 5'1."'19" ` on hand for safe It`: low"gut.` Wynn} uh-not Rn:--In had-nHH"E H IIHIIII IUF Bil-IU II I IUW IIKLIVKVA , _ ` ` '1 Front street, Barrie, betwa 117:8 W .-\Rbi-ke n _and Pulln.n 5-uto:Is.~- . ,._; ;,-I r Sedt.`__3,: !3~._.- V '; . ' :4 -_a.\Ja.vaJ > I7: nnnl and ll .-uh:-o-1.2.... `I'.`.n-I.):.'h:o.3n"r An Ag the` busy souonvis. in _&nf,nd,A , panis mua do'wll lo``:_ll` any] iamine the ggemgnfipug stock .. at ~ . MuUL\'.\,T Dullullm, wluunzn currnns & SLEIGHS. i:iIily1|`liIqll'n:;`:scon}nItIIn__ III; on lum_l,, 1 ;-nlnounaajo to 0.:-don: ' % P'`*"*i;"'."1' 'x""'.-.;.!,`.'f1:""'!.-'.- % 5 M IXWIUX TICIVQ -, C C I. `K 4 . "At-1_Cl,i1.5iiII` iguitags. . ` b 4 Ladins waitgd ujion ;t.Ag1eii- ioqidgngb, 5; _ P. S.--All kinda of PATTERNS, eongightly ; l ' I . ui haridY6`r lbii`'giik6.` - v `3133 g mxw quuuuty in sun unou pry us AmI9ANT% oomatns T6 ALEVNfon 8pf;)V`dV`i;;g?.(?1.I;;0- curity, and at moderate In'.ereat.-eAp- no ARDAGH &. S'I`RA'l`i-lY_ Solicitors; -joj- Dz. THO 34.1 5.93;. "iEii 6i: i:iIEiZ m be mnda in this or nnv other cnunnv. 1.1! UH vv 0 ,,|_u\J.1..u.|._';_4 Is, `.l_3gbuI9_t.anc_! Udelking Estphliuhnjgnj one I dodthwat-oi-the -Welha" on iuo:az,~-15q1- - l_ug g*Blq'lc'4 A ria'.~ =- I m..s:g1.;,r.r....: u1atg+y_1;`sI;' -i'n_An3;.Ia'i"l1ij.t`1-- '-4\Y\l'!II'it1EGI.' : SHOP, _Prove it by ;-alling at the FF?THFE- NEW mum szroms. rv-1-1: _.-.l.qn- ...II ' .:l-nnnnlltnina I \A IJL\LJ$ STORE ON 1 b 1;] `n the Town oAl?Bdr'z-l'aV,` `Md 1433- yr;1:)rning, containing the pu In mewwf the day, and all matters 1'1'i: ` advsrcur $2.00 ifhotpaid at the 51` irgpxion. - me of gubu. ev.I[y Tm . - ' he County. Price . . wme atfmraoft pernuln -Sl1linesor undenrstineertiou AV"5w- subsequent one mic. Ovvex-six "ma ; eac.. rlino p3t inS_(':VrVtl;)n; aach `sub- "n`.-:: S I9 ~A -- . ununnu, Collier street East, Barrie _._.._. --1 AND I. A, an Iauv-' NEW DRUG STORE. \.II.IJ _29-ly /`germ l Hy life has lime enough of bliss: , I drngshe dye of the odd eleven, Oouhting the time that shall lead to this- The month that opens the hunter's heaven. And oh I for the mornings crisp and white, With the sweep of the hounds upon the track; The hark-roofed cabin, the c sxnp-re : light, The break of the deer and the rie`s crack. Theta comes a month in the `waxy year-- A inonth of leisure and healthful teat; When the ripe leaves fall, and the air is clear: Odtober: the brown, the crisp, the bleak. . Do you call this triing? I tell you, fziend, A life in the forest is past all praise, Give me a dozen such months on end- You may take my balance of years and days. -Fo1-blrick and mortar breed filth and crime, And a pulse of evil that throbs and beats; :Aud men grow withetd bsfor theihprime vWith the_ curse paved in on the lanes and streets; V - And lungs are choked, and shoulders are bowed In the smothering reek of mill and mine; And Death stalks in on the struggling crowd, But heshuus the shadow of oak and pine. . \,~\ xx r \/\.'~/~.,\.._r~/\a-__r\/\/'\./`\ Ljticb LEND.--Apply to JAMES ED~ I WARDS,- Royal Inaurouce Oioe, Barrie. And of all to which the memorv clings. There is naught so sweet as the sunny spots Where our ahsntiea stood by the crystal springs The vanished bounds and the lucky shots. It was n shaggy beast, and asniky one, a great black monster, whxoii people never fondled. If they did it once, they never did it at second time ; "for the grow! with which Morgan re- ceived such attentions `was not affeo- .t.ionate. But there was "one person besides his matter for whom he had a wiig oi the tail and a !o;k that was not threatening, and thnttwas Clark's sister Winnie. She could play with it andpull it about to her heart s con- ent. ' ' T V lPhere was something in. little odd in the circumstances of tbese I .aynor s.` Mr. Raynor, the father of the two had been twice married. His elder chtld` was Clark. There had lollowed four. others, all ofwhom had died. Lastly came Winnie,-.tiiIeen years younger than Clark. With her. birth the f mother died. For yearethis child was the pet and idol of the house; The father seemed o_nly to exist in her presence,_ and the brother would leave anything when her childish voice called him. v'l hen Mr. Raynor Lnarried again. 3: I ""' G"'_' The marriage was very displensing to his son.j Mrs. Ware was a widow, ` with a son nearly as old as Clark, but ; without any property; and Mr. Bay- f not was rich. Clark always disliked ` Willard Ware, and always saidhis ' mother was after money in the mar- riage. The three years of the marriage were iserable ones for all concerned. 