W Ill] nuru \\'UUU. The connlitions of the snlelwill be the s[and ing_ conditions of tho Cdurt of. Ch:mcery,_ except that t'wenty_p-er com ot'.the pur_chr13e money is _Io-_be paid down, and 11m balanccdwiphin tvro ' weeks from the_d`.~ty of `suie. A-1--'1`I'l`I'.E GOOD. --b .1t:uu`:aut:u uutt_t:r.~I Hy way 0! p0::l1S. 11. That it shal`. be` luwftil LA` the I`l1I'p01=0 i aim-'esni1, for the Reeve of the said .\hinicip.-ility I to CJLHU my mimhcr of -Debvmures to be made , fur-such stints 9f moztcy as may be required for j th said 'pt`.t'y->50, not less than Twenty Dollzus ` each, and not exceeding: in tE:e'\v1to|c the amount . -i of Forty l`-`uott.=anrl_ l)oHftr3. which said 'Dt-ben- 4 lures shall be sealed with the seal of._ the said -.\tumctpatity,m.a be signed hy'th item thereof. 1. Thai! the Said de`m`I'tltlt">-t ehsl hn m-uln .'\|uu|cxp:nI|_\ ,mIu UL` rzgncu Dy U10 1i0t`\`e HI`.`l`COf. III. said debemufes shall be made payable, in t'v.'eni_i' _ve:u's from diiy _l:ereinnflor- xnen_tio:mi,.f-Jr t3:ii_R_')'~I:u`.' lo L-tkp <':ct at the Bank .of Toronto In the -Oily'of" Toronto, and Slmll,11zu_ c gxttaxcliocl '.o Lhrm coupons my mg fvnynuexxl of zmerost at the rule and in man- ner l1m.in:ifler nzentinnd. 1!? 'l`I...o Ln .~..:,1 .1-I-....a. ..'- -u.,n u,,, UILIB UUIllH'5.r And whereas the said Municipality has Aoxisiingdobt. . . . ' . And \v`\:rnA=1 f`.u- nnvinrr nm :..a..'....,.. _ lUCl_l l IUUCU u And wheren3'th si{no_x1nt of the wholefrate-` I able. p'r_o}3:ly _of the said `Muni_<:i;xality,~ in~'..g.- ; pocjxve-of :}ny mcrense to_hc_ derived from the I tem_pora_ry nun-stment of the sinking "fund hero- ljnafter mt-u\ioned._ or any part thereof, accord- 1 mg to lbevlnst revised Assessment Roll of the g said Mu_nicipul_it_yj being Forthe year One 'I`ho1i.. s}\n'd, Eight Hundred and SixI_v-Nine, was fthree hundred and sixteen thousand nnd. seventy. 'uin'e dollars- ' ' ' A..A ..1.-......,.. .1... ,...':-.1 u.'._ _s,, JETS, In Luu Iut:um-rneruuarler mcnuuneu. And when-us imvitrequire the sum of font; thousand four hu ndVr`ed dollars; to be raised an- mmlly by-'speci:1l r:x}a, for paying the said dab: . of forty-V1ho'us:1ud dollarsv and `interest, on the |' Debentures to be issued thclefor as llefeinagr mentioned. ' ` Ana mI.n.-n..avoI.A .'.mA...`.c -9 n.. _u u mg sucu uuur." , 7, And whereas, the municipality of"lhe 'Co:- _p0i`3linn of`,the Township of Oro, -has dolor- -mined to aid and. assist, the said Tqronlo, }S1mco and Musknkn, Junction Railway Com. n puny, by giving" thereto the sum.of ,forl_v-thou- I-s_a_.n1 doilars, by my of bonus. under lhe authority conferred by the said uboverccited Act. ' V A -4 vvw'\r\I-nun 0.-.'....r..n H...1..-o ..--.-o-.1 1 - Act. _ 1 . . I And whereas, to carry lhr21a:_ nhj..ct _ into elfect it is necessary for the said Munici- 1 p`aIity. Io mise_the sum of'forty1honsaud dol- i,lars, in the manner-herexuafter mcmiuned. And u~}uirnnc it \vi!l rnnnh-n ol\.. A... -0 t-___' . _. V . V ,5 "V~`HERE.-`l-S, by an act of the Legislature of i f V ' i,t.h_e Province of Ontario, passed in the _ { tlnrty-tlnrd year of the regin ot'He_r`l\1ajest'yj , ' _Queen Victoria. and mlituled An Act. to in-' 1 corporate the Toronto. Simcoe and Muskolm ' iJnnctio'n Railway Company, ltis provided ' ` l as follows :- And it shall further be ' lawful for any Municipality, or Municipalities,`through ' 2 anypart of. which, or near which the I .uilway or works of said, Compn.ny_shall pass, or be i situated to aid- or assist the said company, -by'i lozulinz. or g`uara,nteeing,`or giving money bf`. \\`n_v,t_>f bonus or other means to the Company, . or issuing municipal bonds t_n,.or in aid -ofitlie ' C-ompaa. y and otherwise in such manner and to ` .st1chcrLtentas such municipalities." or_ any off them,slmll`t_hink expedient, provide-`inlu-u;,'s,l ,~tha't such aid, loan, bonus or guarantee shall; 3 be given "under it By-Law, for the purpose to he I ] l A F i passed in conformity with the'pmvi.=ion3 of the ,Act~re-zpectingzlllunicipal Institutions. for the creation of debt, and all such By-Laws so pass- . ed shall be valid notwithstanding that'suc_h mte -m'a_v'excecd the aggregate rate_nf two [cents in ,- the dollar, on the actual value of such rateablc propert_v,- provided that the. nnuual rate ol';aa-1 I seambut shall not in any case exceed, for all `purposes, three cents in the dollar, on the actual- value of the whole rate-able property within the li municipality or portion or` n. Municipality creat- ijng such debt. And whor:-mt. the munirinali/tv nf"th.=. '(`.n~-. )UBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN," That under nnd hv' vi:-mp n4` uh. m......... gw ;';i::,,~;;';?:s:gii:;Z;";:<,..`::?,i',2 :lRgymggmgEEmmy % `the"To2?o`nto, Sz'mcoe`_aml. Jlfus-.3 i`.. ._ dollars, to thevsaid Company,~I . _ V A ` 1} wml `?f 5071253 and id 153113 I7z'eAccz'der.z _1nsufane_'.C'bnt@dny, z VdbV`V"f . 3` `9("2 ,"d `'0 x THE POS'1`OFEIGE'BUILDING,|BABRI;E', -(Amt/zorzze 2 /ze lev_2/mg of a > ~ ` A " " A 317961.611 M13 f0?` I/la payznent of Bonds,WilIs, &c.,= to makeseiu-ches in the the Debcntu-C3 and z`nten.5t.. `i.I{vegis1ry O1Iicn!aud to re npplicgtionvfor 1 - " - V Llnsumncea, (Fire and Iufe,) upon reasonable I .. HEIUIAS, by act Legislature bf Tmsn "1 30C9 `[19 P3'v'`8e f_' M3 X the Ontario, mend , Md the P0b- -` . ' f thirty-third year the 'of' Her Majesty; Barrie, May 6tb,- 1868. ' 18- I Queen Victoria. abd inlilnled An Act m in- ' preha}e <'i` to-V d1:ar_ up Dec -.d's; `M5rtgage_s,J 0:-'EE}E}fis `M3151 -. ..A `.9 I2....:-r alas" I on. .,.|__ TAKE NOTICE, I`1n'n`1nl}n|'u (5 gm. D...-... A` .. .. ;;STR.., H?EJ;E,ER,} A-7?-E'D,,--*iut'o`:: th~ pregnggg rihp`i -L -hob-'Wn`;= 419. in` a` El `I13. 4.... it J av-LAW Hot`; `u3.? OF `1864 AND1s9. GEIORGE TUDHOPE. Tmims/t.1'n (flirt- _`.`IOsE 7 _V __l IE: 1_U UIIKIKEJ. Tow/as/up Clerk.` `2_7..`.-. 'HorSford s Sel f-Raisiing Bread ' ` V Prepara.tion'.. V ' _._..0_._.- - - V Freshdumdiau Cheese of No. 1 Qua1ity;. .. , - , ---o-- - , A large variety Qf Fancy an'd Plain , - Bzseuips at reducedrates; ' A {or every dilcully: ,.Wo laktoocmon to notify V ,vv- --a~--. -v- u-rne 4- Vicinity. Bu tlwaya-on gm1qy`;_po jedlcrs, pm! to ciamim. -1../_ hand .a full monuu .-nu, th` pubxici (i ,:._C'H11RGES _1|19DERATE..;;9} 'n|oMp3.oN'-3 & NH-S vnw-3:: Nan '1nIlu lean. -AA ` .---.-o--- ?iCk1e. Sauces, & c., &c.; 'l\T `T A T)`l f."II1`7 . --o-- ` iI3'LUNCIIES, &c., pr.ep'ar`ed at all" season- ablehours. V ' . English, French and American Confectionery; (I11- CLOs'n11NG] }P.