'1.|.\J\412|.b12J. Lsx/1.5./;v4.-uwv ...\`-(V. F sf1'om:, V , _ ` 3 ` Opposite Messrs`. McCarthy ` McCar!hy s Law Oice,- ' 90.0? A!` l'III\`I\1 11'.IlII '15 KY) '1 " lusdngmci: T':;1o_?1"[f ciIT:Tsi1'.i We bave.uo.o1her-5:0-can of business But in _Toronto alone. L T % .P. 8:. N: MEL_Ai)Y, _ V 1_41_xING.sjrnEE'r EAST, TORONTO, 'r0Nnt6y 6! [ . _ _ _ ~ 18-tf_-"._J ___0.:- Fresh Ganiidian Cheese of ' No. 1`Quva\ity. 11:: `I. .,.------v ..r--. "Barrie, Nov.- 10th, 1869. HO{UsE% 6`. ?$1*0RE.'It0ai:ET mass nwAI;ns,% `l'.al- n-.'....- n...:..o..... BROOCH `FOUND; ___?__ l4I K|NGSf|:l_!`EET EAST; bvvjgiok,` E '10_.,` ,iZll.lU .Vu|1un ID nnnmu uuvnn, Th-at under and by` nrlue of the powers I \'P~1i0d in me as Oicial Assigbee of me Estate of the above nnmedlnsolvent, and under the `prnvisipns of the Insolvent Act of1864 and '1.~;u, the undersigned will offer for sale IN VA!-R.PET". --:-0-:- Jnt. recived, a. large supply" of I1j-vuw -- --w-----v:._ Of British and Forgigh Dry Goods. fzzv TORO N1-`O, E are 1'0 b_e:f nnd ii; ihdstore of In (Lite. Deputj Rggistrnr) V A1` TEE. moron! or Foreign and Native. nrv cmnvn nrir THE 'CHEAPES'I` AGEII'I`vF-O .- At his Ufve, Wzrkot Fquarc, 'l`own of Bn:`|':ie-, in the County nf Simcoe and Province of V _ ()nta:~in, on - ' Saturday the 23th day 0/`March,-./1.D. 1970, ' V AGIXT I03 .1`!!! -'-AI;so-_-e AND. .---AND-- ` uuuuc. WM. GIIAII.-\.\I, ` _ Town Inspector. w~-an _ A RS} BILIQ.hsving .e Ig'Hgad't`hs seriiiaihf . ` . A a. ts!-cla`;s=l?;,esst'__l:nI"g:I;, fete]: '$lize"j ,__' r : ab: can give ,1. _ `ijguos _gHi goton lI<|fei- vh9;|iPI ;1`?!9!5 73?! 74-`qt-V` ' 1-66 lo. -_OP1 0SITI? Mc,W/1TT"S HOTEL. 11-`! .Dpl:\.'Aiu Lcu `large quantities. P A RM PROD Goods. - `Remember the place, R.` PowZZ's new | store, 0wc7z- SIxreet,fi rs.L door South of Bank of C'ommerce. .51. IA. PEm:1Ns.. |Mnn1cnL`1`S?EmsnnY2 ed,4aud in a-fbiglx state of culttvatlon. V . There are log houses, stables and a never failing supply of spring water on the premises. Wnr nm-ticulars annlv at this oice or to Geo. failing supply or spring Wale!` on un: prcuuaus. For particulars apply tliispice R.-Ford, Bradford. ~ 48-If ___:____ _ ,__, largo quanuues. < _ FARM PRODUCE taken `in `exchange .for Gdodsp .D...,.....'.,.I...... 41... In.-n 7-? 171111171-J]] c mm/1 T 01319 sou) ON Es? TERMS 0N mm or cheap for Cash, the South West quarter of Lot 8, in the third Con. of ORO, contain- ing 50 acres, 30 of which are cleared, well fene-._ cf cultivation. vmm.-.. urn Ina` houses. stables A. PAIi1\_I_ER 3; co. `suit purclmser. `Terms liberal. .smes,-una snnaxcu on luI:n.u . ......., .,. ..... SQUARE." `Also 10 ncres of land joining the late Moses Hayter s farm, and 20 minutes walk from the Market. -To be sold togellxer or-,sep_aralel_y `to Fnr fnrlhek` narllculars Bllhly IO ism 614* v'1%l1\["!`lA"(>;E Lwms, Lqt No. 1+, Sth_ (.7on.`, l7zm'sZ, V Near Victoria. W n. A. V; P_.\1..\11:n, well known in cgnnnec-` tion with thc_.drug :atn_b`.ishment of Messrs. Afexander & Co., has -Just Q[eued under the above style a. new drug store :11 the new build- ing nmmmp /I/I/`T/I7nff. ,c_' Rrlrrm ' Tlnlfl, XII &$$IlIC IIIww--, ------ V , Stn`bIea, &c., on ench-,wi1h :1 frcntage on three sides,-and simatcvd on the N.W. Come: of the _ - .. -q-`-,--r-u-I-I cr\'l T A 13.?! ' XYITH SUPEIUUK p\_r{EI,L|Nn{AHo_usE, smans, The Compli-nwmis of the Season, A -av-, u-vw, vv-1-, Which he will sen :15 Cheap xi; the Cheapest. 7 v . V AND CIl`F..\lICAL_S, PEHFUMERYXL TOILET ARTICLES ' P.\IN'[`S, OILS AND COLORS, ' _ _' ._-q.-.._.....-~ A P\ A- n .--n wooa, and Ham uubner. A I Albums and Pbrfolioa kept constantly on handnnd for sale in Low isles. - - - JULIUS HUMME. nan- ' t'\_!`lI- I\_- 1nnn rnctures at moderate pnces,_ . _ Particular attention paidto colormg and'_re-_. touching Pictures, V '- _ ` . Frames,` Lockets and ` Cases, .in_-Gilt, Rose- wood, and Hard Rubber. . Au....... .....1 n'....r..1:.. bani nnrininnv nn. LW\/ \/.3.`-Lv.Lj__.v '\/.1 Formerly kept by Richard Powell, wishes to" juform the public that ha; hnsppened a. ' first class nssoptmc-nt of - V _.__ __.__ ~ P`.-\ r.-\rw--a-nrxrwax-~r~r,,\ iT1:""VI"UB2)I0 AUCTIONIE \.xuanu|uu A1111 unuxx .1, u.~., Alllqfvlmicb luive been personally selecleaand _ are of_ the ncst,quu|ity.- _ 0/ : A [VH7] mnnyannf/`I11 /nl l`f|]';I\`l..`t`I7 '.l"`(\ 1i hot ogr'ap;e1--, -Qevof tine. `Lander: 7 and Photographic Company, EGS `toginform the inhabitants of.0rillia ' and the surrounding country, that he had commenced business,-in Orillia, and iI`_P{'9' pared to take Photographs] of every descrip- 'tion. Cortes de Visite; Imperial or Cabinet (fatten, Stereoscopic Famiiy Groups, and larger Pictures In moderate prices, Particular attention nnid tn colorintz and're- or_ me xmcsL,quun_Ly.- J ()f',?A Call rqspcctfz(ZlyVsoZzcitcd.