ENLARGEMENT or 'r.u1<: sc1=.0Lf._-s-AwING,_ nowens A71-\TTIT)m TsA.*\`t".(;S'1~1z>3. cnpuswopnmrg IIABMSON; nnnnnnnnv A--'-nun. BARBIE, COUNTY smcom. 'M.&_RK12T SQU./IRE, B.flRRII3. :-.-. 1-6YAL{H%6rEL. BARBIE. 1857. `ate and punnc, - lparts Nor'.h'of Bvarried E. FR.ASER_, Prcipwjotor. 5I_ME1i6N,1x31cM1Ci1AEL & Mc- V MICHAEL, T` ` BARRISTERS. l\lI..- L......I. Ci-..-L ......L .3... .. `L- -1.` ?Pnor.mm"on. Proprietor. abs 0:: hand ..a 325. 47; ALT; persons In want `of money, for one or Len _\'k`1l.l'S, can obtain it on terms more. :u1v:unlugcuus to the borrower than those of any other Society, by app1yin_g to ' ` ' Vs'II.LIA.\I SANDERS, P.L.S. ` . ' 1)/uumz, J\pprnisc1' and Surveyorfor the Canada. Pm-mnnnnt lirlibliu` and Savings Societv. [wmaivj 1 &1;~:mT% MdN%Y'!!1 ,,. __ L- `I -..J ' `V suRvr:s;u;is' ' byaiiiis: if `i,\i.`13:.`r%j.i`T C1 .ESW1CKE, "Jun-., Provincial land Surveyor, VALUER,- &c., 7 my V T BARRTE. I J. J. LANDY, BARRISTER,` AITTORNEY-AT-LATVW, nnrmrrnn nv nnnmmmv nnm/my: Drawings & Descriptions for Patents of In- ventions cnrefzzlly prepared. Valuations made mud Su1'vs,=yiug oevery description ex- ecuted with. accnmcy and dcspatch. ' gtntfor the JETN./I LIFE, Hartford, Conn Aug. 24, 1869. ` 83 4-lyrp |Provincia1 Land Sur'veyOr,` ' T (HUN 5`. 'IZ`7:`I\7I.`DOT fJL`RT"I lPB0Yl%NifAL]U131JJ3fSB EYQR! . The Accident ,lnsumnce G omxpany, iN THE POSTOFFICE BUILDING, BARRIE, Barrie, May Gtb, 1868. ` 18- 4 -"'-""""' *"""' "'--'*J '-). 'L'./1ND_ 6- GE. V'1~.`R.L ./ZGENII, ` ORILLIA, ['13 . -_`._ >.~`.1x\:n`Lions' ca1:ef:ql}_y_Lf:tenr1ec} Ato. I-U` `row the 16111 to the 24th of each month. 7'. I IIHBIQ7 I'i`U'l Em IU_-III I `unf- Mumbcr o/` I/ms 1u:/at Collcge of "Dental; '- ' _ Su.-`gnu/z_: uf Ozxlnrio. Rooms Ao'n Oxxjon Street, near Dunlap Street, !`.:u':io,' which will bcvopcxl cv_cry day, except '7-` v 1B0YAL1NS`U1iAN'CE`c0MPANYI Paaaraif must, Muml..n- n/- /. vn- Nu:/:.'I CnUr.n' nf 'Dnlul ` PH i M the hue residence of Pr. Ramsay. if i ~ ......u -.v,, s:}:.\N}'t'iiu"1io:e xi 1\C80UGFJUR COLDWATER STREET,'OR|LL!A. 7 \a?eME ew;E_w HAVEN] Banister and Attorney -at-law, ` SOLICITOR IN (711./1NC.'VEl 1 (Y0NV1'.`Y- ' ' ./9N(.,'l2`R, &c., .'c} ` COOKSTOWN, C.W. 2').-Iv lALEX;MER0w,| lGA.I.n@:f15.`};lf*fAA'.T1.%`:i,%.$R 5| : B 1:A`A1:'rIiUn A_I D1f&:3;riJI7,WW MEMBER ROYAL COLLEGE OF SURGEONS. .-_._.._.__.__... i\}: Ri t<>i}5. N K o, L. Bipf, l [ .1411. 1. .u_ u.:.- .n...................- .., Residence Mr. cnzirxea 'McGae s,- Thornton. I Thornton, September, 18G9_.- 890-lly. Lllhn V: I1: I---.uv..v-.. PHYS1_L`VI./IN, UR GE ON .11 C00 U CHE UR, Izlxjiie Jan`.-5th, 1366.` I I-II`! 3! III Iran: -._I (FORMERLY DRS. sci1or,:=m.15 &:_W_A'1`SON, ' ' BONDHI-.`.ADV,) T ,7 _A___.._-. .-u AND- RE1.IANCE"*'?i;`i`?F3f: .r\ppI`5\13`.`l' ;\.I|'.l I`Ul'V(7yUl'_lUX' |Lll5 uunuuu . Permanent linibling and Savings Society. Jlll) ,1`CU~1r.r . ' - 1-1y " 'J.5`R. COTTER, County Crown Attornev, [IA RDIQTIPD In. .-sv-o \f ..._..-.....-u..--- Dl..7U(.'FI'['Jl..N_. .PP-R./HER, `CON- ' VEY./INCER, INSUR./1NC'E ,LND _ JQND GENER./1L../IGENT, ANGUS, I `VII Ii I ONT .:.-:- Builders, Cabint Makers; and Upholsreri, Hardware. V - H ` " V Arhliai I'VE-any-nan l",n.nvh'-n -ll'|.u.1'_. ` . 1NsURA:;cE-c(-)-'v1-P'XI:IY, _ T QUEEN F-IRE-& LIFE, LA TE_-0F KL I'VNE.BER G, --'__ nu..L_i_..'nI..lV..n9- 'l`h:.u-nl*nrL )N P.pp_r0ved freehold security, and at mode- 'rn`u: Interest. ' AI>N.v.to T . mm min An.nAr:IT .1: STRATHY. June,,18G9. ;.uu.u..3.,r ; .u.,> _ DUNLOP-STREET, BARBIE. Coronez for tl1,cVCoumy of VSz mcoe.' ()tober 2nd, 1300. - - - 1 .--. ._. _. .,__ .-___4_`_.__.__._..__._. KPPLY T0 J AS.` EDXIVARDQ Royal insur-3 aucc Otiice, Barrie . ' ` , - 3 7 $1.43. a uqnucu, LII aluulg, Ill l."Bl'lnlIIg 'l'o 0ordage,vGlass,_Pu.t", &c.` ' ' 2 FOR SALE 2 Lou,;E.sTc.a8Hj TiIrohh'{..Jnnnnrv, mm` mamsoL1cuwouanggpguwsuAN, nnnmnvnn AA` M as`; a:L?1;`. .`: %auAu1t unm n........~ -1; n.. _h.l.....`-rn"..', 7$.2.12s;;u=.:V.s 'jjs:p`:.X1s*cEv NOTICES. 7.1 st P H` H 66.0 I5 if D ISFLI ware. - Spdx-ting Ammuni!.io'n - ~ . Addis Improved Cm-v;e,rs ; l_`o9.1l. .. Stubs Celebrated `Files mid - l'9o1|. Csrpente)-s and Joiners '.l'_noTa. Shoe Tools of all kinds. -V Shoennd Machine Thread; Silk, 80. Cutlery of all kinds. `. '4 Hguse Furnishing Hagdwnre. _ M Shooting and Fishing qkla.~ .' -' r g f Gt.IrdenDra.ih`ng n'nd'E"` ' L9. `Oorda 'LGlas,1s,__.nf. ` FOR s. 131.: yr tn gmndh ... JA%E % E%vR}'% (Late Denutv Registrar) 79. on same "Ci-:"~ oksz"`.` k."Ts*; ELLIOT, mu nu 'I`nnnu'nn*\ Mb ref ' T0 T 7If1N I:_)T \. ~..x-._~\,~~.. \/ v- \/xu m 5aEvL_3g LOAN. Wnnan Kxnma. ;\ ,:__ n. 1., z-uu 6.41.1; .11` Lon,/ESZ .viL'1'bg9i_;`td,.Jnnusty, 16$. ..;'usT1cE IS THE GREAT, 1UT4SIMPLAE PARINCAIPLE, A1"ID-THE; WHOL E SECRET 01? sticzzss IN ALL 1\1:~:n1{jAi[ 1 nom:ss1m. ., \-1'/x- ,.,\ \...~.-.,.,.\,r~'.v.g\.~ >DV|5_{:'J. H. WA`T_SON,_ b%Pj%.j J. A. ARDAGH, ...nr1n11o nnnnrrnuvl Disp.uted' Lines accurately arlidslccl. C01`\;i"E71/'Z;;lZ\T'CE;i# E?I'0., Amu_v _m AHDAGII, ARDAGTI 3: STRATHY, Qnlh-I in-a Rn I-|-in 'Ki13'i:1i'1i I'wL_113, I IVIUEII-I I I ll!!! Money to Lend ..___. "1-ulna A\nnAuVIn runnuln unnum- Onrion :--Dunlop Street, next to Armstrouga Store. ' 10-ly . (Lnte Deputy Regxstrar) -u-1--rvq-u-rv; -n-rt-.111-n 11:1-I `as `J: unnum- (L.-m-2 01)` '[`onoN'ro;) u /VI'l\1\I1f\'\Y 'n inn czvu. suexmnzn, PIT ll` 1' l11T`l'\ f\1"T`l' :2 p3fxr17F'oiz' AND COUNTY or SIMCOE GENERAL ADVERTILSER. LJLLI vu.u.Iu4v-:4 v: ENGL/mjb, P.L.,, n Qmn1.V7Vvn n I AND, an on 31 xv.-xxnx, Solicitors, Barrie. 2-tf .- ON? . 874-6mo. R. rune? BOIILTON (late of the -rm of Bonlton & McCarthy) and Mr.HAMIL- TON D. STEWART, have entered into co-park ' nenbip with Messrs. Lount & Boys, for the practice of their profession. at Barrie, under the-rm name of Messrs. Boultou, Lount, Boys and Stewart. 