&N.MELADY S|KPBY ri35ygAier.ou. |~'3B.'i1i,.A_'I'!!`!fi!iE3l ,-_.._---co cu nnywyniilvlli [LT 1tUli.|fJlb" AUCTION ROOMS, ' 2' Of British 'an_dfI1`oreig'n{Dr_y Goody. T ` x in the - - N Advances madeotui Goods. V355-333' SQ-"-74.355 : . - A - -. n the - " ` @ s`ales:_7`2unczz;Z_l__z/_'_atended to. N ..a':A a' R [V E , 7 \ I _Weobave no other nlnee 43! bu,-.m'.` rm ;; 3! MIRJDBIPII Roasts}/Auclianhni . . o . W DEVI? I10 0 "l`oronto Alone. us V5? was Aim Liuun,` Fdreitzn and Native. A Cu.\unsaxoxsns7 Orrzcs, Uuuwn, 2511: Jzmuur_v, 1 ""`."" `*" . ""1n""' 1 Foreign and Native. > V M HERM'ETICA_LLY SEALED GOODS, V FRENCH SARDINBS, ,. _ LOBSTERS, . COVE OYSTERS,` FRUITS & `VEGETABLES. 1---A1? . 7` - "`."W""""'-``_',`-1 .2 _ A .141 KING,S'L`REET EAST, TORONTO. Toronto, cu: neg. 1se9." ' :43-tr: 44uu. \JJ/IL! _DUNLoP STREET, - BARR_IE.A GfJ,BOOTH 7*i CARPENTER LED BIIIMLDERT-,:% ad _uv.c.- an 5-: vi ,4!--a.n"u.n.a&`-`.l.lll1 T. E. R. has been nppointcd sole agent in B,.rrie for the [land Shuttle Sewing lvlachine-- gt durnble, heautiful,`_\\'elI made, and highly n- ished Machine, which makesthe genuine lock stitch, and willdo all kinds ofwork required in .5 family, It will seam, quilt, gather. fell, cord, hruid, bind, hem nndtuck, mukinga beautiful and-perfect` stitch alike on both ides, and has been pronounced by competent judges the most pa-.i'cct Illnchiue `M. the price ever put on the - market. Also on hand the V - A , Queen ; Elcptic Sezing Machines -PRICE ONLY $15.00. aws. MKNAHAN ",.`.`39 .. T 1 `?'F3UR-NITURE,`V ~H0UsE}1 Sm-Ina` |tnio...i.." "nv"._ h=.."`:1:_`' -.-.`,.r.1s * `.'r'.*' it His Stock em_braces'alnrga assortment of Stove Pipe_s,' Zinc, Tin and Japan Ware, Potsf Bake Kettles, lro'n Tea. Kettles, Blacklebnd, Blur-king. Al_l_kinds of Brushes, Brooms and 1)::s:er.=., Tin Toys, Sleighs and Fancy? Arli- `cles, Table ohd Hand Lamps, Swim; and Side Lamps, Clmmieiiers, Best Rock and (Inn! Oils,"I`mce Chains, Cow Ties, "Curry! Umnhs, G.-.rds,' Locks, _Scr_cws, Butts,` `and (zen- ex'al-IIardWV.1;'e._ ' ` - . ' --..-.-,w.yu1 L AMPS & CI{I.VINE\'S, &c., ofthe best quality, and at 1`omnto_Prices. A `V . unuul.l<'II:.. 4-;*.mo} ' _ _ M. xmcxlsn&c.,1mushan,;;;cb._ I WASHING &, MATNGLLINGi as A...` . ;\`11LwJa0ons}Mia"nEnn pm] uuuv 4 .n July, 1869. `3WZ@iMIES{;S HOLIDAY GOODS New! our to Bimltcm -Mc'Cart L s ! 5_ Dent. d'uble patent red, V5 stops Autimatic swell, for $100, warranted. And other instru- mcnt_s at prices which defy cqmpetition. E3`. Send fora price list. _ Piano Fortes 6- Mqlod_cons Tuned and Repaired. i T..I.. 1mm 1- Denier in Foreign an'd'D.ozh_cstic,Fruits, &_c.',v Barrie, Nov. '1 0111, 18.69.` {P1AN0s, CABINET 0RGANs%l .. .4...` ......_a. .\............_... _We have o other pine: bf busfnca but iii Porontollone. ' 1 v ` . fR?ELCA.NIE LIFE -._._, --. vw :- .ea9&oai31%%gfw ms; fig 125; T/m7"S}i EE7 PUBLIC AUCTION- 9AI,:?&h3i:;iZ"1'S.=R S `Barrie, VS`ept`., -1868, ALEX. MORROW; ' 'A(2T?.N'l` FDR - T110013RY,%Pn0v1s1<$:t:L1QUdRV s'ro 1u-1. I41 glam: s1'n1' EAST; _-'-T-ALSO-- 5EWING`nI*;.?`A;9??!: 1' F. W, 12-13 hon F s'ro`1u~:, _ `Opposite .I!Icssfs. McCarlhy 15' McCur!hy :s ` Lr1w'0j/ice, . ' 7717'? AT! L'Ir:'I v\ n In-:1-`vi ':L\./KJAJLLJ ,1 LL\J\ J.sJl\JJ.'V0( l4l\{U\J. '.-1`_1~}'sUm;NcE-c3\zf13X5I'y,' A T QUEEN'S. Has .2; LIFE, nnaannvl an autism: nu-.uau--. 1J:'ja'&:E>3E:ir"sf,' MTCHMAKER &E3I1C1AN ~---ti % JEWEI/.L .V _ - _tl-Sole Agent_ for Barrie A-`Vi:-.m. 855- - .n.an .a.u..va\I`IED%.J.l..I. gFJGS to inform the public that he has remov- , d to his _ v v TINWADRE,-STOV-ES |\InD 9. vnxvc L- `PHILIPS & COATES, NEWM ARKFIT. _@'IN Tozco NT0_,@. izr to be found in th store of .j0_--. Just received, gs. large suppiy of REM__gvAL. THE. CHEAPEST `V E`\'v'lI.L ]_ .\Y AGENTS: A SALARY` OF : $30 pc-ryweek audm-xpenses, _or allow ax large commission, to sell our new._"wpudexful! im-cntfnns. . .;>,moI n uvnrwvnn Ln. 1: ,1 _n n- u 2 "35. :& .N._I`ME;LADY, % KIN 1:"I'lIM'.`."F `D A Q ! nun iinnvm; WF9. 0995!!` Rfesisir;-E) ' 13: V13 RIETY. II\l .NE\Vl\IAI3I{ET. A v . _v~3~-~I`IV\fV.,`s`#`3'-1'94 to Boultcm .Mc0art/Ly Law Oice, 'wuzm: HE HAS ' ii Egavvson `m the nnhlin Hut: 1... 1.-.. ........... T -4-AND'- V` Azzin '.1'm.'~;rI:a` OF-BARBIE; I)//. Nu/Iir/7//'1/, I/m . \f11rnl`nnnI]: /Inn nl ,,,.|PHOTOGRAPHS uvvv ti VT! Il`l'\`T'IrlI, By Mulosnxrn Rouns , Auctioneer. _ The limiwknown as,Gnnn a Liumaon Thirty Lots andhall Lotifiu the Townahif of Rama, 0 \ {and thirty dncrlomaud Two hm` ' Township of Morrison. L5 in the `Also willvhn nlfnrMl'n9 cam`. Hm. [-5 o ' :..' v uvvn cf:-` 1>.oG;1:`11sr AUc131oN"3ooMs, uuum ID annual ul Vnlhto nu owners I .N of Mills situated on streams frequented by Fish, that the throwing of Mill rubbish or saw dust intO,wnter- is illegal, and that after this da.'c any infraction bf the Fishing Law in this respect will be dealt with accordingly. -< ! Parties interested in Sneckled Trnnf. Gnhinri > 31Vs4I:nIE- ; % ap2=0_sITz2 Mc WA TT S'HOTEL. V _._..-_.-. .A4nJ 4- I IOVVIIIIIIP UI K101713031. ` Also wi1l;ho olferedlt some time Lot 8," in` the 16th` conqesniqn -,-plots 9 and 12, `in the I'n.h:_ conegnion , and 1.l_:g.ea;te:n half of lot 10, `in the -1781; ooncebsion, O:-illi.n~North_e rn D_i vi-_ ninn; `am Limits willbe and subject .0 the a1ipn- Igtion enfdonea qn thg`,I4icehan,'nd tq.tpo usgnl geimitong gvhi the iudod -"pa" ..--" Q...-.-..-_.1 A.'_ -:----` vv-uvu nag fay _' * Toms gnd Ql3|;;; Lwb`i_.1h,_e'n,I1:be. learned on -wlimiou mo thi.undIni5n9d; ymhp mule knQVn1iIlIle(ilIO`0f91O; _ - , Il-l!.A_n4nnu: A ' In an A-- rrapcct. Wlll De uean. wuu accoramgly. - Parties interested in Speckled Trout shing" will please notifythe nndersignedof any breach of `he Fishery Law coming under theixj notice.- ALEX, McKENZIE, - . _ ; Fishe:y'0vefseer. Barrie, 268.11 Oct. 1869- 896- -:-- -_.._ - Plans and Proles, with specications and terms of conlmct, \v,i1l_ be exl1ibi'ted }1L.tb _Of- Iicu of the (Jhicf Engineer` in Ottawa ; and at the uicei `of the Commissioners in Toronto, -. ur-bet`, llimouski 'D:i1housie. Newca.st1o,`St. I Jnhu,aud`}I).lif':1X. on and after the 10th of Much next ;' and Sealed Tenders addressed to the Conlmissiouers bf the Intcrcolonial Railway, and marked "Tenders will be received at thnir ollice in Ottawa, up to 7 o'clock P.M.,-on M().:du_j', the 4th duy'Of'Aprii. 151.70. " Snreties for the nnmnletinn nf` Hm mi.n`o.-n.~.| --W; --vs, . u.u., ` -Which be'wil_l sell as Chesqins the. Clxapest. ' "Z'3"Specin.l reduction 10 all patties luying large quantities. . . .