Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 1 Aug 1866, p. 3

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T0 m,uuc | (31) LADIES. TO CAON.S;UMPTlVES. Ennons or VYOUTH: I . J-otm B.OGl-JEN, No.13 (`-hamhers sn.,1~_:ew York. JOB Moses, i~:,Y. I mu m {mam uxunwm, ` n4 Aroma s1`*nE1cr,` ='ronp1rro; ut L1nns~:.'nd uhinet 3'-(rdu}a:o;7d'.pen1en' , ' and oter-Mechanics _'l`_o6fs;-"0 ullery, House Ix_`u'rhishiYJ' Goods, Niljppting. dud 'F'ishin`g"l`ackle, Snortiuni`Ati1muniIi6h,`Gardan glut Farm `T9913, Jr. .o l.m.`m-o Run. , . BE WIII IIDCIUU VWIIII DUI Iiuluviiv In-II-U V- B; ' liquors `any! Oigau. V ' a, ooa susbIia`g nii ~.u`_min` Osttgn. Bonn ~...aj ra.s.u.g1j-`.feuz.w, ups, mu-.nIy `on- hand for the shave?`cg.or,gonr1i!b1ni6Idiu: to mu '8n'nrrnW"`IA9 idihoonl Iihinl . :.T:i'r`.:. 11;: .2;'$2:;? ;}'...'..`a:.:::.":;:.i3;;i: is ' ` ( _ -` ` I `, ` -. ; , n:uit2'.no'"LI6 uh Id3*` '5'???` "=~_ 'f1,.'V. '1. man; omight e the could . vantjel cusibn id not tforms~ 'Bri'en ~ on-king 0 give- -`lllllrlllli ulllllnuuuu 8.! Lowest. VI`{Tsueu.T -21 scion II evr olftd for" sale. in the County of Sin1coe',' 2.00; Fashionably 'l`riVmme-d._H:u.'a from 81.00 to l.5Q:.S-unnnr .\lmIl:-s from $l.50 to 2.50 Summer Shawls at $2.00 and upwards. ' A choice msnrtmc-nt.of ,F~. Trimmed Bnnnets from .$'1.;50 to: FIRST . P.m z_m' -Pnovxwfcigi; Exaisirion. RAKE_sVS,AI.I,NEs & n'1:ELs.l Z?" -w an--.'.'\_v.-.- `.-w~v-- "I`nr'nm-3, Xpril, N65. "OFFICE':---Dunlop Street, Ban-i.:, (nearly op- posite the Advance (){I'ice.) _ ._ 30-If I ISODA WATER] GREAT SUMMER: SALE 1; M'ILLI,NERY &. DRY fG(7)ODS S'UMM ER.'DRESS Goonsll hat the- names fruitr ugh! to uitablgL FIVL- HENRY CRESWICKE; Jm, Provincial Land Surveyor A Famous EI,1zAnz'ra-K:n1-, ' ,E:ecutr_iz.- %}IoHN 1>.*r*TULLJA1\i1:/s.T Conveyancer & Division Court , V AGENT. _ ` ` _ at half price. " .B'1nm~hc-d Couous 121 cts; Greg: Cottons at 8 ` cts, and lnpwagrds. ` ` , , `All his Dress Goods are propnrtionahly Iow. _ B_L.\CK SILKS at I dullar,_ worth $1.40.] A choice nssou lmvnt of Gents Fancv Flannel` Shirts; White and Colored Shirts ;* Neckties; Linen and Paper Collar: in grpat variety. Dz-.. -...:.... l........2.....-'fV,.;n.... tr... __....-_.-.| Pn1 Sl61;\N,sUm{E0 &`KOEOUClUR, I - THORNTON,`. w | JO_HN_ DAVIES, . ACCOUNTANT.COLLECTOR;CONVEYANCER; 1NsUR.1NcE,. L./IND qr GENEIML AGENT, ` .. COMMISSIONER IN 3.12.. ;;c., ` _VBRADF0RD. GARDEN T00Ls.| ROOT 1:. 