Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 8 Nov 1866, p. 4

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:"';j_z2EZ`;: *1 at twelve o'clock ` noon. the unde1jmenti_oned lziuds and tenements,'o1' the interest of the Dt-f'er.- dant therein, under 9. Writs of Ficri Facias `idthe following suits :-- - V ' ' In Me C'oun ly Court of]/zc C'oun_ly of .S'iIncv('. nr ....,V vuwugy ` ROBERT P. CAMPBELL, Plainti`, , t \ K30 HECTOR CAMERON, Defehdmit. Atlglxst G. 18C IN THE} COURT HOUSE, --._. `COUNTY 015 smcom 1 Iph tvrm . ` ` sHEa1IFH"s SAM; oF%L__x_`NI>s. 4 partot the mast halfo["Lot.No. Nine, in the Eighth Concession of Mulmur, which may be, better known as follows: commencing at a stake plantednt the North East corner ofLot No; eight, _ in the Eighth Concession of Mnlmur, then West- erly, nnd along the Nortlierly boundaryof Lot No. Eight, ve chains ninety-five links; then be- ginning North, six degrees forty-ve minutes West `(l\iagnetic) four chains seventy-two links; then North, eighty-ve degrees, West twelve links; then North, nine degrees East, two chains eighty,-, eight links ; then North, eighty-two degrees, East four chains twenty.-six links; then North, sixty- six degrees, East one chain nine.teen'1inks,-m0re or less, to the Eastern boundm-y_ of Lot No. Nine, in. the Eighth Concession of Mttluitir .; then Northerly, and along said Eastern boundary, seventy-ve links ; then South,` sixty-six degrees, West one chain twenty-six links; then South `eighty-two degrees, , West four` chains - fifty.-six links; then South nine degrees, West three chains twenty-six links ; then North eighty-ve degrees, West twelve links; then South six degrees forty- vo minutes, East `four chains ninety-eight links, `more or less, to the Northern boundary of Lot No. Eight, in the Eighth Concession of Mulmnr; then Easterly, and along said Northern boundary,- se_ve_nty-five links, to the place of beginning, con- taining by ndmeasurcment three-quarters of an acre, be the same more ot less. ' I1 VI` T) A \T7`n!\'fV 0Nthc 19:11-dayvof JANUARY, A.D. 1867, wiil b sold - . BY "PUB-Ll,C A.UCTl' (PITT? Cm: IQIIUWB. VIZ : . _ v. . ' - v f` Description of 11 Road, being composed of part of the East halfof Lot number Eight, in the Eighth Concession of Mnlmnr, which may be i better_known as follows : `commencing at a stake planted at the Nortb,East. corner of said Lot No. Eight; then Soutberly, a.1ongth_e Eastern .boun- ' dary of said Lot number Eight, three chains, more or less; then .beg`in,ning North, 77 West (Mag- netic) sixchainstwelve links, more or less, to the Northern boundary of said Lot number Eight; . then Westerly, and along said Northcrly boun- dary seventy-ve links; then [S 6 46 E] South six degrees torty.-ve minutes East,_ forty-two links; than South seventy-`seven degrees, East six chains ninety-three links, more or less, to the Eastern boundary of said Lot number Eight; tl1cn*Northerly, and along said Eastern boundary seventy-five links, to the place of beginning, con- taining by admeasurement half an acre, be the same more or less. ~ Description of a; Road,` being composed of` partof the East half of*Lot_.\'o. Eiahth ncinnpaainn nf` M..l....... -..l.:..I. mp... L... ,_, --...r..uJ. Jto, 4th'May,` 1866. 19- . -Stamets call daily frbm Bell Ewartnnd {IN THE TOWN OF BARBIE, pm un31.n.`u.u-.l_n.|1 to give uouce, mat ilppuv cation will be made to the Council of the -County of` Siglcoe, at its next sitting in Novem- ber next, to 'h1ive a Road established to avoid cer`-` tain hills on the Town Li_no between theTo\'.'r.- ships of Tossorontio and Mulmur, described as follows. viz: it T\........:-.a:.... -1: _ n_'-.1 1, ,- , AM INSTRUCTED to give Notice, that appli-- be'made 'tl1aVCou:3cil .( !nnn(>n 1.6` Q:-ma-.. -5 :4. ......; ..:u:.... ... 11'-_.._.. Barrie, Oct. 13, 1866. Hotel for Rent. -'1`. W. British American . 15XIM%F6R%SAf}Li;}.% >-a` lu.;.;~.a uuj. II:1Ifdo\vxi, re'1naindeiw;'ilh intei'est. EuqL1ix'e,_ _ J. ILOADES, l`\.I.A.. BOULTON & McC_.~\R'I`fIY, I I - Solicitors, In A >1. "wear. ~. - L. -1, 3BELL Merit. _. sibzhmMres:~1:-.0,-: \ .21, Mai ?u ,'ieeb. `(he Cour? b/' Quan s Bench. _. M ,,...,.;.n;uu. `_nndA 1\Icc'1in;A;-1*I onKs3e, with,'in half :1. basses dav. V Vat. the Sl':er_iII':s Oicc, nlnrs apply xii H:m5k'stor_:e', to n, or to the subscriber, .'I`. W. BIRGHALL, Jericnn Assumncennm Qexcellent quality, and Mn :1eared and tit for mmz.-...:. CLUCKS pm $2 ':l1(."hC`S and Clocks cm work \v.'11'1'.fx'nted. ' > "51:. - , _.-.'} _` qt tqipe .paid d9vgn, lance`m' ve e(nml"hnn....1 Li th .3- an; pun: QQED} at ance"in' equal, `annual ;t, to be secured}-v Hm` .. u:uuu:uuu, _ n Assumncecompnny. ` _I/ic . uvu cquul. EDITH! :sequfed`by Mort-A .' B.HW._S.\II'l`H, _ S/ze2`z",V Co. Si/.-zcoc. gv ARDAGH, . .So}ici_tors. Rnrric-. 46-if ., 1:. '1'. BAN_'1.`I N(.z`r. ' ` . '_ '_Coun[y C/cr/c. A`7...;1i the. 6th Conces- uul), and I.llL`l'e ' for cnl`tivn.u'mn. 2n.._ Price mm]- ;y. Tine indis- % WATCH 4 AND CL0;0Kf+I`vIAKER,-A . J.E.\\'m,1.I-tn, .<.-'c., _ .1 .01.! Jw Q//ir'., Es .i..o,-.<. In-.-1 n)`1`m-mg/Ia)-is 1101;], 1)u/.-/u I .5~'ln.'