7 have cried out, Take Him to New- p or 0_s,'II.nl.-'l'he curr- '_ ,__aud trouhlesomels of Carlyle,` said to'_be quite in eonttast with his simple, straightforward way of talking. _ `shed of sham is'one `of his notable `characteristics. ,_9ne, evening, at a H A 7' ipmall literary gathering-,~a lady, famous 18., 7 -. for her .muslin theology,_was hewail A ? ing the wickedness of the J ews in not D] receiving our Saviour, and ended her diatribe by expressing regret that -he had not appealed in our own time. How"delighted, said `she, we should all be to throw our doors open to Him, ' and listen to His divine prece ts! Don t you think so Mr- Csrlylel a sturdy philosopher, thus appealed to, said, in his broad Scotch. No, 0 madam,Idon't. I think that, had he ` _ come very fashionably dressed, with V plentyof "money, and [preaching doo trines palatable to the higher orders, I might have had the honor of receiving 5 from you acard of ' invitation. on the back of which would be written, `To meet our Saviour, butif he had come uttering His sublime precepts, and de- nouncing the Pharisees, and associat- ing with the Publicans and lower or- ders, as He did, you would have treat- ed Him much as the Jews did, and gate and hang Him! On another 00- casion when Ernest Jones, a well known Cliartist leader, was harran_gu- ` ing, in his violent manner, against the - established authorities, Carlyle shook his head and told him that, had `the Chartist leaders been living in thedays of Christ, he would have sent the un- clean spirits into them instead of into the swine of the Gergesenes,and so we should have happily got rid of them. This delicateallusion to the suicide of the pigs so astonished the respectable representative of the numerous family nl H1n,TnnnQ42R that he said I1()lhll'l2 A splendid display of Bacon and _Codsh Dollar Tea AA splendid Stock of Also _some beautiful A Colored and White A full stock of WINES A_ND at all prices. I91 W! 1' i! [Y HlU.|Ji.H.'.\U UV IIUIII IIIHIIIIIIIGIIUII of nh.- 1 mg membrane, from cold, or from netV.`\`.: Ucrungemenz. ' L iruomsun a: mill . -r\'r1't\rl1r\I.1T) A 1T[I Q ?ro, wnnm ' W NEW GALLERY A| hzmnmn, 81 BIIILIW UNDE R_TA_KER ,\ I b"1'luS.lSl', D.a.ruu.L'.. BEG to announce to the public that he has 'con_unenced business in the above linea. and are prepared to take orders and contracts for :11 kinds of work in the cnrpenterand build- ing trade, which,he will execute at the lowest figures and in the beer style of workmanship. Ibo door: East of the Bank of Euuuns, sAsFE Ann suuns, ALWAYS ON HAND. I:NuNDE"ITi+AK|NG,| mask 8:; FUNERAL EQUIS|TESl We have heard of a man who owned a horse which had been for a long time afflicted with a. chronic cough, and was otherwise in a poor condition ;'ho at length resolved to sell him, and did so for a very triing sum. some fire or six weeks afterward, he met the person to whom he had sold him driving a beautiful horse, full of life, andooncluded he had either exchanged him for this. or. pur-v chased another; but judge of his surprise on learning thatthe horse was the same that he previously owned and` considered of so little value. Ozrenquiry as to what had effected so great a change, he was told that " Dsrley s Condition Powders and Home Remedy had done it. This preparation has eected some remarkable cures. Remember the` name, and see that the signature of Hard 8:. Co., is on each package. `Northrop 82 Lyman, New- castle, Ont., Proprietors for Canada. Sold by all medicine dealers. , To be obtained this side of Toronto, and at the : lowest prices . ` From the facilities he possesses for carrying on each branch of his business, be can guarantee general satisfaction to all who` may favor him_with-their patronage. ' _ E. BYRNE. Barrie,Sept.1st. 1870. I A 35-ly NIIIEESE ! CORNER 01-` OWEN 15 MACDONALD` STREET, zmnmg. nn on annnnnma tn the nuhlic that he bl ENGLISH BUN HOUSE- R. KVIG &. SON. CHEESE| Cheese er Uppome Messrs. mcuarmy q me-.u:m5.. V Law Oice, DUNLOP srnmr, - BARBIE; Barrie, Sept. lot. HERMETICALLY SEALED GOODS, FRENCH SARDINES, _ LOBSTERS, . ` cow: OYSTERS, . FRUITS & VEGETABLES. j_p\ ._._.o__- `Pickles, Sauces, &c., &c.,` - TV V A DIRTY MRS. |\/T.