Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 22 Feb 1872, p. 1

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ihehu we linen. bontraotl fnd build- je lowelt pnship. L J. A. AIDAGE .' Unu, Agent. 19t.f. 843- 513 W _ Puamana. -T uvuxong 1-ly 49 -1.7 ' t`? the DIPGBITQQI Oh` 'L'lI ,T inf ;.'.'.";n`'o4i -II|I-' T HE TER RAPIN HoTEj Dunlap Street, Foot of Market Sireet," mm n1LLTAmnaLnua| ,; o\\a A-nun.-uuvw-u---o --- -w--. n... -_ um! The Accident 1nsumnce_ Oompany, . [N THE POST OFEICE.BUILDING,BARRIE, ` Btu-ie, Me; 6th, 1868.` 18-` HE. Sn ber having eucceede bin iuhe above very cu V at; plice. The ha Foreign and ' ` choicest bra ; . Excellen - bling and attouti st1e_rs Pleas - fronts, Fishing tackle --u ve for _th ouvenience of summer st: - Lake and within 3 minutes wak = : n boat wharves; ' BAR}->.1E,'-A -' - ONT mmx w. sAII1i11061ZfPnoP1:14nTon. Late of the Barrz'e'.Ho25el. |Nw _ANtg:"frJii>"I)(Eij _IAaLEs.z| IROYALINSUBAISCEGDMPANYI AGENT FOR `CANADA FARIIEIVS -INSURANCFI COMPANY QUEEN'S rm; AND LIFE, oouunnqin. nmon INSURANCE Q " _PANY, mm: AND LIFE; L on; . o'Uc The bar is furnished with the finest brands of Wines, Liquors and Cigars 8- abitnntl - lic, thnt [ES for 1z}pL IA N733 >1}-_IF_E.` -gHR`I8T0`P;HE.B' j . nxiomonz omen:-,' 7 -..:4w:>;.=n. M` * A. . .4;-I` - LU ' JAB. Jo sou, SENR. 'n-IVA II -LOI LIX` Austin-I AJAIQV \lAIrpH ME,/9LS ./IT JLL HOURS- The House is furnished with all the Toronto daily papers. Travellers to and from Ox-illia and Penetanguishene will find the bes_t of ac- commodation. . V `IIDKYDV (VT `l'.`\H'.M"I`Q ... .....u-.u- Any uuu no :4 [BEST WINES AVi'v'15iIidi}`6iis. RIDDTO n P 1111 IIPIYIDO This `Hotel has beenentirely renovated and fe- furnished. The Bar_ is now stocked with the ucriutuuueuce 01 Mr. -101111 IIICVVSLI. _ Nearly thirty additional bedrooms lmve lately been added to the Bmmxz .Ho'rm., all which be- ing built of Brick, and well warmed, will be found as comfortable and commodiousaa can be found in_ any house north of Toronto; 33' Commercial traveller: will find nmnln nr-. luuuu lll_8j H0050 IIOILD OX '1'OX'0lH.O.' E Congmercial travellers will nd ample ac- commodation for showing samples. Barrie, 15th Oct., 1868. . 18`-' Mrs. E. MARKS, Proprietress. JOHN Mo WATT, Superintendent. 1HlS hotel, so long and favorably known to . the travelling community, is now con- ducted by the propziett-ess,e.nd is under the su- perintendence of Mr. John Mcwatt. `Nam-Iv mam. ..mmm...1 r...a.........., 1....-1. 1..s.,1.. 1 \/ , ` Whz'te s Corners, Penetanguishene Road. 3 I! w_ xngdil-. 0 said_ a could nan Q LA. mu SIMCOE. I FRASER begs leave once more `to re- . mind his friends and the travelling com- munity that he is still in the land of the ilving, and not behind his competitors in the way of improvements. He is still to be found opposite the Barrie Railway Station, where all that is necessary to conltitute a. plain Canadian Inn are to be Iound, private and" public. Conveyance: to all parts North of Barrie. 1. H. FRASER, Proprieter. _ I Jozw H. Jonns, June, 1868. - GO0DT& COM MODIOUS STABLINGT 825- ; [AMES VEDjWARDS, This commodious establishmenthasjust been opened, and having been'_built especially for the purposes of a. first-class hotel, is fitted up as such, and will compare favorably with any house of the kind north of Toronto. Cornmer-_ cial travellers, private families on casual .visit;_ and the public generally, will nd that the pro- prietor knows how to provide for their especial requirements. The best of stabling nttaclied, `attended to by obliging and ex`perienced~ host- lers. Stages leave this house daily on the ar- rival of the up trains. Bar well; supplied with the best of liquors and cigars. _ Barrie, Aug. 16th, 1871. 33- IVICTORIA HOTEL, III1Dl?l2"T' QDTTIIDIZ` I `IN.SURA.-NCE NOTICEE. _ - _ _. _ .. -\_.&\/gP\/\ `~..u;\x\~\-.\xs._\\., Joshua Clarkson, -. Proprietor. Corner of,M-ulcvaster and Duulop Streets, and `opposite the Advance Ofce, Barrie. ;cLAn;IuEqus:;; THE BEST OF WINES AND LXQUORS IN THE BAR.` 1 Good Supply of Horse Medicine always on hand Cookatown. Oct. 1867. ' - ` , 42 E 5: c H A i'~fc} E"1?6"'15 isif, DUNLOP STREET, BARBIE. , ,\,.,v,\,A.,, -,v.,..-A T I7I#t.-I7.&i\lTl"}"ARKINS, UNION HOTEL, -booxsrown, LICENSED we T10 NEER Tr,EMi~3;7o71?EI, I mums :9 LEX . MOR--R(_) W,j - ' VALUATOR, VE TERINAR Y SURGEON, 4'0- i A R GIEM 35 1\~I'1TM(A)AFTAI}IE VCOBIEXRRIE HOTEL, BARRIE, COUNTY oo2It>:1z;a1=c;v.;a;I;Ta., QYAL HOTEL, ORILLIA. -u--- ..... .--.__ ..._, Second to none in the Province. or, M./IRKE T S U./YRE, B./IRRIE. . Tq37n~"E::1"ie'B"XiBoi.* av/..,v_,.,- ..,,\,v.,./I v.,\,J\/.,\A, ..'- -, - , , (lbate Deputy Registrar) :|?'I9?'I`I7l 1'l"f`7I 'I'Irl'I` Vol. ; $1 per year in advance; C IHIILICFUIXS ` established rable improve- odation and other; L, uegs I0 ass ' HENRY CLESIENTS, prnnu-hzlnr hilhono. > Pnozn. I Qstleys. A w-..l.1 H Proprietor. L`JJl..I`ALV JD, Proprietoxj. r Grib- ` ta.b1e_am1 . niirnnwnlua .lQl'3o . vehicles sts ' and argivn .11: the D V '*nnuigr;1,.f9r:$};`Ivin;i;7ig,ad1ig9n; _Ps'rnns' Manon. ,uIom~m.1 for Jannnrv comes . to us in a newress. II. is printed on `thicker paper, and is- In every respacrgnperior to in, V many_predece4ss_c4u-a. ` _ The selection: are pvident-. -. ly made with pen ogre, and it is really w`onde_r- ' {:11 how few poor plpeepgnppesr among the hu`- duds that:-are given; :Yo__lnme*:IX., commnnnfu : [ wi:b_u:e January nnmbe'r.;~ 1?gje.g,g..cng;L;. or; $3: 129: -~'J1he L1mb.1ih:r.~oners. ix},-bgck `xetdeu , jiillnlndw '0 SAMUEL R0` N N; , V ` n-n-1.. V EMcLIsH BuN HoIJsE. % R.-KING, .