(v/ 1;`m'2'ic" I .; V 2 AS just rcVcVeivcd :1 new stack of fnshioxmle , jo'\\'clIL~ry con. ufstvel :1-ml Jet Ylrboclxes mid I-1.-1x'in'<,rs, I j11g<" r kings, so1ik1'(}gld':11u] Silver (Jlmius, Toys of all doscripons, Violins, Strings, &c. ' 5 ' V ' 1 L5 I.|1l'V.\lIi1V I)pfe n'dauts. ; Plaintiffs, LI FIKV Dalston. 0.3 .l'` 1.1. GLAD- Plninti{I`s, I43-13t ' .IIi.x.iE>I` 3f:_}Sf9i5i:s."9'f`Edibu:sh.13 `lii31IL*.. . - _-.-.v-nu 9,- . 63--. 2 - No. 38 .WaIEr:;t; '}'Is$* Yogi}. If'=S.V3'kvCq.,als _ ` - A '* V 'I;ug1z2.1EI; s'Gu1DE," ' if . 911? Of .Ya1e-0lle9-`. *3f'7 V919.`-.fB_P!'5.' 3' , __ 89.0;pages=snd:numtous~engigyizs. ,4 ; ` V (or the two volumes`--by mail,post mid \ l n (:.>'zmz7zs(el_`- 1rom__ April, , I864,` 10- Dcml: inclusive, and lhe Lanfdon Qumft_r1_.~/' for 1865, at the" rate of 1.501`: year for each or view. V - V f=2l:`;1-:A`fe\v'copies yet remaimof all Maj vieiua tor 1863 a . 4.00 _a act`, or ]:50.for.*8_,,` Jouu. ' ` Subscribers mayIa1.s'o lvtaili back n ur`nbc rs nl "beA following, reduced -ris, yiz : _ , - .73./acl~1oqazt'{'rom'Seplfn'br, lS64, to Dcember, "I865, inclIIsiv`e.nl1h` rate of 2:50 a year. " V The Now]; Britis/1. {'1-o'm * Jdnilary, 1863, to De- -cember, 1865., inclusive_; ihej .L`dz'n&qrglL._and the ' , Wcs(mi;zst:;_'- In-om April, I864,` to-,l,)ce_ml)(:r,` 1865,; iqqlusive, and Lmidon Ozmi-tam," rm ' um um- uuv \:'l nu: .1.` uur l.L6tILGIPS I0!` 1855. N(!W SllbS_Ol'l`-f bersloiall give! lhe Perind|ca_ls`.for 1866, will re- ceive,graI|s, any "two oflhe; Four Review: for IS65. V I Q..l..~....: .. , , ,_,,-, 1 - - - . V l'(`l'q'llllH_1ln. For anyone of the Reviews. . . _. . . . . . S4 00' . For any two of the Rev-iews. . . . . . . 7 00 ` For any three of the Reviews '. . . . . . . 10 00 For all four of the Reviews . . . . . . . . . 12 00 V For I3l'ncl s Magazine . . . . . . . . .V 4 00 For Blnckwood and one Review _. . . . . 7 00 For - lilttckwood and any two of the _ /\t3.VlCv'S . . . . 10 00 1 For lilrtckwood and three of the Re_- "A views...'... . . . . . . . . . . 1300 For` Blackwood and the feue Reviews, '15 00 The mtc-rest of these Periodicals-to American ren- der`s_is rather ittmjeased than tlituitli.~l)vd by the. arti- cles they t-ortaiu on our-lute C,1.`il,T/Var,nnd though sometimes tinged with prejudice, they may. still t'on~ Sl(lL`l'llt`,.{ their great ability lltl the --dierent stand- poiuts from which they are written, be read and studied _with advantage by the people ofthis cotu_t!r_\', of every creed and party. V " ' " PREMIUM ro NEWL1SU1l3SC`RIB_ERSi.-i New Subscribers to any two of the ahove periodi- cals for 1866 will heentitlcd-to receive. gratis,, nuy_ one of the Four Rwitvs for 1865. New Subscri- 'bers`toIall veut lhe"Pei-indica_ls_ ._for Vwill rt; nniun no-oI no on $>_AW-MI_L_-L. F.OEf"1 ' 011 To 1l1~1;\T J_`. Tut f.<).\'D'o2~'_'(_2UAI}'1`1si;1.v REVTIEW [Conscrvutive._'] '1`x_n:_13Jn1.\`x3i;n(:xx Rsvnzw [W.`1ig'.] _ l`_m\' `ES'l`.Il;\ISTl-In I\ .r~i\*1'!-:'\'v ['RadicaI.]' "Tm: .\'u'u'm Bmnsu R1-:v_m\v [Frce-Clmrch.] ' ' ' j V and A V A .BL.w1nvoon s VA';Az1_.\'E [Toi-y.] ` . I`F._P.)IS FOR 13:36, PAYABLE IN US. OUR- . 4- RENCY.., ~ . ` % 1 until 3 LUULII. - All operations performed in he mos .st.A_vl.e, and s:Ltisfactiou3gi\'er1 it _;-verv ( chm-ge made ` ' ' 2E1v1~:1m.\'c1=:s-'I`._D,. _McCon1 M.P Louut. County Registn-ax-; B; W. Smiti J. R. Cuttvr, County A.tLornc_y; W. .\I..` iisiitor of II;u'ric ]L`.`l.'(ll)lI'Il)'.4 - )m:Tss H PEix35HI-5:5T%Ls} `dren`s teeth`. _--... ...... uulu run, uernexzprand Wlxile Fil_l.i'ng, so as to preserve them from furllmr decay. "l`eeLll exlmclc with little or no pain, and par- ticulnr attention give A']I\|1:\~nI:.---- -r- I` ` ' n to the regulation of chi!-4 v unuupu U1 ms proxcssion can be waited upon.` l`cc1hvin'~:crlcd in I; superior n.mnnc1v,'t`z-oni a single tooth to 11 complete set,-on Gold or Silver, `or'Silvcr Plate, or on that justly and highly cs- tccmcul mnteri:x l,- Vulcanizexl Rubber, and in such 7 - :1 style as to nlford case and comfort, in mastica- ting the food,` giving to the patient, at`th same- timc, tlmt natural expression of countenance so (lL'Sl1`l)iC to _se.cu_1-`e in the `operation: of-inserting artificial teeth. . . V , ` - - 'l`ecth'lilled' with Gold Foil, Cement,; White preserve them frmn rm-n.m.A ...... -- Where all those re_qniring_his services in branch of his Irrpfcssion be upon. n snnerior nlflnnmt RESPECTFtTI.LY announces that l1e will regu- larly visit thcfollowing places on the days and at the time stated, viz. : ' n A-nnv-- . - - BARRIE-At, his` `Office, Dnnlop `Street, 1st to 13th of each month ' ` lifll BEN`TiS`I' M ' Tmms .\1o1)L`r:AT1a. Apply (`if by 101101` p<):"`.-paid) t'o TEETH z Residence, Nwmarket, whetje `consulted the 1st,2nVd;ah_d 3rd of .6; April 19,'l8_G5. _ DR. .1; C.. MAcC'AUSLAND ..,....- y In: mun L I-UVII IL? Pa.rLicuIru'.a.tte of CI1iIdren s Teeth. _ _-__._. .. y...u.u. rr J.l.Ll..l.l.(.I.LV 1.11411. Teeth insitedin the mostapproved style; and 4 as he has made arrangements for.visiting Barrie every "month, he is `prcpnred to execute any work entrusted to `him, as cheap as any other Dentist in the Province. WEE. .' 