Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 17 Feb 1870, p. 2

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y W um munrerpauty, at the cost of ti}: `la Vida . _ V - I i I > It was felt, however, thatsuch an `" amount was almost beyond the abilil y The Committee did not feeI.`justie< .of.`the town to paj,"in addition to its in recommerrding cornpliauce`with.t_i1i: "present debt and the BY-LBW W0.l1| requirement, and, `after fully` consider- mosteccrtninly have-been voted down, ing the whole gu0I.!ion_~in connection but for thenppoinlment and action of with their first proposals, tandjilhe `the protection Committee whose re- counter on'es"of:the Company, they er- solutions satised a majority of those rived at the aonclusronsgemhodicd in i who hadprevrously held view: rather ' ' ' ` ' " V_ _ 4 V the .Company, eonrlitipned npon_,the gnpport the By-Law, subject to-`the their sanptian` to the ndjrigngjmpcsed upon the grant. -__i By-,La'j__ in! before th_en_1,r . g " here than elways been _8 361'!!!" {1- ,ThIF,!hP I!!ncli9h.0f,the '1-`ore ;g_pe~nnt of apprehension on the part of `Simone. and` Moekoka Bnilwa` ' ;3eople,_thnt,the want Of .ltlf- t!Iie'N6rther|i"" u`gronn`dTh'era_` mig_l_itfboLt_he- . A` " heorthnrn Com ' u. vulsulu uuy,|uu.I JUHSUICIIOI1. The year -1871 is. that in which the next decennial census is fixed by law to take place. As there are different laws on the subject in the several pro- vinces it will therefore be necessary to 'm1dm-.anm!n cuclarn cl.-.----L---A pass :1 general act to establish a uniform AL alucltv-l_Ul,la - The creat1on_of,a Court o{jAppeali; under the powers conferred vupou you `by the `Union Act is a matter deserving your attention; A measure will be` submitted to. you for the establishment ofsuch a court, and for confering upon iticertam original jurisdiction; V -The vr-nr .1R'7l u Mme :.. ...Lr-_L AI, oluclablvllu V Under the operation of an net of the Imperial Parliament, passed in the years 1569, to amend the laws relating to the coasting trade and` merchant shipping in British possessions, 9. period _of two` veins is given to the Legislatures of the .sevr.-ral colonies of the empire -to make provision for the regiilation of their coasting trade. In the "absence of legislation on the subject within the period named the provisions of the T. Imperial lttWvW1'll be in force. The: `extent and value-of our internal com- mercerender legislation on this subject desirable, and 9, measure with regard I to it will be submitted `for your con- sideration. ` ' IDL , - - ' subject wxll be submittedfor your cons qlu |lAU UHDIGI The laws In force on [the subject of tlxefregulation ofpurliamentar-y elections in the severalt provinces of the Domin4` ion, vary much_in`their operations, and it xsiniportaht "that uniform provxsions should be made settling the !_ranchise' and regtilafing qlections to the House of Commons. A measure upon this sideration . uluucu IUI yuur UUIISIUCTEUOH. - The charter of most ofthe banks Qfl the Dominion were last session extend- ed for -a limited period, with theview thatlduring the interval the questions A of banking and currency should receive I the consideration which their impo;-3 lance demands. ' Airneasure intended to ensure-`safety to the community without interfering with the ligitimate operations of the ban`ks,4will be submit- ted for your consideration, and will, I ' found calculated `to place these important iutercsts upon 9. sound `and. siable basis.` ` ' fl"L_ L.--" I` JVJIAIGIJL u_1 a gclrclut sense OI security. ,I have watched with much anxiety the course of events mthe North-West Territories. Unfortunate misappre- hensions cf theintentions with which the country was sough to be acquired by Canada have led to complications of a grave _ character. With a view to their removal Ihave thought it desir- - able to exhaust every means of concil- iation`1:e'foro adopting other measures, an_d the latest advices lead me to ex- pect that the groundless alarms enter- tained by a portion` cf the -inhabitants, have given place to a desire to listen to the explanations which I havecaused. i to be made tothem. ` Efforts made in the spirit which has animated my gov- ernment throughout can scarcely fail to accomplish an equitable and peace- fulsolution of the existing diiculties, and thereby secure the speedy incor- porationioi the North-West Territories L with Can_a'da-- an object so earnestlyde- sired by the Empire and the Dominion. As the act {or the temporary govern- ment oi the Territories when united `with Canada will expire at the close of the present session, a measure provid- ing for theirugovermnent will be sub- mitted for your consideration. Tlun nkni-for I\ .~.....s Al`-L- 1,, v I _ 'l`lie T`fobl1ci1in' ,,eral `s pefec'h_ at ,the opening ot',5 Parlia- _.~ment ;on`_Tu_esda'y `last gii: t'h ,'HoiroufabZe ,Gntlemen' the - $enatg_' '. jGentlme2'z of House Q`/T`C'o':12t'22rons :. ~I recure with condence to ylou` vice, and have `muchysatislitctiou in be-V 1 iug ableon the pi-esont occasion to sum-` ,mon you for the discharge of your lpublic duties at the period of the year l most convenient to, yourselves. The I circumstances, under which. we "meet T are in many respects auspicious. The bounty of Providence crowned -the :-circumstances under which we meet ure in many` respects auspicious. The, liarvest with abundance, and made the` sheries unusually productive.- In many districts existing -industries have been enlarged and new euterprizes have started `into activity, furnishing fresh avenues for comrnerce and additional employment for our people; whilst every day new sections 05 the country. are being ofeued to the labourslofthe husbandman. `The trade and wt-.uJth of the Dominion are on the increase, and the equal administration of. the laws maintains, as heretofore, the eu- joymeut of algeneral sense of security. Ihv watched Wilh n'Illnl1 onvinlu Governor Genral_'s spggh. T Tlca rnn"n-n an - OLA -Enorio; o o Elan: 4.760 in Pomona '. . . H`dQi_J_ ;-L - uunouugcooogoluoga d 5 00 facordingtg 00@ qnglity Goons! I198! f_I"-onus;-o--or!-0 !- Spring,` ova-vt'II1OIIIO.I' 8I8ua.....'.u....o_---ion--o lhBIid'0......-'_-o----u% P0l'k 0uovnofofuoolnuco000030 ! \ 1`E`gt.9`l|,.-.""v1- A`-.=i'1"""" ,_ { A - _ :l":1;._1 f_`llIIl I>CI(-I g-sapwood; Sarina." when ._ , . { - _. _- --..-uuulu Wan'r--Receipts per rail 7,203 b.o.s. Man ket quiet. The feeling, is rmer in all gdeg, , in. sympathy with the futthe: admnce aye;-` yesterday : notations on {the "Liverpool tele-_ _ graphic a'd`vi a ofugis day .Snle oi'2,000 bshla white fall wheat at 83 in store. - . ' . ' Fz.oun--decidedly rmer, buyers o`ex-iug 3.50 for fair to choice supernes, and higher rates beinggobtainuhle in some instances). . . 041-s-Recelpts per rail nil- Market dull and nn`ominal_at lataquotations. ` ' 7:80 Apt! 9 hogs at. 8.12}. gauging from 54010 56c for primeaamples. ' ' ' . ' Dnxsssn Hons--Sn.le_s reported of [4 hpgs gt _ Pua--ARecipts per mil 364 bible." Prices. 0 mu. luv ueaves and other complaints pecutia} to horses; on alt it operated as a charm, the disease or compipittt was speedily removed, |h'g. tappetite and dtgestive organs corrected. the skin eoftened, and nsleek and shining appearance gigen lathe coatvall without any danger to, or preventing the horse being used.