`-\-NA_f-|_A_N Intsn Ceu!tcu.-'I`he Bishops of the Irish Church are mekmg an honest endevour to accommodate themselves and their ocks to the altered state of their ctronmstanoes. No. ' doubt the voluntary system will infuse new ` life and vigor into the body ecolesiutic and 'sct_upon all branches of the Church will! thateinvigoraliug effect so remarkable in the action of the Great Shoshonees Remedy 'on lhnss'a'soted with consumption; chronic dys- .popsis, bromhitis &o. Forsele by ell drug-f V ` ' ` __ . Nov-lino` gists. 1 Q3511 " 816-6: IN .vA1uE1 r. -_--, __-_ _.._0._. Just received, a large supply of Horsefdrd s Self-Raising Bread Preparqtion. .__.o__.. A large varietg-/-o-f`.E`?a_cy and Plain ' V Bzseuits at reduced rates. He is prepared to furnish the handsomest .| ' --o-- English, French and American Confectionery. -- -o---. ..-_o.___ IIPLUNGHES, &c.; preptired at` a1l'seas'on- 'able hours. ' arr CHARGES MODERATE. '.;;o J'U01-gcflved a splndid assortment of ALL. FLANNEL SHIB TS. HE OREEMORE MILLS situated in tho -thriving village of Oroemore, in the town- ship of Nottawasngn, one of the heat wheat growing sections in Ontario, are now oered for sale on reasonable terms. The Kill having been fitted up during the past your with the most improved machinery and the dam and building: connected being in the most thorough repair, with plenty of water during All actions, would form n can-nble opportunity to my per- ton wishing . purchase: mill property.- '1'here_ in nztoiegroph oioe in the `viilnge, snap `daily stsgo "the man to Btsynor.` . A` on lotI,.for.n.lo;on nay Title ind am... no: EDWARD BYRNE, Also alugo qua. ' .havo.never before been equalled inVBnrrie. ntity of Grey, Whitegjsnd esh- ` colored which are at lent 20 por cont _hoIow last winter : prices. Goon 'Smus.-II is ` a good- "sign to on I msndoing an not of charity go his felioln. It is 1 good sign to ego the .ooloI of hocllh in 3 man : `face. hp 3 good sign; turn 0 V and honest mun wearing old~c|otl_Iu,-Ind'Ibo immenno sale) of the "Cnnndim Pain Du- -*m` or * in 39` -8 .~.'-H`. `T owistio A `M WATER-POWER- A 1 (must Ann noun MILLS `mm ._I11=_m111ur4 `"1 tennl. ".l`ltl0 llllllllglunle. enquire of . PHIL LOW, Pinton :0. 8. PATTERSON; enquire 0! o rnuur uuvv, nisq., numuwr, .Picton ; `O. PATTERSON; Esq., Toronto; tI.4rWv_ Pa 439593, 3'! 1 lo I-IE APNESS Dealer m_Foreigu ad Domestic Fruits, &c., Undr Shirts Pantsl :_R0`CERY,VPR0V1S1ON & -LIQUOR STORE. Barrie, Nov. 10th, 1869. uon, au_u_ prupuny uppreoluen Dy Inc 81q cv_a_r; when at 25 mm ~.. .......- ` 'Llu\J\/.l'Jl.\v.l, J. I.I\J v L\JA\-'1Irv ..-.`- _. STORE, Opposite Messrs. McCarthy & Mccarthyu Office. FreshV0anadiau Cheese of No. 1 Quality. -----:--u` `CALL AND EXAMINE. T. GRAHAM C ON TRAO TOR, 30- 1 ac; which for quaiity, pattern sud 1='o:a. SALE. AT THE , ises. ' . 201' puucullxu, IV E Barrister mi; E31 . Tm-onm: DON"? KNOW HIM; 1'oron_to. r_.'m C E, BA:.R[E .` '1`.,\s. 1ii6I.`FA'1`T, THE ELEPHA1IT HOUSE. [W2 @`s m MmM@@ N 1`-u--I--IN L 1'1 1l'\'I) I` A-W. V? V 3 T T vf -v - . . V T CHEAP FOR CASH. AGROCERIES, the besuzn the County TEA that cannot be Beat in Orillin, or any other place. Another lot of <`ne avored`, low priced (700) Tea, just to hand. Try it. --_-_ I IT 1. an-IJJILLKIIJ L L! Jl. I JLJ-L-I --r- - - I sell Goods cheap because: I am able and determined to do so. prots and quick returns is my motto. _ T AT THE ELEPHANT. _ ~ - ' 42-tf , - '1'. S. BIO FA! - --- at. low pnces, nnu seumg luau ic1ej.0_:;ml;11Ljjc'_ JHLMOST GIVEN AWAY. 1 -..-- 1 ..... ..-.1- ma Jntm-mined to Small mm I.EAMNGMA6ENE! FRESH 50008 D M. SUMMER A_nn_:_meEMm. I'\I`IJ vuuhru .