- FA RM PRODUCE ` hdmn in nvnimnnn Cm. \JUUU3} RemcmZ{m'A the placq, R; Powell's mam` vslore, Owen Street, first `door Suth rg/' Bank of Cohmzercc. .. . - T51- . V A. PERKINS. BEST A1p_ g_1-;_EAPEsT LImTs{mRA_:ALE% . NOWISTHE TIME! The meansiare at hand to carry out - . . _ _ our _promises ; "and if ever the Rama and /Ila;-"son, fame of _the .C.ALIFORNIA - -` . V , ` V ` - - QTQPE H19 nnnnlna frinh 119:: in was Vrowgzsmrs ow Wednesday, `the-Sevond dy of February I Hlfg (]UI|U||HE5`- Goods,- 7)..-.-.....L-_. 41,- ._1, , 1"! TI 7" FAMI PROQUCE`mke `in exchange for` 0. vvuul uuu. L510 JLUUA U1 EGRCCERIES l'.`n.....,...I.. I.--` 1... !):_L___: n.__,n - -Shadowsou the Wll A Doll Furniture Paper Soldiers `Toy Musical Boxes [H . &c., &c., &c. V r.m'acLAN1'mavs4 1-.xu.zuu_)', UH.` I-H1! I.lLl)"0I`.`\]'\|'llg U`-"JUL . Sureties for the completion of the contract will be required to Sign the Tender. ' v " A. \VYALSII; . ED. B. CHANDLER, C. J: 13.P.YDGF.S, - A. W. .\.1cLELAN, I ........... ._.. F\i;.flIrfhr ;nartici:iz's application to LeV made (if by letter, post-paid) lo the under- signed. ' v ~ \v..rI Ah'nnxr L 1r,n,;nn-unr PST HFFIIIE Rama C].):"l.8 01:;=AT%ED w A ans: EDWARDS EDWARDS EDWARDS EDWARDS EDWARDS A I PapicrMachieAlbums ' EDWARDS Ladies- Work Boxes EDWARDS Ladies Wnting Desks .EDW.ARDS Albums , EDWARDS Funcv Boxes ' ' EDWARDS Shell. Buxes ' EDWARDS V Plain Stationery EDWARDS Fancy Stationery EDWARDS Envelopes - VEDWAHDS Self-closing Diaries - . DEDAWAVRDS ' Una -.S'eas0n._ The T Complilzzenfs EDWARDS EDWARDS EDWARDS EDWARDS EDWARDS EDWARDS `EDWARDS EDWARDS .:vs4 \/'.a_J.n.`JL_.J`_'\./ Formerly kept_ by Richard Powell, wishes to inform the public that he has opened a.` first class assortmfnt `of \ .-\p\ ...__._...___,-- ~vHitTchcock s.: 10 Music V. IliIclicock's 50 "Music Coronet [100 Music Booseyh s` 50 Music - I-Iquse Music Sunda~y Music Church Music ` Sunday School Music Day School Music * 7 Piano Methods -4'm9. ' Barrio EDWARDS Meindeon Methods EDWARDS" [ Concertina Mothoyls, Irnuranna 11:_.|:._ 1\.r,u__ .y_ .ED_wA`f:Ds % EDWARDS D EDWA [ms - EDWARDS" f EDWARDS EDWARDS ED WARDS . EDWARDS EDWARDS EDWARDS I="IsHI~:?r*{T'""x\ I"< 3'TrIcI-:.T' TO.MlLL OVVNERS. V OTICF`. Is HEREBY GIVEN, to am ow1 nf Millh nhnnln nn ah-nun-n. 6'.nn......o... Aims ; To -33 jsom VBY ruhmo Apcwlox ion `..x ..n._ .l._a .L.U .J..\..l. .L Having bought out the stock of -T` /` [V-7-.-.--s -`-._- ":I?3&;;:noAn1Y,.` , _- :4 - - Vid1f; 8ol}'lors; oh 12,500 acres of-- land ` next, at noon, at is an . -u-uu-.--s-.... '_tance.of `about `27 miles Ulsl-llU Ul lS_UUlIl Z5 Inlleiu > > _. > Section No. 4 is in the-Province of Nova S::o`tia, and extends from Stsitioxi No. 230, on- . the ,~\mherst Ridge, to Smlion O, on the Ridge about :1 mile North `of-the River. Phillip, `a dis- l`|m {`.nnfr.1nia'f'.x QA ....- 1?`..- vs -_.1 1 A- L. `And Views ._.AT_. THE Tbys Dolls Glass Harmonicas Puzzles ` Cut up Pictures uuuucl l nun. LIJULIIU" .3.` Violin Methods Flute Methods . Conceslina Music Folding Steroscopes L TUpright`Steroscopes ' ` Transparent Theatres . Pearl Card Cases j Pearl Albums ` ;Piimo Fortes . -Harmo_uiums . `Melod cons ` ' ` Coucettilins Accordeons ~ M'iisic.hl" Biics- Musncal Albums Violins 8.: Bows Flutes & Fifcs Sheet Music ' A. I _ERKINS. EDWARDS EDWARDS` ' EDWARDS EDWARDS EDWARDS _ EDWARDS . EDWARDS EDWARDS El)WAR:)S EDWARDS EDWARDS ' EDWARDS. EDWARDS EDWARDS _uuu;z-.u| KUUUL :1 ml|C3._ , ' ' The Contructsfor _Sc`Lions N03. 3 and 4 to be cnmpletely nished and ready for laying the ' track by the lst-duy of July, 1871. 902- -aoquu `ID snnw - - A --~ \I L U L V A La STORE, the peoples friend, has been sounded far and Wide as the highest bidder for Produce, and the House to give the best value in_ Goods, it that be doub_- ly so now; ' . ' An unlimitd stoc'k.at olower prices than any other House, `at * ;' ` ' T 'I`}VI_Eb` C3iALIF_(.)'RNIA STORE :Huro_tL Whifa: Fih A and ' Salmon DUURS, sAs1_ws, BLINDS, MOULDING, &c ' {Round THBIfiD'g, Lake T, ndil prepnedjo supply these articles at the ' ' ' - lowest price? - Trouyat 1owerp r'iccs31hap guy EVERY pgggnlpflgyl other LHous'e, 'iat'the 1 V ' ~ LSTGBFA A A S0 I. -0.14 L V `S1 W I-N G , . ninuna .4`! ll`............!.-...1-.!........| 1 -._L-_. The Sale now gooinlg ox'1A( . to be` continuedAtiol_l`-after Christ- mas Holidays) has been speci- ally provided etorg Tons of new Crop Fruits have been laid `in our Store Houses before `the close of navigation. Bought at prices that enables the CALI- FORNIA STORE to give more for 331 than can` be `bought for $1 25, presevntlwholesale `prices THE CALIFORNIA STORE has the best selected stocfk of Dry Goods in Orillia, and. in this department no competition can approach us, and lo f'acili- ` tate Sales, Dress lengths will be cut off "and Ticketed; and short lengths of all classes of Stock at Cost Price. AMERICAN BARREL SALT. .. a :44 \44.:..n_as;.' \J1I.1;V111 L3 l.\l1\J`J_ _ always fullls its promises as adveised, and is `the best friend to the Farmer i-n giving the highest prices f0r;Prc'>:.luce, and makes no (lifFei'c11ce in price be- tween Cash -and I`radc for Goods. ` ' .. ..u \/.'.|.L1l..l.`\J.I.\1\.lI1 D 1 unn I is known far nml wide as the most successful business House North of Toronto. Its success is only due to i-tsdoing :1 sIrict- ly Cash Business both _in Buy- mg and Selling, and -by selling at `the very Jowest prots. "One price and no deception used. OALIFORMA STORE L 1CiIuL'l3 nu re.-n:LLulg 1.118 same. ' Section` No. 3 is in the, Province of New Bzunswick, and extends from Station, No. 310, about two miles South of the Reetigouc-be Rivcr_to Station No. 190, about 2,000 feet South of Eel River,` near Dalbousie, being a dist.-z.nce`of about 24 miles. ' ' q`,,.u`..-m MA A :3 :. .1... n-.. _:_- .. -p u--_; I rates. '&.-._. ' -sound Beech and Maple Cord- . (Winter, will be delivered nee:-9, at _lov.'est market Quantity wood, cut` in lots .10 suit. pu ~ A:.1_...... `r 1'-nu ur Barrie, Nov. 17th, 1869. \J\Jv.ILL vu;aAu-A1, ILL attend at his Ofce, nt Barrie, every V SATURDAY, from H a.m., till "3 ' p.m., according to order 0'! Council and every_ other day at his (mice at Gookswwn. ` - Barrie, Feb. 17, 1862. ` _ -1 --` ...._........__.._.._.._ : ___" J % I -`>jAFERCUSQNVALEu _ .--ALso--V- _ I General I/zsunmce Agents. A. 1rImGUsoN. J. W. FERGUSON. Fexjgnaonvale Dec. 6,- 1869. __....`.....-- i'E55R4ifri:(I 1`;5n:l")S THE CALIFORNIA STORE, `]_- 31 ` ._.