Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 20 Dec 1866, p. 2

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1'<;_lIX. ida maybe formed of l [`.e" - oflha proposed work A, from !ha..fnct that the- eanh excavation willexceed fty. rnilqns xn . `cubic ya_rds.- This canal}-.wi-!lh9ggeq_thg;%diqe_. -,._ ,1,an_c_e` by` -walrer_ between -:hg,,, '\ ;nen_;g_ 4 ';l_errito;ie,s _of jhe ,}gr_a`tA `West,;ab6,qli`1lxi:b_g.\i(;` " .m,i!J9W h.d..88fi3t!!9r4!=P%elf!'$ 3`9i3.,"* 7- T 35;; ' " li,dargi', l $y.s0mel 11*itf) 5QQ:;E{n i'i;f;%i1i .`( M- ` `wiflenabll `6'a gqin%.*'vs_s " '- v.i{`;'. .4_...,on,;9f1E_`3'_;-;jV far XV . :11 'x:i;<` ll.` I " . December 15:11. `The Queen v_. Jo/m'Campbell.-1`he prisoner was indicted for stealingn horse, the property of one James Jones, on the 6th of December instant, 9 at Barrie. - The evidence seemed suificient ' to sat-isfy'th'e jury that the defendant considered he had bought thehorse, and t.he_v`acquitted`him of the charge.` I T. D !-lI- ` gj},Th_e Couiit, fhen this case wasconcluded at 2 o clock on Friday morning, adjourned u_ntil 11 in! the fqrenoon. - ' I . .fI:I-.(3otter, County Atforney,' and Boulton I McCarlhy,for the prosecution; Lount & Boys fur "the defence. ' ` I The affuiftooktplace in August, 1865, and the prose cuto i' caused some letters to be` written to` Cowan threateningvhi`m_ withh prosecution unless. e paidioverithe amoimt the was supposed to have embezzled; with costs, but after a time the matte; _ was allowed to drop, until within eshort time past, when the prosecutor lodged a. complaint before a Justice of the Peace,vahd the case was suit for trial zit this court. There were a. great number of witnesses called, the _diise lasting" nearly _12 hours, and resulted in a verdictuof ac- quitla.l., ` 1-v~.r-.. - Phi; c.;:,pccupied Vthe Co1`1rt._un tilM about o clOck von_,Sitturday night, concluded the_ iness. ' ` ~ 4 -_.- -. -.._wuua,g., u.u;a.ue rape or 88 cents a bushel. He afLerwards_ offered M'cNash $4 more, `which the latter refused tomke, ou_ the ground that he had. no ght to-il:A,'but subsequently seems to h.we thhugbt otherwise, and thet Cowan had re-- ceived considerably /`more for the wheat. than he I had paid over. V One AzV1drew.McNash,Athe prosecutor, a. farmer, residing id the. same neighborhood, had employed the defendant to"seil hie wheat for him} the latter; having some of his own to dispose of, it was thought that the freight would be less on `each party"b_y putting enough grain together to ioada car. Gowaen at the some time took the wheat o,f;o;:e or two gather neighliors, and on his returiffrom Thoriihigl, where he had disposed of the produce, he paid" the `prosecutor :1 sum which he said was the (amount coining to him from the sale of`his`whea.t,' at;thc rzte"ot' 88 He afterward: r>\Hnrn.-I `F-\T.-L :30: ....., --vIvoHVJ' V 4 ` T/ie` Queen v. Gc6):ge_ C'ou}an,-T a.` farmer residing in Iunisl, was commjtfing 9. larceny uhder_ the 1 chmstances. ' }{{ui1uz': & McCarthy `for the p1a1uti';1fr.J.f Atdagb,j'counsel for defendants, Mr. J. `C. M: row, attorney. 1 7111'; n n -- i This was an action of replevin. The facts shortly- -, werethese:--Last February the defendant More row-stool;-a chattel mortgage from o_nejPenelq. 1 _o'_ntwoTh`orses, one of them described as a bay ,_ _',that this_hor,_se had; been traded of bx 1?eneld,- J and was then in the possession of.Demerliue, the j plainti ; He thereupon took the defendaint Rogers I with him, as his bailiff, and's'L-i`zed'this horse (as . he stated) on the p_la.intitf., under his ~ was the same one that Peneld mortgaged to him they could not agree upon a verdict, They were 'c0nsequenx discharged, thus leaving the casein Wm. Demaline f . D;.7iIo`r"row andlfas. Rogers.-- horse .colt" Some time afterwards, he learned chattel mortgage. l`he plaintiff replevied, and hence this action. A _At the trial itwas proved by several witnesses that the horse seized by Morrow in February last? On the other hand several witnesses were called to `shew that the horse -Peneld about the 1st of February, or "two weeks before he had "given the mortgage to Morrow. The usual Efnount of swearing (consequent on a" `horse case) seemed to have ipnzzled the jury, as _statu goo. - ' s n-..I.__, u, 1: n .. _ . ' ` ._seiz_ed by defendant's was obtainedina trade from -` John, Lowe, and that Lowe had got him from ' '6 `have generally lommilted the` publication of the puper"inj Christmas. week, because` even -printers must have a holiclay_ zit lelcust once in twelve months, and a_t. this festive scaso11,`Wl1eu everyone tries to be lmppy,and tolmake others so, the onmlissjiou is expected to be readily pardonml, This yearwve also iutendto ask a_weeks vacation or zit `least a parllal one, and intend ~tu issue, only -.1 half sheet for.:ulvelrt1s`en1ents' and l local newsne:~:t weel;,{or town delivery n only. ` ' ` e ' _. ;:1':,`vi'tf":.'pq`g:o"Iis:;?to,"va1I;1e, it_ lieI;jg'_necesaa'Iy ,to prove 1 vn_itg1c:fth_'zvdefei:da:i't liabI.~ under the_s tatutIe, sfhd ;`I)`rAi1_::*ht.Ain,a Verdict of NotTGuiAlt.y. _ ` I `D l`l..A`L.`- -_1 u - win '1; f 'w,a; s" (Al.i:;'cro;;V)z`1Tt3` :`t.i:e A da1;ia'7ga;`t0 amoa`1f1t'_,of it least $'l0_in order to _blTjurj' giiigg him the benefit of the .doubt. ` u__., .7 .1- ._..`,.[-V.._.._,. .., A . >R._Cot`te't xynd.-Lou_nt 4!: Boys`foIfVth e prosecu- tion; Bouvlton & Mccartlgy for the dgfencg, ._--3 Ilqllilgl .Lu,_, uuyr .-_ U' UUFUQEFQ VWBU ,cj1IIf_E_d 'qith`cu "ng` tigd _c'uai-tying-hway 3 iquan-' tj,'6t3_cedat,~ yv_!iif;h.he hg1- Solgl, itowthe vialue of *9. .*`` ``f`*?-` .- -. .' .......... -0- aufunalu, was UUIITZCQ V ;tin'g under_ following nces. Crown ;` Boulton 3: Lic- Dcen/zber '15:}: . 5.71 -m-- - 9 it, charged with; .. H; r._n.:._s,,, - II [He QFIE8_. V 7. ,. Decainber mh. ....'....J '1`..- .11-". ...- L K_i_ng`6'1', the Engihl; Buhfquje, gdvertiies [ 151.19. (161 .a`_.k9'.5` .f91`7"3=` Oh?`-in-s H` ' ~ t *:VVinl,I`,48pltitQ. and Eniit, tor ` _.V....A...~..,....-__mr . uquauaxund, urgeon_Dentis, ; "wvishes us to`ai;nohnco. thggulye; will "visit Pene- ,_gap;gnihe_nVe,Lp1{o'f9saionqIly,_qn 1h9,_27tl1 und 28th ;i,IIIt. y 9 T` v v_ '1 .' .. I ,1 , - '.I`IV'jIU:RSV,DA Y, DECEMBER 20, 111866. Otir next Issue. " , We qall`atentian to"-` the hdiertisgment of `Mr. ,Hasting s;`w11o\hagjuat received `a stock" bf `goods for Ohristmasjapd. NV"Y95r73'_,Gift$, gopsisting 9t`_' V\*q;tas,`_Jwl_!ery;' I-"nn_cyL Goqds, lac. ` _ ..... uagugra quvertnsea a larg gfdblo ;_rq`r Christmas `P1-a`sents._ .4 - In Vwgtphga,-vJ9we]!