1: nnvnn n n n. . n . -- Ll. 7-ly. 8-13-H Bjarriue, Ontario, 1'bh%urszd::a.y, September 8, 1870. uao Iu5usu U1. v nun, ucar uuruguu. Thither came the Emperor on Tues- day. Op that day` 30,000` of Mac- Mahon s army was attacked between Mdnzon and Moulins. This was the first battle of Beaument reported by King William to the Queen- '1`hn Frnlunlv ilvnln Ann.-... An-.. Cl... ;.uu5 vv uuuul Lu Luz: Vgllllr - ' The French were dnven over the Meuse to Mouzon. An encounter on the other bank of the river became general. The French were ex- pelled from Vnux and only {need about. nn \K7n':lnnnJnu I.noun..... `IN- .... .. Alan: tlulluu uulu vuudt uuu uury IZIUUU IIUUUL. On Wednesday between Dausev and Bazeilles, with the Meuse and the Cher between them and the enemy, a _severe engagemeat. occurred. The Prussinns turned the French right, necessrtating aretirement on Se tan, before which they again renewed the tighten Thursday, when they were driven into that fortress. PROCLAMATION BY THE FRENCH MINIS- TEES. Pzgms, Sept. 4-'.--A council` of Minis-T ters_ has issued the following proclama- tion :s- 1 ` 'I`o THE FRENCH Peopne. A vuu Vwuwnu There was serious work at Sedan-on Tuesday, when MacMnhun reached the hights ofLVauxT, near Carrigan. 'l`|1iIh6l,I` nnrhn in wnnnarnr 1\lI '[`nn:- Iiavu you I.\J uursuuu o 6 `LONDON: S pt. 3-'The 'Timcs this morning says:-McMahon, by 9. series of blunders, has aggravated an ("initial error, and compromised the last chance of retrieving the fortunes of France. `1.1,,,_- .1 ,`,u 7; - . n. -on a .n.'AuuvUo _ . - , `From the chaos of unintelligible and conicting telegrams, we gather that Macahon was proceeding to t_he re- lief of Metz, when he was encounter-' ed and driven back by the Germans who pursued him so closely and con- stantly that collisions were inevitable, hence conflicts have been reported all the week . "u.V___ - `o . P1 1 OFFICE--.Dunlo1; Street, Barrie, over M6? Conkey Gr Co. s Store. . ' nlncv uocnou, wngnovs, t.L.n., wu. Louxr, u.1.v., aumxrou D. STEWART, m..n.' Nov.,_1_E_!6 * M7-tf Agreat misfortune has come upon the country. After three days y heroic struggles sustained by the army `of Marshal MacMahon against 300,000 of the. enemy, 40,000 `men `have been made prisoners. Gen. de .Wimpff'en, `wh_o'kook command of the army in the place of Marshal _MncMahon, badly wounded", has signed a capitnlation; This cruel reverse will not shake our courage. Paris is to-day in a complete state of defence. The military" forces ofthe country will be organized in a few days. A new army will be" under_ thewalls of Pans. Another army is forming onthe banks of -the Loire`. Your patrrotism,.your union, your en- ergy wil_l save France. The Emperor hasybeen made prisoner in _ the strug- 'gle. The Government, in accord with "the public powers, will take all the measures required by`. the gravity of events. ` V 0 v ` V -:UAuUl DU ' `The Emperess has eniolned Prince NapoI_eon__tAo"reuu'n to Pari. HeA re- fused, and a decree hus been issued, stripping him of his rank, of Prince and `Senator, and'withdVr'awing his dotation. r. l11.!I1;H: nf this nu ununlu '1`!-no nunu uulualol-cu vvvuyauuu U]. 1. ullo `The` following has been recexved here :--Brussels, noon : General Faiily has been'sho t, one account says, by Mac- ' Mahon orders a'nd_others by his own solders. rn:,, 'r.1,,, ,_, 1 ' . 1 rs - uu:-uasul, auu wtlllqluwlllg Illa umuuuu. L Etoite of this city says}-The French have been utterly defeated. The Empexjur and McMahon are.pnson- ers. The French soldiers massacre their own oicers, many of the latter escaped to Belgium. . 7 `T.nunnIu Ron} '1 `Thu 6: 'I"~u,.}. KTDI unuuy I News ofthe surrender of the Em- peror and MacMahon s army has creat- ed great excitement. The anxiety is universal to learn whether this surren- der, involves a cessation of, hostilities and unresisted occupation of Paris. "[`l 1n`fnllnu7inn- hoe '|-main I-nnnvtlnr` I r .vv\4u~ao Signed by VCount.de Palikao; H. 'Cheorea,-Rigaultde GGDOIJIHY, Jules Brome, De 19. Tour D Auvergne, Grand- deperret, Clement Duvemols, Pierre Magne, Busson, Billault`, Jetome David .of Ihe_Council of Minisetg. T Ill lljy IIIU \`3Lllll-lllclla . H . I _ I Q The Germans are urgmg King W1l- 3 liam to declare himself Emperor of V Germany. _ . V g N n\x1un"fhn urn-rnnnv nf fhn Fn1-l `LoNnoN,Se;t 3rd.-V--TheTrib`une's I correspondent at Berlimtelegraphs that, the Emperor and an of MacMahon s_ army are captured. `Plan (Icy-mnna urn nu-03nd Kine` Wil_! IMPORTANT STATEMENTS IN THE FRENCH ` ' SENATE. .III__ the senate yesterday, the -Minis- 161"` 'of"war said:- We have learned through `various unoicial channels that Marshall Bazaine 1ailed in his rev cent attempt to tree himself from the hostile armies which held him shut up around Metz. His brtswere heroic. The King of Prussia could not help rendering Justice to` that valor- 05.0.11: soldiers. - -Marshal McMahon,after.try- :ing hard to reach Bazine in; the direc- .-tion of the north, was obliged to retire. In the environs of Sedan were several days ghting with alternate success and . - reverse, .but,..,we.contend_ed. against an i enemy_ nigmeripallyr our superior, and in .' spite of t]1e fm:est . a.ari$i'Ee '}'_fforts, the attempt seemsvtcriiave te_rm`iAnated in_an ' unfortunate; nia'nne'r_ forfour arms. Other. `advices roll Prussian origin are . still mo're'n`nfavorable,but do not ap- 4. pear to us }i_vorthy(ol'credrt1`n all cases, mad the gvbthment is not [willing*' to . `give-~then)_i.the.app_hiance of authen- , ;tx?q_i_tTvA_py eonrihnnieating "them t9 ugay sUnnENnE1iT17 NAPoI}EpN' % L AND ARMY AT SEDAN. 1 m}; 'LXtLtE `* MAT TORNEY S-A'T-L A W, BAZAINE RC)UTED~ AT METZ ___...__.-.___;.