\ _-IlT?' __i`*I gout, so Iv. 6"), iheioby caution the bite not give - credit` o_n my `tcopppt u > 111} go} be bold respon- .-_L_,-___--_, ___, `At the hour of 12 o'clock noon. JuLI`us".I3.UMMET, Qranher. vlall hf Hm Tnnrhm Rim-an III 1.--III TIII-CI Opposite the Simcoe_ Hotel, Barrie. CA %__oN. J; IJJAIJJ-L `IAIQI cog; At very short notice, and llIIllllIl0IlUl'I' UIIICO, ' .oc_mn, mu -Augm, 1s7o.v W. SUI:HERLAND 'rAYL0r:, . . Srrrrlurn. vw. SUTHERLAND TAYLOR, .Q:-nu-nfn ru 0-rfllia and Penetangushnc. '1`. NEEDHAM, Proprietor. I DNA f)aily Pa 13 andgMagazines, both English an Americall T ` ' . ~ [At SLAVEN S- I88 JU'L11 ll` [1 I A I 11` Sccrctury.V LELAN, . Commissioners. 3-'1-in QVATT or Ml-3AE'ORD.[ Tl-IE MILL wuLLT{E% Dnikposmor cum! FOR cAsH on , APPRBVEIJ NOTES. Mmwm Mum] WAVNZEAR M};-.\:'UFAC'PURING SEWING -MACHINE. GOOD NEWS FOR j:I_\RMERS. Te as, () h vlicw at P:3`.sAs . Sto1'Q& S. Meking s Icings 13m-1%.: Block,` Bag/eld % Street, 1.8;. E. . MEEKlNG,| sJ..n..a.;.44. `Barrie, August iOth, 1870. A %|}Lv|3s: FIWITJARS @L4wm1m;, srrmw Goons, _ V Boots. and.` Shbes, ($0.; Going at prices tha't4wiill% satisfy -ev15yohe. :13- ~ % % T k3 B_.SI-IAERIDAN. FRESH MEA'1`s,| .`,-.,- \J`-`\/`_4\/` -Grecf7z, Smoked and SugarVCured3'Iams. Bacoii and 0ured'Meats of all Kinds, pg------. . --~--.- run-I--r A 16 ; `oral %`F6 SYLVESTER*S% PATENT? GRAIN ORADLES.r51v Machine. .911! 1 CLEARING am. 1 Fail Importutwns Iwl H O E1 (D .I.llU.l'Ui13CU. DulIIC5 ltialllllia the balance of our summen stock: 71 5 0:6 DIWGIAIIS U60 . . At greatly reduced" prices. to make room for 3fall impo1"ta- . Q.` tions which our Buy1_sai`ls`t_0 Great Britian"for this 7 ha0ur`Uheap _; PRINf1`S cause an excitement. ' .. . AOut'.Che_g1p,'DRESSES cause a~r4un-'. - ` A m : 0l_1i'-7Che_ap P_ARA.S0?LS=--can- e avsctamhlel. O - ' " - . _ -0ur"C.h'eap Ll_ILLINERY:`ca|1se"a*bustle./`. In fa`et .th6:se :C!;;ap .Goods _a1together% ,cans'B.,.ieyeryf ` SF"` '80 awavewith. ..,1-arse e 2:.99!: ;k| 1n9fieiei}1 ` f their p0ck e ts-A-'-`-and ewora{ +f?a_avi. e: ..,.a A T.` `n;; FRUITS, VEGETABLES, WITH Eisn, GAME POULTRY, &C._, IN_ . . . - . `SEASON, I/Villl clcfm 30 Tzaslals per Izour, anil take ` ' - Cont Cockle. `A . Nextiq Brolley s (Hotel, where he will have on hand a constantsupply of 8 . "'I`h,at thev public havvejappreciated dur`'orts 16 give them the be-st. possible value for their money-our largely I: increased business testies.- We are clearing out - P -. ...._1_1, . `~ , .____ -1} __-_r , :A1l the`sta ndard Works and select Literature of the day to be found ~ At RT.AV`F`.N S- 'VVA _it1_1 (;'o:_n1b1:I:1ec1 Screen, - ------_----MADE BY------ - J STEERING TIMES ms `FOR SALE A NUMBER or IMPROVED PATENT THE CHEAP MEAT HOUSE! Ilifurlns 1;:as_me..ds a..a the public (xyhat he has removed to ,w:aa.L,s~Em=3% as liris friends and nublic mat Oi-IEAPER ATHAAN ANY. 4 Ann 'r0_MAKE ROOM Fog o:`i11i,1.z Septeymbm-,_1870. 872-ly ANIMMLENSE At J. HENDERSUNS THE . 