Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 7 Apr 1870, p. 1

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Ispliblished Weekly, in_the Town of Ba'r_rie,. every 'l`.nmzsn._u morning, containing the current news of the d-u.y,v.andVa1l shatters pertaining" to the alfairs of the Gounty.:Price $1 in ad_vance,cr $2.00 _if;not-paid at the timeof subscription. . .. " . Anvsrmsmo-Six lines or under, first insertion e ,5 )c; each `subsequent one l2_c...0ve1-six lines, 16 perline,rst insertion ;- each sub- seqnen one do. Professional or Business Cards _$4 par ycnr -$3. forsixmonths, if` not more than ten lines. Special contracts can be made by\the_year,"or pa1-ts ofa. year. Orders - to discontinue Advertiser ments to be made in writing. ' - `K0 paper discontinued "until all arrenrages arepiid, except at the option of the publish- er. ` ' V Pu.sr1xs,Booimmoi.\'a and Round done on the premises, The facilities of the `Establish-_ ment are more completethnn any other North of Toronto, having been carefully .. tted -out in every'pa.rticular. _ ' v Communications should be` addressed to the Publisheripost-paid. _ I . t _ . n. nmzw u-----n ' ' _ __ _ ' , GENT run J AS.J0l12~'SON, SEER: - - 7 Pnomzxsron. THE Subscriber having succeeded Mr. Grib- _bin' in the. above very comfortable and commodious Hotel, begs to assure the numerous customers of this favorite and well established stand, that he has made considerable improve- ments in the internal accommodation and other-` wise renovated it so as to renderthe House one of the best Family or Commercial Hotels in the piece. ,'1I`ho bar will be -found stocked with Foreign u.ndiDor_nestic liquors end cigars of the choicestbrands. - - - - - - ' - The .L/lccident. '1nsura`1'zce" e Company, IN THE POST OFFICE BUILDING,iI3:\RRIE, . Barrie, May mt,` 1*scs.=_ ALEX.MORRO\lV, Eircellent stabling'and'_sttentive ostlex-3." AGENT FOR ` . P ensure boats Fishing tackle and vehi-les ' . V ` . ' for the convenience of summer guests` tend A D ' S tourists. The Hotel is situated on the margin - ]NsU[{ANCE.C0'v1PANY of the Lake and within is minutes of the steambout wliarves. " , A ` ' -.873-.- ,__-_._... A-1. ...u-"qua .i...g.-as R0YAL1NURAl}}lCE COMPANY 9 QU_'EE`N S `F:lR'E & LIFEJV -.`/"~"_ - . V - . . . V V ! n;;`;:3*g;La;.Ng: j Ll: - V, June,1868. TAVERN STAND TO LET in the Town of Barrianear Allendah-, The house is in good order, and capable of doing a. gdod busi- ness,-with good stablingand sheds a.u:ached.. ` Apply if by letter post-paid to A v ' I T A; m1so'AMP1sELL, ; Allunnln `P. 0'. WW SIM! ZEN uuzuuvc unucla ulvvulq In l1'3"- Charges very reason; I, nrul, 1r(.\n able. 4} --ENVLVAI{GE'_M E`N'_1` OF TII-IE L H1333! Ill H I I A luu VI _ > Garden," Ag "cu1t1iraI; [ F1ow9;{__8_eeds- L55-AMLL KINDS OF PLANT3 V1N.'?0T5f1 ` ~ " , Kopt 'on hnnd',`a.i:'gl nluo ` .'...a A. ; rnmr r.1n:` VLALLY-, I A T '1' 0 RN E Y` S-A'T-L A W, t '_"""' % Hams ear gggwamit l'3:`\RRIE,V CQUNTY smcbm.` ev3:'r;.;r:i;nis\te onheqted w.ith_{8drtF- r4,., ,,.r '1 . .. ` 1 W; `I. ,` k` .~gc.,?` arc;;%'r:j .Jre;`; Hsusbtibers hax-Aiu'1g'opeie1`1 '_ stoi f6_i" the-sale ofnll kinda of"_ .- ` ` -I J -In: i A -1}.-`.>YAA`L HOFEL. BARRISTERSTAT0RNEYS-AT- -. -_L,AW, " T _ SOLICITORS IN CHANCERY. . . BARBIE, - . on-'r.. nun A ya: us J.` V: vu vn :.a_u...-.. 3 _H._FRASE R- P_r9r1rjst__r-I _ Pnomzua-ton. IAMYDIEIJU, A11anda1e,P;o; ' 49.46`. Proprietor. ab n . V" 8'25- I U: .-'-;.._.-.________._.,___;___.___._..___.______, ER?/3N7;9!:|VEF%,\ __-,,.Nv;,v.vv.,-,-,,,~~.,~\- %/7\ -.~ F\-~( _D-Ft..d.V H.'WATS_ON, A (FQRMERLY mas. SVCHOIJ-`IFLD 8.: W}.TSON, ' ' `ISONDHI-JAD,) _ . _-- A - ' nu `l.JlaLJ..LJ"l'.L. u.......-..,__--_, -., Rcsiddxxpo Mr. Charles I9i'(.:(`-}:\:(: f,'l`.lIOi'l1t_t)l|`a` Tbbrnton, Se[$t_einber,_"l'8{ 9.' . ~ 890-l]y_. WA LTER 1311-:n1::aV. I`---4.-_. Y\....I.-.. Connwxnm, J pne, 1869. .|J||.._ u. rs. --_..-......_.V, | P_I1YSICMN,-,SU1:GEQN'5-- .AC'_C0 UC111; U12, -`Dlij. 'A11'1`HUI{.-TA11?DX(;1%I; `. MEMBERA Rom COLLEGE OF SURGEONS; n... D Y "`_ - I lll1iIIIIvU_lI- uamuunnwu Member" 0/ the Royal C(}.7]e,g'(', of _.Ueu.'al_ - Surgeons of `O/1ta_rio. - 7 Rooms on Owen Strc-`et., nenr I)1in1hp Street, Barrie, which willbe open every. day, except; _ from _the 16th to the. 2.4`\li of each month. I . 7-11`. _""` ` MR. BO_SAN.K~O_, L;__D; s.%,w {uncut-5 { Pns1i31,\N)'B`iiu"1i6:E'& Xiiceuczxama .. _...- q-nu-I3-r An - I` . I . CVOLDWATER STREET. ORILLIA. `At the41aLe_1fesideuce.o[` ."r.' Raxnsay. 4 .1';,1 Tj3 ,0} KLI 1,V'EB1'?RG,` , .. ._..v-._ yu.'.n....q.'. Ira.-.-..nm' 0 e Y 1 raaNE%i }!'*%MA8%EY [13 f -Money to Lend, _ H M.'I'mc L\l.AllIu\vV. . .. nnnunu ......,.. .V OFrV1c2::'-_-Dun1op Street, next to_ .`.rmstrong"a - Store. I 1041}! Barxie Jan. 5t1i,,1R66.. L ersons m want of n1drxs*y, for on-obr`. ' ten years, can obtnin:it_On terms mo:rc- ndvautugcous tovtl1e:borr.n_ver 1h:u1'th05c of any other -Society, by applying to .'_ . ' ' WILLIA.\I_ SAN[)E,RS, P.L.S. Ihnnu`: Provmcial land Surveyer, { . ;' . VALUER. &c.. 1 krJU_s"r1c_1: _'I_`IIE -GREA _ ....._........,,,....., .j . ' DUNLQP-'STREET,. `BARRTEQ _(,"orone2" for thTcCoun_zg/ of ASim.cac.T - October 2ud,_1S60. ' 1' mE11T_FO VVVLIJ5: ' Prcvincial Land -.Survey'01".'_ 1- n1Yn a, I1'nxfr.`1)aT nrvx.*1."I uuumm. -. _ N B.--Va1ug1ti_ons_ carefully tguended to. |PB03I1,N,@iZiilL"1Di$,BEY.@R1 Drawings & Dcscriptioxxs fox: Patents oI"In- ventions carefully, -yrelmred. ' Vu1x1m.ions made and Surveying of every description ex- ` ecuted with nc,c'.-u':1cy,and despatclx. ~ -: 'g(ntfor'tI1c JET-N./1 LIFE, -,I_Ia)'l_fo1'1l, Conn . Aug, 24. 1869. _ . , A V 83> 4'-]y_rp_| N hppfoved freehold securi_ty, nd. at motle- rate Interest. .AI`P`.V..l0 V 5 7 - ARDAGTX 'Am')AGH S2 srn.-vrny. .A `:R{CQTTER,f County Crown Attornev, 1")\DI')TQ'l"T:`D Ira , W.|h1nlA.\l._ D. 1_U [_11'.,n\:, ; .1 , - . - . >; Appraiser nhrl Surveyor for the C:in:~.d_a Pm-nmne-nt liuildimz and Saviuszs Suck Apprzuser XXIV} Du1'veyuL'{ur _u_u: uaunu u. - Permanent liuildiug au_d Savings Sucie .Ju\y,1864. ' 1-1 rpm 'foIJAs.T`EowA`r`ms, Royal 1nsu,.. K A ance Oic_e, Barrie. , : A ' 943. . :D'.'$..L J.` A."/A.PDAGH.1 .--... nn:~r"n, nrvnnrfr-*llI.'1 ` 1`-15' 'm1.1 14:ij.iV:lx:i; 1'i(in:`L$i FE` of. s; .ELLlO'T; If A; mm nu Tnbnnmn \ . L\U l1LIULL:.:..un_u;,..