_ery, Tpyrand Fancy Goods,` Mr. `sngdqrg -`advertises large `assortment, suit- j;Iblef.f6'r Cliril1mas~Prehents. - ` - . f7' ' Cunt-ms.-A ny_ onewho has passed Fraser s Hotel -must htue noticed the handsome shew ' of outlets exhibited on Owen street, and offered -tgfntmanle;-'-by Mr. Hall, whose advertisement ap[i`itrf'in=another column. These first-class b't`1tl`e'ti;I.)`irb' from`, the f_aotot_'y of D. -Hodgins, ngry~make of cutters both. it1'-atyle', servit-eta- Ab'le`neas; and *rnnning'.. Any one in -want of a- ;Eq.=,,~_,Lon !gn,-Jand are far supcriorto the ordi- T tireelly good `cutter: w'ou1d'do well to iqgpeot Mr. . V?Hal`l s stokJ . .4`-u vu jiiiii .:o:;.j_ %. `- - ------uuA|\ILVn - I [Ah errorvocpurred in copyinglhe `present- mentgof th`e.Grand `Jury last week, where it is staledin reference, to criminzils that the _will of-societv lInmnn.l a .:...:- ----=~'-- - - " ' ___.,.._... .......u.u.-at tu crnmnnls mat the _will * of-society demands . their punishment,` instead of the "weil- being.-of society, as it" should : have ram! I ' " ' ' l v 4:. I aim. .._.._ _l,):Ix1r1a.g'I!..-_-Emj. `I . .!..l__-' ..- A-` have read. should at THE (ma JURY ` A' rvnnn` interests at stake. `A _ as :n-dAI\'\.IL` (I110 We understand there is a rumor the cnterprizing proprietor of the _ Wenonah is requested to accept ship of the`towitships of Mnskoka a son. Mr; C. would be the 3` right L right place. _He,has had considers rience in municipal matters in the Victoria, eudho doubt would _ be e perseiering and energetic on behr northern section of this County, as he Had Mr. McConkey not been forced into doing his duty at the last Government land sale here, by the interference and example of Olhers, we kno\vnof,on`e person, at leasl, who would have beenbenelled at the expense of the sealers,-andeyet he has, as we are _well aware, held himself` up to the public uslhe one through whose inuence alone the inter.- ..esls of` the settlers were protected on that l occasion, when in fact he only followed the - lead-of others. : - - v M ..,- ,._..-.... T ' Mr. Smith is perhaps a wag, and could not I resist the opgottunity of havtng a joke at the expenseof our member, and probably had in 1 remembtance what the wise man has said I about a friend that sticketh` closer than a ` brother. ` v .. mu u unuvn Gfahcing over the Je1ter_vvhic'n our colezi1- ; por_ary copies with such` a chuckl, we were I rather amused, as uodoubl were many others wl1o'.rcadit, at the naivete xvitlxwhicli inno- cent Mr; Smith {speaks of_ the lucky circum- stance for lbis.counly that he? (Mr. Mc- Conkey) has no brother a Crown Land Agen` who is mfereaxed by his per cemage on sales in%rais`i_ng the prices. IUI- U... -I ..-- xvw\I|\Ul"' That such. is the manfs character may not begenerally known in the Ridlg he repxe- 1 sems,_but here, in Barrie, people-are begin-T ` ning to estimate him, in his public capacity, at his true value. _ rw I Having, as he supposed,_made a. favorable i impression by a lime `F tall talking, he, like 1 , the ostrich, stuck his head in the sand, and ; lhoughuhat no one would-see him buuouing his pockets. - . I "P1.-. I ' ' ' ` ` -.-P--nwuvu uncut. `This is the spirit` which pervades all. the actions of the member fur` North Simcoe, so far as they have come uu'dcr`our notice, We haveknown lrirritirne andpagain to make " a public declaration of his great interest in some contemplated local improvement, receive with complacency the demonstrations` of ap- proval which his apparent` liberalityvof semi- rnent called forth_,'but when the practical proof of his sincerityvwas looked {or,.it was not forth- -coming. ' V T u.."_.:_- , t in our estimate of that gentleman, and it isvto McConkey s, that we may attribute the ch_ange L -the disposal of Crown lands, and which vie I ahve no doubt will end, before long, in the ublic demesne being thrownopen to actual settlers, to the exclusion of speculators. M Mr. McConkeyvscon saw that the member for Suugeen was on the right track when the latter brought the subject before parliament, and had he then honestly come to the aide! the member lurSa.ugeeti in the goudiworlt, we should not seek to deprive him of thesmallest particle of the credit which would be his due; . but a. straightforward manly act was never in his inuence `and ttdvocacy, and not to Mr. ` `which has already taken place in reference to Mr. McConkey s line, and therefore, instead ofrecognizing Mr. Macpltersors servrces`,'and becoming his" ally, he, stole his resolutions, altere;i,a word or two in them, and then `attempted to claim the whole credit of ha.v,ing originated them. i ' ' ` "IVLT - ,..,-.- ... ...- `--5-n uv-vwu-ft!- So` it has been `on the land question; We ` were on pdvocate for the {tee grant system 4 long before Mr. McConke_v was ever heard to express an opinion on- the subject; and at a time when he of all men in thecounty would have been the last to approve of it in theory, judgingyfrom his practicenand the hattdsome` stroke of business the was doing as a latid specolator. ` '.When Mr; McPherson became aicandidate for the Saugeen `Division, we took a lively interest in his success on the sole ground, at first, that weknew him to beta. strong advo- oate for the adoption of a. free grant system` in the Province`. Alter events showed that we were justified in this particular as in all others in gentleman, `Ill: innunnn ----J --l-- ' M.UL going South, daily, 6.50 rn. m1db4j.lO p.rr;. Do Norm, _ 11.00a.m. Ponetanguishc-ne I A 11.3 ) nm. Orillia, - _11.30u.m..- . Apto, 'l'nesday, 'I`hur.=.ln_v and S;tturdn._v,11_3o gum} '1`hornton, 'l`umsda_\'s und Frida1_`~_.'s, ' ' do Shanty BM. do _ _ ,,.1p -' - ` do, Minesing, Friday, 11.3Ta'.m. 4W6 give Mr. McConkey'c;'edil for beingia I shreiwd "kind of n1an-cunning is perhaps the better word-but we have never known him to takelhe initiative in anymauer offpubiic in- I `larem. Hg in.......' .....u . .... ...n. i..'._ - ,, .... ....-........ n. ma, 'uIuIIVI VI. yul_I_IIU Ill` itere`st.v He knows well nough how to watch the straws which show thedirection in which ` 'the`_wi_ ndVOf "public opinion` 33 be`ginning_tto blow, and he soon slips` round a corner and tries to make it appear that he hailed instead not followed others in the bright difectnon. Q_'!n I___ I, `v I .