. _' . ' ; V ENTLEMEWS Whiskers and Hair Ded.y . Ladies` Haircutting done in good style. Good Halt` Dye. Hair lnvigorator, Hair Oil, &c., mauufacturedand sold hyvProf. Cunio. ` - ' V Come Gents who wish a good smooth face, List .whileI tell youof a place " W Lere razors are kept bright and keen, `The easiest chairs, and -towels clenn. f Where we will shave, shampoo, or trim, And brighten faces which look dim; `And if your hair is white or_red ' Prof. 0nnio's Lotion colours well. For just five cents we now will share, And do it so smooth .ar_td_ clean ' ' . , .You ll any we are a mowing machine. 1 Around your nose and chin we'll creep, ` With so much ease yon lldrop asleep ; I Your nap will pay for coming here ; 3 I I ` The old we'can make look so green, The gels will say you're sweet sixteen ; And when.) ou leave here for the "street, Your friends will smile` when them you meet, . And say what makes your hair so dark. . . Oh, it was the Profes_sor s Hair King's wash, And he can do you black or brown, V A little-better than any house in town And if a rwirled moustache you want Prof. Cnnio bringsione out. " you A TERM omoun on FIVE -YEAVRS, with Ihn`nu'-Ivilaanrnf nun-Imaino A farm nf -BURNETTS ; ; "*_*a1=.. -.T- ?-;U 1%'`- V " ' Had: ind -,DnI_sged on thpighorledl no mi. A ,; 8. beinia hnotienl Ax"e'7mni'-rp. I... am. 'DLin1up Street, B_arrTiTe, 1-debt West of` the Advance Office, ._ A NI)'sHAMPoo1NG' SALOON, I in 9.4: Im-an huunlrfinn lam}- ..........:...a I. T'rusTHI-:Rv* NO-T.lC-E. . 1 ' v-To MiLL OWNERS. ' 0110513 HEREBY GIVEN, us all` owners nf Milla nlhmtml nn :9:-uni`-I1: 4'.-nmmno'..A Lu AS re-opened tlie aliove well_ knomi am-1dT Westof the Wellington Hotel, where he ' I virgtends to carry on - _ ` .THE .' `l"|NASM_I"I"I_-|,|'N`G WANTED To RENT has existed previuusl-lg." ":l;h e under 1 his form will have to show. what nmmfnt they have on deposit from the Government, as distinct from iudrvid- nals, and what amountiedue to their ' foreign agents, asdistinct from other banks. . Had such a form been in "ope;-. ation in the days of the Bank of Upper Canada, it would have lrestrained` them ' from getting so deeply in debt in Eng. land, and been compelled tolend its- money more discreetly. It ie. however, in the amendments in the statement of assets, that the greatest irnprovementf is apparent; Under 7tliils. heed, `the. bankslwill be required to show what . amounts are lent to the Government,-if_ b any, `what to rnilwey`comnanie`_s`,.:\1r_lII_Nt,,l to other ;corpo_'rat_ione,. "what totliretoij f and .wh_et to the general _p!Iblrc ;`eljo; _ etgdebts [8 .ilrIell;K!l Uflilvlr'VCf;~ nun; LIUDBCII 0p]f0S??'l:`;2' ;I;.e Barrie` Hotel .. ';u'zDAa1i,- ,A1iDAGH :1: s1-mrrmr, :-I{.:.-__ n__-2- J` PROF. .CU1_~I`Io's7 . -Ivwqv.-.. -A- - {band it "3 d."_'9'..d for A'xes.o'f-his own man- ihponible to meet ~,-he in-[ ';;'i!_ Centl'y iinfxog-ted s large stock - , _.coc_k s, and Dates snpe';iorA`x`es,- 3 -`-.ch he,_is ptepugqgl to _ vuz-:dVn'_' for _ bzmam gun xmcoaanvs sNpj_`f.GE.' rrgaxt s;;m2i;.;."' "r Fishery, Overseer. I :59. ~ sna- OLD llclly ua lulluwu .1 ' I lst. To inc_rensg_a_thAequalication of Directors, by complli11g"lhn1 _to_`ho}d inure stock. ' - A ` u _ J vn.. ..-......-..I L....I... '4- _--.-... ..I-4- Icuusmnn, CUTLER, &., T `Solitox-a, I;.a.;r ie. . , 46-1f- stoves I ! ' 5.f rJarringe . "'i"`r.-1 Tools .vP -ncils, &c., .:.VCapon. ' ` AA- ' 3, wood T [lit]: wuggll Qlllzgoll ft: ` : NJ . 1'0. l` '1 V "U '(n`9gra.PMr , late. of the London Slrrtaacbpac I and Photographic_ Company, C` _a to inform the-inhabitants of Ormia L, and the_snrronndiug country, that_*ho had - ..m'menccd business iu.O_r.iilia, and` is pre- pared to take Pboxographe of every descrip- tion. Qnues de Visitey Imperial or Cabinet f Canes, Stereoscopic Famiiy` Groups, and larger "Pictures nt_'moderal_e priceb. - ~ Particular a.t.mn1inn`ngid tn nninr-Ina and 1-1:. . <-ra1AnvI:s._~U11l: varnishes. 620-; will be` `found to be complej,` which, being 9993!-" `l}anip"s,,-_ Q`;-l.,l fr ` `r':993[9n?-l`.`*' 7 ju- bought for Duh, no ovou.-d_|: 1 alight sduneo - I ' * - I} Eholograplzcr > 1 Ul - 5th. To prohibit banks wilh a _sra1l .c8plltt| from ob`taini`ng charters". A H thnn hnun hppn nrnl*mHu'nr1'u'n Ilia _4.\.z.n..L.a.IuJ. ,s.1.1i'.l.'.lJ.L4.IS, . including Combo", 'Br_nshei,_-Fancy Soaps, Per- .fu.rner:'.&- : - 3 1 . ' . ' The department of . 3 'II..`:`.u.- ~-nu"... up;,.;, 5 ` DOMINION ' PWH'!1'l!Em.E4!J-Eav :5 g T ;`I?0;I_;:.T_IIET,.:- - J {Nearly qmoszte (ha. .9 J6 " . `f'L"'L's-1-cu [THE svsscmm-:12 desirgs to thank his _~ - ._.- numerous friends and the public for past patronage, and to inform them that he has to- moved to,the ' _.- . .- u.r,-uu `South Side of nnn1%op%[`sr,%...,t,,, . Nearly opposite his old stand, where he intends to kep constantly "on mud . _ 13.--- n- ._.. 1-L, , , which Will `Le sold at the lowest remuuenting prices. I V . ; Boots and Shoes made .to order or the best illltefihln. by competent workmen. ` A call is rear`.-ctfully solicitd. 1' _ I 335- V Hnxmpsrnn. | ___________._.__..