Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 8 Nov 1866, p. 6

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`Uf>pe'r Canada and t"`omr'ln"-xvhfr-.15 `mi? fa Upper Canada fana Caxiada ,'whi'c'h`;nI L The Attdru` y- assassinated if 'he_ of the Feni'ai1s*i nadian govemxie `_ opiniorythat thJrih'w1ll carry out tiny` _ threats'.th_ey may mt`1ke.'_ '. " no 1 r_`I_--`AVLII- Al` 2 -The I`r'ih aisqtitalk of _1 thre:its`,th_ey may make.` u _. 1 ' _ H ._ _ ._ ._ _ ,, i.b`rati.nth e condemncd?F'riia'n,s;g1s well _as `of pun__- i 1 isliingwith dgathfthja qrown'_Q_irs,i an . a`ct phat wi1l`1ea;.i to '_a '<,:;>`f,t1io.t [with .:the 3 txbops in the 'cd`l1n_t_1`y;-` _niT`;ii") ito";4 :1rr now the Seventeenth V:1`1`nt and the bulk 'ofth'e fI`hi`_rteen4t_h_1*i_kC~.Jsaa..i`s'.v ' " - ` The Whole aspect ofthe;t_;p_uble indi- ' dates that there may be wafgbetween Britain and th'e1United States before` next -__:_v..A ....,1.e1...+ {Ina TTnih=.d States. 20- ljfltaln anu LILUIIUIIILCU ulauuo uunvuw ..v.._. - springgaiid.-that the United States. go,` Va` ve;nment__may transform` the Fenian il forces into a. United States invading iv `army. upon Canada. . e i ' . A `-r-mnum: TORONTO `DES-YATCH: ; 4' QTORONTO`, Oct. 29.--The '_d'espatr~;h `:of. V. Mr. Seward to the Britsh Minister te- ; gardingtlie condemned Fenian prison- . ers caiises `some excitement and much L eindignaltion here. The feeling is very V general t_hroug'uout the province that the _ deathipenalty shouldibecarried out, `at 1 .' least as fmias the ririgleaders. are 1cou- t pexned. Among the volunteers this ' reeling is very-`strong, and nlllt11_)erS_ threa_ten that, `unless the government allows the law to take its course, they ' will resign their command. ' ` _ -. Lynch is reported to be in nopwaiy discomposed since his trial. He sleeps` well and eats heartily, and doesnot at .3111 seem to realize his position. "Yester- .L- ~..i..,. H11-ma. Fenian nrisoners I0 YCHJIZU um yuauavuu ...uu-\._. day, the bther _three Fenian pgisonrs . wereairraigned.f Thelr trials are to take place` shortly. The prisoners"a|1.'sp`eak _I `w'e'_]l bf the1r_ttea,tment by the Canadian 'qfcials, but ' bitterly," Henou'nc' ;the`if_ friends infthe `United 'States forrlehving :them without funds and Qthgfrwise un-K ,__:J...1 _l-uUl:u -lVlIlg\'aVu- _...__.- ,__, _ V . . ..4 v .: provided; . V -V _ V ~ V . T gm m:mu.D. SEN8ATI01\"8_I-`ROM 'l`ORON'l`o,. -- 4--.. A. .. my `CLIPPINGS FROM TTH'ET UNITED STATE?SVPRESS.V' j ` . ~- F ' hshut - Lpwe)` `doubt, not_ alone I!-111033 `h "` . n nism amdng all 'c1nseS- T113_8'_'-"`. g .'. ansbeon `ggqng go'beVthut the Qanadlap rat 11_s a " iuv be past pbl`nicg1 'eye11_.and_ that V evervi P8 Vution ocnhected with `it; should be` 'fo;gotteg. ` `C3 ninunks or 'l`l!II"1"`A":`:-f -V.- ya` u`-.`n'|-ml in. A " -rnaI:n,:W ` 3; his) nne1I)1{ j `Rjdgaway ght. H g y. y 1'; 1,9 A, .1` friends in our t oF`.tl; .1yrg-({ievg d at his 1: igdmdllts who Aardevn.-t1y_hope_a t e}l','\9z21 yet, t,;_ansp1re an ,1 ns 1 msvn 5 (1 one rieve. ey W61 ? lhg gnfortunan it;;-t;:_`9Ii1;- i:vL011:isvil1te, mfg; 7a 9., 1; am gm 0- an Ial6'!`n,l.1't] `id dalfriend! " spohdritz ggvgqtion he _wa_se |_-,ev1i'g,on. `them, and gt us only Ymgs 80.3 theycan` make so? I iservics J ' t ncgthat the =0 .. _`.. 