I1.-up'Um\'N3nL reaturna or Lms wea1tl1y.-G_-!P.Y- l"IRE l:u)v1 LIFE POLICIES issued wub var) liveml i`m.:litioxm.' _ . N HEAD OFFICE CANADA BR.ANuH mnN"i`nl2AI.- THE. WELLINGTON HOTEL; ya;-a-- Thomas Summes ett - - - Pop} The B651 Billiard Parlgr drth of Toronto. The table is aupplie 1 with everything in season, Pm-e Wineafnnd Liquprs. - Gocd Smbling. _ Bauie, Dec. 18th, 1872. . ' _ _ 1061f `HIE BEST OF` W;!'$Ih`5 "AND LIQUORB `lN~"i`HE BAR. Bdr stocked with the choicest Liquors, Wines and Cigars. Iinviite & cnii. - A n nun rnuu v This is pre-nmnnently a tIha'ving age- it this is do_ub1_ed lr_v_lo trade ho_r_ses`a_nd see if you wont getshnved to _vour' hearrs cbntom. Bu! ht Pmf Mooreia, stmngu to say,.lhe way nolTto gel shaved: is lu pay him a visit and get a clean shave`, iand (hns get the worth ofyour monev. - V r :9 Rnlnnlnber the mace. Second Floor. centre N393; ` `and mm get the worth 0: your Remember the plaice, Second Floor, centre? Brick Blo4uk.;l,).nn|op:S_lra;er. BI`_I'ig3. _ ~. I ;: ___; ~Tg~_;BU1_LDI'm`sT:` ."l`ha'nnnI"I`nl9d Swan` tn i Thsjunderaigncd begs to inform all parties /{who , `may need `such . woxk,3 that be has alwsyh on hand-1513139 aupply of _.-- rte-nu-11-\ l`A`I"1"f\-lT\.'I':"7` .1`- \I-It till \I\ Jam, 1868. PLASTEi?.61Lf1*%ARI:52!l lllhllu`) JIIXIISJ IAVVU l\V\.'U\JU.`1D. , , l3`(,' ; xlL'.1u'.'l.'r3 ./w:1': 0r;`Goqri.c left for Sale. Sale Room, z_m`ncr of Collier and Egnrket Sts., Banie. LARGE` JC`CUMOD.'I'IONS 1-"012 TRA- , VELLERS. ' . And: 8150 orms lmDl'0YOd=l"&le!|C , isrovt PIPE s[LAocI$;:7 IBl...ln' ha 'nn'lI` nl Han 1nIl;lfjI'l_'9-ha dun: Hugh * wobDB1NE_ SALOON, -`V A BARRITJ. - ` EUVI1 I uu_: 'Z?I"! Whicli he_w`iI'l:L e;e1:1`qa.t_ the loyiestltbs n` 0ai`h _; ` L ""`Wu.".'0.L{AOEfY,' " ' ,;~:-';;` " ~ ' `Baield St, Bun-ie,7 . ` 7 --Near tho`Fqu " n! `" .1g._1y a! ;'is':1'"- ' A g;.amsaa:a-amt:sum ' .-VDUIOOI` HTRIET.` . ' xresnmenls 101' N18" EXCll|'3i0lIS.' ' . Bar slccked with best qualitiesin, Wines, Liquors,,aud_Cigars._ 2143' ..._.`._._..__.-l---____.__._._.__._.._.._ . -._ -" ---...- Btekfasl from 8 H) 10;fD}'nnr from 12 to 3`. ' Chops and'Se'aks alall hours. Cold Lunch at the Bar. Fishing and Shooting Partie supblied with Rc- - freshmenls furlheir Excursions; ` ' with ham m..l:..'... :. um--- Anrm: p,A1i1VELL, Elntaura-um Noting. ' -~./~ . I _:\,r .-\/< .r;r..-\_r ~V.-' '\.r*~ r\.:\ /\.-'\r\. xx [AMES EDWARBS, J1 ,._ . :3 .`, ` `Hy tEB._El7T~R `(I-IAN - GALV4NI.S..Ta . :.v. -3 --HUFAEASTERJ, ... BARBIE. ` ' : NEX1 '1HE..;R.-..U: APRES8Y_1 ..R*.:._T . Iumu:>s..m) Ilorm. men moms` ' !NSRRi:!_0E GOMPAHY. Amilubic Issms", 92-7,090,000.` ; _--up... [Recemly knbwn as Faraghes Hqlel] Dunlap street,-opposite the N .R.R.. Station} than ---..._ uuvuu can-. Vanna: Va; 5 avtll L5_2\|IV (Late of`*HdIwaad Iigzlfqasul }1ggm.,`Iizce Lake.)` __---.,. Ff.-112: "AnNAr.L7:H';Us:J: I l5--..nol.. 1-..`. -- "` em, Feb. 1911:, 1873. L -'w.IiMs':1 on--- . Oysters` Served In Every style. wata;--.n1m,% I 'An1I:nIun nf"1:a Tmrnin .Dnlnnt ~ ' - K LEXANDER MORROW, L *1 )()i51 \ISO\I ORILLIA b. 15. E: S::1i.:iz:..L,iu Chum ry: Almrue_-,:~`-at- Law, Gonveynnces, Cbmmiss'xs.ner- ir. Bfl(.,&::. Hair and Dcvisee Claims `prose- cuu-AJ. Agmxt!'or- the Canada `Landed Credit Company tor lamninq money on Real Estate. )."'I`lC.".'-~.".':2l 1"/j:1ulc~Kea`/z s Store. _ D a nun ._--_-_-_- --..___-_----------_-.._-....-_....----. }H ISTORHER- HABBISQN, V 1? V0} 5". ;'> ("_ A. Q. nno'wn.--_7 PROPRIETOR. 0bNi5IEi7'3fo33T25'2'0., `ARIN? II! THE _L*EwvEs%:L WE: A!3";s{'EALS AT: ALL norms; otcls `anal E`aloo";15.# V V fW U1!-u '1--u-LC-l 'And:a.1aoot'his Ixnp`rofod.~Patent '5' QIIJ XI )? 3- lp im ;pnssmn AND sums . SALOON. .T 3 (Late Depdty Registrhr) -n\'rTrt`17A 1\'rn'1:-1) um. JJ .'1llU.".\l`.I"1l1'1Il`lVV, DUIJl\_JK1U'.`uJl`_ Chancery, ()on'ro_\'m.car, Commissioner in C. P. (zc., &c., Srnxzsv Co. Sxucos. .900,-ly- ; :V $1 per `year In advance; (LATE ?xmL's,)i_ `rru )B.UF. D. E, A. MOORE S `IIIIVII IIIKFLI alggv 'l_nqE'|'.j TE*V"ALoOx. "A. 0. BROWii . L, P_opfi_etor- `Proprietor. 48 lly-w. Us ll`! \/ -uuuvvx BARRISTL-IR, &c.., BARRIE. , __-,__ .15) Kim-rie. 3' --u-uIIIIIIIl UUIIIIEUII Graduate of Ontano Veterinary` O.`-liege. Despatches by mail, telegram, or otherwise, V promptly attended to. Oman and Stables one door east of the Com- merciul Hotel, Barrie, (Va.nevery s old Livery Stables.) H,` O % ttrnegara G_A'V11LLER iI{i-i5f9i5i3I:N` .. _cIvlLENG1I\mERs 1 RUH.`v ClAL. L.-1/VD sm:V1 : yous, Tam:/.:17'1;c=1's, 4;-c.,j qc. l\W`E`X("..R__.`x'nuo !1.un`L- DI.~...h ........ n........._7.. _._-_._--.._- ...., \(I, u. ()FF`ICa3--New Bx-xck Rlock, oyver-_R.a,wsoa s Hwrdwctrc Shore, Dunlap Street, Burfie; Mwnicx G1.vn.Lna, A. Gnmroxm Taousox, U.E.,P.L.S. - ' C.E.,P.L.S. Hm'r3e_ F'eb. '1'7Lh_ IR IR, > - Chat deuce. A ._a_ _-- P301-`mason L. CAISBI, Pianist >4 9.nd,O1ganist. begs to intimate he':s prepared to give instructions : at the re- sideuccuf pupils, and also at his own resi- D:.....;. I1......._. .,,.I Ir_\_,a,. , as u . H` DD!" VETERINARY sugnnaeuu are H I 1 n f A n P n n O . - - n I T A 6 . _ . n . _ . . . I 1 . __ _ L5. 3:3` v G I (1 I I 1:9---__-.-u -_- .- -`--.-. Pianos, Organs, and Mlodeons Tuned and ; Repaired. ` wnr.L'>:-ma an fun-9.hnn no.-Hnnla.-n .....J.. ..n ncpuxmu. . _F6r-terms and further particulars apply at his Residencegtwo doora -weat of the Barrie Foundry, Collier Street, Barrie. . 15-tr `f[i?