The cabledespatrshei received ; last night inform us that the opposing armies on the eastern frontier of France have met in the shock oi battle, and the general tenor leaves no room to ddhht that the steady and gallant forces. of-Germany have gained a great and substantial victory., Indeed" this is ad- mitted by Na leon himself, whose despatches .puh ished elsewhere were received after midnight. lngaccordance` with the change of plan mentioned some days ago in the London Times, the Prussians assumed the oensive on Saturday, and ene-` zraladvanceealong the whole lin from Sierck in the north-west to Women- bourg in the south-east was ordered-a ` distance of about seventy miles. The movement, so `far as we` -can gather from the despatches, was performed with that resolution and quiet hu_- siam which have distinguis German people since the out the war; and the result has that the brave" men at the head German armies could have desir nu- _ L _-'__,-_. c_|_...._ _....-_-.. 5.. Anna` --_,0---. E'LUNCHES, &c.,'prepared n_l. all seasovn- nble hours. 3:? OHARG-:ES '1'VIi-9DE1_ATE_. .59 -non English, Frencb nnd American Confectionery. } ENGLISH Bun nous: CANADIAN cgEsE DEPOT. WHOLESALE &VP..ETA)lL TIIE suascnmms tlm'nkf'ul for the very liberal patronage of the past, beg to inform n.;.:.- nhl nu -acnmara and the nuhlin mmnmllv. |F!EI.,EEf`1!?EnF:,| ______ _i----- - I A large supply of which will always be kept on hand, at prices wbichwill be ,ce1-tain to ensure satisfaction. An nunnl R:-and Rim:-nil: hp Rnncm-I-H nf aausxacuon. As usual, Bread, Biscuits, &c., delivered at any part of the Town. - ' ` ~- 12 Icnm xrznxr VEGE TAB L Es, I nus DUDDUILIDIMHD uuuuuun xur um vcly l_ their old customers and the public generally, that they have made arrangements with the `Leading Cheese Factorzes of _our Dominion, ' ' V .for?9.`continued supply of ' .--..----.- - -v.-_.' AS now on hand an extensive and genuine stock of Single und.D,'ouble' Harness (Car- riage and Team), English and Common Riding Saddles, Double and Single Bridles, Collars, &`c., which he can offer at very reasonable prices. Also in stock, some of the best English and other Riding and Driving .Wl1ips, Bits, Lines, Brushes, Curry and Mane Combs, Cards, &c., to be found in this market". , -, A-.. m-oh-lain rlnn h-min mannfantrirnd, fur. nuvvvulg VISIDIU 3010. In this extraordinaryb'elt,7 including- a few - outlying _leads alongside of it, have been found, thirty-two leads in- a breadth ct forty-one "feet. f In order to test it Mr. Hall went eastward along the belt a distanc_e~of'fty.{eet from the tunnel; there he opened a trench ten feet long, ve feet wide, audtwo feet deep, andehad the satisfaction of picking up "a" considerable quantity of gold from the stuiftaken ,out of this trench, without any ' breaking up of the quartz, except what was broken by the discharge of the powderused in blast- ing. , This trench (only ve feet wide) `exposed ve leads, the largest eleven inches thick. the next six inches, then one four inches thick, and the remain- ing two averaging about two inches thick, all `showing visible gold. At this point the leads were larger than where they'were first ex sed in the tunnel -fty feet to the-_ st. The owners of this valuable pr rty have ample water to drive "ample machinery, A and are making preparations for the erection of a iteenstamp mill. Min- ing operations will probably" be com- mencel soon. The mill will be near the Kelag mm, about four miles from the junction of the Musquodoboit and Sheet Harbour roads, and fteen milesfrom `shipping at the head of Sheet Har- bour. V ' V . .3 AIIl`C nvvxn In - V Flower Pot 1in'n cc Avv-I` found in this market. Any article in the trade manufactured, fur- nished to order on short notice, and warranted to give satisfaction. ta"Renairs well and neatly executed. gxve sausmcuon. L "Repairs neatly ` Ban-iev. April 8, 1870' {Saddlery and Harness \ % ESTABLISHMENT, 1;vbich lre atAleast 720V pot o?nt boloIv Inst wlnter's`pricea.' + . -. ` Mnufactures and makes to ordr all kinds and sizes of ` OOOPERAGE, Firkins, Cheese -Hoops, House andustable Pils, Milk Tuba, Fqrmenting `Pubs, all aizeslo! - Beer and Whiskey Barrels, 1 BEEF AND PORK BARRELS, | A GENERATION` ago Victo Hugoawrote _a book on the Rhine, in which besides giving the most fnscinatingtand poetic ofall descriptions of that famous stream, he cried out, France, take back `the _.Rhine, as he stood at the tomb of Hoche, who was buried on the shores of that rivr, and whose grave is to this day pointed "out to the curious tourist. ` I xT-_._1_,., .1 1-...` ' ' r '1- Potash fnd Fish Barrels, Flour and. Syrup Bar- rels,` from one gallon upwards. - !3 FamiIy Beef, Pork and Pickle Tubs made to order. ~ 0:"Country orders promptly attend to. Annnnas `IQ A A I ! VF TUIT TIAIIQ I IV \l\JI-I FLANP?EIa;. saws-I Aiso a larg-quantity 61 Grey, White,-'_an'd esh-' 3 ` . ~ *c_olo'red 1 &c.,_ &c.,T `am, "And every requisite connected with Horti- - _ -c_uAlt.ure._ ' . chums, Wash Tu6s,But_ter Tabs, | ._B.rrie. Jutj 20, 18.70. |1'umr1.amnzn1uNJ Dealer in Foreign and Domestic Fruits, &c., . 