Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 13 Jan 1870, p. 3

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UPWLINGEYE I4| me. sjggafr EAST. { umme Von-`"13: cimn1rons7f?oF . lh0.,_above-named lnsolventhheroby clI-- for JU.VU In 11 NESDAY, '\llL BROOCH FOUND. __.-.__-. --.-U - Just received, a. large supply of - GEO. PEAICOCVK, 0f-!!-;i'l'l.:h 3:1; ;`:roign Di`: @"IN Tozzo NT0,;.@ `are to fond in `the qtorg of THE ct-IEAI_)'1:,'r_ AT `IKE I-`._&CT,0P.Y OF Foreign and Native. A1 1* "v on A1 -an nnr `HE 'L'U\VI\ mum, um u"1u`u- i2_3t`u December, or valuable -eALSO-- -A'm3._ uuuux, Solipitora. JU|l\.- ' WM. GRAIIAM, ` ' Town Inspector. 1'11 lI.U\Jl`AIlO,- Y Oicial Assignee. I 1-6('S` JEWELLER,` l WATQH.MK.FMAL93331313 I1 880- I U'00US- ' I . ' Remember the place, R. Poweifs new stoic, Owen Street, first door" Saul/z of Bank of C'omme'rcc. . ` _ "'51- V - T" A. PERKINS. lImnicAL*Efs%PEsaaY 2 I0. 8! !GR5C:fEfRES ?. _.l'3 Spe_ci:1_lreductiou to all parties buying" large quantities. . - V . -I-`Mm m:m)Um'-1 taken in` pxchannfe for {A. V. PAIi1}_1_1sR & Co. -Zn). ' " S` the partnership existing between the un- dersigned will expire next April, and the business must then be closed, they are now. of- fering to the public, at cqsz price, the whole stock of Plnin_and' Fancy tars-1.-\_-_. .\._._A_-. `N R`. A. V. l -`aL.\iER,__\y_e!l'knb\vu in cmnec-V __` tion with the drug establishment of Messrs. V Alextmder & Cu., lmsrjust. opened m:dcr_ the uhove style 9. new drug store in the, new build. iug . - . . : mhaancifa ' '/Wr Ff/'nII"c rm /rrvran nnfr] HE subscriber: tenders his thanks to the Bemzr Mutual Insurance Ccmpan_y for the pxomptitude with which may paid his claim after the lat? re on his premisgzs. ' A V V - . JNO.'SPENGE. Co1d\vater,Dcc. "1869. , ' .903-31 large ql)Dlll`.C3. -I-`AR.\l PRODUCE taken in` exchange for n.....-.....1..'. .1.'. ..7.....v 1; rl,.....71v.. rnnan 7 as AND CHEMIGAIQS, L PERFUMERY'& TUILET ARTICLE ; l:AI.\"[`S, OlLSAAND`qO()hI}S, ` ONCE `is hereby given, _tha't any person having any claim against me or my pro- perty, is required to send in their accounts im- mediately. ' ' Anv m-rsxnn indebted to me will can find medmtely. A Any person iudebt_e'd tome will call settle their accounts at once. - ' - ' JOHN HICKLING J cu u-. ` f|`I 1 _n...\ no. n:__ Yeaprd, Dec. 22nd, 1869; A . are OI K-He H053 quality. A (1PA Call respectfully solz'cited..._;{) A 396- - A.. v.- P_AL.\IEI1_& `Co. Dec, 15:1. 1369. \..-.4.-v..-.4 .1./A14 -.4xu;n.v, u.\.-, All of sfhich Imvr-been personally selecied and g ' ~a're of the finest quality. ff? .4 /7177] rrnm`m:-Inl/In cn7q'/-{I017 {Th 1 a 11:4 .'I`I --v -_.-- -_...__ will begin on `MondnyA JanVimr>_y.71`0th IS`70.A| Board for a few young boya may be had with the Head Master. _ ' - ' --vs.-q'..,,-urn UllU|'a ll) IJE1l\DDl U1'VL'1LV5 I0 llll OWHETS I `of )__lill`~s_situat_ed on streams frequented by Fisk, that lllC.1l]I`O}\`l.'lg_0l' Mill rubbish or snw .dust. into water i illegal, and that `after this date any infraction of the Fishing ` Law in this respect will be dealt with accordingly. Pm-lip: intm-pztpd in Rnnnklptl 'l`nmf. ahinno l'C5pI`.'Ul. \`Vl|| UH |Il'.l1Ha Hill l1l2UUl'UllIglY. .Puu-ties interested in Speckled Trout shing will please notify the undersigned ofzmy breach _of '~l_1e.Fisher_v Law coming under their notice. 313213 emamxi SCHOOL,` ' 'I':_i(:Mf-C'o+7-1-zf}_;linz.:1nls- 0 .' tIz.e,o_S eas0n_. " ' FISHERY [NOTICE. _ `TO MILL OWNERS. OTICE IS HEREBY GWEN, to nll ownefs I Vic! Mme Hm cl-man}:-mp nf IHII unkkzal. .... em... 'Bar1"ie,_2('}lh Oct. 1869. - Efna A LL, _ L C ARPEVNTER, BUILDER, &c. woou, ana unm manner. _ . . ' Album: arid .PorfoJios kept qonantly on hand and for Sale at low rates. " . ` . ' ' JULIUS HUMME. ~ . V 850- A Ormia, Dec., 1868;. . In the mailer bf JOSEPH BELFREY JOHN- SON, an Insolvent. N Tuesday, the 15th day of February next, at twelve o clock, noon,` the underligued `Joseph Belfrey Johnson, will apply to the Jnilge of the County Court of the County bf Simcoe, for : discharge under thonnid act. n-o..A -4 n-..-:.. :_ n_- --:.1 n-__._ Leu- up. w- ` I ` V ' Which he will sell as Cheap zfs the Cheapest. ...__._. navy. ...... ..............._, .... ..._.. ....--..,-.-.. .. DOORS, SASHES, BLINDS, MOULDING, szc rid is prepm-ed to supply these` articles at the ' ~ lowest pr_ice. - ' , Photographer, Jule, 9)`: the Londa1i_Slerqasco_1m; A - audPhqtograpIu'c Company; . Bees to inform the inibicanss `or-ormia . and th_e,surr'onnding country, thathe bad commenced business in Orillia, and is pre- pared to take Pbolograpbeof every .descrip-. tion. Gartes de'Visite,, Imperial or Cabinet, Curtes, Stereoscopic Famiiy Gronps,'and larger Pictures at n_xoderate"prices.