~u....V- - .`DR._/1UGH'l'M ;/Us , PI R. I1iCR, CON- ` VE Y./INCER, INSUI .7N(/'1'} L,.4>l\`D ./IND; `GEl_\ E-R./IL` ./iG1;'. \"1`,v . _.-..-K. _ _ _ n",,", `MONEY _TO LEND`:- f_,. - GL1): Nufrtl)tti@'1~RDbaute wi\1~0fi 1 {; `E0 7."L-`I::_ D \/\/\/-V -~- ~__/x./s./x/x/\/V_-x./\/~_ xx, \ / .V,\, `msesv T0 L:g;:a.% ifs{uj.{y1;y`;s;gs4 `c.%u:g;%3.`L% Il_-_ENB.Y CRESWICKE, R E_LIA N (3-E I,mE T6%AE}I Ffb"6% uf P E}, H.ARDWAP.,E & .1-oo:.js, _ 114_ YOUNG STREET; 1 ;-- = '-.'-`0.RC:NT'~'3.- " `A iBui_1?det_s, Cabinet Makers, and Uphomerera; '- Hardware. Q - ~ _ ` ;Addis Improved Carvers Tools. .' _- - A _.S.tubafTCe1ebrated Files and_ l`oo1s. , . ,_G$rpen_ters q{u1.Joiner's '_1`o`ola,V.~' = ;s1;o`e*roo1l;_m1 kinds. j ,, . - ` _S|.10.e, and \1a _chin<'.l.'htead,Silk.&- .3-0utl ei:.v, of. a1l`ki1ids.V._.-,l7;_5 3 - -. . -K.--`ance I-`nu-nibin`mHa'rdwa're._"" 4 7` fS'ij:AIi\*'5i :*d:)i i`lCES; ,\..v,_,.,\,.,`,.,.,.,\,\,-.v\~`,..N . /\r 865. House Furnishing-Han-dwire. ' '1foronlg_, _Jnqty 18138. `Uuuery 0| BILKIDQS. _' . Shoo ti_ng and Fi_shing'Tackl_o. . 7 Sporting Ammunioh. - ~ . Garden, Draining,` and;_Fa,rming'_Too1a. ` : Gorduge,'Glass, .PImy -,~&c. A _= 1. `yf FOR SJLE JT LOW.E.ST.C.4SH.;.P-RIQ1_%S; ._ . P'a1f1i:ster' and Attorney -at-law, SOLICITOR IN CIMNC'ERY CON VEY- . N(,'ER, `c., r.' COOKSTOWN, C.W. '9.9.-1v VA{vplyHl0 .. ` ARDAGU, ARDAGH ,& STR.-'&'I`H3{, Snli:-imrsz. ln.r1`i V lslavannva ---~o._- - -w-.- w -J L./IND .3 G`ENI-IR./9.L .ac;1:.\7'1, ' 0I{1LLIA. ~ 1v_1....a:......- ......,.r..n.. ..unm1.~..`l IA, Disputed Linrs mfr.-zgratcly aIius!ul. oNv;a,;2;:og;;;%T;:ara., cmv %s1McoE GENERAL l VI L-2|: (Live or Tonom:o,) u nI'1nn.l'1l\\Y 0, Ann (La_te_ Deputy Registrar) _ q-r-vv-I-Q7] 1fI`I7',I`I3` T3715 1.1311 UVAJAIJIUIAJ ux Emlamxo,-, P.L., ' Of) Q"l`l'\L`I". l'V' IDA ',cxvu, ENGINEER, ...--. - o n u-IHI-\ (11-71- "_v_` --..... , I-3 VxXLtTE1?') &c'1 > I"I'\.I`\|V l\. _ I.vr\IIv,. Barrister and Attorney-at-law`; ' SOLICITOR IN .-C1LxNGERY,' _ V Cv)7zj.=rya7zceroinmissioner in _B.1?_.., M Mr ORILLIA, 00., o.w; ` AGENT Iron TIIE -&`f!'\ I I'r!`I1'I I` 1'11:-onrrzns or Aiuo III Va . .3! H111 u-1., 2'- 1` .- So_1ici;0rs, liuie.` - ` `Om:-. 874-Gmo ._ _ EAT; BUT .siMI_%LIE'rI{INc1PLE,'AN_n THEVWHOLE SECRET .0`:-`J 'sUcc1:ss IN `ALL `GOVERNI\`1E1I"I`. 71;`.AVnm:'-`,-. 6ST - ._...... ,,..__-----.-.-~-> ' "------". Barrie; nm.,% %Ap::1%%7.L1s~m`.% 1 Una , .qc. OF ncs. -\\'eslerh Assixrance Bui1din'gs,Chu`rc11' Sujeet, Toronto, C.Wf ' .. ,,,'_ Iv .... _,\ _ _ _ h Anmnrm `T:3iNcET%k M6NE_Y- _ ._.._..- ....g._,.-.._ `cuAPTER1v,T V. As the two Ipukcd ._atV exicli other, .Will npticed with zrsinking heart Vthat .Jenny turned "pale ins[cn_d_`of red, and lhat her: hand trembled as it held the- dudr. ` 2 - - v.. r-.-'._'-. 9) ..__:'.I 117: '...:o:. .. ..l.....rl.. zu.u:m1u. us. 21. au_u::._ I V I Then Jenny drew back, and gave [her head 11 little jerkvtowards 8. long , z_sea't_ justmside the door. 1 Will inter- prc_ted it, as `f.Come Sin, and, don t"'let em heu'r you talking there"; it s' as" much as'my p!ace` is'\vo.rLh."7 ' _ `van c`|'n ]l|`('!! vnru nn VPYV uuur. -- * Jenny, said Will, \viti1 a A ghastly attempt at a smyle, - ' ?l`lmn Innnv rlrnxv lmr-1:. nnri nave Iuuuu us Iuy |niI.\.:U Ia wu,ILu., Yes, she look'd very pale, and very unlike hcrseland Will, .'whose hope: was like a handful of 'dry?sand,- whicll the tighter he grasped in the faster it `ran `out, felt the last grains trickling away likeso much life-blood. , 113:: ni-`uua 5n at-hnr "\iI`(`n(T, llfl ` a"}' HK8 S0 lllllcll l1lL"U|UUL|o ` He,cr`uwIed in at 'her bidding, and -` s;1t`do\vn`on. the bench, waiting .101`, her first` wards, almost` as helmd waited for the words following the ofIic1al s question of- Gentlemen .o{tl1e Jury, what 1's y-our verdict T . _ ' 1n:1l`\Il n-luulf {kn l`l\f\ l" vnru ffllllv. ' Wnal. IS y-gnu` vurugul. : ' - 7 I `Jenn-y shut the door ve_r-_v carefully, ,l'hen wem Lo lhe'end_of the passage : ml shut anotiicr door at the loot ofthe stairs. ' _ T V` T . ' "` Oh, how mortt11' ashamed she -is of 1, ,.'#Ln `IITIII \/H, II\J\\' III\.'|l(Ll DEQIIKIIAAVIJ Ullv -VI . '- me !`.` thought. `Nill. T . _ ' '-She came back with slow and H hem- taii11_g.sl11s. T ' `i.'mI\\I'7"-1P1. . In: H-nnunhf 2 nd with Iaf.111_g.sieps. "'Now'_for it, he thought; and with a`(!cSpairin1g attempt to meet and'bre ak .`ar little the b!ow he felt coming, he I` stammered out-~ . T I..-,._..` 'r T .1:_1..Vs .......1.'4 on He. a1ammereu Olll.--~ ; E. ' J didn t ought to ha i come here. ;. _ . T ' nu .1, , .1 ,...-_ `L....~L ..'..."`]T:`\r\II1t1!1 .' ""`,""'1 - - - - - ~ -V An,-;1_a ;\Iorrison - -' - - 4 fni`n1'}to,Novcn1ber, 1859. `Ban-i, Jan. l_, 1862. j: 'come Here. Then the stur,m, burst,a'nd_`Wi1lbowed lxislnezzd anduore itprettywell. After all, it was nothing more dreadful. than :1 henrtier, stronger squeeze than he tlmnglnthe slim arm capable ofgiVi11g,' a slm\\re1' of warm tears on his face; and a. Voice sobbing over him'-- ` ;"Dl....... hi... I'. ,l..... I 13",. 3. V0_lCe souumg uvcr uuu-- _ -Bless. him! bless him! Poor `old- chzip, what he s bore since I se_en him". 011,- Will, \Vi`ll, I ve n16'st'broke my heart. .about_ you ! _ T ` A 1`-I7}-'...n 1l\ou yarn ixrhnf Tnnnu'r\ ned- heart. .auuuL_ you :' v- , VVhcn they were what Je_nny_'c alled- ` quieted down :1 1:51, , `Will told her all :ib_uut. the`-pound note, audhis use- less journey. _- ,_ 1 until .:m.'.- -uni: nnn` A-n nn mm-pi... {U55 _]Uu_|u::y.._' . _ - L W11-1,.deur,'you can do no m_ore -- : though if ever there` was conscience- ! money, Ihafs conscnence-mouey,'but you can do i1'o1hingvmore. c j '4 'l`hui a Hm wnrst nf if_ s:1id `VH1. you can (10 uuuuug HIUIC. V"1`hu t s the worst ofit, s:1id,Will. V` II I could, I could bear things so much .he_{Ier. But to" sit. down and reckon Athe hours and days before .he - 3 be In, _'.:..*.....o-1.2.; flannnhln Tnnnu fnnl; u . To divert` his thoughts Jenny took a A letter from her pocket,_and slid it into 1xis_ho'rny h-.1u_d, dividing._\vitl1 her lunch the irobn`-linked, `ngers , yvhifh seemed l-ent. on seif-torture. 7 _ i .m- -r- ... :..n.,...' mm amt. .. ' mi` sccmeu l't:lJI.