32; _ `> '891eA_g-nt._ 7 an lwa' ` h tolgevl-By dit=n(! (-y_. I ah: I y no: ' I rs hp; grglenrggfo I : lnao ~--------- { 'L..u`: a Vnnrawa.ra':L'$` the Province. I The Wall Papers and DCc0!.1li0nS for the Govel-nor a House in"I`ox-onto, were `taken from :3 stock, the contract the-reforbeiug over 1800.00. , ill --. Tun CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE` sxvmasj BAliElEPARTMENT- AT :EDWAI{DS" Selections an be made here f `om a stock of 1,000 di'erent patterns and 100,000 pieces. The LARGEST stock of imported Wall Papers in the Province. rm... nun 9.... and not-,m .Hnn:': for the Bookaln great varity. from ve cents np to ten dollars. Pocket mid Family Bibles, Hymn and Psalm Books. Church of Engzlund Prnyvr Books, Catholic Prayer Books, Family l ruyer Books, Books of Fact and Fiction. Books for Ihe Farm Yard, and Poultry Yard, Books on the Pig the Horse and Cattle, Cookery and Com- position, and Classic: . Imwamasj Il) W-ARES AT 1-_?.DWARDs>| Oonsiting ofFoo1i1p. Note, Post, Pens, Inks, Sealing Wax,Pencila, Purses, Pocket. Books, Pass Books, Drawing Boom," Ledgers, Journais, 1 Day Books, Drawing Paper, Tracing Cloth, Curd Board, '1`ai!or s Manilla, Crayons` Ink Stands, Pen Racks, Penholders-{Visiting Cards, ` Drawing Slates, Copy "Books, Blotting Paper, T Mncilage, Crayons, &c., kc. AT 'roaoN'ro PP.ICES.l M ED WARDS | Pianos `on Sale and to Rent. hlelqdaone on Sale and to Rent. _ Victoria Urguus on Sale and to Rent. Sheet Music and Music Books in grant. variety. `Violins, Coucerliuas, &c., &c. T VWines,Brandies,,& St. George,Wines, for Medicinal pm` sea at - ' DR. S AVENS Drug Store. A1: Edwards Periodicals uni Newspapers, Er zlish and Ame- rican, Ledger, New York Weekly, Harper's Bazaar, _Weekly, and Magazine, Bow Bells, Family Herald, Every Week. Gent.lemnn s Magazine and Journal. All the London Illus- trated Pupcrs, &c., &c., ' IST ATIONERY 1? `AT TORONTO `_.PP.lCES,! UNFAILINGEYEPRESWERSI LAzAirus, Monms & 90.,` Ax Edvvards "ad S is a-sure prunlol their auperioritv We were sntisedlthat they would be apprectatetl here as elsewhere. and that the reality ofthe lldVllnlBRt'.\` -'eVred to wearers ofour beautiful lenses. viz: the easeand `comfort. the assured and readily _ast-er- tnined improvement ufthe sight. antllhe brilliant wnistance they give in all cases, werejn them- selves no apparent on trial, thatthe result could not be otherwise than it has in the almo:-t szenerul P CTACLES by the*reside-ntz ofthis locality. With a full knowledge oftltevalue ofthe asser- _'tion. we claim that they are the most perfect opti- cal,`ni_cls eyer manufactured. 'l,`otbose needing S ctacll, Wdalibrd at all times` an opportunity o procuring thibeat and tnost deairgble. .... olglion ofour CELEBRATED PERFECTED li--S Sandemi ..-..\._. .JEw'E[_LER., _ ' ~ATCHMAKER &0PTlC1AN Barrie. Dopoeitu of one dollar end upwards will the received, nnd interut allowed at the rate offonr per cent per snnnm. For deposits remaining our six mohths, A higher rate will be` at lowed; The whole, or any pnrt of the deposit, with ac- crued interest, may be withdrawn at any time. Internet will be credited on all open accounts on the 30th Jnne,.nnd 3l|t December in each `X -VV`a141 Paper _ , ` :__` Sgle Agenttfnr Barriedf Vicinity. 11; alwigb on l1an;|,a_i>'_IV:}_l naortmenI,sni1abIe . hose pre_}en:nng'to have on; goods for sale. ior eve:-yd ialty...` 7 4 . . ":yl'a mkq to nonfy the public that we einplqy _nqodlera`,' and to ` caution them against , . 3 Loan: advanced at reaudnablb rates, upon mprovedtnrm or Town property, or fat the pctlgh of_ Buildings. . _ V . =""l`orfh_1f\hrpu-ticillu Igplzto mm . `~v- 45.. J34-.. .. A I; 9' Q % POSI.TIVELY ATVTORONTO mucus. SPECTAC__|___S : A`lYf\ 1'31??? (`I A . Bmnnlnq-gjq ,_.I2_-o_A.1gA3s.sQc;A_1oN or ~/x/xrxrx/xrvvwzvvv The largeand Increasing sales ouflhegac CELEBRATED i ERFECTED `Gotta SLAVEN S for Paints, Oils, `Varnishea, White Lead and all other Point: at Toronto prices. T T , POSITIVELY I Ai`I_i)'EYE_ G1.:s:E. ` POSITIVELY 'A.fu)1 assortment of PI}RFECT.ED GLASSES -AL50,- . Pl".l5Ulpll.