`.;3 896-' V A. V.'PALMER &-Co'. lI'llIl'!'!IJ|?'1i*li_`iIff'.l}Isl%1lY$!i mom-Tr: si*1zn;`1'_,,,oi:1LnIA:_ fv 9 - ` zirarzg (ppo site tip ',roh`nso`; Hczusesj f _ JL_JLlUS HuMME, -IG .S_pec'xaI fedructiuu V1.0 all parties buying n rnn nnnnt.il.iPi. once is HEREBY GlVEN, to all ohm. of Mills sillmled on streams frequented by Fish, that the throwing of Mill tuhbish or saw dust. into water is illegal, and that after this _ dale any infraction of the Fishing Law in this respect. will be dealt with aecoedingly. e D."-Hm: intnrhzlnd in Sneckled Tmnt; shing respect. will be (lean. wuu accunumgxy. . Pnrlies interested in Speckled Trout shing xvi]! please notify the undersigned of any breach of khe Fishery Law coming under their notice. . - .... .. .--.-urn `Bax-r_ie, Nov. 17th. 1869. Bahia, 26th Oct. 1369] I _._.___.,j_;.__._. j...._--.--- "" . ' ' I In thamatter of Martm _.S8jl/M0117, of} the ."'owns/zip of Sunnulale, an - Insolvent. GEo}BALL CAR_PEN'1`ER', BUILD ER-, &c. iBA.BR_IE. `uit purchasers. Ierms uucnu. `For further particulars apply T1 T1 ?#fm forgIe `iI1()ro-. steaxn. Povver .. _I_!_-__ r... at... '.........4'....om.. Ar nun mauuxuun; - nu tux; Int-ugflcwvuunu VI pooas, SASHES, BLINDS, MOULDING, &c :16 is pg-epavrcd to supply these articles at the - ' - lowest price. ', ` ' _ `Q Opposite Mc'Wat s,T Barrze Ilotcl, -'\\'ithacomp1ele Stock of Pure ' ` puma or EVEIIYDESGIIIPTION. '_ori1n`a, -Dec., 1853. FEE ulza-deraigncd tfers the foilowing vnldable . property fdr sale, viz:- ' V In` 7-1 A"-_--_ 'f'.l..... Dresed; and TongueVd_`nnd Groved Lumbvr, 3. everv description, always on, hand, and made to order. ` IIEREAS, on Monday night the 10th inst, ` _the}\'hole of the front windows oflhg School House cf_Sc-tool -Section No ' ll,._Oro, were demolished by some party or pantie; un. 1mown,-"`. lbs` Trustees of said school selion, off}: 9. l`Wa.I"(l of $25 for um `Pp;-e. hcnsion of, said parties. . . * (Signed) - AI"\AIl5 \ `iitcs FLORAL IGUIDE . FOR -1870-_ ` HE FIRST Eomonor om; HUNDRED AND TWENTY THOUSAND copiesvof V1mr'u II.r.m:-rnum:-n {`.A'l'Al.nt1I'YD no Q:-nnu nan L ALFIJ . 1 VV D I. I. IIIUUDIIZVU CUp|.!!3'Ul Vv1cx's Innuarnnnn [Cu-nouns on Status AND Fnonn. Gums, is published and ready` to send out. It is elegantly`-`printed on ne tinted paper. with about 200 ne wooi Engraving: of Flowers and'Vegetnb1_es, and as beautiful Conan- nn [Pun-|:-consisting of seven varieties iof Phlox Drummondii, making a ne ' ,\n1-r1\IIIr1!|In nun -Inc-mi Arc-In `aivvqvaaa. gran. A I-51-l\l`hll|U' It is-the most. benutifui, as' well as the most instructive Floral Guide pnb1isbed,'giv_ing pla.inf_ and tlioronghidireqtions for-the A _ Culture of Floweis and Ve_get__2bles. The Floral Guide is_pnb1ialied|for_.'_the benet ofmy cu'sto_tuers, to whom it is_ 3_eiiI. free with-3 out application, but will be fo1'.w_'qrde to'a)l _j whoiapply by mail, for Tax Onxrrs, w_hjch is np_'t haltfthe cost. Address, ' JAxu:S"v't0K,. - 9 1-41-__' ~ - . - : .R1inhi-_u`cni-f`N` V; - ~ Mas; " BE_LL;.__. f DRESS & mum IJAKEII; - n........~;.T u ,n.1......-'5 `na:;.. am.-.. .2. gEGS to announce to thovpublic t1m_t he'has. , ' _compleled his ` . --- ,_-- -u-u___...v '___ pI'UpE|"l_y IUY U.l\7 II ? Two `l:_g.f1:atg('3re Lots, .-nu:-nu nu II-nu no vs nu Barrie. Jmy; 1857. , y`&V1-j- ---v T and Machinery. for the `manufacture of .r\nc1 =. manna m fwnq xmnmnmrz J ....... .. - ......._.. ..........-3 u an... unoutmr or PHI.0XES- n :..n.... ......o I......4:'..I ...' .....n' .. n... ...... ` - _ U-- run: 0:-n. J:_in.V'1_i1L11,_18T0b. Flalv-IERY /NOTICE. TO MILL OWNERS. .J...L_l .1. ..L..J.I.v .L..L.-...L Having bought out the stock of -` xx /NA -1--C-I1-'1"'I"` E %%G.I%U.W PiE;`??PF3 .1. I. I-:<>T?`__$:"/WE. _se1>.oL17S"Av v,INGT, , J n___,___.: 1* ____ -Ovp1v'o:it.-tI;e.'o1-l-v:I::cf()-`0i_b-0:-B:r;j:-`c-if :-u-u; {1`)`o7MINIo mrn surmuon IN SOYfE.E`f?5Ti ALEX. McI(ENZ[E, - ' T1`icxhn|-v nu}: Ll: lJ\IlJ\JAlll, - On Uie premiscys. '- 45-tr. DlCl\I`ALVlJlI?l,` Fishery Overseer. sav- muna V nun. mscucsm-, .`N.Y. ` UHIIIIM4 850- PapierMachie Albums `Ladies Work Boxes Ladies Wntirig Desks Albums A ` Fancv Bdxes Shell Boxes Pl_ui'n Stationery Fancy Stationery . Envelopes V Selt-closing Diaries ' [EDWARDS EDWARDS EDWARDS EDWARDS EDWARDS EDWARDS EDWARDS EDWA RDS EDWARDS EDWARDS iHOLIDAYGOODSq Shadows on the Wa Doll Furniture Paper Soldiers '` '[`cy_ M_usicnl Boxes. &,(3., 8420., (S50. I - Ulmb_.-u.:\I(u,` 'Ul' I any .I._' not-luau CQRNS, b;mio'n4, large ojr suqn|`, ;iug rovqiq I Ii1ils,_swea.t-sc.aldcc_1_ fget. tcv, relig:_y _ed3 _im-. mediiwely andaoon {cured by applying Dr. J_ Brigg`: Sidhrn Curzuive "according to direc- tions. It never does harm; awgyay doe: good. Sold in lmrrie'by*A1cnndr& 00., nnd.by .u medicine dealers. j _ - v 888-[4, J In-the Inaucruy J'mr.rn ur.;.;;.u.. .,.,.... S (). `_v', an I/Lsolrvcrut . 