Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 8 Nov 1866, p. 5

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to end dge ; . at-`ting word, < rmie.We linger I _L....- .1... -...... -. ticalfand` TsoIe'tT1_1n ; nished cpluug . _E;1`HEENJ% ADVANCE SUPPLEMENT. 3 _On_g'da y Clqtilde ha..d.'vv apdfed farther ; than usual,- having paddledp the river 5 alone in her-canoe,-and leavingvitgstrayed V 3 into the woods in search of wild owers, : when "the _low murn'1urin'gs:='of `thunder, I L ~a'un'oi1nced the approach of` .a stdrm; - Hastily sp'_r1ngi_rrg'h'om,-the;mossy` seat I 2. wher` she` Had been ayg-`:1`n14g`-i_1f1_'gV1'1. a rV o.`w- I ' "am, She haste1;ed- to kr;`ega.i.! T1% l1`r".jg:s_a no,Va ` . and polddl down t1testraam*to'herBopaq; r : but _ thev clouds -vgtherjd; and`: ', uv DUUIULIU KIIOIHBUIVCB 1-ll G_`llAlUl13ul'ej lln_(l 1 to `be, almost cdnstantlyV t`ogethfe'r.- -The -- taste or Clotilde led her to :36/elk-`it's gratis ~."c'z'1tion-~j'n the .wild beauties `ot3 the " seenery:'about_her home ;,'-`and lier`-lilfely . '~ imagination turned every rojskvinto a : castle, everyrbirdvinto `a fairy; and-made - the-winds sing serenacles `and dirges at- ~' pleasure. Her physical training 'ha_cl - { been such that she knewnq -fear; and j she plied the paddle brtpeirited the rie :' with skill and pleasure ;-and when, in her `wanderings In the thi'okfvro`dds, she T metfany of the dusky son's?of` the forest, whose friendly footsteps not unfrequently `sh"e`delighted to s6n'i1d`"th'eirA llntutoredf * s'imple_.hearts.'-- l\ , `I .`. nu-'.sau' 1 -I '1 -"< -'- '3- brought them even to'.he'r*-father : door, ` minds, and unlock the secrets of-their: their `o`W"t1`*age,, and _un't'ted- they} _fo'? ' in `ha Vhnnaf 'nI;nnefon.H1r {}"`\`tonOL``-. !'l.`l(..' . V. um uufuux ualun uuu_II.uuUl.I:1l!8p]l:6(l ` `I ' Clotildb St. 'Hila1re wi1_s"no`wsevi13 ` teen"-year's 016}; and her brother Adolghe thirteen. Th`e~ education thy *had ref- ceived placed"-`them fa'r Iabdve, oth`rs_ of companionship with those among whom` they wre` thrown-; and tfiis caused thegs to seclude themselves in a measure; an. F.-"" ."."' r-""."`'`` -`'`'`-V ' N ' ` , ' Four yeaaskassed thus happily gin their huqlble home`, had so strongly 7`a"nd ' so closely attached these two childgezi to their father, andhim to them, thatftheir lives, as -it'.we're, `beatin one-pulse} their `hearts owed `mm each other, fh"___- __their neighbors-, fey in m';tn_be_r,-"..l" ,_ f ' and respected them,*regardi'n'g.-tlge-i"gthef' - with a eerlain .aw"e which`t}ie:`zfny's'te ' of-his former rank andistatiozi inspizeda`, Clotildh ISL 'Hilmre wim"nn`u`:i7.-.m...:., a portion orms 1oHqer;ure., l, , ., n:u.- - --- . ' _ v d Six years, pri_gr_;toq, these occurrences there 1iv_e`d`,jni.. ,, settle- `? ment`oi1th"`Miihaxvk l;7{.ivfer, -`a French 9` gentlemaiijojfianki vvhose;-political mis- 8 fortunes hadj'driven h_i_z'n-.