- __ . _ I 'Pm-Iir-,n1n.r'- ntterutirin nniidin` cntm-in`: and re- "i touching l`_Icturea. - ` - A Frames,` Lockets and Cases, ix; Gilt, Rose-I wood, and Hind Rubber. ' Albums and.Pnrfol1o5 keht cohantlv on] `t;ea.1:aWy"5I'5',-c">`vV_ er VA I-1:'i(`>N_'1*SriiEEr,V'oR1Ist3fA,f . New exam-eeezhe rohiison _ KIXTIICUXXIP auent touching Pictures. F`:-nmnn,` T.nn|mhI %PLANlNG 01*` EVERY %DESURlPTION.' rnnmanrn snnnm 1 I*`li0N'1`~S',1`ilEE'l`.`0RUiI-I A, ': H '1; I F0ri_ncx=ly kept by Richard Po'.s`el1,wishes tof _ . inform the public that he has opened a. " rst class assbxilxnent of, . -7 _______.?\ .__.__ ._ __._._..~._..L_..\ H u L V; J.1uL.u.u_u. \ us U1. .1 xuuuu Sole Agent tur Barne ta V1cin_ily. Hus 9lwnyson.l1and a full assortment, sizi`lnbIe' Ior -every dilt-ul1_v. fa lake `om-a.~ion - lo noli} the nnblic that we Dressed, ad '1`ong;ued and. Grooved Lumbm-,' o- evcrr description, always on hand, and :made to order. ` - v\ - .-__._ ' ,._-. VICK S `FLORAL; GUIDE `FOR 1870, j T- HE Fmsr EDITION oE.0E HUNDRED AND l'WEN'1`Y. THOUSAND cppies~of . VxcK`s [LL03-rnnxn -GA'uI.6a,Uh or `Sztos AND 4Fx.on,u. Gimm, is published and ready; to send ~out., It i3 el'egnntIy printed on ne timed ' paper. with about 200 fine wooi`-Engraving; of Flowg-rs and Veggstables,-nu_d a beautiful Oonon-_ an P|.A1'n_-consisting of `seven vmietieq OE Phlox Drummondii,makiz_1gn ne : - " `I5f\`I'TI\'fT13llI A1! -I\v-than-Iranian ' ' ..uvuq.u.u.l. VJ: rnuunnn-. It is the most beautiful, 'as well as the 'most instructive Floral Guide published, giving plain and thqrough directions for the ' ' Culture of Flowers and Vegetables. The Floral Guide _isp_ut_alialgd['or the; benefit_ of my customary, lo` v_vliomj';i:fia sent free with-` out application, but wlll"be -forwarded to all who `apply by__mnizli,.fnr;T:fm`Giirs; yvhich is not" half &he'4c)_st'."?lj` drea,` iii * _ V .-:..JA_3ms7vI'GK.-1v.~" RochsIr .:N- mn.p._ `DESI-`L`..` - A lmss '& `uAtm.E?M*Am, A In Onalihzrllte Adunhci Olin. Inn-a'n1 `+3. ha: \E;hnvink em:-`z -tlioi sc2[ry:a;Afv . ` '_n_ tst-clgss . :Drga_' .la\kcnj,`--~!'eg1a:;=`| a'1i's'it` ' she an -21", esthe ~.mmottiis'nirgain . 1lndin'-..I`I: n n'inv2T'iuI.'rnst-:;h`Ai-I with um` . l in! Sin _-gI_ve_. :l._IE : 1u,Inou:.I;Il5l|cll9_,II Iowtpose Tl-dies`: I-ib PI!y;7iuf!S$ ` j - `v"e`d_Ip$'l`f. -. .. .5`: g . ' Oppnszfe'McT'Vatt s, Barrze Hold, - Withvatcomplg-e stock of Pure " - ornha, D>ec., Picturs mod-e}-at:e"pri':s, _ . k_,. _ Particular attention paidto: colonng nudges I oxncbinsr Pictures. 1" - ' Cum A, A Paovmcx: on 'On'ruuo, Couxn or Smcos, -nu-\aV -v vnuvlu Barri. Ju'y. 1 85'l. . . `I GS 1.9 announce to the public that he has completed his TC L -\n4__ --- -_- _"'1b"t}Ziii":&""3'i-"i=iiibxms.: II: In this mnnl hnnnlifnl `on um" m. it... `....... bwzv and l\Ia.chinery for the manufacture of xnnc a mantra nr nine untft nun: I CARI3'fOF THANKS. GENULVE DYE STU!-`ES, &{c.,, -.'L!..l. !.,......k...._ .....__.._-1l_ -_ SCI .VOL.I;_'_S-AV_WIN G.-,.-. ----.1 _.__1 In, ,_ .A..L. -I-. .n_J L.`-' ..l..a_.n.. .a.. . llaving bou;-:h t out the stock of `Ii /\ /'\A `WT "IT ".""i _.11uL`Iu%s HUMME_, . the .--v;uc.z'n';E_ 3B4arr;".-_ `A v - u-gun:--av uuuvu vuv pun: cvs- DMed_at Barrie in the said County bf Siincce, this 12th daynf January, A.D., 1870. -- JOSEPH B. JOHNSON. `JOHN A. ARDAGH, 0,13.` 11:- Au.......... -1 1:1-.. T TI:'E .v.s'1N'1ii:7R pram: nn.L `MR,S. _. 'T`BE`l;LI- . , .. ` _.,. , .: I Q `llljnjnn 3A.:E{RIB.~ NO'fi_'lC EA.- re, n! 1u,I1l0u:. uvulucllvn Iojuose I ,lIjay_l7i,nlins:tv,.ln: I .3 " 'e`dIn:i'rn '1 ' ' T3?!) QMZHSV II. B. spouon `M. A.- `Inna V ALEI\:- McKENZIE, -Dial.-. I]... 2-n. l.llUI\l`lLVl4l1`J, `Fishery Overseer. A 893-_ LI luv 11- , llead Master.` - ..-n _ Eli E]: nc_couuts rill cnl_l E]: ICKLING." `E134 1 90,3-3in.pp EC `1'.`IW Sluidows'o11 the W3. Doll Furniture- Papcr Soldiers Tcy Musical Boxes &c.,&c.,&c. ' |9TAsac LAN'i'ERN sl I01 lllIIlL`Ull_\'. We take nolifg} pnmic that we employ no pedlo.-rs, and to caution Ihem against '_ liose preteming lo have our goods for sale. l'Cl:l`.'5. ' v The public will nd it to their `advantage to give us a call before buying elsewhere, as goods at cost price, and s:i1.ver'tnken at par, will suit the present hard times. ,'With many thanks to _ our kind friends and customrrs for past ' favors, \_vo wislreach and all of you a hppy and pros- perous new year. ' nnnn I, nvr nnnrom . W HFFIEE B1111. mg I" , 1341:1215. ' lDF;U7C;G:I STS. `same & Cattle Medicines V PAINIS, OILS: ,GLASS, PUTTY, , Perfumery and Toilet Articles, comomm: _;.._.___.___A...__-.-...x F-.-.-._...- Papicr .\1i1c1iie Albums Ladies VVork Boxes T Ladies Wnting Desks Albums T ` FancvfBoxes - - Shell Buxes , Plain Stationery ' Fancy Stationery Envelopes Selt-closing Diaries [HOLIDAY GOODS 1 EDWARD`? EDWARDS. EDWARDS EDWARDS ` EDWARDS L g:;--~A T E D WA R:D S ;sjj1) {ALa~xA N_p__E P. %&, "ho. `i F0}! PURE ENGLISH DRUGS, -' CH.F3MICALS,', PATENT MEDICINES, EFANCYGOODS 1 EDWARDS -EDWARDS EDWARDS EDWARDS EDWARDS EDWARDS ' EDWARDS - EDWARDS EDWARDS ' EDWARDS A BEU.W.MBLEYPIIIt'SHN\ m= c11'r?