Ll$T n1'q1q'-no in Ilnn DA.-I I')l12.\- `D- nclures at moderate prices, a Pnrticular attention paid to:co1oring.and`re- V touching Pictures. Frames, Lockets rmd Cases, in Gilt, R-Jse~ wood, and Hard Rubber. . - `Albums and'Po1_'foIios kept constantly` on hand and for sale at low rates. . - JULIUS HUMME. n.m:. ng. m;. rm- vvhuvw rIuIVIIVII:., ` Photogfapher, late of the London Slcrooscopzc ' and Photographic Company, Bnosuo inform the inhabitants ofO1`iiiin . and-the surrounding" country, that he had commenced busincps in~0rillia, and is pre- pared totaka Photographs _of every deacrip-. lion. Oartes de Visile, Imperial or Cabinet Cortes, Stereoscopic Famiiy Groups, and.largcr Pictures at moderate prices, ' attention nnid tn'on1m:.m and m.` _ FRONT s'mEET,|?on1LL1A, . Nearly rppasite the .ToImson Ilause. JPHTE`iiEEFffiIA1LHRY ll MARTIN Mooiae, C ....u.. .... L.._.a __ __ wu acres more or less. . -. . . ' This farm-is situated about two miles from inrriaons, ontha Northern Railway, and six miles from'Al|andale.` There are sixty acres cleared and under cultivation, the remainder hmrdwood bush of a good quality. 4 , * For particulanapplication to bemnde to `ll;-ul`. A DNVIIV L lfn ADMIIV 29-4t I ' ~ ~ . - The West half of Lotnnmber Twenty-Six,-in , the Tenth Ooncession of the Township of Essa, i 100 acres or less. ' ` 'l`h:IrlP1'rI-;le:I1nO4-mt` nlusnl in-nu vnilna fun-any `VALUABLE FARM FOBVSALEQ 'l`l1n W... 3.1: ..r r_.;o .......r.... m......o._q:..= n:_3-'rTERMs MODERA 1`E...g:u Apply at the office of Wm. Sanders, Esq., -P.L.S. ' hnnb I1f\A7rI Orillia, neg, 1363. xii C_l I ll I `J I '19 Opposite the Simcoe Hotel, Barrie. u, wanna; R5111. JJL At very short notice, and 131-1;:-u\uo..._ _ _A( Juuus HUMMVE, Efanher. late hf Hm Inn/Inn Rim-nn {Llnq f irtk}in:'he - gsh_n't_leg'V:-.`~'_" : _ APPHI DOMINION 0rz'llia_ ahd Pcizctazzgulzcrtc. T. NEEDHAM, Proprietor. \ 1870; ~ 24'- u-nu-uyyuvuuvu nv lav ugnuc \U McCAR'1`HY & MCOARTH 7 ' 7 Burris. Marshall Mr Ju Moody Mr H Morse Mr Wm Morris Henry Mahony Thomas Moore Mrs E A Montgomery Mm N . Milne Mrs Marks Mr Wm" Mnreay Mrs - v Menter Mrs Margnrf Mollison Miss M A Mooris Miss M J McQuin Frank McDonald Mrs Rexiecca .McDerxnot Mr Ben [2] McMahon John ~ McDonald Wilson ; McDougaIl M:-s`Mary McFadden A ' McDouga1l Angus A McDonald Mr H - McDonald Mr John McEwan Mr Neil McMa.nn Mr W - ._ McDonell Mrs Dognld 3101-vew -Mr J S . 1 l`.IElllS350|lB El I1 Wilkie Mrs D - Wilson Mr John Wilson Mrs Thou W'rigt;:I!ias`Elisabe_th V Wedlockllrs T . 2 Wella_Tione L` . 3;-993' Blrrie, (June 8th, 1870. EIBPIIBIISOII ` Simpson Mia Sidsworth T TR. KING 5; son; ; 30 mwm mwesmmsm cm! Have-pronounced them the best and `cheapest in Reader, if you llave net,` as yet, tried the CANTO don t fail to do so at once-, and see the fadiiantage Remember that a .`i Dollar saved is a'Dollar mad _ . RAMA QUAR.R_[ES.~ `a`STV<._>7l..\I_jE-,S'. ANDVLIME '1 WENES AND Lmvons, . ORQCJKEY - L ;PR@M[*mm.;$E?. &@ ronounced them an In-e+ - The Iine of they Torontb and Muskoka. Rauilx-`oad ' mus near the lands. _ . 29-in` . . Buiiding-nd dimension an L; V` ` Ind Lime for Sgle A at the ab::1vg: '.Q;?;:i?9|';` ' ` ' * J. unpnmnenu 7 '.-1. - "'73 - ~. - .. j T BAMAP_.7`0' Rgma, 23rdMApril,_ 1870. - 18}-6mo. TanisoHoQNgn}_`0QUci1$IG.f?' .. . Sfones, "Lime, Lumber-, 8:0`. , .o and-from any Port on Iagxkea'.SIl!OOE E ,GOUHICHI;;Nu;__ All orders Aad_aimegt-:~'t.o`-. . V V ' ' He To "visit _the Beaver. F3 Our Cheap PRINTS cause an excitement. V Our Cheap DRESSES eauseea run. S ml ` A Our,Cheap`PARASOLS cause a scramble; r Our Cheap MILLINERY cause a bustle. J `In fact at-hose` Cheap Goods altogether cause every ' customerto go away with a large parcel-a balance in mtheir pockets--and word of advice` to their friends-" A um DCSI possmxe value 101' their money-our largely. increased business testifies. sV_Ve ar_e clearing out - A _the balance of our ` sTucx: > I-3 :> M . 