-from his native Y country `to 's e5`_I;;`aa',l; the landof 3 the `hon1eles,s`." ~, .P_Iere,_he`;cultivated a h` little` patch of,s,g'rou_n_d, and devoted. his` " leasure hours to 1i0O,k8 81.1.3 I-he education ' of his two motherlessgchildrn, a boy and 7 a girl. In the education,ofthesechildren `~ 3 he was exceedingly careful`; indeed, this 1 appe a`red" to be `the, sin`g'le purpose and. I `aim of hislife- '-`The enthusiasm of his 3 nature seemed all to have been pressed into his service for this"end,` and all the aifections liof` hisj'h'eartcentred in these -`two ob_]ects`_of his care. Early irrithe morning` he `was busily at" Work, culti- vating his little patch of `land; so that - the remainder of the day. might be spent with his children; while, during the afternoon, sitting` under the `wide-spread= ing oak that stretched its arms protect- ingly over his humble cottage, "he in- structed them in their various st11dies'---5 : more from his own ,words`than from -~ books; or, takingthem to the `banks. of . the river',`or into the woods, he joined with them` in sports, teaching then), to guide the light` canoe, or use the--rie. without "fear; and in the_eveni'ng' he t`aughtvth`em to read the .golden` lines upon the sky, calling the stars `by_'th'eir names ;` or repeated [to their attentive ears vvild _1eg'ends of'7Ge'rmauic `lore, and choice rriorqeauz from those ancient bards whose songs` come oating down "torus upon the billows_ of time; then, after a short prayer, they retired to rest, and; -thnsi*,e_nde`da7their peacefullday. 4 . J '= -I-____'_ ___,_VA IA ` raed*ytHs```L N V _thenff `11t1\r3hr qedjeach-extended -1ia`n`d'-` 9` W r"f`_I"ish: )_q ' .L.;pnt,_' and` smiled in ul_lB.' ". xvvvll v vapu vlavu, - :.z.u -:uuu_ U usiw I .A ,A warrior dartgdatrdm the crowd, an.l 'entered_.a.,jwigV5vam which stood apart 4 from the others; The"_next instant, re- ap'pearii1g',' he led forth 'a;_. youth," whosev arms were closely pinioned; and brought himhintwvtheir midst. With his dagger, Ti[sha'_-Mingo; severed" the cords? that "boI.'Ind`him , while others t'o`ol_< from their * qwn "dress; rieathexs, and tbeiids, `and a` ; to`inahawk`,and plblcdd them upon? the ' youth whom they had; free;-`~'-And, as the g_3}il.1. (of "Emncesthat-owed in3his yqg_mijntl .hig cheek, and tears bf -Lgrjatitud hisrfeyes,-the pale- k` heart among 1,: iihi: ` 1'.t_`h.`,;.a swelling breast, mourn . ",tJ c_h6ug-lrts were pass- in"`.`ii"h{ Yni .a_t`,__h,at `moment let the 3 ;.- s .. . . cros_s 41'l_Vt3'.'.W (_)`!'e g;1Lg[lt}ie gr`1eLf-stncken lock u_por__1 ,.'_whil`e we relat a pO1'tlOl'1`9f'h?g?xl:E}9;llf6,` A Six"'1iiears" nr1or td. "these nnnnrrnn.-nan ,Jike afpic-:tur`e into Wh_ich_ _'theI hrtist `was. ` ;.bri1thipg,1ife. Th Vspi;-aker cased ; and gvgry vonge cried, .` He shallgo free I A umrriniv tint-Int` h-r'n'n IHA tn-nuyvrl on] . av-n\al'Jb)lUlll IJIID IUIHUU 5 gem), and having. probed th' _; ' , cum! to` his sorrgw that`; V shatteyed the bone, sothgt "i . - ' - he necassary to convey th"1q_on did m_nn_ to hiahouse before on. dress it.-.--The chug! ' Monsieur St, Hil ' . home with him, t , frpm Clotild decided h " took the shoxteat path -` h to. their house,.where j .._....3 rgnuuuoo spy guns Vaxgqg _U,. IIIUII Dian !: `she cried,:it is.`r'ny hher s bullet. fv Qh, `father !3 what ; -pave yotfadn`? And ; throwing herae_1fnpo_n" her before _ jhe wanior, .tih.;h ,hadjt;st dohe to her, .4 implored`; him} *w5th5f':1a;rd'.5;hand `to = .foi`give her for I-`fzer g ,..`y : ` 1 ` , _ .,r .. _ _.--~-.--:...-2+ _-.-;.svw,.t.-us;`. 91"?` .I`.V.I.:,:`..`1'1`! : '3. zotigld tt_i-Ii?19:;1net.hi,mf-2'." Ingafj `Ian! i words she t tc;_]d, _._1m.':V:li-, ~5,`%`_:t eping3;%ack only the'cOhfss1o3 of5ra'bI.ave wfnhior-- ; and the-unh a;ppy man; slit f'g wjtlfaelfi 're'proncH',' hastened towgishi wli `dqd i chief,_whd stilt stoodgioqnj . received "from him -assV`TI`i'ane`?tit 1 'is V unfortunate _, r_as}1_ness fdrgiven, `h'e embraced bin; with true Eienbhrwaxmth` I of heat; `gverwhelming ijwith thanks ` and _..