Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 24 Mar 1870, p. 1

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3 Good Supply of-`Horse Medicine always on hand Cookstowzi, Oct. 1867. - :42` THE BEST 0!-` WINES AND LXQUOB3 IN THE BAR. %1iiC%HANgE HOTEL, nnur nu vnnnnm 't'2ADDIn BAB%BI.v..b9InEL-I Mrs. E. RKS, I rop;'ietress;. JOHN '1Wc.TVA-TT, TS-uperintendent -.-._v... _._-..,, I ` THIS hotel, 59 long and favorably known to the travelling community, is now con- ` ducted by the propxietress, and is u'u,derAthe'su- . perintendence of Ur. Johu'Mc\Vntl.. Nem-1v.lbirtv additional bedrooms have lately of Mr. Johumcwnu. ~ . ~ Nearly. thirty been added to the BA'xum-: llama , all whih beg . ing built of Brick. and well warmed, will be . found as comfortable and commodious-niVcanbe found in any house ;ior!b' of 'l`oronl`q. a-1= nnmmm-cisl travellers will nd ample ac- LARGE AND comxootous STABLING. ..vv-.r vv\I\ `June, 1868!. H.&QJQI$i& j: w - -w -v-:.:-- VALTUATOR, _ V VETERI-ANA YS RGEON, 4-c.7 Epunblr A found in house norm or '1oronro_, if Commercial ti-_a.ve11ers_ ample commodation for showing samples. Barrie. mm Oct.., 1868, V -18- `JOHN s%oN%HoUs1a,| ___...'-.-.- 1- -r f`\'I\1'f'I'| \I.L.I.v.AIV!\l\l-I---v _ V- 1 -C).B._IIaI.nI-L, ObT'I`._ Ja`s.A.J'olmson, - 7 - ~Propr :-:- THIS newinnd commodlous`hotelissitueted - near the` Lake Shore, and commandsa line view~ of the surrounding scenery, The rooms are large, handsomely fuxfnished, well ventilated, and families can be fsupplied with . separate snitsfor themselves. Sample Rooms for Commercial Travellex-s., l The Bar will always be round replete with Liquor: and cigars of the best" brand. Good stnbliug and attentive vosllers. _ Boats leave every day for Barrie, Hawk- - atone, Bell Ewart, Beaverton and all ports on Lake Simcoe, and "three times daily forth Severn. _ - - ~ Juue,-l868'.. . . I . 7 824- ` \vi'LTEi3i%1ET"i5ARK:1r: --cgvu-I-xii?" lIt\lnVI'1l` I` `eommodious Hotel. begs to assure the numerous ste ud, that he has made considerable improve- J AS.`J ou.\`so; z,' Smut. - .- 7 Pnot*me1'on.h HE'Subscribor having-succeeded` Mr-' Grib- bln in the above very comfortable and customers of this favorite and well established. ` ments in the internnl xt_c.commod:tt_ion and other: wise renovated it so as to render"-the House `one of thr-best Family or Commercial Hotels in the place. The bar will be found stocked with Foreign and Domestic liquors and cigars of the - choicest brands. ` ? ` _ , ` ' " . Excellent stabling andattentive ostlors. .Pleasure'bog.ts. Fishing ttickle and vehicles for the convenience of summer "guests and tourists. .The Hotel is situated, on fthe` margin- of the Lake and within a minutes walk of the steamboat what-ves. ~ . . 873- i{OTELS ANITD s.iu.uoNs:_ so.-.;..\_-.-. ..;.,. _ 0| U10 Lanxu nuu nu: steamboat .g--:._____.__. THAT well known Hotel, THE NORTHERN, in the Village gt` Lefroy, is now for sale". on reasonnhle cums. Apply to_ . g ` ' LAIDLAW 3: FRASER, _ _ or -, '. T . . `JOHN D. ALAIVDLAW, Smvner} W 7 CI Llo Juue,T186A8'.. emu, . Street` tainin v fl e-most ble for excel"-_w rd and ` ovem-f ~ TAVERN STAND TO LET in the` Town: ` A `of_Barrie ne_ar Allendsle, `The `house is in good order, and capable of doing a good busi- ness, with good stabling and sheds attached. _' Apply, if by'lelter*post-paid, to ' . ` . ~ A. MISCA.\lP.BELL, - "|l|al1`E.P.O. A1l.eV:i'tlnle, De.c.-6th, 1369. ........---2---._... M`./1l.2KE-T 'sQ'U.q12E, 3421112112.. W'C3"F'.!.' ENLARGE`MEN'P OF THE JUHN U. _.|JAu)uAvv, V _ ' Stayner. . . Possession can be given immediately. 896-tf v - ~ nlPollNI1"or~tu ~ mug; W 1" . -*'y.:.'L B.umm,"c'0U'N9rY smcmf Tavern S_t_1_1d to` Let. DUNLOP smEE1'*,`B.u_inTE. A'hTxTaL no _ _ .-- _-.. lunar--I.--`I-\` DuIlZAl8810]i Dl'IrI66Uc 9 pg ADDR ` `nagini Pj,0._`-'7; C}lRISTOPIER .HARRISON, .\ . -"n`a|ii' pazsnnrinii-r " Pgdrmswon. roit,'rui: Proprietor_.` {Prop}-_iet6r. :A.\|r.ur.'m., `Allundale, P. O. . soc. >825- (Fd3_nx_i:;1.Y'1)'ns-."'s;:a ;uit-*;t-`Ln -&; . WATSON., ' ' ' ` 3oNpH'mD,) 3 . , 7 LA TE OF KL INEBER G, n..-:.I......- iv- ru.....I....-'n.c..a-u....c.. -Ivn._....a....} ---.... ~, --__.---_...4.<.-vv. Residence Mr. CharlesM_cGne s, 'lfhpry|toli`.. Thornton,September,-`1869. - .89!)-11y. CoLDv'}'x, ` June, 1809. 8075`; illia--` .`_ ' II-` ' . .HY_ SIC'I. 1N, smz G1; on Acco UCHE UR, ` M D.l{.'ARTHUR ARDAGH, A M;1:2.11ap;RV ROYAL COLLEGE 01% `SURGEONS; `on DI MR. BOISANKO, `L. D.%s.,%' ju pnnctlcif nrms'r, M:-mbvr nf Hui Rmml Callme of 'Dnnlul M_cmber of th Royal College of 'Dcn_tul Surge7on.sVof O1u'ario.- ' Ro6ms on Owen Stret, near Dunlap Strct,` .Bax`rie, which will be open eve_r_y .da_v, except from the 16111 to the 24th of each month. V V ` ~ 7-1y. `PuYs1_o}{\5\f}fs_`ij1giE6:'&iKoouclmmz } ono-r- A HE undersigned is `prepared to effect loans . for any amount, fr_om $200 upwards, on the security of real estates, for any number of years, from one to 1'ee`n,' the borrower_cb'oos'es, on `the best terms. and at the lowest rates - "Expenses strictly. moderat. ' No commission charged. . - ANGUS BELL; coLowA1'i-:n_'s1'r'ze'i'. bRILL{A.. T at the late residenccyof ir. Ramsay. 43-1yr Harrie Jan. -5lh.V` I866. MDNEE H, ' %`I'0U`u>`_,; 83-1! .A-LL-persons m want of money, for one or` V ten yenr9,can obtain it on lcrms mo're advantageous to the bormwr than those of :\ny'otbr,Society,;by,ap;i1yingto . ' - V WILLIAM SANDERS, P;L.S. Rnmw s_J'UsTT1VcE :1s `THE ,e1;EAif,;,13UT'A`TsI_19g>LE411uNci1L12, AND m `WHOLE sE`c'nmi or sUcc:: ss A IN ALL GOVER1\iMENT. October 2nd, 1s`co`. nnuuu upuu, V Appfaiser and SVl1l`VE)'0l"f0`l` the Canada 2 2 Permu.nent_ Building and Savings Society _S`_ivnWr,z1n}VmpLnu, August. IBM? , 34 '-' Vii-113 IENION PERN1-ANE1i'i*f BUILLDINMSAVINGS SOCIETY Incorporated pursuavzt to the Acts=oT/' the` u-nun.-u, g .un, DUNLO-I;-STRE_ET,*BARI`_UE . ; V T Coroner for the County of Simcoe. 'l\..o-I. -.. n_.l -lahn O1=Ftc7::`-King'st., 9. rev; docix-'5 West 0'11 Chynrv.-.h St.., 'l`oroAnto.. . _ _ 1- l Provincial land Surveyor ; - -- V-AmTER' 1&6" n.u'm.Ir`.A DR. `J. H`. WA M`F_A?3|:JT -'__ __-_.___ '.._..._- _.__._ 9_v ')N'approcd frcholdjscuiity, and at mode; rate I`nt_e rest.v . ' `Apply to a ' mnumT ARDAGH A: STRATHY. I.BE_KfI`owLI1:, '_ Provincial Land ` .Surveyor,; L./IND :5` GE.-\ .E_R./7L JGENY, V OKILLIAQ ,`{ B.---Valnat'mns carefully attended 11).