_ _, _ audit Presented to lulu `low 3 ,_man,in_`l_ie_half-of the oiti. . is be} , _*tt`ln Qbly to whiohby um gallant cult ' welgive `below, as It affords; Eh?" _ . _d.B0;l`of inforinationin regard to `weal, he=expod_itioii and-North-West matters st. 1 - generally :- easil} - V Mr. Mayor and GeiitZemen-During 113"?` 1 my career as a soldier I have often - .'". j ' found myself in difficult position, but mm" ~ 1 linkil may say that I have never gun` been nor felt so unprepared for my duty "F as I now do, in standing up to thank 9 ` you for the great honour you have done rnc.` me this evening. The attering terms ."' in which you, sir, have alluded to my gr services, are most gratifying to rne,aiid '_.o" I shall longcherrish them in my rneui- o'f; _ ory. Gentlemen, I accept this public r . welcome from you, not only as a high 3` personal compliment, but also as a mark 9% of your appreciation ofthe services per- 3: ` formed by the expedition which I had 9 the honour of commanding. I am glad ex" to have this opportunity afforded mo of gem expressing my gratitude for the cordial ` manner in which I have been backed : ' up through the expedition by General qt`, Lindsay. Every application I made to % him was ucceeded to at once, and the W assistance and valuable advice which I `:1. Jeceivcd from him makes me deeply ' indebted to him. I`liedifIiculties to be 1'3` overcome during the progress of the ex- b .cditioii were ul no ordinary nature. . it must not be forgotten that our. route t0 .:for 600 miles` lay throngha wilderness of forests, lakes and rivers, where no supplies of any descriptilzn were obtain- able. We began our work by road . - making. Upon arriving at Prince Ai't.hur s Landing we expected to find a road made` thence to Lake Sheban- dowan, where it had been settled we 1 .'were nally to embarlr--a distance of it: about 48 miles ; of which only 26 were raeticahle for uvagzon, wfien we land-. ed at '.l.'huiider Bay on the 22th of May. The road runs tlirough ti. country where swamps are numerous. The conse- quence was, that soon alter the road had been partially opened out, it was pmc- ` tieally impassable 1'-:ir our heavy traic after. a day s mm.. The first great nut. to crack was the transport of our stores and provisions over the first forty-eight miles. Happily. i soul)` discovered from Mr. Mclntym, Elm` Hutlsoii Bay officer at.Foit William, that the Kainiuistiqua River could be ziiado available. I am deeply indebted to that gentleman for the information he gave me on this point ; for 1 have no hesitation in say- ing that it` we had been solely depen- _dent upon the road, the expedition might be still struggling over the per- tages on its iirduous journey. It was arranged that the expeditionary force should embark at Shebandowan in 14-0 boats, and with the exception of a few 4 boats w'r.~ch were conveyed in waggons, I ` they hazl to be taken up the river and i hauled by nianiial labour ovorportageps v to a height of 800 feet. At one time, t gemleineii, in July, things looked very unpromisiizg. Some of the bridges had been seriously injured by the "oods in the r3veV<, and the still unnished road was for i`.ii`.e.~: little better thana canal of mud. A few croakers began to shake their lie-udrs, and tolsay in undertones to one smother that we should never succeed in netting to ourstarting point. I iievrgr, however, tloiilited for a moment of our siitrcriss; il"`.Ll knowing what _......o old.-up (`uuiluln nvnnnfnli from HR ox THURSDAY AND FRlDAY.|15'l`H - mm snpmnann. IIIU Illll-IUI ington; 0 H7 " '-"" """"'-' `- a 93 1'nut'"", 11'?.`:`:`.`i3'`.`.`.?.`..3~"i='g' -v 2.: the underI`l: 0* '9 0 `Gibbs . 8 mama; _ _-.;mr..w; UST 1'-eceivod 9. WOOL .5-u'|l' A CONTRACTOR. ` Bahia, Aust, 1858. ` [MI0RTANT`SALE OF 39-0 59-) to, GANNINGTON. `UV "UUUnvwv- v--,, IN VARIETY . ` -_-o_.___. J not received, a large supply ot `- G 18H D0l'C18l"a.1'8 UIHUIUIIS.` - ` ' The troops'm Poland are reported. strengthened, in consequence of the 7 sympathy of the 'Pc'olcs with the French. T BUILDING LOTS, 1N ' co`(;x:dIo I oiIOlVyiAI _90 `I30 "1" Q gg . km the prion. ' n"" ...m.: Iv -ms omen. TO THEIR ' " ----o-.. . ge variety qf Fancy and Plain Bucwits at reduced rates. ,F:-onch and American Confectionery. -_._---- I .n.- -_.. -_ whioh for qnaiity,- AT` THE tluu ;nu.u..y.._ -. _ _....,o..._.. ' I , &o., prepared at all season-` I, In to wort In mu guuuu. `_A1 PLY` AT THIS OFFICE. 