2| .AU_C_TIoN SALE. % Housiehjoldj Furniture, T &c. HE S-nliifniher is insirncted by Mrs. Fxmzcns T` 'EuzA'nni-rs Km:-r, in sell by Public Auction,. on the East Ha.lves:of Lots Nos. 11 and 12; in; the 9th Con. .\innor1'B.. on 1`HURSDA'Y,' ssh AUG Us T, 1866, n__.i_ -_..I rn_..._o_ 1-I____.L_-1.9 n,_,,.,9. ever] dings 3-_ d all, lationb " of the .) 200d IMIUTO ism of ' Giod`s'a,nd Chuttels, Housebdid Fiiruiture, &c., consisting of 1_Piano.`2 Tables, 6 Clmirs, 3 Bureaus,` 1 Sofa, 3' Bedsteads, Bed "and Bedding`, 2 Carpets. 1. Clock, 1 double Waggnml Plough, 1 Harrow. 1 Fanning Mill, 1 Gold Watch and Chain, .with_vario'us `other anticles. rent. ,__,,__'._I,`,.,. '4 1 I 1 ._ -.. _...- - -l... vs-.....-an .. 3.)... -u-.-- First p_ri-2.e Ame-rlcan ' Cotton Yarn, warranted .5 lbs. to I11:-bundle, u!_.!.00. ' _ V 113-` Please call nndsee for yourselves; nap-p.-. _. ;...`.-.---.-..-- Am-gory at Mr. Caxuthers dwelling House. 'N._B.--Particular attention paid to diseases of women andTcbi|dren.. V , _ 25-ly ` |eAP.DEN &.7r3v sI='ADEs; I ` SPADING FORKS, -A _ 5 Vvwvxvvvvy 7 ...- - _ - - - - - _- , a slatemwnt "of their claims, respectively, sgzsinsi the said Estate ;_ and those Qreditois who neglect. to "u|*nis.h.snch statement within the time `hereby limited! will be excluded fro:n`purticipa.tion in _the assets 9f'the Estate. - ' , _ - ,V `T Dated this 251.11. day of J nly, A D1,. 1866. A ` : . V ` MARIUFENLON-.` `Bl-4|; Adininislmtrix of the late Thomas Fenlon. ;171iiz7);KpLANK:1 CHARLES %MKmzIE,?.(% M 5 ' : ~:f{PR08J.llET039f `rand; of L ,:_n'.....-"gnu! ('13)-nun , . you want Whiskers in->_Mnn?stachAe_s?A on?` < Grecian Compound will force !hem`lo~g|-ow . :01: lb; `smoothest face :or ehin;._0rL hair on-jhald yheuds.-in Six Ween. Price . 8100-3 parkacel jfor 52.00. `Sent by mail auywene; clopely aeiled, _ I nn l;FRi 3iiII.' lil':l`D, lxor `D4-_\!_ll_-r.5Ell4l ny I Ion receipt 6! price. A 21---`. II? A n\I~l .nu'u`uu, .1 New York. lshugag HE unde;:-signed)" Administratrix `of the Estate ` of the [late Thoma: :1-`onion, hereby rt-quire: (ha Cedi0rA of the snidsmte to s_end'to her, ddress'ed`Silvers:hoe P40 , on or befnre the " " IN 7._I"?E`."'.`1V1_A";`;l"1".'`(;Fi`.7.j'iIV7V 33- I TATE o1.* -THOMAS FENLON. ' m 15A4`"iiiiii$1NG, \l A ISITEVWI Q'I`I'!1'.`L" D I DDYI5 `Gnu dilYe:"e'nt_size_s _l or gheep or Game. _ 4 Pricg $l5.V AOijdera by mail promptly lled. . _ ' ' `*" * 'J.`B.RYAN, ` " - ll4`.`Yonge`Street.'1`oro'ut_o.-' JUST I*`.RO.\I- THE FOUNTAIN. `Barrie. 23:-dAJu1y, 1866- _ - April l6 . 