| LUWIIEI Wlll .`llbU Cl.UUl`l'.U1l UN} 1115!]. No trouble or Expense will be spared to make Afhis the best and most reliable Map ever pub,- lishedlin Canada. -1-`n Dt1n:nnn4 IL... \l....!..1....l DIG--- `l'.....1 lI5HCLl'lIJ UHUHUHI "No Business Man, Municipal Officer, Land Agent, Land Speculauor, or School Trustee, can afford to be without it. - fbnxlnus ('1... M...-. ...Il...m--,`l on 41.... ..._.I,............A RIIIUFU LU UU WXLUUUL IL: Orders for Maps o.ddres.=.cd to the undersxgned will receive prompt attention . , ' JOHN `HOUR. Vro BE `SOLD ow EASY TEIIMSJ Country Stores supplied at Toronto wholesale prices ' . At SLAVEN'S-. "Try DR. SLAVEN S Stomach Bit- ters and Liver Pills, the best m use " Go in SLAVEN S for Drugs 8;. Med- cinca, Patent Medicines &c., 8pc. , ......_._ 1 N COURSE OF PI .lPAR`ATl0N,nud will be r- ready for delivery to subscribers, about the ` First of November next, A MAP `OF ' THE CQUNTYOF SIMCOE. (Four feet six inches by'Six Feet, on ascale of sixty chains to an iucl1.)ca.rcfully prepared by rs: class Eugin*.ersv,- from actual survey, and other reliable so 1 ccs. Thin Man will has ant. Inn in Hm hoe! crvln will H'DlIl ECLIIHI 3Ul`VCy, l.l_Ill1 '0lH8l' I'L`IlllUl6 Bl) I CCS. This Map will be got up in the best style, will be Mounted on Ro1lcrs:Co1oure and Varnislxed, and will be furnished to subscribers only at the following very` low rates (to be Vpaid on,dc- livery.:-`- _ ' - Mounted on `Rollers, varnished and col- oured _ _ _ . _ _ , _ _ _ _ _ , , , , _ _ . _. 9.5.00 B.l0lHl_l8u 01] _1OVHEl'5, VEFDISUEG and C01- . onred.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5.00 Mounted on Canvas, folded for Pocket 85,00 In Sheets, p1ain.-......... $3.00 To Non-Subsc bers an ndvnrce of$1.'00 each on the above rates will be Uiarged. The Man will nhnw nvarv Inf mu] anhdivia- eacn on me noove rmes Wlll oe u mrgea. The Map will show every lot. and subdivis- ions` of lots, with the own'er 3 name printed thereon ; togelher \':it.li all the Roafls, Streams,- and Rivers, School Houses, Sch(.)l Sections, Post Olliccs and Mail Routes within the County; -also Plans of the principal Towns and Villages, on a smaller scale. The exact. location of the Northern Rail Road of Cm; 1011, and of he To- ronto, Simcoe and Muskolca. Junction no A will be'sl1own. Bird s C`_Tl3 Views of spine of the principal Towns will also embellish the Map. Nn trnnhln nr F\'l1l"Y1\ l`. will h.- unnrml in maln- E. S. Meeking Agent for Bnrzie. 'Collingwood, June 27th, .1870, ~ . 75 Acres of the Snmh `ml? of Lot 10, in the 7th (301)., Innisl, '60 a(:s r:le:1rr.d and fru(-1-I. R gnod log burns and hou L-,,, with large Urclmrd bearing Iruitl Al_su It ' - 0i ?HOUSE AND LoT;:o NAE-W VGALLAERY ms gcuuwrv gg sauces. in" the viiiuge of Lefroy. Term for house and ; ltt cash. Also a. being the Nunh lm1fLot 23, in `the 2nd Cont, -Iunist_iI,t:0 Acres cleared, good Frame House and Burn on the .p remise-.4. For nnrlic-nlnru nnnlv on Go to SLAVEN S for School Books, Scauouuyv, Wall_Papor,Wi11dow Blinds, kg, M. . 33-1 mo e. p RAMA Q`:1_L2R1Es. 1-5131- .STONES AND LIME! Bnildingzmd dimension` stones, Lime stone and Lime-for Sale at the above Quarries by J. MCPHEIISON, . RAMA 1 . O 13-..... 69...: .A....:1 ,m'-m 1:: n....,. Rama, f.`3r(i,- April; 1870. ICE CR.-"`.A.