` 1-11 DRLJ; A; -ARDAJG H,` 1) O'l`WTlIRT OYYDIVIVIIRTI. nnnrfrrnuzw PPLY' EDWARDS, Royal Insula- ` ance Ofce, Barrie; r_ , * _ ' I - ` . 843- WH,ah1A.\1 DA.LVu|:u\u, 1 .u.u. V , _A , ?B_umn~:,_ Appraiser and Surveyor ('0: the Cuti.da_ ` Pcrrhnnenr Bui1diug'aud' Savings Society. Ju1y,1864 * ' . Hy` V U PW91}iLii1ii3ii,B,i,9_R\ 11" ' Mr. FRANCIS RICHARDSON, President. ARTHUR. LEPPER, vfce-President. -DIED[CAI; Piio1ri:sf1tiiia} B3. c. % sq E._._i`o+; II'.n-an nu Tnnniymn \V . '1 l`\UI.U.IU1l..ll-!l-ll.LLIIJUUL\Iaanuog _AndUs, - V- -_T . out" i euted "with accuracy and despatch. DR/iUG_I1'1`M ./1N,JPPR.&IER, coN. V r VEYJNCER. INSURANCE LJIND1 - AND. GENERAL AGENT, -:--- Disvpuied` Lines accurately adliust-ed.: T1 Drawings & Dlescx-iptions for Patents ofIIn- ventions carefully prepared. Valuations- made and Surveyingj of every. description"ex- ./Irentfbi the .}ETNifl_LI1"E; Hartford, Conhv _ "Aug. 24, . 1869'. . __ . " ` 83' 4'-lyr n - . "J, T and. Dft, . % xx-\/xx-../xrxl ~-~..~/\;----~ . ."(`v\_/\_/`.,:`-\/ \. \_\. MONEY _-go_ `LOAN. ____._.__._._........_.__.__.__._._..._j: MONEY` To LEND. -I;IONEY_'_{`9 Lamp. 1-15 7 c)'U'1"r``--'5,L'1i:fzk', ' ' I 11.1; attend at his 0ice,.a.t Barrie , Ievery SATURDAY, from-H`a.m., till 3--`p.m., acgeording murder or Council and every _other_ V day at his Uicegt Cookitown. ' Bume, Feb. 17, _1se2-_.` V _ 1_f. ___r -\--r-v-- A Wu. Morrrmsn CLARK, Solicitor. Wm. Pnasn, Secretary and `Treasurer. eNEw'f ii7ERY1%,fsTTBLEs, 4.: (n-4,--._ n;_I____:-_.. . HE Subscriber bp to inform ih ofBan-ie, and the 'l`1,-uellving Public, uinjt -. hehas on` hand; HORSES-g`and-T.BUGGlES.;fo; . . 31.9.-E.` r.s=.!*z..3!s=zf9F:. , 2 ; Conveyance: to 0;-i_llLla.:u ~_ .Z.. 'n'a'nnn1-r .|1iV.lj`1_ .CI:et`L`lVI`ai`i:I`Ii`OIIO. ' = \.'\\'\ \s'\.\~'\\\\-\.\\s\-.\'\/\2sr\s\\\$.\.\.~.\;\;`r` - . IIENRY CRESWICJKE, TJm., . Cbuiit FJ ols E-P H D o u_PT-:7 . . . . . n . 2 (Il|'lI"I5 Apply to ARDAGH, ARDAGH an STRATHY, .\`n|h-irnrq Rm-rie sunvsvorgs cfi_ms'. . _ _ _ -_ .. -..-._`~.`...~vv.~ AND%COUNTY%L%oF <%1iNERAL ADVERTISER. --.-1 ":4" : v,.' .*.a....`.-nun: '.:snu:- ' mmnnnin rP?'*` ?'*?RW Provincial Parliament; 7: Tmev1}T:%mo~:v:`1zl .-Money:_>_-_Len'd~ *_ l I\Iom_ In tho` - ly to. R. T. BANT IN G, . nnnwrv- .nt.1:2m( \J-'\a\: I-|-I- (LAN: or Tonon'o,)v I1 l 1l\!\I'\1\lT D I (In. A LLIJ uvuunauu VI ENGLAND, P.L., nn D-I1rn.1r.\m'.n I cnvu. BNGlNEER,_ _._- _ o A-ion-\ fI1'1I' NGUS BELL; .. ._ t',_.. .l... I`|......A. in E D l nn 1 n 1 , i Solicitors, Barrie. ` ' ` A 2-Lf ~. '-'"vm."`7, "- `W1'"'"' "".'-_ "' ""' L0 nuu UI Ina Iuvuo - . :],:,:rTeb;:|;t. e'; hnng.h.umm'-":gagI'_1ly _ Ten days have passed since thatiil i ' ' ' elm -I d . 3 T 9.. '"_"'8""' . ,. fearful night ;. and Susie, -pale as the 0 STABLES, 9 t-mP ` Ti1e.. .PP-|'U.Yv Slicceedefiu "P lilies. in -the? vase by her side, sits, I Station, Biirrie. ` -;ei1st9rmeg `near -.-'9 good am. .]'.. Si)$'," h .ec_arcclyh breeihing: The cris':s `is at it 6 1 ~:' -'._ ,3.-' *t;:e.;";9 _"."3.w .`f ,"'l.f`g b"h. hp.-nd=.` The one` Afeqble Athread that I uformtheinhlhltants ,.,.'F.- holds the,i:en_e- of life `and death-is V "emng Public um Aha M-v`h~Yi':`i'`e.d i1;~|i:' stretched .to*itx-"utmost tenion. Will I ""1,.P`9P9F`vX199i=.3.1!i991H13!!IIg'end_`;iL-.brenk,-or relax... Oh, in thydtvhom '1 i_iidV7Pnem.ngi.`1.n..{P':!Y.d.`!"!:.{3V2`!!!g!1!:{Q!`=;!9Wzlilllea` 'wiu_;__ro_wdedi-w,h'ole.yeanfof agony _1 ' ?- T` `r;a_s.:--_3$%".'.`j, I9!` !;9[13"'v.`TlI_G:kim_! `old::doet'r,=:aat; o`n:lhe oppo-' 1 V H9597 !."d -Ii:,`!wi-;`?1"}n'5.}kn;-W9 `8i:3v!id9;=iyiching`|iim`;close|y`.s At ` ~mv'h_A',8-._ _e i T : "l_eng'__l_,t1 :VlI(=`:'fi`d`_e'e_;i::-boivfviid,;in"{.si'|ei1ce'10` ._ _a _ sin, xigeir-endaistegipeiqmell '71- I OM ' 8`_'I4-':6nx_(_5V..` V Bninxs, 15,,ub_11shed Weekly. intine Town of Barrie, V eyery 'l`unRsDAY morning, containing the ' current news of the _dny,- end all. matters. pertaining to the amnra ofthe Oounty. Price - $1, in advance :.r $2.00, if not paid gt the ' timevof subacrip_l_ion, , V- Ax,vzr:_risum,-Six-lnnea or`under', first insertion 5")c; each subsequent one lzic. Overaix" ' lines, I6 perline,rat insertion; cacti gab. sequen one 4: Professional or Businese Cards $4 par ytar $3 for six months, if no_t more than ten iinesg. Special conga. can be [made by the year, or` parts of; 1 year. Orders , to discontinue Advertise-` menu to be made in writing. - " ' yo paper discontinued until` all nr'renruge s- arep1 .d,'except at the option of the publish. 4 er. ' - 'I n.urxxa, Booknmotxe and~Rnr.m: done on"the premises. '1`h"e mimics of the Estnblish. men`. are more complete than any other North of 'I'o'ronto,~ having been carefully lled out` in every pnrticuiar. 4 Uov--munications should -be addressed .10 the E7 "'P_u`blisher, post-`paid. nvrin I... I ratio, 1) ....... -_-' 843-` am.` mrchm. 1870. % _--~._._.._..-.._._.._...j.... _._._ ngovemga -Temper; and hbw i L V __J.twasGured. - .vy. IIUIVPIHIIBE 3 r ' ` `And S1__ri4e`AlleAn pre`sse_d her anxious_-. * face against the `window , pee-ring .out . `into the {ztst gathering darkrress, hoping L to see fl-1'x1rl``;`up}i`e:t/r`ring"llrn` the` d_istance, ` The rain was fa`lling in torrents, and She could see,-but a. few -`yards off"; and, : with a heavy .sigl1,S'ho turned and, lugaiu`-`occupierl herself in pacing slow.-T . ly_1o and fro through the pleasarit little parlour of her house. `V ' At pm-.h return tnwnrrlsrtlm wmdow Enaint i`ai"n!. sai}1_'!7i'-*6h;.';`wi11 u..' j never `cause this" `couant, consmm` -'droppiug~'! V Eachj "drop ' seems; like molten lava falling on my .head--my heart; TWhy did I sday--lhose cr_uel v.'(rdS to v1{afry 1,l1is~_1nprning about the. set of cAora!s'-'unj'nst' to him and so an`- vvomi1`n'Iy1n:me !.` My bitter,"if11co n-V-` ` :troHa`blo temper is the one bafto our ` I . happiness ! ,` Am-I Qnaia Allen nrnlesxn hnr nnyinnn. parlour U1 ucwr _uuu3u. ' . At each [return towards the v; n1do\v `Susio'wpi1Id ugui;n p:T1use, hoping to liearjthe \ve;lcome Ioptstep.` _ The clock proclaimed the hour of Tseen. `: nun lmnr Water than ever 'lm'fo13 ! prucluuuuu nus uuuu um ocvcu. ' , One hour "later than ever be'Io1`e .! \-Vhat can l1a.