SCOTCH AND . `CANADIAN TWEEDS, ENGLISH DOESKINS, J AND SILK MIXTURES, BROAD` CLOTH S` AND CASSIMERS, of the very best. A VVVUCIB Go to SLAVEN S. At VSLAV EN S', LU uu JUU uu A; SLAVEN S. uXL SLAVEN S, uu 1.1151316, Go to SLAVEN S. Vvu_ "At 'SLAVEN S. " At SLAVEN S. JJCIIUIIIIIIGDIUIID At sLAVEN?s. `At S'LAVEN S VIIW VV Illa J UIIIIUUU At SLAVEN S A W. lot of Men s and Boy s_ 3-I, __ T - --.---- '1 . We have open ". out and are showing the contents cfTI-IIRTEEN CASES of NEW FALL G-O( DS; and will, `in a few days, show a stock which for variety style, and cheapness `has never been equalled in Barrie. I II; ENE was 2 nuwnwms '?U07SYLVES']'ER S PATENT GRAIN URADLES. rm ~"\J1` Barrie, Aug. 7th, '15 70. Ngw G(_)OD_S OPENING DAILY .1 KILEARING SALE! A awry SGNG . |`S'ign of the Squo:`e aml` Compass, Dml0]) Sm. ?; BT'6 ; 'GROCERIES Imam. ems. '2 Boo1:s ' and W sh; Going =tt~prices%;t1=.=3% will /numasnean norm @!}'?n9@ e]91l(3h@."93+i !PAINm`s, 0ILs, TIN WARE, "I`lll llElAVl doth his compliments present To 1`. urons who their kiui"'y aid have lent, And row rejoices at the prospect fair ' . L)! b- tier` tim_es-tocro\'vn the closing year. V The `i`a}.me'r.aftur toiling `mid the eunand rain. Sc-es peece and plenty o'er the find again- \Vhi`.: `uounteovs nature from -hcrelozte has poured Her .:orn and wine, to checithe fesiive"board; And gorgeous hues -adorn the l\lountain s. crest; Clad-in like garb, should lain appear again, THE BEAVER, mindful of lll0'[)l1b1lC need, - And ecerlreaciy in the x ..n to Ietd J ' - `(in g ving bargains to each customur- V His ,-'oods sele'ct-in style and fashion rare- llas "en outdone each rm effort; , And now he trusts to nieriirtheir support, . Froi - far and near his goods have gathered been` Froi land 0 Thistle`, I.` )SE and Shamrock g cen- Whi .-,CA.`IADA -(no' . .irer land beneath the skies) Hus )OUl'Cd in her quofepof supplies . All : mod to the wants (fpuhlic taste`- Sup( b and rich, as well as plain and chaste; . The `rices charged will .'avonrably compare Wit. -those of cities of -more noise and glare; And now to cl0`e `he makes his parting bow, And wishes THE TOWNSPEOPLE SUCCESS, ANI} .-`ARMEIIS A GOOD PRICE-FORTHEIR GRAIN. I 1.IQuons:l Alli I I `I \Vil.' - And n And w B. CR.OM`l TOl-\i.]1'c`;o-;.:C3'mO_-_,. Tfrolden Beaver, m V ` T sq` TO MAKE ROOM FOR, -AN IMMENS_E_ NAILS. AXES,` THE Atj J. HENDERSONS 'ay8_ on hand. Goo'derhatn & Worta Malt and Rye Whis- kies, only one dollar per Gallon,- 'Sho;, uacq ' "i1v1;oE'r::.n's, V T (LATE MILLER &. Co.) .satisfy%V everyone.~ At. RAWs0N s Ont. V - .._............-.c is a sure pronfof their su eriorit . W satised that they would bpapprecyivuted gezaegg elsewhere, and that the realitv ofth advantages o`ered to wearers ofour beautiful lenses, V52; ,1", ease an}! comfort, the assured and readily ascer- tuined Improvenieut oftbe sight; and the brilliant assistance theygive in allcuaes, were'inthem- [selves so nppnrent ontrial, lhallhe result coma not be olherwse `man it has, in lilcaimosl gene.