E I I`-f1|Vl\ &VI"\_l`\I, }rriste_r and Attornev-at-law. cnl Hu1n'\n l\-` (XIA\Tl"L`I`DV HAT well known Hotel, THE NORTHERN,- in the Village of Lefroy, is Anqw for sale onreasonable terms.. A_pp|y't0 _ ` _`LAIDLAW & FRASER, 1 JOHN D. LTAIDLAW, Rmvmu-_ 01-' Pnnm: $1. per year -in advance; " TAVERN STAND TU Lu; 1' III we nown - of .Ban-ie near Allendaie, The house is in 3659," with good stdbling and sheds attached. A I if by letter post-p,aid, to - Pp - 'A. M!SOA.\IPBELL..~ . wood order, and capable of doing a good busi-_ WVCl'L|- ' Jm,1S'38; % Vol. AMUEL RUMNSUN. As u oT_1_9_N Pl ?lc"UI'U jiay -11 ' Burl Allendhle, nee. em, 1569. .._.._---- '1 ` _v _ Rm" J-an j Counties of Simcoe Q` C'ardwell.i ADDRESS-RoauoAx1-`P.0. . 15. ; BARBIE BRANCH A LjVERy:i:vsvi$A'B'L-E's".V:A b` V "_7 ""."` A 7 i; V % the Raitwaygmiaou; , ".` "%`-%"?.'.-`Z`; . ..`'.;.;'.`.`.".f9.%.`*"A"% -` !bl!':*'d :a`a'.I-'a'.r. a-_1'.`.iipn;'~: ~ -i 1*vz%!v-rt-9:-Mei 'rr"".'. -"- """"a :. - V": --g.- - vvv % j ANGUSBELL, Issuer of .I;!arrio,.ge VLicons%a s; T (of-Baftrie, and the Trnvbllidg Pinblioftln-1' Q `Hm; '-t*`si;-;sf-st ever;-;Ie -SINGIIA; N : Don to 3*: T ' nsubacfum mm anro'm.m. :nu.'h1t.n:u' ` ~ mjnu in `ma HORSES .:o.ua .nuaa;ns=mg: V ja, %a.co"T"T?iT`7" funtv Crown Attornev,- Y! ATH'HQ`T`I-`I ! Inn . JUHN U. uaxuuauv, '_ . Stayner. . , . Pogsegsion can be given immediately. 89641 T _uorurI1B"XLuxT .nevv\~~.-...._-\.._- , -_ ,, _I:ITVr:. 1{GI31\`1[:v.\_I'r O1? jllisj Tavern S_t_ai1d to I.e_t; : "SAMUEL aoi3IN'SoN. _--jn'j'--- 'l`AV:RN STAND TO LET in the ` Toin .5 n....:. nanr Allendnle. s_mi2'xE, cfiunhri 'sY.\1c0E._' Tcnnlsrojpnnn` um 11_s`c_'>V1~;;..;, DUNLOP STREET, EARRIE. Ul;IL'l1'UI( [XV -LIl47.VLlIa I, UULV 7 1'41` ' .rINCER, &c_.: OmczL-0Vn Peter Street, next door 16 thy Si Uflitli`. Uriliiu, June, 1868. HOTEL 35 `SALE. m l;tBV:|i:|;6;i:iEL.' nnrosrronf "or nI_ EL FRA-'ER.A Prnpri:l_d_r I-Ila --_- ------------ -__. -`POM-`Pid. 'A`. MfSGA.\IPBELTu. rfllqnnla D 55-\ll'|$I.'4lA|1g_ . Allsndale, P.. mm Pnornxuong * Proprietor. ~9oo'. [- ups:-IVVLIJ (D1115 SIUDUIIIUJD , .1'ici1_:ors in Chancery, NUt[`TiS Publicg .(70n171lIln4-pro 1 L Ul II 873- V 23:1P39YlN1N;1.;m.1iSU.BYE.YQR` f(F03MERVL_Y nns. SCH0L_FIFi.D &. WA'l`SON,, no1_vpHnAn,) [- ' )-..._ .._ . . . . . ...-.....T... PuvsIc1;\x}:iuEd>E`";iliiimmcanuia ! Member of the Royal -Cr-liege of Dental Surgeons uf Ontarzo. I .Room,on Owen SVtreet, novnr Dunlp Slrevt, ` Barr`ic, which will be open everv day, emepti from the 15th to the 24th of each month. ' '1`n Rssrnmvcnb :1-The rat Cottage East. of the? Presbyterian Church`. A . ._ . ` . ` `[1 \V' ,\x'n!:'Dcnxr ' Q ' - DR. ARDAG H`,- ." HYSICI./INV, SURGEONQ JCCO UCHEUR{ zgpnncrlcif DENTlST,:: Mnnber or the Royal C-rlllnre of Dpntul 1-Hy om-nary,'1m;2_. ..-_.--:4 -'5 a-..-an--v......_-gv _ V 1 Residence Mr. Charles McGee's, Thornton. CQLDWATER; `Ji1ne, ,l869.' pn. ARTHUR ARDAGH, 3 T 1 -MEMBP.R,.R0YATL COLLEGE OF SURGEONS. ..._ nr MR. BOSANKO,' L.D. s.., _' VHE under>signVed is prepared fo effect 1_o}u1'. for any amount, from.$200 upwards. on? the security of real estates, for any number 0H years, jom 3ne,to fteen, the bdrmw'er chduses, I on the best terms, and at. the lowest 1-mos.- Exponses strictly moderate. No commission r-hnrn'm1. . ' l`1X[)|'u:l'zs charged. MONEYM17M0NEY%!TM%NEY%J! is -T . A AMoneyE>._Lend . - ,. _ . ".I.Xppmise_r and Survej'or for - Permanent. Building and S9.vings_Society. - .A-LL persons m want of inoney, for one or V ten years,` can obtain it on._tc-rn1_svmm-o advantageous to the, borrower` than those of any other Society, by npnlyiug to ` - - WILLIAM SA ~ - B.umu:, the Canada; _ _ Ju1y,l86,4.- :'- 71-1y_ NDERS, .P._L.s.` 3 TQE U}sI1'oN P'E111m_&_NE1*T"' `BUILD1NG%&SVIN,GS}S DCIETY V1 ncor`pomtcd' pufsuant to the Acis of the. .~ nun-A \1-at _l-V Ll!-IILV Kalil`! g 7 Bums,` Om`. ICE-Dun1op Street, next to A:mtroi;g'a 0FC- ' .nrn'e '.ran._r.m. mas. An \1 UL) us;-nu, Qipprajsefand Surve-yor for the Canada. _I e rmauent Building and Savings Sdcimy Si_nzl)f\m_x}_t9n. 14th August. 1866, ' 34' LA T12 01' ' `K 1;1Iv'E 1`3ER.TG,i I1--.-.I_-.__ n... 4-\n__...- -_ nl-t\--1_ IIII.-....A_.. m-mcm_mng sz.,. a few doors west of -Church St.. Toronto. _ " 1- Provincial ldnd SVurveyOr_,= V VALVER, _&c., 7 . , I-ly v V - rumma. _. Thorn`Ion',`SeptAembex-I, 1869.. .||-AuJIL.4LII - AUVLALU \J_VuuJ1uu UL UV AI\JIJ`lL'l _ .Exor.Axn, P.L.. ~ DUNLOP-A-STREE1`,,BAbRR_IE. . Lbronez for the C'o'zuz'zy _af Simcag. October 2nd, 1869. _ - 1 )N'approved frm-boldvsecuriL_v`,n'nd at mode- mlc [nIcn=5l. - . Amily to , V - . ' ARDAGH, ARDAGH & STRATHY, Q..l:..rn.n Rur-it-_ Provincial 'La nd_ '_ -Surveyor-,1 ruvn =1. IIPVPDAI nnvnrw ' ' uluuuln . ` , V B:--Valuations` ca.re!'uI`ly attended to. l-cf ` `EDGAR B; SANDERS, _ TURNEY -1\Tv-LAW, SOLICITOR I (`Ah5ln0nrv f`./\nInvannnr }( I\l`I'\lI|:na:nnA- 3.. "JUSTICE is THE `czlnmir, 13'r_ SIMPLE PRINCIPLE, ml) THE WHOLE sncnm or succnss :IN ALL GOVERNMENT. PPLY TO .1 AS .ED.WARDS,, Royal Insivn-. Van:-e Oice. Barrie: ` M}, '1~ir;A.Nc1s RICHARDSON, I>.es_men:. `,`. ARTHUR LEKPER, Vice-President. ' "_`` " "" y"`-'ll`I l`:l JIKIIBLV I ANGUS, .- ..:- V7 3 ; - 0N1) Disputei Lihes `accurately adiusled; , DH\wings'& Decx-inptionsk for Pdtnts "of In; venlions Vc arefully_ ,prepa.red.' Valuations made snd'Sm-veying of every. description" ex`- ecmetl with accuracy and despatcb. _ ` ..1gentfm'_ tlIe .ETN./I LIFE, Hartford, Conn Aug. 24, 1869'. ' ` 83 4-l_ Vr_n V on; c. s. V-E'LLlO.'l:,iT (LA-rm nv 'l"m:mu-rn \ BETH-iTV?6i~f _MOiNEYA;':(1LEND'.. V-I_\VU.Ill VIJHIID, " ILL attend. at his Ollice, at [Bax-rVi_e, every SATURDAY, from 1.1 an -611 .3_ .p.rn=., ac:-ording to garden or. Council an; evgry 'uthet. at his (mice at Cookltown. "Burrie,~Fe1_:. 1-7, 1962. - g _ _v ' ,1 v `A MONEY J T0. _L;ENn. \/\/A. .,~.Jx/`V \/\_/~/~-z\,-~ ,-. ,a %MoNEvA_1g L(?AA.W B10-NEYQFP _ n,-_;n(_;Y BOULTON (Tate of the Trm 0fH`:v117-)I1 &: .\IcCnrthy) ah}! Mr.HAMlL- D 'Sl`$-Z\V.~\ RT, have entered into co-park ip with .\Ios3r:,.` Lnnnt & Rays, fur the ticn ofthazir profession, in Bnrri9, under rm name of Messrs. Boulton, Lount, Boys Stewart. - _ V - 4 `FI('l'.`---I)unInp Slrrrt, Barrie, ovkr.Mc- M1 5- (`n. s Stare. ~ V '['Ul Ill vl [ID -FAU-H am-e Oice, Barrie.` V ' OOIVOODII-'0'ILLllJ$\JLI IIJL LIL` ' DR/JUGH1-vi ./1I;;',gePPRmER. CON- .VEmzvcER;`1NsU1u2NcL' L./IND ~ , T --/IND G- :3NER./2L"./IGENT, ` ANGlI. _ ~- ; ' _ (INT DR.$ANDERSON, BIEDICAL PR()FES_Sl()N. Wm. Monmkan CLARK, Splicitor. WM. Pvnm`, Sect-e_tar,y-and Treasux-er.. Ixlcv cLP.EsjW1cI Ju`;~.,_ JosEPHuouPE; f'.lVIl`. Pk` Iuunon -,_--_- _......