, ..._.,.......r...-......., , . Convrya'Ju:er, Commissionrr in B.R.5 51-.. Heir and Duviaec Claims prosecuted. Agent for the Canada. `Landed Credit Company for oaning money on Rea1 Estate. ~ ' ()FF1CIL`_-Next "Frank Kean : Store. Dec. x, 1868. . 848-ly AsC1>;.oLf_s-A'WIN'G-, V-vvy .v V. June, 1868. PERMS: $1 per y;al` ' in `advance; ` ENI.ARGE1{1EN'17o`F"Ti1E T Vol. % E6"XL`H6fEL. BARRIE, COUNTY SIMC6E; Iioufnns AND SAI;()6NS. MARKET `SQUARE, `BJRRIE. .j_.. . .-..-'.~.......- u... ..-.*.:' nianui ABURl\iL13EETT S j HOUSE PAINTERSs ll-IARDWII: - 01- ~ ' G-RAINERS, V % 1145101 Bui1d'era'., Hardware. _ DUNLOP STREI-1'1`V,.BA1iRIE.) 7 PLAIN LN. D`DI'OOBA'l"lYl. BARBIE- VALUATOR, in 1117 ('V1'T7)I`l l 1 Ro1 nu:'roa. Proprietor.` ;::I PawNci%iILK1SI;i1`S133IE@R! in Y! '1: o V0|'KIllIl1.] IILIOIIIUIBFIOII Wllll nu UUI'mIIn5I' Md Gonna! Eu-dune uubluhmut. - IROYALIMSWNCECDMPANY] 7722 Accident `lnsnance 0ompazy,__ IN- THE _POST OFFICE BUILDING, BARR.-IE, n,._._':- 7;4 nu, in/un -A vi .,Dr:1wings;& Descriptions for Pate-nt` of In- 'vcnLions cnrc. uH_v_ prepared.` Valuations mndr: and Surveying of every description ex- ccu ' with nccnmcv and desnatnb- muu-: z1.uI` 0..-r'e_y:ug 01 every uescnpuon v:cufL.:~.". nccrumcy and despatch.- _ d~,nn.I_/ur me .5vI I`1\".1 LIFE, Hurtford, Conn Aug. '2-1, 1869. _ ' 83. 4-lyrp [AT_ E)Z;_`n"c3I2F?c3"V7/; .'A 1 4.N'I` FOR `cA1g3a`>r`Ahmg.Rs\ A 1\`| I'1`E` !`I(\'lUl'l\ A `[1 \.ro".ae"u; "7.:i'\7Eia| ALL persons m want -of money, for one or ten years, can obtain it on terms more udvantn.geous to the borrower than those of any other-Society, by applying to _ WILLIAM SANDERS, P.L.S. BARBIE, ' . Azppraiscr and Surveyor for the Canada. A Permanent Vnildimrnnd Shvina: Qnnjntv- I .--\-\\~;- \\\\\.`,-.`\-~~---~ \ 1\1\Li\i4i1{x7`(:i>.Es\x?-ic1 JUN., . `Provincial land Surveyor, 7 VALUER , &c.. - * 1 RELIANCE; LIFE I TIE I II`?lVII I`rII!I` Business, [for which he bu engaged 3 {int clug vorkmnn.]injcoIno4_:tiou; with his Gnnmitws` And Gama] nrlIn-anntnlnlnhmuut. ' ' ` [Miami 3;M%pN'ev! 1 Ii/jonevi 1 2] .4` __ L- 1 -__ __.___ _ _ . _____ lProvinE{ai Lahd ' Surveyor,` T./IN!) Sr f.'F?VTv',1.? /l(!1i`7\T 1 ...._-__.---_ ------ ga-.uvJvn,- L_ND - GENERAL ./IGENY, , ORILLIA. , - IfB.f-Yu1u7e.tion_carefully attended to. 1-1:!` Bnrrie Jan . 5th, 1866. HARDWARE` &ll'1'ooLs, 114xoUNG srnnnr, ".I.'.'OB]N"J.`Q. Builders-, Cabinet Makers, and Upholsterers, _ _ . Addis Improved Carvers Tooll. Stubs Celebrated Files and Tools. ,0o.rpenters and Joiners Tools. ' Shoe Tools of all kinds. ' Slum nn Il...l.:n.. 'm......:' cm. 1.- T X .1MFlS. BELL, f 3 IIBESS & MANTLE mu_n, ' Oyppsilaihe ,ad;anae_.o13c, _ y `Y `ns$:ii:,n+,u.ya.gT.a mgr : :* .4-xarsvI.`%-is_g;Dssia,s~, - ; . * _ f *1`; ` ' ~_`1-1C1s'1-I1>,_A_1_~I_cE-coM1>AvN";-,v - QUEEN s% FlRE_&. LIFE, IPH'9!`NWW00U0EURI ~ 'coLbwA'rEn s9rm:a`r. ORILLIA. Apthe late residenqe of I`:-. Ramsay. _4 j n. -\\a I o-I\(.\:.Aa--aasgIadl\IQl-\IJ-IL,El& DR.aUGHf1'_M .7N, APPIMIER, CON- VE Y./1. \`(7ER, INS UR./INCE `LAND V .,4N1) GENER./IL AGENT, - ANGUS, - .. _ - ' - 0NT_ _j- I |ll"\-I`l\ I'-VI"\I` . I ' Barnster and Attorney-at-law. somcrron IN crmxcmnv, C'onveyTancer,C'omm2'-s,sz'oner in B.R., c-c. 1`-tf ' ORILLIA, SIMCOEV 00.`, C'.W. Ba.rr'ig,:M_uy 6th, (1868. - - u nuuv I Ivtiln Ill-II I IV I , V Member` u] the Royal` College `of Dental from thg 16th`tO-vthc 24111 of ea.h`m(_mth. Surgeons of 7V Ontario. Rooms on Owen Street, near Dunlop Street, Barrie, which wil} be [open-every day, except I11- pimcvaciif nEN1'Is'r,l Member Royal` College `of Dental n 1PplZLlb'Ul.' uuu |1|ll'V(f_yUl.' lUl' LUU \lU.[lH4Ul1 Permanent Building and Savings Society. 'Jul_v,l864. 1-ly M RT`sE>AAiik6T `D:i.AhT_1_:.i}""i{13Z_c_:i1, ROYAL COLLEGE OF SURGEONS. Wu . 111- Jun D T. . `IN CE: N 6i`F3E \ ,_,\,V-.A,V\_. ,-,,~.\AA.... `C o1_.nw.u4sn, June, 18_b9. I )N approved freeholdecurity, and at mode- rate Interest. V - Apply to ARDAGH ARnAl`.F!J!rQ"I`TA'l`V~ \ fl; 1. \/AIILIJJL .5-I-1. JJJL IV, SOLICITOR IN CHJNCERY, CONVEY- ~ .NOER_ &r. JAMEsEbWAJib:L (Late Deputy Rcmstrar) .an4.n...4a v --..-._-v.-..a-a.vw-, Residence Mr. Charles McGae s,Tno1-mon. 'I'horutou,'Scptember, 1869. V 890-113 . A 7 ' "_' ' ' ' `,' ' ` ` ' I PHYS1CI.9N, SURGEONS` CCOUCHEUR,I (FQRMERL1 DRS; SCHOLFIFLD & WATSON, BONDVHI-:AD,) A T _,._._ A-u -..--.---.---..-_,.-.. TPPL'Y"I`0 JAS. Eowmns, Royal Insur- L nuce Oice. Barrie. . ()ctobe'r Sud, LA TE -OF KLI'l-VEBER G, 1 A _ . A A m .. II. (`Ian-I_n I`1n"InIs'n "\`-uo`AOu TMoNE\Y%1'6 l:ENAD'.` Ll-aLAlJ4LV AIIVIALLJ \/VJJJJJJLAJ-I UL yuJ.vu,|_'n];1| Euqmun, P.L., . -. DU}-7LOP_-STREET, BARRIE. C7/`o'rze7 for /he (]02mlg) of Simcoe. n.o.~|....'.. n...z xovan - IwTdm%Y +;ro`E x./x/xxxrv/\/\J MbNY_11LoAri. ::._u:'-- ..._. "1, -_~-_ ....- __ .. ..... . .....-.. :~;Iv`in"I..onr1::v. Stoves! ooLii?i&;w?c1i"i' (1., DR_.MC`;`.*.S. - ELLIOTT `(LATE oi` 'I`mu'w-r-n,\ Disputed Li-nes 'accurately'ad7'ustcd; 1 U1. l\J 11:10. .DUH nuce Oice, JUSTICE IS THE GREAT, BUT` SIMPLE PRINCIPLE, bra. J. A. ARDAGT, mm In} an crruh rvnnr 2. nnnnnnuzu 5a:3`:V;:fmnso~T sim_v"i:Yuits~'- iilnus. Jlllply I-U _ _ ` ARDAGH, ARDAGH.& STRATHY, ' Snlit-iinrsa, Rnrria MEDICAL PROFESSION.- Banister and Attorney -at-law, ` SOUCITOR IN cnmvcany cozvr/1:17.. % - JYNCER, &c., 'c.|. V` _ COOKSTOWN, C.W. 99-111 (Late iveputyli-c_g1strar) -\-nfvr-111-yn 11'/V 1-I-L 9'1 ']gI;ij t{T FOWLIE, `Money to Lend ;X.11:17Fbiz' CIVIL ENGINEER, H11 `r 1- IIT`l'\I1'l`T`l' \lu .\I- L-.L-& "(LATE or Torzm_1'o,) I! nnnnnnvn (I ll!!! VAIU-K `V--cu W VALUERA, &c,, AND: COUNTY OF s1Mc0E GENERAL ADVERTISER. DI ponwgns 0 . A1113` vxuluuln, Solicitor in-Chancery, T1 T-L./I W, . I`:-xnvu-\ ...... nan {.....m ....,....... ..'.. D T) v 9... IE-Cr v31L\-11111.1, ; Solicitors, Barrie. ` ' 2-tf 843- DHFIIU 2_-tf _ :13-lyr Barrie, uuvlu u|a|.'l a[O." - .0f 1.3011 .