~--Remember the name, and see that the signnturenfurd 8: C ` 0. ts on each pack- age. Norrhrop& Lyman. Newcastle, 0nt., proprietors for Canada. Sold by all medicine deaiena ` A . ' Owmctis oI-`lHoRsi:s/ Rt:J_otc.NG._---And why not? rind who knows but that their `horses are rejoicing as well-; who can prove the effect on their horses of 4Darley s Condition P-utvders and Arabian Heave Remedy. Some were lean and poor having no appeme, others would devourvtheir fqodravenously, yet derive no benet from it; some were hide-hound, with rough and shaggy hair; others had tsevera coughs and colds , many had the hooves and other peculia} to operated as a tun... -L- 4________.____. Pnauvnxn Svnuing-'_I`his valuable medicine has been silently making its way into public favor byllhe numerous remarkable cures ix :has performed. Ils singular efficacy is owing to the proloride of iron which` in' this preparation remgins unohfurged. and is the` only form mwhuch tlusmlal element of healthy blood can be supplied; ' Wan-r-T-R mt nnho n- .,...u..m um, pack second. Lady Point County purse; $45; _ 4 horses 5 Charley Douglas first, Polly second, Fr_ank third. ~ ' .860! nd, Johnny Moore third. Port Perry,` Fab. ll.--The result of lhe; Irntlirrg races on Thursday and Friday, lhe' 10:h anrl'llIh February, is as follows :-- . . . Fir.lVdAy s races, Dominion nurse, $75; 3 horses starred ; Waterloo rsI, Staym*r' Boy Livery purse. $25; 5 horss srzrrled ;' Polly r'sl. Charley Douglasrsecond, Black Frank lhih]. ` QA___I `I, -' A ZSe;.r:ond day races. lnkeepers . purse. $100; 2 horses sIarIed;Slayne'r Boy rsl, Orillin Queen second. ` P-oney race, $10 ; 3 horserrslarled - _ , Johnny Smoker first, Cock second. Lady rhird. starred`; Charley Douglas first. Pn:Iu..........r n._-., s?awmaRawams| Associated Press Dspatcb. I growers tne past year, place the yield frequently as high `as 159 bu.~hel.~ttothe acre, with a cor- respouding advantage in quality of gram 'nnd _ straw. Those; who bonghthavc realized in some ihslances"a small forttme. One farmer in Wis- consin. has scld 1000 bushels, raisedbv liimselfthe past season for $10,000. ` The demand lor seed is increasing d.:il_v. and it is probable that the price" will be increased before seed time,` it indeed it can I be had at any gure. Ortl.-rs are also bg,-lug re- I I , I ceivetl (`our various parts `ofEurope._ Theflarmets Whn snrceeds nt securtngst.-etl this yuttr, will un- .duul:tedly gr)w' a `golden harvest ; but they ntn.-`t , also lookout for cutmterfcit:-, z1stlie_ grain itselfia in f nppt`9.l'Hll_(_?e some.-Iliing like our urdttiarv hl-,u-t.- mt. zxppeanunce s0mcI_hing urdicarv black ozus. Several Canada larnn;r.~= who grcgv then: last yenr_ have furnished lesmnoniuls whn-h wnlbe fuund in our advertising columns. Mes.-rs. D. W. Rnmsdell 6: Co.. o!'2lS Fear] Sl.. N. Y. pro riclurs, and have appointed Rev. J. I . Lee. uf..lanslead,_ Province gt_Queb_ec, 'a`s,then- ex- `elusive agent for the Provinces. Jheir adver- E lisement' wall be found in another place. ....w Iuunvuul lur cuunxencnts, aslhe { 1 , are the .......e. mat tut: pmrrc generallv were inclined to ! `regard it as a_ yaukee humbug; but it seems many were anxious to try it. forthe pric went up to the enormous gure of$32 per bushel before seed tune. and orders had to be returned unfilled at that The" result proved that . truth 'is some- trmes. strangerlhnn tiction. The reports from growers the past place frequently hi gh_ as15_9 acre. our. -' ~--""4 loan was to be ascertained. _ - These vmimns experirnents haveheeu ofa characlerso highlv sau'.~l'aclory, that the Norway Oats have become a xed tact. They have been .endorsed by-agricultural lairs In many of the Slate: of the Union,` and by inlelhgent p'aclicul farmeri everywhere. .A bureau for the. distribu- tion oflhe seeds. and ofthe infonmrlion necessary Ito its I-ullure has been eslablislred in'lha.cil_v of New York,lhecenlre otlhe great c.-xxlerpriw of the age. ' . Last season Hm .'..q.-.x..........'--r --- - - unna- -It wn manifest atnV;;lmtce'thut the wonder- ful production was a new species oi oats, oi" which there existed no previous authentic account. The practical New England farmer did not stop to trom_a'ssociation wtth the peas in the package in which it was tbmtd, or to speculate upon itzf character or origin. but called it, by many phila- tinction, the " Norway Oats, preserved _the seeds , and planted them the next spring Wllll like re~ genqiure whether the seed had detived its vitalitv l sults. s'r`t... ..,.-_ ,1. - -- -` ' -.... ...., ......, prt'seI'Veu tne seeds f`. The year alter he distributed the pronct amotlgwnttny ot`his neighboring n'm'ers,,who sttlntnntialiy repeated lIlS'0Wn experilncnts in its cultivation, and subjected it to various tests by w_hic.h its value as a substitute for the ordinary oat to be These vnnttu menm-:.......'... 1.....- L. I` iand pl8'll-315;] thctu with 3 --...... ..u... we ut)mml1'6l0nl'Ol Agrronlturc at Washington, a package of Norway peas. among which was a solitary grain ofonts ofunusual size ' nnd shape. Impressetl with its appearance he planted it in his garden near his peas-, and though nothing of the circumstance until his attention was invited by hie family-to :1 luxuriant clump of oatstalks, which ha-I resisted the usual weeding- out process and ntmincd to the enormous growth ot six feet tipwnrtlr, with a corresponding luteral development. In this -intruder upon -the space devoted to garden vegetables, the farmer re cognized the oil`-spring of the strange germ which he had deposited in the soiln. few months nrn- cogmzed the olspring bf he I111; vious. V The inlrodzctioh of the `so-culled `Norway 0:11- is crenmig a tremendous excitement among. ngricnlturisls in the Uniled -1 unless. and it Seems the fever iilasl spreading to other countries. Its history is singular and imeresling, as related by a cnrrespondenl ol lheRochesIer Farmer, as follows: - Go A C. It is well for those wlgo are in- 'deb_ted, to "note that they are required to:3ettle a_ccozmts im- medz'a__teI_7/.A ' A xuuows : ." A few years ago a New England farmer re- ceivd from the Commissioner of Agricuhurc Norwa _v peas; ofun usual he L. . . . nlnu-I ...I :. :_ Onrnnu, Feb. 15-Last night at seven o clockta tavern -kept by Wm._ Ormsby, Narrows `Bridge, about three miles from Orillia, was discovered to be on fire. The doors were brokenvopen, but there had made such headway as to render it impossible to enter. Mr. Orrnsby was alone in the house at the time of the re and l was burned to death. - Dr. Elliot summoned ti jury at ten o clook to-day. The following vet-` dictrwas rendered-: Burned to death Origin of the re unknown; 1VEURALGIA-.Use Dr. J. Briggs Allevemnr, for Neuralgin, Headnche, Calarrh, die. Sold by Druggists. - _ .888-3m uuu. Second races. Q hnruoa 1-Do:-In.I Everywhere the, `gre_at`:'ciip':ibilities' of the cotiotry Land the proofs of. vigor 003 industry - made. themselves -`appar- .8.D: and it; beos_qjie -my- pleasing duty to report to.her' Mnjesty s' govern- ment as tlreresult of myobservations, that thepinhabntants of the -Dominion Iare wellcontsnted withtheir position and prospects, and that `the wish nearest theirhaarts isto avail" them- selves of the franchise and full powers of legislation which they possess In order to bnildiup as a portion of the -British Empire institutions of their (own choice by laws 01 their own making. I nnnv lug..- ..