\}iTA7kiwE , L `BUTCHER AND P0 ULTERER Ezgra clzarges-made/or professional visfls. ' 5-ly. ' .' U. H. BOSANKO. BEGS to inform the public thathe has taken Stall No. V4, in the - Market House, Barrie. where he will carry on the" above bniineu. atria. December 11th. 1867 ~ ` 60 mazonmz NEVi;'i`_(?N, ORILLIA. ; .ll}I|llU WIIIIUIIE Ely WTIIICII 07081 . . . _. JOSEPH 3.JoHNsoN. nBn'|-I-is .Ja.:mAry 22,218-'l3. - , 4-1 Tho subsbriber is prepnx-20 to execute all oi`- d_era in_"aint.ing, Decox-sting and Paper Hung- (ng, M. ` A - Pnintina nf all (`hum-in !-.innndnna irith nnut- Lu , Painting of all descriptions done with neat- neas and dispatch and at reasonable rates.` . All work warranted to give intisfaction. uxnamsaan amt! oaxmau. GEORGE NEWTON, Painter A . Daanrntm-. 0 u p. u;1_.-yr` 's:Lsww4.;2u1iaa`}%"* ` Dre: Rd, ond1`ongu?odqi ..:z:?~.%s*:t*?%*2%~r!"'4?" & `j ,; ,-.?%'x ~ . I Ozilliae 25th 118?. 1871 "E. *V;,%.F:!T,!5;E` V AI\I`.`!'. `IA rncuxuuubu I AND l'l.uL'Ib LILHII E19- cm-ed in Canada, the United -`.2-tutes and Eu- rope. Patentxguaranteed or no ohaxge. Send for {tinted Instructions. Agency in o.)era.tion tenyeura. " HENRY GRIST, ' _0tm1n, Oannda. Mechanical Engineer, Solicitor ~ `:P&U3nta and Drsunghwmm. * . MW-A J. l:iavAiug bou;l`:t but the Stock and V Goodwill ?'of I. Ve Williams. is prepared to ,*Po"taqh Barrels), -Keys, 0hurns.,,Wnsh Tubs, L 9-!'.f.lT.OhiI:ns,. and _the- Uelebnsigd Cylinder ' Chum ; aiso. Qisternsiof all sizes, and allwork ' in -a`0oober`s Linqof Business. ` comer - - .- -_ - - 8I'ets . " NEARLY OPPOSITE -THE Ill-.RK;E'l'v,~ `BARBIE; `.19-ly-r T -,ag'ppIy_.'the. publi; withfBee_r, Bgf, Pork, and. muwry - Dr. 3500., has a vacancy for 5 tudenf. Barrie, Oct. 30, 1871. , I (III!!! C TI IIIUUISUIIIITII FXPEDITIOUSLY AND 1`-1:U:@I31u.Y' SE-l I nnv-mi in nnnnn 'hn'nnIi'n .(~.0n9na an.-I En, Severaljuzrties having obtained goods from different merchants anditredegspeople in my na.me,and without my sanction. I hereby pub- licly caution all concerned that 1 will not be ,ac3:.ouuable.for any debts contracted in my name without my written order. " ` L '7 . 1.msm>n n_Jnnnsmr_ J-lJ.|va 0- J4: G. EIUUADLIIX has rfnoved his oice to his new. residence on the West side of John Stgeet, immediately bp- posite. Mr. Geprgc Ball's planing and lash factory. . - - unumpnua Ill Large. comes, $1.00. Sold in all the Drug Stores. Birtie, April 17, 1872. V .`LJ.\J.lJ .I: I'LI4S,~ ' Warranted to be benecial in all cases. Call . at the G. G. G. oice in McConkey a New Building over the- Bank of Commerce where one thousand certicates could be shown, prov- ing their eicacy. Saraaprilla in large bottles, $1.00. PHI, 25c. Drug Stores. I liar. l, 19.68. Inn l);\Iv~`u.`J Ili.:I,I|.` U.no-, L'.U.D.- Bs.rr`5, "Feb. 1'? L11. 1873. _ CQHQVPERAGE! .. jfA1{_I_.;_ _n, % PROP7. lJl1.l.| LILIH " HFEUNDBY,` AGRI- ta - ommman IMPLE- - mmrr AND s'r0,vn_ _-.` Lwonxs.- - ' . :3 mar snigvnir, if. j go \.'QlI._Illl_f,l:_t!l'l'O_ cl`li_uz`t:c:4n:1:i'a! ng~;.g, "gt? Q08} JP gon 9n_ 3 :0 _ 1!} ` ` ` main ,0? ;.;;4 `or purifying the Blood, cleansing sud giving vigor to the whole Human System, nothing . can nppyoacb , G-I'.`.r\1:z(1I:1.`I\`r q run nvm uu-11.1w D uu- .tu'2S.'.l`- ' 0`i*'?{BsAPABILL AXIS "D'l"T.'r.c: ` GREAT MEDICAL Dlscovmif. -.--1. ` II-.. ......:(._:__ n _ no , J - - - V M. R. 0. Sq` England, I Ofce over` Messrs. Sanders Jewellexy Store; Du'nlop Street, Barrie. October, 1872; 44 LEROVINCIAL LAND sunvmron, VALUER, &c., T .-XV HARRY!!! 7aa1>.EN "ER, -12 A -I ; approach ` .G-EORG-EN S CO- EXT- 'DlClj|T`na1|1\/|'n'r~r--u- . )AINT1NG AND DEQORAQING mu 1`ION_ T0 MERCHANZTIS AND J OTHERS: . G. McOARTH g 9.. I..:.. ..-_. _-_: _,, ENR_Y_ CBESWICKE, JUN., ,`.JUSTICE IS THE. GREAT, BUT SIMPLE PRINCIPLE, mp THE WHOLE sncnrr 'orL succzss IN "ALL GOVERNMENT. lcbitni T1DrofE`ioi1. \v;~\~.~.x\\sx-v_;...L---4. . _ _ .~J\s*\~.'\\'\\$`s~J\.`\\A.-`xx/\ 1. 2-1ccoNzc EY., IJ 4L.K.LlKJJ..I.-I-. .L.I.J.I..LA AND 'PI'LLS, nted to he hennainl in n" ....- D and Machim'ary"f9r`th9"ilianufaiui _ _ I m3,0Rs, SASEFES, 3m`NDs; ngotmmuo,-&_q W P1`epu_r't`d to supply` t'hO`o:|fr{4e10_.| sthdv s ' ' !oweat'-=pib'e?. r -=':-Jr-J 3: . ;, T! ,_. Ill Hlmn .nn. nnnmz. nlmanllmimf.` KKK. APPLE 'l`( um 50-file-2', I DU `WITH 1` In W VIUH, Painter n Decorator. I 0I_In an E` BAR RIE FIIITIIDDV r A t1D`L COUNTY 01%` A S1MCOE~r T GENER;.L1A#VADVERTISER BARR[IE. 16-ly w 44-t_f 1`: 4-tf I respectfukly anounces to the public that he has commenced businesw in the `above line; and i:' prepared to repair, Gum, Locks, Sewing Maclaines, (3-c , on reasonable terms, and on the shortest, notice :BEGS to snqotx-2;;-t->the'pub1.ic'tha_h.9; 3 _ c6mpl ated`Ixiu`_.-` ` . 0 Sta. 1: 'Ir`|fI G{ENz%:`BbfL1i3}Vi>E{S:i/Hl'i S| Ba1_'xie.Ontario,g Thuirsaay, septembe; 25,%`1s73.; A! can ue xuaue H1 H118 or any other county, A. CROKER, Co1IierVstre_e,t East, Barrie M;-. A. Orckm: having bought out an} interest in the above bnsmess,I heartily recommend him to my patrons, and trust that they will give to him the liberu'.I patronage bestowed upon me W. WHr'l`RRmun' -4`ll4I4I I'\1FHSl\ V91 Barrio, June 25, 1873. zguwuuut ll Y? I I Ell, As can be made in this any other 13masgi1rAKINGs wmnnonss B_gy;_m AND sow. `The subscribsr having purchased the entire stock in trade of Mr Wm. Whilgbrgad. is pre- pared to make on the shortest notice and most reasonable terms as good and as cheap Double or Single I-- I - L an 4; _ - : _ 5-u wAGoNsv @AI31RI%1@rE89 @ I 'L QI Elll nu llllfllllenn ,__V---v-_j--sr\ Lately from England, respectfully infex-ms the Qublic of Barrie anddvicinity that she has open- e out 3 Into 0 unoununuu g -__-_._. __. __.___. `co'mp! ated`hiI`. -` gtea . .. ,.._ B00159 gc?.gi33.'.-L fi `.`'.\$9`:'}`3-f%'3'3.".rup ii... masmiwam Lately England. reanectfullv inrm-ma than wmaoxs, EL7(; ti 11S}.'0..