-`se, it came from home, I `said with a little sigh, thinking of some one in that home which just then seemed 11 long way off. _ ` The old `man looked up wistfully. Ef ye ve gota. home, set a heap of stone by it, young man--- tam -t every One `that has. ` ' Ti. ______ _._:v_. ,1 - -V 'V ` ' uuu mat nas. " I`t was quiet about the farm now',and _1 had been thinking of home, and was 17:1 9. softened mood, but Ivwas surprised to hear Indian Bill, (famous for his hunting and wild exploits) speak in that gentle tone. T I smoked on in silence. i I never had any home to speak of, he continued after a short" time, an more s "theM_`pity. But `I fee1 s ef every youngster` like you who s got a home and women folks to care for, oughter think a heap on em. ? . A . Vac. T nmI.'..A T lvnnuuu I...-.... ......-1.v v Wnxmz Kurma. ,, ____ __ . 'n,._1_, I ~ - -wvw ---J onauvn _ ,|.u All H15 1191 some owers from the Rockies. ; . `_`Hump! young man,` ye needn t blush so fur yer sistef, an to an old chap like me?" I offered him a cigar.` [ .- Don t care ef I do, -your terbaccer s allers rst-rate. ` -T unr .`........-_ ,. _ , . . - -' :vunuu :. _ _ IYes, _ I anweref1,`c1 prom used my 315:9; j I-In!-nan. cw.-u.-._ .._- 1.11 An) vvuuuuxaul. nuunu.- V By the time supper was over it was quite dark and we heaped brush on the "camp.-re, and lounged around it, smok- ing, telling stones and . going to sleep. I lit a cigar, and managed. by the ick- eringjight, to arrange a few owers I hadegathered, and was presssing in an old diary for-some one at home. I was trying to make the owers stay in a good positxon against the leaf, wheg a. shadow came between me and` the re, and a rough voice` said: tt.Qntln"n In. H... ._.,......'.. An--. 1' Vyuo, uuu u. xuugu vuluu aaju : Suthi'n for the women folks, reckon T. ' H17 `I 1 _ _ _ _ . I was "deeply impressed with the gran deurof the seWestern solitudes, and delighted with the wild new world which was opening _at every` step. Theix, too, I was surrounded with men of whose life and habit: I knew. as little as if they had been Esquimaux; and, in spite of its hardships and dan- gers it was 9, mt vst delightful summer. {Tnr nian nf h Siva] nine in In: nn Han scl ll! W35 ll. [UK '9` VIIEIIVIUI BLILIIIIIWII Our plan of n. 1'1ve1 was to be on the way soon after daylight; and `as the `sun grew stronger, to lie `for three or four. hours in the middle of the day,- and continue our jo.'m1ey.lo_ng after the moon had risen . ' 1')... 41...]... _f, __v-1 --_- ..-_-1__j ILIUUII II(l\-L LIDKFIII But the day oh ~whici1 we reached Virginia Dale had been rathe.` cloudy: M [and we had been "able to ti-av`8l ti sunset, and then camp in the sha3W of its wonderful rocks- A 'D.. 41.... o:...- _.-_-,--,, -)l\IuuIJl.n)u This was several years ago, and 1 do not mind admitting that I was one .01" the tender--feet, to whom everything was woxxderful, and the Rocky Moun- tains the aume of earthly ` magni- cence; ` "1 ,. 1,`. K, ,, I ` -.1 .1 uuun II uuap Uu 6lu.'f Yes, I replied, I know how muh` I they are worth, now I am so far away, and I, feel as though 1 could die In their defcnce._ , V I ' _ lllilla W C llllll UULIU VVUIIC We were a Tmotley group; old min- ers, two or three trappers, half-a-dozen tender. feet--venjoying their experi- ences` of Western life--a few half- - breeds, and the usual amount of mule skini1e1's'. nu_.~A; _, _, _ ,_,,, I , n V. q A KEA.'i`ING &. LALLY, T ATTORNE Y S-A'T-LA W, DULILIJ UIX 11V I/'I1.11V LIILIKI, C/'Ul>V V131` ; JNCER, &`c. 0rnca:-0n Peter Street, next door t6 the Post Oice. V ' - Orillis, June, 1868- _' . : 23- Dyiu s all very 'no,. said Indian Bill, dryly, knocking the ashiesout of his cigar, butfolks ain't qften called upon to die for folks--lea.slways not where `you was :raisedA-V-an bein kind an keerful to em every day is more count`sometimes than all your dyin . ' Ye may have a wife and home of yet own. sometime_ and ye ll do well to think on t. . V .. s s God grant it I said soly; T T [The tire was deadening 9. little, an Bill gathered` the falling: brands, put on'ir_esh wood. and sat down `again in thevglare of thenmes. ` iwinnnn Iirhnf` I--anu..`L6 :l A- _..-,. 1 u We made. good time that dsy, and w'.heu the sun set we camped in the ` shadows of Virginia Dale. There we `to `hundreds of miles between us and the Sierras-leagues of sage-brush, aika Ii, andodrifling sand ; but the sum- mer had only just opened, and we were well on our way. The days were not yet a.t their longest, but we had made thirty -ve miles since sunrise, and we `took c are of the stock. and turned in to supper with the pleasing consciousness that we had done well. 11:- -__-..- - ..._n--- MAM I 1 suu gluuv VI. I-IIU Llllo .` - I dunno what -bronghtnit to mind, he began again, ,bnt I ve been think. in of snthin that happened onst; when ' I was crossin a few year, `gay 7 . Somethimr that hnnnm-ma 9). mm on +'::; `e, but to ,sAome'. women folks in our train. I min : thought on t befoxa for agood spell, `and I dun- no. why I donow-.-only twas nigh~this' time `of_yaa:, _ gndzjeat sich gs ight as lhi. " ` v L was vsvxlu II IUVV yUIIIU I30." . T ,Someth_ing,that _ happened; to ybu 1; I inked him. ; u'L`l ..L-' 5- ...- L`.-. . Suppose tail meubont it, . I snhg- as am. away `the at pp jof; n|'Irninp ash` Cut-Q-5--../_-_`._".Il +2. ,, nwuev. VOICES or me put, ` And of today-_- The loved that round my way St! twine around my beau-9, Tell me how good thou wt. 0 holy Light and Love! -Be;un`on my soul, ' My inmost -'6 control; Then may each pt-re thought spug. And eace, with gentlew`-zg, Brno We the down. rxess on where othersled, 'Where my young We began. I am not left alone, Though they arevgone; Sweet VOICES of the past, t4 dav-- u, uuu IHOIIB1 mougn now I lea.d.the van, And with uncovered head Press where Where mv vnnnn rr. 1..