Joan 11. Johns, V Tmms: $1 per year in advance; BARBIE. - ;EGS to announce io the public that he has compieted his _ HOUSE PAINTERS, _ GBAINERS, % ------ _ -V A1-U; TBR, VETERINARY SURGEON, (ye. -rm: new or wxns AND uquons nu was an. and Machinery for the manufacture of - June, 1868. *wiL_ifXiE'1T>AR1Ei:,r -u`9Q1'wr\`Q`r' it t\1u'11r1n' SCP.0LI:_S_AWI-NG, uannnvaiynnn unvnn 4 un- ssordiug to order 13f Oounail mm It at his Ulce M. Oookltown. in, Feb.` 17, 1882. VVol. - ENLARGEMENT OF THE T Horaps AND sixtsxs. AMRKET SQUJRE, mum. BARRIE, (JOUNTY slmcbn aovALHoiEL DUNL7()~I -S;I`I;IET} 1mmm.; son; ms 4 run 3. &,'I I &c- Pabraurron. A'MERON,McM1CIIAEL .5; Mo-_ . MICHAEL, T BARRISTERS.. mo._n|u..-..h no.-..+ -nnwO .-I--.` 4.. n.- -1: Prdprietorg `V44- [John Arnold. .. ., .. . Wm; Rawson... .. ... Thomas Rogers . . . . . . Mary Clibrd .. . . . . . . Margaret Sheridan.. . . Mary Ann Bradford. . . J0hn H&l'die...--..-o Matilda Williamson. . . Frederick Lu.rard.. .. . Ditt-Onaocnngnooooooa Wm. E; Sov're....... Dilt0- ooolvuunllloco Frederick Larard. . . . . DiHO................d Mrs. H. Fitton. .3 . . . . Thomas Elliott. . . . . . . } Win. 'I"udhope,_]r.,,. .. DiuClIOVIC.ICIICOIVII Wm. Swain, Constable ......Q..o'.... 7' Jame Edwards . .'. .'. . , Wm. Swain, Constable itt0.u....`......... ha.-. Amos Hafey. . . . Xavier Laforge.. . Arabella Stewart. . . Donald Carmichael , . DittO.- I O I Roget Murphy; . . . Elxzabeth Staley.. . Wm. _Purdy;.. . . .. John Jacoles. . . . SAMUELSI ROBI1i\ISON,i l\YIlfY`IA Ditto..."-.'. Dlt`0'nonoo Ito John. G: Bulge: I 00000 Maty O_I 0 3 n c A William Swain.. . .-.`. . William Maitheirs. .A.'. Wxlliam Cashwell.` Juhge L-Vngman . Samuel Diiill. `. . . ; . Edyva;d Bingham, , . ; . Iqhnb B|[diks1ac'k.`s._>.`. __, ` DiO>ICIICOIIlIOU. Christopher Cooper . Clurnstiua Coleman . . Oh Vjew...L........ Wm. Fans.......... IJUOIIIOICOVIIOI Archi'oald L1vi_ngsAton.`. Alexander. MCarty.. . Henry Purvis. . . . .' Eliza.WebAb.......... Afchibald Stewart. . . . Wm. Morris . . .. . ---. Di`tQIIIOII..`I.I.IUl Wm. Little. . . J. 3. LAND3{.,- . iv BARRISTER. ' tTTORNEY'AT-LAW, IOLICITDR JN CHANDRRV, IFDNVIEPS Wm. 'Hal`per . Archibald EMlAiz`abeth Young . . . ; . Before ; lenndet S_njith_;.:.. AND COUNT-YOI % s1MC()E GENERAL "ADVERTISER; aJU'sTIcE IS THE GREAT, BUT `SIMPLE PRINCIPLE, AND THE WHOLE SECRET 01:` g Name of Prosecutor. Osman or THE CLERK or 'rm:._Pr.AcE, 2-.]'ustz'cesof the Peace for the County of Simcoe, transmitted to my Oice by the J usticcsv lD]tC _ Barrie, Sptember, 1870. IIUOB o:i3i.,'June'. mes. \II \I/ KJKIICIII ~ IIIl|-ll Ditto... OIIIII Smi'thIno as John Tweed. . . . . John Williamsorn. James Hughes. . . . Alfred Dugmore. . James Hnghes.. . Alfred Dugmore.. Thomas ,Wil iams. 4 /John Gardner. . . . Catherine Lawson Frederick Larard. Thomas Wumico... Benjamin _Emea. . Daniel Szovell. . .. A Thomas Shaw. . .. - David (Hark . . . . . Elizabeth Hoffman ' Andrew Robertson James Edwards m John McDuff and {PIlI1.,K.in8iy. u I 0 I Frank Whaleu. . .` Mary:rlc_Fadgan . . Hamanou Neeland [ H. Mountstephens - and Mamie; 3 L ` .Mouutstb`p`hehs ' MWilliamsr James Smith.. . . .. I Wm` I C I I Samuel Smith... . V Patrick 'McGauIey James Comally.. . ' "Albert McLean.. . , Josephm McLean E 85 Hariett McLean _ Wm. Callahan. . . . Magrt. Mpuntsteven John Brown .. . IV 9- Q,.._l. C\_..';I_ UUIIII JJIUVVIIOI II C. 85 Sarah Smith mLL_ Robert Lee... . . . . T Mrs. Joseph Meat. Joseph Meat. . . John Lning. . . . . . George Abbott. . . . M. o o 0` George Ashton . . . J. Murphy . Wm. 13. Hickling. Martin Fo1ey.. . . . Pearce Hayes. . . . James Regan. . .