`4f n;i*1th;itt__sn ` locoluotion "impossible, so that it be . m:_1'kn_ng an interval of_four'cleur"da'ya - -= We douot undoerstnnd, however why V eause the tr_u_n harpem. tobe so,` and _ should besent on by sleighe, We do I of doing this would fall, but we know \ that the detention of the mails isa' - tended withipecuniary loss to business : port could be had. aa`e'o`id `mg 1s;u-.m2.`1sa'a; inot -thin: any ot_liei_ot -[.A_~ -.slI'ght7 thaw. coming"7,ou- eaid, the snow to pack [on the` trail `and: rende'red_ any-_- came neccs's-guy` "to, dig out the whole f truck. ` wg did .:io,`ge:,' a train email here until" the nltei-noon. of St.urduy. themeils must neoesparil y h'edel_`ayed be- we think that oneuch an ocasion they not know on whom the responsibility very serious inconvenience often al- poople end should not be `allowed 0 -ha}~penso long as any means of tran.- Ta .'.' lg..- aL_o __.._'I- -..-:.I:.4- nu`t|Ir-lb g? o :9, . It is`-tirlue that people residing along the Northern Railway have expenen-.~ ed` very little inconvenience either-{lm detention at trains or mails, in compan- son with those who live near otheif link! in Unnedn, a fact which is, no doui-3., ' dine toeicient management`. but -thin eircuinstanee is perhaps} calculated at the some tinie to make us more im- patio!!! of delay eepeciellyin respect tovmdile. ' ' -. cos`! -cu IIII3 ullt nu [0 rtoncial A6331-uamnit be exhausted before an appeal 1. ivould`be'adinme,il to {hi Supreme Chart", ahd that there should not be an appeal ftdn any ,_ Oonrgol ibgipa.` j'uridi ction _ih .690 Pj9yineo- [: -unlil`?Ili6\(Iha"tter hadigone through `(bay rejnlgr \. `proeasI`p'rb7v,idad=b_y' Lap Bill" 5 `TV Railroad days; Irhen Mc'CauslandT could not gej: his team through,` he put_,his_ mail bags `on a horse : back, orevcu on his own, [and faced `the difcultiesbf the road, gene- rally with succe-s. V . `K74 kn-Aln a.-..-..d 6.. .._- AI... -_ 1 IIIIIJ "I`II BlIU|;C'5- We hardly expect to sue tlro Post Master General or Mr. Cumberland. wading_ through the snovir drifts to bring `us om-`mail matter`, but on cortam oc- casions the duty might be done by. proxy . *- Sarsapnrillia, I or spm ozhei good b1ood~ Purier,` should always be taken at this season of the yenr,thi:t. the system may be renovated and enabled to endure the change of season. Genuine Medicines at the new Drug Store, A. Palmer 6* Co, opposite McWim's Bnrir otel. 1 1111,, ,....v-m, 11!! man nu yuvvcr IU EDDIE! ED] lllch . only done by Annvact or the Imperial Gonrnmont. i The pi:-oposed Court _vouId in fact I guid- .snjc_e to theconscience of the cum. the latter :`being at entire liberty-to adot on reject tnich .frd%m'th_eV Supreme-Court 9! the United j Sines, ' 13-h'ig:_h thy p_br' to trytthe goutitutidndlity 1 gig; arms Bi}l'i`vi this in :;pp.s-x}.o'_x3tc;.;.. ;,;'.:.; 1- Cobra ;t`nn'It b_e!'o:e` in appeal. _..e..v.: 'n, , : jurisdiction {on a Supreme Court; this cpnldhh:-h ptl_'ere_d Counsel at will. Herein `it would di'_er. ;of even} Q10, n.t:i`n$..Gf9ug:g;; melt`. -Onef. prihn-; _ Mi-."I`hompaon, in introducinglbis Bill iqr thi- amendment of the postal` aenvice, admitted `tlw. the principal ohjectcontemplnted was the en-- tire nboliiion of the frauking -privilege, ' Tu such an outrageous extent had this system been 5 carried, that ho was informed that the Speaker 3 bad procured-u pair of boots through the mails lunder the fnuking privilege. Mr. Thompson ; persisted in the `face of much contingent oppo- sition, thin the onlj object of his Bill was to abolish tbefrauking privilege. ' i n elm 112.1. :....o' It. n.__.:__._'_. _,___x ,, ,_--...... nu. .-mu-.5-us `nor ulistg On, the 16th- inst., Mr. Huntington moved an thenecessity of a Custom s[Union being estab- ` lished with the United States. _In doing this. I eeverereections on the (alleged) incapacity 01 i the Go_vcrnI_nent`_to carryout any work of m- j portance, and rem`nrke.l- that they~.betreyed n gshnmeful indifference "to the welfare offthe country. He-proceeded to demonstrate that the l duties imposed by the United States on Cana- ; dim products were paid by the producer and `, not by the consumer. Mr. Huntingtois re- Emniks appearedlto recommend an early and initiotory movement _on the part of Canada in uddrcss to the "Governor General with regard to ' I the hon. `gentleman-took occasion topaes some A reference to a new Reciprocity Treaty. `Sir - l`.. Hiucks replied to the hon. gentleman wilh:con- sidcrztble vigor, censuringvhim for making the mittlcr entirely a party question, and maintain- ing the right of Canada to pursue her own ;,independent'commercial policy without laying 3 herself open to reproach or condemnation from i any quarter. . V The debate was adjourned to the.2lst inat. ` i The old, old subject ofythe Reprint of British i Copy-rights in Canada was again adverted to i in the House on the 16th.` : The disc`nssionVend- I ed in a promise-that the papers concerning this ; important mettcr should shortly be brought 5down, when it would be found nm the amt. was in due course of settlement.` n_ AL- u,-nl. or. H II- ` 9 9 A- On the 18th inst.. Sir J. A. Mncdonaldeinm I duced his Bill for _tho organization of a'Supr-me Court for the Dominion. . - He_ said that the men-. sure submitted ins! session was simply` pxeltmi- nary 't"u'that which it was now proposed to sub- ;;x_-; . for (he apnrovol of Pauinlnent. _ The objeofcif the p_\:oen__t (gm gins `}ov'fostnblisn a! Court of Er}-or and Appeal for the whole Do- minion._ It would (a_1s"prcposed) cousin} 0 ; a Chief Justice and six Judges; one of the re:-, gone fol-.x_ing the numbel at seven} mu um: glue Coop. Wofnld be ? 099;! 9? 4933:`. (or the whole ` ion; no` only fox} the four Provinces irendj in -thev_D'on1inio_n, bu1f_or other poilions or British Anzeriswkish *"91<! 9 doubt be shortly evmlmycod within the Gnufodomiou. `Ebe- prinolpnl puk'po( : 9?""" B-1 W" n` ||.Iz'nut nnnl Oourt of `Appeal from `the Provincial Courts. `It mighp be considered by. gang gag. 00,6 of lhe phi?! featuroaeof tho` `pour: 'wou1d'-he toe-try gbnqtit} cgggal quqstiona; _this ya; en-o._ neoua:'we ha -no noiver t..='.-m. ' " ` I" -nil-u .'..-L " V'r" " """ V" "" .`.""'|"'U|li to try quqsngngi ` .neou_a; -we no power to" .o':ont'u.-'rny jurisdiction on a Snnmmn nnnm om. ...;... 3 V Sir A. T. Galtxsaid he nnld not help believ- ing that Sir F. IIincks's purpose was to [throw obstacles in the way of any partieg who might desire to establish a.Bank with less capital than $200,000; it was guite._cleat' that the Finance Minister, while pi-messing to be friendly to smnllB:inl;s,[was. in reality hostile to them. AI. Langevin iaid that the whole object of the Government was to fix a measure which would { protect the public and satisfy note-holders that the Bills issued by any ` Bank would always `to -"paid in "gold _on demand. _ Mr. Colby'a amend- ment waalostby a. majority for the Govern- `ment of 18. V -1, n_., .*n raw. ,__,.,n .1.` .1 I .--I -- u--.4 svlqt-Iv vn 51.:-ucunvul. On the 17th Sir F. Hizicks moved 1h`O0l)CUl'- renqe of the House on certain resolutions "re- ported from Cdmmlltee-of ghe whole on the ` suhjecthf Banks. Mr. Colby xmarked that it 1 was quite possible application inight hereafter } be made for the Charter of Banks with a capital oi less than $200,000," in which case it wasiimpem - tire that Parliament should hot feel itself ham- ! 'percd and (Embarrassed. I 1 EL. I rI'I 11.1.. ._:.:r 1.- -_._v_1 _.-'. L-I_ n__u,_ qpg`: (F. ELI.) moved tlrat the resqlu- tiqn be rqlerrgg bpc1__i to thg Cdnhmitlee for the purpose of their striking out Buragnapys 1 and _ '-1. rr`|.:. u....- .1... 1.... I... .` ...'.:'....:... ..`.-r m r...`.--- -. ---.. .,----.- .._- .,-.`V.-.-u-r`->-u I. an". . This was" also lost by 9.