o'ne Hemmer,_one of Fauly Machine 'PLA|N_.v of tensions; not hard lo of stitch rcgulu`.or:: easy I to .1 ; it won t skip sxi (-has or break the Willi eah I -Mm1'uf':L`ctu1'ed by ' furnish _ inll kimls of work, lighl 4 V - .._.- was uuuull UUIIVW s A L o o N , . DWZOP Street,` qnpome the" Razlroad Statwn, Barns. R110?! Ground and Set, Knives, `icissora and all mail cutlery ground and sharpened. SINGER 2-bar; has {iv}: _throal rcgulmcul {or light` * follovix1,, faoints ' loop in shulilu-rat-e 5' bfnll its pa rig, r. ,v :-up spring n'conl- `n , parts arid m I. 17:13, and not n nnd ,-,-uod. pm favo:s, begs to assure her frinnds nhd te I pdblic,thnt she has conetatly on hand a full` assortmentbof er , cilhv.-r [by UH Mr] RATED I Ac 3.. mnxm; Skins: Cor-rects the Acidity of ' the. Stmnsch, and is .pnrticula'rly adnptedtor the cure of diseases in Infants and Children. It is of such a nature that it may be freely given either 1or'_Dian'ha3a or Costiveness; relieves pain, and leaves the Bowels in a natural and healthy con- dilion. `Asitcontnjns neither Opium nor'Morphine, it is superior to either Soothing` Syrup or Cordials. No'mo-- thor should be without it. Prepared by _C. H. Kermott, Chemist, Barrie. `A DR.~_KERMOTT S` NEUTRALIZING MIXTURE The `best Blood puner ye! discover- ed.` It not only Icleanses the blood, but", removes the effects of'Calomel from the system. Prio.c $1.00; Pro-, pared by C; H. KERMOTT, Chemist, Barrie. For salp everywhere, ` In obstinate cases of Dyspepsia the T ills should te taken with the Powders; (all directions accompanying each box. always restoring the helthy functions ' of the body. --. -.-sIIL.I.1.l L [J LII ' I E . IARKET STALL No. 2, BARRI , f Hnl:'cox;:t;ntly` os'a:In33 365% ::m:;'1. _yig 0. ilgllititiae :13:-ieu aEo:'d, sud oer/I119 Fm`. ` ' It very moderate prices. 4 LV 6 V*l'." A ..?:?::r.;2,%:r.?;:g?$4*%- 9* 5- .9, VVIII PIUUUIV IWU IJUQUU three of the powders.` Have given entire sahsfuetidn whom they have been used," they possess; Those who have once used thein,` will not consent to have any other kin_d.', . - ___n _Enqu1r for them at the nearest stow where Medicin'es`ar'a keptho; sehdld Barrie for them. One. .D,1{ar willjrrocure two boxes of the'Pi1la` gm} `three of the nnwdm-n-` ~ [BLUDDAPURIFIERI In doses of.._one or two, they ate altetd- - ' tive-in larger doses. jmnwaaxe Pruparcd I Enquire fur them at te nearest .dr gzst,1t not proc-.)mblo.lherc send them by post to Barrie. Gathartic and Apnti-Bilious uuLVERWELL, -S GABRIAGE TRIMMING and UPHOI. buuneam carried on in his premium Ac 3!: R `l ' B ' . E-"heap e an way Statnon, ame A tember 12. 