~. Robert Nixon. . ._. Wm. He1y....... Manley Allen. ._ Thomas` Cgmpbell Wm: LiNv1eI.IClI Robert Culletin.. . Putnck Clare . John Segworth.. . Robert Newbnry. Jas. & S. Crawford '1`h'omuSChape11. . John McGurk. . . . George Plaxton.. . Wm. Kallagahan .' Robert Fisher. . . . J dim Watson.. . John Mc\Vatt. . B-. A. Birdanll. . '[`l1o's.`Hender<:m. ,.Hugh Shaw. . . . .. Charles `.VlcCurIhv Julia Robertson... Iuhn Sler. . . . .. . Robinsun Moor `3. Ditto............ J. M0ran&J. Duly .P_utrick Moran. . . . Dame! Ha'yes_. . . . Wm. Birch. . . . Q. George Caskrii .. James Fitzgerald . J0hn 0 0 on Jgmunolgiz; ; . '. . J ume J einmilon. V %BIIR1f'T'_;ETT* ye, '1.`h9m=-%`VCemnb_6" zwn-I Henry VVhitney . . J 011 n McCarrol IE.` Tho s. Hendevrson . `Louis Badeir} . Wm. Little. . . 'l"L._____, fl I Wm. Willotlglvnby. George Wice. . . . . M Clnarles-Reeves. 5 . Robert Couch . . Kenedy Stewart`. Ellgm Minty. . . Wm. Bgunett. . . . SamuelvM_uoney. . Thomas Burgiss. . John B.'adfordA. . .. Mary Bade":-. . . rrister an Attorney-at-law, SOLICITOR IN OHANOERY, lvnveg/ancr,0ommissioner in B.R., 41:. 1- ORILLIA, SIMCOE 00-, C.W. + llIl`\I`l\ |-vr\gIv, `vv Inn or n 0 Thomas Col_em:in. NameA of Defendant. . B3u6thn1.g Barrie, Ontario, Thursday, September 29, 1870. Allvl-Utoololcclouocooo Di"-0-ooo.uooIoaoo}oIu f Selling L1quor without License. "Assault and l3attery.._. C'U`l.C.I...OC Assa_u1t.......... I_uu 'A8Saull...o.......... ASS8UIt..oo--coo... Assault....,...,...... ASS alllt......-."...... Not going to service Assauuoocooooouooooi Assault0`ooIooIII3nlOo~ Aiding & abetting. . . . V Wife Beating. . ; . . .T.. ' Dfuukoooo uouoaoovoa. Intent to Sealio I 0 0 0`: J -Dl'l|nk.u.'......}..... - Dru.n_KOI)lO-Iroobllooolyv Dr,uuk....._.,. .. . ..... ""r'_"` """ `,""""'l" I mg property ] `Leaving employment.` [Takmg 9. Ram out of ] -[ the Pound J Desertingb employment Abusive Language. . . `DiuoIOOlOIOClluOOloO 1\2aA.. L UlIIllu5Uu - ' Wag08......u-.'....'. Assault..._....A....... [Trespass and Destroy-] inn nrnniu-hr I Assault.. . .. .. ........ Assault.............. Profane language.. .. . Profane language. . _. . . AssaulL......;....`... WageS.....'.._....... Abusive lan'guage.. . . . Dittocclboenoeouoooinu Drunk............ .. Dittovonuvoouooooonooof I Desertiug employment. DrunkOOIOII`OODOOC.OO DRttolIIIIOOIDOIO'IIOI Assault.............. Abusive language..... Assault.............. Drunk............... DENOOOCOOIICOIDIOIIIU ' Desertmg employ met. Assau1tOOIlIIIlIC-I--0 Abusive Language. . . . Assault and Battery 55 for articles of the peace Assault and Battery. . . Threatening... . ..Q. . . . Threatening. '. . . . . . .`.l I Cruelty to animals and l damn an- 1. ,3 l Assaull.............. Leaving employment. Living and not Serving Assault and Baflefyl. . .Assault`. . . .. .. .. .. ... Assault and Battery. . . 1.18:!-opdnl ed sttiuivo nu Sun ....a Won oi lb!!! 1|! Inn In can-V on Assaultooolnootoooloo Drunkoooo nvnoooooio DI unk......... coves Assault and Battety. . . Aaaultand Battry...4 I -Drunk. gnAd_VDisotder1y. Dxsorderly Vconduct. . , . _ Disorderly co uauct., .. A `Dmnkand diaordetlyg. [;DmIiV:angituxibhs` 9.] .; " ,`g' ' Asinltg. `K. ,. ...{. .`.` " -" v .11`l!}'.A'.5_.l.'H,'?l_.'AS'I ,%9g,v9!!h" `Leaving emplOyment.. L." nuug l.JlLillUl'l1l|Ul' II rs do i - do Non-payment 0;" wages .Assau|t.......-----u Dl llllk........o...... Assault and Battery . . . DiLm.. DiHL)............. -.-I Dhnbeyiug her n1a,sle`r Assault and Batterv. .. S~|liugL:quor!ter h rs An ' Kn Assault. . SCHEDULEOF RETURNS on CONVICTIONSA `-Cruelty to animals. . ..' Leaving E'm[V>loyment.' I)"-tooioouoooo :5-I VDisturbmg Court Assault........,. Drunk and disorderly 'l`respass. . . . . . . .