-3| - d tio ~ ofour CELEBRATED PERFEC * 1?EC'I|`ACLES bv lue rusido-nu: nfnhin lm-nl:oT.FD "V. V, V"... .. .v\1 null u `HAG; vu uxculluhl genera ado lior CELEBRg\TED PERFECTEI SPECTACLES rusud-me nftbis locality. With a full kcowhpdge oflhe value oflhe asset 51-qg;u1'Auur.o ov rusudvme nftbis value asser- tion. we claim that they are the most perfect opti- cal .aids ever manufactured. To those needing S ectacles, we abrd at all umes an opportunity 0 procuring the beat and most desirable. . % JEWIELLER, WATQHMAKER & DPTICIAN SALT. &o.. am. those prete Sole Agent fr Barrie} Vicinity. Has always on` hand a tall asadrtlnent, suitable lor every diiculty. - We take occasion to noufy the public that we employ _nt;)pegilel l, and to caution !hem against in; to have our goods for sal_e. ......_.___... LAZARIIS, Monpgs &co.,| i4%%$:_#i7i3rs,l H3 10 luff UEIELICU Wlll U8 IUHUB KDUWD 85 ILIC lime of sale. '1`it`e good in all 611585. For further pacticulars as to terms of pay- ment and a.pplicat'oa to be made [if by letter post paid] to Messrs.McCa.tlhy &McGazLby; _ Solicitors Barrie. ` u-..u.u-.....uc .. . ..~_-...- IUNFAILINGE YE PRESEVEBSI THE CANADIAN BANK OF `commadn: SAVINGS ng_ra_x::imnIMENI- " Immediate possession of all . the properties with me excepuou of that mentiomd in parcel No. 5, will be given. Possession ,of' parcel No. 5 can be bad on first of February next, but the -nurcba. at would _be adnmted to do fall plough- ing at oncd. . l`en nm- nnnt. nf the nnrt-huge mnnnv wmd `mg 8.! 01166. Teu per cent. of the purchase money would be required down at me tim of sale, the terms as to 11165 bn1a.nce will be made knowd at the ' L`-.. 6`....nI..... ..... .5:....l..-.~. an 4.. 4--.`..- -3` ....... NOTICE is henb given that the Canadian -Bank of Oommerce an opened a Suing s Bank Dopartmept in connection with ins branch in ` DIp'0liC!`0f onefddllar and, upwatds will be` ` reollnd, and-interred: snowed at the rite of four per eentjpiar an n . Fa de ails remainin _pVDlIi,X -llI0lH1t.nIll1:iahnr Luna grail] ha lllnnngs ytu vvut per annnm. For deposits remaining over einnontha, a` higher rnte will be nilowed; The whole, `or any pan of the deposit, with ac- crued interest, may be withdrawn at any time. Interest will be cxedited on all open gccounls qnithe 30th June, nndalu December in each `,to` 3,'__:tu1dnys; 4 . _. E_,_;:,'~ v-_. _ `A-V.` Ff` ' -A n all the choieest styles and_ Ed other Fancy Dress Goods f lours. f'._f;.:3?P`o._l|Mt,__K1870a No. VII. The South half of Lot number one in the rst. Concessson of the Township of Mat- chedagh. 