Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 8 Nov 1866, p. 3

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.-\ 1`.\ I .` 3.1 I s'r.\v1 1 TI-10$. '_1`. ct-IAm\m'N', on: n 1 `A151! mm: m Asxuzu ` mu] Hp, =n1mh_ S331 l3ro_ad.wa_v, New York, icHN.B. OG'I_)EN, 4 KT,.... "U. 'L.....I..._.. Q NH` HIU OI 5'J|ll,'l'|llg .\'h:) mtml` it, H10. rm-ipc U the signpl I'cn1 <-d` 2n-rs \.\ l.~`l1'il)',; In prnl by I , van do so by addrc'ssing I .\siu:ic ,(.`h{)14ern. Yellow ` \:\ Vl`l(I`n-`trl -ljyrlrn ` Utvmx-:. 13;"-mu: who (~unsulcrnl,l.~. qnnckcry; nu lnis'lcnur, will re- Ihn nn2|uu'- lnc zunnnr. V _ l)mokl_vn, Kings Cm. V. j 44-3mo' -.., mu was the highct. Price 1 being 1:35. , V ` Spring, 1.25 {o 1.35. `Oats '25 to 300. _ Peas 50 toV(30c. ' Polatioes--250. Onioi1s-50 to 80. _ Pork-5.00 to 6.00. . Beef, 5.00 to 5.50 per 100- _ ~ Shcep-4.00 to 5,00. _ . `Chickens, 25 to 30 per pair- Ducks-.-'-35 m 45 per pail - Geese, 40 to 50. ` [\i(les-6.50 per 100'. Tallow--8L00 per-100. . _2-Farmers` Flour, 6.50. 2 ' ` Mi1le_rs VF1our.-Mr. 'Bingb8!!;; `Ann ' '1`I{UE4 1c_k.n0Hern. )_c|lOW !qcd:scn.~zcs. Large uh; gzven 10.nrrcsl _, I)I\PUIuIJl -15-1y ll.` 45-lmb :.,: E ,. ,.,u- . l Tl1e _followikxg.Furm_StLel<. &:c.,'_consistping_ of 1 I yoke Cattle 7 years old, 'l3Mllcl1 Cows to cnlve early, 4 small Pigi, 1 Gulf, ] Lmzging Chain, 1 Ox, 1 yoke Steers 4 years old, 1 Heifer in calf, 3 large Pigs, l'Fnnning Mill, 1 l louk;l1, 1 Plough `Chain, :1 quantity of` uhthrashed Outs and Pens,_ the -whole of the .I-Iousehold Furniture, and other articles too numerous tomention. ` "SALE at eleven o`cl 9..m., sharp. _ 'l`ER.\lS:-:4 and under, Cash; over amt amount 12 .mon tbs credit on approved Joinl Notes. ' ' 5 n u A nxvnnnr 1'7` I f|'V_IE undo1-signed has received in_s1r'actionsTfrQm ' Mr. Jnhn Ni:-hnldnn Ln}. 9.1 9nd (`.nn . Winn. Mksey,-AArchib,ald uiu,Dn.viLl ' 7 lS`mu-ke, Miss gBarbnra_ ' BU, John llortmny Andrew 1' lllnclcstock, John lllm_el<.~:locl<, llugh lrilt_ William llum.,s, 'l`lmmns Calldwell, Joseph. Caldwell, James I}. (-`unnor Robert. louuor , R. Uurrie, George Guthrie , Thomas `lliuds 'Jz\'me8 Jilcnbg, Jolm JohnS'.(_)n, Thomas Jones, Rev. E. S. Kczar, 1I.Il. (2) Lawrence, James w {`ic|; t5 -tn _.___....._._.,__,_ W Wee c_\-mm nceeof his own friends, ` ' ' itself-a source of strength, and we, not pxofess to be his friends politically, Wu haunt! to add that he _ . _ | A he is the one man In the ministry upon .` ._.-4 advice the head of the government couid. ,e of emergency; for courage, co')!- I \- in N` . . 1 above all, for sound common sense. inkvit a real misfortune, whoever .`-an r...m.tx at this moment, if Mr. "01 . ,u::, ttt I:.tE'r th . largely deserves it=- T mm UF ximonla (:oLLI3eE. *1:m;:[a'1`% SALE i V `L}l`A ullUL'l`b'IgXl!{U I121`! l'UUL'lVL'u lll_5ll"clCLlUH3 ,ll!]ll..| 1 Mr. John Nicholson, Lot. 21_, 2nd Con., Flos, ` to stun by auction, on - M ` 1 -rr -nv 1 .1 .n.1 4.1!!!! - the 12th, 1866," Rc:1:c1inir2g&'2z1lw Pos_t Oice, Bur1`io,,l\'ov..1sl., 1860. xamf 11{1~3Y:\.f ZlaI-{T3-,WJt?J1:'._," ?rovincia1I.and Surveyor 1rAt nut) 11... ' ' #"~.VlV.` FL'.' COTTER. ` County Grown Attorney, ' n A nbmmnn 2... EimE7r%As M: as; _ - i- msNCH MERINOE.S,_F:RENC1-IADELAINES, A _` _ `C 07)0nrgs; -Gala "an-'(l__._' 315-T97;/():(2l' Pl(zsf};, .. ~ ' ~ `-WINCEAYS,&_.c.V .MAN?I`IV.E' CLOTHS, SIBERIAN `LAMBSKIN, BLAC`K 3.: c0r;'oUm=: ; SHAWLS, BLANKETS, COUNTERPANES, HATS, CAPS, &c;; -- ` - ' nn.-I ' .. "The 11sIIa1`asor1mei1t_ofGrQcervies, Ilardwarc, Cro_cker'y, &c., on hand, \\'h-ich they are prepared to ocr at unusuz1lly_low prices to 04.211 Buyens. Q 1 v Bnrrie,Jan. 5th,`1s<'s6._ unmwmn wnmm Teams FANGY DRESS Qb 3' A . _ consisting or . s1LKs' AND V SHAWLS, . AFEATHERS-AND FLOWERS, % , `.PR1NTS"A;1_#Ip COTTONS, ` ~ 1 1)1?.1_ass% GOODS, ;,.:1oI`snBYAND%GLovEs, J % . V T.f`j`.`3_" NEWv7lTWEEDS as CLO1`.H.S. ; ' :_- _ `Styles, K H - ~` IAslargdvasortmn`-of.a'-if' W . . ) _ } 7 ,bo:`fro.Ns;.i:'1=7I9z&N;N!s3I4s;,,acc:. sac. - ` .n3Z*3;'.;,'`. '.. _ 5"-* I?IATS_-AAN1) B'O_NVNET_ _1`S, . ~- '=.-.~NEW;H0.OPrSKIRTS,3_ ESTROYS the Ticks; cleanses the skin ; strengtlxens and promotes the growth of the ' wool, and improves the condition-vof the animal`. Sold everywhere. ' - V mmn fer. an I THE Subscriber calls the attention of Farmers ! and others in the County of Simcoe, to the l fact, that lie is now p re_par at his new Steam 1 Woollen-F actor'y, to do,_ ' TEAM JVWUULLEN FACTORY.` 1 } DUNLOPSTREET EAST,. BARBIE. Carding, Filling, Cloth Dressing, * Dyeing, &c., &c., . , l;- _.._. ._ _ |,to any xtent, at "any season of the year. 7 _ N.B.--;Tbe highest market price paid. in cash.- for sheepskins and wool, delivered at the Factory. -run:-uh-xv any-.....-- FALL G00D3| a .... .n.u4..n A.a.sA.LvJ. TEMi.EFFAS)HIN!