- uu aClI'I.L-xxI.uu- 5 _3 ` ` IL s Tmm f_a1l1er, Wm. StIeI1'3%P`11d Weller, and s_en:ingA me _fOl" ther Ztwemy~vc- `_s,11illingsT in stamp_,_ that she may leave the wo_rk-huus_e, and sayi|1g.l)e wxll send ten shiliings every week 'ti`.l_ he can come himself, ortill -he ca11hav.e lhem,down there. 1 1!..- -1...` (A ls-nu`: II`.-sf Tonnn , 1-n:r` 1- he can llilV.t: luu|u,uuwu uu:;_c. ` I m glad to h'ou:':lhat, Jenny, said W111, and _`then his eyes tell `on the leur she _'1`.`adA put into his hands. fJ`h.ereAcamAe asudden light into them us_l1e looked, and eagcrly`ex-Jminod it all over. ' .. ` nu,` `I..u..`..' uvonn `Ana Al {Ln rnncvf an Over. . ' The `letter was 9ne`of the most c0xmho11p!ace character, so,far as re- garded its appearance to ordinary eyes, lintjnot sow \Vill s. He seemed al- mostjn :1 tremble, as hchurriedly and vainly ransacked hxs `pockets, and stud below. his brealh'---. . V - '- 7 `- My God," havexl lost it'!", , 7 But no, who letter he sought was i t"her_e', and had been missed merely = through his impatience aI1d agi'tation. - He brought it forth, and compared it in silent-._e with the one Jenny had Just pntiuto his hands. ._ - T 'l`hn pnvelones were exdctlv alike, pnmmo ms minus. . The `envelopes were exactly alike, {but that was only ver.y`ne`ga_tive kind 0 _-..:Jn.nnrt\ Y/\7l-unf nnniinrl liim Willy :(:7A.x11 mm; iii;}i-r6f1AEL aflilc-' ' _MICHAEL, _ _. BARRISTERS. Am "_ ......L(.':......4 nut Rnnn On Gian ATR DUE Ull. Wu: uul-y `VGA |u=5q_uvu nun. of evidence.-_ _Wlmt moved liimwas L1i:1t he jsawiuvboth that peculiar our- ishover the V3 which had first attract- ed his eye on" his mother s letter, and suggested the-thoughthe had_seei1 it ` "before. Hereit. was again and exact- . ".1. _._Q. L'.. I-sari an I-r` nr hnnna` tn` nd | -_.:. 1lt.~ 1iemembermg_ uxul. Juunyv wuc ~ wati:hing,.'1xe ceased to look at the. letter, and stared be{ure;him with eyes thal,`rolled portenpotlsly 'underftheir `new bmfden, till Jenny spoke- -- . . nn...- `(Hill uzh-:4t the matter`! new bllifdell, uu Jclluy $puxst:--- A `~Why,` Will, what .s the matter`! You doxft` suppose those-t_wo `letter-3 .have anything to do with one another, do you?` ` . ' T \\/ill`}sun'rh:>.d. as he said`- do your . , .. Will 1:_uxghed, as he _ T `I did, bm-`look at the hand-writings. Nora bit alike, are they '1 ' Andagain o hc 1`aughed._" _ _ _ . T . 'No.~ Givema _m_y:`1eH'er. _ - 3 "Have -youinkenjout the stamps ;! . `Yes_."-. - . ` . -`Whereoes he write from 1 ,`;Leeds._ _ ` T A ' "V I V 1.` And he tells you iu'sid_hoVw to nd `I, ..w.e1_I;ii.;nus. 'J.n n]v- - ~ T`:-uivlnni I be? ::`oViAng- f 1139?` . Y-' . ` p .Draw'ng, her _with _a_ stxong ' grasp 9 ~int,o.his4 a-nLns,T `he' beA1;d he: :11 a. past ` .si_onate ,gn1brace,, kissed he r;__all- trembl-V ` ing and_palq,and full oily/Vo,n`der asshe . . .V\?a.s,1l19;n put her away, `and: isl.8pped' .-.9u.t:-inf9:..1,h6,~:`r9ai1..~1fSal' "hike . Near doon;L\vithd.\$'!i.9ll1e.fW;;!xeed1s8f' 1.h.e..yoice`.thatkliedi,afi&eli.1m=' ..a u7:1u=K- WEI ni "1"e`itex!- JDY .f{_en1embering_ int `Jenny- ,',;,I_:...... "Ln annual!` fn Innk fl afore. l1_ere-1I. was again unu I:AuuL- I * _whe;x he b_ad fearegd or hoped to` nd J_)r1.l_\.J.\..l.g) .L .L'4._l.'|;l\-7. V OmL"e-Clmi-chStree1., next door to the old V ` Court 1_Iouse,'1'oron1o., _ _ 4 .H.C.CA.\HC1`.0;\'. , n.M'.\ucHAE'L. ' c. M mcnAF.L theyoxce t-na;x;g,1teu.._xn_u,::_:V;9;;-.- - . 3.;Will!n-..Wi1l!;; pm Iggzexi. my "11a`ttj;!`. .;_jg A. A : . L V` _V ` U119; .I'.I.'JU fa . *: How Wu.-I-` THA,._!Zv3 J?i333 %`.' .`r? ". > D011-10011] -UUUI -sup: ' uh"--halt &i`#~:~1~h-,tore` T` ~ % M A ;j _.`S'!`.","7"". f"_,"v`?=!x,_ "F"! ."!"_V'vr :- ' ` L " kiss __._.-.-.. -,.-..--- -.__,_ ..__ -.....___..-._..._-_ .._.-,.._.,,.._.. . __ ._ ' _He'hud come gto bag that another` `sovereign might be _trusted to lum.4 Mr. 'Leasm genero_usly'g':1ve 1!, and washimself not a lime ezicited by the hints which Will `Ict fall. 4 ---__ -...| ..-..._. t`l\&`I' 4.46 .`n'aua..-. nuns wxuuu n In JUL gnu. , _ It was yetvery early, not seven o .:lock, when he.sta_.rtcd off to walk to the Railway Station, whens. sudden faintness` warned him ofa. novel dam: ger-he might be-too "ill, or too weak for the Job in hand. So thinking, he `did two acts, so absurdly extravagant for him, that he often thought about them afterwards. He took acab to the station, and them sat down in the refreshment'+-room to breakfast, _and: ate heartily, for the first time for many` jn week. He seemed ;too, to forget everything but the great comfort of the meal, only thatlhe once took out tlietl letters, put them side Hytside, and put them back again. _, , - . 'l"L... .......~.m-.9 an dnnru nfthn nnr- main ones ugum. The moment the doors of the car-. 4 riugesj were opened, hepluuted.him-` self in 0. corner `of one of them,>. out of ' which henever moved, except when compelled by incidents of the journey, T till he reached Leeds. He seemed to. casual observers to be asleep thewhole way ; but `when "any one had occasion to touch, or, to'spea`kA to him,-there was something in the face and eyes so alertpsinister, and" strange, mingled with the shy awkwardness and immo- bility natural `to him as 9. workman` ` among strangers, that quite dispelled all notion of mental rest, or bodily slun'1ber.. IIe did volunteer to speak once. It was when two men came in- to thesarne carriage, and began . talk- ing about Leeds; `He watchedthem till their talk ceased, then said to the nearest-- - . f _ 1 ` How far now,"mate, to Leeds 2 ` It s the next station. We shall be there in ten minutes. V - rnzn ' .`l..-.'.. `x:n\anl` nn rirrirllv I 1IENRY' 116`i3-iii1'soN, L SOLICITOR .I_N .1VCERY, mere In ten umuuca. Wi|l`drew himscit up, rigidly, stard` out oftlie carriage window, and again rela_ps_ed intovthe comer, his cap drawn down over Ins _eyes,v till` the ' 'lra'iu stopped. [- LIA 1-nnlrn fl\ l H.'| EH19. nn levig tile [ram atoppeu. _ He spoke to no one on leaving the station, but gazednp at the namcs,'of the streets. and coitrts, as if seeking some particular one street 01' court, but feeling an ixistinlctive dislikefto men- tion the place of his destination`. `vm...- mu-`..Im-itv nf his manner-in- [I luv [uuuc Ul. um u\.ouuu.uv...- ` The` peculiarity of his marmer-in- uenced asit was by his absence -ol. mind on all but. one subject, attrahted the _at`.en '_n cf a policeman, as he paced 0 `_the jbridgc, going in the direction_o'Hunslet`Lane. T V 1 `I ` J-..