Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 10 Mar 1870, p. 2

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Assnining that what everyonvsaye must be true," it would be only misleading our readers to give :1 report of the above races with a view to affording information as to the fastest ho:-I aee on the course, as it seems to he the current 'belief that it was pre-arranged by `the king which was to win and which to lose. ` IFL2- p....... 1...... I.-_- AL- - ' '- .._.-D..- I-v -~-..., vvv .1-nun-J. 1 Mr. Strathy will have taken with ihim the best wishes for his success in life of :1 large circle of acquaintances, `as his genuine kindness of heart and evident desire to oblige every one he cumeiinvicontnct with," either In con-` nection: with business or otherwise, are calculated to win him, many. friends, and will dc_so wherever {he may be 1 located, and in whatever pcsi`ion he may be called upon to ll. MORE BANK CHANGES, Bank Diiectors like military and other authorities, seem to like idea `of } te_sting._the discipline` and promptitude [if their staff. .The removal of Mr`. l.Tuhn A. Stiathv from the Bank of Toronto here, to the -Head Office upon in notice not longer than the days of grace given forpaymenteof a note is. a ` case in'_poiut, and the. mandate would seem to be almost a harsh one, consid- ering the number of friends hehad to hike leaveof, ifit was not that it no doubt leadsto promotion which is sel- dom thought to come `too quickly. in. co....n... ...:'n 1_.._-- ._i--_ __'_-.1, { " r'1:e`{:`ia`e. =='ii9; $.76; .M. Railway was voted upon inf Toronto` last Sati_trday, and-_ was .cnrr_ied by a` majority of1'o'ur hundred and sixty"- efght.-V ' ` . V w~71V`here could -herhdly hive` been. nnyf . doubt. as to the reatllt of ' the vote, utter . reudingtlte names of the parties _ peti- _r tionmg to have the By-Law submitted, tburwhat was expected to be `a pretty ati opposition was got up-some day, Abelore the polling, andwe understand- ; that the President wateeked on Frida mght to wnthdraw the By-Law `rather than have it voted down so strong were the anti? supposed to be. `O. IIVL- ._-__I- ..a rn-.___a_ 'I.---- 'L-..-- UVIUCIIU IIIJIIIJ IU IUDBI Ill|clc|-30` 'The Toronto .vote must do away. with any lingering idea, if such still exists, that this Railway project is only a bluff game. .When a'Munici- Al pality over 60 miles distant, and which can `derive nobenefit for two or three years is willing to contribute so largely the local Municipalities which are p goingto derivean immediate as well `:13 a lasting advantage from the work "should not_be- less prompt or less liberal in proportion to their ability. H The slack is all new and _cnrefully_ e1e. ` ugd, therefore the drugs are fresh, pure and lreliablg at the new Dyug Store, A- V. Pal- ; 8; Co., opposileVMcWVa:l s Barrie Hotel. The people of Toronto; h1ve,t _h'ow. ever,/become-too keenly alive. to the odvantageotf lnying the surrounding country under tribute to their city through the A instrumentqlity of _Raitl-. ways not to" benware that they would get a handsome return for their outlay in the present instance, and they" voted the hon us accordingly. f'I`I__ _..A___.'-____ _( I'l1,_.__,A, I ,, I ,-_. ,- .-- ._.v ..v.. ..- ...-v ..-..-.....-- Ile acted as the late Postmaster s as- ~sis1r\nt for sorne years, and continued n the otce for some time after Mr. Lane sfdeath.A His civility and prompt attention to his duties in this position are well _remembered by our towns- people, and, we believe, also that the gentlemen belonging to the legal pro- fession would hear testimony, if needed, to the satisfactory manner in which he u-ttentlcd to the business of the County Court and Crown. Ofce duringrthe. ielder Mr. Lane sillness, and since his death. We trust that his new` career will bea prosperous one; as there is` l [young man reaping the reward of good : I conduct and personal merit. nothinw more leasin than to see 9.1 I I: _ g . . -The enterprizo of Toronto has been lately calling forth the admiring com- ments from all {arts of the 'Dominion,_. and deservedly so. There is no section of Ontario more identied with her progress than ours',`nnd we shmild feel .a gratication in vcoutribhting to her prosperity as the capital of our Pro- vince-,Vso far it can be done without evident injury to local interests.` ` `Thu 'pnrnnf.1\.rnfn I-nun? n-In nnynu uvuyu. _ - > Though. the returns were net all, - inthere were suicient to show [that the by law had been carried by a large majority. Mr..Parson`s read the result 130 far as received, and concluded by M announcing Ihat the ma]prity amount- edjto `close upon five hundred. Tins" `cheers. announcement was received with.loud ,.__.I_-._ -l A-__A_ _-A_.__ AL-.- ___- Namizmaua.-'-Use Dr. J. Briggs Allekiannlor fol` .Neurnlg|a, Headache, Catarrh, Sdre Throa'.' Brunchili-1,651: It is agreeable to use, and re- inblc. Sold by Druggisls. 8883m ' . "BANK APPOINTMENT." _ VVVe learn that Mr. 'VV1lliam H. Cope- land of this.tow_n has .oLtained- an ap- Dpointment as Clerk in the Bank of Toronto. VVe are glad to nd that his deserts lmvo met with such .11 `satisfac- ' tory recognitiomand w_e'm'e justified in 1 saying that his present employer : will Ihaveno reason to "regret makirig the appointment if he gives them as much -satisfactiori in the performance of. his now duties as heghas given to his {or- ! whom he`was_ brought intocontnct. i `Il.....o.J ,. .L,,I,., r\-_.i,-,,., 9 met ones; and also to the public . with 7\0i'6,i3rd"1li:cin, 1870, ; Taij "RAILWAY BONUS `IN . .-_'r_om_;1~u*c,>.._ NEW LAW mi 0 ` ORILLIA` RACES. , 1'30 npouling otall.-former lunon usury And inunu `will be conoommnt: with tho ' panning of { tbl_I*In9tl9n! ohxc:p;,I:in.. pnouu `y .7 , ox dwor ' " g_`oI ,Ybr binlr _ oi. Inca:-"posts: 5 ,_ V Idp|Alm`lor s v9te.9}nIo_tost ..... .. .. nauusueu or the actual state of -ahira. Sir F`. Hincks objected to` the ques4 tion being pushed until after the trial of Re`nll`en- etein, which would take place very shortly. `Be eamted the House that elthough there had certeinlybeen gross . culpability. it was not ehergeebleto the system` itselt, but to an entire neglect of therulee on lwhlch the system had been estehlieh_edv.V 7 Q" _ V - . ' ' The Mlnleter of Finenee wlll move, on the lllh-ihat.,thet_ln all cases whereby the Aztec- ment of the `parties concerned, or else by low, interest it .paynble end nojrete has been fixed `it A the eeld pertlee or_ by luv, 6 per cent! per lnll I'll 50 ul IQDAI rnln nf tun-n--A A $oiK;t\1iilf.-My-~:1im9v.V-n~!` tinny. onlin ` H `fora um ugh of the Waco!) of large capita- y. _:w1;jc!I_q.rI[g(avq found s_unti:_.l.Io but M he rei;~i"rr`eiu`o`nIs M in advanced age, and an. * Improved and gmlunlly inohuing nyslotifqf. - -` and emanates : but the -niin ahira. Hincln: nh:...o...: .