55? ss:ta -zemember. tl 1`h9F oil? me. am: defence ~,t;, at ' ex_ _.(3 din `bani: hdfve__m,9` .?:Ba,r?1;t and .t.her< bfig th since his capture $11 7.9"? might: assismnce which '_ ::9n ta1n_ed. `thy-hoo{Vf? was ab `vmhf t,6rende;-`him. '*i:bf`the9%_ triali wit - ~UP9_'| `Pf `W: h` n_t'b5 De`:-`-f 3:99 "."_""`.* `. `; f r + nunuw mm.-sue! hgoghvggg -vtrihn9.hhnt!4;:nn. -II ' 1 m" at key-% I:`W T?$w3 him oounsrv ms9z~o;'hm.|.1i yuan be? no"tubr m1on.~` i The IE1};- Canadians is'tnanifeste{,!.:in gherlongjtlelay that has 14 talgenilplnce before the trial,` `anduby the very patent fact that.-the people of the provinces are puzzledto know what to r dpw'ith;the.;f` el`ephfant? , they havefon c their ,han_ds., We have nodoubt that I s % the Canadians have no intention of exe- cuting -the sentence of the` law 11 an 1 - tliesq_men.e_ We are vjery"sure "gilt 1 ilothinlgj-but: further hostile movement t on,,t-he part of the Feniansgor reckless _-A a`_n .d_ ` ill advised retaliation, would 1 induce them "to i-punish". the con- ; Ivictedprisoners. Even-.if they `were renlly `hirsting for blood, they. would l . listen to theappeal of Mr. .Se_wardt,a`nd to the correspondence which our g `eru- ment will open with the"`,_h inis-, r ter. The; 'mmediate. deli` ik that` Fenians will; rash_l_y precipitate" matters and by some ill-advised act, fan the slurnbering ame of Canadian wrath. -m.. .......m an ilieuriise the fact that UI Kl-llfB|-Illlll Vvluuuun We would not disguise the fact the Fenian, prisoners. in Canada, by yielding to the bad counsel of their leaders", are the cause of the situation in . which they are placed. Nor would we forget that the leaders haveescaped soot free, while the miserable dupes of their policy have fallen into. hostile hands; `*7 Canada can aord to be generous. Shemay nd.:at'1_` example of the treat- - mentfof'trnit_.g'n and invaders in, the re- ' cord- of Federal htory,` and learn some- what , `Q fhe f:<)'rbearanc,9._ which has ` ' . he course of this government. V __ uadians will not be inu- _ t " cirhearaude in reference to l. .tli_c`se,pr', soners, by the threats` and men- ; Qacyesof public meetings. They must be approached calmly and with a dignied "'request` for mercy. Threats of retalia- tions`-boasts, that England will be` sent to;.tl1e,bad,if these `men are executed, will only tend to iname public opinion there, and-to.` inuence the "authorities, `to allow the law, to take its course. : Mr.. Seward writes to [Sir Frederick Bruce that, these o'ences_ are political, that forgiveness and? amnesty are a duty, and tliatypthe sarneopinions were ` "urged: upon the government_ during our civgiylywargind -by none. more , urgently . _ " than hy Great_. Britain. We believe that _,Great' Britainiwtilly listen to the claim of V mercy no'w,,not` merely because we pre- ?; fer it, but from motives of expediency. ,1, _-rr,rn_-goounmuan pmsoxna LYNCH. er. sTh,e Louisville!/'o14(zr, for which paper thecondemned prisoner Lynch claimed a-.I....... Imam nf Fnrf Ineroquueuuuuu yuavutu .u_y uvu. vaulluvu _to:have been a=corre_spondent at Fort - Erie.;:.says oijhim:-r-' ` 7 2 p 1 _:- Capt. Lynch is anelrishlnanb birth, ` and.seryed,,we believe for severa years, I in the'Brilish arrny. He has ebeen.a residentfoi -the, United States for over mgentyfyears, an_d~0f this Oily for; several, years-past.. He served in tlie United ' States army, in a Kentucky regiment, g.hnt,'peing an old !nan,'.and unable to: ` stand the-hardshipsot the eld , was on ' poet duty the greater part of" his term of P.