Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 20 Oct 1870, p. 2

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Du-atnlffa of the lnet quality, and warranted to produce bright -and lasting colours, very cheap at the medical dispenasry, Palmer 6 00., Barrie and Angus. V nuuulup, 11. Best Spw, large breed. lat prize, Ruben Thomplon, 2' . Ran SnE.rllQ" lunar` 1.0 ...:-- A1--- 1 uulupluu, If Begtsovnlmall breed, 151- pri;_e,_ Ale;-_ McKinney, 2; 2nd, do., 1.50; 3rd, John Ewins, 1. . nae} Q-nu-Inn` Din inllnn `I-....-.l ' 1-. __-_ ROSEMONT sHoW FAIR. The Fifth Annual Exhilition of the Tossorontio Branch Agricultural Society was held at Rosemont-, on Wednesday the 12th inst. The morning gave all appearance of a fine day, but about 11 o clock rain came down` pretty freely. and continuedat intervals until the ai- `ternoon,wheu the sun beamed out bright and beautiful. There was .a very fair concourse of people on the ground; estimated at about 2,000; 1500 of whomentered the exhibition build- ing. The show taken as a whole was `a decided success and showed a marked improvement in all classes since the rst organization of the Society. A cuss 1.-Hoiuu:s. Best Entire Horse.-lst pnze. Henry Ker- ] by. $5; Sznd,.G. N. Clarice, $3150. Real Snnn nf nrnnaha unrcna in L........... uwuunu, .0 5 um, um, 1,000. Best pair yer-.old Ewes. Isl prize, W. D. Sloqdnrt, 2 ; 2nd, Thomas "Beanie, 1.600. Best Pair Ewe Lambs. lsl prize, W. D, Slodda, 1.509; 2i1d, Thomas Bully,` 1. ' cuss IV--PIGI. ` Best Boar, large breed. 1:! prize Samuel Heaslop, 2. Run Run. lnrnn lunar! 1.0 ...:-.. 13-1.--. bait Aged Ewes. Isl prize; W. D. Sloddarl, 2 ; Qqd, do., 1,500. Rant nair (`Ann--nI W,-a. 1-: ....:_- In VI|l{ LVIULVJIIIKIH, (Hun - Beat Yearling Heifer. lat prize Thomas Allen. 1.50; 2nd, John Irol|nd,l; 3rd, John Ireland, 750, V Best,-aged RaJrn. 1 I ' W. D. S d. dark, 2 ; 2nd do., 1.500 ; -.`:;?:l,o., 1. lo Beat vaar-Md Ram. In nriqn m n uun, 4:; lull um, 1.ouc;'.-sru, 00., 1. V Beat year-03d Rum. ls! prize, W. D. Stoddarl. 2 ; 2nd. do., [.50-3. Ram Ram Lamh, I`-9 m-in. W n mm: utuuuun. I6 ; xnu. (.10., LDUO. . Best Ram Lamb. la! prize, W, D_ sgod. dart, 1.500; 2nd, do., 1; 3rd, Thoma; B9. Iy, 75c. ~ .' _ nan! D33} `and Fun.` 1-: _.E_. II? h ~ It seems to be considered certain that the parties who are to compose this commission will shortly be named by the General Government, and we are glad to nd it generally conceded by public opinion as represented by the Press that Mr. Cnpreol should be one or its Vmembers.` ' V uuuglguur, nsq., 1- V ` Best two-year old Heifer. 1:! prize, Thou. Allan, 2 ;-2nd, Samuel Ewino, 1 ; 3rd, Ed- ward McMulkin, 75c. Ran! Vnnrlunn Hnnlnn 1-: ...:__ "lVI.-_._- LVJUIVIUIIIII, I6. Benl Miloh Cow.--`lat prize, Pal Langley, 3; 2nd, Edward Mullen, 2; 3rd, PM Lang ley, l. ' - - Ran! Vnnrlinn lJ..;r..- _I.| n-I-n. `l'.`.l.....-J LVI u nun, n..uU|.'. Best Spring Clf, cnlvezl in 1870. 1:! prize, Thomas Allen. 1.250; 2nd, George Campaign, 1 ; 3rd, Edward Mnllan, 75c. Best lwoyeur old Ball. W157! prize, George Taylor, 2. gal vnnrhnn Dull I-0 n-2-- I-L_ hY-Lo, l.UUL'o Bent Yoko Workinf Oxon. In priz, Malcolm MoGregor, 3; 2nd, William Long, (2 ; 3rd, Thomas Benny, I. Best Milch Cqw. lat prize, John Ireland, 3 ; 2nd, William Graham, 2;,3rd, Thomas Gallagher, Esq., 1. Real lwmvanr nld I-Iaifnr 1.9 ...:u- 1'1.-. Taggnn, 1.500 ; 2nd, George Sheppard," -1 ' l.UUU gnu, Juuu uulmer, 1. Best one-year old Coll.-lot `prize, Robert I 3rd, Joseph Guzina, 750. Rial! Szuhlln I-In:-nn'_.'IuO Ht:-in Dal f-n.. mu, auuqpu uuzmu, too. Best Saddle Horse`.-lat prize, Pat Lang- ley, 2 ; 2nd. Thomas Gallagher, Esq}, 1.50:: ; 3rd, Allan Brent, 1. ` A - Ron! I-I-nlr "Ar-a in `\ nnnn .- `Mun .. wyl3'e;; Yarling Huifor.-ll prize, Edward Mullen, 1.50c. ' ' no-I gnrinn I`-H nql--4 in 193111 1-. um, nnau own, 1. Beat Huck Horse, in harness.-Not en- tered by owner, 2;. 2nd, Edward Connoway, 1.500 ; 3rd, George Graham, 1. ' CLASH lI'l`HOROUGH-BRID CATTLI. . Bea! Aged Bull.-lsl prizs, Pat Lnngley,3. `Beat lwo-year Old BnH.-ln prize, John MaMul|:in,2. Raul Nilnh nan! _.._"Ino on-I-o- 1).: I ....._l_.. uy. int, ;auu,.u. LV. LIBTKB, $.5ZDU. Best Span of Draught Horses, in harness.- lsl prizu, George Mamn, $5. HI! Snnn annnrnl pnrm-ma 11-....- :..' daily, a.t`lO.40 a.m. Mails going to Nev Tuesdays, Thursdays an 'n.m. Ivy, Thornton and Vine, Mondays, Wednes- daya and Fridays, l0.40 a.m. ' ' A nm. Midlmrst and Fergusonvale, is, Edgar and Rugby, d Saturday; at 10.40 Tuesdaye, nu lulnu, uuulgr: ldnlll, ti). . Best Span General Purpose Horses. in vharness.- lat prize. Pat Langley, 35; 2nd, Richard` Brett, $3:50; 3rd, Thomas Hand, $2. - ' 1.335.!" Span Catriago Horses, i _hnrn_ess.-- 1st pnze, Amos Suana, $5 ; 2.14, Thoma, Dwyre, 3:50 ; 3rd, Wm. Graham 2. HI! Rrnnd Mara and (`nh an ....:.a........ uwym, o;uu ; aw, W m. uranam Z. A Best Brood Mare and` Colt, on evidence that she has raised a cult this aeason.-lst pnze, John Ireland," 3 ;. um, Jamel Moore, 2; 3rd, `Michael Coil, 1.` Rnnl Qnnlrinn (`alt , I. cut... I-..L.. IUI.-| llU'G|lu, UUUc . Besttwo-year-old Entire Colz.--la! prize, Thomas Dwyre.2; 2nd, Francis Morrow, 1:50; 3rd Wm . Barber, 1. All turn van:--n|.l flnlrlinn -. Hill. 1.: uaug cm H Ill nuruer, 1. Best two year-old Gelding or Filly.--19: prize, Robert Shaw, 2; 2nd, Jbhn Ireland, 1.500; 3rd, John Bulmer, 1. Rant rinn-vnnr` nl.-I (`nu ._l.o `.9:-n. D..I...... 05 011.1, HIIUUKUI Dull, 10' Best Sucking Colt.-lst prize, John Mul- len. 1 ; 2nd, James Mcnre, 75:: ; 3rd, John Ireland, 503. Ran!!!-:u_nnnr_n1.` 13-52-- f'|-h I-` __f__ lug $2. UP 5 OH! ILIUIIIII IIIIICI (I13. Best two bushels Black 01:5. 1:! prize V.__D. Sloddarl. 1.00. A .uyIur, 1. Best Yearling Bull. la! prize, John Noble, .60c. ` gmss `VI-`-noun Ann v_:9| 'l`hm.-adtvsys and Saturdays, 10.40 a.m. `iilmmle, Medonle and Mount St. Louis,Tues- da;,'s.and Saturdays, 10.40 a..m. _ ` Shanty Bay and Minesing, Tuesdays and Fri-' ua In-An n._ m, ' f0R'1`HE}RN ADVANCE; BAIiRii<; om. v-cans. CLASS Ill-SHEEP. GRADE CATTLE. In prize: ad Jame: `Moore-,.I ; 2.-.d John Mills, 75.: ; am wm'.' Avizon. 50o. 1uumc,. I. 5 Au: Avizon, Act hnnh n zuuuu, uuu. , _ Best bush el my other kind. 1:: priza George Martin, 1; 2nd Alexander McKin- ney. 756 ;.3rd J. P. Hodsnn` 500. Ball dozen Qainh Turning 1.9 unnh UV | I110?-Ill C. 5'. [:[0u30u` Q, eat dczaa Swedngh Turnipa. . lat Hugh Gallagher, 1 ; 2nd Andrew Huey, 500. ` Ball dbl Yallnn Ahjrdnnnn, 'Ial r?-In uuuugnct, 1. ; 1-nu Anarow H091, DUO. ` Bentdoien Yellow Abdrdeena. lat rize John Huey, 1 - ' Best dozen Long Orange Carrots. -13: gait Thoma Dmry, 1 ; 2nd_Androw Hooy, ` "MAILs CLOSE AT THE BARBIE 9051' OFFICE AS FOLLOWS: Mluns going South daily, at 6.00 3.111. and 5.00 p.'m.j ' . - Mails going North, daily, at 10.10 a.m., gnd 7.00 pm. ` ` Mails going to Peuetanguishene, Crnighnre: Hillsdal, Waverly, Wycbridge and DSISLOIJ, at 10.40 Mails wing Nevis, Rqgby} uuulu, uuu. ` , Ben Pair Woollen Mi:tu-lat ptize Hu- Bl kbum.'50; 2nd Mrs. Gallagher. 25. `es: Stocking }ga,lt-lst prize W. H. Wil- -`nozi,75c. " " -' '. = ' Baht Fancy Knilling.