204 ----- oplendld Assortment of ALL A savant says that if you kill a mus- quito when he is` drawing the blood, the poison remains in the wound. T If, however, you waittill he gets enough and retires, no inconvenience will (01- low. This may be right in theory,_but the practice of mashing them on the spot is much more satisfactory. I n ri- 717." EEAHAM . pM.bernA and cent. below hat` q,;;~4mLAir; - ? and jjne navoreu, xuw pnuuu `luv .. ;CLOTHINQ.,gpTXID SHOES,` . and selling fast. ai low prices, and aeumg xast. CI_{0`;(`. 1}1; ALMOST GIVEN AwAY.' - - -u..... ;.....;.m.. T nm able and determined to do so. mall I ptots and . 1 non un A'I"l A citizen, who deserves well of his country, had a large futnily, to which additions were constantly making. One day one of the little boys was thus interrogated : John, how many broth-' ers and sisters have you got 1 I don't. know," answered the boy ; I haio t been homosinoe morning! CHEAP FOR TCAASH. GROCERIES, the best in the ,I'\I`5-I \JllL-I'\I I1n-.vv,u Bcsldea encore of others of equal importance. Among the-numerous attachments furnished with each mechlne without extre..chnrge, is Locl_:me'n a`Petent adjustable hemmer, which can be set to ham :3 hem of any width. The only thing of the kind at` ;ohed to any machine in the Market. ` We also furnish pleln hammer, Brelder, Quilter, &~ The price of machine complete, warranted for one year ln writing," to $33. A reasonable Advance ls medeto this price, when tlma ln glvan for payment. ' ` A m7.N'1'S.-'1`. E. Raweon.'Berrle; W. W. Ellie,` Bradford; Geo.|'Nnnn, Generel Wholesale ILKXDI Agent. And I take thisa portunity of thanking the public for nuge they hay`e' ostowed, and soliciting a continuance - call their attention to my new stoc that . z. (I Which I oer - I 0 oi. 6 o u n 0 I o U 0} - o o n 0 c o 0 n `Manufactured by WILSON BOWMAN (foo. AS attained the proud position `of being the loading Machine in owes iia wondmful success to ltsinherout good qualities. Th` ----_. -4.2`: Lore Wire Formr>.-Lieutenant Lynch in his voyage to the Dead Sea. found I huge pil- lar of salt on the shore, and the Arabs inform- ed him that it was Lot s -Wife; for our part we are much inclined to doubt it, though we haveno hesitation in saying that the best thing to core colds. sore throat, rheumatism, nenralgin, bowel complaints, &o., is the Canadian Pain" Destroyer, to be had of all Medicine Doalers 3:25 cents per bottle. EVERYBODY SAYS S0. _ That is all who have either used the article by 0th era ;.ali Sllcll. and they ore only t to , judgmaro unanimous in the opinions that -`Dnrley s Condition Powders and Arabtan Hone Remedy is superior to anything of the kind heretofore or at present in use for ; coughs, colds, Thick Wind, and all diaenoea dition medicine it ha a no equal ;there is noth- ing in it which can injnre a horse when ther . sick or well-nor need the horse be kept from working while using it ; it is just the article which all who own horses require, nnd which they should have constantlyon hand. Ro- member thd name, and see that the signa- tvre of Hurd 6:. Co., is on each package. Northrop & Lyman, Newcastle, 0n_l., proprie. tors for Canada. themselves or tvilncesetl its effects when used which effect the wind of horses. As a. con? ime payment AGEN'1'S.-T. Raw9on,'BarrIe; EI1ia,'1 K any-:0 I`- - ~]5 0` '0'cvo' Jpr :7 n I I u a VERY GOOD HYSON. . . .. . GUNPOWDER TEA. . . . . . . \J\JJ.\a.\:.-v..'-.-- ._ __,. , Do T Do . . . THE BEST TEA. . 2.. . . PAT. PAILS; each . . . . . . BROOMS,:each . . . L . . . . BOLOGNA AND GERMAN SAUSAGE, SAVELOYS, &c. . \/\/\./\/ ./~/J \/ \/\z W. V \/x./-/' . _ _ - A` LARGE ASSORTMENT OF Biscuits, Candies, Nuts, Almonds, Spices, Pmkles, o-_;:...... r..:...e.... vafarq (Tanned Fran. Salad 0:]. Com Starch. &c., all "oil g a FIUQUU Dun nun-A -J MAUNI3'1i1ii}'L's NEW STORE -uur A 1':2.`W'F1'1'_` STREET.` BARBIE , j THEEHEAP MEAT HOUSE`; %~-%----2 .___._..._.:.._.__..__..._..._.___.____. masts` m?sE@EM; 2 ;RgP@WELL9$EfR.$i Informs his friends and the public that he has removed to REJHO V-354.1 Ex1nAc1`.-Fn.1.ows Conpouun SYRUP ui` Hvrornospnxrna mnlu foremost nmogg the ternedies used in Incipient Phthiaia, -fmo, nic Bronchitis, and other affections 0; we Chest, and I have: no hesitation ig ,.am,8 in . 2 King : Ifrickwl Block; `Hayeld Street, at cnimot be beat in Orillia, or any other place. -gjtine avored, low priced (700) Tea, just to hand. FRESH MEA2 @, ' V FRUITS, VEGETABLES, WITH FISH, GAMEAPOULTRY, &c.,- IE I E SEASON. Gmm, Asmaked and Sugar Cured Hams. A Bacon and Cured Meats of all Kinds, CHEAPER THAN ANY. (AHA __ . - .I-J`. Barrie, August 10th`-,JlL770.. `. A. .rnKIi { & nno., 0. Au Beg to announce that they have enlarged. their premioea, and in connection with their large v stock of general H, A. p-2:-_. --._,._ ,... GRO 0 1:: as 3 E s }~GBOEB,IES\ \II.