-._ DENBOCIOIIICICVOOUIIU 3 Selling Liquor on*'the 2 ' gnlxhulh . I </;// /,_// W /I %;`/? , -av nan llillll VII IIIV 5 .4 Sabbath. Assault & Battery. . . . Do do V Abusive Language. . . . `Do do Le'avi ng Employment. Do do Assault. . . . Shooting with intent. .' Statute 4th and 5th Wctoricz, .C'/@1512 and C`/mp. 124, Nuiurg of ('Itafge._ >6 JJIIIHUK V" ` Sabhgthg % IOIOICIIIIIOOI : language. . . . = 00000000-unllo 3 June "3 July 9 Eaveiraughing Dane,` July Aprr. Sept. . Aug. Sept. May ` , {June ` Aug. Sept.- May Jul? Slept, June July- Aug` Jhno 24 July J1 mister and Attorney -at-law, } uczron uv czmvczzur CONVEY- JNCER, 51., &c.. COOKSTOWN, C.W. no.1- A115` lS`ept. 7` . Mar. June ;Mny July Aug. July July Sept June July June July Aug- 'UI[`I`1I -AI` UAW. DUUIUI IVUH: LN bsncery, Conveyancer, Oomnnasloner in &c., &c. - S'l`AVlll. Co. Rnumu, Mir". Aprdll A/`lay EJune Iluly A03` Jul) July A08` Sept. so1 ."'.: FRANK EVANS, I-{afar nun` `I-I-A-nnuv_o+_' 27 31 16 15 15 27 13 27 .30 30 30 30 28 13. 21 12] 21 `>1 .1 21 22. 22' 25; 29` 10 23 19 24` M-` 1,9 ORNEY - AT - LAW. SOI..I'0I i`OR IN i Imnnorv, nnvnvnnnnr. nmmiuninn-r in 30` 0 44 1 17` 17 39] 1si% 16` 16 15 21 21' 12! ~ SOLICITORS IN OHANCE RY, RIIIBII nuns 12' 17 19[ 11` Patrick Dereham. Esq... . . .. .. Benjamin Ross,Esq... . . . . . . . . . . DinooouluuunnnoocIna--cacao.- DittolOIIIOOIIIIOIIIIIOIIOIQ J. C..,teele and G. Tudhope`, Esqs Robert Wilson, Esq............. Alhenies King, Esq......... Dino`----. ._-. Dittu....... . . . . ............... Ditto.................' . . . . . .. . Uil.ln...}........ Ditto .......... Ditl:u.... I DI`-tuneup-no`noraccoon-nouaooc nnnoounuooo-taco. ooonoonnnonuoornd o - o . an -D"'Uaoo;ouuooonanoodpouu-coco: D"-tonnuanceocoooouluoouuoloo-0 George Watson, Esq.........,.... Dinooooaoooon;ou'nouIoroouIco} Diuoaoaooouoooalooooooaoononoo Dntotoinllcoufollgtotonuboouoo DutooCOlIOIII.IlOI`QlIlQIOOOIIO .Dto;0o.ooOIIo`lcoIo`IVO.OnnOloojl Dino!`OOunI..OIOIOHIIOOOIIIIIU DittqqrltriI-OOOIOIOIOOOC-IOOIQIOOO 6 I not at 0-H! rfonnoiopcoov J n6.b)M'c`Kaggie; .[Esq..*:r. .`. ._. .:.A.`. ' 11. iligr, `T. sha&n1ig p";",_T. Fggz. : `aF`.'!l'l'll:I-'n- ` 1 A. Gillespy and E. `Dean, Esqs... Samuel B. Fraser, Esq.. . . ... . . . C. Cooke, Esq..`. ; .. .. . C`. Cooke and G. Fisher; Esqg... ` Wm` EsqCOIO II'C `I DC CC I nimgz. DKHOOOIODOII E an d.Illllt'I: 1- Ollllllan, 4}. 1`.ltZ' gerald, Esquifes. ' E A__0gmphell and7 Parker, Esqs. T. Drii1l,[A Campbell and" R Pagker, Eaqpires. ' Do A do [ - do 3 T'l`.-~Dn'il2, A. Gampbe't1;R. Parker": ~ Vandal. Fennell, Eaqs.- - ` - Tbiii, A. Cauipb'ell and ` ~ ' - ` - 30 ml ` 1>..nm,, A HENRYVGRIST, `Richmond .' , vo vuun, J.` n n.!uL`u.llil|lI= uuu ` 5 Fisher", Esquires. C. Cooke and-G-. Fisher,_ Esqs. . John liaffey, Ditt_9.i. 'DiEtO-...-`bu. -nu.-..$a....a-.. Dilt()...............o.-co.... Ditt0IIDIOIIlIIOOl~.pIl:IIICIOC (`n um, .1-.-.. . m |JlI:|.U|ooooIIonu -...oI>IoIonoooo (D. Morrow and J.'Ed wards, T. D. [ McGonkey, J . Lrurd, Esqs; James Edwards Esquire. . . . . . . .T. Andrew Graham, [Esq . . . . . . . . . . ~. Dmo.T..'.........T...;........;. (T. D. McCunkey'aud J. 'rJd\m.rds T [ _ _ lisquires. James Edwards...L............. A. Graham and J. "Laird, E~1qs.- . . f A. Graham & '1`. D. McConkey, ; 1 I Esquifes. - I T},-. .-In - 2 T; D. `I\1/JJ . . .. . . DRWIIICOIDIQUIICIQOI` DittolI.OUUIIIIOCIOIC`l N. Edwards &: T._ D. M I uj-unaw urtullalu. |`4\Li o a o - u o o . n . . D1llu.......... . . . . . . . . . . D:uo..~.... . . . . . . Dilto...............*....._...... Ditt0.V.....,L;................; Ditto........ . . . . . . . . .. P. D.Kel|ey, Esq.....r.......... James A. Richardson, Esq. . . . . . . Wm. Mann,Esq.. .. LC. Cook, F. fv1c["arlm1eandG.; | D: 1...... l.'