` 1_n'aj'urit.y"f l6_ Afte:-`many other motibus and oposed amend- -ments, the Fingnpe .\_{in5te_r a mgon for con- currence was put andoarried. A A _. -_,. . -. - . -- - .-_ ;15AnLu.nENuaY sUm'1_.-mt. '10iy: .'aae`1man am his honor am if the proposed whom were utenptpd tqdbo. carried 9!": iyonid oily rpmrd the-xfgnowal 0'99!-'.`1"`_ ' ` -reln`v.lonI.A_ f- . _ ' T no 9 s`,n \n,,.:-___I.1' 3.. .. annnnlu Al!`- `fQIII)0l|I'.__ ." ` -sir.Jouni`A} 11.donsId;,zn[ beech 6! N?- I mu-knble eloquence end aolid1ty,demo}ia. V , eixlaliht cobweli, end cvbredl Ill. mB.dmP"' which vie supported in epleudid style by _H_- Im. Howe and eventually carried by 9- E!|`"'`Y t .1. nr. __9_. -L_ .-._. .1! G1. fakes`: nmndo I H -The Drainage Act- _ v The appropriation (if a sum of nmneyj by the Legislature_Io' be expended in 'recl uiming Marsh lands in tho'Pro- `Vince , is a measure about the qproprity .01 which there .cuVn scarcely be" any dicrarrce of opinion. The --money is only -lent and has to be repaid by. UN.- <)wncrs'of the property beneted, but the terms of repaynlcxr-t z`1re"eas'r, U10 security good, and the outl_a'y1protable not only Lathe proprietors ofthe land, butloure l\1unicipgmyiu which it is mluafed. . ' " LE men! ; ITIEIII1 . , _ - , That this House, while doeiroua of obtaining j -or the Dominion the freon access to the mnr- ' kets ofthe world and thus nugmenting its existing . p osperity. is satised thut thutoh_1ect can only , he obtained-by the c'oncu'rreut'nction of the Im- nerlol and Canadian governments; that any 8!- tempt to enter into treatieexvith foreign powers without `the strongest` direct support of the mother uountry,`asn principle party, must fall. and that u customs union with the Unilibd listen, now so heavily taxed, would be unfair to he-empire and injurious to the Dominion and vvouid wenlcenithe ties now hoppily.exist1ng be--. mean them." A . Pits.-'-Use Dr. Briggs Pile Rome"?! { iiseueav 1 every descr' lion. Sold by all Dru:-. -inn. 0' `P ' 338'3'" "H E3941.-.-- E_.-W.-_Ma|pas Edq-. Wm "Pi'ef - a Essay on " Ad.variisemunIn. 3* "W Rm5 I` `of the Young Men : Chrisvim Association. 0" Fridny evening next, . Mr. Malpmn wriIes'i_n . very pleasing and attractive slyle tmd husv Essays are well worth hearing. Ill uhn ans inlnrnnharl ii: `advelising Win nu u;gcr_.ng1_nor nnquymg Dominion.` . . lI:0:4in:`_IIliDil`[ bogjoobaarvpxhjl If your a,OlI';_|7OI/l .|'l09.I.,VIIl'o` not n_uoeou"gl_ on you ~ L '-' rolibnjn fd!!`II'tj:fvntu' yiujuting ho~_o;_. Ivhon J A hf? uupplfof the new reded mokelesa Foal 01. in nbw on hand at the Medical Dis- i ~ensar_r," _ A. Y; Palmer 3: Co., opposite lmyf } . , \IcWatt's7Barrie Hotel, Prim, 30. per grI"n-_ Mesm; E. B. On-Vomgnon &_ 06., of the sign of 3 she Golden Beaver, 089: to extraordinary apply of Dry Goods of the very best make. For style, quglily and chaapneu they are cer- -xinly not to he surpassed in the town. Messrs. 3;-omplon, succeeded to Messrs. mile: at 00.. and are prepared to deal in a lib:-ml and ~u-nightforwnrd -manner, with all who may.` zlxvour them WIN) a visit. Seehdvt. ' ._..___h..__-__._.._.. ' W: beg to cell the attention of. our readers to the Jtore of 1.`. E. Rnweon on Dunlap street. `Jr;R1WOll has recently ifnde extensive ad- litions t0'l:is etock of goods, and we are pretty well ensured that his customers cannot be letter, if as well'nccommoda'led, anywhere this side of Toronto. His selection of cutlery it `re- nurknblyj ne, and, indeed, whatever he otfera 7'0: sale may be thoroughly relied upon. Mr. ' Rnwsou is also agent for the celebtnted Lock- znan Family Shuttle Sewing Machine, made by Nilaon, Bo.'w,man 5: Co., of Huiniltou, and which is so well known as to need no further .tli|15i0 at our hands, See advt. _ mun Wu nave ya! I'9e|V6d.. ` Wo__a,ro ofopininn vim you miablhave gnlelv buad your In-iclurns on Ilia report 1-.u'n-i_u`rou r; Incl` Dafirt. which xii bnyond !'on!t`ur|icI.i`nu more responsible authority Ihln Itboatuy. V A . - v = ` L" ; .Vllll!u on UII'l`_lIl(l. - I V We think mm mm. edim_rin_| observations ~ it. intended to cast nsligrna on the com mines mud on the fair fan of ms naopla of Il'Ii8,Vm8(O. THO `I.nlldo,conlgjngd 5" min liula uio'o`r'-quires nomga upluialion more lhln we have yet received. . Wu Ali nf` nnininn nlugn ..-- ._:-I.; 1 , T_;mox`m-.-Daily` with Grand Trunk Railway`. East. and West ; with Great Westejru Railway for Hamiltqn, Suspension Bridge and the West, ' _ V ' }3n.~1u"oxu>-St:u;e for Bondhead twice daily. (.`-n.1=onn--SI.'M;,rv.fur Cuokstoxvn twice `daily; Bumm-{da Button to Urillia, Waahago and the ' Muskokn Territory daily. . - ` ` ' = REFRJBSUMENTS. ' _ ` K3? P.:ssen2ers_c:oing beyond Barrie can stop at Allondale twcnly'm_inu'eg for reh-eslxmcnxs.` many: won worm neaimpg-V _ -_ _. All who are interested in gglvelugnng 0 well'lo auend. ' Conss.-Use Dr. J. Briggs Modern Cxirative Tor Corns, Bunions, In-growing NaIla,`Ten'|ev Feel,'&c. Mild,soolhmg,solie uIua and heahn: '5o|d.by all druggisls. `I ` , . `8Sh'-3~1- III IV Vulltliucllufg I . ' I Ihihk. lhey showed gmal wait of ('9;-.5. sigh! and Judgment lhrnur-haul, or their mur- mu.-ings on-.r theft cruelue would "5, MW _b_ehe'anl. was It nomw hgigln .,{{,,y gm, ampiu ily on mglt In lq gm 1 ` , ohhe kandz. '- 9-` 57 '`' "717 "-"` - lfancv lhe prime cause-pf ynu ' y ~. |h_n! *anicle-wan nnthair fgonqnrt Inf` their imlaled fuolnngi are nauq.-.'| mm "'1, iiltle sop` which 3-`nu mlmininterotllvln um", 13;. ' . ` A__`_",` flllno . mernt-er, of. the spmlinq fraternity would feel nilnmed of Ihpm _if he hm! |is'enod!oIhe_ir zrnwlinga of diacnnlem; QR fur nu II\.1.nnnnr9|I|-ncnhn of ab... 1.-.. ..__ IIIII Hrclluu |UIl|l:Il uluwtlllgu 0' llIlC()nlenl_ SL1. farms.the-general-reauhs of the zrqumg races are cottgametl. I gan aqlely 5.399,; mm every sporting man who-hmt 5 1,0,5`; was not- rfectl_v?.aa'it-at! with the result, and ma fzeneral remark waathat it was the mo... _,nnuoaTnI'aIT,meeting? o.`_ the kind that they had gttentletlduring the season in [[13 pm '.VIllI'.e of Ontaiio. ` A ` 11).. n.:..t. .'u._-. ..-..; --_n-._ 9 . .` _ ;v\n,v\,~4~.-....,\.v\,vv4v\,.,v\Av-v~ `rm-3 ORILLIA RACES, ` A corr'es'ponde`nt, whose letter we gtve- be- MW. seems to be d-ssatisfiad vt'it_h' nur re~ parks in reference to these races. and wunh` nave us believe that eve'rythmgwas fair and ~qt)are on that hctaetod. He speaks not. only for.himse 1', but we presume. for the ring when he inakea tzse of'the trunnurt We.. unless he posstbty forgot himsoll and tahcled that be was sittmg in the edttonal chair. ' l H) cIr:|3u|u1 Iucy Iuuvl. . ll appearnymy singn`ar and sillv [hm any uflhose a knowing ones, who xv-ere" pom-(1 the My previous. should leave Barrie n: alv. tend our. faces and vnzufe meg, cash 0;] such a r'.sky ,spec.u.'a9ion,as Iveing whp hey are aware onhe result; Why 45.; me',._. no! atom - ||m,ing.?being ugarxxeil belorangm. nliheconaequenoeo. I |hi`n|: lhnv lHnmnr' an-..'..u ..._`;. pa- `We did not s'ata or raise the inftznro that any one had left thtit place to attend the `races and risk their money, although pr:-. vintrsly aware of what the result wouIJ be. We, know nothing of thnaewho were pm sent, or who lost or won on the occasion, bu: we do know that a party who arrived hen- `frotn. Oriliia on the Tuesday night stated that it was privately arranged that lthzeppa was 1 to lose the race next day. That he was either to be made` to break, or ifthat nouidttot beutlnne, heiwas to fonlthe Queen end be ruied oil the course. A few tn lilr _.-ecrel were to regulate their bets and` buy pors accordingly. The party who mention- ed thts -had been let into the actretiby one oftho ring, but had__nt.t remained to profit by his kttowledge, and in fz_t:t'apoke of the V tair as being too>d_.screditab'!e, &c. If thin ctnru IBOII ......