Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 26 Sep 1866, p. 2

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hoping may and present position of Collingwood, a town which. has certainly seen some changes of fer- tune (the result, lo.a great exlem, of the land fevey, and lhe reaclioneby which it was fol- lowed), but which we join our cotemporary in have a prosperous future beforovil. He at least gives eidenco of hie true! alhil better times are comieg A ` _.- -- .u ; vunu|uLLJ nuu ruoylu EBISBKERS. These Wafers are peculiarly valuable, they will in one day remove themost severe occasIoual_ hoarse- ness and thc-tr'rE-gulai` use for a few days WI, at all .times, increase the power and exibility of the voice, greatly improving its tone, compass, and clear- mess, to: which purpose they are regularly used by many Professional Vocalists. . - _ JOB MOSES, Sole Proprietor N-Y. _ Pnce 25 eents per box. THESE WAFERS give the most instaneous and perfect relief, when perserved with according` to directions never fail to effect a rapid and lasting cure. Thousands have been restored to perfect health, who have tried other means in vain. To all classes and all constitutions they are a blessing and cure--noiie need despair, no matter how long the disease may have existed,-or how severe it may be, provided the organic structure of the vital organs is not hopeless- ly decayed. Every one afictedp should give them an impartial trial. rnn -n-r\n.u lfuiiiri .--.. ..--__._- -u uupununn u Iuu. TO VOCALISTS AND PUBLIC SPEBKERS. Tlmsp \Vnl`..m am nam.l:o..l.. ....I....|_|_ .1, The most certain and speedy remedy everdiscovered ibr all diseases of the C/1.estaud`Lm1g.s, Qojug/As, Colds, As! /mm, C'm- sum;)tion., Brazzchgtzs, I n 1ae;,`;zasa, Dlicult Breathmg, Sore T/mutt, 4-0., ne. _-.-zu- -.-:_- A` - sm JAMES CLAR_KE'S C ELEBLATED _ FEMALE PILLS. b.....__1 1-___,_, , RELIEF TIN EN MINUTES. | 10!` IHB uanauas. Sold in Barrie by T. W. Georgen, and Ke Co.; J. Deacon, Bradford; Green S: Bru., hursl, and all medicine dealers. ram lJeSll`0) l'. Northrop 65 Lyman, Ne-awcaslle, C.W., for the Canadas. 1 .Qnl.l:.. Dz....:..l...'1` ur r: ..... __ _ - ___ . _-- - -~g4Avna_44.1 gu- A Goon Tnmc !-Tnv t'r.-The Canadian Pain Destroyer is :4 medicine for the immediate and per- manent removal oi all pain lrom the system. The Canadian Pain Destroyer cures rheumatism. plenrisy and pain in the back and side. The Canadian Pain Destroyer cures billiouis chqlic and cramps in the stomach; "The Canadian) Pain Des'._ro_\'er cures- cholera,cholera morbus, dysenterv, and bowel com- plaints. The Canadian Pain Destroyer cures sudden colds and. sore throats. The Canadian Pain Des- troycr,cures~burns. scalds, frost bites, and chilblains. The Canadian Pain Destroyer is also an excellent thing for sprains,strains, wounds,Vnnd bruises ; it takes away all painthe moment it is applied. No fznm"y should be without a bottle of the Canadian Pain Destroyer. Nnrtlxrnnth T.umun_ Nnnmmut... IV Hr __,, nun`: ur ums0I other banks. . . 5"-:1l:1nr'e due from other banks... I)i.=cmmts. `Jlher debts not included under the foregoing heads .-...-:- aoiloullul purpose. , v . Remember the name, and see Ih'aHhe signature DfH1trd z go. is on each package. ' Nortliop 65 Lyman, Newcastle, C.\V., proprietors lbrlhe Canndas7 ' Sold in Banrie bv T. W. Geor. Kelman 62: Co.; I. Deacon, Bradford ; Green 65 Bro., Craig- hursl, and all medicine dealers. 41- uv_u J. .u.nuw Wl '.lU UU. We sometimes hear persons say, my horse is sadly out ofcondition. and I cannot tell either what is the matter with him,_or how to get him into better case; they appear to be ignorant of the fact that there is within their reach a remedy safe, sure. and effectual in all cases. Many persons who deal in horses use large quantities of it. and testify that its eects are most satisfactory. One horse dealer in- forms as that his horses condition and appearance ate so much improved hv its use that they sell more readily and for higher places. The articles is Dar- ley s Arabian Heave Remedy and Condition Merli- cme. Nothing else is equal to it tor the same purpose. R-nlnnmknr thn nnnna .....l ...... al.-.1 -I, - or cure. " . To all who desire it, he will send a copy of the prescription used (free of charge), with the direc- tions for preparing and using the same, which they will nda sum-: cum-: for CONsU.\ll'Tl0N. ASTHMA, BRu.\'CHt1`Is, CoUons,Cu1.ns, and all Throat and Lung Alfections. The only objert of the advertiser in. sending the Prescription is to nefit the afflicted, and spread information which? he conceives to be in- valuable, and he hopes every sufferer will try his remedy as itwill cost them nothing, and may prove a blessing. , ~ Pt'll9 winllino ll-an nu...-.-...:...:.... -- V ' u messing. '1 Panties wishing the prescription, I-`REE mail will please address ~ 1).... L*ni~n.nv . ----- - _ 1.u uULVDULVl.l"'.l'lVI`JS. ~The adviser, having been restored to health in "a few weelnby-a very sigiple remedy. after having suffered for several years with a severe lung afI`o.-c- tion, and that dread disease, Consumplion-is anxi- ous to make knbwu to his feIlow-sufferers the means of cure. " 7-Iy uuuuno ur I UU 1'11. A Gentiemnn who suffered for years from Nervous Debihly, Premature Decay, and an the effects of Konlhful indiscretion, will for the sake of su'eri_ng umanity,send free to all who need it, the recipe and directions for making the simple remedy by which he was cured. Sulferers wishing to profit by the advertiser s experience, can do so by addressing DO ion want Whiskers or Moustaches? Our Grecian Compound will force them to grow on the smoothest face or chin, or hair on bald heads, in Six Weeks. Price,'$1.0,0-3 packages for $2.00. Sent by mail anywhere, closely sealed, on receipt 0! price. ' ' Address, WARNER & 00., Blox 133, Brooklyn Nam van`- nu-mass, New Xork. uuul lug. > - . v , Wm:A'r-Receipts 3,200 bshls. Prime fall wheat cornmands extreme prices. Sales`to- day` 1 carol inferior fall at $1 45; 360 bshls fall at $1 51. "Some small lots of spring wheat and mitlge pruof offering at $I 45 to $1 46, and $1.38 to $1 41 only bid. ' OA re--No receipts by ears ; street price 27 to 28c. V ` ` ' 0 0 BA'RLI2Y--,R.cei{)ls by cars 1,500 bush {sales 2,000 bush at 590 l". o. b. Several carluads `and cargo lots offering at l'rom 60 to 62:3. Receipts on market estimated at 8,000 to 10,000 bush; prices.impruved;selling at 58 to 62:: one the street. . u _ - " l n:an`1'b_. .qp(-cie..'