1865. Tc.Ia`rdeu T `fools, In Sets, ~ _&c. For stile pl lowest Prices. _ Barrie, J ply 25. 1866. ...wu., . .. .. ...,.... y-u. ..--uuxu. Sale ;3e"ciuz4,~az f1 o'clock, a.m. Tnnxs Gnu`; bankable funds. `I'\ A TfIf\ Ill'IRYI\II? 'rHos.'Mccor.MIcK. Barrie, J1-1l7_y_21".r'd, l866._ . 30-41, I no v -.r` can ruin`.- V Xaireas, WARNER a:A. nos tssgiiroolslyih 1 haw Vnrk, ' V 15-lrn 1 V'3~}}}}'~.i;;}';}'i*p`T'E2n1zzn am, _.-_-.___ --p.u_-._ -u..:..... ............c:....I.. -..'..:... THOS. M coo RM IC K, of Pgronto, is now showing K ---- -- - -._.-.. .--_-----uh`. quantity of lueagoned White Oak Plank for ._ le. . an 0. H.-ROSS. wmsKEns?_wnrs KEisT <=3=t<>sB=:'-*3 `HENRY BDYS'NICOL, M.D.,"u naiunl-A Iv nivunnuunnv n n nnnrvnuuunron Nam 1\QCt5llit1tt5;' orondo nment mle to ho dL ilst re- `ea has lead- n op- ncc,-- .yAM:s7a. av:A_fN,, % _PA'-lh"EN'l` "T-URNAIP on -the cheapest" VALUER, 350-: lIL!_ 0l_l'l`lR or- J`, B. RYAN, ` 114 Yon`gr;_ Street, Toronto; `TRY DAVID Moakow, V V ' Jluctioneer. NQOIRTH ERN ,A~;DYAN{cE,LBARRIE. [a;.;.;,i nnm. T BARRIE. 3' |J|"VI:I u 15-13` In 30-tf_ 1-iv 3,1-Ii" a.e.R%ImhAM92I2eMa *=Af-I,I\:'l`i'ton-rei~=&? Oomgjgissiop-LMerchzgnl; H - _`:.n.a`._.-on _ -navlunm vl ug--_--yln-_v-, v .~--.-_.."- L`-3!-':VHormor t;Ere;i.eurc M -V -Xi.ELnNDIILL.* .- lvtqrestvore uqoas. 5?!) Una_ueIs or any uescr|puon.' ' -Hm-sea, Camp, Fun lmptmentgg $0.; :'8c.=,:' by `Pi1hlI:`Au'f1on." `-- -` -~`,- .~ an-vice .ddacE;mad`m ;ca-,um-nag, ' ' Bor'eI_IInd Gaglleibonghl 0rTsld7bII'O9mm_ia- '.` galeujpnctnlty mended win` day put` of the .-$2.; neguc.v;hp`- for shes-i.shns.s6,`.!>n:r._oa=gg11 ,0!!|!`s.-':o:P!PF'!`9a!D'9s{ ,. r I ' Q.- "An-`(nun ail ; 'nLon nA An.-Anni kn-'3 ` Mia xqlnrorm ma rupuu_ mu ne `nu 3:391 " npned the show Natl, for-110 conven"r_em-e of those desiruns of dispminz Household _E{l_t_I_li`-_ .t!re,_Store Goods. or chattels of any. description,` ilin`-an. {Ya-ulh- ll iri|'a'1lmblmet.:; .'~&n. -`hm: `luv to inform the`. l5Iiblio_ ih\\'t" he `hu.a"jnst ~ .op3nd ahovf llstl,.fuJ'-.tb convenience at` lhnen tlnainuna nf iannaind '-'t\IICn|-Inh` 'ILIl$=L rulin- UAAHDQ III] IV .1 l\..UC,. > ` ' . ./lgent, Barne. Also YsI'ucr "for fhg Canada Porinahent. Build- ing and Sasvincss piety '! o_ronLoj. 3 1 A _ 1-1.!` wun we |c0_\'M IBSIIFHHCE Iillmrmny an Pxjl. In- surance of FIFTY THOUSAND YOUNDS (u;| `the buildinc `of Gui|d_|mll. including the new e rect.ions,ui_ngs, zmd-'contems`. ' v ` V .-...{u- A. mvmsbx, impu.-zor.._ YAIIIFQ '5 T nx1`tu'c'r' mom was uoxnon rm!