.`...-..:.., [Thomas Atkins, E<.q.`. . . .. . . . ...'.' DiUO..`.o....._.o............-... DiItO...............a.......... Benjamin Ross and G._Allen,Esqs. G. Allen and H. Grose, Ia'sqs....T.. B. Rossrand G. Allen, Esqs. . . . . . Do do - do ',' B. Ross, G. 'AH and E. Hanghton . F E T` `Finlay McF1r me, E:q...._...'.`..H DIHIOICUIOIICOIICIIOIIIO IIOIO 5'1`. R. Ferguson, C." Cooke and 1 I TnI`hnu l(C:I.l II`......:...\.. I u.. u. s.~qx;_',--auu, U. UUUKB una F James Kidd, Esquires. IF. McFarln'ne. C. Cooke and F.Vg [ Fisher, Esquires. V Do du do . F. McFarIane and G. Fisher, Eqs. t _Finluy McFur`ane, Esq . . . . . . . . . . TI." H. `S. Dnnkwate-r, A Muff I1 1 V and A Kll)2, Esquires. j R. Miller, J Cnnlsou and J Fitz- [ I gr-ruld, E~'q||il`(`S. I Ruhnrl W1'e.n:\ I<`..-n .... I'QIll\41' .. u. E~'quire5 R~berl Wsun Es'q..... 'I`h_nmae Vlacham. Esq. Thlln , , , ,, rt \VI!sun Es'(].............._ me V1-acham.Esq........... -anuncut-o--onouo-gnu-can -{unions-anuooon tone--poo oaoouoonuuonon{oooocpo-out annualgain-cocoa-coon:-an} -o-co-onusIuoooo--on-nouns Kelley, s . Mann, Esq.. `1,.,.l- T.` 1.1 ,I .1 | 1 r1 III JIDIIIIVWO NHAIVUID IJAIJIJII I :--Dun1op Street, next to Armstrong's _, _ . 10-ly ?*`*` Name of Convicling Justice. ke Fisher,_Esqs... . 7 Miaffey, opintoconooq-wanooutoyncr OIlOIllOOlOOIlOalIOa0aIll mow J...'Ed Conkey, J. I urn rc `nanxvirn , A t I 3 0 0'0 0) 0'0 Q or-gig-0 Ul,A3 `do SUCCESS IN [ALL GOVERNMENT.- I do 7` do 4, Sec-. _4, Con. Stat. Uliper Cagzadd. whose names are a nn.z'ed, and 7201.0 jmblished by me under Provincial mac? BOULTON (me of the firm Bonlton J: McCarthy) and Mr.HAMIL- STEWART, have entered into co-park withjieasrs. Lount & Boys, for the of their profession, at Bnrrie, under wart. _CE-Dunlop Street, Barrie. over Mc- & Co. a Store. ouxxron, wx. nova, LL.B., ' N1`, 1.2.2., . zumnrox n. STEWART, m..n. ` 1868-, 'I(7-tf numo of Messrs. Boulton, Lount, Boya_ 10 60 A 1 09' $90 09; go '0(`) .5 00 2 00 1 00` } mounl rfi. , Fine, , ;Penally,.. or I Damage. "200. 1 00 Junenn-coon lt raucous. 1St`.Julyoooaooo_ua Jl.1IYvu.f.:..._. 5th` August. .[. .`. . I 0 0 Paid 7 Fjfteen da ys [THOMAS T. A. isovs, ngnonolnunonoonauo-nno'I Forthwilh, or` 15 daysii` Not yet paid.` . ;Or if found in the Town! :Q:')th July. Fine, uvlmxpaizl or to be "paid said Justice. Iooooaq,onoo,c,o! izn fl W. B. LIOVITY EDGAR 13. SAN.DERS,T R. 1'. BANTING, OOUNTY .0LERK, - ILL nttendiat his Ofce, at Barrio, overy `8ATURDAY,fromll n.n., till 3 p.rn., ording `of Council And every other -!Bound over for 1 year. - Dismissed with repnma - Town Treasurer. - Dismissed with reprim a - Ditto. ' - Ordered to leave Town - Town Treasurer. - - Ditto. - Bound over to keep ' the I - Ordered to leave Town - County Treasurer. ' 'Se.ttled: between the]; "TOWlIShlp Treasurer. -Toma. -gwithdrawn with conee n -:DiHu V -iCasra dismissed wnh c io iufurmnr & g to To V `;Def. hound m ariiclesoll -{Cuumv Tre-asnrer. , '3DiN(l. `$691;-ll`! 3; " - Dnto -`iD|l!o'.. `iDmo; - CoTunt`yT'I`reaVsurer. . Dittb. .` Bfgdfbfd Tieagnrer, my-,.i% . - Township Teasurer. `.iC0liI]I_\} ' ` . , withm 24 hours to To whom `paid over, or to br If 110! paid, `why not, No 39. Whole No. 943 pair"! by said Justice. a.coTTER, ntv Crown Attorney, 12 A DDYQ"l`DD lu- _ - - Treasu rer. Clerk of the Peace, County Simcoe. "6-asurer. Ma $2 on if not paid in advance. . ....!Not yet paid. Paid. /J? :iTowm1i_ip Trepaprer. _ case admitted. - a Peace. Q and. KVEATING 85 LALLY, T ORN E Y S-A'T-L A W, navy.-._A.. ~ . . . __ ....