Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 8 Aug 1866, p. 2

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.House, on Tuesday, Thursday, and Fri- ` insist that Bell s Bill must .go ' hand. and ~ha_ n'd with it. Cfrourse the members V ' pposed to the revival of any`? agitation, _or the renewal of legislative action on m erninent rnay7 probably have to beymodi-. _ Iied or abandoned to stop the clamor. .rMr.. Bell s Bill,; which in a shape will never become law. - Canada question of Separate Schools; _ Instruction. It establishes," in {act,`two a J" `On Tuesday afternoon Solicitor Gene- ral Langevin introduced` the Lower" Canada School Bill, which gave rise, to an angry-"discussion on the old Upper As this bill may yet lead to .a serious ght in the House and angry; feelings in the country, in consequence of the bill introduced by Mr. Bell,of Russell, on Friday, last, to extend the same privileges to Roman Catholics in Upper Canada, I mayexplain in brief that the Lower V Canada Government Bill-gives to the Protestants of that section full control of _ their whole school establishments, equal 4 shares of all monies appropriated to , a education according to population, a Separate Superintendent, and if they. 1 see fit :1 Separate Council of Public distinct departments of education. The same privileges, mutatis mutmdz's,. are - _ provided in- Mr. Bell s Bill for the Catholics of Upper Canada, and hence _the excitement. Three times -in the day, were the old acrimonious debates 'reviv'edVwith all theiriancient virulence ; `and at the present time it is hard to tell i whatmay be the upshot. The Lower ` Canada Education Billhas not yet `been discussed on its merits, `but .the Rmlges from Upper Canada, almost to a-man are. the School question in Upper Canada, `and the.Lower Canada Bill of the Gov- Ministers disavow all responsibility V. for ' its present 1\-- { .-`u_,:-Yuwfz 5*-.'.'.'.'?' W 1 puaed. to give men: a. public reeplion; bnt. . demand i`d`-deter .,.g f pnlgliq gecagnigiop Augm. " ' waited :upon by `Rogerr 8t~'Co:,~and ......E' ,..wu.xug;;u5: nan jpgoleauougl H Io -bu`rg`lAa'rj' lips; ` lgfwnj` pre- ,- . ."P!;99 -oi". ""1 i'l-~.r.i:e OI)!" uttnngen `wish to iemnin indog., it has beer. uhaj exaibjic their `gem, when m`ey`wiu `be reqnesled i0 P|Bk0,\.9jf an entertainment at Mt. v[3i83_3o`353`55 {"lidt fd`f{by;I_'3-publii$-Elbe-"en+' i lnrlninrnnni in ubigul-.. A_ I... - --- V V V "' |"'"|II"IT|nI.I our Town is at presenl i5'hnoiitfiFq P' $A".f3nI7wiofnionil ~c-o~ } lP3!" ,_ -bu'rg`l a't/yv wig"pro- an-n1l`ln 'n3un I|\.._ _ _,,Ln-' _____.-.-._...__---..._...._ THE COOK-FERGUSON DEBATE. .17- L _ ,, 1".`a:.A.;%gLai-;.i` ~ `PIT... -L)-uni. 1.; @909 than dplla . , nA-| 1-`. .. ` _ ".4-'.4.9,.! i'3S`*A!'v1r,ernx`rt}I i;-'; f,IA11IIl4\no...- _ , UICII qfli ` V _t.l,.:.e:iBarrie_. [7 'at'iq;:::_[t!ie[yAhave, ~..`-" . (~- '. X. pf-_}thgV,qrA "1`{IY.F Si`?54;5E ;15i!%.i=cToRY. Mel. MCEIHV &1 (`.n, `Iain H:-.......: .L. T'Vl;:4H.'l<):NAaV1.EV SW.` ..W,. 9!'j`.9,!nd'l58l Town as pr-scan` m....J.'n isunm ........-_.:;:;.-.:`.:_r1_'.::--.T ;:. .-`W; E191.-,A;NA;T,19N-. A at ;_n-..`s_. __ GRA'v_EL- WALKS. l-L III - -I_ourt>l_1. BURGLARS. Council say (g: gmhvel Iablv annerinr In n....|...- reward of AT- ,_,__.7 F. I [I II I` _ ' ax5o;.a&"El}'.7$ a 9% r'.a'_ g~2 I ;_;;. was on _wu"voiy'doIii'oht li 2 regard _in.s_ai_gl leiigoi-, `113-`r Lipiiinrft. Mt- -ll"uu'r`;1rr6t-lfr.>C56k"oin the on of his election; `te nesting him,((`7o`ofk)` n_ot to gas` hisjngueno ame ; ma %Uok"aaikwered. nmmehhlf um -he-ind u comm inuence" i$iagit=a`iacrru*n%uw'" Tfouiuii;-Fiihx bo`j:k`pgy..g iwould do 'tl;L.".-gi;`; q1j:!`n1g`br. .............. nuuw u.--J1o ;muak._ent.1a reader, "h.'!`P<.1"!.`?'?." .'9/? `#13 ??? L .."P.". ""'.d" 3.0. give xou .5 '. 5.'.d?.s:9!.!i.", bf, _(e_y 9:` the most 1 . wdrkx`n': met `of :ui"e ~nq`u : Na; 1i"~isLu:. ma. ` the ndh bf-ao_'u;e"nf ih'Akn5.w,in onsa Enid dea ';jn_n `co "in" Kbouthsl. .v -1- . , rs!` Pro "-r ! ~ %mu*g3:~'-=N.* as . em Jyaa hoi` mluok, M WIIn`IIAIBi&Ann. In-3s..'._' -,.<`,7._!=,:i-t<>p.h`.e..zr.: Q9954.-!,ih.ug9 11.9., ,i.=r,..-M0,! 8 " . 1_h_a..dif:Et_7T:-work- forth: m6re- rened `portion;of3he' _ being:`U3i?t;`d'i{9e,V 3'iE~7O}3w.' It >311) -2 1 ..`-4-. " V`-I-an-1 lvwvlvf jllwu ";:';;=, =+:m... . , - oo `mu " ` nu-m-A ha ..:a 1.1.5. ._7_ 717` - :".7'.-:~`-'pv?"..o`n e -..... .....k.......w~u-u. wmenz uveive. milet distant from tl;o foe. sage hndamartyrsl what next? Will not ghieeac_ousn1iouAshevy my discerning. man that the whole affair is I grosa.eud;g;e`ligiops slander, concocted by his politicnl"enen :ies"in order to injure hi V Vinhthe-e_ye_s of his conetituenls? But it won t do, gentlemen; you znuel try some other dodge, for the huxnbug is too plain to escape ' detecilion. .W.ix;f_,e_;.theV;grg;gges_bt. coward on this continent would not l.)eelcVo51t_'w_lien"l2.miles from i -an enemy; much less,`..Cp3'tailIi"`Fergusun;i for Iv` ' can ase'xre.y6ar`,x'endrtthin?there is not 3 drop of caused! mod '12 his 'l3.|..i:.1.|.l.'.:f|.1.1A.1.e:lV;'.13,`.` bib 11`'-~1`--'9l1~. , kagentlereader, who ,l;i(_algqrlergr:aare;? ;:rnem- mm ...m-......- First. . .. _'Secund . .'l`hmi.'. . _. ._, ...v -- ,, _ vi uuoul IO Ullhlllll-'80 ' Dun Sm,-`-Permit me, through. the medium of your coinmns, to say n-few words on what ap- pears to be" the order of the day; I mean the harefaced calumuy which is circulated weekly. In .-the eolonins 01 your cotemporary the Examiner. But every oneto his trade, for it is at well known fact tbo.t,it_ wins in, order` to jnjqro '1 . R. Ferguson, in a~politie1 pom 4: view; one the :E.a:amt'1ae1` cover-y_ made by the" `Editor of tha'tp'nper, `through 655` of .hi 'l3e`r:'i:li4-nIe`rn ;`Ys that Mr./Ferguson proved himself a coward` whendgoing -to face the Fenian: `at Fort Erie, on the second day of last June, and ilitit h'tq{bac'k'eii161i. Wilden 3`(wel95 m`i1i:hI'dix`ant from the fog. hm'-`L'...1-..`.`_......__- ., - - - - was as; brought intovex_io'um'ce;' =b`ut the 1aa`tjdis- ` 1 1 I 1 1 I I ( jl _rxL-`.-}..i,t.-. `,1.-- ..,r..v...u- vAvIl,lI I\lr In UIHUFUUF localities, have suffered s9_verely., and in game case; plum 'an`d appia tiees havgbgep cbmpleiely stripped `of fmit-_ -`A T We hear complainti on all sides of the deprda- tion of this little _animal_. Qne scarcely can step out of doom in some parts of this county, before the usual chattering salute i|7.-hea'rd, as if `bid. ding deance to everything `in "the shape of the piped speciea.