um-mu I!I1ITu1m:,\ "III: Mr. Wright moved for a Sulect Com-1 mines to enquire intothe means of improving the navigation of tho'Oltaw'a jand Frenchivers. -The discussion on this matter embraced the_.questi_on of ` through water communication `from, Montreal to. Lake Huron,` and the general feeling appeared to be that this project was preferable to. that of the Georgian Bay scheme. The motion was agreed to. ` ` The wondrful new `Amesthetic, II ydv.-zuo of Chlomt, which is now supersedingjchloroform may he procured by physicians at the`-"Drug Es-. tablishment of A.` V. Palmer & 400., opposite s Barrie Hoel. ' ;'Pm=:su:z'rA.rrou _T0 was Rev. Mn. Fix/tssn.-It' is swith greet pleasure we learn that the people of . Essa connected with the first Presbyterian con-_ gregntion, have given 5 - subs'tantio1.;token.of their regard for the Rev. gentleman who has iahored-so long end _ear_nestly_= gtmongst them. A deputation from the above` church recently waited upon Mr, Eraser and presented him with an add:-'ess,i expressing. in warmterrns the esteem `and atfection `in which he was `held by those` who _ had had the privilege, of listning;to his ministrations, Accompenying the address was - a. purse conteiniug $178. Conn-s.-.-Use Dr. J. Briggs Curalive for Corns- Buniorxyingroyving Nails. Slod by all Druggiaxg. QED 9... BOND HEAD.- u ueunau 888-311.1 ==1Wo: iiid=N9.`1 of. .7-":. *."I.-2 .Jg`rirhd]` fdpvotedipipociaillyj l:lr3EII_ -__ Aging:or`ii)g;Mgrrifglpriqg pad lg,'glr`gnga~: ll; ' it gmgllin_|nort_wfiitq 'Engrivuys qjflh; liijhdl orddr pf. Art, Iill'3ho%'A_`[iio|O: it Qontdiniz oh .ivh uqvar.sa_:bjfe`cr; clgimlro boorigiw[II,.. How- ever this rnavTbri.ithay.nro nuqqeqliqnnbly ox- -1` gallant`, insmiolivc 1'-i,nr_l'u-tiller) in .3 ul`yle I vgingnlarly luoidnud` irblligiblo.` Th5 preneul number `consists of 44 large `pages, Agndr-is primed on anperiorr paper and in the. bent. guyle oftypogrnphy. On the whole, it is the mostmlraolive .j-rurunl of pfaolioul science L l Aexlnnhand lho Publisher: of the Scienlgc American must, as the saying is, look I6 their 5 lamelc. The Journal is ubliahedjl the I `House oflhe American evu-Co.. New 4` York ; price W cents a N umber, or $2.00 per f argnum. _ r `Hr. Hastings vndverlisies ainew struck of Gold and Silver Watches, Clocks ind Jewellery. Give him I call. - A ' A We-iinderstenn- that al_`depute.tion. from the inhabitants of Orillie town on- 'Iy`liursda'y,i andbad an inter- view with the Directors of the Mus-. kuka Railway,_for the purpose of elicit- ing` information as to therprobabilitiefs Smith addressed to the deputation the caretul perusal by all who. are in- terested in this nndertaking:- - C Tonorrito, Sinrcoi: & MUSKOKL Juno- TION R.uLw_1nr.. . , V Toronto,24th March, 1870. _ To 1\rIIsrsL Bingliam 85 Booth, ' ' Coinmittee from Orillia, - Gian'rr.eMnN,--Referri,ng"to your con- . inlinbitants 0.f the village of Orillia, in aid ofthis Railway, and to your `wish to be authoratively informed of the in- tentions of my Company in regard to the .prose'ci_ition of the work in, the event of that By-law being passed,I the respective municipalities now pass- under contract; andtliat whatever de- lay has yet occurred, rests not with this Company butwith the inhabitants of the_ respective localities vthroiigli which the line is intended to pass. \I7|nn end r`_.\n1nanu HI-of nrnnnana oftlie constriictionof the line in the 7 event at the By"-law beingyoted. `Iii ' . reply to those .inqiiirie8, Mr. Frank , following `letter, which so clearly sets V forth theposition and intentions of the _ Company, that we bespeak for` it e i versation with me this morning, ` iive to the By-law `submitted to the ` begto say" tliatl. were the By-laws of ed", the works would ere.-this have been VVHIUII IIIU HUD I3 UJLUIIUUU |U `DEBB- When my" Company first proposed to engage in this erlterprlse, the main- obstacle _it had to overcome; was the - suspicion that we were not earnest. Since that time "we have not lost 9. T day. -Our surveys and all details ufor rconstruction have been _ completed. r.'T\vo imvontlxs "ago-we were ready".to "locate our lino, to purchase the right of way, to buy `the ties, timber and other" material ;andwhad the by-laws not been l delayed the whole work would` are this Poruu nnsss% uuu. _ TI rggret -to sav that our position is yet the same. We are simply waiting for the passage sf theVBy-laws, and as` thntis a local matter beyond our con- trol, andj-eating wholly with the peo`-` ple, we" must, I.pre'sume, be content to. wait until that part" of the question is settled. All that I can now say.i:,_ let the By-1aws_bo `passed nndqa d'ay s de-T "lay will `not rest withVus--We shall go to work at ionc_a. ' 1' -..._t___ .1.-. ___, an ,,,I,._ _'_._n-1'-_ " ' -.. 1n..J.'.a..'... ~.uoae"c u . r?5:I=-Sylan '; T `.-.1-sire-t-mg`, n.'.?:- 3'53. .:l'eu,&o.;,Ki|_iy-`_`I!! V--3.19:!` , _ _---H-Ii-I. oldhvnlhlmtlnls. . . .L -. I88-tun - I confess that we feel very acutely the strange course which events have taken. In Toronto and in Barrie, where our. Company is best known, and its standing and resources best understood`, there has. .been- comparatively little hesitation in making liberal grants to the line, bylarge majorities ; but with ` yo_u, consequent upon rival interests substantial)" some people, seem to be the other.- This can have `but `on: of _ two results, namely, either to endanger , railway construction altogether, or to place the community andthe Com- pany in such relations as not to secure by good will or zealous co-operatioii, -the real permanent interestsof the _ locality. A work like ours involves `too much money and too important in- terests to-depeiid absolutely upon the action of any one separate cummuiiity. Brit whilst the hostility or i'ndi'e_ience of such afcommunity cannot stop a great work, it may_ prevent that work from contributing to that locality all the advantages which 'WO_|lld.I`eSlI ll . from cordial and` liberal co-operation. Let -me then say franklyytliat we are not `going to ghtthe Portope road in the Village ofO_.rillia. We leave the good sense, the prodence, the intelli- geiice, A an} the selt`-interest of your people to not without further f inter- -_ ference ofours. . .' ` ' Tl` A I. _-A, .