PRINCIPAL DEPOT. IATTT. Mb'l!l'lM!I spam DR. RADWAYQ .4. A--g-gt:1ZI F byls`. J Clm In Her, .1Kt.n|trel. `E n `I".nn..o.. -9 11,, - ,____ _-......, ...,. nu. -21, _m me 2:10 Uon., in the Township of Jedome, If mi'es from Craig- hurst. . Then in trgood dwelling House, good frmfzp Bun, and I good well of water on the "pruning. Tfhisbotcontains _10_() acres, with pod ..of on! Orchard. well Ijenoed and in a good auto tintiqn.` , .. . 4` I ' runuiv `nus not contain: b 100 a well fenced and in .of anlIintio_n.' ;.0r151:g `rgl,-. sin, 1872. , JQHN A --I-lI--h A Store and Dwelling in the ourishing Vil- Iago ofonighurst. The store is 20: 5, .tbe dwelling house is 20 re 35, frame building, well nished up-stairs Ind containing four large rooms. Good frame stable and convenient out~ houses. _ V The subscriber also 13 willing to rent, -on liberal ienns, Lot No. 4l,_in the 2nd 0011., of Jedonte, lirst. Tl;ox~ovis' fgooc; dv_(elling House. ood -... `-__I V-F011 SALE on T0 RENT. A Q5-.. -...a l'\._-1n_ _, . .. .. Medxune. AGIIITB to; I V. -v-an avv 000. I3 For Sale by all Druggists and Dealer: in BAn|m:,-Mesars. A. V. Palmer 6: Cao, and T. W. Georen. Orillia-Mrv J. W. Slaven. Collmgwood- r. Carpenter. A 'WI:_glaaala Aga;u.g,;-Messrs. Lvman. Ellinn 1. _-........., nuv vnuuus cum iseasea, Hiunors, and all diseases arising from D lm urily oftlie Blood, excepting the Third Stage ofgonsum tlon. Further information, with full directions or using the Great Shnshonees Remedy 63 Pills, and containing Testimonials and -Cerli!i~ cates of Cures. can be obtained by securing the treaties; the Hand-book,'or tlie Almanac and zculars from any lelpectnbla Druggist in`the A tninlon-1roe. Price of Rented in large Pint Bottles 31. Ptgsper B02: 25 ctsu 94-15-- 5;. - - uuu mearcmc ls pleasant and is warranted, and may positive! to ma_ke a permanent cure 01 al Throat, Lungs, Liver, Kldneys, I dac. dsc.,Aaa well as Scrolula, I Diseases, and disea of tlie ofgonsum inforn Sh( & Pm. ....: ....--=-=-- -- - ,1... .... ..... ...... .v . 1 "1 uandelion, Hyoscyamus, Compound Extinct c Colocynlh. Jalap, socotrine Aloes, Capsicum, (ye. 660 ) which enter into the composition of the combined medicine, are such and so harmoniously classied and compounded, that it is made the most saarclfnicuralive in the Known, world, and can- not help mac! on the system in a ver sntisfaozor ' and desirable manner. No manor-w at vour ni - ,. . rment mav be.nrhmn 1...... .. .... __ g ,, .. ,. . Tau! act very satisfactory matter-what nil- may be, or how long standing. h will find the spot and aalonish yru by the ra id manner in which you are restored to perfect eallh and full or. hia Medicine is pleasant saa to take, and is wnrrantp.l......a ...------7'-' ' ' ' ' 312;; noxmm roR_s4Lg:. _1lu1l.lhe Gruau` Sxosnomzns Runny AND Pu.Ls ofthe Eminent lndum Medicine-Man, Doctor LewisJosephus,oflhe Great Tribe ofsltoslzonees, British Columbiagis workingthe most marvelous and astonishing Cures the World ever heard of. ever in theyannals ofcanadian Medical History -has such success attended the introduction of any medicine heretotore. ' - WHY? ` O _ SIMPLY BECAUSE the Valuable active modrcmgtl vegetable iuaredieHls,(some of which we will mention, such asthe Extracts of Wild Cherry Burk, Podophvllum, Juniper,Q_uassia,Smartweetl, Dandelion, Hyoscyamus, ('3olocyn_th.`Jalap, Aloen. Cnnuivn-W we swv us. 1;. mum. is acquaint- f_ the &I_8.9r{Ian thIt._{f. A1l,,mg_n3 axe list;-L Wed ivith Ijopk in when pagsis found 4 % the vb-I "-.u2daw.Jn!h mum: ? ` s:e.hrwin-. 2 That lhe GREAT A gfthe Jnthun Mum-in...M... me remeuy we was pertectly restored to health You may publish the facts for the benet ( those similarly amicted. , '1`. C. BR(' WN. Episcopal Methodist Minister. I J. C. Cnnmnnnam, Esq.-Sm,--Thie is to certify that my wife was very low with lung dis- ease. The Doctor had given her up. He said herilungs were tubercled, and medicine could not hel'p her. As a last resort, I purchased a bottle of the Great Shoshonees Remedy. At the expiration of two days, her symptoms were decidely better. She continued to improve sc rapidly that by the time she had taken one hot tle she was able sit up. By the continuance 01* the remedy she perfectly restored health. I muv Dublish the fact: for nu. 1...u.n. -. I . .. . ..mucu. uoumgwood-Mr. Carpenter. Whdoaalc Aianta,---Messrs. Lyman, Elliot! 3 o.,Dunspaug 6; Watson, Toronto. ' 837-ly VIII [H 1.11.) 15"": . P I J. I. WELLINGTON, J'.P. --.j_ AWONDERFUL cums: OF LUNG DISEASE. oworn nerore me a of April, A.D., 18170. . _ _ 1 8In'rrIrm.n. J. O. Cn?1m:a1.un, Esq. This is to certify that about three years ago I became afflicted with Bronchitis which "lasted `about eighteen months. Iwrlso aiicted for the want oi breath that it was very diicult for me to speak and in the night time frequently throwing the clothes off andyraising in the bed to keep from strangling. I tried three of the most eminent physicians in" the County of Northumberland for about a year without receiving any benet. In fact I continued getting worse all the time. At last I was advised to try the Great Shosho- ynees Remedy. I bought a bottle .of it, and when it was about nished I began ,to feel a littlt better. I continued to use it untill had taker- three bottles, when, to my satisfaction, I found that Ivwas as well as ever] had been previous to my illness, and have been so ever since. JOHN SILVER. Sworn before at Smitheld, this 6th day A.D., 18:70. nj`-`0`N REA$2)i\}h3?[;;- TERMS. Ww POWDER, SHOT,.@ l0:`rTINWARE, CB; OIL, &c., 3 vuruyo nus luau!