0 I-IE AI'3NEsSI Nearly opposite the `Bank of Toronto, : DUNLOP STREET, BARRIE. _ Napoleon, the bitter eneiny of Hugo, had tried on several occasions to ke of this cry a national slogan, to ca to his support all parties in France. The Rhine is, according .to many French- men, the natural boundary" of France. The Germans, whom the Emperor would like to make h issubjects,however, douot agree with him. The people of -the German Rhenish Provinces are german in language, tastes and feel- ing, andhave no admiration of Napo- Ieon H1. or his policy. Belgium, with its French-speaking population, and` with but forty years of national ex- istence lo overturn, would be a rnucl easier acquisition for France. ' ' wrnI1na nlrnn/III nnvrus I`\a Inna} 1u\n`r _ ~ V-Iv I'll Jvuunn, . _ ILL timid at his Oico, at. nun. ` 1 A SA; DAY" - :% Iccordin'I.d,`" ; ;S'Iz.i`rt.fs.`c ?l: lnt8'| Barri, Nqv. -1011:, 1869. ! ROCERY, riRov1s1o1:I; LVIQUOR I srom-1. T ' ` ' ISAAC vs W|LL|AMS_ l.U\/\J.I'4L_U 1 , I. LI-\J V IKILV./L` CK; JJl\x`lJ\I. srom-1, Opposite Messrs. McCarthy` 6 McCarthy s . - Law Oice, - fYI'i'1 An 1flI1\1'_I1'.1fI| -`n A 11111-1 .Bi'rr_ie, August, was. ju.--- Fresh Canadiauheese of No. 1 Quality." nj. Opposite J|Icil:o.list Church, 3 shop Eas! of I - ` Market. . havb nver before been qntilled 'in`i!"n.1'rie. ca-VIE: il\.il.`_lll!Il|lUll IUI l.`ll1llVO- France already owns the_ west bank l of the Rhine from a few miles north of Basle, in Swit1.erland, -to the frontier of the Palatinate atLauterburg. The possession of theelast named district would add to the list of French cities Spires. With its old cathedral, and the fortied places of Landau and Neustadt besides a large number of smaller towns and villages. In Rhenish Prussia --speaking always of the western shore of the Rhine-`-the rst town of import- ance is Luther. After -passing over the at, highly cultivated ` district through which the Rhine here slug- gishly rolls along, the towers and bridges of Mayence loomi in sight. This .is a city of strategic and historic importance. Shortly further on is Bin- gen, and there begins the marvellous` scenery which has given to the Rhine such world-wide celebrity, and has made familiar the name of such tri- ing, though picturesque ` hamlets as Oberwessel, St._Goar, Bobbart, Ander- nach, _Bacharach, Remagen, and the like. Midway gmong these is Coblentz; overlooked" by ` Ehrenbreitsein s cas- tled height, and still. further down the stream is the collegiate town of Bonn. Tn no-`J all Hanan in Han, lnrrn liul nf UST received _s Splendid `assortment of ALL" JD I F803 WOOL n-nan MARTIN Moons, ,__a ._ -_ _ .___ _;_.: _.. * 0 A Just received, a large snpply of CALL AND EXAMINE. ' " '1`; GRAHAM_ .-I-in. Anlnint man- - IE1-LEJI-`{IE`.'_ `R,-.'v|;.'.`B"AN;l'|.NG.,i aommrr gcnnnk,` .1 . Alina}! at his nun. .ar 1:;.'.:. -ducal -5` an-rw. -nav!.J\..-H--ob`-a which for quality, pattern _a_nd at-lunln I3 I-IIU UUIIUEIKIIU LUWII U1. lJU|l' To add all `these to the long list of French towns would -certainly be a splendidgain to France. This is what is meant when Frenchmen cry, with Victo Hugo, `Take back the Rhine. ' It is, however, a. large euterprise,aud. not like to succeed . 51:41:60,. Lulu JJUUI5 Railroad ' tation. `VA large stock of vulva It -voonl ' 1i('vExE$. n__ ,_ ISAAC VE.W_1LLIAMS, ' . V Barrie Oooperage. mm. . I 9. ':}o'n?`x'n";E'A "z'1'ti'~' :',,'_`.'.:T:',- Eoonncilnh om: anger Soohtgwn, L A L t - ll` " , " Ii. KING 5; SON. ', PROF. CUNIO S SHAVING, HAIRGUTTING ._...r -.......u.. vvaguna I\J.IIJ.J\J\JL`, Is in the large building 1a'te1y occupied by` Mr. James Russell, f\___..._';. .41., 1)_,,,,,, 71 . 1` The war despatches say that `the French veterans. wept when they rst perceived the young Prince Imperial on. the eld of battle. _ twill they do, then, when they seewVIoltke"! . ENTLEMEWS Whiskers and Hair nyed. Ladies` Haircutting done in, good style. Good Hair Dye. Hair Invigorator, Hair Oil, &c., manufactured andsold by Prof. Cunio. Come Gents who wish a good smooth face, List while I tell you of a place Where razors are kept bright and keen, The easiest chairs, and towels elenn. Where we will shave, shampoo, or trim, And brighten faces which look dim; And if your hair is_ white` or red - Prof. Cunio s Lotion colours well. For just. five cents we now will shave And` do it-so smooth and clean * You 1l say we are n mowing machine. Around your nose and chin'we ll creep, With so much ease you lI,drop asleep ; V Your nap will pay for coming here ; The old we can make look so green, _ The gals will say you re sweet sixteen; And when -3 on leave here for the street, Your friends will smile when them you meet, And say what makes your hair so dark. ' Oh, it was the Professor s Hair King s wash, And he canvdo you black or brown, ' - - ' A little better than any house in town And if a twirled moustache you want Prof. Cu_nio brings one out. To Me.-ere CHAMBERLAIN 55 Sii.Ls, Conway P.0 Uounty ofLcn_nox, Ontario, Canada. ' .