\-`e hefullenhim 2 __ And Susie moaned in agony. , I-1arry- and Susie Allen had been married nc:1_r.six mouths, and `had 1 "married for love. Harry was doing a good business. Susie s lather pre- sented: her with` a. charming li:.tle` "cottage int I-lornsey ;`aud housekeeping Icummencedj under happy auspices. But; alas! there is` 2'1 skeletouin, every household ; and here it `showed itself all to soon _in Susie}; indomilahle will and bitter wordsofunger when crossed in puirpose. ' - _ ' V A elm -lmrl an intimate (riend-- \\.'lmt m purpose. -She -had an ,`te [riend--`what woman` has not ! and in that friend she had chosen, not wisely, a ymng xvulow-,;a few years otder than lxexswell, undwhorbelieved in'womim s right to rule. Possessing, a good fortune, left her by her husband ~(vhom' gossips said. she heupimked to death -perhaps `they were unjust), she was very in; , dependent, and wished to modelevery woman in, the same fqnnd -`Susie u happy wife, and felt, at f the same time, that Susie` was too hap- r..-A nl LL...-nv ' Q.` sihn lupmtntn mould. ' She. l1t.`l' \\ uK puluta, uuu u) uuguuua, mun.-- ing ll_1eVius and outs 9! their dailylives. Summer was. approaching, and the wxdow wished to visit. W9.1les,nnd,.oI course-. wanted agreeable company.. 1 `....:.. .l.~...Ii..n uvlnnra urn unn on ~ the same UIIIU, umu. anon: wan Ivu null- py, toes {and of Harry; So she became "very fond Otl'hn' liul wife, studying ` her weak points, and by degrees, learn- :.... .1, :.m nnri nnte nl lhnir dnilvlives. .1a:rie,Jan. 1, I862. T COUl SG'. wuugcu uglccnnrlu u-gnsnyunny .. ` Susie, darling, wherei you aqd your clmrrmng `husband gom,gAtu rust}- 1cuvt-e HHS summer '! . 1 7.__'l....l 1 IIl\ nnl >n-Juan ;rn Iknnnhf ` \\ B HHVC UUUII nu |lbl}l`I_y ucac. 7 - " Ah, ycs,1t IS divme here-a perfect Eden! But then __ everybody `goes - somewhere in tliesunimer. You would not think of leadiiiga liumdrum life here all the seasou._ Whautl say you to a trip to .VVu|es'! ay, my little duve, wouldn t it be clianningl And Clirissy Mafble putlier hand under Su_s1e s chin, and drew her` pretty, face up to her, kissing her, [much asa mother fon d.les' a child... it .... ..n,l ..'..A...C,1 . `Inn 1 l \l_ ..._:-. C11!-( uns Suunuc: : ,> v - `VIl1vdeed,`1 ve not givenjta thought.` \'Ve have been so happy here. 1 Ax. `van 1! Su rlhyinn hp:-n__n not-fan! ll U35. `IFie on .Hari'y's business! Are you 1 .`alwa}s to remain in one spot because yonr.hus_baml is a mei'chtmt? Just in- slst upon gOing.- .You"are too meek, my dear. `My motto always was,` No yoke `for me ! _ I always ' carried the day with my husband ! ` ' c 'l`h-no in Ilm nnlv dict-.nrr1 `Nari:-v nmT HHICII 113,11. guutucx Auluuca u \;u_uu.-, `Oh, yes`, it would, ' indod ;4 but i Harry, I fear, cannot leave his busi- ` ness. - - A .'1-1-, ..._ n-_'...'.. L....:........I A .. um`. uuy Wull my uuauuuuz _ _ _ J That is the only discordarry and [I have. He says,".Bi.1siness b e {`oreA pleasnrefis the motto ofvull successful mercanhle men, and soffur l1'elm.S never yielded to me. . . V :\Unn Jan nnu kllluknnrl `I-In uhnnlri never ylclucu lU nlu. `Were. ;he my husband, h.shon1d_' ` yield. The idea ofvou,'z1 young girl, leading u_ nuu s life fur_ `rem business: may sufler! By..the bye, did you gel. the set of coral'we admired so much '! . an; _ n-._-.. ....:.l L... ..-..I.I ...'..o ..a`....,1 H13 56!. UL uuwu no u.uuuu:u au uuwu : `No; Harry said he camld not alvrd it, VYe had a quarrel thiVs'morn'iVng, {and `I saidjlots of `ugly things '; huthe is very f_ir_m. ' ' T . (Van: nrn chhilinn `Hun, Mark inu ' IS Vuly uA_Iuo . `_You'are spoiling him, iMark. my {words, inone year s tini e he will he a perfect despot. But 1 am chattering away `my Wh0le _ day} I mnstgo now; but don t let Harry say No to the tour. ` Not if I can help it, I assnrejyou. They parted; the widow pleased at the determined look on Susie's face,- and Susie wishing Harry did not have any 'ple dding business, or that Chrissy had not led her to think there ceuld be pieasnre outside of her home.- . nu;-rv name home `at. length. 'bound-` `avenihg all to onr`sel'/es. ' plllsl-HG uulaluc us no: uunuwn I , . Hurry came home length, bound-` Ling up three steps at a time. He` caught Susie "in his arms gxud pirouet- tednround the-room two or three times ere he spoke; then, .kissin1g her, he tossed the'wee.gIr| `into the easy .ch_an-, "and laughing laid, ` Now, my 'little - `darling, get breath. and tell me how glad you ere. .I_ am home for-a happy . ` ` [So you are to_g:ve me a vihgle even. invg ! was the ungramous rep1y-. 0 mm, Susie. wha!. s lhl-1 nmltel? 3 mrmacv BOULTON (me of'the rm _ of Bmnlton & McCarthy) and Mr.H.5.MIL- T().\ D.rS1`EWAR`l`, have entered into co-part-T nerafhip with Messrs`. Lount 8; Boys; for the praclice oflheir profession; at Barrie, under l_hc rm name of Messrs. Boulton,Lou nt, Boys and Stewart. ' _ rsrtvwvrurw v\ - os. lug : wua Inc Ilugluxuuua nzln, o ' .Why, Susie,_ what sVthe nmttel? Youare not annoyed. because I was* i d1_aine(_1_ an extra hcur by business? uo|_uI}au\ u.'u vane-up "V... ..J .. ....... -- . ` Business-'-business is ail 'l,hear!V I wish you lovedme Thalfaa will as. you do busin`ess-! -- . v V ~ n;'_;.. ._____--.-..a _..-.`..;1 -........ . ....A K,.,.. .. ....-...-... . . . Hutiy possessed good _sense; and, ' seeing 'Sttsie a{ perve'rse mood, lorbo_r'e `to`answer.,_ And `just then dmnejr wgs , gnurionnccdg a`n'd,as _'she rose,ho' put his ,uI_'m-`abou`t her, and hummi_ngTu guy 'tm'1 e,~ |_ed h"e'r`to {he _dining_-root'n._ `He . -atte_jm pied, "_"al'1(_l _f pa irjly.' ,_s_ucA_-,eeded. in ; ( restoring ,;he_i' _t_9 good haiure.` '_$ti|lfhe. . '.f.eI t`*.?`8dm;e,lIx_inA'gLV Was.'worlin5g7 bihhatll 4 . fhni1Ir"hd'd" ` ' u A flet .th,y return_ed t9,t,h6.-[mrl0llr,.L he pr9m..sed ms!s.ic.;.nnd,xhey 4--IIs`and,;_ *p|6y`e`d Allan`, _!nVvp\u_,rAi,tg qi;_._[qI_:_.somo ztime.-' '.'I`|i'en,V_.s'qa`ling _.I.hg m.~_.e.igg 1f9r,n ;ohat,_ - >`dmVell1_ing._ ; ..rn|__ _'..`_'__g-` ;. a~I-:_~.'.-.._'IlA..`.-;.....' FEW-V 3.!A"V :. :.; .`1`1_.ilT3'84r:?,`, `G11, .3119 ` ;tQ~_ ;thi:. wnsi, L10" `I.II.:s.`a.bI.aLzgvnishnasnaia ;. W`: . An" nnii |a$(i`(':Q'l;"QI;}' .:'I,.\D||llr I0 VI mattel? `I _.___ l]lIllIGL`G I9 EIZIICIGIIJ \llI!l IIICIIO ~` Uncle Ben`: !--'bus i-n'e's's! I, think. _.u ftlza: would` be goir_xg_iu`_thAe'counl[iy. ` Nothingof that kind for me ! I 'v_vnm`.' to ,m'.ike ng tour,a nd_" would :prefer twulcs; We need not be gone ruorej thajn four _or fe w'e`k`s.{ I `think you may -veutu'r`e` `to leave that `delested ` ' ,1jusines's"of_-y'oi1is 1or lhat lenglwh of ` 'time. . . , ` . I rn, II? I): 111-_n -__`_u __;__ 1:111. L ,-va~:;Pi11ne'r_,_for_aL week in two, in A`ugvusVt; business 13 generally dull then. _ TTnnln Than`: ';hIIuVII1'n.c' T Hnlr NEW IL-`ii=2\`/T l|K1l8.' .4 , I To Wales"!j Well, . well, my 'Iiulq girl soars high; hm, I .