___._____ | ccrlcs. ~ ` ' 1' 5 The pnbc will nd it to their advantage, to give us a call before buying elsewhere, as goods i ! at cost price, and silver taken at par`, will suit I I the present. hard times. Wilhimany thanks to s our kind friends and customers for past favors, I ; we wish each and all of you :11 happy and prose] l perous new year. _ ` . ; ROSS & GILCHRIST. I ` Barrie. Jan'r. 1870. ` 9 |REMBvALn I A VERY LARGE aind complete Assortment ` _ efLadies Ename1led Kid. and Pruuella haters, Buskins,' -Boots; G4:-n15 Calf, `Kip 9-d_ C011`:-'se Misses and Childrens, of every vanetj; and style which will be kept constant- lxbn hand. _ - AT PRICES NOT T0_BE UNDERSOLD ANDREVW GRAHAM Rm-..:..' \.......m um : . Lu` 1 . . - v ; Tweeds, Cloths. Beaver;-, Dnnnsks, Flaunels, 'Prints, Cottons, Shawls, Mamles, Cloaking, Under-Clothing, Tlckings. Blaulsexs, Hats, Caps. . Hoods, Sonlags, Gloves, -Boisery, Skeletons,_ Ribbons, Featbexs, Flowery, Towelling; Cotton Bags, Linen Bags, Carpets. Ready-made Cloth- , _ing, Boots and Shoes, Shelf Hardware and; `Axes: A choice 10:. of '1\2as and general Gro- A caries.` g Il|I|llI3 UI L1 U(IIlI\o` ' The sr-com! provision is mcoi-pointed in sec. 9, which enacts, that not more than eight per -cent. shall hodivided, luiIc:s<; the reserved fund shalinmouni to at least 20 per cent. of:the capital. This will prevent those absurddiviswns oi prots which so much weakened the Bank of. Upper Canada and, the Com- nwrcial Bank and _the [retention of \ \`hi`3h might haste saved them from ruin-. ` 1869. , MEDICAI HALL, - '.DTTNf.D RTDIPTET t:iA1)'Dr'.:~ WHvOL'E.S7\LE &. R ETA|L - AS-the partnership existing between the `an- dersigned wi!l_ expirehext April, and the business must. then be closed, they are now of. faring to the public, at cost. ` price, .the `wholic : ' A stock of Plain and Fancy ` - PART_I&_I;i3`SH| P. [Selling ;_1_t Cost A m=ab1)s% ;150'rs & SHOESJI . PANISH Sole, Slnught.r,, Upper, Kip, Calf, Harness, Binding, Lining, Shoemakers Finding, &c. _ V ANDREW anurrur I TISSUEII or mm `Li('}i?.NSES,i ' No-14.-, St`} :.'C:'o_:z., 1nn2's/il, _ nclures npmoaerate prices. V Particular a.ttenv.ion`pnid to coloring a.nd_re- touching Pictures. ` A Frames, Lockets, and _'CnIoa, in`Gilt, Rose- _wood, and Hard Rubber. - ` ' Alhnmu uni!` Dnrfhna `lrgno. an-mO'.nol.. 1... uxuan muun. 2nd. To compel banks to accumulate ' a guarantee 'fm.d, to meet losse_s. 3rd. To make the [stock holders liable [to double the amount of their stock, and to providomeagls for en- foring the obligation. ' /[Ila F.-\'nrnnI1II 111:: Ken`: vnhu-nu III *j1'_h`e;. mud? n : - ` ?!m:a.: ..:`..".':t{* : Leather! iiher ! Leather! 1 Barrie, Jan'y, 1870. JIIU Ilyltlllllll 0 Pi fniiiid h In` }......I.a.' * _L2 _I JuIy. I869. -' : Barrie; January, 1867. Brriea _..Iannn.ry,_1 86'I ..-.-..', nu _TO]!ZL'ET ARTICLES, cludinr Oomhi. 'Bnm..".T.n....'... n...... o-. ii, _- .gg-A-.n--J.-I Al)/U`1\I:li .OP,'S';_l_:I--:T, BARIIIE. Q11-I-IA DRUG VSTBE ]l_"l _I'HuI|la Juot ouIl|lll\|Gun Tlie qualication ofiDireclors._`hy" sect, 12. is xed at not leSs.t_'han $5000; but Ilxere is the unpurlant proviso, [that the wliolc Board shall hold no_f.leas than vc_ per cent. of the whole stock. The directors ofva. large bank will therelhrefbe required to hold more stock than the directors ofa small _.one, and . the scsmdziloiusl rihuse will be'prevent- er! of directors hm-ing only :1 mere frac- .tion of the stack conuolling the oper- ations ofa bank.` I _-_ "u_ _ ,,____ _____3_- , I , - ' . I _7 - -u- - It an VII IIIIUIIU ~- bronghtinto this market, bgnldu every . J ' V f novelty in ' :1-\o- s__. . - A - GEO. PEACOCK, an II|I|I\ln .'u..-- _OLlVE;-&.: col. I 1-inn 4- ___-..'_-- 1- I G9 to "Dr. SLAVEN S for Pure Chemi'cals,'Dye-Stus, Perfumery, Fancy and Combs, Brushes, &c., &c. _ ' V - ' ` T ' L ` Go to Dr. SLAVEN S for Garden,-`Field `and Flower Seds, which he imports from .' Toronto, and (ram the_ Unied States and England. I - ---.-q-v . 1 . . IV` ,_ Lf...'- ....'l` 111 Ltuuutu, auu uum Luu_ uuucu quuwa uuu nusquuu. Dr. SLAVEN is extending his. Book and St.at_ioneryed'epar!.ment'. Give hima call nml save mcgnfnyi he sells at Toronto retail prices. Great inducements offered to_ 1'eachers, to whom a dnscounl 0 ~ per cent. will be allowed on all pntchases.. ' . 7 . . _ '. 1 119 n as An n/an II` II ' ._4 _,L .2-.-.I rm-sum` Maui Vfk. r1 . r A lvlnvuru I I u rvl vuuv In : vvvvu vol all llItll\lIlIlD\lIIIv _Go to SLAVEN S. and look at his Wall Paper; 10,000 Rolls, just received from yew V-Yolk; `Which will be sold auhe cheapest possible rates. L ` - - A `Try Dr. SLAVEN S PILLS, they are well knowniand recommended- T Buy a bottle of lSLAVEN S Mosquito Lmirnent-9. sore` preventive for the bites of 1\Iosql1il95* d. Black Flies.` L - ; L - ' L Go to SLAVEN S for Tens, Tobacco: and Cigars, of `lhelrst quality. . . Go to SLAVEN.'S and see those Coal Oil Lamps, lorsale at 5 per cent of} cost price. You will ssve money by buying your Paints, Oils, Varr_iisl1es,&c.; &c., at SL~AVEN'S. L 7 Paint, Varnish, Whito-wash, Camel-hair, S_:'ll)bll`lg & Sh'oepBrushes, always on hand at SLAVE N S DR. SLAVEN has ad good business and intends to keep it, if, low prices, strict ottent30Da and 3d quality of goods will `se_cu're it. ' ' ` . - . ` T . __ V ' _ ' A _ - at-1 ' ..4_--1--.!` v --u v u-I` %_ %VI EG go nnnonince inst thef chu- _tinuo to keep in` stock the `best supply of - runs u%a;uu._nuuas main 2-4.. ALI- _.-_ _ Iiuunnullv vn auvu Ivul SGUUIU H-in _ Try Slaven s Condition Powders, for Horses 85 Cattle, the best in the market. The cduntrY'd liberally dealt with. ' . T` ' T Give Dr. Siaven a call be{o're buying elsewhere, and you will be sure-to get aebargain-. __ V 03` Look for the Red Letters on the window esi foilbws: ` 1200;; AND snula. T Fmsr Gus: Swocx ot- liullll-Ill IIUIII Uulllllllg UIIGILCIBO All these have been embodied {in th e rcso_|H`.imrs Just submitted. T 'I"l\a nunnnnnn .-.6` T\:.m.o.u... `Luv DISSLOLUTION OF Prscriptions caiflly `prepared at {all hbur day or hvighut, "L _S-_H uM;M E. 1.1.. -1 IL- r_.._l-.. ANDREW GRAHAM. P-% 2351.7, 1 Johnsorz Housea"[ D,B.