-.. A- -' ` ` ' ulunluso V 1 now leave you to the` la_bot_Irs of the session with. earuesfuspiratious fur Iyour complete success. . ' ` VA,REMARKABLEiUSTORY4iTHATWON= 9 DERFUL OAT. NEURALGIA-.Use iir Neuralxzin. l~ln.ln..I.-. rs umus. nrARIgi:'1;'." - Toaoxro MARKET. TROTTING RAC ES. pour mama xx MAN BURNED. Orillia. 7o@ H75 -7.o t` 15 `ions-0 @ 5 ao_@ 650' ...-..:. '1. norm o no ,, - --- -uu awning e wuhout ing rnzime, '. Co. is an. medicine` nne slrange which soul a {cw months pre- . _1_fnb,V '1s79_. )8l&I'rh. A513. Snld In 'gIox"1Igct1t 3mmnce.; an I :zed ner ' hm lhn mu...` u u anuluu; d, Black 1...... ucuool ec_tion_No, _9, E .1. `either First or Second'c1ass \ -T:-nateeggbefore thejlsth insh, all prte-pi 17 'l`..-n.a---`l - I` R Sohool either F1 Section No, 'rsQ _ox_* Secoodfc , _.....,..,.ccp u on nand in ' case olemesgencypt may be given at all limes with perfeclaafety. Remember the name and see that the signa- ture of Hard &, Co. is on each package. . ` Northrop & Lyman,-Newcastle , 0. W.,- pro- prietors for the Gan_dusL Sold by all Medicine - 904-4iu eorgen, Oliver 6.: J. Deacon, Bradford; Sold in Barrie luv '1'. W. `G Co., and Alexander 65 Co.; ._ reen Bro., Graighurstauzd aJlmedicinedeal- CF80 `of Ilzfrd 45- Ca.' Remember lhe_ name, and see 1 but the signature ,=1_s on epch package. )5 F!" j -- N88! Mlevanlor for ,_ -_..u,nnL'Uu UUKD1`J ` 1` The_rs is nolhinithal can contribute so much toienderthe arse beautiful and ele- gant. to improve his condition and make him all that is desirabl.-, as D.1rley s _Coudilion Powders and Arabian Heava Remed ` ; `it i has been used, by many persotzs who own 5 vaiuable carriage and other horses with ties f cided success, and so welipleased are they} with it that they always keep it on hand in oiemesgency ; it g" perfect safety. package. N...-um... i. r...._-- -- n is also an cffcclllal kind p_n S mids. Burns, BFIIISCS, Sprmus. `Bites, Cramps In the Stomach, D1 morbus, Biliuus Chulic, Cholera 11 lerv, kc. r ricc onlyfz Qcnls per lmnle. Sold in Barrie by`T. W, (h:ul','; A. `V. Palmer, and Alcxunder .21 Bradford; Green 5.: Brain, Crai; medicine dealers. ._._. .. ,. _.. ' cure uyspcpsta Liver Cntlttplitt Heartburn, Sick-11:-a:l:w|u-, Kid: Acid Stottm(:I1,I`ht'ltisic ur Astln: to vital activity the sy.'~'tcm dcbiht in"2.and disease. Its txtagzt-at and womlcrtul sum-c dz.-n~ Colds, Sore Throat, Coughs ` in the side,` lotus and ba(`. :, Nctmit Rheutnalic and other n;\i;1s in any and from whatever cause, has gm cvery h.:_pseImll and is fuslsupcr preparnttotts of the kind. It is also eEClll3lht1dp_rtJI Stable Run. 11.. A. :- I i `won toritsclfa reputation, as n b _al'crrtti\'e ,, _ ,, ` .- ,.- uncut u-.u-3 wm-ntnm.-l_\' ll.~(' and _Vv have mgver kn,a'~t'n In single case ufdi~.~:tti~- motion where the dircctimts have hem: prop;-ili l'U(!\\'L'd,blllUH the contrary nii nrc doliclatcil with its" operations, zttul spa-:11: in the 'h1ghcst terms ofits virtue and magi:-al e(`('ls. . THE GANADI.-\N_ PAIN Di-ISTROYER has loud purier, stotnnch tome, unsurp:ts.~-(I in the historyoimedicalPreparation. . It scidmit littls to cure D_\`spcp. An-r Cmuplaints, Iudigc-.~tion, Heartburn. Sir-1:. H..-;.|...,.|...` 1.: . A _-.-. A Family l\Iedic'-inc, well and Invornb for the pas! t".n years, new-r lniinngz in n slnm-e 10 give` permanent u-.'iu-fvvlu-nlir case: been l'ulluwc:d, but on 1!) B(`('l NAB] -\ N D.\ l\T `l\|`:- D|'Ul0l'(l; Lil'(`ll mcdncmc dealers. 41 " 'w.1vxnmgm1rmxI1othe cmxsmnlmnf Full directions in lle pamplllet around om-l1 pnvkugc, which should be carelully preserved. JOB MOSES,` NEW YORK,`SOLE Apnopkxtron. ' One dollar and twelve and-a~lmll ccnls {or pm! .1ge, enclosc4l lo Nririhrou L`: Lyman, NC'('0:[l(?' Ont.. zteueral ngenl. fur llnc Dominion, wsll insnxe a luillle, containing over 50 pull-, by return mail. SUM in Barrie, by Oliver .\: Co., I`. W. Geor,<._'er:. I A. V. Pulnwr, :uId`Alexamlcr S: (.70.; J DI-neon. Bradlord; Green 65 Bro., Crnighurst, and all medicines do-n lure: ' I ,tm'rIuv'c, but at ml]; oi/uzr (mm H: 423/ an In 871 other (-`uses of Ncrvolls and Spinal l` ms. Pains in__lh Bar-L` my] [,im1..~, Fm ~sL~.'ht e.\'cr|.iun, Pulpilulion uflhc H*.'m'I,I ;. .1 l_\VhilCS,' these l il]: wiil ail}-<-l :1 cur}: ')lnermeans have failed ; and n|1h}u:gl:"n [ remedy, do no ! conlain Iron. cnluznel, untir "~.1vlhinghurlful.lo the cunslilnlmn. directions in 1|, nn..m|.|.`.. ..-_... Dl'lIl2,'0ll'!|N:: monlhiv period with r`gxxl:1ri,Lv. I Tlzese Pr//s s/rou/:1 not In m/.-on /y /}`Im!/9.: (lur- fug Ike FIRST .'1'IIICEI;` 4 JIUNTIIS '01! Pragnaurj/, (Is I/:r_1/V arc sirn; In //r///g an 311':-_' ,cm'riu 00, Vol/18/' time m r s rfr. _ c-'u.~*es_ Spinal A'ec l` Pnin_sbin_1he LirnIv~`. Fnliimn nu I This invaluable medicine is unllziling cure of all (lmsc pmnful m1d(lx1ng-run : Lll:8S('.` to which lhelenmle couslilnliou is s'.Il;jecI. ll` moder:-.Ics all excess and removes all obsu ucllons and a specclv ( ure may be relied on. 'l`n Mllbnvnn v - -\-r~- in the -..u u cklx yuy \ IIIC In-Iy uc l't.'ll.'(l To _M.ulRIED_ LADIES: it is peculimlysuilml. It will`, in a sh; bring ouv!l1l:n)unlhh' pe'ri.>d wilh rogulnri '1'/(age IV ///s / 2/ I; m `ma easA{i`{L:@snjJamsav :3 JOB MOSES P_E)DlG_\L PILLS. ! ?rmz srock MUS-1TBE nisrosso OF _'A BEFORE - urau Iuru; UFCCH medicine dc.-alers. i\'OR'J 1Iil()P 6; LYMAN, l\'x;wcAsTLe, -().~a'r.. ' ,Sold in.Ba1rrie. b\ T. W. G,-or A. V. Palmer, and Alexander Bradford; Green 6: 1_3ro., ' Propriulors. gen, Oiivvr $5 Co, & C0,; VJ. Deacon. Cruzglxurst, and uh "Lh- nmew used and lmlhluH}' appficd. . . To be had of mi Druzggislxaxnd Cmmt_ry Mercb- I anlsthroughoul the Domimuu. Price 25`. gar, boulc. ' . I ams U11 I THIS valuable `preparation combines all thi- medicinal virtues of lhosearlicles which long ex- perience has proved to possess the most ._sa. -: zlml o[Ii:ientvp'0pz'r!ie.'= fur the I.-ure of Flesh Wunmls, Sprains, Bruises, Grills 0! all kiI1d.+.Ci-an-kedliw.-is, Ring Bone. Spavin. Callous`. Fisluln, .Sw.-cncy. I-j:{1crnalPi)i.-ons, SciaIche. nr Grease, Strains Lmncness, I\ T&I1{.,", Whillnwx, Cums. Sand Crzu-k.~:, `I-`oninilered Feel, Horn Di.~lc-mpg-r. S\\`cHin','.<, mu! many other diseases which hoxscs and cuuh: ari- snbject to. V v'.2l.i celebraled Linimcnl has been used lrr [sun cc! to. ` _ - _ln:1s used lcr; {nanv years, and its curative propcrlitn-5 llzormzglulv ` tested, and it is conceded 10 be -the cheapest awl ! most reliable remedy for all external -oxnplainnxs`; ever offered to the publ:c-lI never fails wlxen I rimelv used and tzmhl`ullv applicd. ' | ll Drll!2lSlx'zII|aI rfnnnlrv "\Jn:-1.1.- __/1 {NEVER F/lIL[NG' REMEDY._ BEMAN'-WRIGH'I .-.-On the 14th inI!.,,by the` Rev; J; Finch, -Mr. Wm. H. Beman ' lo Miss 7 Etizabelh Wright, boll) of Bell Ewart. ' ` 3 _._'____4 V I - `Calms -Use Dr. J.-Briggs Cm-alive Coruxs Bunions, ingn-owing Nails. Slod by all Druggists. ' ' ` SSS-3m 'CoNsunP1'xv:s.--Use Dr. Bnggs Throat and Lung Hgaalcffur all diseases oflhe Throat, Lungs and Chest. Very pl_easunl and eicacious. Sold sum-vwheru. ' " 833 3m THURSDAY, FEB. 17, 71870. and Uncut. everywhere. I .A.ra.bia,`n. 011 FOR nonsrzs & CATTLE. 'WH.SON.-Al Matchbum, Mcdonle, on 3rd ` "December, 1869, the wife o_l Wm. Wil- son, Esq., of a son. - K .l .PLES.-USU Dr.- Briggs Pile Remedy; for diseases at every descrip1ion- Sold by all Drug- gisls. - 888-3m 1 __ DIED; ! DENNIS.