.................... Jim-.i Estate ...-. .. . . . . .. Notes or bills of other banks.` E"-:1l:1nr'e dun frnm nn...'.. 1.....I.. nu `Invuau uuul ca.` Rev. EDWARD A. WILSON, 7gly WiI|iannnsb1zrg,Iii|ugs Co. New Yonk. ______} avAuu.1Lv, uuyvd H1. FLOU'R.`-Receipt--200 bbls; No. 1 vgry vrm buyers offering $7 freely and $7 05- can be Pfucured for strong grades. Sales -100 bbls 3` $67 3! Rockford station." No fall wheat our oering. \Nu|~A-r_DL.....:..._ 0) nnri |.-L|_ n 9,,, p n . Notice is `hereby given that under the autho- rity contained in the 29th and 30th Victoria, Cap.,`l0,-itllilllied : An Act toprocide for tlteissue-qf Provincial Notices,--and of an Order in Council passed on the Thirteenth day oi September. an `arrangement has been i made by the Government of Canada with the Bank of Montreal, for the gradual Surrender of. its power toissne notes, and that the_ said' Bank has been appointed Agents of the Pro- vince for the issue and redemption of Pro- Vincial notes, and that the issue of Provincial notes is authorized from and after the Fifteenth day of September, 1866, and pending the, mPi6l30lI oithe Provincial notes now in process of Printing, that notes of the Bank of ; M0"83' stamped and imtialled as described, . are declared to be Provincial Notes within the meaning of the said Act. -.-_.- BRYAN'i"S PULMONIC WAFERS !_ CI: PRov1s1os-Ut;cha1xged. ` PARAGRA PH ADVERTISEMENTS; re wnxslinsz WHISKERS 2. DON T KNOW WHAT TO DO. nnm:m.n L..--_ --_- , ~ VI. Ul pl'lCC- . _ *9 Box 13_8, k` ' 15-Iv n Iptrtal Nfti . notes in specie has ,._- .---gun ya. `I1-lrfll-I yuuauaq The fact that the oldest Banking Institution \ in the Province hafsuspendetl payment of its In every honsehald n fhe,Province, and the news has been reeejved with a very general 3 thistime become knewn. feeling of fegiet byllie people at large, with whom that.-Bank ll) pakticular has always been a favorite, and who had` learned to look upon it as in a mea'snre'i.lentiod with. the nancial stability of the country. That :9'...'.n ..-. L- -LI- :::: To CONSUMPTIVES; nu luau... I......_ .. . E;e:;3;:;`"oF Yam. m... ...L.. ...m V '1:ORONTO MARKETS. Tonowro, Se] n._'.. JOHN B. OGDEN, No. 13 (`-hambers Sz., New York.` _________________ . Kelman 65 : Green St Rm 1%....-.. ucmrs wlsulng lo pron! by e, Ynvvxv 1-: Anna`. :aumplI0n-lS v-sufferers '., proprietors , Sept; 24.- \U|HHU| X )., Crmg- mxuxm1'lb'S. ('ix'c11lation . . . . . . . . .u... nu Deposits not hearing interest.` I. bearing interest..- . .` Datance due to other banks by return , IJIUUHIJL 15-ly n . Aan1m:-=Hinds Orillis; Thoma; {H Bx-03.", Barrie; W enry, Thornton, 7-.., -av uvu ULIGID H11.` @163: He is also manufacturing extensively Wood. Sawing Machines, with all the latest improve- ments, endis-`also prepared to repair almost every description of Threshing Machines, `particularly Hall's, of Oshawa. _Ha.ving every description or casting that may be required, he has every `facility for manufacturing and repairing Steam Engines, and every kind `of Mill Work will hecarefully attended to, and turned out with dgspatch at reasonable prices. . ~ 2 l i 1- ' -nu-r'.n'u.-._.____, `. He has new come to the detarnxinntion to sell for cash, and cash only, and reduce the price about one-third ;' , say Ploughs that were'aold for OI9, he now oers for $13. - II`. :3 -1..- ._._..~.A`- J- ` HE undersigned is now manufacturing Steel Mould Board Ploughs, on an extensive scale; . and having tried the credit system. he nds that it is neither advantageous `to himself or his cus- tomers. that are having to pay, as he has been obliged to charge about one-third more for his Ploughs than he could a'o;d to sell for, in order to cover the expenses of peddling, collecting, and bad debts. . . .. . 2 ~ e _h--- ` FISHING` TACKLE,*Arms and Ammunition, with every requisite in the sporting line constant- ly on hand. K - _.._v- -V-._a.ua_a;.4J., JJ[I.l.|a1\r1[`Jv In making this antic-unc`emAent, be begs to sure the public that all orders with which he I , be favored will be attended 1.9 with the same c and attention as formerly. { Bradford, Aiig. V1866. RESUMED_13__USINESS. ....uu5u un: nuuuwulg nous, VIZ. :-Numbers 7, 8, 9, 10, ll, 12, and 13, in the 14th Concession ; Numbers 7, 6, 5, 4, and 3, in the 13th Concession; and Numbers 3, 2, andel. in the 12th_ Concession; until it meets the Town-Line of Fios. A diagram and description of the proposed new line "of road, as surveyed by Henry Creswicke, Esq., P_.L.S can be seen at the office of the nnders'igncd..` ' GEORGE S-NEATH, ' Town Clerk, Vespra. V Vespra, $eptember 5th. 1866. W 36-5: _ -2 -2.1- HE Council of. the Corporation of the Town- T ship of Vespra, will, at their meeting on the 5th day of October next, -pass a. By-Law to establish 9. NE W LINE OF ROAD in said Town- ship of Vespra, commencing at the Town-Line between Vespm and Sunnidale, and running through the following Lots, viz. :-Numbers 9. 10: 11. 12. and 12 in Man 1.4.1. (1 . _ . . -4 BRADFORD FOUNDR? I, v-- -`mun-\lo Barrie, Sept. 1866., __.____._.______ THE public are hereby cautioned against giv- ing credit to any person on; my account, as I wil1'not be responsible for such Accounts. acqucuuc 01 SO many IOIS. TELurs-Five Dollar and under," Cash ; over that amount Six Months Credit, on approved joint notes. ' Rorrin Can` 11: an.-n -` THE FARM TO, BE LET, "for a. term of3 or 5 years. 90 acres cIenred,Vgood house, barn, am, also 13 acres of Full Wheat. The Farm is situated within 2 miles of Iluwlistone wharf, where the steamboat calls every day. Sale to commence at 10 o clock, sharp, in con- sequence of so many lots. _ TERLTS--I1`iVP rinllnv-`a nn u-nip... "I".--L - -----A , 7-- __.-- -.v.;;1n.l.IA.|JA\LlJ- V10.- l span 0ffHorses, good wo_r_kers-.