mver kl-'0, A ICON at. and II` , 4-Iv HARDWARE &' oLs, 114 YOUNG sr -if, ---.--._._._: `INSOLVENT AGTS OF 1864 & 1869. CANADA N the County Court of Province of Ontario. the County of Simcoe. County of ,Simcoe. RYA}N'13m9nyIvER, 4 `ALOBSTERS, SARDINES, &c.,| Served up in rst-class style, with the best of pickles and condimentg". Vegetable; fresh from the garden ever_y_ morning. _ MILR mm by bad hv cnllinrr at Hm Stnm 0 is `hereby given iha:t.after Ilia` V. ' VVENTY DAYS from the ' pub-` ' liC&I.i0..l of t ' `Notice, Ipplicdtion ' be made '- to Ilia Judge` the Sdrrogate County of Simc by Matilda ship ofllono, iii -` 5 to be appointed Gun ' Reid, Mary Jane Roi Reid, Alexahder Wi ,'ber Reid, Alber Matilda Reid. A ildren of B-amuelf Reid, late 0 the township Muno, in the ty _ imcce, yeoman, d ased,and his wife the id Matilda. Reid. "1 - . id of the town; ` isimcoe. Widow,` I f Elizabeth Amber} llamas Reid, Rebecca i id,John Reid, Ro-, .1 HN comm, ' in. Solicitor. V Reid, and Margaret lI|0l'l1l!1Q'. MILK can be had by. calling at the Store 0 the above. MRS. LINDSAY (formerly Miss Grinton, Principal of the Montreal Institution for Young Ladies.) in desirous of receiving 1: limited num- ber of Pupil: ' Barrie, Sept." 29, mo. [run vnuus LME$.| , Instructions will be iven`i ` English, French, Mus'zc_a7zd ;:Dram'Ang. for those pupils whovhave gouuthrough the oi- dinary school routine. I3"T1mxs nuns Known on Avpmozmox. :ENLIsj CANADIAN. _C_HAE_SE DEPOT. WHOLESALE &. RETAIL Mrs. Lindsay intends also to devote part of the day to A . ' lqap Qn nnnu.-noun; on Mnnany, A\lg|l5t 29- eaideuce--Wotslcy `Street, North of the Market House. ' 'D........ f\.__ Angu9t22. 1870. HE SUBSCRIBERS thankful for the very ` liberal patronage of the past beg to inform their old customers and the pub in, generally, that they have made arrnngementsvith the Leading Cheese Fqctqrzes of oar Dozmnion, for a continued supply of - . V I A large supply of which will always be kept on prices which will be certain to ensure aatisfaction. ` Lu nnnal RFD!!!` `D:a.m:c.. I... .I..'l:._-___,1 Flnsrcussf 655535,] BBUBIBUIIUII. * As usual, Bread, Biscuits, &c., delivered at uy part of the Town. _ `D rrnrn 1. on PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that the Municipal Council of the township of Me- donIe,at its first regular meeting to be holdeu after the publication of this Notice for four suc- cessive weelgs in the Northern ./Jdmmce news- Taper! published in the Town of Barrie, com- mcncing on the 13th day of October, 1870, will submit and be ukeci to pass a by~law,'and will take into considera._i1o_n the propriety of passing ab}-luv for establishing: osd or public by-, way across the 8th Ooncess of said township, being I deviation from the esent line of road M m-ininsl allowance for road betwmn Int: ROAD NOTICE. I'll!` 0.0145 #1. LUWILA3 Toronto. January, 1868. TTCV 111".