` .BARRIE. % . . M_:Hia:esfock `of S4t`apl'eGod`~ h1_go`ji;st been hfrglyinmeued.` - "`7"' 5'1" .. V: f -at... .11 1.:...1..n9- ' 0neBa1e*ofNo. 1 Bufa1o`Robes, as/r, _In,g11kinqg;pg,., , i ` A W tfmbd. r- - *. - L n....1......7. rnmmln nf` Fashion will G1-a.hnm a Temple of Fashion willbezfonnq plate";-. Mi p -which can1;ot_ `fair to? putt!` `chiaensur r M1LLER S". ']NFALi.IBLE ' TICK D'ESTR_OYER FORSHEEP. Bafrie; October, 1'866.". November 6th_# 1866; 1-1! Bnnio, Octbber $1.11, 1866. %LARGE""d6f.iNMENT N app`:-oved freehold sec`urVity, And at modcrzite Interest. . S an np.prc'nti>cc _th-e' -DI-{U_G~BiISINESS Apply to - . ` I{E_LZ\IAN & `Barrie, Sept, 1866. 1HE SubscAtibe'fS'ha`v_e ,now.Ioh Imn.cV1?c_; ]:_r g e'_n1:1d\vell assorted _3tock 0f`Fa-H land _ Winter Goods, consisting _o_f.lhe newest styles in ' ' T ? i 1` all prices, i'm1.'ging from $12 to $(`0.V For L _su1e and always on lmud. ~90 .. l|w\l\nw mt 9JF._L1=:EB%sF RESIDENCE, THORNTON. THOM A*s7*:GF1@AH A M ' -has-just reciverl n. . 1~4`4\1-(~11-zu-us`--an-.-va ZMJOQNEY To L-END. APPU 19' BO_.Y_ WANTED, .. I'\T)YY!V `DYTI na. ,HAm3\3, t`lIII\l\I GrR_AHAM S 'BAI?r{1si;ER, 5.; v\_IALUER, &c..` LTITIUGII MILLER 22; 00., prnnrimm-:. 'I`m-m JWEVV U II.I.a.IAa-n _ consisting of . `'\r . 3.1113 'fm,sukin Ljr. ARDAGII & ARDAGU; Solicitors, nn/I n ,p Mercer, Robert A. !\lcDonell, Donald .\l'cEnt_vro, Miss Jane McGu[n,Jnmes M(`L(`Cd- Aiexnnder l\Icl..cod, Donald , Robinson, Jnmhs C. "E-`argunt, James (2) Strong William ' _ Taylor, -Miss Fannie 'l`ouchbournc, Georgev 'l`lxomns','Willinm H. Thompson, William Urguliart, Morman (2) Valley,` Clunrlcs - _ Vnllietre, Gem: Vnuluvcn, Rufus T. Vernon, Mrs. Mary Ant} Wnmes. Patrick T Wliite, William Whitehead, Tlidmas . A 1' A'\Ym w. CAPON; Au-nnf vu t\`.ll:.\; -u. u...... -...-- G. MAUNDRELL; ' Auctioneer. mms.- N. angiif. ; no nuuuuuu: WU`, V Proprietors, Toronto. ...J _...._.._...__.___-_. . .._.......__`_-x n l)o~ \.]1IL \J" - _ Agent, Dunlop Street Barrie.- .1 i ~ zttifml:ty eveiiiiig, about 9 o'clock, `tn ll_Rt1)Ctl '\\'in. Douglas, living on `~lrP(.-t, deliberately shot this wil"e,l :1"! l~. and was"cappingl will to slioot himself when one if lH'l;lll)Ul'S went in. Assistance was l -.t' .-.lL'lV'i[J1'0cl1l'0(l and the gni1.tak*en i hnn. Ue..waS llrrested and con- tl la) the cells. The wife was hold- ln.-r .`illl.'l(l`lll heriarms at` the time. an, p<..~;_i3il` that he intended to kill _v.'ii tlic one shot. '1"he"child `was. 33;. i:z_jjgirt:(l. Coroner McMahon` i:~~=:.vtl. 7;: jury, who met yesterday, :.l:1:Illl'_ll['L`3Ll till this oveninn`. ` ` Lliif, Post Mastmr. BARBIE. B'AnR1I:. 45-if QSYQ I A. .141.` and Bn1T1sn%Axn?F0aEiax %:1:.:%.m\.n | 114 YONGE S'rm:m`,` TORONTO. A UILDERS and Cabi'ne;l, Hardware , Carp:-nters', . __ and other Mechmncs_ Tools, (`.}.ut1_c1'y, _IInn:=c, I.u`m'ish;ug (.}Q(;_d,=,`Sll()`0ll!1g and 1- Is`.nng '1.~u~..Ii.r~, Sporting Ammuniuon, Guxdcn and F:1_r::1'l`o &c. at Low:-st Rates. -_ ' 'lV,... .....n.. A...L:\.1on.-: - 1 in I ; 'l`o_`ronALo. `Avpkilg 1S)65. -__.._...;.__ .__.'_'4.z___ _ _ BIRTHS. " A .\i':'1..\.\'D_.~-On the 2)stAu1l;., the wife of J. L`. .\, Dentist", ofa du.ughter._ v\`-'.-~.\t lgzrrie, on the 4th inst-, the Wire of '- D. brew, `of a son. ' OFFICE-you Pctr Strcet, nc-xt door to the Post Oicc. ., . \ ' . . `on-min,'24m Oct., 1scc_. - 43. ` HE TRIJST AND F;_(5)A.}>Z_.'GI).\1PL\_\ Y 017% - UPPER CANADA lmm funds 1'01" 111\'csl1ne11t I on 1_1x'c se curily of lirst 'Cl.`LSS t'.m'n':i11_lN'::x_rn rm- perty, and are aiso p`n`-pared lo .pxn'clm3e guud iuortgngcs. _ - A ` Tho I nha nf ntr=rr=:! nn hmn i: nm~ I-nnf Nu I 253% Eagara % * A W9 I A %fEJ;gii'h1a;, f r\1:I".`l.T.D(`,HA wt` 4 In In nn H I'M lutrrtgxxgcaa .. The late of interest on 1o_:msi.s par cont. No commission chzxrgod, and r.'xpexxs.<`.a x-cdnccd.. The lonus are usn-.xllL_v for ve _'y"Ct\l`:4, `but can he made pnyal-le in yearly mhu`-.f-yc-m'ly insl_u1n1c'.1ts if I desired by Borrowers . I ' A dqposit of 510 required with each nmwlicntinn; For further inf'or.muLion-n.pply M. the Guxxnprinfs OI} Kingston, or to . I . V \V U.` 0 l`.RT!<`..\I ."'..Ii:-i/qr. 1 _ W; J.` 1{1_cAd*i,1aA1n7,Wi J . ATT ORNEVY-.A T+LA w,i ITUATED ndw.-1y between 'AIIsx11v]:11 :' and . ' _,thc"l` of lnrric. ' ' ' Thebuildivngs are nearly me\v.nnr1 SI`.f'i'ICi(-1111)") commodinus todn :1 gnod Iluu-1 I3n.=inci-`. "1` ; are about 40 ncm of'L.~md :_x',lnch~.~d, tog:-_t!x<-1"} I with a. good buu-.hel"s shnp. 1 For particulars appj_y .10 I i I I H:'."\'T`\'--Ta`l`! KQTPD Fm sTj1 n17.P. PRQVI_.\.'(.I.-\T; I:.\'11`1m'n)>:; 36-3m.pT.e. emooo Bushels `i.?L`at nh vn,msx2. mtxxxs wnnteclnt lltooir Flinn -.. '.~`u`a1'| In ' .u.l . % 0ats,.Peas,T Ea.r1ey,% 62 `IN 1\;\r'I1\Q('\s\1 r 1` -D."