\nmAslas, CUTTERS_~.:~LEIGHS. V _ |MILLINERY_mnE,SS-MAKlNGI .-.--v_.. --p -- un- " 'i4'r-ifinuu STORE- PURSES. Bnvssms. Term:-r R ARTICLES. I-`ANCY nouns, and DBUGGlS'l`i-" slmnnms, ' - n endless variety. at the NEW DRUG STORE PIPES, TOBACCO, and CIGAIN, unequaled for style and quality, at the , . . NEW DRUGSTORE PAINTS. 011.8, VAIINISIIES, GLAs and PUTTY, at the. NEW DRUG STORE Every article Guaranteed re give PERE`ECT t.l;I'[5FAC'l'.l0N a t lo M NEW DRUG s'1`OR1=.:_,. Bonn Delay to Call and Purchase Your Articles at the ' E FA'%Z..!*.7B. fjii__"i9 T3 E H :1 2 Kduoors West of the; Wellington Hotel; and will . guarantee to make the most fashionable X T51 % VFW IP63 ETA! (3 an .vv I--viva`-I-IIu'~B&~3I-ilk`-`J ` Of nny house in town,- and as cheap as the ` cheapest. Mrs. Rowen having had an exten- T aive experience in England is prepared lo full . allordera enu-`nsted to her, promptly, mylishly, I nnd cheaply. V 7 Ladies and gentlemen cnnbo Inpplied at thin j _eatahliahmentA`with very `good ` NTISL 158111038018 MEIQEEWIEET V ; a mmmgmgs nt ...... 1...... z. 4...... ....A -_ --V |znnuwn_-g_n;n;un;%n;j,nT"mms{% vu uuuu nu. nu; GU IJUW uguu-J. Front street, Barrie, between E.& W; Roth and Puma : stores. ' - Se(It.3,."l3.. , ' . . 36-I.yI mm 3"..`${. :-`V: namely. an um NEW DRUG STORE- MACHINE on.s frmn _4oc per tzallnn nnwnrda nl Ihn ..u~..-... ......... urvnl an unvu. svulucuvll. P. S.--All kinds of PATTERNS constantly on hand for ale at slow gure. v Wrnnf aft-nrnt Rnru-in Imntmnnn D L E h-_I.-n A`l|Ai`_I"Ili}!`loidln ' n conltantfy ` ~ 011 liillli} `-l. lf'In eI nfade to arder 1 L t .IlIQ.IDI6l'l rain: Int-' nn'nE_ - ` 1.,- ` 5 -.--_- As .1`: in hand, parties would ` do welf`lo"a&l l and qxaminfve the tremendoup stock ` - _. 0 ~. .' , IAMERICAN no. I I. QOIL AND YIIE' LAMPS, CIIIRINIES,` EILEE- TORS. and SIIAIJES, 01 every varinlv. at Ilm 4.11! JILIIIJIJ \JJLIlLUl' mm 1`v;rs wun mu directions for use at the . - ` NEW DRUG 3ToRE` A`$l'_Il'\Il1_nn'r noun 4-5:. A111` B-nrr_ie,.VIu1yV 1t`v._ _7_I*_}:_ nlav u |u>IuqIlull\I,l'VD| lll "I95! Qlylllll A1\}!ERvI C V COFFINSQ % q 5* ONLY THE BEST AND ! U.lIE'l` DRUGS ANDIVIEDIC-lNIiS Sotd at She T NEW DRUG STORE. a'I\l?l'::f!Ic: __.!nI--l._._In _-_:._-_-;A._.. .'-rmv sv2:LL:` at news; ALL`W9RK WXRRANTED. .1rrin.Innn '25 1517'} 10;: HEW nswc am-as, [snnmagl Rania, July 3,1973. 1)iJNLo1= sT17zzET',BA1zR1k, --u-u(\----u [HEJL?ENEEE`% At Cheap Rates. Ladies -waited upon at their residence. D D an l.:...I- -1: -n nnmnnnvn ulltillllil Ill I13 ll'lHIl gallon upwards at the IIFIII III!` lI IE- XIII ll variety. at the on IIuIuI'.~ ;n_-1-amen Illlllle I0 0| ! at /-1l_:e.gp}voIt rates [or cull. = --a-o----- DL: _LT%H O .M..P $,;.N . ;_,_.._ riszers. Attorneys-at~Luw, Soizcitors in Ohaucery, Bay 18, Ont. , p`ALfo.v .\fcGAr.'r.-1'1. D Az.'roN McC.A3mv, Jr. omcz-:.-_-Xn their New Brick Building oppo- lite L`. H. Ross Store. ' . ` Bur.'Sn,June 25, 18?` . ' 847. 1'CAii'l'H~Y V: MCCA tCrT' , .12 111, ' .41- 'Ms %.!9r-{}i'um5tr.ofIhe mo.-Vt -ivliih RID!)-I`rV A if`. f i`1i\'l701'r1i`a " "iEIEE:7s'6iz BE-fEZ| Ln any other cnuntv_ F I}I,;;}b?\.;A}\I,.`i`,T_U R?E 31101:-, Prove it by cylling at the \A IJLIIJ 5 u STORE ON . 'lf"'.l'U\.l 1.vA_.L_.L_.l I5- kingistnblinhmonl one ggawggnao on` Hotel, `n1_.-1, nie'., `W V 1.1.; gs?" iii '\D`u & II LU \ QW.e,8! lly|el. at. \.XIl\-K/KILLL--LV.I.lL`J., ' '-:-tars and Attorneys, Solicits;-3 in cm`: _`:o1a:~ea Yubl1c,' Oonveyancers, ]_{x:;;;1, x}u.i-'-1ncoe, Ont. TN13 -` "'\7 nnun STORE. -"7-w\-s ge oeswwea upon WHITEBREAU -30-1 .. I10 36-I?` Robert Dickey, James McDowell, John.McLean, John MoKim,' William _Wilkin*on, ,Iohx,1LI-Iussgy, Joseph G. I-IoV_od, John` Qunnlz, Ferguson, Black- Trnore, George B_rant, J ,_B. Lihdaey,und Simeon Fitzpatrick... ` . ' The prisoners pleaded Not `Guilty. .mL.- ..1.I-_ m , - ,,,.', - -_ ---...- _ThgeV fdowing ere the names of the jury who med the ease : T).-.l-.....o T\."..!..... `I.._..- ll " . --- ;-~-w--~~.- --vv w---vr `The elder Tyronlis a strongly-built, shrewd looking Fman of about 53 ye-am of `age, has three grown-up _child1fen, and betrayed considerable _ nervous- ness during the -trial, and-on the jury retiring to consider the verdict, eagerly sought to know what it was generally` expecmd to be.- The younger Tryon is- _ a pleasant looking young man of about 23 years of age, lnwing been married about a. year, and has one child. Ger tztinly the murdei'er" was not marked in his countenance, and, as the evidence shows , he bore the reputation of Vbemg zm peaoeable, industrious young man. `l'l_., 1.1 `rs 111 1 .. .. - T Last Friday morning John and George Tryon (father and son) were placed upon their trial for the wilful murdei-"of Mr. Frank Fisher, on the`28:h_of February 1as!:,vat a p1a.ce'a.bout`12O miles from Parry` Sound; The Hon. E.-B. Wood; M.P., Q.C., pi'osecuted the case on be- half of the Crown,` D A`rcyi Boulton, Q.C., `defended the prisoners, and xvits. assisted by? Wn1;'L)\u1t, Barrister, Bar- rie, and AIlan'Lloyd, Brmfister, B1-ac,e~` ` bridge. The Court-room was crowded during the two de.ys'of trial. nu p 5n .~;._._,,,......x_.. ;.:...__.-__. .m.-4. m>;.':-;5:.-`v .'.l).v a:z~ '='i.s THE man man comssas ms cum. ju--u , _ .,_- .. J .....D ,...unu Hon. E. B. Wood opened the case for the Crown, and said that the evidence on the case before them was purely cir- cumstantial, as was generally the case when murder was committed. Circum- ..J-..-.L2..l ....:.L....... -.._.... -1`L_,, vuwu uauuum wan uuuuiuiuwu. U1I'ClllD.