Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 13 Jan 1870, p. 2

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an: Ihe;,n ex_t time` `you saw 1 sixpenegg said L _.."lh_`_cA lt.fl ?j' `kilo ; .?W ,iL')`oi|I'g--,t!;:e 9`ll[f`|.- .-7 `-sum _s_ Tune, sand ' 1 `iunazupaawi 1 3.,-.-`guy uu .vuu uu.Iuu,u.y .03 IIQIG `now (3. " `" :.rna..- `I! . `lIn`ibn* l3.a.n_k o-f -Newfonnd1lIa '1! 101 tper gent per tannin. \ ' f Vlliidngou} gays 111:} lino 1:`:-each. Anllbnsud. at Berlin and London have resigned. ` `nu uuuu_I:I_1 nu umavonnly u: umormur. _ jn`Vv'nil'iV ii; Ydrk,` eajxecisily Vmonggt` the yo1_1ng. Fit_h_er lfyacintheh rgcptiori gt`thoL`E`ci:ixieni- I Council `yup 'nnfavr_onbl us thzfox-mar. T I 'I`he--aAimi nSist|`-1tivecondiliolAi of the Spanish Gov'ern'meIit is as rotten as evr. ' ` Ameriujns about twie as may 'Ins'nrance Oompaniuu-England, - ` fIVL_ tr-,, . 1a~ .-. .`,. n n -n - `fr; Kingston Mica Co. 3...: the Ballevilfe 'SIonewa're Coghavbe been amalgamued. Torh `Thumb and `wife are at Yokohama; Jypan. Norphem Railwav Time . Table. T great Daniel, when taking asaunter- f at rendering the slight service, that '. -anvtliin'g- -asked:--` What is your f New Sronv or 0'Co: ing ride in.the neighborhood of his house,` had occasion to ask un_mchi:i to open a gate for him. The little lei- low complied V with much alacrity, and- - looked up with such an honest plenimre O"Connel, by way ofsuying soniething `name, `boy 1 `Daniel 0'Conpel, sir. replied he stoutly. `And -who is your ` father. `I demanded the astonished liber- ator. ' `Daniel O`Coiu;el. -Mr. O Con; nell. muttered a word 'o!tbo under `his_"bi'ealh;_- and then added aloud. `When I, see you a'guin,I'll:givo yon: sixpence. Riding briskly,on, he soon A 1'otgot_theV_ineidentdnd feillto thinking of ggaye; .. `matl.i'.Ss;Wheu, a1y'er.9oma_ mi_[es~ sol`-W3 . h e`_fo&I ndl`6b!n_` lFif1f`imb1. Awiiic. Hwy was Ctb`ti;'i.hdeuVrins . itfdf=fe.inov e.-1.*i0n*I rod: ` `- ugoggpglagely, V7 : 2 =.`am`g.b-hue; . '-i!$;= }' `The London: (Englaud)`IIera`ld has sun-.._ ` pegzded publication. V-Papey in Vermont i mad {rojn pine aligvinngn. ` :0ysI;rs in} Virginia vnfafiy teams `I; .bnshel. _ ' ' Retail. milk dealers mike pr cam. bidea watering lheifvdock. ' Tine Olive is';ow.cultivated in Flbrida and. the Cotk-tree in South Cnrona. T The daughters of ihe late Madame Griai ar'e_lo be adopted` by the Duchess of Somerset. . The wile otlhe late President Lincoln is ying in seclusion in Germany. T `The `prospect of an chrly ';>aymen{by.the 'Unitgd States of their nation} debt. is regarded `with favor in the` nancial circles of Europe. The Institute for the Deaf and Dumb is to be erected at Belleville. It is. inlended_to acco-, | mpdatg over 350 pupils. ` TIn.Con ueoliculT when they want Railway accommodation, they convert the churches V into depots. Ac. --l'orporlo.City Hal! 7. 45. . Brock ilrcet 8.00;." Bradford .......l0.l0.. Scnnlons ......l0_.18.. Gilford ........lU.35.. 349.".-ny. . .. . . . . .10.45.. I>`ram1ey........1l_0`.7... Al:andule.(.~\r.)l1,20.. Barrie .... ....11. 25.. ' Allandele [Dcp.]l1.4").\ .Inn'i.~or.e . ._. . . 41.58.. An'g=1s.. . . . 12.15.` New im--eH....l2._35. Staynor. . . . . . . ..2.`55. - Bum-1ux.. . . . . . L10." Co_lling'\\'o0d . . . 1.20. The cnrcuse'of tho progenitor of tbe__1nodrn sea-serpent has` been discovered in N'.W Jersey. -Professor Harsh is of opinion that the animal, when alive, must have been atlongt 30 fee; in "length. l ' > o n _-_u.__. RussIa hns her eve:bn Japan. Cori-_ `sidering the enormous territory already own- ed by this powerful nation, Europe will hgve .t.o watch preuy closely the Balance of Power. ' ' ,_I,____._...,., ..._.= ..-~v- -~~---7-----u V-' Tito difhcultiee between `the goveinrnente voftha Uilited States `and of France in respect to pcatal cemmunication, hevenot yet been removed, and it Is the intentionef the latter to have their mails conveyed via. Great Britain tot-the present. The misunderstand. ing in. this matter would seem to indicate that the provfeseed cordiality between the two countries is not so teliable "as the Americans ' would have us believe. French (rain will!` hefeafrer be stamped with the effigy} of the young Prince lmy perial.-aged 13. V . ' `ff- 7 Pei nuts are hsaidvto be a-cerlain cafe for Iiver qmplaint ; let us, merefoxe, allgdrink . n ' 1-.L_ It ia sa1d that the head-quhriers: of the New Brunswick" Postal Semcaara about to be removed from Fredericton to St. John s. ' There are rumours that the Paraguayan` War is at an end ; but the difficulty of com- municaliqn with that jinn oflhe ominem is_ such that a|_l repiorls concerning it must be ` received cum `grano salis. `Notwithstanding the general impression that the Dominion Government would be averse lo_ pmihing the Reienstein case to an issue. the latest intelligence seems to indi- carethat the mnn a_ delinquencies are of too momentous a character to be ignored, and that the people of Canada insist on` the re- eponpibility being fixed somewhere, V In: l'>l!. I. - I . Oillawa has six daily Papets ! Consider- _ing the population of the Capital, the Press `is well supported. - ' nu. .- The value of grain brought into lbe atrezs of Hamilton last year amounted to neariy $680,009. WINHSKILIRIIMSV I -YA las pianb hzs beh constructed by 8 Mexican genius. The tone oflhe instru- ment is sand to be surp a`ssin`g!y ne. - the mile":_:ge was. under 6,000. Raivhtvay enterprise in ibe United Statue wi.l_ show in that country during the present.` year a system of 48;000 miles; Eleven years ago u . The `Premier of Onlmio is to be entertained by his constituents at Cornwall on the 10121 'p_1-ox . The .'AtlorneyGener_al has represented the Town for the past sixteen `years and de- serves lbe ovation.` ` Applicaition will be made at the next session :0!` the GgnadianAPrlxame_m for an Act incor- porating a Company for 1he_contruction ofn `Railway ffom Otttuvn to Fort Garry or Red River, apd thence to British Columbia, The subsctiptions to the fund set on foot for `the benefit. of zhefumily of the late E. M. Stanton, Secre'tary of War for the United States, have tealiid the handsome sum of $20,- 000. Holwnlhilnndicg Vlhav failure cf almosf every comic publication ever established_ in New York, anew enterprise on the principle of the London " P`unchi .zwill make its. `ap- ' pearance` inlh at::.ily nex_l. week. nu .- 9 ` ----- -_-_, ---v~~. --V--. The questions of crjminalpumshment and of refcrmatory treatment are receiving llztem Iion in the United States ;aN.-nional Con.- grear will consider both these matters at Cnncinnati in the Fall of the_presenl year. ` Ttte vaeillatiun of the United States Go- verntnent in the tnatter of the Ever" faith- ful Isle would_ appear to bend less dis- gusting to the _Span,iarde and the Cubans than it has long been to the world at large: A crisis cattnot be far o. t n The Great Western pnrmnnent way is to be ndspted to the narrow gauge system through`- ,out. This change was not unexpected, being inevitable. . `IT. * 1 E_tis m:xcs;: ' < >`}IeDou";'sVIAl'i`: `ixV:`1'bro'nto: A _`The I',`Illlel'- il|'0lIId'l is severe; Bfoekjillb Ru.