6o`SYLVESTER S PATENT GRAIN GRADLES. 756 `The I -undersigned` `has openeld 11 PRIVATE BOARDING HOUSE, Dunlop Street, East, in the house lately occupied by Wm. Sb.nders,Esq., where all the comforts out` 5 private family can ~be had. - - % "That the public have appreciafedgollr efforts to.'gie them Q j `(.110 best p0ssiI_)le value f.'o_r`their money-oqr mcreased tesues. are 3 ` j . balance At grelatly reduced prices#- 1 ' tions. which our Buyer 2 I` . - All kinds of Bottlecl -A'1eA,Dub1in Stout, Bran'dies,VClaret's,' &c. Em-a Good. Old Rye',_at. $1.00 per Gballon Asfprepared and used in Europ, secommendedVby tl'ie Medi- cal faculty, and` highly commended by the Judges at the j .. ` - A. Provincial Exhibition, 1869," ' ' ITHE UNIVERSAL TONIC. Invaluable in azsages ofLqssimde .9 Debility gamma M5,} |GOOD NEWS INVALIDES-% nnziiiimmin scnooi; --WILL---` V _ sr7Mm1N@ TIMES L'rz'cIectcr9s Goocls Aof V ev`er_2/A iiescription Sup- _plied at Toronto fPr'ces. - ' NE ED 0 QU0 TA TI 0 N s. CHEAP SUGARS,. NEW FRUITS,_ BEST. The best` U0OdSVOu1 Markets`. "All who have pufcllased vvvv -gull HUB H} "J. uopamzson, RAMAPJ) _-._. ...., ......,. auu cuwpest In me uounty. ' that, CANTON T STORE, t and advantage to be gained . ' saved a Dollar made) ` sm. uunran, nadlnn '1' ,,`.Qc.. - s.- to make roornnl for fall importa- sails to-Great Britian for this week. At J. HENDERSONS _3_`;"_1*_m"%"..'L`.`.'1%"f`&"; L"'+ NORTERN 1101.1}. CREAM flavored with Lemon, Riapbel ` and [Sn-uwbe_n-y hi.nda.nndall |%g:;=_- REFRESHMENTS =53 uMM.FR 9_e_-- ac%. '1nr.I'nn-n `i: A Hviwvu 15:` teem `lurch: ua _ 0Vw`.-n Strait, ne.-ctto Post Oce, fqix om:-9.1;":-. ALL "tips or: `V _ A"ger:;-for`-Ill. Torahta. BAILVST wuere Ml ~ be amt M, Mnmimm '1"... . `s11pP1Y *7 in. the County; POM fT'I stmnnn 0'anon_ ` T `Store. THE ` Sole Agnt for Barrie de Viciniily. `Han ,alwayi,on hand a full auomnent, suitable tor cvgry dicully. ` We Ilka occuipn lo.n'oufy the public that` we ,n__Ipl0!,lI_o: letainnd to caution them againgt plfeblgn-.1`ng lo' V9 our goods` for sa__le. Is asure p'rontot' their superiority. We were satised that they would be appreciated here as elsewhere, and that the reality of the advantages offered to wearers of our beautiful lenses. viz: the easeaud comtort, the assured and readily ascer- tained improvement of the eight, and the brilliant assistance they give in all cases, were intl1em- ielves no apparent on trial, that the result could not be otherwise than it has, in the almost general ` ado tion of our CELEBRATED PERFECT]-JD SP TACLES by the residents of this locality. With a In ll knowledge oftbevalue of the asser- tion. we clai_m that they are the most perfect opti- . gal aide .ever ~ni_anutactured. To those needing vnU'L'wN.'-All gamma has the name nut,` ?: .'. ".l' vnnnu "bl lathe` mnmp:tuunt- on _ J . ` )z.Lt.`;',NewYark.i rates `ripen or {'01- the uon. we claim that they the cal aids ever Amanufactur _. To needing S , tacle, we abrd at all umes an opportunity `o procuring the bent and most desirable. 1.. s.