___ l`.,I(IlI !F;%BfEIP4 IfZEiEPJTS, -AX To be continued till after the pucuun nu.l|u, uuulu lt11'YDll8Sll1 |eng1_n.' ' The contracts for the above sections to be completely nished and ready for laying the track by the lat. day-of July, 1872. - -1. cokq J "vV 0b15 FOR. SALE. THE CALIFORNIA STORE ' .1..---.r--' ' -- -- _"I"a=n[:es-pli-a's'txt_-i: i;'t nndut'I'c'ing 1o,lII'eir cnst_o- mere` and pub lio'g'em'r.1lly,~ that they have` now ' 01} hsndacompleu ilssonmentof I I. Pmmsms;. GREAT SALE AT THE D'Lr%4;::1)_ Bottled and Barrelled? . % Llquors = . . ' OF CHOI(.'ES'I' BRANDS," 2 g ' -*4 !-;,;` ` `wag; m_wnaru;L.; 1`:x'rm'u mL;=*izLn1;n.` ` 8.~:;!!!2 -ans! -291 .72ristm.as % H'oh":lag`/3 ! The Cummissidncrs `.so giv Public noiice that lmvingz annulled the Contracts for Sections .\'.;3.A3 and 4,1l)ey,urel)o\Y prepared to receive Tenders for re-leuinglbe same. Section" No. 3 in in Hm P.-nu:m-n Ar Mom Address . J. LE\V V P.O., Bnrfie, ' Or E. S. `EKING, Esq. ie. Nov.17th. 1869. 45- V GROCER1ES, HAliDWARE, ' R. T; BArqT \E: CI'T\I'l"V {`.|'.T`.RT? II-IlIl`l III` COUNTY CLERK, and no I-.15 !\(.... -0 D Quip, uuulmnn, lS'.A'l'lSil1.NAh,' BLEED- ~ MiI|~_ lIl~d{ igogxing, teliexd at once, scion` h,r.;I'av . 701- J-`mixes. `Unfveyssl-`-Pile . ~ `,pnfogu,d\ relhh,le._s: Sulmhyg MOTT S ECONOMIC LUBRIC./INT for your machinery. You will nd it as cool. clean and durable as much more expensive oiis, while `it has no tendency to gum and will clean off any dirty gum which may adhere to the machinery from the use of other oils. This oil is thoroughly puried and is entirely free from all foreign matter. Every barrel bears the Government Stamp. -Oil will be tnkenback within 36 dayeot date of invoice if found un- equal to representation. Price 30cts per gal- lon, barrel included; as n nrvxvnnnvqnu Avsvr . .-. I .u-, -gun uuvuuuu.-on S. C. DUNGANACLARK 5- Co., N.W. corner King and Church Street. . "90-.'43-`2m Toronto om. ...\... G56`. BALL, CARPENTER, BUILDER, &c. -1-: A -in-I-5-v---u _ .--- V, -...- ....~...~wy up no 501/Lluo lplvl 13' For Sale by all Druggisxs nnd Dcnlvrs in l Me-dn me. AGENT: ron B,\nnu-;,-l\`lcssrs Kelman 6L Co.,'and Mr. T. WV. Gcorgcn. Orilha -Mr. J. W. Slaven.- Collmgwond,-Mr. Carpenter. ` 'W/LI/e:a1a'Agnuts,--Messrs. Lmmn. Elliot! 5: vvu-yunnu "steam zpfavve -...1 u-..L:........ r._ u_- ______p, ,. .. ' twelve Ovl`-lttlll-H mucs. ASu4c tinn No. 16, will be in the Province of New irunswick, and will extend frbm the Easterly end of Section No. 15, to the Westerly end of `Section No.l0, about 182~miles in length. The above section: tn hn 7 nd Macbiary for-t-b-e mnnnf;:t:ra`o;* nooks, SASHif:S,'BLINDS, uouwme, kc ml in supply mm articles tlio v [lowest m-ice. ` |I_ . a'Iaven.- Uolllngwond,-Mr. WI;//e:a1a'Agsu4.t,-Messrs. Lvman, Elliot! 5. 00.. Dunspaugh 55 \Valso'n. Toronto. - S37-ly _ ' uyspcpSI'1anu ' mver vmnpxmnl, on: that or Jo/m 110.963., oI'Nnpiuec C. W'.,of Rl1cu|:1n!i.sn:, who had ncluuliy been on crutches for years, in spun ufuli nfeatmcul heretofore, and Is now well. Score: 01 such cnscs might be memiomd had we space. :3` Call at the Drug Store and ml 11 Clrmllnrnl suvn cnscs mugm ne memmmd had Drug Store gal Cm-nlnru! unquc-: cc-rticnles on lho GREA'1' S111)- SHONEES REMEDY and PILLS, and satialv yoursclvcs . ' , Prz'ce7of the Remedy in I ge pinis $1. I For nl|"Druggi:xs_pnd Dc_:3h-_rs l\1...l.. ..-.. A..._.._, _4.. I -vv-..vv.-c_ -van -uA4.1\4I,' l:_ Dressed. Toogned Hrooved Lumber ;m;de` order}; go. 9v_e:y.;_dup:,pjon; alwnyl on hand; and . . 4 .'.__n. _ n. r . n'u.;u, J.'r'. .\;-t I hereby certify that I hnveknm-/n Mrs. I\L:r_\' Ann Doughty tor the last ttxiucn gears -' ~hc ts :1 wunmn of pro!-it\'.uml_ttt)t!1. I have k:m~.-vn _ 112:`- befnre,dur.:Ig, and sin:-e hcr i!h`.c.~s. I` ltvliovc her-certicate to be true m'u`.'cI._V particular:-. I know `.\`hi-i'c xll, her case was declared h0,"ch'.~.~l and I know that she has. since her rt'C0\'L`t _V` .':!- ways ntlributed _tt tn the Sho:hone.<,~a l{ctmn!j:. \Htatcvcrxnay bu.-the pv'r(-u!iur- prupcrties ut t;.x.~ tnedicim-, one thins; is L-cx'lnIn,th:1ti:; lit! ('21.~u. it "has acted ."llIlO.3l like tl1cpcH'ortn:1ncc ot` a mo: mult- A. F.\vm_m ,3. P. V Warden ot 't`xe'Count_'." of Hastings, Province 0:! Ontario, D_ominiun ol_ Caxtmtu " lne,unr.A1 INDIAN REMEDY. Thoy -'ll'( undeniable and incontestublc fa(-Is- suic (zonvim-e the-most skeptical that the Great.` nnl Cumnnuml \'r-:1 rm-A am am e.m. :. nnur ,\_I|I\IV\ll uv|v|..L.u u.r.IVlt;.U 1.: For Disemes of the Throat. Lungs, Ll\'cl'- Diges- lxvc Organs, l(idney5,&c.. as well as Scml'u}n,"xhe vauous Skin Diseases.` Hulnnr.-1. run! all .|;.-m..... mu: urgnns, 1\1uney5,o&c.. well Scro!'uIa,xhe various Diseases.` Hunmrs- and all xli-`cm-c.~' arising lrum llxlpexritidsoftllc Blood. we lmhH\' state that this great ielnmly has NEVER BEE.\' EQUALLED. Where was there ever such a cure as that in the person on IVz71.sun Sturzizs,-xl'linilahm. C. H ., 0! Consumption : or. that of I cVIe)j @. V. Jllillenol Erneslown. ().IV.. 01' Cousmnplnm. or that of Am /rose IVoad,.ol' Uunsccon, C.lV.,:-I Dyspepsi1and'Liver CmnplainI,oajll2nl oI`Jo/m Hose-2.. oI'Nnniuec IV..ofRlzcuxnn-i.m. u-um hm: MARKET SQUARE, in the I r7r?, msl {vW@&%g;f( Th: fnllnwing remarks on Tv.~1imoninl's ul-mu: wondc'.r'fu|Vn_n:l extr.'mrdinnry. rures in. Canada b 1he'.(ihEA'1' INDIAN RI-`.Ml-`.nV 'n..... ...., wonur.r1uIvn_ml extraordinary. Can |he',(ihEA'l' INDIAN REMEDY. Tm-y an stall]:- ..--us. -ulv uuu IIILIJIIICSIHUAIJ |H('l.V`- -"ll:ll:,`lCXl 1'} Grunt .\lcdi:_-i- nal Compound yearned after tbr ago,-s (:5 now acum- sible in the Great '&lltut\InA_.:-- _.____------ enun; I $HosHoN.'r3:"'i3L`ian.1EDv:} II - -`nv- icon on nl Ln l`|...,...- Y ..._-_ 1,, .gradunHy,dnring lhe spring of 367, (':\'!cnd'd Lu Nvealxness was coming on me,z::vd atie-r\x'::rUz~`, I '1';-ellhe weaL'ncss in my lzuuds ; in I:-cl l xv:-3 gu- To 1\I'essrp- Cunwr-zanam A: Sn.r.s, Conway 11.0 County of Lennox, Omariu, Canada. MADOC, Cnumy ofIInsIing.~;, Provilme of Oulurio, Fch.9l|f,17~`G9. This is tocerlify (ha! during [he wimer uf 1660' Iw:1 sInken with a \ve:1l.'nes~4 'c-'.'lhc uncles, whivlx my knees, and on up to mv- hips, and l hug-nnnc .-o_ weak lhnl I could not walk, but was conli-:c;l !u my chaIr._ For about lwo years, ,wi.alc this sought medical advice, enxplojng. at :hlI'c'rc-nl lin:es,threc doctors, and mcmcincw or dii:I`cu! knm!s,prescrihed by Iriarmle, but of no :1`.':n!, I connliznuml lolgvl worn: and '.