` _ nu ' cnrnnlunrl U 7, n'I`lGD-(I UITCCIIOU _0I'1`1lll1:lll:L uuuvu I `L mking for somebody ! . guessed the guardian of the public peace. mm n..-pA- at him`- mud the uniform. me guarulau 01 um puuuu `wavy. Will stared: at him`, and the mnforxn, and rephed grAu1_y--- ' lprn ;. ufrhnaer. inthaseharts. -and and repuea gn.uu_y--- ` V `I_ m a slr.angerv inlhase parts, am _]llSt lookmg abput me, and passed- An A minuteoxf `two _afte'rWanl, he saw the po_liceman standinn_- in the `same place, following him in quisuively with hiseye. _ , . -`Krill hvrnntl Hnxxl ll R'I RP.t HS ms_eye. J ' `Wil1_ turned down a street as i[to' evade him. 1- .-..... ...........l...l\1n Iknf l-In nan.-or evauev mm. It was remarkable that he: never . once,_Ironi first to last, uctuated in doubt `about what he was gomg to do. That which so troubles wrserqand more experienced r_nen-proof, troubled not him. From the momeutt he had seen the two letters, side `by side, he adopted a.xed belief, and held it: with the characteristic obstin'ac'y of a- man of few ideas whe,n",once power- fully moved. _._ A. 2...! .u1.9\n:AnI` Oknf Iuu-_y auuvuu. _ ,7 Failing now to nd unaided that 8; which he sought, he began" to study by the faces of people as theypassed, and S stopped a woman and began tospeak to her ; when to her surprise his words P became inguidihle. and died away, and V his face, turned in another direction, 0 became livid, and she saw him walk 2 hurriedly on,torget_ting her altogether. '8 The very manVVill sought was there E s c t l l < I z I I -before. him, notitweuty yards ahead ! Did he-` knew who followed ! It was evident W_ill s first anxiety was to ' be clear about that, for lieybegan to i cover himself as much as possible`, . walking behind others; by crossing, sheltered by 8. cart, to the opposite side , `of the street; and by stopping` sudden- . ly, as if engrossed in the attractions `of l 9. shop window whenfhe saw his man stop at the corner of astreet, in hesi- 3 union, and the'n'return~ toward Will, 3. whose-sto':ut.hea_rt began to heat wildly. V 5 The man returned to the very shop,` ; u sta1ioner s, `where Will stood on the threshold. , He eptered,brushing Will s I ciothes "as he.p assed`, to buyia news"- ; paper. Will stared hard into the side -, window at 9. print, but movediuslar iito the. doorway ashe could, to listen the while. ` . V 1 1:'......I.. am -tmnlnr. `nniditha shon- ~ Notaiur` Vl.1`1E1(";5-, 5 ` \urcL`I`r|\I 1\`! T} D Con:1_n_ioti,`Pojwzle:' and Ambian Have Re-T : A_mody;'? bf ll1i:'_I'hej'o can he no doubt-iI_.ic: "iota ndfnjily given, Z.Re'mu:mber.Iho nhlo. * ]!a`,a. l!p l"_I` this gignitnrd nEI'Hun|;_&.jCo.. jag` \ ` Min.-.!':s~ - :4 -1 ' he J the wnue. I . T_ % . `Fresh part1c_u1ars, fsa._1dA1he s1 1op- man, about the murderer Bradley._. . 11-91.... .....g n v;nIIuo_ 'I`I1nn` n vnind ` about the murderer brauney - There was a rinnse. Theri a..v'o.iceA 1 well known to Will answered, it} a low, stifled tone-`- . 7 ` I T ' T ` Is that in this paper! . -`Yes. T V T _ - -The man . pnt_ down his money, and went o`ut;_ `Whether in so.d.oing he caught. 9. h'alf*glimpse o"Will, =or, that he_ merely noticed` hislristening attitude, while his own `|hopg hts_`vgero- pecnli:_u- ly- susceptible. and active, itfmight be diicult for the _-Vkeenestrbyatnnderto -. decide; bathe gried;-rinn furitrve_km_rl*_ - of, \'n_x_{y V I_.oV.g't,_ 9,; l_gi0k fat. _TWi11 s coun- -' `O--an--on in .msnin'!Q which will "look of way to, get n IOOK at vvuru uuu..- , vtenuixce in passing, which `took ( care `to prevent, and-the man passed on, ' slowly xegxdillghis papprg ' ` ' `I V Will did n9t- d3ir>t9,mbve;till-he saw V the _4com'e.r Ajreached ro.nAnd.w'l1ieh- the man :went,` - ldwer. `than ever, but the . "instant .he_;disa;ipaggtd,;Will- moved '`i ;.`I!*.'.`29.'%,.1.*..*".II b!li.Pi!i*d JIM it . Itbe cornerVfdiriptglppigssingbgsheltgrg 19 ` _ jvoid th_ 0 risk -,df,_;=nxpq9iug himsglff to -.;g:...w.'..- niibht ha.-standinxnhgrg `avoid the I` :1. 2n 19.1.3.-4111 '3" .';.- ":"'`" "' - `m;e%ma'n. wlw m!8h`Tb %!`Fd* `"* % % * % o..{.; {oh}- 'tha iiinn 1- `_- Will.;did'i.Vn{ure `to look, `the man . gwas neatly -ivhinhdxad yqrd: down ?!h.'!f9t;;1I91-!9t!,!in8T wv run --`peed 3 `Im`opg_nig ` bin` the_ Vlo_ft,; in ` Ig UUSCKVIIIIUII 13 VVUHVHS lIU cuuluo Tlen n.` girl ca_me.fonl1 from the housenhd Vlcftthe dnox open, at least so \Vill supposed. Shoul lie ventare '! I V\ hi|e hel1esit_-.\te l minutes passed ; imd he began to fear the man would come out` under .the-veil of darkness, and be lost tqhim Iorever! | IIVI , ,,` ,,_ n.-._.__.) __ ..._--!.-... ....-A .,-. . .g.. _...._._... .. '4 ...._.-. _.. - ~ icnllb "u `cal -dc-sac, or pIn`ce `Of `"0 I thoroughfare. ` 1-1. _-.__ ._:.,I.a. -....1 -....L .'.. 02...; on can '4 Int! ' UlIUlUlI5IIIalG- He was rigl_1tand.just in time to see the -fu;,rilive,emerge from the other end of tlmslongr windixig court, turn, and enlemhe second house, and with such lmuslzi that lie did ndt. even `look behind. , V ' ' 1`l7!1I l___`I '4..- .....-L .31.`! an-t\bI1\ In Ucnmu. , -- , _ Will had `too- much good` sense to fullow`a_t once. Keeping out of sight of the wmdow, h_ut nevct for one single moment taking his eyes" from the door, he waited `till it was quite dark, avoid- ing observation _as- well as he could. run... _ ..._u _._..._ r.....1. r...... 9|..- IIlI\L U5 l\.'G|- lU_ |lllH l\JI\.'I'(.-I`: _ The girl soon returned carrying` some cames in her hand. Will decided 19 go to her. 3 .1 unn lznnnr 1111. NHL: Lieu nnn IJU lvuu) (1 uculo 9 Flu an-old acquaintance, I want to surprise him, Su vcmshulljust'show_ - me ` his" room. Tl1aL ll be capital full won tit .7 _ . . ` The girllavghed. . ` Has he gotn light 2 _ ` No, his lz1stTbit s burnt out. He s very poor. 1 - ' _ ' ' c Dun. U ' urzn ....... ....;.n..;'1 . .1... U U HUI I L `Do you know, my little lass, one ` Thomas Lynch `I g 2 `` Oh, `yes, he lives in ourhouse. ` Sure now ! or\I 1, II --r,I,:_,_ ' uunu uuAw ; , , ~ ` Oh, yes; thesa candles is] for him. I He reads adeal. '_ (I9__,, I T ____..A 1,.` `Poor! [ Will was staruea at .the word, butw_as in no" mood tofollc.-\'v the train or thought it suggested, or the doubt whethcrithis `man, so poor. could be the man who hadsent. `the. ve-pound inole. _ .' \Vu'!I innlrcr` no Ln ...'