_ _ .,_- - -, L./IND 3; GE,.VERL AG-EN1, ` ORILLIVA. ._V..1...:o:.-.a`...n...o'..Il.. _u...`.A...I On sun_vt;yion,=,' FIC-`E .-Jicnoxnnxo Swnznr, Cbnmuafwaon. 'overr"`'! 1862. "A _ I Proviizcz'a_l Pafliamenh T R. 1'. BAN~T`|NG',_ OCHTVTY` `I'.!41RR', :. dRILLiA;- ALBEKF./Fo\vL1E,~ as V. u._p-n- V (LATE or Tonou1'o,) Iv nIv'nnnnnv n .21.` - '. w`. sANDE15.s0N, . M.D.. \T.R.C.3.. 85.`. , E:1-,rl:u_1l V cnvu. sN,c1'm.:s;, I'll` I Y Y '; ncv\ Invvv u u hlI'I`l" I Ilyu COUNTY `OLEARK, and no Ma nm... .9 II _AxGUS BELL, ..._- 9.... pl. l"..o.nJ w-puunnvy _ --V A A Namnes _Publz'c, Convez/anccrs, DADf)IT.1 n.. a:.._--_ Am`. In asxnnsu 1,` Solicitors, Barrie. '2-tf T` VON!` 1 V 874-Bmo. ` ...u- IIIIIIIV 89oL1l'y. 843- Barrie. o%ntario;A Thursdztimarch 3. 1370. . j U HULIIIUULI l_lI U WIIIDIJEIA ` Daura then canghthup herbonnet ;and mantle , and Njanelte, with the lamp invhe_r hand, led her away down `stairs . V ' TPI .,_n -_..___I!.___ - -L_.I_ -4, _ GIIILIDO 2 Klopeln was spreading u__clolh on a? ' _tabTl_e,. and` pyesentlytt mailer entered. 5 bearing :1` Vlarje pot` of fragrant, ste'am- I i iug coee, and some tolls and butter. 'I \........ ........ o.... .'....'n..o...l `on ....o ...... l1_lIn '.\'p(':(I I/Ilklllg -I Ill`: IIIHIIWQ 0` ` Klopen and his wife watched the equipnge until_lhe outline uf it faded away in thegruy light of the npemnvg day. Thenhey lurm-dA,aud re-enter-V `ed the house, which was nuw being {ill- .?d V with a dog s angry `cries, and th furious ringing ofa bcil. ' f\, __1_. .....n 4|..- ......IInn~.nn inn} Va-an I lll'lUlls fVlHl:ll_l`D' U1 a nun. Opzn's go ! the gentleman H fast, Vre-~ marked Nanette, rubbing her hands together in triumph. 'l`ho;t dog is worth her weigh; in gold.- Ay ; he ma 3; ring as much as he likes, but she'll slivk first to l11"n- ` \V1mt s to be done '!_ asked her hns. band. so-mvwhat nervously . `nu _,._.) Al... on Li.-n '|\TnnnHn _.-..... .. `_ -- - E1024 MCCARTHY. -D`.-\L'rox McCAm`Hs', Jr. .......n l'\....I.-... Q O'iAnnI~1A (In La... An, La.Luu\._/A tlllkl Q--IJV\lLlA\-ll _\vR'U av-rvu ~ sn1.u111`0R I,\' CIIANCERY,- l7,'( ;Ij(L`/lI,`I`_.(70m1iSS i07l6T in B.R., 5-c. 1.xr__ URILLI.-\, 313100}: 00., c.w; lug, \4UIll:Uy auu DUIIIU Ivllo ullu Uuluiln Daura was too agitated Zto eat any. thing, but she took a,cu`p of the coffee. [She wanted to ba_o again, `to put [miles and miles between herself and Captain -Baintree. ' Inn nnnv nntavnni nil!` :I1 11:: cfnluvn-I AI \Jll.I|(\III Llalllllcco Ivan now entered, and, in his stalwart A presence, she felt `in some. degree. fe- * assured `and safe. ' - I '~rru:,,_.- -__.l L':_ _:r- |__;.._. .':__- ._' (From Bow Bells.) . CHAPTER IX} ' ( Coniinued.) Madnme s attendants` were here aroused. and gettlngtllemselves ready to dpart, and the` horses were bemg put to the carriage, and the woman anounced in a whisper. ,,,_ `L-.. ,_.__LA .... L-.. L._.._-a IuIII.uur' IUI all Iucu nluuuuau. Farwell, and heave-n'bless_ you for your `gn'ndnss!'suId our heroine, as" "she stepped into `the conveyance that was to bear her hence. ` A - .1 ~, ,,,__.-. `In .I.__.. 'l.-..I- .;_l.. I V\'l IU Uaur l|UI UUIIUUO ` ' Atjthis moment, thesharp bark ofa ' dog was heard within the house. I :1,._-1_ __A:-..v : ........... ...-....'..ol.:.... ' u3BlIII-7|-I CIIELI culv- tel! the whole of `th>eirAsto.ry to `Danna, but she understood the generpsuy of ;their helmviour, and expressed her Fgrntitude for ail their kindness. vn\u1:\IIvn|| nut; knnnvnn'hInuo uhn Inv- ' Klopen-and his wife had_notitime t_o' U\ E: Wilt! urulu \vUlI,Iu LII? uvuavu f 0pza s voice !.-it means s'm'e.thing. Away, madaum, ziwny! Beautiful morning is breaking, Nanette, said; a\V1Iy- - II..u:...-up u\o\::` l`aa'ln'|\rnr:*Pn unnnnnf y. Having paid lhe lahdlord s account, .and given him something handsome i in the bargain, Ivan galosed the door of the \'e|licl9, sprang to his place, and the horses "dashed put of the cVourt-yard, and sped along-lh<-. |1ighway.A k'l.m.=n a'n.~l hie wife watched the VDRIVG. SU'lI]l`\\'llu| Incl vuumy . I'll send Alex. to him,.Nanette` Fhnsxvered. No;I l[go to him myself, . she added` promptly.` ' l Y_on ll _go_to him ymirself`, Nanevte`? l Yes} why` not ! I'm `not afraid oi lliini-.,no't `I. '- V T .Aud sl1eV was g'nne._ A As she hastened up the stairs, in n_mn?s cries for lrelp were mingled with savage barking nnd_ yelpmg of the ~ dog. 1 L_'l `L- l`V-__a_!.- :_ A..:_l.L.......1l| UU,- ` - Aha]! . the Captain is frightened! she said to, K erself, with a laugh. He is a brave soldier, forsuoth ! she added; .q11icklg making her way to the `scene I .f1(1islh'rbance. A -aI _ L_--n I \T_.-..n-_ arrister and Attorney,-at-La'w,` vnr n-nmnn n1 nuamhrnir (ll \lI.`l lll ULlIIUC~ Furies. seize [the beast! A Nanette h eard n_voicg exclaim,as she`9.pproach- edl the spot. ` ' V 7 " luau-'9 c!nnJ'r`nnIn;n 1ln3n'frnn~?rI Hun ` CLL IHU .}Uln - , here s!oodCup1ain ]3aiuVtr_ee`in the_ rrpen dou`rvv2_1vlcrdingto the ante-room ; -`any! there also, by turns, leupmg and 'l)arki_ng, and snapping at his l_egs.w1lh her sharp teeth, was Opzn. He dared ~ not advance a step forward, or. recede. for`lhe:dug w_ nthim ifhe made the _ slightest -nxovemenvtpfuuy kind. flu:-\cIr\,1h"l-:1` `.aJn iuvlun nn;iI1n:nA I`-1:: lI:_'IIlC3L I-IlUVl'3I.HCll'|u _Ul ll", B,l|l\lo ` ' Whre s tl1e lady "who Occupied` this chamber during the past -night ! the Capmin dma'nded',add:essiug-Nanelte, in a course voice, rr~|_ _ _...._a_ __..-__....- .... ..1II..l-- -..:;_.l !u H UUUIQC VUIUUO '[`l1e saints preserve us all! she cried, ` with uplifted `hands; And who" may you be; sir, I should like to know, and whence comesyqu, ' `and what business have you here ! . Answer my question, will you `I `First answer mine,_si'r, or Vl ll alarm the` househuld. I` II _.,,___`AI.,'.' ___.v,__j -__I__:__`_ .1..- umC2_:lallT'::_':\`r':;.'3lyL"t.his' ufsed yelping dug, wiHyon'l' ' ' ' NM` T ':nr:nn:" nngnvvnrnpl Chm llnl- VVIII y\}l| I , Not` I, indeed! answered the wu- n1:in, stomly. `She has a. keen rnose tnr Ta thief, has`Opz;z,.T Here, Alex?! `Curl! where are you ! '1_`lneves. { thieves!` murder} she shunted, at the `very top OI her voice. V ' ' \V|1s1l thin menu 7 (fan FHA landlord. VCIV |UP Ul IIUI VUIUU-' What don mean ! Call the landlord, said Captain Bniulre, slumping the uor. and full of rage. ._ _ 111... . .'|._ |_....ln...l..