- stantial evidence was often the very strongest that could be offered, for men might lie, but circumstances could not. He hoped the jury would carefully weigh the evidence and give their ver- dict accordingly. The Crown proposed to show that the deceased Frank Fisher was a. German, being without friends or relatives on this continent, and _ that about 14 years since he immigrated to the United States, and for some time pursued the business of chemist` and , druggist in Syracuse, New York State. > The deceased-, as would be shown, was a. healthy man of about 52 years of-age, and sold out his share of the business in _ 1868, to `Mr. Plumb, his partner, and ' came to Canada in 1871, and settled 7 at .Px-iceville, in the County of Grey, boarding with the elder prisoner's bro-_ ther, and busied himself during the , winter in buying grain and furs. He remeined at that place. _till the fall of v 1872, when he'arranged with the elder it prisoner .~..to go to the North Shore to `procure ' furs , and. -trade . with I T the Indians. . The agreement with the .1- elder prisoner was~.ente1-ed-pinto on the _` 16th `September . ;of that Same year. Fisher -was to -:keep house, 'do.allw the 2: ` trading,`a.ndp pay all ; Tryon ? was to hunt for game, pay fouf, 1101-,hing,; and .atera.llaexpenses.-we1e.pa_id,. the . `prot! were toihel- equa.lly di,Vided.,f `The. 1 two went np"-to- Qollingwood ` together, ; e ixndfther` zpnrchnaed ether` '3 for `the expedition, about-:$;_200.- '1-`ryon .to;bis.aon V , Georgetfto-_meett=them.in ` ood,:. ~1vl:jichtho='cliI1, lm,tl.n`vas?-: l . ' ms Mu@%iAL. TRYONS. CONVICTED, SENTENCEDTO BE HANGED ON" THE 16TH DECEMBER NEXT. fiurtyern I1hanu2.l TIrIU1-T{SDAY. SE_J?'.`v.`2`5. 1373. EDI .3.-CI-.. uuoauu IO'DI@G OOH 55-5 6-11"! u-l-0-\ llllll ll|.lLI.lI\ IJIKCJ VI\ |\1 \. (loUIl`llL\.'l1 , IJIJIAVII River `is 12 miles off, and lms as post olce, and about 8 fmuilic.-s living there ; the next settlement is 70 miles off ; some Indians and white People live there ; a little- after sundown I heard George Tryon calling me to come over ; there is in. small stream running between our place and Fisher's, which is not frozen over in winter; we cross it in a canoe, it is about 30 yards from their camp ; George came to the edge of the stream, and called me to come over quick, which I did ; George told me he thought Fisher was killed, and asked me to "go and see ; I went up, and George stopped by the stream, and told me to go ahead ; I found Fisher lying under the scaffold ,- the, 2 trees where the scatlbld was, was a little to the right of the shanty; it was not a very dark night, it was star- light and frosty ; in going to the house I passed close to the scaffold to get there; it was a scaffold on which meet was ' hung ; it was 2 trees nailed together ; they were three or four feet apart, and about 19 feet from the czuiip ; the cross- pieces on which the meat was, was 7 feet .2 inches high on one side, and 7 feet on the other side ; there were 2 slabs, one on each side of the trees (The cross- pieces were produced in Court, and iden- tied by the witness.)_ The slabs were 5 or 6 feet long ; don't know how wide ; were made of green basswood ; I saw Fisher lying under the seabhl , saw John Tryon there, he was standing by the scaffold; I think he was crying, but saw no tears ; I stood at the back of Fisher's head ; John Tryon said, pull off the slabs as quick as you can ; I didn't say anything ; George then came up ; 'I -asked George _to get a candle so that I might see; both the prisoners then went over to the shanty, I thought it was for the ca,ndle,but they came back without it; George asked me to pull off the slabs, and I said I wouldn't till he got a. can dle ; he_ then went and got one; when the candle was brought I_ saw Fisher ly- ink on his back between the cross-pieces; his feet were towards the shanty ; tho patlrran between two trees ; one slab was lying across his face, the other acro:s his breast ; the meat lay on two slabs `about his head and breast , George said snothi-ng ; I then drew the meat of! the slabs, George held the candle, and the old man stood by ; the meat was deer, and wns;not frozen to the slabs ; it was cut in quarters, and all lying up ina . lump ; none under the slabs '; I took the ;slnbs o' ; there was a hand-sleigh.sta.nd- ing there with some-wood on it; oneof Fiaherfs feet-was on the sleigh, between }the wood and the side of the sleigh-/- `jammed in" ,-i John Tryon_ called `my at- "tention.to__that fact; the sleigh was,2 ' :feet wide ;, George washed Fisher's face ; his mouth was bloody,a_nd he was wound- Jay` down by side, the other across v -.some;Ind.isns.to bury him. gnextxlay, I : helped to bury.hi_`m, helped .to., nnl- nnrlfnnhvnr him`: tlm 'l`I-Inning uynngi .: ed on the-headand forehead ; one arm, I ; hishesrt, -under the I went with ' sun as txujmsteu . H.1l'7'I` DEDL'(`.1`I0l.b SE !"RH{, l R'.i.\lP`l` PAY.\.IEN'I`, and" L[} .C{ ..