-_w-tr >-___.._- GLAS swag, 1zoc1u:1? E 4;, run mu o1>inn- A |r88:$[9- u. o " . ' Gagetowr N. B. J. H. '.S" Tvn h .' _ Price 9:1 : :0a bottle ;6 for 8 Solid By noplhecares and by F. Cund & C6 hole. sate agents, Montreal : I "l`....A`I') . . . . .- n ww.:w`--v:~' ." V--- { 5 Andmpnparodtoullullkindoof vLounJ%BBA.n_.H0I. BACO-l;'E18ANDi 31:.` A oars om-wzu CORNMEAL cRLacK- ' no yru.1~,n.aRLE1r,_ 4c: ALSO A BPLENDID LOT UP Idem` b 0, A. rnams is 1330.; gpugh. of tho Pod Ou, Own Strut, Bar, 33:3: 31:3. -1'ltLh, 1879. .. null deb!` O _ , Next te Brolley`s Hotel, where he will have on hand a constant supply of Pieas call andi An pa]; delivered in town the and without Ininv. 1 nu-u u......`..._.. 7 ,,_, SIMPLICITY, nun v~ 1HOICE GROCERIES. .....v .~B_...-, ..-auuv--{I A T Rim Baram.--Dp_ _ _ . Wus'rAR s BALSAM of Wild Chan 13 tru_)'f a lmgam, 1; mm. lain! "'9 M 8&mi0 principle of the Wild Cherry, the bnlaanfio properties of tar and of pine- RI inglviients are all balsamic. Coughs, COBB. Sore Throat, Bronchitis, and Consumption `bpeedily disappear under in bulsumio inuence. . H`--. I _- \i .55, Kravlltll-VD, LI I509 a.ALuuvLsws.u, ratrnvvm, - ._-v.-._....., ` ,Lobsters, Oysters, Canned Fran, Saiad 0:], Starch, &: of which will be sold at a trie above moist. - . \ \ -\_, -,..\_`-\. a. .\ ..~~`~r-~.~, Infdnns friends and the.pnbl,io `amt he THE 'Locxw7.KI?F :v:i-`um? m31'1'LE \J.L.`.I... .L.U..l.:J..LJ.n.4-\J_.o.u.-.4.` .\, MARKET STREET,` as low as any house few of the ds . M I T . - at and aellmg fast - -u--nu-r\(`l|"l1 (1 TTTT portunity of thanking me pumic no: mo vm, .....,.. of their favors, call stock of Always arriving vu-vuunuv I III! \lUIlIZUo '1`o.\x_mr1 Mus-unn.-Messrs. Palmer & 05., Drnggxsts, Barrie and Angus, contribute the fol- lowing `receipt with the assurance that it is ' really vexcel'ent - Take one peck Tomatoes, six ;red Peppers and two large Onions, boil them together one hour. on-gin thrnmrh . n..n...a... -. .~. _ -~\\-. .a_-.-.~.`-\. . \ ;a\a\e;).;1'\:iisplav `on SA'l.`URDAY, the 18th inst.,t;t __ ___.__-.- -- uu 1-w-.-r'_w--'1'-r rwr-r1z\-ix 1) `IO iounouo onocoon 70 80 80 90 1 00 20 CUDIIII LEMON PE North of Toront. I give the leading articles: 1 . n , Barrie. &c.:&c: `i SUGAR, 10lb.V : CURRANTS, 20 lbs. for. . . . ... ; `for! O C I II I C I '0`. : 0 0 3 I C I 0 O O VALENCIA RAISINS, per lb. . VALENCIA RAISINS by the rII|I\CI 'aa.[ Peppers and two "Onions, {hem .ren 't%%ether one hour, on-oin through a Collendnr, a. hnlfa pound of salt, three tablespoons of ground Pepper, one ounce ouch ar- Glow . and ginger, boil them together another ho` at, when cold add a quarter of a pound of muavmd_ For pure fresh spice: of every kind. go` "go the Medical Dispensary, Palmer 5' 00., Barrie and Angus. V 1.AA.a:.un V.-- _--_- ` ` Box of 28 1b., pe{ib.T. . . . . .. GOLDEN SYRUP, `peg qt. . . . SOLACE TOBACCO, pe: 1b.. ,'Bradfprd; E$@g}Sj_'=@Us0N _. .__.v- v-...,.- - oogana, Takes pleasure In announcing to .thelr custo- mers and public generally, that they have now ' on hand a complete assortment of ,nRYvG00i)sl LT'|NWAlIE,l - DELF AND GLASSWARE. GLASSWARE. i ' ~ % Bottled and Barrelled Liquors I or `cnowrssr BRANDS, FARMING IMl'l.llMBNTS, -AND-A Irnoqigiom s.1 ,v._ .v'@ ...-v---vwwyvwvu-Iv --AI.80'-- `General Insurance Agents. A.` FERGUSON. [ _ J. W. FERGUSON. Forguonulo Dog. 6, 1869. _ _4s Gnocmuns, HARDWARE, nomiu nu-unsung turuwne. . Shooting and Fishing Tooth Sporting Ammunition; ~ an-den, Draining and Farming 'A`oo!_u.- oora` 3 3 I I .. . FDR 8 LE ,-11' L0. 5_5T(M`8H;-31028. : 1m`l '5 /71'. " " O] 011!` Sll(I|.'_tJb u :u isuuwrug, wuuw ' to reach our destination ezirlierythan I grim} things Cttlltitl expected from us nerved ns nil to _l`e ;d0lll)lC(l exertions. Once starter`, our journey occupied about seven weeks fl.'vlll Shebandowrin Lake to Bail Riva.-r. During that time the labour so cheerfully endured by the men was excessive. To toil at the our day alterycluy, irom dawn till dark, to drag boats and carryion their backs all their provisions and other stores over about forty-six portages---such was` the work that had to be accomplished be- fore we reached T our destination. 1 lm-re. cnniimigned in many ports of the worhl, but -l never before new man go thr:.>iig}.i such ll)(`.t.`1`.h-`lllfllvlaboulf-f0l'd8yH t.n;__{ethL`;r the men were wet through and i1uoi_igv:li`,mid liz_itl:it times to work up to than waists in W'.1lr_. and during the Itlclllltli of June;-iiil July, fine weather was the. (ax;-.rp`iuii iii`-'l i'-,i'.3 was the rule. (`ii-mt. 1175'.` was 'li':i.j la-1l0l'il` and trylngne was this (:'xl>US'.