` A `\-`T being I unuauun ll'Ul1l we present line or road or original _ allowance road between lots ve an six in said 8th Con ssxon, and which new road or deviation may known and des- cribed as follows, that is to say-stsrting -from the centre of the road allowance as now estab- lished, being the division line between lots num- bers six and seven in the ninth concession of said township; thence on from said last men- tioned division line, south-westerly across the concession line and through the said 8th con- cession. The centre of road as now blazed being the division line of said lots six and seven across the easterly halfof the said eighth con- cession. and on the same parallel and on the same straight line through said lot number six on the west half of said eighth concession to the concession line between the seventh and eighth conclessions-said road being one /chain in idt . . < .- . ` . ' and salsa Rm ntnnnivm an and nnllivm nr nthsr. Width. ' And also for stopping up and selling or other- wise conve ing or disposing of the said present" iineof rot: or original allowance from which the proposed new line or toad is a deviation as aforesaid, to ouch person .01} persons as may be legally entitled to become the purchaser or pur- chasers, or to`:-eoeivoo eonve anoe thereof, or otherwiu an aid Council`-so Illgbe legn1ly_.en- -titled to dilpolo of the suns. e_ mm .e {In mminhin of: imam. um `min. wbre he has always rea dy. all kinds of uueu lo allpou or we sumo. Dnted at the township of Hodonte, this 12th f0", AIDO o . ' _ , ' . wn.1.1u'twn.nnw : i3LEC'1` scI1c>6i.m PRIVATE on ADVANCED CLASS: IYMAN , LI. 0!". KING respectfully i-orms the public that he baswakcn the premises next to the: Z7111` UUI IV Solicitor. POST OFFICE, Ln noc:_\_-E % (mint; ENuL1sIIz%"Ei?;i1snz mhlsn AT ,ALL HOUP.S. BARBIE. HOT AND COLD- ALWAYS READY. V ?-i<>R9N67 A choice sfock of ' . ' It-urmguud huiril,pIinl 1`omlm~ho oflbe body a pluoe in LUUUF, l\.|}. IO (U, MICHAEL HAYES. m;VILLIAHWIL80N. R.`KING 8: sox. BARBIE, Om. `IA- A 3;-fa nu. VLIJ uuvnu Al\IIl\l\I, ..... (1:`;=-`ON REASONABLE '1`E-RMS..g;1) Co to SLA'\ .EN S for School Books, Stqtioxzery, \:Vall_1`upcr,-Window Blinds, &c._, &c. - - . nu.-u...,._., ... Inoons, sA1`f'.e{i~ii 1LINDS,l Ac 1-nrrv ahm-1 nmihn and `RI/EL!E__BRE1g-:T W - Go to SL.-\V}T1\S 101' D;-ugs` (\-. Mcd~ cin'es,'Patent Medicines &,c., &c.. 4 V1 Goto SLAVI:2N S {Br choice Per- (umes, and Toilet Articles. ! bac`c|o! B13i1d:eWi` Uzd5?1?9r,l KZDJ.W$\I& Ilulavh -Zl-Cn-Cr: _`yv------, V ;0pp`os.2'te the Court House, Ba'rm'e, T Respectfully announces tn the ,public that he is at. all times prepmed_to take cont:-acts for building, and that he pan furnish _ _ -_..` n. -'n-- A QOIIL -Isv 1"l?1'(l'! ,- _ . He also keeps on hand, and rmnnufuctureg CO1-`FINSoful1kim19, and furnishes all the `paraphernalia. m-ccsszxry for Funerals. including miexcellent }{cnrsc,._whAich czui be had on very moderate terms. ' - V ' 21- [mm . Go to SLAVEN- S fur Paints, 0ns,I Varuishes; Whzta Lead and all .olher Paints at To1 on!o prices. IDR.J.W.SLAVEN.i _ 13,pr cent discount allowed Teach- ers and Clcrgymcn on-Buuks, Statiocry, '&c., k. Dunlotp Street, Barrie. ALEXANVDER ,GRAHAM, an _- AI .