-... ; near mem call me _f.'om.lhe E A gentle call; Yes, dear ones, Ishall come. ~O, not alone! though van. -nu uvcvvnni OFFICE--DunIop Street, Barrie, over _Mc- Conkey 6' Co. s Store. V . n Ancv nouzxrox, 4 ms. nova, LL.n., WM. LOUNT, M.l'.I ., HAMILTON D. STEWART, LLB. __Nov.,13ge:__ _' __ -'|47}tf nuu xuveu ones nave gone home- .A holy band. I hear them eall _f:om.1heVspirit lind- A call; Father the shadows fail `Inna mv `inn. .nnu;cr we auaqowi tau Along my way; . Ti| past tho noon of day. . ' My "western sun" tells that the eve. is near I know, but el to fear. ` A And loved ones have home- holy j BY THE CAMP FIRE. anwerer1, c1osiug the book. sed HIV tahar fn }'|I';hi7 Bar 71-Siam the. 0.m_: _:.-id Monthly. .__1, -`| Ontario, Thursday; August 4.1 1870. Towmp EVENING. "`4`l, ULUUIHB '-IIU IJUUBI sister. [to bring her 7| fhn `pnnlwino ' R. D ARCY BOULTON (late of the firm of Bonlton & McCarthy) and Mr.`I1AMIL- TON D. STEWART, have entered into co-part- nership with Messrs. Lount & Boys, for the practice of their profession, at Barrie, under the firm name of Messrs. Bou1ton,Lount, Boys Ind Stewart. ruruunn -. . .. , _ ----.------- - - .~ ---- --O--v --v "J - Hannah tried to chee'r her up, an was a11er_s bright and cheerful. They d talk about Califomy ti_ll you d think there wasn t no other place in the world. ' H9.nnah_had bin there there, an t other woman hadn t, an one was al- ways askmg questions of t other. Though I noticed they never saxd nothin oout the folks she was goiu to see, only bout the country and "what was"doing there. - ' ` Well: one night-jest sich enight as this---the women had got into their wagon,` and we was all asleep cept Ben Jones and me, who was keepin watch. Isetxight by.the women s' wagon, so that if anything..happened 1 could take keer of them first; an pretty soon I ,see Ben a._dozin on the other side of the re, an everything was still. 'u'I2nl`nu-n Inner T Y-uannl Hm; nu.`-.......J- The men said No,rbutH:uinAal1 said she d go and see her. ` When she `came back I seen she d bin cryin an she told th men they -must take th woman--she bwouldn t `re no trouble, an she would take care on her. So af-` ter awhile T they let `her do s "she d a miudto, an she -brought her an - took her into her own wagon, an waited on her like she d bin 9. child. T The women Wasn t a mite `alike ; Hannah d bin raised in the ,VVest, an her black eyes ashed when she was; mad Ikin tell ye ; but th other woman was a little white thing, and her eyes were sot; and tender, him a young rab- bit s un the sage, She looked as if a wind would have blowed her over.. Hannah took to her right away . l nI"l',...-_'l_ 1-2..) A- -1.---_ 1, 4.. ,_ ni [[16 Jun, nu cvuzyuuug wua eull. Before long I heard the. women s I voices in the wagon, an I moved off cluster to the re, cause I didn t spose they wanted me to hear what they was sayin ; but they talked loud, an` I couldn t help hearin`. Anyway, I thought Ito myself, it s only Old Bill, and he never tells" no tales; It `nus t other woman who was to.!kin ,'an her .voice was clean and soft, like a`be1l I _ heerd oust when I was a boy, an she was excited, and spoke so loud and clear-like I eouldn t help hearin . Oh. Hannah` I man an huium I9 .1..- Uluru-unu 5 wuuruu In uurll uuunrr. said; `it was only a little home; but it was pretty and neat, an I was proud of it, an loved my husband more nor I those days, ' an he went tohis work every morning, an I did my part at home. The house was allers clean an his supper ready when he come home too, an I never complained, for I thought there wasn t a happier home in'.thefwo rld.". But gtfter babyocame I was ailin ,` an wom-out with havin . my `test broke, an I forgot to have a smile for him when he come horne,an I grew cross andfretfnl. _ 8) pretty p soon-he took!to-goiniont evenin s when-` L 2-he d.e had PP9{.Imu~he.wu1dn't * hnvainn` rush. at n'm`.". ...*.a.2n.....: I..- Oh, Hannah, I was so happy ! she can tell.. ?.He was steady an good in; at mght. An of I was tired he was,` Illgu Things went on all quiet an smooth till we come to Laramie Plains, to Al- kali Run. clVheu we got there, we `camped close to old Tom ScoLt s she- bang, an he come and asked us to take long a woman that had been left. there by a train because .she was sick an eouldn t go no further. ` She was most well now, and wanted logo to her husband in Californy} She wanted to go bad. e _ _ . Thn rngn uni,` Mn ' `uni Hanna`: v_vuu-cu nu 50 uau. - Folks out there, I reckon,` says I. Y.e3;" says She, shy like, and turnin red,_`my man s out there. -`Guess you d better take her, says I to the men, `her man s out there, an shefwon t be any trouble. She looked at me grateful like and they said she might go. Well, we started. eIIannah--that was the woman s name--wasn't a mite a trouble. She was a mighty good cook, ah done a heap o work.e She allers had a pleasant lace, and_ a smile that made the cakes as good agin.. When we set roundthe re at night, I see she allers looked to the West, and her facetwould get bright like when the Captain sed how far we had gone, am Iknew she was thinkin of her man. An sometimes I thought I d go round the world to know such a face was lookin .for me. Sometimes alter supper.I d say snthin to her, an I got acquainted some; but she allers feered about bein too free an easy-like- lhough, Lor knows, she needn t with -rnn .. - ----- ---v T->-`a`vv_I] vu-uuw no VUI-HUI-I |' vs no peacaat home; an then he| got unsteady, and didn t go .to his work u_1gulaAr,V Things went on from had to ` wnrse,` `an .