`.) t",'] never heard a `VIDlll'l'l|'r from any one; officers vied with their men in carrying heavyloiids, and the ;'it`{`.iS`3`-.7'()l`?ll} rivalry between the regular troops and militia, in their oegeriiess to get forward, enabled me had at one time ziuticiputed. Mv tem- yierahce friends will learn with pleasure that this wasoue of few military expedi- tions ever undertaken where spirits. rfortiied no partof thedailyrations. There was a large nllowance of ten instead, and notwithstaiiding the melancholy iorebodings of some medical officers; the result was` arzomplete success. There was ittotal absence of sickness and crime. As many of my friends have relations in the regiments `now stationed at Fort Garry, I have great pleasiire` in stating that I let! them all well. 1 sawhoth biiitnlions on parade before I left that place, whenthey `turned out in 8. riimzner which surprised __.- 1' nu-an mu-nv 9-. n.-l`llnnr nnmn in`- 00., 1 Iam2'Zon, A0`m:., min the Dominion of Canada. I ` 'Thsu qualities are ` the very liberal patro- ..6` olusna fnunr: T fld Another lot of that Try it. .`;;f; Untl lllll-|U' '5, I would price of a ` E the undersigned. can 3 _ under the name of BRO I ..... nn Rnodnmen. of the '1 E the nnaersxgneu. um ... .. ._. undo: BRO N 3 YAIR, Nu}- aery and Seedamen, Town of Burns, County of Simcoe, have this day diaaohed purl- norship by mutual consens. . _ AH ucoounfa due the Inn rm, to bo_pn1d to J. J. Baum, who will may on the busxneas u hm-ntnlnm, Jo In DIJWLI, VIHV "Lu nu horeto!ore. Thou. Sparrow, g Witness .- M Buiie, Aug. 29th, 1870. _-----------"-" r TOROVNTO. . imxam, oabinuuakon, and Upholntmn. Hardware. Addis"Impro(ed Ouvonf -`fools. - Stubs Oolobnced Inn and Tooll. . A Oupehtcrv and 'Join`arI Tools. Shoo Tools of all kinds. ` ' - Shot and Inching- l'htud,8ilk.tc.' ; ' Ouuory ofallkindia . I P0 BE SOLD ol-1;-up for sub, 5 7-Octave Piano-Fo|-to, by D celebrated maker. For particular: Apply at this oice. 38 9 J . CARPENTER AND BUILDER, Cabinet Maker and Undertaker. _, PIANO Egg SALE. 1QUsEHoLb F{I`I{NITURE, ~--mu Wnmnv Sewing Macbixigs, L KIA`-v-- - ' Spring Mattresses, Family Sewing Mn biries, Collin Trimmings, Room Paper, Window Blinds, Framed Pictures, School Books, Concertina and Melodoons, Lsdlee Work Boxes, Writing Desks, Toys and Fancy Articles, _Children`s Garrlages. Sashes. Doors and Blinds, kept on hand and Melodoona, bbllwn ....... ___ Sashes, a made to order. vPeter Street, Orillizx, C.W 32- Building and dimension; and Lime for Sale at the RYAN gfmqyvi, ] -Stones, .,-v-__ to am} from any Port on L: U0UCHICHI;`1'u. All orde: Capt. O. Lyons on board. or will be promptly awanded to.` ' JAMES ii Rania, i sHA?,H1fCTT1:eG 1 .-4-\/`\I_ l\ILA.n- . -_.. _ f AND SHAMPOCING SALOON,` 13 in the 15:30 building Xmaly occupied by Mr. James Russell, ' -' " 1.1...-) .:-.- G_RNTLl3)lBN B Whlskers and Han Dyed. Ladies` Haircuttlng done in good style. Good Hair Dye. Hair lnvlgoretor. Hair 011, &c., manufactured and sold by Prof. Ounlo. Dome Gents who wish a good smooth face, List whilel tell you of a piece Where razors are kept bright and keen, The easiest chairs, and towels clean. Where we will shave, shampoo, or trim, And brighten feces which look dim ; And if your hair is white or red Prof. Cunio s Lotion colours well. For just ve cents we now will shave, And do it so smooth and ole-an vnnm anv we are n IIIOWIDR machine. No;v_:;_0E; To Messrtr Cnttanstzna-.3 ac Su.t.s, Conway P.O County ot'L-suuox, Ontario, Cuttada. ' Mxttioc, Cmnny' ofllasttttgs, Pruvmvzu of Ontario, Fcb. 9'tl't,l559. Thisistoccrttfy thutulurtngtlte wmter of 1366 {was taken wttlt n_ wcaknesa 1:Clht: uncles, wlticl. gradually,durlug_the `sprung M1867, extended to my knees, and on up to my hips, and I became so weak that I cnuld not walk, but was conned to my chair. For about two years, while vthts WczlkllC:S.WS cmttiztg at: me, and afterwards, I rzougltt medical ndvic-=, ctxtploytng, at dttfcrcnt times, three `!(\(',l0l`S, mttl tnootcines oz dtlfercnt k;nds,p:1-Scrxlted by fl`:ctt(ls', but at` no avavl, l cunlmued to gut wars: and wursc,,until the sum- mer oH88_. whun 1 wasinduced to try the great Shoshonoes Remedy by remlmg the cures pert`urm- ed. in a pamphlet. At thxs limo I'had begun to feel the weakness in my lmmls ; in tact I was get- ting almost helpless. 1 have tak-au two bottles of lh0_Sh0!ll-Jttees Remedy and two boxes 01 the pulls and I am (`t!llt`ety rcatoted to houith. I never ex- p<:ctetl,to get bettur, but stmplytrted the medicine atsaaox-tottarlottt ltopo. Than case of mine was not a prlvwc one, but known to `all my Iietghbws and ltieuda; and to any one afflicted as I was, 1 have only tu_ say my the Shoahonees Rcmcdv ; l belteve it wtll cure you. ' ?\.l ...u A.-.. I\.......'