__ nun n.-any v GR.oc'E1iiEs,` _CONFEC'I`IONIIY, BISCUITS, CIGARS, TOBACCO, mpms, As`1`1c1_ past favors,`a.nd trusts they will_not forget. 9 Tm: undersigned tluinks the pubiic for their hun , now he is in his new store. apposite _Mc- Gux-lhy'& McCarthy's lsuvnice, Duniop Street, Barrie, which he has fitted up 3n the mndt `com- fortable style, and hopes by keeping good articles, and giving Btrictaltenou to gain their patronage. Still keeps on the Stall in the Market. F. BML.) 7` u n. . 7. A Religiourbmxd Standard Works sni'.~ "able for all Clmstiun Dcn9mi:ml.ions ' ' At >.`~LA\'l S. h.,_ All the standprd \Vorks an se.lect A Literature of the day toT'bef8uVn H` M ~ ` "3-9 `T~xzr rwmze Teas, V as chcnpTas:c1se-.v11ere sAnnmEs, __|._0_l_iSTES &c. "caop, swam, SAUSAGE" AND OYSTER lma. M| and get a bargain. ipinnl '_ ; Fatigue on H. Hymn}: are when all n pownful, antimony, or i` Call a examine that choice stock" of fancy Pipes, just received V . ' V A! QT.A`(7T?1\'PQ [Machine ioiill ` ""A't SLAVEN S. 100(fEN\`ELOPES FOR 90 `cms Country tores supplied at Toronto wholesale p ` es _ A . A9 QT Avtmmc ` _ TryVDR.TS f}AVEN s, stomach Bit- ters and Liver Pills, the best In use Wines, Brundies, &,`St. George Wins,l for Medicinal purposes at , " _ . ` DR. SLAVENJS Drug Store. Try some of that Golden Bar To- ..,.,.n In .QT.AVI}`,1\1 Q The bst Fine CL'ltCi.18\ 6.'illg Tobacco At SLAVEN"-5 `ori1Iig,1st September, 1370. L872-Aly Go to SLA:VEN S for pure Dye Stufls- GU to ISLAVENS. {Ur Fancy Goods: If you wnut choice VCigars, _ . -11,. 9.. QI".A\7l'`N .Q pmrl mun. . Goorl, ; J D4-non, II, and all . 4-Iy ..I_ p\lUl|lZ, LIHIFIIB H83 UH uqnu ([15 D95` OI HORSES and BUGGIES for HIRE," at mode rate charges. . conveyances` to. Orillia and Peru-langusheAne_. * ' T. NEEDHAM, Proprietor . n___2- .Y..._..1-ul. 1nHn nn Barrie, Jun llth, . TEA AND corrEE%noJoMs.L Wall Paper `selling at aiscolinnt. Give him zfcall. -'Wii1dow Glas and Putty. A+Q new JLIVEBY "%STABLES,: Ozmosite the`Sifncbe Hotel. Barrie. . `sAL00N. For Condition Powdrs I" IV. A HE subscriber begs to acquaint the Tiavelling public, thathe has on` hand the beat of REES and RUGGIES for HIRE. at mhn msuu therootl. \S'I'IE1.A.'S?'] WESATABLISIIIVEI) 1862. Opposite t_he`Sifncb Hotel, Barr1'e.: Sugars, J, NLLHLL Lannie: .1`. At very short notice, and nn ADKIKTADTTT mE`D' r T? . and American cheap at SLA_VEN S. .7 _ .'g I 'i`o`0accos,V ' Cigangs :0 Ljxgars, no no SLAVEN S. bllinn, Fton lea, Cholera um, Dvu-.. Hon; A at HZ SLAVEN S. \}\}l\.(\.;|| JJIAL JV` ._/u SLAVEN S '3? SLAVEN S. uni. - At SLAVEN S. K`. " ' ` ` *3 Rnfh At SLAVEN S_. [O09 IOU! 1 "A1 SL2: .EN S; At SLA\ EN S At sLAvEN*s_ 'At SLA_VEN S. '34 i5de[e`1-mjneglj to keep up his reputation for giving the Best Goods imd the mos? of them for the money. We have marked our stock abs-.xcl1 pricvs thisFa1las can- . nof tail to still further increase our largo circle of clrstdmers. - H - n nnI\|nn'7'r\Bl 9. r~n._ wsmie, _Oct.