- Orchnrds, in different localities, hnva Iual-AH nnnn-ml-. .._a`l 5- -~~ - vvnawv, av. ' Speeches followed from the Rev. Thos. Feather, eh Rey. Mr,eWoor_Isworth,Semuel Wainright, Esq.; Mr. Brownjmd others, after which the children dispersed, evidently well pleased with the com- pulsory in-door conclusion of their pic-hie. S`Al?-BATH SCHOOL PICV-NICAAT ORILLIA. We learn that on Thursday last the `annual pic- nic, in connection nwiththe Wesleyan Methodist Sabbath School, was held. Thechildren under charge of their respective teachers formed in,pro- cession, about three o'clock p.m., opposite the church, on Peter Street, and marched down to the beautiful grove adjoining the grounds of Chas. Cotbould, Esq. They had scarc,ely'arnve'd more than a few rninntes when a drizzling rain hegan to fall which rendered the place very Iincoinfortable ; so much so, that Rev. Mr.- Feather, end the teachers concluded to adjourn to the Temperance Hall, where the little ones were supplied with the necessary desideretum in the shape of cakes, co`ee,-&c. ' ' ' Q......-I.-- 0,11,, 1 n -' " -` _- -_.-'.--uvnavvll &I\-IILIIIIIUIJ auppueuu ./ftlantic Monthly, `August, oifers an 'vnriety of` interesting articles. `An account of the silk pro- ducing spiders-of South Carolina,-by Dr. Wilder. From .t.he Chimney Corner" Mrs. Stowe dis- courses of party giving and party going,.and how to- get out `of both `gracefully and pleasantly. Griliitli Gut. is continued, and line poems are furnished by Bayard Taylor and James Russell Lowell. ` nu. y-suul'uu.IuS or London life and fashion. Godcy :--Lady : Book, August, toontaine the startling piictnreiof the Toilet of Charlotte Corday, [attended onvby the executioner, wilhfa graphic sketch ofthe life and degth of the unhappy heroine. Bizpabs ldols is continued with interest. The fashion plates are excellent, and the department of. the]Kitchen admirably supplied. _ A ./fllnnfir Mnnlhlar `A..._..;.. _m.,,, ' - - - _,--... ...... -nrunlvyilllil excellence. _ London Society, July .-Sparkling and brilliant asusual, treating of irtationand fashion, conver- sations, swimming, -dancing, literature, and so- cial life, making our colonial world` au com-ant with the pnnnramas of London life and Godc1)"--IJ]d1[!g pnnln . A-----` `A ` ' " glous world will be mtich edied byjm able gm}- ' cle from the pen of`Lord Lyttletcq ig;tbi;;:;umi)_er_ It contaills, likewise the contjnugliqn of 1? pretty- stofy by Emma. Hebrury. tTali`smanic vlrtueeof prec`lous sto'1ies_, and many other articles or great moral and intellectual excellence. Tn....1.... 0..-_'.Lr `V ' > ` _ _ BOOK NOTICES. ,_ _ C/mrclmans Family Magazine J uly.---Tliea. 1 by.n 1 from th nan nf"'.nr-A T ..on..a-._ ,-A u - __ already inf} as but Vasfit could wellfbe, . Some ' journals tlrat wherever -the-'l0th"Royals/have been-, out 0! froronto, e_veql"or a few hours, tthey`, large body of v_olunteer_s_Vw/ho took part in the --..u LVIII nuyaus um not, llalltl In need of as _ man of 0o l'._u_nelfs__diposition to injure the social reputhtion"'of-the regimentf whicl3.,was t A of the`_ To to -fhairaersi is `true; are rcoiistamly taking occasion to bespatter. it with the most fulsome epithets or pram and7 admiration, but it: can hardl} be unknown to the conductoyrscof those. havemad themselves notorious forltheir _dis-_ . graceful and.disorderly`conduct. Amongst. I Reviewwhere last` year-,: the men. of ;'the.Royala were the only-ones` who did not behave like res- pectable citizen soldiers. We soon learnt that their conduct here was only a -sample of what it; has been elsewhere, and that they generally act more like an_ invading force in an_enem_v scountry than in keeping with the character the Leader loves to give them of being gallant defenders of their country, and so forth. Itmay be all-very proper to give our volunzeer force all the.[-raisethey can possihly claim as their (line, but there ought to be a limit to` this sort of ` thing,iunless; we are anxious as a people to follow ' the highfelutin example of our neighbors, which we gave hitherto eituerh-idieuled or been disgusted Wli. . . .. ~ ' this enii. -.'l`he"!`olunt!ei3 oan.only,_bo ` .beJ.l1,e.taskiof.the,o1`, and n_ot_the men; and_. -1- .-_-.~ -,7 _ -----cu-:.~---z~:9-9;-`A-rut!-'l'.:Il9I men to act and speak in a` manner oondiicive to eectiily n1aintained'by"kee`pin'g up its "popular- ity:1_1;Ameans.not inconsistent with the enforce- ment of A proper discipline, and to do this must not` th'e'l_e{st-impoiftiant` pm `of `the 1 duty of the lam: i9.b1,-11,1.e1n;!!9I!99E!!98.!!!!1PI'm1 9. . -. .. 44,... . -=di%1;@!ii!.?!!.'*!!.!'? (Were.-=*. .<>`in'r'* ** f"`*-`. "'q[-..-3i9?m`;`(-'.: 1. . "~_ 3 ' .Thn '1m n.-...i.'-.a:A ...-- ---r -e vvuuvvtu Q llvyllllll Ugh? I! DUI ~ vi`-Vziiaiid -no-kinsmimsexr... Ana. :.in_lnen;ihz~.:h.i.& I mun tn not and .'m;.lp :. -._.......... .......x;._-__ ._ ,..... .....-...._v.--nu gnu uwnu, ugqg nu mung tug lI!_l;U with which connected apopnlar one by act. inn and nun-BL... |.:_-..I -_.I :..'n.._._ 4;. L9, -_---.---- nun: . gvvn-van It is as well that these gentlemen sheuid beer in mitid that to make a good and eicient volun-' tear oicer,-a_-mengzninst not-any jsnoy jiie routine tex imentel?'-,d1tie|,{end how hfhenale aeompenye 9 a. battulioiih gne eld, uni toiiakgme, f9_x;'e I73! `think `(A In an-u.-..o..4I - _......I.._ A..- L- ..-a In the ma; -Royals, -Lieut. 'Ool,`'Brun ol, hiis%~li`o;:_i;~giving additional evidence [ l:_;tof;'i)fjl!i,_l,:~nntj:ve;a?'t'fp',Vbe placed in any poai-T A ;iibifgy.;,:;?d-especially at the head oftvol, ' 30g;-,l"0vilIIOl,VI'tg>1))` conduct alc11il_3_'d;t9 I'i)l*foeIig on the part of his m " 336-~ :l!tIi9l; }Qhoqn I,0wn, or xather toincre {he n4;Vli'b*::=.-Ib`&i-.5 ...i.`:..x. :. ..-:.a 4.. .._:... ..u-.....a.::* mm. ` Diivisii II I UAIIIJI . ronghot `the Provin cc. In 2- -_ _.-II AL_A . Atocrcxmnuneutt. .1;Vk)1;_1J1n'u.'1:iz nusnodmo. RED." SQUIRRELS. ` iv`-_'I.i{.7.:a'Je:';`n.7qi"w'eYi.' 1'!` ij_to b6` hoped will be rea'd`.and igsd L by volunteer oicera V gene:-slyly life 14.. n-....:..-- oqnyuwn, or name: to mcreu ' ,wh`ieh. is said _to exist alrengj reli- uu:_v mum: a sun mistake, however, in acc'using him with cowardice; for there is no one who _ knows him will believe one word of ,it,lneither do his acr-users believe. it themselves- ~No\v. suppose I suozgest 'a_ `remedy for allf this-"oo`1verd_lon, that would'make`3lr. Ferguson `appear as`-`hr-ave as a ' Napoleon or a Well_in_gtonin the eyes of his ac- . `cnsers.' The `remedy I7suggest' is 'lhls:-neti Oa'pt ai'n_ F.- iv'e up the` representation of Ihe South Riding to Saunders, and-the .Wardenahip ~ ?