-_--,. Besides aecore of others,of equal importance. ' Among the numerous attachments furnished with each machine without extra` charge," is Lockman s Patent adjustable hemmer, which can be set to hem a hem of any width. The only thing of the kind attached to any machine in the Market._ We also furnish plain hemmer, Braider, Quilter, &c. The price `of machine complete, warranted for one year in writing, is $32. A reasonable `advance is made to this price, when time is given for payment. AGENTS.--'1`. E. Rawson, Barrie; W. W. Ellis,! Bradford; Geo.|`Nunn, General Wholesale A mun AL!!! Agent. And I take this opportnniiy of thanking the public for the very liberz nage they have bestowed, and soliciting 9. continuance of their favors, call their attention to my new stock of Which I oer as low 79.5 any house North of Toronto.` I give the price of a ' fowof the leading articles: uh n I $ C TEAOIOIIOOIOOIO YOUNG HYSON..A........... DO IVOOIOOIIIOIII VERY GOOD HYSON.. ..... .` GUNPOWDER TEA. . . . . . . . . "fin; D; ` .;;; THE BEST TEA. . ... . . . PAT. PAILS, each. . . .. . . 1-nr\t\t\Il(1 l__-_|_ LLl..I.o J.nA-A.n-\r 11.-`an:-iv-iv-vvvv Icoouooooocav T 1I`l\ A A LARGE A$SOR1;M}NT, OF Biscuits, Candies, Nuts, Almonds, pic`es,VPick1es,T Qnulinau Tnlxatnra fhyclnru nnnnn Fruit, Qnln nil nnrn Qfnrnh, XML. nn nf XJXII Ii vwgnugcvu, -- `pun :-_---v.....-, F??? _ .v-._--, 1 Sardines, 'I :(')bsters, Oysters, Canned imt, Sa.lud_O1l, Corn Starch, &c., all of which will be sold at a trie above cost." mo sumen I_l|I_{NGEMENT- mo DIRECT noun: T0 ORILLIA! M23bf:13REL'L s T6Zf{E mg mwm, mm, Informs his friends and the public that he has removed to ' "'_"""J """ "' J _ [AS attained the proud position of being the lending Machine owes its wonderful success tom inherent good qualities. ' THECH1}g_1?_ }\_E_1}._T HOUSE }'Iing s% Brick b` Block, Baylcl Street, neon. nutsnm cnnnsn. Begrto announce that they hue enlnrged their ipremisea, and in connection with their lax-gen stock of general IP!ab'9s.i IDA nnnnnnn n In I [FLOUR BRANSHORTSI All I` R dell! _ AIDTBI `FREE GRANT LANDS!` l__Q,T3::'o,FAug. 1'uh,'1a'io, R 0 W` Green , Smoked and Sugar Cured Hams. Bcon and Uurezl Illleatsig/ all Kinds, CHEAPER TH AN ANY_. T - I1 0, A , ,,A 4 , -IIHEA ' an Batrie, August 10th`,I1`8."l?)-.-' g IGBQQEBIE S1 G}JA. W".AR1-E`,_C6E'i11i .- IE 5., "OATS, OJTME aL CORNMEAL, C'R.CK; -no WHEJT, BARLEY, Qc: ` '7' - 0. A. Triamus 1; nno.;' ;soua.of.z1., pm Oce, Owen ?.s:m:, Barrio. FRESH MBA Cl S, mm wmwtg `U By Railway and Steamer} via. Barrio. J1 at good] doliyexod in townfeo uni: without; lalnv. 1?. A. Psmuns & 330., (Late 0. A. .PerIcms,) FRUITS, VEGETABIIES, 'NIII-g1AIIg1EI-I, GAME POULTRY, &p., IN Gnaomaans Next to Brolley a Hotel, Where he will have on hgnd a. `constant upply of Manufactured by WILSON BOWMAN 4}` 00-: ,_._.a ___u:._ -9 |...:.... u... I,...A:m. Ihnhinain vsrxn./\\\-.'\'\x\'\/\x\<~ xxxx \-\.'\\ xxxxx \~.\~s\x~~;vvv\ Please call` ahd see our displv 6n SATURDAY, the 18th inst.,Vat 4_~__. _.___ ___._.......... . .5. -s.--.--._.-...-._ __.:_ _ Z 15iEE GROCERIES. vqv -V `cw And are pr epnr;d'to all 5 kind; of v "|Mi5L IZCI l'\IlD Only route to Bnoebridge without tnnuhipinient ` ALSO A SPLENDID now or 8M8%@B8 E@EE8EE EmT1@E%B`MEE. BOLOGNA AND GERMAN SAUSAGE, SAVELOYS, &c. x/x/x/_/\/\_/V ./xx-x/\/' public `amt t_o L/.1.` _L-'-.1.-Il..l_'.J-l...a_-_al\.I ..m.1.;_a vv MARKET STREET, BA THE Locxhifhtzuf VIIIITTLE W "T I T ' " "- at low prices, and sellihg fast. --u--...`-z\rrv1 ;`l`I"I'1"'I". :;Iv;;s ai'1Ti;ing fa; 7ORILLIA.. I - [P U: 0000000 uloooolu ....... 70 .......` 80 ....... 80 ....... 90 ....... I 00 ....... 20 .....;. 30 SIJ( CIH 111C 13A] V \7AJ `B (}(I SCH LEMON PEELS, u.rrv D CHEAP`NESS_,. uvv Luxxsv s, \.Iv- --....-----.-, - , , I Machine in the Dominion of Canada. I ; Thse qualities are `fornnoocoon-on; CURRANTS, 20 _1bS-. for. . . . . . . '. lbs. f0r..`..o......}. I I I I I I O I VALENCIA RAISINS, per lb. . VALENCIA RAISINS by the non 11 ..-....-~v--_ _-___- . 7` N, Box of 28 1b., per_I-b._. . . . . . . GOLDEN SYRUP, per qt. . . . . SOLACE TOBACCO, per lb... -#-LL80--V General `Insurance Agents, A, rnmusox; _ J. W. rnneusox. J.'9l9I9avn_hDoe-.1869- -. f I |EssR._1_L& J.W.FEGUSON.I Takes pleasure in lsnnounclng to their custo- mers and public generally, that they have now on. hand a complete assortment of LEAVES Barrie for Orillie. and Wuhego, at 5'30 a.m.. touching at Hewketone, Atherly, Orillie and the Portage.