..n ......1 inn .-Ju':u| V"; V~3, `.|||'4l'4 NJ 115 3U HIIJU - Will follo\'ved the- girl stcalthily. - along the narrow tprmsage, and up the narrow stairs.; then stopped, listening to the girl s tap, and `to the "reply- ` Is it you, Molly ? Come` in. t . .` Yes, Mr. Lynelt, said the girl, opening the door; `L[ ll get alight. Then she slid past the stranger, while he drew himseifup`-against the wall to give her room. . . ' No longer disguisin ghis step, VVill yvallceti i'nto_thee room, which was not. -utterly, dark, for the ii ght from a row of workshop xvindows ,iliat overlooked it, cast a f:1int_radian;e, that revealed - the dim outlines ofthe chamber, and the meagre furniture, but fell especial- ly on the'form ofa m an, half bending over the table, supported by his bands, which rested upon it., his face towards- the door zisif he land started upin i ulaimiand preparation). ' ' IT has been decided by the Munici- an pal Council ofthe Township of Oro, to l0 submit to popular vote,a bye-law grant- 111 ing 9. bonus of $20,000 to the Toronto Tl and Muskoka. Railway. The voting 111 isto take plac a on Mondav, April 18th. V! The amount is just half that which it bl was propose d to grantlunder the by-law 31 that which was defeated afew weeks f0 ago. Con sidering the beuetsvthe rail- Sl? way will confer on the township, we m do not thzink the Company went too [far \ inasking for $40,000. However, the people up tlierejthought otherwise, and voted the. by-law down, simply be- cause tb ey considered the amount too great. Since then, Toronto has taken -action, and has given the handsome bonus ol $100,000 to aid in the con- `strnctiotr otitlie line. ` This must be , convincing proof to our country friends ,` that "weare in earnestini the matter. In view_ofthis action ofthe property holders e l Toronto,pwe think the Coun-. oil of Ore J might safely have`submitte'd' a $s30,0l)0 bonus tothc people. '6 are led `to believe they would pass that amount: quite as readily as the smaller one. `However, as "the sum has been decided on; .it is probable useless to quibble about it. .'l`here is just one .p6int thus people of Oro mus_t _ ose - sight of in connection with thi n-x poirtant matter, and` that is tins: no- thing wihatever can be done towards building the-line until a born is slzll have bee n voted by`tlit=!h1. IV r. Frank Smith, on beliallorf fe Company; has ` agreed that the'"Toro'nto'bonus shall._ not be touchedwhile Oro neglects to hand in her grant. We have not fear ofthe `result. \Ve aresutisod that ' the by-lnw,wilI be-carried by nlarge majority. Yet itiis Just as well that the people should know that -the con- .struct:'7.-en ol the road through this town- ship 4! epends entirely `on t_hemselves'.-- , ' TEE Bnmsa'l`be question has been I often asked whether the Navy of Great Britain, I moutuling as ipdoea over six thousand guns, and manned by 75,000 sailors, exceeds the na- vies of France andthe United States, or France and Russia, and were it not that we might be considered a little egotistical we should say ,it ~ did exceed them altogether, but it is nselees speculating up'on_this when there are other questions that do no,I:.,admitjof any doubt, no `one after using the `Canadian Pain Destroyer ' doubts it being the very best thing for the _ cure of coughs, oo1ds,ao're throat, `dip:-heria. -'p'sins_in':the stomach, nide s`and' back, spinal V affections, e. Sold byvail lgledicine Dealers at r :25.c3s_-.i P9 -b;31sr ~ l . l He-1 "Of. the grant number of animals under 1 the donlrol' of. man, the horse is unqnegtipno ably tlt most senicnble ', but in V it not "strung; that an many who)" own homes. and j who no dependant on` theirlnboc for a living. `should neglecfto-_givVe them" that cnrenltd at-b ttantian whtoh'vth'eu*aown'inteveut no lea than ' the ttIfetynndLcbm_fqr(T_Qf"thu._horse demands. A ~ ;T_l|Tl_` bent, *inpc_l_j_citt9`jfor`,lt`one'i in t_D,I:lcy, q-_ 1 ;_C9ngt_it_io;i_j:P6` `s!n'tn'f.and.Atnhian . f 75? 'f' 5?"? `5.". I!!>.-5.3I.*!`-"5 I D -.I . . *!tn|gIra-3-!e~-!v njdyi I1 \1nI (_ T 0- be cbiitizzucd.) ZTHE HORSE. %N7o%14. Whole No. 917 NuTH-W%Esi. SCOTT, THE PATRIOT. REILL, TuE MURDERER. ..-..-___, _ -__ , . .VVc make the following extracts from the New Nation, the organ ofzhc mur- derefs at Red River. It gwcs an ac- count of poor Scotfs do 1th, with some other news of interest to our readers :4- rn|._ t:....L ....l.o.s-u nvannlinn nvnr Ulllr uuwo un lul-Iolvo-a nv vun ............ . . ' A The rs_t nnhtury execution eve wrtnessed in Rnpert`s Land,.webe- lreve,took place at Fort Garry on :1hc 4-thv inst. The person`shotwus Private T. Scott, who came here from Canada hat summer ; and his execution took place upon an order of a court-marlin! held at Fort Garry on the 3rd` inst. Mr. Scott, itlwill be in the recollection of many", was among the Canadians cnp- tnred in Dr. Schultz's store on the 7th -,Dec`ernber last. ' He lay in connement at the Fort._wnh the other prisoners, some weeks, and then accompanied by several others` made good his escape from the fort", one fenrfully gold night. ."I .--_.-_'_l.`..a._I.. `un`:'.rh {ha n`..ln n` ihn INCH] U16 IUH, Uuc xuuuuuy \_.uiu uluva Immediately beturetlie clue of the Iiast'ConvVention,r1\ IrA. Scott--wlio hud_ ed to the Portage--came down with the others from that locality to 1ihcrate_ 'the- prisoners. Subsequently, as is wellrknown, this Portage movement assumed a. more serious aspect, and the capturing of the Fort and over- turning of the Government was aimed at.` But this was abandoned; and Mr. Scott was again captured with the Portage brigade on the morning of the 17th ult; ' _,__ `LS- AZ...` I ....lL `fa Qnrulf nirnu &'1`1`()R.`IEY ,-AT-I`.T.\W, somcxron IN Chancery, Couveyancer, Commissioner in P .14 u` , ' ' . 1 (HI Ulla ' From this time forth, Mr. Scott was very violent and abusive In his langu- age and actions, annoying `and insult- ing the guards, and even threatening the President. 116 (Scott) vowed openly that if ever he got out, he would shoot the President; and {ur- ther stated that he was at the head of tlnepartv of the Portage people, who on [their way to Kildonan, called at CoutL_I s house and searched it for the President, wtth the intention. of shoot- ing him. Jenn \J\IV|\A. .