_sby:e Grit.-gthat Sa:nn_ders:'ar..Oo. might select, or be it known` that the. Reeve, `of Mono is not their choice: they -only malre` use of him for a purpose. Next he must surrender the command Cook, who, with Mrs, H-. before mentioned," will connnand,,alternately,- for the old lady says she nptthe Reevesbip oflrmisl to Ike. Then Nick , will draw his extra fty ffounds yearly, and all ' will he happy.n_ntil they get hold of another zzle ,.to,_work_ ,up_,., or {all out _am,ongst< t_he_maelves. ' ' Yonrs,&o., - --A'Fuuu-:3. Essa. Angus: 5th:1866_ of the Cookstown Rie Company to Lieutenant- knows more drill*than=Cook. `Next he must uive ' erme unle; 10 Very heavy Hurricane,t&\'_.. . f The` Extent of Sky Clouded " is expressed by munbeugufrom l0'to`0s;. .j_|I_|!!.3 I0`denoteI -that the sky is covered with clouds; 5 that it is half covered ;. and 0 that it in perfectlyoclear. The sign - before a number uiguiel below 5 er . 0 BAROMETER; * Higheigt barometric` treasure during tbqwee `I was. 29.116 at 7 o cloc .n.m., on Friday. Lowast barometric uimnnn during than -..I. !00k_.'.9qj mnph )t9nl:1 o'_grd dig! meglgo yegy great` .,,...,..u.s_o .u,q{gruuuqe tojtge gentlemen wbol f-v oni.%2r.1:,t1.iii: .2`-We .9`.ti_;n9.n'i,1}. eopy or which a d" ii1")0{Il' lhsssde) ; bud also to`. ' .aid'cre:1hnnl.-..'&.. oh}... L:..:.a_ _I. Jiu .._______..__.____. To :I.;~;d;'}or :of' .z..%.`.e.;.;'..;;.` ,lI)An Sm,-Penpif1m, ` fhroug t'I'ex()1te8 !I.1.1.3r s.titu_d_e toge OAAL --_. -_-A A` 1 0111' Haas, August Mb; 1866. than water to treat h_is-customers-amongst have been hard _oc_casiou at the earnest solicitation of. three of the ......uu tau uc may get It . . When Mr. Ferguson left Fort Erie, on leave to attend the sitting of the County Council, and left Lieutenant Cook in command of the Company, it was thin that Cook's fertile imagination produced the thought of branding his superior officer as a coward, and he also made some converts in the Company by telling them that there would be a certain routine of promotion in the Company. Ensign Bailey was to be Lieutenant, and Sergt. Ross to be Ensign ;. which accounts for the inso- ience given by Sergt. Ross to his Captain on the I trust the reader wont smile when I tell him what induced Cook in the first instance to aspire to the captaincy of the Cookstown Ries. When be (0001:) first commenced store-kecping,.he al- ways kept a drop of something on hand stronger whom there chanced to be an old lady, a resident eofthe village, called Mrs. 11., whose husband, it is said, served sometime in the army. l'his_old lad y having discovered Cook's over-ruling passion for soldiering, used to tell himwhatla ne looking officer he would make--_-the bestin Cookstown. with the exception of her `son Bob. Hits old lady attered his vanity so often. telling him that he ought to command the Company himself, that -at last he got up a petition to Captain Ferguson, praying him togive upthe command of the Com- pany. which Captain Ferguson. begged leave to decline. This was the beginning of the cowardice motion. Now, in'concl_nsion, must not the clique up for something to accuse Mr. Ferguson pf, when they `commenced, as it_ were, to rakenp the `ashes of the dead--at-easing Mr . F. with preventing D'Arcy McGee `Rom `lecturing to theupeople of Bradford. Now, it is a well known fact that Mr. Ferguson went to Bradford on that Magistratesaf tlieconnty, in order to assisdthem tokeep the peace. Bat malice seldom wahts `a mark to shoot at, and`t`e'w as Mr. Fcrguson s'i:ne- mies are in Simcoe; they are indefatigable imtheir exertions: to find,-out something ,to accuse him of.` Theymade a sadmistake; however, accusing for one who day of the far-famed meeting held in Cookstown. ' VI 3; soward, at every meeting he,-vheld i n- Simcoe. ' - telling him that he (Gamble) hidhimself behind mu, hfontgomery s barn,'..the time of the Gallows Hill aair, in the year"37,. So it is nothing wonderful to hear.Cook brand Captain Ferguson as a coward, for title his favorite hobby. 'VNo;w let medrawv 5 -,re'der s attention-`to. little'!'l`eddy, Cook's spokesman. If the member for the}_=Riding chanced to be present at any of Mt-..Gar,nble s meetings, `and about to addressthe electors, Mr. Cook was sure to call on his man Friday to take precedence and make his speech rst ; so little Ted would in- stantly monnt the platform, and introduce himself to the electors as follows: Gintlemin, no doubt yez don t know` me, but I'll soon tell yez wbol "fall"!- f1.hail from St.` Cattrines, the last place, but formerlyfrom the Province of Connaught. Gintlemin-,.eyonra:mimber, Mr.-Ferguson, is pure ` uing a,\_urong.course in supporting Mr. Gamble, afman the ,`m -_.` Cook says, is a great coward; Gintlemin,.I:1piuta_long St. Cattriues, ' and I was *a'leading man there amongst the Drangemin, and `sure it was myself that was in- trust_edwidthe.._medals for the Slab-stown boys, E that fought so'hi-avelygthere one 12th of July. in d this strain would little. Teddy keep, `on for hours, g whilst Cook kept`, encouraging him, shouting h Hurrah for O Connoi', is not he a fine speaker `I : ll ~ &c., Said 0 Conaor-, is said to beethe writer of 0 .tbo_sep_rodueti which appear so frequently in P ' the Esarziiner newspaper about Mr. Ferguson's 2 cowardice, signed Ike. But are these all M Ferguson's enemies, dogyon ask? No; there a more of -them, politically, "' 01 re and most prominent It amongst them stands Tom, of Clover Hill, a V it political mountebank, the individual. thtt put B ;t' this County to the espense of taking thevote on a] _" the Dunktn Bill, which is fresh in the memory of - ,y_, everyone. It is said that this gentleman was 1, " sent to Clover Hill by Mr. George Brown, in 0 3f order to convert thatllocality to the Clear Grit al faith. If that was the case, he wasjust the right d` man in the right place, for he played his cards f0 ,f well, for he told everyone that he was a staunch S3 v Conservative, but at the same time would care- 38 ll fully point out any error that he saw, or fancied of 3 he saw. in the Conservative ranks, well knowing 3" the trouble oflthe old adage, 'that a house divided pr against itself cannotstand. He has labored hard V` ,- for years to make a split in the Conservative def - ranks, and was successful to a certain degree, but dr ._ he overshot the mark when he advised Mr. Geo. st` 7` Mclzlanns to spend a considerable sum in unseat- P9 f ing T. F. Ferguson, as Warden ot'_th_e County, to = -, make way for himself. The dodge did not do ; A