_., `J .321 9193.155`.-'9. nch Parmershi ; lh l,!g._i_g!1i be-broom a:;?rnsL:x'l'l.-mg '_p:z;r`I~n_m!iip` fhav 5$o_ :15] `33~@=`."` " W",'~`%F -'30": 1.1? Amen;-, : 35:1 ; ~ T 5 """39i!!?'i?)".h`huaTnes9 ..,} -Iinminmaqqh ' nlip . wship existing between the un- will expire "next April, and the hen be closed, xhey_nrc now. of- blic.at costprico, the whole {of Plain and Fancy .v ~ ,-g. \. A Jllllly |'.'4li1Y| chapzaincfy. . ROSS .5: Gxwxmrsr. s Brood Ma're in foal, rated trrihinn wt.-an ', Dnnmks, Fl:-innels. , M-amles, Cloaking, , B.`nnkcx_<;:l]:1Is-, Caps. 1,` h 0is'cr_v, Skeletons` 1-g_ 'I`m-van:..... tun ,kept "on hand aund I ., Nottawa3ngu-- heir_'ad vahvmge. 1')` rlsewhcrc, as goons tat par, will suit h many tb tanks 10 (3 for past. favors, Lhappy and pros- ex"-wing Machines, ', Windc-W _BIinda,' yks.` Cnncerlinns Boxes. Wrilingrv icI3.v 'CI1ildron': :11; Jmd . speckled . 2; Than lortyrcattoould eat. V '_ An'i then_be'd,ait and lick hisself, @,lAi'!;Icr.{II' "tall. T " .-.'r . jun ~'1'her wu.n._mu'n "named Furgeraon, ' He ied oil market: atret, Thomas cat, `I That couldn't well be but, B_e d calchmore nu and Iiiio and aieb,?. This-cat ironldcome into the `room, . ' And climb upon a cheer, And our: so Awful fed toYon Iaudil whb sleet tile Bond] 1.; Nottawamga` , to`) d0 1-) Me ----~- nus };- `- [1{rper' ru.u:s. H n! mg 3, `Children's lull I'- .GRA$n` 3 R. Hm rrio -200 acresi. 'edontc-100 VAN Toronto. 883-If ________.. ,.l!i|l'l'll' 883 - n Horse ne uyeu precisely like he was in nwinlagony; 1, You'd think a.ji_irst class stomach-nche,-' Had struck some small baby. And all the mothers in the street, Wnired by the horrid din, ~ Would rise right upnnd search their 11.1 , To nd some worrying pin; ` ' -And still this vigorous cut would keep A hollering like sin. ` _ , And. as for Mr, Ferguson, 'Tws.-1 more than he could bear. And so he hurled his bootjaclr out, . Right through the midnight air, But this vociferous Thames cat , Not one cent did he care- For still he growled and kept his fur -A stnndiu upon end, - '- And his old spine 21 doublin' up . . A5-fur as it could bend,` ` As ifhis hopes of happiness ' ,Did on his lungs depend. ` But while n-curvin of his spine,s, And waiting to attack _jA cut upon the other fence, There came an awful crack l And this here speckled Thomas cat Was nnsrsn--in the back. When Furgusou camegdown next day, There lay his `old Feline, I . And not is life was left in him,' Although he had had nine; All this here comes," said Furguson, .` Oi` curvin of the spinod. ' - Now, all young maids whosetenrler hearts 'l`his`pniulul tnle doth ruck, ' ' Just take this moral to yourself, ' All of _v.ou, wbi'e`or black, Don _t go, like this here Tlmmns cut, To nun-m up YOUR BACKl. -- <*"--`e--j`-> ., V _y- yuan.-no-nun Vidal &I't|Vll.l,` Val 091 an In Wood .a'nd Bottle, ahd everything. usually kepg in, :3. Grocery and Liquor Store equally low. No need for further cnmplamts about DEAR GOODS, having NO RENT, N0 INTLER_lS'1`. N0. WAGES to pay. I shall ' leave no room for NEW-OR OLD COMERS to compete - -. ' ' `with me. . ' .- - -. uvv A oouooococooIIno-IUU" 1 A'1'l1iN'l' .l A]L,Suoononon;oo 70. .;..,....v..;.....6oc H. WASH B_0A11Ds... ...._.... 15c 60c `.` ......-..`..u...50cv IZBARSSOAPMI-......... 50c ~ V ...`a.`..........g-45c T 5 Gallons good Common ,Whis`-- ' ` Q4Ib.RICEf0r....5..u..`u. keyfor..............'...v... 20 1bs..GOOD CURl{ANTS.. `.1 00 5 Gallons good Rye Whiskey for 4 50 5 lbs. BAKING SODA fqr.;.. _ w 425 5TGa'VlIon good Malt. VVhiskey, for 4 50 Fine avoted Mediterranean Land Spanis.l1 `light D V V. in the Province, $2 005 inner_Wines, the best value A.-:.._' in . -II ` 4I- - \-1 |u\.-u, qua; uu. Q Cit? Brandies; = Gi-,miB;1.1m,4 Porter Va;ndT In \Vond.n'nd Rnln, mm nunn-H..- .. 1...- :::::r::; 39 -'l[AsTmw6\$$ 4 I $1_'_r1A.,. ._. Inn E Offers from this day forward, in'dLrenients ? unheard of in Barrie; as the folluwi; an 9 (3 E%1_I%jI:E}5; "W WE S, '~ -p- v--v'v, V--`av;-;_a|.|.L Fm, &@% _0ffers1rom forward. to CASH CUSTOVJERS h't] `L ' T _ __ _ L ` I lero nnalwanrri nf in` D.....:....... L- t-n, .-_r _-gnu :nen_ue'a_m and lick put: so awful queer, _'-Hut Fm-guaon would yell at him- Bin, still; he d pun--severe. .jA_u_d7lbeu_ he'd climb the moonlit fence, . And lost` about a_n(l.yowl;' finuspil, and claw nnothencat Ajongaide ofthe jowl; Aid then they both would shake their tails, "And jump arouhd And howl. .n1.`_u.:.. 5...-.. -... _'n__---_-~-- *cAN'I-ON sat-ban 1 A GREAT 3;;_Ay;_su:sjp:r.;E`!1 'sTR1CirLY" '6A`s?f0RE, IN BARRIE. THE PR()PRlE1`OR rm 'Nn:- _ - Tm: H1GHEs"i~ Pmcn P.m).1N CASH FOR` Fun. Barrie,'a1_869. " ' T T clothing, Bobts and st . An,imm stock which will `be sold very cheap. Bonnets, xess aps, Hats, MA'7\7rrr.z;~.cv DL`Arnl;r1:v7)cv- 1 . mum... I L 1- nn 1 1*`? .> . and "an "endless vgriety of Trimnxinlgs. j 0:`.?"A SPLENDID ASSOR TMENT OF NE W FALL GO0D.