--On the l2:h inst, at her fn`l1er s i _ teqidgnce Apia, Flus, Catherine, youngest daughter of Mr. John Dennis, in the fourlaenlh year of her age. , EUKALUIA,HIQAUAUHL`4,DUlu'4_J.unun1 Z'c., cured vry uickly by using Dr. J. Biggs Allemntor a an e; agreeable, and relia- ble remedy, Sold by all medicine dealers ORNS.-HARD, SOFT -AND FESTERED ' CORNS, bunions, lnrge or small, ingrowing`, nails, sweat-scalded feet. &c., relieved im- mediately nnd soon cured by `applying Dr. J_ Brigg`s Modern Curntive according to direc- tions. it n`evei-`docs harm; always does good. Sold in Barrie `by Alexander & Co., and by all medicine dealers. 833.145. I GAUTION.""A}l genuine has the name P1:nt.'vxA.'t SYRL'I'," (not Peruvian Bar1:,") blown in the glass A 32- age pnmplnict sent frce. J. I . Dmsxonl . Propr ctor, J6 Day St.. \`c-.v York, - Sold by all Dmzzists. ..;..__...______. ..__._.__.__}.____._.___ .__...._ CANADIAN P_ll_N nsmuvn. CAUTION .--A Ym.'I-_" (not P ir Vorns . GREAT VBARGLAINS. `1ORNS.-HARD, son` -AND msmm-:0 wnnnnc lmninnn Inn-nm nr cmn" inornwinti ]'_EURALGIA,.HEADACHE, SORE_'l`HR-O AT xm mu-mi winv nuinklv hv mine Dr. I "I8 .S!_l`g< 7:1;-E;\U'T_1FUL-M Iion[s>1s V .- ..-.|.: W- , ...... ....quu;_;u an puwcylul 1 10 cnlmnel hurlfullo ircclions pamphlt bcvcareluH_v "lag; Nvpxu vnn1* . l~(\i ..V ..-`..-L' , antimony, or Lyman,.N_ewcnstie_-, ;he Ganudus. ' ' -rie George.-n, (under w., Uraighurst. qgd the seelhat 2.,-is i---------} (._._,.........;u. i 4 "EaEi:ia1HNuti:lsL nu: k'_md. _ - V ebclual and prompt Br1}ises,Sprmus. (jhilhi Hey 51., l'\(2'.V Iorx, by al1Drug;,'ists. Oliver ;\: Ho, uk C0,; J. D cucun. Crar-,'L.3rsl, hand all 4-11) _'._l`he Ixigijlwajyr iiiigtioizt -'l`l:e Railway Company demanded $30,000, and in consideration of getting that sum, agreed to take the bay shore route as_ the most acceptable, it was supposed to a majority of the rate`-. payers. If urns Lil} 'l.n..-......._ `VI, . .- , .~, nu-:5;-.~uon, I l'2'JIl (`ll(", Idncv Cmnplainhj hisic Asthma. and roster:-s` : systcni dcbihmlcd by sulfur- scs,:~prmus. Uhl'[blaiIl3} FfO;\'l 2 Dinrllmm, Cholera f |ic,Chulc5'al1:`.zniuu), Dyacu. ' ....u.,-uu: sum-css xn curing 5110- I mat, Coughs, Dmlhcnu , puins ' I bzlok, Ncmuigna, Tnullnag-Inc, r 511.311) purl uflhu bmly ca_usc,J1usgivcu it :1 place in d IS 1'-aslsupcrscding all uthef (ind. MARRIED. BIRTHS. ...... Lb uu., x . w .ueor,r._'er: . lexandur 5: ; VBro., nil; A-In ,_.,_.. .-u|IIl\'I, (mac, muons. St_"ld(?llll.i1llS :x Kidncv Cmnnlninn & uuuu (II we I1`.-art, l`L\.\ICrit?> :4 when all 1 ;:1nd pu\\'cr17ui) 1-almnel. anlimnnv. m Q E593, must bov fohss apply to the L, allletuers to be f rompt `rbmedv for i . (Jhilblains.3I~ rosI Jinnlmm. (.'h..l...... a :in `curing mhcnu. lllline I 1 " I wh de- inf .,,, .,. -1: 314!- 4-Iv _/ I3. B010 .w we nnuemgned. Dated at Jqrrie, V.a.1J.,1s1o. _ , IVlc0 AR'1`~iIVaL mccAm`mr, - - '. ' 'v...:.'..;s c-r_-,_-.- 1 uure, .1 won: and 20 perches, IV. Lot 38, in the 16th concession, lots ' and 12, in the Nth concession, and the Eastern blf of L0` 10 .in Pith concession, of Oriliixu (Northern Division). . * Terms, will be made known at time of sale. A For particulars as" to conditions and term; appligation may bcninde [if by letter post-paid, to thejnndoinigned. - .. Dalcat. nu`. can. .1... -r 1 ; uieureu, wen Ienced and drained. - II. Pork Loin number 12, 13. 1-1 and X5. the North side of Rose Street, Town of Bnrznr laid out on the East half of the South mm` Lot No. 22, in the 4th concession of acres. This 2_aiso'is well cleared and fenced. AIII. ' Together or separately. Park Lois Nos. 30, 31, 32nd 33, West side of Peel Street, .1 -laidicxit on part of Westhalf of Lot 23, in rich concession of Vespra, each containing abut! - 1' acre, 3 mod: and 20 38, the 16th 1` (an_ l2_, in the concession. and um I`..-an-rn Vespm, L` ' ux ouucuo. ' V v 1. The South East quarter of 2|, in the 4th concession of Yes; more_or less, [in Barrie]. This cleared, well fenced I Lola nnmhnu 10 In I qu un: ngm uue equity of redempnon ter_est of the Insolvent and myselfns signce on the following property in the of Simcoe. ' of Lot concessinn M` v....... .- IEIE CC vvl` \II` All the right title equity 1 latest Insolvent mu! I ' VII TS3?7`dtl.3/, the m'nth- day qf A1m'/ ,4 nl in-n1... ..v..|..-a_ ., \ IN`sBLvN'rAc'r or Ise4~:Au .---__- (ln the matter of ALLAN GL'.\'-\'. ` Insolvent. I396. _ Easi 0/ gm of TORONTO BERNARD Onmns. v - -III Ulill-II I J ` PAl.\"I`S, un.s Axn com `:11 '1 we U\.`..a.`. I l}L`\IlYl\`l.` Ixxrn c<~<'~---- - All of which 113.60 been personn _._--v--v--hi-'J U\."..'.-`..'a ~ (EENUINE DYE S'I`Ulv'l-`>`, .\'v . y sa-XL ct nre of the nes! quality. fe ./1 Cull rcsptcl_.fz1'Z/y solicitn-[.. 896- ' ~ ' 1 nno u . . ~ .. \ ' AND cm:.\m:..\r'..<. EPERFUM av & TOILET YA[[lE1.E:% . PAI.\"I`S. Hlr..\` .\\'n rm jxijii I if v ;A. V. PALMER & I .-x . V. PALMER, well known 2:; .. __ tion with the drug osl:1l)_U;~}`.xue1.t\r2 .~\Ic.\`andcr &: Co., has just 0; con] :3 .: ubnvc style a. new drug store in the -m 1 in}: n u\u\p\..:J - IIII ~n-up - ' uuncur. ' Dated the fourth day of February. jc-3: .-\.`.\`. I ; .n|n|:1 wuuu1VVl.\'.'0 mm`-s ot ll1e'pr(,-pus .'_- ' V'1`h`e purc!;n.=_er sl1al_I at the true 1; I [V0 the Vendor or his Solicitor a d- ;1 1 prmvorlior. of ten dullaxs for max} 1,; dn!Iurs'of'tl1,- purchase nmnev, uzzd I in one month tI;cx'c.~.. lLr, v.'ixhuut:in'.` "Deed to hc'p`rcpur<-d by the \'cndox`s at .the expense of the p:u'ch:x;~c-r. '!'}:;- di'.i'ms,of 5119 WI be the standing ll of the Courrof Chnx1ct;ry. [7 Further p:mxcu!:u'3 an-.1 c0m1ilinn=_ 1 he had on -.x;plicMion n . :he o1H('r..~: 1,: ` Pnltersoll, IIarris_on.k Pnin. (`ourt-> f .`.I(-';=.-'rs. I2:xrf0I`! 3; I$mn=, I,\` the City r.-t'Toronl,o. and .\I:trk Scunh: iu_1`be Village of Bradfoul,_ and 9: Lioneer.` ' T`|..o...I L- r-..--I ` ` - . SchooIcraft Hote1,iz1 ;_ Village of "lal:j ` In Hun 'l'r.wn.-Lin r.' l".... . uzuuxuaclu, cunuunmg one lmndxc : qr lr-ss. .'I`l:e_soil is g nlmu! fclearn-d and under cultivation, 1} `well wooded. The buildings an .coniist cf :1 Log House and llnz; on the premises :1. good well of` 1 young ox`cbax' beginning to Lu: ,fu'rm-is disl:1nt.'from t_l1e Vill.:;;c ( Iuhout one mile, and about six ml Villngeot`. llondbc-ad. There are I , Mills within }\1'o miles of the propc ; '1`ll_r.- r.urc!;a.=er shall at Um m... -1. INDER and by virtue of 1 me in iunnn M` I... .. % 4`, .,.,,,,_ TA INDER `the power us. me as assignee of the estate and .~:!`. eabove named Insolvent. I wiil uh. cause to bcocred for sale by =1_ -` -`- . ' '1 I M. ore o'clock in the afternoon. in that is in 5.1) : ightb_' Cuucessiuno! the sub: T I - - . 3 TheNnrth half of Lot nmnbcr '1`: i I e Tccumseth, containing hundred 0!` ,Til(.` S1) ii (nr.I'l - :.Lr..-o ` I - -..-.vv Va ,v4-um `Lt i In the l'ow_'n:ship of T9cmn:el|_1,_ I - ' of Snmcov, on I}; . V . .7 - Opposztc Me Watt's, Ban-ze 1/ Witha eqmplete stock of I'u:u ' .vv`wvv VCQJCV-L_IJ' I ! - Will be offered {or sale by I- :.h!I: '- EBy Dilessrs. Slzczzrt um! J.' A uctzo/zm'.<, sale, nmdc by the Court of l,` pause cf AUSMAN against ICHIK, respectively, the `.5311; day of Juzv the lilh da_v-of Jrlnlmry. 1371,, :1 approbation of Andrew .\'oxmu Va Master in (`rdirmry of the said Cu lowing valuable ~]:)URVi31.'A.\'T-to the Decree nm} 5': -- . .;`, Counterfeit sen-dis on},-rulnnv! Luv deceived as-the seed is dark gn-y m, (hing oflke apps-nrnnr-e: 0! HM: cu mu: Farmers I-lxouhl urdur at mu-c 1--H, limited. Price `$5 pnfr bn.~|u-_l, $3 V; or $2 per pork. in Camnln um...