`l3th, 17`0'f" E @921} E.aaaamsa@i LA: 1.1 IIENDERSUN S Our Store is filled. both up and down: . suited to the wants of everybody. NEW_ tsagns, fezzdamsiam BRACKETS. obgx. -18 I Alwm, Mam ttymlass Sign of the Square and .Oom.pass, Dunlap Stgreet, `Bcm`z'e, Ont.` e ewing Jfaciaiewl MLEARNG SALE! ,_.~18 cnarame, swam Goons; Goi4ng at--p'r-ices that will, S atisf'y evefyonc. Fall Im1W(W'%taii08 A1` w@@E [;ff?Don t forgct_-the sp0'5 TW ` Sign of the rs-` .1051. 1Q".'l'\' 3 E155 B!/Iwv-`v-`-vvv--~ ~ ` FLOW'ERS', FEATHERS, RIBBONS, ` ` v BONNETS AND HATS. ' T LAUES AND`TRIMMINGS, CLOTHS AND CLOTHING, _ I VVINCEYS AND FLAN NELS. IN Eocfs ' sh oes; V c2:c.,- FACT EVERYTHING Nnw, A JV D 0111 M :/VE YS. ronnd each = reserved. nun unann- % E`% BV E9 To MAKE ROOM Eon NAILS, T {vo Doors West of Frqsefs Hotel . "'\ -n AN IMMENSE .A_;2s.J:1r:s, Golden Beaver, 3. EZROMPTON, & co-. - ~T1unnnr-n'unc_* STYLISH ANILCHEAP. \/n\II'|I I \I `I1\1r'oP.T`_uI_:s, 1], 0F Tc x_ Propnctorl. I er & Con ; J.Den: `1 I, and a , 6-lv. 1'- At. RAWSONS B. SAHERVIDAN. }UNB`A[LINGEYEPRESER\IERS ;5.zA:L%s,} e,a;e2'::2as% & @%.,' f\TV`! I`1)f`|'|'l`.'.`Y'\ l1'Y.Vl"1l`|`l'.V."Vl`|`Y`\ ' I J,E\m`;LLER, % WATCHMMEB Ex DPT IE1!-EN Sela Agout for Bar; in.-Vt} Vicinity.` Has always on"~Eand L`. fullassorluwm,suu:1blc (or every dilfmrhy. - - We take ocv.-Minn to nohfy the pu!_)H.j1lx:I.1wc- uurpluy. {no pcd|v.`s,' and 1., tzaziun, them u1_;a1x)_.-`=. hose prclm)\.ing to have u1u";;uud:: for male. ` South halt Lot:-.5 1.'\A\ nhnn To let :1 lzmte Stow and I-louse (mm 12 R?\0m3,_gUual well, omblxildings, 3'-L , Pu`-xuisca, with two acros~o!' land um:-.0? For p::rticul:u's apply to" _ V . ' JAMES Sl.1");' N $z:mf:z FEB SALE GE`; BEASQSGAELE CUU LU utux LvIUly<')Z), AU_ '1L|| '- U12. .` '..`lLLE V` >231 ; 100 acres. _ _ ' N. E. part Lot1. :,in `.0111 C'._)n.,`}-'c*.`.:\w::: -53 acres. " _ . . ' NOr1hb2IfLot. 17, ixxfha 12th .CAo::., T11 i 100 acres. ` ~ V Nos`. hu'.fLCt 26, i:1.2nd. Coz1.,Ti:.;;:--XLJ ".< Ens: half Lo: 1`. .,.in ls . U-UZ1.,-l\'ur`.i.' Uriil 100 acres. ' ' Lo: 12, in 3rd 0011., b;'drth' m:x1`i a--~.~uo gm \Veal half Lot 16, in13vL`.a.(.`-'un., MeL1cifte-- nu!-nu IUCU\ LIIBKK Ll'JII LU, 113- LI-IV TBA) \rU'.l|, JIV."-` 100 acres. ' .. - Lot 1.1, in 8th Con.,'Vespm.-2C0 acres West .imlf Lo! 10, in the .`nd 1793., 1;. ' If\f`I .1:-Inn IVKVDL AIJLIKI LIV`. I": ILI IZAL `LIV \-\l'LlC: XAAn|I..iIAj[ 100 acres- V H I South half Lot 6,ix'1 13th L`-on., West 1.1-w_;lil:n- b31ry--100_acros. ' . ' - _ .. And Lot 11, in `and Con., Georgina, County of York-1.`.10 _ncree. ` - A pl to . P `y VVM. R; (`,A.`IA`. AN. acres. . V . West ha1!'Lot 13, in. the 4th Com, .\h2~.lo:: In/I nnttnu able 1;r0- rty bob` inp; to Me 11` BY no GALL, Th following v the Estate of. the ESO. DA RY: T (`T .\'n ' r.; rvn-Q AF Hun `Va:-O not . - P"ARK LOT No. . ; g-jparto the Went pt1l`t'0fL0t No_. 