-lsl`prnge Mrs.;H . Gpllagher, 59.31 . W ` Bonsped Work- 1-! prize In. Mnyph ,, 0ou. : ' ` 'Ph!i9"- . . . Wm: Colour, Puntnnf-In` prim , l'lIou_u_q u c.~ .`. .9"i5" .: [ '5.-., Baltdozen Whilb Belgian Carrotn. ht prize Thoma Gallagher, 1; 2nd Andrew Hoey, 50. But dozen Pnrlnipu. - lot prize Churles Soon, 1.. - T . _ Bea! dozen Blood Boots. [at prize Chas. 500" 1; 2nd John Ireland, 50. Ball dl Rad Oninn. 1:! nu:-In Tnhn cum, 1.; Iauu Jouu rxelenu, DU. Best dozeneRedu Onions. In prize John Gallagher, 1. ' Bht dozen Red Onion, raised from tops. ls! prize John Mills, 1; 2nd George Com- paign, 50. ' "Bent dozen Large Red _'I`omaloeI.' let prize Chnrlu Soon, 1; 2nd Thoma Head; 5% ` Beet dozen Tomatoes, any other kind. 1:! E30119 Joseph Gugins, 1 ; `Ind Churlea Scull, Beet dozen Heads Corn. let prize Wil- liam Avison, 1 ; 2nd William Duff, 50c. Beateix Heed: Cebbege. In prize John Gnllnahnr I 0...! 13.5.... LI --- Kn- ' .VV 5.`- ._ Bu Pair ollen gllqxgq--lit prize Mrs. J ._ : Noble. 50 ; ncfniig .G I! '25. , Bout Pair Woolion S2ook|in!g-lglg `prize Nrl. NOD19,` 50; 2nd Mu. J. Noble; 25. Ben Wuollan Hnodn.'_.lnI nrivn H... r ' mu; am: my 11- lI|5U'-|W": W- _ Beg: Fancy Hair Work-1et prize Mrs Smith, 750. ' ' ' Best lion fook--1st prize Hrs. Huey, 75c. Best Beaded War!--).sI_ pyigg Mr; Hopy. 75- am Tuning Work--~1u p:i;'ma Hqey, 759; 2nd In Dnmrold. $0. ' ; Bent Conn Wnrk..lnr nah. II:.; I1... 17:. um; um: ll ! uumrom. W. Beat Cone Work--lat prize Hill. H09], 75; .2nd Min Smilh. 50. Ben Braided Work-lutprize. Ira. l!oGirr, 75"; 2nd Mr: J. Cumbexlnnd 50. Raul Rnmohnnn at Q-...:..._ n_-L:_- nu, n. uni. n_uuIu, uu; 1600 ll". J. oolei 30, Beat Pfoolan Hoods-'-In prizg mg. J, Noble, 50." V - Dnu `D..!- lD__Il-- ne}., `n . -,c,__ 11-- cu; zouu lfl cl. uumuenanu DU. Baal Specimen of Sewing Machine Warb- lut prize J. Maokia, 75 ;, 2nd Wm. Payuonl. .50 f l.I- . - 601 1--ldtpxizo 2?? Noblo.50o; . Jllysher, Ill pl`? wannlinn Knuulpin.-. I, l'.|" _-:--.' nuu all news unnnuga. Ill pl J01!!! G358hI`.l ; 2nd John Huey, 500. Ben three Head: Red Cabbage. 1:: prize James Kelly. 1; 2nd Charla: Scolt, 50. ` Bea: lhraa Hand: nnnlln-Ar In nriza DIIDUI, IUD i 2- :l.lU Ill ! ml lfne, DUO, Bast Col Wool Work-lat prize list Buy, 75:}; 2nd Mrs D. M_:L1ren, 503. Ran) l2`.n.... I1-.. " 1r|r__1nI nu!-1. Il`.- day {rind l0.40 Apto, Midhux-at Fergusonvale, Thursdays 10.40 QlvnIlrl|PA Medonle you u yarus ureueu run Ulalh--lat prize Mrs. S. Noble, 1 ; 2nd Mrs. Bayoroft. Beat 5 yards Drugget--lat prize Mrs Hod - gins, 1; 2nd Mrs Ireland, 500. Boat pair Blankets--lat prize Brown Bro n. _ I 25 ; 2nd Mrs John Mills. 750. Best Hook Rag Work-~lsl prize Mrs. Amos Strane, 1 ; 2nd Mrs Hoey, 503. Ben Gent s Fine Shin, (hand made)--lat prize Mrs McLuhan, 1 ; 2011 George MoGirr. 50. Beat Fancy-Needle Work--ls: prize Mrs P. J. White; 1; 2nd Mrs Blackburn, 50. Bolt Croohar'Wml-.1nm:-.. n..' 1.1.... 1 . anuwu ncmy, 1 ; zua Unarlel Scott, 000- three Honda Cauliower. 1:! prize Charles Soon, 1 ; 2nd John Hoey,50o. But three Cizram. In nu-in Rinhnnl Charles Soon, Cizrons. II: prize Richard Broil, 1 ; `Ind Thomas Drury, 503. 7 Ben three \'Valarmalnnn_ 1:! min: Thus. -. vvuuB.- I ; znu Ml ! UIICKDDYN, 500. Crochet `Work.-lat prize Mrs Huey, 1; 2nd Miu Drnry, 503. Bell Berlin Wool Wo:k~-lot priie Mrs. Basalt, 750' v Bell Raised Wool Work-lat _ prize Hrs Bnrber,75o ; 2nd Mrs`Ar'noo Slnne, 500. RBI! (`Sm IV.-Ir_.1.: ring Ilia. nan I'M: A 3 znu mamas Urury, 500. Watermelone. 1:: prize Thou. Drnry, I. Best Squash. let pr'ze J 11 Mitchell 1; sznu John Noble. 50). mp ' Bun ! Pnmnlrin 1.. ...:-- Iv Au urn-.. I5 Xvnu Jonn Noble. 600. Best Pumpkin. In priu W. `H. Wilao 1 3 2nd James Martin, 50. , Bea! ualaminn nr Irina-.. 1.. ...:.. (*1... . , auu amen Mama, 00:3. Best selection of Flowers. lat prize Chla- Scott, 1. Best dozen Winks; Apples. In prize` Thomas Gallagher, 1 ; 2nd John Noble, 75o ; 3rd Thomas Smith, 500. - Bali dolnn glli Annlnn 1-0 nrirn olu JIIJB. HUB]: DUO- Best Fancy Quilt ls! prize MrIVElIrd, I ,- `2nd Mrs. Dmry, 750 ; 3rd Mu ml, 50; Bealyards Flannel--lot pnzo Ira Mur- phy 1. " B3515 yards-Fancy Flannel, Drussd--Isl prize Brown Brothers, 1 ; 2nd Mrs S Noble, 50 cls. - T Raul K nun-.1- OILS--. 1-- A " " MN 5 am mamas amnu, auo. Ban dozen `Summer Apples. In rite John Noble, 1 ; 2nd Thomas Lnuimer, 50; 3rd John Mills, 50. Ros! an-nu _Q;1....:... n.-;. 1--.I..- 1.- Elnrtlgem hhanmzl nuuy, I ; ;auu Mrs. 1. Bell Piece Quin 1 Hoey, 1; 2nd Mrs. T. 1 3rd Mra. Hoey. 50. Raul Funny l)nSh__ I quuls. . Best 5 yards Satinet--ls! prize Brown Brothers.` 1. Best 5 yards Dressed Full Clalh--lTat prize : Mrs. Bavnmft. ulu JUKHI Lullll, auc. Best dozen Siberian Cub Apples. 1:! prize Thomas Smith, 1 ; 2nd Andrew Huey, 76a. ` Best dozen Largo Crab Appies. 1:: prize Thomas Eider, 1. ' , . Rnl dnvnn Dndln In -5.:-... "I"l........- OLABS XI-LADII3 WORK. Bent White Counlorpane-~1at priio Mrs. Huey, I ; 2nd Mrs. T. F. Gallagher, 750; Quill Work--In hrivn Mn nun, VU. _ Best pair Men : 510 a` Bootu. 1 I '2 Thomas Jeurnin,l. A g ' P" 6 Ran) nnip t.I|(';n,n Fnifnlpin 11.4.0. 1.: 1..-}..- nuuluuu manner, 1. Boat dozen Penn. lat Iprlize Thomas Hondomm. 1; 32nd John Noble, 750; 3rd Thomas Smith, 500. Ran! lit hnnnhgn Guam`. 1.. ..-2-- "PI. .. uunuuuuuuu, a. ' Bent pair Men : Oa1fBootI- 1:! prize Thoma: Jamingn, 1 , 2nd Edwaxd Lee, 50. Rank nnir `Inn : `(in Dnlnhnrl unllnln D-n_ suvlllul aummgl, 1 znu nuwatu L89; DU. Boat pair Hen : Kip Patched Bottom Peg- ged Boots. lat prize Thou. Jasmin, 1 ; .`2ud' do., 50. "Dual uni: II`-.9- ILA..-` 1-s_-n_ I-` __2_- Baa"! pair Goose--lat prize Hugh Gallagher, 1; 2nd Wm. Duff; 50 cls. A V Beat pair Fowl:--Isl prize George Brett, 1. Best pair Ducln --let prize George Marlin, 1 ; 2nd Rober! Shaw, 503. Best pair Pigeons--ls! prize Thou. Elder, 1. Luuluuu omnn, DUO. Bast six bunches Grapes. Drury, 1. ' Ran Jnynn DH... Dl....I.- They are thachoicest Goods easou, and at pnces to. suit all._ my: 4, Min uuvl uuisul, LIIIOIPU, 1. Ben; General Purpose Plough. ls! prize J-:Fleury, 2 ; 2nd Haggart Bro., 1.- Best Home Hoe. 1:: prize J- Fleury, 1. Beat Set Double Harrows, Iron. lsl prize James Mitclrell, 2. Rant (1...- Dlnnns. 1.. ...:.... `M t n.;.- A uulnnu uuunuu, 1- ' . Bast pair Ladio n Cnlfskin Boots. lsrpnzo Edward Lee. V uxuly, 1. Bee: dozen Blue Plumbs. Andqzson, 1. Rue .|...o:.... .: c--..:- nuu_:u.-Ion, I . Best Selection of Frail. lnl prlxolohn Noble, 1 ; 2nd Thornu Smith, 75. Egg Plan! Fruit recozumendod- ' T CLASS VIII--DAIRY PIODUCI. Besl 5 lbs. Butler, in 1 variety of forms. Silver Butler Cooler given by Goorgo Cum- ming, value $6 ; won by William Bellamy ; 2nd H. Baycrull, 1; 3rd Robert Hodgins, 50. V n... 'I `..!. -1 Ir..u__ __. u-__- .L_._ -211 ll. van-us n_uuuuu, 46. Bear Gang Plough 1:! prize N. L. Cros- vley, 2; 2nd J. Flury, 1. Rant Rnnn Snl Rlnnlnn 1-I nu-I-ya [nu-I ll?!` .0; .0IlLI 0- rwury, 1. Boat. Bunch Split Shingles. la! prize Lord Nenlaon, 1. - Rags l`nnl;-u. n--._ `-4 `D..