-ordcris 50 yeaxs bid. " 'l" "'0' ' - The assurance was _giver1 at the" met -hug `that ' if _reasonable bo'nus'ee . were promptly` granted by the munici- palics, the `work would be at once proceeded with, the contracts given o_ut,a`l Ihe supplies lhat could be ob- `tainted in winter purchased and paid for, . and no exertion; spared to have -the gxod nished to Orillimby preit [ell L -Th-lmnlin Avnnnlnrl .4`-run "'!n):-Q ;;;;T:;..;;;;;;as;.;;.,;.,.;;.L 5 the l,`re_;ioh A cadem iciahs hlki his `Wil3_`_.`Qul|"-_`I_tl'|'l6k. by lightening n rt? tinge`:-I_.;pe,: and .imme'_qiate!y ' 7 to a letter in your Issue `of the 6t.l1`- in ` estant.-_ei'geed by Megan. Georgajclarke . and Samuel Fmser,'Beeves ofTiny,and_ .. Pay,i'eferr1ng to some remarks I am said to have made before the ,m.il_road ` committee (of which I was a membet); that the Townships of Orillin and Malchedash, Medonte, Tiny, and Tay were nowvso heavily taxed for county, purposes,that they had to appeal against their assessment. * . - n:_. L--.:......`l.....-.-L 2..'..--:_I.I.Q _II..ucA.I ' Ireland instill tronblodi The Orangemen have entered. into an alliunce with their namrnl enemies, the Fenians, with no other object than _to embarras the Government. So.e outrages are reported from Dublin, ' which had for their objactthe obtaining of arm: from gnnsmiths shopu. A large body of troops hgveqlrondy beanunt-to Ireland; ' which are to` be divided, by _L_o_rd Strathnnrin 4intorseve'n`ying column: under picked a- corn to a courthe'dln'oct`ed districts. -This uriountep, which ha; poosibl .bn taken` :in,mnseqnenco,qf upeoistwin ormation 119- `V "caivc_J by tho; 'GqVe`ri;ar_'onl;_'.l_tas illiyod` all t I:IIO_`tl`i0h,- though it his not prsnntod ToA -the A_zIpance . in; _.L_..Qf_.. >1.-- L---` --II{_'.I men llibaluutuor . _ . ` ' - Sir, havingalniost invariably allowed icogmplaintsand misrepresentations made against me, whetherthrough the press or otherwise, to pass unnoticed, leaving time and circumstances to` rectify the wrong,I'would (eel inclined to pursue" a` similar course in this instance, were it. not that the complaint emanates from good opinions I highly value, and would thereloro, with your kind per- mission, depart from the role of silence, which I have usually adopted, audien- deavour to satisfy and remove false im- pressions by assuring them in _ the most positive manner, that I'never. stated, either publicly or privately, that they , _or either of -them, or the municipalities they represent, ever appealed against their assessment, that the whole of my remarks on the `point and on the oc- casion referred to, were cotinedto the action of the united corporation of North` and South Onllia and Matchedash, which, -I said and truly so, were one of , the municipalities advising the appeal, and again tothe corporation of the Vil- the advantage of the appeal when "it ' was entered, and obtained thereby .a a reduction of its proportion. of the County rate, from $315 00. as imposed County Council, to the sum of $266 78 by Judge Gowan,l would state here be- ` fore proceeding further, that I have not read the report alluded to, as given by the Leader, but can rpadily imagine, how," even the most correct reporter might in lusextreme hurry, connect ed,a_s being all parties to lodging the 5appeal.a'nd thereby, unfortunately lead Messrs. Clarke and Frarer into the be.- liefoof my being capable of misrepre- absence, and` making them appellants in the case, while it wastknown to my- sely and notorious to every Reeve and Deputy Reeve in the County , at least, that neither of those gentlemen nor the corporations they represent had any- thing whatever to. do in the entering of theappeal. T ' 1\Tmn air a {Am mnre tnnnlminrr the two old and respected friends whose ` lage of Orillia, which availed itself of 4 under the equalization otglrolls by the` t the equalization of His Honor * theseveral corporattonswhicli I mention- t senting them or theirconstituents in their. _tvell Irnovvn. And it is remembered that he SlR'FItAl\'C[s- UINCKS AVND Mn. Wool).- Tlte correspondence between Sir Francis Hittcks and Mr. Treasurer Wood has natur- ally excited interest. The letter of Sir Francis - has a liuvor of old tithes ; and the tone -in which he speaks of the way itt which the governmetttis fettored by the arrangement with its present scal agent, in relation to do-. posits, is generally interpreted as an indica- tion_ that he will bring abottta re-arra'nge- tnent. His great energy of, character and boldness in. carrying out any line of policy he mayydetermine upon, are also generally quite suddenlv withdrew the government de- posits some. yearsago from the banks which then had them, because they declined to assist hi_m iii the .vvay he desired.` We V merely write these lines as giving an impres-' sion prevailing in the a.reets of this city, We are not in a position to make any art- nottncement of the intentions of Sir Francis. But we can state this: Ihata distribulion of deposits, if such is his intention, will be po- pular itt Qmorto; .an'd in some uarters here. p_ Forpttr part we have always layered the principle or distribution in as lat as compati- _ tile with safety. It is the ttbsolttte rule in l _ the colony cl Australia, the government there . `the several banks, which are periodically . Vpullished.'-`-Matttreal Gazette. regularly getting interest on its balances in , LllBv U[lllUl|lu> V ' Now, sir, a few words touchmg; the the last paragraph in the l_etter of `my two friends and I have done. That the ratepayers of these townshzps: are `in opposition to redeem am; engagements ` they may enter into wztli the Port Hope or any otherrailroadt company. This statement . few if any will doubt; for my own part I don t, never did, and never said a word to the contrary. But when Mr. Boulton at and before the Railroad Committee, stated that he expected to receive several Municipal bonuses, and iparticularized Tiny and Toy as granting $90,000 to aid in the" construction ofhis road, and necessir tating as it would, and _as I asserted at `the time, an annual levy of upwards ol':B8-,0O0, in addition to,County,'Town- ship, and School -rates for 20 years, in order to liquidate the pontemplated liahility,~I must say that in the sim- plicity of my heart, and perhaps from my imperlecl knowledge of the wealth and. resources of the T_ownships, I thought and said that I believed he was too "sanguine in his expectations, and that if he based` his. hopcs`of ob- `taining all the funds in'ecessary'for building the road .on such calculations, ` he was very likely to be arievously dis- " appointed,,as I fancied from my know- - ledg_e_ ofitheipeople of Simcoe, that they would be slow in assuming so liea-vy*a responsilnlity` as he was reckoning upon.` But sucliybeing only my own baic opinion, it oughtnot, and cannot,as a matter of consequence`, have anyeect either in the way of giving,` or of withholding bonuses whether great or small, and I shall only be too glad to nd -that the good people of these townships ? may prove tliemselves both able andwilling to give liberally, y-e:i,even beyond the a sum of $590,000 which Mr, Buulton ex-' peeled towards theall-important work 7 of railroad extension and accommoda- tion, and the further developcment oi the nuine_rous' resources ofthose rich and fertile townships in which a kind Provideiice liasso graciously, xed their lot,iand that unparalleled prosperity itselfmay follow and be the result of their generous and laudable eorts. Ilnnin-an nun quill ..... ... cl... 1... ".