{_uVlt rotesnp for havjng ` snved`hi dang ter?s`*l_if9;"_."`g -*' . . ' A .With.-al,l",his other dgcomplishments, Monsieur St, ' `I*_Ii_1&ire was 1; `sun-.' nnnn urn` Luunn -.-Ah-) al..- is ' l -' gi=eeded=,._igr. .,!oae,i.i,I!'; fe`- .r`rva:;,-n`? ` !I!d.9 '4. 5"?`9 ;*9:;_1Pet.. 3!.1,I.;1}2:=' In:a_-feav , father, seeking her with frantic grief,` { having started in pursuit` of her atthe ; rs_f`indications of the _atorm, perceiv_ed r his daughter _with hair-dishevelled and nlvl LUUIM , 'It was efthis moment that Clotilde s fage-' yet pale 1rom'exha`nstion, sitting on . the ground,-'-` While a dusky gure lnvelt by her side. The riverflay ` them ; and upon the impulse of:?|e- moment, seeing only his daughter s pale t - face and the wild looking savage so near` her, he`raise_d his rie`._.. . V 4.. 1 The report cai1s`ed`;Clotilde"t,o.look up ,A " and seeing her gather-rnshin %nrd~the% ri'ver, she` cried _o'ut,-r-He` ` f't_ _ here em 'I,!`}_;,j'l`l`re`n:turni:r;g_ ' ' frienii, sh9':WQs abgixt to ask If . _ , _ her-.f3t_he c.rossjthe`_ri_ver,e-gwh, ` ' " ' perceivdo iblood`-. gjficklig _. down his '1 shoulder and vsavfthat '`his- right `argn ` h_hn'g powerless`byiZJ1is':si<,i_; "Oh, men ` ien !'.jqhp; nn,`-`if :5 Wu n.`n..`..a. |..-n_. I :7 II|IL)LI\t\I 0 'Her scattered thoughts returning, Clo- tilde thanked her preserver with tears of gratitude, and taking `from her own neck a chain and cross, bade him stoop while she put i_t upon his. The young brave : knelt at her feet `and received the gift. A-Ins for -the warrior s happiness! the un- '; conscidus girl had won.h1s simple heart, r and with broken utterance he laid it` at 1 her feet.. _ _ as ;ha_rdlly e pushed from the `shore Id when t, ldoyfelkacross the river with iterri force. ~'|3he-"fragile canoe ' hejswolleu tide,.and the ed against the limb of en whirled into the ' r; While. the padd which is eheld was snatched from her hands by the violence of the wind, and she herselflhurled into _the l water. Stunned by the shock, the poor girl would have sunk, when a dark form darted through the. trees that overhung `the banksotthe river, and plunged into the foamy waves with a wild yell which was heard dbove the storm. .He grasped the sinking maid, and throwing her senselessgform across his shoulder, buf- feted the risingtide, and,straining every nerve, reached the opposite bank in safety with his precious burden. Placing her upon. the ground, he sustained her, still senseless, with one arm, and shielded her formvthe storm with his own body. `Half terried by her pale beauty, he dared;-not speak to her, or _even remove ; the hair that partly veiled her face; but, . motionless, and breathing aubduedly . through his dilated nostrils, he xed his . black eyes upon her transparent lids until 2 they parted with a sigh, and the lustrous monitors` beneath `returned his gaze.- , Once more they closed as if they would i` return to the dream of her happy home \ from which she had awoke, and her strange preserver waited breathlessly till- they opened again. This time she re- , coveredherfsenses, and started back as , she ;_met the half averted look of the timed savage whose arm still supported her, -The young warrior now stood up, raising`, his tall form erect, and folding hisarms across his breast, waited for the maiden to speak, for the storm had passed. , - "I'.Tm. ......u..