\f avored with Lemon, Raspberry and Svmuvberry n.Iwn._vs on hand, and all ' _' kinds of ' rx 4 -x--vu-`-1.`--- _____-_. _ ,_ iPH0T0GRAPHS Ramu, 23rd April, 1370. Stones, Lim, Lllnnbef, &c-., nnnnn '*'**.v * '1 - --- '--1 to mid from any Port on Lakes SDICOE & COUCHICIIING. All orders addressml to Capt. 0. L3 one on board. or to thehsubscriber, will be promptly attended to. ' T .\ \l L`Q \I'n`|')LJI.`DQl`\\V He hopes .by keeping good articles _to be _ wellpntronized by the pubiic. ` 53' Refreshment Room also at the Max`- ket House, first stall by the door.` Barrie, June 11th, 1870. A ' . 24 Nrg, Sept. 1st, 1870.. UMMER DFUNKS, &c.` BIG? REFREiiSiEN41*s - 531) REMOVED. yian vmm mass. MRS-. LINDSAY (formerly Miss Griuton, Principal of the Montreal Institution fo.` Young Ladies.) is desirous of receiving a limited num- ber of Pupils ' Y....L_..-A2.._... __!1I 1... _E_._. 3.. _-. .. . -I...-.. _ Instmctiona willbe given in ;E7zgZ'is/1.`, French, llfzzszc aml Drawing. FARM TO LEASE .M_rs.Linds'ayintnd.'3 also to devote paxt of theday to a. .A . ' - for those pupils who lmvevgone tbrougli-the or dinary school routine. _ D55"Tn:nMs _MAm: KNOWN on Aprnxczmox. Glasses to commence on Monday, August 29. R'e:-1id,ence--WQrslcy Street, North` of.1he Market House. - ' D ........ nu"-... IV!-ll lCUCl'U llLUlUy.&l.LUllllUH. JOHN IIOGG, ~Em'1mmus1: Printing and I ubIi=zhing H0 130, L - COLLINGWOOD, ().\'T. E. S. Meek-inov Am-nt for R-u-via --:---n nomn in horcby given that the. Cenadin Bank of Commerce bns.oponc_d 3 Sunny I Ban_k Department in connection wnth xla branch xn Barrie. h-.m.:o.' A M... Anllan .'mI nnwm-ds will he August 22, 1870. A4\T%Bl4fS6F '(y[\1CE_i_, hereby give, that the partnership '- hP,.,.1otm-o sub`i hetwounns, the un- .]rrgzned ns Remil Grwce-rs nnd linkers, &c ,. hag hnpn [his may dissolved by mulgml 'cnu=enI An debqg owing to mid partnership .-1 are to he paid In J. A. Campbellm Uookslown, and all (-him; ag:|iYN| the said purtv1otshi;;'.<,'are to he ..,~,....m..4 m zhv said J. A. Campbell, by whom .11.`. ,,_,.m., mu hp settled` ' ` f\..?n ..a (`.m.k.-mwn. this inrlxtlf dav- of Il'l ..r-1 `:\llgu~'l ' I171}. -on '1`HURS_D.lY__ANI) FRIDAY, 15TH AND * 16TH SEPTEMBER. ruomsou *3; LYNN I There wjlrbe sold by }?,ublic Auction, in Cann- ington, `a number of valuable Building Lots. in -the bnainss ceinre of` the Village; a1so,- Lots- auitabie for-.Priva{te Rsidences. mun Villnmain likelv to become the m-incinal `Tum dcazq/5; EasI oVf the Bank`of T')ronto. suitable l0l'ak'l'1VIle nesmcnces. The Village is likely to become the principal centre of business on the Toronto and N iplaaing ' Railway, as it is situated" in the heart of an ex- tensive and rich district of country, having elk or seven" maunfectories already established. For people d_esizp\3 of commencin -buamesa at anew and~;.'proI'ni ug- point, no etter oppor- tunity could be desired. _ . . 'l'R.RMS.--Half cash. balance in three annual Groceries and `Confectionery 1.. 1...--- L._'1...-:._.. _._-.: __. -_ . on. V 545. _Hours:--10 a.m., to 3 p.zn.-Satnxdays; 10s.m.tolp.xn.' `_ ' ' J. H. PLUMBER, Mnnnonr. tunity could be uesxreu. . 'l`ERMS.-Half cash, annual instalments with '1 per cent intei-est, 10 per cent on day of sale, balance oncompletion of deeds. ~ Sale commences at one o'clock on Thursday, .- For .Plsns~ and further particulars, apply to who undersigned, on toHOb. Gibbs, Esq., Conn-V -.I'vmtan`;~ : pun scuooxmc wcoucuxcmxc, (OU CAN GET ALL ~I{I.