`.I.H"\ in mHu!'n1m-.9 M` in Lnwasxn am Uluunv `.15 H uvun AD I. Vanna vlu , L nuvvv 4- J the deceased, Mr. Frank Fisher, and the prisoners; became acquainted with them last fall ; they camped near our place, yvhich is 2 or` 3 acres distant , John and George` Tryon hunted, and Fisher kept the camp .; John told us what they were doing, George said no- thing about it ; George said to me that Fisher had lots of money ; I saw Fisher on the evening of the night he was kill- ed ; it was about the end of February of this year, I do not know the exact date ; it was near sundown, at their shanty ; I could sse their shanty from our place ; I was passing close to their place when 1 saw Fisher, the prisoners were both- there ; it is a. mile and a half from ours to the nearest settlement, and only one family lived there ; there were some In- diuns in the neiglihorhood ; don't know if they were Christian `Indians or not, but think they were Catholics ; South 1"-lur... `L. 10 n.lm- [J-3` null lmu .. nae} . down, and, in an ` hour A and it half `after was found dead, by a. young lad .na.med Robert McKee, who was called over by the prisoners, This family, consisting "of a father, two sons and two daughters, lived across the stream, about two or . three acres distant from V the prisoners slmnty. The father and one son were, . jhowever, away from home the night that. Fisher met with his death. The learned Counsel then went into details on the theory of the prisoners, as to the murder, showing its absurdity and impossibility of being correct, all of which comes out in the evidence. He then gave a re- sume of the evidence to be offered by the Crown, a11d.sliT)\ved, step by step, how it connected the prisoners with the deed of blood ; and that after the death of Fisher the prisoucm had money to the amount of - about $500. The Crown would also prove that the wounds which caused death could not have been eelf~ inflicted or caused by accident ; it would also be shown that Fisher took` 0. good lot of hiouey up with him. He conclud- ed by an appeal to the jury not to hesitate to convictthe prisoners if there was no reasonable doubt of their guilt; but if, after hearing all the evidence to be adduced, there was not a. faneyful, but a reasonable doubt, then in God s name give the prisoners the benet of the doubt. Robert McKee, a. lad about 17 years of agefwas the first witness sworn, and said--,I live near Commandat Lake, with my , father, brother William, and two sisters { myfather and brother William were ' ay from home the night Fisher was kil1ed,and I was with my sisters,the eldest of `whom is 12 years old ; I knew am .1........,..,: M- u.....1, w:.1..... ...., ucnyvu in: sun} Lulu, uplyvu IIU casrry LLUJI l out, and to cover him ; the Tryons were 5 alone except my . sisters when I went M after the Indians; on the night of the ` `murder I sat up with John, and George j went to bed; my. sisters. were there when I came back from going after the 1 `Indians; mygisters _came oujust before T the funeral ; ythevlndiane were eutside ; si3ters_didn t say why they went out; I op8nV9d{the__d_opr;1n`d went in_; : the .old h -:1`nM,1:.W.a`s aearehilig F.`i8hB;"s-p0ck6t8), ginq : ?V1\.8_'..8tnndiqg,_~by; .2Ei_aher was *5'\I@2.ein hi8x=,<.?,9_t,h95' -IQ . VP?-1 No. 39. wm. mg. 1101. .A.A.uAu.L vvwa Luna a mu: xuuu; `MIC IIICIIE was 9 few inches higher than Fisher, whoxvould have to `use the sled to stand on to get the meat ;- I rceognizethe two pieces produced as the pieces on which the meat was; I thoughtjnt the time there was 300 pounds'of meat ; but after looking at the sticks I thought they could nat hold that much meat ; Fisher was lying on the road; there were no lumps of ice on the road that I know of ; the road showed some marks of the sleigh, but there were no icicles on it that I know of; the track was beaten down by the sleigh ; I saw the axe pro` duced ; it was lying hack in the direc- tion of the shanty, near the pathway; Fisher's head was from the shanty ; the axe was about 4 feet from the body ; the axe and pail were in the same place ; I d0n trcmen_1ber seeing them next morn- ing ; the .sca old couldn't be seen from the shanty; the old man told me he knew the old man was dead or he would have thrown the slabs off him; I am satised he was crying ; he seemed to he much distressed ; I heard Fisher had some money ; I saw him with two pieces of gold; don t know how much money he had ; he did the trading with the Indians for furs; he gave them provi- sions, tobacco, pork, tea, and sometimes a. little money ; they hadn't much goods with them`; in !he evening the wind was blowing some,but it was cold and fine ; I only examined where the body lay; 1 took notice of the hole where his head was lying; it was in a little round hole in the snow ; the blood from the wound had melted down into the snow ; saw no blood where the head was lying before I carried him in ; I never saw the Try- ons with money before Fisher's death ; I didn t know if the Tryons had any money; never saw Plumb or Ham till anything; saw; George at the post-oice in South ` River on Saturday; George told them of `Fisher's death; George sent a. letter to` his wife with some money "it out; the falling of the meat and slabs; would _make_ some noise ; the, prisoners icieles where Fisher's lay ; I don t know what caused"tl1_e` wound `on the I :91 {.555 - W035 VJolin,.8l1od. my st`- ; ziI-mtieptis ngosnin-.s'>.n-. the ~.`viy:'tii I (Same to Barrie ; they did not tell me 4 what to tell, end did not promise me i in it`; don t know. how much; the candle i was carried open; the wind did not blow - they heaird none; there were no ' ;.tho fell, the: Tryons isaid, must` have-Vcracked the heed; don t know how, he fellpn; his back unless he caught hold ` ;gg_n;t9p_.to". a pail. . ,_ 1:,-he;+t61a` `to. -beggars .n&.- en , . ,. " 2*."5l*:.`?'."7'.:-' 35.0: ' nth?` ,, _-_ _-.l.-_ -..u..