1972. ` .`<-3.} Proimd Em.` F0? W6 V`1fa!e=nl.;`by. I131 ~ have been received from F. Kean, Ex- Reeve of (')riH'au,vulsu [mm the editor '0! th Newmarket Em, and many others corruburuling Lhe_ above stutemor.-ts. 23102-25 CENTS PER BOX. NO MINERAL POISONS stl lll l'rocui'o 5 Packages. "sourby . !.....:a. \ Enli,rVI C urcd and general disorders of the Stdmach .'md4Bowels--persons who had been aliqtcd Io:-[years undhied theyarious Remedies and Physicians that came `within thgaix tench, without receiving I tiny benet, have Fog Testimonips, see pamphletg, MR9. ROBINSON, whilst thankful for `J; \.J\J..'&-.l.'.y V - Be to mform the r town and: have been unparalleled m the cure of` 3 "mu hmmn_mfmA.n__. ;_ __ OR COMPOUND EXTRACT OF STILLINGA. DYSPEPSIA A P0WI)ERs'z by faking oo box of the _Powders. RICiE and are entirely Avegtable. DR`. KERMO l"1"S _` `_ > -._n....,_._.,...,.. _ ~....._.._._.. '_ _......_.--.-----~-------- D3?speps1a ,0; `II. :I;mzMo'1'T, ` M?|LL|N'E.RYI KERMOT1-"S TES'l`_IMVO.NIALS I and for sale` Wl10_Ie9:;le by KERMOTT S - T PATENT ` 1`i:m1_191t 5 Qlqlmim. , drug- `ln Ihnrn smml 5...- Barrie, Ontario; CH 1'.`-/WIS"? for . _ - I . . .' ' ` co'm.`oNs, PRINTS, - s1 LKS,-_ Ll C IBOOTS & SHOES] |llliAllY-Mllll cLnT1um:.J MAMMO'l'l=i Hotssij Best GROC-ERIIIES, Best`PROVISIVONS, We beg to announce to .onr numerous friends and the public of Bm-ie and vicinity, that let others "h1ow ns they may, there .13 not a store in Tl(1)wn that can beat 1 e arc LQQVLILLLWUL` respectfully announces to the public Ihut he has. commenced busines`. in :he above line; andyis ' trcpared to repair Guns, Lac/cs, Sewing Machiizes, .j~c , on reasonable terms, and on -the stdrlest notice. ~.ENG|.lSH CUDPEBAGE; 0PPO`V.\"ITE AM./IRRINBROS. COLLIER ST b J. BEARD has alwnvs on hum} k_- order, \VtlShl"lb, Muaf Bhrrels, t1,l;::l.:.,'_:"s:,s,<,!l(:- Pmshand 39'" C"-`R5, Burral Chu'rns,Chccs c Val.-3. and Butler Tubs, English Burru. (;hum_= made to order. All kiMso1'Waler Clslxrlliulndu In order I I {`.nnnhrna inrnll Ma '\ron1.l\n,\ .l..... :_ _ _..,.,u, N ALL \v0n1KT\7XnnAN'rIan. Brrie, June 25, 1873. ' _ 26 I V HAIR DRESSING, HAVING and SHAMPOOINGT SA 'r.r\:-a-m- ll) uruer _ - Coopermg mull Its branches done in a wo1k- umanlike manner, am] at reasonable rates. Country onde s promptly nuended lo. - Barrie, May 2131,1873. _ 2141 y Huwmcarlcm [GUN ANI*iJ0C'Ksn11'ria s! -Barrie, Match, `g 1873. cu1m)m_;N s (3,431 AGJ -r:II-IvI fl$$& IIIIU I U'l'T0.