--.--_u -I` -v-&lII-tr, HAS now'on band an extensive and genuine- stock of Single and Double Harness (Car- riage and Team), English and Common Riding Saddles, Double and Single` Bridles, Collars. &c., which he can offer at very reasonable prices, Also in stock, some of the best English. and other Riding and Driving Whips, Bits, Lines, Brushes, Curry and Mane Combs, Cards, &c., to be found in this market. Anv unfit-in in an h-nil. -.v.n6`..-t.`...-.I 3..., ' SADDLERYA ANDHARNESS TABLISHDIENT, v V ' IN HIS OLD S T.ND NE.`/IRLYOPPOSITE ` THE BJNK OF TORONTO, .. . DITNLOP Rrnmmm _ n rnnrn I .5414 JIULLVJK DUNLOP STREET, 056., LU uz: wuuu H1 mus mnrxet. - Any article in the trade ma.`nufact(1red, fur M nishedto order on short notice, and wnpnnyad ` to give satisfaction. ' . - . [ "Rengirl WA" And nnnv nvannin LU KIVB anslaxuunlon. i'" well and neatly executed. Jarxie. April 8. 1870: ` ' _Woo1s', Fancy Goods, &c., `at moderate prices- , u of every d_esci'ip.tion, or ,w1nch she is prepared to make lo order in the latest and most` fashion... able styles. V - ' A'1m'ge and varied stock otBer1in-nod other -` Machine Sewing and Pinking done on 11193 shortest notice. ` Orders respectfully solicited. Agent for the Howe Sewing Mocking. . Barrie, Decomber_ 19th, 18 71. -, 51-3m'c~p to-.HE--ESE! _CH4 EESE!1 CHEESE Respectfully informs the Ladies of Barrie and neighborhood, that she has opened` a store for the simply ofthe above goods on Collier -Streat, opposite the English Church, where she will` keep constantly on hand 9. comnlete mum-e........ ' achin Blind`; ' oortinu W:-it in; ildren I . `..` .. 9 `of upposue me mngnsn church, .wil2", constantly hu,nd complete assortment i:`LoTHIg__sTnn.l Disputed Lines accurately adjusted. Drawings 3;. Descriptions for Patents 0 Un- veutious carefully prepared._ Valuations made and Surveying ofevery description ex- _ecuted with uc_cIxrapy and despatch. ./i'gcnlfor the .rETN LIFE, Hart_f'o1'd, Com} Aug. 24, 1869. - . _ 83 4:-lyrp ,t`,,,,- 1 Ladies Underclathing and C%z?d7en s ` Clothing 4` 4 15120 VIN01/1'L L-gzzzvnsvzz VEY013] DD/.1r7I`1u'I-(vru an `nnnn . r n n ~ A -- Graduate, of Ontuxo Vetorinary Galloge. ' Despatches by mail, telegram, or otherwise, ' promptly attended to. ' Oi}:-`1ca,-Co11ier Street, adjoining the .Ffr Hall, over Hunter's Store, Barrie, 011*. V - 7.1? VETE"!Y.;$."RFF" C OSANKO, SURGEON DENTIST, ; ,. (successor to J. C. Mccausland), Will be in Collingwoodl on the_lst V. ,1 , and 2nd,New Lowell onlthe 16th, nun run and 18th,Hi1lsdale 25th, and Stayner, on the last day` of each month. All other days he can be found in his office, on Collier Street, opposite the Post Ullice, Barrie. Special attentionjziven to lling teeth with gold. Sets of beautiful Teeth at $16. . A good openingfor a student. N. B -I will hold all parties resrgonsible fi- the.amVount-ofmanoy paid to J. C`. Mqcausland for work, he being bound by an obligation for a. v large amount of money, not to do any work in ` North Simcoe. Essa. or Innisl for thin nut. n . `.li'tllo taken found revioul . n u.n;v;. ANGU& _ _, - .__. v.,.-... ....u.a.v.,. uu1.u r-.12 .lUJ.. DRJJUGHl'SM.N. QZIPPR./IIER, c_0Ns- VE Y.NCER, INSUR./2NCE L./IND mvp GENERAL ./IGEN1 A NIITYR _ " -- -- - '1. \[ 1' LL :5 L` Residence Mr. Char McGa " Thornton, Septe er, 1869.` `JADIES AND CVHILDIL-{'EN S -. J-PROVINCIAHL LAND SURVEYOR, VALUER, &c., 1_-ly . mmm; Formerly Drs. Scholfic TAI1I1!t\11 1'1- _a:..$_n Bondlmad,_ ----u--4.---..~.' V (.7 - . _.- V. _-vv_.--g--- has removed his oice to his new residence` on the Wen_t sidevqf John Street`, immediately op- poeite Mr. Geofge [Ball's plaining and nah factory. `DI A100,, has A vnnunnu fan n,nhn`nnO |EClOI'yo ` I ' -Dr. McG., has a vacancy for satuden. Barrie, Oct. 30, 1871. [OSF-PH DOUPE, LA '_}'_i"o1v.` J}; Rt-nidnnon Ilr (`ha-.1 new 0_l Eenllh. ej. {Isms MARTIN MOORE.-, AS nnw'rm Pmn an nvhsnnhp- -Did` --` -gs iunollut or money, not 10 no any work in yrth Simcde, Essa, Innisl for the next five RPS. ' {MUSICAL . TR`E_ AT;M . V\`.-\. .\\-`n. |'ENRY CRESWICKE, JUN., .uJUS'_I`ICEb IS THE GREAT,`BUT si1urLE PRINCIPLE, . as \ \-,\.\,.\_._.`,\ ..._.\ ._~..~`.,._,\_..~.\nu\~.svsssrs~r L? E 0 V A L. _ _ . J - ` 4 I . DR. J. L`._G. McCAR'1`I-IY -s?;nvEYoas' canoe. `- xxx_\,.\\~,\\\`-;\\-A~... \ . MEDICAL PROFESSION? \ \.~.\.~\~.~.~e.\\..~;..\..........~ -MRS. WILSON CIVIL ENGINEER, -/11 1 -r u-v. --_ -_-, `N./ILD .=AT THE ..'j -. Iv : `>5 AND COUNTY 01? SIMCOE | UTHERLAND, 0.11. BOSANK6. BARRIE~.. v1;AIiRIE.. vg6'1-31}1:c-p LEGAL `CARDS- r~..-r.~..f,,.. . ~-.,u.,..--,. , v' TEWART & LALLY, ATTOR- neys-at-law, Solicitors-in-Cbancerv. Con- 44-tf mm. pdacawk A "3 1z:ox . .GOT l`_AGE mos; bountiful}; situ- nted in the Yillngo of Otillia .Dx-ivlng House, Store HonIe,_Wood|hed,.I{ird='n1hSo!t`W9`tor ` and every .c-`onienco, with F179: Ag:-eq of Lsnd.;.-~- - gnd FarIII~nl'0P "I 19: Ink: .,, TJ."PP` 3 ` . - V r V V 1 A ~ urggn s.omnsor;,. _` -V ` -' min. `vi N. B.-gut`. nosiuon xii. an... ; v5m.j.',. Tqtp .. 7tH.;1!70`-.1" ' - `.x'1`o be laid n oaJ{..tleiI"lII'!b (it man` for a_ t:er'.a` =of:.e-n.tho_ Soujh _ ofLot22, in no nu: Con. otIn,ml..comun.Inz 1ooacm,o'tw1oh . .60 -Ln; c1emd`- V The I9,fI*s":i'!:' ehy.: AA = ~ ;3r {3I `Sprint: Ore.-In tho -the .` .' _ I` .I?JraIh:3nnl " i HOUSE `AND fs}/qrozm .:r9 LET yr` C1_I{I_0HILL.. To let 3 lnrge House `and Store; cbntninizg 12 rooms, good well, out-hnildigg nnda_good- -gsrden, th_e.ho1ue has been paying (`pair in ut- olasa style. 1? `f h ' 1" 1 . V `- ogr an er`pmnh' "3-{. srr.nnv_. `Y `Noyqnber 1.-1T,.18 I`_4l. u can nu}; .