--'-tl[1"en:`-i-'-1A 1'o-e-vv,g`;_1_t V :_j. SA'MUELiS .iiI+2r(i)V]::IS`ON,f uuua wuuu, uu were mere sne stands. When I sees her, I wasn t sorry I said what] did. I knew she wouldn t be no trouble, an at the Injuns come she wouldn t yell, but ask me to kill her ef Ididn t. She wasn't aleered o uothin . I see it in her eyes, an she wanted to go bad. tuvuuy U SIUU HI] We Started- There `was some {use at first` about a. woman that wanted to go rs cook - wanted" to cook- the grub Vt _ pay for gain ; and `some of the chaps wouldn t take her, c:1use the Injuns was goin to be on the path, an they didn t want no woman. . Sez I, `ef she s got pluck enough to go, ' take her ;' she won't do no harm, an ._if the Injuns, gets us, I kin` put `a" ball `through her head-. `Thanl:`"you, ses a. voice behind me. I turns round, an there there she stands. When anon kn T .u....e.7A- --r---- 1 uuuv, auu nu uugll : V _ I ' `-1_`Jigh three years ago" I was at Osma- ho, Jest again to start for the West. I had been out tradin with the Injuns on sich a good spell, an it was nigh seven years sence I d seen the.M2ssouri - river, so I come back to look round an l see the old campin grounds. But, Lox , , it wasn t a `mite to t used to be-_-the I land` was all bein settled, on towns 1 again `up, and t dind I: look natural! like; an I saidAI d ~jest go back to the buffaloes and bars--they re always the ' same. So, as I said, "I was at Omaha (t wan't no place at all then) agom to startfor whatlcall theWest. 1jinedcom- puny with a lot of tellers goin on to r Celiforny. VVe -had good stock, an plenty o grub an we started. ` ThArA '\Inan manna L.-- `.4 C ..L' i riled to see em throw fools. But thatfs _nei1 there, and he began: "Niah thrn van re as}-r I cu: LIIIUW It Bway Kai neither here not, he hamiri - - I throw it away like `s hnithar 1...... ....J nus uut Cvclo ` 1 !\UUW HOW It X80 Her,` on her face got thin, an I was feared she woulu get. sick too. - But she 'didn`t` and went on day after day till we got to where I was goin to stop. . When I told Hziunalx Iwas goin there came such a look over her face that I told her I d go to Califomy ef 1!; would do her any good. An she said she wanted the take Annie to her hus- band <:ause she couldn t. She d writ the dxroctxon on a piece of paper, an she wanted me to take the money she d earned, `cause twas fox Jim. CA 1 ..p........l .....)-......_a. -...1 -..1.-.. _.A- vuxuuu, uuuac twat: LUK Jllo So I stayed an"went, and when we got` to Californy I took Annie to her husband, After_ the first he was glad to see her, an I told `em they d better build a. new home for themselves`, an gave Temthe money an. tried to help em as Hannah had said--only I didn t say nothin bout. her. [ ` Ail, T `ark Hana lunar. l;......LL_.. _.-J II: D. AKDAGH, HUVUI. SCUM IlUA_ lu\CUn I She behgved well, didn't she 2 said I, as he mused. ' V WA I rnnnnlnr" DH` -..!IL _...;.- J, EB LIV ' .sl'.DUUO _ Wall ! repeated Bill, with some- thing of mdignation in his (one. !`An you talkin of dyiu for folks !-faugh! it : gethn-late, an you had better go to glean-" , - ' - ' mifxhk you," I sid, good night. Good night, said Bill. And I went to sleep, whe he sat looking at the tire.` t JJUII ., and cried, 'aon'c speak to me--leI: me die. But after a while she set up an I told her I knew, an would helpvher it Icoulcl. But she said, -No, that she should seuu Annie.Myres i to her hus- band, andthen she should die. y But I was older than she was, and knew that people could not allers die when they wanted to, an I thought may be twould ease her a bit to tell old Bill. After a` while she told me how it was, an that yJim` had married her. --He d had a streak 0 bad luck, an she d come from Califerny last year in arich train, cook- in and` wailinf on young ladiea, an she d saved the` money an got it all for Jim. They was goin on aranch when she got back again with all the money. She'd worked for him a good spell now, an they wan t goin to be partedho "more; An s-ttin there in the relight I see her face, an how she loved him, an what a faithful crittur she Was. `I l wasn t brought up as _she was,` she said a1.er a_Awl1ile;A I hain t got no religion, nor education, nor nuthin an 1 could send her to the wrong place, an go back to my--my Jim. "`An"fl1an aha inn}. 4.. ...._--f--9 - - ` - uvn vv u1)"-"uXy Jllus g. -"An"then she took to moanin agin-, like a deer "with a bullet through it. But afaer a. while she got up an went back to the wagon, an` I lay thinkin till momin ' ' ` ' :tn.s,_ .1 - `- -- -... -uvn n us Atier that we hadn't no more laughs over the cakes, an Hannah s smile was 'worse nor my crym , but she took more care of Annie, an` was kinder to hr not ever. '- I knew how it tired her, RU, 110.!` FREE ITHI fhin an , I nynn fnnvarI I , LIIJIIIIIIJ uUuL..Il.I:l. An I left em happy tbgether, and `went back to Hannah. Iwanted to put a bullet through him; but she had forgive`: him, an 5 what was I ! When I got back Hannah was gone, an I've never seen he.~: since. 1201.. L-L---_.I,-.__n' 1-1 `a. n An -1 The Mmls of the United States have coined since they commenced operations (some seventy yous, )Ihe large smountlof Eight hundred Million dollars, about one-fth of V the whole mctalic currrqnornf the wor'1, of which amounl.$500,CL),030_h:-.3 boon derived l';oIn {heir ownjxninen; wejre not without minor , but wbile`:wa feoll `that `they willnot prodnei lo~moh?gold`."v`v'e havoglhq ploasoro ofRnoviog5thafvlQ='giovoroign_romody:;in.lb0~ ` It Q5 7iihh!n`-z'5Iinr.' nut. By an by I heard Hannah come out 01 the wagon, an I lay down that she mi-ghl.1 t see me. But she` lay down by thewvagou an Asobb d, an I couldn t stand it.- Iwent up an touch- ed her. V `Hannah ! I said.` thank 7 ..L- ---r- I uluyll Au ;1.aul.l`ol.Il 3 (H133 ' ' . I couldn t stand it. Icouldn t set still, for I knew suthin what that poor ` girl was sulferin while t other one was sleeping in hebarms. It ashed on me all to- oust, an I knew they was both going to the same men. (57 lrnneuu .\oI.;._ -, I` ' -' N sum,-._-, bu nu: auluu mun. _ I knew t othe1-`one had the right ou t,wbut I felt for Hannah, an'-welL-, it 1sn t' much to say I d have died for her. V ' urn `V *' ` um-.- .1 55-un, :4 es.