-...: 41. -.._1_;_ _-.____' -,, -, nu _DlD_ll more use bun a similar increase in 0r`$}_l9l Indif lo, the waste of life by M bllovqngolncidenl :---As the funeral a 93 feydsyo `nine. of 3 non nned Pierre -Wyea, 9II.llI._nQu Alhjyplaoo, the gravedigger, m_ !hilo_I,@.giu,h Ihfurlh, thought he `heard - ; orrned the clergy- uen.bunl_ain lnmr."bIl ing thatillprman vu undergo illnqion Iv Id not allow the 00511 loboopenod. , heunmr hnving come he; OIJIIO4 the pxhnmalion of the body, about tony-eight hours uftehurdu I ,y. I . the `authorities, I the next V ' the IJIIVII found to be still alive, but 1 ___- .. 3.--... ._..'up.uau:,u\_a vpvvs sun uans 7 featur . - -g . 2 rt] ' Monsieur St. Hilaire! had watched. in 'tenderly his patient,yholding him when` ' he struggled that he .n' l_ himself, occasionally Jnoistening ' _he_`>' ` bandages upon_ his "iround, and `paying little heed to whathe' muttered inihis `delirium ; but at these last 'words of the unconscious -than he started `with:-sure rise. Thor: l"'oli_n'g attitudes of the ndian,-as gwtesaught sight of him, _ was explai pd , and" the truth ashed upon his m'ipd';`nor could he` refrain iiom tears as - ' manly heartreceived s- from the lipsoft esuffererthisassurance 3 of At'orgiveness;f,or the rash act of his. r` hand.:.,;Emotions of generous friendship ', the sick . man, and of gratitude " hip" iior liaving rescued his daughter ' as atry grave, alternated with el1ng's,of .pride-fear concerning what . inightbe the consequences of the events 5 ivhicli had already transpired, and ten- `dersolicitnde for his'.daughter s happi- , "tress, while he deplored everyoccurrence I of that unfortunate day. `Hut. he ceased._ i not 1n'hlS exertions ttrrelieve the sick `- , man s pain ; and morning dawned he I sat alone by his conch. The fevsi _ passed, an`d\the sufferer, though. much _ exhausted and. `very weak, showed` , symptoms of recovery.` ' _ "__Some days elapsed before the chief s . t ,. warning. strength enabled him to. rise - ` ; `ni his couch`; during which-time-Clo- ( de`,` Adolphe,_and.their father, had . , gnfturnaln administering to his wants, ;; although the latter _foun'd `frequent ex- ` cute: for shape` in his daughter away .j_fr`om the chiefi ) e quick-witted Indian ` .ohservetX;thi's,.-,and discerned the cause ; `bu. .;li'e_ made no Betrayal of hisknow-_ ledge,;_ottly keeping the crosswivliich llotildejjiad given him concealed under . V it " Z J T unpyuuuy `V 1jalvalnlnslioalhutthe-number ,ommi'|gn'iII` bio for the year ending July Al,`(1A86s, is fu|_ odhhabovelhat in nriy.onq yqlr, Va fotaot dqring lhe war. lnblblg more huvbolon similar increase 3Vmd ifl- "ha ma-In `-J '3`- `A ` his neck he were a gold chain, tojwhich - ' M left shotilder hung a black ostrich feather, "T fthejdress ofe'1`i'sha-'M_:A gb, though triing l in lzhemselvesf, would` not -have been ` T allowed to_any`Indiari but th_ejremarka~- ` ble _perc_it, 1aigeevvho `wore them; but .191": I ` ` .. respect and ,aI,dtniretion for; his .singql.r' L brh.very,; an.d"perh,h.pSs tee, fear vot'_,'his~ : ,._trf.