{'E`lv3`Z 'iii3.`i`Ts; 4;; A v nu-run IEnwmns=; Ionsisting ii: part of Dolls, Writing `Desks, Work Boxe3,.&c.~, suitable for _ __ ~/;_ nrrrj roman A Q DD1:`Q111\1"l'VQ a~n ALEX.-XEIDER & Co., mive an immense stock of CUAL OIL LAMPS, which they offer cheap, and have always on hand a. ne clear oil. -Remember . ' V ALEXANDER & 00;, hnnlnn Qlh-pal Rm-I-39; ED\VAR'DS . EDWARDS EDWARDS EDWARDS i EDWARDS ' EDWARDS EDWARDSL ` 1 EDWARDS EDWARDS | EDWARDS Hitclxcock. s 10 Music Ili1chcock s 5.0 Music Coronet 10c Music Boo-sev s 5:: Music House Music Sunday Music - - Church Music A . Sunday School Music Day School Music T Piano .Methods MEIr)IpQ;lJ HAg,L,` HTTM .0 . I`PTa`.'I?_'I" `RAT? 3?. AL]XANDER 3; '00., , 'Ll(`|l Y."L`\Y I'."A\`H\ DIET. Y . .-[never brought into this market, besides every ` novelty in A I11/\'r'r 1rrI A ~IwrI1'r/N-r -v-dew u-uuwcu u- w-- u . . . _' ' _ _ I : OPPOSITETHE WESLE YJN CEMETERY LEANS, removes span` and, Itnini from - Clothing. repairs gentlemen`: clothing nnd makes up garments on the most rt.-asonn_ble_ - terms sud on the Ihortest notice.` . . ' I- 4. \J.:..A4J._1.l. .L.L.I.IaJ..L\J.l;AJ.`JL), including Combs, Brushes, Fancy Soaps, [Per- _fumery,&c. - -_ ' ' ` ' 7l`ly.n An-.n-I-an-10 .-J . -Vwauuu) \Il-Li-77 I s~La.u.uAAv_I-`I1 U89 3 will be found to be complete, which, `being bought for Cash, are offered at a `glight advance on cost. . ` JnUUU\GlUIIlL \' ILL \I 5 L ICIWIWUNIO _ They would call attention to these_celbrated Trusses, havihg procured a. few which they an enabled to sell at $6 each. ' Prescriptionslput up correctly. _ Barrie, April, 1869. _ . - 1-ly .n..n_a v.,-..\4..n.-..r_,-i If yoix wbuld be sure of gobd oolours, go K6` \M%Z!,!!!lIZB,0;NK",l Hnv entered into partnership for the prnd; of I beir profession. ` ,. I _ A ,' " on-mu nvar `Pnwsill Tb "nmmn......` Lamps, Chimrzeys, 7B_zm_2ers; 'c., V A BOOK 0IL,_`_&c. ' Luclr PIDICBBIOXL ` _ _ _ ._: Ormcz over Powell &. Thompson's iton-,5 where `either of ghem may be found each day 7 during ;the_year. Speciu[.gt!e_htiou gigeg-.t9 gold lling. Pure nitrous -`oxidg u ' for that" pvainleSS,eXK|"lGli0`l|.I`)_f, l4eexh.j ,; 2` - ,: '-`* ` . Omce hoursfrojm nine !:lli,1,,Im'foi p.` .. _ 2V All leuecs addressed Mo0Aui:x.Aimf._tv?8ouxzo ~ will gecgive promptAa_ueQn_tio,n., ,g_ ; : `om wine: in nrmm wmyecexve prompt auennon. ` Our visits to Orillia `will comlnenogi (mf thg] lath, where wewvill remain. until1the"19th '. other spppintmehfs gttendbdjtgu 1'1 2Aaixans*1`i_'n:_n' II .' _, :`: 1 mxulfw 1.: him .to: 131..., . .t.wo.r; . TOWN HA{Lt.,[ BARBIE. _nw__ We have @1130 :1 large aiockvof ALBUMS, Radical Cure `Trusses. "l`I;nw uvnnhl nu ooh:-`Han On Iknan 15-1.31.-.. nu`: rams; 6a1`i%;}i;i$i1es, pm, .:I1 I... r..'.....a 1... I... ....___I.._ _.L 3-. -L-!_ 4_.;.-,- ..g. \.r._.. .__.-_-.....-_- `ADUNLOP STRJEET, BARBIE...- uv \-1| TOILET 'Ai7r1CLEs, rilnu-Han nonkn Wan- Q.\....'. DA` .. . ...o...A Eula ....-4.....;.I.:.. 4-;._ .x.- ___ ,. DENTAL sunveeav C l.l.J.LJ.. A.&.LI .1./4J4.v `av 5 WHOLESALE "AND RETAIL ALEXADN1L'R_ & Co., Are re'ce_iving their A. __ _.-._. 4..-'.\ ..-.` .oLIVEE-& Co. I `I\'n`lV_ o- ................ .1... 4 \JI-I V LIIII \% _\I\JI BEG to announce that they con- tinuc to keep in stock the best supply of rune ENG_L|SH muss % RE1fAIRE_D-" "M as. , D"UiFi-'Y. -....._ .~.omn nun-ts nine} raving-riun-i 'I.IAc1-:1z*rxT1LT'-rE:`ss"o;"'- The department of % 1329. _ And Viezos Jll1l`A_A111\.U.F!4l G U0. Dnnlop Street, Ban-ie,v Opposite 1.he4Ra.ilway Station` ; Wall- Toys Dulls Glass Harmonicas Puzzles Cut up P-iclu`re[s A -Me}o<`ieon Mothotis Concertina Methods ~ Violin Methods __ - Flute Methdds , V `V Concestina Music . Fold in g Steroscopes T Upright Steroscopes TrausAparent Theatres Pearl Card Cases .. Pearl Albums T Pinp` Fbrls `E ' Ha:-mouAinVms` , Melodeous _ ` Conceninas.` ,Acordou_s `- Musicnl_ Boxes` , `Mtxs1calAlb1?tns Violins 85` Bdw_s Flutes 85 Fife: Sheet `Music ` Liwil EDWARDS .~EDWARDS EDWARDS EDWARDS EDWARDS EI)WA_RDS EDWARDS `_ EDWARDS EDWARDS EDWARDS EDWARDS EDWARDS EDWARDS EDWARDS EDWARDS ' EDWARDS * EDWARDS EDWARDS _ EDWARDS E-D.WARDS_ EDWARDS EDWARDS - EDWARDS A EDWARDS 902- CALIFORNIA STORE 1} '&-o.-. A Quantity of sound Beech and Maple Cord- ` wood, cut last Winter, will be delivered inlots to suit purchasers, at lowest market l'B[eE- - . ARA.