`fe_ai','dues not" . ,_lhink' `of the bxpnse of,such n"trip. .1111, no ! Susie ; tours of tl1_a tV kind must be] Jeftlo our future, when'-om" house is fouded on a rock. ` ' ' " i u.__: _ _ _ . __ n.-_l....1 .-.:n- _._... _.. 11;, as 3113 sprung ll'UlXl LIIU BUIH. ` Do" Vy`Dl'l think, Hairy. A|len,.that I i am going to gimmure` myself in this little penfumil Ilgt old, wrinkled`, and gray, just for your ldve of busiue_ss'! No, indeed !.;'I- will not subm`it_to it. I shallgo tovwalcsthis summer. `You can stay here and rust, if you wish to !' Ah!` Qua-Ha innrairnf Imnr uvrqr loft I3 'UUllUUU UH II IUUhn . > I Susie s eyes ashed with angry ,fire, as she sprang from the _sofa. V ' 1 nn' tvhil ll-mini: I-Tn:-nr AHnn Han! T Uull 3lll-I CID IKIJKI IlIl ll VVIBII l\l_ I And Suie, mlrsing her wrath, left Htihe room ere _ Harry had time `to a'n'swer. T . - T 11',..;-- ,`l____._,I L2- L--.) L._-_._ 1-2- uuswm. Harry dropped his head upon his hands and istighed bitterly. `What, jhould he do to please his idol 2 How, could he best opengher eyesJto tho' fact tharhis endeavors, his what she term- ed sacrices, were all made for_her present and future happiness`! And," with head still bowed, he sent up an- humble petition for guidance; tlien, rising, ascended totheir room. _Susio had already retired, and spoke not a word. Soon, all was `quiet ;and Susie, `waiting until she knew`by l{arry s measured breathing that he "was `fast -locked in Somnus s arms, could con,- trol` herself no longer, but broke out in uncontrollable isobs~--why, she could hardly` have told, only that she did not conquer. _ . \/lmninn nnmn nml the first wnrd UU|N.l||Cl- Mmning came, and the first word spoken was by Susie, at breakfast: _` Harry, I wish to commence ptepara- tions to-day for the future j=J.u_n`t. What is your decision 1 V T ' I !\/1u'rh:'nr-T nrn em-rv tn Hnxmrt vnur I IS yUllI UUUl3lUl_l : My'de`nr,'I am sorry to thwart your Wisiies, still`, I. must. positively refuse to make the tuur proposed. [would he only todglnd to please you in` this- in everything. You cannot under- stand ma!ters as I do-; but,-.-dnriing. trust to my _]udgmc-nti, and beiieve it is right. ~ v ` G \Xf.:.H' nun T {nu-rn nno nf n nnrfv 5`.\:\.7c_:~ H,' can I form one of. n.party_ going 1 V ` ` i'\X7nnlJ nmu H14: lluirn `nn\r'n'rnn 5UIU* X ' _ `W'Jl1ld _my little -wife leav`eTme, andggo on n vtour Toflhat kind with strangers `l _ A vnn vnlluav {Lars In `no -iI\nnn11f' Sslilllgiil 5 `Yes, rather than to be -t11ou,'ght singular and T" poverty-bound [by `my -friends._ I thiAnk'_flypo1,_1nds would cover ihe whale expense." I Qnnin 1-lurrll nvn T Ian! I rnnnf 1nn;uf nuccr n'ouL'rox, wu. non, I.L.n., Wu. 1.0551", M P;P., nuutxrox` D. STEWART, LL-VB. Nov.. 1868. .', . N7-tf ` UUVUI Inc W_l|\lID EA,1UllDUn Susie,sorry am I, but I must insist upon your giving up this journey. You cannot. have my cunsentto yonrgoing. Anzl uurrlr Innl?Vh:a Ira! nriuunrninrv Uulllluv uuvv nu uuuuvuusv Ju-nu-5v--.5. And Harry took his _ hat, preparatory to leaving the house. I Vnn [Inn-A .011 call I aha" ran} an` 1 I-`J IUUVIIIE lII_`7 1IUlI3Uo ` You dare_to..say [. shall not go! I say . to you, I will go! And I wish you would leave the house this morn-' lag, and never return 10 it until your l usinessvcnn take care ofitself, It's all I_ hear, and ull ypu care lor !' An .] Qun;a luv-nail nIIrn'\' `nu I-tnrrl] 1 near, uilu uu you uuu: iui ; -` `And Susie tnrned nway,`as Harry I replied, `A'May you never be sorry for 5 those words! and left the house. ` ' I Susie's anger kept at its boiling heat iintil nigh ueongandshe resolved up_on many modes of action, all o which were. thrown aside almost as `soon as furmedr Had Chrissy Marble stepped ' in, she would have found ample eld for work; but the widow did not hap- pen to make` her "appearance. So Susie was left with her miserable `knowledge of her inconsistencies for ' company. "As evening approached, ; she watched each .moment Awhichv moved so slowly to her impatient heart.~ T i_, 1 . V At length there "was airing `of the bell. Susie ew to the door,an'.d, open- ingit, said, -` Harry, darling Hat 7 'I`ha,nn1a}\rnIrn'i1nnn her line, I-Tar lllg ll, Blllu, " l..l.Bll,g uuluus lltll '1`heTnaa1ebroke' upon her.lipsQ Her hu sbuiidVwas being borne between two . `n-_u I..- t_:..Lo.......I ...._9-..... . ........I HIUIII _- ` Don t be frightened, ma am ; your htxsbnnd fell from ;the ttnin_ when It was in motion at.the' Hornsey station, and struck his head upon the platform. Let us hope it is not serious. A * ~ Ennis: nnrnIum=d_ I941 lhn umv In 1,I1tif JJCI: H5 IIUIIU II I3 HUI DUI IUlI3- -| Susie, paralyzed, led the way to the parlour and sofa. . As she ; knelt over him, the fumes. of brandy can*e from the patted lips. With agonized look, she murmured the n'ame'of'the `nearest physician. He was speedily brought, and. it was some time ere pulsation `returned. The doctor gave but little hope of .his recovering consciousness again. _Susio s plea. was, ` Save him! , -oh, savchim! Let. him speak one .worJ,.if-no. inoravlf b ~ " ' D:nn|`II kg vnI!:Ilnp` n-INDIA . .`.-.A "ti" WUIU II`IlU ILIUIO 5 . Finnllyvhe xevived `a-little`; endell that night, and for many a day after," lay, babbling in insanity of Wales, his lost Susie, his V71!!! endeavo: to save her from ,fa.ll ing 05 one of the highest ` peaks ;, and anon begging her to be-`- lieve his love, to cast aside the friend- - ship [of the mischief-making Chrissy,` and to take back those` cruel words. ~ And Susie, eon_seieuee-stricken, never '_ left his side ; but, ministering to every .wun_t, continued her ceaseless petition. for one `word of forgiveness, one ray of light n;'.toss'-ths't derkmted mind, that iheeizpighti knowhie Susie'.wae_ not lost: Ito him..ot.hisAlove.1 ` T ` . ll1_'.. .I--... 1.....- . .....`..A.` -:A'.{. 