-.un........ _ At length he" was court-martialed by` t the tribunalof Adjutant General Le- pine, and condemned todeath. illis judges were grieved to pass this sen- tence, but they considered that the un- fortunate man had brought his_ 'loom on himselfand could not be suffered to `escape. Only one member of the Court voted against the decision`. 'l'he prisoner was duly informed of the sad result, on the evening of the 3rd ins- tant. He was taken back, conned in a. separate room, "his chains taken off, pen, rink and paper given him, a ` comfortable bed ma le,and every other attention paid.` His doom he was as- sured was irrevocable, and he was told- , that he could have the services of any . clergyman he desired in the meantime. It-leisent for Rev. George Young, who at once attended and did what he could for the unfortunate man". Next morning, on hearing oi the sentence, the clergy of St. Boniface assemblcd, and some of themcame to Fort, Garry plead,with Mr. Commissioner Smith, that the prisoner should be pardoned. , The President, as he had approved of the sentence, said he could never re - voke the decree of the Adjutant s tri- bunnl,but the President ordoredgthat all the soldiers should be assembled be- ; fore" the execution, and that prayers . should be oered up for the condemned nannus , man . The prisoner was sentenced to be '1" shot at ten o'clock, but before that hour" 2' Rev. Mr. Young,who had been with the prisoner, waited on the president 3 and Adjutant-General and urged again thutthe unhappy mnn s life should` be H spared,-.-stating thathe was not pre_ pared to die. The Adj!-Gen. said that the sentenced could not `be revoked, but that in deference tothe statement of _Rev_. Mr. Young, the execution _ would be postponed till, noon. . ` ms I-`.-\REWELL REQUEST. `During all this time, nothing would conyjitce the prisoner that his sentence woulrdibe carried out. And only when the guard came to lead him out to be shot did;-_he` realize his saditate. Then, he sa_id,l1'1"s I am about to die, I wish to -~ see my friends,,the other forty-seven prisoners. This request was conced- ed, and he saw them and bade each u long end last farewell. Rev. Mr. . Young continued to attend him-up to , s the lust, and endeavored to lead his 1. mind to the full contemplation `ofvthe 3 `awful and before him. At noon, or :1 r `little nfter, Scott was led outside the t Fort, blindfolded, and ,with his hands e t tied behind his back, aufiring party was detailed, and--,--- but we will not de- , tail the sad scene. Having knelt n l- few moments in prayer with Rev. Mr. .- Young, the -prisoner said : I am ready, `and in a few moments hetell. ' - rnL _' __-i_;i- _a..:.. :. .. `mortar nf m-n.. 5 And $2 00 if` not paid _ ( invadvance; `and m_ tow moments negeu. The whole aair his a matter of pro- i found regret. The Ptesident of the Cotu-t-`martial regretted extremely that 1 theylshould feel themselves driven-to this course; and all will join with us ` in tegrettingetlle dire necessity of this case", and in hoping that Red River 2 may `never witness such {another and scene; The unfortunate deceased was huriedv about the middle of the east Court-vynrd,;Fortl Garry. _ 1 " orglpnx. omens} " ' ' I ` is. Ahelfeloy o`rdered"that the towni. pf Winnipeg belnnd shall he hereixfter the Capitol pftho North West ;, . . linnJn'rls' M!'mid"tewh" be, as the Uapxml or me noun mm; A'l`hatTt.ha bqttgdsofsaid towrg.be_ as` follows: the Assin`niboine'River on the `Sou'th;_Red' River on thc East; Mo- Dfiottfitdek 6;) the` North, and on thf}}\let`i>j,'Spe'nAc_b s_ Cteek. _, H . - - +~r.-. +...~.3'.;`....'.. 1Aa~. nntirm. `rum the I the yVesfDyipepe s_ureeu. _ . f In resfgonie `to ja petition. fromthc citizemiof the town of Winnip_eg, ask- ingfofa gepdratedteprguntatiou in tho` , ;[ ;9yiaiodg:G9;\}i{pm9n ; and < `retest. i. ; .a'....b' ' Rnvmn` ind.` lnni _conso idted llpyjslqnls uuu lllU_lC3|-.l japiugcj _|;f _vig`_gu;_i; _tqwu._consollda}ed fth S'i 55~";[H"!h..i : "T -mun '81.... ..';.l oniin iil "TirH\iini' ha" itn I. J0lVll.I'l'_F Il_lI|` I V 7.'1'hIt/3` $139 igidjiown '/fwiunipeg; he` ' milled .0..:!;a .t.g8i_D'5_9.b! two 19 . in- ` Q ~`v".!~L~_"*I'..h;..'w.`.1,.!,'A 'l;G9!om'.. hf hI%*sI1av;&32t igfn _Aiii*}`Y 65 T i\}fcoAnT11_, _ SENTENCED TO BE SHOT. 'I"HE> COURT MARTIAL. fb6[`b_v,HQY(1;iT: " Engina7.HouIo,- bo- ..1;q,o7dn , nya `hour: '-{Cf ~` lial * and five: `fctook.-pig,` onlgnzngdny Much 5, . _"`_,`,: _>; ; '1 -V y rddvt.-cubs President, V Louxtscunnr, \ ; '4? ` ,.-' Ant. Socy. ' Dated, Form`-arty, Headquarters Pro- vis7i`;na.l ( Government, Match 5th, 18 . uya.- , - , The extreme scarcity of small change has necessitated the issuing of l checks by some of our dealers. The ' checks represent the silver three pence, six.-pence and shilling, and are found quite convenient as substitutes for change of these denominations. Up to the rst of January small coin was in abundance, but has since been. hoarded up, evidently with an eye to the ultimate repudiation of the Hudson _ Bay Company notes, orat least of a_ depression in their value. We see no possible reason why such repudiation or depression should take place, the Company s bills being payable only at York Factory, and their paper now lll circulation having been issued with a. value received. Currency ol all kinds is of course scarce, but that the circulat- ing" medium of the Territory. is" unsafe \ve do not tor a moment believe. This` suppression ofsmnll change will only initiate a feeling of insecurity regard- ingipecuniary matters, which, while being a mistaken feeling, will cramp the progress of improvements, and create as disagreeable cliarmess in `business intercourse. In any event ..... ._L..'Il La..- ....lR....uv u-nrrtinn uh _ V `run nnnlncxd The " New Nation rotors to the scar- city of small change at Winnipeg and says:- `(Thu nvhrnnu: unnrnihr nf tuna ' UU3|HCZ`,3 lUlClUU|Il~)I7. J|I uni, uvuuu we shall have sufcient warning of S`l!]3pN,.