|,4\n ELVO. JO, Ooncgssnon, 100 acres. V For pamonlars appiy to 45- ` JOHN ROSS J.lUlD Au dun UUHUUBUIUH, L10: 0, 1.), U A Lots 6, 7, 8, 1-4 acre gach. _ Parcels in 5th Concession; 1,4, 7. Lots, Sunnidale Station, No. 14, 15, 32, 33, 24, 35,36, 37, 1-4 acre each. TOWNSHIP OF TINY. Lot No. 6,`in the 13th Concassioh; 200 Q RTAH ' 1 FY `r"."...,z --v- _._. -1 -.. -.-- avupu -rm-uvvv-nvnn, I-vv acres. ` . T Lot No. 11, in the. 12th Concession, 200 !ll`_l`Al, l,West half lie. 18,` in _the (Tanzanian- 1 sun-A-, Lot 17, East of Roa.d,.6th Con., 46 acres cleared.` Good` farmingland. House and Barn thereon. A . Lots in` 5th Concession,-No.'6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 15:7, 30, 52, Village Lots, 1-4- acre, enc . A V. ' ` Lots in 5th Concesion,No. 8, V 13, `on TJHQ 7 R 1.1!. QIVIQ nun`: East West part` of West hulf'Lot No. 19,`- Con. 19, 10 acres. . . _ part of South half Lot No. 10, Con. 13, 60 acres; - East part of .Sou_th half Letter B, Con. T 20, 15 ac`rea.V T -West pmpr Lot Letter E,ACen. -1'6, 23 ' QCIOS. ' Nelson s;1m,. 1:; ; . . '.. . . .':Z `announce 1 Sc S000,00I0`o-00:0 I 0000000 0000 . `` oo'o'ua000ooou67',681'2 . Sta Wg so 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 `I'2. `C C` I` 00000000 ]~`2 " `( I0J0n000,6l,621'2 TOW'I'1Linestreeoog-..... ` v0o000'o00_`00.3O,31 Charles Street, E. S, . . . . . . . . 43 1-4- Ellen Street,'E. S., Blbck with f,I`imber . facing Bay. _STAYNER. - `K? A `I A LVIJLUI ' _ - . 1 Iot.Acre Chas Street, N: S: - n o Kc o I u 3'8 TOWNSHIP OF SUNNIDALE. nm:., Ontario, 1'nurs}ds_L`y; irebrnary 22%,VA1_s72. nauunia `V III -vunvvr, IV I ll O O O O I C I ` '.' ucooiioq Road, 0 o o 0 re 0 c in 0`: I` ll ' B'a1avin sixeegi `` C` . S _ 0'9 0.00 0'0 0 J acoifs Tenrvrace, S. . . . . . . . (5 H K icingi vgnl , Gowan Street, I` H Baldwin sheet," W: u 6: 4 J acol_>- s Te1:m_.ce, AS. . . If (I Brnel Street, H H IIIIIIIIHIIMII . -1 V.` " ' , ~~?xwJ an,-um Cumgerlaii St:-'e'et, N. . K 16 It , ' (us ;;_;_-Agspii` :6`! _ (`I u it u- u at 1: Bradford St., W `I (6 ' (I (5 Bradford Road, S. W. .'I`rian H 7 u u 'u If H 3.. ~ Il;IIlIDIO Cumberland Street W. S.-. . . 6 ` ' I` . a u u cc. ' u A u it u ' u u it u (I `, It Vet u `c: . It If ooooo au_o UIIIOOCII ounqanooo IIIOIOIOO-1] 1-5 OQIOI'IllD 1-'5 on-ooucnon 1'5 gulgarpiece. . 1` 0000 8 1' CID: -9 1" ,..*-. 11 1- 'ncoo12 '1' `tcioo 1' J... 14- 1- KC` . ct zwiat r9Ris4L21 To rm: 2--n1n ;1`OV_V;N$H_IP NORTH oR11;L1A. kx Akin: Pxll, Bradford s:._,`_s. s: VILLAGE [.(_)TS :4 -E '3 I ]`1oTMiN`cT* TOWNSHIP OF VESPRA_.4 JOH1-`I-V 11088, Am.aNnn.i.'. I"I?'}5r{"A LE3 _ ALLANDALE. T i3'AiziiiE'. 7 (I So 0 a,o.o.u.u.o-.I.o.u.6 6 ooloiauoooooo SIIIOOIII5 F I4 IOJOIOOOVG ., n PPW W _ ' JA5.- SLOAN; ` - ` . nhnrnlnill. -ouuang V huxchillo ' . . AR. ;Es1 ` Lot.Acre . AND THE WHOLE SECRET} Lot. A 13 ;14< E Acre I-5 +'-'- 1.4 ` 1-4 1-4 1-5 1-5 ab sai- z`-`Pf Bnnnsr. ---Eryn : ' GooL`.--Gn`n ntrS un Conan-ma.-`- By 'a.- thorough ghawlgdge of J the natural lain whibh lover; ggemtgm of 1 digutmil and nutrition, Ipdhz. lppli-' I,-tin,! kg: .`n.c ptpm, t-1FI!1en ,r-2 9 Mu*:pro.} {rm -~` - ubxeq with .P='a.1io;tozyt:=agv._m;- _,1yhlcI4_n-1nny 3m_s1`rE_xiggpany-lietyygdo-- -- - uuuuquuns. " A considerable iricrease is observable ; in the Savings Bank Branch, Lhetsllm 1 received last year for accumulation Taft ` interesbbeing $422,510, as compared with $357,801` in the previous year. '_ `We t_al'rVe`A'tiie_""gboir`e fr_om_ ghe Mom} end i hgvafinigeh pleagure in 4cori1_p1irnen_ting % Mr: Wm `a'L..I....., nnr "a .-.. n.-':.... -L`- -T._-_ -w_-`u- rvvuaidwlv Ill UUFLIIIIIHCHVIUS ' Mr; Wm.'Banders, PaL.S.,,in being the : Simcdqagent of suchLaj'_ourisbihg com I hprn. We _might add itimt the Mone- ` tary is o._Vsot*"of w?:`{h*';dog dn_ ,4 ,6mme_fit}1'- .tt`h'shcti`<:_>ns,` `and ienku, T gut withbizt. 1ehp;.V9;.',!gvo1;,_,-as Io; gin: stI.ne6.-; itp lsl{l`i,9I`l_i`$l.`~:.J:J,I1,,.JI,\ l_ 9;:;:iIl3-` `~_ >diyidnnlE-gjgcohtly* '1 t:.," V`. suv present vuzua OI .`p';. a,00U,`M.U-. 4 _ Two dividends were declaredat the usual halfayearly periods, of eleven per `dent. for the year, and Aprvofs atithe same rate have been credited to these- oumulatingshares. `The sum of $23,-, 854;, also from the prots of-thezyear, ` was fidded` tothe Resei'v'eFund,`wbichs ' now amounts to $234,909; equal-_ to t about t'wen'ty-three per cent. upon the ' `cjqpitelstock. ' Aitera careful scrutiny I of the assets, thesum at -the credit of ` the Contingent Fund, $20,000 is be- ` iieved to be ample to cover all" probable, 1 deduetions. " " ' ' ' . , considerable in"c}nnnn in ninnrvnlnlni 4 uuu no nu. uluuu, VVUIU Zlll re-elected. The reduced termsof the society for ` loans, and the diminished charges. are general acceptable to the public. :'l`he demand for money has` been steady and `sufciianpt, but has been spread over ` a lar 0 area, and in nd axt ofthe'Pro'- K . P _viuce can_itbee'har'a'cteriz'ed as active or urgent: The number of proposals` for loans entertained was 1,185, for" 1 ing the, year was $831,548, upon 1,051, 'mortgages,andlthe` number of 1 mort- gagee now upon the books is 4,250 the present-value of $2,550,'44o.v_. - TWO dividends were declared at thn ,` of $1,140,907; and 1,149 of these"w_ere accepted, either in full or for xeduoed 1' amounts. The sum actually lent dur-~ ` l 1 l 1 A1 CANADA ER _ AN1_) SAVINGS SOCIETY. MANENTBU1LDIj}1C}- i The a`unua1`mee;ing "or the stdck- * `holders in this institutifon `was held on the,14th` Feb. "at their iii 0 cos, Toronto V street, the Presidenit, Jos, ,D; Bidout, in therchsir. The stockhQ[c1ers were well represented-, 9. num15ei'of the largest holders being pres_ent.