______ laud. - dismissed with costs. Ditto. - Ditto 3 nt of both parties I COME ; wuship Treasurer. I the Peace for 1 year. 1'Court. e,asurer. I I . Bipames. eep the Peace 1 year. 1 08 one year. -}Dxsmissed. Sfemployment. . Paid. Dismiss:-d. Ditto. -; Paid. -}LDiLto. `Ditto, employment. 3 Sent to Agaol. T :K: ua ATIFO. l'\..AI-, rlseut to Gaol. :;0rdered to. pay .iSent`to gaol. r!June Publication. ilto Gad]. , .Defendant absconded. .{Case dismissed. Appealed. Ditto. air June Publication. Ditto. ' .;Ditto. .'Ditto. .[I$ent up. .!Sent to Gaol. lgship of Orillia. .ESent to gaze! for 30 days. 1 IISUULQ %LA\b JDVVULI-LIIJS, itors in Chancery, ries Public, Comm/ancers, BARRIE, Co. Simcoe, ONT. A - I A Annnnu lfunicipality. ` Dismissed. I Ind General Obaeryations uulucu IUIU ncnvulg H16 011106- Mr. Henderson said that he harfseen Mr. Lount, and he had told him that he (Mr Loam) hadau interview with T Mi. Mconkew in reference to the L matter at 138113; He-`said lha.t_-,Mr-_ Mo- -Aconkey was. u'n'de':.t`ha-;im _ "ltjlhat ' MF;_,MoEatl did not` xiantosh, ~- tar .` w ifll . dealinedgjttwu ' `I,.'v(_A iii thedi rgulnv uuu upvu u|J|C`:u.luL'u CIILJICIY. Mr. James Jackson was extremely opposed to Mr. McCcnkey s ovending the} wishes of the inhabitants, and If there was double dealing or collusion in the matter, heshould feel it his 4. n.y to pursue a different course relaniye to supporting Mr. McConkey in future Mr. Auancz }\.1nKnv cvnoml oL...c L- gufvyuluus svAA~ Avauuvllncy Ill Julllfe Mr. Angus McKay stated that he` took some interest In politics, and like his friend Mr- Jackson, had always been a warm supporter of` Mr. McConkey, but certainly was not now, Mr. MC0n_ key as they were all aware had gone against the wishes of his friends on many occasions. Mr- Bingham had given him steady support and of course My. McCoukev gave him a return for -it. He would like to see Miss Moatt appointed, but failed to see what good was toresult from the meeting. 'l`he Election was drawing near,and he sup- posed Mr- Mconkey wanted to streng- then himself as much as possible. V M9. Bolstr nmrnnnlnd Ihn! 9|... nI..-:.. tuuu -uupmau as Iuuuu BS POFSIDJG. Mt. Bolster suggested that the Chair- man should appoint a respectable depu- tation to want on Mr. Bingham, and `-0. present matters, as he would not be bulked into leaving the oice. Mr nnnnrnnn anhl ol...o L- L, 1` unvulal lll umucuiuuuu OI 1181 >.Cl`VlCeS. Mr. Jas. Dallas" stated that he was much surprised at the course Mr. Mc- Conkey had taken. He had known Mr. Moatt fora long period, nearly thirty-ve years, and his family had grownup under his eyes, he could cheerfully testify as to Miss Moutts efficiency. ller courtesy and polite- ness had won her hosts of friends. He considered the rejection of the petition an insult to the iiitelligeirce of the community. The dierentdates of the verbal rssertions and written corres- pondence did nottallyfxvell, he would like to see them corroborated. Noth- ing would give him so much p'.casure as to see that estimable lady appointed. The various reports appeared very strange, and required sitting and con- firmation. They were of a" very cou- -tradictory character indeed. It was very evident that tliefeelings ofthe people had been disregarded entirely. Mr. James Jnr-ksnn wnq mnmm..i.. ed Weekly, in the Town of Bnrrio, t news of the day, a.nd'all matter! in; to the affairs ofthe County. Price `dvanceor $2.00 if not paid at the f subscription. - m:-Six lines or under,rst insertion 8 perline,rat insertion; each "sub- one to Professional .or Bhiinon _ $4 per ytar $3 for six month, if to than tan lines. Special contracts mnde hv the vem-_ or mu-on M`. '~.'l`unnsD.A1 morning, containing the ch subsequent one 12c. Oven-six` 1; 1%.