100 acres more Iorless. The soil of this halflotisa good Clay, we land is well t.imb3red.. - LUVVUSLIIII. ' Lot No. 9 in the Fourth Gonpession `of the said Township of Orillin, [SrD.] containing one fourth of an acre more or less. . _ - | No. VI. Village Let :"lo. G,_ [Block 4] in l Gerald Alley portion Ofiho Village of Orillia. and upon the East. side` of. Albert. Street, and South side of Co bourn Sheet. invthe said Vil- lage, as laid out on me l\'orLh-Easterly angle of Township. Lnt No. 9 in the Fnnrih nnnnouninn 114` Mm II] we ursl. 1 Jnceasxun 01 we '1'0WlJSllIp 0! Uro. This ha1fLor. u `.5, about 60 acres cleared and ` ii: a good stun: of g11Lival`op., It. adjoins the Penetanguisheno roadnbout three miles from Barrie. The land is e xce1leVnL and produces 11 first class sample of wheat. ` ~ 1 No IV. The West half of Lot number Twenty-Six in the tenth concession of the Town- ship of Essa, known as the Fletcher farm. this farm is situatednbout two miles from Harrisone Crossing on the`Northern Railway. 'There are sixty acres c eared, and the remainder is a hard- wood bush 0? 3 good quality. No. V. `The Sbuth half of Lcit number five, in the first ( 3nc=.ssion' of the Township of Oro. half Lor. :5 acres clnmnd am: No. III. The North half of'Lot number Two ' in the Third Concession of the Township of vNotta.w*1aga, aboat 60 acres cleared and the` romainher wcll tinbcrcd with hard wood. The soil is excel eat Tia form all. ..t adjoins the Village of Aveuing in which: `e Grist r 1d Saw Mlle, School House. Bl: cksmith s Forge &c., &;c., is-distant but six miles from two Railway Stationt. Tlie is c-e of the most desirable farms in the '. ownship, celebrated for its wheat glowing cap There is 11 dwelling- House, Log Barn and Stable on the premises, SPECTAC'`i;if;"S 1 ARTE `D\,"D (`IT A r: Ulllll VUSPHI UD.!.|'Cl]. ` ' , No. II. The Eaatzbalf of Lot number Two in the `Eleventh Concession of the said; Township of Vespza. . T ` co ' F Dollar Tea Tovvnship, 50 acres more or less. . The soil "on this Lot. is 9.. good clay loam, nbont 47 acres are cleared and in A good state of 1 cultivation ; divided iuto ve elds, and having 1 _ences in a. good state of repair. The Balance ; about 10 acres..(t.he Lot oven running), a. hmfd 5 wood bush: "There; is 9.10; Ban), on the Lot, ' _ which is within seven miles of B..rrie, by a. good 1 road. The place is within 150 yards of the 1 Union Vespra. Ch.:rch. _ 8 Nu, II, Tim: F`.aaIH1nH'nfT`.nt nnrrihnu "[`n-A :n T w_ ne explained at the time of sale. The following Farms or Pa_rcels. of Lands in the Parcels or Lot; as described ; Towxsmr or Vxspm. Z No. I. The South West quarter of Lot number I t-we_nty-two, in the first Goncmsion of the said Township, _50 The soil nn thin Lat in n. o-`nml olnv lnnm _ ,7 ~-_---- Tim naergned is intrucled to ..;u by Pub- -L_ `lie Auction at his Rpoms in the Town of Ra n-in -~--, _... -. -v-_v- At the hor of lfdclocli, noon, under` Powers `O. lie explained at the time of sale. T113 follnwina Warm: nr Dnrnola nf Tmnu L. ..a___.