- Manoc, Coumy ofHnstings,' - . Province of Ontario, Feb. 9th, 1869. This is tocertify thatduringtlie winter of 1566' I was taken with a weakness offthe ancles, which _gradually,during the `spring of 1867, extended to tny knees, and on up to my hips, and I became so weak that I could not walk, but was conned to my chair. For about two years, while this weakness was coming on me,and uerwards, I sought medical advice, employing, at different times, three doctors, and medicines of different kinds, prescrilied by, lriends, but of no avail, I continued to get worse and worse, until the sum- mer ot'l868, when 1 was induced to try the great Shoshonees Remedy by reading the cnres perform- ed, in a pamphlet. At this time I had beizun to feel the weakness in my hands; in tact I was get- ting almost helpless. I have taken two bottles of the Shoshonees Remedy and two boxes ofthe pills and I am entirely restored. to health. I never ex- pected to get better, but simply tried the medicine nsasort'offorlorn hope.. This case of mine was not-a private one, but known to all my neighbors and tiiends; and to any one uliettd as I was, I have only to any try the Shoshonees Remedy; I _ believe it willcure you. 4 - RE A nu A iuu nnvvnnmv d "- ` the Qtatioh, Barrie, - `r n1asubse:ibubeguoiurarmhemiabiunu .i:Rnrri e. nnd tho 'l'nvnmria..Dnl.lIn IL-9 v Inn ounssmner neg: I0 lulornnne mnsnxunu . -of-Barrie, and the 'l'nvellingqPublic, that _ flue has on_ hand HORSES and BUGGIES for 1IIB.E, at-moderate,chargen. T QqI.|vopou> Oxfillis and Penebngullhono. 1 "in n in...-nu... l n.,LV' - vv uuu, .: . 1 . Lrc, I hereby certify that I have known Mrs. Mary` Ann Doughty tor the last fteen years; she is a woman 01 prohity and truth. Ihnve known her bel`ore,, and since her illness. I believe her certificate to be true in every particular. I know while ill, her case was declared hopeless ur-dlknow that she has, since her recovery al- ways attributed it to the Shoslioness Remedy. -Whatever may be the -perculiar properties of this medicine, one thing is certain, that in` her case, it has acted almost like the performance of n meriacle A- _F-Woo , J. P. Warden ofthe County ol'Hasttngs,Provincc of Ontario, Dominion ot Canada. - ' ueueve ll vnuuuu; Jun: _ MARY ANN Docennr. Sworn to before me at Madoc, County ofl-Inst ings, this ninth day of February, 1869. - A.,F. Woon, J.P. dc `Dyspepsia EHO LIVE!` 'U0mplI|lll, 0| llll O! JOIMZ Houy, of N apinee C. W.,of Rheumalipm, who had actually been on crutches for years, m spite So! all treatment heretofore, and_ I! now ' well. Scoresol such cases uught be mentioned had we space. 93- Call at the`Druz Store and get a Cnrcnlarol For Disea.-es of the Throat. Lungs, Ltver,Diges~ t1v'e Organs, Kidneys, &c., as well as Scrofula, the various Skin Diseases. Human. and hlldiseasea arising trom Impurities oithe Blood. we boldly state that this rent remedy has NEVER BEEN EQUAL-L D. Where was thereever such a cure -as that in the person of|W:'l:m` Storms,-)1` Bri hton C. W., of Consumption : or that of Peter . V. Millonot Erneatown, C.W.. of Consnm lion, or that of Ambrose, Wood, of Consecon, `.W.,bl `Dyspepsia and Liver `Complaint, or that of Jolm Hour. aninee 'W..of Rheumatism, I'1ULV EDD IIIAINIDUI uuu `II. IJJJD, uuu Bill! yourselves. ' Price of the Rmedy in iarge pints.$l.' ya. I:-..- 9.1.. 1... .1: n...-.:'... ...a n....r......-.. To the eek, the {vgrmhd I the Weary, `the editor of lhe Boston Record says, f`We can rnostunhesiminglj recommend the Peruvian Syrup, a proieoled solution ofilhe proloxide of _lron, to rail the weak, the worn, and the weary`. having richly experienced its benefits. In possesses all the qualities claimed, for ilh its proprietor. ' .. ruvv vl vvvv -7-'u---- --- uwu av `nu-vv `aa- l:l- For Sale by {all Druggiits and Dealers in Medu.I_ne. Aaxnn you Banana,--Messrs. A, V. Palmer 6; Coo; and .T.' VV. Georgen. Orillin--Mr' J. "W. Slaven.-, Collmgwood--'Mr. Carpenter. 'WlmI.mlc An-mt:.-Messn. Lvman. Elliott A: J. W. SIBYOB4`, UOIIIIIQVVOOG-'Ul|'. uarpenler. wlgsalc Agant:,-_Messn. Lvman, Elliott & 00.`. Dunspaugh 65 Watson, Torqnlo, ' 837-ly WODUCTIIII and eXl|'B0|'Ull'l8|'y (SUITS Ill Uanauu UV 1he'.GhEA'1' INDIAN REMEDY.Thc~y are stern, undeniable and, inconteatable facts, suicieu to convince the most skeptical that the Great Medici- nal Compound yearned after for ages is now acces- sible in the-Great auch mxgm be menuomu man 13- the`Drug get unquestionable certicates on the GREAT SHO- SHONEES REMEDY and -PILLS, anVd' satisfy unm-nelvm. :3- Th.-lnllowing remarks or: Testimonials 01 most wonderful and extraordinary ctires in Canada bv uh.-|.(-`. k R A'l' INDIA N REMEDY. Thcv are stern. |3vr@> 3%`s_ mg SHOSHONEES REMEDY!` ; NEVVVE` E1?Ts71BLEs, AND SHAMPOOING `sAI;oo1I, __ AL- 1-....- L..'I I Ill-IILICB llvl-IBSCII Opposzgz the Barrie H_0tgl.A Lo'r's'W1t-*2 FooNo;-Lieuntenant Lynch in his voyage to the Dead Sea. found a huge pillar of Salt on the shore, and` the Arabs ins fotjmzed him that it was Lot : Wife;ler our part we are much inclined to doubt it, though we have no hesitation in saying that the best. thing to cure to cure colds, sore throat, rheu- mntism, no_uralgia,.bowell complaints, &c., .is the "Canadian Pain Destra'yer, to behadj of tall Medicine Dealers {ct 25cts per battle.` Tryone! ` _ V _ - Go to SLAVEN S [Br Pure Drugs, Clnemiclxls; Dye-Stus,A Perfumery, Fundy and Toilet Articles, Coinhs, Brushes, &c., &c. . h. QT rtrnvx-r :_ __.,, .. . . G9 to Dr. 'SLAVEN S for Garden, Field and Flower Seeds, which he imports from J. A. Simmer? TV'D'-U and from the United Stnes and England. . ` 1 .v . r1` ,, 1 '_- - _-1I`nm,1 satin fflnevn ----- --vu-o -gnu \JLIIUIi\L kJ|l.I5U auu J-Jllslulllali . "'Dr! LAVEN is [exterrding his Book and Stationery deparfrrrent. Give him a callA and save moneYs `per cent. will. be allowed_ on all purchases. he sells at Toronto retail mic; Great inducements offered to Teachers, to whom a discount of 125 an fn Q'.A`T`E`KT,Q -.._`I I-_I_ , 4 I - 119 an 1` -in AAA 11 II ' , ; _ , _!