-ARR.IVING at Wash- ego at 10.30 aLtn., and connecting there with STAGIS nun S-nuns Winona ion 1'!!! Non-rn Conn-av. Returning, will leave `Wnhego at 11 run. and Orilltn at 12.30.,p.tn., arriving at Barrie iin time to connect with the the Evening Train on the Northern Railway for Toronto. I3'THR(`UGH_ TICKETS from Toronto to Orillie and Brnoebridge, -can be pnrchnlod at tho N! R R, tntinn. Tnronlo: and Return Irnovixoms. mnwAnE,| DELFAND GLASSWARE. mnwaoonsl GLASSWARE. ' Bottled a,ndL Barrelled Lmuors OF CHOICEST BRANDS, 1 A 1 $$-: :1::--:1 3, &c., &c. GBOCERIES, HARDWARE, Anothpf that hand. iEac{:bNi}ILE,' --.._- 1- _.__-.__-2__ LA AL. 0., Hamilton, 0711., _E l'V__-. liberal patro- . A6` GL5! {nun-urn T urnnld Urillla and bmoeonage, '(.'I_l1 ue punzuuuu an the N. R. R. Station, Toronto; and Tickets can be procured on board the Steamer. Return Tickets from Bracebridge to Toronto vi: u YA. I1...-nu. " and N R R can ha nmcnred on '-'.X'1)':' _-.._. 4... Clul ltuuuu` '5, I would `E51211 32- {%e;J.3ooTH! CAIEBBNTER AND BUILDER, . 9lA_1.... -..J Tfganiovi/~lln1`_ , `HoUsEH<-)"i:'15"I"J'1"zN1TURE. \ xl .. c.....:..... Ilgnldnaa l..l\I\JLJ:'4a.a.v.-a-I .. V --_ ._ Spring Mattresses, Family Sewing Machines, Ooin Trimmings, Room Paper, Window Blinds, Framed Pictures, School Books, Concertina: and lielodeons, Ladies Work Boxes,WriIing Desks, Toys and Fancy Articles, Children's Carriages. - Sashes, Doors and Blinds, kept on hand and made to order. ` Peter Street, Orillia, 0.W. (6~ LKIBII For j 17 4-5 Pour. M7AII'."'L`1_N1-:. onmc sow cheap for can, a 1-Ootuo Pinno-Forte, by I celebrated maker. II... nndnnlnrn nnnlv at this oico. __ RYAN & 0LIvER,l -.. nnnnnn n n- HARDWAwli7E; W& "rooLs,` 114 YOUNG s'rnm:'r. ___`_._.-x-`arr!-I/\ ..___....___.___*, r'IAnor_o_I_z_ SALE. Hardware. Addie Improved Carvers Tools. Stubs Celebrat.ed'Files and Tools. Carpenters and Joiners Tools. Shoe Tools of all kinds. Shoe and Machine Thread, Silk, kc. Cutlery of all kinds. House Furnishing Hardware. Shooting and Fishing Tackle. Sporting Ammunition.` Garden, Draining and Farming Tools. Cordage, Glass, on. , &c. FOR SALE AT LO EST C./ISH PRICES. mm-anon, Jnnnarv. 1868. 1 PROF. CUNIO S . SHAVING,HAIRCUTTING ALVA) vun.:.g-.u- \I\ICQI\' -.-...._v.-. , . Is in the large building lately occupied by Mr. James Russell, ' .7 T`) ` 71 . 1 l\ Good Hair Dye. Hair Invigorator, Hair Oil, &e., manufactured and sold by Prof. Cunio. The old we can make look so green, ENTLEMENS Whiskers and Hair Dyed. Ladies Haircutting done in good style. Come Gents who wish a good smooth face, List while I tell you of a place Wl.ere razors are kept bright and keen, Theeasiest chairs, and towels clean. Where we will shave, shampoo, or trim, And brighten faces which look dim; And if your hair is white or red Prof. 0unio s Lotion colours well. For just ve cents we now will shave, And do it so smooth and clean You ll any we are n inswiug machine. Around your nose and chin we 1l creep, With so much ease you l1drop asleep -, Your nap will my for coming here ; The gels will say you re sweet sixteen; And when 3 on leave here for the street, Your friends will smile when them you meet, And say what makes your hair so dark. Oh, it was the Professor s Hair King s wash, And he can do you black or brown, A little better than any house in town . And if a twirled moustache you want Prof. Cuuio hrings one out. L Builders, ` Inn-I-Ara. TUK D`./11.1.`. ./u bvrruu Toronto, January, 1868. Return Tickets from bracennuge I0 Ioronw vm Ida Burton, and N. R. R. can be procured on board Steamer Wenonah. I'M... `IF.-niam Ar pnmlnon, nnnlv to the Onntnin [III III` il-III an-var -w..____, Cabinet Maker and Underuiker. AND SHAMPOOING SALOON, _ \_..:1.l:-.. l..a..l.. ..........:-.1 3. no-Forte, oolobrueu menu. pugionhn apply lsmw A_z:_8)s@Lz>: 11` Tb: following remarks on Testimonials ol most wonderful and extraordinary cures in Canada bv lhelGIxF.A'l` INDIAN RI<`.MEDY.'T'hav art stern. wonuernn ana extraorumary cures In banaun uv lhe]G!