%SLAVEN S DRUG STORE. 880- :. J. W. SLAVEN- um |!1gg(_IIvhIzn__3L`!`UtiUAY, the 18) inaI.,'at n unnun (L3 'Ul}Sl'NlEN'L' 0;!` Ni1ts;A; llmontls. 8piesL,~`I-!ick I%e%s. AI;;9litrfi5;.0y'ja!orb.* Cnmjed Fr nit. s.`:..;-. 0.1. n.....g.a...... x... ...n at rfhe fourth retommendalioh is very ` fuy met. A form of return is` pended. which is vastly more searclmgurg and com[.:eh_ensiva than-any which existed previously. The banks under `this form will I-mu`. o..'..x.-._L -, . 2 ","""`.V'V! .V',_-_lI!lzlVU) ` I-`__ILl4U,-, ALIHUIIIIB. lsatdinqa, (nish; Canned, Fr mt, Salad` OI], Uqrn -Starch, &c., all of .3 ' " Twhich-w,ill bIf`i0`lAd12Iit4 ft;1.7_l'r_ie zahofve cost . " ' . _ i;..\- . . _ .lJ IIIIIII `THE Iiw TEA:. ., .DAm nun-o _,,. "Men-chant was or &; e:ma er., |-.-... ,..--u- auuuooonooun PAT. -I- A1LS_,(each'. . . . . . .. 0 I o"o 0 0 o 0 o ---.-vvuuuv--Iouuiu D0o.oooIouooo` VERY Goon HYSON...... AGIJNPOWDER TEA....... MNIIMIFIJ ! Goods delz'v:e'7`A','d`-izz To u}n, and" Farm Produce bo2kg7z't._ 3 - - - I `JonN~I>ow.1~:L1., 1 .A , . JAMES TIIOMPSON - Lula with Rh-knr V ._,,n - an . . T.aIn xx-hi. I` D Mol".nr.L'-va {And I fnke.1his.oppottm1ily of thanking the public for the very liberal pathw- " nage they have bestowed, and solioilinga oouiinuunce of their favors, I would A call their nttentk m to my new stock of ` L. T ' J} 4` - "`*g": 9-0,} a 0 a I u 0 o n _YO UNG HYSON............. BA3?!?:_ i{E&asv mm 5% ZL,5i&1'::z 3 $1 ; Hwsmm &P5, I WW @ 5 I I35-1\vL\v.l.l.'.n .' T T w ` 7 _ ` "'* EA LERS in all kinds of Farmin,r_z Impleme[r_1(~s, such as Reapers, Mo e-rs Funniug Mills, Straw Cutters, Gang Pluughs, Cluuvntprs, Plonghs o_f-all I kinds, combmed Horse Hue Sc \Veeder, Horse Rakes, Horse Hay Furks, Sawing . Machines, Threshing Machines, Com Crushgxs. All of which wiH be sod,a I Munulucm_rers _ Prices. ` V M ` nu ,,,u n -,., nu, _u,1 n____J_ 1'_.._1'h.;2__ _._.I ..-..o.'...... I`... -11 hi .-.A:. nl Tm Teas at-50, 60, 75, 80 8:90 cej1tS,V L Ivugu L UIIILE, unuunu Jaucllua, . laments on hand and 9 order. ` Bright `VIu_scavado Sugar 10 lb for! Rice 22 lbs, f'or. $1 00, Raisins, VNew Valen'cvia 9c. per 1'Er., u . . 4 . Which I-Voet as low _as any house. North of Toronto. I give the pri'ce o{.a .few of line leading artxcles`: . :4: .; 4 - -2- ~- DUNL()P STREET, Fi0_0'1` og_1yIAR`1 i E'xtra,Bright Rened Sugar 9 lbs. 7 '*h6 Go1}i:71v1;;t$anking` nego- V T '.1ntionI.- _ - _ CurrantVs (very good) 20 for O~()W, Sauces, vPick1q+s, 1\IL1sta7eI, Start.` h, Ca11x1ed-1*:1't1its, Bottled A-lo ! and Porter, Case.Liquors; Wines 8:. Liquors of" the very best _brands for Medicinal purposes, ' T 'r':__--.__ 4- `I I_L_'I `I'f,_ . n-1_.,,,_'.., _-A1,,1, ._1- ;,.,, 1 uruw 1'Uw-nun, . Luge with Richard P C \/\I.I.` I; Barrie, March 17th. 1869. llll'IllHiCllI_Y8fS'_ I'|'lC8So , - . - - ' _. .Plough Points, Monid Boards, Land-Szdes and castmgs for all kmds ot Im `x1'V1V1nv\'n an `1nr|I1 nu-II` On nu-r`.:r Liqubrs to Hotel Kl:,ep(:r'S-:Z1t* ?'I`o'ror'1to`who1esa1e fates. -`~ , _ _.___. __-...,.-..._.____..__ _ -,\'-.p.\~.-s-s\~.`a\)a4-'us~.~'s.\3uu \H.'V\\N.\\.\I\s_\a\\\\.~\. see ..our qsgg;g.an_TsA'rUanAv. -<. 1-' .. - ..... ._ ___..-4 AGR1CUL'I'UEiEf7In1PL15.MENTs, ]iiA1_"r1E.& SCOT'E"S (Ind which h:&'o~b.een thdccauion of [lye jtoppig ayfery banbwhich bu? cube: gajled r nuipeqded aIn;ongst,uI.7{: We mike` hold to` any that hudsuch u" llmlem of natnini Loan in nnnrhlinli . n B. &, 3., will also keep 0 n hand an assortment-of Cuok- ! i I i uinvg Bax and ?ParIuur7 Stove 5, llulluw ware btuve Pipvs, Tivnware, Suzar liellles, Lamps and Clunmeysl .`:e\ung . . `I\`]aclnnes,_Washing Ma clHu;'s,&c., &c. 01 ? Orders by zz promptly attended to ._ r\1\ , n rt`!-r1tv1 n r1tNr\rI'1Vl1 867- H `Old a.S tan`d, Comer o_f Eurzlbjr "SA, R. sqi}a1'c, Bttrnil. A SUPERIOR CLASS OF QLOTHS, =1nca\c.a'~. mtmrzx _ G\r:`;s<')0'0\'\QA on-4.. MSW mew: _:_.. mamas W 1;: EEN3:w;@I.E. BOLOGNA .,-AND? m.~.uM..'. mm`. a. - . .. v-vv-gwiiw `UH uawaw 9\`9.`H`3 n \l W 3L'9_L5 4530 ANDEGERMAB; SAUSAGE. SAVELOYS, 550. . AA4b-`__-_.rA-4 I DI?NL'(-)P:rREE`;,-F00~'I"OFf1VI1KET STREET. NEXT. DOOR". TO THE ADVANCE O,FF1CE, wt %B?EVNE'E"F9 (Iv ulunv IJVIII IU IIIIB -uuu-auvuv Ilyatemof returni been in operaf " duringjthelast fifteen years, nejthf Idi Rank` vhf `Tuna: ` Canaan nnr 1: Do ' owell. liocsgm my use nan` Inn.-A \Y.._iI. ._l` !I\,..__ SOAMETEEIN c-r` gas/\/\J\/\/\/\/\/\ ' :5 I. _'nG;; A o m*MENT of v --nvvOulUU'~'d UvC\I3' `Q 'C-()NTAN'I`L'Y' org HANB. .1869. . ' T Aal-es,TTBEzxLj1jT%1E 3; SCOTT, 13 _4.1_?R1E:..NT7'- _.:_.._j.___ ..%..Q_; 1 '66 V Box grfz-.8 lb. `2o~ GOLDEN svs I`: 9 o o 0 'l"0B it LEMO_1*{ .?PEEL.S_, &c_.,'_&:c. A iTOVES? uuuug` Iuu Jail: uuceu yearn, ullll_t>" lliti Bank" `of Upper ',Couada_ nor tli__ Commercial would liavoncloged [their . doors; andth`ot in fn:ure=-there will Inn` A for loss likelihood thanever beforo of banking institutions amongst us being entangled in illegitimate utnnsactious`. -Anntlnaii inxnrhunnnhnf ntnrlnu-' {hie , Toilet `Articles, ' --AND- T3-:1.' A 50 60 '70 - so" 80 ' 90 lbc'f0T-collation;-oq CURRANTS, 20 lbs. for. . . . . . . RICE. 20 lbs. for. . n . . .7. . . ..'. BARLEY, 20`|bs. for. . . . . .` . . . . VALENCLA RAISINS, pg: lb.. I VALENCIA RAISINS `by the n..._'.,n'n.o n. .._`_ u. --_.'----, |----_-v-.- .. GGILBEN sv RUB, per qt. : I .. SOLACE avomcco, . pmb... .. WTVQ 9-`. ` I1..- ------v--- -v------v -v; -uv `pr 28 lb., pei-1b.