Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 26 Sep 1866, p. 4

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__,_-_ -..--.-uvna nun-unlu- Ram Lambs: 10 prize,V Doctor G. D. Morton, Bradford; 2nd, Martin Johnson, Bar- - 7rie;. 3rd, Mairs 6: Gave, Yespra. ----v, --v-I-VVU \IIOVI: VV3`I'IlIu _ - Milclt C'ows,v(Grade):, 7 Entries.-lat prize,` Joseph Clarksun,` Barrie; 2nd, George Caldwell, Oro; 3rd, George Caldwell, Orb; 4l.h,'George Cr ld_well, Oro. '17.-.. Ir-.__ tr,-1-, .u.- .\ - - I - --.-...-... \/I\l nun. n uuucn ucunca, UH). Milch Cows, (Best): 15 Enu-ies.-ls_t prize; Maire 8: Gave, Vespra; 2nd, Walter Raikes, Om; 3rd, Maire & Cave, Vespra. > Milnln' I"na).. 1n..-A..\. n n_._:-_- 3-. 7 - .._-_.., -uoyuu, gnu, Inna up UGVU, VIJSPHI. Bull VCa_lves: 3 Entries.-lst prize, Walter Rziikes. Oro; 2_nd, Walter Raikes, Oro. Milo): Pm.-n lD....o\. 1: `l7|_A..3-_ --- _--3.... uuu, u suuu. :.uIInI.'D, \.ll.`U- ' Two-Year 01 Bulls: 2 `Entries.--lst prize, George Caldwell, jun., Oro; 2nd, Allan Gunn, Barrie. - Yearling Bull.-' 2 Entries.-1st piize, Mairs & Cave, Vespm ; Zud, ` Mairs & Gave, Vespra. Rilll (`lilting o `.1 IA`-`II-:nn I-A '--3-- `' -``-~ --.. , ...-, -......,..q uu-uunu, nuuxaul. I Two-Year `Old Colts: 6 Entriea.-lst prize, James Crawford, Oro; 2nd,. William Gardner, Ora; 3rd, Jonathan Sissons, Vespra. Vn1l:-limp f'uIln-. 1`) I7`_o..:..- I-A ~ `--- V 3rd, Arthur Craig, Medonte. -.........-, y.v, nun, u uauunu ulvnllug, UFU. Saddle Hcvrses : 6 Entries -1st prize, Doctor G.. D. Morton, Bradford; 2nd, Thomas Drury, Oro; n._-_: 'n__n n n . u.- l ` ' ` ` " " ' ' ' "HI V . ` .gerl.Bulls: 2 Entries.-lst prize, Allan Gunn, Barrie; 2nd, Walter Raike ' Oro. ` II7....'. 1'.'._,_ run n,,n A` _.__, -...n....u u--an}, unv. Mares and Fouls: 7 Entries.-lst prize, Robert Sawyer, West Gwillimbury; 2nd, Allan Bell, Oro; 3rd, Thomas Shannan, Inuisl. '1'"... 17...... -1114 n..u-. A n,_. - _ , _,-- , _..-_, ......----u -.uaavu:, vuayul. > Yearling Colts`: 2 Entries--lst prize,rJan'1es Crawford, 0:0; 2nd, William Hickling, Ora. .QnIII,Ia nrlrnno o I`: Ia`no..:..n 1-; .__:__ n, 7- I` .-.-..J-., -nu nsuunuauuu .z9ged.Rams: 7 Entries.--lst. prize, Robert. Wil- kinson, Innisl; 2nd, Walter Raikes, Oro; am, ' B. W. Ross, Barrie; 4th, John D_rury,`Vespra. Yearling Rams, 3 Entries. Only two brougbti foi'wnrd.--lst prize, Mairs & Cave`, Vespra: 2nd, Robert Wilkinson, Innisl. . ' D..'... 1..-].-. In H - General Purpas'e TeVaV1Vn_ 8 Entries.