` -.1 se_r.v_ioe, He went from there to Canada '3 F, with the Fenians, and `was taken pris- ' 3. .oner-atF__ort-Erie about the time` of the ,5. Itidgeway He has a large num- . : -beret" friends city, who are deep- ? ly grieved impending fate, but *1 ardently hope thatsomething may 3 transpire in his behalf, either p. par- '- dou or-reprieve. , . If unfortunate man has ?` friends h in~LouisVil1.e. why were not. some of 3. : thernphere to: aid him when he most 3 F2 needed aifriend ! `Up to thehonr of his 3: `conviction wasentirely abandoned by 5 them,a.l1.d ll-tsonly when theyuf think 1 Ed make some 3 capital eoutfdfiihis} ~' {*5 sentence that Fenians in,the-:U-nited 1? Statesgremembertthat-he has a;:,;li.fe` To 1 1} gave, His defence.was undertaken by` 4 -93. a;C_anadi_an (barrister froingjmotivns of 9` .charity,. and there has -;been1*.nov~tirne ; l` that he has not required Fhli assistance `the infamous Bro- =5- 'therhood}:'?'.was`eable but tao...gor.:h1egs I6? 4}. 'y.malau-"him- ~ wl Ki `.0 PT` 4 -Upwirdi of two hnndrdomin coins have % hopn mrneqi 'om:of:n.gmol-`pic it Slllbridgag , '-l`hegt:ter,ponion_.ohhem bau thehend of Con`- 1 > stunting cm lhgpno Iido,;u_:d on thjootherside ` ~!I_IiD_D!_Qhltp!at|, anohu nan clad ingnrmoqr, _ Q) '[:&oriixg n.bqnn_ar; sfemale on; shield`: .` ' 3 yilh afnpegt, and 3 Variety of `others, ' `man; of ' than bbiping in MI excellent auto `of n` -`-'4'-X-'-mI:n'n I . 1.-A-The 3g_ea'|`1er Auggralaszan, tea f`rOm-Qllee'p8- town"to the 21 u1t.~, hasarrived. *, M The steamc Medway,counected with the Aglamic elegraph expedition, -ar- rfved at Que stown from Nova. Scatia. on the 20th,q ith the 16s of her pro- peller. T ' The Irish * Plunktt, _di, i The cottot ' very large. fr-I, - , ,. A` .Nnv; Yonxf, Bishop of Tiiam, Lord on the'19th ult; ` , `I-,9 I......... L-.. _'1...--a 11...! ....a ` top of Egypt is said_ to be- CONDITION 1` THE 1!. OF .'.MEXICO. ` on exhibition at.theheadquarters_of the ` numerous, i dable. i the large size cavalry revolvers, by P-re-_ _sident'1{oberts.' .The 30,000 new uni.- ` than a third completed. Everything be- ACTION yr Trisinonnars nub-ciuymrnas. 2 The World says :-.The Roberts cir- cles in this city are said to be- mustering ' their military forces. - The large number . of arms of this association are about -en-, tirely exchanged for breech-_1oaders,.aedv.. a redistribution is to take place assoon as possible," to be concluded before the "close. of November. Some of these arms are now brotherhood. The specimens of the Springeld and Eneld ries are -most . but the examples of the. re- < V peatiughand .ordnanee of Spencer. and Berdan are the most admired and formi-. try far as weapons are concerned. There was a purchase made .yesterday of 10.000 1of forms, recently ordered, are already-more tokens early, stern work. Not much excitement, . but a keenvwatch .obtaius in regardto alfairs in Canada. ' . _ ._-... ..........n..