- -- ...--nun uuuul. IHU-I cntcrprizing the steamer tnonah the reeve- of and [Morri- Mr man in the considerable expe- a municipal matter: ih u. n......... _: ,,-.A_____.._. r_.._ ,- We aiaT Qlready expressed our opinion on. V-{hoj:s_Iihject,,.hod nothing that our cotemporary 9: his bdeluded-corresppndcnls carrsay is "likely ":lO,:'vlf:B[ it',"inaamuoh as we are`beuer posted 1 lbanfhe or they have ever had an opportunity 6!` being; ` GOVERNMENT LA`NDSg~ The Examiner publishes a letter, with the .aboye>.heading, which. appeared in the Coiling-t twt1odEnie'rprise,`and purport: to have been Vwrillonlbyp-_.Mr.t George Smith; and tn an etlito_tj_a1 note throwxstqut a challenge lq'llS tt) `j'_rfat1`e't _tvhe"'*old qonltlst respecting Mr. Mc- ;'C_tinkeya.._tclaim asAan advocate of a liberal Govemmalm,L_and policy. In_' L., ND: JURY _.PRESENTMEN'I'- `A CORRECTION. ` ~_.i7aua1and, Surgeou;l.;)enti`::, , rm; tli'n:`Iia -int" `am. 9--- PE3Xf: ` , . . . _ . -v...u-any ward` ipal the County of equally as efgelin nn H.:h..IA` .-I -I-i MAILS CLOSE AT THE BARRIE POST. ' OFFICE AS FOLLOWS z, ' ':M.UL p.n Do Nnrlh U 1| nn .. .. 2 `ll, [whose nmn. a far Rnn'nn:Ap-I- .n_- -,, -- _,_._..... VI1`-IIDIIJ E3 behalf of the my, as he has large aoal that flag mob /T.iWf.;G 9 `_ 'Qo?l.?.'Da:'con; grudfordt; Egg: ~la_um, and ll`modiomo dealer!-Y . ~is_dly/out of condition, and I cannot! __,__. _. ;l'U LR}. We sotnetimn bah-`persons say, my horse is ell either what - ~is,1h "matter, `with him,or how to get lmn1ntb better" c~ e .9, may appear to`be `1'gn`orant`ofthe fact that }:,Vg"V1_g:`V';w;*i|:l`gi_:_1__lh`Eir.reu5[I a remedy safe. sure. and 415:: uypmxuu, uy pu `lug po: canvas :1 cupy, free 0 chairs, A;HAN1EL_` MAY!-` R _ In vAulU.V Published for the `benefit and as n C `YOUNG M_l-ZN and others, who suer from hi|ity,Pre:mlure Decay '0! Manhood. &c., the same ln_nc Tm: Manna or _S1u.1-`-Cvas. has cured lumsejfaqeg undergoing conaxdernl The applicant, by pnlymg postage on ~ his let ceive a_c9_|;)L,_fre_g o__charge. from lhe-mmm.- .. . ...._ THE CONFESSIONS Aivn J > mvgm 1 .Cronstadt. .Wooden' ships are out of date ;- irion-platingis all the go-.-so iron shot-proqf window-shutters -and doors` have been placed in _ this mansion, and loop-holes have been judiciously out at corners and wherevever requisite. ' Moreover, when his lordship goes out a_ `dining with his neighboring 'iend'~.,_e.nd,_ Peer-Vaux ofiHa_rro\vdVe n-.-although"he-' _ ` has butlacouple ofmiles- to drive, and aristocrats don t din V till seven` p. m.; he- leaves home at-2' :0 lock mid-vd.ay~* noi*'- ; does he, prudent soul, think of returning till the same houreon the following day. "Many similar circumstances coul_d be referred to. The precautions` above 0 mentioned` are but trivial compared to t those at the residence of Lord Carbery, Castle Freke.'in the west part of the it county of Cork. Where measures so ex-`:11 treme tare notlresorted to, the course 3. taken by the landlords is to provide their (5 houses with a` good supplyfof armsland` , ammunition, to be used by themselves, their sons and theirdomestics against 5` any nmrauding parties that may_present .P? themselves. ' e tl u-v-vi OA'r-Car `loads selling on street at from 30 to 32 as high as 34c was paid on, the street. BAnI.3v--No receipts, 40 to 48 paid on the t _ street. Dnsssno Hoes-`--Market waker, only 4.50 to 5, principallyfor round lots; on the, street as high _ P1-:A--From 60 `to 66 on the street market; ns 5.30 was paid. 1 ononro, Dec. 18_. FLOUR-N0. 1 superne at from 6.35 to 6.40. Wnm"r-No receipts; pone o`ering, not quo- table. . ' V - ' Dec, 13, Rondslbad; little or nothing" doing in the market. . ' Fall Wheat durlngthe {week has been offered it . V1.50 per bushel. Spring, 1.2510130. , . ` _. Millers Flom_'.-.`Jr. Bingln'1m_,a;'ent Tux` ('ux's Mill. quotes first quality Spring rciail an o.5o_; Fall, 6.075. V V Outs 25 to 30c. Peas 50 to five. Polatoes-25c. to 30. AOnions--50 `to Soc. gPork-5.00, heavy. ' Beef, 5.00 to 5.50 per 200. Pork-4.50,tu 5.00.` Sheep--4.00~ to 5,.-00.' V V Geese, 40 to 50c. Farmers` Flonp, 6.50. Buttr-l7 to 19c. Eggs_--17 to 20c. V 'ANDERTON-On the 13:12., atnmie, (ha of Mr. James Ahderton of 9. son. " _ A. _.._. ._._.__.(.__.,.._._ _._ the rascal l\IcDuffy, whomil left in charge of 8. the wreck while I went to Owen Sound to re-. D "port, haavembezzled the cargo to the amount of $1500 to $2000, and ran atrray to escape the _ consequences;_buft before going left thw affi- davit as a memento of his spite, f deavored to `bring him tojustice. NUt` is this I the first time he hasilone the like, for :1 cuplel i In ,, ___.J...,, .. to uni; necessary to state that/` became I r.- n - of years ago, as is known here, he pIIIII\It i(.I 3 the wreck of another Owen Sound V`:`iA`. --..'~ 3 though never looked after for it. I_rni;_,-3;: take ,. up each of his statements, and Slmw at-lie-it-En _ they are false, but it would be_luo zet!..u:<. I ' will notice it couple ofthe more glaring: trmrn sistencies. He says that wine theanchor with _me ;' wher . I V II I left I tuok easl left it: a `~'i=.'lII I shing skiff, which was utterly irmpal-'~,oI carrying an anchor of that size. Ow of the ' `crew (Schuyler) is made to sign the afii iavit I I giving an account of the voyage It(':`ti'Sl. ` Clair river, and he only came on at S Sturgeon. Attcther (liedt-rington) .~h.m~.! tie plunder and is gone off wi`lt f\?rDufIy; '\'.. ;tle I have the afdavi: of :1 thit`d_ (I{~nnetl}~) 'l.~.t he was forced by intitnidation from Mt-Dtitly to sign it. I '.vou.'d publish the latter. but it is :l Iength_\'.vand WOUIII trespass too much on }'mtl` `V space. In cnnclnsiott I need ,r>n3y_ that `,1 "._'~.Ir.A Smith, the Insutrtttce avian: at `iiiz:g- wood, expresses himself sat: ztfaet duo in ,3, vestigatiori, that the stitiemnttts C(`ItI8Iilr":i fit an McDuIfy".s afii-.l;.rit am nut:-ue. ,Titos-tr. \\-3::- t~`"` wish to lenru my chzitacter can do so from :w_\ f", ofthe inhabitants oIOt\-en Sound, it here I Mr; "V1 -tveII Icnown, having |":`.,SILI6;'(IItt3fC for the test 5., twelve Wars. - I23 v____ ., - nuynvv y".llJn Yours, `&c., CA1 `Owen Sound, Dec. 10, 1866. ___..._.._ ._._.__, TORONTO CORN EXCHANGE REPORT. ---1-- r;'u'.",5g"jp'gI$_b ,!1'.;vt;,Geq>,-Qgwa ax: fag,` 2.5 . Degon, G_roen ,GanBro.: 'g'ajr:ig.i }` ndI|HIlodiomo"doalorI.'