1 313 `When the date fu'lls on Sunday. for these places, they will be attended to the day follow- mg. . ` ' ' " ALL LWORK WARRAN TED. I`ru~.61.2.'..'.-.....L...fl 1.. LI , -- [um |llUlCb$|Uu .' I N `returning thanks to` his friends in Bmfrje and SL1r1'o11nding country, who have patronized him during 111:: past _t11irLeon -ygzfrs, beg" to intimate l)1 t-hat in futurv he will .a.L1c1 1d_a't the following :1 ll` u u" U aces mout1n1_y:- ` . Newmar_ket,_ 1st and 2nd of each Month. A Shm'0n,3rd.... . . . . . ' -Bradford.-.'. 4111. . ; . . . .L. . - ' Bond Head, 5111 . . . . . . . . . . . _. Brownsville, 6th. . . . . . . . . . . Lefroy, 13111.-1..`..... Barrie . . . .. 14111 and 15111 .1. - W Coliingwood, 16111 and '17th, Mnrklmm Village, 23d & 2-1111 Brown's Corners,` 25th . . . . . 1\1anil1.1_,* 291.11 (K H H H hen he will be 1mppyto.wnit upon t11oseAre- quiring his -services in any of the branches of his prof'cssion.- ' T 3= 1-\`Ulm.. 41... ,1..a... a..n_`__ n,, n CRAIIZGVHURST---On the 151 URILLIA-0n the ;S1`..\-Y.\'1:Ic.-0n we 20m DU.\"I`R(:)().\'+Ou the 21st UREvE.\IORE--On thc`23rd SURGEON4 D R.P-E._PEGK, 'nso1 A J of % 'Pm?:M1UM '. CHANGE 1` OF ADi;ERTIsEM}3N'r. ned bgs to acquaint his old friends HE und _ lic generally with the fact that andtbe' he has entered ed the store un Gallery`, Dunlap S stock of . - DRY 4-uusrc.-..--.--? eath Ga.l'l0D S .Phc-logrnhtic t, with annew and varied 0 D89 o biusiness again, and has open- 18eeT.-` I- -.F.`ISH'NG TACKLE, Arms and Ammunition, with cveryrequisite in the sporting line constant- IV on hand. ' . ` \\'l|.H l5\'Cry 1 1y on hand. Harv-in '51:: .JJ\JJ.`JJ`/I. KJLLDLHJJJ, ,l)l_1ll1L.lL'Jn .. In :making this aunt uncement, he begs to as- sure _the public that all orders with which he may be frwpred will be attended-to_will1 the same care and atteniipn as formerly. H IRESUMED BUSINESS. ' Ban-ie, October. 4,1865. y IJU IHIHU. Barrie, Sept. 1866. Smmidulb, 10111 'Uk'>l0]iL`.l', lSa_;:: SU RGIC'AL, OPERATIVE s _ DUNESE s1"11E13"'i`V;",1'3A BRIE`; n ma}.-inn Huh: nnnr nnnnnu-mo Ln `micron on -,..`... yul oCu|(I!ll"Ul alt mo 1'01H1 Kt` 5a: a ;g:;or15o.rongn;; , LEONA~RD.,SCO1`T~V "` ` ` % M. 'uRNs.V T V GUNSMITH, &aCi.? &., GROCERIE, c. h" T: D.jMcC {EY.f f~i"5sh7=i's{ % . '38 _Wglker'Stte'E, Tl Yo`1fl`(. 1 April, :o.I)ecb_`r, 1865, 5 Damion the year: each pxf _nny Re- ._:-- TO _l\'E\V SUBSCRJBEKS. ..-._-_ - QED %B1J_SI_1\IEss AGAIN. r:atteut ion paid to the Regulation eeth. - l.......,..,. 4.-..u-nun. 1r\V Vhoice nssox-1-mentof `I\IiA1lii1cry of the lalet styles always on hand. xv/La cu_,, 1- " fl). M..P.P.; cg C.'ISll`m': \\T grn:!'. Ql.....: sirket, he may be d; and 3rd of.e';1cl1 month: 1 At` 5111 of each month. 4! , (I most approved I even; 0..-`. 1- i\n N'0RTHE RN T BAriRI.% v :NF.oi1ms"1{s for T `mer friends, and "the public generally, tlmthe has resumed business in {he shop 5 lately occupied" by Mr. V Mm-Kcnzie, Watchma- kcr, opposite Messrs. Ross 8; Gilchriss` Store, T"l1' 13 I 1\ -I-1. r, M.P.P.; Goo. . Smit!-., Slxufr-HT; V. M. I\'ichulso:~.,` 01': TEETH! J 9 Pom: R6-. mu diiii. D E _N TIST. i ,._ ...--.v...- . V _ _ g ' U3 Ladies` Straw and 1j`c1t Huts Cleaned and Altered to the present Fashion. - - A I.L..Z-_ __, _-TRQXNSACTS busiuess,with,t=b_e (_3,xf(.>Jsvu` L`zV1nds. .R..Jusox,;Esq,,,Hgmil1on. \ -, ;M.e.ssr,a- Ralgms ew, "l`,or,opt.9- _ mirobg ' u > ' and other Government Dpartiuenls ; ta'k's; out Patents for Invgntious ; o.btu.__ins Tncoxjpgrag` tion for" Companies by Letters Patent ; ?Dras and: takes charge of Private Bills during the. Session &c., for parties residing elsewhere. . T mnE'F'E'nE"iw.6Es:" _ Hon`. A. CAMPBELL, Commissioner of Oroiwn Luhda, - `,Wmsok,4; ~ ~ Per mnn_1m. 1867'- 'Vl'A\I v cu vcus If no AND 31,, from Swo: ` .l..'. :10)" wcra - ' '-' ":"'~-~` W ..`.;:'.;;',e;.,*...'::;::."m:":1 rd W I ~`-'m's `I /was` so s:i1l1l':c}a,zIedF`t1I C l[ed`a'mmt' 90"` brc-aIhe",.and racked with win Ilgt con hardly um I con hmdly smm> ecnqne {to reduced oqhjgecl `of Qityhg lhg vergt; of,ii1eam Indeed 8" _ nfmmg, b,od.Lnver_ Ol, Cnrale oflron ma. Cunzl lwlxillrps` An-__ Am 1.... ...:n ,,, ,, grave. 1 took a `and .Q,uin-' _ w,r`.PE[`ERSON,J.P..C ~ ` 1 ..B.sD` WY :T.P;;- -. GI B. I ' Kingston, March 29nd; 1355: 8945111 I V (1iZZz 2zer; from Lomlozz, E7zg,Z(z 7zd ), EGS go inform the Lxuliesof Barrie and vicin- ity, that she is now_ px-epnrcd to c.\;cr'.ute all orders for I\IiIliner_v in t11e'Late-st 1":1sI1iox1s and on Moderate texjms. ` . 1 n4x_.r IN CANADA. --.-- A-.\4'GUS PRINYEA, -of Frcdericksburg, , County of Lcnnox an ,Addin,r,rlo'n, C.W., can,-for one, truly bless God {or the IS(.'0V('l'_\' o'fthc Great -Shoshonces Remedy, whit.-hf has indeed *snat'(:lied me `as a brand from the jaws of dg-'.uh. Suiaring for a length oftiuw from Consumption. last August. _I be:-:une confined to my lmnse; I coughed dreadl'u'!_v day and High qI1urIs.t-fgrg-cnisl -looking Inalter a nd `large quanti- ties 1)! blood; I could `scarce.-.l_v slee- pm all, and when the doctor tried but _in vain tq arrest. My l)o\A'cli_z 8l'5 COSItVe. I Inc! mu nnnmu- --.I --I - " ' t, I expcctoraled ` [did doze right sweats burst lhrth fcnrfully, which ' ..