__ _ lmnovnn FABMS%AND?0TERLLAND8[ -` FOR SALE BY ; : uuu unuemgned II instructed to sell by Pub- 1. lie Rooms Barrie ' the 24th`day of September : nnott, ll. n.1sz-an run;.c`%1`ur.ou. v V v Tv ~ The large and xncrgaaing sales oflhese TI'Dl'!I'TRl'I\TH!\ (VII I ran`...- . -` -:11` -A.I-`I_DvEYE GLASSES. Bacon and Codsh. ___, _-_-_--_--w tn V " ' `I . CELEBRATED PERFECTED TERMS "AND ' CONDITIONS. '"`"'D ~._.y-.- sun P_RFEC:I'}3 GLASSES Towusmp or MATCIIEDASB. Towxsanr or NOTTAWAEAGA. VILLAGE ox-` Omua A. Townsrim or ESSA . Towxsmp or 0:20 .. any I410: BT10!` U, ngzt, ..D.- 1870. lull!!! [U lU!lgl'l.. ' _ l`r::~'15E1:s `or Section No. 10 will be um tbebasis of H. quantities specind in we ori- ginalliill ~t'\\`r. ks or this Sc(`IlOD ; 1nd in drawi .g tl.e New Cuvimict, thege wi`l_ Le de- d'cte.lf1o 1 the nmonn. oftbe a` mfptcl `.- `xder, a pm: amx. ;e` sc..n r2qu".vr.`eut to me" p 0- < n ag oftlie wlzo 0 we lv which the Clef E ;iueer shall 14,10:-; to 1 ive been executed by t1.c rsg Con it ctnrs. . ' ' Thc e Contracts to be completely `i.lied by the r~t dav of Julv, 1872. . Pin .3 and Pmliles w'Lh Specifications and Terms of Contrnvt will he exb biled at 1111- Oilices of :1 0 Commissioners in 0`.1aw_a, T0r0n"), Que- bec, Rimo.1ski,. D.1ll)0lEl(`, Newcastlc-,.rIu1ifnx and St. John, on ard 9 te tlxc 15:11 S}.i TE\1- BER NEXT, and SEALED Tr~:.~.:mv:s :u`drc'ao(1 to the COMMISSIONERS nf the lnrm !f`LONI.\I RAIL- `WAY, and marked " I`m v.il1 be, iecei ed at their OFFICE in OTTAWA, up :0 SIX o'clock, P. M. on ,WED.\'ESDAY the 5t1. day of OCTOBER next ' ' Q..nn:.m 0.. M. ..........1..a:.._ -: .L_ n__. , . Remember ihe T place, f` foI._"Il'.'u'n"I'!.'n'n-'.pt|I*. _-. `~ a - UU lUD|`ALV DEX` Sureties for the completion of-the Contract _will be requ`red to sign the Tender. The names in full, occupation and address of each surety should also oe given. A. WALSH, _ ED. B. CHANDLER, .C. J. BRYDGES, A. \V. McLELAN _ . _ Uoan Intercolonxal Raxlway Commissioners Office, . Ottawa, 15th August, 1870. EDWARD BYR]\l1 ",H % cnmmwnn, xx BIIILJEII ; CONTRAC 1:, i i I CORNER OF OWEN 5" M./1CDO.MLD STREET, BJRRIE. BEG to announce t9 the public that he has commenced business In the abo. e lines, and are prepared to take `orders. and ( rxtracta for all kinds ofwork m_ the carpenters 1 build- ing trade, wbichibe Wlll executeat tb .- lowest gures and in the beat style of workm. uship. ENGLISH: nun mmsal R. KING & SON. C3 lJ0S, sAi: Aunmuns, _ ALWAYS ON HAND. LL: l/UIIIEIIISSIOIIEIV {USU give l'UI`lJ'.U NU` TICE that .-..ey are prepared to_ receive TEN- DERS for re It-ttirg Section No. 10, the Contact for which In bee; anuu`1ed. , Section Nv. 19 is in the Province of New Brurswick 2: .1 exler-ds from the` `centre of the Chaplin Is and Road. run we Court` II:u=e at .