_..r.......__. I .L , ,' .. IIl lllUII|_V' ul alurplu ugagjay and "J1.-`0ulan`._ v mm lurlher lhah ormmln upmmns lo no-Vlmn vour useruon, which. all... me ,0 wmmk. 5` di"'"}' "`3i|'. "I You an up-nbliojnurnat. ml. Yuu oughthgl I_o base any ramagkg` 0. `and you oughl certainly, in 134;, ,0 0, Ori1|anslo'be caulious how you passguch ob. . `particularly if you (nhech I stp prhend you dul) received the lnfurrnalmn `ram those who feel bmer over um log, of ,, . aw paltry dollars; lha auifsame pauies m the same 'lirn_e professing In be [what they "9 `] ?_l"'`?8 'R "- such persons only Vncmhe manner amfslyle of spo=;iug ch arac- leis. and though lhey'imngine lhy are spurt ing men.a're eulirely n.):slakrn_ 1:5 mm" bars oflhe. -turf always pm up ` Mm me loases. ahzl dq not loss or grhxnkle over me.-r. :0 everyone Ihey meet. ' " ll nnnnnrn um-v inm.`a.- an I -:u_. .. T I l_:o'mmanls on such a lola-ly unreliable wore, luau as ut.'Iu'_-; |uu>u,sul'8uIlaD!e, GLO, _ vlfthis story was manufactured. then an we can say is that the result oftlm racc- .-mowed a most extraordinary cutncitlence; nut we rather thmk that me "g9]| ,3 now tulmitloed by every orte except those direclty interested indenytng tt. . _ Damn Sm. --In your Ednbriil column, uflasl Friday s.nss'ue [nuljca a "rather smrere, =md,l lhlnk, en_mely uncalled for reeclmn n ma mumar in which the trolling racyas ware conducted nre{ V-.. --.. .1 n... 2. _.__.,v 1 n `- _u_m,3 going South daily, 917.057 mm`. and 4.0; , pm. v - '. . , 7 Mail; going 1\o1-th, d;nly.n.t_1O 55.n.'m.,and .11 7(V"`nI'v1' wt-In cuuuuulcw uure. C You av mat It would be ottly mialeading your readers to gun :3 tepnn of `the races I . . % .\'illL a new to. affording infurmalion as to he fastest horses on the czmrrc, as it suem- ` eJ to be lhe current biief that ll was pre trrangeti by "Illa ring whtoh was to m" md which was to lo1.ze.- " hhwas all under. mod and !he msult known the day prevmn: o the uvenI. and the `means by. whiohthe poopievomsidehe rink,- _were k_o be gul ad, You `awe [ha nhnim .nn.;........ `.... `.._- _ `V Brsfsia. 12' n March, 1370. :10 (Ix; Editor of we Nor:/my duancc; ' [lUll[)lU'UI.lIBlVl1_'IllU rlllf," _Were go be Em ed_1:_ ._ You 'glV8 lh hI`IV3 `atem.)'" on `he mthorily of sumple henna)`, and wjhnutanv-T nimz furlher lhan minmln ..n......... .. .... ...._ I one and eventnanny cu-neu uy . .....,....., We giro the text of Sir John`: amend- . znrvcsponnence; T ,vv~AV.4~-.vv.vv\~.\~vv ,1-,m-glmzzs-i-'()ttzAuGxr.- At ,;_e;.o..__(.)t:A7., _ on 16:!) March: 111 , ,- __I-......I. (:94: am *FEATHERs.;r0NH KUGH.-_- At l el1elungIu- ' aliet'o.7Otzi.,- -on-l`6ti .\_1arch,thoAwife o_l` Mr. _Wu}`.';`h.Ih6rh.onl)hi;ln, of a son. j . . 1 T IARRIED. BR0W.N_'-u-C4AIlPBl.l. -ou the 22nd inst , 8' ~;ho ro'sidenr:eql"tl1'eJ)ride a father, John J .. eldest son of John Brou, Esq., to Jane E., T V oldesi dnlnghtvr of Alexander Unmpbell, Esq . all at 0:0, Ont. V .McF'ADEN--AlcKEE.--On the '23rd inst. tn the Wellington Hotel. Barrie, by the Rev. 1!. Fraser. Robert Mcaden of Essa, to Matilda McKee ofhlulmur, Ont. - . - DIED. ,i FEA-THERSTONHAUHH.-- At Peneumgoi- .u...... M. m....a..l -the 21:: insl.. Gecrizn uuuua v nun- when-,. 33% '80 Spring, Jvbeat 70 ft? 7: : 0a.ts...............`......;..... 27 ((3 30 Norway Oats for seed per quart. ' 2.`: Poastoee, Eazly`Rqse. per lb. :5c 7 u V 5 ' These oats are far more prolic than the ' Surprise, having produced ve bns7xel~v from one pound of seed. Mr. Pdaundrell has a few for sale. Beef. bylthe aide........L..... 7 00107 25 Pork -00 -celtntutv-I_olI'I I'llI 8 Mutton ......... . . . . . ....... 6 @ 55 flay..........`...........,..:8 on rm u 0 Rutter ......`.................. 2070. 2'2 Egqs._... . . . . . ..... . . . . ....... J5 f(D 17 Fiour'..'. ;;........,........ 000 to-450 Potatoes . . . . . . . . . . 23 Feb. 30! - per peck.... . 125' The seed of this remarkable potato can be hndv of Mr. Mnundrell. - Hides..............,...~.......600.0 65 [Bax-ley...........,............. 42 @ 4:: -Peae........v.......,.,........ 4010 Afr `She:-pskins.... (Soto 80 Oordwood Green...........-.... 0 001.0175`: eCm-dwoodDry.....;;....e...... 0 Ooto 1 73' ._._.._._._. TORONTO MARMBT3 _ Wmu1'--Receipts'per tail 1,085 bshls. Ship'- rnente nil. Market quiet. buyer! and sellers baring ednsiderably_ apart as to their views. Sale of one car white wheat, very inferior sam- ple, Me on the cars. Very little offering and very little enquiry. Street Market rather weak- er . at 83 to 85c tor Spring, and 88 to 90 for white wheat. . invvn ,_,!)...u.non Du|- -1.}! arm A-J: Chin, hmtorvul medical preparauohs. VII lhllsull; I euro Dysp-v s_ia- Liver Complaints. Indige.-uinn ll:-.ar|_baru. xck Headache, Kiducv'CoInplmnl Acid'Slo:nach, Phlbiuic or Asthma. and reslorm inn and djsc.us;:. , I}: xqnasueal and wqzxdertql success in curing sud- d--n Col-.l:c, Sore T.hr_oa_l, Cnnghs, Dimhe.-rm, pains in the side,.Io}i1s qm['bqck, Neumjgia, Tonlluu-he. Iihemnmic and mher pains in any` ml: qflhc body n|'gd_ (`g-mg whatever cause, has given it 'a place in vary houselxolal and is fhslsnperseding all other pu-par_aIiuna of the kind. It isnlsn -mi n`.-mun! 3...! ...-..=.-.-- -4- I ` to vital nclivilylme ayslhm debilila|c:d_ by aunt:-, I 7.09 pm. . . ' ` _ _' `.mil,q guing to I7en:)tax1;u}Ishepe,Grazghnrst, IIi1!_qduh~, \\Vavu1";_s,f and \\ ycbndgc, daily .l.l .11 )- -.r\n1, ' pu-p'.\r_amma ullhc kind. ' ' ll is-also an e'e:-Junland pro`mpt remcdv ."or S ealds. Burns, Bruises, Sprama. Uhilbluins, Frasl Bites, Cramps In the Stomach, Din nluza, Cholera "low; Q6: '- Ilmrbus, Hilious Cholic, Cholera lufaqzugq, Dysen- 1 the duh? 25.Vcar Is per b9uI.e- V - `Sold ininrnu b `T. W-. Georgen Oliver 6:"u, _A. V. Palmer. an-_ Alexander dz Co.; J.I)eucon. Bradford; Green. 6;. 131-0., Crulgmrsl, and all medicmedcalers. `.5 _ -V 4-lv A > Wnue wueru. F1.oun-Receipcs per mil 500 orl=. Ship. i meats nil. Market quiet. No transactions re?` ported up to the close of Cbnnge. ` Ons-V-Receipts per rail-1,224 bshla. Ship- ments nil. No change. , ' BAnLEYo-Rneintn nor rail A. -1'! Habit Shim A . .' A F'.unilv '.\!oliL-inc, well and lavornbly known fur the: pnsl I -.n years,ncvcr lnilmg in :1 single in- .-amm-e to give permanent lelief-Whelllinlcly used and we have never known a single case ofdL-s.'llis- lzlvllon where the dirccliuns have been properly -full:-wed. but on the contrary all are delighlcx: l with, ils 0;-er-suixm.-. and speak in the higlxqs. ` terms of its virtue and Int`.-.'ic.-nl vm-Is. THE CANADIAN mm nus gown ha.-` uonuuritsglfq gupuaalr:q.'as_ a la um] purier. glugpmilve `xi-.nn'nch` Ionm. unxmm........I .-.. ... wrms 0! us virtue and ' ! l_'{0_ER lune bum] purier E alIuv:i'Iiire'1-.Innch` Iomu, um-urpnx:-4.-d in nu- hiistorvul medical preparauuns. II seldcm falls lo enter yup-v six I B-a_l'lhKlI"ll. _ick_VHeadm-.he, Kiducv ' Colnnlnml menus "ll. H0 Cllg. _ ` BAHLIY-Rceipts per rail 43'! bsbll. Ship- 3 meals nil. Market dull. Several cur-lots 01: No. lbnriey were offered at 550, with 52 to ` 53 bid, bu' remained unsold. on the siren: them was mor_e competition, the; deliveries br- ing light and the Inca! demand for brewery purposes tnleinbiy aclivr-. As highaa 56 1: 59: was paid in!` prime samples. 'P|cA=--Rs-Mainou mar rail 25:!) lmhh .QMnmnr.': uIn.na.-`u.-suu, DUI` I AJVU X` lab 1'1`-`Ill-U `(JG NENS, buuions, lnrge'or simall, iugrovrin: mails, sweat-scnlded feet. &c., re1iov_ed' in`:- , medintely nnd soon cured by applying Dr J, ' ?$rigg`5 Modern Cumtive according to dire?-1 lions. It never does harm; aiways does goo-J. i Rn!-* in Rarrin hv Alexander .3: Co., and M all medicine dealers. . 888-1-J3; f A ILES,I}3TERNA;1':.IXi`VIf?l:U;, BLEEU ` inrr n'n:l'ilnhinr mu...-..Va 4:! Anna .-...l...;,.. 