$..g;n A1lvWool Tarthr Pluiids in "various patterns} `In DRESS GOODS and. WIN- ' ` CEYS, some{lhing_new. The very best ' L 'l\JJ_J-\.I v_v., _JLI.:\J\J.1.YL v Isnow open and replete with all the Richest and Latest Styles \ consisting? of: ....u Juupp unnlull unu uovn. \ -Ob ..his here eat of Furgex-eon : ` 5* fearful t.hen~t.o.see; ' He'd yell precisely like he - awtulmmnv 2 -..-....\_/ u--\....-.-....-. .n. .~..\-~-...-.n. \.--`J _r\_ - \/IJK. u _n_;4_ 4)` `(V _L_\__l_ I l sell Goods cheap because .I am able and de_ier-nzined to do so. Small profits and quick returns IS my.n1oLlo.` ` ` ` ' A'l` rrnw 1:`T.r:DnA mm TJBOGKEBY AL'M0s'1*% ifgm AWAY, V I call fT1..n.la nknnw Lannnm-. T n`.-.~. ..I.l.. .. `TEA that czmnot be beat in Oriilin, or any othr place. nve avored, low priced (70c) Tea, just to hand. LIT IIQIL jjjjjg. -_'_j rcmram, 'B;0cj_jgr_J`6 s sioEs, C'a2a_(lian T weeds, Flmmcls and. Blankets "Pu `ma funny? in Ilsa 1`.,l'..-l...A V1`. MOFFA'm`, THE ELEPHANT HOUSE, /'\'T`r1"r-r A FRESEE Ga The only store_North' of"Toronto ` ' - ous- bm.:1c,bes, can `Earrings. Broo s, Pipes, Violins AND S'rnwr:fe, A nun 'lM.m- (1---- , .... .. _ hither and thtlher, now _ graceful lines, as if the I `decking theswallittg an-he-,5 oitha I . ' tlar. beyond the din rand; tame : 1IgI_Il wreulns or ueecy clouds 3 `- stretching out - great Ania _ dome with_l'rescoes_.ofunearthly bog` Jlema v anon piling themselves in.tp.lmgrv, ghapgs, so weird anclyet. an. ex quisne, ma, they uenza and fascinate. -tho eye-like me shiftittg phartloms oiadaean. "you ,.n_ _ tl of the city to some srqueMFed- spot. ml ,8", [he 8,, .5, l "l" - %"\"- '9 0 zersto bloom, and _ the trees to WHO W'.rsad"bylhb bhleful L l" 93" ` b -k "1": mortar. than there ' v.-omea om tho ml 8. gush ofdelighl born :"m-. *9 `"9" rsciousness of existence. 1 LWB 7691' "IN `| 5' a real luxury to ltve,`and rbroathegaml Ior, liable ethe go ; ' -*`"'b553 PW ed forth on every hand. .'A A5`?-M129-9'13. pzevades the atmosphere, at- 5'-599`! .'D".1imate creationwere "waiting for _ H9) "(elatlon, while `(along the distant ;"'_!ml'. which fringe the [horizon trail" the mus y , tarments o_f adyattcing'.Indianennta @*@ a1%`:3Tisz`:17J}\:i W1 /`l`I'1'T`!AY\ -ur\-x .q...-.... If you wnht a Watch or Clock put in good running order, and warranted, Go to J. W. HASTINGS If you want ne GOLD -Wsnmsc B!1\'(, Puzzu: and Fancy Rises, If-you want 9, gocd clock, 8 day`;-30hour, and alarm Time Pieces, go where the` largest slack ever oered in Barrie, _ - _} _.n.n...nn NEw ARR IVAL WITH A NEW STOCK ._.. "cl:-::sA1=1aB_.v`:nHA.N EVER. V THE: MOST ` FASEIONABLE 1f_A1)1Es AAND ATGENTLEMENSI ' " ` ' JEwLLjzR1r,"1rN BJRRIE, , - -. ' 7 At J . W. HASTINGS. -1'2-If V HAVING REMOVED TO HIS- .N"cw and g Commodious 1 WITH A CCJMPLETE NEW STOCK op THE [nit 1` g.-~:-- --------j~ CHEAP FOR QASI'-I." GROCERIES,the best in the ,_ 7_....._. -nus nnluta nad C|)H8d hef e balmiesl bieezes , garden 01 the year. to pourihem into the Ian` I nflhese twolvfbrief and eeting hours, 5 The hot glare of summer hair fades] 09.10: i the heavens and left them tinged with iha; A :1 peculiar ps-.arl-3inke tint; so well dened, and and ,yel so 'evane`ont that no nainn-.4. -- I uuu Iillfs/l\ l\.|-lllll-`I no In AT THE ELEPHANT. %%?Bell3 - 1 E oooocaooooao_ooAa9'0CP(-31'] n.nI-0090600001800 I uuooococooonnlo-700 PRECEIVING THE Gni Arp _NEg`Esgn'-y OF. "- /\Arw1p- -:- . - - [ `*7 MAN TLES, FEA THERS,` JZGKE TS, FLOWERS, RIBBONS, T ____`I __ `., _.,_4_. .A..r\J.J.,_l. KJJ, '1}? BARm1:"r1aE PR()PRlE'l`QR OF THE. ..LI_I... L- Jnfn upiol. .-.Il , _ __.------. - --on --I no VVUEULVB AND Srnmcs, AND FANCY Goons, &c., A < 1' where the whole .of the bilsiness in its vari- - branches, can be done on the premises . 1 . - _ ` . 7 A1 I. W. nawrtwng nuner and n< graceful `lines, I A: with {rscoes.ofu annn ":1:-' -t-----'--- -u---vuvvvu T(;;'o Iu1cfin the Market. r 21.1 low pr_ices, and selfing fast. --u--nu-,_.._....__ _,__, T I;IQUoRs,Vcr{o(':1 1, CASHL'C[TSTOMEE e,- following quotations show, viz. on- 5.-.. n. lbII\1\ . -.....~.--._.- . QBILLIA. `Always arfiving for D T. S. 1VI ()F"vI-`.'..A.'I"I'. { lb. ,.-_... uuvvv 1114. o-"` SODvA`BIS"CUITS by the Box p9!` `buns; onobcnnoocolo PATENT PAIL-S......... .. BOARDS. A 12 Ioloooouiu Common_,Whis'-- ks-.v rm-_ _ , , . . ,__...... I...-um `nun: Hill, 8-0 \V5 G ' avails Io casch lhbrighl visionh on canvass. Alhwart lhis deli ground light wreaths of eecy hither stretch` gfflllrlliliun n- 5 `L ICUSTOMERS himei'o I IHR Rhrnn nu 12,5 . _w. HASTINGS. B. SHERIDAN. ..,.... 1:`--- At J. W. HASTINGS. Premises T CHOICEST Canto); Sgov e; .Go'_to _J.' '7. HASTINGS Shoes. M J. WA.TII.ASTINGS.V _ , .".