`.`3no2:To--Day wikh Grrinid Tr:1nk Railway; East and` West ; with Greul Western .{ailwa.y' (or Ilumilton, Suspension-' Bridge and the West. ' - ' Ba. suronn--Stage fnr Bondhead twicewduily. Gm:-'onn--Stage for Cookslown twice daily- .Bnmuc-Ida Burton to Orillis,-Wsshago and the Muskokn. Territory daily. ' - `I')IZ`l.`l )I.`QLl\lI .`\Y"l`Q nu." svuvnuuo uuu xu. uuaulq Cnullo Hopmg you WI T excuse . this too lengthy epistlc ' ~ ' Tarn. Cookstown; ` January 10th, ` 7 Efo7.,?s37aiT:iFt?." win-nuv Your obedient servant, V T. R. Faacusox. .1870. V. o`bjectioii"is .tli`at3-vie onght.iiot *to assi_'st`.' 1 if-in . inducing British capitalists to invest f I _ii1a work likely. to prove disastrous. `F 2 Acct of 10 miles ot_ana'verage depth of 98 (eat, and . `forgive. miles7of'the 10 3 nearly 200 feet"--euch are the obsta- ' clee "Which should havekept us silent. -Tliatl the enterprise }-will; involve a heavy ex eiiditure all.admit, but if the calculate retiirns Show an income large etlollgllilo cover interest and management, it is beside the _qiie'stion to make the amount of outlay. a stiim- bling-block. - lt would be a hazardous assertion `to say that, the work cannot be performed. t We have the assurance of engineers of high repute to the con- trary. When the celebrated eiigineer, A Mr. Stephenson, visited Niagara Falls, he laughed to seem a wire bridge able f to endure the weight of railway trains, yet the suspension bridge lives. a , triumph of modern science. The d'ifli- culties which beset M. Lesseps Suez Canal i were infinitely greater than those which await Mr. I-law.kshaw. , The strata to be excavated has been a v studied, and the cost of excavating . every ciibieyard determined. - True,a depth of two hundred feet is enormous, 4 but machinery will play an important part. The Huron and Ontario Canal is a question of money, and we are assiir- J ed that tlieftinds will be fortli-coming I under aland grant. Americans will _ subscribeto promote Western traflic. L Englishmen who wish to invest their savings will take stools in the Huron - and Ontario Canal sooner than in Rus- sian ` railways, Nile improvemen_ts, Spanish or Turkish loans. `We camiot be accused of luring men into hazard- ous speculations, to whom evey fact is revealed. We have no right to assume that the Ontario and Huron Canal will prove unproductive, and consequently disgiist capitalists with all Canad_ian schemes. We view the matter in a totally different light. An English capitalist" imagines himself quite aslong headed--perhaps alittle more so -as any Canadian, and if he purchases stock in the Huron and ;Ontario Canal, we may restpassured that he uill ac- quirea livelier interest in this country than in Russia or Tiirkey, and will be t far more'likely to advocate additional - improvements in; Canada. There ist another "reason why we attach value} to the Ontario and Huron Canal--its 1 construction must force on the enlarge-I merit of the St. Lawrence Canals. The volume" .of- produce collected in the basins of the great lakes will be so huge, 5- that it will burst: rt passage for itself. Local instincts teach us to prefer the Ottawa route, partly for political` rea- -sons. VVe`seo. in the future its strate- gic value. We know it would give a- back-boue to Canada; but we are weary ofhoping against hope. Can, any stronger proof` of public apathy be i laddiiced, then the fact that though was received the Rideau Canal a free gift,, we left the Grenville lock of 19 feet ,6 inches` unenlarged, thus strangling thextraic. We see no outward symp- ' toms of the Ottawa Canal scheme be- i, ing consummated. \Ve are lavisliingj ,1 our, wealth on an Intercolonial, yet 5 who canpredict that it will pay its. - working expenses ! We have an abyss [, before the North VVe-st; yetltlie 3 heart of. the country is neglected. It , . is the old, old story, far off` fields are l [1 green. Poor ` old Hamilton Merritt I j, was laughed at in his day for his canal . e monomania, yet we owe to him the, VVelland. `Mr. John Young makes the ; , bar,rel of'_ flour his hobby, yet in like} . manner owe to him the deepening ofl ,- Lake St._Pe'ter. [Had we a caliinetl , composed of Merrilts and Youngs, one ; - `of their first acts would he to enlarge} the St. Lawrence and Welland to the capacity of` 1,000,lton vessels,and con- nec the waters of'Chaniplain and the St. - awreiice. by a canalvefequal mag-` l V nitude, VVe should act the part of the farmer who fences and drains his home- , stead before he clears a distant bush ,f lot. The St. Lawrence and Welland ; are purely national works. The Ontario | and Huron canal partakes of a private 1 character. Possibly the cost may ex. 3 coed by millions the estimate, but if its 0 patrons are satisfied why should we in- , , sist that they are deceiving tlieinselves.' _- `We know thatiii the United States ; "and in England capitalists are ready to f i l r l furnish the requisite" funds, all they ask is a land grant to float tliestock. The request is a reasonable one, there `tire plenty of precedents for it, in the United States, an I certainly we should not be impoverished if we made a gift of ' _a dozen million acres. We survey our wild lands, construct roads,3 and they 3 offer free grants to attract settlers. The Ontarioand Huron. Canal Coin- pany would be forced toeincur those expenses, and yet do precisely what we are attempting, that is, colonize the Crown domain, There may he a de- mocratic horror of wealthy land mono. 5 polists, but it is an idle fear. (IT- .......l..-- 0...... .1, , in . -r u .-.._-.. ....- -- .. ..... .u.- nvueo r_We produce from the Toronto Leader an article referring to the high position occupied in Egypt by Mr. Hawkshaw, "engineer in chief of the Georgian Bay Canal. It must add to the condence at those who put their faith in Mr. |Iawkshaw s` estimate of the cost of . coiistriiction and future traffic of the Georgian Bay canal, to nd him con- sultcd by the Pasha of Egypt relative to making the Upper Nile navigable. We cannot account for the neglect with which the Ontario Government treatsthe scheme ofa canal to connect Ontaria end Huron ; we may have our local preference in favor of an Ottawa, route, but how Ontario can be blind -. to the commanding position she would ' ucctlpy with the traic of the Great [ West passing through her territory, we cannot comprehend. ' Does she want her wide domain, on the shores of , `Lake Huron, colonized,` her mines and v .her lumher forests utilized? Does she contemplate hringingpwithin the pale * of civilization the enormous region stretching around the north share 0!- Lake Superior ! `If `such be her ambi- tion end purpose urely itis worthher` I whileusststing those who are `ready to `pierce the Isthmus which divides 0n'- , teriofrom. Huron, and aid _in the con- j `-structioti ofA_a*canal. Wecannot see , _ howpit benets her toretain a wilder- ~ = ness'to`_ which all access, is denied-.: ~ '~F.'