1 I c:zrrmge,_aIg at qny atfur time they /11}: fix 1 Vin all olhen-_ cases an!` Nervous nnd Spinal Am. I !`.):Is. Palinsin the Back and Limh~:, Fatigue on sl. ah! cxetli ;n, Pnlpilauon uflhe H | _ I . ` earl. Hysteric-s -, 1| Whm-,=,vlhe.~e Pails wxll eecl a cure '.IIhun nh SI. :1 nu cxetu rmpuatmn ufthe Heart. l {_\'Il8l'l\`!~ will elfecl I cure when nll unermeans have failed ;and ultbough a powerful re-'nc-dy. duinnt contain tron, calumel, antimony, 0| - wlhm hurtful to the conzotitnttun. , - nll direction; in It e pamphlet nronnd em-li V {us-knzc. which should be can-fully pm,-.~"crvcal. JOB MOSES, NE\\' YORK; SOLE PROPRIETOR. One ulollar and twelve nml-a-_hnll cents for in: t age, enclosed to N Ont.,. mneral agents for the Dominion, will insme 11 bottle, containing owl-r 50 p1ll~, by return mm]. A3`n_|tl i_n B-.u`rie. by Oliver L\:' Go..'l`. W t:.........- nrthroo G: Lyman, Newcn.~vl -' muc, cuuuunmg over 00 pxH~, by `I , 3'u|1Iin by Go:,'[`. W. Gcorgc.-.1`: i V-.\ V. I uhnvr,aud Ah.-xtander u\5C'o_.; J Deacon. Bnnllqrd; Green S; Iiro_., Cmighursz, and all; n1ad|cin3:leRler- ' Hy ; CANADIAN n"s"ftiYf I Y Wil;-I`:::;I!: its * fiaturnl Vl.Ite,_co o. and peancy. V it'_is 3 _most::dolight(dl Qluir Dressing. ~ [twill ymnotgi Inxdrlant `growth. . ,1li%*3a;iInhdhtoly 2; . . an . can nInr(m_v.~x, ;1V'.:a a.m. : . I-Ilmmlo, Medonle and Mount St. Louis,Tue`.c- days and Saturdavs,` 11.25 am. - ~ Shanty Buy, Tuesdays and -Fridays, 11:25 am ` urmggn uxumunlulv pcnml with rcguh1riI\'. '1'/Lave Pill: 54/1.011111 not be rnl-an I _1/V/iunu- t.'S vi :1 7- ing the - FIRST THREE .h")NTHS M Pngnam-_1/, as they an:..m)'.- Ia &ring 9)! 1'?Ir'y- c:zrrmge,_&Ig at ptlur time they are 1 allglhen-_ cases:-1' Sninnl An`.-,- 9 t i i UUQ `V133 llillu IUT Prllne Smllllis. Pug-Receipts per rail 360 hams. Shipmr*r..'..~' nil. Market quiet; no tmnanctinnw rmmrtwl _ i nus invmunmc medicine is unfailing in the 5 cure oi ai! (lime painful amdiiangeruus disens-'.~ i ,Lo which lhelemnlt: cuuslilulion is s'xbjrN. I I nioilcrxilcspil excess and rcinoves nilobsli i1cI.'un~ _n'ud 11' spn edv (lire may be relied on. ' TU MARRIED LADIES it is pcziiliarlysuitg.-d. IL will, in In short Unit bring_on llxumunlhlv pcriml with '1'/1.0.3: u /'nn..v1;-,c J" r. 9 I I i 5 , now Kyle. llllpirtlll Ulllgc. A EAI3 RESTORE! AND DRESSING V .0ombxnodxn0no,3o,t.t1o. . Hnlint at A ~11": `I'.\1'l'Ia ._` `ES . ,2.-. ` M)-'v"""' 3:4 nsTTICK ff. EN's IIIESTOREII wilf` lkdhininn" l!`nu'nur Iijlnu on log PILES, lP'_TERNAL. E_X'I`ER.\'AL, BLEED- ing and itching. relic-_ve'd at once, and .-mm. '-ured by using Dr. J. Briggs Universal X :l- ll--1_nedy, soutlniriq, safe and` reliable." Sold` 1);. sll mt-divine dealers V 't RO.'Cl=1lI`I:`, 1..\. . Affeclious c. a`.~ Iimmediately Areli-. v;-- I. r::m:- i by using_Dr.- ..'.' Healer. Sold by rd! .- A NEVER 1}*'A1L1;vG` REMED massrocxu niusr ma` DISPOSE_l')_'OF _ ~. BEFORE ~ "'1' 1, A. -_--- THIS'v,alu:tb1c preparation combines all thr- uxmclicittal virtttcs at those articles which lorg -.\'- pericncu has proved tu poxsess thevmo-At safe and etcin-n_I Spraius. ruises. Gulls at all kin/!s,Cr:n:l;cd Hm-'~ Rtng 130110.. Spavin. C-"titans; `Fistuh, Stwcm -. External I -n'r-ans, Svratches nr Grease, Stntius. Lutneness. I\Ian2c. \vVhI1|nws.Ct)rns.SandUrnufzs. Foundercd Fe.-ct, Horn l)i. Stvt-.Hm<.-.-, gird msmy other diseases which horses and'ca1ttlc rm- .~.u)'.ect to. '1 ms cal:-.hrated Linimem Han lxtnnn ......l a .\- :onvr!ic~` fur the cure 'nf Flesh ;W-nmd~. ' .x-vcr all?-rr-zl lu Ihc pnbl:c-- .s_u') 81:1 10. Liniment. has been used In: ; manv '_.'enrs,`aud its cuxrntivv pr()pcrlic'5 Ihnrun zlulv tested, and it is conceded la bu: lhc cheapest and j most reliable remedy for all external vumpl. iuI< i _ . 11 never fails uhenl timclv use-.-cl and lnillilully applied. ~ ` To beh-nd of all Din_v:isu -.n-..! (`..m.u..- u.._..1. be h-nd Din.'gi:`I-5 and ants throughout lbe Dmniniuu. boll_le.. U umcw us-.-d and lmIliI'ull_v applice " \Vf\D'Fi1nnr;n . `V Propricm Snfd in Barrie. !1\ T. W. Geor;:=n,0liv-r& ( -.-\. V. Pn1r m-r, and'Ale-xnndor Jr: Co.: I. Den '1 Bradford; Green ` dc ' Bro., Craighurst, and nu-Jicixxc dealers.- ' :3-I." was GREAT % Euausn aemsnv 2 JOB MOSES Ponlou, PILLS. L npccidl jfotktrcs. `mu E 15;;1g:;::irs% % : rA.rab1-ain 011! W FOR 1-1ouEs & C.-\'I,`'1`LI. : VEA-THERS'I`,ONHAUun.- AI l eneuungm- ahene, on Monday, -the 21st in_st., Geugu Pager, the infant son of Mt. \Vm. Fcu!.lxer- stpnhnngh. V .---- This invaluable medicine is unfailing -urc painful :Ind'danzerun.~4 .I..~.-nu... , `IOnNsf-I;I`Xiibf71-()T~`T`"3 5JBT"E: 1`i~3.EEL Il !(lR\[Q hnrnna In:-an An 6:-...II :nIun1\Iv-:I1f- Now Style.` Important change. REAL FAIR nnarnnnn ANTI IITIIEIY` 11.'..;'2nm. . Maiis. gumg to Ha1stvo:n,Ncvis, Oro,Ori1l'm. aid 5 Rugby, daily, 31.11.23 am. ' `. ' , . Ivy, Thornton and Vine, Mondays, Wef1ne"':-- a_\'.=s and Fridays, 11.25 am. _ Apto and Midlnurst, ' 'I`uc5dt\yS, Thursdays and Smnr(h1_ys,11".Z5 aL.m. - - L`lmu..ln \lnr1nnm mu ? nun! St, I.nv_i1.Tuic- BARRIE MARKET. IL._..|- O Z5i31|:'riI.- Nom`1mot= .5; LY.`:!A.'\', KT-u.-n.--u - f`- ...uuu: o. u1.`.:n \, NXi\\'C:\sT!.P., 0.`:'1., ` V Proprietors . Georgon, Olivrrk ('0 2-xnndor .\r. (`,n 2 Y TL... ..~... , (mt nun ' ~ I}; dcertain iudiatibn f of decay at the mots. _- __._ -... ...,..-g Zf i\:aturo`S Crown. {You Must Cultivate it UBBAUTIFUITIIAIR. V \Y-A._..,u nlunun. _ March 24th, 137%). . 00 fit; E 1 ' n ! /11 '1 zupuuuu-, lmllgv.-Imn , Colnplxnnt and` cdcbililnlud hv ;..n'...._ I can be enacted` by gravity that V.a dvnn- 1-\.IhI` ya c It is only in cases `where drainage tage_iSlikc_1-,y>to`b_e taken of the Act, as at the present vqluepf land_nuy`otl:ev meuusywoul-J be tdo costly, and the i result of surveys and estimafgs `sofa: `A isysmted to ba that sxyaxnps can be? drained by meanys of main and branch drains at a cost varying from 87 cents to $1.50 an acne," givingnn increase in vulue`tu the land of from $ .un.ncre. ' T ` T : This increase wank! be. imnledfule, . whereas `the. puny Wino thus reaped the henet. (if the expehdfnure would vhuve 22 years wnlhm \vluc|_\ LI-n3p3yjg_ ._ Tim B.`I||ninhmlitv`\xmulrl nlan L- ...., 4-_to $6` u n :.;, Anu ALL} " P,-.:~_;s and chtczj .-:.`. Lop:-less (:He=' l'i;r=mt nud Lung ne dc-lulers--` ' ..__.L"".`=.-_'-;-,,--v . v I ICU. V id Cnnntry March- I. Price 23. `per 51: . `AND ALL :-anus! onrl .luu-v Pnethngni- Inn -"A A,` `if. D UUIUI 40 to 60 to 0010 J .000t0I 24[ I956. _Fgox incndqed, .yIical_I_nd mental sueu.,,.) E` rspna w.ha_-ma. Alluwi Compound S;-.'.,'q W fIyp;vpl1_og:hnIel;$,I|1ci; nu'men|nI:'...-uny Us dhram`ce,__te `ullt and haahhyv avliun in` ,[loarl,Luo`s, lomach and Buwcls. and uh, ,[' prayed a.pp_o.-,umnco_vdemunmaIed in 1hnu. cnsew ,.vn1hm-Von : knoyvlo.-age in power or rmlnrx-.0! the gran; ljlpt/I.tII' :uml ' mmmlar 4-,~,o,,,,, " 11.-In`;-Iafull and Ital!/ry (lruclopmnu r./1,,-4,1,_~ cermin."_ ' " l ri('d"`$l, 50- !I bole; 6 for $7 .30, _q nnnllxppnrlei ind ht! F.Unn1l-!!.\', l`.-. ...| 'v.'I '7 r` I I . I I j ' ` v . I V h S B that the nbov_e_is `a true Copy of u. prop M-1 5"`-IIIW Whlcf! will be taken into cous:dm-1iu:n by `h`c0|I_I1cll_ 9! this Municipality nttz-r on-J "mmh f",m 3'19 5.73` Pllblicznionin the Nurllu r u .JM?"F.`.9dVE1'lniner newspapers, of the To'n'..x ,r.B`""- :`.d&`O 07 Vfhlh ;s_f._nqb1icaLi)xx wru ;'1`h"r.!d-3.` me man: fourth or March. mu. `"9-&~!1IeAv;_Io..a;of.s o Electors of the ma .'g`g`.` .P%`.`3J\zz!1J:m,uken at the Town Ila. xVm-QL.- - Wlr ':91:.,0r_o, on Monday, the 'sl3"'-`.`d`,':*%:!.!gQT.4|Il'i|~, 1810; ouunoncing at the .1.` .}93i:"l!{t '4 fokenoon Ind clos- x.2s9?o~36ex;a;mn_.a:wa o : an an `I32. 22, - ./Q K. 0:9, 179; 1_':6'. cerium. . ' I - ricjf7sl. 50--n` Gfnr :4 I npotlxecarlgjlnd by F. Uundz & ($0., wsxf, ,7 ogenls, Mnmreal. ` ""- Ejlurgern hhmtce. "mg as { Jnyg, nu: uu :3.