-1sI. prize, Alexander Watt, Oro; 2n_d, John Drury, Vespra; I 3rd, Joseph Johnston, Vespra.._ Carriage Team: 4 Entrier, only two brought forward.-lst prize, Doct.or'E. D. Morton, Barrie; 2nd, Thomas Drury, Ora.` HI .... .. .....J E`....I.. HT-`--A-`- ` ` ` " ` __-..-..-.. , V.-., agllonll VI ul:I,_\Jl'Uo Heavy.Draugrht Team: 4 Ent.rils.--lst. prize,` [Allan Gunu, Barrie; 2nd, W. W. Jackson, Orilliaa 3r d, Allan Guun`, Barrie. Purpose Team: I`/trrin.-in T`nn'm . A n\.....:..- -_I- A Entire Horses: 4 E:i_Iri_ea.-1st. prize, John Ritchie, West Gwillimbnry; 2nd, James T. Ryan, ` Medonte; 3rd,_Allan Watl,_Oro. . Hangar: n..,.....:.o l'.......-. . 13,. - {;__.__.__ NORTH RIDING `AGRICULTURAL SHOW. . _ 2 List of Successful Camnnlilm-o ..a u... n,.....a-. __.._--vvunvLUIl |JLl\JI'Vo ' of Suc;vss_ful Cbmpetitbrs at `the County Simcoe`/Igricnllural Society s Twenty: Ninth ./Innual ' Exhibition qf Liue_Sto_clc, 'c.,which came- If in the Town of Barrie on V ednesday Ihe 19th instant. ' Th Judgs of _Hores- dud. Caitle, Messrs. Oraxton, Jelf, and Stephens. mmmemu AWZIINBLELEMEBAQ -.\-... -. , an--, v-uuvu Atuucltauu. Yea ling Colts: 6 Eutries.-lst, James Craw- ford ; znd, James Robertson. '. n.._)nn -v~- - -- ' .-._ _..--J uuausq nsvngsnsavu. gcai Bulls: 1Entry.-lst, Alexander Gra- ham. .- ..- ., gnu, uuzrru I uuunsao Two Ycar Old Colts: 4 Entries. --lst. James Crawford ; 2nd, James Robertson. (1-- 1:... I1 1., A n , -_:--- Judges of Sheep and Pigs: Messrs. Leadley, Sawyer, and Robinson. - ' A 1,..-) '3, ll " ` ` ` ` K . uyu. )-"er1rIim._r Bulls : I Entry bht not one brought forward, ' ~ ' ` r. ... . K I MB`-u7r!Calues: 2 Entric-.s.-1stT , George Cald- wen . `M7. -z;vo Year Old Balls. 1 'Entry lst, Caldwell. ' - . ,,_. ..v........- The annual efhibition of live stook, &c.; ' came of!` on Friday, the 14th instant, when the following premiums` were nwarded:- Ju_dges-.\Iessrs. Johnson and Maundrellb. Entire Horses : 2 Enu-ies.-lst, prize, Allan `Val! ; 2nd, William J. Hill. Mares &,Foals: 3 Entries.-1st, Allan Bell ; 2nd, ' Joseph Thomas. n.;......L. rL,_._,, _ .. ,n .' o -Vmt; 2nd, Jo9ep_h Thomas. `I V..- rs. . uuugua. Draught Horses`: 4` ?EntTries.---lst, Alexander 7'... V.-- nu n..u__ 'S'/z-eaf of I"lizx: 2 Entries.--lst. prize, John -`R!lcl1ie,v _West Gwillunbury; 2nd, John * Chap, -ell, Oro. A - Pears: 1 Entry,-Jbseph Leslie, Barrie. Swede 1'ur/lips: 3 Entrie3.