`. . . . . . . . \l\f l\r\\1 31115111` {$1 00. T . At .PowEL'L 8:. Tnonmsoxs . fUr - .Q- I' v r n : : u . a n 1-: At Pow:1'.L 8; Tnomrsoxs. -vunuualcu Ill .ll>IU`I|IIIlu| I!B|lBUIIUlIDa. L -Anothr _improvem eutA tinder" this hgad is that banks having-branches in `various Provinces of the D6niinion will be required to state what buijness tliey are doing in each. This will afford very useful inioimatidn. Tlie manner in vwhichielnrns are tobe_'mde is very V ggjctiy _defined, and stringent penal-A [lea are imposed for making such nuts I knownfto bofalso. ` - ' "I`L-_-'-...._.._ ,1 A`-.. -_`n_ -__'_'.-I __ At Poxvism, 8:. Tnozursoxs. At `POWELL 8; THoM15soxs.. J` 9:; xru, . A t Pom/ELL 8:. Tnompsoxs. J, . A _ v At POWELL 8:. TI-IOMPSONS I KT'1sh"ins:.,`_: _-Ict j" .1.-\.\1r.:s '1 nun: roun Late with T. D .M_cCor-key `872-Iy' V17 Uz45_ v~-..'vv-.,-.,.,._`_~ -BUILDING LOTS FOR same. IN Tm; TOWN OF BARBIE. `B_ing Lot No. 104, Bradford Sl.r_c-er, and Lo` No. .4, Graham Street, hcing_ sI.lun!ed in ,1 healthy part of'the town, and vmhm ten n:iim- ;g`wa1k_ol' the Post Oman and Market Hump 1'.`m-(hm-tinnlnrn nnnlv to Boullon. Lnum If..- ~ -,.._____.__v-.- tea: wa.1x_ or we rusu. Vince Forqm-zioulars npply_to !'3l;'ux`Ilt``:`:;`.I`.`:>"ux:.`;)",Tf"` 3: Stewart, Solicitors, Barrie, or to W. R` W3 ton, Bond Head. ` ' "-* Bun,-ie, March 3rd, 1879. ,,_,_ For` Sale Cheap for Cash or on easy tom.` East half of Lot 33, ls! C')n., V't'5[\rw p tangmshone Rnad,cun!~.uininv_r 10:) ;.cr._._ , or less, 70 news cleved, well fenced .-mt good state of cum: ti ya, 9 norm 1),] `V, in the ground. P'a.xk Ho-use 1:::| --n-(3 , farm building and young nrc'n.Ird nlt .. ningtobear; also 2: well and Deb,-y 3. 'creo`k. - . Possession given on the 1:! Aril, For terms apply in Ihis ollice or 2-, .7, Johnston on the nremises, or Jr by 1. z | paid to Dalston, P.0. Dalston. Feb. 2611:. 1874'). 9.33, , ; Aim FOP. SALE xx Ti 1I4:['I"u\".\':V<:. NOTTA'.`\SAG.v\. The North half of Lot Numhor Tv,'n_ Third Concession of the TU\$n~`hip (,1 3' snga. About auxly acrx-3 are ch.-zm-1, 1\,';'_ maining part is well timben-.d with 1:1: ` The soil is excelle-nr,a\n'J (bu I-`arm n].-;,, joining the ViH'1_(r3 of Av!-ninsz, `n vh-r-h Grist uud S.uv Miiis. School Hu`.z(' Him `.1. Shop. the, &c.. and distant hm. 9:1; 1:; '. two Railway Stations; is one of the In -2 ableiin this Township, e!en.-M-:1 fur :u growing productiveness. There is a Dr House and 3. log barn and stable on :1. mirea. 'I'L`D\lQ-__?.K0 dawn` and Fm h.?~- - - I 1.. _ r..-ol..... nnu-Q:nn'nuI2 z.nv\'Sm.of-... . iL'r,|.'.na:--'auIIv uuwll, Him 11"` ;) irqml annual instalments mlh into;-rm`. rnrrrif 1"! _ A fV[ J. J. .1. _J.JL`.J For further partictnrsnppiicruinn tor poshptlidl may he made In \ViI:1n Esq., New Lowe,-H. P.0.. and M we '1 McC.`.l:'i'HY 6: Mr-:' VL Eartie; 911! F1 _` '3':-`" ,.___..___f..- - -.-, FARM FOR SALEOR TO 17.1:.\~rr_. nuvvvu wv UU llll5Ve 4. Thesccommendution sslc capital 18 ihet `in sections 1 and 2, $)hich provide her no new bank shall be cliartered with less than one million doIlers',fthe `whole of which shall be subscribed, and at least zwentyper cent. paid up before the bank shall commence busi- ness; and the.Fir~.mce Ministeris -to be satised. in my way _that may seem best to him, `that this provision has been strictly complied with. ` V 'rhl)l vru rnnannxmnndhlinn maa Eu -5- ,- - --------:...-. '02? RE.-SSO.\'ABhE '1`!-'.Z1.\Z.'~', T!'.'u `. ` able house: and lot, .=i?xn`.- ;~; A pleusmntpzlrt. of the town of T3:1.'ri' :; E Block, being 10! No. 17, I cne!.1n;n:..,,.._- v containinr one uvre nnd a ban. '3. contain six rooms each, gzond rem-.. '., water cisterns and gond spring J. is a-good garden wizhn large nun` - cellem mm trees; the land is of Ihf: qmxlity. ` Frn-'narticuIar5 nhrfv to A. C[,',`\'!~" %' TITII THE [ l{I\'IL}'IGH U!` N ? ' containing :09 acres; 45 cZe:.r- : igovd state of cultivation. Time 1: : .ur-ur:n l_'l\ ll Imrs hr 31-SIB," '1'unoer,and other hardwood- 'r1mus_ or PAYMEN'l`~-0ne-bun` dY"'o `"0 .0150!` hilt in two equal annual pug ,_'h'-9: Fill! intortlt seven per cent. A|'Io..BnlYdhnn Ln: Me. an Fnqt sane -5 J"'"'* t 3"? ""0l"I'I PEI ` .K'I..BnlYdin Lot No. 30, East Sigiv \ of 31 er. .2. an an term: n! mu-menz. Tomato Sync" in the Town of Barrio, onv-:'::" 2 .1335, d ning the` residence of T. 1. II.um1'oyrn 0| uarnc, om--n.-. . r' tying the, tesidence `5 ._!l`I,A8)1tetmgo! payment- qumuy. Fa}-`particulars apply to ClT.\'!1 liarne Ilmel. ' V -` I Barrie, Feb. 25th 1870. -_a-.-__ L0,? N- .6: _17th Concession of Tiny. '. ' .Ages,,near,Penet,nguiahno Buy. `l..:Vlv v age on this. Lot between one and two l|mu5.:' `."3W` LORD. I large quantity of m1u.u._: l.9k'-SN5._Ve Timber, and timer hardwood. TERM8 0! I>.AVMlzm'r_n...-v...n` (2..-' |`L-V 5.55 - rmuuguuuuu on xbe Io}. Tlmw is `also a lay L- mrn, and from three to fuur a Wlu-at 5') red. L`I.- fnu-n!u.r an-63-ulnvc nrnlr ucru eucn. m . Also for sale, a valuable Brood Mme (the mother of the celebrated lrotlitzz Jake) and likewise a Colt. now rising ti--nu For particulars apply" to F. J It. Hi! \ Cdnveynncer, Orillia, or to Dr. OLIVER, 5' July 28th, 1869.: * ` LAND Ann`rovm'Lors rm: 3 SALE. _;A__, v`~VA ?;`e3;>;`;;'A_'i%;%.~`;`:m "'7?" HI? I, UUIKIPIIUU Willls. '[`h_os every recommendation made by 'l majority of the Bankers of the Do- minion is elmlodieci in the resolutions, ~ but there are " provisions in addition as to which there has been, and is now,- eonsiderable difference of opinion. I Of Ihislcharscter is Sect. 3,`which"limits , -the circulation of banks` toptheir paid- ; `up- capital.-` A Perfectly, needless re- .