-_. ..., uuuulles God could have made abetter berry, but doubtless God noverzdid. . . " ' So we may say without irreverence, doubt- ?eas God cou'd `make a better day, but dnnbt~ less God never di\l- It was simply perfect. from morn to dew; eve, and one might a!most "fancy" that Nature `had 'cul.!ad her K andaofte_st skien from the pour them lap` nflhem tun-Iw.`I..:..r -_V- n - in J. W. HAS'l`_ING_S. v Another 29: of that Try it. T - T `.-_-_._._ Tozmly of .the' season, 337. '8c. 1 7c 12 '------n - B1as'xo `iqr9'rn'{ e p blic inst] me but Vukeln _'. t`gIl NoL_4,-_"iu `the Mm-ket_Bonae, Barrie. "'9`73ih`.".- 9 ! .9!`.,`_".!!'-*?9V.-"|. ..`.':. ' r " -"- D6oIib'or-luh`:~18`8_"l.4 .% ' ; :60 V `I IIYUI En, au'rcHr:n,ro.uL-1:11aI:n, &co1 uuuere, cabinet Makers, and Upholsterers Hardware. ' ' . Addis Improved Carvers Tools. ` Stubs Celebrgted Files and Tools. _ Carpenters nnd Joiners Tools.` ` Sboe"l`ools of all kinds. - Shoe and Machine Thread, Silk, Jzc. , Cutlery of sllkinds; House Furnishing Hardware. A ` ' hooting `and Fishing; Tackle.` i Sporting Ammunition. Garden, Draining, and Farming Tools. ' .-Cordage, Glass, Putty, &c. A A ' FOR S.dLEJ1'. L0 WEST CASH PRICES. _ .1`6ronIo, Juuunry,:.l868. ' i ` 1 :.nruu'n`.u 0!` HARDWARE &.TOOLS, .114 YONGE snmnr, J TORONTO. Builders, Cabinet Makers, Vand Upholsterers` 7 Spgaking of strawberries, the qua-.i.n Englhhman remarks, with a deal of wit gnd wisdom, Doubllesa God [made 8 better doubtless never did. Q, ..... ...--- ........uu-g, uu .1.-In JLCL EUHl`X[. d- ' 6._ `The allegations mttde in the de- C]zll'Mt(_.tl) atforesutd shall not be con- 1[UVQr{ll)I0 us agrunst any putty by any persunwhu shztll lmvt: sagned the same, o_r who was re:/xlloyn H 1l.|lb8l`0f the _purtnr-_rshtp thcrem tnentumed at tim" such dcclaratiun was made. 7. Uzmi it new. declaration: shall have male illld` `t;-J hy hirtt, or by his c'c_[,3r;__ mt-rs or at.) 0 them as afmesatd, no gtsch stgner shall be deemed to hav'e. ceased 10 be . a partner; s:u::h_ new dechnatton shall state such alteration m the pzutngrship; :[ poy}9d` however, that nothtng hcrem clij-[]la|ne( ._Qh-A!` ; exempt lrom ltabtltty any pejrst-n \yh_g,.e,ng a pal:rtncr,__t"at`|!e toddeclahre the '.amaVaq_ at. : tea; 5- provnm ; an sttc 'rgs:,s_on ntay, not, withstnndtng anch orxus(s,'or_t,. l;qi.s_uedj.oint- ` .]y_with the `r.artne_r_s,mettltqne-dttrt. ttmde- ` ctamton, og tt.-qy: max by sued alouefqmt it Jeutgmeut re.cov_e-ygd. ngqnmt thy: been -,-neg ip-agcl lhe_ rights of any partners W,,:_.,vga_:-51 .tq.e.ach_ other, except that no 'p`E;4l_gbi_ht;qtib,n is aforesaid shall, be com .` ltyjanypignazthsrcqf. W L _--_'(xhAe g-xptration of_ ninety `.da'y._ ` ` __ 'j.V- |_`ggVingAof,this Act, If 'any.petf1,n.' `iggggawgsggglt hategbeen ussocntxtc .1 3. 'j"-~' . I 1.'=.ptJ|'io_"0fllfad9!llllhilo dg. ` s; tt*ihittl?4tirn-.. e.`at:ili?-1`-yhidewiis Act. .. " httiarsxterth-ta-,:'tt1. ' mnn 1 IN IvlUUH.L'. , AS nowon hand an extensive and genuinc stock ol',Single and Double Harness (Car- riage an.l Team), English and Common Riding Saddles, Double and Single Bridles, Collars, -&:c.,' which he can olfer at very reasonable prices. Alsolin stock; some of the best English and other Riding and Driving Whips, Bits, Lines, Brushes, Curry and Mane Combs, Capds, -&c., to be found in this market. A r.yani(`.'1-:1 le tan mil rrr Ii)" nished lo utin (1 xlui n(l'I(c.:ld nm.(' to give satisfaction. ` ' v 13 Repairs well and neullyv exec'.:`.ed` Barrie. April 8. I868 "' ~' Saddlery aiul [iarnss `ESTABLISHMENT, V A . 'n'rA__, 1 ..._.uam uuar. no Knows A good Axe when he sees it, and he is determined only to olfer such arti- cles as will give satisfaction to the purchaser. All his own work he guarantees to be made of ex!r:1'-quality steel. .. 'l3'Horse-Shoeing and General Blncksrnitliing dqne sauaual. ' _ Jumpednxas constantly kept on hand for sale, I3 Three splendid cutters (new) for sule, cheap for cash. v Bmrie, Oct., 1568. ~ ' 841- Lr nepmrs well and Barrie. April 8, V . .u;.:..g.a.|.4 J.'.L\JJ\_D' Made and Dressed _on the shortest notice. .T. S. bging a. practical Axe maker, he nttrs himself that he knows good he_is de_termin_ed von_Iy WI mve sausfactmn *tn ma .....-..:..,.,... _ Nearly %posz'te th `Ban/_c of Toronto-, DUNLOP smmmr, BARRIE. a - :--u---J _ A. and whrranted for 30 days at $1.00. Any Axe sold by him which proves soft be tempered free of co_st wilhm 12 mc fromsale. 1111'-r' -.`__._, i , All Axesu_nwnrmnte_d from suporior mixkers he can sell as cheap as any other house in l.'own. ~..v A\UllIl' eru Railway is 10 Sid lhisvnew enter- prize bytall the means at its disposal-- and there -are_ many` ways in whichu Company enjoying the prosperity `of the Northern can afford practical as- sistance towards the completion of a new and txibutary road.-.--Globe. [IAYIXG found it impossible to meet timin- , creasing demand for A-xges of his own man- ufacture, `Inns recently imported 9. lnrgdstock of Box-re1| s, Mocock's, and Dates` supe.-Eur..~\.