%sanc1ers,] % JEWELLER, WATCHMAKEB & DPTICIAN LAzAnus, Monms'&co.,] IUNFAILINGEYEPRESERVERSJ Periodicala and Newspapers, English and Ame- rican, Ledger, New York Weekly, Harper's Bazaar, Weekly, and Magazine, Bow Bella, Family Herald, Every Week, Geut.lemnn s Magazine and Journal. All the London I1Ins- trated Papers, &c.,_&c., ' Pianos on Sale and to Rent. Melodeona on Sale and to Rent. Victoria Organs __on Sale and to `Rent. Sheet Music and Music Books in great. variety. V Violins, Goncertinas, &c., &:c. [Ar EDWARDS ! Books in great variety, from five cents up to ten dollars; Pocket and Family Bibles, Hymn and Psalm Books. Church `of England Prayer Books,-Catho1ic Prayer Books, Family Prayer Books, Books of Fact and Fiction, Books for the Farm Yard, and Poultry Yard,-Books on the Pig, the Horse and Cattle, Cookery and Com- `position , and Classics. ' ' 30-lin V JA1: Edvvards SPECTACl;_l:Z IS ARTE `DVD (`'1' An AT EDWARDS ) 7u1Li$1NG~nm1, -- ` V ' . ,mmNm_ pAN_Assoa1A'r1oN or At Edvvards POSITIVELY AT TORAONTOPRICES. we rrovmce. _" _' ~ The Wall Papers and Decorations for the Governor s House in~ l`o2-onto, were taken from the stock, the contract therefor being over $1800-00. V _ Selectiohs can be made here {rem Va stock of 1,000 different patterns and 100,000 pieces. The LARGEST stock of imported Well Pqpers in the Province. ` Imm w.I1 -n......._ .....a n----:w~ 1' lmwmmsl AT 1'oaoN'ro PRICES. .41` ED W/11:03 ! L Pi2_IVA'l`E B . 'I`lm .nn.1m-.:.umA J... ....'.......a .. trnnrnmn 0ousisti%g ofFoo1scap, Note, Post, Pens, Inks,` Sealing ax, Pencils, Purses, PocketBoo1:s,f Pass Booksj, Drawing Books, Lodge:-3, J ournnls, Day Books, Drawing Paper, Tracing Cloth,_ Card" Board, Tni`.or s.Mani11o., Crayons In-.k_ Stands, Pen Racks, Penholders,Visiting Cards, Drawing Slates, Copy Books, Blotting Paper, Mucilage, Crayons, &c., -&c. The largejand me:-easing sales oflhese ; POSITIVELY T .AT TORONTO nances,` [STATIONERY 2; ]El)'W_A.BDS i VV'a_11 paper I Im- 'A'EY'E GLASSES. _ OELEBRATED PERFECTED PERFEOTED GLASSES` `L ---.-j. To bg rented by the season, the pasture land on Lot 22, in 13th 0011., Oro,'about. 100 acres. Annlu in V : POSITIVELY: A full assortment pf` '--ALSO,- ` --Ar.so,- -_- -;A"r._ _ ~; ;lII.u T".`.'3;!`f . .;?Wa%%%1;3? -. .4 Lt 43:91: s;_xLfr & PLAsTE}Qr SALE | _ Nowois the time to boy.` Come one, Come alt! No trouble to show goods at tho o California? 5Store.' All Goods matked in plain `gures. Hun - .;nlnna -r'n'I:>fI\-h:'h>' uuunuu nu yuuu uguwrs. > . Ren_1ember_ .the place, 'Ca1iforni"a : Stpte,sigg1_o( `the Big Tea_Pot, Oriuia. .T .`- - ' - `. \ -.' 3 -`-Q22 ~':~'- d--3! '4 Aspleudid assortment of Dinner and Tea Setts in White V Granite Ware. Be droom'Setts in `gt-apt variety. The latest xioveltis in Glass.Tzible Sens, which must be seen to be appreciated. Tumblers, Ale and Wine Glasses,-Cxuet Bottles, Jugs, &o;, in grgat vafiety. _ Pro ,1 , &n1oc.mt- use: .1 &:?Li:;.'i:'32"'-"ah. Aoat lIL~Rlii:n. A 17 `n..r_ |cnacmY&smsswAnul On baud comprising, \Hennesey s B`r_an- dies, Rum, Gin, Scotch Whiskey, Toddy Whiskey in bottle or by the Gallon. The celebrated Gooderharn s7 and Warts Old Rye and Malt Whiskey always on hand. Hotel Keepers {sup- plied at a liberal reduction. ` ,- - .._;.4.Ir.A..&_JI\J Our stock of.Teas cannot be excelled. [Just received, a large lot of our cele- brated Dollar Tea. Extra Young Hyson, Fine Old Hysoii, Extra [Japan and .S0lxclioug_ Teas, the best in the Market, and {at prices `not to be beat. . Siigafs, Rice, Coffee, Tobacco, Spices, Freshill, 11., and Layer Raisins, Currants, Dried Apples, Prunes} and Canned Fxuit, &c., at the lowest rates and best value. A --__..:-w Just to hand, amoung which will be found a splendid assortment of Genl. s Boots, Shoes and Gaiters. Men s and Boys" Cobourg Shoes. -Ladies and Misses Fzishimmble Prnnella