\ DS OF IALUABLE FAR.\I* fd13."$XI} 1 1 15133.0 '1` s CT {1 (5 0L. [MPORTANT SALE OF N EW __MIAP PRIVATE on ADVANCElj"(.`ASS.: CANNINGTON . Ell`! FA~ Il> I IV Witness, J. A. CAMPBELL, `Hum? Huwan. HUGH HARPER. ` ,T{A.f'Hn I lo SLAVEWS for clioice Pier-y fumes, and Toilet Articles. Go to SLAV-EN S for pure Dye Stus. G6 to SLAVENS for Fancy Goods. If you want choice Cigars, T ` (In In Q`l .A1fIaN9.Q ia'U'ILDINca- Loses, IN V :0wm- Stfeef, next to Post Oce, PP.o_s_r-;_c'rus. VIA lHl.`.|7l'l`ll|l5(':i- _I"or particulars apply to .n. DAV} `IHHKVHIV . I). who Can `ba `had. Also _D1Y_ AND 16TH` G. J. BOOTH CARPENTER AND JBUILDER, Cabinet Ma.kzr_:nd Undertaker. - 'r.o"rHE1'R" OF THE HAVE JAMESMCPHERSUN, ' ` ' R.'\Mk\,P.O. :)`7.`\ 10 an... this e'ig|1th' day- of Hpply U) -D. DAVIDSON , Lefroy. .BAnnxi:, 4 G. 1}AinLAw. - , 2143111 uxuxn, l .\ 18-6mo. 339 1593713: mix 1 U 18-Gmo. 33-mi ONT". 9 I TEA that cannot be `be:1t in Oillia; Qrzi11y other place; Another lot of that fine avored, low priced (70c) '1`g2a, just. to hand. Try it. T. S. 1%M`*FA'1"1`, THE ELEPHANT HOUSE, OATBILLLI CLOTHINQ,_ BQOTS__AND SHOES. \41J\.I..\/ \JIJ\_.'\--I\`V.l&I- .n. .-..\.-_.-...-..n. -_a v ..V....- A u: 4.4-. J1. I I sell Goods cheap because I am arl Vticgicrwrxzincd to go so. Small .prols and quick returns is my motto. T -AT THE ELEPHANT. An -:1 '-an 1`1I - 'j_1n_- W? 3m 4;:%?:}3aI%:>;c%:`a:\1@$; {E ' C1-{BAP `FOR CASH. `G.ROCERlES,wt./ac (2035 '52:, the County 9fL0.?lKEP}Y. Mi3I NVAY.-. .n5\rw-v---r---- W - - - -- - ---, Spring Mattresses, Fun Iy Sewing Machines, ` Coin Trimmings,Room Paper, Window.Blinds, Frgmed Pictures, Scho;ai Bobks, Concertinaa nd Iolodlons, Indies Work Boxes, Writing Dsaks, Toyssnd Fancy Articles, Children : 0 is es. .I:orII:I,`. Doors and Blinds, kept on hsnd and _.- .1.` LA`. Apno W .I '2, . ,\ , , 3 Mme wings, (- .'.4""""""_""""`_""_"=\(?.$g\\_ -.;\~'.` //"""'3`==""'s:.9 "If you wanta Watch or Clockput in good running on-def, and warranted, T - - ` ` ` Go to J. w. 1I.\STI.\'Ud' If you want ne Gou) -V\"_EDIJ.1I\`G` Ilxxcs, PUZZLE and FA:.'m' Rnxcs, 1 "- Theonly" store North of Toronto wipore the \f.'!~.r-1: of the business in its vari- ' ous br:u:che:-', can bu done on the prcraxscs` V ~ . ' .\i J. W. I-l.\RTI\'(`.-` J. xv.` _rLAs'r1.\`as having Lee`; satisfaction than any other Sturo If you Want a -good cIuck,S d:1y,Z-H) 1_1our,n_ndv:xl.mn 'l'i:nc Pieces, go \x_here the largest s'ock ever oercd in Barrie, Earrings, Brod hes, Chains, Guards ,specn;ic1es, Pipes, Violins AND Smmus, AND F.L.\TC`.' Goons, .\'c., ' .\f ,T `I. TYAK"l'|'\`A`\` TH,EJc[BET OF ITS sugar-:88. THE MOST F1{}110NA1;I.L` W ji}1D11;.s A miru V GENTLL`ME.\"S ' A J1;x:'1.L1;1:r_. 1.v1:.-;/11:11:, V Ac 1` u uAu'r1\'nc HoUsEHbLi) FURNITURE; `E._. I_ Q__2 -- l` NO %N"EED OF QU<;'1`A.'1i`1`0:\ .sf". |Frwgrm:a ` T9153 :9 rwmm AMP Lmvonas, % 01=1oo:.EYf % . - LV Have pronounced `f`:.:.~fx1 the best and C110-.1pcst in the County. Reader, if youhavu. .10f, as-yet. tried the CA.\"1`ON '1` S l`()l\ lC, don t fail to do so at mice, and see the advantage to be gained, Remember that a Dollar saved is a Dollar n1a(lc.` 4245` m`i;iGEiWS 'm@g:4a A_T`<;oNsTAN'rLY ON HAND. Merchant 'H`_z1ilor & (3lotnl1%%i%~1, (N. T\ 13 DR. J. w."sLAvr-:N.! inuxmefjsrrunn J.V_1.\/-. \r---" old .,Stand C'o1'ner of Dunlap St., R. 12. squdre, Barrie. _ % A SUPERIOR CLASS OF c|_o1'||s, i?&.3ki`)??<=>IMl sax. {B} as m "2? Pa M1 gms mm ems, _.......g4-snnanunrsrs-.:\rI/ ;G\/:.