\[A.N, SLIPPER, AND CROTCHET PATTERNS ; BRAIDS, F'ILLO.`i-ZLS, LIN`-ES TIHMUINGS, FLOWER LEAVES, PETALS AND /IRE, GLASS AN!) CHINA VASES, WORK.BQXES AND DESK3, BEA DS AND N'ECKLACI`}.`5, - PURJES AND TOYS, flit?! A 11 A 191x -9 - ---~ -- V :1. u u uV1_'411.\/_u1J= .l-' U l.I4V.. .l Ujij` TABLES, CHAIRS, REDSTEADS. CUPBOARDS, BUREAUS, LOUN SUFAS, LUOKINGGLASSES MATRASSES, PILLOWS, BOLS I` Made on the premises of the best materials by experienced workmen. Sp . ordered work. Cane Chairs Re-Seated, ()1: we I'A L P.a`E1E(::3 S 1'0 RES ! mun mm ma macv eoons, S[._1_!:I:[c[_, rg_gp`1_toTcHI:T PATTERNS: nnA1ns_mr.v.n:s.:r.q r Anna um I AT THE ` C ll. cap e`st V R ate; DUNLOP srizzazsr, BARREE, yc'RvsTAL ?a?_A;_l:Ef}E7%: R Va- l IUTI . Barrie; May, 1873. " I'},zese Gbods Vqrall ar2M(lk7 :THEPEe&:JsToHE. JJ vvvvv J: W HL."f*'7REEMALN. @cABIu1' MAKER Aq__gmI_e_LsTEna,- 51-! (`n Best Dry Goods,- `Best DRESS GOODS; Best and `most Stylish Crockery" and G.-1aAssvva9:r`%e. eg infoffn thil tnlvn nna-l:nnunl ru `I-tarmac nr|r`l.`\r\ n..|.l:.. ___,,_ n fr it is we who can give the "UT c>I1E1.=_1s GEyRAL ` `i"URVEYoRs, 5 REWQNUAII $1-1! `Innis-.-on ______., _--.--`r- t-I.-.u-rvuJDa;rW`IU&.i' ; inform their town anukcountry fnends and the public generally, that they have openedout in thenbove storevn STOCK of NEW GOODS V in the above lines, which they are uering at the lowesflivmg " ' ' rates for cash. ` at Cash fiide paid `6: 3?; Skiand Hidse` ` f 33;` @ PP~0DUCE TAKENITN ExcHANGE.,m` !.1WRV.'1873. . ` V -- SHOP, Ill Lulu), CHEAP ANn`}.ii')f11)`so111a JEWELERY, ? ` f BABKETS, woonmw WARE,&c.,&c; I ._..j __...j_.___ HOSIERY. ~ MUSLINS, . J HA'rs&cAIs.] 1Lxv,`_ -' `- _ . ` 'o`flnuyV )1:-1_<;N c,umiA;15s C Call a2_;d examizze the varied Stock at the 3KIII 3-: - THE Best mur nnswer 14 I ) me me! at we oice of the Deputy `I!-zgistrnr, M the Town of Bnnie, in _lhe County of Simon-'. MtfCA'RTII.Y & Mo7`rART`lIY, vPI...',.r.`n c..I....'/...... ba_st Kliyinnuzfsztctures arid keeps on hand n large and oh 1 k no rm mm L n. rim nrrmy;-%`z` T` CALL A13`s7E'fai;oRA`YoURsELVEs. SN EAT'H;kg `)7/T'rTEE, Jnuulculres am: Keeps on noun mrge and cheap slnc` H0 USEHOL-D. FURNITURE. . REDSTEADS. CUPROAYIDR, lUTiHa`Arra r:\rv\vr - _[ :o_n1v_1=:n'or Joan AND FRONT s'rn"nI:'r_s (McNabbs oId_stand,_near the Barrie Grit Mill.) - I : ,GR~.ocEI:1Es, AT THE at A . PROVISIQNSJ, l\o \l. Us To Rnnv.-.:1~ Br.ucr'.-Tnkc notion that if you do not Ans.-zer or IN.