-\v_ slnnduld of 32.19%. Ii) the l :u~.l..l. Slanstcad, Provmcu u{Qm-lu:v- ngent. Orders nm-mupzum-d w be addressed to him lullown:- D. W. R.-\MSDELL,d.: Co., 21*. I . 1~ um `HA Hm , or lulhc 1.: BAMSDELL NBRWAY % _ One farmer in eve _ A ---------4 -U4 1 one xfgrmgr e-veI'_Y lawn can I of $500. per acre lrgnj a few acres ; next aegwon by selling the am! In hu. .4, L Every no who sees ugrowmz ml: vv4..,~_ 1: will yield from Iwo aollrrecmm-..~,, mv othet variety, of better grail-. w, 1 _ .,. Leroy. N. Y.. wrm-.5 lhal hf. lnkv ; (II Hnx . 2` Vi? I-n-`IL was ll25Vbuvl1c|s, all mid M 510 pg; 1,1,.` , (tonnstuclfo OI Slnnstend, Prv;\ incc M Q;, .3, ` port! a, yield of I00 bushels In [he no...` A, C`-oodscll, of S_lanslmnl. guys H H. ,_ trelnendoua, we-xght 40 lbs. per },.,.;,,., Au|l,AnIvIllc, Onl.. says `= lhcy me pm fur-our farmo:ra,a_lmId pp Wu nd uh uh, have taken rsl prutnxums ml 4) .` Fairs in Ihe U. S.1hc past 2-r:..~m.. commended by 21f-nrmurs L-lulu. 1 seed to the an-fa is enough on my ;~ V Iprcad uslonislnngly and choke :h.-n.~. , . they have plenty or mum. .1, 1 Our L77-gt I///txtraml" C1". /1111! I en .|_ .\ nau.-x 1 , ;:cu1 lIL'CCHJl.N.X`. Brooch. The owner can have it by pm; _npd paying cost of this notice. W.\I. 1}? 1- 'v ibuslw IQ ST-ORE 'm 7CHANfC1;i:\` M 2 or. D. `V. R.-XMSDELL L`c C0,; N tizc Market. Sqlnnr, Barrie. Douzall. pomp Li: rm: I`O\\'.\' u;u.r.. . ])3CCI}1LA`[" mm-h _ - V v -'1 I at twelve o'clock noon, at I 'r\.-\__._ :7 Il~1:1:;s;Ms'M'-1' '" ""4" 0' near tn zawnfiuif? `ff "'-N9t!hrn J_Iu=u..-5 {guthe working ' :1` -'. ';!.'8a5 , o,-o~~ fill?` shut! be. pmyvgqgdb Baofi-i"F%5UNo. ublic A 11.-L"e'0.~z` zonrr I-IQUSE, ' in the 5e,i1u` sua day of January. Volume JAIL I"! 3' so: AVCAUTION. ofV1"I`. ] 1I:(:[`;:.l`1 '4 hi; .'\` ., .1. _ -vuuuuule oasis tor an agreement with Vinc I Company, upon the add 10 sanction to the His'E1I By-Law now them, `at Ottm gl. That the Junction of the Toronto; 311 all 08 Simon. and` Btail.w_ay.e ixvith '.('he.; the Northern; fqha_ll b..;t;.ar.`uoarftiie ,iu`g;f-.-.f_ , pr9S_n!'Sation {of . tbd.NOl'Ihern In-`tin . man. t H,` 72"; I " -' " - ; ' *- ' UV!`-i-`..`y \..... VL`. K'l`l7I.`l.* L . ' .._._.I vwvihlhl u.- A. Y. P.\L.\Ii'2IL Inn?! 01 L01. nu Vcspm, 5.) This nnrnnl G _llcC ARTIlY; cm 3` Fredemptign and ; d his :1 mum in Hm I`. `ll: -yam, uu Kl.L.'nl' -parcel i3 ni. ll [I3 HID XL I the Own . lllll l\ 1..>R.<, ...-..--7 `"?nl Ill 1 clay 5-U3 1}} 2. Committee feel. justified compliance `withthis ' consider`- question - in connection first and_ __ the ones'of: the they e,r- . the iny this report as -_a fair compromise and n 1 reasonable basis for an agreement with V: Comnanv. `mnAn;m...: ........ .L- . `I _l , ..-- -v vvuvwnusiuo The Committee would further .s`ate that,`at their rst}m'eeting', certain re- solutions were adopted. somewhat simi: lar to the foregoing,` except as to the ' lling up o{_'the water lots,` which it ,1: 1' otherwise v_arying in one of two. other vans suggested should bedone bypand ` I at the expense ofthe Company, and . `I points of minor importance. `A deputa- .~ Ition from _theCommittee waited upon i I 3 the Executive Cornmittee ofthe Com- ` 2 puny in Toronto, on Wednesday` last ,i and - laidthe resolutions before them`. l` A reply was received `the. following ,i morning, agreeing iasub_s.tance_wi_th , several of the proposals of this Commit: ; tee, - but differing` therefrom on some important points, the principal one hav- ' iug reference to the llingvup of the - water lots which the-Company refused , to be bound to do attheir own cost, but or} offered to undertake; at prime cost to I the owners. A condih'm..m.....n..- -2 I A great many were of opinion that! the scheme would be decidedly ingur-} ious to-the town by raising up rival} places of business between this and? Orillia-, and thereby divertmga portion ! . I of our present trade; others`thought' t_.l_1at the. Northern Railway Companv ' -and the City of"Tconto would build: the road as a~.mntterVof- self `protection, even if they failed to obtain local: `municipal z_1id. Some were willing to` ' encourage` the enterprize,on various grounds, and to give a bonus of$15,000 icept perhaps two or three`, having some or even $20,000, but lmrgll y a voice was lifted in favor of :1 large -amount, Vex t specinl`obJect in view, and with little stake in the Municipality. ' nu I"| `I V "` I I I . uuuII:_u LU unueruure: at prime condition wasalso add- ed that`, if the Company arranged with the Northern Bgtnltvuy Cqmphny to make certain improvements ip front of the town, (mentioned in the forego-' ing resolutions) the right of way should 7 be obtained {or the Gem nuies through the Municipality, t 5 the M ' . That, `in the view of the probable - adoption oflhe By~Law'tu aid `the To- ronto, Simcoe and Muskoka o'Junctron : Roilwav, to the extent of` Thirty` `Thousand Dollars, it is necessary, for` ' the due and;proper protection of the . Company whenever they shall be" in :3 Mrinicipelity, that a binding agreement be entered intowith said Rrailway l position legally to make such, embody- I -i_r_1g the following details an_d'provrsoesl.] in connection with the work, and with the rights and privileges of the porper-T ty holders, or, that the Compunynray he in a position to ` claim under` their charter,*'or otherwise, so far as this town is concerned. - ' . . II In \ ` The Committee appointed by the Ratepayers at "ii. 'plll)llQ' meet hetd in. the town hall; Barrie, on the 4th` of February, instant, to consider the .qiies- 7 tionofa grant in aid of the T.S. & M. -1 J. Railway, present for the considera- i tion of said `Ratepayers, and, as the re- ` stilt of their deliberations, the following 1 l suggastioiis :--- T ` l rni- - -- - * V I 1 man, vl mum nut uuuueu [0 vote. The principal advocates of the Rm!-; Mr. McConkey, Mr. Simpson, Mr. lMcWa1t, Mr. Rawson, M-r. Morrow .and Mr.- Bird. Opposed to; it were "Mr. Henry Boys;_ Mr. Spencer, Mr. -A". C. Thomson, Mr. -ATndrew'Grnham, Mr. A.` Miscamp_be1lTan'd Mr. Broliey. ' _ The'loIlowmg is the ` `I way or the bonus on the occasionwere T uclus aullullullliu Dy U13 Liaepayers. The proposal that our bonuse should be contingent` . upon the Orogrant` did not seem to meet with general favor, and some of the speakers were very severenpon it, especially Mr. VNichol- son, of the Examiner, whose remarks were certainly forcible and pointed. .It was finally "declared carried, how- ever, although it was diicult to decide the `point with so largeng. numberaned many of them not entitled to vote. Thh nrinnh-ml ruin.-m.-.a.... -1` .1, , n n. s5:. io%r: ma` zm'.bii'i`1hii`: "` '1ou'li the `cost bf " .5118` "F!'!,:.; S Sijiith >"f~_tlie" 'j' 38] l'rIe|I:'=!iF'-'j -1_u8 idvof the hwi may ll0l_b0V9!Y hewy`. the 'town_;, .11 derive}! benet fromj the wozk,/probably nnicicpt: tn)" _on1pe`nsate_1pt*"the; extra ten thounnd dollars weglfave granted- _ T " I Thd l0`IllIf;nnc no cl... ..........:u-'. -1 vvtvulllg, IIHVU HUI, IIOWQVBI-1 poen .3 Iydt submitted to. the Railway Company. l '10! their nal eonideralion, and th0 latter may be unwilling. to accede to them. We do not apprehend that they will refuse the .mouey ' even coupled. with the conditions, and we consider [that in granting such a bonus, nude`; any `circumstances; the ratepayers have . gone to the utmost limit; that a liberal and progressive spirit should carry them. uuu.