} 1..., well (I; uu: mnumlzlnls. ],'OrSI)|]3, I:f he was :1 Warm friend of Mr. 13111;- ` ham's, and had nothing to say demggl. torv to his character, but he certainly thought. that he did not require the position` in 21 pecummy point of view. He proposed that Miss M4_)ELtL should be presented, with ahandsome testi- monial in appreciation of her Mr, Tau, 1)unc' cinorul 11...: L. _ _.-.---,,_._`_--~-. ....-, vuu v. -u-u a Last Saturday evenings large and inuential meeting was held in the Temperance Hall, for the purpose of -`considering the appointment ofa post- master, to ll thevacancy caused by the resignation of _Mr;'Mo'att, and also : to protest. against the course pursued by - ` Mr. McConkey, M.P., in ignoring the ipetitior sent to him in favour of Miss zSusnn loffntt. vrL_ ._-___.,,. " -1 - ' T_he follewing caele to hand too late forvlast week s issue. We deem it of sufficient intetest to give it this week ,1a.ltho, somewhat, out of date :- 'I',.l`., 1 Tl -- nus, mm mm !m~ , to auempt ` any Lsmn under -133; larly whm: `r. . bly carried on. i \lr.. ,7Irl'1d '1h'.| \' ;n` ` ;)e l`rnd[|()`i\.' 1Ii!. _'.lwy S'[7`.i!l!d r l..o. 4.. |- ' uuguu Luuuuuu , Thgs mpetlljg ws presided dver by .Iamc`Qu1hn,Esq., Reeve, by whom it had bon called by "requisition; Thn nhnirlhnn lnrinnu avnluiu-J `kn n. unu uuou uuuuu Hy uzquisiuuu. The Chairman briey explained the object for which they met, and at the same time stated that the meeting had not been _convened to `pass any rc- ections on Mr`. Biogham, whatever. He had no objection to that gentlemau'~: seeking for thcyposition oi l: ostnmst;r. He had :1 perfect right to apply for it and get it if he could. The main ob- jvct they had to discuss an-'l inquire it'.tu, was why Mr.` l`JcConl:ey had uppcuntecl a. Postmaster in direct opposition to the expressed desire of the citizens oi the Village and Vicinity. M. 'm......... n..n.,.. ........ ...i,:......-.z WIKIIUUL nuurug, LU lilo vulva; _ Mr. James Jackson said that he ft-lt greatly gneved that Miss Mufl"att was not'appointed. He had recommcmlml her strongly to Mr. Mctioukey, and if he had ten votes they would be givmr ._i:1 her `favour. He would. advert to the matter again. Several questions as to dares cf correspondence were asked, in 0'.-der to L-licit someaatislactory solution of the} quesC.l0n- M. 'rMm.m.4 Ogle one of Mr. Bins!- 7 IIIBISU ullu I Iwunu 0 Mr. Thomas Dallas next addressed the meetin'r.,' He said he regretted very much that ;\Iis's Motlatt was riot appointed. That. lady had faithfully and efciently discharged the duties of the oice, fnrseveral years to the satis- faction ofall parties. He had heard that the main objection to Miss Moilatt was her sex. `On referring to the Int of Post Offices, be observed numbers of females. acting as Postmasters, so that this objection was ofnoweiglit. He was extremely sorry that the it:C`lIll_`j.'\' of the residents were not consulted in the matter. For his part he had noth- ing against Mr. Binghuni, but consider- ed thut he Mr. Binghani, had enough to attend to in looking after his daily increasing and onrishing business, Awithuut adding to his cares. NY. Tn.-nan Iunlzg-nun cniri that ho (H- 01 me. quesuvm _ Mn Edmund Ogle Bung- ham*s empyoyees, read a communica- tnon from tl1e.I osLma.s.~l CVCIICFIIL died 24411 ult., in which Mr. .`.:`CC0nkUY "113 `apprized of Mr. Binghanfs a;`U0iI1`m8I?t- 'l`|.{e ha thnmrh! fnllv nu-.nmrn [Cd Mr. All IAJLBIJ ll.` 1 LIJDLVLH I-LJ'Il` LAW, LIOITORS IN CHANCERY. :a.1a.1'1a_ . . ONT. no. up n a pnzeu Q! m r. Dxuguulu 511} '_uv---u--un ~- This he thought fully ex-.merat_d Bingham. -A voice no one bltulle-3 Bingham. Quunrn|' nnrcnna (nhl H151? Ir TWO- '.l)Illb"IIllIo Sevcrali persons said that Mr. Mc- Conkey was aware through Mr. .