`l'iLl'IllUl5 \\ HU \\ ; me at Lefroy may do so. ' rm- - ~ _ . P`A'll\;:I_N(3. L lTW- :8. OAPQN `H0ilSe, Ca19:'iage,*u Sigll Pni.mc1', -savanna A- ..-n .1`- - -. _-..`-1 .......--.. -.1'c`I .:_l._ \F\'l,Vi\lV -306/&.\JA-\$V.'J vs. nu,-../-you V , um1c0A1:s1:m:.-u.\'s wanacdm _ Barrie, `Hqwksto2z.e, and O-ri/l'ia,i - .- _ ` ' L; N - EGSto.c_al1the nttemion of ownms of'Slciglxs, Cutters, &c., to the fact that he is prepared to paint `Cutters, &c.. in first class style. A: minim in. rnnilv nnnrn-1 (`hind hn nxunu n11 WH:EMi` 2 W H Asa`: LU pllulllb Uulltl, GU.` HI Hfbl. mar: EJJIU. As winter` is mpidly approaching, he advises all who wish to have :1 respecmble turn out on the .rst. appearance of snow to have tho.-ir Cutters painted in readiness, na there will he a. great de- mand upon him when sleighing commences. ~ Tdprevent disqppoinlment be ready in time. Grdinzng, Paper Hanginggaozd _House ` v T Decorating. - 54}-r-__9_.. 1-;___3 ,9- .__.1'. 3.. `L, n-. , ,n IE5 Having learned his trade-in the City of London, Eng1nn.1,nnd hnving carried on :1 my "extensive business in the above line in this country for eleven years, he feels condent of giv- ing every satisfaction to all who may favor him with their patronage. u `Flia chnn in nnnnuifn ihn Rn:-I-in Wnfnl, nnrl mac 2 ;{`;*a1`},`I`v Iu rder ' in Du`nd2V1's.' RUSSELL BRo1`1:E;g;s; 1 Of stegmer um-ass muuu, 9; the qaptgip 31: board; 1 .'1;;_fs`9is`s.A4c;:, ':1866. . Wllll CIIUIIC [|H|.l'Ullll.gUo His shop isopposite the Barrie Hotel, and was formerly in the occupation of Mr. Henry Dougall. Barrie, October, 1866- 3 19- [THE EAVES BARBIE every morning at 5 a.m. for . Washngo, connecting with stages and sten- mer` Weuono.h`.v on Muskoka Luke, returning in time for evening cars to _'L`oron_t_o, calling at - awkston}, .AtlV1Verl.ey;',V`-L0r`iAilia'z & . . ,Rggna, both wayl, .o` :4 - -_.1 11-.. __ '___ ._ rn2.~.....A_ an rn. '"`I'7 '7 ' U `V tom `Orila and Huwkstdnexo To:i'onto $2150` `V "Washngo to Barrie. . . . . 1",`-.9 . 1.25 . cA? ()1;-i`l'1ia t_o` Barrie. .,..,. .T_.T.V . 1.00 Through fmigbfonsignd 1&>`SI'ea,mor, tukenvat_ V1-ates sp'e'cied`-i n general tgri off_tl:L'g"r4'ort_l1ex-Vi1_, Railroadomnnny. " s _ , . f V i :sEA,soi~i T1c1j;T"s,"_; " And tiny 'i`nfon'na.tion regtu-Vdi'ng .specin.`l- contracts, pan gn, application at the allies of _ . ~ ' In -OLIVER... `~,-.-, ;r r. . ' rates Bpccmcu Ill gun Rhailroadiom pany. "s OLICI TOR JN CH/INCL` R Y, 9-cm. V]; y. - ./INCER, &C. . - ff,-gr '. ' . 5 T,` ,4 d rs will be recogmzed ox_: account .;*,.;,a i"u?.es ma'de,b_y. hqgndersrsned '_ . 41... ..'. .main an hnnrd-. ' . Cuts (1i`cx'eIh. silzc for S!!('c{3 of C::Hlr:. Price $15. , Orders by mztil prmnpl1_\' llul. ` ' J. 1:. }.Y.-\N, ' ' `J14 Yonge Sn-ect,"I`o1'0nto. Barrie,` Ocfqber _3. Blmic, October `i7th `.8".G.- for Wbi(`:1l 1he`fu11 vhlue in"C:1sl1.Kv.'iIl be paid. 71 n nv7\v\:Y:vu E. S. CU.\I.\!EI?, , . .. -` At Fraser's Exchange. N.B.--Farmer3 who would rat-_1xer- deliver to .. -5 `I .J`...... ........ .1,-. .-A Fer Sale or to THE _ INN` _........ ..___-. .---.--- .. ---_--v- . MON Ev {QT Lo}-RTE OF :11vI3P.`(3I"Izi.\".-\1;'L1: QUA'LI DY. . 9` ` 1rmers' 6.50.- ! ill .qnotes first qu'a.]it`y __S'p1-\ing fx'etziilF`at 7.?5.;. x,'l.75.` - A` " era I<`1our.(--Mr. Bi;1ghn!I'!`,"lA1AE"_t' Y6 `~G-dry ` JAMES 3., RYAN, _I A. 1`EN-T` '1`rJ1'i;\*.1`L> on 4_Gnsh paid fgir any quantity of. Ur (3! \V.\I 0 7.R1EN. .`7..vII7z,'1'./:1)`. `U. C[IES\'\ TCKE, Vr.'.7u'1to).'.' mu lll'J.V|\l I'I\.\|lA E.\'(:h:1ngc Hot:-1, 3: an... 4 `D. 13';{\v:1}j3(3I: HTI.\ I`. 1".-1'-`l ..`.9E!`.,` .._1 `n....: Buizron & oL1vEi$.f . 36_- _mIAT_ f:`1.iHr) 51330113911 Uzc gcncx'zi1' public. A'ft;x'v,- stun.-' iug .1`-`rices are given :--- ' ' \17:.. _.. 1-__~_.'~..; - n - '-`~- ! lbf w!;ir:'!i will be. 551-1 at prices Wluicli cannot i I __.,, ,.-.--.. ._-- bu... . .. , V \\ iu 7';d" pei' yarn`.--F.-v.c'.m'y (70{to' frnm (id 1191' `\':1rd'--S'.x'ipe-Sizirting fram 75-1 per" 3y:\r(!~-lrE.:bt'Sng;:;1~,v sgd per lb-:'I`gi1;zcc{> ls-3d : `pm? 1b--.~'i`ea froul 23 64 per Ib-bL-sx. -0031 Oil 3 253'. ` . `L _T _' j 7_.~- _ _. g. _ _ A1 1 T.) cngxvince the pub1_ic that this is.t!:c'<-Ir:-nroat I H-slub1i.:lx2r.m:t in B.-urxt-, nu img`-vr:Lion Vof goods` * and pri'c`cs is 1`e3p,cc`.f'u]Iy s`:lic`no-1. T - 1. I I ` ...-_..'.._ _ 1-.-_ A I I - ` 7; .s1 Ic>o'J.=i~; .1... ZVEVIIE 'Sz'11)slc`rih_l*1'b:`q l'(w i12f':1"n1 HQ` .of"B.-1'r:'ic, n`? UH` '!`r.V .. ;: T-`xi 5:'~.:_t(': I.'U((}i!'l 9 I E 1;.-as rtxjx lmrrd m: 2.92:.` I at l)i:Ia]C1';`JQvCh;H';_I?3.` u `1n..~\ ) mu 1 ahuul'ti:a' G_rA;}yAl1.:`s-...;- I g bone-qn` .r~.n`,H|Q 1. - n......... .. ..z' :"UUUuf"7U'u HIE`! A . _ _ :` . f-' ,.,Q_\\':acr`-cm%!):1v,c' him by rm-Eng ; I -"." -""35! ,`X.I":"?'-IR?