41...." ; -and sufd;_` Harrie`;u`m I forgiven? f Fcebly he reused his iiirms`, and iv rclnsping `them: about her, sujd, `Let : forgivje and forget. ` L" V _ ' The A dogtor returned, nnd, bidling " `SllSi6 seek rest, gave Harry` some` 1 cordial`, and bade him sleep. In the` I morning he was much better;AanJI 1 `Sd'sie', by his side, confessed her` fault. F and Harry, too, in feeble` tones, told of his recklessness in driukingbr_z1ndy` no 3 T drown" his grief at Susie s perverse tem- 5_ per. ~V_Vith chustened spiritzythey re- r i newed their ,vows` of love and misc in. 1 each other. _ _ ' " ' ' 3 ' Mrs. Marble always found Susie ` en- gaged when she`called-, and from that. , lime Susie has-forswoni all intimate r frie1_Ids.A A ~ . ' the earth halve excited the curiosity and 5` attracted the eorts oi`-scientific men 3' in all parts of the world. V '.l`heirt;erril)le `I inaccessibility,begirt as they are by .` hundreds of leagues` of inhospitablr-. 5` .ice,;.i their reninrkable astronomical " conditions; and the other varied " y scientic phenomena which may there 1* ulone be satisfactorily investigated, 9 have con;ibined`to make theseextremes d of the globr:.-~now almost the only un- ` explored region--th`e study of investi- ' gators at home and gaol of explorers \ubroad. The speculations ofthe itu-v " For hundreds of years the poles ofl aginative and thedeductions of uatur- . alists have pictured scenes and cir- 9 cumstances beyond the icy barrier at " the North which. have led nscore at l` hapless expeditions to disastrous ter- minatinns, or at the best to a very 3 narrow measure of success. Some of the i assumed features of the North pole have been vexitied by these ex- plorations, one of the` niost important of which is_.'the- existence of an im- _ mense Open Polar Sea, presumedly extending from Siberia to Greenland and (rum British America to Norway. p Thelainented Dr. Kane,and Lieut. I. `L Hayes, who has-.just published the ests of his expedition in 4860-61, 1 I I l I I both established the fact ofiithe exis- 5 tence" of this Open Sea unencutnbered l with ice--both saw it with their eyes i --but both tailed-in their e-(Torts to get` 1 afloat upon` its bosom._ They have, ' however, dOtH()t`.Sl.l'i1l`_e(l with tolerable ` certainty the feasibility__of reaching l this tvatertvilli vessels,`-and the at- 1 tempt is to be made during the coming sumtner by an expedition wtitlisteum `_vessels, .-under the patronage oi the Prussian Government. The locality selected for the attempt to penetrate the ice -belt.` is the Spttzhergen Sea, between the Island of Spitzhergen and the coast of Norway. Should success crown the etlorts of this expedition,` `and thervessels `Utilize the passage oi the zone of .i.;e_ which has heretofore haflted every attempt, -and so sail into the Unknown'Polnr Sea, the impor-| tance of the event can s be es- lltn:1te(l.. It is supposed that there will ' then he 110 obstacle to-reaching the Pole itself, and that a scientitic party will take observations ofthe heztvensl and the earth ata point witere there[ is no longitude, no `sunrise or sunset; a save or.1ce=a year, and no point ofthe t compass - except vsouth-'--- where six months of unin_terir'upted-glaring day- light will be succeeded -_by six months of terrible night, and all nature will be unlike to anything that is known. Qt.-nun-n iunnanlinnn `in-uen In nnut.-in-|_ I! .'\uIUnI l\4\Jl\llIIo u-Iu|vn lIlV\Jl_\l\ll |llo .(mr1cs:s"-Dun1o'p Sc..the same as those oc- cupied by thejate firm" of Mes`srs.`B(-nlton & Mc(}axLh'y. ' , _ 847 . '4llIlXl\U |-U Kill!`-IIILIB IIIILL I-1 IXIIUVVIIO Strange reflections arise in co,nt`em- pl:1ting\ a ` situatkzn sov novel. Those men, standing exactly at the 1`ule.(sup--. posing they had `travfersable land at _that point), couldnot lake asingle step in any direction wi_tl1out-going south, Whether they {go forward or backward, .. on H... -inl-.9 ..'.. on cl... I.-.4": 61..." urn V! IITJVIIICI `LIV! IUI IVl|'\.l Ul |}(1\Jl\\1VIolI\|, or to the right or to the, left, ilmy are still g..1'ug.south. Cast their eyes in any direction may will across the fade :\" llsn ,1-1511' flwnu--111: `nnlz Jnvnnllu any uuuuuull LIIDJ V|`lll cu/luau LIIU |u\.u of the stand, they-wm look auecuylister south. There is. no` north nor east or l i _` west, The `sun comes up from n d" golden horizon iuihiglier audhigher `ma ascending circles`, never again disnp. W0 pouring until it has reached its higher `'33 points at the end of three months and Pied again descending iuwidenilng circles in`? through another three months, when Pm` its highest disc will sink from View 5"" land the dread winter ofthc po'ur night `V9 icompletes th-e year. Should these M0 men he ableto walk southward `for O` l twelve milcslrom the1 ole,thecircum- day , ference of the earth upon that parallel Amld L wouldlie only about forty-eight miles. "ed , Suppose they should walk directly I westward from that point atthe-rate 3 not two miles an hour, it_wouldbe' to 5 them. as though the earth had ceased ! her revolutions. They would remain a continually under the" same point` of `if the heaveus;Athe sun would not circle i ll round them , but, excepting the three ll" r," months ascent'{rom the horizon and W` is the three months returu would stand 3! e immuvalilyiu the rmament. 'I`ravel- '" st ing t.hus westward at the same rate of I 9-2 speed as the earlhrevelves to the-ea_st- 1- ward, thevday,as duvs are marked by P`) y,~ the -earth e revolutions, would never s. -cease. Startingpatononn on the Fourth at day of July, 1867, the evening of that ry `day ewould never he reached, and. in. those men might die twenty-ve years Ihence,-A at noo_n..on.the Fourth day of E at `July, 1867, computing the time astron-_ '" istg omically-. 2A;-practical illustration of "3 _ this ph_eno_m'eu-on may be`seen?any day " rat in pSyracuse.; _ Observe a. bmkeman he onvthe top `ofa lfreightltrain, walking is, _rea.r.w.nrd at 1l1e'aIi`rne rate or speed as at the train progresse.s.torward.V Here- li ,t,na,.ius-~.zpIecisely Opposite the point W119" -he sIarted,;ahd':though the train lthe engineieached Chicego,_it it M818; :;;:ars';g,eiItjgu glr=r=to; etretehso. I The Poles of the Vrfnsh-` No 12. Whble N6. 915 island. of'Cerito, at the mouth of tho _7fE`tiR1nLE-Eipi;o"sI'o` . ._____.. .. . ;tragna'y, consisted of 360 tons of pow`- der. On the 2nd, the Brazilian schooner Pluto had Just received it car- go ofpowder she was to take _ to Rio, ands-_Aw'ns,4nlongside the pontoon from which the `powderhnd been transferr- ed, Thecnptain was on shore receiv- ing his last orders, when three distinct datonations were heard.