-uuuu_s 01 .1110 San recite,-J .-`.(" .'- ' crating The/l`oro'rito, Siincoe and .\!u.\~- ; nuclion I`,-.xil.wny Coxxzpzzay, * I . ' VIII. And U i{u1|h`l` enacted In the Mm : N1 0ounc1lat`orosaid.that the vou-L ..ru~- in <-` tors of. the said Municipality shun ha` hl1\"` tbqsnid proposed By-Law M llzc funwinz yr '~"-= to wit,,ntthu Town Hall, in the Sui-I `l>\V'~ N` \ '| of 01-0, on the eighteenth day of Awih - ' 1670, commencing at the hour of nine o'r3; a.:n_., and closing m.-ve o'clock, 1. m.. 0 1-" same day, and that George 'l`udlmpn, 1`mvns'j I` Clerk of gait! 3-luuicipality, shall be Rcturlxiil Omcer forvtakinf the said votes. Nam 4C*\bnctti:zc111`c1\t-5.` VHHOUSE & s'rom3:Vr0 J.t~;i~ A u (1.. u.-_!.... e fr-roar-:R'1" NEILL, 3001' no sum: 1x1.-xmtn, yt ur UK `our now A ! IU. _ , VII. Tim. the Debentuvc; 1, he gig.-; issued aforesaid. shall be demote-I `re_-,- 1 - of the ssh) .`-luniuipality to the snii c` -; 1:_nless:tbe Corporation of the .=a':l .\Iu. : shall within one month after the w! ._~ .' appointed for Ibis By-Law, to tank--c-if rr. solution, direct that the same shall h: C 1- to Trustees oppointcd, or to he ar\phiIH<' 3 ` ` the provisions of the ninth. tenth. i.-v.-u. twe'fth sections of.tl:e sail ;re'iu'.-J Ac 4 nomtimr This 'I`m-ni-im t:......... ....,x u.. - . : 0 :-- - It. N.-elufoxma the public mag y -`nencod bufsincssin me nbove Hun, .._-..: ' many yea;-.= experience as fornnmn iv. 1* lisljnxentpf Andrew _Grv_xb_a'n, I-I-q, by dnt he can execute all orders iulr.;3._,3 in a rs: class style. 11;. Inna nn hunt` a `crap :Qn.-`- . F` \V . In 3 Hrs! cmvs 313 u:. . 7 He hns_on hand a huge stock ...' gnu; ;. mzxdq E0013 5: Shoes, L;-,4`.-,3` 3 _vh.~_;_,m`ls ` Slippers, &c., &c.T ' V . sun-5 aunu ue snnncr pan]. `'1. Tbxulhia My-_L:uv shun fnom and aftcrthe rs: day ycar of `our Lord 1370. 'l`h'al fhn rinkgnouh.-. A. llllll UIIEJIUIIBCIUIUI ' ' T The AcL.c;mtcmplntes_ the drainage of f1oo'd`=,i_l as `well as wet or mam. `lands, -and would no doubtnpply; to suplix-,Va`s those bordering. upon theNottn- 3.vusu_gu.River,"-which, wo hnvex bebh` 7 :0, f, ar;Q{adT.excg1levnt unlityiaud, -` oir,,'.tj1;9 `ilogdg; ..w'u d ,/be `v`e`ry 4 . s J.?`!,4:`."` In`T0`7dcr 2110?]; cc good /it is g.-.a/r,vu:;.J and none but the ten; be;-t g`mu/_ ' .201 used. ` A A LUX'UKllUa , V . 'l`l1'ut -for the purn-o=o u. F,>r!:`."`~ fund for p:Lj:nx..~ut we mi-I d--h-z. lheinlcrest thereon at the rue -.:-2. "qua! Epeciai mic of seven mm; Ln 1 shall,.1'n addilinn In {J} olhcr run;--`, l Iqticd and qollectud in each v.-.nr um ruteable property in. the said .\Iuni: i;-132 the said term of twenty ymrs fmru 1!: into'e`ect-of lhis [i_v-lnw. unless .suc lures slmf! be sonnur paid. . Th! Iii UV`-I .-nv ah-NI onb- . `.115. Tim! lh` sail d-1)-:.1t'.1r`s 9'-H? plyable in tx-.cn'_r y -.'u':' fro n th- .1 1}` E mfntfonrd. for (b3: iiy-|4:Xw 2) la.k- ti Bank of'l'0:xm1-win-the "i:_x' U! T -' Shall have num.-ht.-d to them c-u:;v~n "iment of inlex-vs: ax`. `lb: utc and (.bL'te.=nnfter. mentioned . . l\' "l`I...o n.,...:a.n.,:-_..__._ _<. ; l_uCLt7-`U31 (Cf. UIUHUQHPU IV. Tim the said debenmres 32:` est after the we V4-1 six per cent from tb dam Ilpemf, which 33:9` "payable half-_year`z_v on th Era: months of Julllmry an-lJ~11_v in c Ibo Bank of.'I`urou1o in tI.: s Toronto. \' ll.-..| 4`-.. .1 _ . I - L-C-1'pII'nL.0.1 or 1:19 `Lora.-lxip of U: I. Thu itshxll ind nny be '8' 3:1id_.\I'1nic'-{-3 i!y.tu:\iln.-1.] .'x~*'-`.`s' ' (0. Simo-we and` .\Inskuk~\ Jam` jU!I1l'9V\!'," Ev nip}:-uy Ilm-..o.-. on... . I muusuuu uunnrs by \\:\_v of hunm ` . 11. That 2: shall be f;uv.'u`. r;- l aforesaid. for the Reeve of ::_.=;il i..o ca.usc any number of Dcb,-mnm.- -or such sums of mom`; as may Pu- Uho said p-.xrpo.=e,`nnt less xhun Twe t nch. and not exceedixxzin the what. o"'1`went_v 'I`!mus4md DnH:\r=, which sures Shall he s~.-ah.--1 with 2115- sex! E .\`uuicipa1it_v and be signed by the 1 o . A By-Law to `aid and zz.v'.<`;'.-z ;/M. T oronlo, Simmc am! )1,-,,;._,/_~,,1,,4 Jvu-nction Railway ,C'ou.=/m'n,,-, giving IwI2II/ I/'1/J.I.'.v/[mi dollars, to the said C':;;;z,,.':u% by wayof bonus, and /0 fr clcbcnturcs - I/tare/"or, am`/' azu`/wri:e Ihe lwr_z/i'nI_r of U . i spccial rate for t/uzpay.-;E}zr V i . t/me Dcbe1ztz12'cs and I`/zle.";J. I V }IEliEA.'\`, by an act of {'1-1, X,r;~j.-` .- ._ / tl1el ruvim-2 of Uumrin, V-.1-F 3 _ `A... .K` Y \v oh:-on vhl.-A ...,.- .6` cl... -. . V IIEICEAS, the Pruvince thirty-third _u-ar of the reign Queen Viclmia. and iut'x`.u1.-.1 -- r,'m'por:m- the` .T0rL_nntn, _S:ruc'-V0 fJunction Railway Cduipznny " j as fo!in'.\`s:-~*` ,-\n:d'it =_ls..1l_x`ur'E ..... \'.... ..- ..- ll... UH!` .N'-lHIl'l'`-.lfIl._'I 3 UI".5lHZi r-*;I`i of whirh. r~r no.1!` 1' wprks of su'n-!.U(-.rIi;:x1n'y : "med to aid or ussiy the s iug. or g_-mr;1n.eeEn;', 01' of bonus Or other mt-.xn3 ' .l I... .2. i .'xu'I -rm aux: H_,\\H!|1|1H1E lull 2'13`. Ixhousmvl. two l.=IlIyi.`t-J dull;-.r.=. to-1 .nun1:1H_'."b'y .=;:-:ci.~.l ray`, fur {`:1_s':.,, I-lubl-of t\wm_'.*-thrm=m'.d dnihu-.4 am j on the D;-bcrnuroa to be issued t'uc-n , ?r.::.!tcz' mentioned. "And w'm=.rmsll;e amonn: of the mi. 1.111;};-p;");1rr.4t.' of U1: 3.114 .`-l'.m`:v."pa . I I E I 3 l J I Y '9 pecmtc of any increase to be x`.;xi.~.~! lcmp)nr_\'_inVveslm-'.~n1 of 11:? .s';i;.\.i-2; '- nnft-rr nzouzioned, or any pm 13.. 1. iDzlD|1ie`1i\SlT8'Vi59'i -\.5s c-vvm-n_: 1; snid..\1um'cipn1iy. l.eiu,:f fo" 1h.-yA~::- tr -_:r.n`d Eight H-undrei and} Sixty-.\".:.. v h:.ndrpd and sfx!ceu thous.md,au1 3-H`- is)`-h`11'_i. ` ' ' A...,`| ...L..---- `I, , -t -I "AI ,-'-=-; -T V 4: . .. .'much. -as the case, t_heiewneta- .,ol *he45"}3 9r :iliflfewiithi conims .-3*!--t9P.=. 9? 119! the 119:6 med I' 9!,P9s-.ibl9.!? in-5| iiiuiiivi-" ' tain- '-'i ` ` v L;1.:'.;'.g;_' uuU'.- ~ ` l` And whclau for pn_.~:'.-:: 221-` cr_catinz an equal _vca'l_\` slnl:'n'-_' rim: 'b:'s1id'_dnb1. of lzvcnty-tlao-u<.;~:l- l -Llereinafter mmrioncd. iv. kfill rc-r,=.x':-.- : l1llllf\1.-pCYl.\lIfZ1l(`1"Ir seven mill: in _ `n adli ion to all ozhex r.~.tc-3, to L;- -.-ach ynr. _ ' . . It i: tlmrefore ewalerl bv the (`n::: ` Cc-rpwrnt.Io.1 0.` the To.vn.-hip of Um. 5' it Eh! and nut be 'm--' 5 I}:-n`u'_<.. I` 1 And whereas the cxi.>,:ir;;;v dam. x 1 ...1 ...x . . xx, "'|JlI3_lA AK` \"Ul`-' Art re;:c(-13:12 1111: .111 It: creat_10nr)t' u_l_=ht.:1;1- > ',1:7u:hE led shuli be_v..!id num-ilb:.a-..1`. ni`1_v xhvcd the a_::re::zt- x-..t-w : 1'49 3-.1m,' on Lh artuwl 'v:xlx=_ I _ .'c-perry. pr-`n-ideri th H {'19 :m- '5 -s~xm-nt 5`.mH not in am` am nu-rnn:n: Hnv..:`1-_.n~.< 3., I ul 4: l I" I ; 'B`UI\.'Ul :H:'l|| UV 1-urposos, tbr.--='c~ -w_.1.Iu~: of mu w-11.2. w. ..muu u: !l|l`.` ynxsxuxvl Jam` Cumpany," by giving t!:or<-tn t.':r- .< fhonsand Dulmrs by of i`-um. Th3! il ux" hn I-mu-Tu! f\2 I? Prices Such as tnsuit the time. g1el_,3giI.et .`.`qv:nra, Bun-ie. ;.!,{,;). 9;;-jig/;-.S'v!retl, Burriw, IIl'G dour: : g , Queen : Hntel. TAKE NOTICE, M... ..$...... :. 2. 4...... n...... ,.r .. .. av-LA;\'4__%Ig5}:s. Vnmin unprotable. Auuu. ' , . - . I The quanuty of swgmp Ian_din this Count y capable of drainage is` notvnry _ great", butTthere' f is sogne ofu desxip-. lion to be rendered valuable by the op'r'a1iou, `and It_ it be __more;or less there is`.no reason why 1`; slxouldreg 'Iu: An! i-in-atnrnninfnu II-in Jnn'nnna" Gi.IVVTUDaop1;_, ` swillhip. -Clerk . v n-ui .!ZllLI.'~ li'.I`k._" +1.1!` \'.'hi:'h ILF ;)rln'y``-H.131 1`.--' 7 said t'Urri,~ sai-1 .\muici; nZ';` , . 1'15" sin!-: n'-: 'n."It_\'-L320-`.~'.L::vl -7? d`. -ror,zx':v pl` net lkv.` at Y Aflovantot, sold In in-Uu.-rs n; yuuna wluuu wuuzu L-r-Iupayu. The Municipality`wuuldjulso be, re.` paid` fur the task imgosed upon it of ` levying and coilecting a. special rate "by the increased amount of taxes ix wou1d_ recewe `from the improved land. ' _,,,._j__`-`t _-.;_._._ 1-.