_q`t', better tbrhcr `to give .a dozen .ti'1iltion;_eft acre`: _outri`ght, i,t,pby sbpdov-G ing `- she secure I. .Georginn Bay . `We%:in,`*;Q_`iiehec` are ihterest_,d_" in tiiBj3oh_strtIction pf.thnt work`. ` We o` leoiag forward -to-` the -day. when ~9u_g' { Galorgijan` Bgj canal. '11---- A1- 11- , . "T" *`-'----_-,,q'- 0! every description. Sold by all Drug- guu. , T V V 888-3m Puts;--'UaoDr.| Briggs : Pile V" Rbmexly. tor` ` --J---- _ . V V The Councils for the present year have nut, yet taken (iicu, and there-' fore nothing more than an tudividuu!` exfvression of opiuiou'cot;Id_be or vi-us V expected from any -of then ntetnlmrs, but thevpromotors of the cute.-prize : :m, anxious to know utonce h9w- tboy stand with themunicipalities it:.e:csted and what they may expect in the way of pecuniary aid, so that preparuticns '.-for building the road may be `cum-. enced, and ad't'nnt_age taken 0! the 'uter season to get out tendrs for ' ,bri|ge timber, and other supplios l`-w, lichcun be had ghcaper now_ than in spring. who nnnnlunnnaj Invnn -:.o...'. -; `L, 7 The consternation of the Suez Canal bu` 5, u'epired the `Viceroy of Egvpt with enlarged i=_'iilcs of " internal rmproventent by. rneon'e_ `ofcanul_I. .1319 Ceirocorrespondent of the ' l't'mee, under date Nov. 23, writes :--'.`_Mr. `Hawxstuw had a longinterview with the = `f Viceroy. who has I. gigantic idea respect- int: the Upper Nile. He desires to render ` "L100 miles of the river from the rst (`cataract to the Soudan navigable, and to " control the stream by canals and loclu. This would dill'er_ widely in its character from the Suez Canal ;' for while the latter is a continuous piece ofcanulling, the projected work would consist of 3- system or series of canals to overcome obotructlonet in it great river, and would be of the same class as our St. Lawrence canals. It would nevertheless bea gigantic and costly undertaking; and the Times correspondent, without mention- ing the amount, remarks that the capital could not be tound in Egypt. [If the Vice- roy had to borrow, there cannot be a ques- tion that he would have to place hischief re- liance on the English money market. Pri- vate advicee state the estimated cost of the work at seventeen millions sterling ; a gigan- tic sumv truly. - Tho nu-ninn-nlinn nf `urn-nlnu nanitnl in imll A horse is said to he hide-bound when his skin will not slip under the presure of the hand but stick`; as it it was glued, which condition is always dependent on a deranged stale of the `stomach and digestive organs--by correctin which, and giving to them: healthy tone on condition, the diaease or complaint will disap- peA|'.- Experionoo hung-oved that the means but `adapted to this end is Dot-icy : Condition Powder: and Arabian Have Remedy. I t. has been used in numerous` cases with complete ,Iqcoosn,.generall,y_ ei!ec_ting_u,cure in a few days. liiiil thogbut condition medicine known, and . .-_;jzg.,'g_iya:g,;.;with potfeot `Inlet at nllptimu, ~ , , zfoizndreqoirof thatitlio one who kept . . ='W.9tki.~;~,R0mmh.r. the 3.|mts,.'|,-55.109 that gi`,p'~HI3i"lj,l~`pO_o_.,' io,on`enoh'pack` xjiilihymno-_Nh_ l_ o .. '1 " `hi would, without an outlet for capital, ultimate- `articial means. While England has over- ~ will support man in the condi_tion ofa savage: [H5 3UlII' HUI": The emigration of `surplus capital is just as much a necessitytto England as the emi- gratiun of men has been to Ireland and Ger- many and as it still is to China The con- stant tendency to a minimum of prots ly have the effect of arresting progress. To find objects for the safe and protable em- pl_o)'ment of capital is therefore just as much a necessity to Eneland as the securing of - it is to- countries in M-hiclr other elements than capital dominate. Capital is the one thing iuexcess there,the `limited quantity of land creating, a- want which, unlike most other w_:znt.s, does not admit of being supplied by owing resources in accumulated capital, other countries have a-superabuntlunco of sumething else. Canada, for example, has a vast wealth in gifts of nature not yet turned to account and made to minister to the neccszities and thecomforts of man. Land of itself is uulruitful, or'yields.only what to turn it" to account-to utilize it for the benet of civilized man--labor and capital are essential. To reatizetliis trinity ol co- operation is the only `road to advancement, in new. countries. - ' 'rt.......t. .1... :...l....o...'.....l .t..:t'. ..r `l2`....I2..L ."' . I ' This wen-known remedy does not dry u a Cough. ahd leave the cause behind, as is `the cue wit most 81-e its gi_1;:!;6butlt loosens and cleanses the lungs, an a sun .9: ;'3m"z":a ::.~*:;;. mW*~ Ih bydmul and dealer! hi In cine: gegommeruly} sou DIsx~r~:nrA.--Use Dr. J. Briggs Allevanlor, for Dlspepsia, Flalulcncy, Heartburn, Sac, Soldby Druggist.- - SS8-3m uulnplcu. . PsAs-Rece1pts 70 bsh1s.- Um-ket nnchnnged , street price 50 to 56, with 57c for extra quality. o[Ir:m_z, uuu UUC {of mm \\ mter; .F'x.nua-Receipts 550 l-bls_. Market still tend- " ingddwnwurds. with offers of Fancy at $3 80 at Georgetown, wi9.hout`buyers; and of 1,0Q0 brls Superne here at $3 60, also without buyers. Offers were made at $3 60 for spring wheat extra, and refused. . fhw-_.T-Tamainla 1 0'15! Haida l'I`n.b.+ an extra, uuu u:Iu:`!-:u. _ OA1-s-~I-Ieceipts 1,238 bshls, Market ,un- changed; transactions entirely conned to the Itreet. maI.ket,-ranging from 33 to 32. HARLEY---Ram=inln' '73).-`.0 ham: Ma-l.-M Ilreen. Iuzluscl,-ranging Irom an [0 J10. Bzmxmr--Roceipts Z250 bshls- Market drooping. Largo rpceipts both by rail and on the street. Sale of one car inferior at 47c delivered,_and one car No. 2 at 48c dolivvred. Street. price 50 to 55c; the latter for very choice samples. Penn--RnMIintq 70 mm. . \lm-lam n.-.-1......-..! I1` is an estnblishezl fact that consumption can be cured; hutit is far better to prevc-nrthe cruel diseute from fhsleriixxg itselfon the system`, by the timely use of a remedy like Dr. Wistar}: l Balsam of Wild Cherry. _ This standard pre- paration will speedily` cure a cough or cold, and even Consumption often yields to its great power. . ` Anna . . u - an .... ...n mu. ! . 5 P.'assengVers.goiug beyohd Bahia can stop . nt,-Alleudale twenty minmes for retreahmenus. `_._.. ...__....._ 1 U HEALTH IS s'rnr:xo1'xr.-To prevent or conquer disease is one oflhe grandest attainments ever nimed at by man ; and Bryan's Pnlmonic Wafers will as sure cure coughs, colds, tickling in the lthroat and Pulmonn-.y complaints, as war and pestilence will destroy. Severe colds `.if not" attended to sooner or later lend to in- lcurnblo consumption, and the strength ofllie . strongest soon fails if neglected. The, readies: and best means known fortlic cure of these complaints is `.` Bryau 3 Pulmonic Wafers," which have been thoroughly tried for the last twenty years, and have never been known to fail. , Singers and public epealrers will also de- rive areot benet fl'(_)1.l.llC use cfllxem. Sold by all medicine dealers at 23cts. per box. 'I"oAno.\"ro, Jan. 11, 1870. Wm-:A1'-Recepts 1,440 bble, A furthr de- ciine of 1d per cental on spring Wheat in Liver- ppol has increased the downward tendency here. A sale of 5,000 bshls spring: wheat re- ported onfp 3.. ,-_one car spring wheat sold at equal to 81 here. Street market 80 to 81 for Spring, and 80c for Red Winter.