-mur to the BL] pursuant to the above ordo-r, Hm Pluinlill` may dbmin nn ordar In take the Iiill as confessed against you, and the Uuurl nuy grunt such relic! as lie may be onmlsnl to on his own ah-ewiugr, and you will not receive` any further notice of the future pro-_ to` lings in the`:-auso. - Yunr nn~uvm- i4 f#\hI1In.1 ..: cl... ..ti:,... ..x n... Ely vuu - v --mu I ulmrllllh Uf`:r".N-EARTHE smAM`GmsT MlLL_ mnnilc. -Dealers in IIlI CBKIKIIV Of the latest and best styleo and of the moat approved construction, Collier Street East, second doorfromv the Maker. BARBIE .' An Ihehdv.-niaer; an thor- onbl;;_nni pmoticnlly conversant with thcir bnnineu nal! its details, employs none but 6 -ikimnl workmen, and asp can the "IJit.3Il'10l'i|1 '.thoy,:oan; guarantee. all V k:; gggaod out M41131: aatsbushrdsnuo giyo nnggt ; 1 uIiIfIeIjot&,lo;1hev,purqhu6r_. Eamon Mid 10!-9Zivn=!!t0:tu.;nd'in,t%I call`. Mm i'::!05 batter` v`I-I'ue.fr..-- 9!! ` .'00In' sptuiyo ` -Om,` KAIIUIAIUI EARRIAGES, .AauscIs_._` I aTIiu%y Ta 0 03' E V STAR BLOCK, Dulilop Street Barrie. Remember the Stand, For the best we 1'5` - ` GO [0 0. For the beat 50c TEA T ' Go to C. A. For the best 806 TEA . ' Go to C. A _ For the I `Barring w: an I nI'lIlIIV`IlIIUu` Mo0nrthy a Brick Block. Dunlap Stream: Vbe foumz of the first qzmlity I-I ,Al8D,:\xVh'(l!ilSAh. umu ll- hlnnheu gtgendid to. GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, - WINES &L1QU0ns, Has rccivcd a full supply of all kinduof L v : u V v -uwuuua up any cnvsm. PALAOE, BAR THE STEA.\l (:Rl::1` Kn H. n uo to U. A. Perkins Bros . HE P r*ahin$mEA EST AND BEST TEA III {In on This house is noted for producing a first class art cle at. a vnry low figure. The proprietor has pm`-_ `chased his Stock in the best markets in the Dominion Ior cash, and he can offer great induce- ments to these `doing a business through the country. Country Tradesmen canvba Bu;-p1iv9d,to mi- vnntnge, without guingso rm from - home as Toronto. - 7 OF ALL P. H IGKEY. U;_.on the szppliuzlliun ml` the above mined Piniulilr,-:un1apnm IIo:u'ix1g|cu,.] um 1_)`,[,.,,,ilj0'nS ufllenrv,Wis-,t:1k-u };(:f<)r0 the .\Insjur of {mg Court at H.u'riu, nu-I tlu: .'\i<,)Vil ofJuhu Ross `nnd Henry Wixo; It is nnl-.-re.] 1|-n,v_. up De, !Indaru:l.,":)Iz or I1-.-iore lhc '2-3th. d M of ."cp- Iomhar nexrl. Answvr or Dcmur to the Bill of Gumplahxt in this cruise. ' ` . . 1!... u 1|, A FACT! x_Al~I'!"JrA9.11`UB3';ll5U' I` V 0. A. PEBKINSBHOS- . % RI-hilt Rina]. `l'\..-I-__ n Go to Ill IIHCV A . 0 . . P k` 3 s_ |Dl.Q`l' nun n:-r"%..'.".. 