. A : : 47-not-..` (=3 1 ' ..~.. ....\~.~-4~A.v~,.\ ~ `A p.-- - -`To tlte Editor of the tleartce. StR-l notice in your issue of the 22nd uh. an affidavit respecting the wreck of the Ann Harkley, signed by Jno. McDn"y, and others of the crew; and as the objectof it is evidently to`i' character, Itrust you will aiiow me a chance to reply. The object of publish- ing it in Barrie, and not in Owen Sound or Colhngwood, where I am known, was, I sup- pose, that the caiuntny might do its wotkwithi` out my noticing it, or having a chance to re- fnte it. Toeshbw that the whole affair `is a gross perjury, it is only necessary to that the y while Sound re- Don. has A!`nl`\o'I;I|n:I 4..-. _--~ - -- ' Christm_as cheer is crowding 01 every direction, and one ofibe b lhepuhlic at this festive season Powell-a name long known amongst us. Mr. Powell s goods V fqund A. 1. - , _ .....,....,uu. .uc_uJ.)' U1 411vlt.,,contz1ining a spirited sketch I scene of rst breaking ground -for I anal, on Mr; Grahmn s farm, ml Ian, and [a notice bf the event, and : grcaL'\vQrk \'.`lx'ic_h the ceremony 1 mm ..`.1 ' `Dom: KNbiv..vCfH'AT. Tm:, Ha:AD 0eiVa'x;rt.i-:,--5000-R.;:-wankD.--VVe . call attention to Mr. Robt. Binghnm s advertise- ment. He hasn t caught the head centre of the Fenian organization, conaeqnent1y.~4he has not received the reward of 5000; but he say he has a. pile ofcheapgroceries for sale, and if he does not make 5000 out of them, his customers will be benetted by saving-~w;- don 1 know how muchper cent-- by purchasing from him. _____._,________.___ V l ' REMOVAL. V j Mr. Spencer is about to remove to his large 5 and handoomelbrick building, next door lo his l old slore, where we believe he intends carry'm,_z' _on a. w_hol,es_ale as well as a retail business, and as `he {has full confidence in Poor R_ichard s aphorism, Three removes are as bad ass. re, he has determined to sell off his present stock at cost, to avoid the one` re- I moval. Housekeepero will for a lime", lind grog:eries_ &c.,' cheaper lhan'ever at the Toronto Tea Store. _ l Catusrunsisaorv or,` Mn:`n`.'-We call atten- I tion to the card of` Mr. Maundrell, advertising his Christmas Stock Vlr, Matmdrell -has, as ~ . tisual, the best show in` the market, comprising -; first prize beef, shown atpour agricultural fair last `fall, andvibeeves of first class quality, of} Win. Gardner, Esqt, oi'Oro, and'other s, In f rrtnttoit he has not, perhaps, the quantity,` but i M quality it is equal to any there shown.` In pork he `fer`surpassesrall competitors,- that fed . and shown by himself being the best in the market. He has also a choice stock of smoked `hams, `bacon and" tongues, toge!h'er-with a llarge and excellent assortment of poultry. ln fact, it would be hard to nd a ner or more ! tasty display of Christrnas cheer. If our sub I scribers <\_'ill oniy furnish us with the means to I provide a genuine Christmas dinner, we intend to appointphirrunrirell our purveyor; and as he: advertises to sell those choice Christmas dain- l n - , ` ties at the rates of ordinary every-day fare, we trust our readers will do likewise. | Epmal` _1Totir25. -s\AA. .4-..-`/\.\;..-.. ....n... mun uuucrgomg ,C0l`l8ld| 8b|1 It, by pd 'iug leue `, oI cha e, from Iheruuthor. BL` MAY!-`.-\ R, Esq., Brooklyn. @oitEziiTo%i1Tii:?if BAr:RI1*['M.~x RKETS. ...... ........-.. acnauu 13 mt`. ISICDRFU` and honoured L BIl'.PnwnH a !r:\nt`n .-.- L--- ' ` - Deg, isao, mm'n_. .....,,-, nuuwu auu nonoured . we have always .. .~....u. uum menfoun De-,. danhdod. &c., supplying at - Sn?-Guns. By one whb ging .con_a;dernblo Ouacken-, 1-:xPEm1~:_Nb1=: or-' 4 `.11). M - ' nIn lu't`l'1or. CV` ` 1. mo ' yn mg: . } V 44.81:; u.r-uvax. By it-hb ;.cona1dernblo quackery. up A Jeuer, will -re- TbnoN"ro,'Dec. 18; (L... :1 an . CAPT. `R. HAnxr.:'1.' `Z66 r."1=O Do. IS CAUTION T0 rfrom Nenfoun De, 1. &c.. aunnlvino .1 N l`Y : b.1vIs1r3.\: jcoL`Jms,"c<)I: . mam. .._....,, uu-Luv puulu; [H ' r best caterers for . nun-.. :_ II n. . - Icrnblo letter, -n-- Ihor. ' onsghe public{in_l| . In...` ...a ____ J 1' . . _ . ~ . . . . . ~ . .1 Au; is Mr. Richard ___1 1 - mg: Co J .sm3 ' .A O lied for, a. `splendid THREE - ~ Faomno AND ORNAMENTAL ` 0AKE{ wei'ghin25 lbs. Tickel Fv x~ m-(`Wk -'place on Gbristmn `* `K,in 39I?3l'llI.'Bdn:House. 5 WA-V "F0! I`-rdsd-`and Ornamod _ P;-`ft jg ? ':.i':~ur.:~;n_..I,=:;,-` "C: : _ J`.`.*.:i`1;. s {E ;;;,';):.'_}._ ` H U; _`. I hgEbg2{;"'d 33.7 Person n(`go!I.1Li;'g .~ ` one -veal". ier guild 5th December, 1865, J rorwmchvn '1 9; to James Jopcs, or 0 value has been received. - 7. . 1 . (mo. 1-:v. -" nifli nan VG inn.-. . agents wr the Gram old in Barrie b J. Deacon,` Brad c and all `medicine d - JUH N_.B.e-$11-00 and six paslrzzzc Mn .any authorized ngcnl '1' :\ v Pills, by return mnii. Northrop 5- L agents for the Cnnadas. ` S0 in Barn-in kuk'..I........ r I-' ymnn, Nexvcnsglc, etter the-axis could have _ been m:1l_:c{ the project ku.o\v|i fo.tl1e pnb`.ic,:1nd, in fact, to the whole- world, 1Im'11`I)ygettiI1g it 110- I `lnnunnl -...-L "" . j'i`he canal will'b,e_inT two divisios: `from Lake Huron .l_o Lake Simboe; _470,fI.' tlly abou; twenty-nine miles A in Jength, wilhta frise of of 130 {L3 lhen there Will` be three miles of deep water Lnke.Simcoe, from which aboutjtwenly- V n;1v.iga1i_gn. through ; .the- second. ppr`_lI_oi1. . offllre canal, to" Lake '_'()nluio; 'w.iH_ `h'e`V.'M:1b;)>:)Mtj forty.-`seven mxles mlenggh, hAavi_ng_-a"fz_1H`;of " _ ; ,.. v .. - uurum to the communion. Fu'l directions in the p:vm;:hicl arr age, whichshmnld be carcfuH'.` rrc~ "Sole agents for the United S1nn~.~' : .H5- , ` . CA UTIO.W'.- T/'1-W. I -7"` ' /` In/e3'rII(rI'/1; //Ir` [71/35. /' .'1'[.7.' ` 1." of Prc`_;_rna;'zr_1/_. as!/ :_;, av,-n sun .' r ridge, but, 0! any //.*r',r_a` !.".nng " In all cases;<:l' I\'crvo-:5 ':;--, I : Pninsin l'l1:_B:u-k and Livn1~_.. 1'4: . cxerlibn, Palpilmumn of IE:.- iinrI._i _\Vhiles,.1hcse Pms will om cl :1 uuw V- means have failed : and nlvlmn_-:5 :1 pm`. do not contain iron, mlomcl,` zxulum/='}. lmrllul to lhc direulinnx in H... rt . - `Bi;-rig, Dec. 18; 1866. ~... u-u uu'uuilA_. | l'l`|'(l '1 `Each bo1-lIe_, pri-T-c One nu-nl Stamp 53! (.`rc:1l J`: (cits. [V A` `I " it is per-|x!1:!'TH"sn{I:=d. `olrthe nu'm!Li;. pvm~d 'l.`-_v 1 ,- ~ This in vnln:1`.y of-all those mm the tclnzziv <-unsl exec.-.5 and I11:-.( curcAxnn_\` be n i` .. ____.,;.:*-~ 7; ' 1:.