\anr:n...n `The uu8ers igned "has o'p:;1ed 11 PRIVATE BOARDING HOUSE, Dunlogvstreet, East, in the house lately occupied by m. Sandera,Eaq:, when all the comforts of a private family can Inn hat` _' ` ' . . Wll_Bl' 3| be had. \/\.Igv~ -Bar'::ie,_ Mluch .171h, 1869. e nan. 3"[`ERMS `MODEB.'A'1`E.._g}` , gxly mg the otce of Wm. Sanders, Esq., B O RD IN G. ` 837. CHEAP SUGARS, NEW FRUITS B1281` Towns/u'p of Mulntur in the County of Simcoe and Pro- vince of Ontaria. To Wit: Nollceie hereby given `Chet n By-Law, en- muled, '- B5-;Lew for niemg the. sum, of nine `hnntlted end twenty-four doll:-.-e fot the purpose of improving. the Highwnye, end numbered A4 eixty-two, wee on-vthe 6th day of -A ngust, 1 1810, passed by the Council oi the corporation of the Townelup of Humor, County of Simcoe end Province of Outerio, -tor the purpose ot rain- .1 Iaezeen oi nine hundred nnd twenty-four 5 `dolilri hi theitntnovenent of the Highway: in the Townehipoi` Ilulmur. And ell peteone In -_|;nb"_ con} to take notice that any one dc`-A Iiroieof `ting euch -Lew or eny pert then- ofqnnehed, nneunekl 1! 8.PP15I8ion for thet pu to one of B A_Ile]eety_'e Superiorycourte oi " Lewiet oronto; within eix 0elen- der monthe etthe feetheet, e!ter- pro-= enulgetlon thereof by the `puhlicetion of this netievlnjthee coneeentive nulnbereol the {ol- ...lauIu . no-nnnnen. .m'z:v Nu-liners Jai- KBENNETT, '1'}-IA].\`l" EVER. .The' best Gooxis our M:u`1;o ts supply A11 who.I1avc purchased my 1.---p: .at..i10w. prices`, and selling Tfast. . -v- -u u- /` /-4 rra /M 1`-v--v--v- crus. came, P: nnrinl Always arriving for (-31; `u L1_,v_' I.'lI:n.1>\.~:`h1IV1ll.fU: Uo AU` }L'Hl:', IS EUR} 10 EIVC DL"LlC`f ;:c '1\.'0rth of Toronto. Sz'g}; `oft/z U"uz`r:/2 and S})r'rIrIrlrs (}`}*.pusite the Rn1}\\'ay_Stm1m1 4 "T. 5.3. :M:o1.=-17-A-I'T. Pxoprietor . .3, 30atf- Q. Givghim 9. ca.1l._ nU`rnnnfP_ggg.T1:nnn, '&c. u.---- EGS to inform the public that he has takf Stall No. 4, in thellnrket House, Barrig_ 4wAl!ere'l1evwill _ca.n-`y on the Ibovebusinesa. . 'n-__x.-- n---'..|...- 1n'I., Inn ! rm _____ ,, , _ P -U Dr.J. Brigg! Pile Ruined t ' H leful;#_;ExIf`:3l,'Bleedipg and Ilqhing _iler:;. Ix Ei:r_ea_nnz_;n_'odi uo,reh9f nndlil. M1495: =Schl by 2 dntmsx. - '.`f8b8{3u upwards of 2v) _','c-ars,,is'ab1e to give better vncu: II: will DIIIAJ vu nun -IIvvI. Bprrig, December 11th, 1867. THOS. LOWE,"_% -:1IIA_CrIC\ CIDICCI l'IC`I\TIUI At J. w. IAIASTINGS. At. J. W. HASTINGS. WM.nHUN'i"ER , Wall Paper selling atTa discount`. At J. W. IIAS;1'I.\'(3r3. in J. W . HASTI.\'G3-.'. no J. xi. msm'c;3 -- --v-- - ---, Canlon T Stow. vWinAd;ow Glen and Putty AHR i Religioiar and Standard Works suit- `IIA fur II n|1I:l':nn T\nnnrn:nnh'rn1a For Condition Powders `(In On The best Fine Cut Chlewidg Tobacco - , A D QT. A '\7'F`1\'I i Ioliulll (Illa 0l|II!l_lIVI nulnnuq or 100 lol- . |.';..{;...`p.n, viz: The Northern .dd- ouec and nu ma E:m'uT;.0r he `willbe too .15 to htu-d Ii that behalf. glass 1.; mum, = V Township max: [;.. `Si!-, % M-sin` Try some of that Golden Bar "Po-T coco _ T At SLAVEN S. BY-LAW. No. 62. 1: cheap as elsewhere to" order. Br Strut. ormu, o.w. Sugars, : 13-:a,:1a:4e.;1s;gt% --:-__. `. vgeap a_t SLAV`EN S. ALIO, nnun no Sign of the Tobaccos, T Cigars FWUUIS "Go to SLAVEN S. C111 3. cxamine that choice stock of fancy Pipes, just received At SLAVEN S u: an, wee t5oSLAVE1 S. VUU At SLAVEN lU UU IULI uu At SLAVEN S. KILL, V At SLAVEN S. At SLAV EN S, A: SLAVEN _S. 