\hH'- att, that Miss'z_\ iiu _`. desired the office on the resignation other brother. Mr. Chris. Moore, in reply to B. cou'.mthc- tory assertion as to date, stated that he had met Mr. T. Moffutt in Barrie, on the 4Ihof August, in company with . Mr. McConkey,- and that was twenty days before the notice of Mr. Bing- ham s appointment reached 0rillia,:1nd previous toiMr.)1otf'ntt s resignation. Th Rnmenv nnnpninri tn the (iimir- JICVIUUE LU ,Lu5. -vLuuuI.u a lkdlsllullullu Dr. Ramsay appealed to the Chair- man to prevent further discussion, until `some resomtion was before Ihe meet- 1:1, 0 Mr. Quinn said that they had met if the purpose-. ufc-xpnfessinxg their acn- mts, "and that he v.uu|d he the lust n` avempt to snfle. the discus- -'S'` any drcutn~'.uncv`s [particu- " """ ymglccalnly and amicu- `I17 `1V!'|r\I| Io __.._.__. 7513 LLIA ro_s'r OFFICE. ` ~-- Dbhll . -vnvnuuvv BU I-IIU said lhaV.,Mr. je impfliilion that wang,-tli_'v_.o_n, ~ht the mee1_in'g . "ry litxin hene- 1 v`- . "H wus tux) DDUKISIIDIHG anu xwunuuone-on WHO . The fecilitien of the Establish- Aere more complete then my other of Toronto, having been carefully .out in every petticuler. - icetionl should be eddreued to 1!: er, post.-paid. V D. CREW n .2 \u\I `-c steed` ru LIJBIJ nun unas. DpC_clI| contacts made by the year, or parts oft. `Orders to discontinue Advertise- to be made in writing. dincnntinnnrl until 41 nu-nu-an.- MCCARTHY. D Anon Mccurrmr, Jr. Dunlop St.,tbe same an those _oc- V the late firm of Messrs. Ifgalton 8 `qt: 1- `Y- :LEGAL CARDS- _....{...:j ARTHY & McCARTHY, T O R N E Y - A W DresIed,'and Tongued and Grooved Lember, 30uc1T0R y CHANCE-RY, CONVE}; .9 every dxsenptxon, elweye on hand, `and . JNCER, 4. H nude foot er. A 0mc:-0n Peter Street, next door tothe 331'. J|1|.Y.'1357- T 47' . oll Oce. , ` n.:m. l'..o...' tuna no ' ,_ , EIU DU IIIIUU Ill Wl'XLIKo p discontinued until all srroaragu. H, except at the option of the publish- E Tnooxnmimo and Ruuzmdone-on the Thb Pnnilfnn nf flu: n`'|n`n, 3H, ARDAGH Sc STRATHY`, risters and Attorneys, L-.... .'.. lIL-..--..-._ (Establidud xsoo.) S-uvnnn, Co. Smoon. WU'lF_""l! E lgteniu go carry on -.-u'-uL. g 1-2 - 1`33}t|)rn i2_\hnaute' .1,1862. -:---3 vnv v--- jut BARRISTER, &c., 11.4 omLLIA, .. 1,- III- \llill1.|.llll' Solicitor in Chancery, ' .1 T1 ORNE Y-A T-L./1 W, - Corweyancer, Covnntissiomr in -'B.R., 4-c. air and Dcvioee Clnim prosecutad. Agent r the Onnadn Lsnded Oreditompany for uning money on Real Estate. 0P`FlCE--No1l Fwmlr Faun ; Rim-o I1"g\`:\_/_v FIRM. asuur-.1 gn uun Bunn, 0141'.` an BE-'1'&E?H[lIl`AN.` Ecllnsmyn; `;fUri;EB;&&c-. Fnucxa LALLY. "i;Aim1E. A? $2 "4; `F [OTC- 848-ly PATENTSOLlGlT0ll&DBAUGllTSIlAN, 900-ly. us. W Punmsnn.` 22411 824- EAISM. DJUUA, nuuanuuuu 1'UnLu.1un.n, Goods, Wares, &c. Alao for the collection of \ RENTS, NOTES AND ACCOUNT. ` !3'Cash advances made on Goods left for Sale. K Sula Rnnm, cm-nnr nfnlliernnd Market Sts.. ` Lruasn aavances man: on uoaax Le]: JUT cute. B8Sa_le Room, corner of,Go1lier'and Market Sts., me. T I3` Highest REFERENCES given; 9- \-av-uv vvvlui no vvunu, a~v,r'iIl_, vvvuv, Conveyancer, Oommissionen in Queen s Bench, Auctioneer, Appraiser and Commission Agent _f'or.the sale of HOUSES, LANDS, FARM STOCK, HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, nmla. Wsiran. In-_ Ann For the; collection of |.IU "C'>-1'__%[Q'Ii1Ei=;i T- nxc11x:@Ji:6EL, nrnrr no QT!) tam run mu Lnn > `Counties of Simcogf-r Oafdwell. ,ADDRESS-Bohuon P.O. ' * 15- I OTTAWA, OANADA, nsacts Bucivmt with thy` Patent Om` '1 other Departments of the Govemmgnt. OPYRIGETS AND THE REGISTRATION r wun unxsa mcsmxs rnooumm. Dnwlnn, spuuiuuons. und other docu- uu nccuury to curb Pntenu of Invention, W! on rec-ifc bfthe Model of the Inven- . 