\'L)I'SC, umil thc sum- mer oH8b'S_ when I was in'lIIcr~d In try mu an-ui Shushonees Remedy by rcnding the a:II1:-.Hq-u!})|*.n- ed. in a pamphlet. At this time 1 hm] I-r:c:m In (in: almost lxclplcss. 1 lx;x\`e1ulu`:: lwo laultics ,1 ` (he Shoshonees R4.-nwdy and 1wuhu.\'<'-s ul lhc pm. and I am _enlirely rcs1ored'lol:cal'.h._ J m vcr e.~;- 2 peeled to gel helier, but :'iIn;:lj,' mad the n`.cdiL'iIw ! as asort offurlorn hope. '1`his`case of min: wn.-4 i not a private nne, hul known 10 an}! my, m:iS_?hbu!.~' I and hicnds; and to any one nliclul :i.<' l wus, I I have only to say lry Ihe Shushonccs l{c:nud_\ ; I f be-have it willrcurc you. . I ' ` 11,, _. . , n I - . I\!.u:\' A.\':.' L` Sworn to before me at Madoxv, ()m_m ings, vlhis ninth day of 1 ; brua ry. I865). 7 A.F.\\ n,; have never before been equalled. in Barrie. Also 3 large Qndntily of `(z-`-rey, White, and esh- ! _ , co!orcd ! V . 1 which are at Least 20 per cent below last winter's prices. mmuuens A_Np_ MACHINISTS. Mfuapeum. uunv, IIUUUL `.515 muesunvlenguas. Section No. 15 will be in the Province of New Brunswickyand will extend {tom the Enaleriy entl'of Section No `9 -to Station No. 639,4 point fully half 9. mile Easterly from the ' crossing of the _River 'Nepi3Sigui{_..1eng1h, twelve `one-tenth mules. u....'a:n'n 1\*n In will ha in 4'..- n_....:._-- -4- xv... U81` received: splendid nssorlmcntof ALL `WOOL ?mawe ; ' .-.L2_L "A- I {Q HEA1i\TEss iTHmPLa:&1z1sra 2. ..--o -v -p-nu -- %L-ass:-;%bIwisar.: V Ujzdr S'Ia'ii'ts e APani3 ' . * , L -- :1 E68 to announce to the public that be ha completed his ' ` %-I-;:1g; T: Barrie,' Auigust, 1868.- CALL AND EXAMINE. '1'. GRAHAM: 'r-:0 ' An'nn:9 IDCQ -vV-7:'Z' -rvv.wv\I I which for quality, pattern and SP.EQT_AC_l-_E-S I `. no ' JUNMLINGEYEPREVRS :BABi'=?.:3. TRY A BARREL OF I\!.u-.\' As.-< Dorr:u'n'. 7.`\L"I1hn-. (:nIInl-H :\ IL. ._... . ..\,\--nu. cu_] __ I xs (:'0IIiim:-`J lu `- `j `"3 5,, -30-, U "aft:-ru':m}_~*, g, m`:uI,- :r.lil' :u.'<-3 gu')r.x)- ncl l'\\'uIm1!5o.`s ul X4"-s _ J mvcr. cs. - `lhc of u'n.- l:i.<' ; I{emcv.l_\-; ux-L u u uuly 0. 9. - IITY. 1' .2131 llSl U 1 ht: ...-n tour tuuuer oecuuns 0| we ultl. Sectiun No. }3 will begin the Province of Quebec, nud WI extend from the En-terly end of Section No. 8 to_ Station 906, .near Malfail. Lake, about 20; m.xlc.,`in l_engt , ` v .Qanfinn NO. ha in IA Drnuinnn AG` `V $W V}I |WZ1:.E{B.Ll!l!SANK TI-IE mm r oUN;DnY . A'__A,7 noun!` I I`\I- Have entered into partnershipfor the practice of their pxofession. Ornmc nvnr `Dm....n 5. mI.-.-~ - ----14-: I V lldlld IAIII 2&3 {'ANE.srov wt 1 '1'-nun'nn nnunu`cin'nr` nnv lumr piuiesaion. ' Orncz over Powell & Thompson`: store, where either of them may be found each day during the your. Special attention given to gold lling. Pure rxitrouroxide used tor the painless extraction of teeth. Office hours from nine 1111., till four pan. All letters addressed ltocwsuxn & Bouxlo will receive prompt attention. Onr Vinita tn nrma. um ..........-_-- - -- APARTNERSEII- --h.n-v.lng been eaoled, between C. H. Boannko, L. D. 8., and `myself , I take pleasure in recommending Inn; to my patron: as a gentleman and I prac- ntlliuonpar qualied to give aojtice or petfonn nay .opes-stion entrusted to his care. mu receive prompt attention. Our visits to Orillin will commence on the 1321:, where we will remain until the 19th ; .other appointments attended to as usnnl. - uuyucr quuuneu I0 gwe advice 0 opezszion utmsted his `care. y n'- nu sumiid,'11Ixf1ib7If1`7i`ING mu; CI1A;Ul'UUll\'U AL()UN, Is in the large 'bu:lding lately occupied by - Mr. Jzuncs Russell ._ _, ,.. . i f\ bout 20; miles, `in length Section No. 14, will be, in the Province of Quebec, and will extend from the Edaterly end of Section `No. 13. to Station 543, a. point between `the mouth of the River .Amqui.an(] me me lllntapedia Lnlzo, about 22} miles. invlengths. Section in this Prnrinm: nf GENTI.E)lEN`S Wlnlsliers and rm`: G mzmufuctured and sold by Prof. Cunio. _ beJ.y l.a.:les` llixirctmnxg done in good style. cod Hair Dye. [lair Invigor:1'lor,- Hair pi], `kc. Come Gents who wish :1 00d smooth face . - g L15; ,\vluleI tell you of :1 place \\'l__e: o razors :uc'l;opL hriglll nml l:ocn, The easiest clxmrs, and towels clcun. \\V1;:-rte ff? tw1llfs::za;ve,is.l1i\xTpo;),dor trim, x m mgnen :1 9 wnc: 00: Am; And if your lm,ir is while or red Prof. Cunin's Lotion colours gull, Fm-just. ve ccuts we now will share, And do it so smooth and clean Yonfll say we are n mozving muclnc. Around your `uosefnnd chin well crccp, With so much nnso yuu`lldrop asleep 3 ' Your u-up will pay" for cunning hvrc ; The old we (`nu nmkc lool~;`s'o gr;-en, The gfuls will Suy you're so can sixteen; "And V Inn) ; on lL'u\`C here for the, street, X"'u1_(Iir Iricmlls V'.'ill ';~'zuile wl:e}r`1 tlxcxngoxaxnqcl, ; -u snywm mn. your mr so at . Oh it was the l rofcsaox a lluir King s wash A d u .1 L 1` b u e can 0 you .nc ' or town, ' A little better than anyflzousc in town And if :1 twirlud moustache you want. Prof . Cxmio brings one o\_:t. " ' "IlI\a B5. 53,- W3!` W1I3chl:ehlms engaged 1: first cluss r `.`?fkmBn.] In connecuon with his Gunsnnilhk I and GL'l 20|`i:l II:1rd\vnr'n mnnhIm........ V n;mmuun,; m cpnxxeclxon with his G Gcncnal II:1rdwar c establishment. AI` .:..,0._.._ `Stoves! Stoves! Stoves! ! IP11 I) n i . . . . 4` .`ll work dour; In first cmss style ; mamiul I"-urnished.. - I -\ var--v Lnrovn .........____. ,.- an - HOUSE. PAINTERS, GI.{AINERE7~I, ' Paper Hangers, &c., &c. I ' m.;wxIu| I-1H`n1sned., N - - | A wry [urge nssortment of Transfer Carringo ;`()rn,am'c."nl.<, I .xi1)-`Jars "rm-'1' Gmincrs` Tools Uuuzls lhir and Smle ljrushl-3, Pencils. .{'c. `-&c., on l1.un1 and for sale by W. B. Cupou. I _ I I \gent_ for the Gxzovauk BAKER Sewing Machiho Barrie, I869. ' ' 19-Iy. .. .l.,-.....-\. . .- AI)\.A\|-AIIA .VBur.rio, .I:1u"1iary, 1870. . :o:-- ~ v x111 /rimls ofrqvurin_:,r done and all u -or/.' u"-nrru!o~! ,0---._ ' A large supply of which will always bek hand at prices which will be certain to eauisfaction. n A; ......I n__,: - unu.3u:L'uU|lu As usual, Bread, Biscuits, &c., delivered at any [mt of the Town. ` (`.ARRIAGE, SLGN, -----no-I\rI`I uMll"'J Ul !!$s?.s? buss GHEESE, I 4. supply of'_\jhicb always bekem on u ~Ca.-pan 5 ._u.-. frllhl SUBSCRIBERSX thankful for the very` -`liberal patronage of the past, beg to inforlu their old customers nud the public generally, that they ln\v_o made arrangements with the L(! Iln!Y ('/mnnn Vuplm.