-ll.UU3o V r dust in her struggle with Erussia than . herselfany longer bound by the Treaty : of 1856, The action of the Czar was _ highly rnortifymg to the latter country that, now your - strength, till shernd herself powerful -` No sooner was France rolling in the the voice of Russia was heard in the east declaring that she did not consider to the pride of Britain ; it wssvirjtually a declaration august `ally is oatof the way, I care not a straw for your opposition. The insult was Adeeply`felt in Britain, as was manifested through the press and on the platform. Anew convention of the Powers was called together in London, when the Treaty of1R56 was q revised to the satisfaction of Russia; ; and now we nd as the result that the principles for which the Allies had" fought in the Crimea are abandoned. and Russia is allowed to `pursue her own course in the Black Sea A few days egos cable despsteh brought the rmportantintelhgence that` a Russian. ukase had been issued ordering the re- building of Sebastopol as a military and naval station. Thi y be re- garded as the removal of the last mark 1 of Russian hnrmlietion_b_y the [Western Russia will keep the peace probably (or _ several years, husbanding Asher L {to "make another {move ' soxith-_e ` ward; and nally .eata|;1i.h .h;-5 pow. - sain thuut of. the `great Eastern; am; enough Builder and Undertaker, Oymsite the Court House, Barrie, noons, Elsa Ami; Iiiwfmns, , """`rV He also keeps on hand, and manufactures COFFINS of all kinds, and furnishes all the paraphernalia. necessary for Funerals, including an excellent Hearse, which can be had on very moderate terms. , 21- ; HARDWARE, g . Just received to hand 9. large assortment of `. ' Cook, Parlpr and Box I . . ;@V11v%E am Of various designs and patterns. which he will aollas cheap as any other house in town. ' __-'n-j ._..:o:_- All kinds of repairing done and all work wanantcd Old Brass, Copper and Bags taken injexchnnge Barrie. 1859. ' 19-ly. Raspectfully announces to the ublic that he is at all times prepared to take contracts for building, and that he can furnish :4-_... _____._ u; vv uuuurun ulna: Ly,\U|uuVlu Animated withthis faith, the west- ern. provinces spent millions of money, and thousands of lives in checking the - march of Russia toward the Dardan- elles,1n accordance with the policy of Peter the Great. The designs of Russia for the time were frustrated, her treasury exhausted. Sebastopol was destroyed, the Black Sea neutralized; andaismall slice of Russian territory handed over to the enemy. Russia, however, did not abandon her designs of Constantinople, but kept her face continuously towards the South, watch- ing the progress of events. . The poli- tical changes of Europe are favourable to the development of Russian power in the Black Sea, though the estab- lishmentotthe principalities underia Prussian Prince formsa strong barrier V in "the north of Turkey. France, the great` military power and arbiter gf Europe, has been cast down from her lofty position, and Prussia, a power - friendly to_Russia, elevated to her place. .England,asagreat power, lost , her prestige in continental opinion, and, . single-han`ded, would be no match for , Russia on land, without time to de- 1 velope her resources. , Nn nnnnnr nyoo 'lZ`-nu.-- ..-n:., -, A ;GUNSMlTH, &o., sw|m:_[a_:_\_cH|uEs.| I ALEXANDER GRAHQQI `j1URE OF BRONCHITIS. A331)`: isam` GUN AND. TIN ACTORY, . Q -J Haajn adcfition to his stock of general J'~. P'U*L'L.AN,` And all kind: of. Ammunition. At very short notice, and 151-`: tar`-xv.-s---.. ._._... e nab Id positively be relied upon anemcure all diseases oltha Liver, Digestive Organs, l the various Skin >_|:,ax_1d arising (ram - world since that time. (From the Canada Scotsman.) Seventeen years ago, the eyes of the civilized world were concentrated or. this spot with the most intense interest. [After forty years of profound peace the Crimean war was commenced as the first of the series of -great struggles, which, at different periods, shook the Great changes have taken place, both in sentiment, and in the relative standing ot Euro- pean nations since the commencement of that war of giants. It was consider- ed then absolutely necessary for the safety of Europe that the `sick man should be protected from the attacks of the `Northern Bear. Even Austria, l though under the deepest obligations to Russia for preserving the integrity . of her empire, indirectly assisted the , Allies by occupying the Principalities I of Wallachia and Moldavia. ' 1 Animnona untn. oI.:.. :'..:n. n_. ___..,r ALSO AGENT FOR Kept Valso on'hant_1. .---!n!_--- BROOKLYN, April 5th, 1870. Surmrum. certify \ 1 -Inami `nknnr n:..\.o..... JQHN~ noun. " h V7-13p I an. nnnm. Acuuu uusn. UOOUS OI % NEW 1ms1N_s.. cunmnms, "v`R~R=`A2lT. Nl T'I`Q `l:'I1`_aI.`D'r:. aux; vv .I.|y.\.l\`l1L\b3.. [ 1 , = ':BB`AZl_.L NU 1`S. l,;,Wlnea,;Liq'noru, &g., of the > - - -v---an uni A vuuxv AUULIULV AL" 1115 TURE V Thursday, ` Frzday and aturday Evening at half. L ` ` 'l`_>_ eongit of_ Crockery Vases, T bl & -., ' 1 - - ' _ Te1';ns Gish.l(ooi`:)onLviegagirgctg 3;l;;_`ble for NEW.R'1STNR ' V. : nrmn nurrq `nt.'1:' - ; _ A. cnnnevmui AM `SHA 325389; oraq'rr1E V Begs to inform the public that the Old Crow is the only Whiskey _.; Pulil Oil, consequently very desirable for Fnmi Iy use. parcula n ` A TRIAL ..- ......, .. . .. unuuu um genera: puouc that be will sell of [TFO%R'ONE MONTH AT COST! - My stock of Dry -Goods. Boots and Shoes. Crmkm-v. mm: "nun mnw x Old T, Crow and , __ ,_____-...-.n. \/ I sell Goods cheap because I am ab `protsnnd quick returns is my motto. -. u...-A uvntlu GBOGKEBY Aniidsr I}N I -..n r1 .. 1. TEA that cannot b bent in brillin, or any other place. ' tine avored,-V low priced (70c) Ten, just to hand. ELEPHANT HOUSE. C)1={II.-I.-I15. M`? @@s W J . bering _ Irish Lad ; and Dr. Spdhn sang ` 2nd Vice-Chairman next l Mr. J. C. _ Dissette and Byrnegrespo Us Duramr, Ute ovruvaufvvm. '.l.'lllDlI;,` G. "F. Gow, and J. C. ..McMnlle_n. Mr. F. Gribbinsang Widow Mac- kree. Dr. Blaven, lst Vice Chairman. then gave `.