-:s: _v V - Tb Gnmmittee for`-tf~e city entertainment to the Princqmttj Priug-as of Wnles htHf{jll'Sl t-`t-cted with the Royal Insurance" C !-mymny an t>'in- mtrnnoo nf FIFTY 'I`H(TfYR.I.'\Y PDYYNDR .`... Secfetary and I Treasurer,--Berhar(i `Hnldan, Esq: ' "Solicitor,--Angus Morrison, Esq. . - 1` ` .J0nN ALEXANDER, >Au'n'nl nf Rn-M-1': 1 I ` < MAILII INsunAi::?EMPAN?if Fm!-: .AN_.D LIFE. V capitalg--Twjo Millions Sterling. I Funds in hnnVrl--_Ez'_;-lit Humz,~c}z T/mu saml PaumlsVSLerlz'ng. - { Barrie. Jan..1R62. tend: nm...|-_.-' ' i I .'I`vl-IE U.\jIoN PERMANENT T BUILDING IISIIIIINGS SOCIETY; 3 Incorpo-ated pursuan]. tn the Acts of th I _ hPr0m'2zcial Purl-iamenz. ' M OFFICE-King St., a few (`icon-s West of Cbim-h St... Tnrnnln V ' I- lGB.&YEN.!LB$T S110. ALP0RT.| .. --.. 'D2_-_. $I\nAIl-lQId-l\JI-|I `\-I `I535 9]-.31" Brace Bridge, Indian River, A and intermediate points, _ A comnccnna TR! svnznm mm sun nnn on I "1' A -I -.-I-I -u-:4-~a-.;~1-u-- A ---u- . . t______, _.:..j--- -' She also connectsnwith Daily Line of Sums fom JWASHAGO MILLS. or SEVERN LANDING, to the BIG BAY of MUSKOKA. 2 c'uAn(::s Moo:nA'ra:. Orlllia: J. P. Cockburn, Merchant, Agenmt Toronto, N. Milloy. - `A D fVl'|I`|I7DI YD\Y GENE1%?L`IIf$%`_!IANTl DRY Goons; T -T . V _ GRQCERIES, HARDWARE, - _ caocmmy, &c., &c.,' _.s___'A_j p__ _- "*-***-1 "5 ""1 adnptd for country trade. I Produc taken id ext-hang for Go.<\)'ds.` Elf? issuer of .\Ia.;riage Licenses for the Countf `of Victoria. - Bmcsanxnum. NORTH` Farms, ; `mm July, was. I29-1y 1_- " Ll}eiri ?g ad froui- j It isof wmlanx 7\sxLI*I:;\f\'cE oo1n'm;| `CAPITAL _- g . $4 ` ;NsHAm:soFs4o1:AcH. 28-171 Hun'0rr1cn--Cnrnhi1I, L.nndon,_En2land. CANADIAN Bnaucn Omen -- -Merchants ' Ex- change. Muntrenl. ' . v ' ' Taylor Brothers, General Mamcers. I'VlI`I'l |Il I"lf\I'N ASSURANCE QOMPANY I FIRE; LI|\7iE',&.* M_AR.|`NE. % Subscribed Capital, One Millzan Stg. Ba:-ie, June, reed. j ' iL!EE(%]L9T BEl _ we East-hol7and.North Wgst _qtta.rtPr.of Lo`: _ numbgty six. in the tw_el'fth Uoncessionvo? the Fwltsamor MEl_)0N1,' own is the Bailey arm. '.- . J. _,T`, . This vgtI_tta.ble property is situate within a mile and a. half of` the Goldwater Road, and about 3 miles frdtn the Village-of Otillis. ` . -To lIl\I'I`:nu llntanvdn AP unluinln -!._'._ _-_,-- . __ ' mneu ITUIJI ule vIuuuI.j'uI _UIIIIIu. V `It contains 150! ac:-es,,of which sixty-acres ire" cleared andfeuced. the remainder being well tim- bered; A heverlailing stream runs {through `the Lot. - ` ` ' nptnon -. I'll!