-- AL- '~I`.he f(le'talcations brohhght to light by the Reilfensteiu exposure we;-eVadlvert'ed tovby Min. Mackenzie. who demanded that full particulars should be furnished of- the actual The argutncnls on Import Duty evidently bore reference to the question of a. new Reciprocity Treaty being_esta.blished between Canada and the United States. T " ` _ i A Sir F. Hincks_ thought that it wasvinexpedient to disnss the matter at length just at. present, as negotiations were on foot with the United States Government for the better arrangement - 0! Commercial matters between the two coun- tries. * " ' .m'i`he Intercoioniai Railway tronble we: again brought on the -tapis. The explanation: as to tho integrity of. the undertaking were not, on . the whole, satisfactory. The 1 Government re-` marked` that they were n'nacqnaintad- with the liubilitieeof the direct contractors to their sub: dontrnctorsi ` ` --._,...A.... ...... ennui: Au icncrence to we en- terprise of the Canadian Press in procuring and publishing intormation in advance of_ Govern- mental precedent. The Prime Minister de- nounccd. this system, remarking that the documents should `not go to the newspapers until the members had seen them. Discussion on the matter resulted in the establishment of the Rights of the Press, which-, although a breach lot` - principle, had become a matter of practice. V - . ` l`I"l... '..A....--`A~9 ` V" ` r-:-rum `- xqpotllngj ofilliloriior fnwidn sad .oolooml,tuIl.*1wi1h. ` nu-In-v V _ . y `aunt VA \J\Illll-IIUI U5! The question of` Intmperanee is receiving attention. Petitions from : `New Brunswick, Nora Scotia and Prince Edwnrdvlsland were presented asking for the establishment of an ehriate _Asylum__ for the Deminion. Coinplarint was made inreference to the In In---:-.. Al AL- 1'1` - ` Mr. Angus Morrison imrbduced A Bill for_ the. amalgamation of the Royal Canadian Bill with the Bank of Commerce. fl-VL` __ _ _ _ _ `!_ , 1| 1 . ' Petitions warn presented from numerous quarters, praying for the impositionof duties on Dominion grain, &c.', imported into Canadn. 'P11_tMi1v1vf: {ms ;1'H0b1s'r socxAL,~ Q o_v_-o-.. . . - ng .---a q,-ow-,-_.... _ - - .Connio:ing ,;thn-t_ the ion gregnn ion of. this` Chiirch is as?` yet Vcoxnparatively smallho nttendanco last e'AveVnin'g at l.ho_`Socinl in: _tha_ Town Hall was a very fair`ono,_ther -being also as usual ' a good many balongingto other congre- gations present." VI._ ...__I....-._...... ..f 6.... L.-inn I-.n:nn I` W53 q"U3UU" UI |UIIU,n - Mr. Capreol alluded to the great common-, lal canals and olher like works w,hrch.had been successfully accornplrahed. and felt that" if vugnrouslv taken hold of lhiu- would, be riqxrally succesgful. He further allrided mils great importance to the prosperity of the Do- mmimi. Ila also small llralhe wu con- rlem that if a commensurate gram of land was giver), :1 aysram of canal communicuion could bu p-3rle'cm.l from Day Verne lo rho hem! of [Also Superior;'and lhecapilnl be fcinlr'cnrrIiug. . 'l`nn rhnunnlinn -nflor ncrlzilrinn cf rnfmnh- r.-u~:-\n.v- IIAII (III' . Sir F. ' IIihck s Banking scheme was carried by 9 inajority of 81. ' The opposition did not s1_iow in, such. good form as they had pro-' _rnised and even threatened; and it may be sug- gested that the Finance Minister has consider- rably strengthened his position by the resuli. Hon. Mr S.-anhnnan inn-n.I.m..A'.. mu __u_.- Hon. Mr. Sanbome introducedhill relvsting to omcial Assignees, which was` read a_ first time. ' ....._, :...,;..5.ucu=u ms pusmon by the result. I I I .1:-av--r rn vuw pa -- The preltmeunrv of teahaving being; ;satisfactorilyldis_posed of, Mr. N. King um. ninunpl on Ihn n-hair and after. In refereocc to the suhject of Confederation, regarding `which Sir A. T. Galtrecently ex- ` pressed his_ yiews, he brought before the House on the 5th iust., his osynletter to Sir` John Young, concerning -the offer made to him : by Her Majesty's Government to confer on- him ' the Orderiof St. Michael and St. George. Ile aecepted the distinction, claiming the` right at the some time of expressing his views to regurd to the Confederation of the British North Ameri- cnu'Provinoes, which, he maintained, ` must ultimately lead to their separation] from Great Britaint Sir John'Young, in reply,` producedln ' letter from Lord Granville, ratifying the pro? posed honor inttho faceof the opinion3>ex- pressed by Mr. Galt. ' Q1. 13 `I 1Z__I.I n 'ulI3lIII3|UIII' .UIDllU3U|l VI, LVAIO AV: LIJN5 was moved, _to` the chair , and after. some introductory remarks Introduced the Rev; Mr. Edgar, whose lecture on the `greatest wonder of the world, was, as it was intended to be, the great attractian of the "entertainment. nu__ n .... _-.-.1 I--a...._.. ......!.......\.....l uuruuuwu U1 lvll_t' Ull|nUIHIlllll.lUIll-n Thb Raverendh lecturer endeavored V to popularize his subject as much as ., interspersmg. itrwilh anec-i doles and amusing digressions, and no doubt succeeded in showing his audi-4 enco _that The Greatest Wqnder of the World is the Human Body. An.-- nu . ..I..-.. .4 ol..:.. ...I.l..-... 4|... IIIU VV III III I3 $|IU lllllllllll Lluu, n J _Aer the closet oi this `address the Rev. Mr. Milne: said that the lateness of the hour wouldfbe his apology tor not asking several other, gentlemen could not see the meeting come to a close withoitt acknowledging the kind- nesseof the ladies who had assisted in preparing the substantial part of the evening : entertainment, and who had . been so active in `disposing of. tickets, and he therefore begged to move that a vote of thanks be given to them. Rev. Mr. Edgar _seconded the motion, which was` carried with acclamatien. - 1-),;. . an- rt_.__t,_.| _---_'._.l_.I LL. who were present to speak, but that he l yuuuvu mlcresc. . ' No .C_ommissin'ns chargeu-no shares reqmred to be tnken--ho nes to pay, and no expense of renewals. - S wrest, is men uamweu mm` In settlement. He has the privilege, as he may find in con- venient, of payinginto the sinking fund, over and abdve his regular contribution. any. even sum above $100, in reduclioiof his mortgage. and for which he is allowed` 6 per cent. com- pound interest. ' Nn nnminiuaidna nlunv-um; ,_n,\ ..L....... .........!-,.,-I W53 UIIIIUU VVILIL _i1UUll1}llul~lUlJn V Rev,Mr, Hansford, seconded by Rev. Mr. Fraser, moved a (vote of thanksto Rev. Mr. Edgar. f0r.his able and instructive lecture.` The motion bemg declared carried, the Rev. gentleman made a few suitable remarks in reply. _ A unfn n` Qhonlra uyntllrnn vnruarf in Ionucmmug. Tnevd.-pmnIion,Tafter partaking cf reflelh- mama. tuok a courteous leave of His Ex- foe.'leuc,'. ' -:- , ulna: no III I I-4!!! o [A vote of that1ke.tvast1ten given to the Chairman,_ the Choir sangkthe doxolugy, and the'Rev.' Mr. Fraser- hnving pronounced a blessing the meet- ing broke up, an annuuncement having been rst made that there would be another. social this evening, as the ladies h_ad with their usuat hheirality overprovided. Admission 10 cents. ID 2.) years. _ . A He has, however. always the privi!age- of liberating his estate from the mortgage at any time, on giving six months notice, whilst the Co_mpany.renmins bound to the end of the term of twenty-three years, and the amount he has paid iuto'the sinking fund, with compound in- terest, is then izllnwed him in settlement. `Tn Ian: 1|-In nriniln.