-nan J T.I?.WI `P 0.. Rnrrie. III I331: II-it-, COUNTY "5LEm<,` ILL attend atvhis Office, at Barrie, every SATURDAY, from H 3.123., till 3 p.m., according to ordet of Council and every other duy at his (mice at Cookstown. ' N A Barrie, Feb. 1'1, 1862. V 1 1 g - ' ' Ur Barrie, Nov. 17th, 1869. ` THE CALIFORNIA STORE. is known far and wide as the most successful_ business House North of Toronto; ly Cash Business both in Buy- ing and Selling, and by selling at Ihe very lowest prots. One price and no deception used. Its success A .1s only due to its doing a smot- 91;: TUESDA YE I/ENING, ul-JLJ4 \I VLAL pg-`I-vac always fullls its promises as `advertised, and is thebest friend to the Farmer in` giving the highest prices for Produce, and makes no difference in price be- tween Cash and Trade for ' Goods. [vanMms1g1rLmraTs,l The Sale now going on (end to be continued till after Christ- mas Holidays) has been speci- ally provided for. Tons of new Crop Fruits have been laid in! -our Store T Houses before the close of navigation. Bougllt at prices that enables the CALI-_ FORNIA S'I`@RE to give more for $1 than can be bought for $1 25, present Wholesale prices _ , -'-A"LSO-' General .I-nsurance Agents._ 1;. `FERGUSON. J; W.` FERGUSON. Fergusonvsle Dec. '6, I869. h1.*.r.1r A pm amsswalm. . ITNWABE3 Ch_r'i'stm.qs `I10 lt.'(l(l;!/S. 1'gk e'I p!eu'nre'-In snnonncingito` their custo- ' ~;-men and public gegeray, that they have now_ . A V Agn hqndacomplqte assortment of _ muyaoons; LALAJ \.r4LA.aL.L \/; D.) L LIILJ has the best selected stoc\1 {`ef Dry Goods in'Oril}ia, `and in - this department nocompctition cannpproach us,AandTto facili- , tate Sales, Dtjess. lengths` will be cutoff and Ticketed; and shortlengths of all classes of `Stock at Cost Pr_ice. ` !.J`I3::T_J:'.1-: |,!usuNnIs,"i % I MGUSONVALE % ?m>msmN 3. connwoon FOR SALE, \.r 1 Ski -I. Jul: [.5 LAVJ I3 I .l lI\J means are at hand to carry out `our promnses ; and It evepf the fame of `the C`ALEI'3`O131\IA l1fI'\l'\!\`l1 ;I 's"1"'o"P.i35, t1{;`Leo;ffr}}33fi{5 been sounded far. and wide as the highest bidder for Produce, -`and the House to give the best value in Goods,Vi! that be doub- 1y- go new. Tobe cohtinuecl till after {he |AMEp1cAN BARREL`-SALT. ` `H T AH-t 1.n1Vimi,tedV stock at lower prices than any other` House, 4.4- A . 2 . ' . ' . V VH96'[.:;ij;.:'1Vf}.}'\`oIT'1 VV ` Iiierring; Lake Fish` and Salmon a`_l.o`we'r'prices than any UUUII U I I` I Ills llUUUInI`U I U" 'i`h`ose Fnench Ptoteslant Hews who hnd . triallof cruel xnockings and scounzlngs, `-`of Bonds-and imiarisomnents, _' who were" slain with the sword, who wandered in moun- tains and in dens, and `in caves ofthe Earth. Doorsopen at 7;. ` Chsir taken}! 8. Tickets, Single, 50 cents; for two` 80 cents; for three of the some family. 31, and 30 pan`; each for all over 3 in the same family, can, be procured from Messrs.-Mann. Edwards, Morrow, Graham, Sweeney, Ball, Johnson, lIII'I'll0n,~C. King, Neill, Laird, and N.:Kin3,- ` . ., _ Bmie, mu: Jan, I870. - ' - ' i 2.1: ' ,;*; Bottled nd: Barrelled . ' Lxquors J OF CHOICESI` BRANDS, moama mb?e% } - id fc _THE_ CnA`InJ_I_I.-`()_`RNIA STORE` THE `2 A131F`?R1.`: S."9RE. GREAT SALE AT THE 'u'[1iHEcA'LiFoRNIA STORE "NOW ISTHE TIME 9 'rh_% Ti)i:3LHlE' Imn GLASSWAILE, L L ` Address J. LEWIS, 1>.o., Barrie, Or E. s,um:11;xG, -Esq. :- M -.. nk man 45.. 1 Barrie, Jan y, 1870. . ; ggpcpnxiis , HARDWARE,-I E nnnvmv'nLmnw `IQ-|,OIIIl`J\r7 Ill [Luv . . % %sT0RE- V. ....._.. .. uv-uu.--. , _ . .7 . Bftrrie, 101.!) Now, 1869. A. B. MCPHEE, 44-3m. -_ - - fl'ou.-n Clerk PR_0F..CUNIO S ' FSIIAVING, HAIRGUTTING! -'.`p..\. on. FM . -- --.v.: -v-..--..._ -,_r~,.-~v- -u.-...~..--., is in the` large building lately eccupied by ` Mr. James Russell, I\ '; - J7 ' `IT ,, ' TI . 1 for your nmclzluery, Yox_x`will find it as cool. _cleau and ,du1'zxble:s much more exp=:nsi\'e oils, while it has no tendency` to gum and will clean off any dirty gum -wlnichb may adhere to the .maclziner_v from the use of other oils. This `oil 'sllmroiIgl`1ly purified and is free f:om all foreign nmtter. Every _b:1rx-cl hears the Government Stamp. Ull will he tulien buck , withiri 30 days 01 date of invoice if found un- lcqual to represenvt:xliou._ Price 30013 per gal- lon, b.>xrr<=l imluded. n n n`.-'1\?n l\T nf A hi. '1`. (V. SFE-:CTA;Q_I._.S! \ -rwvv-u-u rq A uun A4\/ A nu \AA14A\./5.41434-V Is 8` sun pron! of their supdriurilv. '0 were !Hl_llS(`(.l that Atlmy would be apprecxated '_lJ0l'e as '4-lsuwlu-re, nnll Unit the rvalily ofth-: advnntagva will-retl to wearers of our beautiful lenses. viz: the '_ \'ll'~'cH|ltl comtnrl, the nssmcd and readily ascer- tained impro\'<'tr.cnt oflllti sight-, antltlte brilliant us.~ist;tm-c they give in -all cases, were in them-. `_ 1-`elves _sn apparent nu trml, that the result could nnt be 0lltCl`\VlSL'_Ilmll it has. In the almost xzencral t\:'.\I\ll1\n .-"mlr l`|c`l,T-`RRA'l`l:`.