- The statement exhibited shows a large in- crease in business, the receipts of` the year amounting to $1,310,198,` `and the total assets amounting to $2,610,792, The four retiring Directors, `Messrs. J. G. Warts; E. Hooper, E. H. Rutherford, and A. M. Smith; izv'ere`nll re-elected. TBA inrhunmvl hm;-.-u.`.-.L`o|....i....-.- -_ v\lbDl. Vuucule _ .,..Etery business requires thennity and controlling inue_nce `of one direct- ing mind, even though there may be dozens of experts engaged in the super- vision or the branches; and when duty is dependent upon\two or more parties, unless they act promptly and in ~ perfect concert, they are continually in t each other s way, and all ofthem are a hindrance to the ' business. ' Even though, 9. dozen corpcrators of a manu- l facturing establishment i-esolvednpdn a 1 plan or policy, it should be` left for one man to execute 1t,`,even to "the direc- ` tinn oi th_e'de'tai1s;f6r`so7sure as they form themsel-res? into co-`operative la- ` hours their different methods of doing the same thing wpillbring a,bou:t confu- sion, and defeat oints oexpedition and certainty. ' b_ank,_`thongh its _ `directors may `it upon uj list ofVdia- .c o1ints--it must be done b`y"the' proper dicersl. `A corporation having aisrge amount of ' b_us`in'e'I to do," if: its "nie_rn- bers are men or sound business ideas, which another is selected fbr, norpceni sure it a superintendent fails on ac'eou'nt of their constant i'n'termeddIin'g.' `* Yet. thmmh thsm pvhmiinnnnn `am- will not permit one man '10 do that ui umir luuusuant. imermeaaung. Yet, though` these experiences `are potent _amongb'm en `who have been ~ largely engaged in business,'too many repent them _time nnfnghin, and when failures follow are apt"to'place the 1 blame where` itdpesjiot'belong. E'e'ty l men who nds himself involved: fin . such diloultiee ghpuld withdrawn` from . his pa,r;_n_ers at"once,-'nn1es's`he hus'~thE' ' pow__e1-to bring .o`rde'lF exit of "chaos,land ' vindicate himself, else he is 'sI're-`to suer in 'pocket` and reputation.-9 9 Monetary _Tz'mes. . I: 1 .-_..-...--j:--'_._,_.., ' - DIFFICULTIES IN PARTNER I V -I r` ` . 1",. - _ ' More diiculties have,ben encoun- -tered by means of partnerships in _. manufacturing than from any other ' known cause. "'.I`he ,e'v`ils` of p'art'ner'- ships are legion. 3' Delays, expense} failures, disputes and losses, arise from 4 partnerships, where ouebrain, amas- ter` mind, would `see and accomplish '1 nothing but work and) success. The desire for partnerships arises usually from the necessity of combining capt- tal, and where capital is so combined, and the business is conducted by a head in every way tted forpit, the venture may be regardedas sate ; but `nothing is more certain to bring about `disaster than to engage in an enterprise with a party of capitalists whose whims, and . fears and freaks must always -be con- sulted beforea vital pointcan beacted upon. The time spentin consultation is expensive, the delays which precede decision on points of mutual . under-' standing are expensive-tl1e whim or experiment of an unpractised brain may cost thousands O_fdy01latS-In short, there is everything against and noth- ing for,.e._ partnership where the part- ners arenot essentially practical and always at their ` post, We have` seen more ill-feeling engendered, and more money squandered, by ill-conditioned e partnerships, than by failures irom all other causes. ` .1r.'.-.... :...-:..--_ -.-A-A 9' GENERA1+ ADVERTISER: JRI_f}. _0F_SUCCESS IN ALL GOVERNMENT. 3 ,-.-_,Wg~nqdqr9Iand that the ivhoopng ongilh is i qti!.6,proI'}1ll3 !;l i_|`1.Ihe` Iow pa around on; but ghal l nbnas hnvaibmvod fatal. Some familiufuae E; hnt_.~JoImion n. `giilojdyuc Lizaimpng. .,> 39?, _1iW3_fe_r;;1n`yg- 1, mile _ipiaa9,` to A __ r = .--5. '.`lpII:Ill",D,,G.'IBA-lV&8_II_lI.g;.` ` ; R * i . `V ` A TERRIBLE accident happened in the city of Biiighnrnpton, N'.Y., one night last week, by which a young man, named Charles Williams, was instantly killed, two others-.probably fatally injured, and several receiving injuries of a more or less serious nature. A large crowd ot young, men and boys were coasting on the Oak-street hill, near the Water Cure, using. a bob-sled, upon which they piled promrscuously. Two large torches were placed in front, on the sled, '50 warn people and teams of its approach, as it.weut at almost lightning speed down the slippery de- scent, started, when a team came along, and had just commpenced the ascent of the hill `when the torches warned him of the approach of the sled, which was about in the centre of the hill. `shouts of the boys and glare of`the torches frightened the horses, and they road. The sled then-at the height of weht crashing into the horses. The collision was fearful One horse was killed- outright. the waggon badly wrecked, and the sled dashed` into a hundred pieces.- The have, horses and wreck were all piled in; one , con,t'used mass, and young Williams was found ,- at the bottomrof it all, dead. Joby 3 `Wesler, agedtwelve y,ears,~. V was taken ; but unsensible and another. boy ; was found to be -lsedonsl y. ' , injured. "ot,hers;receiv7ed `eutsend bruises, , Several tripshad been made in safety, and the sled, crowded with the, hilarous passengers, had been again. i The became soun rnanageab_le` that Mr- ~ Goff could not turn them out of the: its velocity could not becontrolled, and M . Four 1 ALL EQUAL Hans.