-ma nn 1.... ........ C...) .5 A..- This Compahy as we have said in a. former occasion, isbne or the best, if not altogether the very best, of the many that have been qr- ganized for the pufpose of lexidivngmoney. Its 'annual repprtis just published, and shows that a safe and aalisfnclorv business-has been trans- ected dt_m'n_g the pat year. `In. .I..L.._A..__- -1r__ - ___,_1 -,_-_. , ,_. _-.1 _ - - - - - _ - . --3 ..... l..-.;-J\...u- K Ivts dbenltures offer a good investment either tqlarge or small capitalists, and it offers the fo1lm.ving adiantnges to borrowers. A L`.-.-.-....'..... -_._.'.-. L- __n_j _, _,..a_1, ,1, ----uqrrvvuyvl. yv I-1:} vu Ana ucuh He `pays to the Company in all` 10 per cent. per annum--8` percent. being for interesrand ihe expenses of nmnageme_nt, and 2 per .ceut., his own money, be pa_v':1in`o a sinking fund, at compound interest, and which cancels the debt in 23 years. A luau. hnwnvim ah-mm: cl... ....:..:l...m -4` __._.. .....a ._..........5u nu u-ununuuan Ain`o1'ro\s{er cnnbot be called on suddenly cr nznexpectedly to pay off his debf. ' no ha.-a On H... {V ...... ... ,.n. .n _ . _ _ -_. CANADA LANDHED CREDIT cuumxy. PARLIAMENTARY sUM.\1.-uuf. Catiadian ormation Govern- deut. Minister nnl.1 'nn| nn ....1_. ..-_L_ 'reference >-....- :_ _..--,, - - UVIWUI Us A number of toast: were then pro- posed, among others that of the health of Mr. Fruuk Smith, Frsidant of ftho Board ofhovxsioual D1recto rs`of the Muskokn Hallway. . . ` N/Ir .Qn11`ll\ {)1 rauhAn'1rI:sun n:u:Ii `no vn_- Aulenpalrlli or will give information whibll 1v'i`ll' Vlevalil to. lfgcqvery. will be liberally mwardcd. ..'?`9!*.7#"?i31I-lF9*I19'.:.*97- = = 4.104`. L. nurrl not -,..__--- u ----C II 3? -0:116 II`:-(er ghjn-_the o)her, with tails about an Linchlon . V Any body who will return them to Mn I'k l'7 9iel;..~Ban`lo_,`1 or to III N. Stephens, Gfadlniiz m-:u;..__ - - ~ - I%,E!Y9;.l4!!*F[;+w%wasI m we accorumg I9 quality. . P.uT--Receipts `mic "day 360 bual Shipmomo. nil. Peas` gte still held r Hholdau asking 58c. lorprime, `with 566 uxullu quiet and unchanged. Banu-:Y-ReceipIs per rail 1 800 bnshe's. Shipments per _G. T. R. 1317 bushels. Market uielnnd` `possibly [ha Iuan wanker. Sale of? cm-`nI',56 cents. delivered. Street MBI'ltdl- modernlalyfnclive; prices for choice: from 85 lo 60c.,'anil` for lower grades 44 In 550 according I9 quality. ` Ps.u`-~Recaim- '-mi. `.1.-.. am 1...--.--- bbisdiuo a xvnugu-pI'O0l and as lor 'l'ren:hvell. ~ Fl.~UR-R_eceIpLa pl-`I mil 500,hbls' mama per G. T. R, 100 bbis. The improve men! inlhis market continues mute or less ntrenlhened by me advance of three p(`_nCe- per bbl. in_lhe English nmfkel. _ Sales 0! l00.lbs. anpetne at Brampqon at $3 60. IUO I $3.60 on the cars here, and 300 bbls. nupelne at equal to 365 here in slow. _0A1'a-+.Receipls nil. Shipments nil Mafket quiet and unchange . _ ' _ BABLEY4-Recain|n n.-r rail 1 mm L.--u.,.- Ship- Wxu:.\1'-R='ceI.`prs p9`r mil 3 960 bustw s Shipments" per G. T. R. 350 lm5he s. Th: advance in the English markets` of two CEIH: vpercentai has further heightened the View tn hoidera. who now ask rates so far beyond tha- hmits of buyers so far as to enlxrety ch:-vk transactions. No Sprung or Midge-pto-It otfating mi "Chaug'e except an infer-orsamph uf Spnng for which no offers hie re.-ported` Ssreet market OOHVIHIIES active at 8! cents tn.- Midge-proofand 85 for 'l'n-mt..;.n V rn.u.s.---Uz_u-Dr J. Briggs Pile Bemei tt:run|,'Exle-rnnl;'Blecding and l_Ir~hmg s.'we_s ianmcdia1e.reh_ul and is ycliuble. Drugglsts, ` IV BANK or Uvpsn _CAxAr).\ in Tm: D..:u;.x- tO.`_1' PA_RI-'A.`\Xl:.'V"l` --_On the 21th. .\Ir. .`.lr- Kenzie moved for the correspondence re- lating to this bank. and iii tlningsn, cnlietl the attention of th'e.Hous,e'to- the u_ttsatist'ac- tory way in \'t'ltiul`t the alfairsol the bank were conducted. He saitl there had bl'l'l $14,000 expended in the last three year.-z.and that aeingle Iiqtiiilntorehnultl be appoinmtl to e nl'oru.'e,settlements. Sir Francis Hincks anliroly agreed with Mr. McKenzie. as to the satisfactory state ol-:tlT.1irs. and promised me` logillation on the subject woultl be had at an early day. Mr. M-.-Konzie again recurred tn the suhject,aHirming thatthcre was- reason to believe that a. large portion of the prop~Jrx_\- had mzrerially detoriated in -value. mid that any possible increase in value would be more than counterbalanced by the taxes an.l ext pen.-zen tncitleut tn retaining it. Mr. Baki- coinvitletl in this new, and-urged that steps be taken at once. V We have repeatedly` called attention tr" this matter, and urged the duty of rlccisivu action u'pnn"tha Government. The assets have been ritirset! long enough, _\\`hut re mains should be realized at once. This play- mnv conflict with izultvitlual interest. but it is the, only one consistent with the rights if ceeditors: tlteir canary can only 5:: er ln delay -- Monetary Tunes. - IUISSIOU K0 I'3ILl. V - _ . `The Hon. Senator Allen, upplemented the remark: of the Mayor,` by expressing the in-- Iereet he"took in the movement on one of no small importance, and which would greatly tend. in his opinion, toconeolidate Coofedera-` ti_,on and bind us together. The hon. gentle- men alluded .to the reciprocal trade that qivonld lollow won `an enlargement of our canola as would enahte our grain to nd "its way to Halifax in vessels of` paying capacity, "which would bring tons in return, the cool and the other products of the Lower Pro- : vIncee.- And` if the project was great, look- ing at it in this limited light, if in addition by 43 comprehennivehpoltcy, the carrying trade of the great. North Weetcould be secur- ed. the benefits would be incalculeble. V u:- D....-n...._.. .t.- 0..."... M. ..:.l Mme Ihn I-`.AT.Tll is Srn.\"c'_rn.-Tn pres-em m conquer disease is une cl zhe ,zr.`.mlz-51 iinain merits ever aimed :11 by man-; and ,[ ,r3-31],; _Pulmonio Wafers wi sure cure coiigiis, colds, tickling in the throat and pulmon.'iry' slroy. Se-were C0l(lS ilnor allcmled to snonci or later lead to incizrablc `consumption, and :lie srreng'h of the srrongcsl snpn fails if neg leclcd. The readies! and best means known lor Ihe cure of Ihese cnm_pl;iint`s is B_\-run ; Pulmonic Walers, wlzirsli have been llln. roughly tried for the las! u\'em_v yeay5_ am; have never been iknown lo fail. Singenr and publicspealrers will also derive gveai lienelfromllie use` of l_hem` Sold by all medicine dealers. at 254.-ls. per box. cornplainls, as war :1n'd7p'csxilence will de- ' VTRAYED. I St":-dyed Glcnairn, on Monday, 28:11 W ` V V February. 7 l`11f9.,. Eli.-.1`-Flivgeuus We-=_u'_-V` ii.