` atrict on, as it seems to us. -After such safeguards as have been mentioned.'; and one which rnay~be'prodnctive of great inconvenience in Ontario at a time when a heavy crop requires to be moved at `good prices. ` All experience shows that circulation does and will regiilatetitseli when there is the. obli- -' gation to redcernin specie, audthat it, is hot in this direction that danger lies, , but" in the loans and discounts. The ` sarne -clause" prohibits the -fissiia of.a note below (our dollars, a provision of a very donbtlul.c_haracter, as it is our- tixed conviction that the circulat-ion` of Dominion notes ought to be abolish-. ed altogether. Of the same. character is. Sect. -7, which "provides that .a Bank's. liability shall never exceed three `times its capital, plus its specie andj Dominion notes; aclause which is taken from the old charters and. made more obstructive than 'bet"ore. The effect. willbe to prevent a large accuinulation of deposits in `any one Bank, which is really a very needless - piece ofinteiference with their op'era- ! tions, and theiefiect of which will be ' to deprive abank of anystimulus tel `good management. For what is it` t t that attracts depos'its_ but reputation for t jl-\tll'(:`,ty? And how does it Brink attain .,' reputation for safety but by good , managenient? The best "managed -Bank will therefore,iother things being I ` equal, have the most deposits; but it! it_is restricted by an arbitrary rule from taking, or rather from using more . than a certain quantity, this ilitluce-_] -ment to manage well will-be lost. The clause /is objectionable on another ground, viz: that the ratio xed rests upon no principle. Noreason can be given why it. should be three times the capital, rather than twice or {our times, or any other proportion. We believe theclause was originally copied fromsonie Arnericaii charters, and ori- | ginated with certain theorists in New York,'who had some fanciful notions son the sn'bject,:`con'sidering how very low the deposits at banks in Canada '- are compared with those of Attstralin and Britain, it seems absurd to restrict them, and we shall be gladto see the , clause swept away in committee. . rl-`ht! (1"'IAl` I|fl'|Il;'i;l`\I1Q. 1.!` Han *`nBI\`II, \\ !|('H.| ') -\ ru- } I-`hr further mrticzxhars nppkv. post. paid, or to the subscxiber on 2h; l. The premisas and o:mund3.nm-.- pm Mr R. J. Oliver, Lots I7 und I8 Ens! . ibedaub Slrcct. h.'I\'ingf|'1\n[nt_vg5 m, ,3 an '\ .Colborne n{1dvFront_Sueots, ( :. ubou-. 323"`; gm hgusw I<:0mI ut1:.if " _co``` 3` I` 0319 (`.51 93 "lcben, ` c['),['nplQtc `K`3"r`d Dnving IIOUSC. ." . ve horses w)_"I Inf`; loft over , and .r. lent. Fruit. hem-f` O"5h-d- Pumps fur I... u go _wm_m-_ Poagqagion 083` be given 2:. . her next. :2 1-. xx- m 'a,4,.. = aau-umm Ftrn.-` her , 2. Lot No. 10 South '"` ":"1 trontnge also on Match; `dash balfun acne, "to be. sold in Hm L Lots; ` ' R `OP, 3. Lots 19 and 20 Coldwxuer . 0` IJUISJ . acre each. 4 Alan r.`.---I- - - ` " " ` mid to Ualamn, r.u. Dalston, 2611:, . . . ':"`_\1`.`_ irlvf) BE S`0LD 0-` I""\s` T 5'... H . .1. .1... kl--~' 11' ' `U Dbnuull ll.` H.101 ID-LN.` . `ox (-heupfur Cash, the Sozui ``~ 0? Ln! 9, in the LHHI (`mm of." (-114 ing 50 acres. 30 of which arc (`lulu-. ed, and in :1 high state of culti '1"! a}-u an: Inn lu.n:.. u.l EH! CU, EIUU III {I Hlll D|Z\|L' III CHI T|.e`re are lug buns:-5, s1 `failing :uppl_\- of sprung wn! Fnr YI'H'li(`Ilhl1`1l`nnn`\' 2.! t Hlllllig :U)`{_\ Ui Fpflllgl ':ll'.'f For p'.l1'liCUh1:`3"ap1>X_\' :.t th i R. Ford, [Ira-ifnrd`. t 1ouI,uu-lullu-HI.. .3.) 1l.Cl"(`S,Rll (`Am acrns; in it good 51.10 0! (`llllirnlz superior cl:xss of- Land, with l-`r.-x: llncrse 1 Slublf`; 2 L02"_hrnS. l,r.-;_- ` Shed. Will sell lqsuit purclmacrs . or all, I I7 ._ r.. Inc grater, ; And its -curriqcy bouuinnlnted gostlut of tho`mt. l)o n :inio_II?-. ._ ' .:f'- - .3,"`t.lI`*a l'_"- HIE Suuth half of 14. on `.'. : 1 -( 100 acres um! South I-3:19: qm 9n l'2Lb Con , Tiny, 40 acme, and 5-. 3 13:11, 09 -1111) Cum, :.`3 acres, all (`E22 -........ ... .. ..,....I .. 0.. -1 ~..1.:_. .. Hl"9B. %TER3lS:-$500 down, and um b.-.?;~. ......! nnnvn` inuhmontq cith `.n!:-nu F.-)rVfur'.Ianr';i;u'liz:M:1rs app the` Lot, Aor.(*it by `I.-axe-r ymg. \I'1r I L a II "mwELL:sac%'Las3', St~i>le9. km, on each, with n fr: nmgz I, sides. and simztted on the N.\\`. L'<~:: Also 10 acre : nf land jnininrr x?'e_E. [Ha_v!er s farm, and '.20'n1in-m-s"wr.i'h 3-Inrket: Tnvbe sold toszt-fhcr or so;-5` suit purchasers. Term; liberal. -'1e`g:r further pnruc_u!:u~s apply to '7 TI. 3` `South ,h.1E!' Lo: 35,'i_n 4:1; Con., 30;. 100 acres. szaasaa; FOR SALE ON REASONABLE TEE?-.f3 *1 -DUULU ,n.J.;x LA): .59, In -NH L'On., .501.` , . N, lI.p:1r1 Lot.15,in 10:21 C`<.-11., 3. ; -,-53 ncrca. ` `North half Lot 17, in the 18111 Cor` mn nm-an nu.-nx |H1lI|4'JI. Ag, In X5-L l.'UH., .\u1;;, X00 acres. - A Lot 13. in 3rd C'on.,.Nor{h ():iI':E.<`.~" \\'e3l'lm1f Lot 16, in 13th L'u;1.,_.\Ie.` nm-nu . no uulltae , Such is the ` `substance efthe i_esolu- `lion on banking. There are two other o'f:?:'i"4; -sjt_>lI'I_--V V tidne, the one` ;ufe`r,ri1_1g to Dominion . way _ofe,dealij`j5` A .the ='gr.oM,er, ted: 7 notes, the `other W to ` the currericy `of Nova Scotia; but we haveno tinje `Io V nptt'ce glhgm furtbei {hen 1o'se'y_ {he notes wit! be m: ` I `A I V and as to thecnneney ote.No,u ~ _ V the;-l'eiIerv._vi!'Ite1eii?IIII'It uUX'l'S_- West half Lot l8,_in the Inn Com, 5;. I00 nnrnn. . "Cal uuu L4UL 1o,_1u me '1IH\.L`1l., .`. 100. acres. Lot 11,. in b`tl1Con.,`Ve.-1',~r:x--'2"70Arr West half Lot 10, in the '.`ud Co::., 100 nrrcs. ` IIEDL u.,Lu uau IV, lu tut.` . uu LU: 100 nr-rcs. South h:x.'!' Lot 6,311 13th Co:x.,V.'