-lst prize, Joseph '_I`homns, Oro; `Zud, William Johnston, Flos. - Carrots for Sto`ck:V3 E'nlries-1st prize, Wm. Johnston, Flos; 2nd,,Joseph Thomas, Urn. Muugols: 3 Emrles- lst. -prize, William Johu-.- stou, Flos; 2nd, Joseph 'l`hoLna.s, Oro. Potatoes: 3 Entries--lst prize, Joseph John- stoop, Vespm; `Jud, John Chappel , Um. I ---- .- ---A'-- I f'`_ (V _-.... -, .4... . .-. Carrizzge Harness: Moore, Barrie. cu,4-,4-vu'. . .._.v.... 5, V... -nu, - v n n uuuu \.Iu_|uuCA, \.ll.\II Woollen Socks-: 3;Entries.- lst prize, William Hickliug, O10; 2nd,'Jonatuu.n Sissons, Vespra. " Team Harness: 2 Eutries,-Prize.- William Root, Barrie. A ` ' /`l.__.._:,__ 11 , , ,. n . . .. . -. '_ _,_-.,, --v, _.._, vvuvl'|A -uuun-cg vau- Woolln Mitlenx: 4 Entries.--lst prize, Wm. Hickliug. Oro; 2nd, - William Gardner, Oro. ll/nnllnn 0n..l.... 9 D..a_:.... 1-. __2_, `Ivan- - _____ w\(>4, .vur.u- Flannel (cotton. Iwarp) : 3 Entries. Only one brought. forward.---lat. prize, William Hickling, Uro.. ' -_ ..... -.... V.-av, vuuu uuuypcll, .|J|'U- Fat gieast: 1 Entry.-1st prize, John Chhppell, mo, ~ ~ - * V Blankets: 3 Entr1es.-lQt. prize, Geofge Cald- well, jun., Oro; `Jud, George Caldwell, Oro. Smkim: Yarn : 3 Entries.-- 13: prize, Thomas Drury, Oro; 2nd, Joseph Thomas, Uro. ` ur..,.n.'.. Iu:u___, . _ Judgesiof lungs, &c., Me Butter: 9 Oro; 2ud, G Luck, 0:0. 1 l'lL _...I..., v... C Cheese: 2 Euuies.-1st. prize, Edward Luck, Uro; 2nd, Joseph Johnston, Vespra. ' ` I1`/nrnnol full n1nn`\ . I 0.0.. I-A ---L-- 7-- v.u, mun vllauru vvuuiuauu, V capux. Fl(mnel (all wool): 1 Entry.-lst prize, Jos. Johnston, Vespm; :.v......-: I .... -, '_, . .. n . - A - ..--g...` , --nu. 1 - I M H J 3 \ V ViRIICIl I Breeding Saws: 5 Enu-ies.-1st prize, Allan Gunn, Barrie; 2nd, Walter Raikes,.._0ro; 3rd, Robert. Munro, Vespra. - - ' Spring Pigs: 4 Entrics.-1st prize, Thomas ' Drury, Ora; 2nd, George Caldwell, _Oi'o; 3rd, Walter Raikes, Oro. uuuyvn a-nuns-9. vnv. Fat Sheep.--lst prize, Raikv`.-s, Oro; 2nd, Walter Ruikes, Om. `Board? 2 EAnlties.-1st. prize, Allan Gunn,' Barrie; 2nd,`Z\1iles Kenny, Vespra. Ry-awHn.r Qnmno F. R`nn.n.. 1... ..-:....' AII-_ _.-.-, - sulnylll Ewe Lambs: -EA'n1.r`ies.-lst prize, Robert Wilkinson, lnnisl; 2nd, Martin Johnson, Barrie`, .3:-d, Walter Raikes, Oro. I.`..1 oL___. u_. _,,,_, II`? I} r. u :- V-./Iged Ewes:-4 Ent.ries.--lst prize, Mair: & Cave, Vespra; 2nd, Mairs & Cave, Vespm; 3rd,` Waller Raikes, Oro; 4th, Walter Raikes. OrO. ` Gimmers: _4 Entries. Only 2 brought forward. lstfprize, Walter Raikes, Om; 2nd, Mairs & Cave, Vespra. LE..- T__.L_ n .'