-_!._-- 1-. LIUIIBUH) 1. Best Cooking Stove and Furniture. lat prize Wm-' Pandas, 2 ; 2nd J. W. Vanlauel, 1_ . A `Best Set Team Harness. In prizes James Cumberland, 3. RBI} hair Han . nut nun!-, 1-! n-I-.. U. ` Best Tub of Bullet, not less` than '50 lbs. Silver Butler Cooler, value 10; won by Geo.~ M::G:rr; 2nd Colwell Graham, 1 ; 3rd John lremnd, 753. ' Haul nnmn R1-An f`D.a..n an! 1... ch... in uuunu, I-Ju, ulu rwuuu nouglun, UU3. Best 5 H55. Honey, in Comb. lelpnza Thomas Elder, Esq..-1; 2nd do., 75; 3rd_ Thomas Gallagher, Esq., 50o, " cuss `IX--IMPLIMINTS, no. Best Lumber Waggon. `lat prize. James Lawrenor, 4 ; 2nd D. McLaren. 3. Ban! gnnaln Dunne Ill nri-In Tn. Alhnhnll DUI! llI._\ un_y (Au: 10-40 a. m. Beat Land Roller. . lat prize Thomas Mo- My1er,2; 2nd D. McLaren, 1. ' Best Horse Rake. lat prize D_ lIcLnren, 1. Beat Fanning Mill. lat pr-zo N. L. Cron- `leys 2; 2nd Levi Causal, Guelph, 1. Real General Pnrnnnn plnnnh. In nu-ion uexnuu, gun. ' Best Home Made Cheese, not less than 10 lbs. lat prize John Deunund, 1; 2nd Mrs. Noble, 75c; 3rd Robert Hodgiun, 60;. Res! 5 lhl. Hnnnln in nnvnh. Int nnvu lJiI\7lI1llUl', `X ', `XIII U0 MUDETBH. D. 7 Best Single B'Jggy_ 1 prize J85. Mitchell. 3,; 2nd '1`homa.a Base: 2. A Rm. (1;.. 1. .-...'-- I -.....- Il:o-L-ll . Kn . Best Straw Cuuer.- ls! prize N. L. Cros- ley, 2 ' 2nd Patterson 13:05.. 1. _ Best Set Doubletraes, Whlielreas, and Neck Yoke, Mounted. lat prize D. Mc- Lnren, [.50. nu! Dnlnnl LY-.. I.`..-I- 1-: _-:_- 'I"l___. __ uuuu, I -UV. Best Palenl Hay Fork. 1:! prize Thomas Basset, I ; 2nd James Mowbarna. 50c. Raul `Vhan'\nl'.nrn `zl nriun n Mn! nvnn vessel, 1 5 .6uu JUIIIEU no N Hf, DUO. Best Whaelbanow. lal prize D. MoLaren, `Hu 1}- Baal CLASI Vll--FRUIT. OLAIB I-POULTRY. L`. F. Gallagher, 750; Work--Isl brize Mrs. _. F-. Gallagher, 750 ; 3rd THURSDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1870. In prize Thos, III prize Arch. ._5P'`|e_ DI Printing-Advertiser Ufce 0nnuvillo,5o, T ~. Thaeat Saleouon of Wm] Work. Brilnnia Halal Tea-pol, given by Captain Parsons, Orangaville; Miss Huey, 3 50. ` F0 Ball Snnn nrnnnhl nnrnnn- Xv!!!" doz. s. umngeville; Hoe]; 50- For Best Span Dnmghl Horses, Half doz. Hazgm'sYeIIowjon, by '1'. Millbnm, Esq. A`" 5 George Mama, 2 525. For ban Ram . Rhi.-r n Dhninarnuh `" 5 uaorge aumm, 2 2:2. ' - F0` Nil. Gem : Shirt, a. Photograph ban by the Rev. P. s. Liviugtone, B.A. ; TIL lfohren, 3 50. F0` hell Q hush-ah: fllnannui Qnrina whl`. `Iv 'III.aIl'QU, 3 5_U' ' _ Forbes! 2 bushels Glasgow Spnng Wbel" Patent Hay Fork, by Thou. Causal. E!-a CM lingwoad ; John Erving, 5 dollars. I ,E'vmt article sold mi the Medical DAi`s;>anB8f! is wnrznnted pure and inadnllerated, Palmer 35 00., Drnggists, Barrie and Angus. - Near Orleans, military affairs are rapidly approaching a crisis. The A Gerrnen oorpe operating in that direc- tion under the Bavgrieri ,(=_`-enerral Von . der Tann has received reinforcements, and IS continuing to march Southward, - throwing out reconnoitering forces to- . wgrdg Tours on the one hand and Bour- ges on ti1e`othei'. T0 1' .9535` `N5 Wan- cmg pgdy the French have what re` mains ofthe --a!.K31)', Oi it e Loire,rein- . forced-by,Mobiie'8 and mnbsetireurs, 'I.`he,. authorities at Tours have been .rneliing `great eom to send forward `ad: di_tional_ :_rq9ps,_.arn;_!___i_;_ je naidthei French _. > (Ere-.n9ymjItr9ug-i.::eneh`-to.Vqqntoat the The New Yrk Herald correspondent at Frankfort writes from that city under date of the 5th inst., as foll_ow '--. T liavn '3:-not n.-uh.-......3 t....w. .. I1:n;f fn UHLU vs I-no Uul man, 33 I0ll_(.)W """~ I have just returned from a visit to Strasbourg. Soon after communication with the city opened people ocked thither from all sides. As Strasbourg could be reached only by way of Kehl. the crowding of the railway cars and the confusion on board was great, peo- ple ghting tor places. THE FIRST SIGHT. When [got to Kehl the streets of the -little town were the most motley crowd imaginable. The morn- ing had been foggy, but the fog sudden- ly clearing, we saw fromthe pier up the Rhine the flag of the North German Confederation oating from the cele- brated Minister. "At the sight 9. cheer went up from every German patriotic heart,-lor it was exactly 189 years that n 6 very day since the master work of I mediteval Germany was in possession ' of the foreigner, and though its reco- very lias been the theme of a thou- sand songs to the poets,hitherto all at- tempts to capture it have failed. . GOING INTO THE CITY After waiting for some time the barriers on the pontoon bridge were re- moved and the passagetlirown open to the people. An endless procession be- gan to move slowly on. When we passed over the bridge and entered the mam road to the town we had time to . examine the havoc made by the shells. The ne old trees which lined both sides of the splendid avenue had been cut down and were lying in the ditches. But even from'this devastation some good has come ; for I saw the poor peo- ple already busy takmg woodfrom the drying trunks and branches for purpose of use andvsale. The citadel is ` one heap of wins and the ditches around it` dry, the sluices around it having been _ opened. The negotiations to eflect a peace- whnch are known to have been on foot for, some days past are said to have re- sulted yesterday in complete failure, the British Foreign Office abandoning all hope of a pacic settlement. The effect of this failure was to bring the Germans to a. resolution to begin the bombardment of Paris immediately, heavy guns being in position for that purpose. Yesterday wa the anniver- sary of the battle of Leipsid-a day l `held in high honor throughout Ger- many-an'd`it u'rhs"regarde4 as 9 tting M ogcasion upon which to commence the" 4 awful work of shelling the French capital. _We shall shortly know Whe- ' the: this` resolution has been carried ' into effect or not. - ' ._____ n_._AW, .... _. | VALUE OF THE INJURY. The damage of Strasbourg is esti- mated at not less than two hundred mil- lion francs. `These gures inclpde everything, private buildings, public edices and the fomcations. Hun uwu V! (I0 o)bU|UU n The theatre was totally burned and the prefecture, one of the finest build- ings in- Strasbourg, much damaged, Approaching the point where the branch was made things looked worse. There two_entire streets _were heaps of ruins. The large barracks which stood here had disappeared, andon their site was 9. mass of stones and other debris. In these pbarraoks Napoleon was im- prisoned after his foolish attempt on the French throne in`1836. '1`o the parts I have mentioned had the havoc been restricted-. As I` approached the Minister the devastation began to appear. At the quarter containing the military bar- racks---those tacing Shilighan, the recent headquarters of the beleaguered force-great harm was apparent-. `But .very little injury was done tothe Cathe- `dral. ' Only on one side are a few stones out, some gures damaged and a few windows broken. Inside the church everything is intact-the clock, pictures and the superb framework. - An old house, standing near the Mine star, and built in the Twelfth