\'os; all of which he is prepmed to warrant for tbirlg day s. - ` . .-.. ...._, vu--.n uuuax; Iu I UWU. Axe; Jumped ant` uv;n--n..I..A 4"-.. on ,1, - % FAo_v__9BS%.m 33. % $3??ERSE7T SPANISH Sole, Slaughter, Upper, Kip, Calf,- Harness, Binding, Lining, Shoemakers Finding, &c. ~ , ANDREW GRAHAM. Rn:-rin Tnnuan-.. 1 nnn ...... uuum: nnssgs an_u Ululdren s, of every variety and style-which will be kept constant- Jypn hand, ` AT PRICES NOT TO BE UNDERSGLD . ANDREW GRAnAL\II' `Barrie. .)anunn-_`1Rn7_ 1 ..- . _ I VERY LARGE and complete Assortment efLadies EuameIled Kid and Prunelln Gaiers, Buskins, Boots; Gents Calf, Kip, and Course Misses and Children varimv and chvlnfml-.:..I. ...:n L I . WHOLESALE & RETAIL- prices. ` '. ` Boots and Shoes made to order materinls, by competent workmen. respectfully soliciged. ` n-u wi.:ch will he sold` at the 1 prices. Rnntc nn ghnan vnnn 4. --J; uuu or com- of lines 0 are thus more protable to o P rnerce than the multiplication g in the immediate vicinit ' y oftho city. 3 It The force of this argument prompted" | the small _rntmicipality of Port Hope , I onlv 11 year ago, to aid to their utmost 1 i a distant extension of the line that fl feeds and sustains their town. ` wny several -municipulit-iesfof Not: Sirnooe and North 0 ntely interesteul system `of gmnti th' ntario are immedi- _; and, now that the rig `bonuses has lost its novelty and is recogiiized -as the true -_ basis tor the con_strnc_tion ol our local railways, there. should be no ditcvlty in procuring liberalpassistatice from -these municipalities. It is also to be remembered that while both the outer municipalities and Toronto have a duty {to perlorm"in' this matter, which we hope will neither be delayed A no, neglected, there isa prosperous exist- ing railway company deeply ,me,.L.s,_ ed in the construction of` There must be, and w.e be a clear understanding ti. Railway is th means a . l and inorn .n...-. ........_- l l. l 3 3 L I I I . t. its disposal-- In the success of the Muskoka Rail- . BOOTS &4`s:;1m;s I Soiuln Si(]B.-"(;E -vlilunlp Slrcebl i 7\Tn.....I... ..........-_ _ Nearly/A opposite. his old s/and, where he.intnds to kcep_constantl_y on hand a`! Fmsr Cuss Srocx or _ g --2 FJ-YHE SUBSCRIBER desires to than}: his numerous friends and the public for past patronage, and to inform them than he has re _moved to the . n` - .... - % Liii 2 %1athIa}Ti;aZ{t2er i `Bnrrie, .)anun r_v,'1_86A7. J1 Barrie, January, 186 7 _-_-:=__-_-:-------- [REM:6;XVF: MARTIN MOORE, IJOWIOXI hand nn nnnnm-.. .....a .. `sas- V ,,,_,_.-. ...... a.v|lIlllUn_ J [I8-.l'0I"i it Hope, Lindsay and Br.-averton Corn- 3 pany obtnint`d`:tn.Act,' which `does not at present authorize any steps to be taken towards an extension of their line into the territory which the Mtis- - kokn. Company proposes to serve,.- In . the event, however, of the Port Hope r 3 line being completed, .and -in running . order to Beaverton, within a limiter .7 i time, powers ofextension in a direction ; strictly competitive wfiththe Muskoka ,` line, will come into operation. VVe _ `do not propose. toidiscuss the vchances | of an early cornplet-ion to- Beaverton, . but we wouldurge upon.theprornoters of the Toron'-.o- line to continue` the mot energetic efforts to place their Company in it perfectly secure position- 1 before the extension powers of the ` rival road can possibly come into oper- ( , alien . \Vc.value highlythe spirit 0!" enterprize that has prompted so many 5 of our leading business men to connect themselves with this project. They 0 `see the value of fifty or sixty miles of \ 7 railway stretching out into a new it section of country, andirendering its trade directly tributary to Toronto in . perpetuity. The tnrlher our feeders are from the centre the more` valuable theyyure to _us, mile for mile. In pro- ( portion to their length they supply rail- way service to a wider territory, and thus to, our ii . . . "53 I`. the it'nlT|P{ilnfn umu~..r.. Ar .1, , ~, M ILL PIC KS Int; 'l'\--:.{.....l ._ AL- IHPORTERS 0!` _ Jwors AND__SHOE. ` ii;;.'i;.i'sr;;;x{.:1% si, 4.; i.;;,t;t; his Wall Paper. 10,000 Rolls just received from New York, wine-:1 will be sold at the cheapest possible'ra.te_s. . .A n _ `Try Dr. SLAVEN S PILLS, they are `well known a.nd.re,commended. at Buy a bottleof `SLAVEN S Mosquito L1niment-_a sure; preventive for the bites of 1\los.1uitu:,:t :..'; Black Flies. A . Go to SLAVEN _S for Teas, Tobaccos and Cigars, of the first quality. Go to SLAVEN S and see those Coal Oil Lamps, for sale at 5 per cent of? cost price. ' You will save money by buying your Paints, Oils, Varnishes, &c., &c., at SLAVlZN'S. "Paint, Varnish, White-wash, Camel-hair, Scrubbing & Shoe Brushes, always on hand ut SLA \'l-.' N` quality of goods will secure it. DR. SLAVEN has a- good business and intends to keep it, if low prices, strict attention, and ' Try Slaven s Condition Powders, for Horses 85 Cattle, the best in the market. The couutr',_' tr;t.'