Pzbzic` /Aucn'qn.,} War 12`, _13, _1"4 d . 9'?` SING`: ll 'nlrg'l_ej.f, TIlil Vpl'l"el'.i:I _1 fen'ced and 3ni`ed;" ` ` ` ' '95 i659- 'T1~i'I=Axi1?fE--' nab, bEALER xx." _A`TL_ .533` or-n .cti1*LEI{, &c.`, J.7`PULLAN.A -cuusmrn, UIIIHUH lZU1ll|llU||lUHUlt: I - Tne. atmnsphoreiof awe which envelope ; V the `spiritualistic devotee is-`appropriate en- ongh, if we allow that the agency by which `certain consequences are brought about is unquestionably supernatural; but it is pre- cisely thio which at present Reason refuses to. admit, becn_mse`of the variable and uncer- tain conclusions which, as a general thing, `attend the most anxious experiment. Now, If Ihn nnhtln 'ihnnnnn nmnlnwnzl In: I}...- 1'1` Vevspi-s, 50' `mini-$3 V 'l'liiI pix-el`.4i;I All med;-=. I-ICA)T_U,'S.'E.,A 3 -' an I! mg ._Q8~, -`$3, injhq 0gIiIj+ numb so '.`...... - mg; or updniu`. or allow: - V :`uge._cornni1uion;-so Iell'oIi1,-gnaw.` Iiondetful ` "" ' T4-3mo- inventions. V `e-1a_. -tn. vmnsni c"...; umun,,mcu. accordihg to order of Oou1icil.nn II; I I |ag-_|;`_.~_.u\u`_\-v, ` oomwrrvonnnx; * 5 ILI..aendtat his Olce, It Bu-tie, pvery ;..8A'l`UB.DAY-,from1l nan. till 3 p.m., _ cieiery other 1 day nhis Office at Gookuown. " ' Burrie,Fg b. 17, -1862." H -_ 1 . ,. k ` OI DBXHE, Ella HIE ITIVGIIIII l.'ll0|lC,V DEB he has~on'hand HORSES and`UGGIES`for HIRE,_at moderate charges. V ' - . ' V Odnvayaces $6 .0ril1ia_gnd Penetangnishene. .w, -13,. cnossv 12..-3. `A-n`r.\n1nO "man 7 92- 4: _: I .~~ 1 A 59,9 ,.3o gg;g c,.t$;1.oo. Bm_ie,"A'giggg_,"1sae. kCL0T%ii511j%s%CLEkANEBM)iND j REPAIRED. % T % MP.s . cum; ' I .(w5123;t}w;!3h&ii`impoiaib1 :6 meet the i{:. "demnnd,_for Axes of his oqn mn- 'nfu:lnI-ii, Ilioilvcciiitly imported 1 large stock o,3o.r.n1.| 9. -Ho.i.9.! 9. 99.9 I superior Am; ;nT|;_!9g:%q;.1eu_1sgiusrqp., no -wsgm: for` ,.:ai,_uz,-;o, T !Vro'aH:17:u;;or.ioi- makers by cgngelg In |n'y.ghor'honw;iI: Town. uoous. - Vv I , , - ' .'Remember- "th_a pzace,,'R. ` Powell : new ".0"! 0'99". Street, r.'st_door Saul]; q/' B".7` 9%` `Commerce; ` V ' 151: A.PE11K1Ns`. . T.EANS, `removes-spots and stains from (J Clothing. repairs gentlemen ; clothing and makes up garments` on the most reasonable terms andon the shortest notice. ' t ,-_ M,0PP0SITE THE wE.L_E_ _ir)2N_cEM1:f.rERy _ THE433m]F0UNDRYI HHBHU IIIU IIIUBI IIHAIUUB U-\PUIlllll.'lH. IVUW, if the aubtle `inuence employed by the `medium can cause n_ man who is h0'peie_ss|'y` pinioned to be entangled in knots by'non- human manipulation , and can` further persuade and enable him whilst in this condition. to beat a tattoo on'the drum. why .ahc.uId the sphere of his (the medium a) V wrnierful abilitieebe so cabined; cribbed, conned fl Were he to soiemploy themes to evoke-such active in'terference_ as would _l_)e benecial to the human "race, then, indeed. patronage and encouragement would inevitably follow. If spiritualism be a branch of the science of mechanical trickery. why not arrow it. to the end that it may receive the ready approbation so freely" accorded to`ingenui' of whatever kind `I If M `an [Hui luhillk II' .I'-..-...` In I|nI|:n-'- VJ DPCUIIII TUUHUIIUKI large quantities. . _ FARM PRODUC'_.; (lands cARIuAGE,sIGNs,[ Nnwfznvi EEELES, [Aun%s'rov won`| (s.| HOUSE PAINTERS, ._ ._GRAINE'RS, ' . gape: I_Iangers,4 ,&c., &c;| All wbrk done in {Irish c1uss.s!jIe' and good mnteIia1furnished._ ' - - A uvn-no `nun-A nnnrnubu-nabs` gt` YI`........l'..- ..--2_-n .&c. , on hand and for sale by `W. Capon. [Hillel 1&1 IUFIIISDBII .V , A very~l_arge assortment, of Transfer Carri.-xigev -Oruam ents, Painters and Gmine,rs" Tools Camels Hair and Sable Brush'es,.Pencils, &c., AA- - I0 A: Pf1?37R11NS| ns3o1.\o.v-n.nn1\.1 DI`: W 16!`; 1 6` \_J0., 31" HOW M. prepared to manufacture all articles in'_their line, of the bestTdeAs'cription, and at cheap mtes Barrie, Dec., 3rd, 1867 ` 49-1y ntzcnrueu Iu Ingenuity ur wuutuver Iunu ( If it be that .which` ll dares to profess, general conviction viilladopt it only when it i "soars above and beyond the reach of mere- mortal sagaoity, and_ openly evolves such ' [universal results as are independent `of time place or circumstance, It moat berecogniz- ed as n never-failing `principle which the wisdom of man can neither anticipate nor oor.n'eract. Failing in this, "it will hardly asonpe being classied with those notorious humbu-gs of the day which are tolerated sole- Iu for thin qrakn of lha nntnrtninmnni alum. |/%'U'v' [G#BQuQEBIETS| U UYCTY` UUSCTI made to order. @m@BLmiEE8_gAi%@VESE@n@8l imnle aK"'iaL .sncIm, DUNLOP STREET. GEo.BALL;T CARPENTER, BUILDER, &c. nooks, SASHES, BLINDS, MOULDING, &c 7 nd is 'prepr'ed to suhply these articles fat the * ` lowest price. .. 'PLANlNG on nvmw nnsonlrrloml '- - - V .. ' 1 . Dressed, and Tongued and Grooved Lumber, 3 `every description, always o_n-vhand, and to - - W [EAIINTINGTI Illl"_I|JUgH ly for tbu afford us. - i _ . FOR f'x'1i1i`.' _ ` Counties. of_;4S'z'm.co'e Q` Oardwcll. ADDR_ESS+ROSEMONT P_.O. 15- % j 'A-NGUS _'BELl_-.,~ Issuer of Marnage Llcenses _.- n n` n-..._._____.. Associate Goroer four the Counties bfsimcoe and Grey. Capoz. :3` * Pcarc_o/,' 1nur7\:\J aua `t'ea1:vYn_m.' Povver - 7' . &c., &c., . azc'_ Which he.will sell as Cheap 3 u --.