__-_`I 11.-...- '\Tncvr Vnrlr . . _ . vv uo_vIJ use runvllucu-)0 - - r`- ""' ' " . 1; hich Go to SLAVEN'S, and locket his Wall Paper. 7 10,000 Rolls Just recerved from New V01 2 W A will be sold at `the cheapest possible rates. Try_Dr. SLAVEN?S PILLS, they are well lznowu mid recommended, - _ I Mos uiwmd Buyla-bottle of _SLAVEN S Mosquito Liniment-_-a sure prcvenuve; for tlue, l>1tS 0 . `1 ., `Black Flies._ Go to SLAVEN S for _Teas,Tobaccos and Cigors, of 'the rst quality. 0 . , Go to SLAVEN S and see those Coal Oil Lamps, for sale at 5 per cllt 0 003` P""' _ ' Youwill save money by buying your Paints, Oils, Vnmishes, mg, &c., at SLAVEN'S- SLAVF NJS . 0 Paint, Varnish, White-wash, Camel-hair, Scrubbing & Shoe Brushes, alwayson hand at A - . . . . . . . . - d d DR. SLAVEN has a good business and mtends to keep 1t, If low prices: Smct auemlon an goo quality of goods will secure it. ` . . M, . . ,1- ` -_ 0---- vv ... uuvunv av. .' (1 Try Sla.ven s Condition Powders, for Horses & Cattle, the best 111 the market, The countr) m` liberally dealt with; ` [Give Dr. Slaven 9. call before buying elsewhere, and you will be sure to get a bargain. 0:) Look for the Red Letters. on the window as follows: _ ,,_____T _-_-j Prescriptions carefully prepared at all hours, day or night. I`Ul'y, I509. l nlvn Unniun TH:-n RN12:-u" D3, SLAVEN S DRUG STORE. V -v'vT75nos3f Ill DR. J. W. SLAVEN. I39 W9 @M: I A Blu3AU'l'l!-`DAL Honse,-There is nothing that can contribute so much to render the ` horse beautiful andeelegant, toimprove his condition and `make him all that is desirable, as`. Da.r|ey s Condition Powders and Arabian Heave Remedy ; it has been used by many` persons who own valuable carriage and other horses with decided success. and so` well dlessed are they with it that they always keep it on hand in case of emergency ;_il may be given at all times with perfect eafely. Remember the name, and see that the signa-' ture olHurd&1 Co. is on` each package. Narthrop St Lyman, Newcastle, Ont., pro- ptietora .forC'auada. Sold by all medicine dealers, . ' NEIVV. ARRIVAI: A NEW STOCK CHEAPER 'I'I-IA,N' EVER. ? ' THE MOST FA;}I15NAf3Li_ W iL%/1DIE:S m;1L1V15 `T GENTLEMENS `If you ivant a good. clock, 8 day, 30 hour, and alarm '1`imc Pi K . .-largest s!ock Aever offered in Barrie, ` ` ' ` At J.` good `running order, and xvafranted, I`.-. 4. T T T-T-\T ilf yvoixiwant a Watcher UlTockT pm m If` you wantne Gow VVEDDING R1NGs, P.Uzzm: arid FANCY Rmcs, ' rv- A- 1' `IV Earrings, Brodches, Chaiin, Guards Spectacles, Pipes, Violins AND STRINGS, }.ND FANCY Goons, &c., V ' ; At J. W. HASTINGS. J. W. HASTINGS lxavig been busing-.-1s_ upwards of 30 years, iws able td give` bettr satiafugtiou than any other Store North of Toronto. ,. 4*.` r .1 "l'fr . 1 1 (V . 1 And I take thisvdpportunity of fhzmking the public for the very liberl patro- nage they have bestowed,`and_s;)liciling n continuance of then` favors, I would " call their o.tte:1tio:_1 to my new stock of TWANKEY TEA. .`. .. . . . I u 3 u O Theonly stote North of` Toronto where the whole of the,business in its vari- ous branches, can be done on the premises V ' At J. W. HASTINGS. \Vhich I-oer as low as any house North of Toronto. I give the price of a Tfvev, of the lending articles: ' Lb n I . `L n THE RHINE ASvA BOUNDARY. ` \JOl uuxn GI uuua uvunu uuvu uvuuv The heaviest ghting appears t . ave` been at the centre and at -the eastern endrof this extended line. At the for-. V mer point the Freuch-corpslcomrnanded by Gen. Froissnrd was attached by the Germans under Gen. Von" Steinmitz, and atter asevere struggle was com- Tpelled to retreat, abandoning the town . of Saarbrucken, which was captured on Tuesday last, and giving control- of the Saar valley to the Germans. The French are said to have thrown away their guns and edin confusion, burn- ing Saarbrucken to avenge their defeat. Details of this action have not yet been received, but it is certain that Frois- esard s4command-o'ne or the finest corps in the. French armAy--`-has been lbadiy defeated . At H". .-....o...... ;.a.o.......v:o.. I\` cl...-.11.-...` _vv-`\.- LAAK/\Jl`CCCIUI` D0 '1 DO-.-.... VERY GOOD HYSON. . GUNPOWDER TEA.) . V Do Do{ . . . THE BEST TEA. . ... .. PAT. FAILS,` each. . ; . . BROOM S,:eac_h . . . . . . . A. -.. ;4uu.~u-u LLKJLJKILU I Lunu 1. U 4 L` Biscuits, Candies, Nuts, Almonds, Spices, Pickles, Sardines, Lobsters, Oysters. Canned F1-mt. Salad 01l_r!m-n Qn....u. x... ..n A: TEA that ,cannot'be Beatin Orinia . . `ne avored. low nu-'im=A mn ..~ __ mg mwm.9sEmm.y \ LICENSED TO SELL eep a--131.318 l1I.)nH"-_nnnfnn+'lum;. I-......J -.._1 JJl.DU|.l.lI.I, Uduule, Lobstexs, Oysters, Frmt, Salad O1l,ACorn Q K. which will be sold at n trie `above cost. Please call and"eQ6.}r &is';i'-) `o5n.1VSA'1`URDAY, the 1 -`N- A -r-f-`-f"f'\"`I"\I'T '1" '1" 1/1: -g-u----:------- .......~. \/ ,\4IJ\.fI;Jkl.l.I. .5. .L_\.JUJ.