___.. *- : [THE FRANCQ-_1>_rg1Jss1AN wna: . "me naxon banawuavanan ` 2 .;ur-_sua:idnyr,.yy xyhosei on snags um The receipt` ofthe news 1121 . the Em- peror and McMahon had T capitnlated _ I has occasioned the most prodigumus en- ` thusiasm `here. Thousands of people ,wilh arms linked, singing: patriotic songs,_ .shouting and exlribiting every -other sign of enthusiasm. A surging crowd assembcd .be'fo're Lhe Paiace, where in response to the cheering, the Queen appeared and made a short ad- thtong the streets, moving m ranks` I I dress. Prussian movements. The first thong QIVIU LJUIIKLU`, \V'dS gIVUU- Jules *Favrevdeclarcd-We- are nua- - nimous for defence until death.(Grcat gapplause). It is time thatall political t bickerings should cease` if we wish to ti repair our disasters. He concluded by attackingthe Imperi'al power, and pro- posing to place extraordinary powers in` the hands of General Troehu; Count! de Palikao and the Chamber protested. BEFORE THE suauennrsu. - A letter from Met-z datodcthe 2nd, gives .the following information :--, 4bince'the engagement at Gravelotte, `twelve days have passed without giv-o ingf the Frenclr opportunity to leave thesaddle. The army in such a case is necessarily demgralyzed and nnalile to oppose the Germans, or prevent their securing chosen positions. The be?- leagured army with _ its numerous wounded, and the garrison of the city, and suburban refugees, must aggregate `J00,000,souls. Fevers are the:elere a 4 necessary consequence, and are accom- `panied with want and suffering. B1-j l zaine must have counted on the arrival of" I\`lcMahou to relieve this A m`i'se I4 That hope `has been dt.`.'il.l'Oyt3Ll by tile: - I V Ill. t of the Prussiaus, was that I\lcI\'Iuhon `H was hastening to the defence of l nris,"h but it was also feared that h.e might, by g ` hugging the Belgian lromier, march` ` secretly hack to Metz, where Bazaine ,; . was cooped up, and attack the Prus-' sians in the rear with the co-operation H I [ r y- . of Bazaiue. Hence the_ advance]; of the Prussians in three groatr, columns sweeping the extended line of? , the Belgian irontier, Afrorhalougr the} 1 vl`/leuse to the Auhe were coctnnlly shutting out McMahon from Metz. l ._ The belief on the part ofthe Prussiaus, i that McMahon had gone from l`.l\eini;: northward toward the Belgian border, seemed to be confirmed from the follow- ing circumstances. A Saxon Cavalry Regiment in theuortlr overtook a regi-. meat. of Chassenrs D Afrique. The Saxons immediately gave battle, and after ashortaud sharp encounter de- , feated them. The Clrasrsettrs s were then'fo_uud to belong to General -1*`a.ill_v s corps of McMahou s array. From this ml the proximity of Marshal .\Ic;'\'1alion s1 army was inferred. The news \`.'LlSt] despatchcd prior to` the Imperial sur- 1 renden ( I 1 . 4 I r I f` Bet us defend Pans, he said, oh thoi L walls and in the streets, and xf it must _ I be,` we will Abury ourselves under its l'rm_ns,- ` ` A '- BRUSSELS, Sept. 2nd.- Additional bodies of French troops have passed the `Belgian border, near Bouillon. ' They were promptly disarmed. In one body of 3,000 men, were one geneml, .and several oicers ot the Imperial staff, who gave up their swords. _. T ' g nu, , __._,__1, 1 .1 1-1 I The number of the French within} the boundary; of Belgium on Friday was about 10,000. All laid down their l arms. They were` then conveyed to; Namur. They brought along 400 artil-l lery wagons, two guns [and 1,000 horses. 0 ` ` BAZAdNE'S INVEI-`I">EC'l`U.\L ATTEBIPTS TO ' LEAVE METZ. MALINCOURT, Friday `noon fluid.- 3 3 Since Wednesday morning, Buzainev has. constantly fought.` to get to the northward from Metz with his army. Thejforces of Prince Frederick Charlcs and General Mantcuffell repelled at his e."orts, and especially in an action that may be styled the battle of Nouzevillc. The French were ung back into the fortress. The Prussian force in this battle was composed of the First and Second cops and a portion of the Land- wehr. The oonictsioocurred for the. most part around Zerguay and Nouze- `lls. . _ A I OTTAWA, CANADA, Transact: Business with the_ Patent Oice and other Departments of the Government. COPYRIGHTS AND THE REGISTRATION OF TRADE MARKS & DESIGNS PROGURED. m13's}{m1, Sept. 3_'.-The following has just been made public:-- . Rnfnrn gm-Inn Frnnna TT'pJnu Q-..` I In 1113: Coyps Legfxslatif, a statenmnt ` of the sutuatxon similar to that delivered iii the Senate, was given.` Jlllnn `T11:i(IrA.Jnnhx\rt-r1__(\ITn nrn no-n_ HE HUGH IUHUU lJLIUHU3"" Before Sedgn, France, Friday, Sept. 2nd, L22 p.m.--Erom';.the"Kmg to the ,Queen--A capimlation, whereby the whole army at Sedan are prisoners, has just be 51} ._c,dnc1qdedA wit.l,1',Genera)~,- V Wemp en,~ commandant, jrjustead-..uI Marshal McMahon, who is wounded." .n`n\\v\Ar`nv suntan.-In-A.` I..':..".'-I[ L. __ _ Luunsuxu }V.lf(;5U1ullU, wno 1_s wounded, Emperpr snixendored hiu"s'elf to me, an be ht_1s'no command. He has left ev'e ry`-thing to the Regency at Paris. ' His rnsidanr-.9 T nl-`ml! nnnnino uh... nn uvm_yv.um5 Lu um ucguuuy ag. fans, His xesidgnce` I shall appqint after an ~inta1:vj9w with him, at a xjepdpzvoua to be .xed.immediatel`y. 4 . What n nnnrcn ninanou "...:ol. (1-35. U0 ,4\V |l'llLlIIJU\-IIIIIUIII ' [ What a. course events, with God : guidance, have taken`! _ V ` 1 nnscnumon on THE BATTLE or SEDAN. __. _.----..- v. htnnnfnnpvq NEW YORK, Sept. 3.-T_he following is the Tribuue s special account of thebattle of Sedan, by acorrespondent who witnessed the action from Kmg Will1am s headquarters. After dta1|- `mg the positions and numbers" of the` . ,;t:oop_s _engaged, he sqys :-There `were a",_1_e\xf.stray ' cannon` shots fired `meyely to obtain thorang as` soon as it. was if ujhnt-t;h,e r e;_1l battle did not? b_egl'n` ~ -uqt_xAl `9 ofqlock becoming sharp `ojrlil-l lery ght at 9, j `when__l{h' baJ:tetie_t}rh__ad' ` `$61.1 . 