-n` Tile ,Co7_plimenls `of A tIie. S_eaSon;- - `Formerly kpt by Richard Power], wishes to inform the public thathe has opened a. _ _ 5 rs; crass assortment of ' . . I . !13 Specinl reduction * Q0 m-are nnanl.m:_ bppot' the Railway Siati:on,, Barrie. `HE Subscriber begs to inform tb inhabildnts __ of Bhrrie, andthe Travelling Public,_tbat u hnmnn V hand HORSES nnd BUGGIES for `THE ENGLISH. GOVERNMENT. N AND EMIGRATION. V I \J , .CoxmssIq_2um m B. R}, Corzvxnxcga, &o.., _ `I'TI`I IT A IlI'\l'I1l'\`\T Barri, July, (857. AD1inlop Stret, Barrie,1.c.1oor West ' A of the Advance Otce, S}\M UEL ROBINSON, A II-.jn31I?j: EGS to a_nnou`nce:;,tbe'pub1ic that he has . complelgd` his F`!-I-.---4; T4_'.__._.._._.___ Essiis. (HENRY SEWREY &` Co., aro miw nrennred to mnnnfmetnre all nr{ic1:.gin nmh- .c1m1sT_oPHE_R HARRISON , andvmhcixinery for ih manufacture of T": %aA~ru~Ia{ nnrnmuv nt_`lln`I? ' 4GRIGjIILTUR_AL I71\!PIA;EMINT' ' 5 (Fromv the Illutratcd News.) s:cBoL1T_A WING, ......a .....a ri!_;....._.: _ _ _ . . _-.a r .._ ...a----.-.-ca--.-_. u-4.s~m..\o BARBIE; -Huavinglbonght out thefstock of ` ISINGI-I__A1\ 1PTON 3.533123`. V-` ken` . in exchgfxg `fo_r -'to cm parties` bqAyirv;gA A. V'I>E11`K1_Ns; `-'.ss {lie Cbgnpest. _ HE SUBSORIBEB.',`dcalrqI~ to thank his numetoun friqnds `sud the) public for post psufonage; and to inform them that he ha 12- - _ ~. moved3b the M ' ._y . -.. _-- ._' Esouur side -of nnn1ap%`ASttea?t, Nearly hisxald stand, - - A_ . where he intends to keep cpnsuntfy on I f `Fxnsr Gus; S1"ocx.or. T "Which wihe sold It the -lowest ronnneravtig nrh-an , prices. T- . . Boots and Shoehmnde-to order of _lhe best materials. by competent \'vorkmen;, A call is ` respectfully solicited. ; 885- 1 _` , 5 HENRY BIRD. BOOTS & SHOES,| VERY LARGE and compiete Assortmet ofLndies Ename11ed Kid and Prtmelln Gaiers, Buskins, Boots; G nt s Calf, Kip and Course Misses and Children 3, of every variety and style which will be kept constant- Iy on hand. ~ - ~' - - AT `PRICES NOT TO BE UNDERSOLD . ' ANDREW GRAHAM n......:.. \.'..........' '1onv1' 1_H`- gs on ma uuy yvmuu um Ioleraleg sole- tbe sake_of the entertainment they. l. V . 'novel_tyin' ' { '- ,':ToILErr ;ARTIGLES, ' -Combs,` ISrushoo,1l'nncy_SoIpl, Pei"-' Ana |WHO'LESg'AL_E &. RETAIL-| _' __ . -u- - nu - 1.; VII IIIIIIUU nave: .-brought intq this market, buldes every ` j . `novelty in" M E . J l"'\?C-:`-:j - ----A-' 4` PANISH sole, Slaughter, irpper, Kip, Calf, Harness, Binding, Lining, Shoemakers Finding, kc. _ A T . ' ` ANDREW GRAHAM. CCHCS. ` . . ' V /Ihe public will filndit to their adveniap-3 :5 give us a call before-buying elsewhere, at, oodg atvcost price, and silver taken` at par, Wm V Sui; the present hard times. With manv `wank; to our kind friends and customers fo- ._ pmt favors `we `wish each and all of you a _,3;,py and pros: peroua new year. V 7 = . . R09 ; n. nrr nrnnarn Dr P13: .`e".`&'1iKJ lsmor mum LICENSES, Lot No, 14, am 0972,, 1_nm`s/ez, ; Tweeds, Cloth-3`. `Besvers, 1'Ja'xnas!rs, Flanuels, Prints, Cottons, Shawls, Mautles, `Cloaking, Under-Clothing, Tickings. Blahkets, Hats, Caps.` Hoods, Sontags, Gloves, Hoisery, Skeletons, Ribbons, Feathers, Flowers, Towelyling, Cotton Bags, Linen Bags, Carpets, Ready -made C!oth- ' iug, Boots and Shoes, Shelf Hardware and Axcs. A'hoice lot of Tens and generql Gro- ceries. `U11. A1 11.11.31 U1` r Uuri. un. r 1 my I mama, with tho privilege of `purchasing A farm of about `.300 acres, with from 50- to 100 notes cleared, simatedbwithin 5'or 6 milesjof a. Rail- way Station, within-the County of Simcoe.` A I\h`tv On Illa AS the faartnerslmip existing between the un- ' dersigned will expire n ext_April, and the business must then be closed, they are now of- . feping to the pnblic, at cost price, the _whole Stockvof PIa_in and Fancy .'1TIl.1`I(`1 ltx-txwxzw 1`8?I!i!ifmsM[-% I "V >b1 usant_7'SA tu1'-day iflrhoon dII;riiIf:g":`;tbe_ V ,come_1 a appearance, ten yearsggo, an nolronnnl,` - after I prospu-ons.voysge,..desognded_npqn `-1. (irin,inT the neighborhood f o In-geumurket >-V&&rI& yuuyvuvllvll-, Photqgraplacr, late of the London Slercoscopzc and Plzotogfaphic Company,- ' EGS `to inform the inhabitants `of Orillia a_ndvthe surrounding -country, that hehnd colgmenccd husinessin Orillia, and is pre- pared to take Photographs of every, descrip- tion. Oartesde Visite, Imperial or Cabinet Canes, Stereoscopic Famiiy Groups, and larger Pictures at moderate prices. Pm-ticnlnr {attention nnid tn nn1m-Inn and Iris- --.:- MEQICAL HALL, 1-\ An amnnm -nn.-anon ` PARTr;1_If:_F3sHn P. Sellinggt Cost, A FRONT STREET, Nearly qrpaite the . :-.--- ,rlCll'C3 Ill IIIIIOUEIBIG PTICGB. ' Particular attention pn.id_to;co1oring and_1-e. touching Pictures- ` ' F'rnman_- Tmnlmts nhd Union. in am |'2.~..._ November 17th,_1869. V PROF.-A CUNIO S_ A SHAVING, HAIROUTTING n---.7 -v......_.. `.v.. \.- --vggagvvgw -Is in the large building llatelyteccupied by ' Mr. James Russell, ' n,,....'A..A7,. 1T,,..._,', 71'. 