-2*. -. , Ncm hncrtiscszzsa 'CHliISTMAS: CAKES. Sold by all `15e'$.{L- _ Depem br 20, 'CEL1<}BR.'\'1`LD .zf ..; . ... ,... ...---:1: These PoW:1vrs-a1'>.- : '=! they-.I00:~:m1 the skin; 1 Gloss`; in short 9.; 2': v 51` .\ni_ma1 mic " fir-K-v:~' health. A p:1c-'i:g:r- "3': in the OMS it \\"i1I .*'-.'.A` - ` sary to feed .'-.5 Iizlu w` as ybu do t_vi'lnmx .thr`::~ Use _C.-U .I."l`H.\".\. (H Afr: a cart." -.Ir'cn and min? .Y.. .....n .1. '7'P}`47)' z/_/`ram :1 PL .",eI'I`I'I; I] jwhich'will t-y_:-.aI:x.- ;U1_ have rem] 3.`. Ilnnse, in the bank thing he sxm-llexh :1-. A Carlton-*3 And if h say `* lh how much nmr -2 tlrm :nerc_il'uI !1_2:1s!m _ tite,.nnd st1'_mrn_sr.~x1 J illlll ulH.`Cl:0l1`A'-`I I `which he w:1'.~z-xm-4!. the advcrmu-r < c.\'[: I A Gr:nt (2ni: ` Debihly. Pm,-n ..I. 1-nnII...I U1 CUTE. . To all who dc~:'rI,- prescription us:-ml (2:-. Ii0ns_for pro.-p`7uiw,; 1. will 1-ind xi .~:1:m; -,r'_' .'Bxo.\'crm'I.-, Cur'r.~=r Lung AH?-(`tin-v_<. ') in sen_ding_v` tlw P"f"(`I and spryad i-um:-nx'u: valinznble, a"mi he ho; rc-n1ed_x". as it wiil cu- n-l|es.~`ing. ' pHl"ik l1I;&L:nI1l:. ....,..c u neunnn qr (10,, '1'. con; ord; Grcclx \\5 Br gx,ned;cine denle_rs. Z L`m.r.n; 1 He ::<:\';.~'er, )1 Few wcelzs by :1 stlkreclytbr .52.-vv` lion, a|1t!!i:nLdx'. nus in make km) nf (Inns -tutu :n nurrzu hf: 5! Can; J. Dcawun. : hqrsl, and :11: M0 -' n 9 rmn ucsl rover, Nor! h rvp 13. L} [or the Camndms. Sold in Barrie I '(",\ .. I |`),...... .. '-ljl L :unv:H1, ('l]l)M`I`1l mm `.- plainls. The Czlnudm voids and sore throat lro5'erAcurv.s h-trns, sw: The Canadian Pam J vlhing for ~'r:'nin<, qr: take.- away all nniul Jamilv should ht} vmh Pain Deslrover. N.u-ah.-.m I\- I . pm. Ira l!l"|. mnnenl Icmmjni -1 Canadian Pain HM and ram in the bar Dc-.~lro_ver cures I " .-_ The C I Mm!-rn. r-h.u...... . . 1 pgrnlous R_\'m;;l -`mwardly as n plying ilbu1\$fz Hadway-'5 u-; fyin_z: in llnrir I and dichargm '"C{ll H l0~.Ur 1 PSi"0U.s R_\'m; : mwar.m~ -an . I - A |.tu()[ 09:? N`; ye; llunnunl olhcrugumzix doses ofnpmu I InLlm7(`r.'I- I more nbz~rmL- ,_ We received _ a" T -, -.-.- 10 ('()IlS1l'|I-` and relax; for Ih-~ .- ".- IUI HIU lT.II'f' aggravate nu `mam-at In-tn *1-IE .'-:r._Lm'; 1 . mg_me undersignczl hlllxlbllgvd wil! uU AH olln.-re wili pl `:1- r me unnndas. _ ` t;y Kelmnn 54 (30,, '1`.\`- . rn;{ urd: Groom N. Hum` I `you want \VJxi.~:kr-1-.5 ` Grecian Uompouml \ ion the smoothesg face or iheads, in Six'Woe' IV`: _for $"2.00..Seut hy mail :1: {on receipt 0 ! price. ' ` IAIN`:-1.-u.. \Ir - ---'- . -.....l.u Ul ['I`1(.'E _ A.ddressa,,\VAIII New York. ' ` -`.'l`K.'\. JE 1 Every young lady and g tales can hear somexhznar vumage. by remrn mm! (In ing the undersigned. 'I'9;-)2 hlnnblmsvml wi" -- ~ --* ` um. [.0 w" .3 3 uunu nIIu!.\L`It`lI nanily, :'cud fnn 1 Info: .\n... z... . - I {referrmg to u uwzrtta 11.1. (2.1. riuicl: rnnr_-2 d->0-: M r: iful m.-15113:`-_:r7vo= hi!` iwill reg-.u:1`{:: }\`= .=} md 5t1'`n2t}_u :|1' him f :1 Incrrif/`u/'Arms; is .~_Pon`:lI.'rs-ax'-.- ':"=! " Iodsoxy 1:` _',"; short :11: in :11 rmcu " tip-t->:` .` 1. ` pac` " W11. 5` :1.` - f.jI 0 3131.321: \x"3 f-' `.1 .thr::;- J P A D!`.'m'x\v~L- 1-. Pp -,:'-: .. TU V 0 I H m 0 ~ ~ - .. WHISKERS I ` ANOTlC;EH.' 713/ or? !."."lr'_"/V bf: V of E;--. 5*" Bavk um] Livnl Iv`. wilmjou `of Rhnrx wil! ofhct 1:.-'4` ilcd : l hO|l_`_{ 7 g`) zmlinn mnntilmion. ms in arr dd hp nnrLAl'nIl.- ..-.. L{xrin_s1.: nuns u_n.'| iinful .nu' ..:u.v..x."... mer directors , . Beachell nn_d 2,1o 1`t1_1:.1 &iAAn`z:I :3z_) I,. nu: u;sI-:1 sInp'l!2I.s lo: mulmvw u ERP.(.)J TU V `I . .m I` n, N\V'L`dSL:t`, (' \\` [s'm.-x`.\':,'1: 1'; llna la.l.- - A ' 1 u'm`,. in I : a `hf I U M] .g4_- uu I1 . .... JOB .\lLlSLJ..*'. _ )l- ti, mi: .-\. LANET; 1 ms bx j sIa1.cdE.` tigb to`d:iy5v 4utVte'n:ti'oz;` EH6 cifd M153; Hmiii1t_o_n,_ fat t_L!;e junction [the -:1 arrAy, iSdu'u`d ..<.>`aa; iihibhi :`=`1% I. f'~ -"`i`-'V*`"l']`.t";'`.,I" <;;n;e-- is? To , ~,,':- I--oat` .:.~tor ` *~,,s:assxe~.s;e;:.sA:i; agtagum-Lrano ishh * an: ` 1'" hfifai;-'y _S6`dnd?` !f9,9k553 339!il, d.. -* '1*:s;3;ie 'i'a#a`:;&_"'_ariasp A. iafiaizse *`'*"-'3'?` W2 L ,.m_4 It ;vutc,to,<"Gio:JhhrAa:9a!4 :3- 5;-.3!Il}; 'x'.1.f{ z__,f gsj gm; "{1f2'-"I} fEnglish - -following is the notice ;`cIez'rcd :- -saving_ the ledmns_c ircuit of Vporl_ance.whir:h1has now,-HA seem,s,,been u No better h_ave_ben taken to rn:1l_{cTt11e civilized it Lice_d in a journal snch asthe Illustraad cws, whicI1iis_seen nnd read-\>vl1erevo1V' the.Eng1ish lzmgnage isn.spVoken. The -The cons'.n'cIinn'z:f a ship c:_m:il botween Georgian Bay, Lr1l;e,Hmon,"1nd Lake Ontario, the "peninsula of Western Canada and the Falls of the SI.` pracli- ' caJly comm encd. We publish an II1_us1rpI,i6n A of thescene at` Vaughan, near TorQnIo-lhe ceremony being pvroformed by the `president `of the company, Mr. Frederick C. Capreol,assil edfby Mr. Tlxomasralmm and other directors nnd by_ the contractors, Mbssrss J`. and C0.` - ' ' ` eas9 n}, ___, V y___.. V"-I Juan QIJQVQQ; `B .Mr. `Cbckbtirn: had hi Quite a uwet2rjpcs4;sn:a'navagiirre Muskoka.La|se,and: iks, (.vi.<=.ji.,hi.Iy !ii.`n : _` ;\.._.' 3` -. % .~' e`i.< =.i1 tioiit 319- J iayo. otmia. arid z.-=1 '13:-, .1`T..'li'""`,`.b. cure- o:},, . 35.3: .gf}.h .4 -' )4 , _ _ -__, -,.. - .;A- u.t\n V l`JlVl1UKSj'l`, We.lea.rn.lhat on Friday, the l4th.inslant',' -while the .men`weree_ngaged in hauling out lh_steamer Wenonah, who had: made her lust trip `two days `p'reti1ous,.e. gnanvby th ' name of Joseph Beulah, a native, we betieie, or the township of Finch, Co..'.-Stomioht,"hat`l his_ arm brokeh-by n ht'mds[iik'e tvhicli`_I5v3s_`_ it: the c'ap'sta{n. The boat s!ipged'.;bck~-intftfthot lake.` which 0'-'i.118ed `ther caiifz3t3" t_o"`r`e:volve" irapidlyy and the r_n:tn s'i1t,fn_1 l'1e'ift'r`g-,i_itt,'blosejA proximity, was, .of.ebitrse, i_mtnedi5e}3;;btblieg.,., ,4 He, `had on1y'jtist'arftVedf `a ;fl`I:|i1-'n"n`io:l`.|.:Ll`.z"`.'...` uuuay. ,_ I `_.' '- .Yonr Commmee would recommend 1 a V folzowfing sums should be provided for, . Bql:mce.o{ Soliciior .-3 claim, Barrie $1 r Salaries to Municipal Offxcers - - Iuciziental expenses -_ `- "- _-._ - V - _Appropria!ionmxowards County Gram"-. , marSchool-v-m- - - ~ ' I I I I ' Thesie with the Debenlur kale of 5}; cents in the dollar will form a loxal tale of 40;? cents in lhe dollar. _ - ~ - Your Commiuee would -have been glad to i reporl a r:ite"balow`ll)at named, could they do l so. But 'lhey't=tale that it appears much higher man it olhe'rwise would" wa.