- - - 0 V` - .7 . . ~-~ -'"*rr"-1 V"" _ Josxzpu Tuoms, Stc. Barrie, September 22nd, 1866. ` om) A'G_RlCULTUI.{.:-{L SOCIELY; Iv - lav `VII-)0, uulllwu V Worlcing Oxen: 2 Eutriesl. O Only one brought for'wpard.-- ist prize, Joseph Thomas, Two-Year Old Steers. 2 Entries. Only one Hbroulgln for-2va.rd.-lst prize, Geo. Caldwell, Oro. Yearling Steers : 3 Entries. Only ouerbrougln forward.-lst prize, John Chappell, Oro. O ,1`!!! Runs! - I mnv-Iv 1... ....:_- I-|_._ nu,, - n I of Dairy Produce, Domestic :VM-amufac-1 ,Messrs. Atkinson, Darbytand Sneazh. : Entries.-1st prize, Wm} Hickling, 0. t, George` Ualwell,-Orb"; 3rd, Edward Entries.-Prize, Mufti!) st, George BANK OF TORONTO N6717E uxyu av, auvun Fall Wheat, 1.30 to*l.42.` Spring 1.10 to 1.25. " Pens and Onls none in. Farmers Flour, 5. 75 to 6.00. Millers Flou:.-Mr. Bingbam, agent for Cox s Mill. quotes rst quality Spring retail at 6.00 6.50. Full, 7.00. Polatoes-New 35c. Butler-l3 to 15c. Good demand. Eggs-l0c per doz. _ Mutton and Lamb, 8c.` ides-6.00 ` QL........I.2__ PA ;_ nn, '.""l"l""' "" "'v`V "".l"v"' ' Yew-li_n,g. Heifers. ` 4 Entries.-lst, George Caldwell 2nd.._B. W. Ross. , Heifer Calves: 1 Entry. let, B. W. Ross. Warlcen Ozen: 4 Entries.--lst, James Robert-' eon ; znd Joseph Thomas. Two Year Old Steers; 2 Entrie.'-i-lst, George .b Caldwell; 2nd, Joseph Thomas. Yearling Steers: I Entry.-la't J. Chnppell. ged Rams : `4 Entries.-l`st. B.._W. Ross ; 2nd, William Hickling; 7 Yearling Rams: 1 Entry.-1et William John Hill. -.._, ........... .....-..... _ Swedish Turnip. 5 Enlries.-lst, E. O Brien ; 2nd, Thomas Rice. . Jnan-on `Tunu A1 ')m, Sep. 19th, 1866- . .....--.. \.--._..--- , v..., .. ....-... vvuu V Cheese. 2 rEntries.A--lsl,I Charles Partridge; 2nd; Edward Luck. ` 'ur,.._n-._ ll:u.....- n D..A._:._.. 1-4 l!r:u9____ Woollen IHit-!em;:' 2 Entries.-}st, William Gardner; 2nd_, Joseph Thomas. `n--. n,___._, __:_____) .L_ 0,`: Y 1 ....v... .-.-.u-ru, v n U- T -" -1;'e1'I-ing Heifers, (Grade); 3 enltries.--zlst prize, . John Drury, Vespra; 2nd, George Caldwell, Oro ; 3rd,_ George Caldwell, Oro. Haifa l"l..I....... 5 'n_4-:-_ - n 0 I" I- ....-. uvu -:.vu6u.u- l\Il unlu- Saws and `Pigs: 4 Entries.-1st, George Cald- well; Znd, Thomas Drury. - Fall Wheat": 1 Entry lsl, George Caldwell. Spring Wheat : 1 Entry.-1sa, Joseph Thomas, Peas; *1 Ent.ry.-lsl, Joseph Thomas. Oats: 2 Entries.---lat, Joseph Thomas`; the other not brought forward. ' ` Barley :--l Entry.