` III!" A paid)_to |"' | HA jjlllo , _ Fox-`sale on `zvouraole terms. Title unexcp. tionahle. 1 . ' For further parlicularsipply (if by letter .post,. paid) to 7 . J ' ` `Ban-ie,.hn. am,` 2` ` I . an 1: an ` j__:. CLAIMS PROMP`i`LY SETTLED. IIOVMIE f`FFl_ 0'3. 'l`0R.0`N'l`0 CORNER OF COLBORNE AND CHURCH STREET? ll` 1` |\.Il"1:I\lHg St., Toronto. Mr. FRANCIS RICHARDSON,` President. ARTHUR LEPPER, Vicje-President. V 30-4% MW F Nnpproved rreehom -_oca:::;,;....;a`T.: s.;.o.i..V.:.L Interest. ' {.__, j~ 5 "I V 1 - w. S'l`EAMER `;_ya:NQNA11~,* nuo...~ - . __.-.. T I: let.-5,`: nle um! um ,Wu.v .\lon~rxmm Cums, Solicitor. WM. Phsn, Sccmtm-y and Treasurer, I III . gI'II'El,_l'Il_KIllK lflllllf i und.ah`u.ys on.ho.ud.. . , _ D '1-:9:-u CIIARTVERED BY ACT OF PARLIAMENT`. GILMAN WILLSON, -.....:___-__: _ju_-n I mi-. Apply to`? HOME AND COLONIAL and dealer in all iiixcyislof "r{6.i:'nAr1j E:c}.ii' CANADA 'n-1UsKuKA?uAD: 1-gigging from: 12 V . alirgyo on.huud..$ `O #0 7F. '11.. HEW.AR'n,U lllinpuger Toronto Branch-` f..`__- .1 .. `.}:\`;1~l;}vS'-EDWARDS, . ./In-ant I (LlMI'l'ED.: THQMA DALLAS, /Iannl HI I) "i='~Ii.iIi`{'.{f }'a}3u.1~, . Agent fur Barrie. 23-Iy p ` 1 -`iraoms DALLAS, Orila. A. P. COCKBURN, 4 .4 . Proprietor. p1.`.An n unn, gent ut Bame. ""7'fWE};t,.' ' Duntop Vtreet alarrie. ; un yuan, ./Igcnt at Orillm; Liv LEARDAGH, 'lIIii2iinrl_ Run $400,000 VAYr mu-a.~'mn:1i u.-In-.~, ura 1-nrc-nuns--rihed spul ml one ' my |nlI1_l5lIt't'|{~ : H e e\_-vs hecmue dull ; lhe pupils plula-; an uzgare we-mi-4-in-Ie runs alnng lhe lower cyelid; [he nu.~n`, is lrrimln-(I; a !~`\\ tHnIg o{1heup- I pm; lip: um amu:I_l luruulau-Iv. with Imm hing ut me . vars; ml uummnl .`l`I`t'li(`!| of saliva; `tum.-d` Ionue; In-o-ml: \'er\ nal; up'pehle .~mm-limes vu- n'u.-iuus, with agnuwiug rem-alionm the slum- arh,:at olhrrs entire-Iv gum-; eellllg pains iu the` stoma:-h, occn.~`i-nml nausea and vam- >iNn;z; siuulxc slim '; nul u'nh-c-qm.-ullly lingccl wilh lilmxl ; bu-l!`\".~w_u|len':gnd hard , nrinelurlml; rlspi- g'aIimuw('ag4i:-nallx dil:'u|l_ and an-mnpanicd with !Ii--u"mth ;' unvasy ainl dxsxurl-e'd sleep. with grind- ing" Hf llus Ice! 1; lt;lll|)\`l' generally jrrnable, etc. ``'..i'.. . . U `.~.- u-B sin-I1 u .~uug\.IuI9- Old Ma`-'K'erizie1`ex';>rez a- with that this Rt-nmly A-hnnld h_e put at um-_h '8 price as wnnld en- dh1d'a'll.lhe pbur vzipet-'ia"\', hivlle it. 1-: dc-l'-nem'e lo lhat Wilh, We have pllfil at UN: Iulluwi-ng prim,-. I3` Pr-we only 7&1! .