-l span of Mares, 1 spring Colt, 2 three-year old Colts, 1 .Golt rising 2 years. 1 yoke of Working Oxen, '3 Cows, in-calf, 2 Heifers, in-calf, rising 3 years, 2 Steers, rising 2 years, 1 Heifer 2 years old, 2 Calves, 25 Sheep, 27 Pigs, 2 heavy. Waggons,ll Buggy, 1 Market Sleigh, 1`Wood Sleigh, 1 Cut-' ting Box, 1 Fanning Mill, 3 Ploughs, 2 Hurrows, 2 sets Double Harness, alot ofsupenior Hay, 2 acres of Potatoes, Carrots, &c.; Also, the Household Furniture. ' - ' __, ...---I\I|I\ AS received instructions from I Mr. John _ McLeod, to sell, on WEDNESDAY the 10th day of October next, on Lot 2. -.', in the 10th Con- cession of Oro, the following valuable FARM STOCK AND IMPLE.\IE.\ TS. viz.: ......._ -1` -v-r v .. .. .. `4~.`..<.-vx.~.`. WEDNEVSDA:Y`, nSiEP 1.A 26, 1866. -uv-:jIClI" LBEGS tdinform th Public that he f _ menced his FALL BREWING, and on hand a Full Stock of very SUPERIOI A Mn `nnnrnnn . . uh .Apto, Sept. 13th, 1866. _u mtuutzu ms 1-Ann 15ltl\\'lI\`U, and has now SUPERIOR ALES AND PORTER. . Barrie,'Sept. 24th. 1866. . 39- ' Ll: U0 \JU-|l.`ll`JK - At Fraser's Exchange. N.B.'-.-Farmer3` who would ratberldelivelr to me, at Lefroy may do so. 39_ V 17 Q n - y INFORMS his for- ", 1.` i A ` mar friends, and ' the public generally, that he has resumed ~ business in the shop ' =. lately occupied by Mr. McKenzie, Watchma- ker, opposile Messrs. Ross & Gilchrisrls Store, DUNLOP STREET, BARBIE. 'n 1nI`.r:nlu Akin ....._'-..------ - l60,0(`)0_B1~1sTA1;i-Q of wheat] uuu. uuces. Barrie, Sept. 25, 1866. 1 and COARSE GRAINS waited at Barrie, Haw/cszoize, and Orillia, for which the full value in Cash will be paid. E. s. CU.\l.\IER, A 9 1:....-..--.. v.~.__1.-_ _4 -_.a Ir.--v.. ....-- 5.-`.- Wincey from 7d per ya:-d-Factory Cotton from 6d per ya.rd-Stripe Shining from 7d per yard-Bright Sugar, 5;d per 1b-'I`obacco 15 3d per lb-Tea. from 23 Gd per,1b--best Coal Oil 23 3d. . To convince the public that this ii the cheapest establishment in Barrie, auyinspcction of goods and wipes is respectfully solicited. 1:Ba11k Df Uppgrfanada. Thn (am [Hot 31...`. ._l 1--. n WHEAT! WH%EA'l`!] ' C.4.vI1"1 E':I`S_, . GRUBEHIES, cnncxenv, HARDWARE, . COAL um, &c., &:c., A11 bf which will be soldfat prices which cannot fail to aslonish .ll1e general public. A few start.- ing prices are given :- 1171..--.- 1-,... pm: _,. , 1 -n .' Va .. HE Subcribef ha on hand alarge and well` assorted stock 0 Generalllerchandize, con- sisting of - ' W @@@2@S9 f@E@`E'EN@p IV A DDDUVD M. B u RNS, GUNSMITH, &c.,A&c.: seuing 011' At Reduced . Prices . ` nose or _ - . A 0ARL'l`ON S CUNDITION POWDERS. By doing this, you will nd your reward in the larger price you can obtain for them. These Powders` are invaluable to all Stock mixers; they Invigorate ind Strengthen all animals, enabling them to sustain exposure` to the weather or ex- cessive work,-_ without injury, and are useful in all cases, and perfectly Harmless. i ` Try Curlton s Condition Powders. Qnl hv All nnnlnru 35.1m- BARBIE WERY. ,u--.-__ .-vw_- .. yv___ ---_-- , Horses, (.`ows,~ Shep, 1133, . Et_ Hoc Genus Omni, should he give east once` a. week, 9. dose of ' V r! A DI mnme n. .xn1l"l'rnx1 nnwnmna Every yonng lady and gentleman in the United States can hear something very much to their ad- vantage by return mail (free ofcbarge), by address- ingthe undersigned. Those having fears of bein humbugged will oblige by not noticing this_ car . All others will please address their obedient servant, ' . ~:rHos. F. CHAPMAN, 7-ly-w.o.c.eo ' 83l"Broadway, New York- Sept. mt, 1866. DIVISION cotmrs, coUNrY'smoon. lcrnn MR. ~I_:_Er<|NG .1 Iy laUTllV7l'b' Sold by all Dealers. BY/-LAW N__OT|CE. ALL FOUR-FQOTIED BEASTS, Nan CZ\Dncrti5cment3. `O 9`l'aI' `IQRLE KING'S CASH STORE, BARBIE. NATHANIEL Kl. J. ANDERTON . _ 3 In infnr-n\ H-an D..l.1:.. 41...; 1.- I CANUTION, ..._..,. p.u|IIllU(llC, uuu ruumng` uwing 1d Concession; a, >TOWn-Line nf Wlnu A ,1:......-_. STRANGE BU'l` TRUE. Set} 26 arm that.'1;e' has com- has Sm:-.1: nf vb:-I1 Rl'TDr`DtnD' A 1 rm DENNIS GALLAGHER. I66. 38.4t L. BUTTERFIELD. ` It. as. nth whinh 1... ......._ W.- Bingbnui '-I ll.` . _ s7` ig he may 2 same care A Registry Akep. for those wishing to buy or.sell Horses on Cattle, &_c. , _by private sale. V,Q":Horaesor Cattle` taken care of,on reasonable terms, until sold. ' 35-lml aion. GA] ...--. -uuvvll` |U [118 be almost worlhless. There are , however, in England perhaps, lo ked. and there are officials , in uwish 1o continue as long as possi- 1her salauies. and so in comes to wily an acre is left `umilled beoaose-, Deriodical srnmmpnp ;. 1...- u---r V cmjsionists returning ` EXTRA Tnn>.--For" `w dcommodat mm, the` Ida -3217! I " DBICB p County. BEGS to inform the Poialio that opened the above Mart, for the of those desirous of disposing House _ture, Store Goods, or Chattels of any Horses, Cattle, Farm Implements, J Puhiic_ Auction . BARBIE AUCTION MART Corner of Dunlap and Market Streets, Barrie. o _ GEORQE M._UNDRELL, Auolioneor & Commission Merchant, 'l\'l.1rIcI ., - . T - G Barrie, May, 1833. __ . -1... guy: (.000 JOHN MCWA TT, Superintendent. THIS hotel, so long and favorfably known to the travelling community, is "now conducted by the propxitress, and is under the superintendence of Mr. John McWatt. ll?` Commercial t rave1lei's will find am commodation for showing samples. L ? The Bar is stocked with the best wines and liquors. ` Excellent stabling and a cafeful hostler. Baxri, 12th April, 1866. ple Vac-A _ ,18-ly R;gistry kep , lo:-sea n1'(}ntt|n_ .1 E` dvances made an Consignments. . Horses and Cattle bought orisold on Commis- xon- ` A Saiesipuntually attndd to in anypart of the Sounky; - BARBIE HOTEL, BARRIE, COUNTY OF sIMco'E c.` ! Mrs. E. ,, _--.. .. nu. rnvahulu ruauluu. choice assortment of Milliuery of the M styles always on hand. E Store on Dunlop Street-one doox we Market Street. Total. . _ . . . V . y . u no n.A uni 113' Ladies Straw and Felt Hats 01 Altered to the present Fashion. A -l..