`; .n t(unfortunately` more energetic than T disposed to play o` one railway against ` II-mom. -Rec aipta `Ind shipinenlg kn. keLqn iound u`nhangad.T [Sale of 500 bur- ms of unpetilo mt onuiddpoinlt. at dqnl*Io $3. l'5in"l`oronIa. V >V _ , T. _- Oru.--MuVkot lin:I_|_'.v L Safe at l,_gu`u 34 - - n;.;. . - `_n--;:.u. s...| .'I.:'.-....;.aA .-.'.: ~- _on lncuruus. . 7 ;.Bnm.--neo.ip'u" ind. -mpn_u,airaT inu; V fMm';ko! quiet '; but "pf nnythiu with I ulior .f`q`q _ 3. Vet] limo, cumin; nto lho.S_8}OIt -' -.-._`~ :`.. _- A and lIiipI;Ci!|;' nil. `:3-Ilur kotkqniot. amt unchanged. 48_Iro`_u price 59. fflgz. -l_H1 391`! 89| l_>y Ill? dmuuu. WHEAT.- Receipts and shipthenlu nil. Mantel lo-day vety qnxoI, mid doliveiel light in conseqnenoetof lholliou impassable con- djlion of the `roads. Sale reporled of .1 air [Spring-When at 860 in plots ;-1 lorof 5,000 bmhe|a..Spting'Whul were obrod 5:! 85 silo. I-.~. .....' ~_._n...`*.:..o..-....I .|.:.&....o.`...t "u..- f.o.b. ,at' Menfo;d; but ivnlhoqt. i_ndni'ng I U\.( 5179 lllfallll , After all, We lcol; condently to the decision of Orillia. and we hopesoon to find ourselves working heartily and amictibly together to mutual advantage. Should it unfortunately the otherwise, the fuultf andall its resulting disap-' pointmenta will cexta_inl_y not {eat with 1st House East Toronto Bank. 13- " *3. HINDS, -=-,- Tde8 P1? ' 1 IUIUIIUC UI UuI"0 Vlf,-they desire a railway ;' it mega want ` it at once ; if they wish to be placed this year in commumcation`-with Toronto, and if they desire to reap all the advantages such 'a'wo'rkeas ours can give them, then they will extend cheerful and reasonable assistance to the project. if on the other handthey "do not see it` to` be their-iutetest to co- operate with us to mutual benet ; we fear that no word of ours could sulce to change theiryiews. A We shall deep- ly, regret, and shall be much surprised . by any adverse decision; but weshall receive the verdict in a spirit becom- _ ring men engaged in_ agpeat and irnppr- taut enterprize, which most not be al- lowed to fail simply because there may be some people in the world who `do not appreciate the good that it proposes. to give them. T A A Map 15" n. In'.l. -.'.....1-.-`.51.. L- AI..- % ` % i,I79l._~nhIrn}l i0 g`r.0..'!.`&:: n / ' ' Tha Muskoka Raiiwy. T I am,Vn'e%t`)t1emen, .A \ _ Your obedient servant. - `!.1l1 A `LTD QIIIVHC UIIUUIUIIB SUI Vlllo `FRANK SMITH, I Th-nainnf. ` un;.1.L_.u,, - President. ' I vinvnnlun nunnsnv _ T ,- ' . larch 30th, 1870, fit!-ll D'I`|'oQo0-iltlunnhcil /(3 80 Spring, wheat` . ..j.,.. ...... ...' '10 0, "I5 Spring Ryo,,cbo':cg|9ed, pa`: bush - I 2 00 1 Yields well on may [which will. not grow ` prin.Wheqt.; " T `OCNICnonob`.unis-"on-olnouuozuo A Nogyay Ont} {or yoga` per quu-t. , 25 ,4- __.un.' 11.... M... 'Uu,II-cooni'oI-Iripcyuooouuonnu Bl I50 No:-uni, Out: for seed 1 Time mu ape far: more prolic than the !~8urpriu,? having produced ve bushels from one` pound - of seed. Mr. -Maundrell ha; Vs few! for sale. . Beef, by'IC8id0...-L-.squ..-700@ >P0l'k Inoaalllouunb-0 llnullt IdtlrnocllI -_l-uun0uoIu:oo 8 a 8 11.- _ , _ V A _ _ _ _ __-____ g'(mfm1o 00 Elotgern hhzmnt. Iv.IO.llIOl,I.-_OlIno>I 0-to ` D I`. O Hsygouoool-nun --ecu cocoon IO0Iiln-o.'IIIlt0QIIIII|_I _Eg.. .. , .....-...I'.....o.-.. `-I Flam-.'...l.......'......;..... 400 to450 Potstoej ....g....;............ 28 @'. 30 Potaguea, Early;`Roae. per lb. 15c The seed of this remarkable potato can be" `had of Mr. Mnundrell. . . 9 Hidea.........,......l._.......; 6 00 ft? 0 00 Barley'........................ 42 @ 43 Peu........; .... ` 4010 45 Crown Pets (for seed) remarkably _ - fprolic, per `bushel. . .. . - . [75 A few tor sale at M_nundrell s. - Sheep skins . . . . ...... .. 8010 900 Gm-dwnnd Green. .- . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 00 to 1 75 perpecln... I 1 25` GU93!) SKID! - -, Oordwood Green. .- Oordwood Dry. . J./4LLLltA.a.LJ .5 ma Arab1a'n 011 FOR HORSES .2 CATTLE. ' A` NEVER F/IILING, REMEDY. THIS valuable preparation combines all the medicinal virtues ol those articles which long ex- perience haa proved to possess the most sale and eicient properties furthe cure of Flesh Wounds, Sprains, Bruises; Gnlla ol all kinds,Crncked Heels, Ring Bone. Spavin. .Cl\ll0I.lS{ Fistula, Sweeney, External Poisons, Scratches or `Grease, Strains. lameness. Mange, Whttlowa,Corns, Sand Cracks. Eoundered Feet, Horn Distemper, Swellings. and many other diseases which horses and cattle are sugict to. ' . u nnlnhiated Linimenl.- has been used tor- uunu, v-nu. ...........-- -- _.-.. _,., subiecl ` '1 has. celebrated Liniment manv years,` and its curative properties thoroughlv tested, and it is conceded "to be the cheapest and most reliable remedy for all external complaints ever otfered to` the publzc-It never fails when time lv used and Inithfully applied. . Tn ha hm! nf all l)rmuzisIsnnd Cnunlrv Merch- applied. To be had of all Druggistsnnd Country Merch- ants throughout the Dominion. Price 20c. pevr bottle. ~ - - ' ' NORTHROI 65 LYMAN, lVUlCl'1'1llUl', 06 14 1 Lv:nu , ` NEWCASTLE, 'O'm'., . ' Proprietors. Sold in Barrie, by T. `W, Geo:-gen, Oliver 65 Co, A. V.'Palmer, `and Alexander & Co.; J..Do.-acon. Bradford; Green 5: Bro., Craighurst, and all ahanlnrn. _ 5.Iy_ urauroru; ureen medicine dealers. THE sum EB_L_lSH REMEDY 2 JOB MOSES PEBQDIUALT PILLS. This ilnvnlunblenlxeclicine is unfailing in the cure oi all those painful ,ancl dangerous discus}-s to which lheiomale constitution is 9-`xbjccl. ll moderates all excess and removes all obslLuc'lions_ and a'speedv_cure maybe relied on. vrn unnnnan LADIES ' iug"t/M FIRST TIIREE , 1 and 8 lptuV_I,lu_c Ina: uu -um... VIII . 'l`0 IA_RIlIED_ LA._DI _ it is peculiarly suited. lg Will,` m a shprt lime bring on !h_emunlh|v pernod_w1lh rcgularIl!/- > ' ' These Pzlls should not be ta.('m ayltllllt} Przg'nam-_1/, as they are .ny'a to bring `an Mi.- caynia 5, but at any other tzme they a;_' arIfn- In a I nlhnr cases of Nervous and Smnal Affec- carria but other Hr.-.y are Jj. In 11% other cases of Ncr_vous Spinal I.` Jns. Painsvinlbe Back and Limbs", Faligue `on slmhl exertion, Pal ilgulon` ufllze Heart, Hystgries t'..|gl Whiies,1hcse ills will effect a cure when all `olnermeahs have_'{u.i|ed ; and although" a powe{fuI_ re-fnedy, do not conlainlron, calomel, hntimony, or . nything hurtful lo the consliuumn. Pull .li.