.- liberally dealt with. ~ Give Dr. -Slaven a call before buying elsewhere, and you will be sure to get :1 buignirr.` Look for the Red Letters on the window as follows: I vv--_---. u-rust:-I--`our, vufnrv --w- Go to Dr. SLAVEN S for Garden, Field ahd Flower Seeds, which he imports from J. A. Simmr,-r -. Toronto, and from the. United States and. England. , _____ 1 . A ri- _--_----, -..- -.v-.. -..-- -...--.. -...._-_ ....--. #7 G SLAVEN is extending his Book and Stationery department. Give him a call and save nmnr~x'. ha sellsat Torontofetail prices. [Great inducements offered to Teachers, to whom a discount of 1;`; per cent. will be allowed on all purchases. AV . nut an I Q1? II'l'\ 1f\fIl'|l\`l'I II, 3,1 ', If `If Ir __- _---unvnu JhU|n' The struggles of the rival railway projects during thevpast session to ;ob.-, `tain needlul legislation were so.e_nrnest and severe as to promise well for prnc-' lical results. The lines of railway chartered to serve -the Lake Erie - ' Counties are possessed, in the strictest sense, by competitive characters. It must soon be decided which organiza- tion.is to,_bnild the_railway_.ifor "both cannot. As tolthe other characters of ` the session. we feel `the deepest inter- estin the Toronto and Muskokn. Com- ` pzmy-.the line to connect the Free Grunt district with Torunto._ t'J'he-Port tmnv nl\!nirIc\:I`nn A..s- --_L: I - G6 to Dr. SLAVEN -IS for Pure Drugs, Chemicals, Dye-Stns, Perfumery, Fancy and Toilet Articiw, Combs, Brushes, &c., &c. M . ` V .__...---._ .. q -u-u- I1 1 nu ',,.,,n,,j, _-_l.'-1, I , - , ,,. 1-, -r . ~. Prescriplions carefully prepared at all hours, day or night. v_.... a Rich proves will months ;u 1\lU. uuu IX'UI]Cl| 5; Kip. be kent. onnnmm- ofzthe best- WOI'l(nInn A om 5* I . . i > lowest re_muneratmg[ . ~ , HENRY BIRD; DR.SLAVEN S DRUG STORE. , Iv nuusx U|lI'(07' an this ' day or eighthundred and u: we UCSKX _A call is -,-..wv uvvvvubl CHI 4 {JOHN i>'owELL, _Late with Richard Powell. E I UUTWUUU `IND T3B&is%:iM:oh%%117wa%186%9eT%`* '. V Z T ` I _ ` CN.ST`NTLY ON HrD' ' . ' ; Sauces, Pickles, Mustard, Starch, Ca; and`Por'ter, Case Liquors, Wines &. Li: brands for Medicinal purposes. Liquors to Hotel Keepers at Torohto . -......._:,_...,. -.__.- .- Goods deliverecl in Town/, anc`l:'c; Jnnn `D'nrrrr.u- .. - Currants Raisins, New Valencia 9c. per 1b., VBright Muscavado Sugar 10 lb for $1 00. ` POW. Extra Bright Rened Snga.1_ 9 Ibsawfor $1 ()0, ; . At Pow; Teasvat 50, 60, 75, 80 &. 90 cents, j _ _ V At Pow: Rice 22 lbs, for $1 00, __ At Pow:-3 _..- nnunuuil III 2 at - ` V in partnership with (C'.D) of I nnd`(E`.F.)i e A . o , and that the said partnership hath sub- mted since the - day of one_ thousand eight hundred or that we, or (I or we) mind the said (C.' 1);) * and (E_.F.) are and have been `since the said day the only, mem- ber of the said partnership. 2 Witness our(or any o/iou r)_hands'at V i (`air A` l plemeuts on hand and ta order. ~~--~-----' . _ - - _ ]:)EALERS in all kinds of Farming Implements, such as Rnlwrk, 7.: . Fzmning Mills, Straw Cutters, Uur1LTI7l.>ug:;l1s, Clllllvzslarrs, rim; -3 kinds, cqmbzned IIur_se Hue &: Wcvder, llurse llulscs, Ilurse (xv I-`ur Machines, ThrcsllingMachines, Com Crushers. All of wllicll W7.` M:mulactu1fers' Prices. ' l ' Plough Points`, Mould Boards, Land-Szd '- . .`, l bu es and castings for all liimk L f 10! BARR]C_]::!_. f? $3 DUNL0PSTREET,mTorMARKhT.J N{?\"l` nnnri 'l`n 'l`llf.` It .1-. .~,... M _ , ,_.-, vvllll Adult \-JILIIIBU 4') Syrup by the gallon or bottle. Pine . Pear; Stdut, Pale Ale. &c., &c., &c., -Sega and Dry Goods,"1"weeds, Boots and Slwvs. conxparing and trying I.-Kcforc going to Bag I I - V V .1. vnlu-,7 AK % b Brandy in Cases or Dairies of the f Pipers in cases; Sayefs in cases; D`am1!s in ens A Ginger \V_ine, Old Tom, IIulI:ix1(!;<,`angl Stewart N \ Cr Battles, 7 Sherries in Quarter U-asks or Bullies. ( 1 Waters. Bitters,--Johx1 Bull, Orange, Appetizer an Sy_rup_by Apple, I-as Pear, Stout, Ale. &c.. &.n._ Kw`-, R:-um r`l-~--~- --..---_ saw \/IRIIIHIC Old Stnd, C'o,mer af Dunlop St., 12. R. square, Barrie. A SUPERIOR CLASS OF G|_ OTH sinmm mm mm {A trial solicited. Cosistin1g or;, R ` Barrels of Extra Rye, 26 0 u_ 1`\Ialt.V2l6 u.p'. Teddy, 26 3 u.p. Rrr1nr7.:: 0'11 I-Y/1on0 nan T ..4u7..- .1` . -,---------- _s..L.\/J..l... l Bcgs to ofTer to thc_ trade and public generally, his cl 1 varied. Stock at WnoLr:s .-u,1; Pmcus, gallons, Cases ()l'_ dozen. )1) by the :3 :. J; W. SLAVEN, ......, Iuu u J_uugmpni no recevered eggingt. him or, Ihem, any other ~-partner or pan_en' may be and jointly or povenlly on Iheori- ! ginll cune of union on which each judg-1 mom shall have been" rendered, Provided elwayo, A lint if any such Iciion_` be founded` Lon nny.oblilion or inltnupent in writiing -' in which all-ouny oi the panneu bound by I it ahiil be united, flhcn all ' the partners- Lndmed therein ehsil be made parties lo such gaclion; and any jildmnam mn.t....n .....:..