\EA'1'_INDIAN REMEDY.They arc stern, nndaninhln and innnnlestnble facts. suioieml to lC|lJ`l\D!l.I. l].VU1I\LV DDNLDUI . ly !ll'( Sltfrll, undeniable and inconlestnble facts, suicieu to convince the most ske ticalthm the Great Medici- nal Compound yearn aner for ages innow neces- eiblg in the Great For Di5CncC5 of the Throat, Lungs, Llver,Diges- trve Organs, Kidneys, &c.. as well as Scrofuia, the various Skin Diseases, Humors. and all diseaaei arising trom Impurities oftbe Blood, we boldlv state that lhxs real remedy has NEVER BEEN EQUALLED. Where was lher ever such a cure nil that in that ntirsinn nh H711:/n1 .Q.`rn-anmnf Rriuhnnn m;,unuunu. vv nere was were ever men nslhat in the prson ot|IV[l:o1z Storm: )f Bri hlon C. W., 0! Consumption : or that of nor . V. Mt'llar.o1 Ernellown. of Conaummion. or u. w., 01 uonsumpuon war or rater U. V. Ernellown, C.W.. Conaum lion, or that of Ambrose Wwd, of Consucon, .W..ol D spepsia and Liver Complaint, or that of Juhn o:e7.'. of Nauinee C. PV..ofRheummism. who had board Steamer Wenonan. For Freight or Puanage,app1y to the Onptain on board. _ u spepsm nnu mver vompmm, that or Julm any Napinee W.,ot` Rheumatism, who had actually been on crutches for yours, in spulc ofnll treatment heretofore, and us now well. Scores ul such cases xmght be mentioned had we space. :3 Call at the Drug Store and got a Circularol SHOSHONEES REMEDY! sucn cases lmgnl no men'uoI.au -mm Drug got Circular 0! unquestionable certicates on the GREAT SHO- SHONEES REMEDY and PILLS. and aaliniv unquesuoname ccruucatee me un r.A`J.` unu- SHONEES REMEDY and PILLS, and satiny yourselves. --.- .._u C` ..-. . -. - . -.... ., vvvv ..........y..-1 u. vucv by tlvlbvu xyzn E For Sale by all Druggistt and Dealersiu Medu me. Assn`: I.-`on B.uz|us,-Messre. A. V. Palmer 55 Co., and T. IV. Georgen. 0ri!lin-Mr? J. W. Slnven. CoHmgwood-Mr. Carpenter. Wlwlesalo Ae'e:nt:.-Mosara. Lvmnn. Elliot: 4% the Remedy in large pint: $1. ' Ir Pnr Rlln `nu all nu-....-:.o. and I'\....I........ J. w. maven. Uoll1ngWo0d-Mr. Uarpenter. A e:nt:,-Mosara. Lyman, Elliott & Co.. Dunspaug 55 Watson, Toronto. v 837-ly J. C. Cmmsssnsm, Esq. This is to certify thatabout three years ago I became aficted with Bronchitis which lasted about eighteen months. I wrs so alicted for the want of. breath that it was very ditlicult for me to speak and in the night time frequently throwing the clothes 01!` and raising in the bed to keep from strangling. I tried three of the most eminent physicians in the County of Northumberland for about a year without receiving any benet. In fact I continued getting worse all the time. At last I was advised to tr the Great Shosho- nees Remedy. I bought a ttle of it, and when it was about nished I began to feel a little better. I continued to use it untill had -taken three bottles, when. to my satisfaction, I found that lwas as well as ever] had been previous to my illness, and have been so ever since. JOHN SILVER. [0 my luuvua, uuu unvu Wen so ever since. , JOHN SILVER. Sworn before me at Smitheld, this 6th day of'April, AD. 1870- J . M. WELLINGTON, J.P. jun- WONDERFUL CURE OF LUNG DISEASE. Bnooxun, April 5th, 1870. J. 0. CHAIBBRLAIN: Eat-t.-Sm,--Thla is to certify that my wife was very low with lung dis- ease. The Doctor had given her up. He said her lungs were tnbercled, and medicine could not help her. As a last resort, I purchased a bottle or the Great Shoshonees Remedy. At the expiration of two days, her symptoms were decidely better. She continued to improve so rapidlythat by the time she had taken one hot- tle she was able sit up. By the continuance of the remedy she wee perfectly restored to health. Vnn mu rmhlinh the fact: for the benet of RATES OF FARE. Toronto to Onllin, Q2 50 Barrie to Alhcrly. '.1`oo Bzncebridge, 4 00 " Orillin, 1 00 Rosseau IAke,4 26 Washngo, 1'96 Barrie Io Hu.wk_slone, 0 50 `l\!Y`I'IlIII\If `D'l5f\E the remedy sue was perxecuy reawruu Io nealglr You may publish the facts for those similarly alicted. T. 0. BROWN. Episcopal Hothodlu Mlnlntcr. UILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION OF 'l.