-_|.. .. .....II 0 `-1... uuur. HUU lllll UI' 'Il1;;Co M ` Won t the landludydu as well Tshe M asked, abruptly, and as - if she _renl|y_t_uok him tor oue who had emer- vd the `house with ndishonest inteutton. But here a_t"e. the man, she continued, as a couple 0! domesttcs entered upon the scene. _ Now, Alex nudhCnrl, stand ` by your mistress, "and bqready to de- fend,t should. occqeion reqllireeshottld this ruiun attempt to use her with any sort. of violence. 4 " n-_:_.-_.: :.u _.I..J ........:..- 1.-.... ...- SUTK UI. VlUlt'|lI'-U- ; Confonnd it-! what maniac have we ` here`! cried the Captain.f Call the .lah`d|ord, say. again! Zonnds ! but ,1. will `make somebody smart for this, or my name is"nol - Baintree! Here Kldpen, Klopen '! he went on`, in husky accents, which were raised'lo their high,est,-possible pitch. - . And by-andgby Klopen came. . .Si!enc'e;this horrid whvlp, and.lct me_ =speak, said the gentleman, ad- gressing the innkeeper amhotialively. "PI-in rnnnlnhralnnna I1:u nIIrin.I1Inrn u'IIl` W1?;;'; 'nIIFs'n}'I.2Z`I1i.as"iI$'.}T.i'2}L: Z215 glanced ' at bujsgwife. 2 - ."'I' 1.....- L).-- ..`|.....o-.I- :0 -__+.. 51;- I. ; \./.-.w-- FOLICITOR IN-CILQNCEIR Y, CON;/E1"x' J.\'(YFfR. &r.v " LmI"l`;:v-e`"lva:.;1 ::l.1-;:;ted,' ahfehys. tho, Captdin .wVentTon_. Confound you, call awav this car! `he added,..;nd(lgnly` V-_b`tea'king.o'. . I,', .1 ' '1: '0";-L , w v1*}:-a't'1:3`t,teV;:;i1ghal'; then called` `Opza, who obeyed Von_tVl1"_' iqstnnt, and_ cum (ovher mistress. '- ~ ' I` r u ....o-... l1--..a..-; iI.'.:'.`.,-.a--J- :.LO-.' III IIUI IIlIi|IC3O V Captnin..Baintteo thn "strode .intd -the" centre ofjhe rooms-~H&i:'. facawas bqgitegaurple wi'h nge.;|nd`his eyes sqgm to emit abh.e, I_of re. ` ~ ' 1 --.; .L-. -r. n_-.`_.;- ,a_-.;__: _-;.',-4-; 1.- _ I uaythnt I htvebevon nIis!ed,he broke} fouls, his gaze: (int jdireqtod to V oiiq putt `of the ,clII=!'|lIo`t; and ;thjep, lo. .~:'th..-sqlher-~ s.;'1 hi=i:|.-eadilml-can `V _. L!tsv:ing.ah_o1`rst"fw>|w.o V ` `. I . Q V` ` .-3.#l- IL .41; r "*?s.";?tIiiz?iIfc?}7wire- % VVIIUIII `VH3 ||- V-J\}I3l||'lVC|l', .I an By ulady, replied Nanelte:blJldl.y,and jnotover politely; -. . By a lady! ` Hername? I This is not 9. large and` fashionable" hulclin a great. town, so we don t keep alist of out gues1s"numes. The lady" payed her way, and` behaved herself as a lady ougbg, to behavelherself, gm) 1 hat was quite Fnoungh fol `us. 'l"hn lmh: Inna mv \vifb._|-nu rnn- `I lull VVILD.\`Lll|-IJ vuuusll IVI live The lady was my wife--m.y run- away \vi'e. ' A 1 1;..- __-. -n -._._.;:-L-.a'.'- 1--."... u-V511! \'VI Us And I m not all astonished.'to 11951:` that, retorted Nanette, quite saucily, 1 _should runaway from you myself, if! were so unfortunate us to belong to you. Wlanrn is aha nnuy__n-ny \uH'n`l` yllllo Where is she now-my wife?` 7. As many miles away from here as her" `gourd horses have carried` het, was. the sharp reply. _ V . . Captain Buintree gnzishedhhis teeth. Speaks this woman the trulh I be m- quired, Iurnmg to the innkeeper. 'NunAlQn hurn FM-sat; Ilh, ghn had nu.` .u\.uanAn:. u .Iu-Ava suuvau-nun, un. '1rxc2ts-I)un1op St., tho same as those oc- -1 by the lute rm of Messrs. Bcnlton C-uthy. - V ' 847' ' klllllfu, Iullllllg |U IIIU l|llll\l'C`l|'ZlI `Nanette here red up. `She _had sprkcu flhe lrulh, she said ; mid she would just like to speak a little mute` of it [rut the benet of a certain person who didn l know how to conduct him: selfns a gentleman. ' 'PlIt\ F`...-\o..:n nu-hhorl -' nu! lwnnunun ni his hind uponit. By whdm was it occupied? ' _ A Klnnnn and 11k mifa hora nrnhnn'anJ' UUIElI'PICU I Klupeu and hisjwife here exchanged 7 looks w_ith one anplher. ` _._- ._, A f`,_A,,., 13.- BUI I113 Kl IUIIJIIII 0 The Captain writhed; not because oi_ the woman s irnpertiue-`nt speech; but because` `he: felt that he had been foil- edefoiled ]ttst-at the moment when be deemed he had mudeall secure. The bird which he imagined he had en- snared wasagain free. and ou the win_-.r, and had own, hi-fknew not whither lle hndge vie'utly been betrayed, and his plans overturned, by these people-? by a mean-spunled innkeeper and his shr'ewish'wife. ' He now. felt himself further than rver frnm lhe accomplishment oihis wishes. Which way was he to turn? He had spent months in searching tan Daura, and now, just as he had _his hand upon her, he had permitted. her to slip through his -ngers; probably. `for ever. , . * .\r , _ __,. :1 .......I-.l L- ....-l.u-g nun mun lUUl\3 Wllvll VIIV llU|lIIlo Answer` me ,sa id theCaplnm. By whom was it occupied, I say 1 n....u'...a.. .....I;...1 '\T...-`...n.. s...I.n.. .....a 1 lUr uvcx. Uf course it would be useless on. my part to question you any further on. this matter, he said to Klopen., You are an 'an'ant rascal! he ' bitterly ad- ded. And willy muttered imprecnu lions on them both, the gentleman ed ' Alhe scene,aud rushed down stairs,l`ful- lowed by the two men Alex and Carl. 'l`I..-. f`.anInn\ nrnrnt . I139 nnrrinnn Hi IUWCU uy ulu LWUIIIUII u-ya uuu gun. The Captain ordered his carriage in be made ready,`nnd asked. fer his t;reak1'ast.-' . .,,_-_*-I-- 1.-.: .I.:- !.....o ....L... n.., [)rCHKIi.lL.' . But; scarcely had this last order es- caped from his lips, when Nanette -uunced into tllenparlment, and cum)- termanded it. T - Y\ `. .,_ :__ .1 .|__ ......a1..........1......-,1." l mm uemanueu. My husband tells nie that you have ' no money, sir, she answered, calmly and coldly. ' -The deuce! -he exclaimed`, inslinc- A lively pulling,his hand on the pockel in which` he had put the pocketbook containing his money. Ah, to be sure. `I had forgotten that facl_; but it is ol little consequence, as I can soon pro- cure -sume. Fear not,_ vo_u will be paid, madame, but not 3131 should have paid you had your husband hut-as.-isb ed me ac":~.rdiir,e; to his promise. Paid ! T Hump-h, indeed ! We don ! believe it! _W ` " V ' Douft believe it, m'a_daVme`l No._ It's an easy thing fora person to trump up :1 story nf being robbed. Vm. min. mo lhpn_fnr an imnusmr.` lermanueuu. , _ T _ _ Dun t mind the gcull9man s-order, Alex, said she, to the waiter. urn--. t`_..'..l. :......II in old. 1 Han f`n'n`.' i.\1_n:n0N, xA\1c.'\IZiC1IAE7L( .5;-T Mc- ` MJICIAIAEL,` BA P.-RISTE_RS. u , ,,,, "... ..__. .a...._ .. AL. -1.{ ; Alex, salu sue, Lu Luu wuucn. What fresh insult Ais_lhis ! the Cap -i `mm demanded. ' ` T vu-_ I_.-_I-.-...l 0-11.: -Inn olu-`I unll 1-{nun KG trump up u. auny nu uulub Jvvuuuu _ `You take me, then, for an i][:0alQr, madame ! 1 ..,._-n_ 1.1.. -1-.. .......l:..A mu}. no. lnllullllll`. E 1 t-hmk Ido, she, replied, with ut-V most cuolness, and wishing to iorment `him all she `could. But we are not. going to a~l_l~;>w you to impose upon us. You were pleased to can my husband I'.. {.