-ominniz in He `namnhlet around each 1'-rovinveo of NW! Seoul Directory. 1870-7] 3 00 Ptovinooo`l'N.B.Dinct_ .1870-7|. - -- 3 00 P:oyau_;u`otPcisu.'ad. I-Iuu1bm.,1s1o.n 2 oo V ' .b?.lIR`l.'l8flN.G. sjilill-`: '_Pno'vincp ofNwfonhdiund- zn.,1s1o.'u, -- 2 on` nything Imruul me consuuumn. ' `Full direclipn's in II a pamphlet around package, which should be carefully preserved. JOB MOSES, NI -J\\ YORK, SOLE ' PROPRIETOR. nn.JnIlnr gm! twplxm nml-n-half nanls {nr nosl One`dollar and twelve _anl-a-halt cents for post age, enclosed Id Norlhrou '65 Lyman, Newt-asllcn 0:11., general ngenls for1hc_ Dominion, wpllinsure a. bottle, containing over 50 p|ll~', by. refurn mail. JUD mualsa, JVI'aI\' xunn, ovum rnvrnlnnvlu. I ' Sum in`Rm-rip. hi: Oliver .55 Co.. T. W. Georncn. Dl'.UIO| U;_ _UrI"Ell medxcme deal_crs. - A` Familv `Medicine, well and tavorably known for the pasl ten years,never'lailing in a single in uluncelo give permanent reliefwhenlimely used, and we have never known :1 single case ofdissnlis_- iaicuon-where the directions hlive been properly folluwed, but on the contrary all are delighted with. ils operations, and speak in- the highest terms nfils viruie and magical eecls. . ` - '1`!-H-`.. HA NAHIAN PAIN 'l)F.S'Y`ROVF`.R ha Dollie, conlalnlng DU plI|~', Dy. relurn Inau- Sold in`Barrie, by Oliver 5:. Co., Georgcn, A. V. Palmer, and Aleximder 55 00.; J Deavou. Bradford; Green 65 Bro., Crnighulrsi, and all_ madininp Hpnlnirn. - . 4.]v l'L'l'-'\ll`~'C slnmacn l0nlCg UIUl'p'|S>6l1 1!! H18 -histdrvulvnnedicul r_epar:Iuons. It seldom falls to cure Dyspu sia - wt.-r.C.ompI:_zinls, Indigestion, Heartburn, ick Headache, kidnev Complaint, `Acid Stomach, Phlhiaic or AsIhma;`and'reslores to vital a_clivi_ly1he syslqg debilitated by >su'cr- ing and dlsease. , _ he mam:-nl nnil'mL~r!nl elmrwu in nm-inc `marl- . 'l>UBIC-B_lV_P1'l0lVl fa nojsmuon nvnnc-rovlr: Dominion ot'CnnadnSubecriben,'-. A -3120 . Unilod`Sm`euJ. , Jag. _. . dram. Grealrluin and Irolnnddo A . -. ' 7- ~ 38 8:3. Franou,Gu-mInv,&c.A . ;- -` 3813. _' nuipcIn;|w1oggu. . T Provincool.0n t do Ds;q:gofi;17o;7I, -" ; -uoo __ :19;-pg cT_s.yu`;sgs_ouaji;;ge.o:sry;A1s-1o,7,1,.:.3 oo :: 2.;-.2 !l:'r'ofvinu:__n__;d?' `Di ,`l870i-`ll.-V -am JYOULD DO ` 'l'Hb- UALVAUIALV l'.`\l'.V IJILDLLIUX DH H8.` `wonturifselfafeptilalion, as a bluod p_ui'ier,v all;-r:\li'.'e slnmach tonic, unIurpns.~ed In the reparauons. mire Dvsmmsia iv;-r Cmnnlainls. Indizeslion. in: am; disease. Its magical and uvdndcrlul success in curing sud- den Colds, Sore Throat, Coughs, Diptheria, pains in the side, loms and back, Netualgia, Toothache, Rheumatic and other pains in any part ofthe bod_y ` and from whatever cause, has given it a place In every household and is Tustsuperseding all other pieparations of the kind. ' ~ It is also an effectualand nromnt remedv for .I.otn3x; n|nEc1'oax I43s, _ 1` is intended to make them DIRECTORIES V the most complete and correct ever issued on this continent. They are not being {refuted b correspondence , but by-PERSO A MN- ASS.wu door to door,|of my own Agents, for lhe requisite iulormntion. I have now en ged on the work in the several Provinces orty men and Twentv horeee. These are engaged mainiy V on vlhetowne and villages of the-Railwn y and correct and ' lfindexto the Steemboet Routes, important `places on the line being held till the completion 0 the farmer, to `ad- mit at correction to Ieteettiete. - - _ lumici te_ia'eum , in Oua6pr.o u:u', tlip CANA- DIAN MINION lREGTOBY,end SIX PRO-- . VINCIALV lREQ'1'03lESbowhic will` rove e M! ION 'e`CA- NADA `NEWFOUNDLAND ;' a utmost ,nnwnn1smNo:`a e'TcdI;1b::xtGeI?eteer, Direetoryiend I: ohe eIx_ Prgvixnoerq preparauons or me xmu. effectual and prompt remedv S ralds. Burns, -Bruises, Sprmus, '()hilblain_s, Frdsl Bites`, Cramps. In the Stomach. Diarrhuaa , Cholera m,m_-b_ua, Billuus Cnulic,Cholera lufantutn, Dyseu- lcrv, kc. V _ Brice only 25 cents peI;boule.- lsolcl in Barrie b T. W`. Gorgen Oliver 6500, A. V. Palmer, an Alexander St Co.; I. Deacon. Brmlford; Green 6; Bro.`, . Craighurat, and all medicine dealers. ' . -V ~-.w\.\~-wvv'v\n.w.w.<.-v~,- vus,-usy-as Lo'vaL_Las 1>1zov1Nc1AL 3; DOMINION;-DIRECTORIES. V To'bepublishd in October, 1870: OTIOVE,-Lenrning that my name has been unwarmntably A used in connection with Directories now being canvassed in the `Provincen. and 'er.'tinsly distinct from my worki,'and that in" other cases It has been stated that my Director- : ies have been pbandoned. I would requeablhnse desiring to given prejeronee to myworkl to lee that persons representing themaelvcc 3 get! at for the are furnished with atttisctoryc entin . . " Inun I nun: 1- n._u:-1 _.. ' nvw asylum nuuyvtuuul I.{-CC.V_Q A man. mu: mzsronnn. An naussnr` . ._ . Oomlzine in_ One 3ottlo._ _ ' 151121 as A A`r:t-Ianvos u.p{Auu_u gu vuv nvv MRS": s. A`. ALi'jEN's HIIAIF RESTOREIE Vgh `I7 I 13.... -_.. l`1..--_. `II_:.. -53.-I.' .-w-.-vva-5 Vrqoaanw ' Will. lles;-we Gray` air to its Natural Life, Colon` and Beauty. It is 1} most jezigntrunlnir Dressing. It will romote lnx1u'iunt growth. FALLIN HAIR is.i1nmedia.tc1_y checked. I-(11.8. A. ALLEN'8 ZYLOBALSAMUM. maxim brroizranu hr the Hair .- tlmr and tram-'.$nrnut_ Mn. 3. A. ALLl'lN'B ZYLOBALSAMUM. nlloltf frepdratixm r tilt Hair .' tlmr and trausfarnct, willwut xadirnmt. It 2': very simple and q:_n product: wonder ul res.-4I!:. 1!: great :u,0:n'or1'ty and m.-omy ` 5; and one wiiai flu ' aulvza-zuI:4' cl 5 (:21 not only in {Ink tovmtr (m( 2'; ` Europa /re `tsfarer mid .g_ 91!, gal _ 1) 31' Au. Dzwootsn. Proprietors, S. R. Van Dnzat 54 cm," \Vholeaal-9 Druuinq 35 Rugby St. And 40 Punk Plans N:-vi-York. ` ` an a I air Dre:.n'ng_awr Ixigh cod F rmc/1 Pamela: it ` 1 1 An inouelitiol mojeting was held in the magic Hull, Toronto, on the even- ing of the 25th inst., forthe purpose of, considexfing the above question. .... ,__-_.:.... ...... nm:dn,d`ove1- bv EH1]! 0! IL` Vll'l.|le End In-.2ICl EIIECIS. THE CANADIAN PKIN DESTROYER has. :ln\|| l.u~iv'cuH'n in-na.>l;:Iinn n: n hlnml nnl-inr V U\llll-V Ll\I I 5Monlral, March 16, 1870. CANADIAN |1\lDESTRYE:. Ntm Tbnertisctutcxxts. New Style. Important Change. man. Inna nwm-n'm:~.n urn muunr pttial No*nt c5.% LBARRIE numxnvr. ` |:__-I. oi DABLEYS Noliwnnovaz LYMAN; 11-..... .,...