century, did not receive a single shot, while others adjoining it were totally destroy- ed. The {ashionable part of the city has greatly suffered. - Some splendid mansions have been totally burned, among them tl1e`Bibliolheque, where much valuable matter was destroyed by the conagration, according to some, butthe statement by others is that a greatpart of what is said to have been burned was stolen. Al"l\L_ aL-_4._- ____, a . us . - ,AVOU.RlNG THE PRUSSIANS. _., Many wounded French oicers and soldiers circulated freely about, appear- ing on good terms with their recent toes, the Prussians. Many of these lat- ter are on amicable and friendly terms with the `Strasbourg girls, who are nothing loth to receive their attention. A HOLIDAY APPEARANCE. " The main street had more the ap- pearance ofa holiday than the day after the bombardment. The beer houses and restaurantswere so full that people were forced to take refreshments The streets were full of people... in "the streets. Allethe shops were . crowded, the shopkeepers saying that the landwehr bought more in one day than the French soldiers purchased in a month. __ ..... .y.-.u unvunuununun I entered the town by the Porte d Auslerlitz. Therst thing that at- tracted attention was a large place close hv louoking very mzlrh lika 9. bec'mvc. A xnrukst for-fruit and vege1a.bles xvaa being neld here, while 9. large force of `workmen was occupied lumping up stones and "other ruhbi_slxw.`.:e11from the :u1ns. THE CONDITION OF STRAS- BOURG. THE WAR IN FIiXcE. AT THE poms: n AUs'raRt.1"rz.` ' THE DAMAGED QUARTER. jg Movmu NORTH: Movm soura Read Downwards. Read Upwnrds. o. u ` __ pA'u .-_.._._. grow. with the Germans ni-ngnpmt at mmcpss. |.5I.IJ||ll-I6: VVl_VllV venue ~.--v- --'-~--_- prospect of success. _ V . . V 1 J The twoarmies are in c_lose.proxun1t_Y i ' Atoeach other, and a battle is regarded as imminent. It does not speak Well for the condence of the French, h0_W- ever, that M. Gambetta,the only act-W6 `Minister outside of Paris, has gape 10 Lions,_leaving the threatened city of J Tours behind him. The ostensible 9b- jeetot his journey is to infuse vitality into the defenders of the great manu- facturing city and organize new force to operate against the German rear 5 but it would not surprise us to hear that his real reason is to escape the chance of being again imprisoned in ii beseiged | . city. The probability appears to D6 that Tours as well as Paris--the actual as well as the nominal capitalfwlll soon be subjected to u formldnbb attack. . - , 7.. 41.- ......i1. 4!... {`.`.n-annn COXIUDUC I . I cure uyspe gm giver Complaints, {'m'g.'g31, o,,:, !`.". ueadache, Kidnov Complninl. Acid Stomuch,Phthisic or Asthma, and restore; to vital activity the system debilitated by sulI'er- .ml and disease. ' I18 magical gpd wonderlul success in curing sud- den Col a, Sore Throat, Coughs,Diptheria, pain: in the side`, loms and back, Nemalgin, Toothache Rheumatic; and other pains in any part ofthe body and from whatever cause, has given it a place ir every household and is fastauperseding all othe. preparations of the kind. It in also an effectual and prompt remed f " S',alds,BlI'lfnl, Brui:es,Spratus, Chilblains, Bites, Cramp: in the Stomach, Diarrhoea. Ch mozb_u:,Bilio;gg Oliolic, Cholgrml nfaotum , Dyoe . tour, in. ' ' Price onlyili cont: pcrbottle. . ~ _ rsotdiunmie b T. W.G,eorse.nv Oliver 5% _A.?V.Ptlmpv,'an luexundot6:(?o.;' J-Den - raighqntg on J a er_m`.u- nn.;A'v'0 "III llvlo.-9 -A `A it ` . A Fami1vMedicinc,weHnnd lavombly know]: tor the past lam years,nevcrlailIng in a single in stance to give permanent reliefwhentimely used. and we have never known a single case ofdissam, [action whery: lhp directions have been properlv tbllqweg), but 9n the conirury all are do-Iighle with its oppraxions, and apeak in the highesv terms ofils virtue and magical eecls. THE CANADIAN PAIN nl-`.'I`nn\n.*n .__. terms 0: usvn-we and magical ' THE CANADIAN PAIN DESTROYER hm wontoritselfa reputation, as a blood purier allerative stomach tome, unsurpassed in the hiatou-gotmedipalgeparauons. I! seldom falls tc yspensla Iver Oou-mlninla_ Y-_f:___.,x . uluuu Vlllli-IIFII I:UpB|'3H0n5- Ill Seltlolfl M118 tu, yspe sna_ Iver Oomplamls, {-,,d,'ge3.{,,,,,' `e.'*2P*" i%,Es9ahe.K!d"v attack. In the north the Germans continue their victorious march, Mont Didier be- ing the last place they captured. In the south-east they have taken Vesoul; an important point in the valley of the Seone on the road_towards Dijon an Lyons. This indicates that, having masked New Bteisaoh and left it In their rear, they are advancing rapidly ........ .1... .....n.-....un_rn metropolis of their rear, they advancmg mt"... , upon the south-eastern metropohs F rauce.-Leader of 19th. _ -4\/'\x/K1 x/x/\/-vvvv - Anvrnmsmo Aaimciss.--Some years since IV were considerably victimized by worthless ml- vertisers in the United States, especially by one enterprising `individual who had previously been for a long time connected with: well known and sound rm. Since then we have steadily refused all advertisements from the other side unless comingthrough Messrs. Pet- tengill or Messrs. Rowell & C9.. whose erran- gements we have found in every way sstisfnc. tury. We would advise our conireres of the Press to accept no proposal whatever unless. it comes trough one or other of these rms. I Connscrxozr --In our last week's issue we go. up the County Prize List as we stated in a hurry, in order to publish the list immediately after the Show, and beforehand asked our rea- ders to excuse any errors that on account of haste might possibly creep in. We found that the first prize for Wheat offered. by Sheriff Smith is credited to W. C. Riddel. It should -1- :1 `run. r_1__ 1|` 1) Full-C`loths,. T ` and Flannels, HI. OGC I. 0- D. . The. following are the street riccs to-day for_ farm produce :--Hay, $1! 0 rd) $15 00,- .s!ra.w, $7 00 fr? 10 00 ' iivo beef, 5c {ED 4} : ; dressed bags in good supply at $8 00 Frb B 50c; butter in pound tons, 1246 fr: 26c; host fresh, iularge rolls, 22 ((71 24c . dairy choice, 20c @ 23 ; store packed 19c .71) 21c. ' Tm: (Ecunmxctu. COUNCIL lately cal- led at Rome is an instance of thy) solicitudo ofthe Catholic Church for the welfare and ptosperity of her Commimlcant-.1. Large assembles of this nature containing represent alive from all parts of the world, should be of some benelto our taco. We hope this opinion will be as harmonious and unanim. us as the verdict in favom-of the Great Shos- honees Remedy, for diseases of the lungs, blood, atomaok, liver, &c. For sale by drugg- sts. ` Ocl-1mo- Avvuuu-. prietora 1 dealers. uuuuu no nuvuuvu vu - be W. C. LinIe,_Esq.,1\I.I :P:" A QUANTITY of Ssxffrou and Honey, in comb, `wnn _t,cd at the Medical Dispense:-_v,.Palmer& Co., Barrio and Angus . POOR HORSES. i There are lhrxusanrlwf poor horses dragging: out a` miserable existence, suffering form a variety ofdieeases. rendering them almost worthless, than would be restored to 3 healthy and sound con_dition, and 9. value given to them of which their owners never dreamed, `would they but use the means within their reach. From one to three packages of Der-. ley a Condition Powders and Arabian Home Remedy will in. all cases produce a satisfac- tory result; hundreds have tested to the fact. Remember the name, and see that the sig- nature of Hard & Co. ieon each package.