` Other Nationalities, which provoked excelvlent speeches from Dr. , ;B.emss`y,Jas. Jackson, (Better-known by the Sobriguet ct Stonewall.Jackson)' ,'- A. $ennedy,0. Ostrander and H. S. 7 Seadding. ` Our Guests, responded to by Dr. The Vice-Chairman gave Blacketock, H. Sutherland and Major Bonlton. Mr. Davidson "sang Betsey Whaning. " The Learned Professions came next,-Messrs. S. 8. Robinson, G. Corbonld, Doctors Elliot, Sphon, J. A. Ardagh, and Messrs. Wade and Astley. Civil Engineers. Song the Flaming O'Flannigans by Mr. Sutherland, ex- cited the laughter of all present. lst Vice-Chairman gave Our Municipal ' Institutions? responded to by Council- lors Sutherland, Gow, Trimble, Booth, '1`. P, Campbell, ex-Reeve of Orillia _ Township. Major Boulton sang Up Early in the Morning. The 2nd ` Vice-Chairman, Mr. Wm. Trimhle, proposed Our Agricultural and-Lum- Interests, responded to by Messrs. Campbell, F. Kean. Mr. Frank*Gribbin with his usual modesty took refugein the song I'm a Simple The Man what couldn't Get Warm. The , gave Our Mechanical and Lumberlnsg Interests. McMullen sang 5` Kitty Tyrrell, and Messrs. Booth, Fitzgerald, nded. The Chairman sang " Your Glass may Purple and Mine may be Red, which was followed by a comic songecalled Doat these Rheumatics, by Mr. Davidson, provoked the visibles of the company. ' Messrs. Ostrander and Sutherland replied in behalf of'the lumbering fraternity. Mr. Jae. Jackson gave his grand Masonic Song, which was well received. The Press" was next spouses were me e by Dr. Ramsey and J. C. .McMullen. `Mr. rock. Our Railway Enterprizers, was responded to by Mullen-who sang one of Moore's from the Beach." p Ladies came next, and was re- len and J. A. Ardagh. Bark to Erin s Isle was then sung in splendid style by Mr. Sutherland. Our Host and Hostess, the landlord, Mr. Christopher" Moore, respondedein a brief manner. Auld Lang Svne was then sung, all heartily joining in the refrain. After which this pleasant and agreeable ahirkterminated, all- seemingly well pleased themselves and the rest of the world-nothing having occurred to mar the pleasure of the evening. ` be. roposed, suitable re- 4 _ Bolster T sang The Green Immortal Sham- . Messrs. Wade, ; Major Boulton, Astley, and J. 0. Mc- l sweetest melodies entitled (I Saw 4 -Theftoast of the r sponded to by Messrs. J. C. McMnl- `l Steer my After which came the last toast of v ]PRE?EE@ 4246` GL ASS,TPAINTS AND OILS, Barri, April 19th, 1871. ` smpms my saovms, FORKS AND HOES nmi, June 6th . um. agaiss, mms mm ans. WUR3__@@tE?;3ES3 mgwsaows, 11" drew` forth puriotioT. retliatlti - from ~ Major Boulton and o`x-Captain S_l_a.ten, of No.` 7,bCo. Simeon Foresters._ The `next on the linnvu "the toast of -The day and all who honour it. ? Appto- priato apeeohou were given by Messrs. G. Bolster, Dr. Slavon, Wm. Ttimble, G- 1:`- (30111, and T n M..M..n.... Jan. 21, 1871. STOVES TINWARE & HARDWARE; :ISA:A C WILLIAMS L 3 mm a maooraame, Bio also on hand a large stock Vof Beer, Whiskey, and Ferklna. White ak, White Ash and W1 All ozdexs attended to.` Address NEW BRICK BLOCK DUNLOP ST. RNOJTICEI NOTICE! i % CROCKERY &. GLASSWARE, - ' !Evc3r q[fe7ctl to the public at the Prices. 0BsE1.2VE THE_.A.DDRESS! W!!! 11 UN TER, -r--,,-qyu -|II I Illa 1`o`ihal{i a,id to-Jouiih Mignon: ` ".|!!!d". gzgn 1: -`..3'.'!'il_liil1'o am . . . .. |1`IU,9,l'_l Ipl!, CI-IEAP FOR CASH. GROCERIES, me best in the -------- -- .j..__:___. icon NEWS FOR THE PIJBLIC. THOM A as S; 1vf0FFA'rT - AT THE ELEPHANT; -M`y stoc1:v<>E RESHEOODS UILDEETS HARDWARE. *1 At RAWDONS New Brick Store very cheap for GAS} E. s. MEEKING He! also begs to i SEBASTOPQL AGAIN. `ASALE BYAP'UB_I'.1C AUCTION AT ms sronn on V...'.J._'.- -.-. J - 7 Has removed to new and more comodious premises in his lv I ., V - V-, _ v-f-- a.A.v\.va.;LJ, V . the Best Brands, 9,; good and cheap as any other mm 1 . 5- {pen-haps,n l_Iule cheaper. V ' ' -`.4-._.- .- "Having been appointed Sclg Agent for the I With the largest end most carefully selected stock of at low prices, and selling fast. ' V W " ""'_ "" `"1 . mamazs, PEEL . ..FII;-BER'liS. , cA1\'1 -FRUITS, "e3?.1,`;, flriua- ah bond nnd oh}... an ...-. nu.-_ -. ; Inform the general publuc that he WI. n an an n u--n - - -- - ` V Always arving for `he 1115 6K'::h'e cl.ay was fine the well dressed hich the _ _ stranger proposed that they ,should "333 Fbndoeda walk out upon the` wharf and view "'d t Pl"-'4|1 the magnicent river. They perambu- eBlack A lated the wharf for, some time,-the !3P3th E119 stranger pointing out the beauties of "39 that ,3 303.8130 the scene. During the conversation "94 'd|'18 `E19 the farmer stated that he was from `P1 9' npaif Leasing, and this caused the un. Thll may be stranger to stopand "shake holnds with JOYE1 Oflhe .1119-1'3 hm, remarking that they were fellow- ~``.b WW9!" towpsmen,as.he was amerehant doing ` :Pl W1" 303 5 1'9 -business in that -place. He kept a dry` "'"81 7th" "-. goods store on_' street, naming ["119 P03 one of,the pnnoipaletreets of the town; l W hnabendines he? he knew hisfacawasfamiliar,and, now xind herself powpyful he thought or u, he`_had ;len`.`him_in hf.fmV9 80"!-j the_5s_tore sevei-al_times. `A more can ` "3`3b1l'h 1191' POW` dial telation:_was:immediatelyl.~:estah- be neat Eastern Em-` lislied{betweent__he_m,and the dty,'gorjds -1 fn'o!n" ' 1'. .--:-u--I_ lI_I_ . Shoes, Crockery, (_FOR CASH ONLY.) d Crow mado thnt is entirely` free from 919 Family nae. particularly at this xenon of the year- . TRIAL SOLICITED. Baez-,1Whiskey, Pork and Potash Barrels Ghurnl, Wuhtnbo Alhand White Pine Saves nlvnyn sought or in non; OF ALL KINDS. *E8?EEEN@ PPBEg Bourbon Whisk ies. ISAAC VE WILLlA_MS ._._. 