-. .. `(Tu-r T 36533` '1';d;'z.}L,' i7.Izz.',z..r. .1. 11: In- m, nu nun.-. .. The meeting \ '1he Mayor, and great `many of. t` `men o`fToronto. -- 1' n 117. > Gnu HAIR Is a. _cei-tain intlicatioiy _ ' of decay at the roots.. nngmfivi. mm, Nature's Crown. You Must Cnltifnte it anu il 5-ly. all 3 4-1}; V ?lIIUl my IIIC 3: -'II_Iy_ OI NIIY HOXU . .7 ;..3F!!:`!.'!*.-:.c-nvl9in of the <.=n!r!-ct will 1V3'lfC:'l.|lI:_iIlIll Io{nigu.1lu..'l_`endur. ` lay '_u:o}z m --, ..u sun; qcgsn . , * _Sealed feudrn fdr sampni5',"s and 7 addressed uh the Comnfnlbnprs ol the Inleroolomal Railway. gud rnrked 'l`eirders._' `ill be received at ihhir in7 Ottawa,` up_lo,1;o clock p.m., "on Silur- ; day '0 May L t Land _lor.,8octions 5.3.4 ...' n ..r.I-;, ._ _ A nn. H11 Planu and pmle. with specications and terms of contract {or Section No. `I, will be exhibited at tho` oice of the Chief Enginer in Ottawa, and at the oicesfof lhdcommiosioners in Tot onto, Que, boca. Rimonski, Dalhotuio, Newcastle, 8:. John and Halifax, on and after Monday, the Inn day or April nan ; for Section: Nos. 5 ando6 at" the lame otoes, 9:: ant: me: Wedhoulay, the eoih April. .ngx't, and fa`; Spctions Nos. 11, I8, 19 `and $0, `at I hQ,IIl0 on and: anoi.r_rue sd-'y,`.u:`o ma dhy.ot'.MnyIjcxt. . I ` ' . ' Q--I..l |'_.:.iL;._ 1-_'_ n,~,. "1.-`h"- - - -- cw IU\II`Il , III, III . quylxl llolecllonl Nos.` 11, 18.: l9,und 30. np"to' 7 o'clock` p. m., on :\.Vevlne:`JVay th 2.'nh_da1 or'Mdy ` ` uh. .m.....I.u.... ..r n.- ........-. .._:n l.l.Jl"3, lAVll';I(.\.".I" mg and izcl'-`Iw rvi cured` by using Dr.` .1. Remedy, soothing, sun- all medicine dealrrs `men 017 l.UIUlILU- _ Mr. J.'>G. Worts,iof the ._ rm oi `Gooderham & Worts, Distillers, nioved ` the first resolution, which was as fol- lows :-~ , .. A e That it is not expedient to enter upon :1 course of legisletio'n. Tw.hich_ V will be antagonistic to Imperial Policy -or retaliatory to "the United States; and that the true A interests of this "eonntry will be `best preserved by a "Free ' Trade -Policy so. far as it is con- listent with the "mz_:intennnce of the Revenue. -- *-V - - 1 .1 , 1.1..-- 'TV_-.I;. nngg ulvcr nurulnncnl. . .'l`_h9 Contracts for Sccuons Not. 17-, IS, 19 and 203`Io'be corpplelely nished and ieady for laying the tnckby the n! day of July, 1872.` ` Ol{NS.-lIAlH), SUP l` "AND" FESTERE D CORNS, bunions, large or small, ingrowing nnils,- sweat-scalded feet. &:c., relieyjed im- mediately and soon cured by applying Dr. J. Briggs Modern Curritive according to direc- tions`. v Itlnever does harm; always does good. `Sold in Barrie by Alexander &,Co., and by, all ` medicine dealers. ' 888-Hy \ ` aaaa --.v\u.n-vu Section No. 20, will be in the Province of New Brunswick, and vVil_ia:_tend from the Enateriy and ofetibn No.10, in the Town o{Nevvcastle,. on vthe Chaplin Island rand. thence crossing the North West and South West branches of the River, Mirauiichi, and terminating at Station No. 320, about one" miip and three quarters South of th South \Veat branch, avdistanceyof about six miles. "including the bridge! over the branches of the River Miramichi. ' 'l`|.'.. n'._...--_._ A`._n, . no --- -- -- uvvuu an ul HUS- . Section N9. 7 is in the Proffnce of New Scnol in; and extends from the Soulherly end of Section 4 , near River Philip, to Station 0_._ [formerly Slaliou Fmy.] at Fol'y Lake, a distance of about 24 miles. _ (N... `n,,,'. , . - ura. _ _ The Contracts for the above Scliqns to be completely "tin-tshgd "and ready for laying the track by the_rl of July; lS'il. ` v 2...: Thu Cdmmir>ione'.'s also giv public notice that they are prepared to receive Tenders (or four fur- ther sections oflbe line. - - ' ` ....:-_ xv- in , -'n . . . .. . 4- u... 1. - 1 Luv1uu_\1l`;- UL` 1'U1iUMA.\l`J, W _ contai g 100 acres; 45 cleared and inn good state of c tivation. There is a. on the lot. - There is barn, and from three - Wheat sowed. 1.`..- :....n..'._ _-..-2-..v - four acres of Fall oalog house and log IV IJEIIC SUWCU. For furthr particulars post-paid, or to the subscribe _ GEO, Lot 19. 2nd- ly, if by letter, the premises, ..I.u:\v'.L'.|n_It_:. V Mr. VVorts said the Free Trade quee- *1-ion was fought. ovexf by the_'Board of ATra`de fteen years `ago. ' He was a Britnher, and believed that assoon as ever Canada abandoned the Imperial ' Policy and imitated the United States` Polil-,y,Afro.m that moment she would goeto the bad. Messrs. Hugh Allen & Co. were the third largest shipownors in the world,eand hevwonld 'like tosee all the grain sent to Mon- treal instead of to the States, _Retalia- ' {ion would do no good ;`it; would only `injure ns. We should copy Eugland s policy and all would be well. 1\1,.... Inf than-u Innlr nf the lnlnunrr Tli Commissioners appointed `to construct the Intcrczloniul Railway give Public -Notice 1113 having` annulled lhu Conlractsjor Sections Nos. 5, G and 1,lhcy are prepared to receive Tunderai lur re-`llling the same. , ` .qunli.~.n NA u . L. 3- .1, , is - - A - --.'~-cu.`-ug Inc same. _' _ Section No. 5 is in the Province of Quebec. and intends `jom the Easterly end ot"Section No. 2, forty mules east of Rivieredu Loup, to the Sixty- ststln mile post, near Rimouski, a distance of about -26 miles. ' a,....:__ la , 1.". . . _ ~- -vvns av uulvlo `Secxiun No. 6- is in.tbe Province of New Brun. wick, and cxten4. s from` the Easterly end ofScc- li0.l No: 3, oppsile Dalhousie, lo the west side of the main Post Road, near the lurly-eighth mik- posl, Easterly fyrom Jacquev. River, _a distance ox aboul2l miles. Q___=__ `y .. . .- . -. nun auuuvua VI nuc lll.lCc Seuion No. 17 will be in the Provlnce o {Que- bcc, and will extend from the Eastei-lv end ol'Scc- ticn No. 14, down the Mutnpedia Valley, to Sta- tion No. 685, about one mile nbove the boundary line bclween the Countles ofRnn_ouki_ and Bona- venture, a distance ofabout 20 miles. Q....u:.{.. Rt- ID`....`|I L- 2- .1 n , ~ A n ..,..n..u, u ulauluvu vn uuuul nu tunes. Section No. 18' will he in the Province tot Que- bec, and will extend from the Easterly end or Section No."17, down the Matapedia Valley to Station No. 380, near Clark : Brook, 3 dnstnuce of tiboul 20 miles. ` a-_.:__, xv, .n .n , . -' - - - ' V. ---vu. ~v uu urn; Section` No. 19. will extend from the Easterly en'd ofSeclion No. '18, in the Province ofQuebcc, down the Matitped-La Valley to its UK uth, and thence across `the River Restigouc-he to Stntiun No.370, at the Westerly end of Section `No. 3, in the Province 0! New Bruswick, a distance of about 95 miles, including the bridge over the River Rest tgouclte . c..v-..:_... hf- n.