1 V ENTLELlEN`S Whiskers and Hair Dyed. Ladies .H_aircutting done in good style. Good Hair Dye. Hair Invigorator. Hair Oil, &c.," manufactured and sold by-Prof.'Cunio. , Come Gents who wish a good smooth face, List while I tell you of a place . W Lore razors are kept bright andkeen, `The easiest chairs, and towels clean. Where we will shave, shampoo, or trim, And brightenfaces which lookdim ; And if your hair is white or red ' V - Prof. Gunio s Lotion colours well. ' , Forjust ve cents we now willshave, And dovit so smooth and clean You ll any wears a mowing machine. Around your nose and chin we ll creep, With so much ease you lldrop` asleep ; ` Your nap will pay for coming here ; The old we can make look so green, The gals will say you ro sweet sixteen ;' And when. 3 on leave here for the street, Your friendswill smile when them you meet`, And say what makes `your hair so dark." Oh, it was the Prot'essor s Hair King's wash, l ' And he can do you black or brown, A little better thanany house` in town" And if _a twirled moustache you want. Prof. Cunio brings one out. ' ' T Leather !' I.eatl:e_1'._!- eather! 7 ..pti1~i.IL()P STREET, BAR` >13. - VBan-ie, -JiL.nin_\ry`,;_186.'lf Barrie,` Jan y.` 1e'7o.t A Barrie, January, 1867 July, 1869. vg-i ~--......., Apply to ' n woim TERM OF F0TURbOR. FIVE" YEARS; ` with Hm nrivilmm nf`nnrnImino' A. farm` nf AND SHAMPOOING .sALooN, . :. n... 1.... I...;m:.... 139.1- ..........:..,1 u. respectively .ten,*'eI`ht |hd%ihIio,'.-begged him to ~lift_ than into thst :'-`bigvhh_aket" that they 2 lnightuiz on-!`shooeyp|'euytodAd:q'shiou:. -While thoittventyion" of the an-onaut'vns' divertetl by more curious ; qoeniofneg-`u lrom cneighborin; farm, `this x-uh father lifted his ddrlingl, one by one`, Into the. car. 1- Ohnbhy. lmle Johnny moved the one too lunch mrinl camel. and v uluu-J A-zuaacu, Opposzgg the Barrie Hotel. `WANTED TO RENT .J'ULI'US VHAUMME, arrmlu-r, Vlnlp nf flu Tnn/Inn RI-.u GEO. PEACOCK, _- --.-.-. .-..- nw:I-I- "Amman, ARDAGE & STRATHY, ' Q..I2-2A...._ 13---!- OLIVER .9. co_.Ti` - -i-`min 4- l vilj Z >Un- _ ; " EG to snnounce that they con- Vtinua to keepip Mock the best j supply of - T ` ' - PIIHEENELISH nnuss mush! inhs IL}- --_I.-A l_'__n:n_- , DOMINION T MPH GALLERY! DISSLQLUTION QR QUE,` -"I010 `llll. GIL 3- UIIIDPJ.` IIIUG JOIIIIIJ med ones too'tnnch-~2'm'is1 cunel, ind 3 ght hirn.on the ground nnd then, nnIui:ky,- " not thi baby. but theeldes jiulifted out-. The relief wjniloo rent Inn 0 .|I0ll9|'- The Vointile.-creature : npu-its `mu It Iiope"of the fnrni) ,_- . `once, he jerk!-d__ the `hnlterout of the farmer : - hand, and `yith a bound mounted into the air !` .VaIn was the uronnufn nnchor. It caught. for ` 3 moment innt'enn,'bnt ittore 3179.1," and was .o'. dsngling niolessfy `nfter the runaway` bllloony Wbicltao swiftly and steadily rose tbgft, in nvfewtvminntes, those twnlitlle white faces peering over the edge of the car. grew in- distinct, nnd those pitnohs c'ri'eI ofPnpnl * Mnmmal" grewfninter and fainter, -up _in thoT 1 air. ` Near Victoria. 093.5 8: GILCHRIS I`.r I kept `covntantly I-Alma; ` Johazsoz House. , ORILLIA, .. .. -..-..g.--.-, Soliditors, Barrie. . 45-tf - I >7 ` ` us uuyunul . low pnceq JHSK 0. hand. Tfy ` , A.:f`ilVi."-liiidi`?aha-ii` jgjr-it r '880- vsaxuum. -V - - -- - s -- EALERS in all kindssof-Farming Implements, such as Reapers, Mowers . ;Fniming Mills; Straw `Cutters, Gabg Ploughs, Clutnvutors, Plonghs ofall k_inds, combmedV Horse 'Hoe_& Weeder, Horse Rakes, Horse ay Fu_rkS. Swmg. Machines," ThreshingMachines,Corn Crushers. All of wluch wnll be sold a ` Manufacturers Prices; . _ '|I'__-_I_ 'n_:._'.- 1ur-..:.I 1)'.......J.. 1',...~..1LQ.`.1.. and -nnctinns for all kmds 01 I01 ' Ilbillgll IUIIILE, LI.lUlIl\-I uvunuc, .4 plements. on hand and to order. __..,._ stove wnnsn , __.____ . , -- A -rs-r'r1'IrI.1 t1rl'1`l11T`I'.`r" -fthat}; .V...i.,. @RV WNT%7i# &Ww@@ r1:r.-n:-..'n.-5:7 Tania`-l'*h Au-rj ` - lVIe!'%chz1:|t Tailcr &Cl0thier, , _ ___.,_,_,_,,-_-;_,g as n.a.a\'J'-'ai3V\`JHHia'I`iI.'EiEi3i\Jfd`f guwaulwo [ [ BOLOGNAVAND GERMAN.S__AUSAGE, SAVELOYS,-&c. /-V-f\r\/\,\/./\/~ _x\. \/\. '\/ \/\/ _ _ 'X_VffA'RGEVAssomMENTAoF . _ 1 . Biscuits, Candies; Nuts; Almonds, Spices, Pickles, Sardines, Lobsters. 0vsters.*Can_'1ed Fruit. Salad On. (`Jun Q......... a..- ,n' '"\'vneu diatonceeud twilight finistehed, swell-' lowed` up ivoicen and faces,-and nothing could, be seenbnt that dark, `cruel shape. soiling triumphantly Away with ll: precious booty, like aumrinl; privoteer, the poor father sank down helpless and speechless; but the mother, frentic with grief still stretched her yearning orme_ to: wards the inexorable heavens, end called wildly up into the unonswering void. . v . * The neronaut strove no cnmmle the wretched n '1`-`S-+ M0F`FAT'i`, THEELEPHANTHOUSE, ;"\'11"I"r' -- - . mm) iz1?Wa:s:aLa: '%i1}na;\3@9` Ems mgws, % in 0 I I YOUNG HYSON. . . . . , o ---.......Va_Vv.v, _V(bL1ILLV ;.\uun nuuuuus D 1 ' ` afdine Lobsters, Oys,tersf`Can.'I_ed i7mit,_ Salad Oil: Cog: %?abr :hr.3];f'K11?s ` - whih will be` sold at a trie above cost." " a "of ;,`Please call and135$};`&Ef.i;{$"5BXEfii-{i5}{i?]"Ii; 18th" inst 1" A `T ?-17'-I-\ --1----- .`- 9/\a -ugw--..._.