- .F'r.nn:2_I?m-ninoa R-in mu; Mn..l-no com 4..-..`L , i I "The Knighls of .\l a'la have collected l30,- A g 000 francs 10 be presented to the P,-V-pe. I Dr. J. Briggs Allevantor applied to the. ihead, will instantly relieve nervous .':nen-Jacbe, ifs" sick l1eadaclie'dilute I to 6 leaspoonlul in ball a glass of cbld water, nud take one to four swallows." inhale from the bottle, bathe the head, and B. cure immediately follows. One to {four gwnllows relieves dyspepsia, hearfnurn, l palpilaliou. ucidily oftlie stomach, nulency, i &c. Sold by druggists. ' ` 1 1 l l I In three weaks 230,000 frogs` wer sent to ' l v uParis. They cost 12 francs per Indus-] J and. new. IFUUUIIIVSA _ ' Though the_int.lustry and thrift of English- men enable them every year to accumulate a surplus fund for external investment, that ` lurid, like everything mortal, has its limits. If a large part of a year s surplus savings go to' develops the latent resources of Egypt, it cannot at the same time come to _Canada. There is a competition for capital among pl dierent nations. as well as a . competition in almost everything else which lconriects itself with the progress of man. 1 Well, we too have our canal projects on the ` l l l I Ianvil; a r'ni->_ihty project too, which was not _'borrito-day, but which has not yet got- well Ion its feet. This Ezyptian scheme, with ithe Viceroy at the head at it, may really come into competition with ours; may lmakebitls so fair aspto carry off the capital and the talent on which we mi_vht,under other circumstances. have had gootl assur- ance for relying. Mr. Hawksliaw, the chief `engineer of the Georgian Bay Canal, is the rst man to be consulted` by the Viceroy about his new canal plans; Mr. Ilatvkshatv, "on whose report the construction of the Suez Canal was undertaken, and in whose talents the Viceroy has good reason to conde. English capital, English engineering skill, ivlingtish corrtractors.'who might have heart irnade avaiiabfe in Canada, may all `occupy themselves with Egyptian objects. This is the danger which we incur by daiiying cover this Georgian Bay Canal business, iri- lstead of getting]! practicall) under way.- ' I Leader. i I i : CoH..\'s -'-Use Dr. J. Briggs Curalive for Corns Bunions, ing|`o'.vmg NaiL~s. Slod by all Dru ' AN_::w CANAL PROJECT. Vanna notmo Hoizsns TORONTO MARKET.- 88$-3-m - ' `M.\u.s "going, South daily, Qt 7.05 am. and 4.".rn [LU]. . _ - Vail.-2 smiua North. dmlv.a.t 10.55 n..m..and nl W393! Jnllia-_u...a... Spring, when ... u: . . . . . . . .;..,___,, .. I BARRIE-'H'ARKAT. ," .` Jn(.'6 when,1'un:................ '. vnnm whnnf . . . . . . ' . orrxon-:5; 70:2!!! _ .` -- _._.-,._ 7 I The (Ecumenical Council "is lxotdmg 3, sittings at Rome. There are mmors .1 h.,j aions and intrigue: among its membeu. Pope, it in said, is striving very haul no [11 lain A a decree respecting his ix1f;1H:t},, , white Cardinal Amonelli is just as .~:n_.,,..` -opposed lolhe dogma. and h3a| cabuk...] ,5 Pope to his face. Moreover, the I~`.-g-,,.' Government have sent a despalch corad-.1] ing lhe dogma. It is probable, mu; 1:; IX. will have to undergo agond l..~;'_ 7 morlicalion and oppomion dutiug sitting of the Council. `TIT iv. v. uuuan, WALTER KEATING/1 ;A};T.Tj0\R NE Y-A '1`-LA Solicitors in Ghancefiv Notaries Hawk, C'o7we1/ancey,. Co. Simcoe, oxr. up -. ._..._ .:nAL:7: v\.--;\n.A s.-.~.-.~. -~. A'R.DAGH, AR_ AGH &. s'r1-mil`: Barristers and Attorneys ~....-._._-.. ... ',C `I'll ` EURALGIA,l1EADACH1v3,SOR;2 TM. &c., cured very quicklyby using I),- Biggs Allevanlor a. safe,':. an-1 ;._ ble remedy. Sold by all medicine d(:Pl1c.'3, UOHIUIIIOQ In U118 DOEUH. -MRSO S. A0 AIl]A`::;`i ll.-Ill! RESTORE R ' [V Ilrlll Ig.__.4-__- ;~1_____ -'__;_ 4 ll : ' ifails {going North, duily,a.t n.{m.-,an_d in 7.00 pan. _ _ . Mnihl animr to Pencmmzmsheno.Crrmrhurat; ]Ul11`Do':`l1I`\v|I, DUI` I` HNU .CO_R.`Ia, bumona, large or snnm, `mg; nI.|33., swan;-scaldcd feet. &c, N.'V.iu\'L t`x;::i1a.lel{'nnd soo`n cqred by af?py;;,L _ ags Jude/rn Quratnve ncconlmg :1, lsIo`nds._ ne_verVdocs harm; tyisxlnya .1,,. mL;.~di y Alenhd 3` ('0', am Sir Jumcc Clr:rk s Ftmalr I'i/I Cncxranrnxrnn. The grrzzzi.-r /nu` JOB MOSES" on eac.`z,p:zrl.'ugr. worthless. V !r\|) an`. '~' JOB .\Il2.`-'11.` NLB .-$1.00 and six. pnsiage sK:_|:1.',"~ to any authorized agent will x'n.-urc n ` mining lmy Pills, by return mail. "Non-lhrop 6.: Lyman, Newcastle, (.`.\\ azzcms for the-. Cnnadna. V Sold in Barrie. by Kelmzln & Co., 'l`.\\'. and-Alexnnulerz 00 ;J Do-nvnn, Brawn r &.Br0.. Craiglmru, :1 mi nll mmI...:.... 1.. .w_ith its 0;-erzilions, nnd speak ltt A Familv _VIediuiuc,' '0 and tau`. fur Ihu hast t `ll yenr.-, never tniltng m stwnve to gxve pg-rmnnent Iultt 1' V\'ht`l and we have never known .1 sinule (`H lnction where the directions have I full:-~.\'etl, but on the contrary all terms ofits`virtnc and mngu-nl (`m't' THE CANADIAN PAIN Dl-LS1` I. on tor its.-ll` n n.: .. and Alexnmleroa Ho ;J Dc-um-nu, Bran 55. Bro., Crarghum, il nd all nncdncuu . u-.-n moms, core Inrom, Coughs, IM-'1 in the side,-loms and back, N(`llltl|;;.I. Hlxemnauv mid other pains many pm 1 `and from whatever cuuse. has gncn '1 every household and is fua|supu.~o.~d.: preparaliuns ofllic kind. . I1 is also an ckclulaxlnnul promp! S Ealds. Burns. Bruises`. Snrmns. (`h.! u :3 also o.-Hccmul and Burns, Bruises`, Sprmns. (`ll. .` Bites, Cramps III the Slmnuch, Dlnrm morbns, Bullous Chullc, Cholera Infum -lcrv,&c. r rioc only 25 ccnlx per bottle. . . hold in Barrie bv T. W. Gcorgeu un- Ho. Alexander 5: Co.; J. Deacon, lluml &. Bro.-,Craigz. .msl,nud all uncdicmc ml 'r;.1u-uy, uunmL'0lIlaIn1|`(m, cnlonu-1,: -.1f.'lh.`ng hur:1'uHo (he cumlilulmn . Full dirccliuns In H e pnmphlvl r. par-kngc, which should be carefully Sole agcnlafor the Unileul Sl'uIe.~; 2 ll`lD unnnul.-\'.V VI .-UN U125 H\'" on lorilselfn rupuialinn. as n H '~? ul'cr,mi\'c stumnch vlmnc, nn.-nrp.u~~r h. smr\'olnIedical re.-parmmns. [1 sum. n cine Dyspepsia ivcr Cuxnplninlw, 1-` Hnrlhurn,SiL-k II:-adnvhc, Kiduev (L Au;-id Slmnnch, Phlhisic or Aslhnxu. :r:.v to Vital activity the system dubxuznjul : in: and disease; _ _ Its ma2.L-al and wondcrlnl sm'cv~=< n rm dun Colds, Sore Throat, Coughs, lm--:.. in Hm .-lid:-..|nnna nml |m.~l- Mm. .. '1' 3111. H. A. ALL!-3N'8 ZYLOBALSASILJDI N`--' '1 Irffarnltbn _/izr flu Ilnir; char mm .'rw-`q-"` ,w.'!oul scdirnctn`. I! 1`: very .n'm,5Iz am! .y?M I ` "' '` lander ul rawlb. ll: (rm! .r.-4/cr:'or:'Iy amf ru "" as rt air Dre.m'ug o:w' iriglc wxl Frm;/u 1'r~-W` `I ccbxowlzdgal by all 14:! only in M12: (.mm",V ",'j 7.00 pan. Mails going Pencmngmsheno,Crrughqrat; Hisdnlc, Waverly and \V_',`ebridge, daily, at 11.25 am. _ - Mails: an;mr Qr, D.-.Lmn.','\* Ornrillia M16 Hair l)rr.m'ug iriglc Fr-`ml: /`cu-{"`_; aknouvlzd I In only (.nm."`v -`V~"'V, lfura/c. `la: rxforcr am! ZyLu5m :.1muIu 1 u'-~-' . 6: umiaue wi!/c llu atlur. SOLD 3! ALL Dm-aa;.~m PI 0ri M0r-. S. R. Van bum 5. co._ \vrmxm1l- I:~u .35 Bucky St. and 40 Park Plums. New-Y0!` uezurrs. ' - Sold` in Barrie bv T. W. Gc-organ. I CAL, and Alexander 5;? CO.; I. Dl`7l(`Ul). Green 65 1Sro., ,'raighursl.anduHmguu era. In '12 m `It is a. well attested fnct conrmv.