-. l)ur_\`j-100 ucrcs. , And Lot 11, in 2nd Con-., ,Ga.c.'g . of York-180 acres ' ' Applyizo - \\'\L R. 1` \\_' ynvnu u:III uul. Lt; 1111118 N5! N0 not-es. . '_-\ os'.hu1fLot`26, in 2nd (.`on., -Em! ba1fLol. 12, in H1 L'uu., Y n nrna _-*.j uA'1uJ_s 1-`on szf `Farm for_1 in (he JL.=' Ei.A.'i.:_T;. ff: .. .-.n.an\"nvts rrrrnxvu rr--. `-11:10 FOR A MARKET sQUAr::. uugg luujorlly would sustain this policy. ' The last-r,ruv.ision we shall notice is that jnlsection 18.whlch isjo theleect. that a` bank shall always ,receiv_e its own n_otes`in payment at any of its lofces, at par; but shal*l`not,be bound" to redeem` them in specie` exceptnt the place of payment. pp Thisiso. very use- ful provtston, apd will prevent any unzbitioas maa _er`-l'r'o`m laying a trap to catcln his"nqig_ hot at a weak pomt. It -would be's'.i_ll morevluseful iii the banks were bound'_`to;.'take. "all .bank notes oh deposit, so long as they are" reglemed`da1l.y in sppecpile`. Tliis would pre_vent_' any `bank from _m_aljgi_ously in- Junng pits nelghbor and `doingimmense d11m38 ` '|_coIntry by thmwingahti its notes; gun`. t.` A`_..-"fL'I"- ' `- - - ': " I FQRIICII U0 IUIIUVVCII WII! PIUIIIIJIJ I19 I iertgiqated this session, if .' the Mini`st_x y ` |\f?Q.lI`VIg,eno\igh:to carrv the measure tl eyfhave justkvhrouglit down. There.- huie been two -well-dened sets of or iriions eh lh`e.'euhject, which have |'.e.n"Jseetliing and bubbling` in _`uun- . evil and lianlring circles for 9. long time- lnni. 4 Briey put, these opinions may he dened us Iollows: In every` se, _ i'l-.9 mmn.oh_}ect sought being to ' like V! a public secure in taking__bank notes, n was proposed in one case that all cir-` . 0 uluting notes should be issued by the g overument, and in mother that they" or .`mul,d belissued by the banks; but onl ` t .; such an amount as the banks mig I ll ml to the government, which lo_nn_ lmnld be held as security to the bill- I1 olders. The objections to the" firs` "ere, that `fths government issued all the bank notes. iuthe .country_,, the '.tr_-mptation to extravagance would be reaistible. andtlxe bills, likeithe bills f all zoirerriments now` isauiing them. "-`rm'd become lrredeemahle, and full to u discount; besides which, to deprive ~ 6|.'.. `.;\nI'9n A` Ilea nnnunr In pin-Jilni HE u'n-leraizcci om-rs t!1c`fuIYoWir,_z 2 propeply for sale, viz:--' F-~.\rri`c, _\'oi'. 17th, 13:30. Toronto. Oct. 36', 1868 ;(6R_IVLLIA \\r'fIi`I.-:`x`(i-i. Desirble Property for Safv; U Lot 10, 2nd Con `fesprn, I . ' [fa.mE5[3f,I%1I L`I` III` II 154' acre Le %:':, rah "XIX Veil, r.u,, unu 1. ) 1:1`: 'McC;~.1:'mY as: .vr-" ` \'c:;dor : I..L_......... 1 0'! \ the `danger or depreciation inthe cu_rr.ency 4 `pense must through Parliarnent,and we a an `FBI, ilucuultlo - _ ` . Section 19 is a very important one. It enacts that banks shall always holds titty percent. of their cash reserves in Dominion notes.` It Dominion. notes are to be A retained, we do not know , that thisprovisieu will becvery in- jnrious, except by weakening` the specie basis on which bank "1uibilities rest. Bntewe arermly convinced that it is not for theinterest of the country to; retain Dominion notes at all. -They will necessitate machinery for,redeu_1p-_ tion, which may be either so cumbrous: and complicated as to be either int danger of getting out of order, or stopping altogether; or it may = be" managed through a banking institu- tion in such awayas to give that bank great power contrary to the" public- good. In any case considerable ex- be ` incurred, and putting atl things together; including the_ amount of specie required to` be held; for V redemption of notes,'.we believe; that the `country would lose little or 5' nothing by negotiating` debentures in.` the open; ma rket,e_and "redeeming the notes altogeI_her.', There would thus be removed a standing source-oi danger and disquiet both to the: Government, public, and theibanks. and all would he obviated, .Wev _s`ho_uldv "be 5 glad ifthe resolutions of _the. Finance Minister can be so amended inpassing re sure at large majority" would sustain this policy. last-r_rov.ision we shnll rinlinn re - iv (1 :5 :\'.\z z: ' D .. ..a...-. WM. B. c.\.\:.s\jj _S_;%/3~\i_'E. : U|u|lDU IVVU|,lI: away In Ul.lluIlll||UU.` The other provisions of the resolu- tions are mostly of_a iormaland tech- nical character, or are mere repetitions oflclauses already existing in Bank "charters. There are three`, hbwever, whiah deserve special notice. 4 `Section 15 makes it a misdemeanor for any offi- oer ot a bank to give an unfair prefer- enjcorto any creditor 'ofa_bank in the. way of security: or by` changing the nature of his`claim.r "This might meet some rare case, but does notstrike us an very practical. ` gnnfinn 1 0 ;n 11 noon}; :0:-\ run 6.. u 6 ..... .. ' `sttspicion. ripened into certainty. `He %~=..h.sins. hj.principln?:`ibf'.l1i .=.t9rv' 111129.; f the aid?!"-2;!hat= f`;Sontlierhi.y -1')ireIil1!!ie.`~. ; tio n p`vot'-`- th'euuies' of-=N6fttiernp_lacs' V - is peculiar`toAone_sectio_n;' ot'__t_he e_onn- _g try alone: `While one 'p rivateHam- - mood`, in` charge of ' a_`d_rove of. beef f cattle *\v`ithin';iBurnside s - lines, 3 near` Petershurg, Virginia, was sitting at the door` of his extelnperiaed log but one . day during the` 'mej'mo'rabl_e iege,.' a . stranger, uniformed" in the loyal blue,` 3 -came to the hut, aud offered halfa dollar fora beet : livervhanging` at the door. cavalry, and, in tenderine `pay for the- .meat,Vremark>ed :- "I'll have to give = you a Michigan bank. Private Ham- 1 _mond - preferred postal currency . and got it; but his suspicions had heenf o_.wak_ened=by the cavalrymanis. pro- nunciation of. -` Michigan, asfthnuzh there had been a ` t in the first sylla- able, -and invited the" stranger to. breakfast with: him for the purpose of fathoming his identity. `During the meal" a messengerwas despatched to r l headquarters` for `a euard, and when -breakfast was finished the purchaser of ` the liver found himselfin custody on a. charge of being `a rebel spy. He protested ercely aaainst such treacher- ous h'os_pitahty_nd repeated that he - was a member of the Tenth Oavalrv.