` Their were `the blowing up of"tho Pluto, the pon- toon and themanzine on shore. What - was the cause` `is. unknown, as every i H` Rio Jnrtsino, Feb. 1, 1870. The" explosion of gun-powder at the one about the store and vessels disap- peared in the explosion. Seventeen perislied, on board the Pluto, including the wife and daughter of the captain, and `nine workmen repairing the ves- sel. Fortunately there were no per- sons on the pontoon or in the magazine, it being the breakfast hour. The cap- tain of an iron-clad lying near says the schooner. exploded` first, the pontoon next and the magazine last. The cap- tain of the shooner says that before he left, the hatchways.were.battened down an '1 covered with tarpanlm, and the dec.',t was washed`. If it was not for thisgstatemoiitv one might find a very probable casein the omnipresent cig- aretta, for men have been seen smok.-` ingwhile engaged in the manufacture of cnrtridgets, and it. is only a little time ego that n .':o.nntry store resolved itself: mm` brickbats and mortar by the store-i keeper`, in going: to attend 11 cttstomcri inging his cigaxette behind him into! an ope,n keg of powder. } Qnmn rlnm-zoo urns (inns in vnaenicv V her I of birds were killed, and on the; u" UIIUJI Keg Ul IKIVVUUIO Some damage '38 done to vosselv; 1yi`ngo'th_3 BmziliaI:.' arsenal `estab1ish- ` ed at Cerito. A; powder athoat near the magazine vanished; "a pontoon, hauled ashore Iua1f.a mile away, was driven into the "river and sunk; a komb lat, amile away, was ovenvhe1medV;A byvthe wave and sunk, four ironcladsl snered some damage, and the build-` 'ings on share were injured. The- neighbohing trees were overthrown fur! a considerable distance, torn up bv. beams and splinters hurled into the` forest by the explosion.-_A great nnm-1 same duva large quantity of dead or} stunned sh were washed sshore for :1 . long way down, and the 8cho0ner's`. anchor is said 19. have been found at` 1he_`_other side of the island. ' _ ' 1 its MAN AND ms WIFE FOUND: ~ vDEA])-- MVSTER]OUS AFFAIR , -SUSPEUTED FOUL PLAY. { i u -FRn1u THE 'l`oRor\"ro GLOBE. ; u: Yesterdzm tl atrange `discovery was-l tl made in tbehousre to` the rear of Mr. l Stollery`s yard, on the Espl:rna:le.l l The house was occupied hya `maul l \ former having acted as teamster for l Mr. Stolleryz many years, He \Va'< a heavy drinker, and last night, about 7; o clock,`-when last seen alive, he was, Tl very drunk and scarcely capable ol'un~ l. harnessing_1.l1e horse.` Yesterday morn-l ' in,,;,.:1bout. 9 o clocl:, `William Stollery, I . . c I ._]nn.,ison rat the proprietor oltlre yard,i C h s S l. I named Francis Plrdy and his wife, the! I I I \\ 2| lwas surprised to flirt the gate bolted; ` ! hiit,jxrdgjt1g that Purdy was still drunk,_ l he got over the gate, and on enteringl the \vor't:'shop he discovered Purely ly-l l L ing on lr-is face on the oor; Tliinkinal ( l l , ` 77 he was merely drunk, he wentont and - ` obtained the. r-.ssistance of his cousin,` , Wm. Sto! lery, who is employed in the ` __ office; l.`llE on proceeding to lift Pnrdy ` ' tip, they discovered that his head was" lying in :a great pool of blood, his face bruised, and a large triangular cut in J his forehead. He was stiffdead, and 1 had been in that state for some time. , v Immediately ovenwhcre Pnrdy lay. al pretty steep stair uscendswitliotlt ban-l isters,and the two ladsut once came to the conclusion that ho had . been I drunk, and`. going in late had fallen over] been killed. VVitli this idea they! proceeded up the stair which leads to! the loft wh-ere Purdy s room was occu-I pied in" ordnr to inform Mrs. Purdy Oll ` the accident, but what was their stir-l. 'prise- and mrror to nd her in bed, starkiand celd and dead. The police were informed of the cataslrophy and`! at once took-possession oftlie premises.` Our reporter. visited the scene yester- day morning and anything more sa-dl and miserable could scarcely be imagi- `ned. The workshop where Purdy lav s. .. [Y dead was dark and gloomy. and there ' L. `:11! 33.0" ..'..I I-\nfnvAr` our` ; 0FI~'IC'I`I--Dunlop.Street,' 1arria,~'wr 15:1-c-V [ (.`o`n/cey.& Co. s Store. \ .J_..,... ..';..<. nu... _... _-.__ -_ A UEEU was uunxnuu 'a lUUlllyg uuu unuru he lay dirty and battered anddead amid the gloom. On ascending into the two "rooms occupied by the unfor- tunate pair, things presented a more dismal aspect still. Everything was dirty and In uonfusion. On a table in - the outer room, layithe remains of Wednesday n`.ight e meal, a bottle with a piece of camdle stuck into it, a cup with a quantity of raw whiskey in it, - and a large bone gnawed hare. "In the inneryruom was-the bed wherethe pnor woman lay, she was covered with . dirty ragged clothes, which were toss- ed about, and she presented a miser- able broken hearted eppearanee. And - in a corner of the room lay a little 5' terrier dog, the only cornpaniun oi the 4 two unforlnnates which seemed from itsdejeeted aspect to have formed at least some true notion. of the misfor- tune whieh had `fallen on the house.` ' F glmd $200 if notpnidg _( . advance. 5 "he Whole nair is as yet wrapped i in` mysterv and no idea can be formed 1 of how the tragedy occurred. some `. are inclined to think that during the * `night the woman must have taken. ill, : .nnd Purdy,.in his huny to fetch assist- ance, had fallen glownstaits and been _ killed,nad that the woman subsequent- ly` expired.f Another idea is that . Pttrdy had` quafrelld with his wife, that-ta afruggio shad? ensued,` that In the gtrttgglg aha had hmle. Purdy over the V _*aif.;ln.d..,th9t,aor5rpesing the result shzhsd .~?-9`snniiit s.uiiaea..\, ._ ' a._,..-._' _.'- .. 4` ' That lherdiiad been : struggle was V! pretty` o vident'-om` the fact. that on, ,ghe jl.o`ft,`qt Ilia mend of the unit, Pnrd y s 1 scgp.` Iygs fo5in;cLon'L . th'-[loot-witli, thgt` women Vhed`-been `e_l rg[Igl'd, ` and that 1 nrdy,:fnl ui.:1iurKy;`*:dgsv:.ssr.y, sud `mumbled andvfalleg rlpwn Who stair. "These points, howeve'r,fv Iill."`u fer so which ` will=be, held on lh/`I bodies by Coroner Btichahnen. A: ha been _al.1ted already, Purdy was very much eadicted to liquor, and was scarcely ever sober. , His wife who seems to have been a sober woman, lead nthor ll miserable life with him, though thou who-knew them well say that a good deal of alfechon was at times m|nifeIt- I cd between them, when he was uober I enough to upglxrociate such 1 thing. i They were eac 1 about thirty-ve you: ofnge, but have never had any chili!- : ren. possible, the elucidated at the inquest, ` '.t)oUnt13 EXECUTION .. TWO MURDEREKS HANGED IN L .