`0l}ON'l`0. Loan: ndvuiood at rensonhlo rates upon mproved Farm or Town property, or or the eotrion g;ml:nildingo.lu1 1 m or rpu-ticn 3 p L ` V - T B. R SANFOARD, ' ` . III lB0nh.lq 1:, mo; HAL o :5 sun u a A - s u .5.-nu Opposite the Barri`; Hotel. p;J.3ooTH! A____ _ --C` rumor! TORON:-:65. ' , Cabinet Makers, nnd Upholsterers, I ALSO, DIALIB II cum; or BRONCHITIS. nu-om-nus 0:,` .Ssm`unx1.n. Barrie, .'un.u, Agent. IN. I Iwcaamzm AT, TORONTO PRICES. Selections can be made hare from in uteri ; 1,000 different patterns and 100,000 pieces. '1: - LARGEST stock 0! imported Wall I apms .4 the Province. vm.. w.n `Danni-H and Decorations fcr it the Province. The Wall Pnpora and Decorations tie Governor : House in Toronto, were tah.-n fr u. the stock, the contract therefor being in-.: $1800.00. --A[_I_.-- AT EDWARDS Books in groatvarle1y,fmm ve own up :. ten dollars. Pocket and Fnmil Blhlca, E13: and Psalm Booln. Church of Jnglnnd Puyu Books, Catholic Prayer Booll, Funll l .'|yv( Books, Books of Fact and Plclion. ooh . -~.~ the Farm Yard, and Poultry Yard, Books on my Pig, the Horse nnd Cattle, Cookery AuJ Cum- poaltion, and Cluaios. AT EDWARDS Pianos on Sale and to Rent. Melodeons on Sale and to Rent. Victoria. Organ: _on Sale and to I1: 1. Sheet Music and Music Books in groan uriely. Violins, Concertinaa, &c., ac. -L`C.E-IVY mm 8: sauna] AJ) I'%7'?f\-"T""-.` .A.t Edvvards Periodicals and Newspapers, Rngtisk nnv`. Amw- ricnn,` Ledge-r, New York -Weekly, Elm;-:5 Bazaar, Weekly, and Magazine, Row M` 5. Family Herrd, Every Week. (`wz-.1~ mans Magazine and Journal. All {he London xllm muted `Papers, &c., &c., -riu o and Team), English and Common F-tr. prices. Alto in stock, some oftbe but linx_l.- u-u-u-u--.- ..-_v.~--, AS now on hand an extensive nnd gesg`::: stock of Single and Double Hnrnm (t at Sn dles, Double and Single Bridles, Colin &c., which he can oer at very reason In and other Riding and Driving Wiiips. . Linea, Brushes, Curry and Hana Combs, CAM &c., to befound in this market. An: AI-t-la in tho! trade manufactured. L.` Saddlery and IIarm*.~'.~' - ESTABLISHMENT, market. Any article in the trade mnnufacxured, nished to order on short. notice, and wartnnzu to give satisfaction. l3'Repairs well and neatly. executed. n-.._:- A--:1o In"n. In. nuyrualnu u--. I Barrie. April 8, 1870'. lwonomo, mm & BRYCE m1m*` Special Geiixgl Meeti At Edvvards OTIOE IS HEREBY GIVEN `E Shareholders of: the Toronto, _(:-'.'q_`_ Bruce Railway Company, that n sp_ec:u. xi-I meeting of the said Shareholders; WI 13 3"; the oice of the said Company, 1:: the v. Toronto, on Monday, the 31st day of 0%` ber,VA. D-, 1870- `u - -o,I_-L nnnn .'2I' lv\rn--- _ , At the hour of Twelve o'clock, noon. :33 ` purpose of giving to the Directors of 1~_) _' Company, the sanction of the said Sharebt---~ to the issue, by the said Directors, of the Company, under, in pnrsulc for the purposes declared in the the Act of the Legislature of _ the Prov of the W 3 O" V: `. 1stsec='~" . i::t ~ Ontario, incorporating the said Com?-" ~ 1).. t'\-J... Xvtvnnvn - __ x1 I ` umsn Solo, S1Aught{ri:7`1 Pfs"wng . ` 'EunoII, Binding 1" linfllng`, fc. ANDREW Guy secrczrxry. Dated I '1` - 1' A` D. 181310. oronte, the 19th day olsepzm <. 35- 4 |'1'1m wpgi BEE]? ALVU PUISA uxu---~~ Potdeljsnd Fish Barrels, Flour and rein, from one gallon upnr I3"Ihmily Beef, Pork and Picklt '0 Wm suvns wnxm L country orders pmmptly 4` 'd u{;-` ' Annnno ' ISAA - ~ 9'-An- an Inln Beer and Whiskey Harm-y BEEF AND PORK BARREI{`: , __,| g *. N"od*rly omaosite the Bank of Torozzra, DUNLOP STREET, BARRXE. \Ul'\I'\\I VI-'\ vv--- Manufactures and makes to order I and sizes of I-`ix-kins, Cheese Hoops, I Milk Tubs, Fermenti: Rama and WM! Cizurns, Wash I- ;7bzs,Butter 5 . 1-._Lh ROBER"l:NE|LL,' BOOT AND SHOE MAKER,_ ' C ooPERAq~[; TOSITIVELY A1` TURO.'