and Kid Boots and Gaiters. Children-and In-V fants ware -in endless variety, all of which we are selling at prices that are ahead of all attemptsrat competit-ion. Q[BQ%CEE1Es Not. to be surpassed anywhere either for style, durability or chezipuess, con- sisting of'Silk Mixed Tweed Coats, Vests and,Pants.. Gent s Black Cloth Coats, Vests and Pants. Black` Rus- sel Cord Coats for Men and Boys. Linen Coats and Pants all sizes and prices to suiteverybody. ' (guruum smalmul To.h-and. `Just cnllvund xanlln our Grey Cottons selling at 12.; cents, worth 15 ccnts,'not. to be equalled` 111 [the Province. We have jus.t received zylargc and vari- T ed assortment of PASTURE LAND. I`n `k. .....c..A L`. H... .........._ 41.- .___.___, 1 J @@g Consisting of Gent s,1\'i;l, Lisle and Berlin Gloves. Ladies and Misses Kid, Lisle and Cotton Gloves, and -Lisle Gauntlets: Gent. s Brown and Grey Cotton, 5 Hose, Gemfs Brown 5 Hose, ?`Merciesfcet;" Ladies, Misses and *Children s Hose-in great variety, A very choice assortment of Ladies Em- broidered l\ ln'slin_and Lace Collars. White and` Colored Linen Sous- Col-' lars and Cuffs,` '&:c., Ace} A large variety of- Damask Fable `Covcrs,' -Brown and White Table Linens, Tow- eliugs, Irislr Linens, Dmpers, Brown Linen Drills and Cmmdizm Logging Cloths- Table Oil Cloths in a variety of Patterns. .-.'-a\J\; 3 g? C Tn all the choicest pa_ltri1s selling at our Tusual cost "price. A `large lot of Madder and Lilac Prints, choice pat- terns, selling at .10 cents, worth 15- cems per yard. Everybody should see them. _ - ' . I . Hams: ajnld Bacon-. ml .1 f._ .For Ladies Dresses and Mutles, _ju's't received-and nfalfprices. Black Vel-- vets and Velveteeus`, siik uish,_for Ladies Muntltzs, Jackets, cc., &c_., the cheapest in the Market. 1% %E`L i;e%c%es 4 Just opened out 5. large stock of "Conslsting'of , New Drs Goods and Mnslins in all. the most{Fnsl1_ion;cble Styles and Colors, "to suit the most. las- tidious, and. well wortl1y- the attention of iutendmg jpurchasers. A [beautiful and varied assortment of French Bril- lianls of the choxcest patterns, not to be_excellod in the Amax-l_:et,. which we are selling at wholesale prices. ..I...I. ' _ For sale, A Iargevheavy built horse five years old. Credit would be given on good security. T Apply to. If f\....`I.... V EBLACKSILKSII `Just oiened out 9. large and fresh sup- - ply of bcmxtiful "51:; 0;-illia, Of Huyl`e s and A:shton s Ac1:ebrTatet'i Gawm A fu_11 and complete ussornnentof - % 1 /w large stockof G_rrc y and White` A very 1argTe stock ' of Barrie, July 27th , 1870.` .-j--:--:.-2--:- A farg stock: of W620 % Smrmwr A splendid? line `of C(lifo2'n.i(i ` am?-A& 82% 6 V Always Aheacl. Store * ~ V: -1 Jnusa " . v f`!n`h.?Cl'IV'A um ) '\ E. 13- Lowp E %N We are selling Glassware and Oroc/very very low. Tea Seats, 44 pieces I We will be_ most happy to on on} In-umerous custom h'l our goods. It will be no trouble to show goods em W I 6 18- 4 . ' Merchant Tailor & Clothiler, I T Old Stand. nmm nr n.....1.... .9. D n T .. Pmxs, AI.0@1m@1=@' ii$:$%%};`?i{<. I7 (Y1i1")1'1|7rv rvnnnn ..-._.___, Glaksware very \J'\/ .r 'IuIu|.v:u-ulllll. - ~ . 1 Agent st Burris! A. V..PnImer & Oo.] - Dcslqus nsgore or ouxers 0! equal importance. Ax.~.on each machine without extra charge "` is. LuckIn'Lr's set to hem a hem of any width. The only (l1in~`o1 t Market. . We also f'nrnis.h ;)`Inin}1f3mmer, Braid;-rT`Q.,i;. v'arra.1nte_d for one year In ` wnlmg," is $33, mm: 15 gxven for payment. Riulrinn r".nI`l-:n- 11' If? vu- A reas uluu us glvan ID!` payment, V AGENTS.