` Then the woman begged her to tell where, an of he was alive, an Hannah said she d seen him an? he was well. `Can you te.'l me where he is ! Oh, Hanmnh, can you take me to my Jim ? _An Hann: ~.h'comforted her am said she could. An the poor thing went to sleep in I-1aunah s arms. T nnnlnh ..o.....J :. 1' , vi -- ....... you 36:21] my aim !' _ . .`A_u then Hannah said--l ve hcezd a wounded deer moa 1, but nothing like that--`Yes-o`n, yes. u ]`hun 01.`. .-.-...w- I ' ' ` .... ...,.. 3* What did you say h`1 name Was? Jfm what `.1 Mked H9 lad. Jim Myres. My God! wt ; 9.. I heard. V Ijumped, 1 d heafd 'sich a. noise oust. inml Injuu ght, when 9. man dropped {I aside me. ;I wM all of a tremble, an then Ihaerd t other wo man cry ou.:' ` `Do you kno_w 1_1ig1)1,THa.nnah? Oh; 1... ..- V .._.. .. u;J uu.. you know him, Hannah? have you seen `him? Tell me, Ila mah, have you seen my Jim ? .`An 1hnn-HummL'....:.1 n..- L ~ 71 uu Ll` lulu uxul U1 1llVU- I I nuver wgno good to him, the poor thing went on,Vsm maybe he's -forgot me by this time, but I'wor`d be a goal wife "17 :11 now,` an try to Tm:-kc him" happy. T K * ` :4 ihno .I:.) __-., , I - - n tong," jest as ef it had been pinched out r- o Lher: " But where did yo_ur--where did ` {your Jim-go? V . [ He went to Californy, she sees, be- ; tween the sobs, u.n I ve never _seen him sence." - n"lu._,, A - - - -~ ` vv wuuluu EPOKB agm 2 ' _ When he was gone the babe took sick; she was sick for a. long while 3 an then she died. I h.1dn t nothin to l live for, an I thought I should die loo; But I pined for Jim ; [I thought ef I could see lum once more 1'd-die-hap- py. A:.er a long while I got better, an then I : tld everything I had an stancd to nd Jim. - I don t know where he is_. only he wee: in Califbruy s0mo\vl rer.s, ar1 I l"V find him at I live. I npxfpf u; JV... ....-...J 4.. 1.2-- 9 AL .."_`::"1`;hc:;c\-.Jas quiet for a while, an` I! thought they'd gone 10 sleep. But the I. woman spoke ;J.uuui.ll `Don t, I 4 U'ALTON McUAR'1'-BY. U'ALTON MCCARTHY, Jr. ' ()rncls-Dunlop St., the same -s.s"those be- cunied by the late rm of Messra.Bou1ton 8 .dc(}a.tthy. V ' 847 !_If,`IllI|l!_lIlA._Il0ll|'I|glI,\ loom-acne, NA, Sold I; .1 nglel_iing, jDe'a!q`n, at 354 cents I per : .."` .'.. nun . U: 't, she cried, me `don t speak to uuuu. The Post, ina double-leaded leader, angrily comments `on Bisvnarck s lan- guage in his organ, the Berlin `Gazette, in regard to thelalleged violations of British neutrality, and calls it a direct threatagsinst England. It adds that Prussia s boasting stones and lies will before long be correctly estimated. It does not believe that France covets Belgium, and declares. that England will remain neutral` as longss Prussia withholds her hands from neutral ter- ritory. The E'xamine`r laughs at England 'redhanded, `from scenes 0! partition -andjd iplomatic violence, which disgraced civilization, now virtuonsly protesting 4 `against the proposals of `France; `- ~ ~ ,, : t,':m>snoa s knnanss T0 -ms uqrr._. V _ f PA.ars,~Jn1yw29th.-_-i-'The fbllowingis . the lproelamatiqnigof the_E_mp'eror_. to the ,.IfI}17 command in per- son:---. '. - " ~` A It is reported that the Landwehr throughout Germany responds slug- gishly to the summons to come'forward. Much discontent is felt in Vienna at the neutrality of Austria. The ship Doctor Barth, Capt. Brickwoldt, which sailed. from New v York. July 2nd, for Hamburg,,has put intoa British port to avoid French cruisers. The bark Meridan, Capt. Lense, from Philadelphia, July 21st, from Bremen, has arrived at Brernerhaven. She re- ports that she was overhauled by a French rnan-of-war but suffered to pro,- ceed. A 7'I'VL-u`I'}--A9!_`_- .I_-_LI_ `l,_I II i gs sogpgllll: llIlllUl VI. 11 uutue [[35 Deen reclvedf The Prussian `Government offers a reward of 5,000.thalers to the first sol- dier who captures a Mitrailleur. THE SECRET, TREATY-ENGLISH POLICY. Earl Granville in the House of Lords to-night, admitted that he had received a despatch containing 9. copy of the secret treaty published in the Times, but he had the assurance of the French Ambassador that the proposals origin- ated in Berlin, and were declined by France. - -71- n 1-. Ii IELIDUI In the House of Commons to-nigutnit, Mr. Stapleton gave notice of a question whether England was actually supply- ing coals to the French eet. "N-... M'.......:.. ,1- T_---n..---9- --.._.A -m Luture, and the pa and vicinity will 3h `:01! of our ality"'that theyfully V alygya hsv"q;done,I I-IIlIl:a._.I - "I" o'ohfe' to take my plno It your hedd, -`to ldgfond -the hoqoj ff.t-_1iu LIUILLU I The discount demand on thebank of England is rapidly diminishing. RUMORS OF SUCCESSFUL PEACE l`u'EGO'I`lr\- ` TIONS. Street rumors of successful negotia- tions between Lord Lyons and the Duke de Grammont at Paris, whereby the preservation of` peace is assured, are again in circulation to-day. They are not, however, generally credited. SKIRMISHING REPORTED. From the seat of war latest reports are that skirmishing is going on be- tween the outposts, but not even the rumor ofa battle has been received; The prneumn `(Inn ..... -- -Y`r~ ' A115 uuuxo nu ulu .I.'_lcuVI1 1166!.- The Marquis de Lnvallette s assur- ances to Earl Grenville, in reply to Bis-.' marck s despatch, were received in Parliament with general distrust. There is no doubt whatever that Mon- day s debate in the House of Commons will reveal .England_ in an attitude of resolute hostility to the designs trom every quarter affecting Belgium. The Goverumens policy of caution cannot last longer. without being regarded as timidity. Their supporters will com- pel straightforward declarations. niva`nl; n Iulvnnnn u. l-......,_.. L. -1 au~5LAsIuv1D aauu lblaUl'.Uy5,' Solicitors -in Chancery Notaries Public, C'0m1e1/a'nce7s,. BARRIE, Co.Si1ncoe, ONT. . D n Annnnu - inn uuauuuvn wtuu ucnpuuuuulluu . Disra`eli s purpose is knos'vn- in ad- vance to be to commit the cuuntryto apolicy which shall force France to let Belgium alone or confront. vun The British Government is quietly but actively preparing to meet any emergency. All the dockyards. and arsenals are busy day and night. Sup- plementary estimates for the army and navy are expected. A A" nfnrv in van.