and it` George Mcllanus ever allows him to make ~~~ , a cat s'-paw of him again, he is not tbemnnl _ take him for. But there is yet another political _ enemy of Mr. Ferguson, in the County. I mean I the proprietor of that little smutmachine the 5 E:caminer`newspaper._ _At'ter'a diligent search, I . the Grits -of Barrie found outa man after. their 5 own heart, in the person ot the present editor and Rm; publisher, who is a renegade Orangeman, a bad F31 Freemason, an Odd Fellow, an ex-Conservative,- P and n Fenian, for aught I know. Now, it that is H not the man`-to assist the other renegade Orange- V` men-Cuok and`-Connors--to traduce the cbarac- C ter of the member for the South Riding of this 0 County, I don t know who is. It is whistmred ` B -round` thi_s County that when this gentleman. is through the inuence of his" paper, deprived Mr. ` Ferguson of being the Warden of this County, . that he should have .3100 tl-year added to his salary, and fifty pounds extra when be deprived 1*] him of being memberffor the County. In thelast bmc case, don t he wish he may get it? cure \vl'Ion ll; ll` ...... ._ 1.1-. n . an - was agreed to at once, and Oooklost no time in employing one Teddy O Connor, 3 late importa- oisgdegion. Xv. `bumble boing`. on vshsin ' , " -in`S__ou`Ath=SinV1c'oe`at_'-the time, .-. i `~ ~ .. -...a" 1..i.........1.w..a`.i-.. o..u-..`....a ,t`.x`.. _n -;.-.. him; if he (Manner) would foot the bill. This . tion from the town of St. Cal8rin",>;`V 7hd"=-W;iI- - lingly undertook to do the wind wjirk for Mr. ` _ ___- .v...-.., , u-nu nnau IV`. Pai-='c5ei'.'., nyk-~'tou.iw eiit }'1id- ! a.7 gr3:z>3.,_1,l';:i1p1.iia;,b,:y."a`3g":ii iig Whirggagies 'v-: .. ' s\:V_ `.3 V~`. I " . f .2`,.,,Iojii',qb t,ap;y t,V `kn-e, -,1'u.o, '33; ` _ -P._ V v v . v---p -JIIU$lIlaQ i'_P'P:m5: i'8h ybaf cdinms, ~"~'-!3"`~m",d. `~ 311 lzentlemneii who Inll tmhk org! (.3 -an AL- _____ ._,, ,. mu .u. :30 an 1 u'cu_IcK pg]n.',_on weanesany. The menu barometric prounre For the week` win 28.9865." T . .. 3 ` ` THERMOMETER. Hinhnn Ionian`.-In-4 .I._'__ ._` A`--' "----~`- ' `V 'hen `den to pg -.I...._ L- ` ` _O I . `L ,3 mag 1-euu." Inna; nu Iunll '_- tnoulc 1119., -80 '4 um 11 `-...i5`;."2 a` II C Iy' uquomo. 1; ...z..,:'*"'*' T ;.,....-g:.*"fss'.;'r:.; eilf vmh` gum, cc frollaell. Iureunly u` not rm Rabwziv `at `co. I-uloroaheuluuy action to i53"i:"e':nn:"tlie brain Inn 93. 0 Su lh,I,lomu:h._nender_tl; ..,:m,:ulI1 . `eve, . t9ep'y-umaesd-not numogq 'xu;or.ponbq_u1iounce .4: mpofupyl A gglgmwwm 9- MN! ARE STOUT AND FULL BLOODEDZ fiyou,-un.aItout,.lleshy of. toll. blooded or. plethouc hghit, you are probabl sul-ject toheadeches, venigo,diz- Zlncu, lhllh o! h to Ibo bend, and tmugeuive din. Gala generally. .At.lhatrnle you are,morc likely lo `be 8 l pdtn that mennev thutipooplo ofe inorelonn habit. NM! you,,,vtbove elLother`penoue in the world, should - box 91' Rummy : Regulltms lfydu never have use them, so inuch the better. lbenu-they coil-will be e ehu investment ifit nuc- -, i,l_rightemng;e, ' diaeue. l will be ncheeper 006 `in I sudden aitae , when no other medial eidbe _0nven1ent,ilreecuo on trom the grave.` Because you treslout and plellto ' people will tell `you xoyfel bled. 9.903! n0_lllll 3111 of folly. Let -Dr. Rad\ny_ _e pl! be Your protector, The diicnlty,it' on are attacked by 8 I'll!!! blood to the ad, in canned {y e disturbed circu- llligqofihe blood _ notbyo too great quantity orit in 1.0.!!!` I!` la` pcouionedrbyen irregular notion of - ' dlivor; and bleeding will ` ;Iy_ inueue, nol ~ lrngnluity. tum, yonrneed lllomelhi 1 argon .to rmtonl end regular lotion, I - A , and thus eqonlixedlio olicnletlon onto 1 _ pol lheeIof|doeeortwoorRad- `_._-IT They do Emil manly nunc. _--- - --nu-on uuucl, wucn D0 OHIO! IIIGUICII IIQDQ _0nvement,it rencuo .9lml.!il pulls attacked 9 will , head. in cnnnml v . .H.u...t...I ..:-am- 0 you want Whiskers oroushches? Our Grecian Compound will force them to grow ion the smoothest {ace or chin, or. hair on hold heds, in~Six Weeks. Price, $1.00--3 packages for $2.00. Sent by mail anywhere, closely sealed, onoreceipt of price. ~ 0 Greci: `An 0!... -... ork -g.-_~ .. .. WARNER}: co., Box 133, Brooklyn . 15-Iy n - _. _ _.uvu 5111;` nun!) WUKM 'l'EAo Will prove an effedtmi remedy, and can be safely administered to the most feeble infant, having no calomelror other mineral substances contained in it. Too much cannot be said in in ....:... .....a -. wui. 531- 110 II "I OZEIOOK EH08 . barometric pteunro during the week, was 28.788 at 1 o'clock p.Vn:.-, on Wednesday. barometric m-auma nor an unnir` uuumeuor mner mzneral substances said in its praise, and we would earnestly advise all who needs safe, pure and reliable worm-destroyer, to use it in their families, well knowing that once given a fair lrinl, it will soonbecoine a permanent institution in V every household. ` Sold by all deaileiwi Get our ./Ilmnnac. _.___..____..____.._.____, '7-: w .o.c.o' -___._~. . -- \/LVAVJLJ Now is the season oft he year when parents icannot be toocnreful of the health of their little ons, and drive fom their system all im which feed and harbor worms. JUDSON S-MOUNTAIN HERB WORM TEA. . . Wm ni-nun ...: .`.a-..'-_-- ~ purities ,___-_.__- .5114 A JJIIJKJO Every young lady and gentleman in States can hear something very much tn vantage by return mail (free ofcharge). ingthe undersigned. Those having fea humbngged will oblige by not noticing All others will please address their obedi: .On Change to-day there was very little doing. The market remains inactive, and no special im- provement can be reported. In our the local trade manifests some slight improvement for small lots, with prices rather stiffer, hut without quo- table change. In wheat there is nothing doing, most dealers are now out of the market. Provisions are dull with few or no sales. The following are the transactions reported on the Corn Exchange to-day. FLoun----Receipts, v362'bb1s; sales 100 bags. Fresh ground No. 1 super at $5 on the cars; 160' bbls, No. 1, at $5 25. Market very dull, WusA'r.--Receipts 420 bush; sales 360 bush. Superior Spring at $1 18. " > Couss Gnluxs,--No receipts. Nothing doing in Boas, sales 720 bushels. Oats at 32c. l lWooL.-Receip_ts-light, selling at 34c, Provxstoss-'Dnll, nothing doing. , The market for hides butchers hides now se? cured 8ic. The following 5 -Green butchers 10c; tri 1.1!- ._ , nun; Hill. They not ma a1,_`?,r! ute",Ihe- liver, the bowola, the V N _oiI.- Thoyfrom _r or: ugrch out pnrpoubelr g,;nd id whenvcrllldden. In this J lore: heduuy the heart. the bra 19,:-.wou.u um u........s. .....a-..