-'1`. E. Rawson, Barrie; W. Ageqt. - Besides ascore of others of e mu-In 'mu-hing K: m:olm..o ..... _-_,..._ _ vuv u so , I uIUIl~_U_!;IQUU_lI_w A .3 I } 1 -.C0NSTANTLYQe'3? HANDc'4T : `V , -v `For Coal Oil, Paint, Oils and1Yia.chi11e Oils, Go to _ V - Go to For Paints, Putty and Glass, 4 ' G0.to For Sewing Machines, , ' V . i A A _ Go to For Pumps, Eavetrough, Stoves 6; 'l"inwareh i 0 to For.'Plumbing, Steam Pipe & ail Steam Fixures. T _ i 0 to Fox? Trace Chains, Halter Chains, For Clarpents Tools, to uawson's.~ andicgging Chains, % G0 to Ra.wson's. G0 to Rawson s. Go to Rawson's. if you waht CUTLER? Idhlnmm` h_'o_;;;Tio'tb'.:hgi,hu ~ *5:`:*U('.4a.,_|59|'3.'.3 . mm; v 3 , . If j you W-"mt NAILS, , J ,v-,... vxv 7:] V vv A-Allylk/LU AJLJ IV J7 [AS attained the proud-position of bein`g the lcadix owes its wonderful success to its inherent good 'I|Al5I If\lW'\I ' `A LARGE 1s_so11'191'wa'1;z'1" OF NEW SPRING Ilothlng. Boots and S] .\, vx/~.,, ./ , _/-- 0,000 VOLUNTEERS moao VVA NTE D". NOT .--n-\.l..l-.JIr I-\\JL E V `g-NEW SPRING GOODS I/ER Y 0HEAP._g1) Qld Stand, Corner of Dunlap St., R. R. square, Barrie, A SUPERIOR CLASS OF . RT! f\ W) T-`t? ` ft {Rs A ': m - _ - Jlfl(z7zufa c"tu7'elvb3/_W\1ZS0N BOWMAN .5. 00., nroudnosion of hpin`n Han vM,:;..,. \1,.-:,- r --4-.-:u :u-..-.z.- qnuganu L Will `Restore Gray Hair to its Natural Life, Color and Beauty. `It is a. most delightful Hair Dressing. It will-promote luxu'1'iam.t growth. _ FALLING HAIR is ixxnxnediately checked. { Mn.`8. A. ALLEN`S ZYLOBALSAMUM, rmofer prr/mrahbu r {In Hair ,' clear and trrmspartnt, 101 !/wu!.rm'I'mm!. It I : 1/try simflz and qcu product: u-am1'n_'fu/ rm-ult.r. 1/.` great su/en'ar`I't_y and eamamy as a I/air 1)re.m'nga1/er lzfglz mxt Frm;/: Pamadts 1': a.`knn1m':a"nl /7 all not ang'y in flu : ramxtr hut in ura/r. flu l\'t.\`!ar:r mm ZyIm5r,zl:amum .r .a:4ld' not 0: run! out wit}: (/1: 0!/ur. _ SOLD 3! ALL DRUGOXSTB. Pmprk-torn, S. R. Van Duzor EC--., Wholesale Druuilu, J5 Bnucluy SL and I0 Pu-k Plum. New-York. Anmno no D......:.. A 17 n_u_.. n n Dzilugz Strect,4 Wczst of 7 THE LOOKMAN I5A'fEeii:uTTLE `. E. .amva/s@N s. A SPLENDID DISPMLAwY VOFT `V-g-i--a---_ - F equal ixnnpox-tauce. Among the: (tra. Chm` EC," L(;Cknmn'.a Pntnn ii AL -4 - T0 TH E W()l'l_KlNG Cl.ASS.-We are now prepared to lumiah nll clam-('5 with eonuumt employment at homc,the whole ufthe time or for the xparc moments. Bunlnnanew, I hlnnd protable. Persons ofcltllcrxcx anal! "cum from . to 05 or cvcuin And I! prupomnnnl guru y devoting thelr who :2 mm: mt re bnalm-ss. Bqyr-_un.d girls earn neul mu much an ml-,n. Thntnllwho sec thin nouce may scndthc r Iltldn"!s nud test the bu."inve.-I, _\ru muk_c this unparalleled ol!'cr: ilusucll More not wcllantmienl. we will send 0! to pay for the trouble nfwritingz. Fnll pnrtirulnrs, n vulunble sum- nlo which yvlll do to gommcncc work un. qm] a copy of The .....,,u..uuuc. Among mu numerous` atta mrge," is`L_uckman's Pulnnt. adjustable The only t_'hing__ot' th kind zumclxed tw emmer. Rrnidnr n..:v.o,... 2". rm. 7 ~- VA` .L-.lVJ- ' V`V--ANTED-, ,,,_.-_,, .... ...._...m.u= nuuuuuwnla xurmsned win). L_ucknmn`s lfutr-nt adjustable hammer, which can bu uly (l1ing_ pf tlte to 3 umchiue_ in they . Bmider, Quil-Lcr, &c.- _The price of machine complete, `a 3 :33. A reasonable advance is made :9 this price, when T. E. RAVVSON 1/ac VI\'0rt/cr-IL I1 .rn.'/road Station, Barrie, ' W " "V4 3 % w. ~`IZl1is,V Braclfofd; Geo. BUT TO BU Y lull! ADAPTABILITY - . 2 AND CHEAPNESS, 0. the numerous uttachmenta (nu-manna ...:.;. -01.`- .1 ....., -.wuu.uuuIl-, \lI(u, ~ lending .