'I'H'E /.Lu.I.JI LOUNGES, SIDEROARDS, l`EHS, azc , &c mionssi I81`. Sold by sh rbuzhom RD], nnln -._rw-uy" . FILT.O.`.`l}I S mwns Aw }LASS .N$ m'nn D _ . .-.,...,, \v\. aw, `Spatial attention paid to akefy CH SEA P. f,V'?h:$lE'FH3 . Perkins Bros . . Perkins Bros . - "20 Iw_-ly NEXTv 'l`H1~.` RAILWAY s'm'r19N, _F$;5'-i173 F * Bczwczm JOHN Imss, Plaizztz, ' A_Nl) ' I-`.')BEf`. I` m'.,\ K E, Dq/emlmzt. .-_.--4.; `y H V&gc.,&c.,&c_._f`_[' YORKSHIRE CATTLE` FEEDER, . _ .u.so aznnnu. AGENT ton \ AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS; - I 301.! AGENTS FOR BARRIE AND VICINITY. MANUFACTURERS, IJAVII BUY NO OTHER TILL YOU SEE THE GARDNER. Machmcs devered, and a` full course of Inslructxon given by a com-_ patent Operator. THE L_ATES [` AND` MosT;;coN. VENI l~1N l' OU 1'. - .IiIE2Ds% BROS, Took First Prize at Harrie" Fair Inst Fuli, and at 30 uIl:cr'lMTere11t Fairs lhmughuut the [Provincm GARDNER SEWING MACHINE ' - COMPANY, 3:} `All Goo-Js reduced to lhe-luwest figam-.,and no second price. JIULVIJUI m_`eLs;L 1: [ A CHILD CAN OPERATE IT N0 CLANKINIQ In be all odds the host and most prac- tical Machine in the Maxkot. _SEE OUR NEW EXTENSION TABLE smovns, WEIGH_SOALES, SEE otm NEW EXTENSION TABLE. smsgoun NEW EXTENSION T ' 'r.>.m.E.. THE GARDNER THE GARDNER THE GARDNER NO GRINDING `CAMS; Nam the address, FIOIIi&Fl -:tF'iclh 5 tltglmuu. SEWING MACHINE SEWING MACHINE SEV 'NG MACHINE LP-CK STITCH LOCK S 1`l l`C_Hj LOCK STITCH |.L'1l\-K), .HAMlLT()N, ONT. "(jba-WHEELS, p~.,.;;';;;;;., = J IIDIIOI - OOOOA8 - lnh nllcx, Gm"! . 15W": 1 Jun, COFFEE.- CO-` llgi ll) H10` CRUSP. Your nnswer is to he filed tleiofce Denu1v'R-wniatrnr. M I... 'v....... ,4 n.....:.. :.. TEAS.- `lllgnlp FI;NE4,TEAS. c;g)o1c%E CbF1rE Bums, July 17:11, 1871. j(}AN'1i0N '1' s'1`ma?:f [@@CW"3I\3T: ES fE33Z33%3WiEN ? Clot/cs, Ready [Made A (`lot/:ing, . Gentlemen s Furnishing Goods. mEM0vALz ._. -... . .......... snow, .: m-g;c nnu wcn aemvllc-.2 exuvlg I-1' ' ' nu-mPar'l;ur, Box aml Ccoking STU VES, at '1'm'm!0 I 7`z'cc:-'. . `WE ARE SOLE AGENTS FOR THE I-`(JLLUWING I`h\l\'L l"AL"]'L'R 151155, John AbeIl,o{ Woodbridge; G. `Wilkinson, of Aurora; A. $5 W. Wihon, of Richmod Hill_ nnd`McKinnon s celebrated Cnnl ():'| Steve. nrrn Mnrnn-n rn -- - -~-- - W ugvmr n:-01., mm N]? L. Hul'c'.ti:.-Id. llralllunl .HJuhll Arlyn;-:I."\{.l:L:l`ll.l:l.l~T.m: A cm`V" NW GANG PLOUGHS. I-`A.\Nl.\'G .'\l_ll.l._.>'.HAY lh\Kl~'>', lIH`l|lnI1H;. Wheel Rake. IRON HAlll{0\VS, Mall kiml.~. (`L'l.'l .`.1u.~.~u\ ts -r'r-hr:-M . , Iv,\'r<:n.