- Northrnp & Lyman, Newcastle, Ontario. pro- nriatora for Canada. Sold in: all molt}.-tun The markets to-day have been quiet, but on whole steady. _vB;:1-loy has been a shade weaker with buyers holding off. Saie of one car-load at 68c f. o. b. ml... I'..1l.....2_.... .._.. `L- ..A__-a_ __e,,_ ., 1 [Lu_>Pmsss.--'l'rue liappiness, in our opin- icn, consists of the following named articles: --A'nice liule wife sitting on your knee. her truling a_mile lling your mind with happy Ihonglim,a neat Iinle room ljdily furnished. and a bottle of " Canadian Pain Dealroyer in the cnpboard ready for inszam nae, rwzliing better [or sudden cold, sprains, burns. and all, kinds of aches and pains. Price '25 came! per bums. Sold by all Medicine Deal.-rs. HEALTH AND corqucr -Ezsean}: 1: [Vl{`P!rI ll.`-I13!` .".i.'YIV' J IILALIR1 A311 rt -uuutl-"'1-I iuu-via v- gcurqucr IS -:-t- n.` ma ;_::a:adcr.t 3.'.latt1' im-cnts e`-J-er :.tm3-"- at by man ; anti Bryruts !'I u!mcre7.c VVafet-5 27233 :1-t .~ur.'.=. 0:210 C"-ur,-35;:-!, ;cu' ti:-,`-;2E'.',; if`. $324 : l!:tu."t and p-.r :mo.nar3'} .'-mmpiaixrts. as .'.'\l` und p-astiienua wilt. tie Iatroy. Sr.~v'r~ra colds if not attended to S'N!!`I .{ or Inter lead to incurable consumption. and the strength of the strongesteoon farts if negtected. The readies! and best means known for the ouro ofthesa complaints is "Bryan s Pulmonic Wafers, which have been thoroughly tried for the last manly years, and have never been known to fail. Singers and pubiio speakers will also derive great" benefit from the use of them; Sold by all medtciue dealers, at 25015. par brx. CANAL COMMISSION. `CANADIAN PM DESTBUYEH. \ Fall Wbent-About $1.05 to 1.10 Spring Whoo.t-$1.00 to 1.0. Flour mixed---5 56. Peas -45 to 50. Bzu-1ey- 58c. to 60c. Oats-28c. - Butter--17c. 1 Eggs--10c. to 14c_Z Hay-$9 Be.ef-$5 to $6. Purk-$7.50 8. Potato:-s-25c. 'l'omutoea-80c. T0 TH E WORK INC CLA SS.-V\Ve'u-n now pmplrc.-d,lo furnish all clnsacn wltlx nummnt employ mm! 1! N91130:! -0 whole nho that or menu spun mnmentn. Buslnul MY. l ht nnd protable. l' ofelther Max cull earn hon 3-* 6 a":;: ':."*:.""'P`;:=`2:2'..:.$;2:`.2* _ a ouneas. o..".__A :hl`;'ll:h(l)|lslx`)E. That all who rec thlinoucgmny ucndthdi ndtlron Ind luv. the bnsinenn. we make l_hls unparalleled orrx much as are not well Intisllenl. wo Ia Ild Oh! to my (or the trouble ofwriting. Full p-niculm. n vs-Inn 1c rum- lo whlch wlll do to commence work on, and ntopy of The go 1; ; .Lilr-cry Compam'on--ono of the In: cal and Qpfaxnilj nanpapcn` published-all gent free 3' mall. SS.-`Ye no wanted to [lit mo trounlo onmung. Full particular, valuable :mi< e E: a Literary Be dfan\|i}y nuwnpn rs pubIIs!'1cd-nalttlnt frog {canal}. 5 on man tvrxnnnv-n ro a I'm . er C. ALIEN E CO..' noun. Mun. M. `I1 'l"l`3"l`l"I'I-`7`i"l'l`I THE WORKING CLASS.-\Ve pmplrcd |`u_m_inh g_|_l clggsacn wig): :;_:1\Ixvxntenipluyt:gcnt_a: jwmc. {ha 1`: us. :4) ulau, nuwunsllu, umanu. PTO- ; for Gauada. Sold by all medicine pcrinl Nattrc. n|i}y nuwipagzcx-9' pub|5n! |ct!-nggalttlnt frei'3{d:'iiiii; 0 W3 ('f!nn" TC 1. : a_co..' SUITABLE iron TORONTO MARKETS. gemnxa MARKETS. with some Oc!.19. C-1: THIS Zvaluable proplntiqn ootnbjnen all who medicinal virtues ol than -mom which loo: tx- perience has proved to gaunt the most sale and cicient mpmieo fort euro of Flash Wounds, S rains ruins Gull: olall |:imls,Cracked Hula, P s v Ring Bone. Spavin. CIHOIII. Fi9W"|: 3"}-`M07: External Poisons`, Svcynllches (LP Grt'3.d5CIl lI:l. 1. n n,M'. hltown. ,orns. an rlc u F:L"n7ia'}-la F:c':,gorn Djslcmp-.-n 3"`5|1RB- NJ |nx:)r_1y other diseases which horse: and came no e H . lbulhfz fnlulirntal Liniment has been used (or '1'l1:B colevnuou .u!Iuuwnu ..u.. ..- ..-. -_ ma'nv years, and its curnivo`y:eropr:r1ien Iton-nplly tested, and it is conceded to the cheap": and mostrelinble remedy for nil external cur.pEainu ever oisred lo the uhlic--It now.-r fails when time lv used and with ully n;ap!io.d. Tn I.` hnd nf all Drmuriun and Cnumry Mani. ' time Iv used and xnuruuny am. To be had of all Druggitln I ants throughout the Dominic bottle . NORTHIU NU'1VnllUl' W 141 mnn , Nxwcnn-u, I).~v1., ` Pro;-rmluys. Sold in Barrie, by A. V. Palmer 6.; Co. T. W. Gem-gen and Alexander 6; Cm; J Dca..~on Bradford; Green 6: Bro., Crzighum, um] All rn-alhsinn rh-nlnrn. braalom; urcen c modzcine dealers. . a.1u.. 9.15.. 9.22.. ` 9.36.. . 9.45. "nan THE GREAT Eygysu REMEDY! JOB MOSES Pfiill.-KL I lLL\`. ._.._. This invnlunblo medicine in unfaxliny in tho cum`-at all those painful and -_Inn_.;rruu- dmueq lo which the lcmnlc consliuumn is pumecz. 1; mOdcrl'.lt:s all excess and removes all ohm Helms! and a speedy cure may be: rolled on. ixispeculiariysuixed. Ilwill, ii: In short who bring on lhomonllxl period Wllh u-gulnrny. T1,, P/[lg ghou d not be ml`:/1 /y/nna u Jar- T.-.,.. ,5. FIRST` THREE Mr/IY 1`I1.s of P/`(I24 would not at l'(lA'/I I y rnumu nor. 7ing the FIRST TIIREE .`r1r';1Y'1`I1s .,v [ ,,gm;m- , a; (Leg are Mgr: to bring cm Mir carria e; at at any at/car um: they on A-I/I, In a 1 other cases ol NorvouI and Spinal Ao- -Zms. Pain: in the Back and Limbs, Fnnru an ghyht exertion, Pal iluliun ufllu: Huurl. llymyla e-..rl Whites, those ills will effect I cure when `ll zvmormeans have failed ;and although a rmwufbl rs-znedy, do not contain Iron, cl!lomcl,|nhuwny,o1 mgtlnnx hurtful to the consmuuon. ull .u.'.-...-c;..n. in nu: unusable: aruui-J ouh 1.1 'thmg huruul 19 me conauluu(`)l. gull directions In the pamp .e: package, 'which should be can-lully pn-urvod. JOB moans, NEW YORK, SOLE PRUPRIITUI. n.... _t..n..- .....l lul-lun nmI-n.hnll cunt: {.2 ....n 301.: Ono dollar and twelve and-a-halt cenu in put age, enclosed to Norlhro dz Lyumn, .`ewu:. Om., general ngeuu for! e Dumin1on,wm Lang. :1 bottle, containing over 60 p:ll~, b mum 11.1.. Sold In Barrie, by Oliver 6. Cu., .W. (M03505 A. V. Pnfmo.-r,-nnd Aioxnndcr &(1-.::, J Dragon, Brudlord; Green 65. Bro., `Cruighum, am: .4 medxcine dealers. V 4-. nun, v. u u - u . . vvUvv- b'ecl to. .u IJh:s celebrated Linimenl n-`nu: vnm'n_ and it: CIIIIUVO P3 "1 cu" 9 ll-kow remod doelnotd n at`. `_ 'lIgrI\'.e`:.n nnnunelaehlnd. LI In tho eum r:,;T$` :1? nuom-.; but It loosens qnd cleanses ch.-1un:u,a.-.. .,...; tmlon, thus rcmovm the cam: of tho t`>rr.;;n ETII W. FOWLE .2 8 N. Prg&rintnrI. Hwtnn, 5; drugguta Ind dedcn in In cinoc aeneruun .Mn. 5. A. ALLEWS ZY}'.OFU`.L!:".\M!'\( .4-1-' 1 .9rrp.rr.1.`r':vt jr the [fair ,- char mm r'.~-um-3. ` utilaut xzdirmnf. l!':': wry r:'.-r)l.- mm :/.'.r: y-.-..-xn wondtr I rn-iu 4`:. ft: grm: .ru,44rz'.-7:4: 4-... nnv-r_v a; a air Drrsng 9:2.-r /xx],-In cox! Frmdx r"m.~;:n 7 a.:.(*::aw. e;:' rd [1 all not mil) in I/Ii: .'.'un."[ hi I Eur:-3.4!. t Aa:!v_rtr and Z_n'4-!.u':.:~tu.-"n Laid d J: tu.-:1 one wit}: I- u at/hr. 802.3 1!! A'..1,DFta6's`rl n___..x ..4-- u n 1.