____' - ., a_t Whir,h'I oeif as low as : THE 131`.'s?r :1fE2.J.V. .;. , .. PAT. PAILS, each. .; each. a c c o o o 1 n , .. - -----~- -5- ---u ow vwu ma -my v-- wuwswru, u1e_ xz-sm inst_., _t MgA_UN1)BE`L;L s N%EW sTo;E " MARKET STR`ET, BA-RRIE4 And I ta'k'eA1his opporfuuity of thanking the public for "the very 1i_b eml patrci. nngc they have bestowed, and soliciting, a continuance of then" favors, I would 3 ' ' _call their attention. tonmy nc__w stock `of . ` VERY GOOD-'I+`iAYVSON. . GUNPOWDER TEA. .. cccuau Inpnmng down the balloon? r- ' - He |rst lifted out little; Johnny, who ran rapidly a few yards towards the h turned round and [stood fornf curiously surveying the balloon. The faithful- little ulster was so chilled and exhausted ,tlza_t she had to be carried _ into the `house, where. trembling and sobbing, she told her `wonderful story; . . i - -- om, than on vxnomentn',' Befqro`runriu;s.mountol ' I tchee` .to the with glidj I lingo of grant joy."f=He 1 git-. ii-_-thf nftcrnoon, and crew hours lnu'I`_tlI,05 ehiltiioh V "themselves arrived, in state,` with _l)nnne_`r'a`,'._a`nt ' conveyed in n covendhny-'Inggon and four, : . _;9,;v'b'1V|3A;.'.;`g mug. in t.hn'.'n-in-I.t.;..r.";' Mm,mER'im& MANTLE % SHOW ROOM % lIsA.now open and replete with all the `RiVr:hest and Latest` Styles of the schonx, K T "consisting of :. . I Bonnets, Dzessapss, Hats, -Ill Barrie, 1869. C`1ot111V.ng. Boots Aand. _Sho'es- All Wool Tartar .Pl1ids in various patterns. In DRESS GOODS and \VIN- CEYS, something new. The very best . - Innufacturers A M = [Plough Points, Monid Boards, Land-Sides and "castings for k1nds_ Inukngnin nn horn` turn] in nrtlnr- _ _ T r V . T T. 1 Canmlum ; fweetls, Flmmcls and Blan/sets] so0TT S up _llllU UIB UHIDBWEHDE V010. - .` The aeronaut strove :0 console the wretched i parents with essurnhces that "the balloon would descent within thirty miles of the town, nut} `that all might be well with the children, pro- vided ii: did not come down in` water or deep woods. In the event of its descending in n fnt'orable-- spot, there was but one danger to be apprehended; .he thought that the elder child might step out, leaving the younger in_the` balloon. Then it might ngninnrise, and con- tinue its voyage. - i ' ` 'Al1[nn_ runlied tho mnth.u,r.'..Tpnnie would \4\/Luna Batfrie, Majrh 17th, 1869. `' .vvvu' %"0``%" J '"`9 A'r<``21..`' ? .;..;;'-. * '-.4; *1: AA%GR1CULTU27.%iMPLEMENTS, . '_"";U"" _ . B; 8; S., will also keap on hand an assortmtnt'.o{' ,~ ~ ing Box and Parlour Stoves, HOHOW ```_ '0 gaging ' " Tinware, Sugar Kettles, _Lamps and Chlm5}5; . Machines, Washing Mt.1chmes,&C_-A 550- ' '0? Orders by Mail > promptly M am-7Azded to. - 1 1 ` n-I1 nrnrnrn 9- 0:-`A SPL]2ND1D`ASS0RT1I L'ENTV0F NEW FALL G'0OD:5.g;u 867-V xnaonuoon." - - ' ' The second little voice said : we runued away in `a. balloon. , down !" n:..'..-.. --...._--V, --- ' - _-uv. .0 ld Stand, Comer` of Duhl`op :St., R. R. squa._7'c A'SUPERIOR.CLA5S_ OF cams, D.UN.LOP STREET, m or MARKET STREET. DOOR TO THE ADVANCE OFFVICE;-" BOLOGNA Ann (1'F`.RMA`|\T .<:nm',u:x. q.'m.r... .l_Io LJLAJJ L! Tm: HIGHEST PRICE PAID IN CASH Eon FUR. N)-n > `J-A-._V.J_.r__`;_._;_,|__J_[.4_l\J..A.V_I._'.J-VV IJARKET STREIET, BABRIE4 > V - Ir` MANTLES, FEA T113123, TJAJJKE Ts, % T FLOWERS, RIBBONS, % % _nnot_'b'eib `*.jo"n` =-`-,or"an,.L zh . 1 ,' ` T A . ["~d~'I3wi3we383):%%&?i3se7i`233; ?u?1`3 . :.L` ` I;5ilv'K~'i;2.f n-;-`-'=.'I'on I 11.-.-` ..' -` _ -. unuens A `f Ah,`no," replied the motber,"`~Jeunie would `never stir from _the car without Johnny in_'h,er armsl"' .- _ _ ..- rm... |...n...... .......'...1 .::......n.. ;.-....-.. um may-lmt - Asa immense Slack Wlliclx will be sold vcly ch-cup. A is no asT5VEs! gmd. an endless vuiiety of Trimmings. qg15TANTLY on HAND, 7'1: - Int low '[I/U'II01Iblz'!/ WbbC(6lT0Cw_ bus - i V Address, ` BEATTIE &. SCOTT, ` . - BARRIE, .o1vz'. To be "round in the Market. arms! ' The balloon passed tiitectly over` the `market. town. and the childrcuseeing many_ people in the streets, stretched out their. hands and..cnlled `loudly for help. `But the villagers, though they saw the bright little heads, heard no (`u . ~ ' - ' . : any "few I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ---.-v.- .1, Lu _,,*,,,,-1{)6 T'I3:x_`L'r"232_sV-11`., i_1er1l:;.._....... ..`...... 20' GOLDEN SYRUP, per qt..... 0 0 g 0 I lb. 3 0 LEMON FEELS, &c., &c. , - ' 01-:ILLIA. % ' A l v;ay's arriving for`. Ihousg North of Toror-110. I give the price-of : af the leading articles: - Q. I: I ' v ' - ' .a. _`_- .1 auu-.1 al..L VV 2. -_.'.AN`1`)_;.' 3? SUGAR, 101b, _f'or._. . . . . . . . . . . CURRANTS, 20 lbs. for. .' . . . . . RICE, 20 lbs. for. . . . . . . . . . . BARLEY; 20 lbs. (qr. . . . . . . `. . . -VALENCIA RAISINTS, per lb. . VALENCIA RAISINS by the I2... P 00 ll. `...._ IL ' Q,-.:I0;*` 7 Snliil. uu uuwu. w.e are very cold!" Then usecoud little voice. too. `Please take us down I V Why, who pzre you? 1 yoix 7? 'l`hn an; {:m. ...`:-- -'-,-~ R. squa.7'c,_ "Barrie; B. SHER IDAN 837- woflm 946- xog;;aLi;;g t\ `T. nI.'4 Il--I.'-A E- -1-. . For Sale Cheap for Cash or Eut bolf"of Lot. 33, Isl. Con. tanguisbeue Rand, oontainin on may term; (he , Veaprn, Pene- 2 100 acres more '01` I153`, 70 acres elected , well fenced nnd in ,, `good stateof cultivation,` 9 acres {an .m,. in the ground. Plank House and 1-eressnrr farm building and young orchard just he-gin'. ningitobear; also a. well and never {ailiyn creek. . Polieuion given on the 1st April. For terms apply at this ollice or to Jns. .':, Johnston on the premises, or if by letter pro. paid to Dalston, P.O. Dalston. Feb. 26th` 1870 o a Wgil-`h"y comprehending: Ibo, sill farmer, getting hold of: dangling ceedad inpnlling down balldon. |rst out mu. . .r..1...... l . n nn:x-aunnnun n:.u..ua, THU .