<. .~'H'1'2~'l.I:w.-', >,'l;J?;I: 1 STUMPING MACHIl\E3, STRAW (`~U'l'TEIlS, l Lq\'l'l'(iRM :1`.-`.Ll')>', ulnl ul.` lluna: cultural Imp`emenls. Also, a large and well amnln! um-lg _ D_ _____ 11 1 /y 1 . A -- - ~- -.- -ur\|`1'v| I'\\JI\Ji'-\I:r\' GRIST AND SAW-MILL X\IA(.'Ix'NE'2HY. $HI.\TiL[': AND Celebtaled Impn-ved Sump.-on Tunbnm W ATE I`. \\ H lII'.L$'_ same wa cr. than any other Wheel nu ma Unlnn mu. JOHN ABELL S Fu-pl l'n'1n I`HRl-\uHw: u u-nu-... wa offer in` such prices as will not Iailll` lo olcnr pit.-vI0u_s lo lh&.Hl'l`lV8] of our large Autumn Shnpunents. recommenuuunn lrom us. HEAPEIKS AND M()\ Our JOHNSTON SELF RAKE REAl'I-LR [mi Shows,last Fall, and is'Tr:n Dulinrs clncnpcr than ml We def competition. or an m Iunl trial, side by sidr, v T E SPRAGUE MOWER hn.~'nuw been m [M ihlrodixced by Mr.Abe||. an g.-al expcn-9, am! has nu; any other mower, ll combunspuuplin-sly, t. InI\h1iH:.' all Barrie and Cuoksluwn Fell Shmvs. V OUR PLOUGHS nrn fr.-In -I... o..: 0 UR Wz&"'o'"2*93' DALI .\!\ l\ QED n.-. _ - - u - whe mon- central um! cullllladiull` Pr--nui~-.-'<. Lzh-I ; m-.v:I|*:-A .McCart/zy s Brick B/or/5, Dun/,.-I, 5', WC Ih`w (.-kvr fur 5;,-Z.-, n. ;'..; ,,i,,`, Machinery, I111p1 g 313 (`-R(),\1 TINT. RI.\'r u.u:u.~n.- . .. _ ` N ....v..... nu...-n v-111.1211?-V `L cr.1hnn L ABELUS Fm! Prize Tl~IRES1!l1\'G IU.-\( Hl1\'l-IS. `anleed-by him. This Machine having bun in list In (Ins ('uunl{` recommcndulinn from HEAPEIL` l\|(H.\'1`-,R. >_`;'.-., JOHNSTON SI-TL}-` RAIN: RI-'AlII.'l) .. ._ .. n . barn? and Uuoksluwn Fall Shmvs. V PLOUGHS are truluilm tuilmvni-5 E \_7/i!|r n:-07., Ann L. B-Ul (`L:M. . 1 PLOUGHS. F.-\.\.\'lN(} run I . I60] ,1 an. 1.5.. 6hwo sie; ' Baum, b --1' vv LIBERAL I`E-l-2i%1S- 51:1 I no nr..`l .\l1\l\l`.l(,1\Ni) AT MA~uFAc'T"'L39.Ens' PRLCES__ .\lA(,"K3~',H\' llI\`1:ll.` \ \ n An"I`uLTunAL`lmpumms,&c. ' J! M Wof`i;'E`E"sT'E:`im2.` . T Which will be sold at reasonable rates. NEW ZBEKIGIE. BLOCK APRIL, 1873 }e.e[l,..< 4u.\/1l\I mll.) CALL AND SEE US EVEN IF YOU DO N(F'l' HEY. cj-Stoves furnished Churches and Sunday chuuls at COST. 1 -=-313 `Biff! T`I`lI'EI 3&1 an mn- I uomun, in ti. Io'cI- Salmon, -` 8 - 0 (stars, I 0` ` O fem, ,." 1090- `- ' - 330:1: _V /' _',3_I `_ . . _ } ,. cdaia. T Where he will keep on hand as usual, AND GENERALGROCERIES, WINES AND 1 30 cent d ' F Wm M m PW ` ' S 11 W . ; ' ' ' ` ,) .~,.,*, ,. :35 5.. 75 :..%`.:",,:1".`;;ff Te? '0 Ln. Tmnnma. 4 r r nnrnisynigx. .....=am;.5;.`;'*' -..