22 _in the ud Cone aion of the Tonwship of Vcspm, o aininv; acres of as goodland as can be fo ' cnnty of Sim- cce; cleared and fe mat. desirable property and withi ._ of`1_ho Market House. A1sa l`own 0! L 3, .25, fronting); on ' ' us, in the '1`o'.vn of nation hrwing two p-outs, and (uncle ul r.v2:Z- ll. oard fence. .The above propcrt ' ill`L`-eeul to the highest Md- dex-,un1es,s iously disposn of by privmc sale. `SE1 4 ' am. M T}g_1_;rs;lag4;xg`: 3j'd- day, v .L\ ove97zd*:i .--...; '- '*r- V -1 11 101.11 ;LtCl_)' ` ,-mme Emsnvz . mus. dens` BIALLI DU I576, Sept. 2911:, 1370. EEANADIAN BANK 0`1~` couzumcn SAVI s BA!|(__`__lJEPAHTyI . A NOTICE i Bank of Comm Department in co Barrie. . 1 Thnnnaha Inf` Ann (In! uarne. Deposits of one do} received ai1d.interest_a ed at the rule of four par m per nnrium. 0 deposits remaining over six months, a b or m will be allowed; The whole, or any an of the eposit, with ac- crued intereat; may be wjlhdra Inteiest willi- predifed on all on the-30th une,ra`nd 3lat Dece year. ' Otoe rs:-10 u.m., to 3 p.m.--Sa xdays; 1oa;.:,o1p.m., . -' 5 _ J. H. PLUM51 M...>. upwards will be en accounts Toronto, Oct. 26, 18-3 APPLIcmo_N To_ PALlAMENT.l 9 0TICi' is iamby given, that application will be made by the Toronto. Simcoe and M us- .kokn Junction` Railway Company, to the Legis- lature of Ontaiio, at its next Session, for an Act to amend the Act incorporating the said Oompany, -`and to extend the powers oonfenfpd J T) `R!DGA R..` ` I foiwgo, Sept. 14th, 13%;`! vn lull`! of Sim- {arriel sepf. ls1_870 The mARKE1\QUA;RE/1_3AR1f.1} [OUSE AtFs4T0::E'1`0 6 1 gm l\.I1TYI'\(1"'lI 1' ~ ` Pu`QLI,c AAUCT/ON J\JAIJ..A .LaLn.\..L.r mt, LET AT C'HURC'L.'.ILL. 5% M Egg @a Q e here notied that all ebls due Esta! are required`-to be paid :nmedi. ' l1hose.ha.ving claims ugni st. the ease send their accounts to 1 un- vE}[1L.FII2!,2.i.-\'I`IZD 1";:R1:v:("1`;:{) .. -u:.___.` AND 13 . (ILA P1?.EEcT};b GLASSES LA;`{D;1. I"():l`..`_'A`I.i'-3 .1,---- Tom: sow :2`: VA . `LA NG, ` 1)". DOUGA LL, MARY DORGALL. Oath 1n'1n iI1_/All C oi;., 3Iot2::"`2.3aga- ' short tln1c_7_ ulnfil . ' '. fun udur-V LJNTHS i. in: on His. Wm. B; CANAVAN, 'Y`.\m-u ,--,. J. D. EDGAR, ;_ Solicigor for.z9ppIicants; IL 1 DWI` 9U,In {cu - oftluasu `base money 9 Iml mnnml E IL-.~:eg:\_zt s. '1 1`\ 1`, Toronto. T 253-12` rlvvwauu-II .37-10 in} uuuL'_y unual "I .v\nvu Sxgcked. s [ercaag ?.7`a2.``s%:q9aa mhaea, At1`i:i}}7%LsoL1;mu TO 1>1?.< y-.% J - -~x.`; ' Bx`, , .. ~. . `x ' N . \ ,2, M ;~.r _; Q . / ~ I .` ` M` /:91`. C= 1: 37.`~. . ` ., . TT J iii `I `-./ 4... EONSATU% <?~'WiI, L ~v..-v'.- - .. -...~.<~--.-.- Barrie, Septemlzcrf , gr-v , 3.. I ., .. :l,..;_.`._;-y , . % E W ARR}:`7,u;; W1'm res -=`. l`0(j.iK Cv1=~IE.A1=~E.RV '.:'}1fA.N $2.1? . V THE MOST }iA:~_:z1J'/.n`7z_1;:,-L79: `-If you want 9. gum} ch \ . it` you want :1 W {If you want ne The 0I11y'._Stdr_e North 6;` ammo \':he'.(' the x.-.'`.1L,2c . ` , nus: :\.'-nvr-_'-_=(~j.~_ 33,, L);\ rm 1 on `.`;`-.c 14: Agent for '_I`z1y1or".~s (Lien Bntannin metal, &'c. J. W. ix.