...... And smooth ana one-an Yon ll any we are n mowing Around your nose and chin we'll creep, With so much ease on'lldrop asleep -, Your nap will pay or coming h'ere ; The old we can make look so green, The gals will say you're sweet. sixteen; And when you leave here for the street, Your friends will smile when them you meet, A ...z ..... nrl-.nY mnl(e.=l vonr hmr so dark. HAaowA?rLE}9I'TooL%s, 114 YOUNG srnnrr, T friends W111 anzilc wnan Lnem you u And any what m:1kea_"yonr hair dark. 01:, it was the Profeeaoa Hair King`-:5 we And he can do _;..u L-`.:~.ck or brown, A little `meme: mu any house in town ' And if a twirled mnustache you want Prol. Cuuio brings one out. AH`. JEIDCS .(\|u:.:Uu, Opposite the Barrie Hotel. I 237d . _ . :1.L`.uUUU,J.L`.Q-U I hereby certify that! have known Mn. Mary Ann Doughty tor zlm last lleen years; she is a woman oi probily and truth. I have known her bol"ore,durmg, and since her illness. I believe her cerucalem be true in every particular. 1 knowwhilc ill, be: case. waa declared hopeless and I know that she has. smce her recovery al- ways attributed :1 lo the Shoslnoness Remedy.` Whaicver may be the perculmr properties of tlus medicine, one thing ii certnimthat in her case, il _hu acted almost like the performance of a meriacle A: l".Woon , J. P. Warden ottho Count 'ofHnl.ings, Provmce _` 01 Ontario, Dominion oi anada. . I SGHOONER `_` COUCHICHING," UIJIIUVI. u vvux nun. yvuu Nluur Aux Dousxrnt. Sworn to before me al Mudoc, Cuuuiy ofasl ings, lhx ninth day of February. 1859. ' A. F. \Vccm. J. P`. .1..- |S?I'1P s_Ex_:e) SM 111 ,1-- Thcfollowing remarks on Testimonials 0! mcst wonderful and extraordinary cure: in Canada bv nbejGREA l` INDIAN REMEDY.They are stern, un eniablu and inconlastable facts. auiciem to convincethe mosteke licalthaune Great Medici- nal Compound yearnc after for ages in now Acces- V gible in the Great 2 UUIII .oots of V ._l.-n .~..- SHOSHGNEES REMEDY! For Discuss 01 the Throst, Lungs, Llver.Digos- mm Organs, Kidneys, 6zc., as wall as Scrofulu, the various Skin Diseases, Humors. and all diseases srisinglrom lmpuritiesollhe Blood we boldl slate um tlns mu remedy bu 145:1/I-:11 mm Where was xheraavur much a nun. -..-...., ....... uuyuI||lB0l||lO moou we notat state lhlt not EQUALLED. thereever such a cure as that in the person otjWilam Storm: 1' Bri hton C.W., at Connumptiotnor thut of our . V. M:`lIor.ot Ernutown U. W., of Conaum tton, or that of Anbrou `Wood, of Consocoa, .1V.,ol D apepsia and Liver Complaint, or that of John may, of Nlpinoo C. W.,of Rheumatism, who had actually been on crutches for years, in ppm: ofnll treatment heretofore, and to now well. Score! 01 such cue: Im ht be mentioned had we space. 13' Call an a Drug Store and got I Circular of uwestionnhlo coni eatoson tho GREAT SHO- S NEE8 REME youmlvu. one -- Y and PILLS, and utialv P75 0f the Remadyin Zargepinu 31.1 E For Sale In all nm-..'.o. ....1 h--|__- ;_ _ . W- ., -.... ..uwuuw_q I10 surge pmu U1 - |:)- Sale by all` Druggiltl and Dealer: in Medxuno. Aoxnn ton Bnmxs,-Messrs. A V Palmer dc co. and T. W. Georgem Orilliup-`MI . J. W. Slavon. Collmgwood--Mr. Carpenter. ' - Wiolual : -M - L EH30 ` Oo.,,Duup:i5f_3: Wau:::`1'9Wz:-u as"31y szd Aprn, 1370. ALSO, bI_AL5B xx - --\C9'I\I WILL CARRY Lime, Lumber, &c.,` nx.-. emnnn 3. ~ CARRY `I 4, All 5119! um `IIOIIIIIO Tnld, Bill Cutlery of All kinds.` ' - House [nishing Eu-Ilium. zshootinn and -Fishing -I`.-.m. ._.... xaiou stones, Lime none above Quarries by -r u..nn1znn?( 1 an in on bulinm 0 Nur- -A '1`!-wn of Bzmio, men :0. JAMES MCPHERSON, _ RAMA, P.O. --- ' 1Q.l`.mnA ; l.Jl.Al|.swv., -_ I Lake: SIMCOE &` .11 orders addressed to card. to the subscriber, .1-) 0..- - Sigized, J. yin u VAIR. lluvrv qua.-- -_, J. MGPEERSON, RAMA P. O \ 18-6xnc. I `Ann, L o\. 18-Gum. The tandem ned but open 7 same, mu, 1. BOARDINGH USE, Dunlap. tho l'oujo_l1to1y,ooouplod by Wm. 8ndon,li|q., when 111 the comforts of 1 print: {umily gun be had.` . , ITTBBIS MOADBBAT B..u Amply at the oio of Wm. Bsndon, Eaq., P.L.b. ` . V OHAPS (33110. Plopriomr an :1 mronrxns or; US. 3 waah, Bu:-io,~ Jr: a 8th, 1 )RIVA l`E ~ J.PEREEp);1_ ._ PURGATIVE cu ?-`vi_? ;`.'.9.'.. movomgdrghfrcgmma 3'54 1* rmovd of my $0913 W9`! Dan`)! M1. 11! I " 36:11: F.`-.:"E%$ i dunno. I "Cf U10 DUI yvnv v. --. . . din us an ue! 11 OH ` wn h_ao cum plowed one o. the non: onen- uugdssgyvwea 21: median! champ --Kn o ambi- xx-_'-bl9me'.*:.39: u '.',c iaia, (`-fn;, , _5 4 ;`jgJ':;?b":`;: '1`. \i'1`E'(A$ Vglili A Mmhlltorjd 1 1t.,_933al an aanwuer is ii g mi-._u on ht M 7 , .... -. - urn van "` { "R2 .';?.?.`. '.`."3.`.f'I} : mla '- '` s::::m"` ' um ` `.`:`. '.3 14 La 1 (;o`m:di',brinc om ` Complaints. MERIGAL DI%130`i'B*Rm. titm nfh ` C! II :8 am- huada Niko. intmim . ihuro Mo, bbyruv. ufb emmca ?? m.' 216.`. dd of mod`.-`lo: are put up undo.