-Us -, .. . Pi)` in p_' \._. ._- OFFICE AS FOLL()WS7:V NAILS -d.`O`Sf. A5 'V`I:lII>`J"B.\RRlE_ P051` . ,. Ill. 1' `DDW Mincsiug, I-`riduys, 11.25 a;xr.. Hr:c$m{nRs Gi}E'AT BARGAINS. V T1-1Ut_: sD.A.Y, MARCH 24,1870; Movruu NORTH. novma scum Read Downwarda. _ Read Upwuds. , ` A.I. A,Il -` 1!`! PAL at 7.05' mm`; I H. Tnnunnb Hmns. T G0:NEC1;IONs._ *GO0DS Asuv -..uu TJ..EDWARDS., mil. l'.l- . . 3.45 4.00 l 016% 6.40 ~ 6.50 , 7.07 "(.25 7.30 'l'A.'. a._*u)_ 8.03 unn ,7) 51.46`! V ..':L-,_ . <, `g.Fy_.:. . . :%rN1oNm1 Jlol\lu 10.55. Qk 03-. 8:50. V3.42 OH 1.45;.` 47.35.` 7.40. 7.02. 6.45. I`. 0"] Da\.'O- ,.").E~0. I: An {mf- in- 'a re f; mmms 9,..- v I U-Ll 5.17 6.01 4 20 `A an I ! L YES w4s.- . 2 1' j _1?`r0mthe_'pulilished. Qoconht 1 : `aiscuggiomhat took place -in the , _ _;j -91 Gommbiu on the Banking Bill '93. _ 151}; inst., we tljltlio foll6`wjgxg, qg `an asked by Mr. Scatchl`-: one of. the Bank;-'of0nfariu _i`*a>better_ position than the Royal Canadian Bank` before it suspe'nded !" rm... ....__..-._ __ ___ -:- _-__:_r...'..I.t- v'1-`he quesLlion' is one of considet'able I importance, and to_ which oxily one ahs.\ver will be'givn by those lhtcidg1_I- out Ontario whmhave made -bnnkingt ' study, 6t whdlxave takenthe slightest` pains tojuform lhemgeltppVvgx to girl); `pasition L _o{'lheA I1ar'tVer(.-it bEhks," ai1`rl f ' that_answer will l5_e"i`. most emphatic, .. `."E . -q gin. . .1. -'_I_ lpelcled llfe quqslion could onlylla um- ` remarks, to make. Doei Mr. Scatcherd `stand, that inhis opinion, at` least, ` Su'rcly.Mr.._A Scatcherd-dill not tliihlk when he nsked the_ quqstxgp, wvhavt-.wgs Involved. in it," that is".sitppoSing h `ei- wued in the `negative, 3. suppolion perleclly natural from the tenor of his r_n'dan toTinsinuate4 that {all banks are alike mismanaged, and tharthe .gg`nlle+ men who are dirgctors of these insti- tutions, although largly 'inlere'ste d in their prosperity, are all equally uncon- cemd `to protect tlxcit own and the public interests? Arc_ we to under-' banking cannot be [conducted with sulety in 'Ontariol5lfor1f it could,s]m-e- I ly`one.Bank`out of the whole would -be" propctly managed ; but Mr. Scalcherdl . makes no egception.` ' A-llergll `thnt_ has been revealed of_`nijsmangg_ementA ."__AtA.- She had been about`th:e_o weeks qtit; so thjil tluerg was some ground Io'r,a]Va`rm onxhc part bf_ ihcge , who ,l;aij;;.;_{:i'5nds{ on board. V ?I`);,ato- is rudlj` jthnt Reva D'08`n:'1*"1'i::t:t.-b`:gio 1:')_I`-1;I' I fail` Hli`i" " ng, I-.5;9`I.`I'..',tI`t"Tlny huff? 41W! um llC UIIGIJ Ivvuu-yup. vs tions dead and gone, and the fatal Are- sulto connected therewith, we did `not expect that anv one would have been found in Canada,` much less in, the House ottCommons,' who would `have shown so little respect to the nancial `utility and moral worth of the tdir,ec- tors of the bankinginstitutions of On- quoted ; or so little respect for tl|e'peo- ple of Ontario who have invested their ' cherd,-were hen man ot'i'eilection,ev :n supposing he asked the question then- estly, which we do not deny; might, without /much ebrt, have stumbled because the other banks have not sus- j pended. > ' 10 is coir` In! cnmn H1!!! 0',` 111! time in the past, [connected with inetitn-I elario,ns to ask the question alrearlyo means intliese institutions; Mr.-Sczit-A upon u- very -good answer, viz., yes,` PUUUUUJ . . V It is said by some, that at the__time the Royal Canadian` Bnnk`suspen(_led, an e(l'urt wasrbeiu.-:,rAmade by certain 3 parties to cripple, ifnot entirely to des- l troy publicconlidenco in the Banks of Ontario, willi_the_ view of influencing ii piilalic opinion in favor of an new `bank- ing sclieme, which tip to` that moment was looked upon with great distrtistiby the community at lafge. Theiimme- diate eflectiot the action was the loss of `condence in itlievlioynl Canadian Bank. intensied by a document pub- lished bv one of the directors of that L institution. It_ is at strong iugiimeiit `in favorof the other Banks that they were able, inithe face ofvadversc cir- M c:in1stanoesto-pnss safely itlirougli. the. ` ordeal. ' ; 117-v_.._.-.-.. n...i..il..... 1.)--1..'. .{fVn_ :It is` wqllfojj. those whdar A-d_(2;ed,',tonote that `they 5 hjquired toscttle accounts _ 7nEdiaieIy.T T SIIUIIIU UU OIIIIIIUIOUO A banker, for example, will never, unless a more tyro in his profession, advance money to a man, the repay`-' ment of which depends upon the sale of lands, a house, andislillety, a grist or [saw mill. V A [banker who knows his business only `advances money to" buy or manufacture such commodities :12. i enter` into thovdaily lnecessities "of the community, au as a consequence must be bought and sold. 1 D....b.s..- Alia shun`) On l-111:1 : ' I`\A . nnl. oruuar. , ~ _ . I. . ` Wennswer, the other Ban`ks_in On- tario were in a better` position than the Royal Canadian, because they had- lcamt from .the larhzrer of" the Bank `of 'Upper.Cauada and the Commercial` Bo.r_1k`to avoid the shoais upon which lthey, unforturmtcly fur, tlremselms, 3 made ship-wreck, viz., that of allow. ing their means to become locked` up in the shape of advances to govern- `,nrent.u{cials of allkinds, land specu- -lators, railroad corporations; &:c.; &z. I Bankers in Canada "are u_nderstnn_ding more and more every year their legi`.i- mute sphere, and how `their meansrt should be employed. , _ . ._ A Iuinlenr (Ar nvhmnln uni nnvnr. & ' `IIIIQDI II. III-'I|`IlI any 3Ul\lo ` [ . Bankers now seek to gairrthe con _ deuce oi the public not by a connec- _tion with Government, but by. having men as directors who are known to be men of means, not borrowers from. but largely interested in the prosperity of_ the institutions whose aairs they re- ` gulo.to-men of prudence and `integ- rity of charncler-by judrcions and" careful "management. . . Al`r-- ..n .1.-. 1.... 1... ... ...:.r .......r l l I l VEIIVIIII IIIRIIIIISUICIDIIEI V .' After, all that has been said and written wisely on the matter of bank circulation, which is Vevidently the subject which prompted Mr. Sca,t<,:herl in asking the `qtiestion',w'c begin to dc- spair of "ever producing any im'pressio__n Itpnu some of our rcpresentativeaa-1 Ottzuva; still we feel indisposed toallow those,` who l'rom`the: position they oc- enpy,on_ght to be Vgnnrded in their re- -marks, especially when they refer to the banking institutions Qfthe country, to ask such an important question, with- out making some reply"; When will >'-ll truth, an axiom to practical bunk- ers, dawn upon therrnmdsf of our legis- latorq, that a. bauknev cr fails because It lian I` `large circulation, but through want of public condence and a. with- drawal of deposits. glut this, "as-in` al- ` most every thing else,the unonquiringo form , their opinizn by__what' appears or. ' _ They sea the crowd `of: eager men with [each $10 or_$20i in his ' `hand pressing -for payment, ., but ,tliey- ' do not observe. the man with-liis_,check' , the snrfacm. Afar $20,000 conversing with ._the. Cnsliier. tar snppeu that 1 bay havo done the m_isch ief,_- - t ; ~ ~ - A Alew, snch checks break the` Bank, but this crowd outside the coun-. some :.,.,..%1.,g,;;.;. t_ni31_%`e_`LL.*aiitr`n{ue1' `about. 1116 l,Cll"l]I i`(. s-:.SI`6ha."l:,IlA`0_`lv'_ j'8d5narihz which has b'eeinf;rqi'spm_ ti mefyi due` at New York;,bt:1`.` -`the-V in"t_lligen9 has been reccivedbf her return` to Qmenbg I to\v_n',in nditab!ed`oapdij'ioq. V. 7' . l`ap[)3' lull lI)'|0l"!'u6|ICI0llU U000! IEO UNU- cohta. Gelntine, prepuml, Corn` _Tup_iocn;- &.c., are sold at the "' |Ie_dicalfDi:i>gn_ury, ?A,_\} . Pahnzr 5: 110.`, qpposite Mc gtt s.,Bjr:ie I!viL&l, Pippa` and 'l`aylor s* Goon and Gho- 3 raisin. Gelatin. nmndrml >Cnrn 'l`nnimm;- Ana... i"i'U'r..i?A`cI:;1 ; 0 . . ` it~;:0oIild;3'>_ii.: ._ >!,I'njeIrA\`\ii's'.0:.'