`e_ring. with ; his fenpy. VVVLV LvLulbLnuvzJ nnuuuuvtuup [LI uuuu was attaclfedl a. jet cross"; and over his or , plume. ` These ` few: peculiarities in .._,. terrible power, previentedeny` who n_;i'ght ha.ve_ borne him envious ha'tred'froIgl1, in- " on the present o':c,asiofh,7h'clvtfe.3;rrer; efs Tisha.-Mingo hgmnguetl hislprother war-f ri_ots,'th1je'a.tenin'g' sqqwlsrwere, upon their -Hanna 'n\\J r'\nnunn;xl .`l'+>I'l;Y'Ifh1 inf l-11.35;-41.13 , ill plnlislioa that tbeanmbgr I {Inna :. t..IbL..h.i.P.t_:[ Pding rnvuvlvl IIIILI U1 IIUI Ialvllcli Towards the latter part of the evening the chief was in a high fever,-and his mind wandered diliriously as he tossed to and fro upon his couch. Now hewas leading on his braves to the ghtand he sounded the fearful "war-whoop ; anon, he joined in the. councils of hisgigibez; ' and again, the more recent scenes -of 1, that afternoon itted before his disor- V dered imagination, and he was strugg gling in the water, bearing Clotilde up` the bank, asking the Great Bathe? to unseal her eyes, ':onfessing"to,her,_ his chain and cross, vturninggglle "latter over and over ; ashadowynssed over his give her father-Wviliile a, smile passed like a gleam or,/$1 featlures. " " . ,.g. . , .\ ` `:3. ..;..'. _n.. _ simple heart, and `his fingers, sough't._the ~ frame, and hislips weregeompressedgas :2 if to subdue a terrihlg fiain, and again ' those words,,The White Fawn has you ~' the heart of Tisha-Mingo-he will for`- V nshine over his dark, l P r VVIIIIJII vlnuuvia IlIIII.`V l\II5|-V Jun) plullso Asvening crept on, and the sun cast his last rays upon theforest trees, this littleifamily of father, son and daughter, sat around the wounded chief as he lay . underthe dreamy inuence of a power- ful narcotic. [Monsieur St. Hilaire had ' been rendered truly unhappy at the un- fortunate occurrence which had stretched the chief upon-a bed of pain, and he sat near him, watching his every breath, p and tearing the setting in of fever`. ' He constantly. moistened his -lips, and 7?el t' his pulse, while the concerned expression on his face conveyed his fears to the anxions Clotilde, who sat near, watch- ing alternately the countenance of her preserver and of her father." VP.-.........1.. 4|..- r-u_.. _.__. -1 .1_- ____ ..:.._ ~ When. they had. reached the Ruse * Tisha-Mingo was faint from loss ufblood andpain; Some blankets were thy-own oierh the low settedf under the old oak tree, and the sufferer reclined upon them, while_Clotildp, having sent.._~her brotherjfor some water, stahched ,the blood " !h'at oozed from his wmmd, and spoke ~~words of comfortand kindness which` caused himjto forget his pain.` ' `n`&`.tyAn;nn nuns-`O An ant` Ikn nun nun} ;:._vs 0, }lIl`Ull-IIUIIIIJS o\(L{vy Ac. vv K.`-`LU, uyyu I-llt_Jl[ faces, "arid occasional 'gr1ints` of dissatis- faction; as` he -`proceeded, ftold that his words` were `rcived with displea_.sure.. T _ Proudly deant of *thi'r murmu'rs,` "the I ` dusky orator "continued `his ery`i'dis- 1 course, u-'ntil~_h`is Indian `e1oq1'_1_'ce'l1`e1d - every breast vibratmg, on" the`ch'ord of ` I ' sympathy that grew from out their hearts - unto his, Own. -Strained "forwardi was ` every neck; and Aage`ro.e'ar`s drank in . the 11111810 -of his tongue until the rich tones I . of his voice fell upon`--theAVstilleve_ning 1 ..,=air,. ins] if uttered .