\ _, on c - - - |_ 13-17in. `NEVER ):\&ILIN(f};`(-3`l:{EEK' .1->- [N'r1:IicoLoNIAL RAILWAY. )`ILES, INTER.\'AY., I731`?-2i!.\'AL, BLEED-` ins: ital -`I35. rv'li-vm! nl (mob. and nnnn `NIH! kbllhl I-Ill vv vulva ' -av Now, let them look lumber trhde; could they reco1lecf.anytime when Iunlberiitood as high as at. pre- sent? We used to send lumber to, '.England, but America. p'r_ed to take it at n,hig.herT rate, andhso` long as ' _tho.t was ;he case, why should w with- - hold the supply ! A ' T ,1! v AL- ..'_..I;_L5-..2..A.. `u.-A.`-.4...` fa ' -... `,<- ">- . 0 WW: : ..y -, A VARM. TO'.RENT, 1-7~I"nl1 Isl nnuvv v vs:-an p... _.__-__ IITH 'r\E1>ruv1LEGI:. 01-` PURCHASE, cnntxi `nu mn an}-aw A: nvmn.../I .....: :.. .. L6: .19, zagl I lv.\l i`.h;\A\U, DlJIIIl`4U' viimjed at once, and soon '. Iiriggj-,:s Universal Pile I-mzd fclinble. Sold by o`V1lllJI3g`~ A n,cn.amnI.e:n,' 5 1- T 12:, w=.nIaLn1.AN, L nn-| -hi-- ---. ...u.-u-unsvg Conmisnongam -.._. _ _-:-:1 w w ,7"- Periodicals aknd Newspapers, I:1n"i*h " rioan, `Ledger, New York WC'k-."- Bazaar, Weekly, and Magaziun. 3'- Family Herald, Every \\'e01~'- Magazine and Journal. All the Lon-.:\ tmted Papers, &c., &c.. ' I-nrrel ;- who would have to pay this? `Why the impoverished miners and shermen of Nova, Scotiu, "which he considered "would be iniquitous. He insisted that the idea of putting a tax ' on salt. was also infamous. The old system of manufacturing that article at Goilerich had been entirely "altered, so that it was a. fact tlmt/atlthe present time the. .most excellent salt was .man_ulactured one half cheaper ilmi formerly- However,` he believed that- the salt question was merely put for- 'xvard`ns n buglieur. Again, theproi-i A tectionistsrwanted to" put a"-duty "on e al of$2 perton, which would have the eglcct of compelling us to go80O miles for coal when it could be procured easily 600 miles nearer. As to the canal system',_ he would, ass. matter of ;pride,.li_ke to see the Welland Canal widened so that vessels of large tonnage might run direct from Chicago to Kingston. He wanted to improve 1lu's_ not the United States; but with regard "to the proposed Canal improvements pbeingvcarried out in toto, he thought that we should obtain ho aatisfactionin the end for the outlay of such :1 vast sum ot money as would be required. * ' 3 " Tm? H10 Anna`-inane nnllnn! me!-in! Jl| l\-A L n - v V I In . . 7 `Then' the protectiovnists wanted to place `a dutyon our of 50.cents per Pianbs on Sale and to Rent. Melodeons on Sale and to Rent. Victoria Organs on Sale nn-! 1` Shei . Husic and Music Books in great v:= Violins, Coucertinas, .'x'..; , S AT EDVVAIHJ:-~ ISTAT1ONEi{`: Consisting of Fooi.=<':ap~,_No!e, i` st. Sealing Wax, Penciis, Pun,-50:`. 11., Pass Books, Drawing Book 2. 1.:-:i",z< .'.- 1 ._v Books. Drawing Paper. Tr.x Card `Board, Taifofs Manilln, t.` Stands, Pen Racks, Penholdcxs, Va`: .' Drawing-S'.a:es, Copy Books, iii;-`.1 Mucilage, Crayons, &c,, &c. meswcm $1800.00. AT ED`VVABD>~ Books in grexn v:.ri.~ty, from ve cot! ten dollars. Pocket and Fami`._v Iii?-.1: and Psalm Books. Church of $211.13`.-:1 Rooks, Catholic Prayer Bookm Funuig Books, Books of,Fn<'t'nnd Fiction. {- the Farm Yard, and Poultry Yard, .`:.,u Pig_, the Horse and Curtis, Uou'iL'r_)' at, pcsuiob, and Classics. POSITIVELY AT. TQR.jON.TO PRICE Imwmzs U I\.'\1u|lcuo Let. the Americans collect vhat tariff they` pleased; it was neither our policy not that of England to interfere- with the" matter. If. we persist in . adopting o. retalintorypolicy,` we . may V rely onitEugland will `leave us 19 put it through on our own resources. R/Ir nnhnrf Wnbnn l'.H....-_.l .1 Selections can be made here from n 1,000 di`erent_pn`1terns and 100.!` ~.I ;-= LARGEST stock of imponed \Vn21 Pu the Prdvince. !lV1... \Ir-n ~n _ _ _ _ _ . _.x' n_-,......: ..~ use rrpvlnce. _ The Wall Papers and Deco:-rm 2:: Goycrnofs House in Toronto. were '..-I- ` "5 Stock". the, contract therefor bu, QIQHO an JEDWARMF .4 T ED WA [:12 "POSITIVELY AT TORONTO PRICES 13ti.vva1*c1_ re At` aw" POSITIVELY AT 'I`ORO.\"I`U W-3'" ` 'VVa11 Pap0:`V ;;Af v`()]:U|vTlC XIX A full assortment of` IF Illlhlsll VII VIII U\VVu Mr, Robert Wilkes followed lhevlagg '_spea!terA and` supported his views with consxderable eloquence and practical _common sense. _ " T ' Ell. TAL... I`.-....I-.. ..L.`--A__I ,1. ,. __'_qT.,_. You shcdld have due THURSDAY, MARc11.3_1;: Fre6: vfs. Protection? CHECK, : 'raa ,CnLnnnA"rnn 11-'7vF. 1z3t"'1_)1r ` wnm. TO CALL x1??ra1: mzfran IUUVU lillnqsnv - was presidedover by 1 was Tattendedvbyjvaj the most. prominent of those ne oid_ --z ." ,!g9wh1..'o&niI`:?hu;.; A , 1370. `1i;e ;.nea_m_a~:`; _ =gl:e:a_-.t;1a1_7v`ai`ue `,'- V` the gas . V ~:`o|!i!fri1l1ir.ed 1,0 ms. 8' . ` `in Viiwgniity syicgts f zwill` ' 19,11 9\_rr{u'vv xni_lls .91.: 6119-`; lb Xiliorsbon .gg_Aldorgnan I Digskay f860ud_a` {bk nmopdmant, which .Vried on a divi'sion; b'nt fro'm' _ made inouo of IIIQTOIOHIO pa~peis`:|tV`-~`.li_iIfAufoeA_V . _ ~._ ~ ~ T _ mnybo inferred thatthe `protactionjigts ,_ T:rgigifj'au,_;equal sIIiITin}BarriAe,will gamed the day `by moan.I"`7!>.f`hui_i|ig M "uite aboutdop'ble`thi$ rate, A- the meeting well packed? -ith -em-| `. V6, argquito wellhwaro. that _0I". ployeea oi ` vamus manhfnctm-en taken asa whole, is not what can be` rather than by force of argument. . `fairly called a. wealthy -township; IRA-n in n -An.` .-lg.-I ..l ...l].... bunlui Inna ' The Narrow Guago. V The Narrow Guago` forrailroads seems to be attracting much attention at present, and to be nding more favor` than heretofore". ' " 001! ew 1r.eeks,ngo.ia;Fostiniag, in North Wales, trialviiwasjrnede of an engine !co`nstructed'by Mr. Fairlie and -` called The `Little Wonder. This I engine consists of one long boiler, IIEV9 ing two sets of tube, avith [double re- box between, and poised on two bogies or small trucks. It is `reported by com- petent witnesses that the arrangements results in wonderfully increased power, ' remnrkablesfacility of movement upon curves, almost entire "freedom from` _ oscillation, and, by consequence, much less injury to the rails than that caused by any. otherengine hitherto invent-ed.