~...l' Ina! rnhlu 1 urnn'r`nr uIh:lf- LUU WUIU |lIUunl'-u I.u unis nu uu.~uu.-nu `a .foul', last night; I wonder what- vou l| call him this morning? she ad- ded, Ionkin'gjhe Captain emely in the` lace, asifdaring hint to repunt in her presence the name he had applied to Kluyxell. - ` K But C:plni_n 'Bm'n'tree read danger` in `the speaker's b!ac-k eyes; and. hav- ' Eng no desire to test the sharpness of nails. he remained ailenf. - A um.-..., .._ -~-- Now. you may remember that, through the emptiness of-the inn lnr-` der, the Captain. had no subper on the previous evening. duitsequiently he'wus' more than ordinarily hungry now. llns. recent dIsuppoint_meut.aud the nanny- `iug Tecene `he had just gone thr_0u gh, had not'in~ the least impaired his apps-_ me; on the contrary, exciteinent` hu_a.i. sharpvened it. A ,, .L_ -_..--..__ `_t |.:__.-..._`_-|_ '__-_1_ --..-.r------ - - As :he cravings of _l4niVsst0m ach inade i `themselves most un;-leasanily lmciwnh to him, and no prospect of food was in view, he gradually became humble 7und~b1aud`. H'e~withdrow [rom his nger a valuable ring, and` laid It on the table before his hostess, saying. ' now let me have some brea_k(ast,_and keep that ring until I can procur the means (0 "liquidate lhefpoor amount I o'\_ve you for my miserable entertain- ment. 5 ` ' " Meanwhile_Daura_ pursued her jnnr- ney.` She "was in a constant stale of apprehension lesther husband should truck her nght and overtake her. She `had no fear .f eneounleiing her grand- fathernow..ae`Iv,an`, she felt,could pro- Vtect_he:- from him. '- But Captain Bein t.ree* had ,lawlulclaim' upen her-a claim which, at present, ' she could: not easily either. gainsay Jr resist. - When she had reachedEngIeI_Id,'nnd had eubo ` `mined her case 10,} the law, ag/ehe in- v tended to dqroeheng febri-i v.al lher_e,..ehe hoped `mutton 1v_o_nld.be v_et'y,di'ere>r.t gvilhher. 8he':'only payed to gedch V gag: netieieleucl;_in:II.{et;y:?lseilhout-`acuity z 4 '~`r1>.`...r..~-.,n.*..ai.-`:r- ~'.`iIuu."-, mu;siqg::u;.ac4gq:1aa=anam.:pu' aimn1 g. mllllz IIUK UICIIIUII ll'I'Il Illll ll_llI3I-_UIo 5-. Poot_D_amu_!" -Ih had no parem. .s a"r.IIVI_ITt9.jTy_ to. ` He; fnthbtjnnd mother .`!.i'.Il3`.-I-,In't*; 0.116 `V1h?m-i,n.n 3*?..'ft:;!h 9$|!r...iI).'. jI lI|.1;I. .e.'r"-` and. l_`IZ(_I|l|l|,!"V9_,.'y!lIlI. I!lIg_vl_ Ill III(Il_IFl:. : ':-hsA%k=:v- 99;.-jnddrhu;7:l;_'3'-} Em, Jan. 1, 1352. 7` CHAPTER, X} parlicuhn time ; fr.-r shehadnoplveasanti . memnries` of that molh'er,aml cause-T quenllv felt no ycnrnings to behold '8 her. Mrs. Cudx-.'orth`had never st:|ven I to secure the affection ofher daughter to herself, and the'lov that Daxura had` once [instinctively ' felt fmyher, late 1 events had helped to lhrusl out of her I breast. I-1er>unlmppy.ma:nage had,,m 5 K some degree, warped her nature. Had .; ` her husband M behaved kindlv to her, . 1 ' Dgnra- might have been to hi-m, if- not ,1 an afiecubnate wife, at least It dutiful 2 I one. T = l I: .I,l`,,A` _ ,l`I.,,,,,,II lI'I".u UUC. `Ii: the rs? days: ofher wedded life", 1 Damn had permitted her young hearth lu dwell too often and mo fondly on the image of Hurl Eberswald, but of late he had seldom occupied a place in her Vlhoughbts." And no wonder that web was'Ihe'cnse. for her many anx- Ielie and troubles had left her butlitlle t me. to rnminate ou--any uhject save themselves. A ' - I, , L1,, 1 -_.',`l -_,__;- ,1- I.-- I17-I p.VT'Ilo She would seek death. that very hunr; yes, ruI.hPr Ihmr again live under the same roof with him, she would die - by her own hand. \I.-....... .......... V... 1,... ......l I....a .... Illcllliilii _. Sllppuslng her lmsbmid` overtook her, and obtained bodily possession ufher,-- he-rse-If`; ' _ ` (`VI ' `II I I .I .1 . ,_, ,, -what was she_to do then '5-A.~9!1g_asked( IIUI \'VV|I Illlllua ' V . Nr-verV-never `in her soul had [so .1 strong a le=elin'g existed as the hatred she now (ell against` Captain Baintree. 1 She was well aware that it was wiVck- 9 ml of h<=.r to entertain such sentiments .senir_nt any human US.`-i_Il,',' hut her *3 `.um'I.>dge= in that rv-spec` did not tend to lessen: the bitterness within her. i Sh.-e rumerubered the taunting words he A had spoken} to her, ya d, above all, ' Ihe hlotvs She had received athis nruel 1 hands during the very first month of l her nmrried life; and as she rebelled his unmanly treatment of her, she" i _W.ndered she had int own from him ' before that period ul curly wedded life-. 1 termed ` the _ honeyrnu-on had worn . it- velfcut. ` T. _ ' Danrn Ehmtght of her s'lmnlA-day. and of her fri ndsship fm F-.1i.t.h Fenton, wh'o'w,:1s now her brother's wile. Oh. huw'chan2ed,. liow W lull" changed l)anm"s p...uiImn nid 'hr.u`ome since tlio-slf days ( fcoinparattve happiness ` \Vuu.l \\'uu_hl the lulure [)1-mg to her`! 'onds: that hound her to th'is.mz1n who _cu|k+d he_r tvile? Oh, if she had but her liberty once again, how very different she should feel! . A V Our travellers journeyed many long milesere they halted to partakeoffoutl in any shape. `They _\*'ere in `fear of being v tollowed, and. w shed to put as Iunn n Hiehunnn nn n.._..H-`In Lnlnrnun l Wuuld Lilo ever he able to dissulvejhe ` I u\.nu:" qunnvnuu, uu\.A- I\ aucu l\J .llll- u-3| lung adisrunce a.pus:sib|c between themsel.ves and vlheirA probable pur- SUCTS. '1'\. .I.- 1 A. -1 I auclao But their fears almost vlnlnlsherl wl1eu"f\vo days had elapsed without bringing any enemy withn view. Daunfs spirits, so long depressed, now _hecume' somewhat relieved, and she w_;rs.beginning_ to hope a little, just. ll little. - `I is: .- Iluuxv. Aflld the two nwn-servams were sent lmck to B-ulen-Baden, and Daura, at- tended alone by him, proceeded on- 'w urds by train to Antwerp,and_thenc6 by steamboat to En,-.v,lund. Huw rejoiced _Duur-.1 felt when her feet once, more touched Brmsh land! She felt as if she could have knel_t g.!u\vn on lhe grcund and blessed it. I`...... lu...I ...-...-.n.....I .. ....|. On rclachlng Cologne, the carriage` i .. .1 ' .....- j.uIw u uu `"5 lbuuu` uuu uncaacu ll-o I [van had prucurr-d a cab, :~.nd7wu.s jmt about to u.\`\`is! Ihe lady_into into it, whu-n :1 male gure imerposed i?se|f betwixt him and her, and a firm hand was Iuitl cm the shuuldc_-r-nf Dnuru. ' Ar IL!` 11 ,_.,_ _ 10,, I -l I ., I 4 L xu1\.u'. 1 - A 1 v- LAW. g`JUL;lUl l'UK JN Chancery, Conveyancer, Commissioner in . &c.. kc: , , nuu Iunl --u nu ouuu-u.u.I mu L/lllllllo Ah, .