-:"Tniz origin-.oI-the rewhiclr_.occur -T a "red the other gym tire-Reiormatuiy Vprisonat-`Penetanguisliene, and was so destructive indits efTects, has` not yet been ascertained. The Warden .1188. been `unremitting in his endeavors to discover the cause, "but themytery is still__ nnexplmned._ .We'. understand that in Mr. Re_inbird s shop, where the conagration`originated, the fire in tin stove had been extinguished as early as 3.30 p. m., about the time when the boys go `into school." This statement has been established by evideuceol a nature entirely satisfactory. it The building was locked at 5.30 p.mi., st , that no- one, it would seem, could have `access to that portion ofitwhere tln re commenced without the CUgfllZll1Ct oi the guard on duty. The Warden. ; himself, was indefatigable in his exer tions, and but for him there is litur- i doubt that the consequences would I have been exceedingly disastrous. A~ `it was, the re wasconned to a singl- building, and the only absolute los: sustained is the roof of the old Bur racks; the stone and brick which re- main might very well be utilized it A the manner suggested by us when we last visited the Reformntory. ucauu;-_:- III, uuuu |.'::L'UliIC [Il. lVa(I8(' with " it, and evt-'ry' one who has uwd I31! . Canadian Pain Des,I.oyk-1 van speak of `le magical frezcl, it has In subyluing c:~.n__y!;s, ' coida,-pleurisy, rheumatism. cram'p:n-. or ab pains nf`Ihe human body. Sold by n21 f\1;.lj cine Dealers M25215 per bullle; Dyspepsia is a Hyrzi II-. 8\!k: d` .\I_nns_2er frr.-xx , which manly all`- 1hecI.s ! hurnau [lest is hezr In originate. Tm: [ ux_Ix'.`nm Spup 3 pru'ecledLsuIuu-=n_ 0!` the pxr.:.axE-!r= er Iron. 1: along tried and well esl;;l;:is|:cu! remedy {:1 lhrs dxslresing cnmpla.m\_: I1 hasvclm-4! abou- sauds when oxher term-`mes have failed. Gamvs AND LAB.UR.--AI_'ex.'1nIler Harm` Innhnce said lo` an `inli hate friend, mm 1iz'ive_tue sonic cudn for gamma, all the :_;+>nu:.- `I lngve liesjgm in this, when I have a sub- j-.-cl in hand I and) , It pru.'nuu and nigh! it" is before me. I miplorc it in an in.- 'uea`Iin,r,zs- my mmd becomes pmvadeu who the .Can:zdmnl`ain the manical '5-{Tm-l it [ms nu snhdnina m~n..'.` The-lives of lhv_)usand's of honzos have bl.-up eaved during Ihe pas! year. and the credui a~ due in "V Darle_v s% Cundnion l .'m~deIs mm Arabian Henve Remed_v. Thus pxeparrmm is being exte-ns"i've:y usvd,,an:l exams {run all ma highest price. Nothing of me kiln . has ever befole been hall .a.= snzmtessful 0: givn - such universal 's::li~1'aclmu; m. advise all who own horses to kcop a su[`.p?\ of .1 on hand-i' may be Ihe meuI1s(fs3vxm_ yuu r`horse svlife.' Rk2mevn1verIhr- narn-,':an` see that !he signature of [lmd 3L Cu, IS m cuh`p:1r'I:a?_;:+. N(;I':hI<`p 8. . Lyman, Nv"V~' c'asNe .`().n.. Proprielun fur Cnnaxda. Sun! by all Medicine I)`:-alers. - "A youhg man named Thomas Cava- nagh was killed in Medonte on. Satur- day las't, by bemg struck by a tree which was being felled. 1' Ln I ..__.,__.-1 2... 41.. .. ......- .. my -7-... . V . . _ ..- He `was much respected in` the neighborhood on a.` steady indusl.-ion. mun. lieleaves a young wiievnnd one child. ` cu. HIE UUHBHLU WOUIU UU _lllU'll5\llIU|Uo His Excellency the Govemorvuidjhat iho .s6bje'vcl was, one `of great impoance andha should feel glfeal ple'nnbre in bringing it bo- fore the [Privy Council. Afler_al|, however, it was aqneslion of money. Mr. Canrnnl nllmlml to the area! comman- DR. M.I-1'4cc'm. Principal la the Hami tcn Inrmary, will visit Bzuine Queen s Hate on Tuesday. March 15h, (one day only where the afflicted `can consult him. [5 medical men and Ihe Press of Canada he i~ yrunounced to be excec-di_ng.'_\" s!:iHl'u' Palieniq ishould not: lose the opporzuniry ul seeing him, as he-belong Io an institution ix which all kinds of diseaces came under I. observation. ~ - . ~ 904 6;. _ P1 Dr J _ t:l'unl.'Extr'nn|` 1m... Fife ' at `Pn1;a;xguish' fie- ,__l,2_`l_ A.-nl iitlsr Banlo,': to 73-1: `If: in or; will give whfch will |I_Qll' l"Q0O,"\|"). bill libernllv rnunnlul KILLED BY A TREE. "}BxTcIv'fo m'.uzEE'1-s'.' `-,.__..._..._.. IIORSES SAVED; .... u. an` Blish mar|V(eIVeAV:f 1erhsi_2nIened .1 ask far enlxmy Snrmg nr M..I.... nvn--I ` 375885 Benn}.-ilvl edmn nml h..h....-. 13.. x "i1 .{y 360` bu .h;,... firmly. Mime. with 56:: Ma `L'\ for In Plies. ..l.l I... FUES. Sold In SS8-3|. ,_,V . ~ - . ` Th -snoAGH,: Anmq . . V ,, `-1 y" . .1. .`A,.'.' V " on uue (.0 me noovc mentioned imp: x 13 -` the Act for Quieting Titles to Real l-.11 Upper Canada," and bath prmlnccil w; Iv whereby he appears to be that owner ll:--zc-vi Y -fee, subject to two certain blurtgngou lnulv : 04 a `set out in his petition lit-rein, one it) I14- Cunniughnm, and the other tn C. S. G1.u\. ~\ wherefore any otherpcrson having or [ir(`;\ z. : ing to have any title to or interest. in tin: ~ . 1 mud or any part thereof, is required on ( :- 1 ` Fore Wednesday, the Thirteenth day of .\zl= - now next ensuing, to le a statement of 3` ~ claim in my oicc situate on Owen Slrrvf. x: `the Town of Barrie, in said County or S rm va- uml to serve in copy on the said John Dorm. `f on Messrs.'Ardagb, Ardagh it Strnthy, at` th: said'1`own-of Barrie. l1la"Solicitors,.nnd in I - e fault every such claim will be has-red, an! UH _ title ofthe saldxlohn Corblt become nbsvli-" .b_n_rjQ indefensible at-Luv` and-in equity, suhj-` 1 on! .!91110l'_I!8:'1'v'atlins mentioned in the um ' 9 .9?! K"c_l.``thltr_elu mentio..c-J, and A" H set forth. .;.;`ot Knifch, i__g7o. in .r_.._.... OTICE IS IIER.E=:Y GIVEN. Thu 1 Corbir, ofltho Township or I-I~:.i County of Simcoe, Yeoman, hath nnmic. - cation tothe Court ut'Chn`ucer_s- for u cm: of Title to the above mentioned yropmu "` Onielimr Ticln an Raul 1.1: . In the matter of thr: East. 121?; of Lot, `~ umber `I`hi-rtectv. 1:1 the Eighth Concession 91%.: Township of `Essa, in the County of Simcoe. IN 0H/_woE.iav 5 f-Ils.'8. A. ALL!-Z.\",S ZYLOIAL:`- rr,4rzr.7!:'a.-4 _/br I/1: II.::`- _ r , '.'v/'. /:."I.`v '11:. ;:I. I! :r r p u as -a lxlrir [)I".I ` :zrb:'p:zA'.{,,'a! I 1;`,-1 '1` I. - 1 auA.l.:lI- I. II nil; 3 win liesiorc (icn-uyliair {:1 3 i\i'.\uu':|J Life, Color :::2dAl2<-:1 It is a most delightful Hair 1h'<`=siu,;. It will promote luxurimn. grvjnwth. i'.\LLIx(} ILUR is iInm~'di:1tv.`!;~' C`:-.`\`:`\` lu:\'IIfn(5Cu_(: x: ry cu. rm.` 0/1. ; m t '3 `gi-`0`1`A`. T/3 l\" . m'rr .1t:`.'f`/_l`-'z."'.z.: rm" orumioufe :. :!.";.{ct.:r. SOLD BY-.xI.1 I . Xftuprig tun, 5.1K '\'nu Unix` .2 C . Wuv .--~. _ '35 Batch] 5:. 13.1 to !'m'.- 12;... .'vI.'II."I.' .`:!Nm'1.'!. If 3': : ::.-mu : ""1 results. 1!: 4; /1.?! 1')rr.u` 1 * n.- \. V. Pahm-r, and Alexander 3. . (R2,; --..a -u n-:nn.:'u_v A . W . U'u.".'t`II Uh`. I Br:1HbI`d: Gm.-i*n &: Bru.,' Craigz. N31. :llPdi(`Il1t' dealers. ' , . -V V `New Style. Important (`!mn;z. _ A REAL HAIR BESTORER AND D2LLS:L'.` Cbmbined in` cue Battle. MIHICI '0: A At"! --H wznomecl in nine Battle. mms. A. AI.l.E 115.-us: RES'I`0l_i:E-3 \`_'i:.I I:....,...... .._.___.,.