--It is related :of the Duke of Wellington that oube when he remained to `(take sacragnent at his parish _ a very" poor old manhad gone, up"-the, bp'posite `aisle, ` and reachin the coinmiimon knelt by ' the side (at Dqke. Some 'one#a ' pew-ojvuer p1{oba;bly--_ame'e.nd tough- d.`.l1'* 4P`.5,`l".5.9'r..`.` `.h `3h`d"3"Pd 5jwhis ;eredf;q hini` t6 ` move` furter izway; 6|"1_{i'3e anwvfif -11hi1 ?m"I) he Q _li a;d ` 1re,ceived,' le -Zhfedd and! wiq`; ' _"B(1t, the egglegyejnd 'th qui ok "ear. of ; the;g;eat39l1i;nnx;grvcaught-the the nu? ` fngjotf r,1m`1`ouch' anjd tha`c` :._ I-e_lg epecT%_1hB fgld man's: 'hnndif I;d- ;j1);1_g`,ixx_a"t`z;_fe`v*a'_x$t`11mis iiinnggllndi 'a" ; 59*? .We?. !?.'.`,.i` 5.WPP*.V`: *5`; T..i33i5 2s12o'm.move=-w- ~Q.J ,;_` s__,:. . V_-_* .r.,.r:"`_; - oenau or the countyof Simooe. jtively. Subsequenfly, HLon.LJ. B. Robinson and Mr. H. M.Jackson were to-elected President and Vice-President respec-_ ~ The meeting thn adjqurned. Inn V O The report, was ndojrted after extend- `ed gnd interesting explanations" by `F. . Curnbrland. . Tlrscrlitiheers `reported the follow-' v ingrgentlemeir elected Directors for the M current. . year:---Hon. John Beverley r Robinson, Frederick W. Cumberland, Angus Morrison, M.P..,William Ellrott, "I`oronto,'and H. M. Jaokson, Henry Wheeler ?and-'am`_. Lethbridge, London,-`V England. ',Aldermeur . Bell and Mr. George Davis are ex pco Di-. rectors, the former. on behalf of` the cor- porationof Toronto, and the latter on behalf of the onntv-of Simcoe. gtnkannasnnolnu `I ;.... T n 13,: -, , \ Luau .G5IUUllICU'-u " In the event of that B311 passing`, of v which-there seems doubt, it is proposed to amplify ihe relations of amalgalngled Vcorpgxgtion, with the" company by consplidatibg the two [leases of those lines into one, a measitrte pbvionsly desirable uni! for which,!"if necessary: it may be well to seek legis-" lative sanction.` vim.` ..-..`-_. __, '- - - - A uu m uyux_u_uuu curly In July next. 8; These `two compames have en- tered into an agreement for amalgation with a `view 120- more economical ad- ministration, and. to aconsolidation of tlneirsecurities, and a. bill is now before -the Legxlature ti: give legal e'ect_ to` that .agreem_ent. Th fhn annual A1` LL_A 11,1! 0 ~ " un service on me min 01 Uctqber.` 6. The l`v Iuskoka.Railwgy was opened . to Orill1av(22'*xn`ile`s)"'o1i tTxd'30th of Nev.,nnd has sitide be'en `in regular-' . traic` operationifto that point, Iris , expected that the next division of the I line to Washngo (11 miles) will be opened for, traffic aboutjhe mt of July. '7 "l"l.."-up.-. .l...`J.'.t AL; `\T-.J' H u Ill, 9 ` > V ' _ '7. The works` of the North Grey Railway are being pushed forward by that Company with energy, and there is every prqhability that.*the line will be in operAa_tion early'in July next. These `tum nnmnnnxna 1*-n-vn an dl menu ms amounted to $138,478 76. i 5. The new elevator at Collingwood` has been completed and was opened for service on the 16th of October.` R Thu F.n}l1'1`f|l)>l\ 'U..'.'I..._-. __..- . 1 propomon 01 me box freight car stock. 4. The expendxture upon necssar-y "extension apdfadditions to works, build- -ing, rolling stock and general equip"- ment has amounted t6 $138,478 5. The rmur ninmum. .9 run: ..... -_J -wcaau Ul. U .327 per 0811!. _ 3. The ordinary working expenses of the year have been $461,316.44-, as against $526,118 6! in 1870, giving for the year 1871, 9. rate on the `gross 'trafc_receipts at 59.93" per cent., being i an increase of 4.25 per cent. on the rate of 1870, which hats arisen entirely from the reconstruction of a considerable proportion of the box freight oer " The exnnmiuhn-A nnnn nnn."-...--u f}j\?!9-n;ji;%I5Ihdgl.'1bist1he Vyhogpjii ougdh is hiih rivi Eh! iri,Ihn'1nw'n:`nrnnnd' I! but lhal` `_ oqunulblcu IHU Luuuwlug report Z-- 1. The Canadiah Directors have the honor to submit the Report fortbe year endmg 30th Dec. 1871, with the usual appendices Tin detailed explanation thereof. ' ' nrni, "`- M uuULUUl. u 2. The gios trafcv'recipts for the T year have been $777,498 94, as against $733,567,25 in 1870, showing an in- crease of 5.99 per cent. 2. The nrr1;'r|nI-Ir tun:-I9."n m A - _ _ _ _ -_ UL Lu` uulupuuy, LUUK me lunalfo `The xiotice calling the `meeting having been,reu_d, .Mr. Cumberland, V submxtfed the following repdr! :- 1. nnnnrlfdn nirnnfnru I-mun H... . NORTHERN RAILWAY COM- T ; I PANY. . The annual xneetmg of the Share- holders of _the Northern Railway Com- pany was heldat. the-Cotnpany s oice, Brock street, atfnooni on the 14-th.' Hon. J. Beverly. Robinson, President of the Company, took the Chair. ' Thn linfinn n.ll:.~... Ola.-. ....-_o.'.._. Phe`imd *Mr.- Alex." Morrow--every iegr end down thousands upon thall- 7an'ds' .-of dollars in pfdniiilma; arid supposing we-.takel.the inimim -me of increase;-gonev quarter poi `cents-on they pzemiums of all the propenty coverd oxjjiartially covered by `insur- app'b_i}1,tHis tgiwln, the linjurers ` would `make ajbod Ba rg_1`n'by_payinga slight tligir i_nnfuI:f`" prliiluma} 'lt"was}in thi 1igHt%t,`eouaciI;vweeake it,~lo9b' e_ti`o.t"'tli6 i1io .tto`r,-mid rorthorbonanq of fe`he~co'evr 'taor,v's`u'ey~wem~:.iquig.a2 ' to '6.k,;5?ori;iP nifrros to ? who `r thg ; 1 I:ow1faa*:ia:i1:am_ Bgadager u.poa-.iu1e,,r -' . . 1'.` a .nL&-`u.!'.".'l '33 .11.`. Mg.`Rogers`,lIV`Ir. Edwards; Mr. Mc- , `gddftidifltix <`::a_our.,;: _'to` mpslam I _ the attention oinsurers to the-fact 1' had` their agents instructed` to raise , and new policies applied for from one 1 per cent.'un'less an reicient engine` Toronto, and nppa ren_tIy . have_ _deter-. " mined to.proteot_.thoms`elves against 4. JLIJJ .r.L\IJ\JJ.|aI|'.