-`,. ... nu, uuu \Vllt.` I did doze: fuarfully. in to bowcfs were _coslive, I lost my appelile, and little ` eajl'-I_mos_tly vo_miIed., -My head ncheil aim... ...... I 'l\4 . llI CV` ll)g;,e_xpg[}' stppped, `I : bowels nr l`heA Great `Siw!nmecs` Remedy, % nq ruwmn. - ~ xv volI.|' |\.s`| UI IIIU `TRUE CARL'i`O_N S CONDITION. POWDERS.' Take no Condition Powders U without` this signa- ture. ' Sold 9,; all dulers. _ . V T V _ Get B; L. J'ml.sou s S- 00 Al7ua2m{c. ) In FuIIor} the` wr'appcr or e * lhe nnlvna. EVERY ();'\'IS WHO _OWNS STOCK. Of any kind should use [Ins Medicine. fl is .n.\v,u's m~::w:FICmI-., and is so uAnM1.1-;sslhat it can nl\\'n)'S be given wilhhul !'ea,r. ` Famnzans wno ARE F_A'["!`l-?.\'ll\'G' their stock should use `lln-so C()NDlT1'ON '1 UWDEI{S. '.l'hLj_v \\'i.`l l{(,`(`pZ1 kinds 0!` slut-I: `healthy mnlvm. gum! In.-nrrl, nd nmke them fatten mm.-h u:x~'icr and qcm-kcr than lhcy otherwise. would. I".`n'd the'.1lurc of _.__.-.---.1 w 1411.11); II will bc_f0I1ud a pertk-'(-I - l`(').\'lC mmcks of any nculc xljac-ast-s, Su:=nglcs,, Innn_nnulmn of the Ll : `the world to` sTREI\'G`t`ll!~`..`\' .a horse, , ___.....V.. \J uu;1 ul 1. IKILV 1'(}\'V.lH`,'KS, given ac-r*ording to'dtr<:ction.<, are the best thing in and to restore him to health and vigor after sevcrcexposttrc or hard driving. , , _ These Powders cause a _hcalth_v at-lion oftlm digestivtin-gnixs,nnd purify the blood ofauitnnls, thereby equalizing IllC cimulattion ofthe blvod. and imparting vigurlu. the l'rnmc:._ This soon demons-` trutes itself by nn llI)[ll'()\'ClnL`nl in the appcaraut-e of the Q(`l,l-0r-ll is a certain that that no_m.it_n:tlcnn be in perlect health if the cant be rough and uutl'.ril'ty. C.-\RL'l`0N S C()Nl)I'l'i()?u' POVYDERS . J V . be fnnmi n hm-n`:-9 m,....,. .... .uuunoA:.c ur 11Ul{5ES_ . can nlmotall b: PREVENT!-ID or cumzn by these Powders. . Oxn Powmsn driV`es. out Wonrs.` A` V ' ON 1; Powmzn cures Bots. Om-2 Puwmzn puts a Horse in condition. ONE.POWDI-ZR-llI:1`kCS :1 Horse shed his coat. Omi: Powmav. giv to the hair. ONE _PO\\ DF2R"ClIl`L`S the Horn Di:_=lcn1pL'r in C (`I . 1`, n...-.. _ alllc._ cs :1 soft t_m:| glossy appearance, _ _,.-- -,._,..._,., .,.. uuuu. , V . . _ -F3 Store on Duulop Streot--(Ipposite K-ing. S 'Ba.kery. _ _ ' V ' _ '1).._..:_ u_,,. .-..... Farmers will nd it 21 dollars by u.~`|'ng lhcsc P stock, by nn'.\`ing :1 little r food, you will nd llrll lh: ||1p-Ash nn'Il I... R-.. -- snvingto them 0!` many Powders. \Vhen fattening of-these Powders with the find they. will fatten qliicker, and the esh will be rmer and better iir'"'e'very respect. The many ` DISEASES OF HORSES: 1-an nlmnet nll in m-.--------- WO,NDERF:'.ULa CURE And for "5 T-ma Rlascna TIJLA 3 . send them by Mail, postage paid, . B. .L. J-UDSON A . (`.n J MOUNT}u1\? 'HV1i1%13 PILLS, .-_`__V _. -..,---a.u~.a4.4p..1u, C/osijveness, Colds, Dir}aha:a', "Fever :1 Kidney Diseases, Chest Diseases. _The BEST FEMALF1 Mnnlntmr mm v them-lob 1).` Scortnla, Worms,-Headacla, Indigestion, -Liver ~ ' . Complaint, -u-._..__..._A A..- V - , V - -r I I LJl'Jllmj lbcfumnd l`0.\'lC and ru:.~1`:>1z:::: anal"-I 1(-ks dx :cas(-.<, such as IIIHU( l1'l.d, angles, 01 the Lungs, Nasal! Glccl, 3z1_r1'in, .\I:1_\'L, 15:)-G. They are'lhe remedy the bgxuriteons hand of nature has provide-djor all Dxseuses arising from --v-.- \.r .-.-j ..;--ur\g The name of those diseases are legion. JUDON S P1LbS'are the Best Remedy in Existence for ' the following Diseases: : Preparcd.`om simple` Rtrots and Herbs that grow upnnlhc Mounlaliasrmd in the lovely V.n.:~:\'s OF Mexico, where Ihevmighly Cordillems raise their cloud-piercing heights. Bv clonsimz`.nn'd ,P11r1'fui7I2` (Ire Bloml. thev not cmuu-plcrcmg ne_1gnls. _ ` Byclonsingland Purifqwg Blood, they not I only cure but prevent nearly ' V V * .__ .-K-A...-..;..... ..- .....u 1:: CAllL'I`.O;\S coxnmow nn nu. -......l.'....- 4 . ' I ' I persdns in waht of mbuey, for _one or. ten - yen:-s,'can obtain it on terms more ajlvahz tageous-to the borrower than those of any other Society,-by applying to ` urn r 1' A u G A vnunc D}, Q T Money,to Loan! _ V... uuu ~4- Eidney Diseases, 'Clxesi Tine are H BEST, FEMALE MEDICINE KN WN. Remove lhn nnnsn nnll Ivnn IIIIFLI I... .I:.. WV ILILJIJIHI. IJII L_\I.IL`Jl|$J, I B.um_1s, A . Apprhiser ad Sufveyor for the Canada pnrmnnma} nncnna and Qnvina'i S0 July, 1864. nu. . . _ _ _ _ _' Gold and Silver \\ ntches of,the,bost1nakers. Also LL good nssormnexit of C!_`0qUCtv sclts. ' oozvs UMP TION, `I .__ .9 `wir-ua-has/`V Loss of Blood ; all derangemenls`. or the Stomach and Bowels. -\z\.IAA||r|ul D37S`Dei>s1a Ln. nf Rlnml 5 SI" 1'5-II"!!! 1 n u m . . n l\ - ma 1, rmvmur. Mts1)lUlN1-.` KNOWN` l{e_m'ove the cause and you cure the_dis- ease. Bad Blood is the great cause of disease ; these Pills cleanse any purify it so thoroughly that disease, having nothing to teed upon musltake ight. (`1`|jVl[1'r\lT-I) ATIII l`\Tl ha I1\.PTJ '_'RE BLo6D, pl'lSEl' ana Burveyor Iur Luc uuuuuu Permanent Building and Savings" Society. ._ can. 1 1., unul. ' _GET_ OUR ALMANAHC J." C'a`r/tau. COI{1s!0'/.", FATTENING STOCK. -_.