<'l'U ru:m.~". Bnu,;.mry, 1001; ;--w \l, ...y- By-brder, >_\s_A_AC. `vs; wIL|AMf, ___|_.. a. m-Jar h J \.I XI -- -I---- ---7 I Opposite Methodist Church, 3 my 5` . Market. ! w 3 _MAR'AT|N MOORE, BARBIE I OITIVELY! --:0:-- R. N .--Informs the public that he has com- menced business in the above line, and from his many years experience as foreman in the estab- iishmentof Andrew Graham, Esq., he is con- dent. he can execute all orders intrnsted to him in a. first class style. - an Inn: nn hand a hunt: ntnnk nf Mann Rendv -ALIO,- --use,- W. SUTHERLAND TAT .\`.u-n-mru. [lL`Inun.u.. Secretary. ---- =._..a< ' slnhxu D3. Ana, i, Cudo. IUCUYUH non `for 1 wn.` --...._.|I. in met class atyxe. He has on hand a large stock of Mona Ready "1830 30015 3? Shoes. Ladies an Children: wear qnmm-n km... &(~__ Pm `:r{i).A_ \ mm Soli `JET-Z\J made boots or Dupe Slippers, &:c., &c. In order work a go_; t is guaranteed and none but the very bestqf mater- IIYI Clflv -rm: BID!-WHEEL mox-'m.urnn sruunn ` IDA BURTONf\ BOOTS & sH0Es,} VERY LARGE and complete iuortment of Ladies Ena.mel1ed Kid, and Prunella Gaiers, Buekins, Boots; Guile Calf, Kip and Course Misses and Children 3, of every. variety and style which will be kept constant- ly on head. - AT PRICES NOT TO BE UNDERSOLD ANDREW GRAHAM D4-3.. \ .... _.. (13127! 1.65` Iepresemuuvc Lu uw xnuxuuxuua .mu..., of the Jonesea that he` said nothmg more about Chartism that night.- Ilarpcfs Magazine for November. V WHOLESAL_E & RETAIL- PRIVATE B OA RD IN G Tho nnzinv-nhvnnr` `Inn nnnnnt` n D`DY1`TA'I`li`, 108 UDGBFII HBO DES openeu B I'lSlVl\'l'IS:_ BOARDING H USE, Dunlop Street, East, in the human lntelv nnmmiad bv Wm. Snndara`.'l'<`.na.. WHUFU Bl be bad. nunnuuux nuuon, uumup onrteet, nun, II] the house lately occupied by Wm. Sanders`,Eaq., where all the comforts of 3 private family gun he had. . Barrie, June 8th, 1870. Dunlap Street, Barrie, lu-o door: east of the _ Queen ; Hotel. ITHOUSAND 1! Barrie, Aug; 2, 1870. If Prices Such as to suit the times. -` Never ! It was an affecting spectacle, ` um`. stay to undergo_ the horrors of the WAHHBURNE S HEROlSM.--The New York Commerczal Advertiser get off the followi x lg :-- Minister Washburne s cour- age is uhove par. The other day Jules Favre came to him inn mournfulframe ot ,mind and said: `Washburne, my `dear old boy, I think you had better get . out of this. All the American in VVashburne rose to his lips,as he vehe- mently uttered that one terrible word, and 12:3 kindhearted Frenchman was inc:-.~ than ever resolved that he should siege. Resting his right hand aec- tionately on Wa.sburne s left shoulder, and struggling to suppress his feelings, he faintly murmured : ` Washburne,_it mustnot be. Think ot your family ; think of your grand-mother; think of Grant, Washburne wept. ' Recover- ing himself, however, by an hcrculean effort, and wiping away the tears that trickled, Erie Canal-like; down Favre s iurrowed cheeks, he hoarsely ejaculated, ` Don t cry, Jules, don't cry ; I'll never leave you while it lasts. pend upon me. It shall never be said "that in this moment when eircumar'n- bient gloom sits brooding upon the temple of French Liberty, the proud bird of America refused to meet his fate on the same dunghill with the Gallic ......l.. I7 J) ' You can de-as COOK, also a steady MAN_to take charge of Horses, and to work m the garden. I ADDLV An` mum nu-man. . :-j I BE Subscriber begs to inform the inlnbitlnu of Barrie, sad the T1-svellin Public, that he he on hand HORSES and. for HIRE, up madam; chu-gap`. 4 '0 : ` VELO PE S1 MUSKOKA COUNTRY, A Barrie, J Anus:-y,`.186'l. L V - . The underai ned has opened a PRIVATE KOARDING H USE. Dunlnn Street. Emit. in [53'TERMS MODERA'l`E..g:1 Ap-ply st_ the ofccs of Wm. Sanders; Esq , .L.S. CHAS. CRAIG, Prnnrinfnr NEW LIVERY -STABLES, Oppociu the mgzuag sum. UII \vIlU Du cock ! . is, April, 1870. M_. BURTON, MASTER, 70 CENTS. - D." caEw,T -7_o GEN-rs _I have just purchased a job lot of BOOTS AND SHOES. 8-49-j-W!-F N'1?'.