\'ewc:1st1e, towards Batburst,-a distance of 20 miles in length. l`m:rwna `.u- Hnminn \Tn 10 win ha l'nnI?n'nnnn .uND3TAKER, He is prepsiu-ed to furnish the hands xnest Q HEABSE &_ FUNERAL .E0liS|TES st on hand, comprising in part - . of - ' THE READY-MADE CLOTHING] To be obtained this sideoof Toronto, mid at the A lowest prices . From the facilities he'poasesses-for carrying 9.1 each branch of his business, be can ' guarantee general satiafacxion to all who may favor him with their paironage, 13 111711171! .` 3W! 4 ' fro `J the Rive`: Kouchibouguacis,` a. distance of DFUUHVVIUKJ Sectioi No. 21 will begin at the Easterly end of Section No. 20, one and taree quartu `miles East of the River Mir .miclii and will extend "0 Section No.'1(`~-40, three tliou9a.nd'feet V. cstrl about 25 miles. cxnl Al! N . on ...:1l ....a-...: 12...... 11.- 1 __._,v# EUUUI. Z0 Illlleo Sect on No. 22 will extend from the I mxterly end ofscctiou No . 21 to Section No.11&-)atthe cro sing of the River Buctouchi, a distance of` abc.1t.25'miles. - Kanuinn Mn 0') -nl1.\..6n..,`l 9...... Al... 11`.....L....|_' UUDJL Li) llJ|lCUa Section No. 23 will extend from t*e Eoaatex-ly end of Section No. 25 to,t'Je European and No 2 American Rnilwav, at Moactot: Station, "a dis - tance of about 22} mile 1. ' ' . ' VIIN UNDERTAKI-N G, Foisale, large heavy built horse ve yedr` old. Oredijgwonl bqgiven on good seqnxlty. .1. Tie Commissioners snpointed for the con- struction of,lhe Intercolouial Railway give PUBLIC NOTICE that may are prepared to re- ceive TENDERS tor the three remaining Ses- tiogs ofxhe Ling, all in the Province of New Brunswick: Rum-'n . M. In ...:I1t...,..:.. -4 :1... 11...`. .1. ...,a ,___._-..- ...vw---.., I AS'noW'.on lutnd an extensive and genuine _ stock of Single `and l_):\uL-le Harness (Cur- riagc and Team), English and Common Riding [Sa.ddles, Double an.1 Single lirinlles, Collars, &c., which he can offer at very reasonable prices., Also in stock, some ofthe best English and other Riding and Driving Whip, iits, Lines, Brushes, Curly and Mane Combs, Cards, &c., to_ be `our-d in this market. Kan nu-O3:-In in u; o.n.`l.. ..........l`...A......1 1-,, ou;._, mu m: 'uu1'u H1 Luis wurxcc. V Any m.'t c)e in the trade mauufacturrd, fur- nished to order on short notice, and warranted to give satisfaction. { 5='Ronnir.=1 wnll and nnaxv nfnnnOt.J Ierinoes, Lustres, T Lustrines, Poplins, T .Winceys,A ` Alpacas, LU gl_VU 2H-l.l5li1UlIUlJ.- I3"Repnirs well and neatly executed. Barrie. April 8, 1870'. CHEE$E! Cheese ! `Q t, d 8 ll } ,1 l` )1 cut ' U11 U16 EDOFE 111198 Will 08 C rged. The Map will show :very -lot. and an bdivis- iona of lots, v';1h the owner s nama printed thereon ; together will all the Roads . Streams, and Rivers, School I ouses, Schonl Sections, Post Ollices and Mail Routes within thr County; also Plans of the `lfll oi on a smrxllersc" . The e".a.ct location of the `Northern Rail I u .d of Caz-.36 ,nod of the To- ` ronto, Simcoe and Muskoka.J-Auction Road will be shown. Bird s eye Views of some of the principal Towns will also embellish the Map. No trouble or exoense WI be soared to mnlm ml"[`owns and Villages,` UOLLIN E. S. Meeking Agent for Barrie. Collingwood, June 27th, 1870. _ -_.