|.V\IIIlo .' .1 .. T . In our last issue we omitted . to. call that the compsniesdoing business here the rates of premiums on all `renewals quarter to a half and three quarters was procured. They have been taught 2; severe lesson_ by thi"late` re in the higgardhness of'eorporatd'bodies,4 and the persim'ony- of rdtepiryiers who object to place their property_ out of` : danger, to--the utmost at theirfower. The consequence of this would be the i_`ri1po`stbf"anA_ insurance Ttax ontown 1 Which` woiI1;d inv"one "_enrf'1nd're than . ooirer the East of_' two or three engines _ 1ut..?`n. .L...`.-~1ur. v.I...-...I- In 1-7 iuuns, No. :3. Whole No. 1015.} ` "Witl_1`rAe'g'atd_ '10` tfiid imseit there? in _|no't1_x"r, gra'v"e fdnsideration`. A. What jhbas` llvb` wK"bf 'ge'tti b'g.~~to. the ,wat ai; 1' T A)! phi approguhuo mu: hirlku- ;;m=y:fc1_`o.aa;? jg; thii;"`s:`ihi:ftiu: -put-v &:Iia` 6'1`(pf iin`:_n giu'q',`f Ilia: Oounoilnjvill-_ _ aged. :'=u`otfon;* or '~hL91d` ! .~. _. mog-mrlizible feriagwl W 0"? 1:2 2. * Slit J M. jlllot so `fast Mr. Tlcgragohrr :It4is `better t`o`have~ no ataf than a rotten ` ree'cl."" W7e? f'ni1`to' see Where the town is a Iooseruih security; by 'Vth'"e: departure of an_,e'ngine`which, on the am call to dmyproved its utter incompetency or that of its manipulators. The recent re in Toronto ought, if.-we can believe the?Telagra42h and the other city daihes, to go far enough to show `that Barrie wag `in the_ right in darn nrd1ng ef- ficiency in its re service, g . avuuo nuuJ.UVcu_ U16 VlQ[QIy,- Which seems, however, was not dstined to be permaneint. The; ' p_isto;'1_' faction contrived to prevent "the ":'a.1rying out of the `contract made with the marm- f_acturers ofthe iotiuy, xid the lat:/er have taken their engitie away. Barrie is therefore again ` unprotecged _from `fire, and another schvconpgxatioh as that which vis1ted'tlie_ tpwh l'a'at's'pring ;m_ight, reygl in _destructio_z_1.'. :7 , av THBARRIAE F`IRE ENGINES. A jg-E ;_ ,t From the Tdagreph. Qur reader}: }vil`l'reme inlter the steam re engine `commotion, which agitated r Barrie Just,s'u1i1mer.; Pxston and Rotary wage the op osi'ng"war cries,.\yhich set the Town__ ou}1 oil' ind a,g ood`part` of tbetown ,fts_If by the egrs. `The, rotary a':hieved'_ the viqtqxy, which `it 5931118; however. was nnf dn`af.`nml On -....5, m:wrvas-zu1; July . [ ` . 1859-0.:ouo,ooco...oAooov September 1871... .... . . .V. 619.68 ; Coubourg in 1853-54 _and 55 obtained a loan of 500,000, and up to `February 186l.'thfere was no` 'creditf2igaint a ,debit_ of` _ half `a._ IniIlioi1, . and silica _t h6zi' n.5_ vch'9.Hgo' "his bdexi. maa in th gures. . ~ A V ' 25th `Jiine, 1856 .l4vth March, 1861 _4th July,_ 1863 ,DL;z s. _. c 30th January; 1858. . . . . . . 25th Janniuy. 1857; . . ., . . 1857c_nu;ooco 12th Apnl, 1858. .. .. . . .. 25th August; 1858 Oo_oaoonI OIOl|.cIOQ 2nd September, 1864-. . . . . . 9th February, 1865. . . . . . . 27th,Decembe_r, 1.869. . . ... 27th December, 1870." Ciergy Resen-ves-2'L.'tl1} July `,,~-`- A V , _.._..,-- .n;4 _ uva-an 1.` ULVU. The Mnnicipal`Loan Fund as report- ed by the treasurer, of Ontario shows that in May. 1855 Barrie borrowed the sum `of $12,000, which was expended. in lodalIimprovements.' The indebted- ` ness of the Town to the fund is `unchanged. It has no sinking fund to its credit, but is not in arrest with its interests, Three cents on the A dollar on the assessment of 1858 would Municipal loan , produce `$876-rnore-than 5 of interest ~ and two of sinking fund "on loan. But, hitherto the t'ovrn has only paid the in- terest on the oapital. The total pay- ment made by Barrie amounts to $10,- 520.60. The following is a detailed statement of payments with datesto rstiJanuar.y, 1871 :- V ii{iiib1}E~;w}i'i{iihiif.7372; ; .__.... OAN FUND. {mm MUNICIPAL} L ,-FLA I/f___,-_. g. FIRE ms-n-A ME. ' 5 ' I ' .r _nL;i_s. r '1 ITO VI And $290 ifnotpaid - in advance. _ cu}: ruxlx-(3.; _ ' ditto`) 9:. run rn')(Il\ 1!.: ,$c23.35 9 481.65 430.00 492.01 480.00 485315 880.25 886.29 ;9o5.24 942.45 2730.72 _935.93 To come to nance :--It was resolved thousand three hundred and eighteen , dollars and eighteen cents be voted to '..Her. Majesty for. the service of the _ civil government. That, we presume, is Loabe tho amt nf anm....:.... L- that. "two hundred and eighty-eight` -_, -_ c ......... .. -...v, vvv ynuuuluu, -is_to-be the cost of governing the Province of Ontario, for `he year or our Lord 1872. The eighteen oentn epecielly. `We are no nanciers. go could not undertake to oalclulete to _ ithin eighteen cents what it would Goal to carry on the oivil Government of Ontario.A 'lhe eetimetee, however, . are given, end are no doubt correct, ;inc'e"they come down to l|lt3h I ne point an eighteen cents. ; 2:..- ~__.-.-..4 .1` 13:11. __,,, I olIr`v --w---, -v u-a-vIn !rVUIIlUllO V The Blake-Wood scandal was brought on ,1_he tapis, reform`); to assertions ',_tht;t the late _'.l.`rogsn1-at of Onmio hIl_1,_b06!},\I)KQU8Hf 63` by Bjgka, fho 1m; sppoiitinu to:-A,t__l:;# govornhiotqil of V ` .. F5 .t"`5"ar : V prawn! premier, while jhs _ lstisg fwat - --_- .._ v------ vwuvuu Any amount of Bills were eubee-_ quently introduced, but it the ooinl reeoxd of votes Ind proceeding: is who `3tI|lIQOa;th0 different committees of the House, up to the present time have not elegrly dened their-polition`. ' ilIL_`lII_I_; 'nr_-x_ , c ,,-_ _.-._- _---- vnuuuvo D Whgix vie come across the return to Mr. Cumberland : pddress we will pre- sent it to our readers. 