0NT|1cs-1ny,_1lxe15Ih day _ot'Feb|-xinyry next,_ at. t'w-h`cu'vlnck, noon, the undersigned Just-ply liclfroy Jnhnsun, will apply to the Judge oflbc Uoumy Court. of the! _Cuunty of Simcog, for n discharge under the suit! acl. 3 ` I)aLm1at Barrio in um. said County of Simcoo. this 121!) day of LI:m'u:1ry, A.D , V1870. ` .I(\.Sl-Il`Il B. JOIINSON`. I231 JUIIN A. ARD.\GIi, " --tin. 7 v Hii Attorney _arl /`ill?7T'V_. menu LANTERNSI ED \VA RDS FDWARDS E DW A RDS ` EDWARDS EDWARDS PIIST mm BHILIIINII V TBARRIE, A (DR UG:QISTS. DY}: 's71_`Um:`s. @ ` EDWARDS EDWARDS EDWIARDS EDWARDS EDWARDS EDWARDS EDWARDS EDWARDS EDWARDS EDWARDS {IQ}-A T__E D w A RDFs1=g3% lTHil (;hc'ock s 10 Miisic: . , !Iit'cI1cucls s 5:: Music` Coronet 10c'Muic " Boosev s 5c Music `House Music . Sunday Music ' . Church Music Sunday School Music Day School Music Piano Mptl1tqds Al:E)(AN_l_D__R &. L aNsoLvENTjdf6r|ss9. H(')-l-?SV.;6:VL%)'Ei.T13.t1eV Mjediciesj PAIN'1`S, OILS GLASS, PUTTY, `I erfumery and Toilet Articles; GO 'l`0 THE |',A;-,_._.__A.-..-\u-n~/:\ Frlrl` Curni` li`lil:}--l`)~R_'G'L`lSllw nnids; CIIEMIOALS, PATENT MEDICINES; EDWARDS . EDWARDS EDWARDS `_ EDWARDS ` - `EDWARDS EDWARDS EDW`ARvDS EDWARDS "A EDWARDS ` EDWARDS WAN CY GOODS ;z `Consisting. in part, ~ df I)olla,- Writing Desks,` Work Boxes, &c., suitable for v- ,. r1r1T\ Iornnn L5 `nD`lTQLl\T'l"Q no mi ;:= c11'Uf"Fi\TX .59 1- A 1 nrnnn `ALEXANDER &%"o0., \('L!f\l' `D: \T D A MT] T)1I"I`A . ALEXANDER & Co., `have an immene `stock of COAL OIL LAMPS, which they offer cheap, and have always on hand a. ne clear oil. Remember - - ` 4 ` ALEXANDER .5: Co.; Hnnlnn Rlront Rnrl-in, |ED`WAR1)s 1>Ho'r0{GmP1iS 1869. V 1~111>LQi4i ..HA.1L 'F`D'II`T4" T2 A"D 3}`, .4./..n.`.a\n ~.- .--___-_.__ If you would be sure of good colours, go to never broqghtjinlo this mm-ket, besides every novelty in .l'I1r\1"r 1-1rl1 A - including Combs, Brushes, Fancy Soaps, Per- _ f`umery,&c. ' ' v ' |'l`!n` 4-1.4:-.n`u-Omani n6 Paints. Oils,-Vafnishes. &c-. will be -found to be complete, whih,'being bought for Cash, are offered at. a slight advance on cost. ` ` -- Ava ' ' 1-` A Lnulvll `I V :5 .5 uuwuy. They would call attentxon to these celebrated 'l`rus`ses,` having`procured.a few which they are. enabled to sell at $6 each. Prescriptiqns put up con-ectly. Bat`-rie. April, 1869.. , _ I , 1.1, Lamps, C/zinzizey, Burners, 'c., ` ROCK OIL, am`. . `,.' M `,``"_`"`f`'!;-. Havg entered into partnership-for the practio of - wheirprorenon. = M A T '. - ' V Orncn over Powell '& 'l`hnmnnnn'.'.I.(..A \m unuumnnsfml wg v---~* We nmie 0.1509; large gm of ALBUMS.` -/('1; .. Tuompsnws & um ' will receive prompt sttention.=- .. "Inll pK0lEIl0l1u ' ' ' ' Onxcn over Powel1_'.;8 Thompson`: iaioi-, when-e_-eith`er of them may by {found each day during the yen. Specie! ellentiop given to gold lling. .Pm-e nitrous oxide ;used;-4&9": the painless extncv.ion.of`teeth; ; ., - ,j l '. " - Oce hours from nine em.,' till.fonrip.1nf 1 ;. All letters Sddresaed lfoGAu3nAul?1`i`Bo_nx .on.- visit: In mini. ,u.'n 11'I=a3i.`.i....'..; wlurecexve prompt uwn_unn.- V, . ' |._ Our visits to Orillia will coxmhence omtho 13th, `where wgiill rinaiqjnniil gho nth; other pppointmenu stundul tou;ua;u`g1,A L Vopenotl 3;-1'3 -I`-"t-k- -. .~m:~x~n-vat. Au-N II-mu-,. .::u-;er`quxm-a:r..- W .T - . .."." H. v `. -``.` 7-: Radical (T1n?e Tfusses. l'N~.nu mnnld 1-nll nnannn in thong oplnhrntu` `_.l..J_..l.nJ .5 \r.~.L.-.- .-.4-_...--..-..__ DUN LOP STREE'I`, BA1RRI_E. iToIL'E'f"X'R7r'IcLEs.' ..1..A:..... n'.....L... n.....1..... 1:.*........ 9-..... `Dn ENTAL-AS'UR GERY',`: ...- -_J......I :_5.. .....L .....L:_' 0.- .|_'_ _, - I.n..a.LA I-`CL! .aJ ..-4.`: `av WHOLESALE AND RETAIL` AL1g:.\ A1)'Nr-.-1:-._& co., Aie receiving` their \)\g .444...-...... \-.._..___ _Vv `I.)Kated at` Barrie, this 12th day 01 Janu: LD`. 1370. . . , JOSEPH P.0_G`ERS. . n (nial Agsaicrnm _OLlVEFT&. Co. I 1-run 4.. ...........m.. Ln; 4 U l...I v En. uo vu. . _ EG to announce that they con- tinue to keep in stock the best supply of rust _E_NB_L|S_H`_DUES And V Views Lxonxrtmns or TheA d.epa`rtmnt_ of JXLal`)4\1Ll\ Ulblh `K UUa, Dunlop Street, Barrie, Opposite the Railway_Sation' Wall `EDWARDS ED$RDS EDWARDS x3_ ' V EDWARDS '1`6ys A Dolls Glass Ha_rmouicas' _Puzz1esj--. `Cut upv1 ictures% V Me!nd'eon Methods Concertina Methods Violin Methods V ~ Flute Methods Concestina Music Folding Steroscopes 1 A Upright Steroscopes Transparent Theatres "Pearl Card Cttses Pearl Albums ' Pianb 1?oit'e_s Harmoninms Mclodeons * Conenihas .`Acco:deous 1 ` - .'Musical Boxes Mglsngal Albums Viblins'.& Bows Flutes &: Fifes ' Sheel Music EDWARDS EDWARDS A EDWARDS . EDWARDS EDWARDS EDWARDS EDWARDS EDWARDS EDWARDS EDWARDS 902; Mas OALIFORN IA; ST 0 RE TDR?YG00Ds; A Quantity of sound Beech and Ma.ple C6rd- i wood, cur. last Winter, will be delivered in lots to suit purchasers, _a_.t lowest market. rates. . 