\sr1.\11..s ma. 3:1t_isfa.clion_ _lh=m any 011:3; .' J.". D THE 4% 5 3T3 w7<;?-83~ ` Barrie, March 17th,fi NO NEED; 0FuU0'a`A'r10Ns. I1aVC PIUIIUUIIUUU IILULII um Upon. unau ~.,...,..!,..,. ... . . . V V V . . . .._, . Reader, if you havoaot, as yet, tried the CANTON T STORE, don t? do so at once, and see the advantagg to be gained, Remember,that a Dollar-sa\_red is a Dollar made. 0 . ; - - -_ WM. HUNTER, ' I7.u..o.... 7'` Gun. cuts. } LI-vlaive pfbhbuned fhefli fhbest and cheapcjst in th Cotmty. D.....:I.... ':l'u.{n Ix-.n;.n.1nt ma vet. tried the CANTON VT` STORE. Old Stcmcl, Utn 71 _ 837 837- Tum 12$? % V N wi:1c$E~1asAses; 'P1a :.esi,-C1`oc2;e;';9`, `;`e-.-35., ' a-cu '.-\' Aborq Teas `are usually sold at 80 cfm'.s` r`zncl5%~1.l)0`_ `mg-jmW & aws? v County of _th_e -1 6 _ QHEAP SUGARS, NEW FRUITS, BEST *:(wx?:s 7g3$.$7.,' "f":-.7 JAR. ~ .936 , 2,523 are: A :'~3UJPE'i21`01{cL:~1ss.(>1= cmms, -1.3 I_EEKIZiG. -(`:9 5 ' a 4`. i .'.'.z%S1SS'il3 }` -1 ! Q V *`p_.- ' ,L_ ,,V: 4 4% E3 . The "best Goods Vour 1\I': 11'ke.iss7supp'1y 5- 0-,`) .s/ ...--.v.. a . vr""9*:-+-4" 1-- 5; if 2. 34?. ?`.\`,'1;-.`.`{~?'-`Q: `,i?, :3 1-, _*_ 3 ~2.,-"X3: .=.-:J_s.r.'.;~'... 3-3.; L; n\fs'1`AN':`L`.1' 03*: i1'.`.I\*i). '. EEKIN G. AvQ_Q $370, A1i%#yhL}Jr.;T purcllasckl my ryLvn1l:l ii 353; .i`-365% S FRESE Swazi. :u_r,"for remov`z11g 2 {gf D.zz/2'/up . -. /1'. "g -.vH. VI "/1; If I .' ` . L.. . - ....-. ..--1.--,-...':n -my--up--I-I-n%a I'll): Beilyo . "($8 3.- 20, [g_7u ..,...._ _.__.._..__a__, , r:i01" 171m L W0 W`; _ :- 5&3 ;"3i% i , ff` , 800. :7`-utrrc; Barrie. till`! l`IIE FACT. fC';_;:z'on T t we, :.TLm1.r: .'~.' XNGS nhore the - SL6- SIR: ' 1869 FOPVRIITOI. ' enls {or pool \, Newman!!!- ,mll innuro lnrn nail. ' W. mlll >11 ww:-cw uuuvuuvljl "``"'*'":'.:.:z;;:.:.'..:;f..:,'.:-?,%,:'::'::..:"'~W I-M to an Photpgrapha of `every deuc'rip- on. cum do Viute, Imperial or Cabinet Omen 8:: 1 F `I ` mm_;u n:e:'; zlgxczfroqpsy and lnrzfar PM-tlculu sttanllon mid to .un...:.... ....a ..._ Photographer late of the London Stereotcognc au1Pl4otugraphic Company, Bll(}S'.to inform thuinhubitunta oforilliu sud the surrounding country, that he had mnmenced buuineu. in Orillia, and is pre- Plnd to nko Photographs deacx-ip- gun. Viiitu. Ilnneriul or Cabinet [FOR] R1 I0 Pl, D0111 HICIUIIVG, unu ll, 46, 29, on the east side of Owen Stree Acnch Lainin one-quarter of an acre, all sa d lots gint a Town of Barrio. These lots will rately. tNo, 7, on the southerly side of in the Town of Barrie, contgining ll!!! LIUIJJU 1`IX'lU U1 [U5 SCIIQ IUSUIVUIII d within the limits of the` said Town of , and being composed of that art of th. rly '15 acres of the South-halfo - Lot No. -tth Con. of the Township of Veapra, lying East of Peel Street containing 60 acreee . `.