-Hhe assessment of the town rated `at auylhingflike its real valu; but a glance at Ih'e' Roll will show. that it islar below its actual value, _ _ ' Should your Council [see t to endorse the views of yourvCommil'lee; lheylask lezidvielo, submit By-Laws for the levying ol lheseveral amonnlsL' ' ` i 7 ` ' " ' Au,.,I!|" ` Necessitamfg a.ra!e of 135 ' Ihe \JoHaVr.T A " These sums, De cents r~;...__.-..-H uuuwnmuuulg (1 F} the dollar. ` Fo'r.Counly` Rate I .n.uua:nnuug `a 100? FRIVB OI I2 CGDIB [ in !he dollar. ` ' Fm: Common School plzrposes - - -Necesaitaling a rate of 9,1, cents in dollar. ' * `.31. ullu lF( I .-r,..u`;.-uuuu,cu\vulLl5 LOUDIY Ufilln". v marSchool -v-T - - - -. 7 Necessilalmg a local rate of 12 1 dollar. ' V nucu uIuucl.'('t:,' 88 HBTGIOIO ! the most "rigid economy in [ outiay. vn...n-.;__:..__ z.- auulco ' v - , I - In rt rising townglike Barrie, with a rapidly ' increasingvpopnlatton; it is to be. anticipated that the demands upon the Corporation funds will not assume diminished f)rOpUl`li0nE, bill. 8 must of nec_es5ir_y__be yearly upon the increase. * And your Committee may here be permitted (1 to remark, that however laudable may be the Y desire to `keep meuyearly "rate as low as possi- ble, your Council sh0l11d_be-Careful "H0 . that desire beyond the dtctatesbyof prudence, as such. a course must result In embarrassment, f and in the and be atolled for b) 8 N8 i| .b8- A yontl the average. `In PTf f `hi5t3'` C0m' mince have only to refer your honorable body to the course pursued by _the`Co`unty Council. The rate struck by that body bas_been kept down, year after` year,ebe`yond_the actua1 de- mandst, theconsequence of which is thatthis ,' year they have had to levy arate far in. excess _- - l 1` of previous years. ` . Two years ago the County Ratefor` this Municipality was $1250; this `year it is 32124. i Your Cornrnittee cannot exonerate previous i.Councils' ot nits Corporationfrom all-etrvor in this direction, although they no doubt bad legi- timate reasons in the failure of the crops and t the consequent dullnoss ol business anti scar- icity of money arising themfmm an -M-I-=-- in to carry 3 tl _V___ _. ruuuownuo _ At the present time, however, your Com- mittee see no reason why your Council should- . not impose a rate sufficient to meetyevery lia- bility," and place t_he Treasury beyond the pressure thathas rendered in carrying on the business of the'Corporation. i That. whilst hofciing such views, your Com- mittee wonldodeprecynte and earnestly set their face against any extravagance, and will use their lllllll8!?(`e,' as heretofore, in enforcing the mnst 'l'lr'riri ..,.n..n..... ;._ ,7 -- - A Bank help necessary ' .unuIuu:yuI|_l_y W65 1-ZDU; Ullyer exonera `.Counci{s' doul H1 hnsines city money arising therefrom, I-the burden to be borne -by the rat I light as possible. .- ` ' _ A. - - A uauuult. All which is respecfhlly submiid A THOR/I IR QITA/l'nnri\n.c nuu uaum uinuunar normal. The amount raised under By-Lows "Nos.(e9.2 and 93 of this Corporation -have not yet been carried to a sinking fund, as provided by said Bj'~Laws. Your Committee, however,` pre- . some it is the intention `of your Counciito set apart` and invest the sinking fund aforesaid, and would recommend that the proceeds or said Dobentures rate under said By4Law's be so set apart as soon as_ practicable, and that the Finance Committee do thereupon report to this Council the best mode of investing -the same.` i , ,A_ . .. the Barrie Grammar School. '1`tiathaving given their {best 'at_t'entio_r: to the . investigation of the subject, they find that no demand has this year. been madewoy the Go- vernmentfor interest on the Provincial Deben- tures, one yeat- e interest on which was raised last year, and that pending such.t:'emand your Council made, use` of said amount in tneetnig various demands `which have uuexpectediy arisen `during this year s municipal govern- ment, foremost among which have bean the payment to Angus Morrison, Esq, of one thousand dol'iars,'. balance of his claim for pro- fessional services on behalfofthis town, in the matter ofthe Barrie Switch, and two hundred dollars appropriated towards the sustenance of 1 Iriin urnniirn S.-.i....,l .... J-- V 7" " '5 H _ any A-ti'lv1U1lo_:,>\' p .'f;:: `1 ~. ' Our town cotemporaryhaving in his te last issue asked `the pertinent question,` it? Whither are weidrifting,_ inreferencej _9 to the increased taxrate ofjthe town for 3 _, the, present 4' year, we, having; also an -- l interest in the subjeet.,yhaAv,e been asking 8 some info_rma'tion upon it; and, as it is our du_ty_'toimpar.t; a-niygsucll knowledge we may a .possess_`in respect to E such niatters to our -readers, "we had" .. ; proposed to give such of them as it `migl1.t- .concern;the benet of our researches in this` isstrei We nd, however, that pweocan onlyido so to a. 1 limited extent, by publishing tire--Report, ` of thei1?`inance Committee, in which the. _imposition of the rate is recommended. We intend to make a. few comments on, the Report next week, and to give our rzrtepayers allthe information we can obtain on the subjeot, rwith `a "view to enable them to solvejthe question which our cotemporary has propounded. The following is the Report towhich we have referred :-.-' I V . . . -To I/re Corporation of the Town of b'am'ie. The `Standing iCo`mmiittee'ion Finance` zind ' Assessment, `whose duty it is to prepare and Jpaybeforevyottr Council_a,slatetnent of Cor- poration Finances. and showing'tte amount . necessary to be this yearimposed and raised` it _ to meet the liabilities of the Corporation, _' 1., ,Br_:o ro REPORT : ` at I1`. ` with Lake Superior,` the shores` of which abound , with valuable minerals; now unpro- ductive f_or`want of cheap and easy access, and will greatly facilitate the. passage of emigrants to the Hudson s Bay territories (shortly to be. transferred to the Confederetedi British pro: v vinces),' as welt as thoserast and valhahfg ' countries known es thedied River -and S'as.k;3l,_-T . ch,ewan,glist'rir_:,ts. Eventually, it may,`l'orrn'_an": .1 A irriportsft -link`. in a chain of-commi:1iic'at,ion 'betweer`r= Brijain and the: East Indies and {hiaa_(lIr_ough ABritis_h North Atneri_os.