113;. in house `divided against itself. atlrthlly Mr. Raynor rather took his ' wifeffpart,' though he would not take sides `between the boys. Winnie was . a bone of contention. The father and ` brother were fond of her; the step- mother and step-brother pretended to I be; and endless contentions and jea- l lonsies arose in. consequence. The child liked to be petted and attered, as all children do, and took most to that ;o_n`ej_-w`ho,was able to render the ` most tribute. e 1, ` j. -w 5 I T nu .- 1.1 -. - 1 Then the fathenfv died, and a new queat1Qn__rose : who should have charge ` of thevgul? VI'here Ciark-, now tw_enty~ M ve years eld, resqlved to g/ht to the Z .da' th,-and he won. ' Winnielwas par , uaded to go` with .l1iign, though she _ gould not be_persuaded_t`o dtstgust he; I pfetended '_1ends.- *'I haeproperty-was dxvided Into three parts--the wife, sea, I and daughter each one-third, pad" an 01d L {pend of `Mg. Raynor s, 3Doctor Slade} was uppomted the` little ;gi_rl a_, `_g er_d1an. Mrs. A,Rayn_or had ?=r1_9.'_ ,1`5?3?I"er. hub6nd'.t !ave Ztiie `child-mid" his ` priiperty `in her. Teharge. but bed tailed to win his `con- " sent. Perhaps she` had been tooeaget. She and her nnn n9i :n-i-.'xn:nu f'u-Ania Iuul. Lu-nay: mu: msu DECK] L00 eager. . 35.--9'14 `W .8!1_went.aw9Y from ythn town of Bergen` soon after her hus- T band's death, audlived` in an -old place that had been her'grandfathet s, which she was now able to purchase. .'Win- 7 ndand _he: brother` Vconumied .td;live in the old home at Bergen`. The days, 4 wotazasain .happy'.fa`rithc m.w:1 _edae ` odmev-13! to. she .deoaiira.ted hbme; and all 8.119, glqud ;|ed-there was I theihought of their dead tathexi. . "V ` I . Thanh; ravrnno wan... *4 .'_: I...L no`- `__.f tun tuuusuu In unuu `Luau IIIBIIUI. " ,,Wi_nni_e,grAewAapaoe.i:in: beauty and ` lovalinbss, as wcltjaa-_ in yeats. A. ` sli;n,bright~g1rI abe waa,;w,i`lh taking :3 wny_s_,V,and.,n geqexog_1s:- he_a`-.-. {It was ` `g 901` , _ro9gh ,1. 99;-looted ' : Moggun. alone s `V*.!.`3!|.;;.'0!.9.7-l1...5: his, ftoylpihg-~.>biow ` fog he_r_.,_ :Al_ls, tj1_g_.nrou :-Joikaf smiled ` wh`!ff3:ppmred.A.!oshSl btothotg ' 5,!hs.:xa9:tke;;BE`*"~vW;7!* Knives; 7 _l} P. Y _}3` `r 9:.:l..,93?:_$ Qt}; Auiala F CLARK l{AYNOR S DOG. I01 student. _ _ N.B --I will hold all parties. responsible for ,j the amountof money-paid to 51.10. Kconualnnd ` for work, he beingbqund by.ra_n obligatiqnfor a_ i large umoumof inoney,-"noHo do'any~ Work in ' No-ch Simeon, Run, or Innisl for the next ve yearn . .Ez!ra,cImrgu made for profem'anal.m'IilI- 5-ly ` ` 0 H. BOSANKO. 9Q\'i`C)BER. .FnV2r/1, The Jlldine for October; JUII Will: It was now Winnie s turnfo blush, though apparently with as little rea- son ; for neither of them paid or re- ceived partioular attention to or from anyone ; and if there wastany love, it huld never been owned or declared. Perhaps that stately, quiet young lady at Mr. Conrad s--his ward, Miss Gard- uer--might have caught `a lingering glance from Clark, and possibly Win- nie s blush might have been a little deeper when Clarence Wymauvaddress- ed her; but itwas all in perhaps. No- body had begun to talk, and we all ' know that people always begin to talk before anything happens. frhn turn nnan.-' mlririn in H-in unrnn- UUAUIU llyl-llll-IE uuppuua. -The two were sming in the veran- do. on a. warm Sunday in May. The apple trees in their garden were in bloom, pansies starred the ground, and windows full of plants made the air fragrant. The birds sahg all about, bees were hummingnf it were Sun- day, and the sunshine was glorious. They _had_ been to church, and had their early dinner, and `this was their after-dinner lounge. Both felt happy and lazy, and disinclined to move or to talk-`much. ' :1 T W, I 1 CIO'II I I I ' I wonder where Willard and his mother are 1" Winnie said, at length. We haven t hnard from them this long time, have we ? :1 T 1-.-); ,._,, . . I, I .a In Iuillll ll-JIIUII I l ululug Iluvu WU : I don t-want to hear from them ! Clnrlraaid, with a savage look.` . hope they will keep to themselves!" U Nrnul -`Ann ! kn nyinba nah-I H1 IlU`lD lvlliiy VVIII CUP LU I-IIULIIDUIVCDE .Now,-'don t be wicked, said" the sister, half-laughingly, half--coaxingly Wish them well on Sunday, if you` do not on any other day of the Week. HT nn":.|-. eknm trial` n..t`.\l nv\Iv II LI) KAIDIIDUI Do you know, Clark, she put sued, Willard was mlher sweet the lust hme I saw him. when` I was in Baron. you know. Ireally think-he is as fond sf me as you are. {Hark fnrnovl `nnnn hnr ylIr`r'nr\`!r i I-_II|li In: uuuvu Illa uuuu uwuy-4 I dorft see why` you should talk of my getting. married, vou goose," he stud. ' It 1s much more hkely that -yon'vciH; ` I 14- runs nnur `Hi...