-.;.. nl` A-M "`- ' ' WEAAAAASEA `AAAAADAAN QAAAAAA DEPOT. IWHOLESALE &. RETAIL ..... ...._, ...u_u muuu ulruugemenl.-I With `Jr Lazling C/xcese Fuctorzes of our Domim'un, for a continued supply of klaaglw-I Ann - A - -`-` c.--- The Commissioners appoinld Ito cnitrhit-7ihe Intercolbnial Railway give Public Notibg that.` they nu: now prepared to receive leudcfs for ` four fuxlher Sections of the Lina, u...o:..n Mn 12 win h.'.;.. .1... 'n...-:..-.. ...- A N!) SIL'xZ\.IPOOING SALOON, ` Tn H... l.......,. J\...v.1:.._ l,,.,I . I. PYUPHYQIJ IDIIIIII!-|lIU_|,llI'I Ill pd, own 119:: demiptiourgand 9|! -'95 179 31333133.? . . ,,__..._..... VA DENTAL SURGERY, ve partnershinfor the nm.-ml |lv|_1 V_ t w I @ [ ,E$SRs; assay: s" 9reparod'.om!nu6 .4` :.c.n.a. int aun: ,Dmilup Street, Barrie, 1Ic.(::r ` of the Advance Oliice, V`.-1,8 re-opened the above well lnw =_ Wests!" the Wellington llolel, intends to carry on THE T|NSM~lTHlNG 1: E- ()1)1EJv? 71;. u ALUICB ILHSSCII Opposite the ,Barrie,{ Hotel. In1n`c oioui_i\;fEAiLviAv".`% T. N STORE r"e*.a~..-.:1;.y `m, 1970. AGRIGULTURAL znrrmnnitr PROF. T cU>}I6'` |1T`I-.w-_- -- - LICENTI ATES OF PLAIN AM) m~:ccx:;x"rm: A <=_e_R- .v--vv-v- FOR 5. ILL`. 03.1), 2 known slnnl allincton Hmnx ..n.,.... 1... "AGENTS 2` READ. THIS ! HID \vI El "_ J. o. MgoAusLANv. "-- "'5 u alxyvay:-1be', on 11 to Onlnru R. KI.\'G &vS().\'. J. PULLAN, carc4 anal gouul nnvu amt! l where he : `Nest :1/7 u 3...... _......r_r .1, The` large and Increasing sales bflhebe PERFECTED GLASSES . -co -, lvnuxnuhs-IA uu nu.-u-uu un cu: AT ROGERS AUCTION ROO_.\I, L?1I_E}sEAio'_>11{1cwzE> A ` M ` { fit. Has vlwaya on handsful|nsortmenl,sqilable ladies W 0 my . ',de axtmghts I0! V"Y . { ~ ` u.I1 3':ria`ebf9}uein6 gut" `I33 V We lake gt-cnsnon the public that we - . .' , , gmpluy` no` _pedlera, and to camio a II: ' x : 1.9;. proten..mg to have our goods to em `gum I !l * A-DvEY-EF G_LZSE. ` Lv;;u.|.u.I.u.lll (1 _l_'3o|e 4-` wavl-on hand a n." ...._.A,_ - . zucc -_-umly J: hIcCARTiI3 , ' ` Vemlurs SuIicil07'aj. Hllnau-vv |7'\IL' 1C'T'f\ `in We . 1870`. . - .g.v~....44;u, Commissioners. 5-Gin Ul our uuru l?`lU. . 1 VII. That the Debentures lobe signed and is- ] sued as aforesaid, shall be delivered by th_e Reeve I of the said Corporation to the sriid Cornpnny, unless the Corporation of the said Mnnici;>ulit_v- I ..shn.ll, whin one month after the day hereby l | ~J_unction Railway Company." appointed for this By-Law to take etfocl..`b_y re- solution, direct that the some s`iull be delivered- to Tl ustee:-1 appointed or to be appointed under the provisions ofthe ninth, tenth,` eleventh and twelfth sections of the said recited Aet,'incor- poratirzg The Toronto, Simcoe and Mnskolm Vlll. And ii. in further pnnrrln hv tlm \|'nni_ `Ill T & JV `011.-L6, x U/L S(mirzZuI_7/, //ll 1Vuzcr:cm./L day 0/ ' 1"cb/wary mast, at 72007 f / Tlmt farm of` land 1-L-ing mmrvosed -of' the 1`: '-Nr5r.l11 \\'(-at quzulc-r of Lu! number eight, in- the nin_1.h conce~ssi.~.n of the 'l`t)\'~'ll3lli1IOf;Vbpl', cm\miniug.f1._y acro< riioro Qrjeas. , Th[`l`(` 9111' nhnnv 1,`? nr 11 unrou nhanv-or! nun} `dllllullu munvay uompuny. Vl_II. And it is further enacted byvthe Muni- cipal Council aforesaid, that the votes of the Electors of the said .\luuieipa1ixy' shall botnkc-u on the sa.id proposed-By-Law, at the following place, tli'aL- is.t_o say,` at the Town Hall, of the said Town, in the said Town of Barrie, on the Fourteenth dnyof February, AD. 1870, com- mencing oi the hour of 9 u..m., and closing at 5 o clock p.m., of the some day, and tlmube following; person shall be returning voicer for _mkin_r:' the said votes, that is to say, Alexander` Boyd .\IcPhee. u :\I\I- ,IV\I I l\I,Y-, `That the ubove _ is a true copy of n. proposnd By-Law which `will be. tuken".into con- sideration by -the Council of this Muni- c1pality,n.fler one _mon_th from the first publica- iion in The Northern ./Llvauce and -'1'he~' Exavmi-' ner newspapers, pnhlished in the Town of B`.u_'!'i9, the date of which iirst publication`wa's , Thmsday, the twentieth day of Jnnuaxy, A.D. 1879, and that the votes of the Electors of` the said Municipality will be taken thereon, at the `Town ' llall, in` the said. Town _of Barrie; on V MONDAY, the FOURTI-JENTII day ofFEB_RU-,. i ARY, A.D. 1870, at and between the hours .of . - the `afternoon. g` nine o cldck.in the forencon and five o clog:k*in ; B3A_!|'fl`_o"'.J',5|3.3_>`1'.'7i'. ` RS. BELL_having,egggnged'~1he genices of n rst-class DresiMaker,.feels_ satise?` she can give` the ntlnplt-sgtilfaction ,to those whovmgyflutrnaphgi with themselves; in the above,dePa:tmen.v-`*2 . *- . ' pmu; - 7 ` r_ Y . That this -By-Law shall fake effect cu, from zmd after the first day of July, in the year of our Ldrd 1970. "VII 'l`Imo cl... h..I.-..4....,m .1... ..:.......,1 ......1 1. 3-5in A ` U Barrie, January 18`7.0;_ ---- LL persons indebted to the subscribereither by book account or note of man, are hereby notied that unless the same be paid on or before the [st of March next, they will be placed in Court for` collection.- . A ' _. - V -V . BERNARD SHERIDAN. Barrie, Feb. 13!, 1879. . 5-lf " CLOTHIS CLEAN-E>DV A-NI ) REPAIRED. % MP.S...DUFF_Y, T n onnorrp 'm:n:' It/nor .17 v 111? ram .. hm . ..-. ~ -- - .- v - . - I n OPPOSITE THE WESLE Y.z2_N CEMETERY CLEANS. removes -spots and stains - from Clothing, repairs genl.Iemeu s clothing and makes up garments on the most reasonable terms and on the shortest notice. E-Tair `V Ma BsFL- nnzss & NlANTlEM AKR, Opposite the alnancc ' cunm,mmg.1HI-_y' :lL`I'P~` more Q1`.lCSS. There are about, 13 nr H acres clenred and Win n.-good sum: of cultivation,` and nlog dwell_-. ing house erected the-ruo'n. = _ The land is of good quality and well'1imbcrcd Whh hardwood. - 'I`lm .m...l:a:,..... Al` 4|... -._I_ ...:n 1.- `L- -.'__,a s ,.. lUlU|llU- . > _ V. That {qt the purpose of forining n sinking fund for. pay-xncnt ofthe s:xi_d 1):.-bcxmu-_es2u:d the interest thereon,_at. the rate aforesaid, an equal" special rate of five mills and tlimr-fths `of u miil m the-dollar, sh21ll;iu'11dditicn_ to all otlu-.r_ rates, be raised, lev,ied_.and collected in each year upon all the mtoable property in the said .\Iuu_icipaliLy'during;the said term of 'i`weul_v years, from the coming into eifect of this By- Law; unlaas such Debentures shall be so_oner - paiclg VI 'l`knf'lhaT2r_l'.cu.o .~l...'H +n!nx on-1...; nn \_,u1l.