-_- n..__ n. r-, u:n..x- . .. '\,u..h ' V New iyle. important fhnnge. 5 REAL HAIR P~E3'I'.`F.ER AITD DHEFSIKQ | Ooxnblneti in One Bottle. - 'nn':-urn (V A - A 1!` 1' fon F ` ? 3.46 Ann A-.24.:-nu mur---.-_..`...._..._- `Wiif Restore _Grny Hair to in ` Nzntazral Life, Color and .'2; nut)". ; It fag. most doliarimm Unis` - r;'= 1* lt. wi.l promote lnxrzrizmi 3*:-'-.2121. FALLX;\'G'lLU!l is im:".*~.l_'3.1t~:Iy cw I13}. timr ./Jrr: rd r `.5: 5 w: :l: Propri--Inn, 51. 1' 35 Bu ' UUIBIJJLIBQ Ill UM? uuua. MRS. S. A`. ALLm;'-S A HAIR RET9K.}R ..-. _,_ u._,_ -.. Agent at Barrie. A. V. Palmtr it Co __-aw~._. ,,_,, Aent &t._.Ban'io A. V I"-ms New 2\hncrti5cn~.rnt.x. Jri--Inrl, R. V31 D Bu`.`.n.-y BL and 49 Put Ifluuo. New-7;: ul & C4, W'huEr.s ~ I) T0 KARRIED LADIES u--___ .. .. .a-........ _...........n. % mama NORTHROP st LYMAN, Nxwcunt. `)3-9 -88 6.36 . 6.45 6 60 nnn hfully nppzma. Prxugginls Dominion. Price 25. pot . has tor Kurt.-rliea Ihon-uglly lho, cheapo-I nuu I (My. uoqsu, 9 A map lb AA..- 1-- 4 KIVHKHHI submit I an inn | by-In why vacr` being I _ or twin` 534?." n mnncind UTI 519 an n..- .. >.;.*;:, I VU. 7,317 7.35 7An VVIIVUIU union` bdng t Vncrou n4.-X.._ ` UUDBE Jrldlht] And 1253 'l`ba" BOAR _thobo` ` when blhsd I |`Ih|l'V all tforeu .I-.`-n.. `I-`IU 7.65 `aun- v'_1`ime Table. Ejgoeived a mu 5:39: of Tweeds, Gnt s Clothing! . EDWARDS, Ln A--n 10.35.. In 9!] IU-Ava. 8.23.. O 12,. 0-10.: 8.01.. 7.62.. 7.42.. 7190 109: 4 7.18.. 7.00.. 6.55.` RAH 0.-xvm 6.22.. 6.12.. 5.55.2 5.35.. 20 of the 3-H: 8.55 6.58 6.48 AQA Uol 6.17 6.07 , 5-53 KQR |4intereste of the whole "D_ominion~.b : Whivevet means may be consideted' ' beat adapted to further this object. . i V The article in the Ottawa Tipm mm which -we have quoted the remntks in l refrence to Mr. Capreol is written in` this praiseworthy spirit, advocating [an uninterrupted line of water communi- cation trom the seaboard to Fort Gum'- only" exeuse that could be macle for not appointing himis that which. a V : 4- eritic gave for having reviewed a work -without looking beyond the title page, -thnt if he ha_d read the book before re- lviowing it he might not be able to up ` `roach his task without prejudice. there on be no_ doubt but that Mr. Cipreol has a. strong bias if not a pteju jce on the subject, but the feeling iuo REGA l.'I'A , ; On the principle of better late than never a momvement is on foot to have a Regatta here, to take place about the end of the month. A fan: amount has already been subscribed for prizes. The late season for such an event will probably have the advantage of plenty of wind for the sail boats. ` ITHE GRAY BROWN LIBEL `SUI -T. This suit was tried in Toronto, last week, at the Assizes, before Chief J us. tice Richards, but the jury failed to agree and were discharged. The" Globe an aquittal. The suit it will be re- membered was brought . by" Colonel Grey on account of an article which appeared in the Globe reecting upon his charaeter in" connection. with his position as one of the Provincial arbi- trators. It was alleged in excuse for the statements complained of that it was given and commented upon merely as a rumor. The defendant addressed the jury on his own `behalf, and the Globe of courserclaims a victory on the ground of having a majority of the jury in favor of an acquittal. -- says that they were eleven t_o ` one for (,0'mm'nued.)V The Queen 123. Duncan'McColeman. A --The prisoner was mdieted forgetting. fire to the dwelling house of one James Reirn of Mulrnnr. ` Io ....... _..----_I .1.-. .1, , , - The Council have occupied a dim- cult and trying position in relation to this matter, and have so far apparently acted with rmness and discretion in the discharge of their trust ; and what`- ever may be the result as between them and the Railway Company, we `have reason to believe that the rate- payers will `give them credit for having acted under an-"honest conviction `of duty, and a flJll'c0!I8cl0!.lSl]eES of the extent of the responsibility cast upon them. y As to-the Bonhs question, it will be time gnough to` give. _an_ opinion on the subject when it is again re-openedi I-IVIIII III LVllIIlI`` C It was proved that the prisoner was seen aboutlhe premises just before the re, and a._piece. of birch bark. was found where`tha re originated similar. to some -seen? in`. the possession of the prisoner. For the detence several witnesses. swore blhut 1 Ihey had reason `to beli_afv'e tjm'tfpri_I_oner_w_as :bed at uwvu ocwu uuuul .nUllIl'8 1101188. ;_ Thpaftor having been in their #!i!inys~;r,_2-ml for several how. _9am,e. -v nu--u.-V -nu... --...-.--... `We do not feel disposedtolenlarge upon the subject Just now, as the time might be inopportunc; but we shall not hesitate to express our opinion freely upon the whole question, when- ever we think it advisable to to so in the interest of the Municipality. We have always been advocates of the road, but we cannot shut our eyes to the fact that this town is peculiarly situated `in reference to rnilway ser- vice; and that the construction of the proposed line, from any point of depar- ture,.rnay either inict an injury upon us, or become an advantage, according as we maybe able or willing to make our own destiny. V ma_- `n_,_.--:u LAMA ,_, . . ...,.. A Canard under this heading has been going the rounds lately, some re- liable authority having given currency to a statement that the Hon. Mr. Lan- gevin, Minister of Public Works, had taken possession of the new American _Canal at the St.` Clair Flats, as being: built within Canadian territory. .He_ passed through the Canal on his way to" Windsor, but beyond this fact thereup- pears, to be no other foundation for the exciting tale "which has called forth so much comment on the other side of the line. The Canal is, however, believed to be within our boundary, and if such is the case will be subject to Dominion authority, but even if the promoters _ ot` the undertaking have made such a mis- take we should be sorry gto see them dealt with otherwise than in the most liberal spirit by our Goveinmenment and Legislature. The spirit of enter- prise which is so strongly developed in our American Cousins should so far command our respect and admiration, as to induce us in such a case 4 to place the parties who invested their money in a` speculation of the kind in as good a position as if it had been spent where the Stars and Stripes was the legitimate ag. ' LIBERATIEQ OF THE T FENIAN PRISONERS. T In View oi the approaching elections Pres1dentGrant has exercised his prero- gativesrand liberated the imprisoned Feuians. Mr. .Moberly- has been here for a `week past, negotiating on behalf of the Company for the right of `way through the town, along the water frontage ; and although we have not heard of any formal intimation having been given to the Council, of an intention on the part of the Railway Board to renew their application for avhonus, we have no doubt that` they will shortly do so, and that an offer will be made to com- ply substantially with the conditions imposed upon the `rant. TL- lV-_...._._._ .., -_, _ 1 7' 1 A The Companylnahrally desired to obtain the money on the best terms they could make ; and it would, per- haps, be unreasonable to blame them for using every legitimate means for attaining this object; but we do not feel satised that_ the course pursued was altogether justifiable. It was, certainly, _ not calculated to increase our faith in Railway men, or lead us to admire their tactics. V CAPTURE ` A CANAL. MUSKOKA RAILWAY . - FALmss1zEs. ginto oourtea`nddecla"i;1tlIat they could 31 not agree, upon that they were diemie- I sad and the "prisoner sent back to jezlto - await another trial at next Aseizes. ' ~ D. Mc0arthy,'_]i_inr., for thedefenne. Maitland McCarthy ea.