-J L-, pcrience ofthousunds that l)urIc_v':' ` [leave Remedy and Condition ML"llL.i horses is superior to anything now ..; known. We know that it. has be-:1. 2 many cases where the horse his been "`l ed almost worthless, wrth the most $211.31.`. result, the horse having been "restored :u',;r `soundness or so much beuetted that :3: plaint could scarcely be observed. .\a'&:2v horses have afterwards been sold f'ro:.~.'$ $100 more than they would have ;m brought, and werewell worth the d.1l..-:l let all interested consider this. I)nn\nn-uhor lhn neuron; and ...... `I.-. .1 CTR. IR;-rnembcr the name, and see that me I of Hard 4 Co), is on each p.1cl.'u;:'c. .N'n|-Hnvnnv I.nn.-up. K. ... ...-cu qr \.u., no vu uuuu II-IL'Iuu.'('. .Norlhrop& Lvumn, Newcastle, C.W.. :- `- or.-1 for the Canadus. " ' fHE7:REAT :l5[@ISH nsmay? Preparnl /_rau_; npre.tcr1}man cg/`Sir J D. P/zy.ncza_n E.z:tr:wnliuury In 4 | This invaluable m'edi<.-Inc in nu! Cure 0! all Ilxose-painful and rlnngug lo which the lemale constitution la n_:odurn.l:;:a all excess :lnd'rcum\'eS 1:.` land .21 spxcdv Lure may be rched un. V New style. Important Change. A nu. rum. nnsroxmn AND naasals-` Combined in One Bottla. `itrw n. A A 'I'` 1 `n\`A"5 812131` IUIZDULIIIIIJEO \Vi_ll Restore Gray lluir to '1` Natural Life, Color and Bv:xl|U' It is 9. most delightful Hair Dmsixng. ` It will romote luxuriant growth. , I-`ALLL.\' : HAIR is innnedintely`cine:-hp! I N11. 5. A. ALLEN'8 ZYLOBALS.-\.`l[.'.\| n :.'.' Irdarnlion /br t IIm'r: -[mr am! .'r.xm.r'*"" Iun: ul nun: on vs). II on EACH pncksgx-. Northrop J: Lyman, Newcastle, C. \`.' . prictors for the Canadas. Sold by un 37` dealers. V ,. Q..l,I-:..T -.._:..I... '1` r n ,, .A 1.1.25 Mails going tr. 1)u1ston,NevEs,'Oro,0ri!1a_. zinc?` Rugb_y,dnil_y,n.L1l.'"- arm. _ _ _ - Ivy, Tlm.-ntou and Vine, Mondays, Wet nos ays Md I-`rviduvs, l1i25,n.n1. ._ Aplq and Midhurst, '1`ue;d:1ys, Thurs-my: and Saturdays, 11.2.3 :\.m. V . . ` lc`.lmI:nl(- .'\I-,dnnu- and Mount S1._ Lou1s. I`ues- CELI-1BRTA'l`ED FEMALE 11:; I it is pcwliarlysuilc-d. It will, in :1 bring on themonthiy pcriw` with rvgn Each boll|'c. price One Dollar, bcnr ernmcin Stamp of Great Brunm eoum:rf'.-us. ! (.'.-!U'l`l().\'.-- 'I71rse I /I/s e ;... '1`, A/}'7In1;'c.s' during. (/1: F[i\ .\'1 J]/)1VTI`IS /I/`Prrxvlunn-~/. /It ML. nu. nu luI.I:n::u:u cuu.-nuer HHS. . Remember the name and see that H: lure of Hurd & Co. is on each PCk3g('. Northrop Lyman. Newcastle. (3 \ r , A/-nzmcs during. the J]/71V THS (If Prrgnanrf/, . u-fng 9/I I1Iisrur/[age_. but a are 3 I/'r. V JIIS. l ilXIlS'llI NIL` nilL`K nllll lAllh"~.. :`...rhI cxcru -.n,' Pal vilmion ufllzc H-_-w .1! \_Vhi!c.<, 1):;-st. ills will cur.-Am u (4 nnermenns h.1vel'ni!cd : and nlxhougi. -_-inn-dy, do not L-unluin iron, calonn-I ; I_1'.'lh:'nn hurtful to (ho .~mm;nn..... `10RNS.-_-HARD, son` AND}-'I'I51`r;r; ICORYS. bunionq. lurae nr zznurdl . Kim 2\hnt::t_is.4iV1111t3. CANADIAN mi nssmum .) yr. 1 an other c-_a. nl ;\crvoua nnu .~` xs. Palxns-in the Hawk nncl Liml-~,. "'r0`ot'."n:r:s pr xxonsus; mmvnm-. nncuuuu: nuu .uuIun days and Saturdays, 11.25 am. ` Ql.....o'.y Rnv Tm-:d:(vn and SIR JAMES CLARI{lvL'.s T0 IIARRIED LADI ES pccial Notuc. me % SPECI./IL K0 TIC E. Ii. n.v sun-rm . 4 I.AH us. NatuA1'e'.s- (`rm H You Must ("11I:::.: > _ mm mm -13 a certain imlil-.~.t`--` of dam" at the r~.`:' .x_ms .\rns xunlunn nv... -Partly in colnseqtxnce olf the absence "of two of theAmembersA of the new .Council and partly because of the .145- 'c1nrcd inabity of those who were present to say anything _denitens `to tnesum the mlepuyers might be will- jnglovgive, it` was (_]ecided'_lo In-.vp_ _another mwtlng, wrth the Toronto gent.'e_men on their return [hey-c 1,-,' xnorrow evening, the lame" is2_tend`ng in the meantime `; visit Orillia. Cro, and other 1V1un'icipuIi1ics with the sn ne object. A ' Il`I__ n_....._:i_- r-_ .u,_ 11;: Storm in, mo, IA I "(hf 1 . mm, 11.25 . Shanty Bay, Tue.sdnys and Fridays, 11-25 a.;m. ' ` ' -Miueaimz.'Fridn,vs. 11.25 mm . I The objv-Inf the deputation, as we unde.xs1a_ud was to nsc.cHain,' if :11 : new umxc:l;,`wvhc=n organized, would be prepabrd 1'0 _sulm1it a By-Law to `he ratepayers for a bonus to the company and for what a111o11:;t. ' TA depuinticrr from Toronto,T lrcom`-V posed oF Mr. Frank Smith, [ Mr. Cum.- berlaml and Mr. Spralt, held 0. con- fcreoce here on 'I`uesduy.evenmg with somn of thy-' nlenmbrs elect of the Town Council for lhrfprcsent year, and ofllie local provisional directors, for the purpose of "discussing the Rail- way,queslion. T ` A nu, ,1, . 0 .1 -I . That c-annot eicelleci. - I1` _Ex_tn,Brnnda fox: Medicinal parposel. MAILS CLOSE. A1` T}-IE xmmm POST OFFICE AS FOLLOWS: ...........___..._......_,. jif, Ilia, you If ' Snlurunys, .1.`.m :\.m. Elmvalo. Alndontc and .\Iount St. Louls, I`ues- I...'. ..`..R Qalnrdnvn lI.`):'\ n.rh ` ..;m. _ V ' Miueamg, Fndu_ya, 11.25 a.m. ' ` ` - pr nnw -.-: ;;.iaui.? tout . ljvlxrnli s1'00..K To} 7 f movmu NORTH. 3xovri~'G's 1 'l'?n.ul nnmnuqrn '1 Rand "(swan-u MUVINIJ H\)|Sl- _.`|lUVl;V\1V5\-'UIl` Read Dowqxurda. ' Read Upwards, Afr. ` nu. .A.I. ' P_! -TIL{U[1SD'AY,VJAN. 13, 1370. Railway _Extens`ion_-' :C|. ago (1.uu.,, n ,......]0.l0... ......1o_.1s...M ......l0.35.._. ......10.45... ......1l_0'?..._ I-(.'\l`.)l1g20... . ....11.25... ~[Dcp.]l1.-4 )... .._....n.5s.._. .. .'..~l2.l5... H....l`2.35... ........2.:55..'. }.10.'.. ood... L20... \-IlIE`lI vuu-J. . REFIuESH.\IE.N'l`$. 5 A1` '1-ma 63C\*moT1QNs. "3." E:$'{Q-_A.nps, Uuh`I 5,40 6.50 ` _7.o7 . 7.25 "On ll.1li-I 10.55.. `8.50. '8.42.` 00', 0-1! -8.01: I1 rm FJI. U-LU 7:65 ` 5.50 '5.42 `K07. gmnnae. "',P`YI'I of the tqw_'n, the more as." vecgully _u a decision will. have to be armed at very speedily`. ' T sml '11 `In `In I-nII`gp` 11>`.-3- iho: :":ioe_ .eions'_J".:i:Vu`;T"s:i'1`iuIii': az 7 nlfuvca at 'speo9dily`;:-.- -` ` -`v " . . There acorn: to, ho ,i minn`lion.on Aha part of...iu_" Toronto,` promoters tovbuild `tho jronil, iiuid the`? question of usistnnc _frn1n_n's'is 'pn__on-` the very simple g'ro`nnd dfgsolf intorcitf `If the present pnssengcrnlnlion hero i: made the `terminus of tho new -ro_a.;_!, Barrio will am all the benefit that can be conlerrod on her, in connection with the traffic of the line, be it more or less; and will have the advantage. of 1 ` Huge Oilllaymudo withinjho lirnitsof the town, thorclnlt of which will add much to Ibo appearance of the place and greatly cnhancajhe Value of the water frontage. . If Ihic rnnhx in -Jun--J----1 3 - - - - -` would cost the company less to -the Ore 'honndsry,- without a bonus than the. ` return to this subject again, as -it is ; rnaturely consider [in all its bearings . before coming to a conclusion to7 grant _ discussing the uiatterin all its hearings. VIII-CI llllllllgg It this route is abandoned in conse- quence of a refusalon the part of the townspeople to contribute towards its extra cost; the one selected instead would commence at Allandale and run West of the town. This line it is said other, after deducting thesurn .exrfect- adfrom us, and it would in all res- pects servo lh interests of Toronto and ihe ailway Company quite as wetl.i ' Ityis on theother hand as- earned. that the Allandale line would `injure Barrio to a greater extent than the loss of double or treble the sum isked forby way of bonus, and that the injury would be such as could never be ' repairedlwithont rebuilding the road halt way to Orillia. `We shall have to one which every ratepaycr should` `or refusethe aid sought `for, and it is" the duty of the local `press to assist the ratepayers in coming to a decision by The main nninln [nr nnnoinvnlinn .1h`a_: boqt uyH_nln`o_`. fun ;?