-` T W1\6 YA`lk7dt5._1e fl-`ijghtfnil increase" _ oipaupoxism lh'_rot_1glioVut the land, `and. ` the utter hopelessness of any other > remedy, ibeing _ lor_>tVl1is'gigauuc ~ emu; -' Frbm 7,700,000 in 1300 me i Poo:-r Ratcshhafv risen fo 1l,000,000, - with every prospect ofa p`ropo1-tionnte I.. increase zinl-they `future ;and it-ris not ; difcnlttoinivagingor hard to believe 3 what ruinous-comoquences mustan- ...;.` :t nn nhavnn hzsni-nnnnnded for in ;i:ug~_.o1a.-e9uu:tLy. ']s: Eds; of Bank of TORON wpat mmous -consequences Iuuas _ .611- .,sua..ir- no seheme - be` propouuded for `the solution. of lhe problem. The. matter was brollglil before the British House of Commons on the` 1st inst., by Mr. R.` Ton'cus,_\'vho moved that .-.. .m1..`m' nrrast the increase of by Mr. l{,.1jorraus,_wuu lnuvcu um. in orderto arrest the paupensm and to relievalhe distressed condition -of the ivorkitig classes, ins expedient that. measures bev adopted for-facilitating the emlgraiion of poor r._..:n_.. .. I!-Him`: l".nInuin;'u_' 'l`ha ' `would "be "required insth construction families -_I0 brlusu Uu.luIu_us . `sun. . motion was-.rejected -`by 9. majority Of 105; but its discussion'elicited I89 V `marks which tend to convince us that lh_eV (halter .will"not be_v allowed to slumber. V The_ `peculiar prfivileges offered ` by Canada to the intepdmg emigmnt.~v.'ere clearly poinlo-d out by , 1 one} of the memb rs"of the EIo_uso',',virhuA re{erred,espaclally to the `labour whit-.h or 900' miles of" projected Railway,` labotlx which,_ he said, would absv)rb_ 1the'ser_vicns of at" least 40,000 men,_ at l-,- _".--;..._..' ....-.u n` Q1 , n nnr r`nu_ for-lacxmaung nu: Q:llllglII'u_Ju V1 pu-.. families _I0 British Coloui_es.' Thai ,,__.:_.. ....... --:....t. ..l .1: n nminrihl of 795* -A"-_'?' _l3_:'vin_g.,a` grand, ` yearover former years, the Commis-T sioner of` Agriculture and Public Works co-operating with the Goverment,~ in` r` l r v NIQSBTVIGOS DI Ills IUKSL '.l'U',VUV uu;u,_ cu. uu 'a"v'c'rnge-pay of $1100 PEP dill -` it Contingent on iu'clnvork`as this, em- ployment -would, also,` of c0.lU$0s*bt ` found forthe artisan; jvhile in other other and opposite respects Cana- da 5 opened a fair f -farm settlers. suppose that thelmperiul Governmen . w.ill. in duetime. adopt some` National t sooner or later,--for private enterptlze, although Invaluable ,auxiliary,can never ndequatelv meet the. demand of so vast elquestion,--it is consoling to know that the Dominion Govermem .39 'b0.-t coming more alive tothe importance of the dntyliefore it. In anticipation of a largely increased immigration this has prepared a ci-rcular-` and blank schedule, which have been .l'orw'vrded to the various -Reeveswand Mayors of "the respective municipalities of the Province, cullinqT`_att'ention to the desirability of rendering `o nssis'ance by furnishing employment to the `immi- granlson their arrival, and in other ways promoting their general `welfare, and by ,r'eqn'osling them to slate to his Department the number of skilled and unskilledrlubourers andlemalc servants, 5 that such municipalities would-l)_e, pre- pared to furnish employment to.-'--' Tliese` returns show a demand for up- wards of `4,000 form l`algourers, mech- anics and female servnntsv; thisis. no doubt, on ad mirable plan -for assisting the cause of_ e`mtgratmn. and the` issue of such a circula_r.'annually would be of incalculable benet. - ' 1.1- mi_-_- art.-':._ 1.. --11--r_..-:u_.. eldv, "for i `While it IS reasoabfle to ,- _ _ l. Emigration policy, as indeed, it must- UIIUIVH 0 ' ` I Probably owing to tIi e 'nhou-in_teIfe`[r- ` er.ce oI the .po lice[o[rLmili! ary, no lives appear to -have been lo;t,Iand only one man Adangero1Is).y wounded by Va/charge of duck shot, xed'from`~a `hcusev `whizh was beiI_1g_=Ia id' siea lb`/`a`n',d -..'whioh'5l1e -was -paging at Ttha :.tip: e 1jv"i`t_,hout l-any*~ mfil intent. 4 "The. corpr?ratiou'r. fdotibl 7'-l1_ayV0!d;fqot{h;bI1l;,-`-' vti_ll,`, v'iw_? VAN IRISH EL~Ec1j1oN. . .v ; The accounts of {late 1-ar_h,ameut_ary e1e":`ion 1;: me City of wanetrord` are slich asjuight ha loolgd for in thgi last, _"butv.hard.ly 1n the present century; ' ` PI... .1` 4L.` "I"-11"-. ._'..____ I,,_- , 1- . 1 UI IIIUUIULIIQUIC UUIIUIILC Mr. Ti]OSL'\Vllile,jlllll'.,'0i Hamilton, j Special Commissioner of`. Eniig'mt.ioii _ to Great Britain and Irelandyin 1859, made Vextrvaoidiiiary _exertiuii's during the tcrm._ of his inission .to' make the people 'gei'iei'all`y t'.l(`qlltlll]led`\\`lll] the subject of einiszration. more especially in reference to t-li_is Colnny,.nnd, it is hardly too mnchyto say that the ques- tioniwas nevrrrso well comprehended in the United Kin,rdoin- as it is`at this moment. _But welinveiyet much `to do._ his all very well to promise .the iminigreut Free Grants of Land; but how is he to get hold of them? At'pre- sent his only routeto his own Home is via the State of Minnesota, and "the i>0ddS are that jiistso soon as he ' gets l- - - . - . into that flourishing district, wejiry and disgusted with theprotracted journey he-has alreadyA'aecomplished, and as- siduously `S posted 7 , -l,tp by Yankee` Aszentsns to; the misery and trials, xiwaitiiig lii`ni, he wiil abaniloii his .ori- . ginzil design nndsettle down where, he is. Theii,.look_i1t the reception we give him `when he reaches ourshores ! often have we seen a group. standing hudg ` `dledtogether on the sodileii wharf, wet, cold, dejected "ands iieglected-giviiig one rather the impressionfth-it they a penal settlement, than a -number of puoribiit eiiterprizing edventiirers, pre- - pared to devote_ all their energies to the acquisition of the necessary com_-- tvrts of life. Betting in mind that: these peoplenre` iitterf strangers ' to _iis, wholly ignorant of our country, entire- lyforeigii to, our ways, what a cruelty is this that suffers them to stand im- hoiised. iincared for,on the \threshol_d of the" Land wliereiit they have been invited to labor [or mere bread tutti` cheese! _All this is quite wrong, and should without .d.~lay be remedied. "We must remernber this; we are not only offering a Home to the distressed _ operative who can nd no means of a livehni.-"d iii the land of his birth, we iwerg at bunch of outcasts, thrown on i 1i'ii'e also tortzfyiiijg our Doimiiion with a face which, in the years to come, -will help us to maintaiiiits position and its dignity against the inevitable` enemy, whom, one day or other , it `will, in its f:1le,_et`tct)l1l]ler; and it. is ,_as much, _llierefore_, an ant own behalf, aston that of the ininiigriint liiiiiself, that his-.wel- `come ongour shores should not be eorigi `canted under a cloud of th'ca`rtleis_s ,in-V iliereiice`. ' * -' - l J 1 .- 848-A Vrllc_(ul\_-I vvcl-yuuuga ' _, - ' V ` There seems to have` beenvery lime ' ebrt madVloipu tdowuvll1e riot; lho.- vamlnorities being oyorhap: of ` opinion- ug that `the! b(_)_vs hi to be allowed ..t_o have "a `ruck8lzo|x on such ` _an foe. casion. -n__~L`_1L, ,, ;- . ..'- I . , -7 DISH: _lA:-:'.T`-e Fr} Bfiggs Alluvnnitor, for` .Dispe'psir,' FIa`ulzn(-y, Heartburn, &;c.- Svldby l')rug gis1-- ` v S88-_3m -" """'.'J "' "" l""""" "-"""' " M One of (kg: 13' '_v,pa.pers -has- a list ' of LhQ'prO1')6N_y d,e;s1'rpyed d;xrjng . the day of.e1ect_fox1 _wl1ich7oc`upiIes two co1uAn,mA.s, and is.`-headed Tina wreck of. the City. Wmdo_w`sV \_ver'e;.broke-n acly h'bz'tum`,jassaulls` committed`-'o:_1v_ e_vety .one,!un'd Lever4ything.~ - -">.'Fh'nrn manna: l'\:l1lIlQ`V"\.B|I'I-lirrlsinr In)`; Tl " part` of. this -v?a'rio:nVs `nunuibttiring "`un_d producing intersls of Outuridu `Th-`a" is desirably!