-.C,.7.. Ono-IIVA `Hunk y can: 6 -ly I'Vl.I_'9 Ofllll, \_JIlD luluuuuucu. Winnie liked to tease, and she thought her brother unreasonable m his dislike. T .1l\, , , I run. 1 u n UL_ llcluvlln _ What did he say 1 her brother asked, uneasy, mace she d1d_not speak. ` H "n (":4-In ? cnu nnul]1:nn aha an. que_stion. H non r \.lV.AJ\JIt uu any IJ|II!?l LIE!-y Ul `I13 VVWUIXI I wish them wel!--out.'o1 my way, said, Clark, uumollied.` \17nn3.. 1. !--21 0.. 0..--.. .....l -1... U-0 luuu vs ux\. nu yvu BIG: Clark turned upon her, suddenly wide awake. j 1 ' Winnie, it is nothing to jest about. If that fellow has set his eyes upon you, he is after your money. I forbid you to have anything to- do with him. I can t _]0k6 about him. The girl pouted. It was not pleasant to be Vcommaudiad; still loss was it pleasant to hearithut any man in the "world thought moi-aof her money than of herself. n.I1YL A I'\ 1 no: I I _.I DPUERO He didn t say anything, she an- swered, rather shortly. T H mu! `n-1:.` ha (`n 7 , man {Ha nnvi 7 IIIWWUU, III IIII - I i "I don t know what I shall do when 1 yonget married, Clark," she said, one ,day, I shall! hnvo to go into a con- - vent, I suppose. For as to staying here and see somebody else monopolize 1 you, I won't`! ' war an:-no -nnnnn l\- -0}...-. PIA.-L UI.l L VVUII I. 3 V F or some reason or other, Clark blushed very much at this--so much, {that he turned his head away.. .v `F T Anal ! coo tn}-H4 unu cl-unnl ooh. n` liUU|vlUIIa Dear me, Clark !` she replied`, [with u a peltish laugh, he only did what gallant gentlemen usually do. He brought. my shawl, and waited on me every way, and got a carriage, and paid for it himself." UThv did unn Int him mu: fnr if IHIU IUI l|- uuuauu. Why dud you let him pay for 1t, Winnie 3 her brother asked, reproach- fully. Yuu know thatl have been scrupulousnot to owe them a penny for anything. They have got a third at mm 7 41:1`-uav n vurnnnu-in nnrl Iknu I':;'&'ti%"c"iii;:;, ii)':iof I Surveyor, Valuer, &c'., B arrie. IUI uuyuuug. Lucy IIOVU SUI (I lllllll of .my hfathefs property, and they wouldhlike to get the rest. I am sur- prised that you wuuld let him put you under an obligation `of that sort. Don ! you see that it Jentitles him to some attention, if he comosihere ? H "`7;1ll T9... -......... f`I.-..I- 7 nLn 5-54` [would be glad; to be In her place, or V indeed, in his. _ . 1 cc I Ann ! 1.--... .l...o 1' .I....n .1- ...1..... llCll|I\Jll, ll `[10 UUIIJUH IICIU 2 Well, I m sorry, Clark, she said, penitently. _I tried to pay, but he said there was nothing to pay. The fact is, he bbed, and 1 was obligedto believe him. . ' -` A ThVes'1); sat in displeased silende. Winnie watched him ouzof the cor- ners of her blue `eyes. u '1.` `A You `never asked `me what. he looked, Clarke, 3116 said, utter 9. little while. ' He looked unuttensble 'thinga.f . . ~ x... ram: an haunt-rfn urn": Onvnn m(`3ll?a.'1'. ros, and began to Walk to `and fl0. ` - u I L_.._ __.. __- ..-s ....:.._ 5.. _l-.- l.w.'.`I hope you are; not gdiqg to play. me false, Winnie I. hg.su_i_d,.in an agi- ' tated voice. ' 1:11.- `__'_L:_.`;`-I_'.__-'__ _'.:_'_'_.'| L9... __ gawu vogue. A ` > - ; The ttbject. always stirred him up, and his 'aisto_; s .trend ly feelings to- wnrdshis foes was a source of great _t.toub!e to him." ' n'--__~ _L_ -____'_1 _.._I ;._-2'1:'_;`u_:,.. How she `coaxed and pacied him, let those `guess who have been subject- ed by the, wiles of. her sex_,-or who have pIf_a0li86_d them-f Pealoe` was re- etdred,_'ahd '.'tl'e siqbjn of discussion dropped. \. ' T V - when if mama tnwnvda Imntimn Hun `IIUPJIUKCI ` . ` when it came townds tea-tim.e,. the two roused themselves, and went out 101' a vs_n_uI:. rn|_-_.._|_-.'__-_ ,.. .l__ ___.,'1_'s .- p _\\x.\\ V` \-.\.~.-\\~-~x\-.~~.\s~~.~.-.~.~~x\-. -\ RS. HAMILTON & McCONKE`Y,-Res?- .1pnm.-(`.nHier atrert. RAE-rie. Ont. IUI II VV"-IBv Their place was on the outskirts of i the town; behind it was a dense"'p1an- vtation; `Beyond that again was a broad `road that "rau- past, but not di- rectly into, the town, connecting the ;town "of Baron, [where Mrs. Raynor :end'her' sari "lived, and` the seaport town of Marissa. The woods stretched `along, ., hiding the town `of `Bergen ' from` this road, but it was ten minutes _ well: frorbiedge`1to"Aedge.~~ Stillginanow gs7the`s_trip was, it was so thick that 1 one-` seemea t(3"be'1n=-ai forest.` :,v`JIVL'r.". A'..".-:r--_'b.....--.I 11- --- -L..l ..-..-` WUIUU, HLLIIFI 5l|UKllyo Whardid he do 3 was the next uu auolucu by UC All It IUIQUH ` The -`mic `returned Ato tea, and sepa- rated immediatelly after. Clark had to --go, down; to jhis oiae for axfhour or two, hgugh .19 was Sunday. He wusaland-1.Ben,t,~und thexewerel two ,- .or~.thu?e_:pBpArsw_l1ioh would be want.- 3?!-;,3*|,!1Y.1h..B;:'!.|o..xt`morning that : he` bad i . 