`if? i; `M . , l . ~ t ~ `; L `~ 1. lmlxt, m`aii";;a'?J1..L" V`? ` -_. .......|~ -vnu uuyuuny. I . Whdnh person "walking, or driving alight vehicle; is foxqoiii into the `ditch _or into tho} s;no;w,_.;tI ggzgj a ; {candle sly; .hu_ [uo 9piIn=bu.tto{iub\_mit1` pntjcmly and get in'_taLthe.:i tn; _* 'h? 7} ill . 7 -T tfdounle ernpty selighs, who snow` rather than "risk being run, into, -up such` an ippntently smell. n1nltet';nng1l& ' keep possession of the whole tracknnd I compel` pedestrians . and drivers of one hbrseentlers to move out into the deep know_ well enough that theyere ncng . illegally, but Ihey5ce_h_:ule_te, and _nnfo'r_-. -9 tunetely-' with too" much `reaIon,_on"1the genenl 'indispbsition ofpeopleeto fo}lovi_ so escape. wit_h" ilhpnny. .?hn'- -....'_.. '_."_II_3, ,, A V - -` uauuamug unu muu.el"In an llb nenrmgs. The main points [or consideration are these. Will the proposed railway benet the town, assuming that the terminustis hare! Supposing `that not satisfactory oonoltu.-ion on this head can be arrived nt,'. would its construction from Allandale be so injurious as to render it advisable inany case to give a bonus rather than have the terminus at Iknf ..o..o:....9 It _!.l__._ _t n. If a feiv ex_nmples,were made bl bringing up, and being heavily fined by _ourMag1slrnles, some ofthe parties who make a prac'i-.-e of disregarding the legal rightsiof foot passengers abode oth'e_rs using lhcstreels and highways it would not be amiss, and mighthe the means of preventing some serious or fatal accident. Furious driving is a very prevalent habit, especially with parties leaving towri in the evening and night.. After indulging somewhat freely,'thAey lee!` pot valiant -_ enongh to drive o\e_r a" woman or a child, and make :1 point_ of sending clear 00' the .track any weaker, vehicle`. then their own. To be knoclxcd down and run over byasleigh.aud- horses` is some? . v.'hu't dImgerous,_ and we. have hejunl very lately of more than one narrow es-t cape from such a fate within the limits. oflhe towh. ` vs -4` -N u. uvuuq nnsuvl. l_|ll1ll IIRVU; LIIU ICIIUIHUU nt that station! If either -of these V questions are unsweredyin the atIiirma- -five, the next one must necessarily be, to what-extent can we or. `are we able to contribute ? The matter will, no doubt. be discussed in in pubiie meet- ing lrefore long, but in the ' meantime we commend the foregoing interroga- tories to the consideration of the rate; payers.` I V __ ,_ V at uni knownnnm uouss, D|'0I1!`lIll!I',O('. It is agu.-e liable. Sold by Druggisjl. It is altvays assumed as a matter of course that Mr. Ferguson will boa candidate for oice, and he_is no doubt a` strong man, although it `seems to he a very general impression that on the present occasion his chances are not as good as "usual. It, is known that the present` Warden intends to seek rc- _electron,arrd Mr. Little _ is also spoken of, although, whether with his consent or otherwise, we cannot say. "We should be induced, however, to. think that the-. idea did not originate with Mr. Little, as he is said on some former occasion `to have expressed thevopinron that a person who already held .11 seat in the Legislature `should ` he satised with his position and not assume itwo- -. u. ulvrltv - _ loldlduties, which might clash with eacheother. ` ``f_ ., ' nun: . - i l . l I I I UUll.U5IIUIn . We aye quite willing to admit that Mr. Little would. fill `the \Vnrden s seat with as much credit as any man in the Council-', but we doubt his bein ~cov3lous oflhe honor, whilst he holds a position to which is generally atlaclv ed more weight. andiwhich curries more inuence. -` V r|\[__' ___`____,,,,A (I .I vi-'.A.-Use Dr. J; Briggs Allcvnmor for Neurialgna, Headnch Cataarh, Sure .l`hroa`. B|'0n!`hlliI',&('. It is agreeable lo use, and rc~ by Druggisll. SS8-3-n unuu l`ll|l|lC|IUUI _ I .The argument of the_Evaminerin| favor ofachange from North to South `if any force at all should benriu the very opposite direction to that which is apparently" intended. Ifthe ques- tion were one of-North and.South, than the former, to he on even terms with the latter, should have the oico for several-, come, as `previous to `G8 and 69Mr. Ferguson held it for a great many years in succession. 7i\n!nuar I`|n u-An".-.'.H ..t".L._ --_an 5.9a. nu:-u_v yuulo Ill SUCCESSIOH. Whatever the re's1iltof'the contest may ba it is at least satisfactory to knowlhat there is abundance of good material in our County Council from which to choose a Warden capable of doing credit lo.the Municipality at home and abroad. r "to make a split. [The aspirants to this office for the present" year are said ,to be ' more numerous than usual. 'At least six -games have been menti9ncd,but.we fancy that the real contest. will be con- fined to two or at m6 stjlhre`e_. If lhcmAs!1ould bo three} one of them wxll probably be put forward inf order 1'. _-__ _|_,_,____ ______,__ 1' ;_ A ,._ ,.. _, .t THE nxqxaf OF TI-IE I-1IWGHWA`Y. THE W4RDENSHIP. :, and re- 8S8-_3m V- v you have `the fnest stock tr) select from . Aioa.7cho`icelotAof `~ damge:ha#_ b`eeZ1b1V on, `no . eort is made to punisl1`_hixi1i-r: an infriugment of the law which must hive caused tin in]iI_ry life or proper-. II! `An `uaudl. '2! AL- _.__l._..."___'a_. _l AL- i"i.:;:;;.';.:.'.;....*.l.a mgr ..;.;..,e, in the `track is generally conceded to vehicles carrying; . _a load, . and; `people. who wish to do as` `they would be derre 7 ;by, make: practiceief 'tnrningMoI:,t- their unleaded sleigh: for let cutters puss, knowing haw easVily the`la'itter -are ` set; but there are a class of drivers drunk or sober, will nellmove an` inch, right or wrong, and it iv to such char-- actors that we should be gratied to see a lesgon taught which vcoirld_ have the ` "effect of making them _see thenfprce of the rule of give and take and the necessity .of pumuge it into practical. `application. , ' ` ~ .____.-._..___;n_.L_.___. ; Iii S{.I{,'aE 3:53 L1;* ,;I{y`3E '55.} Evtwd had not given lI`p`hil right to ht!` the highway. V L ` - = ` ' `I . _.._n_._ .:_-_- .1, 3 , .,-,--1 , , ;1u:; ,- ni.`ncn,m. %2a..a.a u..;:...g>; _Ip1I';-n3`;-3, `.511 " ' ' was-a-y.*1 * lhnnmiahd` ..1.:".. ."".""'"!v `.".E"'.`.~"`."- 1!","c!'.'! ' 1 .""`-`-"~ the l_miMd_DI_iI1hiDo. "By" __ ,_ Q85, -,-a n-s:%%.;%[Lc-. ConN:.-Une Dr. J. Briggsf Modern Cnralive for Coma, Bunions. In-growing Nails, Telrler I-`eet,&c. Mild, sbothing, qoflcning and healing 5516 by all druggisls. _ ` - 888-3ma . 0; In: Iowa Inc are [ill] which he pruenlp to his audience Ilwthoughls`-u.d sentiment: of. his snpgrb intellct. We urdngly re'commend ' thq auendnnco. of :1! who `are, nnbld `t_o' 36, and we_ pledge our word thy: they will _ eonf'sa[ gout deic|:'ptibh.o! .Ir.;Puns;hon{I, tglenu :95 be unlit:-uncanny! - We have to cogrntulnte the mdmben of this association on the very creditable entertain"- ment they provided for their fellow townsmen on Tuesday eveuinglast. ' . " -' It and Ixna an ..........A.. 4|... -a 2- 2n--u- -1,- Llcml .3! Pnxsuox.