- .' ` * CL `:v`QQIrVL u.5(lrlL5.I After a previous aV1'vticle{ref'e1 this subject was in 't[y`p,_ rec `copy of the Illustfaterl L07Z(Z072 .- t.11e-24111vlt.,_contz1ining spirite: V ofthe of gri the Canal, Mr. 1 Vtmgllan, eve of the gre-avL'\vo.rk \f.`lx'ic.h ce mllagnrateid.` ' 1- U N _,,r,_.__ .v..,....-\,, wuu it raplmy gvpopulal1on,- amicipated jemanus funds leuessjtv, be vearlv nnnn nu. .'.....__-,- __ , ,-, Jun: uuuI' acme extravagance, l5 arm in ever unic' a m 1 M `I J xvoutd that the, ma nrnvivlml rm . :_zAvENHU Rs,i* i `nfcxf Friday, `epgaged in ., . . . -'*o 1a'tion it; impar.t, a-nlygsuch knowledge m'rc.or ,to 's had". . U _ r_> ,. ninht.nn---_ d named, 1 ng `like he. `ma! ....x..'_ . - \n|llJ.l:!UGI' I tl1erefro}H;~i.n making; rat_epa'yers as cents iii 1; 'IIaving said so much as to ourselves, . our intentions :`n(1e.\ pec!:_1liuz1s, we shall wish our readers, and -pzztruns T a happy Christmas. V ` ` ` .2124 00 ` $5457-00' ?'x666'bo. 60000 200 O0 II , viz. mnnnn 1333 00 200 00 ~ oiizus`,`z1%:ngaz3+*a &6c1a1.mnqia 9rwgpsfaie:;t1:.t . ` % in 1: if npntoii ca V `v?rz"inlii`ttii' for `at asdl'3n"the7l!%i .- =413:,,I.feg_:_ ..aergmng; aar .1i:s;,m1za%a:tssryi~.I: atef" :.. , :ds..:z1thrs,2r%1ie~r1r L2dJ.~.v:e.s ned` 239 sh" st.`**`* :4 :4: an gzym gag. j;r,'Iir7;izz;.;,. e.;.1.z;-u~;ae aeremig of~Collingwqod} . 'v?hdI"a'ppesied/.10 prosecuh; .bti '\) v. _`z_ ling! V: 4 A: ,_ ; J.;B.1coste:; 539!iaatx:4ttog:;s, 55,.y;'9;0mrq ioh::M;Ia0d.` a. `?P5"`:`..51.. E9?! .L(`>.-i11_yp,,'_ c~.,.*;.q borated the statement of Mr. Rpgers, so,-f e|K.1 -,-gs : hi `v6's`cognizan}~of whatf`ha d passed. .2 -:~.-` A L` K %;.a.;ams'v:oa.aa :au.n;z: nd_n}1?'s:"i' Lmintk Rn:-nfnui 41.- A..r......- ' 3. a B0 `A ` 'g,- Vi.-V `W : : L -T.-r.-R-V %co;ter.99untx;Atto;ney, '_ag,3,ho_.0 "t 5` '_f1_.,9_:kf'9r-the dgfence... V. T` V . 071.}: r-- constabggsg 30- _k9.ep'tho: saga c1bhe;h=s. v'en )"1'1e;e was a genr_a1r6vi'.then.' V . _ ' I ` _ ' u-. --'- --.... .....- ........mvu _hull,.l.l11 W95 a`wa;ai`11gto| With the mcreasd` spade wi` sI1all _ }:1ereafter I1a\' at command We shall be . pect to find our readers, who are in able to make an :1tt2'zictive dispTay- in our advertizing columns, of` which we e_.\:- busi- ness, taking due notice, an:lhast_ening to reap the advantages we. are able to offer I them. . - . i a , _-- v-vA\4|AI.lLlollVI The Queen V. George Rag/.-AssauIt on a con- i stable in the execution of his duty, charged to having been committed at Orillia on the 3rd inst. Joseph. Rogers, the prosecutor, sworn :'-L- -'H_ad .21 warrant` for the arrest of one John M_cDu, re- .ceivcd in Novemher lost. The chargg against McDufi was for stealing _some whiskey from a store`-house in Collipgwood`. * The `warrant was `issued by Wm. Ma.nn,Esq-, J .P; Made, the} arrest in Orillia, aiid took McDuif to Ross"`m. `Th idefeindant it-ms ther o.ngi_ ajinoyed about the arrest Allowed 'McDu' and` the prisoner-V__t_.o go into ano ' `ther room,` the `door of which _the f)Fion'er`(lose csluid pot,.his_A.foot,against i,- ,_1`.-'9!`99i,1. the dtio op;=,nLa_nd`r,e_fose,i to Io: prisoner` aiiid>1\I'cDnif how any , iu`thjefi1 ; inte roonrae`f _ `McDu` wiiis`,-'o'ph`i in" room by himsc1f,> and, iniho ev.gning'lhe 'p_"'s.bnev tried tolgvee-him, andgwas. `-,v_eij-y y?io1'en_t._[._iii_ hi lohuag; `He V n1/aV,ie_ as if;?to-strik`e_1`vit_iies;1 an and costs. with a receipt for the amount showing - how it had been settled. He admitted that Ryan ' would not leave the mere, upon which`.he (Small) The agent of the Div. Court plttii, Peter Small, alsoVsta,ted_ that he-had made an arrangement with William Ryan totake the mare for his sou s debt,Jon the condition already mentioned, and had given him a. statement of the whole "claim had afterwards asked for some store goods on credit, and on being "refused had said that he sent his`bo'y out to lock the_stzi.ble door. He ` valued the horse tit about `$60,, but thought it ad-4 visable to allow oyer $80 for her in payment of 9. doubtful debt. ` ' i The jury being probably sutised from the evi- dence` that William Ryan, in dealing vvith the mare, had exceeded his a'uthority,'found fendant guilty ofuthe alleged conversion, and gave a. verdict for`pla.inti` for $92.25 damages. ;, A. Rnnlfnn Iv `M..rI....u I- ' ,_ `_._f-:-... nvh vuu-Au uaumgcu. Bo_u!ton & McCarthy for plaiutitf;_A1jdagh & I Ardagh for defendant.` - A` For the defence the Clerk of the 8th `Division Cvourt-Vwas called, who prov_edvthe issue of the warrant` of commitment," and its return with an endcrsement to- theeffect that the `claim had been settled . - ' _- ,.._..-.. .-yuan: VI A uuvu `(Some witnsses `were called ` A valued the mare at f;om'$90 to 9, that she always belonged to`tAhe Ryan. ' ' 4` ` A receipt for the debt was. given to Williatn ' Ryan`, but he swore that he did not know what was, in the paper he got, and that he had no authorityto _let Small (the pl_aiut:itf"s agent) have the mate unless he allowed $100 `for her, which he (SxAn'a.ll)refuvsed to do. . _ V A L He also stated that not having agreed with Smell he went into the stable to take away the mare, and was prevented by the defendant _Ca.r- son,"who took the haltonout of his hand, upon which he retrtrned home without her. .- G-._.A ' '- ....; uuuua_LUl.' mu urresc or one 1'5-ll'10K Rynn, issued out of the 8th Division Court oi this :Qo_ux1ty, "under the judgment summons clauses of the Division Court Act. Afier` he `had `made the `ai'res_t, in July last, one- William R_v9.n,'fntI1er of the plaintiff and `of Patrick Ryan. got-amvare ffom the farmer to bring to the plainfgg in a Division Court_suit, and offer her on cert terms` in settlement of the debt, The defendant then abandoned his prisoner, and -proceeded with Wm. Ryan to the residence of the plaintiffsjageni at Bullycroy, when , as" it was stated bythe latter, V an armngement was made `by which the mate wash to be taken in full of.the_Division Courtjndg- ment and of an open nceount against the same party, amounting in all to about $80, `but with a stipulation that if the'Ryans paid the debt before the lsit nf (Tmnhn- Ina} n..... .'.-..u ..-_- n ---`---u-vnvul uuqu u uuc uyuus P1110 U18 (1895 _b`efore the 1st of October last, theycould have the mate back-. . ' ' - - -..., -vnvuvvu Fru{zci. v; ~AC'/zarle C'arsan.