-sterling, (I5 cc-nlu) per pack- age, ur 14`(60`cenIg- fur tuiir pa--knees . S:-Id bv ._\'ery D; jisl and . edu.-ine Dealer In Europe and lump on uxm. NU/V _& C0,. Tn l'or_Uu. C.W . `mns..Clre_ 6; Co-.E gg: _&.'0imphe|l. L - .8 III . I u . V V V ' V Vu` ` la minnt harm _\-onrt-hiid. and lvjr giviugitin time you will save your uinpring mm-b slnfferiug. ' nm n; vm..':..L'.' ' :_:\'rr,\: yguggqst nuu meulclno Ucnler burupe and _.rnstIcII-. Jr = ' g` . ' ` N.I,)I,Is?`gt-nnine.}\'iIhouta fat--simile signature of ` H-' 15- l!1cKm,zi, M.D.,` G[Za;fgow," on each Wrapper. - V - ' ~ ' ; ~ ` 11- \.Vh.-.In.I- A;......... 1...:-'.....:. Ir... ....1 urn. The` (~mmlennn<-e pale and la-Vaden-I-nlored with -nrq-rams--rihegl .u- Inuh 1-`luau-I:. - ll 9| sn-5-R fnnrnnna chi" -, lhu nnnilq ..-c -. ......--. . , .-...,.. . 5....-.--.... ...........,, `nu. ` `When any 01 those aympl-nns om-or, Give the \&'oi'n1_Can(ly nnnedialely. VV. I'll mr. _ , ` 13' Wholesale Agenl-4 fur Canada East and West, 3:]! only 1.I`IIp0r_(erx5, (toy W_ho_m all orders ahuu|d_ be, .9"'.".'=*':2 A. N. MCDONALD 6; Co., . `o _ 5 A ~ . 7B.nocx' anannap wHoLEn.s AGENTS :-Nor-_ xhrop " ' Nay,-a;1|e, (}.W.: Lyman, Eiliol. c.`\'~~` 0.1%] 0? : I-513 Hear? 65 Suns-L.\`-` ` .I lI.nI-.CI4PtI A5: l`.n_'K'..u-um nu Sr. Crnlhrn--l.m|'u-I l lU IIIITII Cli||lK'~ ;`1I.|lDlH.UlHIllg The lm-,t_re amount 01 Ourding required Inst year hns induced tlw snhscriher to and almlher ma- chine to his estub1i.=hnu'-nt, in order to meet. the demands made upon _him in this branch of his business. With Two} Cairdingi Machines tn` nnnnonnt hum.-nuinn I... Ln...-.- 9.. I`- ..LI.. A,` g..- V ~ ' . " ' ca -`-" .*"' in` constant opcralion. he hopes to be able to exe- cute promptly all work emrusted to him. P:1rli(-3 Imvimz Cloth to be fulled -(`:`n have it dam-, nlsu, 2:5 I .=`|mIl_ have 1). Falling M1: in opal- utirm this svrxson. . A 3- - .JA.\l_ES. N bGP.AHA.\I. !STEWRlHN5 EAETBYE . I T HE Subscriber is now ready. to Card Wool for E farmers and OIIIEFS requiring his services, 1nu~in_L'.l|ze most. improved 1\1: u:hinery and best = workmen. n....:.\,. ,.-'.. .:,.-.......: .... I......_... .l._:._ _-_u_ .1, \VU| I\|HK'|l- I _ Parties can depend on having their work done a to their entire satisfziction. 'l`I... 1-... . . `ovum Ont` ` . _* ) I ' Corner of Co1rIwn_ier. {Ind Pen-r S1rc-ot=`.'1lw well I known s;aud of the late Mr. Adam P.mer-`on#. . ' TOILILLIA, vC.\\ . __ ___:_:.__,.. ...;_ _ ._t_ .'