7 Mr. Cumberland e address for a Re. ' turn of the amount realized from timber dues, sale of timber limits and licenses, and allother charges or revenues aris- ing from timber and lumber in the Mzzrkoka; Parry Sound and Algoma Districts respectively, qpllected and carried to the revenue account of the Province from 1st January, 1863, to 31st December, 1871, and designating the amounts collected from the several townships therein respectively, will create a good deal of interest in the northfaud excite a_ good deal of curi- osity as _to what the Government has taken from these localities, and what it has done .for their advantage. So far as we can gather at present it has been a skin-int arrangement. TITL-.. _..- ---~ ' We have lately received from Mr. Axdugh, M.P.P., a batch` of papers re- lating to the proceedings in the House of Assembly. The session so far bu been fruitful of motions, without a. great deal of legislation. V i ii? 5-isome years ago. We notice progress all sides-Mr. Mulcahy, of the rm. Mulcahy 65 Co., is putting up one of the hendsotneet villas in the coun- ` try. The `design, as it appears on paper, is exceedingly tasteful, whilst the plan seems to combine with taste the greatest "amount of convenience. This rm (Mulcahy 85 Co.,) is. s. ou- -rishing one, in the ourishing little village of Orillia, and is said to turn its hundred thousand dollars a year, a'nd that oncssh principles. We are . ,told other business men are doing a. good trade. - i Hotel accommodation is also increas- iiug. Our old friend,Bro. Robt. Ross has opened` out in the Commercial Hotel, which is large and commodious, and for accommodation` to commercial men or private families will, when t- ted'up completely, as we understand it will be nexteummer, be a. rst-class house. -\We.enjoyed his hospitality for in couple of days and found more com- fort and convenience there than we have experienced is any hotel this side of the Atlantic. ' Asjto the Railway we might remark that the `country Vthrough which it passes is `generally good, and will bo developed to an indenite. extent by the railway facilities now afforded it. l } , ` v- : iurmr 1:0 .QBI.I-_1.JA- a `run to Orillia-over the Muekoha Rail- way,_dnd the still greater pleasure of meeting with a_n'urnber5of our old and. steadfast friends and _ar'Ipfiortera there- With 'egard to the road,_bu1lt in an: incre ibly short -space of time under 'tlie`e'n'ergetic` euperintendence of tho ChieigEngineer, C. W. Moberly, Esq., and the Resident Engineer, J no. Dick- ins'on1 _Esq., `W3 might say it is one of, the easiest roads in the main we have ever travelled over in Oanada or that United States. It`is neatly fenced for miles`; hut oi` course is not such a road, t_hr,ot1`ghou_t the route to Orillia as it willyetbe. There are two Stationaz. betwteen Barrie and Orillia, one about Shanty Bay, named after Hie Honor: the County Judge, and called Gowan, Station; the other at I-Iawketone. The Oril "a Station, on Peter Street, is I. near and commodioua Station, capable of accommodating all the traic likely to ss through it, uutilthe conuectiorn shal_ be made with'the great Canadian Pacic Railway, by which it is intend -. ed t>~counect Ontario and the Lower Provinces with the extreme west at the-Dominion. It is now_being pro- `duced with all speed to` the Muskoka. Disirict-and ere long if the same energy is displayed as heretofore, the settlers in the back country_will have all `the advantages of steam travel. As we have remarkt d before, whilst other pe Iple were talking of btrllding rail` ways, Mr. Cumberland and his engi- neers were at work building them, and in this connection we may, at an early date, as soon as we have an opportu- nity to travel as far as Collingwood, note progress on that important feeder of 9the Northern Railroad--extending Ill 1 o Grey-now under hisauperviaion. "THAN? the innnnng in` __II..._.. ---. :'-We irecentlyrenjoyed itvhepleaeure of V ...7_.. -.-my -uvvv uuuul u}u_luyUl'V1ll0ll- [Under the inuence of railway oom- mllnmcation O'ri_l1ia. has extended its '1nds, and has become in reality the . lourishing Little Vzllnge we de- nominated itA--with 61 without reason ' an-\nn ....-.._ -..- T17 ' j'-': P .1%v1 v`Vf('Vgj`]m]-1-5.1-g-,1":. "' .dpfo::p;1_5n_,;hgix gggzmpung it for -granted thui rod t_a_pQ_im,uhQnld be not uido id thefinigrggt bf dlio good, and thht By_-1]Z.awt.oI iI9`By-Luv; a. . vE4;oI_gine w must 'ho.v e,`und that as goon as the Gra;1d_'l`r,unk Ind Northern . Rulwiys will bring it hire. ' bllilliadhg. of 3110 whole town hmt.th9,,qgqpqi,1,g1;qu1d be lulmorfad in thdir Antinn_tnI{na- it I'm- I- AR`I}-IAMENTARY ITEMS. UOIIII IUYIIIGEQ Ll YGIBOIBDIB IDICS, IIPOIJ mproved Farm or Town property, or forthe notion of Buildings. - For `further parlxculars nnblr to AVA. 7 On approved freehold security, and at mode- rate Interest. . . Apygy to - . A nAm=t nmum .9 <:-rnnuuv MONEY To LENn._ ..----- APPLY TO JAS. EDWARDS, Royal Inaur Inca Oioe, Barrie. Q19- I Barrie San. 5th,` 1866- .__ _,___.___._____ Bjrx-ie,?[ny i2, 1870. Anny; certify _ {icted " ighteen nut 01' . o speak mg the ' ep from : ' minont berlnnd enet. e time. Sbosho< d when `Jim. THE Canada Perm!-nent Building ind "Saving Society, of Toronto, is now the Cheapest Ind best Looting Instiution in the Dominion and is piopu-ed to advance money on improved `Futon. Interest from '1 to 8 per cent., Princi- `pal can .:e paidin one sum at theond of tbs "term. A trie over ten per cent. per nnnum pays off both Principal and Interest in 20 yenro. WM. SANDERS, , V Jlppraiser for .;.P.B Q .8. Society. Ban-in, nu-1.. on mm 1.1. JIIIIII I45.` Bun-in, act. 20, mo. ' ' I.) 1'4 .1) [1 .I.\ I.\ 1. 