~.. `un.nnru1r'I'l'-`.Rs- '- . The next time that the liberators ` their hand on the Queen _s~ Own, 1 _ they will certainly be _well prepared, so " ?W@ri'iva1 of . uuu uuvuuuu vvuv Ul Luaaluuuuu VVJIII all the courtesy and kindness for which he is remarkable,_he remained absolutely rm. The Empress un- fortunately lost her. head completely. She "so far forgot her self-possession as to give way to the most violent paroxysm of excitement, and made use of Ian- . gage which not only startled but puz- zled the Ernperor, utterly unaccustomed r as he has liongbeeu to be addressed in any tone but that of respect and, at the , least," courtesy. This painful excite- : ment is now easily accounted for. The ' rst subjectwhich appears to have dis- tracted the mind of the Empress was a t clause in her father s will, by_ which he [rm-.-rely gave'alife'use in the twenty-_ - ve millions he bequeathed to her, al- . though he gave her `powertoldispose of - the principal-byiwill. The Empress ap- plied to her brother Leopold II., and to the Cuuntof Flanders to annul this 1 t K ofthe Mexican Empire. Her brothers, b lgrglzcetyergo imbuedniwitltrl the prpdencg R King Leopol3ri,h:aa'ls!t]ei]urhed`i1adefxiiifzr he_r_solicitati'oins,Hr re,mindmg her of the prodical generosity with which her hus- band had spent his own private fortune, as `well as a. portion _Qf._hers, and possi- tively refused her request. The Em- l i 3,??5ii`lE ;';`i33Ea?fotiili ghaveibeen privately supported in their decision by the Austrian Imperial farnily, she will not `consent to visit her family at Brussels'r , or -at Vienna. 'I_`he_nce arose. her d_espai_r onthet Pope having declined to sanction the concord as proposed by , Maximilian. I-I_er ap- peal rejecte gby Napoleon theT_h1rd,by A`: Anna Inll have huh!` \I1 flu: Dnnn if `id clause, and .toAi allow her to devote the . twenty ve millions to the consolidation IIUI UVVU IIIUQIUI5 GU ll BIIU LUV? Al: to not` sung:-{sing that, her high_t'one mind andar ant feeling have 1 given way in t1i1a.p;e"sence ofho much bitter morti11ca'-' t on. " * ' `;".'iXn,i_ Ii ti A ,WVel`s`Vnman-lcalledto his wife : _` game e` is_n t _brea.kfae ready}! I ve hind npting since ~ yester dgy, and to-`marrow will be Gh_q;t'hird ` 'day! - Thisi is equal to the: ring housewife, who aroused her; maid at four 1 o clpck, with ` Come,;Bri_dget, ` get up! ' Here it ;is_ Monday morning, to-marrow` L is Tuesday, thezmext day _, Wednesday -3-hglf Nthe weekgone, and` othing done vet, _ A - . VG M1533 pi HER s.u) M.1u._ADv, non-O vnnvr >- _ 1 Ant ;>alP;;JectGe`;i..~l:; 1~i'.'fs3f$}i'?1Trrifa}I; ,"1{ ' her own brothers and by the Pope, 1t :9 nnl'>'auuivt4`(nV:i|lb H-nut `nnv I-duh fnnn thin!` `.:'I`h'o' `well known German painter of battle - `goalies; Fritztullemand, has died of oholon in I Viannu. He wubom at Hanan in 1812. and , `-hi; pioturo man that of The Jnbn. L leg must of the Knights of tho. Otdat of , Marin 'l`hama'. .114 also painted court! I` ---n`.- in IE; In-I .d.l.._:..-.!J..l.u.:n can In- I \JIl\ll 3 beft ilnl LIB}!!!-" -all Ill!) yluuwu Iuvurll. mm in the last Sohloawig-fqlslein war by do: of the Eppetor. i`. "number of ries. Allcotitributions are ` active `operations coAmm'ence'ein Ireland," regaru LU uuuua gu \Ja.l.IaLeu.. 