`l'\ PF`.IH<`Ff(`.'l`l`.Y) 5 ._OTIGE' is hereby; given that the MunIcipa' ' T Council of the Corporation of the incorpora- ted.'Villoge of Barrie will, after the expiration of three mo_i1tl1s,from' ine date hereof, being the urnt publication of this notice, apply-to IIisiEx- ceIi.n: cy,'- the Lieutongnt Governor" of _tho Pro- ; wince of- Ontario in Council, to issue his Procla- li motion eieotingsnid Municipality of Barrie into ya Town, the limits of. which Town to be the ; some as the pX'e3Cnl1inli18`0f said Village Muni- I cipx-.iit_\'. ' ' 0:-t-rod luv nnnr-H m`"rt.E:.1E:::s Wbisker ond Hm Ded.y 1 Ladies Hgircltlting done in good style. Good Hair Dye. Ilnirllnvlgnmtor, Hair 01], &c.,. manufactured and sold by Prof. Cunio. - Come Gents who wish a good smooth face ' .. . 7 . 2 L13: wlnle I tell you of a place Wtere x:azors`nl-e kept brightnnd-keen, The eagles: clnurs, and towelsoclc:-.n. Whore _\ve W1 slmve, s:hnlnpoo, or trim, ' y And l.1-xghteo lcos look dzm; A1191!` your hxnr 13 -wlme or red Prof. Uuuio 8 otiou colours well. Forjust. ve coats we now will shave, And do it so smooth and ck-an You ll say we are a mowing mzzclline. Ax-ound"your nose and chin we'll creep, With so muc_h ens? you ll dgop (`1sleep ; Your nap will pa} for commg nere ; _ The old wewcan uulkelloolc so gt-`gen, gals wx.l soy 3ou'ro sncel. sxxtoen; Am. vflxen )ou`lc:`u'e_'hcrVc for tlle ;.reet, ` Your mends mll_:,mue when lhem you meet, Andssay what mamas Vy_our 111.11!` so dark. Oh, It was th`e l r,ofessr)1:s 11::-lr l_(lng s wash, Am} he can no you blocs or bx-`ova n, .A lullebetler than any houseym town And if 9. tw-irled'moustache you Want. Prof. Cunio brings one out. -..._._._..___.:_._. ! 903.42. 11 Y! ..A13o A large quau'.ii_v of Grey, `bitc, hx;d ash-_ colored V , which nrexnt least 20 per _ cegnt below last .Wiutcr's prices. . ._ _. _ . _-.._ .._.-- . ~.-.o-.-. LEe7.%?iL_.a?%'aiSf CANADMN CHEESE DEPOT. _0.... WHOLESALE &A RETAIL i fray-etnb_{1.*_1nl:'T` 180.9. E ?E1?L:g5<%Aza:2rJ 2 _IIE SUBSCRIBERS thankful for "the very libera1.pnlmnnge of the p:1s!,.be_r_r.t_o inform their old customers and the pub!ic geuemlly, llxatlhvy have made` arrangements with the Leading VCIzccse'_1"u'clorzcs of our 'Do1/u'nz'on, - for :1 continued supply of ngnnn: vnu nun the public not to `give ` _ man on myaccqnnt, 1.3.! will not! `held nIpon|Aib!oV(or. any debt: n'9iIu`MllIliii.ithy pm unlo_u~uudernnlmno:dor,.; - ~ _ ` . . vmnra,Tn..-mu Esm M33 `gsaas, A :2 umnlv nf which will n'lv.':-.v: lmkon, nn 3aUsfacl.icn.. , ' '"' ' ' - - ` . - I A large s/qpply of which will always bekcprun band at prices which wxll be .ccrl':1in to custire 0 n..,.<..,: 1~.:,.,...:a.. r.;. .1..x:..-....,L..s 4 ORA TE3T-QFVKDUR OR FIVE ' YEARS, ! with tbglnfilge of purcbasihg A 1'a_u'm.ol ,' 7'bonL200L..ub*t, xI;iLh from "5010 100 ac-Lies . `jclcnrt-,d, sinafe_&_'within 6 or Smiles of n} Rail- _ }'7ay_ Bunion, within the County ofsimcoe. - V ` I . Apply` to - ' ' .- ARI ).-XGII. ARDAGH k S'I`RA'l"H Y- 'r33U3I,il\.'I.1U .. ' ` > 1. As usual. .Brc`nd, Biscuits, 540., dplivcrcdnl any p'1rtofA,Lhc Town. - ' n L'Y\'r`. .2, Qnxr C lP"iTA.TE%%%?@@ ;(:AmzmG as, SIGN, T HOUSE % PAIN TERS, GRAINERS, "Paper `I-Ia%ngers,% &c.,i &c. Qt Q K `I . \\ \\ \\ \ A& \ K \.\`\ 3` \ 3A `3 ` U-2e'dm'_ ;':'.:' 2'13.` :37- Pf(!.3ztsA INsoLvEm_T or I869. `All work done in (irst class style and good mMeIin1,furnis`ae'd. . A ........ 1--.... ...............;..'o -4` m..,.....r..- n.....:.....=. IIIIIIUI hll,[UY[1l5'dl'.'1l- > I A very large assm-`tment of Transfer Curiage _0rnnm enta, Painters and Grainex-9' Toois Camel: [Izmir and Sable` Brusht-.5, Pencils, !.`.c., &c. on hand and for sale b W. B. Ca on. 3 _ Y _ P AA- T0 Matuas A_N_gMAcHm1srs.% Bninessg [fog whih he has engaged a,.rs:c1'ass wot!-:m;u;.] in . cqnnection with his Gungmiufs and General Hafditare establlshment.` g .--_;o;_._- . _ kinds _o'/frrpairiizg. done and all work warranted -7 .-:-_'n---. ._..._o -._. ,S_t9v,es! Stove!!! 8to*'es!! vnn no arr` uu, u--nun nu. ...... V. 'S. C. DUNCAN-_(}I`ARI{'& Co., M `U nnrnnr L'n.`r null nhn Xgi f6'r`i1i6`v(b3T:Vxi5vih kfgl ow'mg` Muchinf |'L'S1; 1-cehedhr splendid assuxfuaentof ALL wnm. . \/_q__-...__.._..._..._._.._.?_ _ have never 1;efoi'e been equalled in Barrie. ._...._- Barrie-, August, 1868. The Iurg and mcreasingr sales oflheae 1) III L`.T.`r'7I"Tn'\ (`V r A-CGITQ % TIN STORE er`=R%E-vP1g./VED. AZNDVSHA1\ri` ,oo1NG SALOON, L...I.'l2-__ I- -1- ........ -1 L ;NO'l`T S L'CONO:'L 1C LUBRIC./_1.\T 301:5 Tali)! or-` FOUR rum nians; tvilh Chi In-I'\9'?ln`an nf nnrn}-mainly A farm nf Dunlap Street, Barrie, 1 dc-oAr VVest of the pAdTv-unce Oicc, BUB-NETAT S u.un.a ; u.7a\.AI Opposite the` Barrz':-_Hotel. ID I. l'CL`lV WOOL ;i.1ii1j?iOii_z L LA lg Zimkni" " inrwaua, AS reL-oxienncd the above well` known stand West of `the Wglljnglon Hotel, where _he T A .'intends to carry on . A . ' an-mm .c_Aun57ue,ubu.noz in giw .. :c:`o_it`o::_1ny.acoount, ,(wn1nm.n..m THE T'|N.SM|"`I'H-INGA 5 W;1N'I9{?I)" To 1Eii1'r u`. UULV\J:\x`(-_\1l4:Hi.l\ L)` uu., I N.W. corner King and Church Sn-c-et. A In ` > _.'l`oro-u`o Ont. iC.;.LL AND AEXABIINE. ' T. GRAHAM Iyll) - * _. - ARDAGH, ARDAGH 5: STRATHY, ! ' Sulicitofs. Ban-i`e. vv-w--:__ ------ which for q1x;1lily_ punt-rn and . -__._.