1'` THE ,,___ -C-r able and detrmined to do : .0- THE , j ' " ""_'7 New Brick Block, Dunlop Street, Barrie. - 51- CANTON T STORE, . S. MOFFATT; . Celebrated Another lot :1 that Try it. County V Proprietor the city on private business. ' cauy similar oases before. On Tuesday one of thogsharpers at- tempted_ to play a_ little game uponan apparently green farmer, but he found . that he had caught a` Tartar. The persontin question is a farmer who lives near Lansing, and who. Wa in This he had concluded, and atabout 2:30 o clock he was in the Centre depot awaiting the departure of the 4:15 Lansing train. He was strolling about, with nothingnin particular to do, when he "was accosted by a well dressed, good looking chap who passed some-general, remarks upon the return of Spring and the salubrity of the weather. This was answered courteonsly .by the farmer, and theiconversation thus inaugerated was oontinued,the well making himself particularly agreeable tothe farmer who, as the time hung heavily upon his bands, was glad of an opportunity of thus passing it. away . agreeably. A. n... .1... ....... c_. -v, - -- - - dressed chap, I 4 I I i I aSH 09 AWAY. Pteitnb V il ;l'oI. `Id r so. Small ...... nub uuyua geuerauy acknowledge that they,ha,ve heard ofalmqst identi- _calIy similar case before. nn "`l1nnr`nu nu- v..' AL -' `-1 After the many tales of simple Countrymen victimized by the _` Con- denoe swindlers it is refreshing, at last,to_meet,with -`a. man from the oountry too-wide-a.-wake` to be suc- cessfully operated upon. "The Detroit Trilwmesays: ' Of Info In nnuu-wk... I\` --..l- C I M. IIIDF unyu 6 - _` Of late a number of condence op- erations have been performed by bold sharpers uponsuspeoting and trusting farmers, who can't be made to believe that all men have not the same pure and guiless hearts as those possessed by themselves. What is most strange and unaccountable in the matter is that the dupes generally acknowledge they,have heard of nlmnst Mann`- ouu yuuacaa luy 'I.ll.l, " . , , The Mayor replied in heroie verse, and then proceeded to take immediate steps to award justice. He sent a con- stable for the_ astronomical Newton, who runs another shop on the corner of Madison and-- Clinton streets, and ordered him to disgorge the $50, and also pay for the warrant. The auction- eer denied having soldthe. watch, and said it was done by one of the `boys. The Mayor regrettedthat he could not revoke the" license. The reverend gentlemen left the oce, and took the next tram back to his native heath; umumuuuucut uuu71IuHn6_1' 88.1!!! I105. Mr. Medill satin state in his oice, from which three strangers had- just emerged the Rev. Roberts have in sight,tand with many a- grimace, told his story (to the tune of Old. Hun- dred.( . Far from the path I ve wandered sure, and now I see my sin. Had! my skirts kept _from_ `lure, I d still possess my `tin, Tho ]\/lotrnr vnnlhul J... L...`..:. ---.A_', 5m _yuu uuulu luau usutuus OI Ibo". Aft_er'leaving. the auction-roonr he] went to a jeweller and had it tested, and found that it was agalvanized silver watchworth about $12. Being dissatised with the purchase, he went back immediately to the auction-room, having been `gone about ten minutes, ' and found `the establishment closed and no person to be seen about it. He then procureda warrant for the arrest 01 the auctioneer, but he. could not be e found, and the person in charge of the auction-room refuses to give the name of the auctioneer. Afant has since learnedthat this kind of fraud and de- A caption is regularly carried on at said establishment and [further saith not. Mr, NIAAHI mu :... ..a..a.. :.. L:- -m- IIIV VVEIUII IUI SUI! A man whom aiant now believes waain some way connected with the establishment, bid $25. Afant, be- having the whole transaction, and having nosusplcion of deceit or fraud, bid $50 for the watch. A man pre- sent whom aiant believes now was also connected with the establishment, asked theauctioneer if he could have until the next afternoon to pay for the watch, to which the auctioneer ans- wered, no but that he could have until that afternoon, and immediately itruck o the watch to thin aiant for 50. h.............L $14-- _-:-.1 u__ mun . .. `l"""' . . Deponent then paid the $50 to the auctioneer and sa_id .to him , You warrant this to be a fine gold watch. He replied, We never warrant any- thing, but if you-get.dinsatia_ed with the watch, bring it back, and we will get you more than that out of it.. AffAr'lnnI1:nn OR.` .....o.'.._ ..--.- ` - V iiiiiiiiiy, who sometimes are `fer from believers. But the "innocent- miuded Roberts left hirgnide behind him when he came on I visit. telhis. city, and forget the lesson which, had he bronghtit, might have been ever be- fore him. An-.. -o....n.-.... _u_-... A .u,, suauuauu ,. ; .. s` ` .. Alter strolling.=about;'*~among the ruins, his ears `were greeted by `the duciet tonesof an auctioneei-"on State street, and the rest is_ told` in his a- davit. When he entered the store the ' auctioneer wasselling a silver watch, and ayoung man, apparently a conn- tvy man, stepped up to the auctioneer s stand, and asked him if he sold watches for outside parties. , The auctioneer re- plied Yes, that is our business. The young man then pulled out of his pocket, and handed to the auctioneer, . a watch with chain attached. The auctioneer pretended surprise and asked where he got the watch, to which the young man replied that he bought the watch before the re, had carried All about two years, and he paid $180 for it. Thereupon the auctioneer said to him that. it was too valuable a watch to be sold. there, that he would not get more than $60 or $70 for it; that this was not the place to sell a ne watch like that in; that it was worth $200, and if he wanted to raise money, he had better take it to a pawn-_ broker and getalean upon it. The young man `replied that he had been to a. pawnbroker, and could not get , more than one-third what it cost him, as a loan; that he must have "money, and that the auctioneer must sell it, but that he didn t want to sell the chain, which he then separated, handing the watch backyto the auctioneer. The auctioneer then said. You must understand that if I-get two bids on it, it must go, and then proceeded` to cry the watch for sale. A ...._.. ...L...._ _!!___a __,-_,, 1,1- A SHARP COUNTRYMAN -uu uwp; moved, 3 mmmt H `0v'nu.:as orvonsn Ruolcma.