-4.. n4ua\A -.uu Al-I t.;Ulll.'UIb' LU. _JI_I` Pumhs Bamssi, .1/WAR T11 Y s 1:13. In k 2. r rm; .v mmxcmw, \"EI)NESDAY, THI: : JUNE, A.D;, N73. W M. HUN'l`ER, lMPO!i'i`IR, '80LE8.\LE `AND RETAIL DEALERJN Fguits Vv .Xarma ln,ic, A Pickles, Sauces, Cumc Powdsr, -Iluatnrd, Potted Mega} Lohmn, in !inI,, lmon. "- (I 1 uIs...|..rL.l._&J_l.\'_j__1__a FR().\1 THE m-:.< r .\l:\l{[Cl{S.1\Nl) %'PllRl-I-n-`R ___- HAS REMOVED HIS '02 w M iv. 1 o ' - oen `Street, oppnszls the ew Bani; of I'o1?0n}o`A`. To his building, in the _j_.---`j-ICU - 5 J/cUAIlTI1Y S 1'lt .IC'K IILOCK. BAIZI mu M Hus I'm, `AND Epli [m I: H. P1 ll H9!` Hll HUM `dnnabnlily and Nqte the foowing lines: White Skurts wdrlh $1.50 for $1.00. Prints worth I5 cents. for 11 cents. ' Silk Mnntles worth $6;0o for .~s-4.00.` 5:;-v Goods at Wllolesio Prices. T Dresses worth $2.5_0r!or ` ' Mxllinery `at Wholesale Prices. _Tho above, together with our Cex:eraJ Stock ofSum?ner mg wdi-k.nnwn 1. Juhll Aln-ll. `- |.\'HA\' lI\L'L` u` l'4.--- Champagnes. Sandoman, , Old Port, Alacnnt Port, ' Farmgoua Port, Sherry lrleizer, Diamond Sherry, Paie " Brown _, _ Ginger Wino} BRANDlE8.- Ila:-t.,el|'s, . , Henneueyb ~ 7 ex : " `IS 10! _. _..... `run -um-.v\.o FAII`-DEAL}./\ G. EN YOU .`.'(>'r mtv ml; Inc First I I|zc III HM ulhcr nmkers nrr *'rHHl;.' -,wi1h n1x_\'IlhvrRc::rc-I`. use in Cuxzula fur the lnsl II Hlllnunl . -- - L}, a Jompletciassoxtmcm of -.v--u mlvu Il:..r\lVl. AND LAT I\ lA(ZIl|;\'E>`, A. D. ( ()Ll-2'8 L S. ,;.-uzurnulcul An In n..u' \\ml;, \\~uh H..- > mulcer-: . A \\ no-Hrruiu F . un..Au.l. ...u, wt :1 110! nm_\' Iiu` lhe '0. . Siuuw nm.`v(`a- "Hal 17:17.. 1.! ul I. an e nts, 30 ,ANl) lllf Int` HI.` .-~cr'.'o-(1 pm g. and 11:51: "mum". .ruIy_7, 1373.` Irru II`, ;\I '1-IIITC 571.,` If-'r7`7'1.'r . Luwons. AND `reams. I7\!Al`HIXl.` . n Jamaica, Demamra. w HlSKrES.- Old Rye, Mnlt, . Scotch. V Irish. on our. A In and 'D.~. J u'cs Ro!,)in a, -- D-.....-A n GIN In ` sl twuye-1:.-, havirg Im-n 1-pUIHIl_|} HL'\('r rr;Ivnl!rd by vluok xhr Fm! l'u':c M the i.\`. llcllkhy Old Orovr. { Ale sud Porfer`. 3l.--- Jamaica, Damnrnrn, N Pamard s . Booths, Ml);-Kiugber'i. A41 huing enjoyed a very successful season : busiuus, we are prepared to offer the bnlgnce cfour Summer Stock at `mu,-r, .-yet-iully gun!- -my yr4l3. nu eds nu Lrd. - rI1L' {ml Ln ml lullcrl ,Nc'wxr.a:krt; an Vfvmklll-\\ n r l`.lm'lnm.'. RIC IE. $5.3. csomprou & co., Pmcsg 19 spit rue nmss DRY Goqpfs, [ir.I,1NZi{$'m:Es.MAK1NG On the l0th,Instant, I ` WE oommncm OUR Great Annual Jllirlsunmzer Sale, any respectable dealers in ints P lhrbughouv. Ontario, and to dealers only by ELLIOT SI Cm, `P0302110 m?or sale in Barrie by John Woods, -7- P- ; Watson & 00., and Well : Bros. Ilicnnm nggrnans. mm: WWERQI CULVERWELL! AGE '!