`\`lrs.'Bnim.ree, I'm to me:-L yun! oxcluiuued a well-known` vnivo. Who i~' lhls tellow, rnuy I ask ! Captain liainlnee ` (for it was.he.) in- quired. rlunrn urhn :nnn1n`cnrLInn1u ch-nnlr \_`lllIF\ll . Duurn, who seemed suddenly struck | dumb`, did nu! mteru word, but stood` {staring ut the speaker. | `Jan Mc\.`!IlI\n hnn lI|n'nn(!a" `IA :`n.| 1 I I auunus u` Icuncl. Hus Madame any ln_r.:gage. ! he de- `munded. addressing Ivati, who silently minted tua small trunk on-the roof ()fll1H'(!ab. ` ` _ . fl . LIIVF 6' 1'1." 7 __-' Al__A __._?II J. _ ' Ill IIII7 mull: Ah". , I -see`--t`hat `will do;l thanks. Ihv Captain said. in u"rupt and detached s_r~nlencvs._ Please to get In `he added, at the statue tune ma,k_In g an uljr to hit Dmira into the vehicle. n .. ,|__ .4. ___|_ r_,.-_ -41 ._-_:..a_..l ll 1'IL\fl IU `Ill IJIJIIIKI Ill\U lllrfl VCIIIUUCI [But _she shrank from, and resisted him; - . ' vx ` u ,n __,.. __ __.:.'L._-,._ -1..- __:J - ulm. _ vz . - I II nol- gn with` you, she said, {low but rm syllables. V I1 , ___.II .- ,. _.__I_. ..-._l-- .. _--` |LIVV Iu_l' III In s`-\ Iullucra I Youw||I nul surely make u.scene hv`. in the public road! he returned. Du vuu avuol to see :1 cruwdpfgaping pg-nplv ::u|her urnund r us? Get in, 1 S-4 \` !A ' ' -v `I I , . I ,.__....-__.l __ I... sa\: - . - ' ` L`? 7! xvi I not, sheunswered as he- {,.,-_ |u;_m In-[P ma`. suve_ me! she cu'imnued_, appealing to him beseech- |ing1y. T ' ` - I I` ,. `.L -"____.- I-.. .. an--. nu-snn IVIIII 3.` ` H151 - I -I T Let '1he"man lay a ngr upnu ynu ill he dare. .You ar.e mv lawful wifa,nnd woe to him who presumes to meddle between _us. uu'o ' .3. , Ilwl Vvhu _\uzo But what could Ivan possibly do in thi.-a.nff:nr !. He looked at the lady, and help?essly` shook his head. He would fain have rendered "her assist--[ slhco had-It Iain n) his p-nvver to do su;; but with her husband thus hv hersIde,; htfelt that `l xvmurl he an act _ot sheer I fully nu` llisrpfnrt to interfere between I lhmu. But l1eVwas. not guing to des-`rt * the Judv. whose push run he pljetty W9!` 5 ' n||d_'ersN)ud; no, no, but he would want and watch, and then see how he could `Flues! "3:-_.rv~ her.` `b > T - RR [S l`ERS `A TOR NE Ys-4'7`. 1' A11!` UPS! arrv ' uul. r Captain Bainmze percoivedhiu ad- vantage, and was resolved to make all the use of ithe could. He forcibly seized his struggling wife round the waist, and thrust her into the cnb,in`- `to which he `followed. "The dximl "asked in what direction he was to pro- 'ears.: Bntlalliin vain; ~tho* manhould -.d_r'c-Va of}. '. ce.e'd , atwhich 'I:van-` [bricked up his-` not `catch a`-'~aiu g le` Ipyllabliof the gen:-` - Il6man s V _r'ply_, and? tho`, `oonvoy_nn'_oo , 1n~;..' L:1.';I;.-:;; "n. _..-:...7'1'.|_:_`.'.'.'.-. s uuwu uu. , 1 Not loi led.quito, Captain Bcintreg; said I_van,`.witlgm. himself, as, with. a` A jsugiden -:h9ng||t,._u ha" book__oued tojho i! ` ` '9i:_:ani-ni1<.n9'.uPi0d oi! -` *F""-sr vet; _ M All right,sir, was the nnswer. In the next i'nstant'Ivan was seated. ; - and the horse hind started off, and was I using his best speed. s . CHAPTER xr. A i ' Cs ptain Bainlree sat opposite his wife. and spoke not 9. word, while the cab thread 4] one street after another of the crowdedcity, and made its wnv .? wesI.wurd'. V Datum was crouching in 7 one corner; with her face buried in her `rhauds;.|lne likewise was silent. She did not seem as if she cared whither her husband` was taking her; for she never once looked up, never once un- covered hcreyes. . ` Du! `nl Han haunt nihy. ant` ah" hn null N09. Who1e No. A912 U`-JVUICU IIUI U,VDU Out of the busy city-, and sin]! on and ` on through dusty and thronzed 3 thoroughfares. the cab prnceeded, un- I til it entered a quiet streetlund stopped { befnrts the door of a large old-fashion- ed house. " ' . CY , r\,____,, I__I_-j ..._ 111l__..._ -..'. UIJUYC HUI UlCU|Il'o - It will be such to us for a short time`.-. heremarked, is the cubzrnn alight:-d" and rang the house-bell. `T nyill nun nntnr lhann, with Ivnn Amid lgugrzubaxxrn looked up. Where ut ! I ! she asked. - 1'1.-- I..._L.....1 . LLLLL-I LILJLIMJ ll 1. \Jl.bA.V.l.J ;l.J`l.I. I ` LA IV, sonmnons IN CIIANGERY. ARRIB, - ' ONT. _VVlHI I1 DHUI Ir, UIIIUI unusu- _ At home! she repented scarcely above her brenIh~._ 1. ___:u` L, _.__|. L- ..- 1.... - _l...._. .:._-.u. L 3 EIIU H3350: At home, V answered her husband, with a short, cruel laugh. ' A O I-Anna. I aka vnnnnlnr` aha-nnlu uuutu. IJl'I- uuslgu, 1. cuuruy 3uu ; No. you are mme; and w ile l li_v~.. I will have you by my side, he return- ed, savagely. . 'l`-,.l:n luuulc vnu will rnnrlr-r n|n u.VUsCIy. . 'l`-aka heed; you WI" _ render [mu desparate. lJ..'lounIurl lonhlinalu and unnnnntl ucspuqutu. 7 He laughed, ,tauntin_gly, and snapped his ngers. - ~ I Dun! T\un-n nylon-AH nrnnnrl \`7nu -'(1H.U lung HID lI\)uoI:'In:1I. `I will nut-enter there with you, said _Daum. Lot mega, I entreop you ! 1\*r.. ..,... ...... ...:'..- . ...,I cry H- I Hm. \ [H15 |H,'5ClB- Poor _ Duura glanced around. VVas theta no. way of escape open to her? Alas! only two rows of grim-looking buildings; met her inquiring eyes; ' A -nrIvunf-rnuI1 l"n\lV nn.-annnz` vhn Jnnr ` lnu1u|ugs,InuI. HUI Iukilululs 1-:,ra. I A servant-man vow opsned thv door . in answer to the driver's slump stun-'1 n?um~z, and the Capunn prepared to i alight. f`:..nnI Inn Ba:t` ukru Ill! uf {Hg 3 ullglau Came! ha said, ah_ru,I.lyV, .-at same Mme senzinz Dailru by the J: dPI`S ' make nu fnho.-.: ud0,.b~n- 4--_ n-.. I......'..m. i.(.I.\...1.4 nan. .....v ll`-Ix`, lvuuryc ll" uII~u'.:. uuupu - - -_ Oh, heaven he-lp an-1 pity zu-A! exclaimed, allpwing hun to assnsi `out. A I It .1 _-,'_',,_,____g`,_] l_______ L, | ()FF1CI--Nc2:t`IYank Kean`: SIDN- nmnq money on Heal 1951310- , 843 `Dec. 1, 1868.. fie then presemA-.d his arm tn and literally hugged her inzu lwnse. , ! rI,.., r1:LL.. ..,~_- aL- !.lL.--. ...l....1 ' IH|3U- I (Here, Gibbs, pay the fellow what he ! 'asks.Captain Baintrce said, givmzz Ihe- i servzinra sovereign. From St. Kather- I ine's \Vharf, he added. in answer to a . questioning load from Ginbs. - ` '1`lrm {`.nnInin thpn Ind Dnnrn into n I l\llll'. Blluulu I\_lUu |l\IIll \.Iu-nIo- a The Captain then led Danra into :1 ` side apurtnlent on'the grunnd flour. and ~ bade he-"r be seated. Wherenpon, up- l pearing more dead "mu alive, she! llhrew herself upon the nearest sent. 1 Wm -pnrrlr. nu: nnnnnf he-run hie: Vnna- . 