'go..tTvzithin .148?! .r.8_vg9s PW" the hgslls `bg*g1i*bt6l`dqoeribn f ir`rxs"chie{..'A;, t `V `,55;i,'gp `tlieimslftiiire.jn,th yl; V '_j' o""_. ed-;.. .9. FRENCH EMIGRAT1oN'INTo smcxum. scsN}:1N Tits [corms LEGISLATIL`. ENTHusx}xsM1:' imm.:.\'. Dnwinga, Specications. and other docu- mum nooouory to cure Patents of Invention, prepared on reooipt of the Model_ of the Inven- \1on,snd relimnnnry uauohonn the Patent Ollie: one My undo; Jnnn. I868. 824- 4- ;_4o_-/_ uvu Ivulsi uxi. d.bLU1lIZ`U'J\-l gt): see ` ciux_|d'-s_]oE r(i`.r:e1t'iug Irene;-a miau-E try on `ghee hiH_bc=1\Veqn L"iuj:zg and >5;-i _d:m,u' 1 :;:.,~s;:.u. I)-.`.t?.c:y_ in (mu: pi fji. 1 A_ lcngc.=.=', nzxzxiring acuzxrutu. .prac1i.fe wnh Q percussion -ah}is_ amoizg me rccedmgi 3 .ranks,'- The \vhul::'}zii3,' _ for u T qazdprtc-rg I-nt{ an" hour. \'.~':1s_lit\3ru.li}.r Ac)V(*.1'x:d wntn! 1Frenchmen,' rlvluumg. rupia'iy. Less I than halfluu-hour z1(Lcr\vu.z1i,:.t 113.51.), I i I 0 f "Gen". Von liuon cu.{h2_.I LiLxr.;:::er;uo:1 _lu an oLl'1er;-l"rcnch c(-lumu'1:1 f.aH_zctren!. onsthu rig11t>fI;*cdu.u,<)':1 the tofu`-. lg:-arI- 4 mg from L3.xz.-illevto L ur_ Lu. G_a'"I`enm: [ wood. Tney never l1ulL. until, thc_yV! came to_:1; retl-r_u.;f;:d house on me` out- skirts oft)`:-.duu itself, AIn1osL:s'.1thz ! same mumcm, 'Gvm._b'}xe1'Aixluu who xvxu I usin" mv unem hiass, askcdjnluto look 1 D I ' 2: __ uL.,a. llurd Fzjcuclx column umvmg up a Fsrcml. gruss~c:>ve`r_-sd `mad, l'.:r_ougin the La Gurenne wfjod, Rm l11i(Ll3.L'_l:y ., above Sudan, doubtless to suppor]: the troops d<,_fcud11.g the m1po`rtam.A iiuzeiliu ra- vine to me nurlllcustoflizc town. At one o_ clock the "'ren'ch, lyattcfies on the , edgeuf the wood toward 1`o;cy;,A and; above it opened it v'igoron`s lire un the advm1cing._Prussian co1un1sbut"ti)cA third corps, wlzusc `evident. in1.erm0:1 was to; storm ahehm xxor'.h_-west o[Lz~. (1;1ren_1pe, ] and so Tg:1inTtheTk*.y*of'tl1g pusitiuu unj that side. V 1 A-- -` ` - -- I I At 1.05 p.m., 3/of iinotlusr I"rcnchi \, hattery hour lii.='J- wood opened on the f i Pi'ii3'~`ian_ coiumns, which were cornpoh 3 C. ` Iud to.keo1i:;!:ift.ii'i_g their grozinil till 11 `ready it)X`.ti)(`il' n:1lzu::E; :1`. the l`.iil:s,, in order to avoid oi1":3riiig sci goon! iii inurk to the French Shclirg. Afton b wards, we .':w.' the first Pfltfyfsitlll skir- 1' U1iSil|';'U|.1 '.i.e`crest oftihe: Lri (iurunne I` ` hiils Hi)-:)`J:,'iiUl`Cy. They did not SKIP `1 iris'.r.1'igth,.ind Gen. Siicridaii, wv io 3 .was .slaridiug behind me, o:~:;12iimcii, 3 `.` Ah, the `oeggars are too wank; they - C can never ' hoiti` that p-irition ugniusa i I` those Frauen . The Geri`:-r;iI ::' pm. I 1 N190) s.>on' _p`;o\-`Cd .correct, for on thei r .'u`re:ichaidv.1iic".,r_'*, in ieast _six to one, I `X the Pmssirms were forced to retreat 3 i the hiil to seek !`ei!]fUl'CCl11Cl1'.SfI`Ull1`iH) 9 columns which werchurr_vin;_r to their 1 suppo:`t._ In ve iiliuutes they came " back `again; tizisi time in greater force. 3 `out still terribly interior to zinc huge I 3 French` niz_1s;es. Good Heaven, the IV` "French (3nirzi:sscurs are going Tu.chargt'. i them," cried G-en. Sheridan, and sure` I enough tho. re;_zin1eut.of Cuirztsseurs, 5 meir iiCIir11_ets':1:u1 }')r'e','.s(pia:t.:_\` 1Li:Tiiu`-g , t _in tho Sei;-tci:1l)ci'.;uu,_i`orin in scrztiriiis: C of squadrons turd` 41:15}: down mi the C scattered` l rn: SVi(ll`[llL.$il:'3l'.`$,. \i2i:li:n:t "e_IglllHg to form in hue. Eiiizztroa u -' L4 , 'i'he: in- never used hy the [`F`Kh.lttl`:4. tautry received the Cllirusscurfs with 5`. crLrshiugj;, quick lire at about _lUU y:'1rd. distance, loading and tiring with cx--t treme rapidity and unfailing precision ; into the dense French squudroiis. Th" `K effect was startling. ()vcrwe11t hor- `sea. and men in numbers, in in-asses, in hundreds, and the regimontof proud French Cuirasseurs wont. f hurrit-i1!y back in disorder-wont back i;l:3i`()r than .it came; went back scarcely a rCgiril(.'!tL in strength, and not all 0. reginiont i in form. Its cornoiy,'arruy was 3-ud..lenl;.' changed into `hi1a[).';ieSS `and hUipieSS' `crowns oiyiug men. The moment the Cuimsscurs turned hack, the bmvo Prussizms aetuuily dnsiied tbiwvartl at. the double quick, the infziiilry . plainly pursuing the yingcavalry. Such a thing. has not often been recorded in the zmnalsof-w.ar. I know not when rm example to compare precisely with this has occurred. There was no more striking episode in tho `b-attic.` When the French ein,"antry saw their cavalry ` thus eeing before fast` soldiers, they in, ` `theirturn came forward and attacked "the Prussmnm The lattbr waited quiet- - ! i ..* it I: i I !} ! It `I !. I. 1 i `ly,1pa't1'ntly enduring a~.rapidiand _'teIl7-i ' ing re. from .t_he_eChassepotse,` until1 their enemies had drawn tsof` nezfr as to be within 100 yards from them. A Then . they returned -with theneedle gun,-the rapid fire from`the"Chass'epots, and the rFre'nch' infantry could no longer endure ' t`hie'vP'rt1s3iIit1 fro,?'than *t h`e cavalry" -' to w1iose'reso;uo`_-they had `come. i 'IYhe..in_- -faiiitr y'*e tiirii,`i'znd followed the 3 fca_va3r'yU to""the `place-from which they 'can1e_; - `That i, jb`ehin'd`tbe ridge some [506 Yfd' on the way to` edan safe Irom t,hewVBr;usA3i_a_.{_1_.g11_itraillil8e_r,"Wihetb_' their i , ~,g';,.,3;,,g.Jira:c9uld no. longer. reach'~tbe'm.' ' '5'. :'I1h*e.;g:e:st;.hiegt-.bi;th9t P.mss_i.ans.. V A _ I.tBy..:,`Nrver'M9t-:$1ti_'Vi!-V L :1;ji4s;rgs$9ts1l.;-.$19!. tffufgtt i i M . -:gainod.;=. `mqiti that he did not, r'exnen1b<-:1: ever to have L hoard Such a 5 wr_-`H `sustain:-dT re of i small:-.rn~.s. It ma-.1e itslfhoard above the mar of the bavttcfics at ourXfeet. :A,t-1'2 o'c}nck precisely, a I nf.s.-.~ian bat- tery ofsix gu:'.~sjou me gslopc rilnve the brokr-n raiiwhy bridge over me .\l'eus_-, ` near La Vilottc, l1nd`siier.ccd two hal- teries . "of-Ffench g_n'ns`a . -the foot of A Bare Hill, alrazzcly n1eu.