`,S3iUll or repudiation toamply pm- vide against it; and it is fnrbotler until that nme to sho\vT our heuxty.cou!i- dance in the public credit. T News Items- l According to 11 recent` Act of Parlia- ment, lhe Reformatory, as such, luf passed out of date, and the I`eneleuli- zary `will reccivein its corrupting am- hrace, crriug youths of tho tenderrst age, there to be soon cox1\'e}ted into mature criminals, on the principle (hut, . they who touch pitch shall be dclil~ ..,1 w Col`. Dennis, by his report on (ha Nerth West, recently published, has disarmediand conciliated many profess- ed enemies. . - Frank Smith, the President of tho .Toronto,Simcoe 65 Muskuka, R. R. Cu., sent. the Oriilia Deputation back with u. ea in their car last week. The ea was this: we are not going to fight the Porjllope Road in the Vxhuge of (Wu-Hnn . ' luv .n.vn_- n..v1-w Lavina -u guy v.....a.. \rA Orlllia. It is admitted by the Prime Minister of F-ngland that Agrariunism is mm- }:amtfiu Ireland. We have only to read the authentic report: of the lam Election 11) \Va1erlord, to compreheml that underjwlnatever heading it may be convenient re classify it, luzclcmzcss of the most ultra clxuracter prevmls "nu that conutryhere, there and every- where, Ilxat is, it is slmply donmn-.: throughout tl1el:md,.and only awaits ' the re "of occasion to wak it xv). ' SOLICITUIK UV L'l 1J1;VLL(Ll,VbULyr.4'4.l.' .x1NCER, Err. _ O1rnpn:-0n Peter Street, next d or to the Pos_t Uice. V _ . _0ri11ia.,'June, 1868: " 23- The Arriericau Congress \i:llS To bring Utah to book for her nan, y do- ing. Uluh, however, dont see it just yet; and at present St. Brigham ap- pears quite able to hold `his own : He had quite 'a.' snug little marriage the other day, two widows and two maids, all in a lump ;-No cards. I o Arrngements havo already been made for the early commencement of the Immigration movement to this country. Asmall batch arrived lzttu last week ; but the first methodical in- stalment will consist of noless than 1,000 persons, whofwill leave Liver- pool on board the Jfctlzcay, on the lltlt of this month.` - In Kokuk, Iowa, increased l.(.:r of labour, without corresponding 11:- cxease of pay, has been producuva ui several fearful encounters, in which many lives have been sacriced; The war still wages. Sir F. Hincks currency scheme mi- counters opposition in 1\Id11trenl,c}aity , however, from anomymous denuunccrs . No ftuther nexivs ofthc City Q/'IA) m.m:, has been received on either side Hug Atlantic. The latest suposilion is that she has encountered icebergs and him fouudercd, ' AL '1`.vS!ewart,' of New York, has made up average reduction in run! uf 20 per cent on all his city property. A Buhlo sends her cheese thronggh to San Francisco, wxthout change of curs. .... .. p... n . 1 `The trial Qf1 rinco Bonaparte fur the murder oI.Victur Noir, resulted in the acquittal of the Prince. Business in I\Iontn=al is du}lcr than it. has been since last Full; It is and that European` _shippefs wxll not or- courage shipments at the winter rates of freighl,, whilst the local demand 13 not Asuicient. to work off the wpplzes . WiE\T I3 Clu\I.\(_ED FOR IT. Iftbis out is anything near equal to xvi;-`it in ciaimcri furit, ~tre;czmnot do bcttr.-yr th.ui ml! the attention ,of`f-arnwers to'it, {gr vciim-v.~r tnds to increase their returns tends also to cu- rich the country generally Ll r-nL- 2-.---. .... ....:_.n. .r..._..- ._-._ v 1 A-T TO RN A 1`-ILVATW, cnrrrvwrnn m NIANCERY. CONVEF ` T\ R.` Dufxncv BOULTON "(me or the firm ,- `bf, Bonlton &.McCnrtby) nndMrLIIAMIL- ` TON D. VST:EWAR'l`v, have entered into_c_o-"part-` nm/ship wich'Mes3rs. Lount & Boys, for the ` practice of their profession, a.t_' Barrie, _under thgrm name of Messrs. Boulton-,Lount,Boya and Stewart. ' nnuunn r. . n. . . .. . ' -- ...,.. ...- --.....-_, .7. _.,.J . The important points ofisuperi-wrily rm. .t'or` this secdlovcr` the olheij varied a, nun! ~. nrc'I'uH_y sustained by the voluntary SL211": offarmera who purcluucd last year, un- ll.-' Firs}. 'l`h(-.v will vi:-hi frnm iwir-n In OI` I-'l|'iXlCl'3 Wlhl lH|l'ClHlS\."l IKSI `VON-I , MK!` lh` Firsf, 'l`hey_will yie-Id from twice in times as mu.n_v bnslwls lo the acre bu mu soil and with the same culture. N.QnrnnJ '|'hul '1 kn nl-ah: in hnnviou In u SON \V|l.U ll!!! EHIUU L'll|HH'l'o _ Second, _'l`lxa1.'tho grain is heavier in v.vrE` lms it larger berry and thinner huil,` '1 makes them mom nutritious and vulaub;-_ feeding. N Third. `Nu-v _orm.v `mm-n .vinm-mxq Ieeumg. Third, They .grow `more healthy, with straw sulcieuzly \ vent lodging on_lhe richest soil : them less liable to disease. N !a`.`u...Il. rm.. anaup In .... ...- is 001551" HM" Hflllllgu "` Fth, That _it. will grow nn'l~ pmglucn :1 protable crap on ground where other outs \\ .3! not grow to maturity. . .` Sirlh, H.rpnni|-an Inc: for mm! nun lmn-I UIEID ICSS HIIDIB '.U IIHEHSC. A Fourth, The straw bears more f'ulL\g~: an} is better for feeding. ` Fifth. That. it. will m-nw nnv1- nn`.41u;'.` 1: health worth having`! If il is pro}:-Lt`. it -it is n iewui as easily lost as Virluc, anti it! many cases as dil;: ull to wcover. In H tn * climgte. andmom phjliculnrly at tins se.--.: v. of the year, pebple arvery apt to laku cu .t and suffer from aura throat, cough.-, spun: g of'blot.d and pulmonary complaints go.-um `uily, which if not hecked irnmediataty It-mt to scrious conaqquences. The question :um-.- -wh,ich.liII IQ quickest and mast cffa.-tu .`. remedy. 1, Bryan : Pultnouio Wafers ham bq6n'before tho_' pubc for twenty years, 2nd 1 have Elwnyn glvyon perfect sltislnclion, and . tigguiably aoat exiuanent cureqwhen take 1 7 nnTagq9on;*"SolJ y ull medicine dealers and L ntiti-y~.-nxoroi.`In`e`n|ly throughout the Pro- I 0! ` _ _ `I tuna been uxing, 1 * ffjitu me new vigor, ltitloity of mm. lc. uipt; New Yo k. - Qlpnges, o n- gxamatkaulo ` In tut: adv] nelng IUTIPIB _I0l' RD` SCI !!- V Scpeilth; To be cut green and used for,it is fifty per cent. home: than cum." I10! 'gl'OW I0 miuuruy. -,` Sizlh, Itreqnires less for seed, one bujiwl being ample for an acre. ' .\,'nmxlIn.' To be cut amen and P .1ieR1.sTER s, i."/i"1_`TO~RNE YS, S_OLICI`-A ? _ TURS, go. A 3 ; \.. ..m.. _\\'naI nrn A uahrmir-.t-. Buildings. Churc T[1E2'0RW;\& OAT. -vigorous n _strong to p and milder V-nvwjy -- |JUL.I.ULuvs _ .'/I T ' Convc.yan'cc Hair and for 1.119 C 01m - _ L W, Com1uissionc1t in B.R.,' 5'0; 7 see Claims prosecuted. Agent pda. Landed Credit Company for oney on Real Estate. ' - CE-e-Ne:rt-FranIc Kean $ Store. _ 1 1020 V `, ` _ Notaries Public", Convez/an'c :ers, ` V ' BARRLE, C6. Simcoe, ONT; _ I A inn: I"eb_run_ry,.18G. ll'1 1 KJII/ .LV .L`J__1 'x.L.l.'