___ .STm_\1 .<.\\\2.\:{LI,, in 5; in HID 'l`.\mn:l.In at \T,.u. `.vr'appcr eng.-ll Pckng. 'Ih`is' is the only test of the ' -n/\.v..-. ._-_.. SKIN DISEASES. Bnousmsss, `VA.-me .'l-I.)-a.1....I.'.. r...1:._... 106 [Fran/din 36;, New we TL 1..x3 Alnmnn. \Ve also fnr 25 ms, per Box. . J-UDSON, & -cnri -1-: c.. _, V ..A`I#.i.-7 DIS'EAAVSES- u d 00 Alviuzmzc. .. - . I .. ylus nu V . WILLIA.\I SANDERS, P.L.S., Runnin- -..,....... \IL .,......., ._....., VJ lunvuu: bzyc. - - I Q?` I/o)'scs` or Calllc lul_.'c2z mrc Q/',oz2 7`easonr1bIc terms, until sold. A . GEORGE MA UNl5REI.f,. I Barrie. Mnv. man. V M t H; 1 J % g\m\\\au\=>* m_cxasTENc. )i:.=lcmpcr Callie. powDE1<.$. ll-y-00 ngenli ` foi 1 Gem-gen". - ........e, u u . .... unacuacx arising t'romImp'urity ofth; Blood, el:lt- . cejng thelhird-vstageiof Consumption. In the` Wgsterli Country, where this Great -iemedy hu- becn in_'usefor a short lime,-':it -has indeed effected , some of the, meet 1V.IaV_ry_e`lInns Gnrgi ever recorded in the-'nnn`n`ls o`lIHistor1calMedic1ne. V Sheh being the case. in-ndditiomtoails fay-pier renown`; '_'ce'le< t bi_ilv,_we aer,i:nu'.a to a1puua-?m=:i' guns}: lhlS,' the Great Sh` i honeea Remedy. in connection with the Shoshon e':: .V'getable Restorative Pills, is -the Remedy of V (`the 19th-Qenmiy and the greatest boon ever lfidoat the allgr. Q[ 4u!eripg "n'}`;ii5:';c;, t')l`tl:`{.-:s7i3..7.'.:.a-25-`- it = Barrb,.Jd_1y 1811:, I866. L_ook, Read and Learn THAT THE , ~ GREATsHosH0gRg1As_13AIg11/JEDY 05- THE ()EI.ERRAmmn D T1115 TCELE JOSEPHUS. TRIBE .OF. ' u M: . `I_N --v-ua.;\J,;I 1..u.1_U Ll BRATED INDIAN, `viz LEWIS OF4 `TH "IS NOW CANADA )3. `DTSTINGUISH ED _ SEIOSHONEES, - BRITISH FOR SALE A Registry kcp for those wishing to buy or sell I Horses or Cattle, _i:c., by private sale. ' m` If/n'unL'n1~ IV..IIl,. 43.1.. A z- , 4- :umam'ly.. - .,;.,;;; ,, T W ` ` 113* Price olie Rmedryiu lame Piniu _V-_fI`gl9_IyV ,_I`l_'Q!ll88ll(?and>Danl-..a. ' 3 ."',"`P -5 ermanem J. Juno : -__.v an-iruliay Certicates of startling cures of the most violent` and deadally diseases are on record atiDn. ! . RAI)WA;Y S OFFICES in the Cities of New York and Montre emanating from the highest i1_ut1=.m-itics in,th_e world. There is not a Town or City of importance (except 9. few in China) on the Globe but that RADWAY S MEDICINES have cured the sick when all other remedizl agents failed, and this is vouched for by high di uitayies in Church and State, both by letters ` written direct to Dr. Radway, and thronghtho U. . Ministers and Consuls abroad. ] , ` ' n end ?vv\`~ DORCHESTER STREET, MONTREAL,` C. HOSPITAL OF THE SISTERS/'0F MERCY. Dn. RADWAY,--I certify that your Ready Reliqfehas cured OVER ONE HUNDRED of our sick from chills, vomiting. headaches, internal pains, &e., &c. it One of our sisters had` the Rheumatism in her head for a great many taken a. few spoonfulls of Relief in water, and rubbing her head twice with the same medicine. she was perfectly cured andnevcr felt it since. ' I always use it; for dyspepsia and for colds. and alwavs with s11ece.esx_ Tt. i; rrn-rr .m.r..1 c .... .. n._.-n - - - DORCHESTER STREET, E.,'Ho: RADwAY,-I Relief sj_st_grs A11d_`_t13e_ h (nip-.. PK 1'.--- -~ Sisters of Mercy at archestefstreet Hospita}, applying Dr. u.1puu.a_ca u uuguu w1u_1 xmmeumne (121Il08l', ):1Cl.(l at once to thi The READY RELIEF is as sudden In-Its operation as I than the virus of the most swift and deadly epidemic. With first symptom of pain and uneasiness, no person need su7`,;' EGS tolinmforrii the/Pnyrhllic that, he has jut opened the above Maul, fur the convenience . of` those desirous of di[<)sing Jloxlselxuld Furni-_ ture,Storc Goods, or Ulmttcls of any description , Ilorses, Uutt1e,I"arn1 -I_m'pIemenls, &c., &c., by Public Aubtion. `IL? Cash .4 mule on _Cousignh2cnls. - IIorses`zmd-Cattlebought or solid on Commis- sioh. ' -. .. , _ , " . Sales punctually attended to inany part _.of the County. _... :__'_.. _-`y`.-so-`I Inviolentdiscasesx, instant relief is required. ASIATIC CHOLERA, IN FL THE BOWELS, (}llO.LIC,e FITS, SHIP FEVER; GROUP, DIPTHERIA within an hour or two, if not checked by a. powerful antidote like RAD RELIEF ; and all acuteand inmnmatory maladies, whether Rheumatism, lb ' mation of the Kidneys, Bladder, Urinal diliiculties, Inamnurtion of the Worm` diseases fmngzlit with immediate dancer, yield this commfnidiiig cm 'I`1m Rminv 1?"l7.T rpm :. ..,. -..,?.a-_ ;.. :.- -_-.., .- _.v ._ -- _.-..- ._-.--`a`a-.-aI4wIIJ.k7ll.I.! Gout, -Lumbago, Sciatica,iP ain in the Side or Back, Limbs orAJoints, Spinelor Muscles, Toothache, Strains, Sprains, &c.-One application will afford immediatct `ease and comfort, and :1 few times rubbing will complete the cure. _.__ ._____..r--. --uuvuvuauvsaa-.n:.. OfeDiarrhcea, Dysentry, Cholera; Morbus, Inammation of the Bowels, Cholic, Cramps, Spsms, Vomiting, Sick Headache, Cold Chills, Fever and Ague, Sore Throat, Coughs, Colds, Inuenza, Neuralgia, 8w.--One teaespoonful in a. glass, of water will correct all dcrangements of the stomach, bowels and liver,.and instantly stop the most. severe pains. M , u If seized with Rheumatism. /.