- B. &, S.`, will zso keep on hand an assortmmxt or 4` ing Bux-and Parlour Stove-s, Hallow ware time i Tinware, Su2nr_l{el1les, Lamps um! Chin1m-ys, :,-1 Iuclnines, Washing ;\Iuchmcs, &c., &c. of;- v0rzZcrs b_21 Z|{az'l_72'ro7npt/yj atvtcncled lo. \ S67- AGR1CULWRAiwsm1>i1E3[r:; b --AN 1); BEAT? DUNLOP STREET, FOOT NEXT _D()ORv 1`O TUE s. MEEKING, kxavingkagiaed to give up the ill: (vjeryvgood) 20 bs for S 00,` -1-xxis ): hereby certify that we have carried on and intend to carry on, trade and busi- ness as '- . at in partnership under the name er rm of (or, as the case may be) I, (ar'w'e) have came on and intend to carty on trade and businesses - at mrtnershin mm. Ih n x r 1701.: (JASH ()./V12 1'. _BY_ SOMETHING` -j._ ---~-r.-?-..__ Starch, Ca ned Fruits, '.innnv-a `H7:...... 0; I 2 )1c:di~es, M13.x'1"1`I13 5; sc0'r'r, A ' - V - ' . BAIZJCIE, (-3: in 1b., THE & S a@rma%: uttle. llasherry, i7lr.'_uvbcrr',' cc., -Segurs, Cherouts. llis Stock uh uts an ! Shocs are aHoquz1ll`\' cheap, and w. zgoing Bogus Buzz/srupt Sfoc/cs. 341-. rz, and Fawn Produce bong/zt. action; any jhdgniant iencferml against I any member of such axialing co-paunenhip 9 fot _ a nnqnhip debt at liability, ahall and may executed": brproceiaof execution 1 against all and ovary the pannauhips alock, Anoperly, and eioll, in lho semomanner, and to Ihqsame extent asif such judgment had _boen rendered "against" such Q-p!l18l'- ahip. ' A uI'V1. LllJ\I'Al -71`I1V1sU AD\fA: OF1-`lCE," At. POWELL 8:. THom=so.\'s. An POWELL &. .THOM1 sU.\`.~`. POWELL &. Tno,M_vso.\'.~, Canned Bottled V Liquors of the very `- xv- \J\I At P v~ ` , _ 0\\LLL 8. I`no.m-su with A1 Powau. &. T.IIOMI`so.V,~. 11- SR! Hf: ,.,. ..... guns. l| l'. Vi H10 11 Eutlles.` (Il;1r9r,_7\Ii!k -Punci: pctizcr and Orange 'J'onic. 1 -as . wholesale vrates. K; b \\ Q `*9 E K L W`\ `V {` K; t) `M 3 ` \u \\ Province of Onthrfo County of . - FL- ` "t{1E;iv1h2vIlhlI!;f-`V!`3_11!'.!! Vn-mi5_n'z'.'s'i:'c".I;' nc .' ' .)~'!nde`.l":._ a _l:n`_t'x'g"&io:i 9.;-.mr.oh_-9, _ 1.. following chses; Robin `art M:-HI. PUT . ` 2.. .... [ARK !E'l`.9 J_`1`{ 1; A \'(?L` lilflrvvw '1 ~o--~- up--4`: E JAMES 1'uo.\u>.sm./. Late with '1`. n. McCuuk_<-_\. . *7` 1-*7 --4 >* ` ..___...... _.__ Volume Ch"j(`-' , Al vcxir beat I \\ \JU_3 [H Vvinr.-` H. 1.` I. T! V BI'(II1([5 ; rm; and if jdgmant be rc;werd :gHinai' qr. my othbr Danna} or n.m ...`..- E.`{"[`.`+3. 7rU(`. BEA UI`.l:FUL YESTERDAY. The The Musk6ka'Rogd. 1 -.0-...._l.'_ - f "SCH_EDULE. wberries, qunl old 5, -both Doublless and ...--I-- of_ .....--. uua I'Jn3l VlL.\ nized the true lion 0! I "assistance b In 1\n'H-u ILA ---`IA , .. ..-....cu, emu paiuIer s at ! ion and priaoa if delicate baa} ram: urn... A ` . IIDCIJ U.IUl_Cl'JlIl|.lI < 5. It shall be the duty of the Reglg. , irar to enter each such declaration as aforesaid in a book to be byllim l-mp! ior the purpose, which shall at all times during _uflice hours be open to the in- -- :~;pectiun' ofthe public gratuitously ; and int registerinz, each declaration the liegislrixr shall receive from the person lingllze same thensum of itv cunt; if 1t shall not_ contain more than ti`;-6, hundred words,'and at the rate of ten] cents rer hundred words for all ubbvei ` the number of. two hundred; and such declarnuun shall be in vlhe form of :th Schedule to .t_l1is Act annexed. i I 8 I 6. 'l`llI-I, nllnnuiinnn ......l.,. ...-auoulyo ' my ofouf). hands" a one thousand- ;It dmendering her smore` .hev snnnlu r-1 d(_:llYEd PETOUS P`_Y mt_ercst- >f_ this line. 7 - - . uieve there IS Vt the North- : man . .--A - -vulll In t`...l are wuu_In mm For further.) .po_st paid) to N.B.--This presents favorable inducements` for investment. A good. hummer andwinter road to mill privileges" by the " 6lhLcon., which are within three miles of 31303: 0ice.. furtherpsrliculnxs spply (if, by lotloxf, r _ ` ' ' ---.--.. PRWILEGES FOR sane lN,R.`.MA, ox ` EASY mmxs. ` 9 VALUABLE MILL SITES FOR SALE ON THE BLACK RIVER. These vimporlant Water privileges are situated on Lot. 17, Con. 6, -Three miles distant from the Portage` or Trem- w'a'.y. They are well suited foreithr Sawing or Grist Mill purposes. Dead wnterfrom the nail of mill for facilitating `the lconveyance-`V of lumber, .&c., through the-canal to Tramway. Nine feet. head` ofvwater .pow_er gnu :-anteed.;` supplies of saw 103: ' can be procui'ed'in the 'neiqhborhood.= - * ` " xnvesunent. iunamer abundance of water the ;whole yen.` Plentful ` N3B.