4- . ARA.-nu `J LT-`.\VI.Q, P 0.. Harrie. \.Il.' Barrie, Nov. 17th, 1869. 1- the ltl('f u , COUNTY . CLERK, ' ILL allend at his Oice, at Barrie, 1 _ SATURDAY, from 11. a.'n`1., till 3 according. to order ot Council nndpevery < day a I his (Jfce at Cookstown. Run-Se. Feb. 17. 1862. Fergusonvale Dec. .6, 1869. \JJ..|.I.AA.L \J&UL\LL.I. :4 J. \rAv-C is known far and wide as the most successful bu _sine'ss House North of Toronto. Itssuccess is only due to its-doing giesirict- sly Cash Business both-in Buy- ing and Selling, and by selling at.the very lowest prots. One price and no deception used. lW.!!WT3~ I -1uLso-- General Insurance. A gen ts. A. FERGUSON. V J. W. FERGUSON, Cluj-'istm.as Holiclays ! J. 1:54 \/4;.n.a-a. \.z--`v-.-g pg; 4-. 9.... always fullls its` promises as .- advertised, and is the best friend to the Farmer in giving. i-the highest prices for `Produce, and makes no di'erence in price be-A (ween Cash and 'l`mde for V Goods. CORDWOOD -FOR SALE. The Sale. now going oq,(and l to be continued till after Christ- mas Holidays) has been speci-l ally provided for. Tons of newi Crop Fruits have been laid inl our Store Houses before the A closeiof navigation. Bought at- priees that enables the CALI- FORNIA STORE to. give more for $1 than can be bought for $1 25, `present Wholesalc_.prices flit?! @113 pi:bli':_fg(~nei-'a'l!y",' h f.`1hey`bav'e' mm` V * _ `ht; 3:11:11-'l`:`ou;plew'gs_sqrlme_m or ' 1 ',1"axe's.Lpteu.}.:e-in`..soa:;e ` 519 ihsfmsio.` `qu1_v,i ' nm .w' A am GLASSWARE. Tl wnna, Paomswm 3%- "To `e continuedfill after the L led j9._11t1% V B9.rr11ed % 3; ; 5 L1quq`rs__. LX ; . __ _.......nr-}n 11;`! n\7'r\c1 any 8! U18 Ulncu In \/nun: Bnn'i_e, Feb. 17, THE CALIFORNIA STORE has thesbest selected stock of ` Dry Goods in Orillia, and in _ this departmentno competition can approach us, and to- facili-' tate Sales, Dress lengths -will be cut off and Ticketed; and! short lengths of all classes of Stock at Cost Price. V ' THE CALIFORN1A STORE` "THE CnA`y'I F'()__RNIA `S_TORE NOW 13 THE TIME ! The means are at handetocarry out our promises ; and if ever the ame of the CALIFORNIA: S'I_`;OR_E,. the peoples friend,` has been souded far and wide as the highest bidder -for Produce, and the House to give the best value in Goovdsbifthat be doub- Vly so now. GREAT SALE __AT `THE UNb`A1L1NGEYEPREsg_[ERs\ AMERIVCANBARAREI, SALT.- ' An un1imi`ted stock at lower prices than any. other. House, at A .' . M .' ` ' `~ 'IV`HE-CIALIISORNIAV STORE No.1 ound` _ Hriing. Lake Huron White Fish` and Salmon . at lower prices than any 'f0f,h3.1f` H0118;~at_the ' "(V4121 n-.wi"\`n`x'r:`A. d".I`|nD`I'.`, % 'r11:1%i GALIFGRNI-A -L V ` L TRFaa!h:Wi*1ih% `:Daid,A.f9". 5. A - - Acldress `J. LEWIS, P.O., Barrie, Or E. S. MEE-KVING, Esq. .2- M-.. win. man 45_ DEijF7AIb QLAsswAm:, i=7a1.:Ij2 '114`f;s,'}iAu1)WARI, ` 01:4` cnoicEsT Bf{AN'Ds;' `R. T. BANT|.NG,- nnnuvnv` nI`J.`.n'l( uzils, Monms {&co.,% nu! unn A mnn `DI4`l')ll`!E("I"To`.D ac, `an. uu; `. .'e'. , . _;C1:!ZLIFO_RNIA_ STORE . every n,m .. ma ' I.`-rl VH1 for your machinery.` You wiilvndjit ns coo}. clean and durable as much moreexpenive oils," while it has no tendency to gum and will clcan mac1iinory.frnrn xlxo use ofmher oils. This oil is thoroughly puried and is entirely free from all foreign matter. Every barrel hears the Government Slump. Uil will be_lnkeu back ` within 30 days 01 date of invoiccif fouud un- gqugl to represenlzuiou. Price 30cts per gal- i loo, barrel included. ' - n. n v\vv\v(`1A|V nv nnv-n n. '03` any dirty gum which may adhere to the I ENTLELIEWS Whiskers ..4.m1. T mm Ded.y Ladies` llaircutting done in good style. Good H_.air Dye. Hair In vigomtor, Hair Oil, &c., manufactured and sold by Prof. Cunio. Come Gents who wish a good smooth face, List whilel tell youvof a. place ' ' Wtererazors are kept bright and keen, The easiest chairs, and towels clean, Where we will shave," shampoo, or trim, And brighten faces which look dim ; Andrif your` hair is whitejor red , Prof. Cnnio s'Lotion.coiours well. V Forjust ve cents wevnow will share, And do it so smooth and clean You ll any we are a mowing machine. Around your nose and chin we'll creep, Withso much ease you lldrop asleep ; Your nap will pay for cominghere ; ' The old we can make look so green, The gels will say you re sweet sixteen; And when you leave here for the street, "Your friends will smile when them you meet, ' And say what makes your hair so dark. Oh, it was the Professor s Heir King's wash, And_he can do you black or brown, _ A little better than any house in town And if n. twirled moustaclic you want ' Prof. Cunio brings one out. ' j.-.._.___:._. _._ . ..._._. ' J.` i 903-2m PROF. 6UNIO S SH AVING, HAIRC U'1"l`IN G .ANl) SHAMPOOING SALOON, _--.