- 2 lU_l 155"`, ha IVlA'A`1.\JI LID kcsigys 0l'Jh't3g_iq:_\,,`l u` Mntjy rglieved`, a_n_d"alLhu1 D: J` Bd,3gs'..j.'1 l{ dc Ordgred by Council. II..\T.._ 1n-n 5 A D NOT*tcE.f 0 LD GUNSMITH, ' _ . R; > cu` _,%' UTLE & R. mxu .2; soy. I . . \ ~Y .i I . Suhcltors, Bame. ` 45-tr M 0,, n L\`U- .nu_u `gluing; anti ,.'cl1_ea_t, (Ntdmans Puttems, Slipper Puerns, Braids, Siiks, Crochet Cotton,` C I-Ianks, Knitting and Netting Ncedlns,and everything ncccss-My fur'Lud1es \Vozk in general. We have` also 1; large stock of [QUANTITY I --u l`ll I Ill--I-u_IVII_\I`, `Now Qers to the inhabitants of Barrie and suiruunding country the ' non} (`VIDA D!7i"!` L"l`(`\I1v." . 1' _____ ,..._ `IIIII`I\J\/|VlL- .UL'..VVI_l-l_r.-- "' - ` ` - w - ' "hwillhrsnld ntth: .Earrmgs and Brouchcs In g_rez`1t VYr`IfJ_; -, 81l_ r` I115; ' _ _ . . est possmle-price; our CONb`lA1\1L1 ].\(,h};A.5h\'(: l3U.:IN1a:-..u that we "we satisfaction to our patrons. Be sure and call at D "A:\I-D'E`\{_E: G}; s13.f" CHEA_P AND _HANuDSOVh_/I .JEWELL[._fRy Enrrinns and in ni-pat \.'nrir-Iv 1: hr -1.: . .. FRE%EiVIAN S xiA".a%sETf{ STORE, IVEJIR T1113 'sTI.x1.'.: rmzvr N %`\ \ x N ~.;'>:\\ R \ K A u ` % ____. v......... .....u. uuuu, 4._v.uuu4;. Woodnnd Cane seated Cl*.:1ir.=.:, Ki-`c_h`c-n, ["u`.!-Icuf Cc:-.m-, Dining, Tuilet and Fancy l`ub!cs,TGlass`:md Side-Board Cllixlmurds. - Bur:-:ms In every szylo. Common and French Bedsteuds; Spring Uoizmns, Straw, Sea .,r-.135 um] .mx._,1 Mullrasses; Feather Pillows-_ and Buisbcrs; Rocking Chairs, CmL.'Ivs,' Crib, Sofasnnd Lounges,nnd c,vcr_vthingb.cumieciod with -the Trzxdo. All ummI- fuctured on the premises by c:L'perie1zc.r(l 26.)/'/mzcu and of the Last material. 4 n,f ;=' Came Seated Chzii rs rebouomcd. Don : forget the stand ncarAthe Sfozuxi Grist Mill. Barrie. 1 ` ' nrun {gs walls; uuu tut. Mill, Barrie.` And" I like this opportunity of tl1a11kihg the pubc for the very liberal puru- lmge. they have bestowed, and-suliciling n cmtinunncc uf then !avors,'I wunld ' - call their attention to my new stock of -_.- \.aVs7\ VVl1i1Ti`IwoIier as low as __T__1_)0T_ 5D I THE BEST PA'I`.PA]LS ach... . vs.-`pa;-`qr,- _-./...`.. .--..-...\,.--r--uu- D IDIIOOO` Wm GOOD I1YsoN.. I GUNPOWDER TEA. i3'sE III I r- The mu. JANUARY, instant-. Biscuits; Candies, Nuts, A1:ii ;`$pices, Pickles Sardines.Lobstcrs.0vslcrs. C:1:`.nctl-Fruxt. S.-.1-nl (`M (`.,\rn q....,... 3... ... I TWANKEY TEA. . . . i YOUNG HY,SON.V. __,_,..-_..._ vuu--v--v- --uu-Inc -nAnaLv.lAI4I\Ij IJJJ-`JG sardines, Lobslcrs,0_vs1crs, Czmncml-Frmt, Sulzul 01!, (Jam SH whzch '11! be sold at :1 mile above must. V117: - MAUN1)RELL s 5 i%E JSEARICET - STREET T2 A 12 1: 1-1:- `NEAR THE 1.9 T1:.m To Mcssrr C1u.\i3I:!lL.ux 55 Sn.I., Conway I . O 1 County of Lennux, Ontario, Canada. . Mzmoc, Coumy ofasling.-, - _ "Province of Ontario, Feb. 9th, 1869. 3 Thisisloccnlify xhntuluringlhe winter of 1666 I mistaken" with a weakness <.~'.'lhe am.-lcs, which gmlua|ly,dming the spring ol `S67. exn-mk-d to mv knees. and on up to my hips, and l becmn}: so gradually, during the spring ol .501. exn-um-u to my knees, up my hips, weal; that I cnuld not walk, but was conned lu my` chair. For about two years, while tlii weakness was coming on me,nnd afterwayrds, I sought medical advice, employing, at dil-rent limes, three doctors, and medicines of dil-rent kmds,prescril>ed by lricmls, but of no avai|,_.I continued to get worse and` worse, until the sum- mer ofl868_ when I was imltu-ed to try tne grunt Sliosbonees Remedy by reading the cure: perform- ed. in a pamphlet. At tlus time I had begun to F:-ll the weaizness in my hands`; in law! I was gel-' ting almost helpless, I have taken two bolllvs of the Shoshonees Re:ne_dy and two boxes oftlu`: pills and I am entirely restored to health. I DeVL'|' ex- pected to get better. but aim ly tried the medicine as a sort pfforlurn hope. ltitt caise of mine was not afprivate one, but known In all my neighbors and hiends; and to_anv one alicttd ris I was, I `have only to may try the Shoshonees Remedy ; I believe it will cure-yon." IT: av Amen T\:uu~,u-rv ll: 1.`. n uuu, J- l. . Q1 1 In reby cerlilyjllnl I have known Mrs. Mary A'nn~BougLlylorll1e lastlleen years; she is n woman_oI probilv and etrulh. I have known her I befure,dur;ng, and4sin<,-Q herjllness. I l~elic-v,e V her crltcmelo _be true in every particular. I. d Irnlowwhile ill, her: case -wnsdeclnred_ hopeh.-st ,ard,l.knowthal-qhe_ haspginco her- recovery ul- vwyp auribule_t|,' it 1 .. the Vshoslnonss Kennedy} Wham-yer may beghgs percnliar -properu`es of this > 'lhdicine,' one`thing nstemtin. lhnjn. heIf~c a ue,.i`I- - ~ hag at_:l._qd qlm9_u}_i_ke;|,1l.e pqrfqmance of I merj " ` /.', I .5.`-Fa,W0bD;!J.n,` hf 1-In}! c;udu:`17p`.uun'n`: nn *..(`: I "" .'- , ~Ao.-`_lwObD,J,u,$":-2' Vwnrdeyn of 1'29 County ofaalnngs , _Pn_:vince -bl" O{ua ri_o. Duminio'n_ on Canaan; .