-. -`S1ariug,_when - amlllohttrotnooculonul--,,._` .g5oof,by-the.aide........;...., Pork, 1.6,:oo.'.u'-.o.o......,,._ .I.:0n naltouo-o 0-.....,._-. 7Iay......'................ riutl`,................... .._ '~)zgs......,................, h`lour4 50-and 500 ac_cord;n;,; 1 ~'o:utoes {inles.................... 3.'ll`l(`]...o................... 7 .-11514.--.` . . . , ,;...,. c-Ia Ovc3"-`f&tI:o_:aQnDlganp .`.:; x't'a9..........;.. w'h2ep_ skins . . . . '` Cordwood Green. ')ordwo9d Dry. -. .. -----~-_--------------- (m.\'s_.-nAI:~r), SUI-"I" .-x.\'n 1* ; JGURNS, buuions, large or sn;u'.l,, `\..:|.. .......... ......m...: 4-... P1RI01\'J_A'X..--11. is seldom that v`ve`Bave V to perform u more pleasant duty than .to of rising merit. And such duties `aie doubly welcome when they liavelgseal "claiims upon -our notice. `We have great pleasure in cougtatulvatiughe .loWn'shxp of 0:0 ` upon Producing its"quot`a ._9f -men of sense, amhztionmnd ability. . The ele- vation of Mr. Dpnald `Cdmpbell, eon of Archibald Campbe1'l._;Esq., at _0:5o,'-' to Manager of ' `.1.heT~Ba`nk_ pf; .T0`I'0I1l.O' Agency qt Barrie,_x4n_ust he it-`souu`:"e of . grout gratication -.tq'a'lVl_ his"f|7iends and . !D0\Yl0(lgelI.+d is cerlaidly 9. (naik of `giant di$c`rimib`,| -" lion; and -gopd jud'g5nj2en_t1n; the otcets of tha'_:_ Inatimtiop;'_._v*Mr,; 0'ambe.I1,~ . even in his ejrly bdyhpoglgi give ;e_\*; v.i;; I encebf greulf -p:d __e`ncB;"tnfd an-g3leVi't`y,' ' united w_ith a -`tare fab; Iiii l_Ii s?-Tiu't4eI`.~`-"3 course wm.-i Ihe:se"fjw;i;tbe`\v'h'i_> x:i i,6!i}' i. "' "tidy: h . ins" * b?'!d.:,t9hut!m!!: ]lIl\AVO_.'1[llLll' Dljl` I" - snug] `mils, -sweat-smlded fa.-ct. !.'<:., r51 nedintely and soon cured by nmp !rigg's Modern Cumtim ucc-um. F, ions. It never dot-S harm; uh` -.v ," iold inarrie by A_lc.xax.dcr & (. ._[, uedicine deulexs. ' ' .-\.\U1'} . 1`)'Ai:L_I-;Y .~s Arabian F01 . 110115125 ,& <,f.2'i"1 1.... .1 NEVER F/IILING 1.`I',j.`.Ji.", `lie r(-medy.- ., EUR;`U.Gl A,lII~2.*.I5A.(}I:r:.snE:3 1' . l`,'c., cured very quickly by u Sygga Allevanlor .1 :ufc, n;;ruL~ul.!,~; Sold by all Imm.-31 1 hung, in I unnnu, l'.\ I l`4K_'\ ing and itching, relinvczj H1 , :ured.jby using Dr. J. }ri'_'z=,' I lemerly. soothing, safe unq` ,.;.;;u ll medicine dc-ulms fei GaAf f;[I;: 1. ms }2OSS I E;i{io)DlU_ llIl.~ UH `;oVllI:.- , Nxm %C\"ai3. my-,7 mun.-. .5] xlcrnnl Puisl Ian... nee `HM... _.--_ _TIIIS. vnlu.~.b.'c-_ prvpnranr m-di-.-inn! virlucs nl Ihusu:-1: ;,~.-ru'r.('c lm".-z prn.Vv':l XII [m_~-- 'H'|-ivnl p.u[)cT!ic.~'fur|. 1'e' prnm<, Bgx:..<.~;.- , Halls of 11.1141-.un-` _\'nIn-in l'n'l... cAa:~.n:m :. V Cnnss J.U. s Dr, J. Briggs Cnrat`iv`e fnr Crus Bunions, ingnjowing Nails. Slod bv all Druggisls. , ., --~-.:: 838-Sm )!LES,ImNTBRNAL, VI-:?xr1-21:: inrr nml ivnh':my rnlimu-ul ... gig 5.1K Y Bnxcluy S}. Park 1` .\`ca~\'a I Barrie. 5| T.-\V. (,Z-. -. - . L. nlv-y {Au/ .IV..~.. \\ \ \ \ \\\\\\ V'lf|', unu :h`l'X1|l2 ;h'rL-cn S: Bro, 1!;-1|`.-rs f;s,m 111E MARI{E l'. ` A [Mitch 3rd, N()P.'I`IlI:0P 3.? 1.` .'.-"I:.':4_(";"o'rT1~:x:, #19! at Barrie, `uv iulcd Lcrci " . AN Orinrennoxvs LoD c';e7.-'--We un- derstand Messrsr H. Sutherland, Coz- ' Zeus, Doolittle, and_vJ.- O. .McMnllen are about to organize an odd-fellows lodge in this village. .The fraternity is an excellent one, and we wish our brethren of the Order every success in their elI'orts,toedvaucc the irrterests of this excellent society. Dr, Ramsaty has eonsentedto lend his assistance. A meeting is advertisedto take place at this office on next Thursday rvening._ All Scarlet Degree Members, Inde- pendent Order Baltimore Unity, are: particularly requested 7'.|to' atteud'.-;-_ N_ort/mm Light. - l Is :1 curtain mi of 1ec}'1_\' at 131-` . BE.-\1'Tl1`1 I.`i2` I\'nt11rc'\ ('2-I '- `Yon-.\lu>t |_'I1l:;\ <:}:.n' I!.\i llllfd mr, .'fPelili .o. I UH H_ ;to;qualit ..; _'-an /. 8 00 fr ". 00 m; `. 00 fw `()`nnnlh.. E`_zuHe`v an lg.` 5 50 /I'D 7_ -0017]? -vutlll 1 `(Int nn m- uucuo ` Remarks were` also made `by Mssis. Merrick, , Robmson, - Dickey, Turner, ElIiott,J. Kelly, Vance, J. E. Smith and qthers, after which the -Company separated "with three [cheers for the Muskoka - Bail way.-- Telegraph. `L4 5:-rm -a,. mo. um wuulu uuuuuuuuy. guneelhs.) His Worship the `Mayor, in replyto the vtoastqofhis health, said the by-law, -though carried by the people, had yet to beratied by the Council, and the ratepayers might rest satised that be-T {one it. was ratified, every security. lled} _ __ `should be given and every pledge fu'l- j qunyugau tuutu w_UuIu uslz. \Ul_lb'vr$}.` V Having paid a high tribute` to the characternnd energy of tho'director.~i of the Muskoka railway, Mr. Cumberland concluded by expressing the hope that- the thrice Toronto railway projects, now in ,progress, would be promoted in nintuol good will, and in 'a` spirit of commendable emulation, whose object should be which 01 them should be made to contribute most largely to the ad- vancement of the city and the. good of the whole community. (Cheer_s.) Worshm the 'lWn\vnr. in rnnliffn rangernent with the Northern by which the commercial comrnmunitv should be-guarded against the macluuations of that fellow,Cnrnberlanda [Loud lau h- ter.] In: reply .. to this ~'baclrhan ed compliment he would say and he ap- . peeled tobis friend, Mr. Frank Smith,- to testify to the fact that from the very .. rst hehad giventhe bestand most zeal- ous service of alcitizen even although `A it had been and was his duty as a rail- way manager to watch t_he interests of the Northern. This _railway as now constttuted wasia very, conservative company, quite prepared, he believed, to full ever reasonable .req'nirem_eut in the interests of the communities which it served butcarelttl a.gainst"any speculative rashness,`having encounter- such terrible dissasters in -its earlydays. [Hear, hear;] As regarded any de- nite agreement betwen the Northern and" Mnskolra Compan_ies for the work- ing ofthe traic ofthe newline, the Canadian Boardof Directors could not act in so important a matter ywithout consultation with their English collea- nvnu I.usuvvuy,. aruavlu uuuuulug IQ by-law, to have made a denite 1 ~ goes _and their full concurrence, but . when theuew C_ompany had completed: its capital -account sofar as regarded , the municipal bonuses, .aud.the time- . had `come for . discussing those "details oftrafiic, he felt sure that the authori- ties ofythe Northern would regard any propositions made to them inia most liberal spirit. (Cheers.) Some persons hadsaid that the construction of this new extension ought to lo undertaken by the Northern Company itseli,but such an expectation was surely, un- reasonable when it was recollecled that the proprietors of the Northern Railtvays were `comprised: of English bondholders, the interest on whose securities was limited to six per cent, sn` there is really no indneementyor justi- fication for re-opening the capitalise- count; for Ifthe. prots ofthe railway - were even