3? 5g91tg9;;,:.g ..m_gke;;:d`qt.- Ibo night lbe-' 9: slnrfguu,can.cgay7with. you,{_ Clark 3331!}; ff} _cl9l:V vl:gII;1 : t him hanging. about $09 N6? 40. Whole No. 1102. I p) wpu pmuauxu wuuu urst sue SEW mm. Hus business went on not quite so fast, but more pleasantly for that chance meeting, for he had to pause so often to think of her look, that it was nearly ten o'clock before he was ready to go home. no kn : kllnm n _.___________ ' . 1 `.1 He walked on past Mr. Conrad : house. In the garden sauutered. a lady, with a scarlet mantle thrown on over her lavender-colored dress. She had calm, grey eyes, light hair, a. stately gurenand a sweet amile,Clurk s bxonzed face flushed as he raised his hat -to her,, and his smile lingered aiter he had passed by, for her greeting had. been very gentle and kind and he thought that her. face had brightened with pleasure when first she saw him. In hlindhnnn cvvnnb Au` Ip\r\' -.._ lcuu, mu 5U tlUluU. He had been a year acquainted with "this lady, but never once had his in- tercourse been other than that of a mere acquaintance, so far as anyone else knew. "I! that silent, pntentin ueuce which is felt by two hearts that iriesistibly gravitate towards each other was felt by them, no one else was aware of it. It is an inuence which iselairvoyunt. It needs neither looks nor words. At the same time, it is ns_delicate and {rail as the mist that rises from dew. A breath may hide it, e wmd may banish it. The possessor is Sure one minute, the next he I3 ready to think that he has greatly deceived himself. f'H....l. ..-.`II_, ,1 v - nus ul IICH o After all, I supposeAIneedn t be angry With her `tor being lenient to them,he mutterad. I don't wan! her to be as bittar as I am in any- thing. It isn t he: nature,nnd wouldn't becomerher. Besides, I wouldn t have her understand so well the on! of the world. ED. IlALll11L'ULV E lIlCUULV1L!`.r`l.,*-[Sl`!BZ- Jence--Col1ier street, Bai-tie, Ont, mx uuxxxrcx, ` 1'. o.u'commr, n. D cqaoxzn. ' 34.0., It 11.0.9. usuwuvvu uuuauu. Clark Walked home the way he came. Mr. Conrad's house, shone whltely through its emboweriug loll- age, and one light burned like aster in an upper window. He leaned on the gate under the lilacs, and looked up at that window. A shadow passed slow- ly before 1'!-a female figure in a loose gown, with long hair hangingover the shoulders. l'1l_._L1 u I uva-J 0 `H,eaven bless her 1" he whispered, with another gianceg then he went slowly homewards. The night `air was still, and through it, as he neared his home, came a long,iaint sound, like the how} ofa dog. [0 emn...1.... Inn, I-I II ' ul yuu Auuxgnn UH um H6110. Clark walked down the street thinn- ing of her. 1: Ah... .1! I ...... _. t_..I h I-- I-IIJBI Itsoundsa little like Morgan, he lhoughl; but it can t be. It may be Mr. Campbell's dog beyond the woods. This Mr. Campbell had ndog very like Morgan, and nearly related to him. ' ` ~ ~ run I bur: OVUHlll5n `Winnie kissed her hand as her broth- er looked round, waved her hnndker chief laughingly at him, and stooped to pat Morgan on the head. (`lurk nrnllpn Ann... cl... ..o---a ALL - HIIVWAWRII #70 Clark's chc-`cks burned in the dark- ngss. u .....m was auu suuug In me vemu-- di, waiting for him. ' He hoped she had her shawl over her, for the air was damp with dew. Hewentto the piazza, but did not see her ; he went into the parlor, and she was not there; he went through room after room, without nding her. Winnie! he called up the` stairs, and received no answer. She can : be asleep," he thought; and went out into the kitchen. ` unlu- Clark saw V no light in lhe_ front oi the house as he went up. Pexhaps Winnie was still sittmg in the (1-1. Wainna fur Mm LL. 1....) -L- _ ..-_-..__....-.._._. .. . _._.-.__.. ""_'T. .-T It was not yet sunset, and the even- ing was superb. Wmnie sat on the prazza, when her brother went out at the gate. He looked back and saw her sitting there, with Morgenlyiug at her feet. There was no one else in the house but httle Betty May, the table-girl. All the other se-rvant::,. three of them, had leave of absence for the evening. . -Wihnnrn Inn--cul t.;.. 1......) .-- I--- L----|- Betty sat there, and Jane the cook, and Peter the gardener and conohman had just come 1:1. He asked for his sister. - u IIYI, ,_ D. G _SIITHERL AND, Veterinary " Bu:-goon; Graduate of Ontario vererlnar 0010,36. Deopatuhoa 6: mail,; to egram, or othorwioo, promptly attended to. Oice` and .