`" Vgs. 6 7 3: 8.north of centre at. each ining A. as laid out on part uf Lat 2311111,; on. of Vespra, lyln to the North of Cum-e and_ East of Peel treet as laid outtho. oontniuin abgut 4 am... what part of r.. 3:... `I out of Rose Street, lying to t of Peel Street. Park Lots Nos. 5, 6, 7 mi 10 South and Non. ll, 12 13, 14, anti orth of Rose Street,ae laici out on the -half of said Twenty- two, containing 53 acres. And the South-et-at quarter t 21 in the 4th Oon. of Veagra M 8 50 acres, more or less. an` ' ores. _ this mperty there is a Oomlnodlou in: ones with every convenience, 3 er ough-cast Dwelling House, Tvvolarge. e Barns awell-built Gr.-=_-I"! rt Pizgerri at 35.1., mm every requirement for arm- n a large scale. Lots 30, 31, 32am! 33, on the west side lStreet, in the Town of Barrie aalaid n ' part of Lot number Twenty- wo, in ourth Concession of `Vespra, and contain- aeh about 1 acre, 3 mode, 20 perches. _ ese will be offered together or saparatel . Lots, l. 2, 3, 5, and 6, on the north Ii e ellingtou Street, and containing each 1 , 30 perches. Lots 9, 19 and 11,onthe side of Berczy Street, and containing each d, 6 perches. Lots from 22 :0 29,'both naive, on the west side of Peel Street and from 19 to 24, both inclusive, and 2?l, 28, 29. on the east side of Owen Street. each "" "`hatyportion of Farm. uabout. Albums `: in It` A-JO. Uh Ul ll PUWUFH VEBICQ III III! 33 ms- the estate and etfects of the above neolvent, I will offer for sale by Public , at the farm of the Insolvent, ln the f Barrle, hereinafter mentioned at the twelve o'clock, noon, on Saturday the may of December next, all the rlght tltle interest and equity of Redemp- the said Insolvent, end of the undersign- uch essignee in and to the following ha is-to my :- but: of the powers vested in me an as- ihn mutant and ems:-tn nf thn Alanna JULIUEUMME, nn nnsluu, msq., auu M:!8l'B. nnnu, Parkinson, King Street; Messrs. , Downey, & Henderson nnd Messrs. Tilt, Toronto, M. McCarthy, Eaq., 9, George Powellv Hughes, Esq., e and the said Auctioneer. 14th dsy of Oct, 1870. (Signed) A` `L? nrvnr 1' IENT Ag or me. matter 'of Allan Gunn, an Insolvent. 'TLE. faME_1)Y. In In. luuuuo ittee oftbe said Lunatic has the an Order of the said Court to make ch of the said Lots. conditions ofaalc will be the stand- na of sale of the Court of Chancery. or- particulars apply at the Law- hn Hnskin, Esq, and Messrs. Blain, Lb I -rlxinnnn Kinrr n:-m.. Mmlqrq ` erected I rrame House, 1' nnun: Frame sheds, and the West half nrteen of which about `Sixty-ve cleared and the bllnnce tim bered y with hardwood are in the occu_- one R. W. Medley, under a Lease eon six and seven years to run at or: to pay down at the time of pf theirvpurchsscfmoney to the with said one-tenth to make up fthe said purchnse money with- ~rema.indcr to be secured by mort- remiiel at the purchasers expense, at equal instalments with interest per cent. per annnm. On such on the execution of the mortgnges :5 will be entitled to. the Con- ` to be let into the receipt of the rents of parcels 2 and 3'and into pos- ccl 1. The properties will be sold -..