`.i\N7' I Gnu IU "Una Au uuu 5-nuv-u :APPLY AT THIS OFFICE. 2A.1 Which Lorre: ac` A Woonan RAILROAD.--A railroad with rails of wood has recently been built from Quebec through the village of Jacques Cartier, aboutffteen miles. The Quebec Chromde speaks of it as follows:- The problem of wooden railways for colonization purposes may now be said to be solved, and as aproot of it, is necessary to say that we passed ` over the road yesterday, at A a rate of from twenty to thirty miles an hour, a speed which seldom is passed on any oi the iron roads of the Province. The cars conveying the party yesterday were simply rudimentary vehicles, known as platform carriages, but suf- cient evidence was given that the line when completed will be as easy and smooth for travelling purposes as upon the old established iron or steel rails. The road is built upon 9.4 ft. 85 inch gage, being the ordinary width of the modern English and American rail- ways. V Each. rail is 14- feet long, 7 inches in depth, and 14- inches in width --sawn and prepared at a temporary . mill recently erected by the contractor on the line for the purpose. Each rail rests on several sleepers to which they are fastened by wedges-by a process so simple that the rail when required, can be moved or reversed by any ordi- nary mechanic. The locomotive is irom the Rhode Island Iron Works, and is most assuredly a splendid piece of mechanical ingenuity, while it is supposed to weigh 21 tons, loaded, without- the tender. ' Barron BROS., Proprietors. 18- ` .a1mazvc1=; o1rnc1'._ .: an xu, Proprietor 30-tf 26-tf ` % oRxLLxA_ 1 REMOVAL. ;GAI.IF0lIll|A srona -*`% ._..._-g--1:II Q l@Wss&u@s\ `ust received, HAVE G D S` PHOTOGRAPHS. A anlnni rnanlnv nf REMOVED MEN S STOGA BOOTS, N MEN'S KIP BOOTS,` N A MEN S CALF Boo'rs, A MEN S NAPOLEON Boo'rs, A MEN S CALF_ GAITERS, . BOYS STOGA BOOTS, X BOY S KIP BOOTS, N _ I_:.A1;`)1`I::`s_'TANDl cHILI}R1:N s ___1`___ _ 1"... .IJI1.ll.I..l.'J|J LILVJJ \/.11.:-JJJ..'.I.I.|'4z.1 nu BOOTS in great - L profusion, fo Fall and Winter wear, lower than Toronto` wholesale. prices. Bnnrt s W/trr-:Rs, (The great public ;(`.tnf'Ll)'.) have now been in use over twenty r.-nrs,`hertce it cannot besard that they are :1 trial. They have been thoroughly tried, _ and pronounced (on the authority of those whose lives and health they have preserved) to be a cure, harmless nnd_ eminently salu- tary preparation, and if taken in season will invariably cure colds, coughs, sore throat, and Bronchial affections. One fair trial will con- . vincethe most skeptical. Sold by-all medi- cine dealers, at `. .5ct5. perhox. . n Ir` just on hand, comprising in part ? A of , . `Dress Goods} M'erinoes,A % Lustres, * Lustrines, Poplins, ' VVi11ceyS, Alpacas , and other Fancy Dress Goods" in all the choieest styles and colohrs. Y lcuulcu PBINTZ, am, am} Grand` opening of New and Ladies `Comforters, very cheap`. iBrcaIcfa st Shawls HATS AND CAPS! ITHE READY-MADE CLDTHINGI .BLANKETS| ....._ .-- , . Amomv Amu:a'n:n-Fn:u.ows Comvomw Svnvr or Hvrornosrunzs.~-Wasling of tho 1iB8l18S of the livdyr is arrested, the muscles xnado rm. and We nerve regain their power by using Fn.1.uwa Com-ounn Svxwr or Hnioruosrnrrns. ,_ !:.__,_,_,Q n..__,.,.__ cannot be surpassed either for style or cheapness, an immense Stock on hand. V T SCOTCH AND" A A (ZANADIAN TWEEDS, ENGLISH DOESKINS, A. AND SILK MIXTURES`, BROAD CLOTH SvAND CASSIMERS, A _of:the vefy best. just to hand to pz_1rtiesb_uy`ing a Caddie 10 per cent per pound will be allowed. Those pur- chasing 5 pounds, 5fper cent per pound. A largeT1ot:ofMen s and Boy s IGROCERIESI alwayson hand. Gooderham &_. Worts Maltand Rye Whisk- kies, only one dollar per Gallon;| _Re_tnember the` plac, Sign 117? $9,358 T93 1}t-37 II-IQ'Uo11s:| S.A}If_[`_.' &o..4&c.| ` A-large Stock 09 that `splendid g; 1 [UK uvca nu a u...- Apuoxm Cuann.--F.LLowa Compotmnl Svnuror iln>oPHoaPm'rxs.- Aphonia, or Loss of Voice. is remedied in nshortrlime, no mal- Ier wt: :::r lheicauso be from inammation -r .L . ..\.. .........l..-...... l..\.-` ....1.I Ar 6'"...