-3-~ r~--- " eaned and , . . . . -. --\I\Ill-\Il (Milliner, (jc., from Lovzdon, England), BEGS to inform the Ladies of Barrie and vicin- ity, that she is now prepared to execute all orders for Millinery in the Latest Fashions and on Moderate terms. ' ` vu A..v In .a- OFFICE-King S_t., 2 St., Toronto. `Incorporated pursuant to the Acts - Provirzcial Parliament. - THE UNioN PERMANENT BUILDING X1 S_AlINGS SOCIETY. Hun OF1~`1cr:-CornhiIl, London, England. CANADIAN Ba.\.\'cn O1-`mos--Z\Ierchanls Ex- change, Mnulreul. Taylor Brothers, General Maxigers. WILLIAM HOLT, A nnno 6'..- D...._:_ Bairrie, June, 1866. ____.___.__j ...- ..-. -.a-nxwu Barrie, Sept., 1865. _______..._.j.____. ASSLTRANICE QOMPAN Y I ..~. -4.,- jF|P.E, LIF-E, & MARINE. LIABILITIES. JOSEPH ANDERTON. - JAMES A.\'DI".RT0N.A N.B.-All accounts over due shall be placed in Court for collection, if not paid before the" 10th day of October, next. MILL_g:_1__rER?T 1 uuvv uunnlcu uu ll) ouuws ;snuor1on,wno1s 81111101`- ized to settle all debts due to or by the late rm. Dated atBerrie, this l71h_day of September, `A.D. 1866. e OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the partner- ship heretofore existing betwoen the under- signed, as Brewers, was dissolved by mutual con- 3 sent. on the 9th day of'June last. The business is now carried on by James Andorton, who is author- settle` Barrie, Jan. 5th, 1866. Mr. FRANCIS RICHARDSON, President. _- ARTHUR LEPPER, Vice-President. V WM. Morrrmsn CLARK, Solicitor. WM. Pvmm, Secretnryand Treasurer. AN excelzlent opportunity ofTers to n'Mdica1 man to obtain a lucrative practice, in n ourishing town in this County, by purchasing the stock `of the present occupant. Apply at the dce of this paper. I U`; u1.n. .lLlJ&Vf{LhLJ1J 11\/L\11\I1`4O. ' No Merchant 1n the whole Provmce should neglect callmg at elther of (or. VVarehouses. Catalogues on application. 1 T September, 1866. A ROBERT WILKES TORONTO, 4-8 & 50 Yonge Street. | MONTREAL, 441 St. Paul Street. N.B.-Sole Agency for The Canazla Which Company, 4LomZr;7z, the uhlv roe, able guaranteed watches in the country, at all prices, from `L0 dollars up, lo l,'.. )1. of all watchmakers. 39.5: V " `Subsc7`z'6ed Capital, One VMz'Z?zon Stg. j_-. J H -, - --....---..., .,..-.,. .. ...,.,v..uuuc/5, Will. nd in-our present immense stock a large variety of articles suitable fol-1`,,,_ respective trades.` During an absence of ve months in Europe, I took ar.1v;u,:'.`j.V` of the depressed condition of the several markets, and purchased goods at immeg reductions, especially in Germanyjnst before the war. I therefore now o(1,_.,. the Canadian Trade the contents of over ' " ./1_- n1-tr `I 1"l`Yl`l'l\1'| ~n1-\ -n . n.- . .-...... A - . . - . . . o . 4 General Merchants, Dru ists, Hardware Merchants Dra b 86 ; pers well as Fancy Goods` ealers, Jewellers, and Watclr7nal.'er3, VTJH 42...! :. ...... ............_4 :_......._..__ ...-_I_ _ 1,,, - . )WVF@IHI@8,,@@E89$WY&M;% rin'nr.1.*r2v nnrvlnq :7r.wnrr`nn_nr ATV {zwnprrnwu . I R 03 E IL K E s, DISSOLUTIUN ow PARTNERSHIP. )N appreved freehold security, and at moderate Interest. `- ` ` ' MONEY_:1_`(_) LENj).` c U'rL_ERY, COMTBS,'ELECTRO-PLATE: FOREIGN - FANCY GOODS, &c. - 36- ---.__-. MRS. BOURCY, V1.91`, /LI` rmmnn T--A7-M APPLY to TTbME`}iNb cOLo1\AL 48 & 50 YONGE STREET, 1`0Rom_` % 441 s1`. PAUL STREET, MONTREAL. P13ESERY1Y 9: SUGAEE sugar,.11 pounds for $1 ; Young 50, 60, '20 and 90 cts. per pound ; Black Te and 80 cts. [Set pound. . -CHOICE BRANDS OF WHISKEY ` _ . BRANDIES, &c. Just xeceived a quantity of Lymap s Patent Preserve Jars. 5: MARKS; Proprietress. rnv -p --.. - _._; GEORGE MAUNDRELL. :. V - _ 13-t. MEDICAL. a Public that he has [just '0 convenience lisposing Household Furni- any description. &c., &c., "by (L1nxxTEb.) \F' p. I , a. few doors West of Church I , ARQAGH 8: ARDAGH, Q..I:..2..._.. D-.. Luv uutlhuulo UL UVG 'u::.= SIX HUNpR`D PACKAGES. IL- ...L.\|_ T)_......- KIJI HUIIL, Agent for Barrie. ' 23-ly p ` _ -..-..,.-U... Solicitors, Barrie. n.1- WHOLESALE VDEALI-ZR 1N : west of- 37-If _J8~1y of the i _---__--. - y $3,735,676 latest V: CHOICE TEAS &_1j[2_EsH GRUCERE. :.w. 2-tf W rapper. 53" Wholesale Agents for Canada East and West, and only importers, (lo whom all orders should be addressed. . . ) A. N. MCDONALD 65 Co-a ' - Bxocxvu.1.E,C-w~ QENEEAE WHOLESALE AGENTS :--N9r- "uh an. A .W.;L Elhot ~6z:'8':)., 'ro:l:'.u`', <.Ji'r'f;3`;l7\k.C Hen duggrli;--LY' mans, Clnre Gs Co-Krry Broad; ra1hern-L8`l"`,' --nlonn & Cmimlnll. Mmm-...:_ an 2 E. Hmhlie "V ``'`"v I-"93"; U-W o; J. M. nenry 06 Duns---41 S5 Cratbern-123"" 133: dz Campbell, Montreal, C.E. - E. Healheld. - "aCW. ; J. Wine: 57 Co.,L.l-famillon, C-W` cvcrv urt `America. .LllllCflL'IIo Nnne genuine wilhut a fac-similc signature 0 `H'.' E. MoK1tzia, M.D., Glaagmo, on each P8 . Igpaghnlmnln Aonnla (nu nnmln `Run and 1% A ucc ullly l]ll5ll:l'llllg, (Ii) UCIHS) Y3" l`'`'`'`' 389; 0|` 28 (50 dents) for tour packages. `cold 1)) GVEFV Drnggist and Medicine Dealer in Europe and America. _, --n v.-wr.-"D ...--~.. ...-..-.---. Old Dr. McKenzie expressed a wish that W9 Remedy should be put at such a price as would en- b'.3"s `he. poor especially, to use it. In dc-fc'H:HL' to that wish, we have put it at the following prtv'- - 113' Price only `liclaterling (15 cents) per pack- 8p`' 28(50 cents 1011: b) everv Drmmisland ediuina Dealer in Europe V "" " VI 111 Uuuuj uunn.u-;u._. . It cannot harm . yourqhild and by givingilin time You WI save your olIsprin,g much su}:riug. (J I'\ u- -- _ ` - - 7- . .L:- vv uen any on Inose symptoms occur, Give the Worm Candy Ivnnnnedialely. It cannnl hm-m unnr ..l.:l.l .....u t... ...'...'.mn in time -j--_- The countenance pale and lenden-cnlnrml \'-`:15! Occasional lllIt38,0l`8`Cl|'('l)lnS1'l`ll)C(l spot on N18 u_I' both cheeks; tl e eves hecome dull ; the pup:5* `` "`.*'_ 011 zure semi.-circle runs nlong the lower 3" l'fJ3 the nose is irritated; a swelling of the HP P91` lip; occasional ltumlnche. iwilh;_.' 0! llwj 9379; an unusual secretion cit` sulim ; turml `"_35 breath very foul; ttppetite sotnetitnes W- `"`-113: with agnawing sensational the stunt- `h- at others entirely gone; fleeting paws '_n_ the stomach; occasional nausea and mm- ""12; stools slimv; not unlrequcntl\' tinged will bl_d ; belly swollen nnd hard , urinclurbid; respl- reuott occasionally difficult and accompanied will !"