-I Aumo n'\nn- fl! rt! luaivo p;og~.n{v-a. _.gllV rigs. cgmnugn Im, an 1.. 4...- lmmnm mmca um.` um: nunmuvo md_ e V___ than momczzm. M` exclusive 0} rbzda Renal` i I ` in pm 3 Prua whtvh -, ;Pk1yr3}:a I-WE rm -rbPm `` oocrun tpx nut.-54. hu1r::&ru1>ed t: E: klodl I: cum, Walt`? 0! ft: 1 M1 other 91115 in zvggcu me_. and the CUBIC)- }{ '/2y 2`: .`PI:.ryaNo7s Mecenary I am In men vi: ngghno ; In the fade ct ammo-.~:uon.n gee P9|1E9.!L;:"`.!"`_-:L'. x cALIronuIA%sron., Grand opening of New Eo kioazcu mom.- lugber is 1 udxcim { at 5'0; Mum-:Iuv nu. 5;-p u---~ Caimne! or J}tcr'cvr_y. ml: .`&`:1-%'?`i5?g 33,3, A Z'.i' `:.**,;:*:*:*..::..?* j _ %-1i;i~&;v"gL")`7N'_t's"-;'5.O:14`i}..' . . . "WEI: t mo-Ha--`.ze mum-iv w?` 13: ? I {`~` the notice 1` mo mc~.`lX-.-51 r:-us; n M . :- Itandmg myecerluze `u;1'.:. u .-:1..... . op;/1.ut .e_ mm excruciating . PAR33: ACIIES. .-*'..`<'i-_I."Hi*.I".` :;;;-~ , [a nine noirvmxnh n.,`\-." -`-~ -4'. It wondcrftzi wet in ru-imz '35- 15_~~'.-2' `r-1 - *- ilmnm o.Neura.I ~-. 2-mar .< 1).: '- I-- I Euferim from Pain. nti~::.:'v~'... L Wu!`-V mdnt: rincrznies curingfn u L-`;\'IJ1"` '9 V` ! d'ncu;e~.- ofxuonlha and 3'v~.: , wt` 2 '- 0! p ins: xmboq. eher "I':IR.\'AL OR I.'X'l`F.`l'.N.I.l.. .\ 1.`. `ml. `an n_,., _ .\____ I'_A,__. `II IMMCLLAII Ll,\.`UI I ll: Lllu '1... `vi-.|~` ~ and cm r incrmides curing in L: on , nae: and 3v~.:*, ~`\`1 drain !us,a.cboq.c1\hor `-X. _ . p g 0 y ' `u.-`. Ex-uannent moi ML the mute thaizbv .`L.'\~ ' ichnai the tikcnaru r pm-puaoof cur . or are utterly on. nut has cmp__n1o_w Xn1cA.D`-\'AY'.5 PILL-'3 54 I gincx /.9 '-_ giro - ryrzisaonudred-net aio no In 0.11": fx1lb3_mb.-mg - um.vn'L.= an 0 .a. .\'.i. an at &ug;: d okkstoppezglgtln rm I an 1.iT;w. 51c ` 1 - 0 use 0 Cflmjy IF |l pt) 1 1; 1 1' no -1 ; L-,=. RA . L150!- aim the mun nvannem m.uzn- 1.`... 9.11, `bn.ngh their icuorum n .7`: nch, r ctr`-'1,bm!.hnt adorwantn be-;~.u ., ` ohm ctirzm. \ . A cums ma swim pm _ .3 _!icre than tbe dis.-uv .cw1z-I -` d tn 0? mmugmm nl! minus 4 `~` _ Qng marvum-as rctuuh -y; tr; mm` 1,` ~- nucn nmd1 ->c'.wtnu.'-11l.\. I I-IW ' gstcnu-. Vhcn tin:-.`nr.:*-`ta Em `:.._ an: n'- )1: mm '23` '-.x: mm 1zJsAn\*i{*s13`1 ' . gr! ha e1urux`..~v-`.. thug n 1 non m M: x.-.11 3 \{a@m*s&s1:a@s\ If oxvoa 6 cnnmgione or ` mt on): area PM. but will Ir ? $)tn?3X ryr:~ \ ncmnrnha an 1 nunowher c - ,._-. .-. Iliddbn POVVL` 1'3 1.1 1'0 1 .n%' `$3,. U0 0 0 sh Bomed - 0 tmmn whim qua 'm='\';r1xr_= rcJ.~v".`. 2- ':+ D OH 3 mm. --.`-1;m.,--h. xx:--v L . -.`"'rin1 Sn\`e`v1 N V _ . `'53 g[ pt-,~inn `.'rv\"i-`(mum H-~"* ` rt 1 from namotfy tn r-xx.-x`.v nth: :1 .' 1E$a.- ' ` 5" ~ W` .' '.. .".-`V 3;?` `g`,': ;i,.3;` ::[|o ';.%:;p:1:i':~x1.:. mu. 5 0| :1: otvn dulinrsrt~l'v_\_ T"} " g,,T,.o`A '3 mum M:1.!r.! . E93116`?! Iotvd humvsn racy. m. Cllfb 073!` 4... ..vo 9 1 nv :.nv I A I14 V7! ust received, A MEN S s'roGA BOOTS, MEN S KIP BOOTS, o % MAN'S CALF Boo'1'-s, MEN S NAPOLEON BOOTS, MEN S CALF GAITERS, BOY s STOGA BOOTS, L Q BO_Y S.KIP 3oo'rs,{ a LADIES ANDL CHILDREN S "I BOOTS/in great profusion, for ` Fall and Winter` wear, lower than Toronto wholesale prices. 8 '[lH'l1BU Uul ll! 2.`. unuzuvl \\`lllL'-II auuumvu ' me. I rim sorry 2;; incitlmt some in- dividuais `lmvna endeavoured to make the world beiiove that the conduct of "the militia, since their arrival at Fort Garry, has not been so orderly as it` `might: have bnen. I can assure you, that during the time lstayed there _I `never had cause to nd any fault fwith them ; they were as well behaved as any regiment of our army could have been, under similar circumstances. `Canada : may well be proud of them ;.and they.l can bear witness, have worlred hard to earn the approbation of their country- imen. Personally, I feel Iowe them. 2; . debt of gratitude which I am proud to ; acknowledge. ` It will always be a source of pleasure to me to_ remember that I commanded the rst military ex`. pedition undertaken by the Dominion ` of Canada; I feel condent that it will form a bright era in its history, as hav- ing been the direct means of securing to Canada. nprovince destined to he the . "home of millions, and in my opinion 0-_e future granary'of the Biitish Eu-","e_ ' 1 expected to nd aoountry 1-ioh5'_a`p,o_ A` -ductiveneasgbut, gentlememl 5", no, prepared to we that that great; mm in. T 00g'l?m, `he N0?` h* W95`. W9'.s a territory wtcomni->.ix1e With`-n its `limits every gnaturulelement of Wealth and agrgcultm- 9-3 P"SPl'Y",`, .TWW'-'.inga are required `*0 dV1P 1'5 1'93_"}'urces:-First---an ~=..8~'iV '1d_ 9`.`-'So'.io populat.ioh; and 50994: '*1W`Y foommunieation with itber pulde T~V9'rld. As" regards the 1:89:99. W9-`rel that ielnisnltifrdm .. .W !19 -I mm iikelyr to prom! than `those going.