-` ' Mr. `Fairlie, (saysjtheleadei) exhibits irighis igsrdenfa. steam'carriege_ of 4-3 feet in length, -travellmglet a speed at . 25 miles an .hon'r. around curves of 50` feet radius, and which could with equal ease and `greater safetyvtravel round curves of 25 feet" radius,_ or-about that if an'_ oirdinarg/ei_turn-io5le. V This is certainly wonderful. The` - perfor-_ mances of the Little Wonder}? as re- _ lated by a special reporter, of~th'e Lon- ' don Times ere far beyond all prece,-` (dent. The Railway from Port Madoc" to_ Festiniog is `constructed on ya 2 ft, gnage. The -Little Wonder is an eight`-wheeled" engine of_4 cylinders; its'_averag`e steani-pressure 150 lbs, ; its weight 195 tons, its`-tots.l_leln,';th :27; it. Recently a train was made up, consistinghof e90 slatejwaggons A weighing 57; tons; 7 passenger `car- riages and vans, 13,`, tons; 57 ~passen'- 1 gen, 4 tons ;--in all 75 tons,eto which ; add its own'weight, and we have a total of 94-; tons; p Considering the size" _ ofethe engine, the narrowness of the gauge, the steepness `of the gradients, and the sharpness and snullitndef of the curves, this weight isconsiderable ; the length of the train was nearly the: sixth part of ajmile-; and the F` Little I Wenderltook it up the hills and in and out among the curves at an` average speed ofl-4; miles an honr,the iraximnml speed [being 26; miles! A dayore two. afterwards the same` engine drew a train otf14-01 empty and seven loaded wa_ggons,. weighing in all .1013 tons, andmeasuring in length one quarter of a mz'l,--so long that there were parts of the road on which it had. to ram on` _ no `less than./ive reverse; curves--s-_up the same, track at an average speel of 12; miles, and-`a maxim um,of 16;. The ofcial report ofthe engineers conclu- ded with these" words :- . ~ CCU I \ I I d To THE LADKIESAE uvu vvnuan -nu.-av vv vuvuuo - It (the Tattle Wonder) doesrfarT more work than any ordinary engine; and iyetist far less destructive to the permanent way .? T nu: vvtnncala u_:aI uucs.uuLll[)pIl1l' I0_l)6 a sound one. Thapeople of Orillia profess to want railway .commuuica`- tion: as speedily as they `can `get it, but it seems to us that they had `better paid or risked something more to secure itbeyond_ a doubt: " - ` The Orillia Vote.. The ratepayers of ' Orillia villagg have carridthe B)?-law submitted on behalf of me Midland orPort mgpe Railway Company,_ and rejected the one in aid ofthe Toronto and Muskokai road . ' uvullvll VVLAB |1l_U 3|vlUU`:"U3L Pliy. The ratepayers of -Orillia" ought to know what wiltbvestf subserve their ' Interests. in dealing with these 'rival_` projected railways, and perhaps they do, but we cannot help thinking that it would have been `betterpolicy to have sanv':lioned'both By-laws rather than reject the one intended to'bri'ng them into drrect communication with their -principal n1,'.u.ket,a.nd the capital efthe Province.- - V * `IL _-- ___._-.._n__ _ I.;_-... 1 .1-.` ' ... Pure `Drugs ._at A. V.PulmeI_ & :"C0'l.,-.1_)`p- posits ,'.1cW_at s Barrie Hotel. ' g A . Wnrnnpnoor Conmosrnoxt FOR Boom`--Boi1ed oi`, one pint; Rosin; Wax nndTnrpentin'e, 30 ounces each. .Melt the first three, then stir in .thd Turpentine.` ' A ` A"loVth By-laws wer sttbvmitted Ion "Tuesday last and" the final rem]; of t_heA voting was_:-_For the T. S. & Musi koka bonus, 24;against 37; majority` Aagainst, 13. For the. Midlahd, 43; against, 19 ; majority in favor of24-. - l`h:u rnnnlf than hnu K g a n . u . ..-u-.! asuluav, nu , IIICIJUIII Au nuvul UK 461'. This result may have been expected in Orillin, but it certainly "was not lookedlor by outsiders, at least m_thi_s ' direct-ion, although it was rurrioured V lately that the"-supporters` oofthe`Mu's-K koka rond'were lesin g ground, but from what particular cause we cannot learn. It` was said that the vote was be a close one, has turnedout so` far otherwise that we are at a loss now to `understand how. with so few voters, there could havevbeen any doubt as to which was the strongest party. Thu rnfnnnuni-e nf.n |la" nnnlao In CI IJIC L IUVIIIVUD _ It is ge_nera|ly~ admitted that, with the expected Municipaltaid, tho Toron- to and Muskoka Company would _be Onllia before the Mid- -"land could` "do" so under any circum- sauces, so - that the Tpolzcy of aiding thewenkest rst does. not nppcar tabs 8 sound `one. 'PI1A`nnnnIn nl (1:-Hlin cuuuuuu auuac. ` "Mr. JohnsGordou objected altogethgr to the arguments offered by his`.p;..- decessors, and moved as an `amend. maul:--- That this meetmg,mf - the general resolution passed at, tho meeting on the 18th inst.,tha.t itwould . = -`be Vsthes exercise of a. wise and patriotic - V`? .`stn"(edrnunship on the -part of our >Goy- etnme`nt1 so to` shape ilsglogislalion in I 1139 adggstmont of a laxiffaswill, with- on; mageriallyhincrensnng the, 'burthens`- ~ 1.-l_1o'7peoplg,_afIords.nmodanitbamount, ;p'ig;ection g.I.o the producing, -Vmnqu-7 mg-T. = `vaf On the 18fh?of.ziext`itiJo1;{`h' the Rate on thqnew ;fa,kB:l'I_ _in_ Oro,a1id as thpi main `HQ'..'du]_la_!" whigh will have togbe levied to `most $he=`deb't _ of 320.000 `bT-.1`ni`r9'i.i.=.%.r;..t.I.='I`;=n` what" Barrie win f1iiv. t :;,_[;'z `ix itA e t grants the much lurgo;=snui_76l'$80,OQ0,` .tho- soone'_I'. ' it ;if{hit T`:tho ' -ttqentd:is`iiEOt%ihewir; j L The _n zeu: area was in the ahn, or a. 'liltlO`0ViifK*1IlfV aent; ime_ntibn'ec_1:: ` in fii`* IibiI..a`";::'.;~&>;`sAusca&a :`.'- ofjast year a_neyisd~by;. Ihg AQou_1gg'il; : ~- - -- -`-av vrvvxf II]! V IIUGIIU?` mgntloned` . in .:`z;l' 13,.YV"`I.`..". `1!i!!}'P9h1ishqd]fi' . land. upon the, ,towna,hip_,: Iuusmcntg _ n..: gm..- Iluni . IL- ..-d.L__'_..n .'i'ho`.Q1'9'.`B0nu,s. ' `"gyurj uvu=|uA_tuI, .I_ax:x Ul_l9': ;u._, A" -T - `I-'!6_ira_i;l(e_n_.;#equal_ eiIIiIinlBarrie will lje9`l|Ir.e alioiit double tlii'nt`e_. . 