- Ifhis presents ivqrublev ;'eadvt_o null privilegesjby the; 61!: com, - 1- The P"m1l*` 3`and gronnds now occupied by -"P 17- J-'01|V7, Logs 17 and 18 East side Mat- chedaalxvStr`ee`., having frontagcs on that -Street "1 C.1b0l.ie and Front..Sheets. containing about an 0'39, ;{mP19": wood-shed, Dxiving House, Stable for "'9 -_"'.rs'-s with large loft` over, and `an excel- lent" .-`ruin bearing Orcbjd, Pumps for lmrd, and `Sir water. I Possession can be given ll17N0~`1(`lD- r next. . _ - _2. LoLNo. 10 South Messessaga Street`, with _ The house is comfoxtably ned : . P. 0"V.ins 8 rooms besides kitchen, the most frontage also on .\lo.tcl1ednsli Street. contains. . half5an n_cr-,7 lobe sold in suitable` Building Lots. - ' `J r-.- an 4 --W? PR1VIL,EGES FOR- ~n..~.. "the sum of two hundrc-"d dollars`, lo he "penalty shall belong to the Crown fur uses afur_e:-mid. E 4; Each and every member" dfany partnersh-ip failing to comply with the requirements of this `Act shall forleit recovered before any` Court of com- petent jurisdiction, by any person suing, as well` in his.own behalf as on be- lmlfof her Majesty ; and half of, such the nsesof the AProvince,z1nd the other i half to the party suing for the same, unless the suit he brought,` as it may be, on he-halt of the Crown only, in which case the whole ofithe. peaiiulty shall belong to Her Majesty fLl` the 1'. i II I u. uuI.:I- 1:1 and Z0 Vacre each. Also for sale, (the mqther of Jake) and likew For `particulars amilv to` ,_ , Goldwater Road one a valuable Mate` Itl:e- t"-clebrated tro' Ring 1` ' rising four. F..l R (13% muse) ana nxewise a Colt_no_w fl particulars apply to F. J..R. Conveynncer, Orillia, `or to Dr. OLIVE] July 28th.` 1859. _ - "cal. 113.1? not 10, in the 2nd 100 acnea: South half` Lot 6, in 13th Con., brmy-100 acres. And; Eng 11 :,. 0...: n. .. V om'y-100 Eoev 11, in 2: (of York---180 ac: ` Apply to uc:!l_ nan hot 18, in 100 acreex "Lot 11, in 8th Gon., West hm Lot 19,. I00 nan-any S011 W ".11 `ID uuhl. mm not 12, _in lst. Con., North Oril] 100 acres. ' ' ' ` Lot 12, in 3rd Con.,North` v0ril]ia.-200 ac: West half Lot 16, 1'nl31h Gon., Madame- acres. ' l West ha1(`Lot I8, in the 4th C_on., Medon we 3.: Norihdfijoc 17, in the 13;): cm, '1'iny--.- 100 acres. Wes`. halfLot `26, in 2nd Con.,Tin East b'alfLot 12,1in N aqresg. ' y`-100 ncros, orth Orillia-- I .....,,. I 3. .L`hesr=.iddeclaraticnshull be filed } V within six tn';i1tli:sa'tter the passing of I declai::tt'ion shall in like nmnner` be `il- "'bership of such partnership, or in the this Act, if such partnership shall have been or shall he tiirmed before the time` when this Act shall _come into force '- mzd oect, axial within six month's myxti after the formation thereof, if itslmll-' be t'ormed_al`ter the said Act shall come _ into force and effect; and n snu"ar.v l ed when and so often as any cliange or i alteration shall tuk-.=. place in the mem- ' I name, style or rm under which they I intend to carry on business, "and place of residence `of each member of said L rm. - , V I _ . 1-1 I 1 I I South A` 10 --_53 North half` Lot 17 100 n .J acres. _ . N . E.Apnrt Lot. 15 u--ll\!IlIIfY lJ_ ..a1t`Lot35, in 4:1: c_oz-.,: , in mm Com, acres. , Prnu uurnages. V > -' Sashes, Doors 2 made 10 order. Peter Street, 0 . Spring Mattresses, Collin Trimmings, R Framed Pictures, S and Meiodeons, L8! Desks, Toys and I` Carriages. Snnhnu hm.-- _Derab1e P: 0 p$rty for Sale? - `ALSO, on/mm `.24 , A I" V HOUSEHOLD FURNITUR Spring Mattresspa w....:._ n. .G;J;BOOTH CARPENTER AND. BUILDER. Cabinet Ma/cer and Umrlerta/c'e2f. .._.-. clxsto-1'11-2:3 of you a 31: our Kind friends and we wish `each and all perous new year. _ give L at (Inc \I7\I '3`weeds,' Cloths, B<=avc'r9 Prints, _C_mons, u 1/1.1.1} A3 , Fl:-.x1nel9. Shawls, Under -Clothin;_-, Ticking{;"-. B.'nnkcx_ }1;ns..C:aps. Hoods, Son'mg.=, G !nvms;' Ribbons, Fentlners, f<`I0wL{r;=, Toxvelling, Comm.-. . Bags, I.i`nen,B'ugs, Cm`pL't.~. Re:-.d v-made Cloth- ing, Boots and Sb h Ske-lomn5,' ......... , - 2; Such declaration shallV contain the names, surnames, additions and residences 01 each and every pmtnei as uforc+ the_ name, style_ or rm` under which they carry on or intend to ` carry on such b:.1si11css,and smling n1'so T that -the pengsons therein , named are` the time during whxch the Aparrlnership has existed or us to ex1st,also declaring the only members of such co-partner-I` ship. 3 'l`kocu-aLI}Ln.i......IZ.... -1. ,n | no -. Toronto. Oct.,26, -,-..-_- , ,,,._, .,..