-.- -..--..-..-- vs/.-u\.. -.....4..'..., Is in the large budding. lately occupied by _ Mr. James-Russell, " ` f\,, -__'4, 47,, 7? ,,,,,', 71 1,1 :_-_. )::m.1c' NOTICE" rs I1F.REBY Gxvm, rn...o nnd:-r nml hv virtue of` Ihn nnwnru Ul'1'U.H1:. L111. ...-..,.._,_____ H , I.EA.\'S. removes lspoia and amine from J Clolhinmrepnirs gentler_neu's clothing and makes up garments on the most reasonable terms and on the shortest` notice. . . 2_ vn \I\.I\I4l no.1 vvuuvuu Ianie,1o:hNov.,1se9. ' `A. B. McPHEE, 44-"3111. ~ ' " Town Clerk I ONCE is hereby.` given that the Municipa -: _ Council of the Corporation of the incorpora- lird Village-of Barrie, will, after the expiration of three months from the dale'_hereof, being the ' first publication of this notice, apply to His Ex- cellency, the Lieutenant Governor of the Pro- race of Ontario in Council, to issue his P_rocla- tnntion erecting said Municipality of Barrie into 'a=To_wn, the limits of which Town to be the same nsthe present limits of said Village Muni- cipality. . ` ` Or-nl-n luv (`.r.nn1-ii, lTEmPLEh*zH1m 2` recived a sirlcndidassortlment of ALL WOOL _ . .___ '___..I Also-a` large qnnntily of Grey, White, and esh- . , colored which nfe at least 20 per centvbelow last winter's prices. ' ` ._,_- ._-..-. -.-.-.--vuq-cw o f EL|LHim H 6AUR V CANADIAN CHEESE DEPOT. WHOLESAZEA & RETAIL ` M. lI4T5e :ul5iE 1?ixb;:,ii3;f97' X` lHE SUBSCRIBERS th:1nkful'for the very I liberal patronage of thy: past, beg to inform their old customers and the public.generally, xhxtlhey have made arrangements with the Leading Clzccsc 'F:iclorzcs of our Dunn /lion, for a continued supply of V L L`4l|:l'-L1\.I A nu ullnuunu ls tt, sure prnhlof thvir superiority. V We Were` atttisfted thnt they would be appreciated here as 1-lnewluere, and that the reality oflhe ttdvantagt-it olleretl to wearers of our beautiful lensetlt Viz! the tense and comlort. the asstned and readily ucer- 1 taim-Ad imprnvcmettt ofthe sight; `anal the brilliant assistance they givein all`cn:es. were in them- ' `9`'~'99 '0 llparent ontrinl, thatthc reiult con-ltl not be otherwise than ithtts. in the almost general . adoetioncfour CELEBRA-TED PERFECTED SH:-CTACLES by the resident: of this locality. Will: a full knowledze ofthe value ofthe ust-eh T`FIf1)frEg&`*?'t`\l . -cn~ _ {rt-:r\x`.p;-1,p_t>`U-n,%Ii:.F ` ` v, , _ _- " ` h ,thp,`priviloge (jf;p}r Q1xisihg_~v&_fnx{mV,of npquf- Qaygbmr, ,w`im`Trom';'.o `to 100 acres (`1g.in`e'd,"`atnilbi.4vVilhin 5 or 6 miles` of n` Rail- . way Sxn0n,`wiKi'3A1g?_AUounty of.S'n_ucoe; Ap'pIy_,m ,` . . .2 ` -:~g._.._ -. 3 = -_ ` . .3: STRATUY, ` Sfilicitors. Barrie. }rpnsT cuss "its":-:5s,_ qr-tn: smnnlw nf uzhirh will n1w:1\'q' hnk em n TULMILLERS A_N MT\EHiNIsIs. Under Shirts :5 Pants` ' ""', " I A large supply of which will :\1wu.ys'bekept on i band at prices which will be cerlain _to ensure satisfaction. An II`IIn` R.-mu! niuhuiila X-n Iiniivt-rm ? nl l aausracuon. As usual. Bread, Bivsblxils, &c., delivered at any part of the l`uw`n. ~ 12 '1:r\'z: 1, qnv IPAENTINGE vu, -an...` . n|A\ s. 0. DU.\'CA1\'-I`,LATI .K .s- 00., N \V nnrnnr Kinrr and (Thur CARREAGE, SIGN,'i 1onNs.-'n.uu5.- sof: L.A ;\'o.' Ili:STvB`ll`I'/SD u1.IR\l< h-minh-1 lnrma, or nnn.:ll_.3nurhwinu . I ,0 ). ,' 3 Capon .3 I cmc_/,< HOUSE PAINTERS, ' 'GrRAINERS, . `Paper Hangers, &c., `&c. _n....-_ _-_-._..__.-. ..-.._-.._._ have never before been" equall-ed in.Barric. All work dcne ia ma class style and good mate: ial furnished . A um.-n I...-an nan.-nonnnrd nF Tronafnr f`.nrri:u~an Barrie, _Augus_t, 1SG`8. msuexm rurmsueu. . V A very large assortment of Transfer Carriage 0ruum'ents, _P.sinters and Grainers Tools Ga.mel3Hai1-"and Sable Brushes`; Pencils, &c., &c-, on hand and for sale by W. B. Capon. 4.4. MoTT's `ECONOMIC .LUBRI_c`A./IIVT .411 k__im_?3_ofr:paifi:zg 43,741: wbrl wnrranied Business, [fr whicnhe ns engngnd n rst class workman.) in connection with his Gunsmiufs and General Hnrdwnreesvtablxshment. ` --. -..a_..,o-._. . ._;_-_o_---- I stoves: st ves! stoves !! - -nvnn otrrl! TIN STORE H?RE-oPt2./VED. .-Nun Q\hnctti5cz1icuts%. $UVVIII~II navvvvuvu -v-.. _, . ? . _ _` -FOR_.S./ILE. Aent1_'9r_th9 Gnovn _B'Ax:n Sewing Machine nm-ie',`1ac9_.-* ~- ' , 19-ly.. T - VRVONCHITIB, LARlNun'1a, `Ann Auu Alsctldu- of I.he.).hroM, Innga ind` cheht ` yrelieved; sud all but hopeless cant; V`.-amt bfnglnz -Dr; J. BriazI -.'1`h:o_at and Lung. . [1ioxeai1'x's, LAnirie1'r1s. ~Am>_ . J: ,A{ctlo`nn`-of and hnmualnntn-elieved;.snd `Vi`1;l,iII`iVi;i.oVIVy7relieved, and cggctlby .n_:1ng~pr.' -Bu`-iggn_, .'l`hroat Lung unlcr '4-`B01613; an xggdigine dealers; M i n I - vuu.n.a' uuuaauu, 0 pposz?ze the VBarrz'e otel. Dunlup_Slreet, Barrie, 1 door West 1 of the Advance Office, ` LB"URNETT?s J . l)U.VL;.~\;\-I :1..