---And why not? and who knows but that their horses are rejoicing as w H - ' h gonltary? Bu! lhei: ornzrso r:?oeP'::..?: iof the agloaihin d I - `elfecla on theilr huge: 1:11 " `l`)::,t:; sm(:`:;a;::dn5:?`,,,: Bo d ` ` , Sol:`ee:eiea:J:in fglbrtgp 13.33..-.9 _' _ R,md.7' I (3889. The public are harsby assured `through the columns of the Advance that Parsons Purgative Pills contain no injurious principle but that they may be administered tozohildzren and the most weak and shattered constitutions in sma.lldoses,wi h great oertainty of suc-- ' ` -uvvvnvugcu nu master. And so may women, if she will, assert her power, and find most willmg subjects, where arrogance and ` im-_- patienge will nd but rough and `stub- born opponents. ' SHE] - im.xi uuuulu unl I-Ho When the traveller wrapped his cloak abouthim, the storm descending. in great wrathfthe windroared most `furiously, tucking him to and fro; whirling him like a feather `along the road, in vain endeavours to tear the cloak from about him ; he onlyhugged it all the more closely.` But when the sun came to him gently, noiselessly, the iron will and'sturdy frame that battled so-successfully against stern; and wind,` bqwad down beiore the genial andloving inuence, and ac-. knowledged its master. i Aim` an rvnnvr u......._._ 'r |uJuuUua I-U IUD Ul-HUT f We know all that is said of man`: rough, abrupt, and overbearing ways. There is much truth in it.` We think there is a little spice of tyranny. in every ma.n s'. composition. Perhaps, since the days of old Queen Bess, we might nd enough of the same qualities -in our own so; to establish our claim to sisterhood ; but, admitting? that these ` are purely masculine elements, do we not know how to conquer and eradicate even these uncomfortable and unde- sirable traits. ' TITL _ .- A V uguu [Jul by 3 How often have we re.coiled, from a blow. when hearing those who A should be in one heart draw compari- sons prejudicial to their [own compau~ ions and to the credit -?of another s pre- faced with some stinging remark. Do they ever remember that with the marriage vow they toolr each others honour and respectability into` their own hands, to cherish or destroy, and that heaven has made the bond so in? separable that all honour bestowed on the one passes over and is shared, by ' the other ; and all the disgrace or error that mihtates against the one isequally injurious to the other 3 We lcnnur `nll~ Inn 1.. .;_r_I ,n - UVV II IUUIQ For many a long year hislittle scrap " has lam hidden away with other mem- entos in our drawer. When it was given, and by whom, we well - re~ member. it contains most excellent advice, and too often greatly needed ; ' but when reading it this morning, the question arose in our mind, Do not wives need these cautions equally with their husbands? Is there no respect - dueftohusbands 7 Perhaps it is the perversity said to be _ inherent in woman's nature, but we ' must acknowledge being solar behind ' the age as to be guilty of some sym- pathy and feeling for husbands. Read these sentences again, good wives, and own consciences :- Do not you sometimes jest with yourhnsband upon a subject which you know will wound his feelings, and--I will_ whisper it very" softly-do you not do it purposely to hurt him a little because he has- well, never -mind what he has done `.1 You have done so. Have you net ! Did you never tell your husband of some great virtueor excellence, in your lady_-friend's husband, on purpose to remind him of some shortcoming or fault in his own habits or character `l Did you never treat your husband in- attentivelyor impatiently in compan , while you cordially and politely accep- ed the attentions of other and less noble men ! Did you never impatil ently blame him in_ the presence of a third party ? `Inn! 1|`-inn knits` --A I-.---"- '7 let us whisper a few questions to your ' I Do not jest with youriwife upon any subject in which there is danger. of wounding her feelings, Remember that she treasures _every word you .y utter. Do not speak of great virtues gin another s wife, to remind your own ' ofa fault. .Donot reproachyour wife with personal defect; for if [she -be sensitive, you inicta wound diicult r to heal.. Do not treat your wife with inattention in company ; it touches her pride and she will not respect you more or love you better for it. Do not upbraid your wife in the presence of a third party; the sense of your disre- gard of her feelings will prevent her from confessing her fault. Do not entertain your wife by praising the beauty and accomplishments of other women. If you would have a pleasant home, pp? your evenings under your OWII 1'00 . - - ` TH-.. .__,n, `mud ihim'.t6Ppe:,i may hupposed- ma. chant:/on the heel;-,_ajrd ;'r'emi'nded_ him of the freight b1ll_u`pon those, goods, 5 at the `same time statinghthatf he had`; been-searching all aroundjor` him and, that it wasalmestptoo late than to get the goods aboard the train. This an- nouncement put the merehantina great _ perturation, ashe didn t have money with him. .He was therefore in a quandary and knew not what to db, ` when a bright thought struck him`; he had a check upon the First National Bank of Detroit for $1,500; there wouldn tbe time to get it cashed, and couldn't the farmer be so obligingas to advance the money to pay the bill, taking the check for security, the money to be refunded immediately upon their arrival at Lansing. But here the ' farmer began to smell a mice, and he stated that he hadn t the requisite amount. The sharper then wanted a part of it, as the freight agent would probably be satised with that for _the~time being." But the farmer remained immovable and nally said that he wouldn t advance a cent, at the same time walking rapidly away. HUSBANDS AND WIVES. lei PP at A .wrrn.[ we new Uutlo. ' V m -'r~m" Pl!-D8, specication and forms of tender may be non on and tter 8th Much, "at the ollice of thc Chief llngiheer,-0t_1'uwn, Bimouaki, Dal- honsio, New Out]: and Halifax/' ' Jld telldenmnv ha fan 08.