-. Cross-examined by D'Arcy Boulton. -Sa.w Fisher alive and wall just before sundown the night he was killed ; about _two hours after I saw him dead; when I `came to the river after being called, I did not notice anything peculiar in Geoi-ge s manner; he did not seem agi- tated; he told me to come quick; he thought Fisher was killed ; 1 had just got to the scatibld when George came up; John told me to lift the meat oil` the planks as quick as I could ; I refused to do sowithout as light, which aicera time,was'ln-ought me ; if one end `of the scaffold came down first the meat would not lay like it did ; there might have been two deers ; the meat was not dress- ed ; "don't know if they kill( 1' a. deer that day ,- lioofs not on; leg of deercut oil at the joint by an axe : I helffad to take the body into the shantyind remained there all night with my sisters ; I went next morning for some Indians to help to dig the grave"; they were about two miles off; there `wereonly two men in the two camps of Indians; they came over early the next day; there was no cofn made, only some" slabs `ut round the body ; I split the slabs an put them round him; just before the body was taken out to be buried I saw John take a wallet out of F islierspocket, and some parcels of paper out of another pocket; when I Sat up thatfnight the old mam told me how he thought`Fisher was kill- ed; Fisher took an axe and went out; Fisher was nota tall man; _the meat mg. ..` tn... .'....1..... l.:...l..`... Ll. ._, n.-u hit 1 D13 -701111 Edward .White. of Parry Vsolinda sworn--L-.-I ._am is .Phxnicia.n and ~Surg99n of .p3ao,; _and 1~_apIivb:l.i5;- uh-nnhnnn noun lulur -tunmr..I........ is again: ---an-g-uuwam | nu. Iluulnm ' ILUIII 000,. pupuuu1g.I'y' 11131813- ; into -to_ gxfmine ; con-| _ --nv uvu. \.u.uu v IJDIJ IVA! - El;e CourtWthen_ adjoin-necl for If an hour. _..._...` ..._, um uoauuj uulux sauu ueorge was going to South Rive:-' next morning, and Fisher was' sent out for some meat. to`cook for George to take with him_; when Fisher was out 1- . (John) was ' tying on the` bed, and George was whistl- 1ng a1'1d`singing ; thought Fisher was out a long time, gmd sent George after him to see what was keeping him; George went out , and ne'9.1'ly ("rectIy called out, Father, come quick, Fisher 'is tinder the scabld ! Jolm said "he went out immediately and found Fisher I yiug under the sca'old,'deud ! he asked George what they should do about it, George told him to call me over didn't say why. 'Pl1n (`!.-.....4 4-1.... _.l:._...___ I 1-, I , In _.__ ,_ ,_.,.. . _.;.-.-r-~~ pocket; didn't know, aud'wasn't wk} what the papers vi*e1"e ; while '1 Vv in the shanty on the night Fisher was "1-` ed, John `talked about him, and how he came by `his death ; John said George going Rive-.14 next mm-..;.... And '32 00 if: not paid. in advance. ' LVI a nun uuu, 4vL\.;\/(Ll nu], MIMI. ur. Hamilton were each sworn, who cono< bombed the opinions expressed by Dr. White, as to the impossibility of such wbunds being from falling, or by planks falling? on any one, and also that the woundsvre inflicted by some sharp instrumenl 3 'Dr. McCarthy, how. ever, on being x':of-ggcarniiied, said that he haul attended a. caiii-of a limb falling and fracturing the s but it. did not pro- duce a wound 01` he cbnmctgf described `by Dr. White. , - `I7... `Il -1f_- ,,,-1 c .. _ VIII: nnau. Cross-examined by Mr. Boulton.--I am satised tlzahuo possible way a man could fall would prgiuce such a wound as that on the top of the skull ; think no tree or falling limb would make such it wound from accidental falling; believe the wound was caused by adelibemte blow, and was not accidental; very much doubt if the bone from the meat ould have producerl the wound on the forehead, . Dr's Morton, McCarthy, and` Dr. T-Tnrnllfnn unwn anal: nurnrn ml... ......... L} uni... W`, `H _ V n-ynncers, 820. "T * '~~-~- A Jrrzca-Uwcn-Street, Barria Om; H. D. 5TKWAiL1`,L.[4.U. ' Fsuiuo . N.B.3)l:nuey to Lend. h In ` Barrie,Jau.`. 4, 1.-'372_ `-.-~_ ML Un approved fre;-l.o1d securilinand at mode" me Infercst. ` ' _Wxm ;:Kee on being sworn said,-I a. brother of `Robert ; knew Fisher ~ and the pnsoners ; am not sure if Fisher lm inn tnnnnn - 69....-- '|..._..: AL. .___-_ 4".-7 '."!1."{|"~.'I)'V'Il1.'W"~|_|' o. "6 .Geirge'Tryon ; W9,dld:`l10't"I0'O"0acl1 . " othei`J`_ti_ll`wit-hin about` 30* yards; Bow- George; he said nothing; -owers saidit wad, necessary to search about himj.;-and.took u.e'mu_igi ao- ", fed, Georgehanded over exie'oft; sval ` contained; but it `was only a small sum of money; he did not 101]] " "ly hand out anything else ; of a `pocket-book he said this was Fisher's; it contained 85.65 in American money, 03 ofwhich were greenbacks, the rest in fractional currency ; $60 in Canada bills, ment of timber, (which was produced) the other pocket-book contained 360 in Canadai money, #20 in American gold. l and $3.30 in American and English silver; we then passed into the camp and there found Jolm Tryon;'I took charge of the money and handed it to the. clerk of the court at Parry Sound; John Tryon was an rested ; the first thing was a search of his person;he den and!-d what: for, and was told he was a prisoner ; the first thing taken was a small clasp buck-. skin purse, which contained $l .50 in Canadian and nickel currency ; he said that was-all the money he had ; another and more thorough search was commenc ed; when he handed over a buckskin pu1`s_e, saying it contained a pile of moxie _,=,.' and to be careful of it-; there was in this purse(whicl1 was produced and identied) $200 in Canadian money, and 1585 its American greenbncks ; this John claimed as his own ; prisoners gave a similar ac- count of the murder as they gave Mc- Kee ; Robert McKee pointed out where the body was buried, which was taken out of the ground and carried into the shanty ; this was about the 9th of April ; the body was but little decomposed; I examined the body and made a careful description; the external surface of the. trunk and limbs were in a healthy cou~ dition ,' the abdomen presenting signs of decomposition ; the remainder of the body was natural, except the face amt head, which presented appearances of violence ; on the right side of the nose was a wound 1.), inches long, running perpendicular, up and down, fracturing the right nu.