-, and necessjny.f * circular further` alludes to: ;the . imme- diate re-orgam'zalioh`oI tlrg -'iPru_v rig_1i:|,Vl' Assocmtion 1or tbeuprom9'ionv of cm. ' dim)` industry A 1..-..- ._.....L-.. .-r __.....:._-..'_. _../I he Rivinde. th9;fI5Xh:tigge;f1`.sir0t;- ` 1ast.`Fi;ili;?y"i_ v'qnliln!iE1h:sp.piu'iuu - eAx-_-' - pfassedf iu"tho c.itu!ur~co IV. eu'ing it-, ` t'ha"t:- -In View ofexpeclod change": _ in the Tariff, and 'p ossibl_y ofoug _'l`|"ade_ u relations with the 'Uu_ited'_S1uges,` gm- ` `,lD6dil1t.8` nd uriiitbed a_c.tioii_` _ o`u 711:3 ; "',"""?""""'I ', .. , V , `A. large numbcr of prominent L and infuemuial gcntlennen _w_e_re present; and the following resolutions were un- Aanimously adop{ed:--, ' - :- . Jinan:-I H" R W _`l.`n:.-.u Tin Dun- III IIIUUHI I URNCIJ I` , T Mpved 3'3, W. -Elliott,.E:1qV., Pre- siden,t`of.lhe Toronto and Njpissing `Ra. Ra Cu, ' D'...{1..;.!'. Tl?l.-...'..... .n' ;__._e_..... :.u._ 1.1. `In, uuu 3Resol17edt:.--'Wher'eas, all .e;:perienee t'each e_atl1atI the purest guarantee of a- co_nntryf s_ pros`perity_gis _.to be found in _ the wealth and{var'ietyg oi `ilsgresourcetx; 1 securing dive_t_`si_tyt of pursuit, and em-T 4 'p'loyn1ent.to'tlie inves`_trn.en;t_o[A labour ` and capital,`and_that i..is,_..withiln the ` ipower .pf._governments to;_acrgumplish f rrinch towards thejdavelupnrent otsuch ` resources bythi applicarion of sound` 1 and judicious,drscriminatiqn:i'n.,its legis- 1 ` lution, such_ as. willlendt a._ ufosteriug ` care and encouragement to the birth and growth of; native enterprise. Therefore, beit res_olved that it isvthe _ sense` ancl judgment ofthis meeting that it wouldbe hthefexercise of: wise and practicalstatesmanship on the part of our government to so shape its Alegitslatton in the adjustment of a unit? as will, without mcreasingtheburlheus ` of the people, aiird a.moderate amount of protection to the producing, nianufacturing, mechanical and other , interests of the country, as against the known V advantages of: foreign _ oom- petitors for the tra_de.ofV our own markets. A ' A ,_II,'l'I IV` -rs `Nqrthem P.ailwav Time Tile. We` l:;t_e}y paid 9 vfgt totlye green-house of ` . Messrs Brown and 'ai;e, and gets aurpgised at z the extent. of their collection`oftowera.I`or the T r coming sensor, onaistiug'o_f several ttfousand ` _p!antstof the choicest kinda. 21:; geranium: they. have over rm, varieties. twenty-four ol wb'ich~ V are. new. ` Obnhlias t_hey:hue_ u.r'oat;pros It ` fusion, embmcing spme thirty vbfletieh, and ill:` - -'choi'_c'e sorta; .cutt'ingI. we: believe . from the stock; whiohiwpre so much "qdnlredv in um: 31 . garden l'a_st7'year, _Iv,`usg:hi_at, Yet-bengts (80 or 40 ` yari'eties),~ .Beddin. u'd Bender` ;Ihnu,*tocks; .4 _ and Wu II-ower 8, -f_o`Ii`a'o_pljuil,v did fa V miseqlas 4 1' lane'ons,as:orl.nieut d_f 616* iiiorltci u1k`e t_1_fo:'r' _ - co1letione_ of.,0!V,!~'tIm_1,s_M:-'a'et|x`atVs`.JInIVie!ent,j.'. we` ` should think ,_for'_th`e 're_qnit\t:tnI:xitu;_v;f{,tliiaT1t:"-9.-_ J T `Ilty.j.QBn,t._eit. gisergI)y'r:hqppln1|fi_lf:i`)npgl;fgt ]` . -. `4i x; ".1: 1y John Gordon, `Esq, of ' Toronto, and ' T . - u 'D`......l....:J' .l'l'TL'.L -'..o---_-..-_-- -' "-I _ of .1859 it was expressed by the Go- I. VI VII IV cl nu ". ;Resalvdl+-That cotempornrv It/it h and since,the_pussag'e oflhe Tariff Act vernrnent, and so receivcd_and_ under- ' stood by the country, that it- involved the inauguration of such apolicyns that ad vised in our first resolution, and that ass, legi,timu'te '-corollary.-thereof the duties were raised on the bulk of ` . imported merchandize and goods, irom rates (of, twelve and fifteen to. twenty ti. per cent.- that, relying. uponthis im- 5' plied pledge of the Government as.toi"' its policy, and in condence in the stab|Iit_y ofits legislation, numbers of.: our own people were induced to in-H : -vest large amounts of capital and labor 5` - intthe establishrnent of enterprizesvfor " if-ubrics,' tools and iniplemen'ts, bootsl the niaiiufacture of cotton "and woollen and shoes, n1aclii_nery, &c., and-that-1 `I the subsequent reductions ufduties on 1 `3 imported goods of these branches of ll manufacture from twenty per cent. lb` down to fifteen involves in our vriewal 1 _seriouVs'mistake in "policy on the _part of: v the Government,.a.nd_.the consequence 3 of which has been seriously to retard W nndimpede` the growth of these` ll]-ld` terests; that the restoration of the` said tariff of twenty "per cent., so fart` :'1s,the interests that were created gf th'ere.under are concerned, is an act of 1 ` justice due from the Government, an t i ' IS essential to the successful prosecu-' 3` tionoft these nmnnfnctures. 5 lY,,___,I 1.-- 1t_ 1\`r',,,,,3_ ,9 n. IV 4 uuua,_a.uuv ` . T V` Resolved--'I`hat the people of this: country `having acted with` extreme: liberality in continuing for; the last| tour vears the advantages of the latel Reciprocity` Treaty to the people ufi the United States, in the -hope that -re- f ciprocal , arrangements might be re-l established between the two countries, I as being T the C0lll' most conducive 3 `that the American government far, `from meeting us with the liberality Vrecipr_oc.il_ legislation whatever, but` `the-United "States; seeiiige that that toethe interests of both 3 but finding` l [which we expected and desired, have i not only provedentirelylinstile to any have also increased ` each year by I disadvantageous lesrislation the iinposts l on the productions ofihis country. it fol- lows that we_lia_ve now no inducement orircasou for admitting into this co_iiutry', free, the prodiictionsjof the people of 5 cours_ej is injurious _to_ "the .lie.st interests` of`therfarine'rs`, luuiberirien and miners- of Canada. _ina"si_niich as the active com- petition of. the Americans in _oi;r_ home trade has deprived our people of a very large share of whatfisi their nearest and most legitimate market, and_ forced them to scndta large portion" oi their produce over tliesea to Great Britain, V or into the: United` 'St'atr-a,- subject to " heavy dutiesto the:Ain`ericaii_ goverri- V -moms? A0 llun nnnnlvn-|anr| n` lhninn-nnn.uI3...... .,,_,_,__,_. , A . ` At the conclusion of tl;e.proceedings, -vthe following wereappointed 1; debug tution topioceed to Ottawa to present a memorial vto.'.h_e Governor-Gn-eral andjboth Houses of Parliament ;'-j-I1. .[_Inmilton, '.l'hos.. Nixon, Hugh. _Mc- .~Douuld,W. H. Roddt.-n, Ald. Dickey, --Spmlt, Samuel May, C. T. Harrell, Toronto; -T. W. Glen and Gibbs,` Oshawa; Messrs. Norris, Riordenand McKinley, St. Catharine: ;.Messrs. D Al\lc`InVne,s' mung Wine: `urn; and Bowmau,, Hanliltoni; 3 Y`,En`ri", `S Howlnnd, Joab Scales, _W. B. l __l-Iespeloif}. Mr. oMo1e_clinie, DunJas' ;, Mr. ;~Fraser, 1 Cuboutg ;. 1I{ol_ierlT Barbfer,`_ George,town.: ` 'rhnlhariiIIntir\'n in in `Anita. mounnnfni IUll U1 lIlCJ`1 llllbllllliblllcao t Moved by Mr Norris, of St. Catha- tines,_a'nd. ' u D......l..-J vnx..;4 AL- __._i_ ,0 .1 -, ` . FILE-S.-x-liv.7S`.`, Dr. B}ig;'. Pii 'RL'e1n`-.dv`iVor` In` t=:ruxgl,_E._\'1erunl, Bleeding and.I_u-lxing files. -\1__, gives imencdiulexgllcl qn41`ig;_ :r;eliAaI>l1a.`nSo1:l by D`tfgg'i:!.' . `S88-Sm IJIII |IVC'l` KIGUISU/l\.!VV Us. The ' ])e[iu1gtion jg tp_ Tgygrgtg` fox Oztauiby" thy eve;;_jng;vt:`1';u' 94) Monday anext, 28th iugt." ---... _If`LORICI?`I.l'l`URE`. ' DETENTION` or. HIIIAIIJS: mp" ' ' ~T.1`.`.`4.-`_.`,"".". ' . . VA ,,_, `!'oranto,City Hall 7. _ Co1liz':;;.\'oud__V.-.. 1. 45.` %r;)ck Street . . . 8.00. . I qm'iford `. . . ; 10. 10.` Scahlons .. ....l0.l8.` Gilford-. . 16.35.. Le."my. . . . . .;. .1045. ` ABru.mle_v....'....H 02.. Al'.2mdule.(Ar.)ll.20.. .P::u'rie .1l.25. -Alland-21:: [Dep.]vll.-10. llarrisoxas . . . . 11.58. Angus . . . . . . . ..12.vl. >.` New Lmvell. . 12.E .:3. tvynu`........l_2,.55. B..7Lv-.1u,\; . . . . .. 2110.. 20.