- _1.7..|. -- --~ __jH. Suthetlend, A. Kennedy, C. Catam- V ;oyer'.60"pe1:s?on8' sefdown to, _snf_ .. 0n5!!9 c9:1I!ii!1; 4?! Wh!h..:h;;.'.b!1I3. ,_n` "as" zitth;-9 ' ` ' usut tuna uwua tt fealfha and go Bragh. The tables were liberally covered with the good things of this life in prolusion and abundance. The T whole of the details were complete and faultless in every particular `Amongst the invited guests we noticed the following gentlemen :---Meslsts. H. S. Scadding, agent Domimzm Bank; dgie, Dr. Bleekstoek, of I-lillsdale, Gen. 1 F-, Gow, Reeve of Meoeulsy, H. 'Booth,~ Dr. Spohn-sud Mr.`D_eudeon, tor Penetangu'ishene._f About..8. pan.-, ,-_ -:-- Tho Commissioners appoinled `for the con- struction of the Intercolonisl Railway, give Public Notice, that they are on-spared to receive tendon for the erection of ution Buildings, Fqel Shed: andlnglne Houses atonmpbleton sung New Oi-t_Io. , . . . rn.u.wu'1ua D `POT. I V In 439, sw. PAUL swnnm, MONTREAL F .% f`m%`:`:`u`Iu`. ..:a'a`Iao`i -c`%% `a--.*"` ,,-.. .. -.... 919 avenue}. w 11' orrk; sliii :ts with z "a ?;;":;2:I.?*`~ 47*`%aZ2i`xa1`Z,f;%`e.:;aL32 *`1ss'i`" . B.-ThiI gentleman was-wall known to have beexgundor the greatment of the best physici.'u_)s_ in Sgrnm-ha rooexndno benet kom any medlcnno M until he oommonood mine your Hun-an runs: 1 . GEO. HORT \IE "nu Oommercisl Axon: to} onrio. 5 no.-pg...-.. . _ ._ A -uueuu Ill ISA `V A X 75 SARSAPARILLIAN RESOLVENT vwmmm snnox, Ontu-io, Canada. West. _ . March 11. 1869. Dr. Rumfnr :-ThIs is to comfy phat I was taken with bleedmg st the lungs. and night sweats. and was induced to use your Senna rllnn Reso - : vent. After taking t_wo doses was enabled ` sleep, a boon for which I'was thankful. After using one battle the bleeding `was cured, and the night sweats genaed. _I cpnnnlged to us Sl_X homes. and now all ax us ofuokness. disease an threatened ggpauxnxptiqn .5}!!! dis,mp_r9_g.__; gag; my health n -......_..-..A E 'l`hx'cnt6ned Consumption, Night Swan! I Bleeding 11'-om the Lung]; cured with one bottle 0 R.AD\VAY S ~ -QADOAFSAEII I IALI nsvn-as... ..-.--- .- - --~-- --- - -vv-I-Iv: Acaasuuunf om: sonm same," SCR-OFULA GU'RED.a.t. Wells River, Vermont, ___M._ Durant. one of the wealthiest nieicnna A`. uv..n- dollars. 11; Benton: d:sc:Lsed 1 nut undm used. as n lotion, a was of tho Ready Relief? and nuza. uuuuuu. mm, ngm xo_r nme years TWO LARGE ULCERS, one on_hxs tltpglx, t_h9 other on his side that l'e.~'1.=tcJ all lands 0 me_dxcmo and the skill of the m<):'c<:lo.bratod doctors 1n Montreal and other gv.-ms ol'Cm;.1;lu.. LastFull he commenced tho use ..i`1{n:1u-any :-5 Sawsmpm-llllan R-ggolvelnt, aided with Rm!\s'uy s I"Hl and Iiaa:ly_Il_cllcr. He used only threq lntlzc of` 13 Saran nu-xllxau. Resol- vcut. and two on we axes of R wuy s PI"! and S:u;~m;:xu~ man Rclolvqnt, rlilutegl with water, V.'lllL'.h cqmplctcly cured hun. Hgara 13 g. man that and previously spent hundreds 01 dollars, doctored lnr nine yeu.r_s, and cured at a cost of less than five dollars, of n-my urn` 1-an an... .. _.... - . .. v vluvl , unulurelllo G. Dcn:mlt:t. '1`imo!hee,jCounty of Beauhnr-` nois. Cunmln East, h_:1d fo_r nine LARGE t1n:n1-esxstcdzxll ski]! thcuw:' llnntnr: m Mn-A---J -- - nan ullllullig Fever Sm-cs, scald Hcxul, Ri||g\vnr|[|,_ sun Rheum, Evyslpcltu, Acne, Black Spots, `Nd:-ms in the Flesh, Tumors; Cum-ers In tho \Vmn!n, zinxl all wenkcnlllg auul pnlnful Dil- ah:Ir::t`-.-I; Nlzzlxt fi\-,1.-tuisj. Loss of Sperm. and all \1*:: xr:3' oz @519 Lgfqa Print-ipl_.s, are Ivllhln l'.:c cm':t_(1V_o 2a_.u_:;c or the Sui-snpnrllllmn llcs-"-in-rut, mm! in {cw days Inc will prove to any ;-1-xx-m using it for clthqrof those form: of, its potent power to cure them. vs-on- Sr. PA'rmcx s BIRTH,-DAY.-THE ORILLIANS Onssnvm) 1'r.--The anniver- sary of the birth of the Pious Mission-. ary St. Patrick was observed with all the enthusiasm of the sons of Erin s lovely Isle, on Monday evening, 18th inst., `by a banquet at the Albion Hotel-to which all nationalities were invited, irrespective of creed. The dining room was elegantly decorated with evergreens, festoons, ags, 'ein- .` blems, &c. At one endwas displayed ' most conspicuously the national em`- l blem The Earp, surrounding it who AL. 1'! , Uxu-ur=.:l Vcucrcnl-Glee! Gravel, stricture an 1. all CnIu1pi:\l:\is of the "Urinary Or.-, ::x~.:w, iilxulder, Iiizlneyl, Woliib, Dropuyg Dizxlrctt-s, and all who are inconve- nicm-eji by Stoppagc or Water, or Pain-1 fui Dlscluwgel, are quickly relieved and ` e1 :`cc'l:miiy cured tlu'm|gl1,tho Q 75?? T TA I? tnnn -an.--_._ [NTEacoLoN1;u. RAILWAY uuk-U16 y:IwI`uHUIh)'. Scrofula, Consumption, syphilis, uncured and lmdly treate(lVenercnl in u n|an`l'or|nl, Glnnzlulnr Disease. Ulcer: In the hront Mouth, Tmnors, Nodes` In (119 lghgntin Iuiti otluoz-parts or the syatun, Sore yea, Stru- j mt-us Dlsclnax-gag from i_,he' Extra, and 3; ` woxst forms 01' Skin Disease . }".`,~po., Fever Sort-.91. Rmahl ll-...I, -n.,,' .... .. ....\..,y u cauau v enercnl in nu hrmsj l`mnor5, Eruption. .0112: ~-' -I I\i,-vlxt P31- Sm-cs, sax: ziujl I315 Sncrm. and uuruls, u: wuu. Lu me mm7'.ynIn_I/ consu- ':?':lc;`I'1l.;' it convert: into blood, and its specific action when entering in the cz'rculalc'on, it e:rtc1'mmateJ every atom `of virus from the bloo.I, and 1':-solve: (llL'_{/_(I/l dep0.vil.x of disease, whether caused by 019 action of sonu: specic poison, or virulczu disease, or Mc~rczu;_r/,' (.!grr(_m';'e Szzlnlimate i. e. the Cbrrosivc (jhlorttw ;`/ Ilicrcury, Culome, and other dgenu that may _aL`e rtccunmlaled in the bones, tisxu `cm-lilug/es, or joints, or from some trannruiu /arnily compl(u'n that may have run through MU a dozen generations. ` ` '. . /aruily complaint th< Sm-nr..I.. , (1.... ..