'llllU\V llrlacu uruu Inc u\.7uu:.:I. uuu-.. r I m sorry` we cannot have his VR_us- } sian highue;.s here; then, perhaps-, you I might be happy, the Captain mocking ` ly observed. - 4 - i . Daura" made no rejnindnr. Oh,by the way. do -you happen to know an old feflow of the name .01 Gram `Liiea a friend of Prince Durns- | hie, and a confounded thief. But what could beexpected ?. As they say,`Birda ho! a feather ock together! .....o- OL- _....l:I I U1 :1 IUNLIICI uuun |u;.',1.;Iu\;: _. Duura remained mute. She couh] not understand how Captain Baimreo had'becam'e acquamled with her mus! worthless kinsmuu. n ,. -.,.,._ L_.l L._u._.. _. ..._..a_:_- .....1 . \V\. I|II1C~`3 DIIIUIIIQIIO ' But you had better go upstairs, and take off your thmgs,a'nd we must have some sort oflnncheon, must we not 1 the Cap'ain went on. I m as hungry `as a hunter; how do you feel my dear-. A-9 unvlln ', Vnnuu` rnnnnf ann_v-uannnn ll-3 IL IIUUIUI, luv" uu Jun nn\n nu u\.uni has, I dare say, shsupenedjyour appeti- te. \Vell, I W! ring. and see what tltevhave emable in the house. i .........I..... Ag] ---:aL aL..:... ........l.. .I... es: wile ! Your` recent sen-pascagei u|uv>n_uvu Uuluulu Ill luv uuuwo And, with these words, the speaker . pnlledthe bell-rope,nud,presently, the man Gibl-6 appeared. ' . Lnnclienu, ordered the Captain. Directly, sir; and the man dissap- ` cared. ' V |plYnu will nchmgsf exceed.ingl`y' lcunifurtahle here, [although it s only` I lodgiiigs, the Captain continued, asl- dressing llnura, as it they were on the must amiable terms with one another. But. if VUH shuuld wish anything ulter- ed,-of course, have it allered,`1ha'. s all l my dear. n........ nmu rnmmrl herself from tlwl ! my uenr. I Duura now mu sed_ herself from the stupor Into which she had fallen, and lwked into liar husband's face. I ...:II ....I dun. Iukgnnnik flu}: nr uni. I will not eat beneath this of n |(.UKt:u luau nun Illballulnuo lIJ|I\4 ` ' ! 011,9; rout where you nre, She . 0.} di~1In1ct|y and emphatk-.nl!y. V "l`l-mu mu dear`. T n\ nfmi nn'I, VLLLAHLI, UnLInuu,, ransqts Business with the Pat`7nt`0_ic and - oUu:r'-1.)eparlments of the Government. nnvnnwu-us AtYr\ rnvvrn nah:-nnnmvnu ..___. [ir uml Dcvisec CZtn'.ms prosecuted. Ulillllctly uuu vuupuu-u.uu . . ' 1 n Then, my dgar`, I m.nfrm nu I. I starve yourself, was the hen 5 re- gpunse. WV:-.ll, have your own uy, us fa`: nu 1h~3tgoes,hf add}-.d, lightly ; .y.ullr obstinacy wxil brmz Its own _pumah- mam, depend upon 1!. 'I`h...n thorn nnanprl n Innii nilunnn nn ' U16 Iunuucvu uny- Aer the man had 4arra'nged`!he la- ble, and placed chairs at it, he with- - drew, and the Captain,apparent|y very hungry. seated himselfat the board, and commenced carving a cold fowl. `fun kupl Lnllns 1-"nu! IVIQ-`ll can!` run n]Qu:, UUPCIIU llllllll Il- l`hen there en.-med it long silent-.o,m the midst ofwhnch, Giblvsentered with i the luncheon tray. I A... IL`. u-nun her` avIn'nnn:I`run In, uuu ululnclnzcu vul vans u vwiu |u\v|. You had better allow mew send you a wing and a slice 0! this tongue, he said to Daura,who deigned him neithur I :1 word uura Iook in return. Oh. wen Ins you pIea_'uc, he continued, aha snggmy his s|mn_lder. 7 And he began eating. . By-and-by she rose suddenly, u..s i inn to the window. A I A ._ ...... .;.:n c...a ,...u.. _- 1.u....:. 4 XIII lu IIIU wuluvvvu Ah, you will find only 9'. blank W-ull {to gaze upon them; we are at Hm buck ol the house, my love, the Cap-_ itain looked up lrom his plate to say. `I an:-In In Ina alu-nan nnqlniru nr nnv- SBIICU, Uuuxu pans, vcly nu scuy - Piay; have-patience, my dear, and ` some pol i_`lAenessAa: well. lie answered, with seemmg composure. I have not `yet nished `mylunch. _ Have _a.glass .ol sherry, dearest? ` V T ' ~t"|Iu II:i'n lnrlnrbuhnn1nn nna1nvnn'nl -Ul IIIIIII , uwuiuas 3 Oh, thp'tort|1(e_she was enduring at `this; `gimc! - Evgry_ wmfd ho uttered, "a"ombI_l to stab her toth o.s`nul. un.-'..`t~ ..._'- .;t.-."> 4- .1- a. n...u -1_- .a.".[..'::'i;::=:: 33:2 service, '(1IP1`ain.Bui|_|t:eo; V said, ,pnpe_nlIy . I WI . kl-sThov5ufoii uputa_in~asyon desire. -Lniala`-ms ind 1, In `pain and Id ! ah. lb . -..-_. -..-..~---. , .__q-,._._ I _ -;_{| sho_wfo`d upntva/iilins you desire.- iii j 110.1010 and lolttho II`- : . . " -' : v. ..s. - llllll `luulncu up Ilvuu Ina puma IV on . I wish lo be shown upslaixs, or any- where else; out of your hateful pre- sen'cia.Danm said, very binerly. `I').'nn. `unun. nniinnnn nan Anni! nnr` "_ 3. .T. LANDY, V BA1{_R1S'.[`ER, _LTT 0 RNE Y-AT-LAW uCHIUII- I0 SIIU HUI 10 "IO Hlllllo .wha:** was aha to .do1`Conld shel m_na1o7to m|ko"`hor. escape put of tho E-hbuse .1 .S_IIo-iIIniIt tty; to do to. ~ 1 .. . rK..::`I`l:[d'1nn T gun 'nO` .111-nun -nu-inn 5 And 32 on if" not phid: '( - f in advance. `he-1', thv la |mxT soLi6iTii"ii'&iii:ibGuTsMAN, ':*- ls theta no-maid-urvamin-the house mm could wgit pou mo`! Dgura in- quir'ed;- tecoiling-' tom the speaker, as hegdvanced towards he.r,._._ ,. '10 vnnll-as nnl ah`... `I _.._ I.__, ..-_ I.- vuauplo ` ,-r 7' Damn hesitated for a few seconds, at ._l loss, how to act; `while her wonhy h...9"?.`.Pd. mod by, cetemonioualy oor- `,ia_.het his arm, withraorl ofmncking cburtesy, and a smile full of hiddan . mnlica, which his poor victim pcriccb ' ly understood. ll`. 1.; IY....;.'___.-J up1.\| (munch! Ivvvulul llI.[,p,_ A 31: msmen not, since I in Here '1-only toi.1ttoud.y`ou. ` ` . .: I-Skid Y0" I-q!1eIion.0-ptam Bait":- treo. .. _ .,,Whioh [have replied to-au(tor my . oijlr fashion, was his chuckling m.- joilfdpr. nnnrn '|An:InQ-I `A. an I`... A..__ 1. _A M 3 [seem issue we louk ooouioil to sci. E van to the sympathy apparently aroused in 3st, Jmn. N. B ,~ 'withirenn_rd to" mm .-t. . 1 b1ll!I|'6P,- whu \\'_as hanged in that Town on gthe 15th u|t., for the murder of the wnman I Whom he hsdsedneed; and of the child bornu Ho hitn"b)' her. We Jeprecatt-d this nppavent igjmpat-ty_, tn-cause the ntottves on hi;-r. it `ictnimed ' to be,fou':ded were, as we helm-nd. iilogethel` spurious. The tragedy having |baen completed, we again refet to it, no for the purpose ofinhany way motiiqing _our exuoasei opinions, but, because we think the circzxrnstancee suggest thoughts which 'on :3 wave ssubieot as `viotent desth may ofmomentoua interest. We do not pro- pose, in ttns zmicie, so much to interfere w-th the majesty of justice. which claims u iiie for a life. as to solicit the comidettr tmn oi nur reaniets in refer-`nee to a question which has d:stuvbiti.nnd unsatiaed mm of the prnioun-{eat iuu-:lect; ll is this: J: ;C'upiIul Pumslunenl a mistake ? i. N..... ....uh..m unlll mm unv ttinnnvv nvnn- .r..`....... . -..- ........ .. -~ ~~..-v - -- V I , Nbw, wnhoul going mm any nlusory emu- `mu-.n:s cone;-rrnvng Bnbhcnl Law. :1 seems esuedieni fur us Iulhlnk and act in uccm- dance Willa om own snnpl-9 judgment. mum pmiculmly where .our d-a-a.'