`Rnnnm1 ...,x `nun: HM.-..I lg /,0 1'1ll.\'/.' (E J//I. /.lNI I. Y, -, June 7251!}, "I3. No IGIKOIJND IN (;'HAMBE1n .8. GREAT AEQNUAL nnnss & MANTLE MAKING, Minsumzn cmrum; sm Ih the latest s`t'y>1*es. HATS U1-.o._S. IJo:.m:s'r|m, n :2 ~ 3: MP3, AT THE ELY ' '1 luiniij) `s SoIu`lors. ` 27-din &&h/'3 `and UPHOLBTERY. lill nreminan nnnnnhn Iv * un.UUlVllJ `QVVHHAITE LEADS, ~` GENUINE" `- - - BARRIE. mu urnUl:'l.'lli.Y - opposite on. Barrie. ' -lm porters. 26-1) 37-U |PURV|8`BR08. Highly ornamented l\`Inchim,3.-5 oil Iron Stand, Black Walnut Table and Drawer, [Puhshcd.] one Wrench, `one Screwdyiver, one Oiler, six Bobbins, bne dozen Nigcdles.` one. B1-aide: .una one copy 01 Dimclions. IFAMILV-IVIAGHINEJ llighorg-radon of Machines equally reasonable in ' price. V ' _I. - --n jjlrlrfw .L , "GENUlNE No. 1," " No zgad -.* No 3," of this brand, are unsnlpasscd for body and brilliancy of` hnde- Packages cont:-in fu_ll ne_1.t weight. he Mic are warned tl1nl'c rtain other brands `gel 1 short in cvry ,-called 25 pound package. ' - Ikamino the'_bn,nd' and d1 not his put <'>f _ with inferior pairits. Th'e1'31-:3`: is always can?- m. _ > | u'cAnruv's nn|om.oI:_K,?| 14.. Has square nec:l|[u-I plat >s, &c., Jzc. ll.- Pressurl.--lbot can be heavy stitching. 10. hmnkcslhclock-ntilch (inn 1 PRICE, $40.00. I3. Cap rcgulnle lhrowgolf to sun. sewing. I2. CzI_n lmreznlaled liu: tnku.-~ ing to slit;-lnmg. miaenl exnslum-< , nnd luring nll llncse years In"); burn nn.|cr.going m:I- ' provcuicnls CUlll]):\liN<: with the dcxn`-iuds L Capacity to do 1 heavy. 3. Simplicity ' understood. IMNN ETS, @`GALL AND SEE ;IT,- ; 1. Simplicity lhem. r.c.\vm.mrs r,1xmcTunm'a co. F. RCiil)i llyi thread. ' 3. Easy of [nanageinent ; no great _sk:l to operate It. I. Simpli'z_iIy of con.~tr'uc-lion`, par: mcnls; II is well made. `I .. Non-Hal-ilily to get out olnnlef, or slandiug. Is excellent for the adjuslalfe Hemmer, one extra .' Throat Piece, one Guide and Scnew,_ ' =. I. Simplizily ( it 0F 'i`lIB L.l'l`ES_'l` FASHION, For S115, or prtfmxttly .\fade to Order. I Purlcclion or mlaipmbilityi Easy of wrkix: , light runnfu; Binder, Buster, Friller, and \r\f THE JUST-mi CELEBBA lung as Sewing Mu- chimas have burn at all widely kn`owu "lo the pt-u,AlvV, me :1 Sin,-.;cr hzas been in -_'pro- s I N G EER Ha'1|'I`s co`mbinedTuck`m-, MARKET STREET,`