'IlW V7 Ills L UIICIUUU At sLAvEN's| nj-ON IiEALS'ONABLET;1`ERI\/IS..;';g' y~ He also keeps on band, had` manufactures COFFINS of all kinds, and furnishes `all the parapbernalia necessary for Funerals, including an excellent Hearse, which can be` had on very moderateterms. L . , - 21- .l.VUlIslU|IK luu Dlllclaru VVUTKS aun- Iblo for 3.1! Christian Denominations At` SLAVEN S.- ~_L ..-_._-. The Commissioners appointed for the con? struction of the Intercqlpnial `Railway give PUBLIC NOTICE that they are prepared to re- ceive TENDERS for the three remaining Ses-' tions of the Line, all in the Province of New Brunswick; , clnnoinn `M. 0! ma] kmuh. at H... 'I2`....o....1.. -_.: * r Opposite the Court House, Barrie, Respectfully announces to the public that he is at all times prepared -to puke contracts for building, and um he can furnish _ _ __ .. .. _ .1 - nan`. -.o---n-s'4u [nooks EASE AND BLINDS, Al um-v ahnr! nnmb and Irmumwu, lillIiY,81BlllIEE `I"')lI'I"T'Tf l'l'T7' 31-5in [Special Ge_11_T_1'_atl Meeting` DIUDSWICVK; Section No. 21 will begin at the Easterly end of Section No. 20, oneend three quarter miles East of the River Miramichi and .will extend to Section No. 1640, three thousand feet. Westerly from the River Kouchibonguacis, '9. distance of about 25 miles. _ Qnnnn Mn 90 211:" nvlbn.-I rrnrn CL.` YZ1....A-.I_. I anon: am muus. . ; Section No. 22 will extend from the Easterly end ofSection No. 21 to Section No. L180 at me crossing of the River. Bnctouchi, a. distance of about 25 miles, ' Qnnnn NA '1'} will nu-Inna-I Fans 01... t.1__-., 1 Bmmr _a1{d Ugdeffgigr, HE Annual General Meetimz of the Slum- ` bolderaof the Toronto, Grey nnd Hume Railway Company will, in accordance with lin- By-Iiaws of the Company, he `livid at the nin .< of the Company, Corner of Bay "and V11-1;: Streets, in the City of Toronto, on ` 1000 0000000000 000 00 000000 Weilneschy, the 14th day of September, 1870, A1 Ihn hnnr nf 19. n'r-Int-Ir mmn - , TORONTO, Gnmxucn m1Lwm'. I10 kJULllL'4`l:.I.ll11V.I.I l..\I1J\Jl\ - - Secretary. Dated at Toronto, this 2_nd day of August, A.D.. 1370. - OTICE IS `HEREBY GI_VF1~.`T TO THE . Shareholders .of.1.he Toronto, Grey and Bruce Railway Company, that xx special general meetingof the said Shareholders will be held at the oices of the said Company, in the City 0 Toronto, on - ` _ - . -- u .- 45.. - n 4. Monday. the 12th day bf Sep- tember.A.De, 1370, 4 '~----*" I At the hour of twelvo. o'clock, noon, for the purpose of giving to the Directors `of the said Company the sanction of the said Shareholders to the issue, b5 the said Directors, of the bonds ofthe Company, under, in, pursuance of, and for the purposes declaredin the 21st section of the Act of the Legislature of the Province of Ontario incorporating the said Company . And nnlima in hm-ehv irthar oivrm, 'I`hnO Hm Unlaljlu uwurpuruuug Luc emu uuuipuny. And notice is hereby further given, That the Special General Meeting advertised to be held on the -23rd day of August.187O or the purposes aforesaid, will not be heldron that day, but in lieu thereof, the Special General Meeting, of which notice is hereby given`, will be held on the lzthday of September next. - 1).. `-41-- 5000!: 20 IHIICB3 ' . - Section No, 23 will extend from the Eeasterly end of Section No. 25 to the Europeanznd North American Railway, at Moncton Station, 3 dis. tance of about 225 miles. ` ' _..v- -1 --v-. ALnx31 I llln IUUICFIKKT veg: IU ucquuml. ELIE ll.'VlllDg .