`William In!- I kings.-A.ssessment of damages on 00- venant--No jury. ' ` A " ' D. McCarthy, juur., for plaintil The Queen 1:. Mary Bader.--The prisonerwas charged withgehooting at one William Little with felonoue in- tent. It appears that some altercation had taken place between the prosecu- tor and neon of the prisoner, when the ., latter after having been knocked down l by the former red at him with a.` re-`; 4 I . volver, and the mother coming up at the momentgot hold of the revolver, and red several shots at. Little, one ' V which wouned him in the shoulder. ` l'I'1L_ .._.a..--..L-_ -._ .-......_........I ...-.. WIIIUII VVVIIIJWKI IIIIIJ III BIIU IIU&II\uLn The prosecutor, an unmarried man, " and the prisoner, a. widow, had previ- ously been as it appeared on very inti-. mate terms. The jury rendered : ver- dict of not guilty. T `R:-ulnar} I-Inrcnn (XE. Jnfnnarl Ih LIIUII VI 7 HUI EUIIIIJO - Robert Harrison, Q.C. defended the prisoner. V fl` A `D `l)....-l.u... -4 -7 ..'. IS.......... I` DOMINION BARRIE. 13. R 3. HINDS. I-IIUUCI Ill [U1 I-IV lUI|UuI I -Win`. McMnstax vs. Manusah Lesson _-_--Acton on bond fornot `conveying . llnd, Pln1n_t_d_f'pr9v_nc_l the bieah nnd ,. ...... .. . T. A. R. Beecher et al vs. George C. Austin.-An interpleader suit to try the right of property in a quantity of lumber lying at Weshago end else- where, seized by the Sheri under an attachment against one Amos Fisher, at the instanceof the defendant. The plaintiff olnimed _under `an agreement and e chattel mortgage. `It appeared that the property covered by the Chat- Ila Nlurlnann nhnniulnt` nrinninnnil nf ' IUI I-IUIUI-lllhllm 1 An action of trove: for a span `of horses ragainsthoue Walker irom whom Mu- Charles H. Clark 1:5. Jamey Bales. and_ harness which defendant had. bought from tone McDuy.~ -Plaintiff claimed under a`Chat1el Mon_ga_ge' Duy bad" gut the horses. Verdict in: plainti'$330 with leave fopdefendum ` ,to_move_.against it.--Mr.J.A. Ardaghand. ; his-/. H.` `Sttthy forpln'__ti; ~Ml'. D. McQarthy for de_fan`daut,.f ` ` . 3 Mn;-Invo. `(Quin-nn'L '.fr:`---4-: N-I. <:c-}1l"i;1V-v(2_'e;t_rx eron vs. Edward Shelly. An action of trespass in -which the pIainfi' was nonsuitedw-Mr. Boltonlc Boys for plaintiff. Mr.bD`. _McCarr.hy . for defendant. - . ru___u__ 11 ru-_u_' M. i'.......'. n~..a..- luuuuu un: puauucp The Queen us. William Henry_LoVwrie. The prisoner was charged _w_ith,wound- ing an ox. The prosecutor'fd'm'.id him in an nicnihy nf 0|-nu nnimnl uxilh n H15 uu VA: J.l.|0 luvuuvuivl Ivlluu IIII I in the vicinity of the animal with a recently discharged gun in his passes- sion and believed that he had red at the animal. On the other hand it was shewn that the ox might havereceived the injury by other means` and that it was not proved to _be from a gun-shot. ' Verdict, Not Guilt"y.-.=M:. McCarthy for the defence. LIIEH IIIC IIIFIPWIIJ QJUVUIIJII II, lullo \Jllll|f' tle Mortgage consisted principally of saw-lugs which were afterwards con- verted into sewn lumber and therefore became so changed as to be dilcult of identication. ' Verdict for defendant. '1! `I _____s I- `IT `D_L... -........-I IL- UUUIJ \JUllJlIll||tU|u|c LIIU Medical testimony as to the death hav- ing been solely caused by the W0l|'l!d-8 was also not considered as not benign sufficiently positive. I 'l"Imn nu-iannnr urns nonniH,9.rI.._.Km1- sumcxenuy pusnuvu. The prisoner was acquxtted.---Ken- neth McKenzie, Q. 0., and J . R. Cotter, Co. Attorney, conducted the prossecu- "lion; Mr. Bolton and Mr. Lount de- fended the prisoner.` g Tka nnnnnn mi Wfillinm I-fan!-I1 T.nnn-Ca luau` IIIUEHIULIO 7 UI LIED JUI, IJWIOIIUIIIIII `W. Lount 8; W. Boys counsel for plamtiff; D. `McCarthy, ji1nr.,'for de- fendant. ' The Ottawa Times in noticing the hot that " Western papers very gener- ally recommend Mr.` Capreol as a man well tted for the position, endorses the opinion of its cotomporaries, and speaks of him as one who is thorough- . 1y well up in the subject; has given it -more attention than most men. and would approach it with fair and" honest ` purpose to do all in his power tovpromotei the interests of the entire Dominion. We should thinlrthat such a commis- . eion without Mr. Capreol would be an anomaly. His name has been associ- ated with Railway ,and Canal enter- prize for more than twenty years, and ifhe is not well posted in such matters by. this time we do not {mow where any one will be found in the Domyiion who can be considered by contrast to be so. 'IFI, __,v,, _ l- Edward Webster vs. William Gowan. --'I`his suit was brought in plu1ntilf s name for the reooveryof rent due by defendant and an account, The defen- dant claimed a set-off and also contend- ed that plaintiff having made an assign- ment could not bring the action. There was no jury in this case and his lord- ship gave A verdict for plamtilf for amount of rent proved to be due. (1 l\/lnhnrlu fnr nlnlnfro `U nnnru lllb WULIUUB wulu Luunvsvu. `The defence mainly rested upon evi- dence given by prisoner s daughter, that 339 was in bed at the time xed, for the murder having been committed. The u--:n:--1 ..-..a:....;'unr an In the death hnv- |lqUUI UH `Duuuuy n The evidence for the Crownwas al- most wholly circu:mstantie.l, ;but suffi- cient to raise a very strong suspicion of the prisonersguilt.- The deceased had trie'd'to gain admittance into Moore s House, a tavern, andhad been refused. He was afterwards found dead near the place with his skull cut open in two or three places by a sharp instrument- Hehad evidently been removed after the crime was committed, toashort iistance from the spot to the place where the body was found, and one or [W0 -of the witnesses had seen a person, in appearance like the prisoner. carry- ing what seemed to be 9. body from the tavern shed acrossthe road.` A sword was found in Moore s possession which looked like the instrument with which the wounds were inicted. .m1.- .r_t_...-.. .....-..' u....9...I ......-. ....: `c".."11``b;}"y"`2.