|(J I sell Goods cheap because I : prots and quick returnsis my m A'I` 'l`l-IF`, `l2I',l:'DIJ A `Mm JARGE `LOT OF ` ` 7&1 ed Ilams, Sugar Cure Fat-5PP1Y.f `,vI`_enTAV3'l`Is >' % d; 18 `most serious catastrophe occured on Tm: STORM Yss1'znnAv--Acc1nr-zrrrs. About four o'clock yesterday afternon a heavy thunder-s_tormaccompanied with heavy guests-of wind, passed overthis city and did it conidernble amount of damage. Trees in various "parts were levelled to the ground and a number of cellars were lled with ` water ; but the Dumme_rst.,where the new St.Patrick s church is in n courseof erection. 'l`he upper portion of "the `steeple `of this building came down with a loud crash upon the street, together with the scaff- olding, but Iortnnetely the men at work , on it had stop d- work in account 01 therein, audit ur esce injury. Three children in the vicinity-, hearing` the noise when the steeple and scaffolding begento give way, ran to the spot-and and one of-them',"n_erned, :Jame`e Dans- more, was so_bedly-injured `-by one of the.ece'old poles lell'ng,~scrqes, his left leg" that his` recovery` Is*alniost hopelees, The limb ;ivl?broIen below the, knee` = joint and here es Leen_{_e.._eonsteht ow ofbl L i.l1p:t ;'lh'iln6Z:r4V?V/I-\;V|5i` Unlaii thhkamhrann Ii-'..'.3-on -`.' * ....,.v 11 `unit?! una 3| GBOGKEBY mumps L cheap because I mm ..1.1.. .. MARKET STREET; '.BLR.'n.T1:v. FRES1_:!E G ii0DS 2` 42-5 R? - ..u \JfLL: GROCERIES, ziyfbcst in ' 837- a _ u- --._.-:. 2.1. _v'vl_nihAhe win keep`g e supply `constantlyon hand, and A w:ill4s1l cheaper t'nan any in `the maylget, uuu uiunzn n:ulrns`lS ' AT THE ELEPHANT. Pf` uuw ul muuu up) we I`lma'_ W0 Willey Unless this homomgeoan be~- atoppfed and circulation` ffggtored. there in no; hllll `I:. `' Iynun -ml -5 '-II . '_ .:::;;:.`i I BOLOGNA AND GERMAN SAUSAGE. SAVELOYS, &c. fA.LAfIi3V1:/6i ;;i`EETL`6i:;VA T xat cannot be beat. 0 '11` low iiiacea`<%`3ca:: j:;*:i:*;::::~ , n Tl Inn L4` :4 _, ..A_' .J-IJ'..l_.'.J..L;..I.; K.) \1_\ /xARKE'I s'I'R1=_*.I-3'1'," _QBY_ uoornoonhooo oiuuouotn-on 30N.......... EA.'........ -r --w..-',\. ALSO A If % A J Q...-..1;_ 5` LOT 9-.F at low prices, : A'l"\nu-'5` -v---\lV`l\ CHEAP FOR `CASH. -..'\l ` ,,.,,;." 50 SUGAR, 10.11;. f_or........... ..L. . . (30 CURRANTS, 20 lbs. for. . ....._ 70 lHC E,.`20lbs. fnr............ .... 80 HARLEY, 20 lbs. for....... . . .. . . . . 80 L- VALENCIA RAJSINS, per lb. ....... 490T VALENCIA RAISINS by th .....'.. 1,00 Box of 28 1b., per`lb.`....... 20 G'OLDEN_-SYRUP, per qt.... -....... 30 SOLACE TOBACCO, per 1b.. LEMON PEELS, &c., &c. JIII jiLLER Y, IN `B./JRRIE, .._-u- w -cc uvuav luau vuu` UV IIVPVUU ignored. chance of_,__fh_io ,r'o_overy, and at all events the -lagrwill Va" :9 be ampu- Med. '11; iu_`1`ndr`t m1qli_oal.a!.ton4 tion of'=vDr.; Axkihi; :`'l'he2JoIorA: tw Vz..,"4"':.;:.i;P? WI Always arriving fof `S'z'gn of the Wratch and Spectacles. mnruailn H112 Rnurnlr St {53- ;M1E@ 3 V and selling fast. ' n(`I'Y`l I-u q.____, for.-ICDOOOIOIII . ._ . ` f0r'..I.I...C... for. . . . . - 1b.; tip I'?,...' ..l` 00 11. .._....'ll.- K) c, _ BARBIE 7 Lvyulu Lvlvvv nujlyuvwuvvuu Opposite the Railway Station} [Ffom the New Yrk Evgniigg Posh] the V York, which J. W. "HASTINGS. :`Piece,s, go where the Cu J. W. HASTINGS. 85 At J. W. HASTINGS. .w. HASTINGS; .- `put 1 nvnnl-VII Starch, &c., all of It 372 -Iv VAno'ther` lot of that Try it. i535`5i15-7-:-`I5 - .7.;f"a'Z5:."u's ,:?:'I` .3'7'us .., 5' _ 18th jnst., at r\ar---.__- > Y2,` ~ `Q N3 , H:iTI$GS ._ HASTINGS To let. a. large Store and Hop 12 Rooms, good well, outbuildings, Premises, with two acres of land at! For l' n 1 to "par x pp 1 JAMES B] 17 45 ---- The West half of Lot number Twenty-Six, in the Tenth Gonoession of the Township of Essa. 100 acres more or less. A _ This farm is situated nbout two miles frogn Hun-isons, on the Northern Railvny, and III miles from Allandale. There are sixty ncres M cleared _and under` cultivation, the nnuinder i...a...m.a hnnh nf a. mood quality. Inca A: an: --......_.___ , `glen:-edzmd nmuinuor hndwobd hash of 9. good quality. For particulars application to be made to McCAR`l`HY 3 MCCARTHY, 29-4t Barrie. {THE-PARRIE F0939? of Orillin. commodious, since was tong water is close to Thu land 1-nngig might be purcnaseu Iuuug . For price nndvother parli James Quinn, Land Agent, Urillia, 7th May, 1870. ' 1TV`A`TER-POWER GRIST AND FLOUR MILLS 'wn1:.sALE. M.4L BIIUBIEQ lu any thriving village of Creemore, in the town- ship of Nottawasaga, one of the best wheat growing sections in Ontario, are now offered for sale on reasonable terms. The Mill. having been tted up during the past year with the most improved machinery and the dam and buildings connected being in the most thorough repair, with plenty of water during all season.-, would form a desirable opportunity to any per- son wishing to purchase a mill property-.-- There is a telegraph officcin the village, and_a daily stage carrying the mail` to Stayner. large number of village lots for sale on easy terms. Title indisputable. For particulars, enquire of` PHILIP LOW, Esq., Barrister, Picton ; C. S. PATTERSON, Esq., Toronto; and W. D. ARDAGH, Esq., Barrie. 