___.._..__: TVT 1 Saclllcry and flatness A EST_ABL|SHMENT, a 'RT_,,,7 '- uuuru 1.0 DC W|[uO'.`.l. ll. Orders for Map; addressed to the undersigned will receive prompt attention . JOHN HOGG, ENTRRIiRIR: Printinonnd pnhliaiwintr "nnaa u.-sueu In Uannua. . No Business Man, Municipal Oicer, Land Agent, Laud Speculator, or School Trustee, can afford to be without it. n.-Ame 4'... 11..-. .,.u........-,: 5.. .1... .._.1-_-:__ . g prlclplll "towns Wm also embeunsb the Map. ' expense Wnll spared to make this the best and most reliable Map ever pub- I lished in Canada. `Mn D..,-:......- H-.. 'u.._:-:_-u nm--., 1 v The Commissioner`! also` give PU!`-LTJ N0- VICE tlm..'. L` M) nrn n1=nm*.=d' tn rm-..~ivp 'I`l`.N- Barrie; Sept. lat. 1870 . . mun ram, 810., 810.] _ """"7 Nearly opposite the Bank of Toronto, ' DUNLOITSATREET, BARBIE. INTERCOLQNIAL RAILWAY. muuutcu on m~uex.;, var_msue.1 anu- col- oured.;..............;........... $5.00 Mountcdwn C- ~`v:1., folded for Pomot $5.00 vInShcc0s, p1~`u....................... $8.00 To Non-Subicril -.--s an adv .nce of $1.00 . . . . eat` ' on the above rates wxll be rged. Man will nhnw f-vm-v Int. and In lmih-Ea- IFUID actual Larvev, and other re! able so. cez. This Map wi be got up in the b `t style, w"l be Mounted on Rollers, Coloured and `furnished, (and wi`-'. hr furnished to sui cribers oc'y at the `tollowirig very low rates (to be `paid on de- livcry.:--, - Mounted on R;-?lca.=, var>n'zshe.1 a.nd- col- oured _ -. . . . . , . , , , ` Qr. nn JOHN HUGG, Eurxanxsx Printing and Publisng House, Goumawoon, Om". Meekimr Aaent for Rnrvin, u _u\. unuL`1'Ut";1 1l!at \liAf1' UN,9nd will be rcai for de'iver_y to subwcz-`bera, 2: out the First` 1 Nove1nacr,, A MAP." 0:.-' THE - COUN YOF SIMCOE. (Four feet 3`: inches by Six `net, `on aact -e of sixty chairs to an ' inch.) cmefnily prepined by ratclass Engineers, from actual and other re.nble This Man will he an! nn in Hm h -i alvin ..:'I {comm 9; SIP.iGBE. _` IJORSE. FOR SALE H -- I [NC-C URSE ~OF_ PREPARAT ON, 9116 will be TCBJV FOP ddiverv tn IlI}nnr:lu.-ra, s. an! OI-In MARTIN MOORE, .Q n/'|I`l1-f\vI`unVhIlnn nvh-...n'.... ......`l .- _&.|.sI Al VJLLAAJAJ LUJJLI 5.} IJIIJ OTS in teat profusion, for 1 and inter_ wear, lower ian Toronto wholesale prices. N i_M;%.P PaosgEcTus. AT THE &-1 &c., u DIVI uun L \'v.Mc1.1-.LAN, Cnmmin: OF THE 7 1`, Commissioners. E. nmmz. V 35-ly _- 33-4in 'MAN S CALF BOOTS, N S` NAPOLEON BOOTS, MEN'S. CALF GAITERS, BOY s STOGA BOOTS, Haxfe pronounced them the best and cheapegt in the County. Reader, if you have not, as yet, tried the CANTON T `STORE, don t fail to do so at once, and see the advantage to be gained` Remember t_hatAa_ Dollar saved 1s a Dollar made. If you Want-nc Gom W'snnmc R1 Ear,rings, Brodches, Chains, Gua1`ds_SpectaE1es, Pipes. A ` AND STRINGS, AND ]:`ANcY Goons, &c., . A! T `I Y The only store North of Torozito where the V ' ous branches, can be done 01 J.