~ A Bloom on door out of the Com- merciol Hotel. Barrie, (Vsnov_To1_-y s` old, Livety Stables.) ~ ` ~ * ' Mr Why, sir. she isn't in the house, said Betty, "I thought she went out `with you. She put on her hat, and went outbefore sunset. I saw her coming down stairs dressed for a walk. ` Clark's heart leaped with fear. Where is Morgan 1 he Inked. Morgan went wxth her, sir--et least he is_n t abqut." : -Get a lantern and come with me, ` Peter! Clark cried; and you June, go down to the Marions and `see It she ' is there; : He started out .for the woods, Petey xunning after him with the lantern. Could Winnie have been so imprudent as to go walking there alone, and have met with an accident`! Beech- ing the edge of the wood, Clark stop- d and whistled loudly, then listened. - heIe.was no sound. He whisued egaxn as loudly as he could. Thara lung a pause,` than long'and far away, came back the answering how], 1; was Morgan. ..oIu -_ __ -vs .` n. . Thu way . PNCI!" said Clark breathiessjy, starting in thddirectiori of the sound. In a few minutes he wbistladxasain. and again came the answer, this time the bowl breaking `into bark. Whatever the danger or pain,Ihe`oreatu.e knew that deliver. genes was near. A ' They plunged on in hot haste, Clark taking_ therlantem, and his ser- vant stumbling on after hun. Nar- ' er and neuter cnme the answonto their call, till the joyful bark J! Morgan re- vealed just befdre'fthet_Il," his`dn":'k form showing under the ifqea. Clark dig): his breath hard. Whbte `wag W;i);'u3 1 Ho 'ealIo1'd,her `name `and lqoI6d,'nbon,t, sauroely notigikg th'e dog';'b`ut_h'gw no} t hoard nothi'dgt`o h'qri._t " - ` " liwhnti air. . nu-. ;a...;;iE; '-.g~ `iqintn ~?4` IIUGIII IIUBIIIIIS U] ` net.` 'PdC_6l a -6... , J * . ;;'~ ' '. . Why : *" Wveii.;;2;~a%.:? % ` unau- Suro enough `Was? and found that Ii ationg_xopoI had been `dog's body, and`th_ mink `In. lfn In -AAb"- "" . c1&:kj15ka` tied tightly ugbhhd `the midt,6 nib` Ill! 5: uuuy, unu. 188 of a. tree. In ha 93 And 32 00 if not paid in advance. V can be In: '1: ., __ P vear. 0l'd:l to 4`-iaconti:'m`e `Aux- "Wise. me.ns to be mndeiu w;-mu V aperd .e pxi ,except at the option on - publish discontinued [mm M . . 1 mar . 380!` UIIO IIIII IUQUIIU I5 ".1 shall search and question every- where, madam," said Clark, ercely. I don t care who is angry. Wherever my eyes turn, there will Isearch to the. bottom of everything. Wherever there is a place for her, there willl search. " You had better nd out if she has not eloped` with some lover, and had the dog `tied as a blind," retorted the angry woman. Clerk turned upon her. ` It you dare to breathe a word that will reect on my sister, I will make you repent it in dust and ashes! he said with concentrated rage. All that the investigation in their case brought out-was, that Mrs. Ray- nor and her son had driven over to Marissa that day to hear a famous preacher, and; had got home late at night. 'l`hey were really at Marlsea, and were seen to start. for home about seven o'clock in the evening. That they had passed the woods about the time that Winnie must have been there, was no real proof against them. They were in a covered` vehicle, and drove slowly. They heard nosound, and saw no one, they said. But III the course of the investiga- tion, facts came out that were un- known before. Mrs. Raynor, by [001- ish inveztments, had lost all her money, and the house she had bought was mortgaged to almost its full value. So much the more intcreathad they in Winnie s disappearance, since, ac- cording to the father's will. if she should die unmarried. her portion was (0 be divillzari mm-'l!u hnhvnnn lune Utlllllllull IIIIKI Fucy HUI VII IIIUI I-I935` mg of the disappearance of her utop- duughIer, turned their servants out to aid in the quest? Had they not offer- ed a reward for information of the ab- duction? and so on. It was nuturnl she should resent such distrust, and she did resent it. ll` ..L._|I _--._-L _._.l -..-..a:.... -.._`_.._ `IVUUUII IIIIIJ DUII IIIVUVIJ IIIIWIIII 3.9! It was a gross insult, ahe progstod, and Clark ought to be ashamed of himself. She and Willard were not to be accused and treated like common criminals. Had they not, on first hear- rna n5` Hun Jinan:-unnrnnnn of hair ninn. uuuuiu nu: uluuuriiuu, uur puruuu WI! to be divided r_`l.