-uxuuuu U1 mu u)\\u Ul uzrrlez . .v I. Tim! it shall and-may be lmijful for the said Municipality to aid and assist The 1`o- ? mnto, Simone and Ziiuskuku Junction Ruilwn_v Ccn1;mu_v, inyvgiviug thereto the sum 01 'l'hi`tt_y I 1`housnnd.Do,li'ar3 by way of bonus. _. _ `I. Tlmt. it vhnii hp 1nwf'nI'fnr Hm nnrnnsn : 1HU|l:1illu_1)U_|Hll`S Dy 'F_ly (II Uouus. ' I `I. That it shall _be lawful" for the purpose-` afu1'e3:d, for UJe`R9(`:Ve of the said Municipali- ty (0 cause any` number of Debentures `to be made for sucusums of money as may be re- quired for the said purpose, not less tlizzn l`\vemy Dolinrs e.-iclr. and not emediug in the whole the uinount of Thirty '1`-honsmid Duliui.-I, wliicli said Dbeutures s_ha".l be sealed with the seal of the said Municipality, andvbe signed by the Reeve thereof. III 'I`Iu.ur Hus 1111:!` T\.l-.n.d-...n- ..'L..II I... .....l., LLIU l\r\.'UVU LUUTUUI. III. Tl1:1t.thes_aid Debentures shall be made- pnytthle in Twenty years from the day hereinafter mentioned, forthis 35'-I.-aw, to take t`t1'e:c't,-mthe mnk of Toronto, in the City of 'l'ot"onto, and shall lmventtuclned `to them, `coupons _ fur lhe` payment. of interest M. `the -rttte and in `man- ner hereinafter mention"-d IV 'l'l\.-to olm .'~..:.l n. uvr ut1u:xuzuU:r I.u(:ll\.l()l]3(I- . ` IV. That thefsnid D_c'o.-nturs shall bemt in- ! Lercst at, and uf'l:f.r the rate of {six pm` cont.-pet j rmnum,-fL`om thu date t!'.0x`eof; \\,'l3iCh interest ., `shall be pa) able half _v'nrly. on the 1":x'sL d:z ;'s-of "the months of January and July in each yen-', - at the Bank of Toronto, in the said City_ of Toronto. 17 m;,,_. p_,_ .|_,_ ________ -1` 1'_,-_.,-,_, _ _-__L'. , .1uw lvlllluh`, nu ]IiI_\nIg nu: llll('K'l'SL' mm, creating an-(qn:il yearly siul;in_:,r fund for p:iy_- ' ing the said debt of Thirty TlK.`lISM1d, I)ollm's.. n.s lw_reiux=.FLer m'emioned._ It. will r_q'ii:e an equal annual Special rate ofvc mills and LL-rec-' fifths of a mill izrthc dollar, in addition to all other rules to be lei'idin each _vo_r.r. v_ H i: ill;-r`pfnrn pn'nMr-r1 hv `Hm (`.mmn:l Al` :1... l.l.'lL`b_`. lll ll.|'|"Ul|It'. ' Jml 1vhn'.:.:c, for paying `the f incr Hm Arrl dam of 'I`l:'irtv l`Imu: O_UlE[' HUU5 L0 U3 ICVXCUIH CHCH It is therefore enacted by `the Council of ` Cor].-oration of the 'l`own of Barrie} . I. [`lml it Qhnll nnd-mnv hp I,-zu-f`nl In. A IlUH_U|"CU 31111.1` UI'|)lVlU(3 .|JU|lKU`.". - V ./Ind u"/z(r1.'_zts we :un_ouuI. of the cxisting `debt . of Ihefsaid Municipnlty is 11xc'sum_of'I`\venly- I I-`ive Thousand Eight lluhdrcdmxd Eighty Dul-.-3 I:1rs,- whereofthe sum of 'l`weuty-Five '1`hoL1`smid 1 Six Hundred DoHars4is principal, ax.d. the sum : of '[`{vo Hun_dred and Eighty Dol`ars is fur'in- 5 terest in arrears; . _ ' ] I1..'.l ...}...-n,... (n... n...-..... 1].. ...:......-L _._1` i I I i I UJUIILIUXIUU. _ I ./Ind whcrms the -amount_ of "the whole; _rate- 5 able property of the snid Munlipality irrospec- 1 tive of any future incucase of the same, and I also irrespective of any increase 10- be'derived I from the temporary investment ol the sinking 5 fund lnoreinaher mentioned, or any part lh_e_r_e0f, ' according to the last revised Assessment Roll !_ol' the s:1id'.\luuicipuliLy, being for 1119-year One Tlxonsnnd Elgllvt lluixndmxl and Sixty Nine, was Five Hundred m1d_ Ninet_\'-'l`wo 'l`l1ousau:d One I llundred :md.Forly-Nine Dollars. ! ./Ind 11'].-(rm: Ilui nmnnnr. of lhp nvieilnno `(mu I LAzAus, Mannis 3. 00., l"l'.`I unn Arman `l)L`|D!4I'.`I"l`!4`T\ uuuurs m we manner ueyelnnrner msnuoneu. ind u.-Iu.v_rcus.it wiil rcquire the sum of Thirty- thre Hnndzjcd Dollars to be mised annually, by special tube, for_p'aying the said debt ogl Thirty Thousand Dollars and Interest _on _tlre ` Debentures-to be issued therefor-, us here_inafte;- mentioned. " ' n...I...I.......,.-u . . . _ . . .._A ..:`;L. ._.\_'-u- __._ Lm: `mm nuove recuca act. '_ ' ' ,./J/at IV/m"as, to carry Lhe laalxecitod object ', into effect, it is necessary for the said -Munici- 4 pality` to raise the said sum of'1`birty 'l`bousx'md Dollars in the manner beyeinnfner mentioned. _:n/ 1:-Inn-mne 31 111: u-nnnh-A Hun mus. Ar 'T`l.:..a.. cnmuug sucu GPUI. '. V (Ind whereas the .\Iunicnpa1ity of the Gorpr:rn- tion of the 'l`own_of B:1rric- has deermiued to mid and assist the -said Toronto, Simcog-and Muskoka. Junction Railway Company by giving thereto the sum of 'l`hirt_v Thousand D.)ll.'1rs by way of bonus under the au.thority conferred by the said above recited act. ,//".4 1.1//.,.-M`. In .......... 11... 1.... ......:a-'.z I.,!....A _ conformity with theeprovisiuns of the Act re- JUIIOWB-: . I - I _ . _ _And it Sl`..'lll further be lawfulfor any' Munici- pality or Municipalities through any part of _ which, or near which the Railway or_ works of ` said Company shall fins.-1, or'be situated, to aid or assist the said Company hyiloaning or gun- ranteeing, or giving money by way of bonus or other means to the Company`. or "issuing Muni- cipal bonds to, or in aid of the Company, -and, ' otherwise, in such manner and to -such extent _v assuch Municipalities, or any of them, shall 3 .thiuk expedient; provided, always, that surh aid, loan, bonus or guarantee shall be given un- der. B_v'-Latv-for'tho putpose,.to be passed in " specting Municipal Institutions for the creation ot"debts, and all such By-Laws so passed shall be valid notwithstanding lll3l'_5UCll rate may ex`- vceed the aggregate rate of two cents in the Dollar on the actual value of such ratenble pro- perty, provided that the Annual rate of Assess- ment shallnot, in any case, excee`:l,_for all pur-_| poses,--three cents in the Dollar on the actual i value of the whole rntenble propertywitliin the ` Municipality v_or "portion of a. Municipality, I creating such dc-ht . " f`, /7ntI1;.-Iwrnnc Hm \I'n.....m.lH.. -1 H... n......... . I l I l s I l t T . /coka Junr:tion.Raz'lwdy Com-' A A T0 ronto, `_Sz'mco`e. "and ! pang/,-by gi`ving~ Thirty 'Z'1zou,-_ sand Dollars to `the said :C"a nz-`- A ,, pang by way of `Bonus, dud` to` issue Debentures therefor, and to. authorize the levg/`z'_ng~ of a special mtefor the pay - ' ment of the Del-entures" and V I nze-rejst._ TAKE NOTICE, xe nbovev in 51 {run nnnv nf` n n A. B; `McPH'EE, Tnwn l .ur 11 mm, Town Clerk. ' 0 I313 SOLD by'1 rm.vc Aucnox under a " pzmcr of S.:.!o cmua.i nL-Ll in :1 Mor!gagn,v which will be producer} nt l!:c.Li'me of sale, ' A 1` l)1`\1lL`D\`! \I'v"'l"Yt\\!' I)t'\f\\(G interest mud? l'.n.'A 4'n.. n.... u ....--- u--..-n ThaUhe`abovci.