0 _ [A Ve, wellaware. that Ore-, as a whole , not can be .1 [fairly 7called a` wealthy =town`shi_p; ' there is a good deal ol rather poor land in it, "and few-iffariy of"the- settlers have acquired Vwealth there` such as will -he found in `most of the Southern municipalities; but still we believe it ~ can aord to give $20,000 to a railway, and what is more, we have no doubt but that "the construction of the;rail- way -will greatly increase the ability ' of theiatepayers to meet notonly the L `special but the ordinary taxation). A A Rniluinu mannnt {nil tn increase -`7\II Ulli DIIU UIIJIIIGIJ I-Eallll-lull: A Railway cannot fail to increase the general prosperitylofthe township-, and every new set_tlerV will: take his share `in the small burden and lessen its weight upon all the others. ' 'I'.`l~mrn mm um-hr nf iHn"tnnn1cl1in tn ll- WlguI uyuu nu ultr QIIIUIIO - There are pnrts_1of the'"township to Which it is supposed thatethe benets of the Railway will not 'extend, but we cannot Ours_e'.ves_ see: where the line canbe dmwn, and ifit is admitted um. some portions will receive. greater ad- Ilvantages .than `other portions, it must. also `be acknowledged that "those who ' areriu a` pomtion to gain most will have `to pay in. proportion. "If Hun nnnuh-nniinn nl' H-an Rniluinv lU PU. `lI.I- IHUIIUI 'lUlln ' If the constrrictioii of the- Railway through the township renders more- valuable the-particular section through which itpasses the prcpertyclose by will be assessed higher than that which is further off; sojthat those who live at a. distance may not as a fact nd their -tax-ea increased at all in the aggregate.` Pam: ma; ' PILLS.--Ulc Dr. J". Briggs Pile Remedv for In ' le.ruhl,Externnl, Bleeding and Itching Piles. I gives imInedia'lc. |'c:}1u{ and 1': reliable. Druggisls. 4 - . - _` 888-311': The ladies of the Church `of England` con- gregation, Ridge Road, `Ora, anxious to. give a tangible proof their esteem and _respe_ct for Res. R. II:trris,w.hose labours atnongstthem under great diiliculties have _been` eminently successful, gave a Soiree in the Town Hall, Ora`, last Friday, 25th inst. The chair was taken by the `Warden, -Wm. Ardagh, Esq., who, by his attendance at this and similar gatherings, atsorne personal sacrice, has madehimself. manyfx-iends_.' After the " good things (which for excellence 'and profusion did ereditvto all concerned)" had been disposed of by apprecia- tive appeti.tes," thog Warden, also Rev. - Messrs. Mark, Ferguson 8: Harris, delivered_in- terestingv-u'.nd instructive addresses. The pro- ` ceedings were enlivened bye. pleasing episode L which took`-all by .surp_rise. ' n- u...'.I. 1.......... 1.........A ot..4'l\I.- 11m-pie aim: -is-npuunt ivhony `op-. `pond toth zonkmin scheme with`ma. % ~ States. `.Il_in,IiIII on yoaitive uf.iafa'ction'u} to; athoz b9|i5'_LdaVcqutinnn_tion 5! tho`pru_ent4s6:g-T_ , ~_ioggIon` 59 be- ; atom a;qIcuii"of nah , _ :__`_r,_, -_ -----`_-_. Loagmngh` has `dcclined (6 giie th ].quir_o,a ,s1_o,ooo nonns;i1n`.ia; or _t_ne_ mum V. 3:3 : f_-: .3,` , \ ., ,. suicide is sometimes [so grotesque as to cancel the" horror naturally pertaining to it. Some three weeks since 8 man was seated on. one or the quuyahorderiug the river Same, whennu `individual, middle-aged, fumped over his head. `into the wut_er;re-appearing a `moment after- wards, he produced three or; four go'ld_ pieces which-ha` commenced tossing in the air and The outward demonstration oflmanin in the catching, am-rthe fashion of the Monntebaulr. Finally he caught the whole `in hisxmouthf swallowed them, dived `and was drowned. Hi; body wrusubaequeutly rec'overod.aud laid out 2: the Morgue for recognition. ` _` Joseph Klater, a. B4ubemiah of _Balftimo,re, made a.- berthathe w_ould,:-atone dmugbt,: swallow iyqunrt of whIskey_. He performed - the feat, but -was unable tobundle tlxe money, as when the meaame _le'ft _hisTlipu `it left. him `dead. 7 ' ' ' I ` Tun N.` iALmori.,-Theicnrr.entnumber of this journal is to hand. We have had occasion ..before this to `call attention to` the special -merit. of this newspaper'-that is, its thorough` reliability, There is no paper published in the States (with which we are acquainted) that is so genuine and unprejudiced in its views. It containspnoue (*7 that wild "and ohjectionable declamrtion _:againstBritish A institutions, as ' snch,`j:-which so dieguras the pageeofnlmost "all." the New York prints; and t_vhilst'houestiy . upholding, as far as is just; the -regime under . which i* on`rishes ,Ait is equally ready to ad- mit nprightneas` even in a neighboring, and, to `a certain extent unfriendly oonntry.. , The pre- sent number is full of _ information, carefully digested, on the most interesting topics of the day",,am`1'containa narrative and I miscellaneous matter sutiicient to satisfy and gratify any and every reader. ` u-u . 1 I .,,.,...._n_._ .11 - - .1 in `.;'_1'1;_.:I.*'renc1i 'Go'vvg1-hment hav inaud 0. fiid . .3901 an 151-isiau `Theatres `rag `a.'|nbsidy '._or. J0 _ per cent of their `ggoca~|ru:Leip'ts,5-ti be Jp- _pro_printedt.o the` poor ofthe Oity. .The`aovorq'l gnuago-n kick lglingt-t`l`1iI'I.tlii!|`v|!`];`01l'iIl.| . null. much trouble ii, In}! 9' -_ _Ln_ -;-,_ .1 on; in cdnsequenc v_ Nw Ybrk isv to-have |nothe}| sensation in` - 1.119 shape of a troupe` of Spanish Ballet Dancers, who/Lrached Port]:-nd `on the 2511i in flhe S. 8. Pruuiangynd gt|ne de.par'ie_d forkih Empire City. n...:.a..'..a -n-....a .51`: -i..;..1_'...--.._-_.1~'- BANNOOKBURNTWEED, ...., . be _ V , ' President Grant. will ,sh_orl1y; recommend` a. general amnesty to. sllfongeged i_n1.heM late Gi_vi1_ WI}. This mqveneljt has gained for the _Gene:x1 cons:_m.b1_ mm e_nda.ti_on,e_ ` I Px.Es.-Use Dr. I3rigg'Pile Ranedy, (or diseases at every descripnon. Sold by all Drug- ". ' ` ' v ' . SS8-3m gins. : ..-nu. -..--. -.....-. = . l`h.e probeds of t _he'Soir'ce,V wl tended to raise a purse for |Rev amounted to $61.-Com, Ridgg Road, Oro,MA1-ch 23, mo. Acordingh a` recen`tT_9.`::t otA'TPa,rliament the Reformatory, as such, has passed out of date, and_the' Pennentinry will receive `in its (corrupt.- _emhnice erriug youths of 1he'tenderest_ age,. ' there_ to big sbon converted into mature crimin-. a1s_ oh the principle that ffthey who touch pitch su9.1l'be deled. ' ` __ _ _T A ` factois. The ferhnle jury of Wyo'mihg`,t;re Aeagf to cgtivict men of'mans1a}1ghter. thus evincing that they have` little} `sympathy _with-1I_ialc- . CHURCH OF ENGLAND SOIREE. NIf]WS. 1fvE3? ` _he`Soir ce,V which -wtis in`- |Rev. Mr. Harris, _f7n-nu > `ff1>LaizLIAM1;NTZm;YA.L_ ' 5% 1 is grab .6(j>'thj.j_.:_ ebtsg`tgiuc:i6n;_: e .tng'e ' caughnassgaga`--caxiaIe,' embrogsght 1 fore the Range qnjf.the_ 23:6 In'st;='= Sir J '.