~uAn in` (2! the very lasltimporiauwo. as n--cwng vhv nano- _m} M mmmu Inf. W vnav lw rxrtln---I for V.-nltzrnmz -u Mrnr-~4~ v-nr ro.-I--H-~ Hui thew tn 1 . n v lt.e,`_ Car. .uu1'dn'nur-su '~'-L u - lo a no em dr-a'h ' ' i '9 are um 5f lhuup xv.-Em bah. p=jospacuv_e= ,'.u'nishmaJ1i' -4' :0,-nth prjospacm \vic!<+-d Pu?! [L38 !..~'.ny Kho- lr ,... . x, Hill" `I .I -HI: I` Bl! ll -V.`"*V-"" I'\ 1' " |v"`r' A lvfpu mr-In:-nl thin no prnph-uiv shawm n1 zw want-tug rmrihmiun wI*|,s.vanl In In--uf_\ hxm. A-_vm vi. I'IIlIs:dpreIVl as a tn:-ml Rt_'en1, snlq-miy `t`D|iV(}.|"1QVi!R irm reufive \- annin-_-n `tr- shuns g.'ell1`-red in ila pnrht-us. Ihv S("_'"I " In ht-"~' hy l_hm)ah!fnl,InPn 'n have a tmmencx I`:- mnralizjng rnlhvr than i=.1eVa?nvg T!) a.- r-an he llllls-.grh|)hl lh:1' the inulividnnl u'!=U lexperuencu p`eaLnre in Evmichiing the dus- qu~"in2 dmails ofnn eta-mion is pnsnxsm? '4: .nu:I':n Qnfnrinr runhln and r.}n|'|r` Ihn I gu~`Iug lH"|lI||3 U; ll'l cu" HVIUII IV gnu`-I"a:'\. vyf a min(l'an infeujinr. fenhle and plaque. Hm: in cannot be |`e?ied upnn in'any crisis of 1 mp- {:atinn. On such an nne lh9n=!ore. :l.-3 sper- ar~le crn have nu nlher than a xleplmabwa v.Huer~ce. indur-ing him to te2ard_ ml! surno- -hinsi akin to envy -admxraIion. :11 any r mn-- ahe `(what i.(.`.'le'd) '*`p nck lha! can`.-l 9n zhia tirsl place commit the ctin e. and alter- wards cuff:-`r inn reward with such Ignorant {anal daring indiffelence. H Ihnn' Ihn em:-Ha 31 In hn rnnnulmi :m ' an Udflng UIUHICICIIK U- N, then", the szm-Ha is Va be raznnlod xn Fll Iivmh. 7TH2"H. in h fulu[e_ havv !)*`n`.'. .. ......-I.. 1...: (:....I.. .y.._...ru..,l l...m .ny._, A maniac who. had he not ongvly clu'.che.l` Jamun, HI 'IV'H`lI. "l'K`V'u H1 H5 |"'lUu |l"V" -' vzenllv hm r.-n'v." xr.-vm`.u-J. lrnm !-.in-_v hi: mnnnmanxa. whv shouhl 12-: ~1n'vr nf miulhvt ht` l("_1iHL'P!' In n 53 , , J _. .,n n_,. ' .. .` .. l-- ......|. - |`I`\f'I' `II l7lI(I|lll"I l'l' Il"_:||IL'V" I 1` PIN" 41> '.\-rm`. zmal he cr>v1HP.xl mu ivr Sm-h yr 'po-`Lu surz-m/lance `as shoal-I nut n.'1'_\' crv-ruwm-v hm nmnlc-.u-us i:lin nut! mm!`-Al lnrn In earn his bread by labouring nn belxnif of -lu-.'-ocflelv he has so fnullv nuIr:\get|. bur. -l.ou!d off=r him um I.: re ecl on lhe \\'i(`.kHiIner-ks and smpi.'irv of ;-uzxivalimv IIIOQ-y hahnin. of lhnnghl which pnisuri the mural sencihililies. and. while unnnernbly dr}`~riv- ing Ihe= man of anvllnng like peace in :hj.< world leave hi-n~ bu_l scanty hope for comfort `in the nuvfr. - WV: hwa already told nfthm {'unrs':~: `Fs`\mlc}1" 01 human hair ve In-t flwu inches in lemglh. 'l`he-rn \\'ns', ho-.r.,-wr. one mur-5 inmus. II was xx'l1xluW`v.-(3 ::'. ed IO Lt'nn`Pc`Ho*ry. ()f[`_ ris, null wu: alnuLAsevmny-1wn `inulws in In-:~:1'h. The story uf this one Hm! |lH`n.~`l3rc-d M \ !f'eu1.i.~v I'alhr'r*l'()n);Ill`lL3. 1- camcc hum Hie ,h`.'udA Hf n S\\'n!'Ii:u'I pvmun.` 21". `Who Imd l\\'4l\llI|l~ I-Ar ho-I Imnv. ('-U" :1. punr I--rm In -nJ,_ wh/n guru. \-~\- 2;.` Hi. I20! 1: cl :\ an-" III -!i-- -- -.~' m;w. I 1.-`h?*|lv'I `-"'| I |' ; ` \','1"-. lho" >\\ I: "11 _' ` " \\v_v'. me` Lundnn Expusim-Ix -l'1i:')!. l.--Iun;- _ I , IIHIS-".7uI"' ' ' V ' A Hare-a' w-i .th- tr` In-vu Iful, nhhtlitnc \ . . . _. l)1lY?I:f|h4 [LA `:x' --'x II'- 'c- '. law.-,um! ww - ' .. .1 ~k pay Hm lmmnu H ~ av s mo :1 lra\'r~I|inu I`x.v:.- u; v. :1 - ;p- .rf. the v1[ho2._--n-I -.:x~ - In "1 rr, Ivrgxllhy i'.)I?'rr, 1' gm` 12.1 allur have her a9,=.: mmlw.-r u`ri'j' .1- ht-use and hum:-. sh: do=`v-rn-inr-:1 v-5' . the sn-rivc ul lw-V324-sr-vtliul hrnr, wazgtscke-I110 the I. psn: mm::.-' in.` sold there (or $175 hr an Ainerxm deal-r, und {rum his humls 1.--,u-d wax: to its pr'* own:-vu H ;s vnrw yr. Ir/(*.'\lP-":1 $200 and $300. ! m-ih- \ "I I! u ' ` ;' WK` 0' I V \ 1.2`-=-:`:1l1(`_. by .1 Im_%_.- .m;vv-u. r my ;: -.c`.!t!v`Ill bunk--rs and` l:I\\/.\'r!~, \\ in. E ;'-mg:-vse lny'I|l`is|Iu1nnge In Iln `hr 1 I iipul ly lheir Iepruhuliun uf lhr 1: ts` -slvmdyers heaped Iipun his m- nwry Iv; uh Ame-ricuu aulhnress. The ,ccm,.x: mil nlfnrd an opporlunity fur a mum! -.~. of amhitiuus gentlemen to get o`1ir.r; sp:_sech.s on a` favunle topic. " "06 um!) you, purine! lnll rnansaes. ' My broelhenng. sa`id.lu:.. " lhnr am: nary text in thiayer Biblc Ihal wnrem gn to as fat 3 rule, am! a guide, and a consul..- Iion-.ah. Now,-mv broetheting, when wu want a hogs, lomop when he is geltin loo reachih wp am; out lo that or hou, no-ah . Some Bibto I"ii1 lho`rgS,cri 0 and Phari- scs oltikf `jsif liu)'I`oabhin 0 gait-iika those :yer~Sunduy=S.lIoolV follln---up :o Iheanmvno-Ih.*." .. r I'l~`n;`. . :.|.4`.I, up. mniluunnlmnl for I! n! AN .-Xtkailsas preacher of the llanlshr-H Bapnst peyunasion Innnunced than on Hm {allowing Sabbath he, should " preach ayn - Snnda'y sohonla. . \.Vhnn HI: Hnr nvI:Dnn. '|A nmlp I... hi. O-cl - Dummy suuoglu." _ . ,Whgn the duy arrived, he tool: for his text : . Woe unto you, Scribes and Phirisees." 0-Klc hlAnl'|'nI;nn 9 --`hIL-- II :5.-. ..V..n them. was III." " _ T1_m;8nis _ tho" Blndlty-ubool for Ila! . `lo fT1gcAR'r11Y _:c .MC,xRTH3?,_ -.. . 77." ..~..r.r,, '|'ha- er?-numl nffha Iirilerum cl. lIl\I|`u To 5; C'ont:'nued.A VIOLENT DEATH. -wvrrxvn mm ii I: ` jn val .{. 'i 3 1i ML" ..f:L?:nh wnllpvvr .1 dtml h.n.`nh~ _-..-.__~ ._.._...__.._..___ ..... V, "sAMiJ'i31, S. ROBINSON,- , _.`Il'1Ul(NL'!-./11-1....1w, Comfrymzccr, Comrniasiovler in B;_R_., -c.` eEr and U.-visee Claims prosecuted. Agen- ir' the U-amda Landed _-Credit. Compni f`, inning Real Estate. r)I4`I`IFI-`_`\YmI nun): Kenn`: Store. Drawings, Specications. and other docn ms necessary to secure Pntents of Invention, epared on rceipt of the Model of the Inven- n, and preliminary hem-ches in the Patent ice carefuily made. ' ` _ '- June. 1868 - ' 824- r.1Ut1_|: I -3; sT.;_.\_1 1;sZd1$I?,f . M): Nortl)e%rnT Q_\hn.a;i&% Solicitor in Chancery. ' '.rr1nn1uI:`V_/1 T'_T_ 4'1 mister and Attorney -at-law; _` 9,l'I(.'I'I'OR l:\" (`H._7.\`CEl. Y CONVEY- .4.wrr:I:. 8-r., 5,-r`. _ CO0K_s'1.`0\\'N, C.W. r) In %%*g+:a}r,vn.;%g;L %`1;a;nNG, , { `T 0 R N EY-A_ T-L A W, xv/\r Yl1Yl7'Ip`I\ vlv 1...` .--..._..-- }-RAN}? evzmsf n...`-nu A...` J`-`Ann-r|l\Qv,l'\`,` ........ `an :-`(still-ltlvli V] use uvvw nu:-un- opvmeurs Amp TUE REG*IS'1`RATIOVN F TRADE): mxs & DESIGNS PROCURED.` ...-_-._;a.I4l V. oL1c1TaR_1N C'H}ANC'ER_Y. - Y)......_ . ;'\,_ :wI_Avy FIRM; hddlcry -and Hti-Arn,Vs_ 1:1`; '1`11Q.\A1X.7r-. Ix. BOYS," EST`ALI'S|-`IMENT,-I L f Vearly opposite the Bank of Toronto, VDUNLOP STREET, _BARRI_E_. V , , ,.r __ -.