-A Upon being closely questioned, how-_ ever, as to the- location of his resi- mentg the name of his captain, colonel, 856., he made so many blundersthat was put under arrest; a rigid search: of _ his person by. the Provost Marshall re- sulted in. the `discovery of complete maps and plans ofthe most important f'orlitications`around Petershurrz; the sketches being made upon tissue paper, which was attached to the collar of his jacket.` Then ensued` n drum-head `court martial ; and for introducing `T . . into `Michigan. the convicted spy was hanged. Thersis no reason to doubt the truth of the story ; for such [occur- rences are common er ough inall wars; but, if a` A mispronnncjution aofthe mime of Michigan is to be accepted asa nal prooiof a man s Southern origin, a lame portion of the common people all- over the_`United States must be South--' A-S.-- He represented .himselfas ?be- ` lon`gin`g' to the. Tenth` New York. uusu ruuuuum taken _`i_n xchuige 1zemember'z.IwpIac."1t;` 1 .=mzz,~ store.0wn`Stcet.-.:td00r:~` % `BgnIc.o'f cam;me." :- ` :"-';` 1. ` - -`x, Go`9_d|.* . ; _____ -U_& U I _. ,_ > ` .&c-, &'cI I &`c-'3 - ' `_ Which he willsell as Cheap bus the Gheopt.-st_. T l3'S pecix`:'l"x-edncI_.ion to all~,pa_rti_e|" Buying large quantities. V -' K - ' . A, . FARM PRODUCE ta_kgn _'i,n _xcI_1|i1ge it:'o"`V-I |@m@Ei3f2"@? i8@NsJ I0. 8! I :RTiTESi W, on tha;.sul`ajct'V of gin germs on whwn the bank char- rQ_~l'Hi|l be renewed will probably be lnnninonul Qin nncann if/Ilsa Iiniitx V The `long MAa'Ic ALANTERN s ;ms'r amen numnm: f i1 3.4R_RI_1;. -_ 2 erners. VHi`l-chcocTk s /10*Music Hi1chcock s 5:; Music Coronet 10c Music .Boosgv s 5c Music ' .House Music . A Sunday Music 'Cluircli Musi_o Sunday School 1\Iusi` Day A School Music Piano Methods EDWARDSI ~T Toys` EDWARDS` `Dolls - ` EDWARDS . Glass'H9rmquicils EDWARDS j1' uzz1`es ; , 7 EDWARDS , . Cut up Pictures i ( Shadows onjhe `Wall EDWAVYRI DA! I .'L`....._ 3..- uuuuuwa UUJIJU ' V1 1.1 A Doll `Furniture _ Paper Soldiers . ` 'I`oy- Musiczil_ Boxes A &<;., &c., ' EI')WARDS A EDWARDS EDWA RDS EDWARDS I EDWARDS EDWARDS EDWARDS EDWARDS EDWARDS `V EDWARDS Pia no Fnrtes - Harmouiums Melodeons Com_:eru'nas_ Accoxdeons 3 Musicitl Boxe AMus|cal Albm Violins 8.: Bow Flutes 85 Fife Sheet Music D G[__=A I` ED WJAR D8 . EDWARDS EDWARDS EDWARDS EDWARDS EDWARDS EDWARDS EDWARDS EDWARDS EDWARDS EDWARDS mscount; besides wmcn, IO ncpnve `He htmks of the pnwer to circlilat would deprive them of the powdr tn aiccontmodale the. mercantile -c - mnnity to the extent or many millions of ('.ollnrs.. The objection to the secoml was, mainlynhnt by thus meas- ure. pqaully with the_oth'-.r, the power ` of" the banks to accommodate the mei-T cantile lmsincss'ot' the country would be curtailed tosnch an extent that un- iversal distress must ensue; while, by . nctuation in the VlP.llt8 of government secunties, the st-curilyv of the `note would he`endangrd_, and than sound-T nelss of its basis impaired. _ l`l~.-un nkhuninna nn hnina urniohad VPapierMVachie A lE'.;ms ` Ladies Work Boxes ` T Ladic-sVW':1tir.g Desks Albums, . _' Fnncv Boxes- Sh_eH Bmges Plain Stationery Fancy Stationery ;En`velopcs Self-Vclosing Diaries EHOLIDAYGOODSI PHoToaR`APns ED'WARD S 5 'TIu_,> Cohipligneizlas ` the JSeaA-s0n. `rm 4;.v `.1 { Formerly kept by" Richard Powell; wishes to j inform the public that he haaopened a ` _ first class aasortmentof ' /arm`/.\mr_\a ngagx .-..._ ..__._-_,'_A- .. a.- .1. .:._a J..v .l..l. Having brought out the` stock of Ami Views ness (II us oasis lmpmn:u._ ; .These objections on being weighed by the mercantilcecomniunv in every part of the country,and by meanyT_memi- bers of both houses of` Patliament. Vveife found to be so grave as to justify the most'strenuons opposition to menu ures introduced first by Mr, Galt and when by Mr. Rose to give effect to them. An}: Ihivrl nn Inc!` nilnrnnIiIH|._ ni Harmouiums ' Boxes V Albums 8.: Bows Fife: C`L--A I\lI.._:. Me7ndebn `Methods Concertiria Melhor .s Violin Methods 7` Flute Methods Concestinm Music . Folding Steroscopes Upright Steroscopgg V 'A'I`ransparex`2,t` Thealu-33 IPCETJ buses -Penvrl ?.'1lmm ` `-";1 .E1i`Ns%- EDWARDS EDWARDS EDWARDS .EDWARDS EDWARDS EDWARDS EDWARDS EDWARDS EDWARDS EDWARDS EDWARDS EDWARDS EDWARDS ;EDWAR'LS I `-EDWARDS _El)WARDS EDWA KDS EDWC-X RDS ED W A R DS EIWVARDS = EDWA ans; _EDWA ans; EDWARDS; EDWARDS 902- ' '3 nag" -.nl -1 ' , HEVBIMS;-any` ion; `Thain; ,i[u:ph3}1iu. . n_ - . kickd by a horse belonging` to It. "bis Dunn ,;.s'be:1e`ect:-6! which cnnnedibit dnth`,' I hereby cehifyv thug I. lave no pla_mo whnt- ,ev.er`to Francis Dnnn, as it. ygs purely gt; sedi- Ado, t. 1 . , n T V - . ' MICHAEL MURPHY. H V03P"`1Fb y 1.911;, 1370.- g J _.s-mp LIIUII U AH] . I-yuau |V Irv vuyu-. Iv -an. . v P: . .'9` i Asa third and last alternative, 11 ]arge_ninjority of the b'anker's_ of the Dominion proposed to amend and re- form the existing system in such a way as would enable the banks to accum`-V modate the mercantile commnmtv_ to as great an extent as before, while at thecsnme time safeguards were {intro- duced which would prevent notes from becoming depreciated, and either note holders or depositors from suffering loss. '-I`lie recormnendations made at various times to this effect have evidently formed the'ba.