` 4' . ' ' Iu|5v., uuu luxluurul .~.uuar.~ nu 1 IS RPIQCTED GLASSES. Deueve u wm cuw yvum ' ` A - ` M.\nv A.-m.Doc<=u'nr. Sworn `to beforqme at Mndoc, Cnmuy ofast ing,`1his_ninth, dayof Fe.-brua ry. I869. ` ` . -' A. F. Woob, J. P. dc .:___-.._.._.._._..._2.___. Pinks, mrsamn-,. 3`-,1r1'm_;NAL, ~ BLEED- * ing gqd itching, reliored In oncehnnd soon wplgiuble. "S.ql.` by_ A sofdth '.'iAfc.nnd; ;_cp';g`:;;.'bj-;na ni1Dt;,-A an * 3 Universal Pile ` - a no:aea;_x_e;`n' annvaggx mma. sroczt ow Bi.'}.;LUV W/'Oe )L.$`, 'Please call a11d.>sbe Emir (lisp!-giv o`n`!>'A'.l`I,`7I1I)-.:\..\-{T ----_.-'; -----\ T.` :--.-- j. '1/'12./W 1'5/1:;:3 1 V {JR N1 TUB .19` .r ALWAY AEEEAD YrJLv.:`<=;;;' AM 13: ? ;!:JJ are "BOLOGNA AND GELHIAN s.w.s.u:1s, SAVELOYS, &c_. 4 . ALARGE _Ab'SQR'l`I\IL`N'1` OE 0HTR11:1A%$-%%_%%rm:Ems ..a_u4._.r.__-.ap._4;._a.4n..;-\J 4.14;! VV `JKGARKET STREET, BARR] w.H.FEEMAN, U16 inhabitants ofB:1rric:md snrrnnndinn ammo.-.. .|. G` ` .. a4.` \ .4, M u H s~;uJ.~,>; W; % 1\TA -w-v ~.;.-vdU\J\l`~LJ`J` lJ.J .. .- 5 TIlI;".S'Tl:`.'IM U131.) '1' MILL, 1g .'IRRIE._ 1 run - 1-. -- -l;'L`J1R THE `STIL`J1.71 GRlSil` MILL, BJRIII. At prices to suit Farmers pct-I at ,_.,..Ir:,.:\ .--,,...--.- ..__-_ ....v ....-._...._...-., .1. J_L'.l.J'\.'.I.4 Ever seen in this country and at very ._.'__ ___._._____, ruary. Iaus. A. Woob, 4-c Itvu I.-nnuln Ira Marl) . ......w.......,,. and CIIEAPEST STO_(/`K of go}mLI:Ng1A RAISINS by tho 1 u<) Box of 25 Ib_., per2'b......... ......... . 2: ) GOLDEN SYRUP, pcr'ql..... 30 , SOLACE TOBACCO, per lb... C.-`u\'I)1_ID`l 1~.`ELS, &c., Etc. ' ALA ,*yii11 (n.v}) delivefa T-weeds, Cloths. Beavers, Dhmask, Flaunela, Prints, Cottons, Shawls, Muntlcs, Cloaking, Under-Clothing,Ticking9.'Blaukc1s, Ha_ts,vGups.' Hoods, Sontngs, Gloves, :Hoisery, Skeletons, Ribbons, F.lhel_'3, Flower9,_ToweHiug, Cotton Bugs, Linen Bags, Carpets, Ready-made Cloth- 'iug,. Boots and Shoes, Shelf IIirdware_nnd Axes. A choice lot of Teu`s'nnd general Gro- caries. : any house 1 few of rho Also an immcensc xx Quzumrv ' b0 `70 S01 AND ..~ s../ \3 \ \3 EL? T North of Toronto. I give lhc : leading artxclcaz " ?IsI;EEi::3 BF DQEEAPNESS '\1CE/20 lbs. fur-..........Q.. ,I3;w.I.1:y, 20 lbs. fur. . . ; VALENCIA 1Lus1Ns,pcr1b.. }V.'.LI:: ` per f`4I`\`I' l\l`\1 nu n 1'11 E lb {Urn o o s 171111 \ 51; B1 Tlnlnnwing rennnrks on Tcstixnomalsni anon wun_derful aux! c-xtmnnlinarv 1-urea ,i1. C'.nndn lnl Ihe U I`. EAT I-NDIAN REMEDY. They an I-trrn, 1mdenI`aJ)l:. and inc-nnlealnl-le {nu-ls. .\..uuiP;ll .tu cnnvim-c: Ihe nnosl akeplical that Ihe UN :1 Madm- nul Compound yearned alter for ages isnuw M-ccs- V , sibleinlhc: Uro.-nl V (\Ill\IIAn|I--4 ----._----- \v-I\r\:lI\I|II-l-\3 III VICIJ ' 5 2:-or Disea. es of the Throat. Lungs, L1v:-r.Du.w:- llve Organs, Kidneys, 650.. as we-If as Scrnlulu, tbc Various Skin DiSl 837 Humor: and all diwnsw arising trom lmpuriticsolthc Blood. we Iml-`IV -lulu that this great Icmedy has NEVER BE EN EQUA LLEU. Where was there ever suvh n vure as that in the person ct, IVil.wn _Slarnu,uf Bu {bum C. W.', ur Consumption : or that o{`I dar . Ir . Jllil/er 0| Erncslown. U.IV., of (`unsmnptzvm ur lhnt of Am5r,a:e 'W'aoal, of Cullsufull. (3.1V.,nt Dv:.=[.cps'i1 mid Li'\'cr Cunnplniru, orumt nl`Jo/m Hoseg. ol"Napinec C. IV.,ofRheumatiMn,'w|w had actually keen on crunches for years, in nspalc ufall treatment heretofore, and Is now wcll.S-on-out surh vn.-ten Imght be mentioned had we F|)IIL'- K? C!" III the Dllrslore nnd ml n Clrulnruf fa?-'> ;3, . 3 S "` '9 i:s"eI'9 wwy Ill IIIC urcnl ;sHosHomKfEEs Igrryssqvz Z-_. nr ');unn an nl cl... l`L..._-. I surn vases Imgnl be men`.ioI.ed had 5:? Drug Store and gul a Cmmlnrut Uml||l'-'ilII`)le certirnlcb on the GREAT SHU- SHONEES REMEDY ....| mr.|.< .....n .....-.:., unqlwalulrue certicates the GREAT SHONEES REMEDY and PILLS, and Salish yourselves. 1):-_vvSt., Iww York.` . ` sold by nl1D__rug vxsts. "Prfice of the Remedy in large print: W . I 31- Fur Qnlu In: all l\........`.o.-....| n....|.... :. l .. . .-v it cut. avvurvly Ivll I-IGlb U IIIICDID ' I ,. 13' For Sale by all Druggials and Dealer: in My-du.;r._e. Aassrs ran B.u:nu:,-Me'u-rs Kelmun S1. Co.. and Mr. T. W. Gear en. . Orillm -Mr. J . `W. Slav_eu.- Co_llmgood- 1. Carpenter. W/wlualc Aganc; -MssrI.' Lyman, Elliott k Cm.` Dunsmpx,&_ {Yauony Toronto. 837: I y ggsn mmnbmvoirimy . . -....-....:.`a.g.a'.vu.`5.5`.~.'.;"_ .__.___, . l&DLtpQ'nl.';VlS!. nuryguu G uo., are now, ' 'pp`&rgd49 mnnufgluyggqxlclen in their ue, of-111$ M91; Il,encri1!,U,'l'.*' ` (heap tales 3 ~BRl`,l'i_9',;`D99-}aidf`1`3`A1l' 1* :7 49-1; .1 - .- A ' I l'Ii`.QQRQsT1IINRV L:1f{A:<'1*s, 20 lbs. fur. WI.` nn II A .II(. [;_$'$._ - _II Ullllal |'ES.?;vHENR'Y`SHW3EY; co., are now, `n r'`m1inu(u':t'I|rI.n.llucluin lheil wgimrsid Crochet Cotton ,i Crochet U! `Hun n.-\n....