14-tf' South bn1fLot 35, i 1 nn at-rtlll . REASONABLE TERM 111. (`An Nnnnnuugon... DUULU unu uvu uu, u K 100 acres. N. E. part Lot15,i1 -53 acres. North half Lot-17, 1 l\I\ n nv-An ESSRSL HENRY SEW REY & 00., are not prepared to manufacture all articles in their line, of the best description, and etcheap rates Bujno, D9o., 3rd, 186': ` 49-ly AULLH unu uurnuy nu luv gvu. `my... .....J 100 acres. ~ - Wes . ha1fLot 26, in 2nd Con.,'I'iny-lO0 acres, East balfLot 12, in let Con., North Orillia-- 1 An (2 nrnu IVCDL uuu uvl. ;v Au nu. an-In van: ........... l 7 1 100 acres. . , South half Lot 6, in 13tb.Con.,West Gwillitxr Inn-v_1nn n.m-an . _-, W ~ [OUSE AND. STORE fro * IN MI nI:lnR(`.HILL. . DESI. unn uvu ;u, Au `cu vv..., ---.-_ -....... 100 acres. LoH2, in 3rd Con., North 0rillia-200 acres. West half L9: 16, in 13th Cun.,Medonte-100 Q no-"nu , vvvau nu... ...._.. --, -_ __._ ___ ,,, acxies. West ha1f'Lot 18, in the 4th Con., Medonte-- mn any-ml. Heal. unu uuu ;u, In um 1... vv-., .u....v..... I00. acres- Lot 11, in 8th Con., Vespra-`-200 acres. West half Lot(10, in the 2nd Con., Innie1-- 100 acres. CULILH uuu uvl. V, IL! Auuu vvuu n-..:- u nnnlllu bury-100 acres. And Lot 11, in-2nd`Con., Georgina, County of York-l80 acres. - A I to ppy WM. B. CANAVAN. Low], in the 7th Con.," Oro; there are acres cleared, with good frame building, gwd young orchard, and 11 good supply of never faul- ing spring water. A good Mill Site on 13.: (103. ' _ , Bil `I no 01 :.. Al... on. rum n.-A nun... . 1' 1105. - _ Also Lot 21, in the 8th Con., Om, about 13' acres cleared, 10;: house and barn, the remain- der in good hardwood bush, principally beecn and maple. Alan Ln? `)0 in Hui RH1 Cont-ncuinn Own. {'4 "_____________..__________.._. FALUABLE FARM FQR SALE. 7 :e;{L';a;;; :u1;L1EnINr' ~ ionnuoz annual ;onnuo1_ ANII STOVE wonxs. i TEehs:::::2e::. unu maple. Also Lot 20, in the 8th Concession. 010. '.'~ acres c1earcd-]ug buildings. All of the above land is of the best quality. K For further particuiars apply to mnnuua Ivtvvnvlnvn h,-__'..-. Vro-Br: son) ON EASY TERMS. LuU.UAD LlU1Ill\ID, FKUVIICLU . Lot. 21, 7111 Con, L`: Or, G. R. FORD: Barrie, Opt. _ The IinAe ovfthe Toronto and Muskoka Ra runs near the lands. ilrcad SUMMER I_\_Bm8EMENT. DIIRECT ROUTE TO ORILLI.~\' W By Railway and Steamer, via 'Barrie.. .j:_ Only route to Bracebridgc withoutztranshipmui` `WQAMEPBIQNT LEAVES Barrie fbr Orillia and \\'asbg0.'3` 5'30 a'.rn.. touching at Hawktone. .-\tl!0'3f'- Oriilia and `the Portage.~-ARR1Vl.\'(} :11 Was: - ago at 10-30 n.m., and connecling (here W-13 `STAGES AND STEAIEB Wu.-mun rm: nx: .\'ui::.W Counrmr. Returning, will leave Waahng 5` `ll a.m., and Orillta at12-.30.,p.m., arrivinF Barrie in time to connect with the the -I-Iven3'~.-T Train on the Northern Railway for Toronto- I3'THB.(`UGH TICKETS from Toronto 10 Grim. nnrl n......r...:.-'.... ...... 1.... .\....,-hum! I3 FREE GRANT LANDS! __- _..-.__v.-_' - szguou-A. \JaUJ4 Spring Mattresses, - Family Sewing Machines, Coin Trimmings, Room Paper, Window Blinds, Framed Pict_ures,Schoa1 Books, Concertinas and Melodeons, Ladies Work Boxes,Wriling Desks, Toys and Fancy Articles, Children's Carriages. ` - - . ' _ . , Snnhnn, Dnm-n nnzlnlimla ban` .. l.-...: .....a Lr1'ntL`UUki 'l`lUKE'l`S from 'l'0l0Dl0 w Orillia and Bcacobridgc, can he purchased the N. R. R. Station, Toronto: and NEW Tickets can be procured on board the Steam??- Return Tickets from Bracebridke to Toronto M . Ida Burton, and N. R. R. can be procured-05` boaid Sgeamer Wenonah. . F0? Frniahl nr Dnnnnnn nv\v\`v On fhn CI[`1n uuaru auzamer WEDODBD. E: For Freight or Pauage, apply to the C`? on board. Jill I 1'10 UP I` l\K\l'lo Toronto to Onllin, $2 60 Burn: 10 Ati}t`|")'- $: ` S` Bmcebridge, 4 00 ~- Orilhn. X. " Rosunu Lake,4 `lb VVll`Ih"5` ' Barrie to Bawlmone, o 50' ' nu-vnnunu nnl\ V ; runny. WEEKLY NI-:wsPAr2m in the world. All .back numhera conslllly hand. bhny iddlul to: 10 v"`;{-f` 2 Barrie, April; 1870. I AN ILLUSTRATED RURAL. Lrrrmuur, AND FAMILY \VE!K1"' 01 16 Large.` Handsome Pagan. EDITED BY DONALD G. MITCHELL- . 5-85i.5`d b_7 N) able Corps of Associates in 1" De` part men ta- Hennh and Home meets the wants of 8" '"'"' hero Ofsood families everywhere, and cont8i}""""' best ofevery thing [or every body in city : `and country. It gives practical instruction 1 ? `If `"`s` 3PPiencod.wrilers, upon ail Rural !0P' F'|'llI.i'n ,Fruit-Growing,Flour-Culture,Ornameug ll Gar ening, Rural Architecture, Count?! "1 City Homes, their Furnishing and Adornm' Domenic Economv, Hounekeeping Hints. 6` W I: he ?."i9,S.t_rie= sketch:- .E~>'z:.%`2.1... Toronto, Oct. 26, 1868 I` E o v Hour-e|rePi"F H`"`,"w' "*1':':::c..:::';sk..c.,.., E53:1:,a;ndy Reports, Beautiful Piclnru by.lhe be 3 in short. an the features of ;A FIRST-CLASS FAMILY xvEEK`*;', M. It conzainuo-much room lhal over) ';1`;':, son! gm abundant variety for Fathers, M31 Dauglera. down to an youngest ch" ' Rnnuctznmz n-:19 wnR1s70- "`"l|l |UIF) uuwu 10 um youngest cnnu = I REDUCED -RATES FOR 1870- `J o . ` V . . I C pie], V Thu!-`e':tr'Jlg.:Bi:s', la?! alA S3138; FiV: Cog}: 3; MI in; HEART}! AND HOME. ' `t of Five or more subscriber. at 2.40 eI"' Vcllflpeqt ts itia the Most Complete FAMl1.V. un.'1Mr1,v mI.~uIPAPER " . . ' ' R ed.""" xi`-u:`*:xsi ?.