quadrupied, no possible ud- ` vantage would accrue, to the bond- -holders, whilst the placing ofa -.l1t-3W capital in fronttof his holding would veryobviously be a disadvantage to which hecould not be expected toagree. (Hear, hear.) ' Again, there seemed to be an exaggeaatcd notion as to the wealth of the Northern Company. It i certainly was very agreeable to him to know and to be able to say that the Company was avery sound one, and in excellent credit ; but nott_*rithstand- ing that it was by no meansin a position to engage in _new undettakings.. It was without. doubt `able, and he was sure if would be iotmd willing to give ` every practicable and substantial assist- ` ance to others w'no.mightchargetl1er'n~ ' selves wi_th any enterprize connecting with its line, but~the time had -not yet arrived when it conld"Drudently or justly initiate any extensions of its own. . Why it was oulya month sincethat certain arrears of interest- capitalized in 1859 and really overdue some. eighteen ortwenty years wereibrought up to a dividend paying rank, and it would clearly therefore be premature to reopen aicapital account so recently liftedintocredit. `He repetadrlhat-his .Company would be found ready to as- sist this new project in every reason- able way in its pcwer--ras_ far in. fact t as the due protection of vested interests in the Northern would warrant; class ` than that would be a failure of duty -to the community served by the railway ; more -than that no reasonable man amongst them would asl-:. (Cheers); ' ]`{RVinD maid n hioh fflhllfi in H-an l our; sun: uu wuuul DIIIIU Il.|GIll.I!!_'gv { tailway; ' .(Hear," hear.) fPop u community wooldginituvmv roplh one wggq pleasant thmg- 'likeF}o{veFy*,; elsoh liked to*h'uve i,t_, [latfghtor] and he and all the oiceiuuof his company Lerideavored to earn'it,e but popularity (btnined at the costrofduty waseunsta- ble and`dishon_est, and asort of thing he did not desire and would notohave even if he could obtain it. [Cheers and laughfon] It;-`had been said his name had, been an}'obstnele'o Jthej sage of this by-law, [no, no,] and that it would have been safer to: fthe Mu:-' koka. Rziil'wuy,. before [submitting `the I\u-Inur On m.A- n nnibn as-_ liity of the e?bnip.IIy5.I!slf~;:' {qr;[u_;:w' ; him howi railw`ay'oould suriehvh chm? .; mijqnlty and ho would show" thin: livi H-Ii n(|lI;|IIIIIn:'6oo --.n'.IA :.. 5...... ..-....n.`nIi{'g '\ e_Aaf:e quile saligd`, th`ntg Sn: .F_;ancg and all ,:!)`1fe` _1nan'xb_rs_ Of. GOYOtnuiont : ggkplhexi cnh- b . `qgsc.'tmns.a,;zxaugura;apf;%wi1!accqugng "yfit!9lh!:i-'"7- euuu I.-nupuauu uuu uuly llUIl0l'0(`lo Mr.- Cumberland expressed his, `thanks to his many Iriends who net] in lolwlarm a inniiner shown their appro- ' batioii and good feeling towards him.- `He congratulated` them upon their -day's success, for he believed. that the work upon .which. they ' were engaged T was one aliriost of necessity to the con- tinuaiice oftheir present trade and one which would 1'be.fore Icng certainly largelv increase 'and extend it. _He, notwithstanding what some might say to the contrary. had the proinotion of vtlie commercial i-nterests of Toronto deeply at heart. ` The discharge of his `whole `dirty towards his Company might", and in fact did; impair his popu- clarity with lsome unreasoning and rather exacting persons whomhe met in the-courseot his business,-but for . himself he feltdassuredthet it `was lor the interest of the" community that - railwaysvshonld be `so administered as - to be fziirly remunerative to their pro- prietors. (Here, here). If railways" in this country hadfpaidy better,. there. would long ago have been more of them . If those in existence had been more economically constructed, and administered with more regard ' to the _ interests of the proprietors and less ` to A- .. local exactions, they -would have paid ` better and sooner, -and the country` - vwc-uld have been all the better off,-for. . it. (Cheers.). It was amietake to V _ think that -there was anything incom- .p ._teble between the rafilwayand public . _ A . ime_;e4st, arid`elt'hough-aome`pe_op'le did _fiuje y.that,theire'wa| and'muIt.be_'euch_ L 4 r hostiity, be (Mr, ~Cumbe_rland)'l_Ieli,e'_v-.. 5 edud _nu'sted;thn; zhehedf _pr'aeiieally7_ rovcd. that the two iritereste.;ni,gli%he I .. I A `:The urgunientVi'hgniust a usury lxiw gre"so;\$'Zell`known that it -seems Aun ` to tepeat them. . "They_l_mve Tbe`o n A-fully -susta.i,n"e_d4 by exp4_e;4i'e,nce,` andf ~ s uch jexpetiencb |)i`1::`Abee'q`f .pr;It7tyt~dearly.. 1101131316 , A ~' '1"l7-." ;i-g- '_:..5.,NV `A -"n..u:" `_.\-V, L` ' We an lxnrdfv `believe, that _Sir Franci Hipck; is srious in this `mat-. tet. He may be only [trying to amuse orjcajplej; some .6f the rpqesentatives from- the Lowe |-_ Prov'ihces, but `he ufely lmist `know thagtsuch legislation` would 'not,_ be . fox 1 they .adv ah!age_-V bf Oqtniiby T . . ' Nqthing would please llS,be'-lie!` than ' to see money cheapin -this Provinceorin the whole Dumiuion',zu1d we think that A _i_xis mnxmium of 8 "par cent. is Aajvvery fair _rate of interest and as much its any investor, with a qonstiencei. ought to risk, but every one_ who has had, tiny ex- perience in [such matters 1nnst.t1_:e well aware that limiting the tale ofintetest to 8 per centis tant amount to. making` ~ the `borrower in most cases ' pay `xnncli _ moretthan what he huh, to pay new i when the-r_e is,free_%ti`ade in money; vuv ,~ g a. .. . -- - -- .-._. .. -.... ..u....u.uu J. aluullH=lll.> V e The good sense or good policy which guided his action with regard to the Banking question and other indications 7 that hislformer ability was unimpareed, "led us to believe-that he was going -to make 9. successful ` Finance Minister`,- but if the proposal he now makes with V regard to interest, is. fouhded {upon his own opinions or concoctions,weishould have little ta-ill1in'the soundness of his jndgnie-t or "in his tnessto: become again an advissrof the Crowq, ~ How Igsj i'nn;1-minrox -Y__9U7 " llvn bfI'I`m'n`71:'Ia~- ' . . Proposed Re-En actment_` of ` an I Usury Law- - Sir Francis Hincks has-. undertaken: tolimit `the rnte'of1nte.*est`,_and; has _ g1ven notice that he will submit certain resolutions onlthe (subject, for th opin.-' ion of the -Dominion" Parliament. V 7I`l.'. __-__`I, ` o . Mails going _to l)alsfon,Nevis, Oro,Orillia and_ Rugby , daily, at 11.25 am. ' ' - I 1 - .4!) IL-11]. 1vy,. Thornton and Vine, Mondays, Wedne- 3 nya`a.nd Fridays, 11.25" n.m.. Apto and Midhuz-st, Tuesdays; Thursmys and I Saturdays, 11.25 a._ m.` Elmvale, Modon_te.and Mount_St. Lo'uis,.ucs`-`I days and'Saturdays, 11.25 mm. ` _ _ Shanty Bay, Tuesdays and Fri_d_nys,` 11"3_5 8. 111. : ' '....--... ...r .. v....v_---.4. M.m.s goig South (daily, at 7.05 am. and 4.05 pm. ' _ ~ ' ' Mails going North, dailygnt 10.55 a.m.q,nnd at 7.705 p.m.' " v_ - - - - Mails (going to Pentanguishene, Craighnrat, Hil_lsd;ile._ .Waver1_y and \Vy.ebtidge, daily, at 11.25 arm. llniln o...:..... 