.u.uL n, SOLICITOR IN CHNCERY, CONVEF _/nvu1.`1z. &t:. .-v---J -r c0.\1.\1Is,31(yn.(1N 13. R.,. r A \YT\ A n` mm so`fiif'Cs i1:i;i[1GuTsuAN,[ @ W-~..., NOVen\l\q, > " "`5_K'un w 0TTA'W:A,`OAN-AU, I V Transacts B ` c 3 it}: !he Palent Oice and ' b A `other D:;:1,7l'1:nen1;_ s of the Government. A_e"dl Dec` Gm 1569'- covmrears "AND" THEHBEGISTRATION. A T-H ' 1 or TRADE mnxs & DESIGNS PROOURED. ! : I -I __ JA-.. Ul: Lzinun utznuusxu us any. g--- - -~ - Drawings,`Specications . and ofhet d0\!' mentinecessnr tq secure Patehts of Invention,` prepared on rec_ipt of the Model_ of [the Inven- tion, and preliminary` searches In the Pate?! Olce carefully made. - June. 1868. ' : ' * .834- NEW L/v FIR7%iViI SOLICITQRS IN"CHANCERY,V ' Bu1a1p,'QM`.. , 1:`. ..'....,l. 1 :- ;_,1oRn1s0_ sA 1\Ei3 s0N, . }sAm'oEg%s. %i;,gN*s6 N, Saddlery and Hdrness *0!-' 'F>1` AI k E%i;iiN [ __ _.;.1 `n.u............,n4-_` 314} --Ux:no: STREET, Conmxawooo. v ,,.,_|-..._ warm 1 uunn I In IvIuvr\E,.. V. _ AB now;on band an" extensive and genuine _ stock of Single and Doubld Edrhenl (GI;-' tinge and"l'enm);_Eng1iah`ind.Jn ' on-Riding; Snddlu.Donblo and single Brid1s,_._QP,1l|fI - life. which he .can oot-Vat vet`-1 }i.i9iiIIc`f- Alsoin IIoc_k,I_omeofthe `M'j ` _ nn_`_`6IhrV-'P_li`Vl`ln Q nd`- : " Q ` .IAI._\!I;:Brn!h!!;f 6 . _' A. ,_,, -, :";`." '5'. _1Id t? `fm36A`:Tc31iiB mun, nruqncg, Uln'l'] I)1lI.BI|O Us .b_c.,.toAbe C09,, |n;.t.hiI Ill: , f j <"' An mieloin IhG`,l'IiIlO":fm'_lU ~ 11` , xoorcterzonjhort` L in . E DGA-R` BI X1D`ER, n`1_uLc\' noL'L Tox,_ wunovs, i.L.n.,, M _ , wxfi LOIJN1`, x.v.v., HAMILTON .1). STEWAR1`, LL.n; ___N(n';,V_V1V8f`8. `- _ . S47-tf E_STA.L|SHME|j\|'T_a . Q7 Nearly opposite Bank9f1_Toroni0, f -`-.5 DUNLOP STREBET, BARRIE. 1 L =;_4 I-`+ jT.HO-MAS, T. -A.` BOYS, .-zc. Sunum, Co.` Smcos. MARTI:-s1-nXooIiE[ KS nowinn hand Andntnnnlvn. tndi uni!!! `.JEmi?`?1sr, I lI`..l..L74'1-Iran '1$h \ w. v In --. --.-,u BARRISTER, &c., R: ' Luz-- L -. ,l868. Devisee Claims prosecuted}: EIVIIJ unnuuv (Established `1s'oo.) --_...._.-n n Ixhltt 0F1"IC'E--Dr4nlap.- `Street, Barrie,Ao.vr Mc- (`onlvey 8' Co. s _Slore. 7 ' - v nu. LA! u. n..,, _ LAND AGEbN'1`,T&c:--&c. ORILV A,` ` I1` FnA.'\'c1s LAL`LY`." i-i'iARRIE. U."- D. A". Sampon .1. A. Aunma MI}: W Pcnusntm. __900-1y.` J..a;..n.n.u.;..v.-.a_- - `(-1 .- D'AL'Tox .\IcC,vLm'uY. D`AL'rox 1\IcCAn'rhY,'Jr. n.........- n.....1,\.\ Q. oh. ennmn. nu chum. An- {'22-`Y . IOTC. 848-ly Tmzmsr $1; pervyear` iniadvance; T -.' .~.\- .x. }aa':}:%aTs*ogH aaxz Joui B. TURNER, . - HE above Hotel is situated about one 3 _. 1 mile` east of the" Market House, U - Barrio, on the main road to Penman- guishene, Urillia, and the_'It`ree Grant Land_ in the `Muskoka Country. Parties taking cattle", &c.," totheir advrintage to. stay at the above Hotel as there is good smbug: M1943 and attentiv ostlers_ always in readiness. pa. nu. ______________ ~n-4 lvledxsm !5s2IpE%l Brrie, Novembet 291b,` 1969. JIZI./1RKET'S'QU./.2RE, B.4A1.2RIE. :' JOHN H>.J0_H`NS',_, -' ' -' 'Prbprieto_rj `Tm: BEv91`,0li` wmzs Ami Lxquoas 12; THE BAR._ "GOOD 8; com MQD'IVO.US'STAIV3LJVNfG `o-)5- U :\|.|U.1 .uuunnAux. u .'1uLvn Auuvu\Ln1,un. ()Fi~`IC!-IS-Dun10p St.., the same` as those, oc-_ `cupi-.-d by the late rm of Messrs.-Bonlton 8: Mc(Jart_hy. V ' 847 .A;.s4n._\_; .an.;_....- - ..~ ._ DUNLOP S'I`~REE'I ,'. BARRIELQ` l I FRASER begsleave once more to fe- ' . mind his friends and the travelling com- I `munity `that he is still_in the land of, and not behind his qompetitors in the way of 3 imprcvements., _He~is still to be found opposite- the' Barrie Railway`Station, w,_l1ere all that is necessaryo connitute a. plain Canadian Inn l.o be found, private and-public.` . I Conveynnces to all parts North of B_arrieL} - ' Ll WRAQRR WILLIAM PA1i+i& _ - gang--nA:-. v75'556'i 7 LICENSED AUG T10 NEER 11- K I IT A 'l"l\D R. BINGAM, Proprietoxf. .(Suc`6Esson '_ro A.M1sc_AmrnELL.) xendvated "and retted, and is now I] iS favourit dl'd' House h-as been thorough- open to the public. The Bar is stocked 15vi'th the my best Wines 7 to the pubhc. _ _ The bar is with very and Liquors, and the table supplied with all the delicacies of the season, nndvaltentive serv- ants. |`_mE`.!"" .E` 591%! -n IVTTI 4 'G'_oa}1 Supy `ofHo1`se'Medicitzc aluiuys on hand ` Qookstoxvn, Oct. 1867. '_ " V , 42 JG. STAGES VtA<)-:1-ll parisv 1.$.y'e _this Houe daily. - _ _ 10-ly Mrs. E, AMA RKS, 'p7~opr_zemss.- JOHN M'c IV A TT, Suj2erintchde7zt. THIS hotel, so long arid"fa.vomb1y known to the -travelling community, is now con- ducted by the propxitress, and is uudertbe su- perintendence of Mr. John I\fcWnt_t. Nam-lv thirtv additional bedrooms ha.ve_'1s_1t_e1y ARDAGII, ARDAGHK: STRATHY; .- Barristersf and Attorneys, '11 ,1: _:L-__.. ___ n1--_.v--_.A_. LARGE AND .cosm1om,0Us` STABLINGg,' of Mr. Jolm 1\1cwm._t. Nearly thirty additional'lately been added to the BAmm-:- Iiornn, all which be- ing built. of "Brick, and well,wn1-med, will be found as comfortable and comnxodious as can be l found in any house north of Toronto. .. _ 7 W1 nmmercinl travellers will nd ample ac- _-v-. -..v- June,"1368. myumv.-V-A1-U:vrBIz_, ' T . ' VE TERINARY:SURGEON,` 410."-_ ___._. house norm or '10ron1u.v. 13 Commercial travellers bcmmodutiou for showing samples. Ba.r_1-ie, 15:11 Oct... 1868. 184. : Vol. . B}B.B'E7;.E9.I,EL U\I.L.|..a.urvu......-_ _ ORILLI'.A, ONT. Jas._A.Johuson, - `- , - Propr :-.--u - . THIS new-and coinmodious hotelis sitiruted v near the Lake Shore, and `comma,nd's u line view of the surrounding scenery. The handsomely furnished, well rooms are; large, `be supplied ivitlx` ventilated, and families can separate suits for themselves. _ . Sample Rooms for Commercial Travellers. The Bar will always be found replete, will: Liquors-and cigiars of thebest. brand, 7` - _ G` audnttentive ostlers. _Bo:us leave every {lay fo_r Barrie, Hawk- atone, Bell Ewart, Baverlon end all ports an Luke Simcoe, and three, time"! jiailyefor the Severn`. - _ _- " 824- V rimn mama. , uI.JC|aLJ.l.uUJ,Ia mum AA-VVVALAV v-I, , - _ . .1 A - So11c1tors 1n Chan_c.ery, 1\TnI,...'n.~ 13.17.71? [7/in-noun:-are '

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