|. ublic, that be has on hand the best of H0 ES and BUGGIES for HIRE,`at modg rats chargeI.- " _ _ Cmmnmmtn to Or1'lh'11. and Pmmtanmmhenc. '13 per cent disctvaunt nllowcl.-d Teach- ers and Clorgymgn onTBooks, Statioery, 5&3. &I ' ' V `Erie; Jn.:ng_~1A1zh, A The Commissioners also give PUBLIC N 0- TICE that they are repard to rece`xve.'I`l-TN- DERSfo1-re-letting action-No. 10,- the Conlmcl for which has-been annulled. ` Rnnnn NA 1n is in oh}. D......:___ ,5 17 rwturel M xnouernle pucel. I Particular attention paid to co1`or`ing and_re- tpuchlng Picturol. _ Frames. Lockeuaqd Cases, in Gilt, Rose- wood, and Hard Ru`.,1,e,-, ' . _ Alhnma and D...-r..|:n. 1...; .......o....n.. .... UV&lVV :lUI'": Photographer, vlatd of the London Stereoscopic - .and.PhotograpIn'c Company, . EGS to inforr-n the inhabitants of Orillia `and the surrounding country, that he had` commenced bpslnt-as in Otillja, and is pre- pared to take Photographs of every descrip- tion. Cortes de Visihe, Imperial or Cabinet Cartel, Stereoscopic Famiiy Groups, and larger Pictures at moderate prices. .- ` PrCI1lI.l' nttantinn tn l|nru-inn on!` no. l0l' WHICH 8'DCUl.l BKIHUIICCI. Section No. 10 is in the Province of New Brunswick and extends from the centre of the Ohcplin Island Road, near the Court House ` an Newcastle, towards Bathurst, 9. distance or 20 miles in length. . T ' ; ' Texmme for Section No. 10 will be made upon the basis of the quantities specied in the ori? sine! Bill of Works-for this Section ; and in rowing` the New Contract. there will be de- dncted from the amount of the accepted Tender I pi-eoentege sum equivalent to the m-M-..........3 I i*1to'N"r STR!-]ET,|0[iILLl A, V Nearly q1pasite the JoIms(m, _Hq'u;g, 9 um... pm we IHLIUUIII `O! we ac_ChE In eqniva. ant t e pwcenlage gfptflfge 3:181: sgvork which the Chief Engineer ghell report to have been executed by the rs! t I. - - 0'I?l::: gontracts to be completely. nished by the first day. of July: 1372- ` ` Plans and Proles with AS Terms of Contract will be exhi of the Commissioners in 0 pecicalione end bited at the Oices uawn, Toronto, Que- bec, RimonIki,- Dalhonsie, Newcastle, Halifax - and St. John, on and after th V a 15m SEPTEM- BER" NEXT, and Sumo TINDIBB addressed` to A may of the Ymnnconouun Rm.- gfyogd mggegs T:nDlRs" will .be i received grtheir OFFICE in oruwn, up to SIX oldock P. M. on WEDNESDAY the 5th day of OCTOBER next "n:-nun: far u: nnmnlnnn ..c .I.. - II ' - pted Tender, I INTEROOLONEAL EAILEY. GENERAL MEETTING .01? '1`m~; ' SHAREHOLDERS _ AT SLAVENIS By o1.'de'r of the VB-oard, nv nrvmn Uutunlun IIBXI . . V Snretleq for the completion of _the Contract will be required to sign the Tender. The names in full, occugglrgn and address of each surety 'nld lllo. Vem ' . -' `"9 A. WALSH, . ED. B. CHANDLER, 0} J. BRYDGEB A.` W. uoLn:LAk, nIIIIn:un:AmA-n new uvsnv sjTAB|.FES,[ ' Ommxile the Simcoe Hotel. Barrie. lav ...v.. ....i By order, 1.=a.AI:|::__vv_' 2's_'." Infereolonial n.u..;, Commissioners Omen, ` ~ . .OIln.I|. 15th -Anmr Bl-I CDBIEEI. ' Conveyance: to , ` 3PWPN0FAN- ; E:;`w:m51 %%'E- I a 33- \ nanny qluuon Ina public not to give credit on account an I will not be b`.g for my debts eontn'cIod'ln my name nu-T on nn,donwxi_gen order. kpw4NoLm.. 4-es'AunV` iu:h`:1a2o.- K . 332.2! [HIE subscriber begs to acquaint the Travelling nuhlin, tlmthn Han nn lmnd Hm lmat. nf v_,,.....- vr nnd_Tg9 t a. bar'ga,in._