-`oq: fresh from` " 1yinters__aIemore.eevere, . 0lI!Iadi8.n~'e`xperie_ nefa_to.' :33 `to reparo`for A; , ONE MILL1oN l)OLL.\R.~" \\"/`.\1:x 8D_WA_?{f azaov nausr: ...\ nu-ml by `V 171. H` .W'V9QI V Ivvvvvv - UGO out one dollar be-hu: .-\\.`urrd In: R: wzlllit fvr rmnzxzx-:-.-sxfrnvrx unit` It A uxm-.'\.~us 1.-': Im"}| gain!!! ngcnh-. xulverlieilnu xlu E c tipnoqtg _ fur )'ourx"_ n (X 17138 oavmwd soul: oxulw ' at. I! our mm mm, ---L--.....;\ '\fD.h\[ :1 Ei_ USE, Danlop 1- m~-mhiad by opone Shut, Wm. Sun . ninrnn d0t_I`.FIq-. and ' man to urea t led in '-`,"'_4 - LA, F; fa` $11.1 . . ii u . 2 sm...:. ` Nlvocurmlo oonutrhu -04 M b 30:! mod. Nlkuhdll in ,,, . 0101 , F" let our, 9"`- i ._._.._._____ __ A G! VI `:11 01!: {even ; a.nd'ina:t:`hPci`l%"KD 3,1: Inna-u---..-., U1, 3-mvmn da AG_M.., nhnnmomm tuned, .2 ` W n `mo Mmmvzgmmhsaigwnj n Promoters . um In-'=*:'.;......m~'.;. ML of Providanoo in select xi` ho Iadom c r on nexus: to: `irgmetoar M mu} .1, 15- an ti . ,`P. \ =` :..*:`.*.. ......"z: ...a, ..J..-:*;;.:;:x. ..a;g:.- . mo tutu-I to return Idl mam iw,-` 5" gglggzt no menu 9:1: wot? $23; mu M,` . mm 1C until '_%inArthnti:.`:va:xderful Vi"`" H5`; home old nocoult overywhero-ahv`"k W0 Q, Itnunenn select: for this I709` "'rwo ` -:..~1e::.-.:=*-'z=-'-'::.=i&**J; g`.'R...;... .......... mm. is - am. an % V-V :1. No oiodvtdxgwfn o I{:3:3Y{3:f4gt 6'` O :.`5a4"'au"'*&E6. `:8! it 0 in powers 90 %III o on, K `{ Eosve " ::**.n:'.::r3 UH II UH VIIH In- RADWAY- READY REE ..!..L'?..n -n:nnInd`IIlO0'!a.. (4001) S`; 796 {tile mm mnumuzxx ux C Ylp- ; ha cue: w ero ch; muooul mu .1 mean In Iutnnc {mm oocottop, .--.._ gusto:-?oa1 txxuh orb , t\'.".tion an I an em in tho hi-tut)- '- V`-pa 7 Y_.DlI0 S ('.'m":-I an mw ~ `vxulvnl `him (,'rn4'n"!. :41 ~ ` ll! hO,d!1d M m:;.\onsmx icv`-!;;..' FEl'ru.x;xo::s AN!) m..- 0!) s'm.c 0P`.n3c:`: 11-; -*1 `~'-'-. g Dd!{`P:!.L E1 wn.-tho` ml; ~ ' H` M!!! ` ` E. and Sun--I, 1* an? Lr M -" . P` RE` rug rb `.5 P315 ap mu-:4. hudce nod! aunts kmwi == rm: . mm v~....~*..,'.: 1; 9 xi . 1;: supm :2 zs subsmuto fat - an: , 1870. PREVENTING 85` D 0 t\slm1`..~h -g- or thn m.m.r` .Du0 .~`_c.': . viulvnt `mm bin. and M (m; `~ -..,..__ BOARDING IMVH VA \.-uv v: v: ONE DOLLA R5" _...A-a0 tf c\'ary.k`1nd, ZY'u- ciroumztnucmunc-1.: O nrr-1`; '~'.' PMD. bl r,-In I\:`v_".` ` I at an clIn.'ng':nn:, '!H!ItrmlI1~ ~ asl0n`.2-ho Chnmnn.r`!' Mng.i:?m oa '.'.'.'.'.'?` `na:rluO` from tbs M01- E: :` " P`;...nt:: f hogoh 0 m o 3:; an no at mud n m'f`?m~-n I U! the uman nga. kidneys vet rm. `any cuss}. the fun~.uu:5 ur1.`t?..r_n: hnnwr .1 ... $8.` $50. 51?? 6M'h':man |gq,vo_nJ- v:"-"s~~= um I RELIEF, ~l T vj_nst on hand, comprising in part of v ' ' Mc1V'i,noes,% Lustres, _ _ Lustrines, Poplins, Wince_ys, Alpacas, and other Fancy Dress Goods` in all the choicest styles and colours. . lnnunzn PllIN`l'Z, 810., 810.! and Ladies Comforters, very A `cheap. Breakfast Sha_wls_\ A splendid display of `HATS AND CAPS. 1370. [BLANKET cannot be surpassed -either for] style or; cheapness; an immense Stock on hand. Tm: READY-MADE CLOTHING} SCOTCH AND CANADIAN TWEEDS, E.-NIGLISH DOESJKINS, ANDSILK MIXTURES, BROAD CLOTH S AND CASSIMERS, T ; of the very best. A lafge lot of Men's and Boy s jl18 l; to hand to parties buying '8. `Caddie 10 per cent per pound .vilI be allowed. Th-0&8, pur- chasing 5 pounds, 5 per`_ce. nt per . pound-. Ala:-ge Stock (59 that splendid` Remembr the, 1. ,1ac_e, Sign of the Tea` .-. f .v always on hand. Gootlerham & Warts Malt and Rye Whig-` kigs, only one dolljar pefr Gallan. |:.1QIIoS3l IG.ROCER]CES `Asplendid Stock of _ Bacon and odsli. Dollar `ea A L Cu Also so1._beautiful V Colored and Whitg at all prices. A full stdck of .=Wh`9t.mny I-ssh. is to be done `in the V. meantime! The magnicent soil of Manitoba has lain fallow long enough; and it would be an unwise policy tooli- low years to pnscver whilst a railway being constructed through the dil-` ' cult country north of Lake" Superior, when, by judicious encouragement, the railway recently opened out be- tween Duluth on Lake Superior and Paul on the Mississippi could be easily extended to British territory at Pernbtna. Of course, it is disagreeable having to depend upon a line of com- munication running through a foreign country, no matter how friendly its Government may be to us. But I~atn not aware that any practical inconven- ience has resulted hitherto from our having to depend during the winter u n the line running from Portland to ontreal. _ Although I have no inten- . tion of alluding to the political a'aire . at Manitoba, theylbeing entirely outside my province as a soldier, yet before I sit down