|.- -..... - `August '1! Fall Wheat, 1.00. to 1.10; Spring 90 to 95c. Farmers Flour, 5.00 to 5.50. Millers Flour.--'-Mr. Bingbam, agent Millgquotes first quality Spring retail Fall, 6.50. Potatoes-_20c. New 75c. Hay--5.00 to 7.00 per ton. Wool-30c. Ca.Ives-3.00 to 4.00. i Oats-25 1.6 28c. Scarce. Bu'.ter-l2 to 14. Good demand. L8I'd-'l0C- V Eggs--8c per doz.' * wnxsxnnsz WHISK]-ms: . .1-1 - - V _ , - -vv\v' " The Velocity of the Wind is expressed ap- PF1|m8t.ely by numbers, thus: 0 `Calm; 5 Mod. emte Gale; 10 Very heavy Hun-icane,TJzc. f EX'.GIlt of .q|{V nlndd in QC-IIXIHQA "The efficacy 0! Bryarfs Pulmonic Wafers in curing Coughs, Colds, and all Bronchial affections, and cheering the , afflicted, has passed intoa proverb. In the United States, where these marv lous Wafers are known, they bear down , all opposition and eclipse all rivalry; the demand for them has steadily. increased for the last twenty years, until now the sand` boxesa year. Eminent members of `the medical profession without number admit that they know of no preparation producing such benecial results: s those Wafers. When taken in season they `effect a permanent cure. Sold by every druggist and most of the respectable ` per box.- el- sales average over one hundred thou-. stores throughout the Province, at 25cts - .-.. (`unwary pigs: into rats! maeane. av . H We regret tovienm that-the virulence of the ' cholera in Southampton is even worse than my ' had reason to believe. Up to last ni 'i had `been rro`fuwor- Ihl` eighty Asiatio_cholera- in Southampton and lly-one _ deaths. These cases have principally occurred , `in low-lying districts-of`the town,.and the dis. [ease has been entirelyconned to the poem classes. l'rnmed,iatel_l'. upon its outbreak the sanitary committee of the town council look enevgetic`er`epe`to arrest the-progress of the disease. 'l'hey-baVe taken r large house for the reeeptionofjcholem patients. Dispensaries- have been open night and day. The street; have beeuwalcred with (of course diluted) carbonic acid, and every other conceivable precaution has been taken. A staff of seven rnedtcai men has been appointed to make. house-to-house visitation, inquiring for calm. of cholera or diarrharo. ,,, .-..--....u u! nl.Vb'LAND_ Of the cholera the Fall .Mau ` azetle . ' It` There can be no doubt novuhat the ch ~ -which has already elreoteda lys : olera, .: ve:y_,`iroublesome;.*Iprm in London. T 5,, ; cBQ8_f.`il__II been `.sdpiiied into ina,L,,m, ,` hospital; null` Ivej deaths have occurred it, on ;` this weehand olheiipatients are now mm 9 pzeegrioussteto. *Sei_erul deaths from chole at` .havefftakeix place in the neighborhood of it) hospital. in accordance with the proym sdvocaied in the short article which on` . . W5 llttly published on cholera hospitals is spacioug ward has been set aside for these cases. It is already nearly full. One or two cases he sen admitted at other of the city hospital; stated` the! in many oftheee on V had taken no precautions for e ' monitory diarrhoea; and `are agreed on the extreme im neglect. Several of the paii . . _ `. mzlr iipoir the necessity of immediate atten . i:' these early and curable symptoms wn1cn.: so quickly pass into fatal disease. W8 fllfl "Lil-nun eL..n..L. _' or. Moushcbes ? ziall Comnound ul tn... .|.-... a- . 3;; g. Iu, I1uu_ ulul cqulllzl-Ill! cllcnlalion LI , noel lhoelfeclofndoooonwo n; 1711 They not men! `Itc'_,t!Ie_'__livcr, bomb. me` WORMSI WORMS ! STRANGE BUT TRUE. THE CHOLERA IN ENGLAND fthe lha Pall M..u .1, ' _...-.. nun uuvnuccu. Aureen hides sell at 7c; trimmed and following are the Chicago prices : tCh8l'S Int`. ' fl-511-unnti I--3 --~~*" "` \.\.\.\_l\.\J\J\f\\-\-`"4 '-VVE-DNESI()V.:_t'YV,V AUG. 3, 1866. eommiii` r-.'v\zs`r\/qu\_~.... . , __ -__.. V.-4v I-\l UI`lUI lour.-- -Mr. agen_t for Cox`: retail at 6.00; TORONTO MARKETS. _ - ---`vvvVv.z.-. .~_ BARBIE M.-XRKETST ady the United omething to their ad- n by address- ed. fears of being ublige noticing this can]. ease obedient servant, TI-IOS. F. CHAPMAN, . Q2: n......:..._.- "T`h';"y"' `a: T | UI I`-II: 2?. I0 bowel: till: .p!l.5f"{'n. '19!!!) 0'01!) ill-rho!!! lhq Injur- 'rh`'n'5'3n. In Jnnner Ihey. r bull: and the HI. lander [ha mnznlnam nflha U , -_.- vu-ya-sv yllvt . :; trimmed agd cured 12c 10 . annual AIIKILV EH5] Broadway, Nevi York. , DIVISION COURTS, COUNTY SIMCOE. I866; _ ` V ' ..._V,_TT_.__:___.._._._..___:j_>- , .. f..,_.............., .-u. u . uu gag '.upI|Ull, _`llu` '5 Mr. Geg_i_n,. editor of Le_ 0andda;'ii"phpor published in this city. oBqtl_i gntleineu met in the tibrnryf of the. House abjouti` halt-p`u`st ten o clock, and Mr. Gerin as`-,4` _so.ile_d Mr; DAo'rin,Awho is also Editor -501 . . A the |D;fn'chehr, published um his "own: constituency, for an aiticle 'wbich__ rapt-. ' peared - in the. last named` ~ pope: qjeect-i itig on` the private chancter fpf `Mn . ""G.'eriu,, and other-menibers ot,t|_1e`.Fr_enclx; Y I , Cpqservale Press. iFro'm iilvoid`-`fieiy A. To-:;ne:n<.t;13iiv=; sea: ts!-ritiomr-,i V Dc-argon; in: 4the_ta`v_:'ie'.2:. `' fx'ip_l;i_::`_-;i` no nun. me man and the 5-%::"'~ -."u'.'c.`:.".'-?"';"":i'3 {|.0}l>f_Qlnh. v_B an Monday Aug. 6. was advanced. Green 2" n! '7... n_2_.---J ` `August 7th, 1866. nucu purenw ho! . impurities ,, ______-- av.-4` \u' Ofllue Barrie Meteorozogzoaz Station, in comcuim ' with the nfdeapartmiul of Upper ` 29.023 -. '19;076 28.875 28.822` 29.116 ` 28.955 1 \ ....... nuuuu Crang. . w :1`. Dallas. . . .t 7.1. 1.ime..... 1 G. McMu'nus 1 T `rm. Lloyd. T1. F. Davies. . A. .'i`u'rdine'.:. . F.Slephens . I M ; Clerlnhi Na7:i.'-| Augut 3, 1866. WEEKLY ` REPORT . uomngwood ` ' Harbor -. Craighursg. .. -.Orilh'u.T.:: -.Mulmur . . . . . ? 4 .' - .1 __..______:.__ Collingwood I Hi: rbor : 'l;ecumseth . .- Barrie . Bradford . 4 C;n Tllesday e\rgt:'i;;g a fracas occurked . etweeu the meml;er_fo'r;Drummond`aI`id .,Ar.lhabaska, Mr. J. B.` E; Dorion, :am_iM 4 . . .Mr_- Cznn h."h-.- K T- `I'V_.-'.?..hl_L'"';: .`_ V V "p.;.`;:oj:z:' "W271? .. -.-u.--v' ouvvu w._ F._CHEGKL4EY, V A Station Observer. A. I'.XNE,'P.M. .. Sept. 18-11 a.m. ', s'e'pfiTIITn'. `, Aug. so-11 um. '. Aug. 29-11 a m. 5 July l3-'Noon. '. Sept. 1-1: a m. Tlsepx. 3311 am. ._,_ An _- V --V v -- .-.-u glm. .2s_u. ....[ -.__.-__j__ cuvuirtl IIID I-VIIIKIIII, tested. by. thq 1? jseggeciat-a'tgA'|fm:.v. Sepi. 4- 1'1 a m. Next Court. I UUVU .0182 51494 .2858 -- ....,- -....uuv.y,~ gngvpguy ,q .,gyn'nguqIu_ _thing, espeiallyjor the =paople\pt_' ; Gt qy ,- . that he die} `not*>sncceed~ in.hig n! ..