~sal bone, also part of the cheek bone--a clean, wcll-dcfined cut, it reached backwards nearly an inch, ; the ' body was under water when exhumed, with the exception of an inch or so on the surface of the water ; on the left side of the nose was a small wound, a little l)('l0W the middle of the nose, l an incl: long--merely 9. supercial wound ; on examining the bend further up I found 2!. wound on forehead ; two wounds in shape of '1` in middle of forehead 1} inches long, and covered with fungus, which weuttln-ouigh the sca|p--more of a bruise; further on back, about the top. of the head,l found another wound,about:.' 3 inches long, having sharp well-dened edges, in the centre of the cut was a de- pression, corrnsponding to hole on the top of the skull, this wound had a small hole running up ; another wound at right: angles, about it of an inch long, somewhat: ragged, the two sides adhering with coagulatcd blood --the brain was exposed from the wound; in back part of skull . were two wound.~4--slnu'p, clean cuts; one was cut from behind forward, the other had an angle to the left ; there had been an abundant growth of hair found in n:- moving scalp ; almost the entire surface of the tbrehezul was covered with bl(`oJ- extmneous llood-upun the nose; I found on medium bone at the apex of skull a large f ra-:ture ; on the skull being opened, about the size of :v. copper cent the bones were freely broken up, and depressed to the ln`ain-aud quite a cpiantity of brain had oozed out; from this large opening were two fractures, one forward to the right, the other backward to ,the left, both fractures descending to boneof skull, on each side about the position of the ears; the fracture of the skull correspond- ed with the wound on the forhead ; also fracture on skull corresponding to the two wounds on back of head, where a small piece of external plate of bone was knocked oil`; on back of skull beneath scalp was a huge quantity of coagulated blood ; on rcnioving skull I found the membrane that covers the brain ruptured, corrcsponding- with bone opening on top of skull, and small pieces of bone im- ' bedded in the substance of brain; also found another rupture and effusion of blood on left side of skull, and the whole surface of the brain covered with blood ; I examined the rest of the body and the various organs, and found them in a normal condition ; I am of opinion that death was caused from the effects of the wounds and injuries sustained. The skull was then produced, and identified by the Dr. as the skull of the person he, had exhumed. The Dr. then explained -by the skull--the position and size of the wounds. The violence causing the wounds on the skull would produce near- ly instant death ; the axe produced would cause all the wounds ; the wound on the top of the skull could not have been produced by any fall, nor by the deceased himself; none of the wounds could have been caused by slabs falling on him; it was physcially impossible, they were made by a sharp instrument; noplnnk falling could reach these wounds, and could not have made them if it had ; the abundant growth of hair protected the head. - n_-_.. .....-.:._-1 L_. 11,, n, 5. 1- him, and take` whatever fvaluableshehadi lets ; am not positive what the wallet" anda small memorandumof measure j -_--- ----- `----v--v-u mun ll|lU l3\.Il"' II L'IbllUl' lxagi any money; never heard the prin- oners say Fishet'7`had mohey 5 heard George Tryon_ sometime `before Fisher : death, it_ m be `a od job if - somebody would` ' Fisher` {and get his money; we ' deer `to the" u ' .nyurro;nt`t 5 xmuv Johir bl...PWzI mu `dour , 9.; with T1-yen fot'"_tl1'e irilful umitler of Iiah'er; we set out on the 5th of April ; the place was 120 miles distant from Parry Sound ; a. few settlers and ludiani lived near Commandat lake, (the place where the deed was committed) we met the prison- at Geurms 'l`rvnn - wn alirl nut non uonla ET>1;K1T B. s_A N D it , .-iT'i'UF.\"EY--AT-IIAW, SOLXCXTORI V n.......,.... l`.r\I<'1n\'u. nnr nmm:.m:.um.. :.. (1 D . . S T. A, B0 r H_0MA .1 ~.1\/\-' TTORVEY SOLIOITORAINLE . -:3 A . ' ` ` W B.`RRI:3T.x 1 . ` -'1 .. , . Rf, CUM)Sb ' * a__,,., ,.. CHAXWE A-_ ~~~~ -` "em. 0. smrn. ' ` Cbxef Agent for Dominion. TOSEPH R01 VA--' " ' _ - I . [)i`FIGE--Ovex' Harrison's store, South side T3uui0P51|``.[""'i' ' A ' :\ Earrii`, -M.` 9. 137?: I 2.8 .2/*"` """" `*: T-`+*-2 . Q1j_EW`1R'l` be LALuY, AT_'1 )R_- ........a v.1r.w. Soli(`.iL-Jr.-l-iu-Channnrv, (`.n2-1- %.F[i:%.&Qj 1:mYQr`l-`R uuuuu uu III ..:c(-.=2;`,x :. to the late rm Ob` B'ou!ton,_ : .iz Zr--wnrl- A 1:;-~ .5`-.`., <;u.. :1-zkumiop Street, Barrie. . - ' {' `zmur 3; cm: [Inns 1:. North of Tom tted out in m Communications 5 Publisher, poet- ON.` Cl-x'n::=. ix; (31110.-`.GO_F[R`E, `esvlimtited aj. ' CW5 $3,U-3S,G{3{, are being liquidated 115 last as zxdjmed `.'.':'nnm* uwucwxou. SEC! -1:11! up-mu-v IiAV'\YV.hT'I" and-` W iiiliiittp ta` cub. -._/-./._m,,,\,./xx`/\./x/x. `(5NM1~;`f7\` 1' 0 LE N n. I A; u .cx est. by-ly lo ews 01. we ; _ to me arrui:s'3r'i$' '(`;=;-"l~1`;t-*'*s**s~_=:.rve _ ' ` `Y ~no`t1pi.iay ;-5 `:1 :-.~ % ;u;';:nt u pertaining $l in slvancc at `$2 time of subacgipticn. . 9-Cixlinesor uuqig.-~' . A 1 r8tIgV1-nu Aw.-.n1Ism b ' an sequent on, 12. lines, 8 ,.er(xna,hr3t. insertion`-cggger-` . , ,- . ` . - 1 =`eqm.nt`o`nC 9~ Pl`0f-5sIonnl~ 0, Bu-.'n_b': bards :n errttuj $3 r.-,,5ix-m 3111933` notmorethantun hues: SpeciM_ Mhigif can be "M19 `-`J "*9 year; oz psrozhagsx ' ~ -' -.0 -ai -.