~\1'.1\ q` um, N.W. corner King and Church Street. In . , Toronto Ont, 7C1l\LL AND ~13x;.m1NE. A TA '1`. GRAHAM I AS re-opned the above well known stand Wepl of the.Welli>ngton Hotel, where he intends to carry on . ar'::.U'1`AU1..I.-is by reeidrurz of this locality. a_ knowledge oflhc asser- ' tion. we claim thauhey are the mos! perfevt opti- cal aids ever manulactured. To those needing V33 elm-`less we nbrd at nll limes an opponflunili o procuring the best and most desirable. `?.".E {THE THINSMTITHING .1 _ 2...: `I. which for qualilyg pattern `and -_____. . T.-gr----ur Ordered by Council; 5!. l7-.. 1o-n `I n _`NOT IC.E: TR? A BARIKEL OF om); R.'KI.\'G '& SUN . J. PULLAN, | HBIINSMITH, CUTLER, &c., IVIIA 1 [I I ,~ iors, Barrie. ~..,4-if AI.%..S_. _Sa1_1dersL, Ottomnns "Patterns, Slipper Palterns, Braids, Silks, Hanks, Knittmg and Netting Needles-,und eve fur`Lud1es VVork in general. We large stock of ._..-n- --. --'----- .-nuu-rv\J|vI|_ UEVVEL. T V :'znd I.;ar`oz;<:l1e-s in great variety, all of which will br sold est possible price; our CONb'TAN'J'LY INCREASING BU:IN] that we give satisfaction to our patrons. Be sure and gull at V :1: III IlII:I--IVI` I Now oers to the inhabilauts of Barrie and surrounding ( - and CHEAPEST STOCK of CHEAP AND HANgDSmOl;/IE JEWEHLLEI Rnrrinmz and Rrnnnhna in nrnnf un.-inn. .. .. ... .: [QUANTITY NR` . \ g \ \\\ ~.&\" K `1 `L Q FREEMAN S vAR|;,'[)(k,EsToRE, . NE/IR THE STE- l. lI (THIN 7' ,~. - .--_.-.-------v v -v -vv`vv,,U `A-IU`1'-J E063 UH A ZVEAR THE 31';-2,131 GRI.51' MILL, IMRRIE. ` Wood and Cane seated Chairs, Kitchen,Fall-iezxf Crntro, Dining, Tc Fancy Tables, Glass and Side-Bounl Cllplxonrds. Bureaus in'every Common and French Bedsteads; Spring Huttonls, Straw, .[ an Muttrasses; Feather Pillows and Bolsters; w(-king Chairs, Cla(l`,` Sofas and Lonnges,and everything connected with the" Trade. A fnclured on the premises by. cxpefrienccrl worlmzcn and of the best mata -.L_r\ n . urn - I -. -` And I take this opportunity of thankihg the puhlio for the very liberal psi!r~- nage they have bestowed, and solicitmg 2: contmuancc of then` favors, I xvuultt ' call their attention to my new stock of ----A- - \;v x: \ Which I uer` as low as : I * * JEWELLER,-I wmamaxma (man ' . Boleznl for `mm. A. vmnn... I`WANKEY YOUNG HYSON. . ... . . . Do Do . . . , . . . VERY GOOD HYSON. . GUNPOWDER TEA. . . THE S7'E.,;}1I r:/u.x'1' mrr nmm if _ 1730` V Dioz THE BEST TEA. . . . PAT, PAILS,`euchT. . . }`l1l1('\f\\TC` --,I, 4. a--. - ---..\. -........ Bnooms, ca ch ..::: 4-: -..%ls.l.1*.7`';,i_" 7.? `Mr -,. `? ",9? T`. . ~ L-AM 3333;-also B LOGNA AND GERMAN SAUSAGE, SAVELOYS, &,c'. A LARGIE Ass o'1A{1".\1u:i'1""bi _ Biscuits, Candies, Nuts, Almonds, Spices, Pickles, Satdins, Lobslers,()ystcrs, Canned Fruit, Salad 01!, Cum Starch, &c., 311 V1` ` which will be sold at a trifle above oust. iMAUNI)RELL S `s5"E3 I%1a: IJARICET STREET `RA 131:1--:3 To Messrzr CuAMsr:_nz..uN dc Su.u, Conway I .0 Counly of Lemiox, Onlm-i_o, Canada. MADOC, Coumv ofllaslings, Province of Onu-rio, Feb. 9th, 1869. This is to certify thalduring the winter of. 1566 I was taken with a weakness 0'.'lhe anclcs, wmch gradually, during the spring _o! .367. exlendcd to my knees; and on up to my hips, and I became so weak that I could not walk, but was confined to my chair. For about two years, while this weakness was coming on me,and afiei-wards, I sought medical advice, eiiiplgying, at different limes, three doctors, and memcincs of different L-.ml..nreacribed by iricnds, but of no avail, I I ALWAY$ AI-IEAD times, doctors, {and uiemcines oi umerent kInds,prescribed by continued to get worse and _worsc, until the sum- mer ofl868, when 1 was Induced totry the great Shoshonees Remedy by reading the cures perform- ed, inn pamphlet.` At tins time I had begun to feel the weakness in my hands ; in tact I was get- ting almost helpless. I have taken two bottles of the Shmhonee: Remedy and two boxes ofthe pills and I am entirely restor.ed_to health. I never ex- tetl to_ge_t bettet-,but sun ly tried the. medicine its asort oftorlorn hope. - his case of mine was ....u . nrivnle one. but known to all my neighbors I I as 5 Va. susunxubt H. U1 1 IUIILU Bole Agent Burrio 4 Vicinity. _ 1 Hui ;!|_v:_I3'l (R) hind stall ufnortpont, unilgble: - J0! GYM I 4-`ll 7- ~..?-- . om. MM . _. -onzvnuf: :3l`::s.Fa:l7'. bdlV il will cure you. in of forlorn hope. runs case or mgqe was not a private one, Io_ my neughbora and lnends; and to any one nllcud as I was, I 1,", only to` any lry the Shoahonees Remedy; I | I `M; nv A am Dmzmrrv. behave II will cure yuu. - 11/IIAduv A33 Devan;-Iv. Swornto bfpre me at a oc, 'numy of at W `" '" ` '":: p-;`3?,;w, J. P. 4% .- . ,,-|... -_..n:l&. aka} `I lm-1.. 