1'4 . J. FOUNDRY, mm. j ` CULTURAL 1 M P LE- " MEN1`. AND STOVE WORKS. ' ; /H_R.. HENRY snW`r_mY,ia now pnpaea to 5 Kmauufncmre all articles-in his line, of the best duorlption. sad at cheap nun, Bstrie, Dec., 3rd um. T . 49'-1y ` : -_ __ ,.. -v.u, vananalalll-IFS . L, j: The subscriber is` pnreato I tenll our-A in `fainting, Do ::ntin ..3'3;er Hung- ! " O ' '- . . . ` " ` gslntin or slldueriptionl done with[n_u_t- .u3IpA|n1, patch reuonsble rg " ` ' ._z 4|;-mogk 1u,_r:.r;gnteil' by. jvo ssgugctiqn`. - . jnu IO-n- ...A.;.--.L.` . ---j-- EESAINTING AND nmoomnnc S`*`?A1 -`01?'~`i'ENEvv:oN.onILuA.j vim- -..L_ .. .-_...__ J . v All descriptions of blank form: for this Court romptly lled for service. Legal Forms and ukiug nod Promissory Notes constantly on nod. ' U. i`rll1M. Sept. 12th, 1871. Loans advanced at reasonable rates, upon nnroved or Town m-nnertv. or far. the Eran to e hot ...... -0 `CHOU OI nuuum 5. parlxculurs apply . ' ' S. M. S] (Late (Jerk in Counly.1.2egutr1/'0[7ir:e) Oouveynnoer, Commissioner "in Qu`een s nch, Auctioneer, Appiaiser and Commission gent for the sale of HOUSES, LANDS, ARM STOCK, HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. ouds, Wares &c. Also for the collection of axis, N0'1 1:s AND ACCOUNT. B'(.`mI. ndnunrar mmln nn Ilnmlo hi`! In (',.l.. - - LILJJ LILJULI, LILLI. 11111113 Q o` It Solicitcc in Chancery, ttorpeya-at-Law, Couveyanc-es, Commissioner ' B.R.,&c. Hair and Dcvisee Claims prose- ntod. Agent for the Canada. Landed Credit olnpuny for loaning money on Real Estate. . Hank Kean s Store. 0. . 1 Inna ---' run! 1), BUILD ALVU AUUUUNT. U'Cush advances made on Goods left for Sale. Sal Room, corner ofCol1ier and Market Sts., Iarrie. - III! 1' I12. U` Highest REFERENCES given. L ANTJNG, COUNTY o o CLERK, WILL AT- nd at his 01Iice,.at Barrie, every SATUR- AY, from 11 a.m., till 3 p.m., according to det of Council and every othu:_day at his lce at Cookltown .. a n..__|- 111-1. an u...... [Osaka ROGERS, W UILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATILN or rononro. . . u. ,1; ney-9.t-ha.w,Bo11cn.orin I y, Oonve ancer, .&c. Omo:- 11 Peter Street, next door w on Office. I"!-Hlh. In...` 10:30 nnlvb Irv vvvnluuw no rle, Feb. 17, 1862. -....A...__. d 3: th A1 I umua Y-AT-LAW, SULICITOR IN ancery, Conyeyancer, Commissioner in C. P. 0., &c., B1-nna, Co.,S1ucon. 900-ly . AL xumvnx-A1`-unw, b'U1.1U1'J`UR IN hanoery, Corwyancer, Commissioner in B.R., c..0RlI.LIA. SIMUGI4`. n... raw Lot-' nnnoery, uorwynncer, Uommissioner in B.R., [o.,0RlLLIA- SIMOOE 00., O.W. . 1-tf _ .__\ ! Februhry, -18.62 . FRANK `EVANS, B,AI3.1sTER & ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, somcrron IN hnncerv. Cnr'nmnnnrA Unrhmiqaihnnr iv: R D __--_..-__.__ .. ..... u.-vggagvaav r-' Ilioe-Church Street, next door to the old > Court House, Toronto. `. c. ouuznox. o. u mcnAxL. , 0. u mcHAm_L l.`-L-.... .... 1 gym HJGAR B. SANDEPS, J ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, SOLICITORIN ancerv. Convevancnr. (`.nmm;.u;m... ;. n n )RILLIA[ PE'I"I`Y sEss10Ns.. I U: Apply to J . Barristers, Attorneys-at-Law, Solicitors in not-y, o., lzc. V . Onmn-- uulop Street, Barrie. . Loan. - G. w. Lam." censors to the Me rm of Boulton, Lount, 5 & Stewart. 5: Han mu. 10711 r~~- ` II UHJCB. Oriliia, June, 1868. ...._. _ -_....__, ._ .,_... Z(_)NEY ...'ro LOAN CHEAPER THAN EVER. 1'l,'l!2WAl1'1` 65 LALLY, neys-at-law, Solicitors-in-Chancery, Con- cynnooru, kc. 0mcn-~Owen Street, Barrie, Ont. D. S'rsw5n1',L.L.B. I-`nnlcxs W. LALLY. N.B.-Money to Le_nd. ` rie,Jan.2-1, 1872. ' o U V `L ` "4 ll. 0 . v G 1 UUUH I. 1 A_!.`3'3'1'ER, &c., BARRROI.'V.N ATTORILEY, 1AMEE(TN,*McM1c1-1XL & Mc .' MICHAEL, BARRISTERS. I..- n1_'......Lc.__-L __ _; 1'u:uu'11x dz McUAl:LTHY, BAR- riaters; Attorneys-at-Law Solicitors Chancery, Ba:-rig, Ont. ' Amos McCuu-av. D Amox Macumnr, Jr. Orncx.--,Iu their -New Brick Building "oppo- e C. H. Ross .Sl.ore. BanV1e,June 25, 1371. . s47. Annual 1 , :1 nuts U11 at D 1'5-A`1'l 1 X L`. Batrlateru and Attorneys, Solicitors in rhanoer , Notaries Public, Conveyancers, ARRIEY, Oo. Simcoe, Ont. - an 1 our - . D. _B.D_AOB; '0NEY TO L]:3i1;ID. _ ..... -u no uuvuc Ill vvrllvln P nper d_iscontiuued until all arrest-age: re paid,-except e} theoption of the publish- er. e ` ;unla,Boonmn1ua and Runma done on the premises. The facilities of the Esteb! :ih- gnen: no more complete thsnany 0 her North of Toronto, having been carefully tted out In every particular. ammenleatione should be addressed t6 the Publisher, post-paid. D. HRRW V'_ 870. 'O.UN'If`& LQUNT, hula, Jun: 1 1862. - as G maven. do, Hayl8u1,1$7l. ianf1e,June 1371.` _____________.____.______*_ RDAGH, ARDAGH 55 STRATHY L Ban-lnton and An nnnn .. u..|:..:..._.. 2- mg ; A DAGH, ARDAGH & STRATHY, Snnitnrn Rsu-I-in published Weekly, ` in the Town of Ben-Ie, OV0l1~1.'lUBlDAY- morning, containing the current newsof the day, and all matters gertnining tothe aifnirs of the County. Price l`in advance or $2.00 if not paid at the e of eubecrintion. L CAR'I`l1Y dz MCCAELTH Y, riuamj Ann:-nava_nv.T..._ a..|:..:.-.._ 1!l()NlY_ T To LEND. /`..`\.'\_ ~. ~. .-`-'\/\. \x\..\/J HEfNoR'1:HE'Rt=3 ADVANCE degr- clams .0 J. COLCLOUGH MCMULLEN, Clark to Path Snninnu 'A.\II)Y, BARRISTER, ATTOR- J ney-at-Law, Solicitor in Chan- 'ancer. am. E. H. BTBLTHY. pb W l. ms: ToN,`om;;:;:., Qn1.`..:o _ IV! . - - - -- 10 T '1` E R, COUNTY I GROWN `A'M`nm\m.v uuuun mcnxuummv, Clerk to Potty Souionl. 1. 31. Wfa`T??i7a `D{\IT\YI'\DI7 A I'VE! ya a 3 LnA'1`1:l! , Solicitou, -Barrie. 2-tf ply to .' M. SANFORD, A mmt

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