-v unv uuula u.:ncu- IIUHI (He Ouler , `municipalities. and` that this munici- pality will not receive benets from the railway _commensurate `with the large sum asked for. _ m A '1 This amendment waslost. i As the question of bonus or'no bonus is now settled, we do not think it necessary to give tlre g.rguments_ insed ` by the parties who spoke. in litvor of and against the Railway-or the bonus. There was no dxerence otopimon _as to the propriety."ot7adopt`ing the reso- lutions of the Comrnittcelexcept the eighth, contingent upon the B_y-law being sanctioned by the Ra_,tepayers. ` nronosal lht1t0[lr-hnnna .t.,...m < . Iavlllll W8 BVU gI,I'IICU. . ` n-1%? -, The , utions of the committee` svnbmyfed to the meeting on Fzidjyjy. '_ eveumg, have not, however, been It yvet uubmiuad m nu`. n..n....... n..........~... % The Railiv;;n!eting on many. | TL- _4a___ __._-.-. .. .,......,-,.u5 um aeuuuu gruuuu [of the latter, and making other im- provements between tl1e present pas- " senger station and Mary ASl'reet,_ the Town` Commlittee conceded somewhat of their demands in respect to the water lots, considering, no doubt, that their rstiduty was to the ratepayers as a body rather than a certain number of them, but believing at the same time, ' that the interests . of the water lot owners had been fairly guarded. ' ' `i'(7l, .I - The auendanceion last Friday even- ing. was quite is huge as that of the previous week,_and the discussion was wholly "conned -to the ratepayers. Mr; N`. King, of the 'Nahern Gazme, acted as Secretary. . . 7 T 'IVI._ 134---- `,,l_ .1 n o 0 '.l_`heI{'ees;e the chair shortlyi after-tihe appointed hour, and stated that the committee appointed by the ratepayers to look -offer the [interests of the Municipality in connectionhvwith the Ruilwayequestion, had prepared a - report whichlwould `be read to the meeting, after which its provisions wouid be canvassed and voted _uponV clause by clause; _ . 1 (V_._- _I,_',, Some objecxion was made to this mode of proceeding as lhemeetingwas called npoii 9. reqiiisition from parties adverse to the Railway, but lhe`Cha`_ir~ men having explainedthat all parties would.-have an Opportunity of. being heard andi ofmovmg resolutions` in op- position to" tlie._lionus,' the objection seemed to' be removed. In: Ir` ~- nvrlnlv - vuu V'-'AI`-ii-xylioportiof the, Committee [wtas . Ihen read by.1Mr. D. McCarthy, j r., after xvhnclrit w_as.discnssed clau'seVby clause and adopted, the only motion offered in amendment being after tho reading of the eighth clatise, when `it was moved by Mr. Sponcer, seconded by Mr. Andrew Giaham, in H1: nnn3nn npihun .L..-_a!.._ . I uy `Hill. `21.lI,ulUVV.L!.Illlan1, ' , thgshllt mftheoqpxnxonbofthxs meeting, _ "m 0 $3 .v0(')O` 3Skd by the T. S. &\ M. J. Ra1lw_ay Company is mo;-e than` we are lentxtled to pay an pmpo;--' t| sums a.~.ked- from the other` n`!lln;r'in!iHnc: am! 91...: 41.:-.. _.._.,, [ REPORT or Tm; comn'r'rm:': _____ . _.,,-. ufvr 'I.lFI6FIllG. be - ief Uanada. ,cJs3}vs1? jC'atmotl : . ' Tho 3 humble : 1iAi{i'9 Ii};' _ rlhe Emte-.. Ied pQyon of .tho`i;_ty;ofI 1_`q'1on %be:;i-1 nuteIio.i 4 W V tori-rlif W _ "% we '0 .T.h.o 5 u_I:.II5.'f9;. . ` ..... uawcucncy we _uo_vernor-Gei:;al' Ottawa, and - present the said petition an early day, e_ . . . " The petiuon referred to ie't_he1'o)1ow,- WES"-.'.- ` ' . :`=_ 959 *` `? * `7" _._.-I.,.`n- p Resolved, that this meeting of the ratepayers ot'tlm_ city of 'l`or,onto, call,- ed by I public proclamation, strongly convinced of the vast` importance to the whole Dominion.of_ an enlarged,` comprehensive undA'nnitorm-- system of canal and inland navigation through out the-Pro_vi,nces, and of the great loss to the country _ntp large involved in .- delay,_ would respectfully bring the subject under the consideration of the Dominion Government and urge the necessity of appointing a` commission to investigate and report upon it at an early day, and" that the.petition,t`or this object be now. read, adopted and. signed "V by his worship the Mayor. the {chairman of the. meeting ._i_1n_q by the secretary, and that at committee to consist of the Mayor of Toronto, F; G." Capreol, of -Toronto 5 Adgm Cmokg, of Toronto; the city `members of_ that. House L ot Commons ; `the Amem'hers`qf_ . the same House for the counties of . Simcoe, York and `Pee1;.Hon. J; G.. 2 Blanchet, M. P.-, of the`1_ rovinc__e of . Quebec, Hon._, J. "H. Gray,,M. P.', of V the Province of New` Brunswick ; Hun. " Charley` Turner. 0- B-. of the .1 ro- 4, gvince of `Nova Sc`otia,'svith powerto `~ . their z;mn_;ber,`i do ~wait 1: V p His "Excellency the" Golvernor-General` .5`:0,N8WI. and 'i)re snnt`lIi'n ..:.1 -..-.':.':....-- - .-.a ....._uuuo '- When the question of Railway ex tension was rst seriously mooted hete, public opinion was verymuch divided upon the subject.- meeting oflhe citizens of Toronto was held in the (St. Lawrence Hall on last` -Saturday evening, and was con- subject `of Canal "communication. It was largely attended, and many of the most prorninentcivizens were _presnt, The following resolution, "which was seconded by Mr, Iiobert_Gn'ith, was :adopted:--- ' A T)__A`___j ,1 . .1 -` vened-for the purpose ofdiscussulgthe V `moved by `Mr. Lewis Mositt, and. -.___.. NaURAr.GIA -Use Dr. J."Brigg: Allevanlor for Neuralgra, Headache, Catarrh, Sore Throat.` `lronc!u'lis,&c. It is_ agreeable to use, and_re- fable. Sold by Drnggi"_.s1s. _ 888-3_m . vvbyu yy unc Luwusulp 0| U10. 9. That `the Council be instructed not to ratify said By.-Law until` th Company is permanently organizgd mid executes an agreenlcnl embodying . Ihe foregoing resolutions. 1 - ----~--.---------..__ ' -17 VI A a ` 08.-That the -By-Law_,,if sanctioned. 'by_the electors, be. riot--ratied by the Council, unless and until the Township of 0:9 gmnta bonus of $40,000 to the 'Comp{my,.us by the varruvngement Aen- lered into with the Company, Barrie was onlylto be called upon to grant a- bonus of 75 per cent. of the amount voted by the Township of 010. I 9. 'Tllllt `lh n()l1l1nI| ha ;I1Q'I|lI:s'nt' "vs:-o`v: Inc 9.IUlllil.l.lyo V V _ 6. That. the Corporation ' of~Barrie and 'the property owners shall have the right reserved of making sewers` under said l ailwey, to the bay, for drainage purposes; and of _'running . pipes` thereunder, for` drawing water Vfrurnsaid bay, [provided that the works necessary thereto shall not weaken , in- j_ure, or obstruct. the works pflhe. Com- '7 .'l`!mt :1... h..L.....o....._ .. 1.- :__..-J uulc ` , ` . V` 7. That lhe.Debentures-to be issued under [the By-Law now _befure the ratepayers, he handed over to the [Trustees to be 'am)ciinted under the Company's Act `of: Incorporation, on -the trust that the money is to be ex- pended within the linnls of this Cor- poration, and be paid over to `the Com- 'pany in arutio t_o the_ progress, of the work. - 'n (nu ... -~'--- -- - ~ vvul-0|, III G Glllllllll lHil.Ul.|U{ _5. 'l`hat the owners of xvnter lots icrossed by the Railway track, shall have access at all times to the .portion of their lots lying beyond or South of ' the Ruilway,_and shall yclontinue to have the right as to the use ot the said remaining portion therot as they en- joy at present, with the` privilege to them audtlieirrepresentatives of using the [breast-work of said Railway as a stay or protection for any erection wharf or other construction, to be placed or built beyond, or `against, said `_breast.