-...a..J n... n uuv 1 ulu GA1)GUlUu- A" story is repeated that France pro- mises Italy 60,000,000 Jivres for her delity, besides the evacuation 01 Rome. ' - uuuuuau Lu-any. .The slearnships Bremen and Balti- more, of North German Lloyd s, recent- ly arrived at Southenipton, will dis- charge all their cargoes there, andnot attempt to reach Bremen at present. The Leips`g is now the only vessel of this Line known to be at sea. FURTHER REVELATIONS OF FRENCH OVERTURE8. Count Albert De Bernstortf, Prussian Ambassador to England, to-day makes the public statement that France, in 1866, offered tolend Prussia300,000 men to "use against Austria ifslie would sur- render to France the territory between the Rhine and Moselle, and the rejec- tion of this proposition on the part of Prussia awoke the Emperor s sympathy with Austria. These oers, which l Napoleon now nds it convenient to repudiate, have been repeated since 66. ' l ..`..-u .. 4. suntan EIHIY. The war panic at the exchange con- tinues. Six more Iailures were an- nounced to-day. .The xlnnnnuluina 'D............ --`J 7`-' __. -...... .....-u n I o Lennon, July 29.--The popular ex- : ; citement at the course of the" British Government in the present war is very great. The people want a peremptory- notice given to France that England views with gsief and displeasure the intrigues, evidently having for their aim the violation of the independence of Belgium, eridwill oppose, with the .whole strength of the nation, any at- tempt to extend French power on the continent before or after the war. The British Government on the other hand, While condemning France for breaking the peace, closes her eyes to the large purchases of coal and ammunition , made in England for the use of the French army. - The uznr ruav-1:4: -4 H..- _-.-L-~--- - No 31. Whole No. 935 ,THE`FaANcg-P_BUssIm WAl l POPULAR EXCITEMENT OVER THE TREATY. ASSOCIATED PRESS DI-.'9PATCHl'-.`Sn 'ARDAG, ARDAGH & STRATI-IY4, _ Barristers and Attorneys, A 1.15: l`1.'--4----- And $2 on if not paid ' in advance. ` nusci:LLAN'Eb'us. ..... IV uuu-luuuuu umonst the volun- teei s;` If they do. Oer some such inducement, we `Id suggest that the annual Rie Mate bqheld at Orillia _in gngure, and ;he peoplqof this village Vand, yiqiujty, yrqill ahoyby their liber- ' ` _. gxnjtzhac my tg11y_apprecig:e, as they ( i `KtE9!I' htfifidonc. inc? nf ..... THE`. COUNTY Pmz es.--We have great pleasure in stating that the County Council, at its late sesslon, adopted a resolution to make an annual grant of one hundred dollars for as prizes at the annual Shooting Match of our County Volunteers. It `is hinted that the peo- ple of Barrie might make. the match more l interesting by giving, another , Qrupdred dollars as an ._additional incen- ' _tiye_tp trie`-practice arnonst the volun- te ets`.`1t do. blur some such indaeement,w`e:. .1 drug` hot _.J Mg ,1` 1.`. .9 n-.-n.-- AVWOMAN applied to a magistrate for a summons against a neighbour. She called me a liar and a thief, your wor- ship. Can't I make her prove it 7 No doubt you could, said the magis- trate; but I think you had better not. T_Hia'Cous'rv as.-W . . L _ Jnnnuva. In -o..A..... A e have j Jus'r So.--Herac_e Greeley says the solution of the question whether woman is equal to man, depends a good deal upon \_:vho the woman is and who the man IS. __-_.n4. `sunnnucxnw, July 29._.'Ihe success of the Prussianswiu the affair of outposts, yesterday, is admitted by the enemy. The French retired afaez a few rounds of cannon and musketry. -------2------- A-auslllll 5 VIUIHLIUII CI ' neutralit y' in supplying articles con- traband of war to France is bitterly complained of here. ' BELGUM AND THE SECRET TREATY. The Correspondence, semi- offiicial, in an articleto-day,says:-Bol- gium has been enlightened by the putlicationoflhe secret treaty taste the greed of France and her own interests. If Germany is conquered by France, Belgium is lost. The Correspondence" ndda : Belgium is in a position to oblige Napoleon to 'pUl`Sll8,`Wll.1l0lIt result, a war begun without a motive. If she is firm, Germany will protect the Bel- gium frontiers.` an nu; uuluy lluuu-qllI.l[8I'So The North German Gazette 2 sharp on what itcalls English neutra- vlity, England, the Gazette says, Sup- plies France with catridges, with which to slaughter the Germans. av: Hit: WUIIUUCG. The following official lhe army are p:rblv'shed:---'. troops are mallng heavy on the country they oct take the horses of the down lreesand trample l crops. ' ' WM.-ma ` Fxuncxs Lum: ' :Olnc: :-Dun1op Street, next to Armstrong's _ ` V . 10-Iy MOVEMENT 0! TROOPS Marz July 29.--Cree` exciteznenr. prevails here. The news that the Pius- sians are moving, causing a genera`: hurrying forward of French operations. There is little dount that the mriin body will strike throngn Rheinish Bavaria. and an advance of the Prussians on the left is expected.- Br:ru.m July 29.--A general movement ofthe Prusian forces in front of the -French line has commenced, and it is evident that decisive operations are near at hand. Troops are pushing on to Mayence from all directions. The yesterday. England s violation of neutrality trahnm-I nl`........ 4. T3, ' "` ' _ _._- .-.-uu The Goverment has recognized the Continental Telegraph Bureau of Berlin asits official reporter. The Bureau's: war bulletins Will be posted throughout Germany`. This establishment is the principal agency in German for supply- jug lhe New York Associated Press` exclusively with news for th_e press of America. A V Bismarck recently submited to Illa` Goverment of Florence the proof of .Napoleon s double policy towards Italy I ENGIJSH NEUITRALITY. `The Prussian Goverment has also de- clined to allow foreign military oflicersv at" the army head-quaters. _ Th Nnrtl1 rial-rnnn F---~" nu uolllllllly. AThe French witl pay _ in gold for everything they take in the enemy`: country. The Prussian Gove .iment has am pressed :1 large number of journals. 