\'.`\I i . ab1e,.bonsea and lot, situate in n }-,.,,. pleasant part. of the town of Barrie, on n(,..-`, Blank, being 10! No. 17, l cncmngui;hr~m- Sn. containing cne acre and a half. 'I`l.u.- Imi, ..' contain six rooms each, xzbod cellars \\ am _e.,.,r-V water cisterns and good spring water. 'f:;..',-...v is a good garden with 9. large number of V, cellent fruit trees; the lnnd is of the very t,.,-_ quality. `For particulars apgily to A. CU.\'I0,_r.H:,:_'-_,. Pa:-rin Hnmi. ' ` 1'. HE South half of 14, on 12:1: Con. 7j_,._ T 100 acres, and South East qnmxg-r .,;4 3- in 12th (3011,, Tiny, 40 acres; and South I.;..- 1; 13111, on 11111 Con., 23 acres, all clean,-d l, ,; . acres; in a~good state of cl1livntE0n, M I superior class cf Igmd, with` F'r.u'n-'1: llnose 1 Stable, :3 [[02 Hanna, Log .ll:.~l~.; Shed. Will sell to suit purchasers, eizll-.r ;..--. or all. `On: fun-liar ntfrnvllaru nnnln In 01. . A... , , , an. . For furlher prmiculars apply to the rm; the Lot`, or (if by lcglter post-paid). tr) _ \\'ILLIA.\I C.-\.\lI 1 ms 6-3mO Pcnetangni:1;u:.-~ _._..._.._;.-_.. _.._.....__ _._V . V -We bsvyehd other pliace. .-Toron;onlone. .. `__ _ puhctually attended to.__;.-f7}: ,--r-`.-.- --- ---=_-un,.uy proving property and `E , 'J';`P!,9!,l3 the Wellington grgs51q,;iiak3\ `i:p;iah%i6:'% * r 11-3inlp .- --.------__- -- 7 _ ?, -.___ Stables, &c., on each, with a fronlmje 0'. sides, and sitngted on the.N.W. Cox:.~ : . . , 141 KING S3` I ox-onto, 6th Dec. 186 ?j': w" - ' -. M` ....._ -. Bu-sy,ed,_ ;,_ ' ' ,-st 9""h:'e?I?i3:3} E3532` p?f, ,.?;., `5.23 f`."D!= Ii!` tho Wellincvtnn may call. -v~... FVARM FOR SALE OR TO REA nwELL|NcT'jia6'1i, szvazsm Qouhlna R70 nn nnnh whhn f'rnn!mvr. .. - . uun-`-ol:n'e umoer, and other hurthvoo-E. TERMS OF 1 AY.\l1'I.\"1`-0ne-L:x`.:` (2 down, tlit: other, half iu_,two equal nn:au.U. ' mcnls, with inm-est at seven per ccnf. A150. Building Lot No rm L`...-. <' 1.. ` . uu.-ms, wun 1n1L=res_t at Also, Building Lot No. 30, East 53.? Toronto Street. in the Town of Barrie. o: of an acre, ndjvibing the residence of '1'. I 2I1cConke_v, Esq.,.on easy` terms of pn_vuu:.' B3`TlTLl-IS cLmR...51= , For fxxrthet particulars of Tiny LOf,V"1['j"_`\' ' WV. FE.\THERSTO.\'II.-\I'G'H. i{.~r.. l_)gp n1y Warden Refoxmatory, I cnetang1x;;l`m:, Or for both Lots to Z &:Niulunqn`-`-gshbr. .(I?.`B can 1: _ we re` BroI_I_ohfl i'g g&_ov i: aneu_ ,p pnnnfuln MARKET SQ'U`A.:E~?.'};`_ ' :_AIsc 10 acres of land joining H10 .::`.~ if I-Iarter s.fnrm,and 20 minutes w.m`.'.~. ".-.r._ - .)h:'rket. To be sold togetbr or .=op.:.'u:.,-'-.' suit purchasers. Terms liberal`. I-`nr fnrfhr mxrtlrulnrz mmlv In 1. The premises and grounds now occry I Mr. R. J. Oliver, Lots 17 and IS Ens! .-.4;-- chednsb Street, having frontage; on `.l;.-u r and Colborxie and Front Streets. c<~.v:'..~ about a_n acre. The house is r-unzfmtu?-' up, conmin3'8 rooms be-sides`ki:c!;c:1. '._ complete wood-shed, Driving Home, Smtxi ve horses \\`itl1_lnrge loft over, and M `- '1ent Fruit bearing 0rc`h'.\d. Plrnxps fuz l,..r~i soft vtaler. Posscssiqn can be givcu in .'\1 bet next. A - n I ... \'.-. 1nCv-...'Lu-,_____ Lmanan T0wN%LoTs s $5 01' No} 6, 17th Concession of T:n-.- J` Acres, near Penetnnguisheno I`m_v. ' nrc~on this Lot between one and two 12'...- Pine Saw I'.ogs,.a large quutitily `of V2; Unk-`-St:n'e Timber, and other hurdwcwi. 'l`ERMS rm v,\v.\n.'\"v_n..Ax..-.A Feb y 7:h,18?o. iV-------- can. almost have thought the translated little crea- tures -small angel navigators` on some voyage Amazed at the strange apparltlorx, they mlhf ` of Adlscovery "some cherubic adventure. of their `own, as, heading towards the rosy cloud-lands and purple islands of sunset splendor, they sailed deeper and deeper into`the_'_west, and faded away. ~ ' . - Snmn -nnmnnnv 'tho'v lm. nnnr little elev- [C-LT H ENG? | P .&N. MELAD Y South ba!fLo 35, in'4Lh Con., $'o:::~.~:. 100 acres. \T D -sin-6 YAI-`K in IAIL I"-.. \'... UCF U911: ' _ 2. Lot No. 10 South lfesaossnga Street. frontage also on .\iau-hednsh Strrct. halfan acre, tobc sold in suitable 11:. Lots, 9 1'...(. Tn .._.! nn n,'~.1,._ . n s IIUIU CMCUI Also for sale, a valuable Brood . vfarc- 3:. (the `mother of the .-celebrated truttixig Julie) and likewise a. Colt now rising fen.-. For nnrytionlm-Q mmlu In. I-` I I) 11:` "i;%6cE_ mm. % FOR SALE ohm HEAS.l-INABLE TEME-`.3 u can. uuu LJVI./LU, ll] um um Lun., 11114.; [00 acres. - ' _ South half Lots, in 13111 Cou.,W;:`1(`. ,bury-l0O.ucre5. -~ And Lot 11, in 2nd 'Con'., Gcorglm, (1. of York.-180-acres. ` Am) I0 ` \\-`U, n f`..\\'.\I".`.' uu bu`. , 3. Lots 19 n nd 20 Coidwatcr Road 0:; "acre ench. AL. 0.. ....1.. A ....1....Lv.. h___.1 Ir, dlM .L') uuu }ih'cW!S0 a you mung ton` For particulars apply to: F. J. R. H C.onveysmcer,Oril1in, or to Dr. OLI`'El!, July 2811), 1869. - we comet. * The next that the worthy woman heardtrom her wakeful spouse, was a frightened` summons to the outer donr. It seems, that no_ soonerdid the step forth from his house`, than his eyes fell "on a _strange portentons shape hanging in a lnrge pen:-`tree about twenty yards distant. He could'see in it no likeness to -anything earthly, Bnd ho half'fa.ncied it might be the having` put out his light, had come down there toperch. In his {right and perplexity, he did comet, who,. what every wise man would do, in a like ex-- tremity;>he called on his valiant wife. Rein: forced byher, he drew near the tree, cautiously reconnoltering. Surely-,_ne'ver pear tree bore such fruit! - ' 7 ` - ,Suddenly there deseended from thelvthings ' plaintive, trembling little voice. Please take us down. We cold l : usecondlittle. mi... u (.4. .... JUU l1CI':Bu ' N. E.p:'1rt Lot'l5, in 1011: Con., .