*.i1>n9d,ne-1r the` .vi-llage o(F!m'ug. At l2:1{).tix-e French 1`I\{4\.-.i_.-' ... .._. 1-I `-4 uuu UL\'Llb'lIL Lu uLI_v. _ ` , , I " Although despaLg:'x:c.s`l2;.ve `u/can rc.- } ceivudViutlns'cnL_y' tu.-day by Ll`{c.'.'re11Chj cable, nut 2;. word hgxs been il:i11'(;1fO.D I the 1 :1'1"is agent 01 Elm A ssocmted Press, which 1ud1ca'tcs that` the (J:-nsor has} forbidden the tz`:u1:juuis.shm 013" xxewsj of :1 puhtinul cixamctur. . . A j1 ' I At 13.27) we '.vcs`-u ail` z1stoui::iz-3.1 mg l:1r\r\ ..'.....L..',.,! ,...-._ , x ~lAI'Iu5Io Ul .L' (Killian I I'll. Ia}l"` LHU C KUIIUH. 1`11la:1try,'_xxolonger sum.-orled by their zzrllllery, were cu:i)p5llu.II L; n.-16:9. to 1?'lul:1ig,' and souxl`-al'ter\\vu: Lhcj1:uc- tibzi between the Suxonzs -.in;l.l rus:si:u:.*: l :el?.ir.d\5edax1"-w_;1s amlom`.-r_:ed runs by lcucfull V011 Room," eagcrl.y;peerZ1x;.; through a 1-Jnxgc -.telcscoye,- :15: buillg safe- ly completed, Iron: tliis .mumentLl1r:'rc-` suit. could l`19llo.~1gc'r `be d<)uhI.f~;:l. - .`ln~. French were cumplet-gly l3l|.:`r,(::l*.lI.li`Ll. and brought to buy. A H . . . AIAY. ` ` - ' l I - -.vJ v.g,v--_.-. .- .-VYORK, `Sap.-.23'-The TAe_1e-_ gram s., specialsays :--Despa&ches` from the-seat ~ of war report more. Brilliant I -$1921.51 Prussian successes. -. Twenty thousand >_I ;i1`s;sja_tf1 ' at1;`i`~t611`_hg3usa_nd Fredb` . .sg_1;1m;s:}g11e&- a nd" wy_:jndd% qpon, rlhe. '5 "o`ba, fi1`Ol:11:1B:I'Ci1VsseIs,A da.t,e_i ;2nd, pans ghal ,t.hx:. 1?russj;ainsV who: .e_n_:oared c0v`E'11NMENT. g j -The Emperor passed" tlzrotigh C`m- I `.fl-ans, hrenkfabted ut. Etriin. and cute-rmi i Vcrdun without further Ixloicslmiuli. ; i AL this moment Marhul I:.iza'i'iic: was I iciigugeci in checking the zirmics oi Prince Frederick Charles and M-.1'.'shal Steinmetz. .A. staff otliccr '__:ul!op-.:d 1 iiito.`s'crLiLi11 with the news m 1herci1It,: V but the Emperor had just lpft fur (Hm-i luus, wilh'1hc _l riuceIn)peri:1|, and hardly any `escort. At thu stutmn hr` asked for 1 tram. Sir:-'," .'s:<::.i station-nmstcr, I have uuthing to .m"-er yoil but a third-class curriagc-,." -"-I i\\")i.i `content nxyselfwitli that, rcpzied till` Emperor, who took his seat on the lmni E buurd, refusing ziicuslirion from his ca ri- rintrn H. ...,v-, I I HAL` .0. D. Lamas," 1:036. whole No. 949 :3"_U~`=`_ `moi:-i1;.nto l}xc'irrl;o:.Lis--to has In1pu_riuL,\lujcsry. lliding 1hc:r{- ';;""5".'S d`'m.~';' "39 '1|l,'__'.x?- in the l.v!`.|r.: I1:Ic'b:ei.~`~" round the `(J!ra.Le:ru. F:<;.<;c.a.i i and the m~ig1m.rg,,.~~r.1, V" . V _ _ - . ,,_. n.::, the} mm. at r;q`no.'ur0n of `,,:h,-;1;')_<; 39,-Us_. [hU_I`ui;l.0'.`u],` -wrmo tncy opened fire on the \-'51:;-3, Ufw ;\lu;1}n1,s. situated to th. left of LU- mlcvxllu, in order. to :';1,r,_-cg-3`-111 3id_ Fortrrnaleiyvfor the I`m .130. 1'; ;. 1.`. . m";nc_er`7hl ' .' 1 .1 2_.,_ winch -3. Va. eu. up L10 railway hndge. nudar thxs me, _and the Uh.'m;_r,= hem-_; gm-.03, gnd ndmg astrong'fn:c,`. 3;. _"B'E13V``?.- surrendered. 'l.'lu-, nu:-2: rug}-.t t`he lufmperor p:1s.scdntGrave.|ot:,\. _(1`r.1}`1l1e .;0:lsc1()ta4f ;1nn,- named ]')'am_- ' . L. . :1 llI`(Z1y, :1.m., open charse with tho Prince Irnp=:ri=1] - * 1'l`t`-1F9V'e wfly, lakmg the V'alIoy1l;:;. 113105 remote from the Moselle. -\..~_: 112., - russmn gunners were ahead ' ` T- -_ . _ . 4 y YCHIJASL 1*1m9h0", 11 was found u_(:cF3S::::I`y_`m Pwlwt the road with the :;r(:n.u'im':.< of` the guard and three reg:r1 n.-n!so{C;n._ ; arl_y. V 4; ,'l`Ix..v L`....._-.._., . he got mm an 3 1 I 3. r I v V I 1 , ! six/Lnl \4 A\1ucl.UE.3 u. uusxnon xrum ms car- riage. IIe asked {of :1 glass 4;: wine, and the statiuu-mastor-`waslzud mm the glass he had juat used_at. breakfast mu! gave the Emperor a drink. The l rjucc Imperial, who was greatly fatigued, dc- mauded to wash his face and hands, and pcxlormed his ablulions {in the slat_iou-masler's glass, using Ins pockni. Iuax2dkrcI1x<.'ffurzt towel. . A . I ` _ .... \ ....... -.,,-.u.:..:, vllibgv. ..U-} ` JTt_ now no secret that in the course at Sunday Inst. tl1e_Prz1ssia11s on hear- I mg that the Enlperor had left. Meiz en ma/,lc,-4-as it was mgderstood, to Ci1.'A1i9i1s', made :1 dash in thc; hope ofcapturfng Ens Alujesiy; It was about. i;2clf'-pas! three 'wh cn. the` lmper:;r- pru ."`ux11" Mom to Longm3*.fil}c, \\'H"r4-. he . gun up at the lmunsc of (luiuzinl Hem - j 1.!-gm, his s;!;1'o:1ca111ping on the lzuvn. ,3 :\i'.va3'rs_ cupi-'.3.J:",'=inmrn|':cl, mu }.`"rx;s--} .-,E.>1).-5 2;,-ad: ii into lhcir l;c.).Lis Lu <:'.1n' , C l'}1i.SIn1pufi:LL.\i;1jcsty.. 11iL!i1zg1,hc:11- 3 .`-3L`,I\"(:S dm'in_;;1he= 11132.31. 6.12. ; l.:`.lr.:i ' r.un~.l 41.. ,t-. `...,, . !j on | uwlcsu E I:.:za'i'u `.'=nr.'u)-ml xn nlm..I.;..., -' ' ,,,.._- I On the mormng of the 17th the lim- perur reached Uhalons, and them are divers reports abroad as lathe i`eccp- tum he met with in the camp. ioxm; ed to ;_bll1ci111s, and such 13 the case. Fhtz (`r-urde Mobile is said to have ung at him such epithets as Assassin, 3:.~3. cf the evening paper; say he has .retihr-V i A good military anecdote is told of` i(}3nTuul l)c(`.z1en. He had observed that ' several men of his division were with~ out guns, wbosaid they had lost them. The General came to the cuncliisioii , that some at least ofthe sultlicrs rcasou- i mg thns--i{l throw .awu`,I my gun hu--' hind 21 lieilgc, and am found out, I shall get :1 your or two of izupris'omm.-nt, but t!1:it- is L`UUtj than heing .~.'l1ul. J`o' C.i)!!ll'Cr(lGl'lllG:j0 cow-ardly t::r:iic.~;, (Jen- erul I)-.3c:zn,' who does not like court- martinls, issixed an oniet of the day do.- golziriug th`.it.evcry soldier who lost his !'( liassepot would be sentto the lront in action without arms; and would not got any till he helped himself from the Cl\Cll1_\'. Since lll_lSVQ'l (1\ I no arms have ` been l0$'C in this genc_ral s division. .5 `l.`..-....l. ..-._A.. - } 1 I us nu .;.tcI,3lLlllh V/.