7 A New York lady of fortune residing here has volunteered as muse. , Immense sums have been subscribed for the wounded. "l"lm (.\n....-:,, M ' - countries ; but other countries asyaliant A "as this havenet been able toresist your ` s `valor. It` will the same to-day; the war which commences now Wt be [mg and hardly contested. -its theatre wmbe places hedged with obstacles and thick with fortresses; but nothing i. beyond the persevering etforts of the n soldiers of Africa, Itdly and `Mexico. ; You will prove once more what the ' French army is able to accomplish, am- ` mmd bye, sentiment of duty main- tained by discipline, and inuenced by n love of country. Whatever road we may take across our frontiers, we W111 5 ` upon it glorious traces of our nu __ - 1 fathers -`5.`.Z. Eli i3iZ`.?ce"{1iJ worthy of tn. ' . vu ers and the e as you with ardent ,. my,,p n yam Ugo ofethe umversee-re ._ cue of bcny our success depends the. -13; gum and civilization. Soldiers- , "iattless 3' one do his duty, and the God or . I NAPOLEU. .; will be with us. d At General Headquarters, At Melz, July 28,1870 } MOVEMENT . .'.`:_(_.u.. 0!` I-`RE \'CH TROOPS. .-. . u,s.un..n `.1l'4UUn Food and forage are said to be 2 in Germany. . Th pvannL ---3 - ...J .u .uuuI.(.`- I`hE HANK or pence. The Jou'aal_ Official - says eflorts have been made to create the impres-- sion that a scheme has been broached for the issue of paper money by the Bank of France, and that the Bank _ is inclined to {war it. The -" Journal "` declares that nothmg can he lurthcr from the truth. The Banlpluving FL large amount of specie on hand, and possessing the condence of the com- mereial and industrial classes, wouul not accept such a proposition if it was made. The Bank is perfectly able to meet all demands. U1 uuupu zu. useuwid near Coblentz. _ The early abdication of the King of Prussia is rumored here. ` THE EMPRESS AN.) M. THIEP9. It is stated that the Empress, on re- turning to St. Cioud, torsted M. Thiers, under whose administration the formi- cations of Paris wese constructed, whereby France is to-day enabled to send 100,000 more men into the ol than shogherwise could. ARR..'>`T OP NEWSPAPER CORRESPONDENTS. AtM_utz to-day, several newspape: correspondents, mostly Ame:7'::m um`. English, were arrested as spies. '1'}:-.-5' were Mberated, however, but w-.1 - '~ -.3 ltl\ .A to keep away from the army in ..i'.uze. 'rx.1.~ aka" ..- --V -~-----wnvn u mull. Large bodies of F.'encnV troops are moving north east from .\ .-atz. It -'1 thought that the Prussians will decline battle till the French cross the Rhme. They are concentrating heavy mmses or troops at Useuwid EFTIV abdinminn at an... tr: .....v:uu nu]. U!` FKEVCH TRODPS. It.is said that the return of General Le Bmn from the frontier hastened the departure of the Emperor. Prince Napoleon is on the Emnerofs staff`. Large Fgenon mnvinnn.-...:1. ---I " TELEGRAPH REPORTS. uuuxun nuuo In unA1VUb'[{,X. BARBIE, - - 'N'T.' D`AL'rox MCCARTHY. D AL'roN MCCARTHY, lIa'|nnIa_T\nnInn G9 01.- ...._- --' At - "OT'1`AWA,` CANADA, A Transarls Bukinesa wiih the Patent 0ice_ and other Departments of the Government. . COPYRIGHTS AND THE REGISTRATION or TRADE MARKS a: DESIGNS PROCURED, PR UBSIA N SUCCESS . LIRCELLA NEOUS J1`, -0 -......u. usllurlv IIOIT1 :rbIv'shea:--The Prussiuu. `n heav re llisitions Y "1 V thev nnllrny 'P'\ n" -Yt;Pl_'W|I8, they , 0 -' ldfvioqg f Lmlmmza.-.1.? '"- 2 '~--~; Iv\1lllJl|alUH3 WY occupy. They farmers, cut rnmnlp H... ..-.....1...._ ...vuvJ uy LHU hat -" "` iurthcr u 3 on`lmnd, nae 'nf Ihn nnv-H uuuwta, CUL the standing reports from .'n... n....-.:-.-- 3 BCEJCH L8 riof-oponedlhe above well known thud Woltot the Wellington Hotel, where he ` v intends to any on - TLIE llilnnnnn-I-Inna:-pm BA RRIS was ATTORNEYS -A T- _ LAW, _ - , `. _ SOLICITORS IN CHANCERY. 12A 1::-I:-r'1:1 w----- 'l'lUK`UVl'1I -A1 - haw, BUu1Ul_'l'Ul(. UV 3. Chancery, Couveyancer, Commissioner in . P. &c., &c. - ` Swuvm.-.n_ n Rmrvnn-. Barrio, Jeni 1, 1862. . .Pa.'uruw, Booxerxnms and Reuse done on the I Ispublished Weekly, in the Town of Barrie, every Tuuasnu morning, containing the current news of the day and all matters gertaining to the elfairso the County. Price 1 in advance or $2.00 if not paid at the time of subscription._ - Aummsmo-8ix lines or under, first insertion me; each subsequent one 12c. Oversix lines, 16 per-line, first insertion; each sub- sequen one 4c. Professional or Business, Cards $4 par year $3 for six months, if ' not more than ten lines. A Special contracts can be made by the year, or parts ofa veer. Orders to discontinue Advertise- ments to be made in writing. ` No paper discontinued untii '_ ell arreai-ages erepaid, except at the option of the publish- or. ` V 7 --v vvwv-ow premises. The fa.ci1ities'of the Establish- ` ment are more complete than any other North of Toronto, having been carefully - tted out in every particular. - Communications should be addressed` to the ' Publisher. nost-nsid-. t ' EDGAR .B. SANDERS-, _ TTORNEY-AT-LAW, SOLICITOR IN Channprv. Cnnvnvnnnnr. nmmfuninnar in ms`"?:i"ssa1=;H.~a shuns: r'nn -IuInL In- Iun g--g...) .' A_.L -I. -MORRISON . 5; sAMi>`soN, -nnnnrnnnn nnununnu--.-- .. ....._._ uuvnmuuxcallous anould Publisher, post-paid-. FRANK'EVANi ufnr ant` A4-4-my-nnv-r._n4-_ PATENT s0AL1e1TQno1n}_ugnTsMAN;% HENRYGRIST, SOLICITORS IN CHANCERY,. - Buumc, `ONT. .. v.......... m.._..