-- -,...... \}l mm. , uuu man 0} more ur am will secrete ; thcir'prope:r cowmzrlczzt secretimw. mteado Urtru, Bile, Um I (mc1'eatic Juice and other flat being :L(so1-In-(Z in the circula.'ton, these secretions will be xitrcctsdfor er/pulsa':m_fronz the s,us-Inn thrmtgh their prn,-u-r nluuzrnrls. 1f.12:c(l.'r'incj'uiIs in its inuengq on h'1L'.\'_I/.2(1'n:,4l0 cozfrcct tlwsu svcretturu, amt {Q at- .n'.st ouch or-_z/rm or .1e-*rctm_r/ gtrmd in (ltschamina (ts prnpcr f um-(In.-1 r, healfh `m1'.:eve7'6e re.:to1'cct ,' `Imp. . ;n";:/_/`nr .\~:([7'-1'-1'.-zg . Lumm1'I_1/, llmlway Snrlajnnu rluinn Rcaojvont secures tlulv important want that has ht-rrlufore czffstcvl in all these remcdtat agent: u(lu.';rt:'zct'u.y Blood Purl; /_Ij(. 1'J. _ 4 No 1.m.`:er lmw derply scatcd or a/ted tn the [Luna-.1, c.'Irt. {IIye.9, gl:mtl.s', mjr/(mx, or dalseau .-nut or.-n-up/.':;n may be, (Inc inncncc of I/zts power- ful n;/cu! ml the blood and other utttv that supply the Ii:-izig bolt}; uvitlfcpttirs, wilt so ciumgqc the .1:/.5 I.~.~.. ....-1 . ... __ _ , ,__ ,, ..,..... ....:..v nu uauwuy'1'l|l! and used. wa.sY1 ot :u:~m;:xu~ v,'hiuh and prcviousiy fur n iollnrs, ' r\-awn runs: .... .... - - Rgcnnl. Ours: reported b E. . Cmnmerclnl '1`:-ave] or, R Dcnzmlt. of St. '1`im_o!he_e,jCou: ' `unmln. EIISL had for mnn van uwuu uuxmynuuutwly _l.[]B nauonal Harp, the Rose, Thistle and Shamrock; gracefully entwming below was a ' bunch of Maple Leaves, the emblem of this Canada of ours; ' One, either side `of the harp, was the ancient oeltic mottoes caed mzlle fealtha and Erin `-Bragh. tables mm-A Iii---o||-v IJIUQ ITILJJVVZJ 3 unawagmman : .1:n:cznr_11`lld"l'. I 9 nnnnn. '1'l.1.II UIQAICIQ A peraan .sesed_1Ds'lh.any Ohrmuc dloeau VII Lungs, Liver, Slam, I;"idney:,6})ermao Q Womb, or Urinary dzlculttcw, will enemas C marked chart;/o_2 in her health for the euer q/fa taking the Saxzzuparllliln Ruolvonta -A.I (bu I-laud bcrwrrncs more urc, rich, strong, and nour- Lthiily/, and is ('n(1bI8(. to /will in solution it: natural ; zonxliltwnlx, (lac rlrposita of Tubercztlmu matter and otlurr c'z'mt'nI.v (J :1 :`.yeue, (.leC07I2[)08[U01l and decay will be (limyi 715.!/It'll in the Lunga, Kidneys, Skin and other Or;/mu ,' and me]; of these Or will sec-role Urtnc, Um and nlbrr Hun`: , 1.... A cHEn1cK'L-Elnclphas jjxvuraua 2:n=a-==----------'- V I muggy (p-ea./vmnaanauum i' )4wmmvmgm.m a . - .HIawtlaaa'oaowuvacuapuawu-gu-1u,.n....-- ?hPmLmN RESoLVEN'1',' -A........uu-nainnunonn Irv:-tnnlnll at Lladioal O`hem- WWW. V . : SARSAPARILLIAN RESOLVENT, .1 wujorneoutloyouerandavev-again; ornewr. tloemstwyq/nnedtcinewauuchamed netlralj aooomplatel btumlgaotga, reggr ecgndrnzzlces Imm- wealc'mdbro ' mm i 1-\ 1'nA1\Tr1IA'l'AtlY "p:f"25*a723:" S_.dRS.4.P.dRILLI.l.N' ' 3 - RESOL VEJV 1'.- '.lmpo1-tant Chemical Principles slgplied to `e the wasting body through SARSAPARILLIAN RESOLVENT to -......n-- 45.- :.I'.....t ........I.I.-n-..o- GESC ` It increases the repairs and diminishes the wastes. . It oxun-minutes the grad-nets ofdecsy. V It resolves '1`umors, odes, Hard Lumps. It makes the skin elenr and beautirnlo It heals Fever Sores and Ulcers. 1!: care: Gravel, Glee and stricture.` It makes the water c ear and pass ireelyo It cures Barrenness, and invesu with the vi- gor or manhood those who, from weak- ness or disease, are deficient or exhausted- lt rescues women ix-om the perils incident to change of Iii!-cessation or Meuses. `. 11.....--_..1- __,9, TT-__aaIs 1' ...vvvv ,7 auv vvv-v -I-4-I/I/IVUI/II/C There in _not a. _mnn,. woman or chilgi however wagted by, if their systems are stifl in 3 con- dition to receive noui-ishinentnand their LUNGS. LIVER, KIDNEYS, and other vital organs not wast- ed beyolid the process of repair. or if capable of nistniniiig the rezuratioe promo of RADWAPS (T,........... ......'17..'...-_ 4)-;-1,_ _,_ .1 Extreme cases, where the LUNGS, KIDNEXS. and other `ox-sane are wusvod, ulc_ern.!ed. and then fune- tiona mgetruptad and aogrgmons altered by ond tho npnratwo owe: of medical. may, and ml ._by the mo of the urlnpuiuiann Relolvent. contlnuo to l 1 . that we. can visit every legitmate -oiiry to which you are more particu- = Mr. Empey. * Magee, Wm. McLeod, Mr. Empey, i. .:. " fa 1 ild'f . , -|?`&?as:~tiete1n1'|i ;"'i:3d lisp-W fzligdeporated for the'occasiou'. The P . the very laughable comic` song "Pm ` up early in the Morning. . Miss Emily , Tipping sang '.Don t be Sorrowful. ' Darling, and was warmly return for which she Sigh in the Heart. eect Why do you Watch the Lone Lone Sea, which was loudly encered. entitled Soldier of the Rhine, by Miss Hamilton was well re- -ceived, and provoked a well merited gave that mirth exciting song Pm the Merriest Girl Molly Carew in splendid style, and received gave _When Bro. Thos. pathos Her Bright Smile Haunts me Still."` The song encore, for which she Out. Mr. G. Bolster sang a loud encore, he then Pat came o'er the Hills." Newton. sang with considerable Mrs. Cozzens and Miss Hamilton sang `F What are the Wild Waves saying}? ` and were greeted with a well deserved Mr. F. W. Armstrong sang , . in such a somnolent manner that one would` al- most be inclined to conclude that he _ was wrapped in thearmsof.Morpheus,~ however, he speedily assured those present that he was not` altogether encore. "I really am so Sleepy somnolent cr' oblivious of` mundane matters altogether. Mrs. Cozzens rendered that beautiful Scotch song - Mary of Argyle" in excellent style. and received the` warm plaudits of the house. Tipping took the house by surprise, and was loudly encored. Mrs. Ramsay and Mr. Macaulay sang Ara Sanetissolna, and received a raptuous encore. "Mrs. Cozzen s song of The Tempest of the Heart, was rendered in brilliant style, and in response to theprolonged encore which it elicited gave He's Gone to be a Mormonite. The Rev. Bro. Harris rendered his song called Charity with good eect. "` God Save the Queen closed the vocal and instrumental performance. _ -ma ransanrariox. 