\Iuchjue in the Dominion of Canads. I8 qualities. Tbo_se qualities are -A'.1`} .MRs"."" s"f'X.Z";i"}i'IEN s uinttn Irmcsrmntnmwn . _-- -..:uI I1h.\!\7, u numerous attachments furnished with `M. udiustnble hemmm-, whit-h new I.- , July 28, I870. B. SHERIDAN .. Nunn, General Wholesale Ilamilton, 0nz., Go to: Go 10_: Go to Rawson s. Shoes: . Rawsoxrs. to iRav'vson s. to Rawson s. to Rawson s. Rawson s. ES. Raws0n 3'. r'\l/-\-`-v- sum - lo wllldo commence and ea dc`; Literary Cunqm'm'un---one of the In cal and be: family nctwpnpcn; publinhcd--nll non! fn-e y mail. ' IleI}1cr,ifvuI| wnnt wnnnnont. x-mtnblu wnrk. add;-cu` E. C. ALL N 8: CO.. Auovsn. MAINE. * Ra_wsonv s.- (IL- __ inspecting On? . I103 SALE IN T11]? TOWNSHIP OF om). ` ' E 11017 luyuso nnlpurullu Ullnllgc. 7 "A mm. mm nnsronnn urn munssnm nnahinn in On: Tlnffln awwaawygmma THE WORKING nren ru-emu Jyuung IIUPHIII [0 H16 `L`(Jll-'9UlllIl0n. aclmge, which should be carefully plL`S8l`\'t.`d. ` One dollar and twelve mu!-a-halt cents for post ge, enclosed to Northrop dc Lyman, Newcastle- Ont., eneral agents for the Dominion, will insure bou e, containing over 50 pi||<, by return mail. ? Sold in Barrie. bv Oliver AL Co.. '1`. W. Gunmen. 2 Full direi:tinn`s in tl.e pamphlet around each` OB MOSES, NEW `YORK, SOLE PROPRIETOR, oo1ue,con1ammg ou pill`, py return man. Baryie, by Oliver AL Co.,.'l`. Georgen, A. V. Palmer, and Alexander 65 (70-; J Deacons medicine dealers. ' 4-1) Bradford; Green 6: Bro., Craighursl, and. all aa puma] an. um I run nwe. plow-York. Agent at Barrie. A. V. Palmer &`Co. :-v.. ~ v H - MA -~- uyu g... _.u a. App'y to `l`|'l`l`l`l`1`1`F`i`?`l'l`I fqmjah v_:}_I clp_m-as wig: v.j(_:nuLunlcmploymon_3at _home.the Mdnday, th;8thM August. I D Qbnmmuxr u Ncm 17\tn.icrti5111c1It.a. 71; me 1v'u.'t.51' '1'u1t_r.r. V, mt/1v 121.)` 0/ rsgnancy, as-they `are .mre to bring an Mi!- ma 3, but at any other time theft; are safe. In a luthur cases of Nervous and Spinal Affec- __! ms. Painsin the Back and Limbs, Fatigue on, nilnt exertion. Pa ! itation ufthe Heart, Hysteries J4 Whites, these ills will effect. a cure when all V nor/menus have failed ; and although a powerful ':nedy, do not contain tron, calomel, antimony, ox Llythink httrlfulto the `U(Jll.'9lllllIl0n. . _ Full lira-,1-tinnh in II. nnmnhlm nmuml em-h ET `nu ,n.auuuIsu mnuzmza ; is peculiarly suited. It will, in a short time ring on zhemonlhly period with regulnrify. ' -7713.92. Pi//s sliould not be takn I _-1/females dur- '11: the` I~`TRS I' THR E7? M()N7`IIS 0/ W. 'Z' ` I `-`This inva1uubie'medicine is unfailing in the rc_ at all those painful and dangerous diseases. which the female constitution in subject. It moderates all excess_and removes all obsuuctions Ind a speedy cure mav be relied on. - ` 4 rv ozc. . >1 :-lceonly 25 cents per bottle. Sold in Barrie b T. W. Georgen Oliver 6: Co, ' V. Palmer, an Alexander 6z-Co.; J. Deacon. dford; Green 6; Bro., Craighmsl, and all dining dnalern. 4-lv ts magical and wonaerml success In curing sua- Colds,` Sore Throat, Coughs, Dipthcriu, pains the side, loms and back`, Nemalgia, Toothache eumalic and other pain: in any part oflhebody d from whatever cause, has given it a place in ry' household and is fast superseding all other parationa of the kind. . _ It is also an effectual and prompt _ rerned for Aids, Burns,.Bruiues, Spraiua, Uhilblnins, `rest tes, Cramps In the Stomach, Diarrhea, Cholera rv. dzc. " rbus,Bilioua _ChoIic,Cl_1olera lnfantum, Dyscn- V his anm y_ysH HEMEIJTI JOB ms PERIODICAL PILLS. V. New Style. Important Chnngc. man. `HAIR nusmnnnn nun nnmuav` naroru ; ureen Iodicine dealers. 