~_is on present prop-asulzs of the government rest, and V we now propose to give a brief sum- mary of them, pointing Luttvhat is iu- , tetztled to beeffected, and what will-be their prnctic_ul operation. Before doing - rso, it will be well to note the amehd-i -menls above referred to, `which are Lriey as iollov'vs':--T I " Int 'l`.\ innvnnan flan nnniinnfinn nf . .lI& I"_I'f1l 5W`HEREA'8,my Ion, `Thomas .`.\I,urpby, .\w'u ` belonging to It. Fran- nla I'|n-mi 5!_-"..D..-s- -0 -nlnhnlg nnnnnnflui d._oI.' Mas. at-:LL. % nnsss & uAn1LMAKn, Hume ma i'Jp4 j creasing (9. nfncture, has nrenm in ,ofBornll`l. Mr " an... 0' bv. _.cock an: sum: -dsv" "'" ."9.:i'. 9. ` auqu nna,uro_ssed'on the shortest tine. - 1'13`. 8. being `a prnoticpl Axe In|k`e_t, lye atten himself that no knpun I good-A-xe than _hqi;uei . ' it, ahdAAl:e'in.let`qg-niiheii onlylo such r_u'tl-. - cm In wjll ; give`|`qgIsfa_ctlonAto Ltho1 "'rchuor. - Ae`;T=t-'-rt :--`I;iVcy.iu`ol:`,. . .. ' l=!7oti9#43hioIiff9h.i60!iI!4'3|-`!!li*IfI!ithi-3 V Iunn 1n.m!1_Un`=l`UUn ms run -1 m_-ma, with theprivilegeof pnrqhnsiug a farm of about 200' acres, with from` 50 :to 100 acre : cleared,` aitnsted within 5 or 6-milea of` 3-Rail-L V way_S_t.a.tion, within the C_ounty'of Simcbe. A App]; to] c - A ' ` -s.-_._ .__-.__-_ ___.___ -'7-!".. . _, .H '- h.`'.T -Axes, uhwarrnnted from uupoor tankers - can ullns cheap any other home in'l`ovin. .3`-' -__._'g-- __ j__-1_:"-A ' '3' -- 1'oember Inn, 1869. 7 the Jdvancc Oce, Bar-'ri. 1` 113.-mm. hmngengagea `the amiee of 1 n;-class Dress Makpr, feels aatisec she can give . the utmost Intinfaclion to these ladies whomay inmut her with -lhexns_elvs .in the above departments. Barrie,rJune 15:, 1369- _ ` _ I41f8' `A _`_V"n. ',,."ugg. -uu vyuur jug! Ull.lUo _ ` I .If'phug , provitibnl no ou,.1j_io.d.` Lind to sincgmly MP9 11!?! j`."i.3'-;7|F',5':T % %FAO-;RY. Inns. summ:ase1'T -and warxahted forV8o`dsyI at $l`.00. ` .' V" thy [Axe `soki by`hiu wliich' pron: note; wm` be`tempu-ed. (re: ..of con" within 12 'I;10,.nt_h; fr.!nVI_Alo.? . .' - I?I;GI$s.' . `nd. '..'.a.n..:'..*..a .."... 11;; ~........:. -_._ TIN STORE. gg=RE-OPENED. , Business, [for which he has 'en`guge`d'-a . first class won-kmnn,]_i'n connection with his Gunsmiufs and General Hardware establxsbment. '- . .___-n- _.._' V-..-_ _-...- .- -aid wnrniited :.s.'a'u*.av.`-`..` .9: Q1100 --:o:-- ' All kinds of repairing done and all work warranted jun--._. . _of Mills situated on streams frequented by Fislr, lhat_ the -throwing. of Mill rubbish or saw ; duvs_t-intqwater is illegal, and that after this! dwe any infraction of .the Fishing Law in this,` Ull._UL'4 LO .lJ1`4l`451 Ul V-D3310 RH OWI1el'S{ respect wili be dealt with accox-ding'lr.~ , * Parties intnrampd in Sam-lzln '|`nmf. Galina! respect will be dealt with accordingly; Parties interested in Speckled Trout shing will pleasejuotify the 1/undersigned of any breach I of 11:4: F_i:her_viLaw gaming under their notlc; s . - ....' .. ......-....._ Y _Bmie,T2st'I` Dct.'189. Stoves! SE62?! 1 FOR SJLE. IIJIVIKJS lllc UUIl5(t|-[\'l]l 4th. 1`oIamendthe_ bank returns 111 such a way as to shew whether the bank was doing :1. legitimate busineas or.n0t. ' ' 5.1, fl`. ___-L:t,1. L_.-_i__ ___,-.1, - ,_;__n All wdrk done in first lass style and matexial furnished, ' A mm... 1...... ............_-_L -5 m,___p, ,, :- um,u:uu1 Iu_rulBnE(l_- . ' A_-very large assortment of Transfer Q, Ornam ent`: v_ Painters arid Grnimr r Camels Hnif and Sable Brushes, P';.,,ng 8:c., _onh`and,o.nd`for saleby W. l _,_ capo .\.a `J ;.1.;.\J K) sn1AV1'N, HAIRcUTT1NG ---'-' \llLl.LLIJl_\.I\IlJ.`\J |Jl1l.J\J\JA`, VI! in `he large bmldlng `lately occupied by," ` Mr. James Russell, ~ V I'L_-;-.._'.a_ .11- T)..-;.._'_A Ti . 1 l Agent fo} the Gnovxn 8: Bul Sewing Maohiqe l Barrie, 1869. A ` . 19-ly. 1r.A1NT1Nc+:i HOUSE PAINTERS, GRAINERS, '. {Paper I-Iangers,` &c., &c.' f`ARRl AG, SIGNS, C.,apon` 43' V Pca zA 'cy,%; W-'lll1e third willbe found in sections 4. & 5, which provide, thataiter six ,]n')lllll from the failure ofa bank, the directors shall make calls on the stock- lioiders, which calls, iinecessary, may be to-an amount equal to the whole amount subscribed. and to prevent im- proper transfers being_made, in antici- pation of insolvency, it is provided-- th-a't'all perso_naAfound.on the register of _7 the stockholders. within three mcn-_ths of the failure, `shall be liable to such c'nlls.- `llad these provisions been in- iorce when the Bank `of'_ Upper Canada_ failed, its debts would have been paid in {nll long ago, and its notes would never h-:1've`{allen I a discount of more than .10 per cent." at, the very most. Thissiuglc provision, in tact. `w.illrender every creditor of achartered hank secure, unless there is such an arnonnt. of fraud as ` to be more than equal. to the `stock list, which'is almost incon- yceivablc. To enable creditors of banks J ' to see who are liable as stockholders, I it -is provided, that alist ofthem shall be laidheforc._Parlian'1eut every year. This section might go furtlier, and pro- \':_rln that a certied list. ofthe stock-. 4 holders of every hank should be hung ' upin n conspicuous place in every one ofils ufilces, wliether prll]clp:'1lv(il SIlb"- ordinate. and renewed every halfyear. A provision like this, we believe, ob- t:.'.us in England. ' ll\l_- l'..___:I_ ., l l I .-_`