-PENNSYLVANIA. F ' (Special to t/re Boston Times.) f` The murderers Bnhuer and Baden- berg were hanged this aornoon at to. little after h nlfpast twelve. Buhnec conptinuwzd to the last lo deny the crime, and lay all the lplamo on his associate. The men behaved ' lhemso.-lpve's in a. very courageous manner befure going. to the scaold. The prisoners wullmd out boldly. They were dressocl` in common citizens clolhcs. 1-`ullowiug them (vcre members of the pressuml the doctors; The prisoners ascended -the scaflold with a firm tread. After taking position beneath the hnltur, p`.'ayer was said by Rev. Mr. .Syk-s.` During this prayer onevoflhc phulornm filled with people wcntdowrx'7wnlI1rz crash, which accident created much confusion, "but. the prisoners were un- moved.- ` r.-. .L_ _r_I:'.._.... ._('.L.. ._.L....-_ 11. ,1 lllUV!ZLl- ` After the delivery ofthe prayer Bod- enbcrg read a s_tatement,and Iiultttcr turned to him when it was ttishwt andtlenied itstrulh. After a. few ex- changes of words he-`twe_cn the m(`.'1 liev. Jzunes C. (`lurk dclivcrvd CL prayer in English, to which the prison- crs listened attentively. Alter iht`. cottclmizm oftho prayer tit: mt.'.`s wvm pLIl__'al 0_lIl`.d the mctfs l|('.C1is'dl`.t`1 the ministers and ofliccrs bid lhctn gond- byo. T 11...`.-arukrsrrr in n ninrn-"`n!t.i \"\:r-n _D` Mccumnr. `D;.-\1.Trox 'McC4uu'ar,_J}. (Ir.-aunt.-u'__r\un1n-n Qt Oh: nnrn nu Qhnen An- U) Q` o B .-dcnhcrg, in .n'c!ear,`1on.l voicz,` thou cOmm'm'ed his :-m_:l to (1nd, and [the bfuc}: cwps were drawn" n\`ur lhmr - faces. There was it sc-nsution in HM: crowd and many of the .~.pec!=.-mr; turncal away. Uuhuer then r ma- mcnccd to say sonncllnm_v in ( iom:nn, during which the Shernf} gave th. `signal, and the drop was puIIcd,a-vi the men were huugut t\venv_v_ n-.inut<-s I to one. They were so securely Itjml `Wham! and foo! that nu mulion was por- :_cep!ible in either. __IL is supposed thcgr I necks were bzuken Instantly`. l I I. i i I l The safe arrival of the 8iCl'l).`;i'rifr Srnidt lrorn Bremen, for which st-trons apprelrnnsions were felt, is reportml. "Elie was titty-orm days in C0mtt{.; aert)ss. The bfr`rri'lt`repmtcd that she left. V Breme-n on the `. .'.Zntl 0l'Jrrturary, and proceeded satisfactorily until the 27111, when :1 perfect hurricane cnm-` 7Hl(`tlf,`Li., The wind veered and shift- ed to all points of the compass, the swz, swelling into grgriiitic rollers seldtrrn met with` anywliere but in the North Atlantic. During these ' grrlcs the vessel could rnake but little lreudmzy, land her situation /was rendered still more drtrrgerous by thc'breaking,o[ the piston rod and general loosenirrgoi the nraclririery by lriszh stroke and the {re- quencv nt nnuvuilrngrevoltttio;-s when the pmpellor was out of water. ,Till.-I I rlifastcr `occurred on the ninth oi ` Fehrrrriry. The gale continuing, reu- ltitffed the task of repairing drtcnit and | slow. . l`he labours lasted twelw dnye, ` the .`ii I1IllCI' lying to, umlole to mrrlm `the least ll".-:i_dwny. -This was off the Azores. A law days bctnre, the (Earl. tain saw -,1 large three-mnsted stmirrrvr. lt xvas on a dark stormy night, and lie w-.ts ll|)_i1ltivl0 make out more than that Silt) was steering E. N. E. On Fell. llth the wertlier 't`-egzin iU`U\U tit`,|'2|lt`. um] the Srnitlt, with her errgines - putclred as well as they could he, pro-' ceetlod on her vo'_,'nge. liar llU'.:r:.`:i. speed, lrowever, was only five nrilcsnzr hour. All went. well with the [MS-' sengers as lat` as` iUt)(i and gCll`t't`.i health and comlort were corrracrrmi. One death,.t1n inltirit.urrd two hrr`.'ns, occurred during the voyage. l I SURPRISE m1n'y 'm Tm; m;\`. J. L'lXCI[. On Thursday e\' lnsf, :1 ` t\. H, ,r friends of the nlmvc-num-.- g-nr. lmun, started out. from town in rnv `him a visit by` way ufsnrprisc. 'l`l:. I / ladies, whom we all-l:no\v, nus .4.-; foremost in every gm-d WI; 1., abundantly supplied tllenlselvt,-5 \\`i-i everything necessary for -.i- win!-in, repasl. The party lmving nrrrvJ M. their `dcs'n~:1tiun, an entrrmrsn 2., ll!` parsonage was easily cffuclr~d, rwrl |l'v`.` the ladies went to work in 13'! earnest ; lmskcts \i`err2 (`!npll('rl, Lil w arranged` and lillud as it lry n;;r::. and in an _im*.rcrlrbl'y slrurt Inn in "as mnmnuccd ram 5'. Thus ram ltlie business of the owning lI:r\`:;2: been gut llrrnrrglr with, .'~'o.czirjrrr; _v t `the entire s:1Iisl'ug:tmr1o( nil, rim 1' an puny tugellrer will: .\lrL1"rricl1 :::~.l 1.: family, udjonrrmrl lo anutlwr I-`--z; wneu: Ruben J{1ng,lsq., by r.,~.ig.,-.~_ E presented the lulluwlllg . I ._.__,._- Rev. AND DEAR Sm,-\Vo, tho mun: - burs of the Tollendul Baptist Clmrrh, `residing in the town of Barri-2, togm he r ' with :1 few of tho numerous lz`n';:v:"I you have `in Illa? place, have rnncl. pleasure in meeting you this (:\'.x1lI.,`_ to present to you a small token of (`Mr ::' esteem. It is not 1. - intrinsic value of the present we w: H you go consider, that in i'sell. consul.-r ed, is small, but we_ would llmv. y. .1 should regard the, spirit \\'hi<`l1 l~.- "prompted il. Bclore you to-night. sir, stand some who, through your lu;Il.fz;l teachings and earnest exllurlzxlicn, have been brought to seek, and W6 bless God, we believe to nd lh..~z Saviour of whom you so lovetoprc-um`. and We So love to hear. We feel ll:-..L l it us no small laskloallelnpt to convey l our uniletl gruliludslo you [or your a kind services amongst us. A W-mls u'i.l ;- not convoy them, and actions, own I, such as those oflhis evening, cunuot fully express our warm regard for you n Aas_a mluisleeand pastor. Accept,1hcn, dear sir, at our hand: this purse, ac-, 1 oompanjed with our `earnest pray:-rs " `ha;-'GAod'may'.long spare you to labor ' mougo us`witnyour hccmtomcd en- s_e._f Qrgy,'gctivity and `devoleducas, and [Q ing_lhg_',[m;;,_soin the _{nLurc, may `lbex c`:`ro!,v`_n1`od\ with hbundn n t. M To the Rev. J. Fuzch. THE S'I`IiA .\l_:'IlI[ SM} IJT. ~,`.P.-`.. ." . ` -Ray. gentleman ma'do a very ` .iat;e;aud feeling rep y- MW :iiir1`ir:`vth=:com1xunv In-fl l u[1[)r:_;p;wIe _un singiqz and 1 &heir.'ow'n;_ . " ` tqmi ; `.T;.:.-..f#z,zA..'~'. J. .1 ' ' jAonasss :- __._.._. ...__...- g:._ AQRDAGEI, ARDAGH STRVATHY, Barristers and Attorneys, 7 {Solicitors -in Chancery,%4 ' RT'nI}-n-inc p)1]1,;r /'.'n-namununpre I ICDIIII All`! I i*::.t.l.'w%&<=0m1n=n_v Ms " ` ::t1!`fe.'i"8 happy `Am, 1i1innvA _ I V {Ci-xv ` .' I ` I.