~' a `true Copy of a proposed By-Luw,'wh_ich Will be taken into conmderuliun hv the Council at this Mnnicipahu after onemonll; from the r:-1pu'ir~auon in the " NOI`l/l6f]LA(lL'a1I' newspnpvr, of the Town of Barrie. Ihednle oi winch rsl-- publication was mxj Tlzuurszlay u,- lxvenlilh ul`J.uIuar\,~, 1870., and what the vote:s' of lhu.-Eir-cln.-x~ of the said lnnnicipzxlalv wiilbe U_lkt`ll at the Tpwn Hall 0! lhc 'I`_ovvn.-hi.n ofOro, on \Vn_1ln1cs:l:1}', the sixteenth day of I(-br'nnr\', INTO . cmnma'_ncin:.; nl l|u:._huur r.l'ninu.-. n --luck, in the fu:-cnu'on, and closing at .\'e o (:I_o';:k in the: afternoon qflhe said day. .- -_ ' : - uuulu nuuum ID nmwbx ULVEN, That under and by` virtue of the powers vested in'me as OIcis.1' Assignee of, the Estate of the above-namedlnsolxient, and under the , provisions of the Insownt Act. of 1864 and `I369, the undersigned will olfer for sale 1117' '11'r'r1')`r rm nvvn--'--rr--- - ` `l'.Xl:lllIgl'll'Ulu- '. _ And wlzereas for paying the interest mid L cr(=ating`mi_(-qnnl yearly sinking fund for fraying: ' -the said debt of forty-tli`nusai.d dollars, as lucra- in;1fler_ m`onlion ed, it will -require .nn.v(q.m| an- ` nunl speciul rula`Qf one cent" and four mills in ` the dollar, in axldiliou to all other rates, to be ' ? leviedin each year. _ l It isllie2`efn1'ecnacled by the Council of the `' Cm`pr-mli..m of the 'l`o\vusliip cf Oro, ' ' J ' l. '1`2iaL'it slml'l and may be l:+.w'ful forilie. isaid .\lnnici;mli(y to aid and assist The T0. : ronlo, Simrzoe and .\lusl;ok:1 Junction Railway- Comp:1n_\', ;' by giving thereto the suznfof Forty ! Tll(lll_:.'lll1.l Dnll_m`s by way of bonus. ' . ll. That ii sh;1l`.hr=` hm.-fnl f r H... m.....,.r.,. Orb, 1su1 Jauan}, 1s7o. JUIICUUHV ltltlly LJUIUIHLHIV. ' , ` Vi`lI._ And it is `further enacted by the Munici-` pill Council aforesaid, that the votes of the Elec- mrs of the said Municipality shail be taken on - the `said proposed By-Law at the foilowing pT_ace, to wi!, at.!he Town Hall, in the said Townsliip of 0:0, on lhb sixteemli day of February. AD. ,1870,commencing iitthe hour of_nine o_ c|cck g1.m., and closing at five o'clock pm., ofv_1h'e `same day, and that George l`ndbo`pe, Township Clerk of said..\[unicig'mli1y, shall be Returning Oiiic-.e_;"for taking the saidvotes, . Jltnl Ui UU|' IJUIVVI l\V3`\.'nV- - . ' VII. That the Dpbentures to he; signqd and issued,afores.nid, shall b. dciiverc-_d by the Reeve of the said .Municip:11it_y to the s.:iJ C0mp.'m_v, _ t'1xul.=3 .the'-Corporation of the said l`.Innir.'ipnIity shall within one'moml1 aflpr the V day hereby appointed for this By-Law, to take em-cl;l_v,' ro- solutian, di_re'ct that the same shnkl be (leliverdd to '1`-rustves appoinlc-d, or tovbe nyipointed under the provisions of'1h'e ninth, temh, _elven'.h and twe1fth-sections of the said.mcile d_ Act incor- ponuing f`4The Toronto, Simcne and Muskokn Junction,I .:1ilW.'1_y C<')mp1n_\'." ,' `VIN. And it i:`f'|1rthar rinnnfn `nu: Hm M..n..:- T,In tliev matter; of -Martin Seymozir, qf V the Towns/n'p of Szmmdale, cm A * ' Insolvent. ` T \W45D7!Ewf`f7*6T| rnur: mu 113:1} u'hADD'l$ Is asure pronlof their superioritv. We Were satised that they would be appreciated here as elsewhere, and that the reality ofthe advantages offered to wearers ofour beautiful lenses. viz : the ease and comlorl, the assured and readily ascer- _ tained i_mprovement ofthe sight; `and the .brt`llimit V cal aids ever assistance they give in all cases, were inlhem- BlV3 30 npnrent on-trial, thatthe result could not beotherwise than it has. in the almost general `ado li0I\<`-four CELEBRATED PERFECTED V SP .CTACLES g With a full k lion, we claim by the resident: ofthis locality. I nowlcdge ofthe value ofthe asser- that they are the most perfect opti- manutactured. To those needing Spectacles; we allbrd in all times an o 0 pr ' ocuring the best and most ilesirsble pportunity` UV!`IH1i'IhEll|Ufllfllllnneun . IV, 'lfh.-It -ti:c.s;1id dc-henlnrs shall hen; interest ::r'tcr_the. r_ate of' six per cent pm- mmnm from the date -thereof, whiclx interest `shall be pa_s':xb}e half-yearly on the first dn._\'.-' of the months or January and July in each `year, at the Bank at" 'l`orom.'o'_in the s'aid`City of 'l"m'ontn. . _ _ I v` v 'Il-no Km. 4!... ........~.- -6` r.......:- .. .. ;.:_v_e . _, 1 (ITUU U1. V. '1`l;_at for the purpose of fm'!n1nf_>` n,s:nking fund fm"_p:`.yment of the s';\i:1 all-l)on1u'rn: .and the interest thereon M thejmte nlorr,-`=::il, lab equal special rate of one `cont `and mu. mills in the dollar slmll, in udllilion to all o'.'n.-r ralg s,`be rzlised, lcvilgd; and cull:-clml in ench "year upnn'nll.tlle`r2ilp.nble- pro; any in the sal-l .\lunlcipal_ity, (luring the said lor'n1 of twcmy years from- the coming lhln (~`~:ct ofllnls By.-` lsiw, unless "such debentures-shull be sooner paid; V " ' KY! um... u.:. n. 7 __ ~_`1..uv . 9,, m` 3i`"I`1 i'_ At his Uice, Ma ;-ket Sqiiar, Town` of Barrie, - in the County of S:m_oe a;nd.Province of v Ontario, on , V 11 . I .'v' I\n.: - - _- -` _ _ SaturclVa_7/5'h'e_ V2`;/1: Mardi,'z1.DL T ' 1370, E ' . . _ Ac In ;J..'I_-I- _-`._ _n .I,_ .,_z` .-,- At 12 o'_c1ock nobn, 31! the `esfafPs T585 : Slim and eqmty of xe.de_mptmn, 6:43., in the fo.llow3ing propegly, viz.: ` ` ' - - The Srmlh half` nf` Ln} mumtmp t:r;.'...._ :.. AL. up Ii_,l'\.l_i I'l I'-`,,,II',E_l1`u. TRAYED,iuto_ .th6 preuilspy I-;of,1hg`- gqb. scribe:-, Lot~`No'. `!9.in't'!xe stfz Concssionj, ' 'Suni3a19v'7!?* '9: '."`1ls%'.9* .1!'!.!!1'9rri 186,9; 'a,:t7]6(i guQ,syh`iu beirea.ghonc%.2,;a_yq`n;:;rJ; 1:31,; owjner lent: laav`e;hrgJ:,!z prom." _ ]!r"ope',y_ 913.9 .._. ' .`..I-' i ;mitbniil.!I.iglel=-`Iii '3 |~ I VI. That` this By-L:\w`shlAm1l take eII'ct on. year of curLo1_~d 15570.7. VII, l`]mt Hm T}:-honfnrpa in lm uin-nml mu? i from and after the 281.}: day of Feb;-u:1r'_',', in the . prupcny, vlz.: Z . The South half of Lot number fteen, in the ninth-concession. of the Towpshi of Snnnidale`, East of the Road, containing ei _ ty one acres. A portion of said prevmises are cleared and fenced and under cqltiyation, jjand ztber `is a. house and ham erected thereon" ` A ~ Tim r`nsnn..-m`.. :I| |...'z..a,1"... .VI n- ;`-in` L ' uutxse nuu Darn ereclea mereou, , , g `The prnpenymlx be sold subject to a `fmm. (gage. of $700, and interest at `niqe iwr 'cent..per 7 nnnum, the principalmoney beihg, made pgy; `nl_)le in the yenr.l8 14. n.4I._ nIr_In'an':'1 r:i I>nVa-8-do ~-'_7_- ' . , _-..-.-v.,.v ...-...w----uuv- in a superior manner on Collier Strcevt Brrit`. 3 dunrsz r-nst of Mr. Marrcn s`S`.ore' and opposite Mr. McI(ernau's. l)4_._t- 1'. ,, `AHA