-.. .. Utix-c 18th inst., AUm,~+j `sold at the low- fTcY\Y!.`.-.~ . -..7 -- -w---Una ifarch, &c., all of ; LARGEST price of n `pray (:5 , u,|\(| 90:5 17 ---'l`H E-f-- I +oN-- `IGHE ROSS J: G.ILCHRIST. I vvruwn 0I'llOl'_._` -` raog. nii. ',1"am s. `-.. -.. .-.--1-nu-1, His Attorney, ad lilem. LAZKWS, mam 3:00., - . (JELEBl;A'1`EDPERFECTED T.` E. -_.-;`VV'.-7561). 1'\L`rVQ .. :..c....... .1... ....L.I:.. -(1.... 1... 1...- ._..._-.. NEW Goons AF BTiin"iEn PRICES, ,.l.- -lau`-I-I-u.rv`(IrFJv\.i..L4I. EGS to inform the public `that be has remov- ed to his ` - ` ' %3;F>`x}`J_E`?,iE`a.{& :%*1iIS@8 7'\`r.-A. . _-__ . -_. .-_. 9 .n,,,,.l LAM-PS a; CIIIMNEYS, &c., orihe best quality, and at Toronto Prices. _ His Stock embraces o.larze,assortment of Stove Pipes, Zinc-, Tin and Jupa_u Ware , Pots, Bake Kettles, 1_ro_n Tea Kettles, Blacklend, Bltu-king. All ki_uds'of Brushes, Brooms and Dusters, Tin Toys, Sleighs and Fancy Arti- cles, Table ind Hand Lamps, Swinr; and Side Lamps,.'Clmndcliers, Best Rock and Coal Oils, 'l`mce Chains, Cow Ties, Curry Combs, Cards`, Locks, Screws, Butts, and (jen- er_al llardwarc; ` - July, 1869; Iv-In II it! `II c|.lQQQ\v-nL``j.l T. E. R. -has been appointed sole agent. in Barrie for the Hand Shuttle Sewing Machine`-. 9. durable, beautiful, well made. and highly` n- ished Machine. which mnkesthe genuine lock stitch, andwiil do all kinds of work required in a family, It willsenni, qni1t,'g-other. fell, cord, trnid, bind, hem `and luck, making at beautiful and perfect. stitch alike. on both sides, and has been pronounced by competent judges the most perfect Machine at the price ever put on the market. Also on hand the A noun n. .'-u.- yo PHILIPS 81, COATES, . 1*{EWMARKET. ~ . , . 5 act. double patent reed; 5 stop Autimutic -swell, for $100, warranted. And other instru- ments at prices which defy compemionr 13' Send for :1 price list. .7 - Piano Fdrles 5- Melodeons Tuned and _Repa:'rcd. 7,1,, -|nnn' Iv .-.-o--- Pickles,` Sauces, &c;; &c., ' IN VARIEi:Y. V j- __n, be 0UlCl`\V_lSL'_UN1ll it has. the nlmosl xzeneral ndupI,im\ cfour (7El.EBRA'l'ET) PERFECTED V ..\Tl ECTACLES In the rcsidr-nh: of.Ih is locality. I With a I]: ll lmn\\'lcdge_oflhe_va_Iue nfllnc asser- lion,_\\'e claim `that lhuy are the mosl perfccl opti- cal aids ever nu-mnlaclurcd. l`o'lh'.e needing >.'peL-lacles, wv nbrd nt nll; times an opppnunity oi pmcurmg the bust and most desirable. ..... qua...- .-any u_U..,u DUNIQOP-. STREET, - BARRIEQ ac? wmlss Aug _ uQuons,} .. u....5.. Iona`! .. 'IIERMETICA'LL'Y SEALE15 `lcifciops, FRENCH SAR-DINES, V LOBSTERS, . _ COVE OYSTERS,` . ' - FRUITS & VEGETABLES. 7 _n___ Eorseford s Self-Raising` Brea V Preparation. ' _.._..o__.. 131KNUS, CABINET URGANS] - _--A -nn"f'|`I' Brooch. 'I`I.n m uroocn. . . . . . - The owuercan have it by proving property and paying cost of this notice'.- ~ ' - * um nn.\H_-\'M. , --o-- 7 T _ A large variety of Fancy and Plum. Bz.seuz7ts at reduced rates. ' MRS. MWNA:-IAN] Issmm or IIABREAGE mas, A Lot No. 1-'l,_Sth C_"ozz., lnrzisfil, Near Victoria. ' ' fth PART_RsHIP.! Sellingat Oust, English, French and American Confectionefy. _ - _ n. , . }BEsT AND CHEAPEST . -,-`-0-7- I3"L`UNGl1ES, &< :., prepared at all season- zble hours. ' _ (11? CHARGES MQDERA TE. 4:9` Rn:-I-in Nnv "1501: IRAQ V _ ]N 1;.m IuE . OPPOSITE McWATT S HOTEL. L-I. H10 IDOYO-.nIlnC71Dl0H'eIILl5__ l1I'_$Dy cu:-1 ell for `_ A , L V Tuesday, the Eighteen day `of January, Iti}st.,' At the hour of Twelve o cIock -noon, to be holden at my oice, in the Market Square, - in the Town of Barrie, for this pnblic`ex:imin`aI_ion of the Insolvent. ~ Dated at Barrie this kn: day K6f Jann_'ry,` A.D. mo. ' _ JOSEPH nocasns, DR-`mini A aeiannn, `III; fnqtei bf .Iz{12as 'I'ar. Bush,-7_'m - _ . . . ,V 7 U` HOCARTBY J: MCCARTHY. Rn] in? I nrl ; CLOTH INGI I.7.5SI.._1;1.ei7s", "_"-`J `IV ,V "\3\I-6VVVV`%`OhI\`J Nzt door to Boultmz McCa2`z/L3/ s Law O_17ice,. . |Ji|BB.|il1SL8;1||Il?lfII!NBBH8l Dealer in Foreign nd Dgmeslic Fruits, P-&N-MELADY S| 0G=AdV#nes%%ma?i1*T n`G9s- gsaieg puggugzy` made; 14. 3 Bfxrrie, Sept, L868, We hive no other? ounce of buoinesi io. Toronto `clone- 3 . p.;& Q; Jo n writ): mnnnm` "n A nun` mnisnnmn'- "_'"'6x -rb.'; 48- * ' j;4V1':1;fr' 1_~1zsmr'1:As'i?;,_;ron 2 AND MELoD.Ec's . u..uIuu, uL_u4.......- - ____ ` ne `.1 `,1 . p.;ms;;~6 dbl) S , b -AT- 2 . T TI|A0MPS0N S &_ .LYNN_'S ' - IHE July`, 1869. i0TOG1A1>%H S' sEW1ri9+;if49;H:S;Es$-2 mt.1n,\. TINWARE. STOVEST Barrie, Nov." 1011:, 1869. ` ROCERY, PROVISION &EIQUQR' 1' s'ro1us, ' _ T . X '> Opposite Messrs. Mo Curllzy 5- .McC'urlhy . Law Oirte, - kT1`IT'fl'\YI IVIIITIINTSTII Cl] 1oU.\'o IN THE TOWN HALL, ON ,w12p. 4 xmensv i)sn`.. mar-.o_mlmr_ a." valuable Qz;em s Eleptic Sioizzg Jlachines * PRICE ONLY $1500.. Fresh Canadian Cheese of No.1 Qualiy. n___ A 3'- r mm 1 Prop ctar,Z

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