`'c::: ` -53 acres. ' _ Norlhlmlf Lot 1.7, i'ntl_1e 18tb_ C03,. 1nn or-rnn - 'l4lI3l uau uun. La, .Lu ASL LULL, '.\UIl.iI U! 100 acres`. Lot1'. ,in'3rd C0n., North 0riHia-F'z_,, West `half Lot 16, in 13th Con., I-Ieduuu RPFDR. - 100. acres. Lot 11, in 8th Con.,`Vespr:1--'1h 35;.-5.. West `half Lot/10, in the 2nd L`on'., Inn I00 nnrpa_ lvlzal uuu uni. AU, Au uu: -2H1 MOE. .-.";G(. PHI IU UIIIBIUH, r.U. Dglston, Feb. 26th, 1870. LVULuA'u;Iu uul. 1-5, In IL_.IU lDlU_ b(J.'1.. 100 acres. - , _ , - Wes`. hnIfLot 26, in 2nd Con.,Tin_v-1 Ezist ba1fLot 1; , In-ls: Con., '.\'u`rth 1 mn at-rim` V ..-.. ...... ..... ..., ...... vuuo, ..,c....,._ acres. V West lm.lfLnt 18, in the 4th Con. "r~ , .'..v Ifln nay-no 1` or Pllfllllu Bayrle HoteL_ Barrie, -Feb. _ --. 7 -- -- r-v---tun-ul.L_Jv N REASONABLE TERMS, TWO .\'.`aI able houses lot. situate in n JUII -."' The first little voiceinyiid : Hnrwo'od a little boy and girl,` in a. balloon. ' Tho in.-and Hui- '_:;. - - 2F'C>1-'1 sA1*_j.":z-::, .\r 1'inAunxmn1v.w r!'l.`nu:< ......... 1:-on` SALE, {Ill [lll!`CllZlECl. genus uucnn. For further particulars apply to Y T T`. 'I3aVrrie,."Nov. 17th; 1869. Toronto, Oct. 26, 1838 HIIE imdersigned offers the ful1(,'.'.'i:.g \ L propertyifor sale, viz:-- ' 4- OT1Ta`iI:I-.1A\`7JAIT`I,I~,.} 1`(:I-:. Desirabl P1:>_13_e_rty for Sale- I'1`:Il.~A YVEVDV.V I4: KING smear EAS-T.V _ "I 191' puey were very cold; Farmer Buxton, who lived in 8 lonely house on the edge of his private property was a. famous sleeper in general, but on this particular morn- ing he awoke before dawn, and, though he , turned` and turned again, `he could sleep, no" more. "So, at last hevuaaid to _ his good wife, `whom he had kindly awakened to'iut'onu her of his unaccountable insomnoleuco.` II s uouse; l ll justget up and dress, and have a-look .nt the comet.- ` . - 'l"I-`V . an-`L 51...: 11.. ._> -I %Two 1-4 acre Lots, *--_- I ~fI.'1':ni_po'n SAL -4vu.., ie, -Feb. 25m1`s7o. @ IN TORONTO,_ are to be fonrid in the more of x THE T<`:f1iEA"1`*1-:`s'r_` ;--~-.u.so-'-- away. Somey -company "they had, poor little sky- wnifs ! Something comforted them and alloyed their wild terrors ---som`ethi_u'g whispered to them that, below-V the. night and clouds, was home; that above was God; that whenever they might drifn or clash, living` or dead, they" would 'ati1l`be in mi domain and under His care ,' that though borne awayhmong the stars, they could out beviost, for His love would fol~ _ low them. . A Ivlmn Hm mu.1:,.I.a -1! .......-o '... ...... .....A at... --- gv; 1.1511 3 ~'S?`II1`.'1` 1us1','* 1 ` 18663:. -` ' -A ND- ws._ M. SANFORD, 1:..- WM. 13. CA.\'.~\ ., J; MELADY, I"'K ll\r\nr\\vnu -- _Q`v_a--J_&VJJ.lLJJ., _ET'_mgs'r;j'roRON1'u. . " ' 48-If T bf gulinness but _y,. . 7" llevnmor fol` _ I'D Throat, III,.and ro- V,888-3m - 9-Smo p, e-'n'o, `On 1.`. low uu.-nu. When the sunlight all went -away, and the _great comet came blazing out, little Johnny was `apprehensive that the comet might come too near the airy craft,`and set it on tire with a wisk of its dreadful tail. But when his sister `assured him that tho`_ery dr_agon. was`a.s much as twenty miles away," and that God wonldn t let him hurt them. he was tranquiliz- ed. but soon-afterwaxde anid, I wish hewould come a little nearer, so Iicouldi warm myself-. I'm `so cold 1 - .r Tlunn Tn-\-1:15 Ian`: `G I.-- ____._ _...I _...-......J `Apply to` D. ' 11-3in l_p IOU!` 030!!! Ill ILIB C_l0llU.5'l V . I . At length, a happy chance or providence- we will say pro,vidence-gu,ided the little girl-`e wandering hand ton chord connected with the valve; `mmetbing told her to pull it. j At once the balloon began to sink, slowly'and geu(|_y,_ as though` let down by . under hands, or as V -though some celestial pilot guided it through the wild currents of the air, notiletting it -drop into lake or rivers, leafy wood or imponelraled _ swamp, where, this strange; nnchildlike ex- `perience migbthave been closed by a, death of unspeakable horror,-` butvcausing it to descend as softlyns a. bird alights, on a spot where human ca.:e.and pityiayvaited it. - - The sun had not ve:'ri~:n. hizt. ,!!m .....__s, uuruan careanu [)lly`.W8|l8(l II. The had not _ye.`.'risn, but the morning `twilight had come, wherttho little girl, locking over the edge o_f_the cur, snw-the dear old earth coming neareP.-. rising toward them," she said. But when then the car stopped, to` be, great disappointment, it was not on the Q,-on',,d_ but cnughtfast in the topmost branch 0`f`9,'t'[-e Yet She saw they were hoax` n. hol1se`wi1Pnce heip might 'soon cane, ao.she`awakened'he, brother and told him the good news, and to. gether they watched and waited for "deliver-K Mice`, hugging each other fox`-Ajov and warmth- for they were coid.