- Work, provided that the same shall not project `over said Railway, and provid- ed, also that no injury be done _to the iworlts of the Com;-my. R "Phat aka (`*........,...'.6:..... 3-: i)..-..:.. I-V |-LLU VVCII-CI D UUSUO _ 4. That Mulcaster street,"Byntz `street and .Sam`pson street, shall he continued intothe bay, acriisstlie Rail- way track`,1o`r the_conven_ience `of ac.- . cess to the` water by all the inhabi- tants of.the town, and that it shall he the duty of the-said Company to make said streets (so as to be continued to a nished surface of the lull width of said streets at the top) from.the' south- lem boundary of Dunlap street, as width of Dunlap street to be "only one chain) to the Railway track, and to construct and make water slips from [the Railway embankment into the ' water, in a similar manner. l R 'l`l'.;.o L- ...-___.._' '_i- --_',. 1- . shown on, said plan (assuming the 7 `That the Comnen`f'be'reouired to I makearrengements with the Northern. 5 .R_`ailW'a_y "Company tofhnve the trackof what is known as the Barrie Switch, . 4moVe_l:futther,into the buy, a sufficient idis_tance'to {allow for a` street of forty feet in width from Mary street to Bay- eld street, running South of Mr. Lount s fence, and thence on 11' line` with the present track to the Passenger. Station,-(Ihcinterest of the_ Northern Railway Company in aid foty_fe'et, and all to the North thereof, to be con- veyed tothe Town) and that the Com-. pany be required toobtain "such ofthe A water lots from the proposed Western Terminus of the Road to the said Pas- senger `Station (West: `side of . Mary` street, produced) as are not now own- ed by the Northern Railwey Company. Of` `the NJR-,t"., xvi" u-tannin-A tn eu oy tne Northern Railway Company. which `the N.Rf.C. will require to obtainvin moving out:_ their track as -aforesaid, or-a. sufficient portion there?` of to extendyto a certain line indicated on the plan already referred to,-.runn- ing from the _'South-West angle of what is indicated "as the commence- ment of the property intended to be ncguired by the T. S. &.M.V Company, :td_]0it1ih.g the Northern `Railway Com- pany s boundary on a curve to a point beyond the Westside of Mary Street, as" produced, to the __bay, and to ll in and make ground ol`the- some [or the purpose of affording` ample station ground tortreightvand other "purposes at the Tunction of the said Railway iCompan_ies,a right of way being re- served tor all purposes across the `same `in front or projection of existing streets to the water s edge. T A That `:\:I'nl.m..o.... -0...-...o "`D.....a.. _ 'u4hoirx.1d_inni.-|=..vIr`nsjia:._t.renIAl.y; . V rains, in hurrying {he Captain info} the. Qreat splopgnnwhpga tyhewido'w: ptoco_ed- % _ ed, to ' place` befofte them. her_ dish of . ' Iannpxxs chicken Iiica.ssae,*a;ud a. couplg g of - boggles of [inrk._ling,\vine.{ ` I .(Co`ntinued.) *. 1' i.;oT'mq`ni%1r5ige:a i g5aut;.iuii_nii:s .1. we're reuunded loy.~.:hei ludlpdy '_ " Kt hi!,{.50?`!cement,'v03oar Jodi n`c/' `"`? "flu. 'w_nave;ms lot tilled in by the .(;on1pnny,h which lling they shall~ be bound to do alha cost to such owner ;:: vnA1or.c lll8l1'12%-. cents per cuhicf Q "l`l.-A ALL:-q___ .. . " . V. . E ,-1 p1(I_I_Ij '.of ` thij Fdppidximdte T '_l3.c'tioy ' iniiv ;5'9!|' ,__f:!!I `Just-'n,;_whi&:Ii.}-link '7 al[gady ~ 5h.pre[iredby-ithe_ `C6hipan`y,~` and , * that `open,.culv_eus "not Less tbim `-5 feet A. Wide. be c6ntnIctedby' the company 4 91$ each W.ut9I?-lo1`onecting the waters 9 of,`thei[ba'.'y;'wiI~h theRailway embank- ;_men't;ex'cpt when the owner of any -wa_ter lot elects, during the progress Of the work, to have his lot filled i_n by .Comnam_ whinh am... .1..... .t...n . The cm Qu$t:on._ . . .....u, LllllI`)l-Cll unu- be ,_a'_1ng_by I `that lgayor vronto the . nmnnn Vllan nu\--l---- 3' anpper _i a picture e{n.ri.Md .nrIn ' the brigf-li'p`Io_`itin paging downlho I.` at Ihe'e xpnu of, gwgqlg niighl`-`.01 iliitnrhed ' T '.0!"t)`{o.vE'(,l5l.[-Fir!fV.VlQV at a {catty I sigh ,van`d.a gusty waj_:i:;g_;n the ~m:i:;z'n12'g.' } gag?! ; Sm: or was Masai` Ann Su_z.m....The Ma`!-_ kct and Stella were sold this week by Mt. J. E. f Johnson; and realized A handlome gure. The `,' Vmatjket. was bought by Mr. Ashton, `at $615. The stall latelj occupied by Messre.`Bingha'm,` ' _was bought by Mr. Mpmndrell, at $145; the next one . by h;lesers.~BingbeIi: for $73, the hen by - t M. `rm `9: ;$?*?~i?9 4.2 ?'F1. P3"` "!":'* Biazhun in $6.0: N9 5. mobs-ed by l.lr_-Iaon. , oul_v_ la_rongli7t" $15,-L and the one It the;-`entry . , lately oconpietl: by )I :."l.-eki|_I,_v woe khoked _ down`.'et$2'5."- __M1u'Eiq'g 3 ,`totI{1ol,`$;9__8Vl. : ' Bows non Rxn Rma.-n.-The Government is giving out contraclelor boats for the Red Riv'ex`- service, three of which n.l`e_ being built by Mr.` Carley. of this town. They are intended prin- cipally, wenshould imngine,|'or usoon the Rivers and}Rapids,' being built stem and stem alike, ` with appliances for changing .the rudder to either end of the `boat, end are mainly intended for toying yilh long iweepg. 4 considerable number eye being built in "poronlo end else- _wh_ere fo: Athennp_ne.-ggrvice: A two glory frame plaslered house o ; Penelabgnishene Street, [ belonging to 3` Messrs, Snmmersen, was burnt down an Tlzursday eianipg last. T_he ehgine, was, Iaken lo the scene gflhe re, but there being no water near,[it could net, of course, be used, and it soon became apparent Ihal.lbe_buildg ing cqtild nbthe saved.. The furniture and loose a.rlTi_gle.-. `of property was go! pm. No Insurance. V At a meeting of the South Simcoe Counly Lodge at Allislon, on lhe1slir1sl.,ll|e.'fo|- lowmg Brethren were eleo_Led'oicers for me` current Orange year :_-Juhn Hoey, C. 1\4V.';` J. G. Sutherland, D. C. M.; W5 M. Lock- hart, Chaplain; M. Colquhoun, Secrelary ;' W. C. Bradshaw, _Treasurer, and W. R Fenian, Du-ector of Ceremonies. Com. n "" "" l""""" The Company were "at first iieqiiired to fill up .theAwh.ToIe of the water front,- _age.-to their embankment at their own i (cost, butto, this they strongly objected , on the grounvdvthatu in doing `so they `would be en-haiicingthe value of pri- 'vate__ Vproperty withcut_ any expense "to. the '0Wnm'S, mid (IS the Ex- ecutive Committee of the Railway showed xi dispositionzto treat with the` Northern Railway Company in the mntlcr of enlarging the station groiindl Vof the inltbr urn! rnuln'.... .41.-.. -`-~ ....-. vv ..... nun rlvayvlllj Ill IIIBJIIUIUBSIUII. We 6130 `rytolicalhal Mr. J. Robert" Sxralhy fomerly of lh-is Lawn; brother of the Massieurs Szralhy here, passed it creditabIe'exa..'_nin'atidn before the Benchers in convocation use: third year Sludenfat Law. We say to him go in and win. ` We have mtich piaaeurc in simouncrnglthe fa_ct oiMr. F. W". Laily, son bf E. S. La! y, . Esq, -Manager of the Bank of Commerce here, havihg passed his examination before the Law Society, during this present term, and` being admitted an` Attorney-al-Law.. We` congra.tuIate`Mr. Lellyiou his success, and wish him prosperity in ltishprolessioir. Wn nlan n`lsI:nn |l.-n III; I D_L-...' an, .I `Fatal .Accident.