&S}Il`C\'(.`I`U!wIV, Sgpt. .'-L---A duspalch {ruml\IniVstcr Motley fully confirms King \`."iIlian13 duspalch"reg:1rdmg the isurrcmiet of the - Emperor and thc I I"r:=.nnh nvrrnu ' V .:~unuu'.It:l. U]. ' . || *'rench urmv . 4. Auuyxju Minister \VashbQun1e---tclcgmphs from Paris,` that the 'peop!e_.-A had lxcurd of` the defeat of McMii hnn and the cap- tnrc- of. Sedan. but did not know whetlmr Hie Emperur was a prisom-r, or in Belgium. `Hf . . . . . . . - --- 3 IIJIIAIVR lllavnnlnlu Alilulv AuI4UAnlnx,IIIn V Orqu.-_.-;.Dunlop S:..tho_same as those oc- cunicd b" the late krm of Messrs. Boulton 5 Jccu y. V . 847 \ca11ped on French soil, he collected all ` .. ....-. by-1-\,_;u.| o unvlavutu. A French paper says that when, on the 8th ot"August, the I'CVO|'CIlt'.l{1lllL'l'_ of La 'l`m.ppe.at.Dombes was infoxmrazl of the fatal result of the battle of the} 6th,` and that the Prussiuus were en~l the monks to tell them that the caqttn-,-I` try was `in7dan_ger, and tl1iit'," if'f'tll1x slug; premc moment," the first ofhll duties was todelend it. All said they were ` ready. Then tlnosevwho were able to bear arms were told o to go to the frontxer, andthose . whom age or inr- mities compelled to remain in the high- nstry, * asked leave to act as national guards. A brother was-despatched to Lyons to buy secular. vestments for those who volunteer for the frontier. ' ID]. A at Jnberly on parole. - g \V.wHtm;':'<)N, S1-:9. `1'-Minis1_cr .T'.\nes telcgraphs from Brussels, full conrma- tion ofthe news `of yesterday from France. ` 7* ' of lh: same cily.?;. The greater part `of the othcers of both forces have been` set Hberty ' T 'f\.stura_-I-'u-nu Q..- 4" n.v:__,-,-. , 1-. `< of bath fnrhna: hnun 1......` .. ..---up nvl Av Anvuluvls ;The seers are '` comirg out in their strength about this`-time, and the pend- ing war gives their prophcsyings excel- lentvscope. Among the revived ones,` we` have the D`0rval one, written by 8. monk, some centuries ago, which traced `out distinctly the wonderful career of Napoleon T the Great--his overthow; his- return from Elbannd final down- fall; the ascent of Louis Niipoleou to .the`;throne; the Crimean war, and -other-incidents, _ending withthe-=na'l : T _downfall of Louis Napoleon by a bloody-. - conquest at- Pn'ria," in which the Seine :- `1E,l9gh_"'`tIftfgrt' which; at young sifll A l l V , V j es--e`;redV'with* the blood M of "the Prince, NAI oLE,(:>`N's ESCAPIC FRCJM C.\.1"1`U[ _.E; (Ff: 5 `And `$2 00' if` not paid ( f in advance. _ VII '15. lllli `ILIC U36 `USCG (DUI! -4-Because :it_ strengthens, .111; oo_._l-_ V. {51943 ALL .:a4_L IV, souczroza IN` c7M7vc1-.`s Y, CONVEY- , JNCER, 8'43. lrlnnan `Pemr Street. neit don!-'to.th a .._.__. a flu ]I`!.\/.([)'t[Ill.I'4") '13 .- \VA R. N()'l'l:JS. -....un uuuuuu J 'd.H\" 4~ I ix 'la`kiug'tl;e valley me `1 ; already gcttfnxg LS funml ..m....~........ -. on r nfy. 1_h :11- : lvlvllliia _, .. . .s:2n`r.u::, :<.' `3`-1'-ii: g.;~.1.' \.\."i:i ; "pa.-{I-'.-st impunity {): ..~I".v.ll .`. 1- :r,'L_'~.-ii 22' mi LEI` Ac,-..(,-.1[i -_,1'r:1'.H::sx;9.l;:-.s, 1`.`y'i:.`ti1ng1 imliself, ax1dT;`.uHyEn';__-; yvnh im3.;d_,' ; Longing` or 1.v.`c'.vr: rzxull-i(-..~. !. '1`.iag:.5 !uuH_\_' carried |:;c`u,rpxoxfs 1 J I)-) 5: ': \`n_cxcmgzlication of the old }Tr'0`\'/-Eb l-tl;:~.t `fit is lnutter to be born lucky than mch, 11:19 _j-ast come In light in Ncrnark, ;\".J., in the [mrson of :1 young mzxrried i (-'0rlr1a1l1'lady, the wife of Mr. John M. l 1\'<.`ilret, residing in Prince-svreet, in llu: i. lb~)\'(3 city. Acc.udAin:: to rcliublc . :ur7l:orily, it appears that she and hr-r 'I:er lmsb.-nml are nnlivesul \Vnrten1- burg, Germany. I hey have only been in'tlli< country eiglrt or nine nmvllrs, and haul just got rnnrriud prior lu leav- . lug home. 'l`w'cn!,y years ago an uncle {of Mrs. Noilrcr, nmnod Reisse, let: I E (iernxnsny .:1nl slur:-cl for Calilurrriu, , ' wlxvri` for `:1 time lm made slow pro- grss rn1hc_ru:ul to wealth. With. umly 1lL`.T.siSlLfIlCL` he kept at true. dig- ;_{ll`._';.'~`. mml at last the `cklr goddess r')uuu- lformmr'srml(-cl :1 mml grznqitrus ~lm!o mu} in the lwvnkllngr ofarl eye. ;?'.]r. I-`i<;sv, fmm be-ing Ill :1 state of ' .' 1' . , .1 ,, ,r,I a ;nnu\-:3 nun. - We .cou!d.r;:hxte many incxdeuts in this c.2rmoc'.iuu iI.'ustrative ofuur little friend'sncicromamtic facultyof snbduing the reptile crezntmu, but the above must isuico. ` =~tm!t- the. eye.` Mr. state -.,I'('tVt['l`.tt`.d,` was lllc_}0_\ flll pvssessor ot {:z`14p0t)0 doIIar.txttggct. Hts tuck had Q-:t:rmgr;t-1, and in the c<~ttrse rxfa few.- `ycars he xvus wurth at least .">().00f dull:1_r:'. tn the (1`HM(l) ?~`t.'1tc Mr -. 'l. te1s. rcmamcd fur n cuusidcrnblve time, stths(-quently_ tnct-,tin_:; umuy ups `and duv;ns tttrvttntztrity. Ilv Iuttfthcrc, `szmveva.-r, qtttte wcattlxy, r-mnc lt'nstam`. Settled rluwn into Nihltti huclnn-lr.~rlwu(`t. i In the 1m.-tnttittv: hc_ Inttl I:-pmt(~di_\' \.v1jittvn 1=~r his nicct-, but she dr-lcrru`. csos:-mg the At'nt)ti\: mm!" :l:..- lmd zchmtgx.-1.1 he r nrunc. At nbuut the tiuu-. s!=1_e and her mswh; CI\C'.L'(l spay; univ- {cdin l\.'_cw York, 1llL"llt!Clt; wus hulk t way on his way track to (It-rmnny. llc. ;:uri\'ed m Hrcmcu, where he was at- } tacked by Clti-Hlrtlfllft and tzttully stub- I bed, so that he dtcd in three days.` It I has sittcu transptrud that by the prun- traions of his mil the bulk of his pmpcr- 4 My is bequeathed to his niece, who, with ` a her husband and lcgn} adviser, is now 2 {making prcpumttuns to start for Ger- ,1 many on an early day. The fortune -: left Mrs, Ncnbor )5 said to be in excess pf 100,000 dollars.--New Yuri.` Paper- 5 u: ulnu. :. He Can] _take :1 rat or it mouse um! u-` li`.(Ll;i[)Ll!J .e,1.!.~-S70 put thug. inexplicable: tyrant :`,-pf) upon It that H. at Uncv hu- `c<.n1cs` rm mum sup1;l.5aut for ffxV'("' quiescent, and may be Lurnblcd ; at [>lC'.)