`}"ia}`I.E;i rI Boys` for defendant. - Something like thirty-six witnesses were examined for both parties, and a great dealof contradictory evidence given. Both sides differed T as to the date on which. the breach was made, and several witnessescontradicted each other as to thefact of the gates having been raised on the nightwhen the A_ in- jury was done. A number of witnesses swore that it rained on the day in_ques- tion, and others stated as positively that i_t did not. Theonly material fact that was not contradicted, was the carrying away the embankment, and some of the witnesses proved that when this happened that they went up to the defendants premisesand saw the gates up. It was also stated that the water ` rose higher than is usual in Spring oods, inorder to show that the rise of thestream could not have been caused by any rain which might have fallen during the day. The defendant when examined denied having raised his gates, and it is more than probable that the act was done by some one inhis employment, without his knowledge, who concealed the matter to avoid the consequences. The jury after an hours absence returned a verdict for plaintiff, damages $500. A n l\nn{`.n:-{Luv -inns `nit niarivulino W LJUIIIJU |KI VI - JJUJD IVA utilolluutlvo The Queen vs. Robinson Moore- The trial of this case commenced on Wednesday morning and occupied two days. The prisoner was chargedlwith` the murder of 9. man named -------- ,-4 I,._..L_____J _..J _.. AL- John Saltertvs. Thomas Bobinson.- This case was the first on the list for trial atitho opening of,the `court on Monday morning and lasted till 8 o'clock the following ,evening.e Plain- tiff and Defendant are mill owners on the same stream, the former being lo- . cated below the latter. 1n the latter ' end of July last, between ten and sale- ven o'clock at night,a. rush of water carried away an embankment"besido 'p}ainti s. dam, and the latter asserted that it was caused by defendant having raised his gates without giving notice, and with the intention of destroying his dam. \-IGlIJll6UD WUVVI , D. McCarthy,jum'., for plainli; W. Lount & W. Boys for defendant. The Dcinnn me "I-?,nhnerin N[nnrA._ BIIU IJILIIUVI U1 I1 IIJHII IIQIIIFLI ---v at Brentwood, and as the deceased was a stranger in the place and unknown to Moore, the commission of the crime was thought to be account- ed for by the supposition that the latter took the former for another person against whom he had an enmity for having prosecuted him for selling liquor on Sunday. '1`!-an nuilnnnn fnr the Crnwn wan nl- % got Jiaiox for`!h;1pnaltyoftheionil. 1N0 Jury. -` Mr I A, LI-Jan`-u DUI!` Mr, `Fl , -- Northern Railway` LVU aux y. ' ` Mr. J. A. Ardagh and T Mr. H. Strathy for Plnintilfg Mr..D, McCarthy or Defendant: T 111... n:u-____ .';__:..s,._.;- o__ ___- "5v:7.f`Z:'.`aYf`.;`;;.'ae, gaminmuoy &o., vs; George Gillespie.--.Plantiff'as adminis- 'trator sueddetndant in trover fot hav- ing converted to his own use certain property of one, Gillespie deceased, and obtained a-verlict for $234. ' WM. 11 M..rv....1... r- 1..- m-:..o:4`r vuiaauvu In `VOL Ill}! IUK Q60`: Mr. D. McCarthy, Jr., for Plaintiff. Mr. Boulton 85 Mr. Lount for Deft. -`l'.....'...l.. r1..........n _._ -n 111 a_.:n_ ` u.I.Io uvulivu up Allin IJULIVIB l.UI' lllio Joseph Caswell 12:. B. W. Smith.- -,.An action',of trespass and travel` against E the Sherif for seizing and selling a span 3 of horses under ,an execution against `one Pinnoch, the property was claimed by Plaintiff as his, and notice given to ` the Sheriff who was indemnied by the Defendant and sold. The Plaintiff re- ceived the full value of the horses, $275; ' ml`- 1'1` 11 -1, Best bushel Pogchblow PQtgItoeI. 1n pri_zo John .M.qlkin,};-gvnd Wm. gvinon, 75; 3rd James Kelly, . -Boa: bushel -Pink-`eye, [lat gnu Wllin ,A1iwn.l:2ndJImuInm-`..i n. ` ' - .m :0 5 am -uunel neuy, PUG. ' -Bel: Pink-eye. In grin William Avison, 1 ;>2nd>Jnmu loan, 59. But buoy! Cup Pmtcoo. . lupxixo. Ju, qu-IIU. Mr. H. Robertson and Mr. Boulton for Plaintiff; Mr. Mob:-rly and Mt. D. `McCarthy, Jr., for Defendant. WIN- Mnnrn H. TnIV\nn'.n`-AIT_Ql\ - Eet bag Sprinsl Wheat Flour. lat pii;e Edward Moulkm, 1-; 2nd Chas. Mitohll, 5U. '. V _ ' ` Luvuultlly, J1 -, I0!` 11818003!- Wm. Moore 8:. James'McLean.- Action for money lent. Verdict for Plainti$500. - . ` A Mr. M. Scanlon for Plaintiff; Mr. D. McCarthy, J r., for Defendant. Thu nnluvl nlnn.-nl A... Q..4....J.... -0-- iL.":t.1r bushel 1.~:...L seed. 1: Thomas Gallagher, AEIq., 1; 9nd Moore, 500. V Ran '\n-- D-n. n1L_,. n. - . A.[o ' -I`oron_to. City Ha.ll7.00.. Brock Street .. . .7.15.. Brad."o`d 9.15.. Sunlons 9.22.. Gilford 9.36.. Lef:oy [Ar] ._ 9.45.. Belle Ew`art.'... 9.50.. Lefroy [Dept] ..10.00.. Br.`.mley........10}7.. Alluudalo. (An) 10 . 35 . . Barrio .........10.40.. _Alla.ndI-.le [De,).]10.65.. Har:iaone......l1.10.. Angus.'........11.22.. . New Lowell. . . . 11.40.. Steynex-.. . . . .. .12.00. 'Ba.neaux. . ..12.1b. Colliugwood . . . 12.25.. V nmnnz nuuus, uuu. - . 7 an In Full` Wheat Floor. in prize Ed"*d ._ M'1Jkin ,1; ?'nd_ Charles Mil- chell. D-_x L-.. :1, - u... _. `dun , 500. why. gtuuuarvvhvv. _esl yghol hue F' Id 8 . 1 ' John Ham 1 ; 2nd Joaph $3., 7`o."` Bent half bushel Timoay 'Sg5d_ ,, pm, Thntnal J. Gallagher-,1; 2&4 W, _ 5,03,- ll... Kn!` L..;I.-I "I.l__ n ` n . . aumvru uly, an, ID! ueleuaant. The Court closed on Saturday after- noon, the sittings having lasted for two weeks. One or two cases were made remanets, and others either withdrawn or referred to arbitration, but the great bulk of the suits entered were disposed of by the court. Tho f`-..--..- `-----3----- ---- ---~ 4`---J Bast two bushels Baltic Spring .Wh9;t, 1:: prize CharIesAMi!ohell, 2; 2nd Thomas Jas.` White, 1.50 ; 3rd Joshua Tale, 1. Boat [W0 bushels Glnnnnw Ihnm 1-: I"`.3';;:' - - [ . pnng Pug Int 9 b l. 1 I ' Robert Thompson, l.50g; 2:181}? Georepglzg Girr 1 ' 3rd do.. 75. ' . 151,39! `Spring Pig, small breed. lstprize t'l9v:`]"9|` MK"`Y9 1-50; 2nd Robert 3 I ' . van. vvuuc, Luv; om Joanna late, 1. Boat _t`wo bushels Glugaw Whasn. 131 prize John E-wins.,2;-2nd Thomas `Jame. (While, 1.50; 3rd Thorqu milh, 1. But two bushels font-`rowed 'RrI.-u 1.. vv mm, .|.au; om Anorqu rmylg, 1, two bushels four-rowed Birley. 151 Raul turn hmahnln Whit. u- I_A __9~_, I Bu|u Lulllllbilb EIHIIIWIUU. as; .two us 91: hits 0 I . 1 " W. D. Stoddarl, 1 ; 2nd priz::. I`hos?l8g:ri'1? 75 ; 3rd Thoma: Hand, 50:. Rae! Ian hnnhnln Rlanlr n-.- 1-. __5._ W "I"ll'xa`l`(`3:rc`>;; vuz1i:tnsiness was conducted by Kenneth McKeniie, Esq., Q.C. DUEL [WU UIIUIIUIU DI W. D. Sloddarl. Renal Hrlnhnl Wk..- U AngUB.'....-.ulL-`[2... O-A6 -nu.-. NewLowell....ll.40... 8.40 5.55.; 5:56 Steynex-........l2.00... 9.00 5.35.. 4.10 'Bs.ztennx.......l2.1b... 9.15 6.20.. 3.65 .12.25. . . 9.25 v 5.10. . 3.45 CONNECTIONS. " Tonouro--Dsily with Grand Trunk Railway. East and West; with Great Western Reilwsy for Hamilton, Suspension Bridge and the West. BnAusoim-Stage"for'Bondbend twice daily. Ginronn-Stage for Oookstown twice daily. Stages leave Barrie daily for Penetenguishene. The Ida Burton lei'ves Barrie every morning for Orillin and Washsgo,connecting with stage: ` running to the Muskogn District, returning in the evening to meefithe evening train for Toronto; V ` REFRESHMENTS. . E!` Passengers going beyond Barrie can stop atAl1|ndale twenty minutes for refreshments.

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