'r_o BE SOLD. ON V ms! TERMS. 3.1.145` "1Xi"iiiE&`6nEn I .wn.....__- 1~1..-.--. --'__:,, orvotmcuicat reparations. H. seiuomtaus to re Dyspepsia iver Complaints, Indigestion, rtburn,Siclt -Headache, Kidncv Complaint, id Stomach, _Phtlu'aic or Asthma, and restorea vital activity the system debilitated by au'er`~ and disease.- ' - _ , - magical and wondertnl in curing sud- Culda. Throat. Coughs. Dinthcriu. oains ins UANAUIALV `nun unaxnuu-.n_ nns n lurilselfa repulauon, as a blood ~ p_uner, rnlive stomach tome, unsurpassed 1n lhe 'orvotmcdical reparanons. I! seldom falls to In I)vsnensia iver Cmnnlainls. Indizeslinn. hue. I NIS 8/10!!! 710! 08 lllkell I `I/]?dlS Il1H'- tlze ' FIRST THREE , MONTIIS oj an/nu`1I_ IL.!}tz1I I.'TP sure it!) 571.1117 an Mi!- I-`amilv-Medicine, well and layorably known ihe past ten years,never lnnllng In a_ single in- nce to give permanent Ielnefwhen umely psed, we Have never known a single case o_fdissan's- `um where the directions have been nrdh-9rl'v INVO KDOWII SIDEIE 0_! (ll888[iS- non where the directions have been rdpcrlye uwed,bnlon.l|1e contrary all_ are Velighled h ils operations, and speak In lhe'highesz ' a ofits virtue and magical eecls. m-1 CANADIAN PAIN DESTROY!-ZR hm nny nu -wpnpcrs pununm-u--nu non! In-e ny ` if;.'un 1\'nntgn-nnnnont. ad L. Pm: ofits virtue and magical enecls. ` THE CANADIAN PAIN DESTKOYER has \n lnpimulfn rnnmalinn. as n blood nnrir, 'R.NB.--A!iU, DUE!` nun nna}nn..ILu\ ORNS, bunionj, large or..s_xml1, ingtowg _.- I, went-scalded feet. -km, xrelieved _ un- bintely and soon cured by applying Dr-J, . 9 Modern Cutalivo according to direc-3 . "It never dod harm; always does good. I in Barrie by Alexander & 00., a.nd_by all A ' loin: (Innhrl- ` 88.1.|' 5 II In burns uy A ;ilicino:. denleru. Lotzl, in the 7th Con., Oro-; there afe "'10 acres cleared, with good- frame building, good young orchard, and a good supp1{`0f never fail- I iltlmg lpring water. A good Mi Site on the or. . BANADIAN my nikstnuven. 6RNs.-nARb, `son AND ms*rEnEn.' nmm: hnninni. lame rlvam_11- inzwwinm " V XIX; % pliizine no W.` HOPE, V ' Land and Estate Agent, 18 King St. East, Toyonto, T0 xuuuen "LADIES .I;....I.. ...:....1 h....'H .'.. g. .5. ELLE QIIDLVJICJE `LEI I combined in One Bottle. Flt`! A A`l"lI ,,g __._ _ H. B. SPOTTEN, M.A`, Head Master CHAS. CRAIG, P rnnv-EM >' GRAY HAIR Is a certain indication of decaynt t'he`root[-s. BEAUTIFUL Imn, _ Nature's Crown. You Must Cultivate it` _. . 293ins ,1. mm, I\l.A", Head Master. ._, W, M. Quinlan. " 30-3 in. uxuuu, Proprietor. 30-tf .Iu_uy nu` sss-1-1, Anderson Mr J (2) Avens Mrs G Adams Mrs Hellen Brown Mr Thos Brown Miss Emily Brown Mr Geo. Bolster C J Boak Ephram Barnaby Mr. John` . Budd Mrs Blonnt M_r Fred R Bowes Mr Wm Benjamin Mr M (2) Hell Miss Mary Burkart Mr A _ Beatty Wm B Burrell Mr Mathew Bradley Mr R C A Brown Flora _ . Carson Richard ' Cronan Mr Thomas Currie Mr Lachlan Currie Miss Lizzie Chappell Mr James ' Cole Miss Emma Cope Mr B v Mrs _. ' McDonald Rebecca . , W Campbell Mr Donald [2]_Orvew Carruthies'Mr David Dunn Orlando ' Drury & Bros Dawson Miss L 0 Dans Mr Chas- Edwanson Mr W . Foran -Miss Norah Foaby Mr Michel Flanagan James Gibbald-Mr G W 0 NeilI `Miss Mary J Olleinshaw Mr Mark` Pilkey Mr Peter ' Paterson Mr Alex Peacock Mrs D Partridge Mathew Plait Mr Wm Rady Mr Richard _:Ric`hards Mrs (2) Remillard Mr T Gould .Robert care ofRitchie Miss Mary John Howard ' Groves Mr Geo (2) ` Redfern Mr Jae _ Richardson Mr S L" ' Graham Mr Alexander Riddle Mr Walter Grehem Mr W. Rvan Mr Roben L V Gribbon Miss Bridget Raddallwnrne ' Henry Mr John D Harrington Mr _' Saulter'Mr John _ ` Smith Mr Thus (3) Barr-ingdon George cueSIeedman' Mr Richard John Sahastin Shaw Mi an `R ! nrn MOD IIIO Ill" Lav In Michael V `lhhhogig '.A R ask for Mien; monn lug! vvuuwuu. nun L May John ` We1ls,'l`ione : Murphy Bil! K-' ' Williams -Mr Jough Mayo:-Mr T runes` ..m'. _fo?r . 