{atep,. '. V at ihe'_j'ect p1igHt_;an :! 'p(9hu1>Iy'!wo|:{d, Ahmi heed *W".!!.;'Y'?1!`.f3?!*i"gi5$9 iw . D.IIrh`a.u:I%.lins3`i`9?.';fv .?;`[';`;!'!*1' ;i` .5t`!'.`h6` `prosperity of that ne, ; . ever `well massed 3-qoplg,-,, her,a,;;wno:- J .4- I. _it`,' but he e'oi1ldV` npt` have ~.~ab.tained_ the `_x( r`n` to bi'id`hb `on tgmg, ; lb-3!. 1.!i5.!"?9!1`!.!!3?3f`;` '1 idi _ But evii if Mr. Fowleif had got-hi_s: Charter, we feel qn itg' satis;tied: vt}'1'a,t'_" he 'd-WW9. 499 |?'92.`-`!,i!84.iA`.`A'vd`~*'- i #2.`. might -haire made: I tjiq}-by 4<`1i.I`P3il!18-N ."J|3x'? I} , . .. flettero" _`._A Mgiinh HM` (7:.. ; H `:_,_: _: 2` long time before it can be.b1-ought for- K _v _.-.-- W ".'-.'-='F'7t""T" "".-V` The bill to revivethe Chanel of the Toronto and Owen Sound Railway Com- pany, ,`a:er _ ~ pa`sin g' througlr several stages, has been `\\iifthd_rawn iby it's.'pro-- motera, itis said for the pr_es`i1t"only ; but we should imaginethat it will be _a weird with5 any chance or success. It will be "many years beforeithe efectionjof country between Toiovhtovv end A 'Ln`k"e Huron, now, i;trave,rs,ed,'by Nonthernv Rnilway, can support another competing line such as the__"Ce'ntrnl would: be ;'and _ until the advocatli-of the lfatt'e r"are'_in.a - position to show that A.tI'1_e,,% ,i'_s__ _,`1ii. cent for two -roads, it is not ptqbgbleptbqt the Legislature will give its-sanction to ; an Act calculateditoinjure-"an enterprlze alteaidty (in existence, and ivhicli hos` ac t quired andfis.i1itled._lo the good wi" of l `the: conimunity,; _without` good lgl'.t`)l|!3,fd3 4 for` doingao Q! ; -1n~the;int'ereat oftha V V: . `an uh`. I l V.-- _- -nu as-nu Uncut yuan nun but VIZ. _hnve' {boenf `so often ` 1: Q; `ef_n'e':a'f ";;{;};;ea um ie session will close on Friday, ver- From Our Own Correspondent. OTTAWA, August 6, 1866. Ace [anticipated on Monday last [the [Grand Trunk Railway Amalhgamathione Biilzwas read a third timeiin the Assem-V bly. The vote was 50 to 30, some.forty- four members having paired so that a. full house would have given just about the same majority. It passed the Coun- ci_l by umajority of 14. I _ . -_, -.. uvuuv vv Avuswlullu to ? Street, and "Smith, of Toronto; the poli- _ proprietyef making any changeon the to the independentaction. of the eBan,k,- ing interest of the country; 3rd, the ruin a contraction of the ci'rc,ulatian -The real grounds of opposition may, I think,` he reduced to two :-_-lst,- politic_al`__hostility of the Banks that when their charters expire, whichtbey will `do four years hence they can only gethtlrem renewed, minus the pr _ivilcge of issuing notes, which will in allprobebility be reserved-, as `it oughtoto be, byhe governmentfor the benet of the country. ' V r V To -4- ........_II.'_ _ _,A0 -I .u . .- Friday afternoon was wasted,_on= Mr. Bell s School Bill, In the evening the House went into. Committee on Mr. _ Galt s currency resolutions, which you have already seen published. Anextrnt _ sitting on'Snturday-from '11 a.m.7, to_ 5 p.m.--was also devoted exclusively to the discussion of the same subject, and the'_Committee rose" to resume again to-V marrow. The only speeches yet deli- l vered except'Mr. Galt s have been in opposition-the banking interest being ' represented "by Messrs. Cartwright, tical by Hon..Messrs. Holton and Brown... The ostensible grounds of complaint- may be reduced to ljhfee :--. lst , the ~1m-y- eve _of,Confed:eratio,n'; 2nd,- the injury W of the trade 01; Upper Canada by the- to Mr. Gelt; 2nd, the tear on "the part _,/'1`): - V n... ' "`-_~r1~-5; -."{v"5.;: a It: aa;::theroIore,.- ztgtheg a_ .,fur . ; 11 |\:nIu nun-\1|`:#I`->`a\Q-`CKA A--__I-`V.'"I.1.-. __v ` -_~'~---vw XICIIIIIWU The receipt` ofra despatch from ;the' Colonial Oice by.`Lo_rd _lYlonck, via the Atlantic Telegraph,'dat,eii, :London_, July _ 28th, and reach_in'g,Ot_ta_wa on the 1st, congratulating the `Colonies "on thesuc- cessful laying ofithe Cable was the oc- oxsionibf much jubilatio_n. =A joint des-i patch tram the_ House of Assembly and" the Legislative Cou_nci|, `thanking Her Majesty, and rejoicing that by the completion of this great enterprise, we` - are brought nearer. to the heart of the mother country, was sent to Lord Caernarvon, in acknowledgement. 'IPn'A.... ..lo-....'.-_.. --'_i- - tee. Seve`nil`_ members` fought _ hard against the high rate oflftjualiiicavtionn which the new not xes for'th'e Munici- pal frauchise, prominent-`among whom was the mernber "for South Simc_oe' `;' but their elforts were unavailing. `I [have been assured -thatthe Bill will encounter strong opposition on its third reading; -but members are so" anxious to get home that mdhy of them are willing to en- dorse any action of any couimittee that will expedite business; ' 'I"l__ ,, v `u ' The whole` of .Wd_neiday "atte1fm:ab'n` gs: consumegifon the breach i;t}privs1eg; case above mentioned.` In the ;-evening a n_umbe_r of public "Inns" `were ad s"an':_ed a stage, and `the `new Mmiicipal Act to 158th clause was considered i[nfC:ommit' Inn Q.-u--`...;I . .... _ _- V ` ' --u--........ uuuuquuru gu Upp6l'_UE_da, but hiimotidn ox:-_1y;`_g"oL'13,vo ;es. -rm. .3 with 'Ih?.fraoa3'$tn uh-eh: fiqstion ? consumed the tfu5b.sit__ting.`6n The Schedule hppottibning-jhg guedtsrto r Upper notyet been:-discussed. NIL- .._L,: \ 4 ...".- ......-- - v The debate on the Local Constitutions was renewed on Jlkresdanyii eyepip_g.. .gnd_ concluded on Tlinr:iday,ioi;ro;tl;ier morning, at ten o"cIock.`~. The disuap . .on the whole was rather tame.` `_1_\[r. D`otibi riti6va` fis`6f a'u1e"!idIiibntavi to assimilate the Lower Canada to" the Upper Canada`Constitution,'bnt lhiled to e`ect,a9h.a.nms._in. .4h.0..G0V.9I.m.9n`i'PV?tai - poaition,`which on every-vfote was s'us-- ,-_- .. --.. vv|l|)|:IlilU|-I I'll UUI 'S-eve'nil _fdught zf .IlnA- Rial. ,-'_-A A'- ' .4, -'.'.-'i`.*v.. `??i'._= ;*"- as :",?,!?'{.`?.:'. .5-'-`..".3'. 5T` ` I 99st+zin.tvxss 9 urea-M?9,;8?%?!2a9nT Jhev. an us; she:,fe:,rsd..9nf w . . thqsjIatg _uo':oll;wu _opengd,; ;and,.a`bot:.=; . Rrgmiwa;:nhpribea.on.:iu.eqhweaua>qv: `th'iiiif;jhi"aglquigijsceringnthegddtliar 1 -6-s..9,;who9.S`id#` LIi%Gt`.a A` . ~` ~.`:.\. * I . J . ` 1 ,-3'2 -M :s;':";Z`:v1_,19,_tV. . - V - 9`. 3',a=:*x,":-{7cm7 :':.\ {'4 Tum hearty chgcu `wve__reL than in? II - ,!'or.A-`thug *h _ formed i ,x.` '. `UV. *. >1 1 to: sewer f}}ib_ Z.<?;i9i','AP%J'"9`19F};l%** ???;ibiPEL`??9?9' ` f9av9:ins;;Axnl99i9`h-'1'3?5 : Jldyaiu; Mbfiws -the ._ _ ,,-_ --.7._-, ...... ..