-harrn'o'nio:usly_.With 1 1 something-from above. The a`ged.c1zief- i.tai_r1"s`ha d drawn-neardto Iistenfgi and the * ~ `India,ti:uiothrs- anditmhideus cautiously '4 A. approziclfed` and hung 1ganguswords;in 2 . awe`; `Sb mouon1ess;,yg:e;au thp.t'_it was I .._....,...-.,. 7 . ltwas evening; and the setting sun, streaming up from behind the hills` with a thousand golden ravs, threw `to the ' = furthest eastern cloud a warm; `good 1 night. Seated together upon the ground, : apart from the` rest; were the old men of the tribe, gravely smoking their 'pip_es' ' and . conversi_ng~.i'n low gtitteral tones. .'Altho`ugh,they preserved `their stoical ' indifference to -the things around them,` 3 which is a marked characteristic of the red man, yetit was evid`en_t, from the erce glancing of their eyes towards the ' western horizon, and the" st'udio"nsnes's `. with which each avoided the--o`ther s ]ot,'>k,`;:.that --some deep Aemotion agitated Aieir.__7' and occupied" their thoughts. ' ` Some` e`ur'_`ya:rds from these old chiefs were assemb_led.',the`yonnger warriors, to e _ the numbet of about forty',.gai1y adorned . with'and fea(thVers,`.and t114eVir"-'be1ts ~ hung about \yit.l'i_,'ps. -':1`h`eyfV. were collected varound, ",he ir_' chosen ___,1`ea;dr,' -' '-::-_Tisha-Mingo,' Whose noble fprnitbivered e_`ab_o,ye $h$3, rest`_`iivi`t_h_ en"-g.air_` of - rnajesty qftliat bespeke`hisV1ofty soul and generous `sp_i.riti Like theot_he'r,s,-.' his headwas __ ; shaved, save the _,long scal_p-1o,ck,`and7= ' thatwas gray.'_eHis e yes"were deeply- set in their sockets and glowed with extreme brillianc_yf';` and his features," _ Which, un1ike_ thej}rest, `were not painted, V were renfarlahly handsome, Around `lads vnnnlr In-A uuv-in -.1 n l!I\1A n`nn'u'u in CV1`:-:51`-Q T whose solemn stillness _nce echoed their htregd, no\v.resound wi hltire s__trokes"of 1 no Ind1an s' Revenge. The red_ men of A erice; are rapidly becoming extinct. Th grarid old forests '3? the `wood m'an s'axe-, or ave given place. T- ' spires `mark.the adven offanother. race, he by their ~birch,en oe_s,the= brooks, . A are now navigagedjgy ` zinged and steam; .eldi-nd: me -ha`. `te,d'pa's1;ures. Those . ohil_dren;o the'Aff3ret;' whose placesthei white `man: has igdsurped, `are passing to towns and villages, hose'towers and The streamhs, whose I aters `wer'e`-cleft '1 whose crystal at s `hiked their thirst, di'iv'er};boa_ts,~ari}- i3 -through cultivated away ; but they a'v_e behind them many 9. history and ma. rtiori of_ self-sacricing t generosity and tl1rillirigromance,7which 1 may; tly serve `_to ` "points; moral or 1 adorn"-a tale." =I * . W ' 9 - C CUULU `G IGIUJ 1t vs"as near the close of ene_,of their warsthat a party of Oneida Indians were encamvpedmi the `banks of the beautiful I Oriskany,-vwitl_1in'si_ght of the ran'ge'_of 5 hills, on one of which was',the.famo11s A ` Council Rock. Their wigwams," which ; were. about -twerity _in Anu"mbei',e were , gro1;pedv;'together, and at the entrance 3, ` 1 e of each were stacked three .,:.or~ fbur surprise; muskets, as if -in` [readiness against a . . e . .. 1 1.._,__ __'_,.,,-._ , _.-.1' `L- ....u-_.._...-.. m,;,:m.,u- the `firth r - _ Pqinsdowdward where-the ye_v ch itssablefuger.` " Einfs-_-the addst we of all, Inevdcable, Vchapgel ss,- certain ; ., {l`he`.1:'g gf_1_ing sigh bdsid me; dead; f T ` V The ;5'rompwr s wt): ,to. drop the cm-tavin..~ _.._._ -_.._...._:..a FIN

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