111. Sir Kt. G. M. Wilson, 188, who acted as Master of Ceremonies, then steppsd forward and asked the heads or the various Masonic bodies to ap- ' preach the platform, when in a few minutes Wor.-. Bro.-. Robert am- say, 32 , was called for. The follow- ing brethern then came farward: Worn. Bro.-. Atkinson` 18 , W.-. of Orillia Lodge, Rt/. Wor.;. Bro. '. I. A. Ardagh, 18, Com.-. N.-.. of Olive Branch.-.' Lodge No. 2 of Royal Ark Mariners and "G.-. J.-. Warden of the Grand Ark Lodge of Canada, Ex.~. Comp. -. G. H. Corbett, 18, lst Prin..'. Z. of Signet Chapter, No. 34-, Ill-.- Sir Kits. G. I. Bolster, 18, R. Ross, 18 , T. Newton, 18 , and other brethern and companions. . Wor. Bron. Kean 18 I.-.P.-.M.-. of Orillia Lodge, No. 192 wasunavoidablv absent from sickness. Ills. -. Sir Kt. G. M. Wilson, Most Puis.-. Sov.-. of Gethsemane Con- clave No. 29, then stepped forward and said Wor. Sir and Rt. Ill. Comp. _The pleasing duty has devolved on me of presenting yoiiwith this hand- some Clock and Chain with Past Mas-` ter s Jewel, as a mark of esteem from the brethern of Orillia Lodge,` No. 192, andgthose connected with the higher Order here. We do this to express our thanks for the manner in which you have advanced the interest of Masonsry in this locality, and particu- larly for introducing amongst us these higher grades of our beloved Craft through the introduction of which we have been placed in such a position, branch of Masonary in the known world. We feel that you have done this through your well known love for the Order, and we now in presenting you with this slight mark of our broth-' erly love`, would at the same time ex- press the hope that you may be long `spared to devote your energies and zeal to those variou_s branches ef Mas- larly attached. `Rt- W. Bro. Robert Ramsay 32, thanked the Brethern brieyfor their municent gift. This -portion of` the programme being con- cluded n theatrical performance com- menced under the superintendence of The Secret Panel, or Hole in the Wall, notwithstanding the lack of scenic eect the various parts in the role were effectively sus- tained by Messrs. J. C. McKay, C. Miss Powley and Mrs.. Empey. The drama having terminated the stewards cleared the floor, and the devotees of Terpsichore were soon whirling in the graceful waltz or tripping it right mer- rily in the country dance. The social hop was really delightful, and all en- joyed themselves exceedingly well. About 2 o clock,n.rn., the party broke up, all expressing the wish that they should be soon favoured with another reunion of a similar character. f."i}i::?i.a 1135-51.` mtne opened by the wholeotthe` :~a'mat;s,urs singing the Masonic gehorus 3' "called "Mark,_Masters All Appear. . Mrs.:: R. Cozzens then favoured the S . audience with one of her favourite in-_ istruineutal Solos. Major Boulton sang moored, in gave There's a. Mr. Macaulay - . and .Mrs. R. Ramsey sang with good Loves Request by Miss 83 Vital foroqs may be, if the pystdm can be hrbught undgqtho muenog of this txasuo and esh-makrnc medlcme. the repmra WI begrcater than the waste: and the BLO_0D WILL re_ca1vo that hnh giogreo o strength. umr, a_.nd nou_nuhmen_t to en: lo at to hold in hon! th ul so utnon all its uongtxtuonu, and Itop tho noun of decay and dooomposmon. 00i(SUMPTION, SCROFULA. Bri|'ht a discuss at Kmrums. Sncoxmmr Sxmmue. and the noieon of can in W _ be {zed uhthepurc. It can &$'aul:lBUIa enter uuo 01 um: unlu- araiselodedand galheredwuhthegre careat the the native sou, under the , e . - 3'" m%%M?W `%" em? adriqizzurea or wortu .Badway 02 over $).000.(tlurtu! thouaand dollars) amuum orthe service: and upwuv mn% nlhabranch alone. 1. Butwwander/ulfm ementcithacaecuredia Ulecur'attvte ;alIgeq/ ..Radway IRemedm,mon| "IiI"\I l"IIII&&II'\I` 'II1\IY&' 1|` I It nq()Jpl1el the biood with noiu-uhmontp IT . . ON-TAINS TISSUE-DIAKING AND FLESH-DIAKING O.UALI'l`IESn 1'1` ..CON'.l`A.lN8 T153015-mnluuu Jun! FLESH-MAKING QUALITIES. It supine: the Iyntem with caloric or huh ' ms lnglpro run. It cures al ruptivo and Ulcornud du- onua or the Eye: Eon, Mon Throc and sun and non}. `h t It increases the weight and n otlfoo ' 1'1` STOPS ALL \VEAKENI DISCHAR- GESQ Vavvr v_vI1JIvI vvvvvvlv .554:/u vvr I/IDV, but can be eit,h_or mutated to health. or the waste: and deoompoam-on_s stop ged`,_ and the elements of decay that now Must be Isxmsaed fror_n the system. Extreme cases. where the LUNGS. h[DN EYS. and npnrativo of medical. and will._by u_Io of IIVB rhapa for yeara_` for no m_ateer how lo_w tho vita forces may be. 1 the system an be bmnnht of the suraupuiujan Relolvent. continuo years ` matear low bo,i t._ho be _i_nueno_e an_d eegh-makrnc Kmrmm. svccoxmmr svrmue, poison of annual, no dovolopgd thyou In tho procoss of do- u pain irom the blood exthor m_ 3 Lung: Skin. Kid- } nun. I_Bludde_r or Cellular Twsuo; and these dis- ` uses In their advanced stag: can both be checkoi ndourod -Hnuaad ch auuou-man I- OONSUMPTION, SCROFULA. Bright's Kmmnrs. Sxmnue, poison 0! 9 1 d 1 ah th fd - ...3'i':.'?En'fo 1?1:3'3:.r irgnfm I.uzn:..`l:siE1.0Ki3. `Inst! -L`-s. 1. `-C0`NVlVlllAzllI-.-TKlL"l`l.l- 3._oxu..A"1n. Pnnsnnunonjrr 0n'u.t.u.-- Mohdny evading one of those on- `joyalgie re-unions was held in Megan.` Co-than -&_ ROM, ym,,_,.'_:.. s...:u:__.. in their advanced both be checkoi udourod -holcad tbs auapu-lhn. Bo- nuu uvvvuurunnuungu Illplljgfuy. auu Lu!) UIULUUHLS OI decay from where the LUNGS, KIDN E YS. and sum: organs wustaod. ulcerated. their funn- _y uucu ulrollgll ,l`.llo i i}i4ARrLLL,g1_\r ansonvnnr. L` STOP! Inc:-nnm T'"3}22}2'J}2L"27z51?2Z7/t. m_-;_ 2- _-A - _.__ ._-_.A.. A. Iuuulu ulu r1uruuvv pruned! In 1|-111 '1 A1 D S'ar.s7ap1rz'ZZz'a7z 2?e.s"oZ1/em`, knnn Inn nifhnr rnnnv-Ad On Iuanlu mp Hun un- &WHHf` HHHVQ I 3:` -" lo Hdioal Chem- "r1'M.,...;.?'..c...."~.1:'.",.:'.z*.,1;.,..,.,.'*' :....,........,.. _ product: Q] the vegetable kingdom. The rupcrlllhn and other for`F!!.roog_gelqipg i can v-1. mmp";a7-Gvaaug an was 9 sum: -nu: crunch. 3 ) selsed with. any 4