--The dfend- _am, a. Division Court Bhili`, had ts` warrant placed in his handsffor the arrest of one Patrick Rvhn a:m'n`R Ian} 41.. on. nus--, n - Ip may wltu uer uuuzgxem. ._ The jur.y4found`the prisoner guilty of the essault with intent to commit n. tape, but also found that the woman had been av oonsenting'purty. It had been laid down as,law.` e counsel for the Crown, and by the Court, that if the woman were of unsound mind She would be inoupable, in law, of consenting, so that the vetdilzt`, as rou- Adci-ed, was not g,.v.ery clear one. ' N - Sentenced reserved. . ' - - J. R. (}_otter,_ County Attorney, and Lount & Boys for the prosecution_;' Boulton & MoCurthy for the defence. N ' ' . accomplish witliiu tlm-`~next threel _months. ' ' V J ...v-.u....w. V To meet the incrc-a.:cd expendimre wlxich such an cul:1r.gen1cn.t will entail, `we shall have to get. omsubscriptiou list doubled, wl1lcl1 we lzupe to` be .-able to`. l _._.-_. .._- ...-. yn-V vvnnvwvnuuvvu um unauvunvuuv Thedefence set up was, thatthe proof of - the identity `of Mrs..Soott was" not Asnicient t'oVwa'r- rant a conviction, and that at all zvents, .if attempt had been made upon her bytthe prisoner, it was with her consent. . * -v -----v- an-vu -vuuuu uvcr Lu uflljcinlj IQ. HIV, I55! 7 Conrt.-of_l_-`Quarter Sessions,-.hut V did. -notgttend,-_ and his fecognizanees lied been estrte'i .r_,9 Con:-t`~ consented _` not . . to enforce -n` payment ofthe costs attending it. ; 7`Amn `Scott is~a womeniofeennsonnd n'tind,A.myv>ho,. ,, has beeninu the _habit of` roar_nin`g from one place` j -`to, another about "the}township`,. and on the_jl9th;! _ of June lastiwas;seen.`toileave 5 hotel at Clerks-' vil_le,`in- the evening. followed by the prisoner, and was afterwafds found-with him in nposition _ which -led the witnesses to believe ,that. he had been attempting'.to_commit the alleged assault. A ' 'Jatnes.Mi1'tchett, o/witness for the proseeution.- ' Stated that having some suspicion of the ,_nris.on- er sjobject,'_hc hnd7follow'ed'him from Olarksyille for some distance, -and after a time had heard a ~.~ ' person, who`m'he knew: from the voice to be Mrs. Scott, cryingont to be let uh. Coming to the - place he found the woman and the prisoner on the ground, `out in the act of.rising up. '_ They` werein the ditch." Witness struck the prisoner ` .several times," and, the latter asked him. B06710 _ kill him, that he-hadnot succeeded in his object, ' and. would not again aetin the same manner. in the meantime Mrs. Scott seems to have gone `off, and was not again seen bythe witness. 'l`lm. .ut..... ...:. .... .... ._I... 1...;-r 1-..n____:.-1__. <(>-4 --..u u 5-ur uvu but:-I nuvu uJ' IIIIV vvnuuvauo The other wi_tnes_es, who ha. d_ fo1lowed_`cIos_e upon the ratone, cox'roborated_his stVateme nt. "I`L..'A..6`.._..;. ..-A. .__ ___._ .I_,. - `I _ I :- - - 5 T/ge" Queen}. Pdmk _,co'zz $z2g};---,-1*h`,p: A no u~`;:nr;a an ""~"-?-.`-I `,',"JJ w-n_A.,nna :I:qt_cuI'rI-I w- gkbe Refox9inat0ry:~., _ __l` -- rvr-cher 80.od-looking y_o..`.s1; m.n;=wasznaie:a-rare ht_3Ying`cornmitted an assault-6n onelnu S L..:_ at '1 ecumseth,_in June last, wi-th intelfzxff, mi` 3' "De; 'l`he~p1so1;eg1 pleaded Not'Gu_i1t.y.' He had been bound'ove1-`to appear at theflast` V nm-t -nf.-'(\nni0nu `Qn`s......... L..L' 12.1 __-._au.._.1 9 VT[zeb QlleftVf{;1\7els0J.-SlbQ,-E?f1?hfI5rJ39?! if youpg lad,` yrs"; indicted" fpg."s;t.eaIp:1ig"f:$` I longing to a Mr7-J'oli_ S'1-tlie1Ttil,i1 iI;j_`of V .. .7 iwediasdiy. % limbury. There was aecond con ,1 for rn`:i, V_ViiI_4g, {ha - lcfnlnn -6:-1:-E...-L -If - : f\.. `-_.__E.A_'..: .I L- ` ----- "J ' ` `:\"V `_BchVu`>`V`1'\"uvl IUI V. '9 'S*'e.n; ,Pr tt3'$;` 0.9 being irraiuid ..h.e5 pleaded _GqiIt_y', 9. id.,'wi_s" aeI1`thc.e'-f E03 57`ii~.ih'* the RefariIinO.nrv" - ' ' -' 4 . ' " ` . uga:%1manigenaa. % `as H V _ __ _ _ _ "6ne,ThomasM;j1t COUNTY COURT `AND QUARTER SE8 Tbq. ;q g-fwga-Lgly ' L i'-.(oonczued.)T ~` :g1=`=*ue_?ni1mseE1-a - -V.-_-_. ...J I ------ uu, IVA-I\l the mare f;pr'$9O to $100, [and proved mlsyays belonged to.the plainti , Francis --_ ---.-, -gv CnQv i"-.(concza'u;zed.) . We should all events lmve been" , compelled to suspend the publicalion of ` the paper for :1 week, in order fo enable -will be consiclcrably lruger than any us to complete our :m'angeme`nls for its enlargement. The next relgulazshseevt we issue, beginningj with the new` year, ne\vspz1per_in'tI1e Conn!y,and will give . 1 . more reading mailer for a .dollar than can be had for the same money in `any T` country town in the Province. _( II` by-pnginmr, vmo -pnn 4... Gina N. ADVANEE, BA"RRIE. * I" cession 'bTf"West1vi3w-i11imbnry:, .t.heLpmp_g.rty o I "A ---C6ne.Thoma.s lazi`gl;,`:'i`pqocf61t._TLC`;-, ten c!bci T business ' able, The plaintiffs produced evidence to show that defendant had paid interest on the account, on two occasions;-and Seymour, the person who had made" the purchases, , the things for her, and had not received the money to pay for them. For. the defence it was shown that this witness, (who was apparently a. very worthless character,) had stated on more` than one occasion that he had received the money to pay for anything hewas commissioned to buy -for thedefeudant from time to time; that he owed this debt himself and would A and that the interest paidon it by defendant had been paid at his~'request and for his benet. , fSomeof thevitemsin the accountwero such as it was evident the defendant would not `be likely ' _ to purchase, Tundra portion of the debt was con- tracted in her husband's lifetime. This latter the Courl:',`leavi,ngia balance of about $120 in- dispute. The jury gave the plaintiffs a_ verdict for $80. ' `Boulton &' McCarthy for Ardagh for defendant. mm- _--- - ' part ofthe claim was withdrawn from the jury `by plaintitfs ; ` Ardagh 86 swore that he bought pay-it when he was i _fendn.nt on the ground that thehgoods purchusd _.._.,._, nu um uc1cuCB- ` _ ' _ Ic0oIakey Russ v. Isabella M. _Lawler.--_'Thxs. wits therlast case to be pried, and was a. suit. brought to recover the amount of an account for about 45, which had been,l'wi,tI1 the pIainti"s_ jnv the name of olne Simeon Seymour, but which they claimed "to recover from the dev-_` were for her use, and thatahe had assumed the E debt.v A A h ' A ._.- -..u.5v. ' J; R. Gotten` for the Carthy for the defn ce. 7lr..iv....I... b :- - ..._._.__.__.__. _ L` The[Huron. and .0nt#.1_`io Ship. Caxml again. Ann)` '1, ~"`: . '

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