`.l.v.uuoq n-uluuu Ipuny Es;q . , [bcretary;;-proeded ;t'>'4',$r -, %sahiz.9%A9bl"?P9P+ 4f=er`:9m%ui9*?9m* .the.chairman, ggqrglgryg` @951 'ot1;gi,`g,; ,;a- 1-afVavreoee -tub; ; the; objnct; inf ,mee;_iqg, and. soiney debate he io.:bet : niqde. `of those - it `nielyg toa~ep:i;n.wp.*v `",'f"':!*!'*'I W3;'i"L' s*:** . @9n;tIg;_n3hban;;. . _ -----.0. . ... .`. ) -',`. --$- h ` .,h4a'Y`- : I each. in turn `a2'xmjg:(;aIl`.`L"`33L;*.2`:':AE! 9 . :1._ing_in__:1;e' nmre of a,` C a'vai`r'y;j.Com-L . f". _',"-`v -'."V.',',`.`*""',"_".;"7'.-`.`;"'A'-'> `-- Another attempt -is being-_x_na`de to or- gauizeand obtain: recognition foi'some- wanv in the` fwn.nd,i arimf9!if.!y;.vi'ith V in "better pr.os\p_ect` of success` t]'1:;Ln'7before. On the last occasion;ithesejgvho`_ofred V thair_.s_erv.ices ,-o'ered also to.,per_tialIy equip the'msel.ves, as welt-as nd horses, . asan inducement to obtain recognition, ' but ' failed.- `However, it `,lzi_tely made `known, `and apperiitly on_~'good authority, that if a eompan,'y-of".Ibo1|nted` once .recoigni.zed',`end provided with all. , that. is `necessary, except horses. eordiriglyf :a- . _n_nmber of _v_olnnteers _, 1 n'et, 4 I "1';-uniimf `-`li`-.3`i -si.'-..-A'_'_-;.n' ., - ~'- --4" ries was formed here, they will be-at,` in !h' `H11'9.-53,3 Mop'd,q'y,,even- 1 ~ ing,-and having requested .t~he,R,eev.e..t0._ ':take`th'e_ chm` , `and: appointil; Wiuiau; ` A b.|9. cann'ot..n9w_ be p1Irchgad';;.t:par._; 59,000 t*9*iafds that" . .Wdrk.;. "uni! , 3%-.14` ihoifsh sh57?i%8' we-W,to,hp:a3v"a., my County rate` :t9.$\g'a.rt{`s1 th__ . l;iqttidgtion...p.( that debt, iris .compnrativeJy unfeltxby _ t_-he comm unity. whenithg-vtimxnense Ebenea-. ta c6n`!erred_ by: the Rdilway are; counts- -Ved nginst it ;'anVd}'ourtd3bent.tIt*'es, \'1vh'ich', thirteen `yeahgsl Vagq, were ha;dly..n1rarket_'- so high does`th`d., credit `of the, ]County '_sta`nd `bo`th'i:i 'Ca_'na'dw andv: Eiigland, 7'wh_erever`th ese` ecijtis ar;hld. 3` We ) murianls wt. ,B"f*.*`S'; `f<>."`91F,'".iI8: .. ' " - v_-- vq III nuyvvyl UGIUIU _I-Ila I iivoadi iris bnilt.`. ,With great diioulty and much apprehension` as to. ihe'reslIlr, sh -was in'd(Ice1' to" cbntribut 50,000 1.96q`ar" (l`s` `cm wo;_1;`. _;, am! shjljgg ; (ea1gly,tf6,4_pgy' 'a_ h_da.v`y County rate to.w`a'rJ. the .: qtu_`:e'xpe`rie_nc. ' SI`t;1co$ :vVc'v:;.;_-',`x;"'C`c>1n4|x_t`)'_ I `but'l_ittle` heard, or or known bergre;At11jq%{ In.....L-..._ n - I W -`-' , There is generally a little jealouslyvat _ first to be found connected with such entetprizes, and ' the Durham andjAngt1s , scheme is~not altogether freeffrom this feeling, which is always more or less ofa. Vt stumbling block in the wayofuan under- - taking}. ' We hope that it will not prove 7 so. in the present-.mstan`c`.' ' It is _a niuch . easier thing to nip a`Railway project {in thevbud than -t._ to that point when sttcce'ss is-easily attainable,a fact; whichthe peoplevot` Grey will learn` to their cost. iifvthey allow `petty local jea- r lousies, or comparatively "paltry pec1i- .i niaiy considerations, to influence_.them ; in dealing witha subject. of such "P3133? a mOlI!_lt,il1}p0ft8nC8, as ltailwla-y service; , i 1tcanr.h:;e'no;inter!eatV . ofon;rs, locally`, .- totaee themgwitli or switholutra Railway; `but as` `apublio journalist, havinga strong - `wish for the prosperity `of -the country, and specially.ot_`_',tflx.e Saugeen` Division, I wiith -t_vAhi,oh-,we are atjrresent politically ` identied, we consider it our duty at S leastto give our neighbnrsythe-benet of At Ann ._...__._. ,_ - V _ '. So itwiilrbeiwith the people of the ` , County of Grey when-the Durharn road ` , becomes a great fact,which we presume it T lieswith them to make it in a short time. T Every nook and cornerof the County will` feel th_e benet of it, in a greater or_ less degree,efor the advantage of 9. Railway _ running in to`a'County' does not lie alto- a getherin Ethe facility it offers for-the car- ' . riageiof produce or=passpe'ngers,butinthe- i impetus it -gives to trade and commerce, thelarge amount of money it causes, to be put into active circti'1a"tion,_ the in-_ T creased rapidity of settlement :it,briugs - with it, the addition it makes: to. the price of the farmer s produce of all. kinds, and ruanypother-incidental benets, the value of whichfmtust be feltto be t'full'y appreciated. ` - ' ""v"T"""" ".i"`.' '," 1'-'-'-"`r"5`J. .'A"-'" `L h g It is only it iiiii`iifiinityi`-iiike ours in. 9; this County, which has had "practical -AI. pro_ofofft_he'benet"'of at Railway,--`that *2 cdnjfullj _under;tan`d v_ha_t our neiglibor`_a"; Q won'ldh_n_zelosi t`ol",'e!crey'y5e'|1r t_l:ey ;._ ye; _` meinecfwithout such; service. Itseecmsn L to us _tobe_;;qu`ite imposs:ble.'to' ovet-esti- mate-the .ad4vanlagec. of'vI.{eilwa'y facnlia ` ties,`_especially-to Coun'ties"`siti1ated as Grey and Simcoeare. The further` we go_'from_a commercial cent;e; such as Toronto`fo_r instance, ._,the more .the` valueot avrailwny will :be felt, _and the more impossible it -would seem to be_- able _to do without them after they" have once i come into` V operation. ' Q.-. .'o-.....'-n 1.- ___:.i .. - - - - -tremely wary, and the `charter for _a which -. with the Northern` . wea.,ia :e`iis"`t`e't!i!`6,f ~-~-'~ I - wouldbe quite suai_i'ga;_; deter people from inv_ee'_ti_ig. ;,_ Inch would be closely. :7 fe I_ormer.V ' I` . Indeed,` we`believe1j?" - amount required for the . . __; Angus road, in [comparison to what it _,W__t?l_ll(1_Aj.a`k(ewQ0 build the Central line,` it is ` tli_'e_high`r_eiauti1ion evvhicE;}.'th_e_'.NQi"*t';ifIerrri,i.i;:; I has of lateyearg obtain1_d_hat' I the principal inducement to `those who I r tinny:-`ad=vance -ite;.agdvitsmnet quite apparent toany unpgejtgliceqpergon that in the present condition . ot"th`e:-' money r -market. `and. vf.-Cawisiien` .-Rnilwax in--. terests, no railroad would have `been `httiitin GI?! f9}; yaat'a:_jto {come zif: the {. 1``?!`.'?"3. 9.'P`.`. Fad v2*a`intidc; Barti `nIuute1:;Itiis.} nth.u-'nM.m..o :. L...-.'._. `_'\ . . V 1Iay'12i1., 1366. ;; :'s:`_':`:}<,\'/*._. ,' Q, . -_:`.'V -;;.:<.e-2;:xT.NIY;15B$lT:, _ ;'x:}': - . ;Wru"n`1' gkd .to=n'n:(cn`- AumI,u-n`.-`L Burk .;B.o.v-V . mm .21ao1d:ud:I mu; nu mgiout; unizeityj-z I Mr % i ` . qvh (mt %_ .::.a'umo:pn;bi&+huIi.sumdc omup-M '-oi`-sao; manna; waf-'.ohi)n!l3Io I r.` '; : fW o'g;`;ng: g_`t,gr"ggi1_.t c`;`i'a`r any explanation: ' .1 r..- -1' -~ iv ->-h V ~ ' ofihe grlpuniia oh ihfch 49hic91."1:ois`;>((,5R imlergant wu_'gnadg,excepl lbs} a_ up Vmaor _')'l":!i)t Mr; 'Mgc[;'efoqh a` qhsiiob * pdaiegi first [ pi; up ;.ep9;` bf_'3yq `ray : :'pr6c_qding',` i} We. `bni lvp`i`!i'n d"np' gaggqu ;gq_ ..pp_qgfq`1nsc"rg *w_T..V 4 not cancel, and 'p'r'e`anine3'lh`al'. ili 'II'I:e`mbt for` Nnnh` Siipuoe Nani agaih .