`-..`L T_,.. DJ ea." `As an`ANTI-SEPTICTIDEESINFECTANT ANTI-SPASMHODIC, COUNTER- IRRITANT, DIFFUSIVE STIMULAN , RUBEFACIENT, NERVINE, .ANODYNE, SUDORI_FIC,_FEBRIFUGE. _ ' . [ _-__ .- 1, a..a.1nJJ..La..L\ LJJJ. 3 AND Is A I5OSIT1'Vi}fPREV~7Ef1.\I:1`IVE OF ASIATIC oH o'LEI_1A, YELLOW . j-FEVER, SMALL-POX AND OTHER PESTILENCESI ; RADWAY s REK5'v R%E%LlEF 1 H J. .W. SLAVAN, Orillia. JOHN KING, Barrie. JNO.jMATHER, Angus. ____ ' Sold 1)y_Druggists and Country Merchants. 1:, 4-E. ' V xineaumfxiwa, 36. General Agent for Canada.` IT HAS No EQUAL IN THE MATERIA MEDICA. GEORGE .\1.u7.\'DI2ELL, Aucti`oncc'1' & Comm_ission Mcrchan-t,v urganst 650., as well`-as in Disea~`es, Humors, and mpurity of the ex- )! In the this Greag `Remedy Ins PRICE, 25 cents a name. sI'rERs OZE` 1v.1:ERc'Sr,'. mm 1ff\'\v-run-v\v- . _ .. Instant I~I`elp 1\.Teeded All A ro'1|n_'l"ihe `Globe. CURES Piiiiif INSTANTLY: In sudde1;Ztta{:ks, mis EEQPEETEES '1 'l\1 oT\TT.\`l'nrh A 1711'! A run-r n1-. . ` . `A: x ;A4.|4u.J.lL.Q.l LU.` V1` ITS, sun c1EbU'17,'171`1>"i'T1 ERIA may prove ram- ~t RADWAYK3 READY 'mmnmaLory Neuralgia, Inzun-` :r, Womb, and, in fact, all te dangger, commanding rem-mix-n .--'-W-.1` . 'B.'irrie, Sept, 1865. ~ _--. `.___:_..__.j 1359]` HENRY 18-6_6j! DEPARTMENTAL ` PARLIA1VIEN~TAR Y, AND PA'T`F?\T'P Arvbxrnu ml um uu.uL'u1l.leS, mnamnumon or the Womb, and: gear, commandmg curative. den in its the xnnlady itself. It is n deadlv emdmmr-H Wnh mm p.......,1.. -. .___a .- ration on the bowels it-Is etfectual and produces its effects without griping. They, penetrate, ` cleanse and invigorate-every portion of the human system. When the bowels arennt of order, the liver not performing its proper functions, or the . .kidneys.re_fuse to eliminate the .i_mpu_rities of the -blood, then there is somethin reg'uired_to' correct their altered condltiom. Snc wolpresent to you under the name of.Freeman s Canadian Anti- Vnilfnna 'D:Il_ ' uuuer me at Bilious Pills. ` ' A ..|.`L\lh.I'1lluAlV' V Ganadlap Exnectorant. `IPA. 113------ - I _-...B \ll 1: purely vegetable origin ; therefore no fear may be - entertained-of'being salimted or producing any dterious effects on the constitution. Itis mild in` ts action and perfectly safe and sure. It does not. create any` nausea or sickening sensation when introduced into the stomach. 7 It is so plea- sant. that any child will eagerly. tnke it,*and it has a deadly effect on all Worms that inhabit the in- testinal canal-such as the Toenla or Tape Worm, _Lumbricus or-Along round Worm, and Ascaris Ver- micularia or Pin Worm. . a FREE III*I' Blrnnnnn ---- A * rj1:u1Jb`MA . BANADIAN Arg_I_-gthgus Pm} JOHN BADWAY, M. K1`) ....J P1! In. a_ - _.-.--. THIS new Medicine possesss a : ` allother Medi_cines of the kinn T[\rr-an 4'.-. 1mm new memcme superiority over Medicines kind Worms from the hu purely vegetable origin o cntertainediof `being perfectly {and Inn: z\NTIlELJllNflJ(L}w1&\L\v l(mlyS POWDERS. ASIMIC CHOLERA, INF r ' VER-. C1mTTP_ I)ID'rnr::pr:;L.:M I HAIJWAY, M. D., '6: CO., 513 and 515 St, Paul Street, MONTREAL, `And 87 Maiden Lnne._Nmv-Yonx. ._-.. ..... urepnt or order, ex-forming Fuse eliminate I reg'uired_to (I wopresent name of Freeman Anti- lv ` " ' ' mu us we mzuauy ntscul It is more active With this Remedy at hand to use on the suf17\,;';;.'x hour sickness. v .FREEMAN $ *1-. Radway s Hemediesio the sick. . [ll .0` I i-emedy B . ov_er `nd for prnnllinn BARBIE AUCTION rwml CO. LL|.Ll\ U. 13 active my-"1 4n nu .-... cl... Ln-r mrsnsrncs mun. - AS A D1N.VE1 PILL. To promote digestion. sweeten and :tr\n;:H.:1 n stomachs of the weak nnd distressed Dyqmpqi-- 9!. areinvnluable. Six days use ofRud\vuy`.~ Kw . ':. .: Pills will enable those. who, mun s)w.`r v us? weakness and indigestiull, nro obli;;'Cdf0~m'ri1u 1`! appetites, to enjoy the most savory mexu.< :11 wt l"u1 foo No such powers were ever pu.~:r-~~'o-'. h_\ I: -v cine as these rms exercise over the wt-nk .~`tr|.~.;u r ~ ' tlIe'Dyspeptice, for in six days they 50 .n-;.- - :1 atomacp to receive, Iell.-uh, and (lf;:(-st sum 1.. xi :-- craves tor: No mnrtbnrn, no Palpitatiou, no 1 no Vgmitlngs follow the use of these oxccllelxi ( an SOLD nor ALL DRUG u1s'r;<. rlfzflce 25 cents per Box. J. LLATIIER, Angus. J. McK`EGGIE,Sta_'ynu-. V. JOHN GREAVES, .co;1;gg;eoa... - J-. DEACON, Bndfoi-d-. ' KELMAN & 00., Barrie. .7. KING, Barrie,8tation- I. H; SLAVIHI n..m:. Loss Hp 11.083-Bad ' ' nu \.-'uvw|ll5 vvuu UIAIDIIU `HUD- petite--Me1a.ncholy-Nc. i uns- ~ -Cl Qt-5 Dreams-S1eu,..-:\nc ss (Ar: 1 cc: `Dr `D Annr A vvcv 1).-11- B11100. Yours voryh-ul_v,' J. G. Iltglu Your Pills cured me of Piles that 1 1'. .-1 um.- caused by over-dosing with drastic pills. 7.... .1! A ... __ _ - A SIIHCI the D Suppression of the Menus, 34,", Hysterlcs. Nervousncss Cum! N1-:\vArn: \` I n.. convalescent; is now at work uxu1_ 3d CA:IE.-5arnh Burns, up I .~.:- acarlet fever; guvchcr two pills . twenty-four hours: upplicd the I. throat, gave her h-nmnado with 11; Roliefas a drink. lu thirly-.~'i.\` 11-.- with her brothers and .~i-Iu':'. I L Pills in cases of ]J_\`~p<'p.~i'.l, Inul`_v_n Sluggishuess of the Lhm`, u` `I. witnessed the most nstum.