- -u '1 .,_ _._ Wet and all encumbrances and a a man An l n 1 , + Vendor a Solicitors. ;Bar1-io, this 18th day of October B- , 8, in 16th concession, contain- ;And No. 9,10, and 12, in Ihe on, containing 168 acres, in the orth-0ri1lin. nd cbnditionu of sale, and parti- itle, which is good-9.pplicntion post paid,] to be had to ontalnlng Une nuuureu ncrcu, `a, and part of the Northwest Lot Nnmbor Thirteen containing we Acres, note or less, both in the oncession of the Township of reanid. The part of Lot Fourteen which is all cleared andon which `erected Frame House. Frame Pram; ulml anal Hm \vA!l.hnH. bur s'rnE'n1', ORILLIA, DALTON MOOARTHY; jr., V Ami; & MOCARTHY, Vendor : Rnlinnrl. EiKFINEKfI.nn 1| ing the West-half ofLot Number ontainiug One Hundred Acres, -. .m1 nnrt of [1 Beech, Maple, uuu uululuun. n the Lot 3 Log House and Log situated near several Villagen, bool Houses. The property is vihich expires lat March, 1873, manta could probably be made ` sue for immediate possession. miculars made known at time of : - T ihe West-bnlf of Lot Number Seventh Concession of the. Adjnia, containing One Hun- None of this parcel is cleared, with mixed timber good for building purpozei. _ the East-hnlfof Lot Number Fifth Concession of Adjals ne Hundred Acxjes, more or less, Acres are cleared the rest, is Beech, Maple, and Hemlock. .. .1... Lnl 5 Log Lo: tluable h Day of Noyember, 1870 t the hourof in the Afternoon, its the ]o}m,,m Houshsp ["i\`%`i1i%`f_`\_Z'_I LLE] B TOWNSHIP OF .._.. 'of Axmuzw N4 ary of t.he.sai tishburn, A 'l`IIE~ STORE OF ---oCIA n: Yl!_.LA(}L'. or 0.----pv-. order made in the Court of - matter of Ronxnr _Kuux in me Uoun u. a matter Kuux ty-second-day of Novem- ._w1u be sold by . *"*'\r_-,u_-2 ailing in `our: dmcllcl ' Iiubjeel. It `obanuv.-Hons HF ADJALA. Real_ Estate in. tbte ' Nonrn BUELI. * said Ooun,by_ 0..., . A. N.AB UELL. Anctzou eer . 9 J": - Asaignee. l jaarnesqqggvsg f1Bl`UVV2|K'U- _ _ _ ' Addis Improved Cm-vc-rs _ poly ; Stubs Celebrated Files and rou. , Oarpentars and Joiners T0015; Shoe Tools of all kinds. - Shoe nndMacbine Thread,Silk, kc. ' Cutlery of All kinds. . House Furnishing Hardware Shooting and Fishing Tackle. Sporting Ammunition. . _ _ Garden, Draining, sud Farming Tools. Cordage, Gla'ss, Putty, (cc. V FOR SALE AT LO WEST C./281'} PRICES. 1 m.-nun. `I..m...... IDAO ICHOPS ESTEAKSI WNFEGTIONERIES & GIIOCERIES. OYSTERS; In th'e matter (;f Michael Hayes ` an Insolvent. ON MONDAY the TWENTY-FIRST day of NOVEMBER next, (A.D., 1870,) at twelve o'clock, noon, or as soon thereafter as Counsel may be heard, the undersigned, Michael Hayes, will apply to the_Judge of the said County Court for n dischairge under the said Acts. Dated at Rm-rip. in the maid mmiv nf .Q:m- _ , > r _ Builders, Cabinet Makers, dud Upholsterers` Hardware. __ A (IA la! Tuna-nun! F.` _-n..n1 `ll...-J-" THE 1>os1* OFFICE Chop I-Imam, 101' B ulscnnrge unuer H18 Elli). ACKB. Daled at Barrie, in the said County of Sim- coerlliia 12th day of October. AD. 1870, MICHAEI. HAYES Fee of this 1 l)iachugo_, Wednaada It, be wil `for 5 con- ect.ed.- ' ,, ,