-A' Young lad about 14 years of age, son of _Mr. Michael l\Iurphy, of Vesprzi, was `ac- cidentally injured about a. _week since 'whil_s*. _teamiag, by `being knocked down and struck by one or the horses. After l.ingering`for a few days: he died from jheeeect of the injury receeived. _ --- . vn. uvuunvu nu uu IKAEIIGI usulllblg the amount of the bonus than against giving any aid atlall, and it wasngene- rally admitted that twenty or even txveiity-ve thousand ' dollars twouli-l have carried. We hope that one failure will not causethe Company to aban- Adon their 'en.terprize. ._ They know , pretty `well no\v`what -they can rely . upongetting from the cnluierent Muni- cipalities, and_ the reduction at most ' only.represents the cost `oflfn_m' two` to three miles of the Railway. T -: CoizNs.-Use Dr. J. Briggs Modern ACnraIive for Corns-, Bunions, In-growing Nails. Tender I-`cel,&c. `Mild,sooxbing, soenjniz and healing Sold by all druggisls. 888-3mo ` uv ' Mr . Frank Smith, 'ant10unceti` the determiuatlon which hud been arrived (at, and stated that the Company would unt again approach A the ratep:_1yers of .Oro with an offer of Railway -service. Tlxo uni}. ....-.........l 4,. L- ..,AL withdrawn." ` ' _The voting f'ro'm `the connmencenlentl went ijgalust the By-Law, and fabout one o clock `the adverse majority hav- ing reached over one hundred, it was considered advisable to ask to have it THE BONUS IN ORO. _ The ratpyers of 0m decided,yes- terduy that they did not want a Rai`.- way _through their township A at the tpnce asked ot them. Ii, -' ...,...... gully uuereoo at an enrIy-.da|8- f E -And your petitioners asI1n duly .bound will ever prev- ` 1 Togonto, Feb. 12t-h, .1870; .V The movemengeof which this meet- in; is, the oom_mfencement, is 9. good `one, .and the" example . of _T9_r010 should be followed in other `place! especially tl1os'eAhi1ying- an interest in obtainingfincreased canal. communica- tion . vwIVt`s pr0moters are evidently still strong in their faith or they would not be willingto.sulbn1iv`. their project to this proposed" test. V M ~---. -. = `I . rzaow IS "rnm*mn ron You g rorvncnasn . _-.-.. .z..v:.n.u.uu UUUANLI - The Otco of the Clerk of this` court has been moved fgom Mulmur, to West halfofLot number ten, in the event}: Concession of Tbssorontio; His=Pdst _0`ice Address is._now Everett, Post Oice. ' 1 w . ' ? t Ttit ` L youx%`petiti`uet;' `_ drip .`s..1t'dx1'glV'y 5 "..i:onvipce4_i `of ,th : vast`? i mjbortune " to comprehghsiv dud 3*tm i:furm ~.'sysIem of canal -and1 inlahd navigation through - thy. whble" ' Duminidn '01 an" `enlarged; 5 outjthi Provinces,`"a_nd of the grcnt loss to the country 'at`. arge in delay in V the accomplishment of these impotftant ' undertakings. `Vnnr mn:u.`.-...; . _ _ . . . A ..u '-L---l`- A- Uuuul uuuuga. ' ' 5 -V f Your "petitioners ' would i [therefore- -most` respectfull}. bring lhis suhjectf guder the consideration` of_yom'-[Ex-i jceilency -in Privy Council, and pray} fthatra commission be -appointed, or; other `means taken; to investigate, and report fully thereon at an early? date. - And VOIH` nelilinnarc nu -in rlnhv I 1 1 ,- ---.-. V.-. lwulv vs ulu uuxuuuuu 13' secured, anii the report of a competent commissioner will necessarily have great` inuence: _iu _determining the action of the Government. rm'.- -..I .__,_--- wn -nu uvvvvlllullilllu The enlargement} of our canals was` part of the fitog-ra_mme;o{ co,nfe(lration, and this work mut {necessarily either follow or ' precede the construction of 1he.Georgian Bay Cimal. _ T gun`: 4; an-----3----A V` ' "` ` , ---. -...., \1uvullUll ul. ISSUE lI_l ICSPGCC t'o_the`1ust` mentioned scheme, and set at rest for even-`any _doubts as tons advantages. BY _m8kill g' ..th_eV quostiongn general "9a the interest and good will of peo- pie from every part of the Dominion is unnnraol 4... ! n__ _ , uu, uuuul. ,` . Such a commission as the" Toronto meeting asks ;for should be able to settle every "question at issue in respect |t'0 ` 1nst' rnni-1h'n|-unpl --L---- ---J _- .-... .... .....u v: J-lKIll\V\AJ oGlVlUCu Thg vofe seemed to be rather against `1nnn-nnnu-M AF 01... L.....-.. AL-.- -7 V - .SEVENTH DIVISION Cotmr. A The adoption of the Railway By- Luw in this [Municipality on Monday `lust, hyea vote" of 127 to 40, was, no doubt, the result of the public meeting held on the previous Friday. L The Committee appointed by the ratepayexs to watch their interests, reported at this meeting and Arecomr'n`end'cd as the re- sult of their deliberations, the adoption ' of certain conditions upon_ compliance with which by the Railway autlioyities, `the hon us was to `be ctviitiiigcnt. These Tesollltlolls very fullyprotect the gen- eral interestsof the. Municipality, and` =nlsov the rights of property holders, so `far as is consistent with justice to the Railway Company and the public. I ITVL . ORANGE MEETING. PASSED. FIRE. > m L_t um` m1;in the summer nd agvtu An `had hegppo,rtuniy'of gisitiug dI?3r- i`_ eat pqrtg gt fhe_ Dominion, I-pr'9ceaeq_. to.Quebec,-A-thencp tip the mdritinnnd pro-;~ [ yigces,_~ and gt Ijalifax I hadttheilgonour . V.."--\ Lteceivznc` Hi! 7`B.IS n1 Lliinen ;}P;ij;_`(A__gthur`. -Sublequengly I I,i~_ .N us Iuv uvuuu 9 . ' 1 have ogaerved w1th_satIsfaction' the efforts which have been made `in several of the provinces of the Domin- ion to !o_st_er' and encourage emigration to onrshorcs. The continued progreas , ,uf great public works m many pottions` of the country will `afford tlgg oi-gpq; . qmity of _ea__rly gmplsyqont `o in ants: in`; .-1mmig.rantn,_an, ` _ loo forward` "wnlh conden`oe to .,th;e..Qddnt;on of a jlurge ind valuable clasooi outlets to `u_x" nopulaftion __dur'in_gg the coming seu:!!r.- o * ` * "l\~.-_:.~__".'.|' ' "" V 1 1 J 1 lingo u scucnuu uut ll! USLHUHSH IJHIIUTUI `and accurate system throughout the Dominion. Steps have already been - taken tosecure the co-operation ofNew- toundland and Prince Edward` Island. and I trust a census will bemade ' sirniiltaneously in all her Majesty's `British North American possessions. `I need not expatiate on the importance ofthe information which the tables. of the census are calculatedto afford, as in addition to their interest and value on general grounds _it must be recollect- ed. hat upon them depends tl1e read- justment ot the Parliamentary repre- : 3 sentation. at V e 'GentZeme_nlof the House of C'qn_mzo)z.g :- I have directed that the accounts of . thelast year shall be laid before `you. The` estimates for the present nancial 1 year will also be submitted. They have -4 been framed with every regard to ` `economy compatible with the efticieviicy` ` of the public service, and you "will, I trust, be of the opinion that the ; nances are in a satisfactory state and . that the people can without inconiven- 3 ience- aerd for the service of her 1 Nlejesty the supplies which it will he : l d the duty of my government to ask you to vote. - Honourable Gentlemen of the Sezzat'-_. '1 Gentlemen of the House a/ Cb,mn;qz;s_;-_-3 " a The act respecting the militia and `l . defence ot`tlie.Domin_ion has not failed "1 to engage my attention. Thehigh ;` spirit and loyalty of the people are I,` placed ID a clear light by the {act that d` the active . militia have voluntarily ` come. forward largely in excess,of_.the Iquota required, as well as by .-the zealous attendance_ of the various corps kt at the annual training in the camps - E hand by the prong. tnpggwitgg wiper} 3, . they assembled in `grceat-the ea] M w] duty,` on more than one occasion, when `Fnian marauders threatened n>_lO .I1_e_caA gt: Aof`thecountry.; ` ' . 1 `onion - A -_..-.I!; -I A nommoma

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