~ . _ ' Farmer Buxtnn, whn lama :.. .. u__ ,. . Why, liow Cant say`m.fprayers befofo I have my supper `Z - asked little Johnny. . f Sister hasn't anv gunner fmfvnn nr hm-molt. have my uuppvr ('- asxcu mue Jonnny. any supper foryou or herself,. but we mus]; pray all the harder, solemnly re- sponded Jennie. _ " Sn the urn Vhnhv wnnnrnra nlixnn `Sn Hun 1 III SD UULUI .- ' ' ' Then Jennie took of her apron and wrapped it about the child, saying tenderly f-- 3 This is all sister has tn make vnn warm.` 11. noon: me cnua, saying tenderly :- This is all sister has'to make you warm ` `darling, but she ll bug you close in hex` arms and w: will say our -prayer and you` shall-`go to S e`?`:Ivl\V_ hnw nun T aav'vn9`nu-nunv-:7 `Nnfnu-A T upxruucu aennlev. _ V p ` So the two baby wanderers,.aloue in.the wide, lieavens, unuwed by darkness, immensity, and silence, by the presence of the great comet, and` the millions of unpitying stars, lifted. their little clasped hands and -'sobbed' out their aorrowvful;0ur Father, and then that quaint little supplementary prayer:- ' Now I lay me down to sleep, , I pray the Lord my soul to keep, If Ishould die before Iwake,' V I pray the Lord my soul to take." There! God heard that ensy;jfor we are -close tovhim up here, said I innocent little Johnny nnnlmnc-mT\ivinn1n.vA aonnma tn ll... Incl- -ruuuuy _ Doubtlesa Divino love stopped to the little ones, and folded them in pett'ect,peaee-,--for- soon the younger, sitting on the bottom or the- cnr, `with his head leaning, against his sisters knee..sle'pt as soundly as though he were lyjng in his` own little bed` at home; while the elder watched quietly through the long, long hours, and the car oated gently -on the still night air, till it began to away and rock on the fresh morning wind. _ ` Whn can divine that aimnln limo nl1nR7n morning wulu. Who can divvioie that simple little ohi1d a thoughtgspaonlntious and wild imaginings, while watching through these hours ? She.niay' have feared coming in collision within meiot- for manywere abroad that-night. scouts, and heralds -of the great comet-or. perhaps being cast away on some desolate 'sta`r'.island, or, 'more'dreary s_till, oating on,_ night and day, till they should both die of cold and hunger. Poor babes in the clouds?! A1 i.....n. .. z...`..... ..s......... .. ..-.._e_{-_, -.... .. ..u.~u.;, um; um soonerdid `tom 2 nbonftwenty tno ncied might comma mxm ulugv me situation, . rope,: rn .- :';realion_hn ifspinuhlism ben"pooi- _ `Ii 3. Bl!_ilt:`nbln math, and: no ner'o"poteul_ ;ihIll,0cinnaiiqn-u, according to nVome,_v itin- ' :lhef;, nll Ihe phi|oadphen'iii the` world may ` in npetully any to damngo ifs position 3 u M ght dogli the pyr_ui1_id| w?ith.euhera.p 2..'-uu-- I ran IL` :n1`nI\nr|tInnn.s nr liifllil I the) thing}: ce. 111 ' a. , Aid hungry V And whre "are, :--=' u is us, ..`..a . Please_ take" us "` W3 are Mr.` and we `are lost , aitution, tine `lint: rnnn - ...... ..., uni >e,: sue-. Bntsiess`, [foi-. wliicli e has ng gdh rstclass won-kmsn,] in connection with is -Gunsmith "and General l_Iardware.estab1xshInent".7 -' ' A ---:o;.--. o _..__o.__. .411` kinds'ofrepair-sng done and an i_oo'rk warran-ted - "of: Sipeoe-`." .` `- I I3 l'\`|' ITIII equiiy of,redeVIn'3V' and (create! the I olvent and my! elf :3 big: siguee on the l_lowing_prop9!:, Ggi 1.-- :'!'bo` `ti: Edit" quaivfh-r '61 hum . once8I_10n 0 : Ve_spx':s,. 501: %""[' ' guuv uruuu-o v] 1 Ulvuu nus wv-an nu- --iv w-. .. _.. __.__o.__. stem: Stoves ! stoves}! \ nan A A77,` Io}. S./ILE, _ _ `Agent for_.the Giiovxn & Bnnfn Sewin M865? ' Barrie, I869.` . ' * ' 19-Iy. . -v I I ' _ lBEsTANDJ9%HEAPEsT| l'"$lVE|`4'r5 l "' NDER and by virfuefof tho p er vested in ' me as assignee of the ash: and etfects of` the above named Insolvent. ` will oIfe,r or` ' ' cause l.oAbe_ offered fo sale by _f',SAc"_tz2'cZAz;z/, the`nigztk.fzy qf April |niEssRs.%A.& J. w. FERGUSON |` FERGUSONVALE, T - Spritivgzmitvt:-ess_=.s,' Fnmify Swfng. Machines, Coln Trimmings, Room Paper, Window Blinds, TFramed_Pictu res,Scho'al Books, Coucartinas Desk and Mclodeons, Ladies Work Boxe',Writing Can-iag_e's._ V _ _ - . - , . Sashes. Dnm-1: nnd'Rlinq` lmht nn ham`! and ,Toys and Fancy Articles,` Ghildrepfai ua1:rlag_es._ '- 1 ' Sashes, Doors and'B1inds,` kept on hand and made to order. -` I ` ` Peter Street, Orillia, O.W." ` .~ 46- I Inuilze "matter of.ALI}AN GIL I-V T "Insolvent. OPPOSITE McW1{ ms HOTEL Takes pleasure in snnoxzncing to their custo- mers and publicigenerally, that they have now . -on ba.t;d`n completonssqrtment-9f V wliich avtre-iatlcast 20 per, cnt below last wi_nter's prices. ` v ` IIlI|. VII III y I_-IIIIIIU Vfllllg I-Vhillvywu igigurn iiglgorthc indpendenoe or redith " iiny do_ou-inc that lays olnim I0 Vlho_ epithet ;2_g`_Re|Igiqns; when "its `idherenls become hyper-ae nuit_i`ve.to oriIi'cis'm.V Thege can `be ' liule do:ibt.jhu" ismi of whatever genus, T when ramifying fro'mA agenuine _>:igin,`a'ro [able to suunin the onslaught otuparcial ridicu!e ai_well aq that" or searching din-` belief. v ' ` ' % ,1. B'.0.0T.H' CARPENTTER` AND VBUILDER, | HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, | Also a large quantity 0! at-ey, White,-and esh-` V ` " ' . colored v Inmmvonsl TINWARE5! DELF AND ('}LASSbWA1iE,~ [FARMING 1rgn.1;mum's,J l%F:aps:%s~;aam asmwl 1moms2ms.