_SlI.-`3 . The young lnzxgiciuu : that this. NH!- lC{(lUU.`i power '1: given him by 3-p'uit:s, whetlncr good ur evil he knows nut. 11! I! ,,),.s. ..__..... I..._..l..,A_. ,_, 1 SIM :1 LA 1: '.%'r< >1: Y uJ=GCO1)1-`0R- ; ' '1`|.'N u. FIRM. I . ;_ . 0Iluw:~., in Czu:nd:i, is generally rc- ipntod to be u. thriving town, pcrlinps the most thriving in the Dominion ;~ but if the income-tux returns are to be i trusted, some of the most important -pt.-rs_onuges,in the place must be miser- p ably pocr._ According to a local newS- " paper, Of the lteen members of the a Municipal Council of the capital, ten are exempt from paying taxes, 0" lh declaration that they have no income; the other ve are taxed for an income of a little over 200 dollars. The Mayor. living beyond the city limits, avoid `taxation. The Boardiof Trade inclnd. _ e's`the'we_.alt|iiest merchants and cm zeus; yet seven return no income. 3" ` r [the;; aeventeen some conic ,, H ,_` |&5l}6Y~ell_lie of 100., Appalt?" lj w;l`[_, merchants and aldvocat rtttitir"_`in:-Liiines of 600- dalip, o ` f'Pe theps-`there_`in a slight ax . ' E %.retu'n'1s.--ou one i-sipde or`.,gli K_ " ' r ski; uuvv IUIU Iv `:'.UVI.ll| Lusuvu HUI t\- pieces in :1 paiiiic ul incapacity. His` ll]lIllSl_01 S are such as he made them. The'y were as" good _as the exigencies of the imperial i-ystem would allow him to secure ; and as s JUII as the trial comes ilicy Sll.U\'-I tlmt they `.'iave ncitlmr head in plan, um` l`.'.lll(l3 to CX( (`.[llQ, nu: iltldfl. `.1; rule. ` \Vlm;c are the trusted councillors to whom tlie cingairu W'0lll{l_ vtllrl) lor uul ii".lie's.;vnreirz_ii wl'.crv*$u(l- icnly reumr;'c(l by vluulhl Ifthi-re um Kl`./l1UlA'.JIllX';u.`.`.ll)g wlu-ii he is for the f'inmn:xx1m.'cl by military ncco-.sEri.Ls, uml di.-:ci.c:.iih:(l by military cli.<:i~:n:rs, ;v1;;1:_(;h:uir,-"c-, i~; tlierc llmt . it vacalut *.l1muu and an iucurzi-m of republican- lrm '.v: liriii;; them to. light? 'l`h\`.' .<:ol`:up3~,: wlzicli threatens thv dynazty .o-(luv would lir.'.Vc ultimately have umlcrlzikcn it under any circuuistanccs wlz-c.tcvcr. ' U l`LOL .1DA ()U 1`l 11AI\'L'I.i.`\' Po1.<-_m:ous msv'1`1I.1-:.~: wrm - '1.\1L*I>11?ry. __,L1'urII.1IlLlIV:a nxvgyg ;I.1IA'p;I..3 ., ;'rhe Pall Mazz Gazette of the 1'b aIzsI, his showing" thfthe failure ofthe.F.re1" I Irimarial Gnvernmnnl in n .......t -19 18 wuu-gu uuu nu. uqv Au ulo Ull Luuuluu llle event; whit "would in any case have`tallo'i_vp_d two`. his death. The object of his reigh like -beento build up aetrong government, tutder sheltenof t,-thq lgugcesslun should quietly pass to his son. in some-rewspect. Paris seems agreed to act: as though the grove had already closed on him. lfhe had died a month ago it is to the Ministry which has just re- signed that he would have bequeathed. the case of his dytnsty ;and, from their conduct. under the depression of one or two lost battles, he muty judge of their capacities for such a trust. He must sometimes have questioned with him- self what would be the fate of an heir committed to such lmnds, and now his question is utistvcretl as though h couJ{l have revisited in spirit the scene he had loft. in the iittsil. Ht: sees. -while 'Iiviii_:;,_t.iit-. uuthurity he would have left to govern Fruuce lull tt. nir-:-nczin -n vrnnnn ..t innnnmuhv "i!" ,1" fm 'lUil|lu5:UI.I VHU oluv vs Iuy vII|V_iI- A tallowaohandler ;lf`,,didg t mean any dispatagamayg *t_q_ the sun when he` said that his 'bl_2i)ges were the bestligbts ever in_vemed.'f ` ` . A ._ ..m-.__....... ....`.-A `On 'I:.".-..`.a'..L Q 'i:..-.._ 'us7 wj1~go:and:- sit Uvnau an-an-u vvvn nu v`...--.._ An old Iaymer said to hiissonh :. Boys donft you [ever spe_k`erfnt.o`g `or. wairfot sumthin` to I:u;ns.u[i.j ; ' `T d -.4` .. ;ma.mh._:.'-. `mick , .`fI`lJlll\IIll, uuui . ' ' `.. 1~h.o: Q The Emperor can now see euual in his own lifetime the events whi; `would in nnv mum A.....~o..||........1 , XT5.."".`| .` V""`.I.\ J .7, I Sohcltors 1n Chancery, ' Noaaries Public, C'o_n'vez/awncers, BARBIE, CVo.Siu'1coe, ONI`. - Q n Anni!!!) ' Aluntnlv `.':`-T?- ~,;_ - NAWLW` L1V$N3;12.1>n. . 'I'hn Pall Mn Qmuu- -4 (L- n " .-4 Qua-24.u.vu-.-a.~ - - \;` ... D At.1'ox` XcCAa-my. D Ar.1-on -MCCARTHY, Jr. llonuIrn._._nnnInn Qt Oh. lnlnn an ung. An- " A 1{17Ir,AR`DAG`1TZc.sTRAT?1Y, Barristers and Attorneys, T is- ..-:4.-.._. :_. n1.__...--__-_ -__-..._ __;.%. .. _._-j= -LEGAL dAR_DS- ` . McCARTHYA& MCCARTHY, VBARRIS TERS ATTORNE YS-A T-I LAW ` . j somcrroasm czumcmav. _ BARBIE,` - -L ONT. fI9LroIn\r"lIl".nu-nnv Tvlrvlnu -llnnnnrruv In BURNET/ 1"S HOUSEPAINTERS, H,s.aow.A.=.E2a*Ts, OLD ` % . V _ 7 : _114YOUNG='STB.E`E"1'-:V- ; iron Paperta:lIg;:=:s&c.'%&c. , q_-onoNTo_A U Cabinet lgakers; spa U:1)hol't reu'," Pm: me, Booxnmmm and Romm done on the promises. The facilities of the Establish- ment are more-complete than any other North of Toronto, having been carefully mud out in evory particular. Oommnnicntionn should be addressed to the Pabllaher, post-paid. ` A ~ ` D. CREW` Barrie, Jnn, 1,1862. -j :l_"_"i"_'1v_ s published ;Week1y, _ in the Town of Ben-ie, every Tutmsnn morning, containing the current news of the day and all matters ertaining tothe affairs of the County. Price - 1 in hdvenceor $2.00 if not paidet the time of subscription. _ . ` Amrsz"rxsma-Six lines or undei-,rst insertion me; each subsequent one Inc. Oversix lines, I6 per-line,iirst insertion; each sub- tequen one 4c. Professional` or Business ` Cords -$4-.93: year $3 for six months, if not more than tan lines. Specie! contracts ,on be made by the year, or parts of e. veer. Orders to discontinue Advertise- ments to be made in writing. llopeper discontinued until all erroareges V Aerepaidr, exceptnt the option of the publish-. Bl`. P JRRIS TERS, TTORNEIYS, Sk)L}CI- TORS, 61'. Innnll _Wnutnrn Anon:-cm on Rnildinau, hnrn _ BulngnI,`[Ior Union as nu gngugyu . nm.,..., v`orkm9u.].