-`l-f nut. ciuinxc -d in : be so_.!.l tb;ie Fx~7`3'.,ces1s. . . 1 _ v . T` _ _.,'rnos=-. DU)`IS}.'T)I2 1' ` I , `_LL"It 4, i. cIxln'r.g_:1i. 1 j0ctIz`. IT MVE:DiCAL. HALL, '% DUNLOP` %s'1`1;1::g:'z>, B!-.I'~2E'I.v`3. -Pain /.<, Oz/S, V'rt> r72'('.s;'t(`.9,Spicrx, Dyan Sl z'(Iy, P(v_'/u_;;.w'y, Fm2r:_// Ar/.z'c.r. cs,- Pgzzcrzt ;ZI. lC(ll`!.,'l.?7,(?.&`,}5'(i. ` . I r`escripftion.= <$.'1.rc-l"1xY`.Ay.;u.:t up under Mr. - ' . ' xv ' . . , I\o.hnn.n'sxu1'meuuu'c 5H11l;`1"\ 15:021. . 1*r 1 \v 1: r1 | _ be c'of1sn1tz~d nt his ofzlo,-4i.n fear of KM.` man 5; C-0.75 S1ore,:m1- mm s_nppl_y 1_:;p mri- r:1i5IIn`wm~pntl1ic Mcrdscjnxcs f-.;1i(:un'i1y use. . CORO.A\'T-IR FOR T_IIE.C()VU.\."l'.T{ OF ;1!COE, As'::s'-:31`, '13u, Cctffce, and Light; Rcfrc-slmxcuts -:11w:\_\`s-rend_\'. Towns fmn Biarxilz stale ll_1al.lhe r1`.<'I.L:i'11lVl_1 has proted by his stay 111 ~ iv, D5131 `that his spirits, far from im- ._vm;tirihk2 vi;-ry depressed.` He is re: --` .'\` kciug in one of those ts -of mm which are-cL_nnmdner_1than his very ~-mm,-re allow. No:on.e ca_lls in ques _ . ;_.2uL ...l...L L... WU-E u::dc1'sig_rrxnx1, in 1`ot:::':~in.q"th:\n! to. his h1z111:*rnus cusmx`.10rs fu`; t1:_uir'1i1)m':11.p:m_'uu- age duri'n;5-the pn.=.t Nu`:-G _vo:n's, _Ii:13-groan plans- nrc in annmxncin_c: tlvxt, in n.H?..ion to the liroad and Bisc-.xivl I`.:L`.:_0r_\', _!i;*, Ins nu Aimnd a `very 1:1rg(`,'l vntied _and choice :1ssmjhnc:`."L of ' ' 'at_pricc* to` suit the times. V Special c:u'e-L:1kcu in ` the sdction of `I-(`emu-mbcx` the p!:u3c-D1xx11:>;\ S?.1'cet,'ncaxly op-_ poslte the` Iluilwny Depot. 1 ROBERT. KING. T13L.Vxc%K A7N1)G1-:3-:EN `Barrie, Juli` ist, 1866. The countenance pale and len with occasional ushes, or a cir-<.-urns--ribed`sputon `one or both cheeks; tle eyes become dull ; the pupils dilute ; an azure semi-circle ruu.svalong' the lower eyelid; the nose is irritated ; a swelling ot'.the up- per |ip'; occasional headache, with humming of the ears; an unusual" secretion of saliva; {urred tongue; breath very foul; appetite sometimes vo- raeious, with a gnawing sensation at the stom- ach, at others entirely gone; eeting pains in the stomach ; occasional nausea and `vom- iting;-stoo|s slim ; not unfrequently tingetlwith blood ; belly swollen and iiard ; uriueturhid ; respi- ration occasionally dilliuttlt and accompanied with hie-cough ; uneasy autldisturbetl sleep, with grind- ing ot`7the_teeth; temper generally irritable, etc. When any at those symptoms occur, - `E H G Lia: % es; H ouea .% , Give (:!:eWorn1`Gaiidy Innndiatcly. ll calint hurin your chd, ;1nd by giviqg it in time you will save y_qnyo{_I'spring much sufcrnng. .-... -\ up up . . l \0' 4 - . - _ Old Dr. Mc-Knzie _e:`<`p,res~cd a wish that . this Retnetlyahonld be put at sIu:lt_ a price as would en- able all, the p90)`. especially, to use it. In deference to that wish,_we hav_ep_nt it` at the following price. ""11:5' Plfxc Bnly 7341 `sh:-r1ing, (l5 cents) per pack- age, gr 2: (Q`c:g:nls)` n-_ |pur.,'pac`lmges. Sold by eyerv _1).r_l.|E`>`[`Bl't1nd._.';VIL(y]l`(:il164Dler 'in Europe and Amenn. V3.11. 13'. , J Wrapper. (I10 W11 9.3- w nolesa and only imypon addyessgd.) -~.- ..... ` ...--.:~.-_.. . .. -,.-5.~..-:.-v-x.-I NEW .I.VERY s::1* :Az;:1,"zs; E312 :17 " - **b'a.vgw,,-(vr,_'( ' L _ 1- `:,m/4/,s'.J E GENERAL wHoLi3ALE AGENTS :--Nor- Sb Qaip1_$ll,"MonIredI=, G93 adqrmqf ..`;A.--_N. McDONALD 65 Co., " Bn_ocxvn.LE,C.W. lhrop -Sc `Lyman. sN'ewca.I1lo.`-.C.\V.,; LYma": Elliot 6; Co, Torgmo, C.W.; J. M.',.HqIn'. _ .56 $03.8--Lr mans; Clargb Co-,-Kei'ry,Brc$`s'R,' ralhern-`hams; ' Hwtv` .. ..An ::qY Wo;wi E Wi3re;: Gu.:Co';-` I I Bu 1'_rEe-, .-`\ Ixgus L, [`3c{;_ -none genome wgmoux a me-snmue signature or .F.1J..E., 1l{._Kan;u, M.D., _ Glza_go`w, on. each 1 Wrnnner. ' . Sept. 2131, `i806. -.._.... .`_-- -;~i~uve_i`ing courage wilhr, which he! ml .+r~so!nlinn wiiichhe has once ar- .i.-ui mdny of Ihose who _ha_.vo Stndleii Ifu.-::y, asserli that his decisions are 2'-~::i iho resnli of events ithan-i their 11 rnlourage ceitai:ii)'_i'reg_z1rd with ---r :m\\'iIz:; feeling of disconienti which 51 1i`.cnuliUiI,iO which they can neither il n'_\_`os,'nnr blind him. The W03! 5 _:~i:1;1sI1r0 proposed to restore" -lhe `Iii.iH.!.G:)Vl,`:ll|n)Cnl3 but nothing indi- zlt`. `-?":c_ Frnpc-ror is inclined to`]isten to . 11`.-"~!. On all .hands it in aildwed Ihat. _1ilv`.wz.`f!i,(llld for a considerable lime lo we pcncc of Europe will not bgmenaced Con v<`~m11ces'_u3.O`1'EI!i xTKAYEb+ S n}`:).nl'I~e . _ ~ ; " . ` -None genuine wuhout a fac-simile signature of 11.12`. 1llcKanzia. ]|I.D.. G'[n_m-ow. on. each .'.:n'go nr.-.I.wr A .`-.!crc!x_n11:1i7..~, con. 1 IE S-.=_ 222.0!` has on Iavmv \.SF.i`.x`lr~. x stock of Gcnn '11`! ll? J =4 Lj\IK >}'roIn_ ling D3.Mc. K5 s KING'S CASH` swims n.nnI`.ra:}T - ! % m;7i'sz;a;%5:EL Kl?