'j)1eIme_" >4 , HICKS `I003 Hill Mr Robert Hindi Mrs David Hutchinl 8: Lyon! Hiqkling Wm Jr A - Johns-`J `J Esq (2) ` l Johnatonannah V Lippincott & Mutton Look S _0. T V V Levis Kin . Lonphre Mr In `I ..- lnl-an-I IJBVIIIB DIICIIIBOI magm A 8 Lewis an M A 11 ms: Tl: Mat John? - 110`. _ ', Also Lot 21, in the 8th Con., Om, about 60 acres cleared, log house and bprn, the remain- der in good hardwood bush, principally bcech and magle. . _ Alan .156 on 2... 1.1.. an. n ..... -2..- n-.. on _ . .' . v . - -- I I I. II 9 Remaining in the _1?osl (7)_`ice, Barrie, June 2 , 1.8 0. - ' 050., to UI: wuuu lll {D18 market. Any article 1n the trade manufactured, fur- nished to order on short notlce, and wgzrmnted `to give satisfaction. ' I"Repnira well and neatly executed. Barrie. April 8. 1870' K ' 6- ._.j...____._..________.__ .._-.`_.-.- -v-\v\IlLI- HAS now on hand an extensive and genuine stock of Single and Double Harness (Cur- riage and Team), English and Common Riding Saddles, Double and Single Brig1les,.Collars, &c., which he can offer at very reasonable` prices. Also in stock, some ofthe best English ; and other Riding and Driving Whips, Bits, Lines, Brushes, Curry and Mane Combs, Cards, 810., to be found in this market. Anv an-eln in '1}m 9.-n.-L . ......--1'--A--~- ` - ":=I `-- noons; SAS1;'A:i\Tv1)u_`i3`;ILlNDS, At verv nhnrf nmh... An!` , .__i _ ..u.u.u, u:Al\| , 0:;-ON` REASONABLE TERMS; 5_ __-.-.-.{.V}, ' He also keeps on hand, and manufactures COFFINS ofallkinds, and furnishes all the- paraphernalianecessary for Funerals, including an excellent Hearse, which cZan be had on `Very moderate terms. `2l- ,, , , .., . __--...... gluvll I/I4 . Respectfully announces to the public that lie is "a._t all times prepared to take contracts for building, n.nd_tha.t he can furnish 1\A\4|u`a-n - - - --- Buiicir and Uqdffaer, `Saddlery and Hawfzzcss . A ESTABLISHMENT, ` uUL\oDJ.`4D auu DUU mite charges. . Convex/anccs to 31111 I119- IB. ' Also `Lot 29, in the 8th Concession, A 010. 20 lcrea cXeared--log buildings. All of the above land is of the best quality. - For further particulars apply to 7 THOMAS GUTHRIE, Proprietor, Lot 21, 7th 0011., 0:0, Or G_._ R. FORD, Barrie, Ont. ' , - Ann I r\DI.lb`f'l7Nll:.NT, V Nearly opposite theABcmlc of Toronto, DUNLOP S'1_`REET, BARBIE. HE subscriber begs to acquaint the Travelling public, thathe has on hand the best of HORSES and BUGGIES for HIRE, at mode ' rate charges. 0.09-K; _ qhgmi. 5 of nosuq:qnq;!97vr1:}:1n{.g;. -ggn_do_p-.`:`=' ` ;- :lPPI.II';.N[`2EI="0lIDI'. BHHBHICUOH. ` V As `usual, Bread, Biscuits, &c., delivered at any part of the Town. - - - T) I'1\Vr1 r~r\`v _ ____, _ .__.._v w ----u--r-vavnui. A large supply. of which i1I n1\v;\3's be kept on haud,`at prices which will be -certain "to ensure satisfaction. A`..'..~....l D......,I `D:..-..:.._ L, rs-' rum cuss tsgasva, supply n1vv:\x's bekeut an I THE SUBSCRIBERS thankful 'for.the very liberal patronage of the past, beg to inform their old. customers and the public generally, that they have made arrangements with the Leading Cheese Faclones of our Domizzion, . fqr a-contiuued supply of . NwTfinv fiLEs, Holcl. Barrie. _ -.-_'- vvvony] Opposite the Court House, Ba-rr2'eb, ....___.1-,,n - %%EiaLin"%a`umiig* CANADIAN C_fj_ESE DEPOT. WHOLESALE: V& RETAIL.