1-nnurn' Mru \.T:n-u Oruhri9,Dminior|_ ol 'Cg`nI'r4la. 11.1`: VVUUU, J-|.q'\: 3 I hereby cerlily the! I have known Mrs. Mirry Aha Doughlylor Ihe Inst een years; :-he is a woman 0! probilv and tmlh. I have known her -before, dunng, and.since her illness. I believe I hercemcnlelo be true in every particular. 1 d lmow_ while ill, her case was declared hopeless ad`}khow'tlntahe has, since her recovery :4`.- waysnllribuled It lg the hoshoness Remedy. Whnle_ver,rnay,b_elhe pv.'rcu_l|ar prupenies of this medicine, one thI_ng rs cerium, that in her case, il has actedilmolf lake the performanqe of if meriacle _ * :. A_._F.Woon,J.P.. - W|nl_err.pf.t`)e Cpunty ...ol' uungs, Eroyinoe "9! 4 amnrcnn P3iG ESr ag "ind itching", relieved stance, and soon cum}! 3; using. Dr. J. Briggs Dnivotsal Pile In-med ,aoothing'5ul'e andtellublc. Sold by 1"!-9 i9i9d=a!9# :. % r P1I'.E`s1N1'ER`uAL, nxrsanln,` BLEED-g STOCK OFLBERLI./V W0()LS', Please call a11dNSc;;,Tr'7dVisi).l-'c;z:n.v.$A;l;UI{b.:{Y:-Mo ,9... at -- A -I--I-'-Q'V"-r'\ -I"1'%"- -1- via. -__..j__..,% '1/`R./VI TD RE 1 E ' UR INTI/12 15 2 0HR1%!:1!iA,%,%%1?1?;1@SEMs -cup! y n Ion nAndV_l9-caqnllqnv jot: `| xgle?|J:: to `I10 . -._, _.-.-- "We take occu ""i'on 16 ngllfy IE0 fnbIi_.Ihf:_ . !|I91Lg;cnInII:: not 16: . \/_._`_a_>_-_wa.4.g._a.A;I\JA_V.L;V' K) MARKET STREET, BARBIE; W.H.FEEMAN, the and surmnndinn nnnnh-u .1. U - - ' ` T ' U STEJM (.`IKl.,\ T MILL, BJRIIIE. j-` \',,, At prices,lo suit 'Farmer:s pockets at r-ma-A ;-~~..-.-.\-.,-.___ ,_.., ._.--.-....;..v\J .l.. Jl`..LJK.'.I_4 Ever seen in this country and at very IDDDCOIIIDD I-ooooovnolo ON........ :A-IOO>lIII Il IOIlIDIoIC.l.l coco--acco- `8nH3Au1.1;Y,2on;s.tor.......... _ ,5, so ' VALENCIA n.A.1s1Ns,'pcr lb. . 90 VALISNCIA RAISINS Ivy the ()0 Ruxuf13-5lb.,Vperlb....:.... -20 GOLDEN` SYRUP, per qt..... 30ISOLACE TOBACCO, penb... CA.\'l)IED 1`];`ELS, &c., &c.- _, `J `.,v _../ x: \' T T E-"-1 ; any house North of Toronto. Igive the puce o!1' few of me leading amcls.-5: Also an.immcnse IN QUALITY Sl5_i5_5'$._Qnln;`S I `um -..-v'-- A AND g_H1+1APNEss ~ tr FUTOIIDIIIIIIII e'cUP.nAN'rs,-20 lbs. for....... lmcE,2u lbs. H3Am.12y, 20 lbs. for.......... `VALENCIA Ib.., Box of `.30 lb., per lb. .. .1. . .. r r\i<\x 1-vunvvn . vu -vv-I\a|1I-I- lt|.'.lVlC.El IL Laor Di:Ien.ea ol the Throat. Lungs, `ver. z)..I\5` live-. Organs, Kidneys, data, as well as St.-rofu I, Ill.` Various Skin Diseases. Hulnnrn. ur. i all dtM'.H-I nriamg trom lmpnriliesotlhe Blood, we lmldlv mute that this went remedy has NEV LR lll.'l..\' EQUALLED. Where was lhCY.eVt'|' mvh a nut: as that in the person ol,IVt'l.wn Starr/1:,-wf Brzxllzuu C.1V., of Consumption : or `tlmt of Peter. C. V. IlIiIlar.ot Emestown. C.W.. of Consumption. or that of A.i1L I7`08 Wood, of Consecon, C. W ,(`l Dysp.:{mi1 and Liver Complaint, or that of John Hang , of. Napinee C. W.,ot` Rheumatism, who had actually been on crutches fur years, in rplle of_u .1 treatment heretofore, and Is now wcll.Scort-not such cm!!! might be mentioI.ed had we Ipace. 3` Call at the Drmr Store and In! a Ctrmllnraf wonuernn nnu cxlrumdanary run-`s in C. and` the G L HA1` IN DIAN REMEDY. T -cy .:r! u nnden2'r.ble and inconleslnble fm-' ~uI'-'4" (eonvim-e the most skepiicn! Inn! lln:('-rum Mu nal Compound yearned um-r f.-1 -=5-er isnow it` sible in Xhe Gr .-.I 4IunuAAun;u-.-'-_ __-,AW Eg; .Tl1.- lnllowing remarks on Testimonials N .~-.1 wvonderfI`nl nml extraordinary in C. mm; 'n-~ the GM-.A'l` INDIAN lH~".MI-`.nV 'n.-.. ._. .. .. GEO,PEAQOCK, A C.\K.-\i)A,- _ Pnovmtx; or 1m'rAxuo. Uouxrv or Smcox. _- In All?! \.1I .'.| jsHosHoii`Es REMEDY! [:.nr lliunn an Al I... 'T`I......-. I auvn cm-ca mlgnl. ms menlI0l.ed had 3` Call Drug and gt! a Cucnl-rot unqm-1-linlnhle certicnleh on the GREAT SHO- SHONEES REMEDY and PILLS, and uti.-sxv yoursclvc.-a> .. . --- .1 . . . . _ . - . -wvvva vii rurav tlvnbo `1 I 0 _ I3` For Sale by all Duugyus uml Dcalcrn in Medu me. Aazwra you Banms,--Mesors. Kelumn 55 Co.. and Mr. '1`. IV. George-n. Orillia --Mr. J. Slaven. ,Collmgwood---Mr. Carpenter. W/ulesala Aga/u:.AMesnn. L\'man.-Ellio1! 8 } 1ipe of the Remedy in forge pints $1. 8 ? Fur Qnlu Lu all Dun-.:.a- .....I n.-:,_ :_ Fouiiiinv l . Aanmr`rr.wri:.u;`-runrnunwn w. maven. Uoumgwood--Mr. Carpenter. Age/u:,AMesm. Lvman,rEllioH C'o.._jDumpaugh & Watson, Toronto. 837-ly ,_....._.......-,.__ .___._._...... VI VA`! LIAN an. AemotiL'rrmA.L_.:;upLrum~ srovs % \1on1(sg _ -`'n'z:;-an:-u ` pqnnncnnanuivirniv L n. - nocma. unxvng Dun prepared to mtnnfml line, omhe beat dupripti Barrio. Doe" and. 1307 me, ox .me 068} ucumpu _ Barrio, Deo., am` 186' Silks; Crbchct Cotton, Crcchet xdv evgry'tl1ing necessary \Ve have 11130 :1. , ia69.. ' ` ' ' ' , ng country the LARGEST gnnnnx .3 on-. o-aoouuuuouo ;s.for....... IIIIOOIIODIO x'or........ . ;INs,'pcr sgldf 5 `lulu ,- J:INESS pr n en ` 4,... , , 09., are now iiruelenin their `It cheap rates 49-iy L17, 1'be;l2`:rge and mcreaamg sales ofihesq ' `[)1'.