*A.f Macdopaliiaaid t_he.t i t;\.vas -l__he .. , 1ntantion_' of `the Gove`rnmen1;*to a-p- V ; Apointa committee of professi_on`nI:.aud commerciizl men to examine and repair upon the`who|e canal system of the country. `The eappoiutment or this commission encountered Fpreti y general e (opposition; and ` the Premier being somewhat persxsteut in his views,'_th_e - debate was eventually adioumed. ~. = Tu nlinuuvgn on nnn:v-:1 Han Mlnilf Of nommmu House", debate was evenumly aa;ourm:u~.~,~. - - In answerto inquiry, the Mmistg 95 J nsticastnted that. no>pe;sc,n_:ha_`ving as ' ygt eitabhshed guy claim upon `it, 1116 nm_om'_1t,appropn'ated_' by -the Govern- ment as a reward for"l.he discovery` and conviction of the murderer. of Thomas` _D Arcy McGee remained intact. " } `- n `Han ORII1 incl - , I-1 :1n-.Ml. HDIt0`l. _ be made out up to the latest LVJCPICB ramulneu rutuus. UNGY _ r . ' On the 26th inst., >Hon.Mr. Holtou, called the .utt_en.tion of . the-Finnnce_ Minister -to the fact thafit had always been usual to bring `down, before the` nancial statement was mnde,'3' state- mentpof the Receipts and Expenditures for the current year, as far 'asApit could date ;_ and he. would ask - whether the House mightlook for such; statement this"vear and when`! Sir Francis Hincksr replied that the statement was ready, but it would -be impossible; to . bringritdown to so late a date as "last - year,_the House met in April, and I6 statement. in question was brought ' down-to_ the end of the previous month. This;year s statement should certainly - be brought down to the end of February 3 at all events. - . X .. In--_ _-_._ -_--__-u-__-... .1:_...'...:.... aka pract-ical_ . in course of `preparation and was nearly ' an au wenns. f ~ 5 After some "irrelevant discussien the Bill respecting the Coasting Trade of `Canada, was read a sgcond `time and passed through-Committee. ~ . ' Riv Jnhn Mnnnnnld nnnuuceda theT H333 lIIl'Ul.lgll `UUllllllltl8Uo ' Sir John. Macdonald annouceci tl1eA death or a late member of` that House. '-Mr. Kirkpatrick (Frontenac), and moved the adjoumment of the House in r.espect`to his memory. ` V 'I"I-no nnninnnrnn I-Inrhnr WES In respect, L0 H15 UIUUIUKY. The Co1l_ingwood_Harber Bill was again brought up on_the`28th inst?` it was reported and led for a.'thi`rd {dad- :v|rI| Tf nync annn-nalnr` I-iv J. A. vv.esse1s'comiug in,_an_d for powerto illlfl-7 "tar itshould he made aware of it. He ` andbe charged Harbor dues, of which i , naturally complain, such in charge not V stthject. `V83 Iepurteu uuuutcu IUI ll lllllu gaunt` - ing. Itwas suggested by [Sir J. A. Macdomtld that it was doubtful if the l Parliament had power to deal with the A matterembraced in the Bill, and that V before it, was read 9. third time." some rule` should be established as to `juris- diction . in the-. maatter. Mr. "Mac-T kenzie observed thatthevobject was to makea harbor for the advantage of` pose tolls on all vessels receiving bene- fit from that harbor. ,H_on. J. S. Mac- ; donald said that if the Local GoveI_'n-t 3` merit was to have charge of this mat- thottght that such power should not he givento Local Parliaments, as it might bring. them into collision with treaties made'_by the Dominion._ A vessel from a distant port, say Chicago, might run into -this_l{arbor for shelter in a` storm, the owner of the vessel would very being mentioned in the '1`reaties on the "I`|-uh Hill nnthnri-n'na H10, Tish-nit T jfitq mg} I/.A'pm..-Il'i-_.`B.lHindu-6(i`i'_u1p;iil ?' ' ha!!!-. oeu9.0:h.I.-.1.*>..*!t =i.!-9m9nntvhIoI:;i- -% ap;e.a;aAuso;guie';u*q:,` 341-._u .P4yplin,:-Dieugh._~_+`. -` Mulcahy 8i'Co., Orillid,' have op nd" ojn their sprmg Goods am what mgy .c_au a ` " wild downfall of7prioe_a._ , Their plook consists of almost every thing peaplo need to buy; ATheyVoffor.g`oods'.chenp for .casl;fand cash o_uly,and we un_dera!nnd have gun-needed in -`establishing an extensive ready mane,- lrade, - "; Z :As -tlnerei is 9. full tock of` ghos e Goods just arrived for both SApring"_and Summer. -_ rnnm jab.` _Eo_n:.- l`hiA: excellent weekly atlll4mainjnina its superiqrlty ovetevery joI_n-uh.` of-__-iii class "on the conglneut, and-couibinlbg '1: it ;d'ooa in cveii him ininnier `useful .tara;ma- tion for tbfannereud gardener. with ehtetteiu-` neat for"there-'side=boxh (tor young and? old, A is "will become wherever introdnegdznlmqlt ` -.`.`..v lA"."""'-`l` ' . l'Cp0l'l6u`I:l|l/U 1158 [UK it tuuu lputuusc Th_e`Great Western Railway amend- V mentjAct, giving that Company power to chamge'the_ir gauge was referred to . the Committee. onstanding Orders `for_ the pm pose of deciding on an apparent discrepancy in the printed notice of ap- plication to Parliament, wherein refer- ence was made to 'branc_l1 lines only, whereas` the Bill ' has comprised the alteration of the rnuin -liinealso. n-u_- Inn r..'.. 41... 1..-..-....-..o:....'.J cl... 'T1f:' mm` oui~.-'fhe diiighlful-iiew per- hzmeP.1-ince Arthur Bo}1qu et,f 91801`-loridn Water, "Night Blooming, Census, and other `fgvo:-no Bouquets in for sale anbe new Dru}; Store, A, V." PnlIne_r'_& 09., opposite llcwaus R11-I-fa Halal. ' . ` - ` ` = 'S'rA'i-xonirnf, `Wit; l i_}lQ1[`9ALl.: .-..'-l`._*'-; `!`-d,"'*_'``'_`',` 3. : il i"..'.`.`..""f-. T.'.5`T-5*I`!I`=iv t'n,`mag _1_argje1_y mo ftg;j.&",tg:__._m;, and pi odica;hu`ninusi.L nudien,!a,Hh_,ss nu pill, se1l'nt.'l`ox-onto `nrfcu. ` ' " ` ."` t` SLIUJCUH , ' '_The Bill authorizing the Detroit River Transit Company to` construct}: .tLin nelTm 1der -the Detroit River was reported `and xed for a thxrd r_eading'. 'r`hn`rlrnnf Wnatnrn Rnilwnv amend- ,I,OVE_!.l,?o' Dorqtmon Dxnecrdnv.-Mr. vJn_,o. Lovell, of Montreal, In about to issue a ` Directory for the Darninlpn of Canada and also a sperate Directory for each of the six provinces. These are intended to bemade fuller and more complete than anyVDu-ecttory yet published end will be of great value to bustnese men. . ` DIQTB, V o J Bsryie Equal. _ EQIUCIZI U-lII`O LI. se1l_p1;.'l'oronto _priog, -g---j--u--- auerauuu Ul suu llllllll -uuujuavs The Bill for the lncor o rat,ion o_fV the Montreal and-. Champ ain, Junction Railway Company was read 9. second time.` ` " ' V - ' 1| . 1'1r_:_L; `...---.-.1 I..- _ G__I-..o fI......