-not brought forward. Timothy Seed : 1 Entry.-William Hickling. Seed Onions ,:--2eEntries.-1st, Thomas Druryu; 2nd, Joseph Thomas. Top and Potato Onions: 2` Entries.-lst Joseph Thomas; 2nd, George Caldwell. l'V........A-. " n !.V_...:.... 1-; I'._...._I. 'lVL.,____ n__I _...,____,,, _...., .,.,.,.,- .,_.....-... Carrots; 2 Entries-.--lst, Joseph Thomas, 2nd, Allan Wan. 1 - V Beets: l Entry.--lst, Joseph Thomas, . Apples: 1'Enlry`.--Int, William Gardner. Butler. 4 Ent.ries.-lst, Joseph Thomas ; Znd, William Gardner; 3rd, William John Hill. (I r.\,.,2__ -1 `fl-fog!" ivtiewedl in the eld. Judges, Mssrs, George Caldwell. Jr-., and Allan Way. 1)..L_1___ r Messrs, ueorge uaxuwenq _]I'`., am: Allan wa_u. ' Potatoes. 5 Entries-;-lst., Joseph Thomas; `Bud ;Wi|liam Gardner. _c......:.-.1. 'r'.......'... g n...-:.... u..." n n xeunmg 1I(lIIl8Z 1 19ntry.-lst William John Hill. Jlged Ewes: . 3 E ntries.-Jlst Gedrge Caldwell ; 2nd, Alexander `Wan. - Lambs:-H-4 Entries Isl, Allan Watt 2nd Wm. John Hill. - v vuu nnuu Boats: 2 Entx-ies.-1st, George Caldwell jr ; the other not.` brought. forward. ' Gnu... and -D2.-- . A r.1_..__!__ ._. n A - 1 H Year Old Heifers: 4 Eat:-ies.-Tlst, John Gbappell; 2nd, George Caldwell. 1'f....'..I_'_.._ n..-;-_,. H - - A - Mitch Cams: 8 Entries.--l`st, George Cald- well; and Georga Caldwell. '1"..... 1r.,... In) It -1- . un - o - - ' ' l.\IUCH`-OuUU ' A-1 lhe -~ ADVANCE "(;,FFlCE. NOTES F'|LL_E_D IN. ....., \gw\rIe\v vu-uv-nu, vnvo Heifer` Calves: 5 Entries.-lstV prize, Walter Raikes, 01'0"; 2nd, Maire & Cave, Vespra; 3rd-, W. B. Ross, Barrie. TI/n}.l..'.... (1--.. ; n n_..,,-,,' A - in prbper ford: for discounling, A. .|_, .. A'\IVAl9t\vV -. A... in proper {mm for banking Al the ` ADVANCE-OFFICE, D..-..._ BARRIE MARKETS; Joszpu Tnouls, Ran n A F Sept. 25, 1866. I'll Bame. .. .., I/D`- savvnsw \.I$Il\l"\ill VIV. -`Yearling Heifers, (Best): 4 Emries.-1st` fnrize, V 'Wa.lter` Raikes, Oro ; 2nd, Mairs & Cave, Vespra; 731d, Wn.lIer'_Ra.ikes, Oro. .v..,..r.-..... 13-.-4-._. .n_,;,\ .. A. . '. . . -..r.-, V... ...u u ua vuvw Vvilllllc _ Twb'Year Old (Heifer, (Grade): 3 Entries.- Tlst prize, John Drury, Vespra ; 2nd, J. Chappell, Org; 3rd, George Caldwell, Oro. Vn..-l.'-... LI...'l`...._ /n,_.\ _ . I-vvuull unu- ' Tvuvo-Year Heifetrs," (Bn): _5 Ent.ries.-lst _prize, Mairs & Cave, Vespm; 2nd, Maire & Cave, . Vespra; 3rd, .\lnirs & Cave," Vespra. F...}.'V...... nu ,n..:4-._ In'_._.:_\. .. n . -

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