`I')I'.`|'.`I"'I"`I .1T`n I1! AQQDQ u---vw, _-------_- CELEBRATEDoPERFICTl:JD I A1-`1-D'lEY:E- G};s-s_E. ` ...._..- ' r of JOSICPH BELFREY JOHN- .\'IH. nn Insolvent. . OF 1864 AND 1869. F'.'Bf-ILL, T , G. KHIKPATR 0K, .11). W70. ' lhliblp nuu aux-nuns:-:5 cnnvo vl PEREECTED GLASSES VI IN 1A;A1>.IuE. `At 12 (ft-lorl-: noon, all the J estate, right, Ulla ' and equity :Uf redemption, &c., in the following property, v_:'/..: ~ .- 'l'he South half of Lot number fteen, in the ninth concession _ofthe Township of Sunnidnle, 'F.a_st of the Road. containing eighty one acres. .Ap I tg-need and under enltiv:tlion,_ and there is a _ lnlise nnd barn erected thereon. The property will be sold subject to o. Mort- g|I_{J` of $700, and interest at` nine per_ cent. per annum, the principal money being made pay- able in the year 1874. ' _ ` 01?` TERMS CASH. gm .u-_ `an. .1-.. .-.6 Yunna-1-1 ortion of said premises are cleared and ' T1113 5l`.l I1 nu_ur.ga. Olcial Assiznee, \ Co. Simcoo. `1/V January, I . Tmxr :35. 3-tin. 880- mw Goons Miincnn Pmcas, LAMPS & CHIMNEYS, &c., otzth bst~tK;uiaIit3', and at Toronto Prices. A V _ ~ . .. ._, _ F His Stock embraces nlnrze assortment of Stove"ips, Zinc, Tin and Japan Ware, Pots, Bake Kettles, Iron Tea Kettles. Blaklead, BI:u-king. All kinds of Brushes, Brooms and Dl!StN`i, Tin Toys, Sleigbs and Fancy Arti- cles, Table and Hand Lumps, Swing and Side Lumps , Chandeliers, Best Rock and Cc:a1'0ils, Trace Chains, 'Cow Ties, Curry `Combs, Cards, Locks, Screws, Butts, _and been _onu.l Hardware. . - sEwING"19I"AcHmEs. % in `D 1) `L-.. `mnnn nv\r\n:nInr` unlnannnf n '1`. E. E:vv$on t'\LV1VG .. :..r.....`.. nu; nulnlh. cl... Inn Ivan .-a....An, 34d HD I! unzxnnu I . 5 dot. double patent reed, ' 5 stpps Atimatic swell, for $100, warranted. And otheripstru-_ meats a_t. prices which defy competition. I! Send frir a pricp list.` Piano Fortes 5' Melodeons Tunc.l and Rpuired. 1':/|l\ ' .1`,- _July,1869 .E L I -Ii nun C-E-Iv w w .3`; } BEGS to inform the public that he has remov- ; ed to his ' , " Brooch. - . . The owner cgn have 12. by: provmg propem/4 and paying cost of this nouce. v - ' I ' ` \\'\I, GTIAU.-\M. --up rs-r-x1:-r\'I\1'= ELL! II LL` \. Qigi-oQ-'2-Iv. V. . R. -has been appointed sole agent. in. Barrie for the Ilandhuttle Sewing" Machine-' .-1 durable, ben_utiful, well m'nd_c, and l)i'gl)ly.n-` islrcd Machine. which mukesthe genuine lock stitch, and will do all kinds of woi-k`req'uired in a family, jlt. willseam, quilt; gather. fell,`cord, braid,` hind, hem xmdtuck, making beautiful and perfect sxitch alike on both sides, and has been pronounced by compelentjudges t_he most perfect. Machine at the price ever put `on the murket. Also on handthe A - rn v.- n,,__-A__'1r_,,1_- _J_' MD Brooch. 'l`|... I\l EGA_ALD]iFhiiB!.R S H`0'I'iIF`% ??}:V7i*5VE f4l 13 prepared to draw up' Deeds, Mortgages, Bonds,Will5, &c.,' `to make searches in_the Registry Oice, and to receiv'e ap'plicat`x_ons for Insurances, (Fire and Life,) upon reasonable terms, and solicits, .lhe patronage of his ` friends and thepublic. Batfrie,'M a'y6lh,186_8. '_ _ 18- CLOTHES cLEANiD%'<%A"1 `REPAIRED. _M[P_.S. `DU FFY. nu IlY_1 1VL"D1/ }ALEx.MpRRow, 'Af`I7 ` `D1 \D RELCANIEW `LIFE The TAociden_At Insurance Can.z1an'y, . IN frna POST OFFICE BUILDINGJBARRIE, DUNLOP STy1u{I-1l;1;:-- BARRIE. _-..:__. IRUYALINSURANCECOMPANY| ac? wlgpignn I`uquons,j FUICISII nuu Avullvua .HER.\IETICALLY SEALED GOODS, FRENCH SARDINES, * ' LOBSTERS, - - V , cow: ovsrmzs. V _ murrs & VEGETABLES. ._-o--- Pickles, Sauces, &c., &c., v ; nvnnu ` MRS; |\/T/'\'NA_HANA Hdrseford s S'51f-_R'aiSi_I71g` Bread! A Preparation. . . - Ivlnsu. jury`: ., orro SIT.)-.' '1'm: WE.5'LE MN CEMETERY ,._ ,_.I ..n...... I`.-n`m Next door to Boulton - McCarthy : . Law Oice, T warm: :1: ms" :---0:: A7 large variety Qf iFa7'2c1'/ `and Plain Bzseuits at reduced rates. 1-1~3sUr.ANcE c_om3ANY,_ _ QUEEN'S `FIRE &L|F'E,V n--._ An n-etuu1 nlnialinn . uuluu, uuu~.......- --____ AND Eh/IBLODEONSV --:-oq--- `English French and" American Confectionery. -_0_.. jgoj-n I$'LUN.CHES, &c., prepared at all season- zble hpura. `B65- '(;;--(3'I_1:/1RGES- MODERATE. 'l'J..-..:A V1.9 . `Inch '10!!!) - AA_ - Barrie, Sep, 1868, ADea1errin Foreign and Domestic Fruits, &c., . sr `this .I0.5lCl Il 12y_J0lI.V s........... ,,_ , ,_ - -' n PH IL|r5.['"coTATEs, NEVVMARKE.T:`_r _- A ..a2mn1 ITINWARE, STOVES pomp 1.v"rm: TOWN nAALr.',Vo.\' Wm). . NESDAY, 28I.b Dccember, a valuable I ' ' ~ ' -Ann . CLOTHINGI `TROCERY, PROVISION a; L1QUOR_ S l'()R E. [P.&N.MELADY S\ IAHUHI IIICU UH IJIvIII\A I-llll V Quecn s Eleptic Sem'72g J[_achi7.zesA PRICE ONLY $15.00. |JlIBl!%1!5__8_i.!%!%11E_'lII!!,I!I!i|i|lS\ {}G=Advances made onbGoods_.T E;-'Saies puncually attended toV.#@-' BEST AND CHEAPEST