`W. HASTINGS having been in the businoss upwards 0` 20 ' satisfaction than guy other Store North of Toronto. ' rv - .- o ___ _ THE__g9RET or rrs success. mmcsmmms, ggg [Ian-n ~nvr\IIl\11r\nnl` Hr-nnrn {ho knuf and n'|1noy.n..4- .`.,. r J . ;~ . ix Q `5V:"~ . ,. raz.@& 9 \r?3`i:'2ei"ii% :*`@aZi5)'%%':"'@ W @, _V . 1". -:72` If you want :1 Watch or Clock put in `good runningt Agent for Taylor s Clenzor, for removing : Britannia metal, &c. Dress Goods! GANTQN "jj 5-roan: .'* ' . N 0. N E1 ED 01? Q U 0 '1` A '1` foqm S, Ifyou want a gocd cIock',_8 c1ay,:m.l1o11n",at1d a}a rm Time I ~ ' `largest siock ever offered m Dame, Merchant .[`ai_l0mr _ Cl0t_hi_er, WINES AND: LIQUORS, CFIOCJIKIIE-"S?" [Fragrant Teas ? VJE WIiL[.I;'R Y, [N B.'1RRl1'.', vvolll vuv i0N SATURD/Wf5bTbBER I, I870, lI I" `"D1J"l7'l"lYl`UQ A'I"l I`I'\'l'l\Iv -an--- EA TRIAIT s0?L1o1'1`1;i) To 1>1f;ov1i THE FACT. Bows KIP 13oo'rs, Lnms AND CHILDREN \t\l'I`I" _ _._l`,__. ,._ D -no av-IA-lad Barrie, September 22, 1870. 837- ' Old Stand, Comer of Dunlap St., R. R. square, Barrie. A ` A SUPERIOR CLASS OF c|_0'|'.||s xsn.-.m'c..~. nn'r.cAr::> mo rmanoaonofa 11. BENNETT: -Tumblers, V { ';V`i'n'e'(`r;xss Plated Ware, Crockery, Teas, V A Mississippi Board, &c.. gjl-III-nu-5;`- ----- _. ._-._..- _._ .- v Vang A6022): Teas are usually sold at 80 cents (Incl $1.00. CHEAP SUGARS, NEW FRUITS, BEST Also some beautiful '" 'cbsr;1~yI~;:'5'axND, 7 ' ~ ( 1 AT MEEKING5s Xuawfol; ROOMS. nr 9.`) 1 Q70 The best los nur .7'.I:'n'1-..r-,t'.< supply All who have `purchased my FRESZE s~1'9cI{.' wt`/z_e IVatch and Spectacles. Opposite the Railway Station R1Ncs,PL'zzu: and FANCY RINGS, stains {pom Silver and p ated ware, Colored and White 10 whole of the its vari 2 on the premises Ag 1 TH uaomuvnn Wine Glasses. gorder, and warranted, Go to J. W. HAS, AND GEN TLEMENS At J. W. HASTINGS. D year, is ablelo give better A:'J. w. HASTINGS; WM. HUNTER, Canton T Store: Go to J.`w. HASTINGS :N's STOGA BOOTS, `Mmsrs KIP BOOTS, `Pieces, go where the At. J. W. HASTINGS. in J. w. HASTINGS. 22. 3, Violins A ITINGS MILIFMINIA STOIIE. I cannot be surpassed either for style-or cheapness, an immense Stock on hand.. ' :Wwsws1@s]on. u. \iv .I AvEN. J ; received, A splendid Stock of ` Grimd opening of Neiv` `A splendid display of _A full stock of at all prices? WINES AND md of New 70005` BLANK ETS) G:LA-.S_S-PV:4R., OEIER-1?,-_ 52., Barrie, June 11th, ` _ -(L'at_e -0-.` _I:erIciT7:s,)-" `V , Beg to announce thaf they hzive nlafged their premises, and in connection with their large stock of general - l?$9J%79EE| \FL_UU%1BRAN 3 Hum] Try DR. SLAVEN S Stomach Bit- ters and Liver Pills, the best m use T Wines, Brandies, & St. George Wines,` for Medicinal purposes "at DR.-`SLAVENS Drug Store. Orillia, 1st September, 1870. 