`-'||Rh; uneasy and disturbed sleep, with Slim.` mg of theleeth; temper generally irritable, etc. When any of those symptoms occur, 1n..4L_Ilr n. I 1' ,_J:._a..`I.. ,___. .__v--a.4\2 And any informafion regarding special contmcm. can be had on application at the omcc of L. OIrI\'I-III. N.B.-l\'o'orders will be recognized on nccwil of steamer unless made by the undersigned, 01' the captain on board. ,- Barrie, Sept. 4th, 1866. _-......v-, vvuu way Du Fare from Orillia and Hawkstone to Toron1o$3.' ' Wnshago to Barrie. . . 1 -` Orilliato BarrieV............... Through freight consigned to Steamer. wk-~12 J. mics specified in general tari` of the .\'ur'.1.,:; Railroad Company. 1 `II EAVES BARRIE every morning at 5 Mn. 1' r Wnshngo, connecting with stages and sm- mer_ Wonon:1h' on .\lus`koka Lake. returning time for evening cars to Toronto, calling at .'D'.._.I__L; I .u - - *` ` ~a -~-..a -u A\Il\lIll\I guxuuu `L I Hawkstone. Atherley, Orillia & Rama, both ways. ` Fare frnm nrnna and n....x ...... ._ . .. ITHESTEAIVIER"1DA BuImN` ; ____ .-$ 367,044 1,632,956 22,se9 2,631,226 84,I52 ' JAMES Enxvmvs, ./igmt, Rm Also Valuer for the Canada Permanent ing and SavingsSociet_y Toronto. _____________._________, r`. H. HEWARD, _ Jllunugnr Toronto J A. DAVIDSON, Inspector. i EXTRACT FROM Tm: L0.\'DO.\' `TL\u:s 'I`he'(,`-omniitlce for the city c.-ntcrtnixi the Prince mid Princess of \\'n}_os hnvejns: with the Royall lnsnxrancc Cmnp:m_y an 4 surance of Fl}-`TY, 'l`ll()USA.\'l) l UI'.` the building of Guildhall,` including 1 erections, ttings, and contents. Funds ]l(7?(Z--J:l`_L_'/(J Ifuiz/I/'[([ T/1,`); Brian- n...._..1, cm, 1 1' FIRE AND LIFE. `Capital---Two Millions Sterling. {INsunANcE_eMPAN`r I HE Subscriber beg; to infnrm tfzn i:;}m of Barrie, and the Travelling: Pllhiff. 3 h_g| on hand HORSES and I$L'(;(}lI-LS for , at moderate charges. . Conveynnces to Orilluia and PCnC't1|';_'uE_~;'; CLAIMS I R'O3~IPTLY SIT'l'I.I{[>. Dn.Mc. K: NZI E's NEW Li?rERY?i`A1;LEs. 894,295 Bafyrie, August, 1866. RIC! SEASON TICKETS, HIV un.v:u4.*`J.;I_;;Ilb J1 ll/(ill! saml I 0u7zd. Ster[z'n_v_{. 3673241: [F. H. REWARD, li...n........ '1`... BURTON :; o1.m-zn. -PERSONAL. . - V Mr. J. W. Slaven `has tqlumed back to `Orillin from KingeIo_n,nliar'e had ben3slndy- ing at the Mililaiy Schobl; he look I second cliss,certicate-dnring.;lhe_short space of live weeks. He waswabrmly welcomed on i lahgie -`jingidtjlhe whaxf, _ ~ A NEW ENTERPRIZE _ Our Collingwood Colemporary has again made its appearance, after'a long and ap- parently refreshing resuduring which the old seven-by-nine sheet has grown into a-large, well got up paper, creditable alike ldlhe Town where it is publlshed, and lo the Euterprizd _ of its publish_er. `- - - - TDL I` A ung H3750 Te: _ Tea,5 W. H. C] , .u m: H71`. m T83, I'ea, 50, 51 (',\ I I ll (,'.\'l).* the : We are informed that this excursioii proved quite a success, jnotwithslandingl the gloomy apprehensions of many on account of the aspect of the weather, during the forenoon. The men assembled on the fore part ofthe promen- ade deck of the Emily May, as the boat neared the steamboat wharf, under charge of Capt. Darling, and as they stood before the wheel-house, presented quite an imposing effect. Theirappearance was all that could be desired, and in poi_nt of bone and sinew, we _ consider the men`ofthe Orillia Volunteer In- V fantry Campany, second to none in this a County. .As regards drill and discipline, we understand they have made remarkable pro- gress, consideringttiie shoittime they have` been organized. A coiisideriablev number of their friends and sweethearts accompanied them, and no doubt will not forget the plee- _ sures of the first Vinangnration of e_xciir'sions.of this kind to our town, and the pleasant-biit" short time they spenthere. Dfing~.lhB even- " ing, Capt. Darling was invited to an oyster I gupper,'et the Qoeen_s,. by the Reeveand` Capt. Russel, and thosegenllernen seemed to regret that siitcient notice had pot been giien ofthe Company : inteptions to .v_is_it our town, as if they had` been sooner" acqusinteryrilieya would been provided afwerin r`eeepiion"`i1or-V t'liein.' "~ 3 `ORILLIA VOLUNTER EXcUlis1oN to " - BARRIE. ` About four hundred and sixty dollars of the Bazaar money. hail been paid over to the Tree- surer of the Building Fund and `lodged in the Bank of Upper Canada to `the credit of that account at the ttme the Bank euspendedrpay- Vment, but that it will be ultimately recovered there is very little doubt, although there will be some loss in the shape of interest payable in the meantime on tlte debt _which `thiesum would have so far reduced. - _. .. J uvnuzu T Niall av`!-mun! applicable to Builcling.Fund, one thousand and seventy-seven dollars eighty cenls. ' V _<`\fr_e-s'hment 'I.`a_ble.---Mrs. Morgan. Mrs. Meeking, Mrs. Wm. Boys, Mrs. McKenzie. NeIt balance, 894 20g. _ DVoorAco|leclions at Bazaar, $37 390. Concert, $50 14c. Prot on saie of excursion lickels, so far as ascertained, $8 50c. ` A s Subscription lo Bazaar Fund from Wm, Ince, Esq,. per M: H. Spencer, Eeq. $10. Tolal amount realized, $1087; Deducr expenses of advertising, &c., nine dollars and twenty cents. 1\r.... -...-.._- J-' -- A " 3 -Mrs_. Gowan , -Mrs. Candle; Mrs. Holt, Mrs-. Walker Ross. $212 720. * _ No. 4 .-Mrs. William Ardagh, Mrs. Burnett, ` Mrs. A. Aulagh. Mrs. G. 'I`. Lount, Miss Boys, Miss Hunier, Mrs, `Powell. _Cash receipts, $324.05. . ...... uuunull, mus. nogers, Mrs. Lally, Mrs. W." O'Brien, Mrs. McCarthy. Cash receipls, $218 500. Unseuled accounts (good) $31 50c. Total, $250.` 4 V No_. 2.-Mrs. Locke, Mrs. Checkle) . Mrs. Henry Boys, Miss Sarah Buys.` Cash receipls, $127 324:. Paid uphulslering account, and olher expenses, say $27 32. Net proceads, lslooq * avian U, -_. 7-.- "- Each table was under the distinct manage-.. men! of a number ofrladies, `by whom, or `through whose exertions, it was furnished. We give their names a_s_ [far as we have been able to learn them, the first person named in each case being considered Ihe head oriprinci- pal manager oflhe table. 