5. `I\-1..n'-... \'-_!_ n - r\,_2ne, __; .......,...,... _............_, ......_,. 7 - . REFRESIHIEXTS. 3 D.'3"Pnssungcrs going beyond Barr-ic `can stop at Allendulew twenty minmes -for rcnealxments. . - ` , I $008 [President of the Company, as a citizen `way would confer benets on this .city - see that the interests of TO_|'()lllO were `Mould be made with the Norihern _ nowyit remained for the townships .to _ After some furtlier remarks Mr; Smith ,. assistaiice,they had rendered, and then JVIIIn}l\\'I\|aIn KILIIIIVQJI > >` . Mr. Smith, in responding, said he re-i Joiced over the victory. iiot'so'much as of Toronto. He felt satised that the opening up of the Miiskoka district by means ofthe proposed line of rail-: of in tiiiitely greater val`u%ithaiig many people had any idea of. T e was satis- ed that the bonus was well given, and that every property "owner in Toronto would yet rejoice that tlie- by-law had been carried. He` felt bound to say,-that a's,President of the Company, he` would not sacrificed. The Company was an entirely independent one, yet arrange- mentsin every way satisfactory to the interestsof Toronto, and the" country Railway; '-Until such v-arrangenieiits were concluded, he would take -care that not one dollar of` the people's money was expanded; Toronto had ' done her duty, and done it nohly, -and follow her. example. The `Company i looked to Oroinow to give her bonus, ` and until. that bonus was given the To- ronto bonus would remain untouched.` thanked the friends around him and others who were not present, for "the ` t "coiicluded amid hearty cheers. 'l`|in'|innlIl1 nf l\v`I'r (`anal-m.l....'.! I .-..'._ It his well for those who ate , `in- debted, to note that they are V `required to settle accounts im-A vh mediately. . \ h tum.-E65 o/ Bani.-' of TORONTO" T "BEBNA|.IIl` IIINDS. [DO ION Jm AJ7 ` I`o:'onto.City I-Iall 7.45. Brook Street . . . 8.00.. Bradford .......10.]0. Snnlons ......l0._lS'.1 T .Gi1'oi~d,.{..._...'. 10.35.` I-`eV:ny._...'.... '.10.45.. Bm'mIe'y........'1)'0'. ,.` Al1undn_le.(Ar.')11.20. . `Barrie . .........11.25.. Allandvle-[Dep.]ll.40`. Hnrris9na......l1,53.1 Angus.'.`.......12~.l5.. New Lowell. . _.12.35.. St.:yncr;....a..l`. .5.'- B.tteaux....... 1.10.. Colling\v0o(I... 1.20.. "I"ouox1'o--Dui'ily with Grand. Trunk Ruilxvhy. East and \Vest; with Grent Western Railway for 'IIami1Lou,,S_nspeu_sion Bridge and the West, 7 ;BnAmronn--Sl.agg for Bondhend twice daily. - Gm-`o'nD--SI'-age for Gookstown twice daily. - B.\mma:-'-Ida Burton to Ux-ill'm', Washago and the Muskoka '_.'erritory daily. ` `- - .' ' ' T?WW'Dh`QlJ\IL`\V'|"Q Iswaammaawmsl orthem Pgailwav 'rinne_ Table. Jixovmu NORTH. MOVING scum _ Rend'nnwn\vdrt1a nun 'Tn-H---3- i 848- .. 11.1. , Minesing,fFridnys, 11.25-n.m. . 1' 1'I1t`\rI7 nvnnuuuuu uu_uu utrlllty UIICUISQ 'I`|ie1heallh of Mr. Cumberland` was then proposed andduly honored..' Mr, . nllrnhnrlnla Alon-A----1 `-5- NAILS vandsm:-VA;177r"HE BARRTE posr_ - ` OFFICE AS FOLLOWS: V. ..~. -.-~. - \ \-\.~..,vv~.~-..~ ~,- ~.\._,~z\~.-.\~.'-`so TEEIRSDAY,` 1\-IARCH 10, 1870. ' `um sroox nUsfTnn- ptsposian or---` _ BEFORE ' - "fr ormas qkxkr Bgnauxs. mu V HVU 1V`Jt(.'1'i1. Read_-Downxvmfds. Alf -- .*`uWI\I!. E? coxxmcftoxs. A-_r `rm: '5.` ib}i'ARDs. mt. ii" jmproveq gnu grluunuy. Inonuung Iyunupgx. f..m'aguny Ixuulodjith .I.'Gs'lgd lp mugs: of mnitonnily of,-;c'apaciIy, both an ruitdo `-Valid omuI'nI roo ; tlu;-|m_i`n width,-and depth. {Hp-Wonhig hate `allud.- edlo lh_a one of the propeller I Her Majaiuy, :1 [annual with cnrfvina cnnlcilv`- of BJXX) .0-.'U_, 8.40 9.00 mu v gnu avu 1': Read Upwards. A.Pl. D \ li .4I GSOVSSV .5 .-_50'.] 5.40.` GOOD TEMPLARS. :c0N01mT. - 1 . MrJ;Nlspn s" Concert " which took p1ace;F;1s_tTev&e';i_1'i3g,V_lI.nd`er. the, auspices of that _ Lone? ' .S_1af.V f.':I;`qdge of Good Templars; `I.0.GsT.,.of_ thi,.p1ubce',L was `ertainly thof grenfest. .:nnfmi:caVl; treat with which Barriiouliafs yetben lavat- ` ed. - ~ 4- r `;. .3. . _. _ ,, w'ifhe hull was , in hd{xi;g1ed, fi-II ed to Ao_ve ro_wing by ah :masually`large vgnd apprecintivh ~audnenca`,.; comptising ~ j1_e-~elitg. 6f'.Ban'ie aI`|dfviin'1ty,. A ~.' --mm!`--'..v..'..-..-..a...-...'... -.. ..:.:.|...._.;_ .-.__g--` of ggiogioqg frm -favvorite gom-_ ;_ius`e',i':,V wa_sre nid`e'r_ax_i_ by each and all in_ a. I'nan1_1c_r w_hicb.__a'li_Ita;d the jhitty , `_ip'plauie nfiI8 Ln_1'erit"e'df moor} ' e_, -which -.t9I%|9!'.=.!-L n1h&T:rvst!n!-as 1 and wa km 1 ``.;`.9" 7 '9! ; -|unn,.||`I l mud -mount. Toronto, Simcpe and Muskoka T Rax1way.- A : THE TORONTO BONUS. T V nrrwxcgrsa ovm ml: nasvms. At ve o`clock a. number of the friends and promotcrsofthe enterpnso, assemble-d` at the warehouse ofFora.n>ki Smith, l'2,sq., for the purpose of learn- 11111 H; racnlf, 'I'|ua`n: urarn nrncnnl V NEURx\LG1A-".U8 Dr. J. Briggs! Allventor, for New-algia, Headache, Calarrh,&c._ Snld bv . , Drugfisuu -_ . _ . 888-315: Vlnavyes a mic and Iamuy, :The deceased, as we tluderstand, was ot attempting to` get -on .the_train at th-Ae lime,-but was thotnglttlessly stand; in__g close to.the edge of tho pkuform,'__ This is uotlthe rs: time .tha_t life has bean lust.in__lhe`same manner, but um lessen how often so ever rep";-at'ed seems A -t.0=h`-`ave little e'eqt. T ` . lun.|,;u| :51 um: - - . v . . . . . - - _ . V V V u - . V . .. " "He was thrown under the train and 1naAd`on:e bf Ins legs sc'> badly [injured Lhat Doctors Morton and Ardagh, whu were wxlh him shortly aftef the: occur-_ reuce, decided that amputation wotild be necessary. Hertefused to ulluw this uperntion-gto be performed and died during the a!ter'i1oon`of theusizme day; ' TLT.-. mac n' vn1'(`n'I1f. nf"M'nrlVnntn nnrl` (Luring LIIU uutiluuuu UL nu:-onluv uuy He was a" resident of'Medonte anti` Tlnavyes wife and far_nilv.f llVI,_ _)---.......l .... nu... `J.-{nu-!....'.1 ...-.. 9 _ Fatal Accident.- ` "A man named ,l\1ichal` Fitzpatrick, _ was struck . byone of the railway `cam! ,on Monday last, whilst` standing on the platform at the Allaudnle Station; ".11.. .....- Ha-rnnyn nnnr Hun Drain on"! _ Tm: Rened Smokeless Co_al Oil may be procnried at me_n5aw Drug Smrb for 30 cents per gallon. A. V. Palmg} &-Co., oppoisng AMoWu.tL"s Barrie Ho_le|. ' ' ' :1 UV. - ......-......D . . . . _ . . . V V . . - -- 1-..... I '.I-he proposal of` the-` Gor/ernmenl to 'is.sueVa portion of the paper currency is uo_t looked upon with great favor, but. the Banks donot seem Vioclined to give` itgnv determined opposition, consider- ing the whole measure to be what it! no `d.'_mbt is; a compromise.` I V The Govemment_ was sustamcd by 51-: J;1rge,mujo:i1y, alact which shows the wis do(n_ displayed in the abandonment of the Banking scheme of last year. rnl, _ , __-__-__I -1` nL_~(V-_______,__ risk li gfinay,_1_'_u_u byj takip'g%"inore than he Wuld th erwis'|1a}'9_ done. ` ` ` _____ 12...! A Pr.rfs;_-Uc Dr. -_Briggs' Pile Remedy. for! ditc-uses ol every descripziom `Sold by all Drug,- I nicn. , . V888-3m ~ " l_l3UU KIVILI UIIICIQI . . Mr. 1-`rank SmiLh,`with that hos_pi-_ tnlity `which is so characeristvic- of him, received his many friends must warm- ly,and.iu ordor-`that they` might re- joice wet the victory in an appropriate V m:u1ner,orde1-ad `up several cases of green seal which were done fll'_]llS- tico (to. - mu ,.._L n._ ___...