872-131 _L puouc. man D3 1133 on mine U13` D83? 01 HORSES and BUGGIES for HIRE; at mode mt. charges. . , Com`mmm:a.c In Or-illin. Ami pom:-Inmrunlu-nn, |GRO_GER119 8% HATS AND CAPS. [1000 nwvumrns mu 90 cms All the standard \Vorks Adnd "select Literatur of the day to be found 7 . ' A? .QT*A`7Ta`1\T,Q 1 iv an nuuu. cnenp IQ: sun, It '4-I .~ . Plano-Forte, by 3 oolobntod tanker; h F0: apply as this otlict. At SLAVEN'S; V Country Stores supplied at Toronto wholesale prices 7 . . A9 QT_A\7Ii`1\T Q' OATS, OJTME aL CORNME./IL, C'R.dCK- 1:1) WHEJT, B./IRLEY, c'. _ ALSO A spnnxornv LO'_l` un- BACON. RAMS "AND CHEESE- lMahine6 Gil. T T" ! Call a (`examine that choice stock of! fancy Pipes, just received ` "A r `QT A vwxvq . All goodsldelivered in town free and without delay. - I`. A Dlbrrvnu L. hi-sn I a.n;i get a bargain. . Daily Papers and Magazines, both English and American . v ' A 6 CT A 'L'T.`\T7C` llarge Stdck 0* that splendid ui ya; - I 0. A. PERKINS & BRO., ` South of u Post Oice, Owen Street, Banjie. c4\LI. A'_l' sLAvws as cheap as elsewhere us 'LIvnv sfABIs, Ozmosite the Simcbe Hotel. Barrie. `ii. A. pammisja an /7....../7 A n...1..`-..-\ . ' PHOTOGRAPHS, *HAVE REMOVED `Religion: and Siandard .Wdrk'suit- able for all Christian Denominations - A A C11` A TTTPKTSC nu cuurgea. Contact/ances to Teas, `E New GALLERY just to hand to parties buying a`Caddie 10 per cent per` pound will be allowed." Those pur-` chasing 5- pounds, 5 per cent per _ 13 per cent disc;mnt allowed Teach- ers and Clergymen on Books, Statioe_ry, -&c., &. T ` For Condition Powders (1- A. .Goto SLAVEN SV_ for Paints, Oils, Varnishes, White Lead and all other _ Paints at Toronto prices. >HE subscriber begs to acquaint the Travelling 'public. thalhe has on hand the- best `of ORRFS and RITG-GIRR for I-H'?l13= M m'mIn Go to SLAVEN S for School Books, gmtiguory, Wall_Paper, Window Blinds, Bums, Aug. 1'1th, 1870. Window Glas and Putty ALQ nlompsou & Lvun Go to sLAvEN's for Dfugs 5; Med- cines, Patent Medicines &_c.,~.&c. Wall Paper siling at a discount. rand Ladies Comforters, very f - cheap. Go to SLAVEN S for.choic e` Per- fumes, and Toilet..Artiules. Go tu_SLAVEN S for pur DyeVStus. _ Go to SLAV-ENS for Fancy Goods; If you want choice Cigars, . - (In on QT.AT7`l71\T9Q Give him a cajl. .1\ao door: Eat oftlae. Bank of Toronto; [nan nimwmaai 1HoIcE GROCERIES. ?nn1zvz1aw.nn.us1srnnnI And are prepared to sell all kinds of nun _q_|_: SAL if The best Fine Cut Chewing `Tobacco ' A9 QT.A'\7I<`1\I S Try some of that Golden Bar To- acoo . . At SLA_VEN S. ofRemml;o3r tn; p| ace, fusngn '_ "` " ' - - -- -r .--...- e - ' the Of. ' ` 33 501-9. 011.659 .791 cull`, a '1-Ontav. ~' - L_I._'.- .' '.`-..L- . A REMOVAL[ KII ii I 1" I 3 I r`--I _ Opposite the Hotel, Barrie. Sugars, Cheap' at .TEsEEXsL-1zi:5 1332: Orillia and Pnlangushmc. T. NEEDHAM, Proprietor. Ian In ms -iof' TO THEIR Sign of thAe 'l`obaccQs, Cigars! ,Breakfast Shawls.