-esr. Onion to mcnmmu me unto b:,1.'2& dui:1 writing. 6 [A Advertig_, ontluued um ~ 8 8,1198 '1 E5203 wpli or > 1V\> -. . P nperddftc ,o1cep1 at theopgfon 0 . ,. h'P`~1blis . _ he: . v,_.. xs`ne1We=.I in he..-Po y -V11 of Ballrf. .51 ,. Tumzsun mornin 8 cont.` ~ of-the d-,3, '3 Inmg um. ' :- matto I! , lieaffuirsofthec - . `T ~ .`"3-Pi-isle` ` _ _ _ 4 every -.u:cnt news "*-minim! Lot Cr1.o\ (e, L C U '1'\I'r*, s c 11 Q:L:1??7_T&3W'* Qhui: cued. and-1L..s....`.s.i...(..A"niiaiLnnl t.n'n`i .- '1I,li0`.JEr`S' `:3 '_Gu 5; Si .-- .....l 1 : lxin 1-Exf-V. /V HE NORTHERI . A A TC LYAB. E.I;v;:.`.-?lDS, Royai Insul- 2'. 1` qvrie. . KEY TO LEND.` .5111, 1866. a;!.`~O:,,`;m\- .,:;a sand RULING dmie on`ti`;- .5L9_ 'n,._= flxcillties ofthe Establ ah-= ` `am mare complete than any 0 her? 0: Tomato, having been vcurolully mg 1, ;y1y,,})_L)_A;.'J 1-.7.R.E -.I.,13?;.: a:--- .*.'ttnrue_vs -.st-Law, Solicitors in kn. Barrie Jan. L - . 5 . ' . LARDAGH & STRATHY, Rnlil-.H.nra. R; ilcgal Qmrhsi 1 W5, uwu n & ' - -II ..I_1l`:ll$Dl'-LVN Nll}D\.;l`g Sgcralary 6;. Treasurer, > l_'oronto, - A. HORROW, ' a `.' X : ` _ % m1;:pr_a_m_s'r,' 1:. Bdrrzi: nn (wary partgcunar. V g , Lions should be addressed '10 the :[,ugt-;1nid. V D. CREW A- Mm. ~ s1`.*-.bLE, U-*.-un*,' c: Sizudoa, Hm `-Kat C TI-IE` `Yo R, oourlz J -CROWN ATTORNEY, 2.. BARRIE. - ' -H-' LI. Lduuulg .1l_L lL\_` ,Soliciwrs-iu-Chancery, Con- ;t`.i3:" J; "1 :3 ""7 "WT .:.._H1ua xnT mean,`- crnlnr-u 18-. Tram-urn`. 'I'.)rm ' Losses` 1.9.1/J in cO'.1'.':0 of Thir t)f-vo'yee-.rs ' e.v.cee=1 ` ` I-uncut nan - .n`.;n - nu. -an ... --' ?I1g..'r'11'y"' ,' ..1 A a......._ ` I0!` UUIIHHIOH - JOSEPH ROGERS, A 9-em. Barrie 5 HAN CH V MoN_'i`nE_.u... z .3 A 11.5 1 n 1 , _ - Solicitors, Barne- 2-tf V ....,, \/III! Fnuzc-is W. L`u.x.v. Vomcw Dru.- 'n nuvmno, Agent, Bame. _jj`. E. H . STRATHY. 3|): `V ` > PunI.1anu.. . .....uu.._ V Lount; .mu:~m.r, 1`J:('.iMt l' vAI.\.mN1', and .LI} ..\.I.!'1"\ in adj::s!'111c-mt of its Losses are 1'.`-c]vor1.irmn!. feamma of this wea1thy,con.,xp_any. FIRE`}:1u'1 LIFE P()I.I(`[RS insnad with van? 843-V 975-ly ' `IDLAND HO'1`EL,- ~- ' (Lute R6ya1,) V Corner of Front and Coldwatcv` Streetx, 4 ORILLIA,' *7` " "V" ONT. "Duncan V M.. Church. P1'opriej:oi', ` (Late of Harwnod Iimlroml Huu.u..'Rz'ce Lake.)' I Excllent acdomm6dnti_on `forSnmm`ex- Visitors, Tourists,`-and the ~'l`r2.velling Pnblic. Boats, Fishing Tackle, and Vehicles of an kindsfpr the convenience of Guests. - A vm.,. Y1... :. ....u `......-::...1 ';.~.:n. 51..-; -5 1.-.: VTICTORIA HoTEr.; 1$1,9RK_1_2T`S.Q:VURE, BAR me. _ .IOHN'H}JOHNS,' - `-T 'PfQp!'i1 AGOOVD: (Sc COM MODIO Us STABLING ` ,. Inna An! UUHVUHIBUCU OK \lUL'EHUa i _ V The Bar is well "supplied. with Foreign` and Domestic'Wines uni Liquors, `Gbod'stt`;L*Iing and attentive Ostlers. _ . \T D G..In_.lIA Sin.-.:.I-`...l "l`..nuL .._..-...- 2-. auu IHJQIIIIVC UBIIGYS. ..- N. B.-.Splendid_ Spec,k`m,d .1`I9uvt4 s1.reams_ in |tbe vicinity. , j ` - ` ' AR lv-w. Dup1oSt., oppnsmn s{r'u'}\t'~_H`l.V &" Licrthfa ' ` Law Oina, Bax ria. V -moprigstor. ' Hum 011:0:-MASONIO HALL, TORONTO. c.m.u>.; PERMAEENT Building & Savings sogiety. .0 ~.'sI'1fAL.`7s'1;5c')oV,(0o.' fa Farmszs and Landownes! A D You Want to Borrow Money _ ' : znorqlnnd for yours elf y :1 D0957 1 "I:-,':=i`a 1.~;u.~e or -burn?'- T6 fence, 0161? ; ` rain, .4` othx-wise hnprevo -your 1I|II.\'U_" .;:!'n.-\nrt.g-Igo or other dbu? -01` 1'0!` 1.2: rtherpurzzcso? -` - I 2 ` " L ~_.-uu do the -reiuced. terms of, the OANADA ..ss.:.~tz:;T _3mx.muo AND` SAV.1N_G-:S01$'1'Xn - ' 3 ch has made more lband to Faimers during. 1`u:Ir.sL X7 yetirs thud any other, atford greater; , f*"~.`3`iliL-s and advnnt_.g_gea'than' those of any ` 0"!" Cunmany in the. Dominion. _. _ 2 -` "nu: u1r.m:s1' mica: PAID Ion. econ lonfrGA6Bs..`- ,; Lrfunhe: information Sp ly to ` - f :- 2 J. HElBER'l` MASQN.` This commodious establishment has just been opened, nudhuving been built especially for the purposes of a rst-class hotel, istted upas such, and will compare favorably with any house of - the kind north of Toronto. A Commer- cial travellers, private fnmiliesou casual visit; and the public. generally, will find that thepro- prietoiknowe how to provide for their especial requirements. The beat` of stebling` attached, attended to by obliging and experienced host- lers. ,Smgos leave this house daily on the ar- rivnlof the up trains. Bar w'ell.5upplied.with the best of liquors and cigars. _ I R/Irvin Ann 1110}: YDW! - 99" luv uuuu VI uquvxaauu ht! Binnie, Aug. 16th, 1871. BM` 11-9ve1l Stoked `kiih he besttot Liqiuora and Cigars. Oysters always on hand; during the season, Stewed, Fried or Raw. __ ...._._---_.._ -..--.-...--.-u--... 1. ;;g"";13;5}i;;;5g.`z:52;`;m, yo; Corner bf. Mulca:LoL_ and Dunlap Streets. and opposite the Advance Qfce, Barrio. I Joshua Glarkson, A - Proprietor. lR0YAL1Ng'6Ec0MPANY| , AND ~ V _The A ccident~ Insurance Company, [N THE I POST_ OFFICE BUILDING, BARBIE, Barrie, May 6th,` 1868. ` 18- ILL AGENT FOR THE PROVINCIAL INSURANCE COMPANY, . THE QUEEN FIRE AND LIFE, ' THE PHOENIX. . ~ THE ISOLATED, AND ` THE LANOASHIRE INSURANCE G0`YS: A Onion-New Brick B!ock, (over Rawsoxfa Store. ' A 856 __-__.+ [cLAaBxAsIgusE,] U . (L-`ls Lie."/2 in (J.-u. -rly RL';,'t!l(3:/ 0jr.3) Uonvc_v;mcc:', Cumruissium.-r_ .iu 'Q;aeen'a Bench, Auclioznccr, :'xppl`:\i:!x'l` and Commission Agent for H.-e sale nf HOUSES, In NDS,- FAl{.'\i STUCK, Ii(')7Si .!!UI4D FURNITURE, Gan,-ls. W:m-.s, &c. Also for. the collecliod of P.'E.\"l`S, 2v'<)'i`ifS .~'..`\'D'A(}GUUN'TS. ' [,`('u./` ,.,-.I,_-.. .,`.. .....r'.. .~...V (In,-ul. I,.I'l 4.... Gal-