--wv, wvvvl/vyldliv amrun, Co. Simcoe, ON I`. nnnn iu1:N11Y 110Bii1{1`s()N,*iTf.B., MARTIN MOORE, KS newton hand an nn.'...x-- -...n . HENIWGRIST, ( F`zInhI.'.Jm.I man \ Ill. . Srn'nn,'-Co. Snwon.` V. g`. v:---- _A-_v . _ ,9 T1 ORNE Y-.4 T-LA W, ,.....-M nmnninnimnnr in B1) ' BARRISTER, &c._, RA `n. E. BTRATIIY; , OTT-AWA, CANADA, . 0 . . . . . . . . . . ..:u. 11.- n_r.'..a I .,(Establishad 1860.) `LAND AGENT, 3:0 &c; '0f(ILwL'IA,V . I`, . . ..v.,V\~.~.~v~ ur\/V ~ -\-v~rv\I\`v`/\1\`\V .-\ LSAGH, ARDAGH-& STRATHY, Barristers and Attorneys, T"i3ARRIE.: J. A. Anmoa in W Penman. 900-11- F0741. 848-ly `s24- A. R. BINGHAM, Propriemi V(SL'C'C!-ZSSOR To A. Mlsclumannn.) vTu.NasTou I-mf`I_..;, I TI YHTIYIVTYIIR "1..-.v- :2-161:/.5` '1 is R .2: ` .4 TTO R NE YS',_ s OLI_ CI- . TUIIS, 81:; . '_ ' 1i`s--\\'cs1vrn Assurance Bnildings,Church ~ Slrcet','1`orontQ,> C.W-. 1.: .\Irm-':s:on, - A- - - - D. A.So.mpsonV m'n.ntn,No\'cmbcr,1350.` V 1 _-_ ., V,._._..-,_ ia`ii`i?i7i;I* ] `E366 ks1'ow~.v,TT ' LICENS,ED_{iUGTIONEEB VT] mnn "l)pCU 10 we [)HUlZC- Tlne bar is stocked with the very bst Winm and Liquors, and the table supplied with an the delicacies of the season, and attentive serv- :l|'l1.S-_V ' ' t ' ' - ' _ HE above Hotel is sitneted atiout one ' mile east of the `Market House, Barrie, on the main road to _Penetan_% "`....:..|.-..- n_:n:_ __..1 .u_. :1--- n-..... r.....: x.. I L mile east OI III!) qlurneu nuusu, _ mam road gmshene, Urillia, and the Free Grant Land in thenskoki Country. Parties ' taking 'caule,i &c.`, will find it. to their advantage to stay at the above Hotel as there is good slabug, sheds gud attentive _ostlers always -in ru-adim:s.. vran I11. .............. ....Iy.1- n... v I l?,RASER'bega.leave once'xmnr`o to rve-' . mind his friends and the trnvnlling com- munity that he is still in the land of the ilving, ' and not.bel1ind'hia competitofi in -the way of improvements. Eels still to be found opposite the Barrie Railway Station, where all that `is necessary to. counisute a plain Canadian Inn are to be found, private and public. ' ' Conveyance: to all parts North of Barrie. _ - n wnanwn D...m..-...,... . V _ . p i J on: 8. Tuna, - `V -4 Pnornxstom; . _ . npuu uuucuolvc unutua III":-I ; Au n-nu-cu.-u I3" Charges very reasonable. .5 Blrrie. _Nove|'nl__)er 29t_li, 1869. v i 9` Vu:TnnAiorEL, HADPFT RD/VDF` HARRY}? 1;{Al;KE}' '.QtI}z;21, 13.33313. _ JoI-mH..IoHNs,- , - -" ' Proprietor. um 3:51` or wnm` an uquona m_ me am. .I`)[\.l\l\,.LL).l..l_'J_J.\>.Jo _` L'e-Chnrch' Street , `next, door to the old L Court llnnso, Toronto. ' V . o,.\1`.~ucnAEL. - c. M M_XClIAR_L uopn 85 00M MODIOUS STABLING --__ nu: 5` HHS favourite-.oId.IIouse Hus heentl`1br_oug*h- Jy renovated and retted, and is, now -open to th public`. ' "|"hp bar in mm-lmd wh-h the vprv bst \Vine= _ - 7 ---v..~ \ ~v\.-\/\s'\ \*\.`s'Vr\ "REEN~-- BUSH %H_o1'E%T.f: ,1 Good Supply of Horse lizaiciucjalwuys o hand Cookstowd,~OCt. 1867. `I - V 42 BA,'3'.,`.!39I.E'-1` 112,3; 1;. MARKS, P.7.'oprietress.. ' T JOHN 1wc`WA1_j1',. supenmenden; II_lS hotel, so long and faivorsibly known to the travelling- community, is now c6n- vluctod by the proplietress, and is undcr_lhe su- perintendence qf .`\Ir. John Mcwau. Nnnrlv lhirtv mldmnnal bedrooms-hnve1n.tel\' pennlenaence OI Mr. JOHD INCH` ELI. Nearly lhirtyhnldilional bed rooms` llawle lately` been siddd to the Bmum HOTEL, all which be-' lngbuill. of Brick. and well wiirmed, will bl` Found as comfortable and cotnmodious as can be t'3und-in any house north of Toronto. tr? (lnmnmrnial travellers will nd nmnle ac- `JOHNSONHOUSILI T ORILLIA-, VONT. _ '[.Al;{GE Axb cosxsxootous smsrxu. Ian. A. Johnson, y-----.uv- ...9.-. ----v----.,` .v. _... . s0LI(V'l 1'0RI.V CH./INCERY, [otary Public, 'Conveyancer,' comxtssxoxnn 1): B. 11., T 7 HIS _new_ _an_d commodious hotel is situated near the Lakes Shore, and commundsu tine" view of the au1-rounding-scenery. The rooms are large, handsomely furnished, we-l3 ventilated, and families `can be "supplied with separate suits for themselves. ' ' Sample Rooms for Commercial Tmvlleis.` A The Bar will. always be luund replete- will Liquor: and cigars of the best brand. ` u`uod stabliug and atgentive `ostlors. Boats leave every day for Barrie, Hawk- atone, Bell Ewart, Beaverlon and all ports ml mike Simcoe, and three times daily for tlu- nvnrn. ' ' `It ? suaxcs 10:11 pans-leave this House nmy. , V - 1n-.1y EYGHANGE EBTEL, nrnvr Ah amnnvm DADDIIF IJI\llulIIv,c--no -- w - -- - w -. --_-_-- .VALUA'I`OR,V . _ . VETERINARY SURGEON, }-c. ruunu-In nousc n_0rlu (H Aqrunlu. 11;?` Commercial travellers will find ample :ommodation for showing samples. v Barrie. 15m Oct_., mes; . ' 18- W ffj} A M- i> C1iii ff ._--'--um/xnr n gxlvt S` I us. J onssdx, Ssxn- `HE Subscriber having succeeded lllr.'Grib- 5 bin in the above very comfortable nnr` -znrnmodions Hotel, begs to assure the uutner-o4u~` -:ust.omers of this fn._vo'rit;e and well estuhlisheu xtand, that he has made considerable improve meats in the internal accommodationnud other vise renovated "it. so as` to render the House om- nf the beat Family or Commercial Hotels in th wlace. The bar will he found _stocked- wit!- Foreigzn `and Domestic liquors and cigars of HM- xlmicest brands. ' ' Excellent enabling and attentive ostlersg Pleasure boats. Fishing tnckleand vehicles For the convenience of `summer guests -and tourists. :'I'heHovel is situated on" the `margin -1` the Lake 'and'wit.hiu 3 minutes walk of the ..---hn;i ml-`av-won R73- _--..u-av` Jhne, 1888. It Inc: |.m_Ise uuu vnu ueumboav. wharves. blished Weekly, ln1_1ne Town of Bdrle, ery 'l`umzspn morning, containing the rrent news of ._l.he`day, and all lha,I,t,AQ|-g rminimz to-the istfmrs ofthe County. Pcg in advance ct $2.00 if nofpaid 3; the: e of` subecriplion. r.nsmu-4-Six-lines or under,rstinserl.iou. c; each subsequent one -lc, .o,e1, cs, I6 perline,rsl. _insertion_; each. sub- uezrone ac Professional or Business - rdS`$4 P91` HM` $3 for six months if txuore than ten lines. ` Specig`,.ouu-`cu n be made by the year, on pg. of" st. Orders to discontinue 'Advertise- V ms to be made in wriI.in_ _ - aper dmcontinued until all a'rro`a.x-egg, . I I epild, except at the optionof the publish` . . mm, Booxammm and Baum done on the mises`. The facilities ofjhe Estnblish- ` nt sre more complete than say 0359', orth, of Toronto, having been cnrefully ` ' ' l led out'in every psrticulsr. * umnicatious should be addressed to the ublxsher, post-psid. . in. Jan. 1. IRS ). y n..-..'-..-_