I wish you to understand that the wild reports spread in newspapers as to the lawlessness and disorder said to he existing at Fort Garry are greatly exag- gerated and highly coloured. In a country where deeds of violence have so recently been perpetrated it cannot be expected that everything will _be for- gotten in a day by those who have sut- fnrg from Ihnrn- Time. `h Qret 0 h k r- id id of al ed 111 WINES AND` Ff %.'A1IIYl;-1 `PHOTOGRAPHS, nun 7 REMOVED| a` NEW GALLERY m Two door: East of the Bank of To":-onto. ~REMOVAL. \cmmnn, 81 B1IIlJlBl|,\ Tnoulnon a LYIIII UNDEBTAKERJ CORNER OF OWEN - MJCDONJLD _ STREET, BJIRRIE. BEG to announce to the public that he has commenced business 1n the above lines. and are prepared to take orders and contracts for ell kinds of work in the carpenter and build- ing trade, whiohihe will execute in the lowest gures and in the beat style of wpxkmanship. Ill H1088 WIIU IIIVU nun` _ fared from them. Time, the great cure: of most ills, will, in thisinstauce, . bring its accustomed relief ; and I have no hesitation in saying `that 1 consider 100 armed policemen are now, and will be for years to come, amply suicient keep the peace in Manitoba, where am 1.... hnllr M` the inhabitants of both znouns, sA's'n ANIEBLINDS, ALWAYS ON HAND. |`.N UNDERTAK|NG, uEKd&{ ruNEnAL%nEuuIsnEs\ To be obtained this side of Toronto, and at the lowest prices . From the facilities he poaseases for carrying on each branch of his business, he. can gm-rantoe general satisfaction to all who may favor him with their patronage. Barrie, Sept. int. 1370. . 35.1; E. BYRNE . `ENGLISH nun IIIIIISE. R. KING &. SON. EDWARD BYRNE, He is prepm-Ted to furnish the badmmest [. CHEESEl% Cheese keep the in inanrwuu, wucaw -- the large bulk of the inhabitants French and English speaking, are loyal to the Crown and to the Dominion of . Canada. Gentlemen, I have taken up a great deal of your time, but 1 thin you will pardon my alluding to one other subject, for I should not be doing justice to my own feelings if I did not I - take this opportunity of recognizing the assistance rendered to the Red . _ River expedition by Mr. D. G. Smith, .l A iovernor of the Hudson Bay Company, and by its officers, acting under his orders, where vcr we met them. Every soldier belonging to the expedition owes them a debt of gmtituole. I beg again to thank you for the honour you have done me this evening. 1 shall never torget it, nor the many kindatriends whom I see around me. I have spent over `eight happy years amongst you, and I now say good-bye with unfeigned regret. In all that concerns you and vliis country, I shall always take the deepest interest, for I feel that I am quite as much a,Canadian as any one here. ` I Law Ulce, `DUNLOP STREET, - BARBIE. UUKIIVL In A vnv.b_ ____ 7 , , IIERMRTIOALLY smmn GOODS, mmuon smnrxns, . LOBSTERS, . cove: ovsmas. mums 8: VEGETABLES. 7-n____ ._--.0._... Pickles, Sauces. &c., &c-,\ n: VARIETY.` -Jun |m.cu-au, .. ....- -- _ Borseford s' "Self-Raising Bread A Preparation. .---.o._._. l 1resh(3anadiaIn Ohepsc of No. 1 Quality. ----0u--1-1 - `.1 | English, French ` E A large n"LUNOHES, &o.,A`p:r:[:aVred season- ablehours. arr CHARGES MODERATE. .;;g Bwria, Nov.710 t.h., 1869. 44- NORTHERN ADVANCE, BARBIE. % "IIII I'I l II in -. -- .._ ,1 Dealer in Iforeign and Domestic Fruits,`&c., ,~ 7... ._--. ..n. van nnnnc RUSSIA i>REPARING F611 WAR, :_ROCERY, PROVISION & LIQUOR svrnn I-Z. _ U -L--L `.-'J -L.-&o--_ .. have nave; before been equnll c:-.-- ty of Grey, White,_`&l`ld esh- colored ed in Barrie. Also as lugs quanti wmon I'D]: qua... . kc H.2.APN3%.S _ELUunu.\..I. , 1. u.-v v --V--- . .. ._._. ,_ STORE, Opposite Messrs. McCarthy lcCarlhy n ` Law Oice, ----- -- -u-I1`4III!llI 1! A D131 which are at um 20 par below wiutaefs prices. CALL AND EXAMINE, can--:11! There will be eoidol;y Public Auction , in Cann- ingxon. a lumber nimble Building Lots in `we buaiheeecentre of the Village; `also, Lola `gblo for Private Reeideloee. mil`-.h 1,Vil!u.ge is likely to become -the principal `I; wuuinou on the Toronto end Nlplseing :3, ` Uhieeitnued inthehemof an ex- "_'""7' ` ` 5:05 dhu-lot of country, hula; six "'-" " e ammo mud; eeublinhed. o ee on us - - E50: pap`. dahapqdmnguom hunneee at '43: a new and u . `fun "01- . T . :'.iB."g__:;:f:c:.h. blues in three ennui use me te . V e. . on den; eeie,he1_:.:e 6n ".&{u:: - Sde eemneneee nope 0 . _;.f,__ M. BS1113 -Uwkzder Shirts 4` Pan! nzspucu 31' me .ATLANTIC CABLE. Loxmou, Sept. 23..--Report: thicken that Russia is prepurmg for Twat. The army at the`Sonth has been mobilized, and late movements towards the Turk- ish bordertare ominous.` 1I,_ n---.._'_.. Y')_.l_...l Aug unv-\~r\rOnr`