|n connection with Inn Gnnnnithk ontnbluhlnentg . ._" -W _ SAMUEL s. ROBINSON, 'TTORN_I~:Y - AT - LAW, Sor.1c1i*on ' IN Chancery, Conveyancer, Commissioner in P kn , kn, ' ' Jinn! UIIUIIIII June. 1868. 4 -. wow. 2;: ` - "- _ ' _ `ggqjpcned tbs shove well kufourn stand .=.-7.13` I Wino!` thowellington Hotel, where he . . intends'toa;rypn ., ' ._'.-.....- --vngnannnu-ljnhnrn ? 05 7JNoriil)gr _t:9;\lt11;ure% MORRISON 85 SAMPSON, `FRANK EVANE," -3o.Lnu' 41`:-I I A!0ClI\`7_.l\"_` somcrrons IN ciuncmmr, Rnnnnr nu... AEDGXITB. sAN1_)Eii-," THOMAS T._ A. BOYS, HENRY Gmsr, `EC. Snnum, Co. Smcom. Hutu!-I vv yuan; 'l'b|-iE"TlNSMl'vl"'H|NG' _ T ` Bu1nII,`[!or which be In: engsgd . ntoldsi : .-...Inmn.1 .In with his Gnn`snish"| (Established meo.) BARRISTER, &c., TIA -uuu an vnaal Buuuz, Om. 'oIiu.}I1}.,' 0 nu, .1. PULLAN Iuuusulrn, CUTLTER, '&c., FRANCIS LALLsr." ;AR__R_IE. . 9.0.043: In W Pnsnxsnnn. \JAlAA4LlAAI' Solicitor in Chancery, .4 1'1 ORNE Y-./1 T-L.A W, Convcyanccr, Commissioner in B.R., &c. - Hair and Dcviuee Gleime prosecuted. Agent for the Canada Landed Credit Company for onuing money on Real Estate. OFFICE-Ne.tt Frank Kean : Store. Dec. 1, I868. 848-Iy . 824- --_-_ JAB.JOEi}'SON,SENn. _ - A,- * Puor-.mm`on.| ._._.__ HE Subscriber having succeeded Mr. Grib bin in the above very comfortable and commodious Hotel, begs to assure the numerous customers of this favorite and well estztbliehetl stand, that he has made considerable improve- ments -in the internal accommodation and other: = wise renovated it so as to render the House on}- of the best Family or Commercial Hotels inthc place. The bar will be `found stocked with Foreign and Domestic liquors and cigrtrsof the choicest brands. ' V ' - Excellent stabling and attentive ostlers.- Plenaure boats, Fishing tackle and vehicles for the convenience of_ summer guests and tourists. The Hotel is situated on the margin of the Lake and withina minutes walk oi"the steamboat wharves. ' V 87:3- "Dressed, and Tongued and Grooved Lumber, at every description, always on hand, and msde to order. - . - - . .4-nu - `u-;_ GEO. BALL, CARPENTER,BUI.LDF._R, &c. (Late Clerk in County Registry Oice) Conveyance;-, Commisshner in Queen`s Bench, Auctioneer, Appraiser and Commission Agent for the sale -of HOUSES, LANDS, FARM STOCK, HOUSEHOLD FURNI'1`U_RE, Goods, Wares, &c. Also for the collection ol' RENTS, NOTES AND ACCOUNT. H'Caslt advances made on Goodsleft for Sale. Qn1n'pnnrn nnv-nor hfnllier and Mu1'ketSt.s.. -Mrs. MA .RIfS,`_.P7'_0])7"l:ct7`SS. JOHN Ma TT, -Supc7intc7zlc7z.. `HIS l1oLel,so long and fnvorablyj known to "the travelling community, is uuw,con- ducted by the proprietress, and is under the su- Aperintondencc of Mr. John l\l_cWat.c. _ 7 Nearly thirty iulditionnl bedrooms have lately been added to the BMm_1s: llotrim, all which bc- . Ing built of Brick, and Well warmed,` will `be found. as comfortable and commodious as can b_e . -found in_any house north of 'l`ox-onto. L? Commercial travellers will liud ample fic- conmiodation for showing gamplea. Bnrri, l5th _Oct., 1868. lS- , and Machinery for the manufacture of DOORS, SASHES, .B_LINDS, MOULDING, Ste ,,.:.1.. ..A AI... uuvnuu, .:.....-......, r_.___._ .,l , , , ml is prepared to sufrplib these articles at the lowe_st price. - PLANING 09 mm nEsc1:1PT1oN.| JILVDIDII, Q1.- Ornola-On Peter Street; next door'to.thO "Pan Olce. T 01-lllinv, June, 1868. 23- Steann Power !Ii'CasIz advances made uooas Le[L JUI uuw. Sa1e'Room, corner of Collier _and Market S_v.s., Barrie. . 93' Highest REFERENCES giveu. . 9- '_\IVIZ1 IA U 0Ti%i'?fNE'E"Rl ron T!-IE Counties of Simcoe Q` Cardwell. _ _ ADDRESS-Rosl:xon'r P.0. ' 15- \PAIN'I'1NG:| V ';7\7I'i;i;i.A1\?1` PARKINS, UNION H0L'i`EL,[ _ _ -'.p.u-u-;\\Al.u U556ks:roWv, 1 LICENSED AAUCTIO NEER v.nnA'l`nR the Barrie Railway Station, wnere nu um; is necessary to constitute a. plain Canadian Inn are to be (ound, private and public, Conveyance: to all parts Nor'.h of Bvari-ie'. ` - - H. FRASER. Prom-iotor. -IJJ.I.\J.l..l..I-.L.a - \II .. DUNLOP STREET-, VBARRIEJ I u.__._.- `H: FRASER begs lenve once more to re- . mind his friends and the tmvlling com- munity that he is still in the land otlxevilving, and-not behind his competitors in the way of iimprcvements. He is still to be. found opposite Station, wliere all then is .............. on nnnntiznle plum 4 Good smug ofI'iJFs7zJJ;meazw..2,.e - Cookstown, Oct. 1867.` 1 Una, qc. Onto: -Western Assurance Buildings, Church ' ' Street, Toronto, C.W. - Anguu Morrison - - - - - D.A.Sampson foronto, November, 1859. 1 (}bdD at ` I `-~-- - COM MODIOUS STABL} NG 82". B/EB|,..ti9IEL \Capon Q Pca1'6.'. /2`. JOHN H. JOHNS, VI T`ti%n.lT7A%Liiin1`TJEL%5'i nnvrnm OAIYJDL` Dr"!-Pnlrv`, nu-us I`: u._.. . Barrie, July, ` _4._._..._..___ [osm>H ROGERS, TERMS; [$1 V per year ' _in advance; V. LIIVLILIIII-la: o.w--.____, ,, VALUATOR, VE TE_RINARjY SURGEON, (S-c. EXQ1iANgE;;JIi9TI J. .l_'J1.\r|Du Oloe--Cburch Street, noxt dooxtto the old V - Court House, Toronto. ll. 0. onmzox, D. u'u'xcuAn1.. 0. n n1caAIr. nu .A..._ SApMUEL-ROBINSON, All work done in rst glass -atylg and good` A material furnished, A very large nssortment of Transfer Om-rings Orn|m enI.s, Painters and Grainers `T0613 Garnet: Hair and Sable Brushes, Pencils, &c., ' lo, onhsnd and for sale by?W._ B. Oapon. Lu- ---_.__ gEGS to Innounce to the public that he has completed his ,' ..--___p THE BEST 0!` WINES AND LlQUOR3`IN THE BAR. UIKUBIVKUII U TI ` `min: nnmcu BlBLE5ScIETY,\ " nunor; . V ' % f!s8i1r%! ANG_lLW:- `at-'.L.L,,T; f . Juue,b1368`. Dunlap Street, Barrie, 1 ddof West ' ' of the Advance Qice, ' Vol. rr\I'\I`I\ ' I-'l'\l`\J -Barrister` and Attorney-at-law. 8OL'ICIfl`OR IN CHANGERY, C'mveyancef,(7o7nmissz'oner in B.R,, c. 1.zr ORILLIA, SIMCOE oo., 0._w.