{EA'I`ING & .LALLY, A T,'I` OR N E S-A"-I`-L W, 1 mim. 5f1f 1 _.-iVicC}3?;;P-E" .2 MCCARTHY-, BA RRIS TERS A TORNE YS-A T-_ ` , LAW, - V _ SOLICITORS IN cnimcmav. V -. BARBIE,` - T - , ONT. A r\I| \`. Ar.'r:n Kn'r_m`.. 4 .'\_.,.,-_. r\..__I_. % J.""r5C COTTER, T F Countv Crown Attorney, DADDICTIFD In- Barrister and Attorney -at-law, 1 soucnon IN CH.,\ CERY cozvvmc .4SCER, &c._, &r. . . COOKSTOWN, C.VV. ' - o9-Tv Gil): vNo1`t|`)'`1'tg \`bba1twteV Fl`|.I"\lV.r\ |.].Vl'\lI\`_I, . Barrister and Attorney-at-law soucnonm CHANCERY, - 1C'rnmeyancer,C amVmiss1bnr in B._R., 1`-tf `OR1LmA,SI.\IQQE 00., C.W.- \ _.__ ~. 1 Una, qc. Oi-` rtcs -Western A ssurancp Buildings, Church , I Street,Toronto, C.W. ` ` - Angus Morrison - - -' - - - D. A.-Sampson - rorohto,November, 1859. _ . ` .1 . 'J)I'X.l.\:L\v.I.k).L.l'4LIrkJo _ ' * Omce--ChurchStreet,.next door to the"o1v1 ' Cour! House, Toronto. _ _ u. c. cuuzuox. o. u'mcnAm.. ' 0. u u1onAEL veb ruary,1s{;_2. 1 A = _ 1 \.2;xA.AVm1"l:l[ ;(Z5';`.;,A M1\71 c1-IZ7'11A13:L 1 8; `Mo -` . _MICHA_EL,` ._ r V BARRISTERS-.~ nan _ n.,.._-|. c.._....A -......a An... on 6-1;--'..1.\ 'i;my i:bE;"1`:a7E6;:', L.LQiT,"' Barrister and Attorney-at-Law,` ` ' SOLTICITOR IN CIMNCERY, Notary Pub1ic,%GonveyaLncer`, Anutxrtccrnxvnn `Mr D 1 ) sasn I`: /`l.ilSl nlIiAl_|Nu . L'.l\X\\aIiI unuun-' 01-`r1cn:-'Dunlop Street, next to-.`.rmstromz a `store. ' V ' ` ' ` .- 10-Iv` -:.- Ilir and Devisee Claims prosecuted. 0I~`FICE4-Hunouxamo S-rii u11, _Gom.mawoop. Novemnr 1862,. _ . " 1 b'ULlClLl'Uli ILV _UlIJ1J.V'Ll.'4l\l, yuu v_1a `- ] ./LVCER, &c. - .0\ncE_-On Peter Street, next. door 10 the Post Ulce. ' ' . Orillia, June, 186 V 23-_ `J; J. LA1fDY, T ` BARRLSTER; "T ` [ATT O RNEY - AT-`LA W, 1 unrnurrnn nr FNANPTCRV. CDNVEF AEDGALR B. SANDERS,` . `Tmnxmr -,x1' -Luv; somcnon IN (Hiaucery, Oonveyancer`, Commissioner in n 1-,.` xx . A _"_"%"_"'f\ J1 1. .1 utuua ;-.u:7u-u. ,, Cpnvqyancer, Cammissionerin 'B.R., c. Heir and Duvisee Claims prosecuted. Agent for the Canada. Landed Credit. Company for oauiug money on Real Eslote; ' I O,FFIC'E-_-Next Frank Kean : Store.` * h... 1 Iona ' . , V . 848.]y v_.mms11:1zs, JTTORNE YS, SOLICI- . TORS, &c. ;. "nu. __.\VnaInrn A emu-ant-n Rnildinon. Churn} A 1 1 UI\.;L_V'n.1 'Jl.I.'.LJ4.L n, S OLICI TOR IN CH/9N_CE R Y, CON VE 15 ' A1 VIYICR. kn. [Notaries Public, Comm/anccrs, BAIHKIE, Co. Simcoe, ONT. .n...r-n ...,,. '7""'J pomalssxoxizn 1; B.` 3., `I A\YI'\ LIVE` mm soLinisiihenrsuax, OTTAWA, CANADA, Transact: Busincsl with the Patent Oqe and ..n..'.. n.......a.......:. ..r n.. rzmm-nmmt. `transact: Busmcsl wimme ruqnz U_uu.f um- otlldr Departments of the Government. COPYRIGHTS AND THE _RIsGxsm_A'rIoN . or mm MARKS & DESIGNS 1>aoomum. Solicitor in "Chancery, Arnrnnnlllf 'T'_T HI/V _-..-.._ .-.,...-..~ .- u u._.... _ -_- - Drawings, Specications. and lather" d0. _v ments necessary to secure Patents of ln.vVe!_H-I003 prepared on receipt. of the Mode] .of the,In`ven- tion, and preliminary searches" in the?PntentA Olllce carefully made. - _ June. 1868 , I . 824- , upz'u4r.-_-. Dec. 1, 1868- SOL1C1T_0RS CHANCERY, H Alrnv nvm ........., V _ ,, SAMUEL `s.'ROBINs0_N, : , EJOI1i{i')N-&4;{1\1.iZ SON,W Icrs. e-100 Saddlery and Ha'rness_j #3:: -gnnnnnl mnru. n In mvur\I:., -AS nowgon hand an extensive and genuine f . L stock of Single and Double I-Intneu (Oar-1 ti and Tea.m),Engliah and0oInlnon;Ridip g. ` ~ Bzfslelbonblo and Single `Bxidleg; Callers, - 10;, iv eich he canvo`er_-'31`-`very xyu,I9n`|bIe M pnoenualsoin |t9ck,|oIne1(vfVt.!i e'bi!lVt"l'|1'llgh-b ,; _ A . s uother. Bidin _|||d`D|_'ivlh` whip! A J1. : js. :mu_'-e,`-. mu.-.- . n (' -.-.-.4!-av. ._ .,;.!=,arI-L. gr ` gd;,ep,boggoInHa*. Ilglnerket. ` -Au `I=,*w'-.i.-A9-=.,$res mm -eta ~ s nhloctloi ` eL. 7. ;'eh1|;eii;e 51 ' ERA N ?!-: K/7{?f,* _.:_`A.-.. ...'.. J A L4.'.u...nuv,n4-_ LEGAL c.nE . ..-g V.../vs-vvs~v. . `A... ._. ._\.._-,. - . _ .1-:s'rALIs.HMEN'r, % Neqrly T opposite the ank of _ 1;'oron,o,,_ ~ 1_)_tINLoI:s1'11`1a:1:'rh, mnaxn. - ' .!` -j1"noMAs '1`. A." BOYS, szc. STAY.\'ER_, Co. ~Snz MARTIN MOOFA{E, LS novlon hand eilennivo and an HENRY GRIST , 1 r.~_._11:-l.-.l -Iocn \ _ BARRISTER, &c., D . was--u-._ --ww three " f the j u`ug`. g`. vs-v---v .411 ORNEY-.21TgL./1W,. yyyy .-ma "nan In it.l.l)! lPf -ill i1. 11. sTnA`i'u1'. L_\.ru.> nu u;s4n BA-maxi, ONT. -'l`IIl jut: (Established 1860.) nun. :n nu. Aye, LAND AGENT, an}: arc. on;L xJxIxf 0 -. `-111, Frumcxs LALLY: ;3Af{RIE. snu vv _ . Pususmaa. Ln` 6 e MI!-, . 90.0-Iy. rare. , 848-ly _ Joan" B. ;rUIvlX.IBB-, %'E%fEi`EB`i3[7i67+"E7ETI - mile `east of_' tho Marlzet _-liouse, " Barrie, on tlwmnin road -to Penetang ~..:..L...... ||..:In:_ -_A`.n__ n_;- n'_-_. 1-..: 2. BE aove _Holei is sitted about due, ' lllllll BUUVU _[lUlCI I: 5|`ualeu HUUUI UUI7, . of tho -House, _ tl1e_'msiiu gmshene, Urillia, andtbe Fre Grant Land- in -the Mn:-skoka. Country. Parties taking cattle, &v., will nd it to Ibeirvadvanfage 'to stay at the above Hotel as there is good enabling, sheds and altgntivc ostlers always in readiness.` , " Y1. f`I.u.'...-n -A-.. .....uuu-..S'.ln ma nu.-4 -u-V.-u- Va-nun Inuit:-1,0 n u - . u . . - . .... _ Charges very reasonable. .41 _ -Ban-ie,'November 29lh,`1869V. . 9 lV 'EgI,!,!, ',!!!R"?F'-:1 t`, 'wl!Ili-ML} 0ll(8iI_I_;' uildilljff Tmms: $1` pr year In advance`; JOHN-.'H. Joana,` . noon & 06M MODIOUS S'_I`ABLlNG ..-.. nnz I HFTIASER begs leave once more to 7 _ . mind his friends and the travelling eon :- munity that he is still in the land ofthe` ilving, nnd.not behind his competitors in_ the way of improvements. He is still to be found opposite the Barrie Railway Station, where _all , that is necessary to constitute 1:. plain Canadian Inn are to be lonnd, private and public". ' ' ' ,Convey_ance5 to all parts North of Barrie 1- _ , . ' H.FRA'S _F.R_.V1_ roprietor.' `[`6`N` h 6;i:iE:,, ~ grn::|An-. ' "'c> KsTjowx:, LICENSED" `gm c'r1o N E ER 11 A TOD w"E{[uIar%ou Ho?|f, A. R. I BINGHAM; Propritpr; (Sticcsssoa To. A. hltscmpnznn.) 1HIS. favourite old House has been thorough- ly renov ated- and retted, "and is now open to ,lhe public- '_ V ' Tim bar is stocked with the vcrv-best Wines open tome pl1Dnc.. _ The bar is stocked very-best and Liquors, and the table` supplied with an Lha dclicacies`_of the season, and attentive serv- ants. " ~ I STAGES [1. pai-ls Nave` this Hose - daily, ' -_ , . ' ' _ 10-ly-

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