-...5 LJUUJU, 015101`! I(_`)l' ' -{_"'.rs'-s l1)fl'0Vei', lmrrjunnd given . itage "an suitable s. \ Lots. 19 and 20' Coldviater Road. one-bull` :_eacii. . ' W [AS the piartnt-rshi dc/rsigned busine feriug --` 'ne as-must then to the public. at cost .st.ock of p existing ` in April, n Ih5_y_nrc n price, no uacupuu WIIDODI 8 clllg. V ' The_'hoarish king hated the reriement and polish of the French. If he met a lady `in rich attire, she was-pretty sure to be rude- . ly assai`.'ed ';i and a `youngrnan fashionably dressed could hardly escape-the cudgel if he came within reach ofthe king :3 arm, The king, stalking through the. streets, was as marked an _ohjeot-as an ele'phaut_ would have ,-and many {led at his_appro_ach.' One day he "met a pale, threadbare young man, who "was quietly passing him. when the king stopped, In his jerkinggait, and demanded, in his coarse,` rapid utterance, Who are i you '1. . "I am . a theological student. the y yonng manq/uietly replied. Where from ? ' added the king. From Berlin, was the -response._ From Berlin 7 the king `re- ioined; the Berliners are `all a good for- nothing set. _`Yo_'-a, }'otJr,.-Wiljasty, that is -true of many of them, th ' added; but I know of two exceptions. "OE two? responded the king; H Which n.e they ? Your hllajesly and myeei[._v the young man raplied. The king burst into n. good-humored laugh, and, _at'ter",',av the young man carefully examined, assign. ed` him ,to a._ fjm-my-3 .Mna-n,~.'... _ mg vbeen . ' Every one instantly recognized him,` cu mm _ U Magazine. DRE 3 ?)[ ,9 S TWendA' (`.lmL_. n-.._, BR`-_i`;"'_n .v. -n-I UV J. M. TRENOUTH, Proprigtor of Black River Mills, ` Rama, P.0. I to J. J; I.`AvNDY;' Banister, 4-cT. or `to J ; `C-f;.;u0!U..LLEN, muey Pub1io,1_.. A. .c-., Drills i>..'o,f ~ ~. IRE; exclaiminz. " Home, you rascal, `and go to work. If any any one pranaicated or heai-' mind he would sternly demand, Look me in the,faoe."_ Ifthore were still besitancy; or the king were dissatised with the answers. the one interrogated was htqky if he escaped without caning. " The 'boarish king him"-.1! lhn .-n..-.....--. nnvlvc us) Avlluvv I l. ,'1`liat all persons who,nt thetimie of the pussinguf this Act,or who here- after may he ussocintetl in partnership for trading, manu {ucturing, `or mining purposes, shnll cnusr-. to-be delivered to `the Registrar of the Connty,vcity, or" ril-in_r_; in which they curry on or inteml tocarry unb_u:;ines.s,adecla ration `in Wm- ing, signed.by the several membrars of . such CO-pilrlllfslllpg'pl()Vld( dV,llOW0V3)`, that "it any of the said men71bei~- ~ be absent from the place where they carry on or intend to 'c.nrryon business,-atvtlie time of ma_king,such declaration,` then- _by the members present in their own names, and also for . their absent co"- memliers, under their special authority to that etl'ect,sucli special authority to` 7 beat the same time led with such [Registrar and annexed to such declar- ation. T r 0 T n u 1 1 .-> . ..y 4 a 1 l ..,. _u,...um;uu. zyney caugnlvaust. He eat nton a plain wooden chair. He ate roughly, ll _e a farmer, of rout-beef, despising all; delicooieu. `HISIIIIIOII invariable dress was a close military bluocoar, with red cuii. and collar, bu waistcoat and bre,eoh`e9,*and. white linen gnilere to the knee. A sword was beltedyaronndlhis loins, and nslont man or bamboo cane ever in his hand. A well-worn, battered Iriangnlar haloovered hishead. He, walked rapidly through the alre`eIs_ which surrounded hie._palnoes at Potsdam and Berlin. If he melanyone who , _ attracted his ntlemion, "male or lemale. he would abruptly, rnenacingly inquire, b Who are you 7' A street lounger he has been known to hit overlhe head with his name, . exclaiming. ' If any am nrenxicmmi nr l....:_- an A I n ' -- _ - Tat: F41-unvn oI'_~I?`nnxnxcx Tm Gn'.lu'.-. The king was. scrupulously clean, washing le limes 3- day. He would" allow_ no drapery, no stuffed furnitnre,no carpets in his gpanmenta. They caught dust. He sat` IIPOII Dlain wooden chair. I-In aha mm-I-|-' club on sunny: 3--vu Oh I a uve_e_t and virtuous non}, Llk seasoned timber, never "gives, - . `But when the whole world turns to coal, ` Then chiey lives. . 3W9?!" spring Hull of nice: days uidyoscs; A box w_here sweets compaofedjie ; _ MY mllllo ghowu you have your oloaei, b - T ` And all mustglie . l\l| A .2 UN HEESBRA Bus Tamas ilf Lot 35. in 491.0,... \r-. vv GUICHJ ll, 2nd_ Con., -180 acres. n-J.- AA V Georgina, -County u--___ 7 grounds nw ,_ Lqgs and Mm- _n_cn why. V ,Wliercns,.1t is expedient to remove the diicnhies lhnt exist.in bringing actions against persons associated as partners fur trading purposes, or against ` llHil)CU!'p(;l Ll1(. d compzmies or sociemzs formed fur like purposes: Their-':[iore Her Majesty, by and with the advice and consent oflhe Legislative As-' _sem_bly of the Province of Ontario, eu- acts as follows: A ~ nu... u,,,, ,, - -Av - ALSO, ox:/mm up rnr n rm`- 5.. ma cumu no Tramway. P . r t1e;whol_e y_ea1._ P_lentful gs procured in . V water gum-an tc.-'ed ;` sea, Family Sew-ring gs, Room Paper, Wind: 35, Soho) Books.` C` , Ladies` Work Box:-: xd I*`m;cy Articles, upllly I ) 1'3 J..l. U`H.ANT, is, OLIVE R,_Bnrrie. KHZ`. I an Blinds, M V ` WM. BL GANAVAN, - Toroi 6, 1868 {Lag- 15.70. >n.,Vespra.`--200'acres. - `O, Qon., Inuial- as mtr;;;,n 2;; .1. t 8 _Agt1g69.arner `vs \V|1prnnc If u_- nvnL~,l2.-...o on .............