| __ I -ALSO4 , General.Insura2c Agents. - A, EERGUSON. ` J.:w. FERGUSON. --. -.--,-wv-V-..\.-a Frusonvale Dec. 6,`-1869;` guy-uuu K `The inlegriIy qf1inylhing'is'bBoi assured lyy me, most pdnetming lest; and the virtue which collapses under a baptism of hard nametmay bowegarded as hardly worth the ohridlening; ' ' ` $1-... '2 .___II_ E- _-. ,'_,, , >- -_- ,V .1... '0 H EAPNESS l'mMrI.a mazllm 2] U1id(fr SIzi'i1jts x' Pdwzts ' PHOTOGRAPHS Tnompsows & vmrs . AIHE . ...... -.. ..--t_ . .... . ."..-.`...-a `9.11 ninr n DELF GLA SS:WA1iE,~ %Bd%ttl`ed and Barrelled % ~ I.1qu0rsT ' TV oi* CHOICESI` BRANDS, 7 _ Barrie, Kugut, 1868. AS re-bpendilxe above wll known atand - .West of the Wel_lington.Eo_tel, when he ' ' __ intend; to carry on - `have nver before been uerqunlied in Barrie. nj._. A. London` to Canada and Australia is founded. upon. wise "considerations; fin general, the emigration _of persons " and young woinenvwlioiareieeady. at liandicraftsnieu of certain classes, such ` Spitalelds, or most of the distressed _ notfin the power of the Imperial ,:ial-Purliament, to oblige the Legisla- . itlie Australian or the South African A colonies to provide employment and . waste` lands, which now fetch afair . i_al -Governments; and it would," be. A 'Whi'techapal and Poplar ufon `allot- l 1 Hampshire, which y_ields no revenue `to the Crown. The debate on this `V subject on Tuesday showed a singular "first oect, should any Miiiistry ever -The refusal of the `Government to ' undertake the task of-removing all the destitute Iamilies at the east end of The colonies will not assistor accept, whose -page and previous habits unt them for rustic labour. Young -men once to apply themselves to the rudest ' kinds of country work, and skilled as carpenters, ` wheelwriglits,._ and smiths, will be likely to nd a welcome; but not the poor hand-loom weavers of artisans of a city ,p0pll'lD.ll0l`l. -`The ' Government would be justly` blamed if it were to` convey these iiiifortiinate _ people away from Eiiglaiid, where a " legal provision is made for the relief at least of actual destitutioiif aiid;t_o-cast them out intotlie wilderness, supposing that the colonial autlioritiesb would per- mit them to `land. _ As for _select'emi- gratioiiethat of the sort of` persons likely to rough it prosperoiisly-in a-new c'ountry-we believe it may well be left to take care of itself. The Wool-. wicli dockyurd labourers, some hund- reds of whom have obtained a-free pas- sage to Canada in the "outward-boiind troop-ships, are probable fit subjects for V the experiment; andthey had aspecial claim to -public `assistance. But it is Government, not, indeed, of the Imper- tiires either of British America or, of subsistence tor the English poor. Their price liy the acre, belong to the Colon- '; more leasible and not more iiijiidicioiis to settle, the distressed classes lromv . rrtents cut out of the"New Forest, in want of -practical sagacity and fore- thought on the part of those who advo- cate the spledid speculation. Its be persuaded to try it, would be_ fatal 1 to the efforts _\vli_ich rrahy frugal and indtistrioiis young persons are now rrinkiiig here to save, money for their 1 A. own emigration, and -which the colon- i , friends. The next result would be to ists are making for that of their own betray the Government-assisted, emi- grants into a false position, where they *1 _ must. eitlierbe exposed to cruel hard-V ` ,-ships or become `permanent pensioners ' of the State, ata cost_ much greater - than that of poor-law relief at-home. . political quarrel withthe colonies, as . on.the question ofitrnnsportation, tar? [niiiiating in their secession Hft`0m, lll0 ` Britishempire. `Mr. Gladstone liude-l ' ; _ c.'isi.vely announces that lie. will not-the .` _- . meaning mischief.-. I t I The ultimate consequence might be a : 1 I responsible for such a policy of 3: REE 1 TUST feceived a Splendid assortment of ALL -wnm. ` - .' `- TH !-:' 1*INsMyI'rf-nuke 0aZ}Tz'ne`t J'|2aker and UnderzaI.;e7-A. ' IDI TECCH - WOOL 1 GROCERIIES,` HARDWARE, "CALI; AND EXAMINE.- I V` G.RVA>H,A` 1\ l I ____..-L Ihn "u la6 `in w_oll=joIenod.aMn_d.-t.'g:|.Icod. '1 qgothr or ad ` ` "ugly; ark Ia`oulNoI'a' jgnu or WoYI'f hj f__o;{IJiii -23 _`s_ of jVo`am-o'.. `ram: mi nnd 33,5Wes_i sgdq at. ;qe)`;'8t_nu,i;'u,' ? -`which for qilliiy, pntte_r_n,and Now, `it really is not Fsurprisingvthat Spixilualism, '-un_rol_isble and capricious nail is. should haveexcited that peculiar form 1 of nnbeliefwhich manifests itselfin ridicule. We are told that there is a medium in all things, Spiritunlism 'inc|ude_d, we suppose ; but what is it medium as concerned with the creed under notice ?_ 'I'c_be worthy.ofIhe title must one bdpossessed of inordinate credulity combined with inferior "mental power T` Does the medium enjoyhis peculiar 'funcIinos from hisvyouth up? is it a per- sistent study of hi_dden-things that specially qualies him fordhis eccentric mission ?`Are the mysterious powers with which he is credited ashed into him by some certain and unemhly revelation, and are they transfer- - able. _or, at least. is the secret of their cc- quisiticn communicable `I .` Tim ntmnsrihnrainf awn which nnvninnah