-h-On Tuoadajy eiening next, n'LectI'1r'e wiil ho delivgred in the Town Hall, by the Rev. W. "Morley Punshon. M. A, 8uhject:-"Tni Hpe_u:xofrs." Mr. Puixshon but the rephulion of being. the first `living outer, and vi, v`vho{have~he Ird him _ipeak," can uanre-the public thnt hisgifu up an-eloqo tion'- `in are 'of1ho highest ord_er,Tn"d'oIly .-equalled . `bythd With Ihinlf In nu-nu--M in {-0 I_Iu_I If} ulgutll Orllff, ll!!! only . Cqlllled I '0 70! IN 510 7,115 which` he tel his Audion Iln1lu'm-l.a.\ -..a ..-._.:._-_.- _a an .n-vuun UVCIJIIIE RISK. It was`, both as regards the zaairv itself, the ialent displayedbyfthe seyeral performers, and the pecuniary results, one of the most success- ful concerts that have taken place in this town for some time past. rm... a......:..-- -_ nu- __--, V ` v -- -- - v . ~ - m - nun. rulr The rstpiece on `the programme was a_Rea`d- A ing by Mr., Wood; the recitations ofthis young gentleman are too well known to neediniore than a passing-remark-atonr hands, enough to say that be rendered his piece, The Battle of Nasby, in his usual effective `manner. `The next." iu order was a Duett by thehlisses Dexter, the talented young suugsters from Toronto; they sang this Duett (Happy Hunter) very sweetly and were `deservedly encored; we did "not care so much for the song they agave as an encore. Miss Plaxton then played _a Piano Solo very ` nicely forone so voting. Mr. Edwards her-ev sang 5 Solo, The Old Sexton. We have before remarked on Mr. Edwards : `voice as i being one thatit has seldom been our fortune , to heat-excelled, and, indeed, wehave much reasonvto feel gratied that we have `such a : good amateur voice among us. But we would like tonal: llIr.- Edwards to give a. little more heart or pathos to his singing, which would then be almostipex-t`ect. The hfisaes Fraser next played a-Piano Duett, which gave `universal satisfaction, the piece being well (`chosen and nicely performed; in response toalxearty_cnr.'ore -A theypluyed another piece in an equally spirited manner. The nextpiece-which, according to the programme, was to have been a Trio, was changed to a Duett, in'which Miss `Dexter and Mr. Edwards took . part. The Duett was en- titled What are _the Wild _We.ves Saying," which was exceedingly well rendered. We swerethen favored with a. Solo from Miss E. Dexter, which was rncored. and responded to, the young lady singing " Come overthe moun- tains to me,tLove, a`song deservedly well `re- ceived. - . `Alon: an :..4..-_.`.--2-_ -1 ., I- _ MRaxI`no`s'LxnnAIix'.--'I;he '.\Ia`g.izine_s'anfl cur. rent Litralmte.will;'be in circulation. Blnckwoods and the fan; grnt Vreviows, Mac- milluns, Tinsleya, all we _Year Round, say James`, London Societ.y_, Chsxzjbers, Belgravia' and Qbout I dozgnl mint): lights viill be prbvidgd_ for the use ofthe snbsu-i'b'eu. . Llllu . , ' ~ ' The President of the Association,AJ'. Murray Smith.-Esquire, mentioned in his opening re- marks that they intended if possible to have, as last winter, a _series of penny readings. He also said that the association has been increas- ing in numbers and strength. and gave the pub~ lie zt cordial invitation to their reading room, open every evening, and to their meetings which take place every Friday night. ` IA Ir.t-.s..-Usc Dr J. Briggs Pile Rt-.medv!or In tmnl,Externa|,Bh5cding and Ilohing Piles. I` gives `inmncdinle_ relief and is reliable. Sold by Dru ggiels. , V . 888-3 :1: ' Goons `AT Cos-r Argo Smvah yr Pm. -Messrs. Ross & Gilchrist are aboutlq dissolve partner; ship and in the interim are selling off their stock of general mcrclmndize at cost. 'l`_lz<- sale will continue nntil April. Ml-._ Gnlil-irist; we understand, intends moving `to thd North Wst Territory. A _._.;.___.._____ ALVEURALGIA---.ll$8 Dr J. Brigg. fnr Neuralgin, _He:Idach:, Cnlarrh, Druggisls. ' ' ` WHICH SCEIIICU {0 [H9330 all. After which, and singing God Sefe the Queen, terminated this, as _we .ssid a`_t rst, exceedingly pleasant and successful `entertain- ment. lI"I....h......:.I__. -1-.L- A-___e,.!_,, 9-11,, _. Co:mxuw'rIn:s;~Use Dr. J, Briggs! Thmm ,m`(] Lung H-.-u!r_i-_l`r."' all vlisnases nfthe Thronl, Lungs and Chest." Very pleasant and cmcav.-ions. Sold everywhem-._ _ . ' . ' .SSS.3m Mn. Wn.rm K:'A'ixxo;1atly _zi a_lndeut in. them`.-: cfcc cf !*!:-2::. .`.!:.Carthy J: McCarthy, V has opened an ofqe in town for the practice 0.` `theln.fw .' Mr. Kgaking is well knb wn, greatly. esteemed, and being besisica 1; young man of great pl-omise,.there cannot be much doubtas to -"bis success`. `jvuu umaucu Lu unula Dy next IBM. 3.; , `The bonus expected f1om.Barrio`ia } souiogtlzjng like thirty to forty 'thbII_saud- ;'do!lgrq.'_:jnd Lit 'isallaged, `tlnat _!_his` sum *'i{i!jii~h7 Yer) bnaidgrabley gzdditioni to it, . ilttgyg up-bg expended eminily win`:-I . . 1 J-1,"ut-ii1inli!ya;;i;Is..12I!i!!'i!??#!!'9" ' "7 5` !|I9::-2 Z ' =-11m`9__*gs._9.L% 1, 71-.x,~ , . x. . . CClYUo . After an intermission of terimintiies, Mr. \V_food recited Bingen on the Rhinexivhicli being oncored, he grave Campbell`: spirited piece -'.I`he Battle of the Baltic. Miss Dexter then sang Angels ver bright. and fair, and for an encore that benuti'.'u| chant Consider the Liliea;" of this latter piece we can hardly speaktuo-highly, it was `decidedly the vocal piece of the evening. llliss II.- Dexter,` who acts as an excellent nccompanyist to her sisters. -played a Piano Solo, Linda 'di Clmmouni." Mr. `Edwards now gave as the song _ Far, Far npon the Sea," which was well received by the audience and rewarded with a hearty encore. O Lovely Peace followed; it was 8 Duett by the two Misses Dexter and received an en- core. `We now come to what.-.was considered the gem of theevening, one of those instrumen- ml Quartettes by thclllisses Fraser and Messrs.- Sanders, of whichwe have had before to speak. and always in terms of praise" We will only say. that this did_ not fall short of their former e_'iforts.> The Concert concluded `with n sacred piece by the Misses Dsxter and Mr. Edwards which seemed to please all. After which. and nino-inn nd. Rain Hm I 1 In giving 1; lisfof C2_u.1d for the ofce of Reeve in a Jormer iqslxe, we omitted the name of Mr, J. .P. Hnssey. of Medon>tc,. whn was nominated nswvfell ns Mr."Deacon and Mr. Uoillson for that Mnnicipnlity. Mr. Hussey subseqnentwwithdrgw from the contest. President-BI:iHin Johnson, Esq. Vice-President--Jbsleph Johnston, Esq. Secretary--G, Sneath, E.~q. A ` , Tres.surer-Robt. Lendlay. .A . V _ Auditors-\V- H. Partridge and J no. Marten, ' Dire'ctors'--Robt.:McGowan, w. H. Partridge, -Wm. Johnston:-, Jno. Darby, Jno. Sissons, jx., Iohn Kent,VJohn Morten, Silas E. Loke, and Ebenezer Tracy. 1. 6 ;-The annual meeting of thenhoye sdiety was held on Saturday last, (it the Barrie Hotel, when thefollowing wen; elected for the current year, viz t._ V .NEURALGlA--.1738 Dr J. hr Nnuuralaivu IL--nln.- h~ E VEVSPRA AGRICULTURAL` S?0CAI`E'I`Y. __Y.u.c.A._ ooncnnr, ` niUN1ciPiAI. ~ Briags Alleventnr, :I'lllI`| b; 551:. Sold In: uevenlnr, by 888-3m 15: East of Bank of 2'o1ioN2'o nznunnn nmns.

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