=%3'`:f,f,:i-5"&q;;3 33:54 A gzfilmmdntonisol` `urel1I'883,u 1 5 -HOUSVEHOLID F{IiiN1'1iURE, Haul, u0|Gu|G\-lo At the eastern extremity of the line`. the Crown Prince, following up the successvgained at Weissenbonrg on Thursday, engaged the whole of Mar- shal McMahon si splendid corps,.the ower of the French army, and after severe `ghting lasting till evening` achieved abrilliant victory". McMahon, of whose valour and ability we have lately heard so many boasts, was com- pletely out-generaled and `oubfought ` by the Crown Prince, who has deve- loped the qualities of a great comman-i dcr and established the reputation" so vvell earned four years ago on the elds " of Bohemia. McMahon was unable to withstand his fierce onslanghts, and the day was lost to the Frencharms. Four `thousand prisoners, thirty guns, six mizrailleuses and two eagles fell into - the hands of the Prussians, who seem to have followed up their victory with vigour, for at last accounts the Crown Prince had advanced to Hagenau, about twenty miles witl1in_French territory." andthe demoralized remnants of Mo- -Mahon`s army were said to be in full retreat towards Nancy. `Withsingular but perhaps politic candour, Napoleon admits the loss of this battle, but as- serts that the position can he recover- ed, J U -[1 L` Ll - but an LET A_T CHURCHILL. jun FOR SAEIE 1NvT`HE TOWNSHIP up onug ' - ` HEARTH AME HoME- ssmcos LANDS. {SE &. LAND FOR SALE. |OYA}L MAIL LINE. __ . THE SIDE-WHEEL IRON-PLAT1'- STEAMER . LANDS FOR SALE u II flllll Invvu --.._...- FQRSALE. cnnmxonm MILLS gamma in the ..:..:.... .:nnm= nr Creemore. -pup ya II. II Inc Moot Uomplele nmmr. NEWSPAPER `g u-..-I.I an L--u- _.__\_-_. nnnsin V Ul'l'lEge3- ' , Sashes, Doors andvBlinds, kept on hand and made to order. ' _ Peter Street, Orillia, C.W. . 46-. MUSKOKA COUNTRY, ._.:__-- M. BURTON, MASTER, .1}; {iZ}' ;1pply THOMAS GUTHRIE, Proprietor, Lm. `)1, 7th (`on I`: RATES or man. , in 4th Con.,Nouawanga-- , in 1011: Con., Nottawnngn I--In ' Home conlninlng zntbuildlngl, &c., on the --- In Inn!` llhc 0 in the 18th 0on., Tiny- WM. B. CANAVAN, Vfnn. TEAS! gs: TETAS%g] ' SLOAN, Ohurchili . M1 was p|'OpUl'|]. an-s,npp1y to Mr. ' Ii: 19. F.'. ..1':.;'.`. .': ' BURTON 31:03., . Proprietor!- . 13. Inn, Toronto. 883-If 1' In a gcuuum Black: 1821, . , -,Go. to C. For 9. real good J upnn Tea, an In I` Fox-H the very" Best Young Hyso Ta, ' ~ V Go to C. ./1. Perkins. For n snnarinr nuuncu nf (`.m-m2.....a.... In... N ; Go to C. ./1. For For a superior quality of Gunpowder Tea, . (.'n In n A For _ ( For a. genuine Black Tea, . n _ ` Go I For extra good 7 Cheap Teas, I . Go In Go to C. . For r6a1Jdva Coffee,-Frsh ground, Cu In (7. . "For good Freoh Groceries, Go to (1., ./I. Perlrins. For good Pfunes and Canned Fruits, -. o Go to C. 4. Perkins- Forfresh Lobsters, Salmon and Sardines, Go to 0- ./I; 1 er/oirzs. For choice Smoklng and .0 bowing Tobacco, Go to C. ./1. Perkins. For good Brooms `and 'Whisks, ' Go -to_ C`. J. PerIcr'm. - . Go to C. J]. PcfIr1'1zs. For tip~top Cheese, ' {In In IV /1 `Dag-I.~.'nn . . V . Go to ( For good Raisins and Currants, _ , , an In I i"VVe will probably hear to-day that the Germans, flushed with the success that has thus far crownedtheir efforts, are pushing forward with all haste, in the direction of Paris. The situation is an-extremly perilous one for Napoleon, who will have to risk another battle w.ith a partially defeated army in order to check the onward. march of his enemies. "Should he hazard. another engagement,-which indeed it is hardly possible for him toavoid, the encoun- ':er will be a desperate one. `The Em- peror will, no. doubt, summon V every _ availzibleman to his assistance and en- deavour, by force of numbers, and by - stirring up the patriotic feeling which can be easily moved among men` ght- Ling upon their own soil, to arrest the course of the Prussians. Napoleon rather boastfully asserts that no loss has yet been sustained which cannot be re- paired, andthat his troops are still ll- ed with elem ; and he adds, with a touch of the old egotism, that he_has gone to place himself in the centre ofthe posi- tion. He will need all the fortitude` that he can now command, and his soldiers all the elan of which they are capable, The Germanswill advance to the fresh encounter with a, 1m- mense advantage that an arm "already successful always has over. a`; nemy partly defeated, and Napoleon ill pro- qably tindait impossible to resist the conquering impulse ywithpwhich the troops of the Crown Prince and Fred- erick-Charles must be filled. In any case, the week upon which _ we have entered mustbe pregnant with results otthe utmost importance to the. con- tending power. ' n , -__ L- ______ _-,I AL- ..-..._ l'__.._ ' - Go to C. ./I.'{PcrIrins. For good Crockery, Glassware, &c., ' ' G010 C. ./I. Perkins. For Shannon's I astry,and`F`amily Flour, j Go to C. ./I. Perlrins. Also Btirley, Rice, Oatmeal Corn Meal, Crack- 1 ed Wheat, Buckwhea_t F|o_ur, &c.',_' Takes pleasure in annotxibg to their custo- mers and public generally, that they have now on hand a complete assortment of - 10 V VI I'll I EIII\Il`U Soul]: of the Past Oirrc, Owen Strccl, Barrie. _.GOODS DELIVERED WITHOUT DELAY. "MESSRS.A.& J. w. FEREUSON FERGUSON VALE, . [FARMING 11y1rLnMumTs,J |PmwIs;mms.1 _ _ A I an -XLso- General Insurance Agents. A. AFERGUSON. `J. W. FERGUSON. Fergusonval Dec. 6, 1869. 48 ll! ll ll|'l CHIS! Slvyn _ He has on hand a large stock of Mons Ready made Boots & Shoes. Ladies 8: Cbildrens wear, Slippers, &c., &c. _ ' _ . ,I)RYG00DsJ J5 sT9nEf E -u..