-!!`.*l .t_ 9-1:9 Tana vadvice head 0! me g0V(.'lll-ulum uuuuu.` (we e_mergencyA; for` co )!- Hul xihink it all louve (`ana_da at this moment, :.,1!1sha1l not remain, and we-be-iieve r juhn Michel will h'ar be fairly 1. 212$ besi cuuncillor shall go a\\'n}'. 7 :.,-we-r answer than this could be given to n-ks of yyhich I\Ir.`1\1acu_!ona2d has lately l L. ' ' nI 3D FL -L. .9 L.i\/5E`R,:- xvvvn nfxn mun rv.\vrn-~- nn hr. STRAY gaagg ' aIw;1_-,'?s on ham 0...`... ol. 0_.\nm-:'rs a, aacxa% ,-,I;m`., 41305; Th: bst q-.m`.Etic-s ofA =t~.-> { ": .5213. J 33;; i.pz1ro E,\'GI,1 FUR`;\'l:~"5i~ . n v ,1-_ _u) an-' . ..'.. ,,J` A olsval-Ag'e'n'l fbr Cinnailn East and West, po:_1ers,(lo whom all orders should `be u * . - liuriur zmumpledfo ad_dress 11 poli- -:~z~.;} i: New York last wek, but was i':a-t'v:n'mg by lh-im!i_r;'n:1I1l ' cro;.vd, ` 1:! and ;g1vazxcLl }"1l- him, and` M35 :._\' n:..\'mus'1o khow what" had bcomf: _\~pr;~.I1`s. lav), his irageh Ih *_`:Bcast V x'~* :oi;:`.: _':_md grrJ\\`lcd_'al the peoph-xi ~'.\ .2 : : .\;i:L-.'.:u s!}hr :---b _ _ ' .'..}v'.1 ,`_;-,1m;:s, I lime fucezl "your ~ ;.:~. !Tu`i'*n1'r( , and New Orleans; I _~'\4 1):" in-;u~.xs,`:u1 if you do not be- - ax.-.<, I _ Ih-2 ch:1`n('e_ lo do : \ pun ; l have seen :1 great Vmnny 7; \:a:, mill :\r:h>: in lheil` lmmls; am! ;.'.1. 1).. V`;-_...`.` suppose I shah inch m5.~`:v-:' 1__vMetulh?A m an'\\`ho cam uz-n`.`~'HLr mm s:.'n:d gulic. `Do you :2 '\'.x|`:*.1p L~(',u.:1l to Ihe ue_;_:r0 ? Oh, no ; v vs .-.- n1I.rm:1s_In.'1'u!_v yvur supexior 85 ".- ,-:1;:.\':-, hrll, \\'hcI`Q you _\\'iH go 10. m:11;:'}:.1_v'xsgncgl you, u::d,','r~u-rnn)" Lu : 1'! I H Lt )! Io`:-.1` }'UU. `Inll Of F-.VVt) I hn`1?a3: ml the lvvm't'-3.` house 1 lhicv.-3 of W ! and burg_v_`:'ars of` the Totznbsl I .clarnhcre,as1he voice of this ns:1ir`:n.A :_m not (11 fun: -rho e_x<"rci. of me ' cnm"`.-i. no I ):-tier '.'\':1`,' man" 1 _yn._*.mrmx1stEate the fzwl, A I c..\mn'-:'r;, B.P;8Cg{E`?: , :2::2ez:M:, U}-`L, &('.,_&!'., _v utqv tint; prsii : ct: \'.'n_:!:'` I ,;cs4cf the Sixlucrihcr, - . I I 1:200, n .l:n'gu dmk Iron 1 > : J A .. ..._ Bc=.idvs__ :1 1':xrge' assortment of: o lnnnd. hczimz .="1;:p;!EcZ{}1_0.g111arl_y' '0:n the Uil- M.Ll`3.CLdi1`CC't. . P1i::=.x;eL3fs%, n' - - . H.` mm P(`!\r_-4` .7nin::>:.\..'1f)'I2 F3, l.`.-nln uxhm . III) .\ C),!a|J Li 1'! , cxxcl:n~.g_uisIwn`o R:-r ' ` A'3.JI'n vmx; 'l'l~`.I.EC.`RAPH TO THE LEAD ER.: ROIJERTJ KING. - 1-ly q1~ZE_Lf\2A.\'A 3; Co. 1:, and om.-rcd _: 1-x-iccs- ll`nH1X!)H._:!Y't`A'_` '..'l_ic,,Yh:11 he i 94. xx--.~ 1:-zm-:,.: .,.g1:i3h,_,.n~Q'. 1. f c,` law at ten- .-A,...I. 3.. I A31 -N(; THE m:oP_LE. 11:`: i-:x'rs n1-:mEssxai>..-`- I-`L:1: L1Na m.j.I_m~., .xu ` 1:1 D;RU(1 ` irtcd H: 1 Bali, UifI`y'. -vvrvvllnnavu 1 - . -1 ` . ..:_.f `a `- Ll; . T.]`;'_:L-`.4-Sole_yAge *1? 3'16` st-a!#.nN5.9`Z<!...w W911!9?`5@r.= Rou Scrgipcrs ; Hay Rakes ; Plough Points ; Mould Boards ; Sugar Kettles ;:uul E every description of this kind of Wo'rkT. * I . Pfoughs `with Steel Mbuld Board ; Cast I\]o1:1d Buurd.s' Cultiirators ; Ilursc IIuc-.- - Mill Works, IrAon%i`urninigs_,, and eva__ry description of Castings. g ` % Aazzzc ULURAL ]MPLE];1'ENTS'. lVVillll2'e carried on as usual, only a bcttexf description of Pump will be made, if possible ; l1z1ving-belter fucilitles in the shape of steam power and other v M - improvements lO_m{1l{C tl1e_m. I ` . i `FARMERS AND[OTIIE-RS, who `ha\_'c lung wanted such an estnhlislnnmnr, ;nn_d frequently asked why thcreywas not one in l3c.rrio,.\\'ill be glad to learn llnu there is now one in lll operauon, where they can get their work done as good uml as cheap as in any other place in Czmuda. i IEOBERT WELKE Amcrican Mmisler of Romel may be M His Holiness lhe Pupve was zuvareof mien r.f me Fcnians in the United 1 >mvade Caxmdti a year cggo; and was ' :'L'l)]:Hingl)pl1lh13 sulnjuct. In a dig"- ..r-=1 i\';v. I8, -1865, which has jnsl '.-I:-had, Mr. King lhe American Min- {o.'_;\(`, ropcm His llolizxess as lziking in ` {BUm;@cK sGA_LLE R11 . - 7 I ` -A . -`*1 1 3; -' 7 ` - )1-IO'I`OGRAPHr3 coloured to smt_ ctIston}cx_b, old Inclures copxcd phmm ` f_V|`;1p}`|Gd and mznj;-`Cd to any S3250 you \\'l$h- .. I i .1 ?'..'1'\'v.,l)`(`m'1 ,cm1.~!:~.n'..\: ('ngu ced in the Art in 2111 19 years am] fvvi . 2. `Q, ` " : " - I ' ' 1 `It the sulnc mcc un- ` |)l'\ClfC:1',!. 11)!(` to ;-.-..L..uL Pxclurcs ulna. to any ot ur_}11.u , . I . i manic in tl1e smm- way. . ' ` = . . .___n ._- .....1__ . ..,.'..I...l ,..-A .... ..H.~.n't~.r1}\n cnhmr*f_ IWM <@1}E3S9&@HS4}?iWIEMJfP&.?f, Will nd in our present immense stock a large variety respective trades. (I)ui-ingnn absence of ve months "1 of the depressed condition of the several markets; nd P` reductions, especially in Germany just before -1118 War- the` Canadian Trade the contents of over . ' ".41.. our nrrnnntrn I`|A(`.KAGE General Mrchantsg D-rugg-ists, Hardware M676/lants DWI 878. 13 ' well as Fancy Goods Dealers, Jewellers; and Watdlma 678, _ ,l __.AI-I.... .~u:On1.`n (`.w1lu-.- . `VIIE Subscriber lmvlng completed his cstz1blislxxx1cn1t, and "secured some of tln: licst workmen in the country, is no\v.p1-eipurell to do all l<.in'ds of mwmes ' Mexsnand Bo_,'s cheap Fur and CluL`n _Cnps;T :1 large lot of heavy W~ Jackets, suitable for Lumbcring men and ML-c'l;i1nic:s. A .7 '.A large lot pf. heavy Flzmucl Shirts, H10-C11-cnpr-st inV'\.`v'ostcrn Cznmd-.1. V '1`II(`)MAS MCCORMICK, 'n..:vIt..._- J `V ._.- n , 9, 1'.,v,._|-,. g.. 2) 1')...__:. @u:nhiEEia7.- '\./\r\A;._-___---_ C'giI2a(lz'an VB-_ld-nkcZ3,ACanacZicnz TurmZ3,A Full C'l()!7zs, aml S(IZ`l'II('ls. Barrie`, October 3rd, 1866. . The above Gallery is now open from 8 a.) IlK\l'./ nu |-(n\_v ..u....\ .... . . No copies `given unics You can depend on lmvinga. good '1 ic`turc if ye (31% Just receed a quautityof Lyman s Patent Preserve Jars. '33- .. T RICHARD POWELL. 1}an'ie,Juue 24:11; 1866. And. Agricul$ura.1 ' CUTLERY, COMBS, ELECTRO-PLATE, FOREIGN AND GENERAL FANCY GOODS, &c. .15] -('w'. London Daily News)", PRESERVING SUGARS, 48 T & 50 OYONGE STREET, TORONTO. C53; 441 s1`. PAUL smnnr, MONTREAL. All_ kinds of Picln1"eS Inside in the Art at 1?I-IO']_`OG-R. A..1?]Z-IE~.`~, mnmla MAjRKE'rs . `KT. THE 1? UMP DEPAZZ TMENT` Comgej axlsziii $66 2 1511o'r_0G1iAP1vIs $2.00 PER DOZEN. cssunder :1 v_c'rbul or` written ordcrxflimc su!}_jcct. Jvust rcvcoivcd, :1 fresh sftipy of'1ho_se DUNLOP `STR12-E I`, BARBIE. I fur f-"'oo: oo`:o l3h-III vvuiusjwu ge Street. .| MONTREAL, 441 St. Paul Street. e Gandda Watch Company, London, the `only reli- o untr atal1[,;r'ces from`4v0d_ . lth to .h'm `1- V; ;z ` -`3 9' E2 ['1 :~x`u:.'&s" `x '-rlnan-9.5 ,1 WHOLESALE `nu mm m CHOICE TEAS} & FRESH GRUCERIES 1itiz.'~1'~` tomrnked that there xvas n my, hit. in Germatiy, Spain, I I-in-bvirttni, there seemed to-_ be -.-m:., Imlamd _ was restiess {and ,:tn:l I-`em-musrn uttered ominiotzs : h-.t:l nninlezn, he said, tliapl this 7 vkmttl ;.1iL-ct Bii.ti.~h tu';e in Ireland,` tsitut irtfud {)L'_l\\ t*el l the United A.-it iiiliiglill t'rt .-mix: the idea 0.` in- :`-(`trm.:*.-i._ with its e.\1tensi've and .m.~ur, tr!'er'cjd an ( 6lSi('l`_ PIi7.3, -he tim-nx_rht the Ftziiiztit.-= might 1`m<.` all _p:it`v.e.=, the Y` `. I I 0...... inf)` Fiitvf I0- .- ;l...n'.-I Ir. I-a * agitation all over the continent ;__ I it [would be tor the aux.-' S1i'gur, ii pounds for $1 ; Y o uAng Hyson Ten, 40, 550, 60, 70 and 9_(7cls. per pound ; Black Tea, 50, (`M rand 80 cts. per pound. - ` V A ' CHOICE BRANDS OF WHISKEYS, WINE, T BRANDIES, &c. `ALSO_` J. AJKILIJLXKJ lIl\./\,z\Jl. I.`ass s Buildings, Market : ..m., to 12, noon, zind from 1 to 5 11.111. N ovembr 8, 1866. ge variety of articles suitable for their r in Europe, I took advantage :ets,nnd purchased goods at immense -the I therefore now oer to S. BULLOCK, Artist. xsit still. HENRY" SEWP$H?/- .B_L"J'I,_I~1R.I.\' 1\'1:w YORK. LULLL Ax./Lx, . Square, Barrio. 11.'\, 0' J)- imlj ' TIJE POPETHINKS. ml. was allogmlxer loo so`.ic-i-I \\'L{if:.1m_. Czuzuda i'.~z neilherlu- ;~:o:. of by: 1110 Fcuians nor a- med Statcsjxmyyet, ` ms OWN WIFE. ll()|y (l\|\\ I I9` Jlnilc.-d Stairs` !x1:l1I(l lake run it into the Amvricun .u:v.' the Fmximxs to posesss Hun`... nlmr it ihnuvlxl hu- I,(:\ s' [MU I`(`HInu.1 |u lvxlacaau h-Her that it `should h(` _v consmuled .(}r)Av ern{nenl my and ixI'e.<[u.I,nsib!e or- no contml and liable lo -DL;: Nov. 5. * : Orlotms; do be- `h:mce_ A Geh1lcmn_n who su[l`crcl fnr ym rs (rom Nervous D1-l)il1l`A\', l reI11:1 lIIru l)t-<'a_v.} nnrl all the L"c``ls of'n1m.I;s(-I-.-mu, will n-llw .~:-.l;u; Vofsui.-ring lmnnarnilyl,-.~`e-11l free to all who . and -diret-Ilon~` ll1l`- making: rvxm-(l` wl1 i'(-ll he was cured. S11_l'l'cr-rs wIsl1'in',; the ad\'ern'ser s expericnc-cf, can I i 5 o All hmc -re./n1 the sublime _description of the Horse, in the bank of Job--tru1y there is one thing he vrmr.-llexh f._-.r r1\or,'m'1d that is U... . ..u.-.._.._....-... ...... nu una null-| -.-.uu V ./7 7ncrc1'ful'mr:n is m(rr.`;"ul to his boast. _ These Powders are ju'st'\hc-thing For all Stock? they loosen-the skin,-'makd the Hairfsoft and Glossy` in short as their name imp'o'1'ts `bring the iAnin1:i1" into tip-top" condition v.n d vigorous 3 health. A package will moreihan pay its costs z in the Oars it will Save you, for it is not neces- ` sary to feed as high when you use these`Powders as you do` without them. ' ' , Use CARl.'I`O.\`fS (Ti;).\'i)i7`IO)uT POWDERSB" 1! DC) you A\v:ml \Vhi:-'. or I\I A Our` ' _ Grccinn Compound will force them to grmv on the stnooihest face or (-.hin,'- nr hgzir on bald lrends, in Six Weeks. `Price, S1.00-.'-I pru-knq0s- for ,??..()0. Sent hv nmil :1t1_\'yv|1ex`e,clo.=c1_s' sealed, nn rnr-nnt nl n..1n.{ IIL-wt-17 III L,|.l.\ \Vl.'U\Z`.. I'lH'L'g -?l.UU"-'\ l|Kll'l\I|L('5' by onmccipt ol pric. A ' ' -.A(}-h-ess, \V.\R'.\ EIl & Co., I?n.\'.1.".R_, I'rnnl:lyn New York. * ` ' ` -15.1`: n ` A .`T- Ca.rltoi`. sv(`(;xxdniun PoAWderVs.,l And ifhe says Ha, ha, in the smoke of battle, hO\v'r1111clx more dnesho cry Ha, ha. when his merciful master gives him some of these powders, which will rc-gnlnte}1i.dxsystezri, s_1x. lxis a.ppe- tite,:1ndsL1'0ng'lb'e11 him for his dziily toil. nnn.....'I'..T.a..... ... ........`l`..7 In I..'.. l.,.....l IICUOHS rcporrcu; s'.1'v.'v'.. pnut: wt: to _1uu,:- 'Pno\'xs1oxs-+Drcssc(l 110525 coming freely nryl gscliing at from $6 12; to $6 75;ptber articles 1111-: I changed.__ ` _ W ._.......u.. _._,.. . > Every young I:ul;.t:1ml gentleman`-in the United Slalesmm heur_somctin'ng very much 10. their 81!; vunlnge by rlurn mnil (li'ec.of'rImI`gc), by mldrc-ss- inglhc: umlcr.-i<,mcd. Timsc 1i:`.v:'u;: 1_}-nrs ofbciug hxnxulmgged will uhllgz: Ivy not l1uli('iI`Ig lhis cmxl. Alllulllcrs will p!_cn:c mldrcss their obedient servant, > Thc_:u!vis<-r, having been 1"es'1orenHo health in a I}.-.w weeks by :1 v_.or_v simple rcmcdy. aflc-"r huving suffered for sew=.r$1'l years with :1 .~cv crc' lung u,'uc- lion, a_nd.1l1at rifad disease. (7un.~unnptinn-is._unx1-` ous (`n Inakc 'k`m_> _n to his ('c|low-:ui:rcrs Ihcmcnns nr r-urn. - >. ' ',.t\u'll'US3, York. , Gpct Rescue, Tula ./11.mVanac:." l_So1:1_byn111)oa1e:'S. A - , : - ` Jam rcceiv Beware of local ' name: in . .1-`ever, nnd xill c0n;.r<\sm-- spa dusus Qt` br:n:1d\'a1zd_)1 . In an: Ir: -Ihe pnrqxy ms ot'Ch<:|cru:c mulnd The hlnnzl cent in1.rrc:v.s1.v1`.1< n fuzxrful ahm.-k. u eofvun u: I-.nImn1 \ir\c_.nnI nl" ,l(9Ill I`t.`L't3lV(35' _lL`ilHUl ahmtli. sen-n I1:-2 prmum dic.=-1mt 5 poison. The onh` ('nmM:m1nn and thsinfcciam which \\'il:_in1":=.l the circlilalvion, um] (':lhn_lh-: cases is R:ulwuy`_s Ru-:xd_\~ fh-hv; . of`lhis pure vegetable .:1g'cm is portion of llm syslt-VIII equal!` operation 15 Jnmumuxcnus - 'l`h Tneed:71y,. Nov; 6.. Fnunkccipts, 600 bmjrels; av good deal bf No. 1 superne offering at" from $680 to $6 90; buyers o{Icrin'g`$6 70' to $6 75 ; _n sale of 100 b:_g}!- rcls at $6 90 ; extm'oIfering at $7 B5 ; -buyeifst $7 50; 500 barrels superne pm 1_1nder;o`er. at Y $3 50. ' UI L'|ll'C- '. -3- - , . To all.who dcibe it , l1e.\vil_|' sunk] a- copy of the prosuripliqn used (Fm-, _nf (-hm-go), -wi'l'l1_ th.-` `direc- l Home [or pr:-pzu-'rn;: and min:tlxcsmm~..wl1icl1 they I will llll'.li1.\_`l`l`.l2 mtmi: my (`o.\'.~1';\u>'l'mN.'_AS'rmut, V?0N ( -'7\J_""-il!7, Ct'H`S,l_ and ul1.Thmat mid mug J l.`(`l'l<)l).\'.` ' ` :0 unl ` 0 ='m-L-[bf the n'(lwI'ti.s;er in sending the l x_1es(`ripti<>n )is NJ) benet the nflliotcd, and S))l'.t'.l(l infornnzttiun \\'lIl('h he cum-civ'cs 1:} be in- valual~lc_,aml,he hopes every .<`ull`ercr will try his ` |`CltR(.`(.l.\:~ as it will cost them` nothing, and may prove I n essmg. ` * ` Pnrtinu xvlxlxlnrv tlw\ nrnm-u-imZ..n 2.-nu.~v.~ Ln mu.-...' OFUHS DIIFC \'C:l, L'[l!I(3 .{l[.'_'(!l]l IS (I1-\H'lh1HLfll lhl`U|-:1! '\'t T] sysn-m cqnnv and simuhaneously `Ir _uperz1li0n in.=1aI)lnu':u_us 'l`l{c ntlzu-1: is re-p(-lied znnd i further mcdir` necczmnry n (cw. dunes of Rndwny : Regulating Pulls \vnl_bc,nln1n.-11 the <-om.-alcscc'm rcqum-s_._ W1mA'r~`_Rgceip1s byA cnrs Vni_! ~.: spring` rm;-a few lots offering nt$1 50 xx-ilho*ut0_b_nyers; fall, no small lol otfcz-ing ; 0. .c-at suld at $1 71 on tr:\ck._ . - ' ` 0 A'rs--Unc1mngcd. ' . 3 g .,v _ HARLEY --RecoipIs by cuts 400- bushels; ti few lots offered at 58c wiLhou',t buyers; 1 car sold at :'>`.c ; receipts on _, computhd at from 7,000 to 10,000 bushels; prices rnugbtl from 55c to. 57c and - 5Sc `for _o:lm`londs for brewing purposs. T):-Inn ,\~'.-. ..nm..\!c hu r-nru - nn'w1mIncnTn_!' use I01` _(`.\'lm lonus mr Iwcxyuxg pm pu:-Iva. - - _ Pr-:As-No receipts by cars; no'w11olcs:_1Ic`1ra-ns- actions reported; stree!. price 750 to _7uc,:. -Pn.wmm.-a._.nrnc:ml lmo-A mmina f`rm=.]v nnd J U 3I"ll.lUi_lHl4 U_\ l1v'l \IH;{ IYIYPPIZ ' (-ci\'4- .1 rnpy. frv hf(-l:nr;;(:. Irv I\'.-\'l'_H}\1'\'ll".l. M.-\Yl-'.\lii, H N \' I V _ ll D|`(. S5lHg. _ I > _Purli(-s wi.~:hiug 11:0 pI`CSCl`ip{Inn, xfnma by reu;m' | max! \v1_Il'pIczgsc ndzlrcss . - I\I'AlAL II 4 \l)\IL'I l\ll 7' -V - If you me wise'uIwn_vs,k'c0p :1 lgonle _n{ R:gd\vay s Ready Reli_ef'ahout `you. Dfcver be wnhout ll 11: your house. It IS nsirdi.-pcnsnble.1n 5l(`kHOS as I-rc-ndvnnd meal are in he:1hh._ You can ahvnys have rccm1rsc` in `colics. in- spasms. in chills. -In dinrrlnm. in lu)\\'c_l cnnxplaxhns and in on, with as` much c-ass; as to B$nc}clv-rr_v, (ml Rye. or Apple Jack. and wilh much more SC(.'Ull!