|I;_his,p|d,lriR' of ap'-' ; mppiaciux 49;. i;-4,m;'v,I! ngq-shdmpgkzotnshers. I - zID\V9!.%.N 39 .3.I!;M9I,I-Me _.1.i5a!(gr9., `V ,, =9` : ed. .%.3f'atg. . om 339595.}-I .. *'5.rn,I.rL.. ..l4gg? .!i-!-,'(6,`J.IIm'- % -wan vhwv-` ini. ,. 6L.is3t%r-*` ; -V we .na__I1Ap;babIy`nn-wa;.|_m iaiiwhiaiu-`: = .i'1wIv-%-If-% wwl-rim = -' ` fl -7: \.':a~~.._..z ;_#.`/k au_ gar 1.95:1` A Q} . 1 . We of : iellerfnom Mr.V Mo-. ,Coukey,.:.sming: lint our Ouawa cotre`spon- dent was in erudt;-giving Ihe, member for .831: V geen Iheprpdil bfagaving been the lite: lqgive fneli_,oe"efiihbtigifrlalive lo jlhe parllamehjary . 1.?9.*!ii!s.#tf.T!oi.=!2 ..|.>.':.eiI-2 `Pm in - nrmr -*-'_ 'of repair,` and qqggquipg; 1; .peIf'I';cgIe {t'm`m_. the rgjuanl Cletk cf Rbnyino` sign! Reeogde `of the 52.: 1| ..~.g!', !`.I3_, `ulu. `V `V m!`?!!Pf`;6`!`*`!t"!!`?$?`*5?~*"' `"9 - uwwvu _\:uulu warn am not do so, and nothing ; has transpired `uiruie any further oudpioion of the presence qlfpvil-dibpooed strangers being n'm'ngIl"u, exqoiyi, perhaps, Ihefpoisbn`ing_of igiril fninjlblo dogs wiilhinlbe lib! few days. A ne Nawfonndjgrnd of Russe|l s, `(Bank- - Agent), and`; hon,rpi__:_zf Mr, Spencerfqg are gm9ggg;..tha._ogning_ victims of` lhe.aI1_p[ )0[sed con.-p'i.r&`l.or'p agginsIj3h' peace of this comma-L .nily. . _ A _ `=` 1:` may ia`e'ch.t`n,he arajm iumrounded, but a Iiirla ekirn vi gjlino'bn1I,::fpaii"6;f bnr'td6vn`p- `peoplaL6'5n_ "ii;'r'1">` Ii`:ai'rIf. . ' ,.7..._-_ --;.q_un'wuuog qnqvuvlfllllflulpicloun ' ; ` Mr. L_a;_x._l1,ert3l1_Il,ei-hiyiclenlion of coming 'uwa coukl loam dnd"not do and nolh {be following mcfming (yesterday), but. so far ing "'aninifd" -Plilli nun I'-.-nI._- ---A-3---- ,, - _-_ ....--we .s-is alerm was created here on Monday evening in consequence of the utauon-master, ` Mr. Ressgdheving receivedhe. telegram from detective-hL9mbe'rt`, _of I-'I'oronlo,~ asking him to inform. lhexbenk agents, and others, that eorne 3 or 4 expert be*rg-{ererwere supposed to be in the town} 'I"he i;.,r9gm`a:san having been com- munieated To the Reeve, he ingltueled High \ Onuuahle-Rogers `to `get a couple o5.rel_iable men to keep watch during the night,-`-and we believe Ih_a'Mr. 'R_egere hirneelfrolunleered to perform` ghe eame enyy, rend _ had rather a na r- rov?'ese_a}ie"3ili,jr'in'ghie wnlehhaving been red at` aka" `auppused.burg1ar by some other ,r>.r..9n.-!I?`i-Iz watch and Ward .?.who.,wnsh! hier(Rpgers?_.),p; the 'I_,ieinity: of: the ,BenkL at }.'I;`eI;ontoi Agency; rather euapic ions. Le;;.herteIe;ed-` coming - -_ _ _--uvuvLV JJIJIJII l.I'J- `We have xeceived several Jengthly com- munications about this matter, one of which will be found elsewhere. We must decline to publish the othere. es. they throw no new light on the subject, and it is getting worn thread- bare. ' --.-- -.-u uunuuunnl 0 Some wfelohtplaced a rail across lhe lrtauk V near Gilfouislalibn some days ago, but it was forlnnaIel_v diacove|fe_d, `before any mischief was done.` -The sIation-house at the. same place was alsq broken, into, and an ine"eolual auamptgmadato oped the `safe, . 1 Tim" M......:....`. n:..(-, r-' The" Managing Director offeraa feward smfotlho applghenaian and conviction the offenders. ` T sixn; c'vcnlh.` Eighlh . Ninth. . % OBSTRUCTING. ms "I'R;;K AND EMPTED BURGLARY. _. -._. -..y.yu/:35 9 IIUIIUIW I Our Town Counoitare trying the experiment, and from the appearance of what is putdown; we think it will, when thorougulygpacked, be far superior to ehak y planke. -.. ---l mu... sou-wt walks are tinqnestionablhydZonperior to planks,` aside from the doublor treble cost ofthe tatter, and their_ constant necessity for repair, A good gravel path was very pleasant to travel upon, andwould last for many years without need of tmprovement. Some towns `of the sidewalk; and found them far ahead of wooden ones_.-E.z`change paper. o Om-'l"m.n (`A---3'-- ` _.-u v sun I! l'lL4l\Do The Guelph Town It walks unquestionably superior doubile-.or ct (Illa: In-up. nI._3 ..--- ---uuiuilg CB IISU gltell. he book will be found of great trad to buoi-A tress rnen,:u1nd in fact toall classes. VWe learn thatvafter the subscribers have beenhsnpplied, "there will. be but few of the_edition left on hartd, ao'"*th a`t. those who desire to secure a copy sbooudedvohr to do'so_ `at once. Or- ders can be [left with AMr. Meelring, at the Cricketera Hotel. The -price is $2.00, and the book, whioh is neatly bovundin-ctoth,tis w`el w_orth_the money. ' V ` -7. -_..v vllnlldillf pl lll|IIIlS il glV9. V The mate: of :w': "villages, and theoceupant, or assessed owner of every lot in the townships is given, with the street and number of lot on which he resides, or which heiie assessed (or. A description of thetowns and villages, and a short history of the County, its position, agricultural and busi- ness udvnntageti, is also given. . Thnhnnk will In. 4'.......r -1` ----- - [residents in towns Eanidi _ -.-_ .- guuuv.u._ruII. 'i}'oom:na11 :ha infarmationrwliich coizld be expactad to befqnndlin such a woik, and." conaideting that ithas been compiled by man- Agen to lha'TcounIy,_AiL is remarkably correct in all the alalislica pug` details it gives. I The name: of. n ' ' I-nah-I`nn|.. -- ---`---- -r\I\lbI`Q All-ll.` 1 `M9_gro: .Mc_Ev,9y &_':-Co . Vhnye_is\z-_:uod Ibpit VDire`.l9ty' for. thjg. Cs`v_I`,1"i,Y.VI:nd` it_ is i1ovi` being delfvrd io: shb_c:il_$e`ii I. __., _ .':?,:,'.!"".'!i'.'.`. v.9r!n9i:9aL.9yT%- 929999 99!", `liq ';Ji;fgH0,H\V'h0~I:ill"p;l`;`eiJ.` ` ' " `As it rm l?.n9o-.ty a.:.d a.m-bun r -I royalulq1,o~ia.hono.r.of the new comers, we `_ shduailcq.-,:dv'se_f4)`9{, (ouqy o ig9m.&9.keeg lhaif`. ` A`=%-;1eu'n2<>e=u:ey% = .2 may be I313, in gnv9`_.:5:,;`i;vi;`igb:r)6[ i1viv'ari1i re. , . cgption.-Uommu_iiiq[ " T ` .4. J r~~:~-. .... ~ --. . -1.-_u-ur to-vuu'::-nu ' Im-75-W.-1 ""'i"<.'.:' .9 121.9 ..-29.9919 fr?!-T, -,4,--ya-. `j.. :.;.- SI...` '.'.`iii'.;:..:a;- - . MAILS CLOSE AT TEE BARBIE POST , OFFICE A3'FOLLOWS: 0 0 M.m.s going South, daily, 6.43 a..m.,snd_5.05'. ` Do _' Wyeyst, 10.05 mm. - Do 7 ; Orillia 6.43 am. . For Orillia, Penetanguishene and all parts North East of Barrie, there is a tri-weekly mail which `closes at 10.30 am. Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. _ V ' ` Do Thornton,` Tuesdays and Fridays, 10.30, Do Shanty `Ba , do do do Do Minesing, ridny, 10.30 mm. ' -

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