~h in;: curw 1110 only true pur;::1Ii\e in 1.4-: x!. having a greater cnxlllvilin,-; i1.1! Spleen deraugmnents than (`AU-'lI.I'l P1113 Me the only ylxrgatxm 12.:.: c: with safety in Lrysipe-Ins, In);- .Fevor, small Pox, and all i:.{n1.x soothing, tonic. uud mild `.21 x-n'o.-M them invaluable. , 4. AIR u, 15arrie_Htation- J. H. :3LA v1cN onuxa, o r.M. on Nov. 2511:; round Hm. with bilious fever fur nu-n xy-xv six ofyour pills every four hum` drinks of bousct tea. In In. H ux CAzl1.-.\'11rnh Rm-n.~ my. .5 LEA1\TDER- SANDERS, -C A -ua~-- or water every three hullr: 2nd CASI.-I)nv'inl lirmw 3 1 ..\r. Nov. 1'um.< \Vithbili01xs nvor fur cu... was called at 10 x-..\1.; `hu 1.; three hours; had not :1 pa him six of yuur`l`iI1<. _:1nd at the abdomen: in a few min u into a calm sleep: at 4 .\..\x. at 9 A.M. eat his brvznklim : more Pins. and for live d..y.~ day; Ic is now m-H and 1.. ammution of the lm\\-l.~. I danger by a sin -In dmu l 1' hours. In lond`c.mIic. I _~.i. six to eight, and n it-u.~'p'-mm of water three l1uI11:~'~- 1 CASE.-I)1l\"i|| lirm-u L. .~`. 1.\\ .\1. l DR. I{.\n\\u\\' & ('u.; ` result ufmy tn-aum-nt \\'1' cases: ' wu.u. nu Inf}nn2Inatiox1 of tho 1:.. .`e1a-Custin~m-ss-scu.- `Dr. Sydny _Stevens' T11 Wlth Raziway: Inammation tho ls..u. 2.- I ;.. \IAl'HlA.`Il_) In L! Ha1(l'.\';.y'.<}'i)_. I " I!.--t l'urg:1:n'c Mdi .. . lromc Deflility. amul in !-I "Ft-Yer, liiliuus M-`.'~-I`. healing, ciL'alL~'in-,3, 1-.:1 irritaiiug, dubiliuuixxgz, : nuniuing u-so I :';`!-`." v lhvmc:m1pnumIr-1101' i: and nr-'- [we fruxn Mm-.-2 stances, and prep-.1:'<-:1 v long known Dr. l::uh\:1'_\ high nttainxm,-11:5, I_ 1.1;; remedies uml smu-nu-m<. purg.rutin, as :1 .-=LaI;~\?:'.'V that wouid ci`.-::n.~'c Ha: \ 71.111 discu>:<.l m:-I L:.".i.'u rottglnly as I.-Pu ii;-. ufi.i i out p1'oducin_: .4 kn -<= -11053,0r`_iI'1 it;tt:m oi Uh` x In Dr. H;1tl`.':n_\".~' I ; portant and ("~:`<.-ntial A dose of two to .~5.\' ( condition of the .~'_'.:~t-:-xn) [Pills Wi]l'15x'0:Juc.- all (h..- change-f'rmn :1 .~Tsn'_';i-3 h:zIt!1_y action of L}`..: E. `sician ]mp0.~f"to (nIf[.3'I l 0'.` C:l].'-'::)x*I ;. _;un~; clc31n, the .\'tu:;:Wu-7;:. :.-" bowels flu: di-`-`:1.~'w? :2: ` as {he 1nr.. :111:`n.' '-7` 4` without 'ocr3:1.=-'3 ' ne.<.< tn Um yr`? '. I THE . I - -_'-' The cc.-luhmtc. m (ht`!1li.~`H' Hluw \"2 It uzvonn a:..I Wlnicln l'4:IH]o_ ed fu:`chsllr.-Inf, amp r)rit_vo1' l{:nI\\ n u. , is tlw 1'21! - bc-In; hi;;.':|;.'. will ucf mu :- i... ` .-nun`. u-. MIL % Mas, :B'OUP.`CY,q % It is a w.`.`. }1:m;- `I -L; 5; rnnrm Superior to all 1%.- ' II_L`c ,3I'r .f:. . IHl.I"": , ALT: l.,`7"lH)x'Il.',`- o ' 5t0|1 _Ia!. Liver, Bladder, N_*.r`/r`:v;_;~,' VJ" Hneadachz, Corw=L"_o_; * C0315`/G;`r;3:. `5HC;g,'=`:C" tion, 0ys.vepsi.<., Bilor.:s:1s=s.." .ious Fever, r.~i Lmation of `the 973.: ~ and all derangcmz as.. [ ' ternal 'a. fs= ,; ' [0.\'E'r:).~`1:< swarranted to ; 5 1% down an =u..m3-0101: '..`E`~`Z1(..`.'S By Dr. nA1)wAi"s Pills. a._._4J ARE comoszn 03 V1; r PREPARED 1:: 2 .(`........'.... 4,; .11 n ,, -v _C( \.; -.._ v. i " ' " -- r N()']1r` L in proper form for I Allhe ADV iufprnpcr At the , Hui -_ _.- _;>m2r..'A;u ; A DR, _]?.-A-L*\"-Q`, '1" Your.<.tc.. _ SYUNY 5'1 IZVI.` .__.._ u ul`. ` ;` LA\\'1!I~I.\'( l\VU' plus r\`u r_\ _I- plied 1;.-`:xu_`. . ado swim in; f u in `1i|'ty-six ln~u1.~.I.n `i~`l(-rs. J."\ '11. p.-'iu.- 1XH[ _L'a ~lr. 1. ivur, er 1- rpm.` .3. m.~l)in;,r c'urr.~. 1' I ," in 1.-1-; I.'.:*.. :.,;. u1lingix.ll.a:~w .; mu r l~|.-> mm mm cV:.-.1 in :.~ (`N15, '1)!-he Ill lo-I ll all i-.111]-x:\'r 1- ild ,u1-uric-xnt pm; a, nuv'rUV`-"I M _ Fl L L E D IN {irn_1"I'm ` "illkHlA;. Eat ,\lI`V `\ ll I Bm-rie, Ma`y,.18c6. `I -"o:: .l \vp \`( Y \ Jl`Fg\ 4:, .l'; .1 mlina V .- `.3115- (n:NrLEiiEN=s Wlzislrc-`rs ninddllair Dyed. ' I Ladies Haircutting done in good style. Good Hair Dye. Hair lnvigorator, lluir_Oil, &c.,` manufactured nnd. sold by Prof. Ciinio. Come Gents who wish :1 good smooth face, _ List while Itell you of a, place . \\'l.ere razors are kept brightl and keen, ` The easiestclmirs, nnd towels clean. Where we will shave, shampoo, or trim, And brighten faces which look dim; And if your hair is white or red , 3 Prof. Cunio s Lotion colours well. ' For just five cents we now will share, . And do it so-srnooth':m d clean You ll say we are a mowing ms1chir.e." ' Around your nose mid chin we ll creep, With so much case you'll drop asleep ; Your nap will pay for coming here ; The old we can make look so `green, The gals will say you re sw eet sixteen ; .AllfL\\'ll(`I1 3 on leave here for the street, Your friends will smile when them you meet, And say wlmt makes your hair so dnrk._ ()h, itwhs the l rofessor s Hair King's wash, And he can do you -lilack or brown,` A liLtle_be tler than any house in town, And if :1 twirled moustache you want Prof, Cunio brings one out.` . V _ .____________________.