51 -rnu. I. ...._.5-. .1. -u-4 -uuluo 7N>_)'r 1 Table, presided over `by; Mrs. Ardagh, Mrs. Bouhon, Mrs. Rogers, Mrs. Lally, Mrs. W.'O'Brien. McCanhv_ (inch m-mi---n `very large proportion vtlttrt paper, and bills '(l.'t_)5 gone b ' in a"certain otherwise the little ea` this fashion, often heard it high a gure, lundwas taken In , yond its worth ;- dealt with summarily, doing sorwill be as much in the interest of the stockholders as the cred `benefit to the country too much land locked u ponies as well as specu not be sold or only at exorbitant prices. , ,,__._. .. xtul .l'4!li1l6," Wlllch, tngctlter make the very startling totalof$4 264,- l8l.>1t'l(l of the value of -which it would be a dstlicult matter to form anything like a correct csltlllle. ' Judging by the small amount of discounts business which has been dotte `by the Bank of late, we shuttld be inclined to assutne that a. of the above sum, set , ts representeil by over- and notes itt llt_e hands of m dishonored unless where are hard pressetl. estate ought not to be so r approximate value upon, " ay, and tn the present con- market there are little or no in theprice. at that commodity, , rbed the speculatively inclined _in ; but we are well aware that rnnuagters of institutions and companies, having any assets in real estate in Canada, have a \ 't:al{l]eSS, `to give it a mild name, for writing down dollars opposite lots, wlzen they "would be tnuch nearerthe mark in writing it the some number of cents. W hundreds, and indeed down under that head a battlier are seldo the parties to them The item of-real tlitiicnlt to set a lai as it cannot run aw dttion of the land iltrctuatiotts such as distu we may saylof thousands of acres in this county, owned by a well known land company, which are held at five or six dollars an acre,`although hardly worth paying taxes for, and in fact known to the tnattagtirfvto almost 5l()L'l{llUl{lt l`.9, pt~rha ps, he irootiwinked, otficialsjn pass that manyan `periodical statement it has been set down at ten times its value, and that` must regtllale its selling, or- rather non-selling price. ' w and again returned as having been sold for S50 ' We hope that the real estate of the Bank of Upper Canada has not been estimated after even unintentiortally. We have said thatit held its propertypat too and we know that some of its and we believe that itors, besidestdoing a` where thereis already p in the hands of corn- lators, which will either e know, for tns'ance, of ueof `the saidoffvcials CHURCH BXZAART STATTEM ENT. We hither understated the amount realized l by the late Bazaar. when referring to it last week,eas will appear `by the detailed state- ment of the receipts of the several tables, &o;, given below. . ` T1 ..... u uu` uu name, No. 6 dog do 'Oro, No.7 do 1 A ' do . eOriHia. To be Lieuf.-Colonel, Lt.-Colonel Alexander 3 . R. Stephens, from No. 2 Company. ' To be Majors, Mujur.;Alexander McKenzie, frame No. 1 Company.. Liemenan1Geurge Moberly, frqm No. 2 Company. I To be Adjutanxt, acting `lill furlherorders. Lieutenant Jim. W. H. Wilson, from No. 4 Company. . , . Tube Paymasler-, M. H. Spencer, Esquire. To be Quarter Master, A. Bligh, Gensleman. Tobel Gente .pmmm l'\E.I .1 B rie Infantry Oontpajnj/. To be Cap ingacting till further orders, Ltem. Aaron B melt, vice Russsll, resigned. _ To be Li utenant, acting till further orders, ` Ensign` barles H." Ross, vice Burnett, pro- moted. . T To be~En gn, acting till further orders, Gabriel T. Lou: , Gentleman, vice Rosa, promoted. B dford lnfantn/_CompanTy. v . To be E sign. (temporary). Robert Fraser, au, Militarylschool, vice Tyrwhitt, .promnt ` o The followi/lg list of promotions, app..oi`nt-- ments, and noftce of Battalion Stations, relating to tttevolunwer force of this County, appears in the Cana a Gazelle: .-l --v-u uuu-uu uyuu |U llllc shogld not be surprised to see an attempt made to change'Ihe present mode of selecting our Episcopal Bisbopg. /V ..... "6 nu uua uuua. A good deal of canvassing-was done:,"bef9;>re, and during the election, by the principal slap- porters of the candidates, and, it is said,j'by some of the candidates themselves. The ex- citement, in fact, seems to have been ratlrer greater than was in keeping with the chariacter of at least one moiety of the -electors, and of the office they were called tipon to ll. urn ..|.....t.I .._. L- -__- 2 I A ., ...... _. Thebcendidatee put forward were Proiosl Whittaker, Archdeacon Bethune, Fuller, and `Rev. H. J. Greqette,: with`"or three others who did not obtain more than one or we yoteseach, and who were not serto_'t_|ly.ebn. testing for the mitre. A .......l J-_| -3` -- - cvwgnolvil VIII vlwlilllr Archdeacon Bethune, who is about 663yeara o{ _age, is reputed lo be a~man;\of average ability, and sincere piety, but w`i1_hont the force Vof character which a. Bishop"`onght to possess. ~ -A T nu I-- - ' .._._._;...-__ Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . >`:55,'l28,6'l'3 From this it would appear that the asels. of lhe Bullk are abmi! mo million dollars in ex- ('.e.~'.-4 of its li:1hili1ies;' but 10 judge how far lhis coriect, one would requirelu know somelhiiig more zihunl two of the above items than can be gluxim-il lrom the slajemenl iiself. We- mean .z!~.u `V Diacuuiils-and. Real Eslale, which, 13 l. >1|'l(i -which anything a current lof lay and clerioelvotes, in_ which case 3 re- A COADJUTORTBISHOP, h The Synod of the Diocese of Toronto, after at sharp contest of twordoyo,7doring"'wh?ch no [less then'niue poll: toolrploce, ettotaeeded _ot `test in elec'tmg d Coedjutor Bishop. '_I,t-who--. I thought at one time that none of lh,e`eg_ndidi:t'e's' would succeed in `getting the requiri!-tna`jvotity;A ` Herence to England would `prohahly_hev'e had `to be made, but on the second dey the friends I of Provost Whittekernding that their nominee could not be,elecled, allowed him to tvithdrew, and polled their votes for AVrohde'aeon`jBelhune, who thereby` obtained the necessarfnomber, and was declared duly elected. AI-nlnJan...u. D-aL---- --L-` ' ' * `gm .rl'Cor; `VOLUNTEER PROMOTIONS AND 0RDER& . .' '0 _. V ' `;Simcoe Battalion Infantry. jlead Quarters at arr2'e.. V 193',` Rne gcmp , lC3ulrlr_ie ,- o o Ingwooa dd do Cookslown, dd Infantry do Bradford, n {M D......:.. eTCmp ${V,' do ' Collingwood, y do Barrie, do Alexander AL. or-...;_........ ' _ V . , - - uunuer. ; "P.`S .-'-iTha above rules covetiany dgbt actually due In line Bank, whether it he: ma- Iurador nor... `_ T - nus ul uucguca U! ueposllorl. ' Secondly- You may receive any note or bill, for which an` agreement Ioyenew existed prior to the. 18th instant, V}.7no qtneta, under any circumstances whale If " , n Thirdly-Yon`may.r`e qieivev pm` paytnantof any note or bill, and placetthe amount so paid to the credit ofsnoh-note orsbtll. . ~ I"am,air, ~ ` t`t - Yo'utobe dia'nt:aerunt._ f n A _ tzo;a1'.;cAssEt.s, - `_ ` .,xCnhinr -..` .....'u "-3 cu uucuuunuuwv 1" First-You may receive in payment of ah).`. notes or bills helqand discounted bjlhe. Bank, and puyhble at you brahoh, the notes of 1119 Bank or cheques of depositors. V " A ' Saanndld- Vnn man pang:-.';-nun --.n. .. I --- ...,.... 1 This statement will no duubt be published slmxlly`, and will, we presume, afford. an -aznounl of i_nform:uio1_1`wbih cannot be ob- tained from me ordinary slalemenls furnished ; er mlica|ly lo lhedovernmenl and pubnshed in Ihc Cfuzelte. The following is the statement lor Jmy :- -.--v -------g-- ------ v] -`I1-vI_ VILIOU-llbo S1n,-Ae there seemsoto be some misunder- standing about the position of bl" holders and .depos_iloks of the Bank, I have lo notify you`, undervlho direclion-of lh_e legaiadvisers ofihe Bank, of the course you are, to pursue nude,- -lhe following oircumalances:-.-- `- .. ' I32--. 17, .-.__._ ---4-yuan I The follqwingcircnlar has been issued tolhe agents of the Bank of Upper Canada by the cashier :- ` menu uupu, J Nae Mahager Bank of Upper Canada Qvn _ A: than; nnnnnp. 5.. L- -___ 0 AccnuN1's-We call attention to the card of Mr. Fulljames, accountant. Parties wantmg theif books posted would do well to get them~ done at once, as at the close of the year it is very diicIl|U E9` 39) Oompelent person to make up accounts. - ' """`-j-*-?,?"-- . We have to acknowledge the receipt, from Mr. Anderton. ofa sample cask of his new ale. Anderton s ales have long stood A 1 in this county, but we think the new brewings 'are far superior to atrylbing yet `turned out of this brewery. A , .`- -..-.. ...... uuv ua_y._ Parties from Barrie band Orillia. can pro: cure return tickets, good for three days, at single rate by giving 24 hours notice in oxfder to secure ample accommodation upon the overland route of 14 miles. Apply _to Capt. Smith,.Steamer Ida Burton. " V ' r FARMERS,EKCUllSICN' one LAKE. MUSKOKA.--An excursion will take place on Lake Muskoka on Wednesday; 3111 Oct., 1866i The `Steamer Wenonah willleave Bracebrdge at 6.30 a.m.; calling at Grnvenhnrst, Indian Village, and other places of interest--ereturning at 6.30 pm. lllyusic for dancing will be supplied. Ticketsonly 37c each for the day . . I. `phn t-turn: D---!* ' r` ..I- _ ,,_....., ........ u_u. uu nu au:uuan_ce. The Boat will leave the Wharf at Eight o clock precisely. Should lhe weather prove unfavorable l`h_e Excursion will be postponed _nmil Friday evening following. V ----_---_----_.._._.__._. I I MOONLIGHT _ExcURSlQN.-A Moonlight Ex- cursion wgll take place, weatherpermiling, on- lhe Ida Burtonf on Thursday,'lIie 27111 Sepl., 1866. from Barrie down the Bay. Boon s Quadrille Band will be in attendance. "I`|.n D_.... __:n n - *`-- ` _-..-....... :nAnuunn unU`1'---.Ml'. ucorge \\', of Vespra, shot. 9. ne black bear, on the evening ofihe 18th. It_appears Bruin was helping himself to property that did not belong to him, and like msiny another thief, got into trouble by his mis- deeds. He was shot in a eld of grain belonging to Mr. Duncan Couts, Vcspra- .____._____________j. `Cl uuIl'iL Gaze Ju!_y : ,,._ .__-.. u Mr. McCormick announces that inery show room is now opened at his assertion of last `week, that be cheap. This j is a cardinal virtue, much lacking amongst merchants. , ; oaaLI.Ac We understand that the little steamer Fairy, prying between Otillia and the Severn landing,- has been "purchased by D. L. Sanson Esq._, of Orillia, and that he is getting her up with all possible dispatch. ' ,,/__-. -s:.. gut 1.- The volunteer companies {arming the Sm- eoe Battalion have been ordered to leave on Saturday next, for the_camp- at Thoroldn. They willonly remain there for a week. The Military uulhoritiee of course know best, but _-iydoes seem to up that the expense of trans- .port can hardly be "compensated for by a. , few days drill. ` j ,, -__.- -I\lllILI J.`IIIJlJ\)o A man; named Bains had his leg broken, under Ihe following circumstances. It ,ap~ pears that he was engaged in building a dam at we Bracebiridge Mills, owned by A. Bayiey, Esq., a. stick of timber fell from the bank, and rolled on hieieg. The poor man had a very narrow escape from being killed. 'SiMCOE BATTALION FOR DUTY; run I The foregoing progrsmmeis an extensive one, and a strong eort seems to have been once put forth to make it nt:ractive{ Apart from the known-ability oftlie intended speakerson the oc- casion, the object to which the collections &c., nreto be applied.Vshould induce a. large atten- dance and liberal donations. _ _....-.. navlaill n "(n Tuesday a Temperance Meeting is to be held in the Church, and several addresses de- live:-ed; - _ ' of our readers. __ V -.... u. V-us: ulnu H llb'lgD0f5._ V ED. N_o1`E.-A froavis an inslrument used in making shingles, and is quite familiar to most THE NEW PRIMITIVE METHODIST, CHURCH, BARRIE. -Aniversary services, in connection with the re- opening of_this Church, will be held next Sunday (30th inst), when sermons will be preached by ' some eminent and eloquent pastors and members of that body, and collections taken up to aid in liquidating the debt still remaining due on the. new Church. The services will commence at 10 a. m. and half past 6 p.m. On the following evening (Monday), 9. Tea. Meeting is advertizedito be held in the Town Hall, at which speeches will be delivered by Rev. Messrs, Pollard, Kepple Markham, Mathew, Anger, Townley, and others; and a lecture by the Rev. James Edgar. illleeting ANOTHER INTRUDEB Sao'r....M,-, Gwrge wamei fVesm-a. nhm .. 