4 V _ A'r.'rnE STEPHENS HEADQUARTERS` } . there was the usual amount of activity,_ and now thatiAJames Stephens has a~n- nounced that his last public address `in this country has been delivered, circles. which hitherto held `aloof are coming _ forward to- aid him. From Chicago` he yesterday received a. promise of $7,000- in gteenbacks, `together with a.` large- coupled with thepromise thabwhenever mgpey and arms will be furnished in .A' .U|lVU wrung vvvvv -. 3., .... -_ V ' General Sweeny _has~addressed -the -D". 1 Thurston, 'Esq`., United `States Cfozzeuz A consider it a. matter of E justice to infoi;m;. `Colonel Lynch, and who hasbeen tried, money be in still larger quantities. ' I LETTER mom GENERAL SWEENY. 1 following letter to the_United States _Consul at Toronto :- ' i ' at Toronto; 0'. W. :L SiR,-Although I am no longer con.- neeted with the Fenian organization, I you that the prisoner who`is styled convicted, and sentenced to be hanged ,_ 41.- 1941.`. II`. hnnamhar next. held I10 convicted, and sentenced to 0.8 augcu S on the 13th of December next, held position in the Fenian army, was not a commissioned ofcer, and was not pre-, sent in any military capacity whatever. ; It is likely that the Canadian authorities ` , confounded the prisoner with4-Brigad-ier- g General Lynch, of Illinois, who was C` ordered by me to superintend the carry-. M ingeout of the expedition against'Fort 8, Erie. Mr. Lynch may have been pre- `, sent as a newspaperireporter, or a mere in - straggler, for aaght I. know, but--I am- !" - ` Late Commander"-in-chieftofthei. r I This committee areto htiy .sI.1p.f81e ( very; certain that he had-cno connection n whatever with the Fenian army.~ . ' n Yottrs respectfully, , ,_ T. Sw`m~:NY, Fenian army. "Murrens in `sr1~'." Lonis;` V ST} Louis, Oct. 28}-.-'-James.Ste,nhens t has appointed ten prominent Fenians of 1 this city as a committee of . organization. for M1sson,ri~. - . _ control of the brotherhood in_t_l_1is,. state, , and are anthorizedito e_s_tabli_shcircles, `- commission ocers who are, military 3 . men in the interest ,ofglrelandj, collect -, - money andwar materialfor the nse:of:' the Irish republic, andin all other ways `. compatible with the lawspf .tbe'-,Un.ite'd- t V ` States, to serve the cause of Ireland, rm... hcmn nlreadv called` \.-from ',whom_, ul1{'`nces_zaI'1jyv:'jni`9;ga.1;ier1 : serve me cause O_l1[_uruuup . The committee have alregdyVca11ed- .' upon all the friends _/Ire1a;.nd:to' im"-'. mediately organize an put; themselves in communication _V ih.1ie' i:`o,mij11it`l:ee,". X. 4 and instruction may be.ob,ta1n_d; ' _, e . -...-_.:..... no T.` in called. for and IHSETUULIUU [nay uu.uw_v.uuL-`an. _ i V . A meeting of Fenians,-,is,_al1ed` for Tuesday. evening. to eonsider Wlli action is necessary toibe.tak/en~in `Jthe . cases of Father? MeMa.hon.-and ~Golo,ne1. -L .--..o.........:"+..* Jnnih bmthe ov.` ; telegraph: : ' allggd priest MM2ih`o_n~, at'*T_drqut`o,3;has gases of Father iylelvlanon-.auu -Uuna_uu, ,` I.3ynch,'seutenced `to* -death by/~.the '95-r. cmls of the British g9vernx_nent;" " _ V ; ` " ' sIj.N's__A'r_ioN RTI:1>k;`ix-1T`._=1n'(rjn;r". 1s_ic491\"'1iI;v.I:_,A:.;'Is; _` The Herald ; Montreal Lcorre_s1 3bn' ` The no t'14x`e`conv;i_'o.tic>.lI_- Ofi`-1i,V` _cau_sejd- __mI__1chM gs`it9ne'n;` .t1xis,;aity. run. 4 1: ..~....;.. n.nm1is...Ii-ish` iwill n9tlf:11'Nv_ V Fenian A airs.1_ ' `A

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