3 |:`|'m M-I`! Iurohu in the `Patent lly mulo. V .. ' |rf.A.INTING!\ IPLANING on mm DESCRIPTION ad is prepared to supply these articles at the . lowest price. - DOORS, SASHES, BLINDS, MGULDING, &c ___,_I4 LI_-__ __A:-I-- -4 LL`. ---.. HE Subscriber having succeeded Mr. Grib- biu in Iheabove very comfortable and - commodious Hotel, begs to assure the numerous customers of this favorite and well established stand, that he has made considerable improve ments in the interucl accommodation and other- wise renovated it so as to render the House one '1 of the best Family orommercial Hotels in the place. The bar will be found stocked with Foreign and Domestic liquors and cigars of the choicest brands. . Excellent stabling andattentive ostlers. Pleasure boats, Fishing tackle and vehicles for the convenience of summer guests and_ tourists. Theotel is situated on the margin ` of the Lake and within :1 minutes walk of the steamboat wharves. ` 873- _ GEO.BALgv CARPENTER,BUILDER, &c. Stg.-.3.1x_1 Power Capon I .P (zarf:-;,:-,4`. CARRIAGE ,s|(;N,% inn: an `nlooku-xv: 3 mus ni'r3'TF'lii'si"%%$ncln, Jr: '7i'*i["1'Ri'1?i7 Him;a'S.: ' forsthlvbmas .`3'!,`lcl?' . `A, Paper , J AS.4J ouuaozc, Sun. Work `CI in good Samuel u -0 0 0 o 0; ; Inltuisl furnished. V A A very large usortpnent of Transfer Onrriugg Thomas McConchey. . 0;nun ont.s,. Painters" and `Guinea Tools ~ OM13 Elk` lid Bulfgg ,Pni]., `kc. DI0ou 0 o co 0 0 no 0,6 n o o to-, on land and for uk by W. B. Ospon; . T - . _ _ ' V '.`44_. Dltlo:............... "3` 1pIr%oFi`-iarrmga L`icen_ses% . AA B., PETIDIEUGOUCE UK Mr. JULIII .VIl"'nu. Nearly thirty additional bx--ir-ui:n Inn" I`-W5 been added In the Bmuua HOTEL, HY` VVIIW11 h- - lug built 0! Brick. arid we-ll_ _wnrm-d, will '- .3 found as comfortable and commodious ua can he found in any house north of 'l`ommo. _ H1 nmmnroinl Iravellard W1 nd amule ac- round In DOUSG norm 0! Jurmnu. KG Commercial travellers wull amp|e`a.c- ` aommodation for showing samples. Rrlrrie. '5I.h Oct... 1868. 18- ` ---- -- -- -v-, wunuvunnnnuun - ` ASINGIIAMPTON" [1HlS hotclao long and favoral_|\ knvwb H) the travelling comnnunity. *3 W W ' ducted by the proptietre.~Is..~m-1 in undt-r llw -" - perintendence of Ur. John .\l<-Wan. Nmu-Iv lhirlv mirliminnal "*"'y" ' CHRISTOPHER HARRISON," nirom-on" or Tl!" 7 `Animals nnnnnnn nnnn - &k...__. Mrs: E. MARKS, Proprietress. JOHN Mc WA T7`, Superintendent .:.:rL.L\J.I.L>D .1. a.LV_r3o .7 - mce--Church Street,'next door to the old ` Court House, Toronto. c. cannon. D.l'lllCEAEh. u. x nnom:r. February, 1862; 1 rosmpn Roqnma, _ (Late Clerk in `County Regutry Oice) l'V-.._-..-.__-_ (1 ......... .... SAMUEL ROBINSON, A`-Igj-3.12: ` :43 I FRASER begs leave once more to re- - . mind his friends and the tmwiling com- mnnity that he is still in the land of the `living, and not behind his competitors in the way of improvements. v He is still to be found opposite the Barrie Railway Station, where all `that is necessary to commute a. plain Canadian Inn are to be found, private and public. Conveyance: to all parts N onh o_f Barrie.] 1- H`. FRASE R,.Proprietor. 'coc$kjs1'ow\:, } LIGENSEDmUCTIONEER n A mnn BABB'E.,..!:l9I,EL:? GOOD 8: com Monro Us STABLING ...-_ nnr: /7 Good Supply of Hers? ledicine rfwuys on-haml, Cookstown, Oct. 1867. > ~ 42 Dunlap Stret, Barri, 1 door West of the Advance Oce, - ]vIcT}iI%IiiK"Iiii`f"EE},% Mimizwr szorrnnn n Annm ulumg money on meal mute. M Ol"F1CE-Nezt Frank Kean : Store. % Dec. 1, 1868. _ 848