- r THOMAS T. 1;. BOYS, Ea. R. COTTER, % lty Grown Attornev, ` RARRTQTRR ho. _' (Established 1860.) Smvmm, Go. Smcoz. BARRISTER, ac.,` DI OR[LLIA,_ - rn, J. PULLANA Iuunsmrn, _ CUTLER, &c.',' Drawinga, Specicntions, end other docu- ments neceassry to secure Patents of Invention, prepared on receiptof the Model of the Inven- tion, and preliminary searches in the Patent Olce carefully made. ' '. June, 1868. - 824- ;3ARRIE. J. A. ARDAGH 900-I'y. LB VV ' Punmana. 1-L uouus, w ares, czc.- A180 rot we con RENTS, NOTES AND "ACCOUNT; I`l"(.`m:/2 mlmnuw: mmln nh Goods left KlN'1', Nuljnb _A1V.U AUuuu;u'._ _ l3"Cash advances made on Goods left for Sale. Rah: Rnnm `nnrhor nf'f`.n1licx,r and Mm'ket. SL'~`.. U - < -, > (Late_Clerlc in County Regwlfy Oire-) Conveyancer, Commissioner in Queen s Bench, Auctioneer, Appraiser and Commission `Agent for the- sale of:HOUSES, LANDS, FARM STOCK, HOUSF<`.H()LD FURNI'l`UR.E. Agent tor tne- sane ortuuumao, .l..'\.'.Vun_. FARM STOCK, HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. I1.-u..Ia \l7.nu.u Ryn I Alan Pnrdkn nnH'nnHnn n'|" V _1J.c1.I.\1.\..L3 .L_.r`4.L1.D. - Omce-Church Street, next. door to the old Court House, Toronto. - ' put. 0. cannon. D. u mcnnL. - 0. mulcnu-.1." Februnry, 1862; l '1` ARM DIUUA, nuuozunuuu J'.`U1u111un.r.. Goods, Wares, &c.-' Also for the colfection o'l'| RT<`.N"|`R NOTES AND "A{Y(`.HTT \T"l`_ L1"UusIt aavazzces_1naac uoc-as l.e_]z J07` cute. Sa1e-Room, corner of Collier and Market St.s_., Barrie.` . . . G` Highest REFERENCES given. ` 9- Dressed, an.d-Tongued aiad Grooved Lurzumtvm-, .s_, every description, always on hand, and made to order. " - - 1r.A1N-1'INc+!| '*" r'*'*'* *1 1 ml is prepared tovsnpply thes articles at the ' lowest price. PLANING OF EVERY DESGlllI Tl0N.[ |AUC"`ri%i')`NEE'R3 FOR THE Countibof Simcoe Q Cm-`dwell. ADDRESS-Roszuo2u~ P.0'._ ' V [15- DOORS, sAsHEs, BLINDS, M_0ULDING, I-I V GIJUU \.lLllUU, V 355- cARRIAGE,sIGNs,\ n\IAm .-.._._..-,... .... _.__ _ --, ,:.........j . J: J. LANDY, . ` BARR1S'I`ER,_ ' ATTTORNE Y-AT-LAW',` SOLICITOR IN (7H.4N(`F?RV FONVRV. 4 lsteazna % -:I.=>`ovv er, J o s E P Hmjboj UP E, ` `HE Subscriber having succeeded Mr. Grib- ' bin in the above very comfortable and commodions Hotel, begs to assure the numerous customers of this favorite and well established stand, that he has made considerable improve- ments in the internal accommodation and other- wise renovated it so as to render the House one of the best Family or Commercial Hotels in the place. The bar will be found stocked with ' Foreign and Domestic liquors and cigars of the choicest brands; - ,- Excellent stubling and attentive ostlers. Pleasure boats, Fishing tackle and vehicles for the convenience. of summer _guests and tourists. The Hotel is situated on the margin of the Lake and within 9. minutes Walk of the steamhoat wharves. Q . 873- Peapcy,` to.', on hand snd fog sale by" W." B. Oapon; All W01`! none In llfli mun gm; so am. bvvu material furniahpd'._ V `A very large sssortment of Transfer Carriage; Oruufents, Painters . and Gruiners Tools- Ounell Hair and Sable Brushes, Pencils,';&c., 44- - GEO.BALL, CARPENTER,.BUIL_DER, &c. J AB. J ozmson, Spun. *. DIFDBITUIIX _U |mme:anAneu BIBE sncI:rv.| - nimI.nv `ltlllfn T { ;ANG,u4s Tat-;~L,L, 7 A `"%f%:in`13459"rL99F33.1L " `.' *.$I perintendence or Mr. John xucwau. Nearly thirty additional bedrooms have lately been added to the Bamus HOTEL, all which be- ing built. of Brick, and well warmed, will be found as comfortable and commodious as can be ' found in any house north of Torouto.- IL ? Cnmmamial travellers will-nd amnle ac- found in house norm ox `1oromo.- v E Commeroisil ample commodation for showing samples. ' _ Barrie, 15th Oct... 1868. . - ` 18- Eavetrougliiwzg Done` AT Mrs. E. `MA RK S, Prop}`ietfessL JOHN Me WATT, Superintendent. HIS hotel, so long and favorably known to the travlling > community, is now con- ducted by the propxietress, and is under the su- perintendence of Mr. John McWn.tt. Nnrlv thirlv additional ha.ve1ate'1y Bziri-ie, July, 1857. fosapn ROGERS, SAMUEL ROBINSON, llljlnjlljjf Dunlop Street, Barrie-,H1 door Wet of the Advance Oice, A11 ori: done in am class Style` and good n1-`Al:Q` fnl-n3l}IId . /1 Good Supply of H01 se` Mcdipine (1'lwu}_/S'07I.~]L(l1lt1 Cookstown, Oct. 1867.~ ' - ' , _ I 42 '1'1`Ni`6N` f1 6 i`i3`iZ==` % cooKsTow\z, LICENSED" "AU 0 T10 N H ER, I FRASER begs leave once more to re-' . mind his friends and the travolling com.. 1 munity that he is still in the land or we ilving, " and not behind his competitors in the way of improvements. He is still to be found opposite the Barrie Railway Station, where all um is , necessary to constitute a plainanadian lnn are to be lound, private and public. _ Conveyance: toall parts North of Barrie I n 1- ,H_.F1?s\SF- P5. .Pr` B/%EB'nE,,t' QIEL PJRRISTERS, JITTORNE Ys, SOLICI- A TORS, am. ` - Ornon--Western Assurance Buildings, Church _ Street,T_oronto, Angus Morrison - - - - - D.A.Sampson fotonto, November, 1859. ' . 1 EGS to `annouucegtbe public thnthe has completed his _ GOOD & COMMODIOUVS STABLING --- an: and Machinery for the manufacture of X`.7Lf,`}'..?;'i's`&i:men: Carriage; ' ts P i tors _ _ :l:eTsai r an?! nsahle :.', by Oupon. crmIsfroPIf1ER HARRISON: .imosrrq1i!".0l` 1' - .._.-' -nnnuisl" l| IlII:l" )lIl|`'Il"'l'\l Tools A 44-. 01100 IDOIB OK Bl! K1305- Shoe and Machine Thread, Silk, kc. Cutlery of all kinds. . - House Furnishing-Hardwhre. Shooting and Fishing Tackle`. . Sporting Ammunition`: _ ' ~_ Gardgn, Drnininy and Farming Tools. Cordage, Glass, Putt , kc. ' ` `FOR SALE 11' L0`l% . Toronto, January, 1868. I 1 ST CASH PRICES. Joan II. Jomzsk, VE TE1:INA'1'a`7Ui/31%"c:E0N,T gs. rv~ ~4`s.-v~/~\'\* . 4~.'.r\/K./\%~.`.*v'vv\4 -.-\ E" V - y-` b vd u`'\.`\I\ Vlcronm HOTEL, nnnrzrwv szormnf, R./IRRIE`. EXdHI\;N"GE 3i9;q;EL, nnnr nn c'I"n`Dl.`fl` 115 T w1 iL'iAi{i "1>ARx11is, ---o-nu`-r\1"r 'II`t\II"lT'I' I '1-az_nns1' or_wmss up Lxqcoas 12: nu: ma. 5I:-RoN,MMIc11AEL & Mc-V : A MICHAEL, _BARRISTERS. nMn`n_f`.lun-nhh-an} -nun Am... 4.. LL- -1: