Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 8 Nov 1866, p. 2

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First. . .. Second . Tmnl . . . Fou rm .' __--'. i V Division . . The Bank or Uliper Canada. On v'l"un;-An" ....... - ,,___ V , /DIVISION COURTS,` COUNTY S.I'M.co1_3.* -5 V " " Inna- 4 ' ` \ \_-_\_-\,q_`J,-,\_\.\A.\.'_`.'\.\.\.\.` 1iHUR`sA5Y, Nov. 8, 1866. `xx \. rl1r~|-1--rs-s`.-...\ . __ ' cmkr_E7\*&me. M . -.-___._._-. . "rho.-s. moyu . . '[`.Maconchy. . ______.. . [.vSlephens'. . .__.___. Jnrdine. . .____.._____. Barrie . . . . . Bradford 'l`ecumselh . -!CoHing\\'ood ' Harbor 1555;. Oice. J ,. ..-..,..u-. last week s issue ;."1:{NE,' P..M. ; VII . 199'?'_' Nov. 5:11 :1 m. . Jan. 5-1! am. _ I remain, as eV'e1', T `Your servant and countryman, . Vt/ T\T T,` nnr:-171 . Dec. 5-`-11 :1 m. Next Court . . : -,;n":n' A:-.-..,""%`.`!!`"*',l9 3*C!``fql`5g8 huh` 0 we been, $h.9tg...t.lmt.'Gon:.p9n,yx.ulth_o9gh7 J, `pq,ss_ssgc_i, pf: an. ,~imm_e1;sa capital,i hgve t generally been-unable to supply th.`f`d``-L-' L, Q. . . 4: ` . ` ..r i 1 ahd un~`-apphggnt ; \ . . . ,` ,,-__-.... nvnnIIUl|al' HHS lJDH]p8.ny fa H` E19'_x'<'au V}:-";,'qpfI1,1a;'.,tl1z1`11,' 'hu_il_,Iigg; 's`ocidti:es,. ` whbs `tiiU'16c_{`i;f .obti1iniri$;' `1`e;)_x`yxn,e;;`1,t of"I6hii ?ii>ar 85`a"`?tih`f:f:ilied _ac_- eauata&.'m~ Be eompiieazea and`difpi1'Vlt, ; hith- erto been .thsn.}l{,.....;._.'..'-` ;...- - V T `seldom hadt ' n ding1.._c_u_qt_o ' a,_'st_ated. number 0 I pany has` o.':e'sort.- touthis means of n1-ens; gpartly because th ; ` rate at which it has always lent money is considered a modo_;:a_te__on_e,,8 per cent, _ and parrbecanse its `loansare-made pa`y`a`bi.o-iii the same ~w'ay5'as those ob. -I . taiued.from'.priva`te parties,-ht'the_ ehdpjf f` years, and_with 9.`?- 'tatd,, in{g;j.-,st.__ ,This siiii[`)le ,"and__ to :exe:g borrower intelligible; manna? of doing businss reizdered this Company. `1I101`..iinular_._tl1:in- =H ..."m.-.'.... '..-.-:--~~ ` The Trust and Loan Com ad, Benjamin'.Parry, who was trie` on Monday, seems t6 have been le into the scr1pe;\vithout"being at all nsdions of therzsk he ran, or of-any ev;1 intent. No one could read the evi- deuce without desiring to see him ac- *quitted. ` ' ' __ _-- .-- v.-v- -I-I'e appearseto have labored under a hazy and spirituous rather tlian a spirit- ual delusion that he might accomplish E. some good by following in the war-path ofthe Fenian warriors; and even went the length of `dubbing lu'm:se'lf as'chap- lain to one of the leaders; but` he ap- _ pears to have had no lloslilefflltellliolls, . except indeed as. expressed against his supposedfriends, and couglucted himself "in a manner which clea . y showed "that i his `proper place of ab e was an asylum - for .inebriates. IIe widently did` not T come over to gh ong with the Feni- ; ans, and if he c . eeto give aidancl com-" fort to the Que s enemies," he certainly look a singu r method of accomplishing his .ob_ject y` inciting her` subjects to 1 [shoot thli down. v ` The Fenian '.i`;ia.1s. * Two more prisoners have been tried. since our last issue, and both acquitted. The Rev. D. F. Lumsden_, a minister ofthe United States Episcopzil Church, was tried `on Saturdaylast, and as would appear from the evidence, very properly acquittctli of the capital offence with which he was charged,.-although there was in truth much less excuse for his being found in such company than for the Rev. McMahon, unless-lh.e,p1ea of non compos mantis` will form one. 11. There seems, however, to be atdif- Z ciilty in nding _a. suitable `location to meet this View of the subject, and if found, it rnight be still more difcult to ` olrtuin the necessary funds to purchase it with. Our well-off` townspeople, a a body, are not fond of conl_ributiug to any object which cannot be founcl to produce 21 Adirect, zi_pp21.rcnt, a_n;l satisfactory re- turn, and . we` lmve no individuals amongst us possessed at the." same time ofthe will and the ability to supply this lack of general public spirit ; i ' av. MR. LLMSDEN A'CQUI_TTED;~ T1112 ;rUDu1:='.;;' C1-_I'AIiGE. A ' If the.Ashed should -be built`, it seems _ to be thought advisable, if possible, to it enacted where it could be used occasionally for any large gatherings, such as the_ Town Hall could not accom- modate, and where the town voluuteerl compnuieslcould use it at all seasons for nightdrill. . 1 ,,p-...- In this connection we may-mention that the Town Council-have had an ap- pli:':uVlion.made to them by Col. Dennis`, for the square, and have agreed to allow it to be appropriated to tl1e_-proposedv object, incase no-more central site can be found or secured. t Colonel Dennis was considered a most ` Ross, Esq.,`-tothe effect that .the`.Society _ -- .......=, .u nun. v4\uu1u.l.Uu Ill!!!)U355- lfhe proposal seemed to meet with general favor, and the site spoken of by eligible one fora show-ground; After some genernl discussion on the subject a resolution was adopted on the motion of Wm. O?Brien, Esq., seconded by. John approved of the project; and"wb'1ild be willing to sell the property they had formerly purchased for `a show-ground, and appropriate the sum which might be obtained in this manner towards the building of the shed or the preparation of the ground. `Also, that in case the, shedeshould not be built, or aniunsuitable site for the purposes of the Association be ultimately chosen,'that the Society would -be" still willingto make an expen- diture on the _improvement of the square on condition ofobtaining alease or right ` of occupation from the municipality for it certain_ number of years. ' ' .,p_;~-.. A _ The Agricultural Society and the ` Proposed Drill Shed. t A specia1`m,e_eting of the directors of the -Agricnltuiral `Society of this riding . wias held at The _Queen s` Hotel, on - Thursday last, for the purpose of dis- cussing the proposition which had been made `by "Colonel Dennis to: the presi- dent, that the Society ehould contribute towards the erection of the drill` shed on condition that they should have {the pn- vilege of using it for exhibition purposes. .........A .---aL Thn nrnnncal eon.-and 4.. stocks in the English market; On this ground, and` in View of the many `amongst our own people who are serious snfferers by the downfall of the Bank of UpperCanado, we trust that the Govern- rne1A1tc_laimwill be placed behind that Aofthe shareholders. '_[`.he_ Provincial Exchequer had m_uch better lose this} money altogether than allow the reputa-t tion of our Provincial Banks to be partly destroyed. ' : _rand,nnooess of My 1 dobe6;|`Q'?.lhe Melhd i _.-,-...,., .......u;s, as made yeference lolhe ' lhodism during the put R. Brooking was than at that he was much M in- die! Church, :0 il wu herjmunmonlnljlythntha was con- -',`3'"Od E'M``ih:'(Ib`ulsA.`....-'..|.-.L -:'~ ' ` ienguty.- The Rev.` V_ini_l:rg:'gfgI.(,`:?`e`_i,"who IIQIQ W... uuu uuun excluded, and tl1a1 .m`_g_2-In not togI.1;1\'<> heenrthe cause nlaiut to Ihq jury, because "it T `was ong. {`*."v`1';l1 regjml to _zmolhef :uL, Jlmde `by counsel,` he (the jmlgev) had never hp-1o're lwz1rd it tlmf. 21 fun` mu] oouid not be ob- ju this provincc_ Iu`rTauy man gwlth .cz'1f_z 11`e--lxe_lmd cer1,aiuIy- H 99,.-R. ]IK`.'Az ' J ;=Otiver, Esq grand "which collections meeting washeld `lii_i,'openLittg r . prelcne two most interesting sermons - nken up. following Monday evenin WOIO I , aftauingin 9 7 '0 erriorks; g a publio g and prayer, R. the ohair. In be made reference 1.00098! Malhmlicm .a...;.._ A - Qlst inal.,Ihe Rav. Wm. Pollard, _ preached two interesting mum -r-4 `nin- e,,.__.. ...., ...... uuu nunured thousand dol- `Ian: ; they also are making a very liberal dona- .ion to Ireland for the above object. After this donation is made, the balance will be divided '--o_n'e hall to be invented for the better support of the aged and worn out `ministers, and the J ......5 |uIIAIBlUIUo The Wesleyans of Canada` exheec to raise between fty and one hundred thousand ~|ars; Iheyaleo mnlxim. . -..-.. .3. - - ) To I/re Editor of the doance. In the Wesleyan Methodist branch of` the g Church ofVChrist, there is considerable interest I felt at present in the celebration of_the cen~ [ tenary of Melhodism in America. A hundred years ago the first sermon by a Methodist was preached in a private house in the city of New York, by Philip Embury. In commemoration ' of the introduction of Methodism, and in grati- tude to God for the great prosperity which has followed the eorle put forth, the friends of Methodism are pouring their thank offerings into the treasury of the Lord," The Methodist young ministers. A _ mg- In, - - I .--_ v.. -n-v -.:uIJJ\.\V;I.-_ There is no object that we can see i.n J keeping back any of the particulars from the public, unless there is some under- hand work going on, m which case there his the more reason for look ing closely after our interests. f Editor . _-_ _- _-.-- -.-.v..--auunvuo If the draining of the marsh would require thelowcring of Lake Simcoe, l even to the extent of a few inches, it could_ not be permitted on any account. The injury which would be caused would be incalculable. We are aware that the drainage could be accomplished by other means, and to turn such a large area of land to a useful purpose would no doubt be a great public benefit, but it is only proper, under any .oircumstances, that the people of this county, who have so` muehat stake in the matter, should be fully irifornled of the exact nature ofthe proposals made to the Crown Lands De- partment, and of all the details neces- sary to-the forming of an intelligent opinion on the subject, l Vfplrou-n 3.. u. ..LZ- ,A :1 .l - without rst giving the people of this .. _, --- uuvuna-nwinirlll-I, uvnvusi We are glad to nd an influential paper like the Leader treating the matter 3 in a proper spirit, and protesting against ` any disposal being made of this property and the adjoining county an opportunity ofunderstanding howithe proposed drain- age is to be accomplished, and of ex- pressing an opinion through their-repre- sentatives upon the subject- Such a`: protest is likely to induce the Commis- sioner to pause before committing liim- self to any one desirous ol purchasing E the rnarsl1,.and we have no doubt that it | `will be supplemented by other expres- sions ofthe public opinion of this county I I l I adverse to any actionbeing taken in the matter until, an opp-rttliiity is abrded for a full investigation. -rn. , .-....u unu. is beating .'1,l'l1]S~'\\`i'01"(3 in 1116' !h that 1ntenL-- ~.:1ud that was. :21 Limy had to elltilfl-`irie into--. - ~.pri<.>ncr was aiding, assist- f7SuiiilTgii,1Cl)I, than lie was as `well ins the rest of those 1 in: \ms associated. 1`he_ igcw il1i;::-`ii`:iled ~ Unis _ point to 11m c_a:se,uf.pz1itiies who _in_1o -c`.m.=p`imcy to. inlirder :1 I mb_ :11 .Ix1u-i_i.::t;- 'L`hos' whoi 01! on ::x::}.:`. !, coiniscllcd or A\\`:1_v xv-Lrc jpist as guilty in 0 i:1v.':(s those \w.-h..`nr~1----H-- pp` neqnnuamonluljly Ihgl he con; 1; htinidiw :'o_cho_i- xgpparkyand wu Proposal to Drain the `Holland Marsh. Wesee by an article in yesterday : Leczder -that the project of draining the Holland Marsh is again being agitated, and that the Commissioner of Crown Lands does not consider thevobjections already made to the scheme by tho County Council of York and Peel, and our own, as sufficiently strong. Wm ...... ...1._.: .- c__,1 ___ :_n,___,.- 1 It is evident that thereare fewer bor- l rowers in the Province now than there ` have been of late years and we sincerely trust that the `number may yearly dimin- M ish as the prospects of our farmers espe- cially grow brighter. The last thing a man should do, if he could possibly avoid it, is to encumber his property with a. mortgage; V but there are, and always will be, instances where the necessity, which knows nolaw, is felt; and i-n such cases we know of no money-lending as- sociation in the Province inwhose hands a borrower can more safely trust himself than in those of the ' Trust and Loan Company, whose advertisement M will be found elsewhere, About the timetof the Trent aair the prospect ofa war between England and the United `States alarmed the Com- pany, and induced the shareholders to cause a partial withdrawalof their funds from Canada; but since the conclusion of the American Confederate war, and the restoration of more peace-inducing relations between the two countries, their condence in the safety of invest-` inentshere seems to have been fully restored. r --aw-- --. funds of the Company are, we . believe, almost wholly derived from England. The association was formed a good many years since by the Hon. J no. A. Mpacdonald, for the purpose of intra- f dncing.English capital into the Province to be`loaned at a moderate rate of inter- T est, and the manner in which the busi- ness of `the Company has always been conducted has, we believe, .been very satisfactory-considerable lenity being ' allows shown to borrowers in default; .and an extension of time being always .given to those who had given reasonable satisfaction in the payment of their in- terest. was useless, a. few years ago, for any one in immediate need of money to apply to their agents. T`l1l__ l'__._J_ ,0 :1, 1'1 Y OF METHODISM AMERICA. .,..-uvu Ul HIU re rnnn I-up. _ IN -' ism, and{in perity , -Th, i\,f..u....Jf-- -nfv uuuuu u11' LUU{llllTy[l)al], _ VVM. R. ROBERTS, . President Fe11iau' Brotherhood. IN `-`If, however, Sir John Mlchel, in nu.- _ some of Lord Monok, were lo have llm Zl~'~\ once of those members of the (.'ab: m-2` have I reputation with the puhllc-- espm-rm we would say of-lhel member of lho (`;-.l.: who enjoys a reputation {or ability the w would not be so great. We are polilicrnl 01`; nenle_of Mr. John A. Macdonald, and v - believe that he has done, and is still (lulu: I gteal deal.'ofinjury lo the country; There `r ~ oi, eooree men whom we should pr9fet--mu .1 even ealadministletom but he has to _a W) ........ um guwruznem \V|H ne m I1 3 mnlnary administrator, incnlcnm in very high terms of Attorney-Go-I donald :- In. a - I use Montreal Herald in `"38 a number of our public men : 9Ve the Province as dn. egah-3 Whe_n the governmem will he in I mllilnrv n.hnn:.n....a,... 2..-. ..,,.umuuu Hll Mr. l').'.y L`-..*nr.~ .'!~ .i.v among bllsillss men, [mm H: Kim: he was i.`llg`1Igt:(l"f()i` 2| mun!`-.-1' I1 \ -= Toronl, where im inns silica ri-.~' .1 .1 up for the great success in h.i.< 17: ~ preparing young men for hl1~`3Ii(`~~i : : while associated with Mc~.=r-. iii} v ton, of the chain of comnna.~_-mi r. since on his own account. emu-ci:~ the responsible pisilinns nanny 1.: A lling in Canada and the in-ii,-:."~i. ' "as _wellias by the competency si-,c:- -, although in positions less responszi. charaoier; we can cOn'im:'.'_y xm Mr. Day s college as one .~:p:c:ui.`_'y I the patronage of those who are (i4.`4il( laimng agood business edurrniion.- lzeallwr v V customs. D.ns ,CMl.\1ERCH 1. (R4 lb direct the nth-u!i.n :1`. cellenl busi:zess_ sclmm. .\ principzd, is :1 prmrzi-.::. !`~ business e.\'peric`m-e-. zn';~: : and Arnerica, and as h: , . his pzxpifs and :'i'1;il~ :52: :1 vf L!:ii_;z:.~|xci and .'1:~z.:f.'. ` th0rough!y prepmeel !ur the fax life, cannot I.;rI uf :'e.*."1.'.`i::.`. short perm! at Mr. I).:\'>; ::l. insight into the sviexncexrfu. -r-._ .; Mr I)J._\' m.'z:.x- 1:< lroduceal :2 sperm} (`on u! v r lhose- who purpose ,;,n,p.;rs:. service cxamiuazimvs mu` me i. .1 partmenl. Sevemi g.-zm`usn~ u engaged his services :11 lh'< 2? _` jecls of study are imp:~r:n:.:. knowledge, of which is uhs:`. n!. well for Xhosa app:-usvnz 1x<:J.!i:;; the inland revenue dv_mr!um::'n wish to occupy such pa-:::mns. reputation that Mr. l5).1)' b::;1r_< among bllsinsa mun MV- |,,\v'.. -.. The Montreal Herald';;g us; "'83 number nf nnr nnhlin lnnn ....} ... l --vv -aux: 'u\.uuL'll HUI. 2" committed for trial at the a lament-amc Ilxing Han: `: Just .con1menc1 ng Kiln bronnht himsc-H` In sm-Ix 9 . , _ condmon for the sake of at ..\,.,. upuu oemg ml: Bowlby, :1 justice wt" IL. well pIez1clcdg:iiH_v,!o . upon the advxcefuf 1'ricn.? plea, and pleaded m.t u cnmminml r.... ....-.1 . -- L ;:uoI.'v1J1\.U, \\ Ll-3 iJ.l'f(',\_" ' 4 9.7 charge ofztbstrz1c1.ii2;_"i; ters; It appears that it 2- country posmnsters to 1 more clerks, accordir ; business done in tin . persons are USl1::ii_\' I . t necessary oath and i; , the proper and faiiliii. ti duties to the postnmstt r. 3 ernment. There were tr. quite young, eiiipkiy-..-.2 post oftice, and emits; been made durin{_ lh-_` 1-.- respecting the loss of H103: Tters passing through or gm. that post-oicc, um` I r . 1 I I 1 ,_voung lads was suspi cttxi fpwith the letters. But. or "icasecould be cieciriy m_.~.. , [them it would he Iii;_rh1'`.' ' charged (`ilhvr of them \ mission of so serious :1 on man, as it has in rnnuy i discovered, has been am; `fully. Mr. Dewe, iii.-~ sspector, however, took 1 hand, and very skiHfu.. iyond the possibility if xi young man named 131;.-It guiity party. lie had u; I abstracted money from marked, and which Wit; found by Mr. Deuje on I:;i postmaster, Mr. Jii-;i_\'. . believe, the people of in have the utmost ct.:;i`..;'i ,!_'l picion thaL_BIuck\v<-L.'. `v..' years of age, and of vti.j.' r rentage, could lizivv iI"l`Ii ; dishonest practices, mxi . lowed him to retain ins ; " ce. Upon being ml: Rnxulkn ' -' \. n ...-.A_`, I V \ Tampering with M32; TIT- -.-_ 1 , `V ------O VI AVA-L 1-7.`. We see by some` nf changes that a youm; 1.-. well, rt clerk c-z1 1pir',>_\ .v post-oice, was arn-5:1 n . IIIGFIDIVII .\(`..L..A..- Mr. Husfings udvez-ti:-_ .- clocks, gold, silver, and rings, toys, &c., &c.,. of v.Z choice siock. ,We call ntteritio`n to the mick s advex tiscmmt. __-.~.. ;.1 .\ We remind ouxtrcnrlc-r.= 12 tbiS_county,A for arrears us here on Tuesday next; H:- is not as large It one as u "I: that the best goods are gr- small parcels" mny n1-g. and the prizes in the low.-:-.. auction be more numerous 1 Evxav Sncnn/n. .-'I`his ;-- it-S character, the best. \\'ili1<)u Weeklies published in the [Wm sists of selections from Cr. French literature. 1 u'uIE.'u Fields, Boston. ,.i,. THE VVF2S l'.\lr.`J3'rr~:n mzm: tains an article `on 1l.c I:-ilk 4 fairs generally. At pros--:;r tion is exciting so nu;v-In ll will be considered very mm contains the folluwir g pm; by Ernest Rcnnn--'l`hc I-Ingi -The Abbe Li1mCn1Hi~'.i on . Confederation lllndglllu I: ~ ' Dog : His Intelligence--I D1,: nies-Tbe Forest of Ia-.~;vxr mry Literature: ....., ,.......c.uu.-s nor wmnhj The Choir at inlervnfs their choicest pieces, with . selves and much plermurv: 2 After a Vole of thanks :. by-the-by is a lirst clan! :4 choir, the meeting was: bm A collection was then In? porlunily given for those two scribe, when it was fwtm-I lions and subscriptions avv:.n- fty and sixty dollar.-9. Wu w this result, as the Iwtstholhsl- (- lher numerous nor wn.1Hhj;. Th (`Kuhn nl 5*` ' (V 4.... ,t.,__ V followed by the Roy. J. i`.l:.:<=zt at some length of the hygm < Methodism. The Rev. \\'u:. introduced, who made a xn:.= etructive speech on the p"-::1'. dism. ` V, , ....... u uncu :11. 1:51 ufJu,I1clasI, fuftheir T1511? }.~}i1(:<) . and after- urching In Rxdgeway, .1.`ilxty was committd `v.4.. nu - Orillia, Nov`. 1.9!, ' TAX uoux .\_m'.' "Om 1866. [11:19]-.3 ! the lm. t.'1Hy .4; -neml , -. nu uuc rsbns.v1' i'_he camp. He f' at N`e\vh _igg'ing s tp paper-tlylat had been `the: lxewas cllapldip paper was cg-vide'n'c:', HQ!-\ F no I-:nu.'..'m -~--- ._..l` ~ - that he _regard cd him 3 Q as...` 4'-~` IJI nut. 11! met, this videha iselfas Imviiig some- thing to do with them in that capacity`; and the `rule? oflaw was t11at,ft1ntil' it was satisfactorily explained and x1i;'1'da to ap- pear ()t_h_erwise, a fman was prsunied t M be what .hepirofes'sed-to be`. ', T_his}paper` ' 11153, whioh"`was+ p'rov'ed'-tto"_b'e' in the , Pl`1SODei s} {landwi'itiug,'re_prnted ,.tlii_iIf' 1 e was chaplain to that tt5rce.m`.i1 -Ha .-.'+ - 1/ U1} -... .l|1U zuw nrmtcd Ml (::1ScS `to what was: .m.---1h'o Ifhing itself the ujgard ugzzinst tl)e'pd'is` .9` IhZ1L..X`ClalC(1' to what ncc, but` 'n.1iyl1:ing-that nc 1"c1a1cd to {mother (Ccmcc; :\ mv,'by`jt1:a~L UHL-1`('=d-T'\r r`H"'"" "" \ -..... nu \\'ilS. i.n;_;`-:mii abetting ,_..~;1in l`uV'yi!lg`:\`.':JI', :!,_.<)'z1'!L_V-(f ,U1e'.of- ,imY:'c!121c:'1t'. _ His the f:1c_lS . Of `the - .)'lZll-`LI men at .~'HI1n'n.~l 11"` [[_,_.,...._,v, .'as `ho rs: point the jury be- in evidence .. nth.-... cl. ' - `nit .5raso' e" `I `nu-vs... Y - -- IA\,LI.l\.L lb not any 'ulleg:1Liox1 1 I IIu~` 3- % At `q l..a..51f.*" ~ . . 3 _,A ` ...1`!55jfii.1t__;`t drciz .at twem! -.o-4 .A"#'qt1ajr;tr V hnrl ..'.......;.-..- . rcea hiii: , .rf 0'e`i*9 I `bf- `re_pre's`ented ,tli3i.`J _ A ,_.-, ..._, .n{yu, may T_1=t9ol;',`/(31).! the trial .01 M':'i\`5i.`l1ox`r, ;an'cl-'_i11A243',I, 't;`l_}'S6[ an ,ld-_ ditionalAob je`_tIO11.` _1eis`Vrru':.t,,afsi`&'.1;;e Im- perial A<=V11 `,V ic'>`- 'Ct1p-....13. fiif`9i?.5%fc/lfe for o_e-`noes: gainst' th"'ci`?'}'kl}` `s 1i'i;ldrv .to 4 thus, it` t`m1st`o`\`re`rrid"ef"t'li_%_a" Cqnadiijri act which Wits . ,p1"_e,vic)t_isF . jgb; 4 and under `which t,h}3_se_ p_i$o_nefsTa;e' bping procefde,d_`a_gz' t." f ' I-TI`sz. F.H> iu.`-`-`i`:"Ki -"'7 ' m_ y..... ....u uu: H_aDll'S'll1e pI`lSCl]Cl' seemed mt to have contracted, then he was Just _the ad sort of nian who was prepared to do al-v V), most anything that fell in his Way, and He itwas no excuse for him to `say that beg. ,e_ fore he had leai_`ne cl those habits lie was: in a man who bore a good character arid` 3d_ -woiildnot liavecommitted 3. crime. His 113: lordship t_lien instructed the Jury that if at . the evidence left no doubt on tl1ell'.Inll]_dS `G as to the guilt of the prisoner,._ it was - as their duty to nd -.1 verdict accordingly; __ but that if itleft a reasonable doubt-i-- t_ not a fa ncitul.doub`t or one . con_ju_red 1_1p, `S by ingenious _connsel-then it_ Se equally their duty to give the prisoner [G the benetof that doubt, The counsel It for the defence had alluded to the `fact 0 tliat.tlie_A~future prospects of `others as well as of the prisoner depended `upon 0 their verdicts. : .Well, that ivusia tliing _r vghieh. tlieyoiiglit not to take _into con- sideration; One of the safegnardspf . V society was that men had certain ties- L) s I ) V`.'lll(.`l1 operated in 1'-eSll':1illIl 1g (tlVl t.3l`11 from nets of miseonduet._ ' l\lel1_-,l11lg`l]t be E "found who "would .williiigl_y brisk` tlieir n own reput ations,V but who would be sorry" H to have a stigniacast upon their H and their children. `This was one of the ti 3 securities for the `\\7CllfblD, of society ;` J ' and when 'a -manfdisre _ 1 guided those if and wrong, although it \V1S_'.tl'lleIhat'tl16' family suffered according as the husband 5:; and father suffered, still that 'ou_r.{l1t not , ' to be taken -into consideration in. cases II): oftliis kind. A man oiight"ia`o t_t,o_ be ex- m" cused from crime -because 'lie"li_ad_'a wife 5,]; and children . No dbtibt, y*it","\4,`*as_i very 0` lameii`t'a`blev tliat any of `tli'eeffec'ts or his 5 faults a n'dc`ri`rnes'sho1ildfall` gi_m`n them m ut tlielaw could not` Help it; and he gm should have considered it be re be ex- b pose_d"tliem' to thve`dange.r. i His Lodslii -"5: t=ieu'*read-over 'thee'evidenbe careilly, J8; and dlSl'DlSS i'llg the jnryiadvised 't`he`m to Sn" consider -it . thoi'oui`gl1ly?"8.r_1 " -vuqnuI: .o11sIy} :,__.J-... paw uun-U EUUU. Cllaracter, t evidence of that-kind'would entitle . to the benet of the doubt. "But ift found Ilmta man with nj good "Chara: fell into the habits the [prisoner seer : have contrnnmd mm. .. ...-- ....,u.uuu5 tuclu llu UUlIS_eH]ng H} the` way charged. If the evidence did bear out that idea, then,'no matter `whether lieiwasthere in the character of chaplain. or anyi . iiing'.else, he was guilty of being therein arms. Now, what was the an-, swer of the defence -to that. Tlic_pris__- soner said thathe bore `a very respect- . able character, that-he wasa clergynian of the Episcopal church, and. that ,he conducted himself -very :pro_perly until he" fell l_i_ntfo the bad habit of intem- perance. Finding that this bad habit- overpowered him "he. resigned his otce at Syra'c_use,`the people, however, wishing him to remain. "He then soiiglit- and obtained employment at Niiiida, , where he thought "that perhaps his'use- fulness would not -be impaired ; but soon the old complaint appeared,` and the Bishop gave him to understand that he wished, to see him at Bnalo. From these factsthe jury learned thatthe man felt, no doubt, that he was akiiid of vagabond` on the face of the earth,` and it wasjjust possible that falling into those bad habits he got among those peoplenot knowing rightly what he did. But the law did not allow drunkenness to be set up as aniexcuse for crime, be- cause when a man s habits led him to do wrong it was a voluntary act on his part; it was his own misconduct that; put him in the way of doing awroiigfiil act. The fact. thathe had contracted bad habits was, however, pressed upon if the jury, and they would of course give it consideration;and if the man was V really intoxicated, of which tlierewas no evidence, then they, were placed in a position of some difficulty. The law (lid not allo\v drunkenness to be given as an excuse for crime ; biitno man ofreect-` iiig mind would tail to see distinction U thus -that if a person placed,liinisclf'in 15 a position in which he committed an act which he did not originally contemplate, it niiglit becomeaquestioiifwlietheitit , would not `be unjust to say that lie was iius, ' oth- are not i to the Tour eni- ioes ina- jors ,ory hall en- In- eiit ii y he h e ii l l` iiis ,C._ not to be held responsible for all the con- 10 re sequences of that act. However, none Ir ,0 of the witnesses spoke of his beiiig`iiitox- ` icatcd at the time when lieiconimitted g` the acts charged as showing his eompli- H] `city, with those who were the criminals _ M on that occasioii. All of them pointed 1` rather to his having been sober on that 1` occasioii--lookiiig, it was true, likea L`; iniiii who had been dissipating and who .'Q _ here what was kiiownas a seedy `til l1p]).CaI'l.CC_.' Perhaps he was reckless, if and that was the most that could he said Lit of his conduct in reference to that ques-A i, tion of_drunkeiiness. Having made these observations he would read overthe evi- 'f-1 deiiceaiid-ofler any com nients that might Mg be necessarytto make-it clear. The jury _m `slionld give it grave consideration. It 5}", (lid not` lie it the nioiitli of the prisoner `If to say -- I have been a good 4 man and ff` was a good man before I, fell into this `; troiible, and therefore I, ought to be7ac- JP qiiitted.,Evidence' as to character should 1 my weight with ajury only when it became C?` t a question whetlier-ta" man would do_ a. a1) certain `act charged. against lhiin--not te `when the facts pointed to his liaving-2 It 0 -coniniitted the act. T ` If the crime a*p- $1 poured in so doiibtfiil a. light as to make W`: it somewhat uncertain that the `persoii . 4 could -show that before he was ~s (I011, `charged lievbore a good character, then ta `. that'l{ind'would him `as I v 4,. An- I vyu .uuua1u IIJ Luu 8V8lJlllg. II: was for the jury to consider whether what he did on all these occasions bore out the idea that he was of tlieme, aiding them, assisting them -and counselling in the wav nhnran H` 91... .,...-,1....... Jr: L, -uu. an _a._u._n.4- .Lvq:vv-I.u55lu5 uuuuc. YV era the jury satised` thiaft that fact estlzili-Al 'li's,h'ed-the `p`risone, r s_ connection` with them ! The" evidel1.1ceVinl' llie rst "in- stance ratheropointed to hi having been in the camp the rst day and the follow- _ing night; but the `evidence for the de- fence seemed to show that he returned to Buffalo in the evening. It was for the iurv in nrmcn'r1nr uy11n+l..... ...L-s L- eersi in command giving protection to certain property.` The Crown relied. upon that as evidence showing that he was associate"d_with them, and acted with them in the accomplishment of their objecI_:'.__' Now, didgit satisfy the jury_ on that point as far as it went ! `The nextpoint relied ugon bytthe crown was hisiuvitation to the oicers to take tea at Mr. Newbigging s house. Were the iur-V satisfied that that fm`-.t oehih- 1 ,- `V. ...... ouu:`t',u'd.f(lS_>0I .vasthut had certain pemted fest1'aiI1111gTthin1 from 'ho `~.1fatio11s,Vb11t 1 nnou [heir mm. nl/uu.H1 He gave the Paperth put m.` Now 'Whe-the`. hen 0 .03 ii`. fZ1t,tl1is p?1pe;~'\- ~`ths1t.lm YIJII-nu-.I ._.'l' I, -- ` C5MER9lF.;+.i?I : .?`?~ _y_ iltjfd; that I took`-' qu. al1vs:an;iim:s 'aIi`f ah L ,V___ ...... uuuuacll ance had alluded fact nture pfospects others" as the '_upox1 3 . '.ought con- safeguards iof :thut men had mm...'.. o:.- o1$JEeTxoiv s,` ' .....- .v \.o\.ItIIlIo-' )1` one con_jured up, se]--then it wsis. give _prisoner`" mbt; ]lI1Inr1'n OLA ` - -_-..-...v- 1, vuuu would entvitle oubt. 'Butif'th_ey_ 1 good bharacter "I1!-1':-}.n)... ._-~~-- ` `?".W5 me` ah nu-1- - --.\4A ;oncr seemed : wasjust VDF` fn Jr -1 the vuc uu.-.u|_'9rr`[0l` t:1prese11 6f theseguns is, that t3i_e_y are here o11vprv,te.accountv`; ` that tlzeuyere purahased gm"the U.S. Governnfetit at a v'ry .1<:w%f?'f:igure, and are to, be`<')'_ered1V'or sale for15_iriAvate, pur-- poses. .-This may be 116 .. c_ase;`but it v_a11b;_a$&i3tu1c `n1n_ttg:E:$'?ndA c{na_- nan a ;'"en-disposed to/jm'e8t 1i1;rti- . ouhe _ 3 _ .`%s2...Iv` 32.1 x `(I . wu[n:_,ny. ,,mxe the rest-of the Fdian' armsggsg havethe traces'.of'o'~.vnership by the Anwericimlutllorilies, and it is Just [tha%t, theywere never uni ` pzgckgiij/;,, ' e pasiug fromigxhe arsenal of ' the refitwic. - Ong tl1ihg;s`i`g'gests itsejf, and1_'_t"I_s?'_-"_c 1eservi`t1g of nogice; If tlies"e I.x1Iske:t'1*3iiie a luge;,sl1i~pn1en`t' from Cleve- r land. then are;-thus :Im;.:m. '60 the 1.-uv-`hc'M lzim. H) bu s u'here m1actnfl:-.?..`i ofcers in` com man [was riding Dr. I \v1VH'! were (`I1..ii_1_ ,'L,~;1 in luv) .;z1"!L.?>ol ?z1cus_cl`1r:ru;ed _i u _t1-.3 imIc?`n1c 1or tlxmn`-;'VciLn xi the-f:1c_l$ ]azJt!i11 g uf;,1,n_-'.zmh\r ,0! ;1l'lIl(-`Ll Fort lfriir on :11;-_ 1-.31 of.Tu11clasI4 -encnmping 11Car".!h~J 1.-lz'1co.:1I: \vuv'ls of'1ia<-ii` nnurching R} my co against Hm-, N.-1_;7o:'I_V'. The r was mercflnrc Inmie: untfif Vlievcdtlxe f`ri <*fs .'r;:_ smtm-1 in ex The next (l'll_Cf~'fiUl} was whetlle-r joner -was l.her.< aiding Smrl assign parties- _\Vl1:1t`,_,\\`;1s the e\tiden' thutp0il1t'? ,The_ 1`n`i_sr.)nc`r \\za5 ; the first _\vitnc.:sA s_'!.'_:`L.=';iI2g' lmiwdsx rI---on}: especiix {_enipson s 3hoi' then with `other ofcprs as: il him. T]-P u"nt~ v-A--* ` ' ..,......u...>, u_.uu Linen` se.1z_urc here is only 1111 evidence ofifproper vigilance. on the part of"_t ha,t'ex'ce_l]ent oier, Mr. Van- hlgen. \ ,'g.`heA.caS`_eS,*witl: their contents, "are 11qyt_rj1n a`suta pl-ace,.Vand the con- .~.'.......-4 _-_-5II ;[lorn1idal)l c-;1Auu_gh fox srious mischief.` - ""'J 7 "`-"` `1`K'Cl l so much has already l)eer1 said(in, respect to 1116' S,ei2ure, llxal`. it isV hardly _lik'ely `any one will offer asvowuer, unless, in-[ ' cIeed.tl1at thcyl have found their way here bybn1'1's`l21ke--:1 not" nu-likely supposition. , One" thing C()l__ra(llClS this llypotllus-15,. L, Anzlm-el_V,- the ubslme of an Aadclress to cor- respon lllj'S]llpplllg bill`. \Vliellicrl these crises` are _those spoken of some i _ time `since as l1z1v_ing been seultwestwaml ,' . I ` gfroxn BtI f1alo, no one, of course,-can tell. 1`l1;xr pgpsellce here , and at thxsrllme, _1s ; Pn1i11()_tIs`; aad ll1eix' seizing} here ` an evldencc v1g1lance.on Part of"that excllmlr nl=`.;.l... rm. 1, t ,_._- .......,,u 15 u. a'u'u1gllI' piece, ' ajug or screw'fo_r" _ A is very )urge,7aboul, equal to ll1eo_lcl;B_riLish~musket; Alto- g`0L'l)er,(tlx ese arms are clumsy, but quite" lornlidabl `serious znischief`.-f [So has already been said in resnnanv 9 V _ __.>_ .,... ..,..uuu._v u1,uUll-' "I don. . Sb far aswe can judge, the arms . are what the superscriptioll` imlica_tes--! Pruss,1'zm-macle muskets. They s( have" been int locks, converted for the `use ofthe percussion cap. cedi2i gTc0a1*,s'e in n1_.'1u_ufactnre, and seem I _ not toihave been in `use. '.l'he' Layonlcf ' is ralhcbr l::f:`;,*er~tl1a{1 Ihatof-ll1e Enlield , .rie,_and t._hc ramrod is a of round._~i1'on., xvithont such.` The A b_oreA very lzlrge, `about L the 0`ld_`]A3_riLish- musket; "Alto-I'I~,... 41~ They are cx- ,1 straight piece} .,., ..._..c U umll men). ' `It seems sor1xexvI1:1ts-trangc t I1ai,a . ment or this description should I been made at Port Stanley . \\"i t; arresting attention; njlcl stranger that tl1'-.Aca`ses, marked in bold mu telligiblecharucters, Bkussian mus-kc sh(mld`_]1ave escaped` the notice of _ railway `officials at,Port Stanley or I .don. SO as we a hat indicate 13......-.... v - it is more tha l..,.., U1.` 1uu1_1q -H1011` W3.` take, will, pcrlmps. not be ma_ clai n mam. `T1? Qnnrnln nu-.. ..__-1r aI]ikely`- .,...H....,-5 mu .~,'uo\Vs mac tncylure con- s1gucd` to A'ult' &, Cooper; but these names do n0t,appLu`_()11 any '0! the cases, j.111df1!i iVs.ndcTress may be cLi`.i0ils. The T cases Dent 1139, `_.app0armJco. of "n:1ving boe_n_originalIy7 f1ld1'c`sse(l to C01. H. B. Harr_ington, 'n111st_Aering*officer, IIILHLIHLI4 polis, -Indigmzc. 011 and case is the fol- ,lowing address :V -1. Wztrncx", Cleveland, 1 care of HugIies*&:.Dz1,\'is.` The jreas0n- able-theory is;y1at`t ne'.se arms were in` the p_oss.essioVn. of "the "Univ-ted States an- thorjties; {I1-.11.`, they passed into the hands of:ot11erS,a'nd \vTore'dcsp;xtchecl to Warner,-of Clevekmd, for di.strib t1tion. Wl1 ejl1e1: tl1e,y.Were il]tGl1(1GL_1)[ this port, or` found their way here by mis- will. nerl1am_ um nhur 1..,1...A;.-.. _ I I ,, ...J` I/vu_.:.u:_y uuu-3lLlCl' :5-M",-_--*7 ` _- - - [ _ git advisable to put the institution once ` Qu1tea1A1 _e>;cxLex11e11t_ was created m ; this pIac_e.yestrd1y with t11e repo2`tV1l1at{ ml,)Jff'.1_n?O,`lv0rl`]g Ol'dr' ` ` vb - ' V Mr. V:111111_$;e11V, the collector of customs i N5 `Sr-T``?"""" as 37"` $4` - e{0,l:e" here, had :dctect.ed. the presence '0[.tcl] hm "` [Very remote PS5`b`m3': `W51 1 - cases 0f:]J`eD:iillJ'.Y1l'15_` in the f'rcigl1'Ll1muso View Of Us being` of fhe (_}rc`at We's_:tern 4rai-lw:_1y. On [in~?' xx hole` concern, if bel1oves [the stock- ` `1_1l Y We fwnd to 1,33` a_"Wm.Y `fj'h4t 51' ; holtlers and such bil`l-h0ldcrs and d'<:po- mst -"3 ea-ted as - now 1'0"} :Vsilors as can mlluence s!ockho!ders,- 10 -the cascgs rcgwhcd Port: ' d eci'dcLl l0\\'iil(1 L_Ip'th \V_e~ can'ga1herf, , . . . V Stanley 12) boat - irom O1CV(J1i1Hd,v and T $.86 thuH;he proceedings at "9 317111.03-C11 \ passed by London here. by ;m_{ Thai: mg nllectmg are canjflilly watched. ` shlpping bil1Tsho'\vs that they are .con.,' A correspondent in \\ren|c .e iccI1r`: .Qi(Tnru1.+'n A- v.- 0 I" - " I 7THE.Aj1ms sErz1:D'A'r V` 111 that .platf,c alrc:idy xeportcd. by telc-A V _ \VOOKSTOCK. ' "l`.l1e`_\VQodsi6'c:_li Tz'mes [gives the {O1- lo\vingApurticu>]mr-_s oftl1e-seizure of arms : graph. :-- 9 ..:o.. L..- ...D......... {nu \:.\l.b'U5lUll -OI pom] PARIS, Nov. 2,--.-The Presse the alliance between Prussia : is at [xed fact. ' w; \Jllo|.IllJl3n ' ` LONDON, Nov. 5,evening.--Tl,1c Times to-day in an editorial exposes t{he corruvp- tion of the New` Yorkstate and city government, and closes mm ajwarnlng against" tbhe-extension -of "political power. says that betw:-ran D .-nm'.. 1111:` u..--.-'. IV 1.1 LUIQI . ST; PE'F1:1zsi3URG, 'NOVa 5.--:The win` is renewed in Bokhara, and the Russian `forces have besieged and taken the city of Urturbe. - 1 ` 1 _~ A__ xv - T of emerg_enc'y. T uvuvustlln V.MADRID,vNO\.f. 5.-`-The Quee-nof Spain has_ made an offer to the -Pope of a resi-V dence,at`Gran'ada, and Spanish vessels of war. are placed at his disposal in case CoNs'x'ANT1NoPL'E, Nov. 5.--A United States squadron isexpected in" Turkish waters.`-` { M .1 , use zgus uh x.,5>ueoe,c. _ ` . _ _'ST. PETERSBURG, `NOV. P-.-- -The mi11- 'tary and naval {forces of Russia have been orderedlo be `raised to their full strezzgth; ` ` "v.MA1\nun KT... 5 . n11 rs -" -QU1:E1~{sToWN, Nov." 4-.-'--The steam- Shlp Asxa-from Boston on `the 24611 ar- nve`d-[to-Eday en route to. Liverpool. ` _ ' T.n\1~nnu -7\T.-... 0 V I ' ,,,___ _....,...,... vu unu .s.'x`nu. LU, riV`d- to-Eday - LONDON, `Nov. 3.-`-A `-Iarg_e fund has been raised for the `relief of Lhesufferers by the re at Quebe_c. ' Q... `pm ... ...... __ -17-. n +-- L:a rg`ej Funt1 for_ Quebec in 1 London. ' ' i'_\VAm;IKE- PRE1?.-XRATIONS IN izvssyx. ' ASHYLUMMFOR T_HE POPE IN SPAIN. uuu l.'_Lll lll`\VlllUU. 118 U710 _ I`he'~pris'oner, who wasdceply aected byhis 1ordship s remarks, was then dis: chz_1rg`r2dT. His (.jOUrlS:`l and -a number of- his f"rieu(Ts rowded around him, and a er a. series of hearty hand-shaking, he le.-the comft-room. - NEWS 3? ATl.AN'l`IC CABLE. I uLu:A waquo _Ull,lQL_IlI`U U3bll'`o_ ` -1` V . Hrs I.oRDs'Hfp briey -addresed him, saying that ,the jury had .takn_ a merci- ful View of,a'ndJthat ;'f.,it had been utl1er,15v}'_se lie} was not prepgred to` say that they would have been wroxig. He hoped that this,pi1inful experience would prove `protable to him `in the fu1ur_e,eai1 d that he would never forget - the peril in_which he h:xd_ouce stood; rplxn-mu-:;~nn.\.. ...L.. .-.A_ , | " ` ` . voices will only make the tyrants `trem-_ ble when" they know they are but echoes . treat of you to work, work, work I! In- uuu wur uruau Luryuul NW5`-7115315! -' __ Countrymen, * brothers,` ' jfriends jot liberty come forward, -I beseech you` to r join ourganks or aid-those- who are in them. Call on your friends for help . ' Every man and woman ' can do" some"- thingv for the cause. Join yourselves intorniilitary companies at once. The neutrality laws cannot` prevent ;you, V and ,Britislr inuence will no longer be allowed to rule this country to your. A ` injury and Amorica s shame. Abovcall thingslahor for "your country, patriotism,-good` wishes, all are as noth- ingwitlioutlzxlgor. Strange events m the near future, and -you know how soon you may he called upon strike again. for Ireland; Let` not occasion nd you iunprepared. Your of your resolution, and of the determina- tion of brave mento cease their labors for ]reland s` freedom only wlfien victory crowns their banners orthe -grave shall shroud their forms. Once Yhorc I -en- structjons requiring secrcsy will be sent to the circles. ` V Genius; usncuu u_'Iuu a. vgnuxut. Ul;..NU'l' GUlL'l'. (4 Tvhepnsoner receisiedgthe ;mnounce- , ment \v;tl;,,a greatlgngh of relief and soon` afterwards I)l1l'S_A_tAint0 tears, ` - nu T.mmu'um L..;-a.. `...4,a.........1 L2... prisoner and n` `crowdedu court-room` awaiting their decision as patiently as the evidehce of {I16 Nevyliiggiugs. This; was done and they again retired, the pcssible, At e_ight'.;:o clQck'they again entered court, and the forerimn, iifreply to the usual .ques1ion, said they` had. agreed upon a verdict 6f;.NOT GUILTY. u The 1ul';(Vt\|~nn\- Baanu-0.1.1 IL- _..-_....(;'- ..,.,...,..a, wul: melt contents,` `sate pl-ace,j,andv con- aninriz. tn m..'~..1...... ` ,.___._J .1 Alllkliivl. tenuon; n_ud [stranger s!1.1.l ;es, boIdz1nd`i11'- ructe1_'s_.' n1us-ke1s, - Acscapcd of the his Lon- ng `vp pun 1-1111.`-L. 6`L- -- av-JVAJVIIIJUII .auUul(l navei \\"i'lIn0e!t! jh 3 him} ':-h-.n..-,... _A |"' __-.- ..\..u u_y Jun. 1110'` mdws fheyxurc con-g' t but these}: ppelzlxoll cn;ses,.* - s Tine? 3__ a] rpCZ1I`aXJCO_ imving; f1ad1'c'sse(l ' 1se1`i11;;Ao`iccA1', I "fol-' X`..Dzl._V1.S.` l1a.t'the'.se arms in f'the tl1ey' p-Jss_ed ,a'nd' u{ore`despqtcI1ec1 .4 reland, distrihntiml. -_r xxrm-n `;|`\1r\n:1n.] 1`-.. < I t l c I. ..,..._, An\4A\1 uy H115` ps. not_n'ow be kno'w,n, Llikely`-no attempt will I tlmin. v ~ 9 1" lght pxcceu . ; IL` screw for go, about et.- quite" gt znischief.-,`h u _ ` 111n._specL H10 Jly _l1keIy'4 ' [eh nlcss, xn-[ \\'z1yl)efre 1111 pposmun. n gputhbcs-15,. ass tz. . `A ` ` 1. \Vhc'tl1cr 1,` Hui somei . estwm'd I`--\ can {esp ;,!_1me, _is pm 9 IS 9. g Jr "01 dei: lr. 9"` aontents, "do" ,, A E satis`tc- ` `s and of ing this. H` *` ` The % Fenian "Trials. HR_EV.. r.U:EN A`cQU1fT'r12 U1 ......>_, u uncu. [ and` Rllssfa I 1 sh iApA- l$'.. .'... n`-:_u lllf have: , , 1..-.-. -.u mu pus1uo_n oc:cup1ed by the .stockho1d`'rs,fand"ti the necessity, ; Pf '.n9} P9?3b1?~3? *6 ' `9.`,?: .`-';i.:. dmehig Oh -.h.i1'.- b3ha1f.- _ ; 1a_rgaV .n1:1x;1;l)_er :or1t`}_1`e;`2[1A14 1fqsi_(_ie, in Great '1 +3!it?i'}i9.1 :.i!=_5i9; 7ii!a!'t9r;,. 9f ;nat.iIinl=`i -i W;-l I3dit3U0 $9 . P `P[V`P- '_'7d__ -Off out I ., -..v`~.-~`,-._,.`,.-..-.4.'- 7" .,` . . . ' ' _ 1 _ : .=."01'1'.-`.'fl`:-' `fig L. 1; ; ." L. ..f::; `rt `.1. . stun`, : the I F V _ ` ` _- ...>,_{.,... go LU cngeuaer . ufeliizg Vof distrust in the -minds of a _r |lziij?glc;;por`t ic}1 i Of"Oll.r lpopulmzon in refer-. . [e1}ceVto,u!l,Aki_11dred institutions,a. feeling` 7 -which would always max1i1esL_;itelf11ii3 ` Vthe slightest g'rou,nr1s`; aid be :f6du9t_i._)z_eI zfI.t!91i-.xs~ ' : A . -, .'339=`9sfar- spk.=m<>.n1.?4>f. i deP`-_, ` ,s;_{;;aggifvlhbld,bci1uS,'t`IleY are thl`-Vc1;edito'.-s.9f the Bank, b`ut'wev'a`re[ 1 ..(`tt_l_1yg3;}ili\ir,::.tOe at-{,9} fPQsiein".`op.-cttfaied `by. . the .ctociena1>1'f..:.-;::.;e.a-=:-.2: .1... ....._.--~ - , .-...V..._....o ouumu-u1LmmC< the , 'c9nsequ_enceV wquId' b_'e ';i"fe'lii)g ]_.J-.. very uxem-bei of [the coinmunity nd - -.cspec'i,u1ly every business man, has some- lhiug 11! stake when :1" question of con- dence in our money-lend1'ng"a.n'd money- circula=.?.ug institutions anses, as it has ' _ -`done in the present,czise.V T . 4V . _ . A ,_Should the Bank of UpperCana;la `_ . pa'j:itsd'epositors.,'aIi_g1 Iudqenx its not'es M z1'tpar,`the'condence of the public_in will our Banks-a condem'.eAessnlial. to AL- ` - ` , _ 1,- .,.......... pa'_'{ its d'epositors`,. and Ixzdqlenl nots a't', `the'conde'nce of conde'm'.e~essnlial. the interests-of trade-"--Wi.ll remain un- s}_1.__k,11,;;b11`tgflhrotggh mis maggaggament * 9i` 3 xfse stgp taken now, `the _(!epcsitor_ or billliolders shonld.u1ti1mit elybe` losers, the ("3on1 nnm':n,a.-. .......I.I' 1" - ' ` 1 Our c`orrespoud_entsuggests, in case of `1assigr._ees"bcing employed," that they should be chosen from '-.unougst the V` _lurgest stockholders, who would have a ; pg1ramn:111t inter:-=.='t in getting the assets realize the greatest amount possible, Irrespective of tlrerr own con`1r\11i_ssior`r or loicinl rermmeratiou; and to {this sug- " gestion we mlgllt add "another, that no` llcllarge should be alldwed for anything "done altepa certairl mmuber, of years had el_apseLl within which the whole businese 1 nright reasonably be expected to be I nally closed up. T A . l a : - ` To :. .-..L A ` llienrt wllilecoilslgning -an igno- ` mimous death; A Will you stand calmly `by 9:116. loci; on with folded? arms and des;>ou_diu;; hope !- VVill you waste` in- digruatlon in mere words, and let-your wrath {ind vent in "idle declamation ? I ' tell you ifyou do you and your _country will he disgraced, and your-apathy stand ' `a monument around which `uturc"g'ener- ` ations will shed tears of -?,morticat_iqn, and will blush for your degeneracy.- nnnntrvnnan' Hrnmnvu. m.:-...I.. `-35.4 U, _J , ,....:j ...- ...u.eiuu_y~ \\'ill.UllCU. I A correspondent sef gives some v_ei:y_ gl-ood advice _<.n this im- - 5:;i p_ort3.nt sub_ject.,, and i\Vl1lCll' such of our `Ci readers as are slia1'cholde rs should act 10' ' - f upon. `There will no doubt bea vui'iety- 1-_, of methods of winding uptthc business 1-` proposocl [and discussed, and amongst '1, them that of placing the xx hole ahir` under the c,ntrol'of the Court of Chan- l_ cery, which, we agree with out comes- G pendent, would be the most objection- O .a_ble of all, causing endless delay and . -_ruu1ous expense. _ S The ioutiue of this court may have _.been somewhat abridged of late years, I but we doubt` if it has not been more in "theory than in practice`; and` any im- , 3 provcmelit-in its mode of procefeding has, i lat all events, not beeuvisufliciently ali- 1)El1_`Cl)lC to the public to pro'duce at very _ ,' l'uvoruble inlpression, or lead,` to the con- a,!l clusiou` that the ahirs of the Bank of Upper Canada, if, placed under its Juris-_ t diction, -would `be Iinally wound up . l 'I ll 3 within the lif'et_ime of any one of the present stockholders. ' ' ix D Thomas [_Galt, wh_o are [the agents of i Messrs. Glynn, Mills 8.: 00., (the largest creditors of the Bah-nki), are at present in I Eiiglmid, having gone over shortly after 1. ' `"9" - . .~ . . I V The nmnager, Mr. Cassels, and Mr; the snspensioh, and are]e.\'pected to be- backiu time {or the meeting ncxtweeik. They will no doubt be armed with full` _ alltl1`()'rit)'7l.Q11Ctf`0l'1110I1l'l1lyiIbOVvellamed, 3;. and probably for a munber 0f English -A; stockholders, and may possibly consider advisable ins} 1 more into working order. . I . , . " IIVI ' 1 titution T_l1_is l`S,V_l'l0\VVGl',i{lS we said b-e`fore,.V but remote possibility, in to wind concern, silors as can innmmn =onnl-I.,.v.J-..- A U ,.-_--.. uuc .uu5u5ll creC1lt0I`S_ of` the Bank could be made, Ta1'1dTwe should be very glad to nd that such ` was "the case, but we do notanticipate any such result at present. (I1! of` VVe have heard some rumour about a ` M resumption of business, in -case certain ` arrangements with the English creditors OF H19 T2-nnlr n,...!.! `I. V ` ' ` _ _......... V. 11111101. uauuuu. - O_n vTuesday next a general meeting of the shareholders of the Bank of Upper Canada is to take place in Toronto, for the purpose ofhaving it full statement of V the present condition of its affaiifs sub- mitted to them, and'dec'iding as to the I best means of having its business Woun _ up. i at}-gern giillziittli. 7 May _12`t1;,1ise. r. -.uAiLsif I;B:Sj::`e1i f.THE _BA1iizI.1 Posi` ,-OFFICE?AS.;IOLLQWS:'"jj ; '6iIIg South , "daily, 6.43 aim; dnd;5".03':p_.m.T -(\)Ve'st,' 10.05 'n..m.._. jg; _ .0 -1. rilia. 6.43 am. ' _ V. For Orillia, Penetmngnisbcne nnd[al1' parts North East of Barrie, there is a tri-'we,elg]_y;. mail whih closes at 10.30a.m.3'1`u_esdays, Thursdays, j_ _ and Sntnrd aye. V- Do` - Thormqn, ,usd'ays and Fridays, 1_0.30. ` 4' '-D9 Shanty Bay, do- ' do do Do_ Minesing, Fgjiday, 10.30 am. 1- Aston` - -- ._a_.-.:.`.._........._..

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