{'ii.lly between her brother and step-gnotlier. In all this seeicli. poor Morgan had no: part_igipa!cd. He was too lame to walk, and had been obliged to stay at home and be nursed by Betty. Clerk was too wild with g. let and thousrht to think of anything else; besides, in Morgan : `scent was not good for much, he was not of any great use. Poor Clark was to be pitied during those days. All the horror: that his imagination could conjure up, hehad inves'ed his sister's state with; all the exhaustion of continual search, sleep- lessness and fasting, he endured. If people were kind and helpful, he did not know it. _, Even when Miss Gerd- ner, with tears in her tender eyes, and e tremor in her tender hand, touched his arm and said, aottly : I nnn I kn Ainnnnvnnntl (`Lenin u T lnnl _LVUUU\|y uuu IIUIIIU Ul DUUII Il IllIII`I Fqr days every Inch of thnt wood was searched for signs of the abduc- lion, but no clue was guinea. Thu country mug with the oultago, but no trace of the criminal waslound. Ro- wurds were obrcd la: and near; eveny suspicious ciroumsmnoo was in- yeatignted. V -'I'7n tho `tn-mi} inriiannlinn nf Mm _ v uaugnuuu. i'l,`o the `great indignation of Mn. Rgtynor, her house was seatohed,nnd herself and son closely interrogated. It ulna n arnuu innnh Ihn nrnln-(AH KIIW EIILI Elli-I BU-I JUIIIJ I Don t be discouraged, Clark ; I feel that she will be found yet, it scarcely gave him a moment's pl-insure. Dal-hone fcl1a 1111:` Hannah! N nnnh-I KIVU IIIIJI C IIIUILIUILL 3 |n"'unun1. Perhaps, if she had thought it could impress him much then, she would not have been so affectionate. Speak- ing to him was so like speaking to an insensible person, that her pride and delicacy. took no alarm. - H Mu lunar! nnhnu lnr nnn rnu (`nan UUHUCIUJ. I-UUB NU UIKIIIIIJ My heart achgs for you, my _dear Clark! she whispered, seeing his bag- gard face. 1` I-`lnnvnn Elana. unn `nun Is. an. u`.`ul-i;;:'.en bless" you, love, he an- swexed, faintly . Thain nynn nn nlinvn-:-A on. .-.!n_ Hrie ;1`1baL-I'iP' f ` 5` 9n1,gequent_ _12c. Oven-six .5-3 3 ,erlir:o,rst ms_ez-non; iixntono 2.: Professional. or` 5uamea_a Egrds 64 De, y.;,n~_ $3 for en: zinontha, 1f ' moreumnten lmeg. Specis.contracta M '1 m:'le by he year, 9: parts of: '1 Ufdcli 4`-iaco.n_tinue Advertise- ...= :15 nm_deiu` wrmng. ' _,.n .11 *_.___,,, 9 ~51: lines or under, rs {insertion- VIUWU-VUUO ` lllllll I The man went. as fast as-the dul- ness; would lot him ; Clark Iouohod frantically, Morgan limpi ` after him. There was no sign of _ uanio any- where, and no sign of anyone. also. Yes, close to where the dog had laid bound was a rag of black coat-lining, that had been torn from tho coat of the person who bound him; and the under-brush was trampled here. But th:re was no step that could be iden- H ml II-U; A company came soon with luntorlu to search the woods through and thlough. They went to the 3110!. Road and searched there, but found. no sign. Carriages had passed lately, but that signied nothing; they won constantly passing irom town to town. Nobody had heard or seen anything. Wu: i-{mun nunru inn}: nf that Innne` QVVDIVI-I lqlully I There was no surprise nor excito- ment. It was as though they had been lovers long before. (Mu: nthnr won H54: .. Iuu.6l.-- on uvou Ivvwlo Iuus uvlvlu. A One_ other was like. a btother to Claxk, and. no less moved than he. Clarence Wyman gave up business and pleasure, and devoted himself to search- ing for Winnie day and night. u I'll lull Hm man that did a. nu... n ~p';):;I:'.l:lB had giii ououfhyib that he could noteven mad`. . u`lV.....l.......l n...... I ....I.-o :n I uun.uu vuulu uv6.iI1l*.l|o'..'-v.~}'_`;_if-. coniound thqm! hlili` V ' `I nauie have theydono with Il0`i'_1f -"' M In -those'WaIesL, the brother ifnt. Hquy `I,-am : to town fot the ' , Peter. Don t lose a minute. ` , ll up Barton Strtanga-and Mr. Adams Got a crowd out. Run ! 'I"L.. ...-.. ...._..a .. l....I _- IL- 4|--In [I15 IUI IV IIII-IIU C, `u ulglllo I'll kl the man that did it, Clark, he said. If I have to hang I'll kill him." _.__..L _-_--l __1 in n u lllllll A month passed, and Morgan had gotwell; but he went about with a drooping head and haggard eyes. Either he was ill, or he pinod for his young mistress. {fun Ira!` Inlltnran O`-un Inn. A` 7....- 1 VII I16 IIIIDUIVQCO One day towards the last of June, Clarence Wyman executed a project for which he had been preparing. Sonie little items had been gathered by him,80me lime suspicions strength- ening in his mind. . Morgen had good eyes, and never forgot 9. face not 9. Voice. ul L_..- _-...-n_:__, , ` . run .. Vvnvuo I have something up at Cla1k a that I want you to see, Mr. Ware, the young man said. Will you oomo up now 1" Willard Warn urn-n Q-plus -|:..|.aI.. -:\./'\/\/u `, 1` new `LESSONS.-PROF. - is prepared to give instructions at the re nidence of pupils; and also at his own _roIi-? dsnop-... Pianos Organs and Ielod ' ,5` ` df wnnama.=`:zs:&:e5a;a:.&n%3i=fi'zm4 aalnn umlv at big Ruideneo. .116 doors Walt . _ L. OAISSE. .'Pinnist and - Organist, bugs to intimate that he ; ' I-Ill IIVW l Willard Ware now grow slightly, over so slightly palet. It What in it 1" 1.- --I.-.I ...:n. __ uvul av uusuuy PAID!- What is it 3" he asked, with an attempt at catelessneas. " 0, please let me make a secret of that, was the reply. It isn't much --that is, it may not be much. ' RI]? unn Hnnny lnub -...I I _..