_\'. for n cuuple of sperm. fulsuflhc Rt-lief, taken in` half :1 '.mnh!e.r `nl sweclencd tvntnr \vIHII1I.\'(`- n-nrnmm rr-nu-dml cfh.-cl while [he i 'm'1-:coNI-`rzssloxs AND 1-:.\'Pr:m`1:Nc1-2 01-` AN % V _ `_ A IN-\7,r\Ll1). I ~ l!::1.|,i.=1xm1 for the` lmnel nnd-as :1 C./\U["l0N TO Y} H7.-\(j .\II".N and olher.--, who sncr frnm Nervous Dc-_ Mixty,I`rcm:\mrn IJL-my of Mnnhnud. &c., supplying In the .~':um! xmm '1`m=. Mr:/v_\'s or .`~'r.m-`-Cum-:. 11;; `~um.- who ` hv._- mu-ml I.:...-..Ir..n... m..`lm-4rr.i:ur` z~nn=i:Iurnl.l.~ nmu>L'nrv,' fuls1;f1hc K('ll( L taken m mu xnnmaer m sweclencu wnter. \vxil_ h:n'c :1-r-rom_m ronu-dml the Spirils mny-pns.=iNydu`_xnore injury _1h.'\u good. A hulllc of\vhi:~key \\`i|l`C(:.~'l'yul1'.1dnllnr or so. at leas1,' -while a lmnlo of Rnd\\'ny s Rc:u`.y Pclicf. expcniively compounded ns it is. will` deprive vuu of fty or-2119!. For sprains or bmxses, lno. whnl cnu!(l,l .c n':r_-rc _scr\`icenh1c than the Ready llkalief? Allkimls ofnches and pmns. {mm rlu-"u- malism to the Iomhuchc, from neuralgia down in n cut-n- ger, fmm a rbullcl-wrmnd 10 n l)TUi5.E, ~ all yichl at nnvc lo the mysterious power nlhis Relief. It is-mu-1pn1hecnry- shop in itself, supersedes opium and h unrice. Ilnvcyou dnptheriu? You can with the Ready elicfdispcnse with gnrgles and nnmvir-s. [Inna vou hvslerics? The Readv Rclicfhe- Have you -:1 c-'n`ugh ? : l`he'Rendy Reliefl good.spints nnd sqtttttl consutamony _.o:u my ltrugztztsts. _| N. B. Thu: true`ccnn'o1mst wtllnthn Rndwuys Ready Relief; the chenpest -as well as the `best mcdicme_ in the wbrld. One 50 cL_~nt._l:ottle`w3lI sccum more henltlt and cure more complatuts than temlotlars expended, for any other} `Price 50 cents per battle`. Sold lty,Dntggists, . . - RADWAY 8; CO: 87 Mai_tler't Lzme, N. Y. ---- TRAYED, about to. month since; ajdm-k Tronn and white Cow, about 4.y:-ars old, with short horns turning in toward the eyes. f V b. . Any person informing the owner as to her whereabouts, will be paid for theixj trouble. ` T .- ROBERT KING.` ,' J. %w%.iHAs1'INGs; WATOIIM ECLOGKMAKERV with the Ready Rt-not dispense wnu gnrgles nun cm.slics, I]nve_ you hyslerics? Read)` Rclicf he- cumcs nn ngzroczxhle slx1u'~`t|lxm-. fur nsenfrnnda. Have you n Iwing.:u_: of'rheumnlit`s_? "No more such dnu,:crous drazgs as cnk-Jnictun. no more-, such unpalatable s1utTns potash are n'v_'(-e_`:.=urv while _\-nu have me Rcndy Relief`. - I1 is every- 'l:nd\"s fficud. "His the" pnur man's .rr:ndy roslurer to In-uilh. II is :1 housulinld nmz.-z-ssily in the sIri(:Ic~s_1 svnsc oflhc Ierrn,_aul nq~50 cemsns (-\-on expended m_ us pur- chase that 13 not worth 50 dollars. value rccewed .. In nnd 'sQ\md conslit:nion'.".So!d by Druggzisls. 'I`hulrue`(':c'nnmnI>s>1 w1l1_n'g1'i11 Rnd_vuys _Rcag)y M;-7:`. . -[QAND -J-EWELLER-, . , ; -nh`EA vy\VE.>`:R_:_`:'1.Ni1>!.T,:"U|AY>-s:|&: mm sows. Amoysmzn e%oan+s}`:vfLw1;,1;~%. 1k8iust rewedg .o _ .1~;EyvEs';f DESlGNS_. LEGTRO-_P__LATED_ WARE` ; .spectac1ea ; to: suit a1l3ight's';;,YioIins`nnd Strings ;Conoeb`-'-* 3 t_i..nas. Fm}. oods.&- Go,nndse~e..J-;W~ Has-` ' ` .=t `.*=`-.?`I73tL:i."`Ai V 5..-_2=... L.i"-I- l'Tv;.-V : i J ,, . - Watches from $5:001Ip_wax-da. . " Glocka 'om$2a50 upwdrda. ` 2: ~ Spctacles-on1;35e;;=u.pxvdrds;7`-3 J 4Ixx,il.%"`. ur..m.z.rx .~>mh..Lru..'.' r1..';:a.1I.".i.. .`..`.i:i.'.>-'.l9 .u i i'a3'3-$.! 1` -. -bpect_aclesv.trou1v`$jo,rus.T L` =.;-Vfr f'- 9 _ mtchzsyzoekg; am2iJew'ezze` meuzy=1g9pa;+e_d am A . ' 16) :19. -.`.f:- 124.` fvdffantd` ,._ -. ,. 3;, ,-;,,;v; , ,= 1,;<..3.z.=11 & '3 j~ :- 45- '. 1 `cf. ariie,v'Nov.,=:13 Q6. . ~ A-.99 *?"_1.?;`'..'.?-i.' B"ie"' 1"` ' T . .71.. 's-P. `Ev. I r v.25 -l'\F.V. hl)`vVAliU A. \VILaUN, 7- Iy .\`.'iliuxnsIn{yg,~Kings Co..1\I-w Yolk. [1-IE s;:\1i3`Lr,:%;'1'11-mr BATTLE Bnrrje, Nov., 1866. 4 WHISKEES : 7sr71aEs7KERs 2 } New 1?\hns7tti-.m1zc11t5. iS6sT- \\ \,v\& \'\\ ~ \.\\-.'_-\.`\\` a cow" .\hCpW` W .` pI_1:D_, . V , . , _ Pr-i: -. A D.--At Bgrrxe, on the 5th xnstgxnt, 1` Jane, beloved wife of J. C.'Mc- "`"1d"$d 2'3 Years.` ` A . ,l-II III -v .v__- -.___ Oppaiue the _Rali Qy Slat-io7i,:`Bar'1'i. 4___4. sj1`1mNGE EU I` TORONTO 'MA RKE'rs.` }unBE :F37i315?tnf c.o:\*sI.r~m>" wlts. `In-`.1-`.1 1'1` .\'u0L?'r YOU, Txr.v.' I-JD`.VA'RD A. WILSON," :`|'i.::ll1l.~:})l1-1'II'.'Kil)!"Q Cn ,N.-w Vm L- .: \lAA A.`-11 \-`\.IJ.IlA&1 , No. 13 V'('vhaml>crs s:., Ne__w York. n.1\ILl\| 1'1 L!ll1_l\I\l`J LL3- P ' _ ,. A T . Nov. 7, 1866; gt W. heat went \rg'v~ta_-|,_, on Thursday Inst. ` ICU the price has fallen 5c, and on Tues- `1: ' - - . . }e`i3np1-`:0 was the hxgheet price pmd-the lovgest II :1".

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