6... }~.l...J3- x....... ._ .L. ____,.n __ _ _..---_..-u uunu.,uuao.|:a ; _ .v \ -ms: araauzanu; arm rearm _ ' e During the earlypart of this-,monthV,-aHigh- it land Sootchrnan, bythe name of'Peter Gil- ,_s.chrlst, residing, in V theptowruhip of Rama,- 's" County of Ontario, had afemarklable encoun- L ter with a bear, `under the following strange _. i pcircuqrstances. It appears ..ll_tat Gilchrist A speaks but poor English. "We will try and T narrate the story asinearly as possible in his own broken English, and we trust our readers will appreciate it. The hear he come in the eld ; me was working in the eld; he took my biggest pig; me did not like to give him it after feed all wintergme was bound not to ` let him] have it; `me followed him into the l woods, could not find anylhingibut rotten wood to hit him `with until me came to where I make shingles; I got my froa, me hit the beaten the side of the head, and he dropped my pig fast, and`_turn_ed and attacked me. 'I ran with my pig in my arms; he followed me back to` my eld; me was bound to keep my pig and eat him myself next winter, so me bring the pig back, and the `hear he follow me right to my house. linking he get the pig, the distance he took myptg into the woods was about halfa mile.--This is _one of the most marvellous ; stories we_ have heard for some time ,-quite equal to Capt. Mayne Reids wild western stories, and is fully authenticated by. several oflhe man s neighbors.` En. i\Tn-I-uA 6`.-- -- -- ' - ACCIDENT AT THE NORTH `FALLS. A __A,,. . -and on the spur of the moment` many person `ally eXt.':::sSed by the press and by business , , _., .- ..-. v---um --uu<=_y- We gave it as our opinion last week, when the suspension had only just taken` place`, that both note holders and depositors w.oultl _ulti- rnutcly be paid, and we nd"since then that such is the prevailing belief on the subject. When the intelligence first became known that the doors at the Bank had been closed,- there was naturally a good deal of excitement am-mgst _nole~hold_ers and depositors, espe- cially with those who could not afford even 8 temporary deprivation of tvhatever means they had tiepentling on tlte solvency of the Bank, sold thetr bills at a heavy discount. Butrthis fcolitt-_:i did not last long, and was no doubt greatly quieted down by the condence gener- meu_ in the ability of the Bank to meet its liabilities within a reasonable time. - A notice was also promptly issued by the Directors, stating that a full statement of the atltits of the Bank woald be pttbtishetl as soon (:0 Iltu tt.u.n'.......... - _------:--..--.__--:._ BANK OF UPPER CANADA. MILLINERY AND` DRY GOODS. . -II` . STEAMEl1 "FAIRY; EXCITING BEAR CHASE.` `C II-n-I: Dtcanouu .------ ` n o viz UAJLBIJU, vvcashier. dbt k. Ihalhd!` If Han rim`; _....-...u.uw anal [U8 Will` and repeals `( week. that he` will nnII "l7"'"-I-I -auu repeats k he` will sell ml wiring .....a __ N u RTTHERN? E. that his Mil- al .....I ....___ V uv vv Ill EUII e, and one ., l.._......, mm a mu om`-emenl DI the as the necessary returns could be had from the agencies, and strongly advising bill holders in the meantime not to make any sacrice of their pUp'.`Z`. 'l`l|l~n-..:............- .('|' ` ` uuy sjllllg 0) return man. ' Northrop 5: Lyman, Newcastle, C.W., general agents for the Canadas. ` . Soldi Barrie] by Keltnan Ga 00., T. W. Georgen ; '~-`J. Deajcon, Bradford; Greoh 65 Bro., Crnighnm, and all medicine'dCqlgyl. .M _ 41- u.p.,-u.uu nun aux rosuaze sump: enclosed In any authorized agent wi I insure aboule containing lly l,?,,illl`,by return mail. Nohnin &! rilnnnn Nnuvnndln 11 T a-n-__v_I allay UIILGT ZIJIIC Ulbdy (Z75 JUIG. vuvu I49 nuav, '. In allcaaea of Nervous and Spinal Affeclions, Pnihs in the Back and Limbs, Fatigue on alight exertion, Palpilation of the Heart, Hysterica and Whites, these Pills will effect a cure when all other means have failed :and although ppowerful remedy, do not contain iron,*calomel, anumony, or anything hurtful`. to the constitution. Rn" l'I'Inblnnn in Ilia nan-nnln! an-nunil ..g..'L _--I_ I nuruul. lo we congututlon. . > Full dilections in the pam`J_hlet around each pack-V `ago, which should be careful `p|-eserved. Sole agents for the [United ajes and Canadaa. uu tne monthly period with regularity. ' Each bottle, price One Dollar, bears the Govern- `t_nent- Stamp-of Great" Britain, to prevent counter- ` eits. - ~ "CA UTI ON .-.- These Pill: should rmta taken 63/ females during the FIRST THRE_E MONTHS of Pr" larzcy, an they are aura to brmg an Miscar- riage, at at any qt_her turn they are sa/Ir. < [nv nllnnng nr 'lu .........- .....: c'...:....r Aa~__'a,- I _ __...--_---.__. _.ap-Iguana it in peculiarly sijited. It will, in a short time, bring, on the monthly. period with regularity. bottle. mice One Dollar. bean Hm r:m.-...., _ K v__.--.._.__ ._ __-----..-4.: J. JJJ1J|Ju Prepared from a prescri'plt7o_7z of Sir J. Clarke, M .D. , . Physician Extraordinary to (he Queen. Thisipvaluable `medicine is unfailing in the cure of all these painlul and dangegoue diseases to which the female constitution is subject. It moderates all excess and removes all obstructions, and a speedy cure may be relied on.-` . T0 MARRIED LADIES Q0 :. ..`.._._I:-,,v,, , `-- Jun MUEISS, sole Proprietor N-Y. pr Norlhropdz Lyman, Newasll, C. W., general agents for the Canadas. ' Sold In Barrie,bi Kelman 56 Co., T. W. Georgen,` J. Deacon, Bradford; Green 66 Bro., Craighurst and all medicine dealels. ' I1`- .1. ueacon, nramora; ' __ V I J N-B-9 1.00 d " mv Inlb:rized ::en.zl:vi I .-.5e'"L'L'I I _ . _ . . ~ .._, -1. uau UUII nu) . That i:'will not be able again to resume and continue ixs business can hardly be credited` by many of ou`r old settlers, but such nevertheless is the case, and the old famnliar B.U.C, notes,- once as good as gold, have ceased, perhaps for ever, to be current money. ' `V9 rrlva ii an A"! n..:........ I.-- A ' `

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