________________ Co_rn'cr of Dz ;/1101 u/zrl']l1urI::c Streets, B VAND PATENT A(;E_Nif, Opposite I/Le Z?a}r_z'c Railzvay Smtiozz. ...., u.uu|ua mun uns 0:11 D:ylt.Cl]_ at (-ihurchill, in: the Cu ` eighLl1 day of October, ;\.D. smwlnt; &HAgg1rIIMs%sALonN. .n..n.vx/.A_ Assistcdrby Domiuico Ounio , "shaves clean and . rh-ncanc hnir in Hm hoe! Q11-In M Ma T\.'oxxr Qhnn undersigned is prepared to etfet 1o`ans7for ' any amount, from $200~upwards, on the secu- rity of real estates, for `any number of years, from one to ften, the borrower chooses, on the _best ~ terms, and at the lowest rates. Expenses strictly moderate. No commission charged. . V V EiY5LAv1 rqdTI:EI n:55Iawu_u_yV uuluzunzu uumu, auuvus clean and dresses hmr in the best style at his New Shop, I'\ o 1 -. . -... .. .. . . _. . ANGUS BELL, Appraiser and Surveyor for the Canada Permanent Building and Savings Society M Sihghampfon, 14111 August, 1866. - 34- -;moNE1r_'_i1) LETND. OTTAWA; .7 .xt.L\/.l.14. lJ.l; (M 122301 vent. In it/'Lc matter of _ r ARDA G II 3; A R _ . . IQ PROF.7EU'NIO,` .. Y\,......:.-.n 1'1...-.3- '..L........ 41 '1eI(7}}'/12:0 j1INDL.E, I In Q`/.1]:-nnl ' ' ;`I:0.\d_ s2.2:_L1'P\\'..u>.DS. . flocks c10I:mcd.ax_1d rcp."1ircd_. "-.cUN'_Io=s I.IL\:`V\J`,'0[l1)I`v O 51`, :\.D. 1?-GU. 111mm" SL( 31`P"`5I1led ASSig!]fe' .`QUiros' cmim; in In: m.-.,: ;\LliX. uzsxyrw, , l`oi';'nvsl:ip Clelk. 1.":` ' .4 .. lghbd piino lnmlitv, l:l\\'n:-1(r-~. - nlxnnl `r. F `HE undersigned h:_1_s In-on appr in this matter, nn'd r_oquiros'( within two months from this d:1Y( I r)Ilfn:1nG l`l.......l_:n - - - , . Xl`I.Ll.`H1U, bblicimrs, Rn rrie. ' '. ,- 9-". I6` .[y....ucu nsslgncej s'ch1ims to be led He.- "H >0 :15 (0 J0!!! the 13_v`-n1.12<.-xv a131(:L1 :1`-ul Ir-.. I..1 .. . xuuty `of Simcoe, _ 1'.F.(`.Il_ ` ' IL VH.'L\ L'.`|L'U, aid Townshi L7` vnx. _ lip of Szx1111i`.1n1e Ln Dt`L'L{ll)1)(Fv ne_.\'t xpiccv of Road tyo \'.\: '2 ..l..'l I A lob hing buy to sale. rc of, on MA U;\:Di2EI.I.. . 13-t A vgc Y, 1 m, Eizglaml [V _ _ lziuds v1cm- ed [9 `(`V.\:(."`.llt0 I {gum ".` V. -2`: -A S`S3gnC:.' S L QA N" .,\ rz;-Inn-"" .v. u ulru `} `H1 :13 to joip the I, ppuv tm7h..I Mgugt 29:11, 1865. Li >37-If All .A42s,4 wa;.cruu,_.l1Q,}De,80i1`i3';& rih cl: . ;`.1 ,|` `grgmaag-,*si16,od give, axrimse. :t1_n1e_5 of sa1, .}a'udf'he' b'H'hinc`in"I =idaIa[n1enu vifh ihterqst, s `gage onlhe `premiseam ff.!.a';;' ;= `_._`_._q,. L`... ~ BEING \Vciha1f L o1"Nc. 9 ~ _ '1`o.w,nship ofCo1|ingvr,ood, Connt ` . goo nc:e,1ve.or.aix acres :of .wl Annd_'a_,rs`l tel w,u_tare`d,`, s;uk1,`\tii;_so_il`|ia`rib cl . I. '. '3.-1 ni-mu. - v ` _ . . . ~ . u ~ u n.-u.nuu\:H In For:11'thc1' particulars x Mr. John Williamson, opto s LVV.D. Uauxe. t I.-\ `H10 rising village of II_AWKSTO_;\'E, which I "fog-licnuty of situation and .salnbrit_v of` `cli- nmtc will compttre fa.iIomhl_i' with 1myloca1ity,,on tliopictnrcsque borders of Luke Simcoe. , 5 ` A `goal V snbslnnt'i:1l and coinximdiuus house,- i `which bus been re_contly'f'ux'nilv:dv and fitted up for a. hotel. It will beiet on very favorable terms to any r_espe'ct:1bie applicant, experienced in . the business of keeping ti. comfurtnbie and `well or-. dered estahiisliinent. - - ' " ~r3,,,'n . Bax :-tie, Nov. 10, 1.36_4._ u. _ V.r- . .I Vrzow ` ,"r:`5*$ Invectdr of`-J L1!e Assurance Co. 'K`-,--o1uac_7.2' '.1,{_x;;-.,~ ,1_ , y .- APP`? `" 'Y1t! 9r%poat-pairi) 5 ~ ' % { M :ge;.a,e,, nun`)! 7 `HE Ea1st.`ho.1fof Lot 29, in the sion. _'l`h_o land is of'anr_exce1Ient qunlil are :11mv_xt 40 acres cleared lit fo _ Irnniodi:Ltc'- pbssession cmi be given.- 9r:1!(* and terms of Dnvmr-nt n. -cu .......u;.;uu possession can be giver terms of, payment easy pumblo. ' Apply (if by Ittei`, `pr'e-p:1id,) to IN :Tox!outuu, 4[h'ifay,' ~*Th (N uuuuul, rusr,_n.n Mcclir mile. Sm`-_;e passes day. Tums: Half down, re'r AIJOUTGO ACRES, NEARLYJ10: CLEANED. ' Good sbil, and well waerod; , ` WITH A TIIRIFTY YOUNG ORCHARD , School, Post, and o>u se, rrln Qo.....:..'..-.,, 3 Townshin nf nA1$.y3L?;" {OR SAL 43-, _the N \V-]v.'Lrt-of '27, 1st Conces- sion of-Oro, ncn1'.\\'lxito s Corners, on the Pcnctanguishene Road, '- - ` v0.;ccI1cnH';u'1ning land attached. > .,~. u;\.n n.\ n-.u:1,1;, In :1 good pine lnmlily,[ &_ in the l`mvn.~7hip of .\`0tt:1\'ns.'Lf_r:z ` _ ,. about i miles 1'rm11:Ll1:'.il\v:1\' .=t;1ti:` \vitl1.U()0 :I.cvrc s OI" . -1 V I , _ mm/zy Sm:rzm"s OFFICE, :I3,in mE, z October 10th, 1866. ` First published Cctuber 17:11, I866. . vs. _ JOIIN CAMERON and HECTOR CAMERON, 1 ' - _ De:ndanls. The West half of Lot. nx1mbe'r.feen in 'the_J` ninth Concession, Nnornmnanm. ' ` ` numbe'1 Concession, Nottawasaga. vs. ' JOHN C;\MERO'N, HECTOR. CAMERON, 11 the IIONORABLE JUHN_..A. MCDONALD, T\.\l'......II_ _. ,,__. .. ....u ..u- Au\x1.(\.'.V_l11Jl/, _ _ _ - _ . Defendants. B.-If\'K.OF `UPPER CANADA,- P_lnintiffs,' JUUN UA.\IlRON, SAMUEL Vand HECTOR CAMERON, `BANK OF UPPER CANADA; vvvi "' Ta`rhe's_ 0 `copy . vs. _, . V JOHN` CAMERON, B. HARMAN, nnI.n'nI1!= Jomr GLADSTONE am1;Ti1oMAs STONE,`, ` , A P] ,`__.__r lHH.'I|H_`n ILL HS lll:'l :-iHH)L:1_H [UN pnssi1xg:L 1'-y-Lnw M1 st:d:-IE5}: apiece pass lln(:ll;h smxic part of Lots .\'us. the East of UM 4*`.-nnui1;11c Ilmul, so :15 old .\`nn-nidixlv Hr.-:11 \Yil_l|, I110" Iluml, tho Slunnilhllc ll-ml, us` :11 1u'(-sozil tm Aateq in_t11e,1~1tl1 Cuncbssion of said 1"

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