- _-~ --u-uslv 1-3, In nuuy HUI U6 lnllc." . But you know Clark and I no not `onfsuch good terms as warrant mo in going to his house, the other ob'ootcd. I` I unsung-v fa- IL-| ll _.: l\|__ minis oIlieVt":>Bjee'te. II will answer for that, aid Clar- ence Wyman, gmwing inoxe deter- mined as the other hesiatod;_ 'l`l-mi. an;-ugl .___ 1., ,- L.-A A uuuvu In IIIU usuux l108|FIW9Ge Theta seemed nothing for it but to go. Well, the suspected men knew that if there wexe `any proolegainel `him, they "could loree him to go which- er they would; and, 11 it wuonly suspicion, he had beue: go without hesitation. Butmili when they teach- ed the gate. `inhink what they meant.` TheI'o.'*!- at` pad, with 3 Tblinohing,'(IQi:i>;?"3 ~ M ` ujlfl-no 4L -N gkiiaie .1 : .~_. 1.... - UIIIIUIIIUK 130.0 '- ' ' - " What do,-you..w'nnI of mo hero I he cried out. . I;-r;'look_u I won t go withouc,dnn oxpluuaI.ion. '~ , AI Anunsnn IE-' `IT...._.-._ -4. .,'- I -I .. v.. v - n --.-v--- `u vayllldllvllc For answer, Mr. Wymun oponod tho (gate; Just __ins1de of it lay Momma, qnooon, under afrgo. 1!, qicl/If of tha_ -?9"'.`?..V. 93 mum " ' . .. -. 5" `?" .`: V` /`LI w\ , 4:: D;- n1'rrrin mastsous. .-- PROF} ;5n2n.:=:m1c Notices. ,.,il1'i?(I.l-_I]J1.'DfB55i01I*-'. deuce, Pinoa,Qxfg|na, gng gexoqe z_;g(v:Q95|; nudfhpalred. ; _iP6r{3;tezI:II..Ihd Iur hex` ptri ealan apply at his Residence, two doorI.WOIt_ or the Barrie Foundry, Dollie; ltreetg Blrrie-1 Bnrrin.'Nmmmhm- uh. "1372. - * 45-ti _. _ - _/--'v\.r ~\r \_.\, V-\/x/x. ` ;; (}-u"1`1`R, County Cx:own Attornngl. ` ggm-isler. Z30 ._Barrie. 41 -... -., _..- ._._._..... _.... __--_.______- _____.. ANADA PE.\1ANEN'l` BUFLDING AND, savnms s<)c'.m'1'. T - lino Olmcu--MASQNI_g HALL, TORONTO. CAPITAL. t:p1,500,000. To [Fm-mexs and - Landowners! n I.., 111.; 1- 11_,,,_.A utncycrs Qlurbs. 1:11.` `BHWQ IUBUFRUCO UOHlpBDlC5.-'U|[l.Ge . Hrick Block, over Rnwsoxa Store 355 I; we DB|'l'le rounury, u_mua_r 8I;rie,'November `(I _. 18723. HE: , Jan.l 1862 .._......__... joun_) to ilcnh. Is In! aux . F`."`.`zf 3 Boomxugg a._n}! Runrxadone on the 51,5, rfucilmes 9! the Esmbl sh- are more complete than-any ohor. . Toronto, having been_ carefully 1 every particular. ?_ur.`-....a ahnnld be addressed to the AVlLLlil'L.. A. ().E., P,L.s. -IV LIIILJLVALI wuu .l.ALl.\AVYVLAV1Dn Dr: You 1/Van: to Barrow Mbney .'1`ohuymore'1nnd for yourself or for you` sons? To build an house or burn `? To fence, clear, undurdmin, or otherwise impruve your Ian}? To pay off a Mortgage or other debts? Or for 'nny other purpose? If:-nu In tho -.-ndm-..1."I h;rn1:.\F Um (`um-An; ; :$oa'ruEa;~. .u>.v-mot}: % ilcgul Quirks, L every paxucmur. tious should be addressed to the 1 . t-paid. F03 D. CREW. no 3,; l X'0l!:s|uum_ urv puameaa : De, ye, months, if min tan lines. Special contracts Me e of: my . ._..r|o3n wrn.mn_ % music. ax unnu vv , ./fmtrairnr. 1:.` Burns ` W flu ` G. W. Lomn. DI` [H'0JBll0LI7`lvl IlU H . BOSANKO . Iny osuur pL|l']IU:U I _ If}-on do the reduced terms of the CANADA `I`9m.umI.:'i* B'JxL,un:9 AND Sumo Socxncnz, which has mademorc iorma V to Farmers during the Inn! 17 years than any other, afford greater fucil'IIEes- and `advantages than those of any other Company ID the Dominion.` THO Ulla}! '1` DRINK PAH`! [WHO nnnn Ilf\| !`l`!lAl'1P, :8 IE W - Punmnla. Alkluhl 5 - June, 2-66 1190 The Fashion has been tted up in a. manner strictly in keeping with its .neme,Ven`d wi'l com- parefavournbly with any saloon North of, or in the City of Toronto. A free lunch will be given patrons of the Fashion; on Tuesday of each week--Please remember this factiand act upon it. Steaks. Chops, Fowl, Soup, Tea, Coffee, &., served on short notice. The Bar and the Larder are well stocked with the best the market supppliee. _ 21- 73 vlv.-Jn; "ntuvauu" nuumsi, _ [Recently known as Faragher s Hotel] Dunlop street, opposite the N.R.R. Station, Barrie. .-_._- Breakfast from 8 to 10; Dinner fxo.n 12 to 3. Chops and Steaks at all hours. Cold Lunch at the Bar. Fishing and Shooting Parties supplied with Refreshments for their Excursions. Bur stocked with best qualities in` Wines, Liquors, and Cigars. Largehccommodations for Travellers._ Meals In all hours. oysters Served 1 Every Style. Baratocked with the choicest Liquors, Wines and Cigars. I invite a cal Barrie, Feb, 19th, 1873. - '.uu [ITOIIAIIIBDI XBBEDPOB OI IBIS weauny OOIIIPBYIY. FIRE`. and LIFE POLICIES issued with very liverul conditions. HEAD OFFICE, CAN ADA BRANCH. NI'lI1\l I`Il,IZ`. AI . muuusuw assets, u7c1,uIm,m.m. Losses paid in course ot Thirty-ve years,` exceed FORTY MILLIONS OF DOLLARS. Claims by CHICAGO FIRE, estimated at nearly $3,000,000 are being liquidated an net as adjusted Wl'I`HUU'l`_DEDUC l`IOI. SECURITY, PRUMPT PAYMENT, and LIBERALITY in adjustment of its Losses are the prominent features oi this wealthy company. FIRE and LIFE PDLYUTIER inmmd with vnrv .,...