__,_ ______ ___. _n , now waiting yr.-on vmnuu; ,. . . , , Ve_dt iu. gaygdne bi, tho_yxjl_q9_ or money h n, tii-rateldf V\t'a_-ljAt"ni:- . from I2}t6 20-fper edit; 0Iii*hV8met security th_at- would 7 command` a llonn after usury was abolished, at from 8 to, 10 per c'ent.'T_ The reenactment of at ._Usury _ Law, will tlnglotibtiily bring back the same gtate `of things 111' this Province at least. ' ' `III _ _ ; . _.. L- nl.- -I_2-_L -1 -...I--non-, ul xxu-: 3isl`s. A vate was'Iakei1: upon thes e1resb1n_- Zt1o`ns`in the Commons lately, which} might be considered as intended to test the st:-englhjof the` opposition. rnl , tV____.___.____-A _____ ____;A____j |,__'_b I i It is to be greatly regretted that the ' English Vpopulation didiiot take prompt measures to pat down tlie,emeute when lit began. If it is true that they do i not sympathize with the movement it is diicult to understand tllelf` appar- ent indifference about it. Any parties I -who succeeded in causing the` over- tlirow of Riel at this moment, would, no doubt, earn the gratitude and good _will of_ the Canadian Government,- who" are placed in a very difficult i . . - A . ' I position as regards the territory. -Tlie Dominion cannot own` it` until it is! transferred: by Royal proc'amntion after} the money isfpniJ_, and the Govern-cl Jment do not wish topay until they can ' get` pcaceziblej possession. Riel has. decidedly the-best of it at p're'sent.V | l KKUVIIICU Ill lC3ll3|ve `Whatcan be the object of endeaVi - T to limit the rate ofllinterest, at present; whenwe see half a dozen `advertise- M ments in every arty a'nd_'co nn_l_ry news- paper, oering mdney at 7_t`o' 8'per cent. _: in any quantity`! V Why alarm English capitalists, who he! to cheapen money in the Province by lending it at moder- ate rates, asndcause them to withdraw their investments from the fear that a Usury Law meant aniincreased risk to the lender. Such 9. fear would, 0'! `course, be groundless, but it would come into existence neverthelesexand cause almost as _much mischief as if it was well founded. - ' ` TITL ,.. n VVUAI IUUUUUU 0 When the country is prosperons, pen-.i V ple borrow moneyprincipally for the purpose of investing in landror enlarg- ing their business operations, and they calculate to make a prot on the loan sufficient to warrant paying the rate of. interest. When the country is not prosperouspeople borrow to enable them to tide over until better times, and it they could not get theembney ruin might `be the consequence. The sup- ` ply and the demand for money must always regulate its value, and it is use- less to attempt to change or` modify this rule. ` V . 11 .1, , '.- . -'. , .uuouuUo ` ` [making it cease to be"fe1t as a. burden, If_the_currht rate'of'interes'_t is too high ilhe true way `of reducing it, or is to encourqga the introductioniof fresh ' capital into the country, by promoting important public works` and undertak- ings, and offering every facility for the secure investment of money. If 1.8 lrno lnv |.nnQnI-uni Ohnf I`1n rn> -_..--..-.. vuuur nvu :nu`IA_vl|u5O 1{icl seems determined to play a ln'g ge rAgame lian anyvote/anticipated," although it can hardily prove a politic of winning one. A V [ "THE BANKING _1u:-:soLvU_'rIo Ns. avlhlllc l_ll_\'U3lllIUUl UI H]UHCYo ' If it is true, for instance, that tlielrei are forty million dollars of foreign ' capital awaiting the action. of the Dominion Goverurnent or Ihc Local Government or of both combined, be- fore its holders brmg,it into Canada to [is spent here,would-not SirFrancis Hincks be better and more` protably` -employed in _[.romoting n_ national canal policy than in attempting `to re- vive such a fossil piece of legislation as the Usury Laws. M euro tn_e one or me propetter - nor`-su;uuy,~ "n ,e1 twiglt, carrying ceplcityi of 8,000 o W ha_ Te` at our, but which. when loaded with 43000. could lsttrely scfepe through the canals, .a od'hId to [ill up her compliment It Mun- .tre'e|thel ore proceeding to Halifax; and etrong- _ I y .nrged.the expediency of en immediate deepening and enlargement of the existing ' canals. ifithe time for new canal proiects being carried not require more protracted con- qi oration. He concluded by eteting - thst _ made`! these circumstances it `was felt that _t-lte'*t_i`rnehad arrived when, with III eye to ` Inst-future greatness which weell feel is in store for Csneda, this snbiect es en necesnry atep_ towards her attaining that greatness vrney lairly engagesthe attention of` her etelee rnen. And the city over which he presided had.rtherel'ore, elopted the metnor-i'aI to. Hie Excellency which he would now nslt per- miision to read. ' rm... u-..` ..........'An... .L.....i-L.....n-.t.t.. ~ Magenla, and all the other Le_auIifu|'l SimpIe1Dye's re for sn`le,inV balk, at the new Drug Slore, A. V. Pa|uier,'&~ Co.,' opposite VMcW_all. s Barrie Hotel. ' - ` ' ' i ' If the lalesfiulelligelice {mm the `Red River country is to be relied bn, ' matters are not improving; ' L'Inl nnnnsn .1..o.........:.._.1 A- .J--- The H or T West Troubles- `u mug,- "SS8-3m uvwnuo-Q-uv "' V Ijnwslur Kontinf _.')[g-.,p;-. e;._ an-11:. hm ui.t.ere chi: _ their prore.'-_sion`.;.-`ma ~. %_a.',T.V. ofo1on`1li1:.Xntth.Iil9' ' 2 ' ~_~; L A meeting of the Ratepayers of 01-0 was held yesterday at the Town Hall, to reconsider the question of :1 Railway bonus. The speaking was .principally conned to the Ratepayers, Mr. Bonlton. of Port Hope being thexoniy ex-_ ception. After nlengthenod deenitdry discus- eion, .a ;notion was snbmitted requesting the Council o!_ the Mnnicipnlity not to take any further nction_in_the premises, either by sub- mitting .n By?-Ianw or-otherwise, whichwu lost by `n inrgoynujority, leaving the; rdilway bonus `still an open question; The meeting seemed! in fevor'ot`JnhInittingf`n_By-terrors njmeller bonus` then the-one.forrn_'e`rIy voted 5 V gllowiii, end for the Oonneiiin the `tof 1heinind;oftho;Dit!g|;Q`o(thusg_g VA e yin-comiu-yeint.r:su~:5'..iu-9-2.t Vcossvalprxvss.--U5e'Dr. J. Briggs! Th;-Mi and Lung: I-Icnlcr furnll diseases oflhe Thxfoat, Lun 3' and Chest. Very pleasant and elcacions. Sod everywheng. : - - I __-_.!A _, ,l.u Q . 888-3m . nulil I-' been k .....-l H. Qlllllll, JA,3\`.,<|v| nu) -IJUIIIUDU ya salu- mg me result. . 1'he're were present His Worship, the .Mayor, Messrs. Frank Smi'.lx, F. W. Cumberland, John B. Robinson,J.' D. Merrick, Ald. Boul- ton, Aid. Dickey, Ald. Riddell, AM. J. E. Smith, Al.d..BeIl,4 Thomas VVi_lsOn and others; ' ' ' .__..l- Q....f4L --.ftL I1.-..A I.........Z

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