~....u I... .. ... . As may be supposed the news from the frontier has caused great commotion in Paris, and thecity has been placed under the rigours ofmurtial lo.w.;Should accounts from thearmy continue to be unfavourable, the turbulence ol the people will probably pass the bounds of control. A worse enemy ` may rise `in .NApoLeoN s rear than that which con` fronts himin the eld. The fate ofhia dynasty depends upon his speedily checking the triumphant marchof -the German commanders. ROB>ER'-l:"NZElLL-,-- BOOT AND SHOE `MAKER, - - --:u:--- ' R. N.--Inf`orms the public that he has com- menced businesls in thettbov'e line,Aa.ud from his many years experience as foreman in the estab- Iishmentof Andrew Graham, Esq,` he is eon? dent he .can_ execute all orders intrustcd to him inn first class style. We hm: mi hand n lm-mx qtnr-1: nf' Mann nm~..1.y TINWABEJ DEILF AND GLA SSWARE. .. %uuEnFa"sns% | if'V7I`1t'\-'--& gx,--~ In order worlcld good is guaranteed and none but the very best If mater ` ' zal used. ` HE SUBSCRIBER . desires to thank ' his numerous friends and the public for past patronage, and to inform them that he has re- V moved to the REMOVAL 2] | South "Side hf. Dunlopj Street, `A [ Neay qppositq his `old staml, where he izitends to keep constantly on hand a Fmsr Cmss S'rocx o1r P110953 > Boots and Shoes made to order of the best mat.erin1s,by.competent workmen. . A call is respectfully solicited. _ ~ 885- ` , HENRY BIRD. Which will hsvbld at th lowest xfemunerating prices. I.` `upon a. belt `of mixed quartz, and slate :3 "Behind this .was?asol' i7al_l;.nl' quartz The Halifax Cztizen says :-After two years search, Mr. W. D-. "Hall has succeeded in discovering one of the most promising belts'ofaurife_rous quartz and slate that has ever been found in this country. Indian reports of the,ex- istence of gold in the neighbourhood -of Beaver Dam, near Sheet Harbour, rst led Mr. Hall to turn his attention to that district, where he soon tound proof ot the truth of the .-Indian reports, ':in. large quantities of quartz boulders, some of them measuring about two` feet thick,`and showing as much gold as any that have ever been found in the Province. , Tracingvthese boulders in a northerly direction over_o. mode-i rately sized hill, they_were found to disappear at`. the foot of the northern dechvity, near the edge of a swamp. s\Here Mr. Hall commenced driving a ` tunnel six feet highand four feet wide, back into the hill, at a depth of about seven feet from the surtace. He had not proceeded far with this work when he struck a beautiful vein of quartz,- mne inches thick, showing visible gold, r - and close to it (separated only bya thin slab of state,` not more than a quarter of an inch thick)a small lead, one inch thick, but very rich -to all 'appear-V anee capable of yielding at least from 2 three to fouryouuces of gold per ton. ' Tunneling a little further be came ' measuring ten test in 'brendth,'contirin-L ' ing a number of rich quartz ljeadsnary- jug from fifteen tnchesto itvvo inches thick, all showing the : reciolln. metal.` 9 six feet thick,,=wl1_iebr_ljt, i . r_ct__ _, show an4vl,vi!j!!l9r;_8'?.1!.1.7 '~ , "!`.< f 15' {work Avnny LARGEV uhd comblete Asslot-tment ' efLa.dies Ena.melled Kid and Prunolla. Gaiei-5, Buskins, Boots; Gut : Calf, Kip snllcoursa Misses and Children s, of every variety and style which will bekept constant- ly onllnnd. ` ' A1` muons Now To BE nnnrcnsonn ` " ' ANDREW GRAHAM Bsrrie. .\snuulv_'1nn-2. I for ` YANISH 8ole,:S1aughteE,V`Ipper, Kip, Calf` T Harness, Binding, Lining, Shoemaker: AFin,diI;g,&c. --_ '7 ` ' ` ' ' _ Apr-IA. Inna;-. innit ANDl_iI;W .a3AHAu T Boofrs & SHOES, AWHOLESALE a. RVETAIL-I 5 SSWAHE. Bottled and" Barrelled % fL1quors [OF CHOICES1` BRANDS, Dunlap Street, Barfie, two doors east of the ' - Quc-en's Hotel. `E Prices such as to suit. the times. Lisathor: 'Le a_thor_-.' ieatherx C`ol.'lu.'-U'ae `I. but (Erni. <|{I'IlIihlII, T L BEAT Pn_UssIAN VICTORY. .. lzqrgie. :u`:uary,: 130': . -T - _ A Bsrrie, J canary, 1867. .` GROCERIES, HARDWARE, At{i:;L'}I."i5EHk|Ns', ' 0/lice. Strmrl. Burn` BOOTS AN D SHOES. `U53 `J-I Briggs Modern `Cufalive Jinnlons. _I|l-[rowing Nuill. `render HIM.` Ioollnnr. Ioemn: ma In-sling _1Vl'E:VV ALSO, DEALER IN" E;i&8:4_I;r:%i;;w;ll;.`E;;;:l;: `tool In Io cum 3 ' ea `:1; ufgm. .`~ V. `. ass-am: IMPORTANT GOLD DISCOVERY TIN NOVA SCOTIA. O fl Ill] LS, - Go to `CT./I. . nnnr` D.m.o. Go C. ./I`.'{Pc1']>`iIIs. 1 non:-A kn ` .A Per/cinsy . Perkins .' . Perlpins. -_ `/Perkins. 1 ea, . i Perlcins. . Perkins. isnnnsz 1 znn 'adii; %""AEi'cu1tara1 &'; T Flowei_S_eeds. ` n*ALL' xmDs_ on PLANTS INN P01'S4; Kept on hand, gud also ` fF:I)'RfSzE.E . _ V ' GARDEN TOOLS OF ALL SORTS, kc. 1 Dunlopv Street, Two Doors "West Qf " Railrnn/Z SIntinn_ I ` 0:`? OATTALOGUES GRAIS. nnown & vglp. I'),__2_ It,_-|, - Qntvn Barrie, mm 16th, mo. DUNLOP s1'Y{Ei:"E' - BARBIE. joj- tP_ickles, Sauces, T&c., &c.,| `IN vgxnmvrv EIERMETICALLY SEALED GOODS, . . FRENCH SARDINES, ` LOBS1`ERS,- T , covr-1 OYS'l`ERS,. V FRUITS .9: `VEGETABLES. `jnj. Horsefdrd s -Self-Ituaisirhgg Bread ` Preparation.` . T02: I M.R_$- .N7.5_NN"_A_N I ' - . 0 - . A large vqrzeiy qf Fancy and Plan: ' .Bzsez_z'ts at reduced rates; ` urteeni leads of qualz vaiying from two feet to one inch in thickness-all showing visible gold. W . ` Ill thil lhlnnrlnnvn In-Eli` unnnAnn