\. --..,...., .. ...V -u............ ma un.;:.;s"r P113015 PAID Von GOOD uonfmprs. Furfur:-ux'in"o1'matiryn apply to r A , J. HERBERT MASON, Setrclary 5; Treasurer, 'l.L)rcn!o, Or to ' A. MORROW, " 33 ./hmrnxienr, 1:! Harris I The Best Billiard `Park-)r North of Toronto. The table is supplie `. with everything in season, Pure Wines and Liquors. Good Stabling. Ba_nie, Dec. 18th, 1872, 1061 , .___...._._ _...._ _ .....-..-g Corner of Mulcaster and Dunlop Streets-, and opposite the Advance Olce, Barrie. V This commodious establishment has just been opened, and having been built especially for the purposes of 9. rst-class hotel, is tted up as such, -and will compare favorably with any house of the kind north of Toronto. Commer- oial travellers, private families on casual visit; and the public generally, will nd that the pro- prietor knows how to provide for their especial requirements. _ The best of stabling attached, attended to by obliging and experienced host- lers. Stages leave this house daily on the ar- rival of the up trains. Bar well supplied with the best of liquors and cigars. Barxie,Aug.16th,1871. _ . A33- " lO`l`OFtlA HOTEL, MARKET SQUARE, BARRIE. - JOHN H. JOHNS,PROPPIETOR. The best of Wines and Liquors in the Bar. Good and Commodious Stubling. ' 825- Li yuan uuaances made on uooas Left for -sale. Sale Room, corner df0o11ier md. Market Sv.s., Barrie. ~ _ I u9"u5, WBX:G5, CC. -A150 for `D6 OOHGCHOB 0! RENTS, NOTES AND ACCOUNTS. l3"Cas/z audances made Goods left for Sale.~ Room. Lox-ner dfnlliar md Market Sts.. I nzuhvl aruun, nuumssnuuu ruxcmnfuxw, Gouda, Wares, kc. Also for the collection of RENTS. NHTES .:,'Nl D Annnnrwm. I.) V . (Late (Jerk in County Regut-ry Olcr) Conveygncer, Commissioner in Queen's Bench, Auctioneer, Appraiser and Commission Agent for the sale of HOUSES, LANDS, FARM STUCK, HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, Gouds. Wares. kc. Alan far the nnllanlinn nf -35%`? osspa ROGERS, . CHIEF CONSTABLE, County of simcoe, (`it-`Icy: Opposite the Hsrket, Barrie. L.n._._-_ - ._ ..__ _ mums : Exce1lent_accommodstion fog Summer Visitors, Tourists, and the Travelling.-Public. Boats, Fishing Tackle, and Vehicles of all kinds for the convenience of Guests. The Bar is well snppli ed with Foreign and Domestic Wines ani Li- quors. Good _sta.bling and attentive Ostlers. _ N- B.-Solendid Soeckled Trout streams in Tlfoi 6` OUNT .'z LOUNI`, Barristers, Attorneys at- ) l1W,Sol,ic1mrS in Chancery, kc.--.Oice-- Dunlop Street, Barrie. Successors to theme firm of Boulton Lount, 8oya,& Stewart. w rm" G. W. Lnmn-. HE FASHION RESTAURANT, In mesa} Black. Dunlhn Street. Barrie. Ont. U006 _sw.nung unu uuvuuvt: uancrs. N. B.-Splendid Speckled Trout streams the vicinity. HE LIVERPOOL. ANI; "LONDON AND GLOBE INSURANCE COMPANY. Available Assets, 92'.r.0oo,o0o. aossos naid in course at 'l` vents. 1...; L . THOMAS SUMMERSETT, PROPRIETOR._ UNT S -' PORC-UPINE `SALOON, (late Bails), Dunlon St. , opposite, McCarthy 8: McCarthy's Law_Oice, Bau-ie. THE ARNALL HOUSE, |'R.emmlIv known as F EH1; wpoonsmm SALOON, BARBIE. A. 0. BROWN, PROPRIETOI-24. pan WELLINGTUN HOTEL-. Bar wen stocked with gheT best of Liquors ,and Cigars. Oysters always on hand during the senson, Stewed, Fried or Raw, Sardines, '.rJ\1:OnIl, Em. ` . > Just IIOGERS uwm 1`iSEM.Ei!TS. ' V~ ( ctlarthy & McCurt'u*, Barristers, Attorneys- M: at law, Soiicitora in Chancery, Barrie, Ont 1)`Ax.1'o:1 'alcUAm-H7. D .-u.-rozt McC.m'rn7,,Jr. Omen.--In tbnir New Brick Building oppo- site 0. H. Ross Store. ' . 841. wnmxon Hotmz, Mama. I _ T JOSHUA 0LARK:3()N, PROPRIETOR. me Benson, u Lobster.-s, &c. : (3BIIB1Tl uzinema diiurha IOSEPE ROGERS, R. BEGELOW, BUPERINTENDANT. DUNCAN M. CHURC H; PROPRIETOR, tum of "Hm House. ALFRED ARNALL. PROPRIETOR. NI Ui\'.I'lI G. F. 0.. SMITH. Glnef Agent for Dominion. IOSEPR ROG and th ug get the worth of your monev. Thin is pre-emmenlly a shaving age- il this is doubled try to trade homer and see if you wont get shaved to your heart`: zontent. But at.Prof Mooreu, strange ' to say, the way not to get shaved is to pay him I visit and get a clean shave, Remember the place, Second Floor, ce Bri ck Block, Dnnlop Street. Barrie. _ ntre`New ' Illa PABDIULV IIBDLAIUHAIV L , In El Block, Dunlbp Suept, Barrie, Ont. kg" .AX~\v'E)ER 1WOf.lROW, `agent (for the `L Pl()`-'.i.Cintl1l2Sli.2l_l]GO Coupnny, the Queen Fir~:2xn~1LI'f-2, the Phmaix, the Isolated, and` I1: Lv.:r.r=shire Insurance Companies.-Ofce .. HrinI'c Rlnnl.-, nvnr Rxuimnn n Rim-.> u