*j .._. _. {THE PLAEETUBUY voua Goons; ' C`OC.A`1IiBTJ'R.1T S %NONIRna;sTORE SPRING & SUMMER DRESS GOODS, % j, % SHAWLS, MANTLE CLOTHS, ` Ca.nadian,,Scot:ch. andWest of England Tweeds, % % FOR SPRING AND SUMMER WEAR.` And 9. Well tlsoried stbck '>f'l`w6and Three Ply, all Woul,Kidmins`.or Curpctin; ' 4 M Drwggel-ingwHearth lhags, L\'.c. ,Tm: UsUAuAssonn1z:x1' o_s?~ GROCERIES; IlARl)\\`Al .E, CI{()(,`I~(F.P.Y, &c.,A .u.'.v.n's me n-.: INEW $ GOEWDS 2 H0 Sie1'y,A 1f r1be2'(las}'z'e2'y, Giozfcs, Flora`-c2's', ` "HATS, BONNETS, PARASOLS, Sac. HOTOGRAPI-IS coloured to suit customers, old Pictures copied and phoiu !Iruphe(l and enlnrsged to any size you wish. . ' > have been c0ns_lnmly engaged in the Art in all its brgzmches 19 years and feel myself capable to pruduce Pictures equal to any other man, at the same" price and made in the same way. . . ' . I ' 2 - i No copxes gnveu unless under a verbal or wr1_tten order ofthe subject. IBULLO CK S GA LLE RY. [MELEME WPES. Grimm, mh .\la_v, 1866. Barrie, 30th '.-\April-, 186;). in Connecgion with Graham s ' Tannery. T` __,- .________ __- .,,_....- -._-- .-v.4.J.-v -The above Galleryis now open from 8 a.m. , to 12, noon, and from 1 to 5 p.m. Barrie, Ju ue Q-1-th, 1866. Dn.Mc. KE NZI E's You can depend on good Pi'ctu1Z'r if you sit still. T PHOTOGEIAPI5-IS $2.00 PER DOZEN. Fini-LING+ - 7' .-..,v.. ---.\.. _...--.. -u V.-um nugg- Wm Prove an e`>l remedy, and can be stifely dlninhtered to lhiimnst feeble infant, `having no. Cl"J.'"9l or other nimerul substances contained in -it. Ton mm-h mm... s.. ....:A :. :... ..-..:... .....a ..... Ailgrq oz. Uo-Jsegry Ul (_I.<.,p Uruu_Irrn-1_.aa 8'55, Ctmpbell. Manna.-at, 6&8,-; E . Hualbt-I mg O.VI_. 3 J. 09.? Hqplltm, ,The $ubscribers' have received it L":1rge ax1d-\\_'<':1i Assbrlcd stock cf I gll" *9, Lngqn. Newcaallle. l_J.W.: Lyman), DIIIOI, o(u'o`; c.w..; J. Juan.-y 65 Snns-L_\'-` 3, 6n Co-Kcqry rq.<..& Crlherll-Lam-.1 mpbgll. -as`-; Hoaibel ; i .W. 3 ' . What b 00.1 Hlnn .0- PI-IOTOGrRAPI-IS, All {kinds of Pictures made in` the Art at Coxne and See: ]_)UNLQP STREET, BARBIE. I- ' . U oooceo'o:oc'ora\-, _ bulqlllb ur mner muzerut substances contained in it, Too much cnnnnl. he said in its praise, and we . would Pnrnestly advise all who need a safe, pure and reliable worm-destroyer, lofnse it. in their lllilies, well knowing lhnt once given a fair trial; _ it willaoon become -a permanent institution in every .bouselzold.. ' _ 5,11. ... . - --4 ii Gieacai-'1>ua`x:i-on--.-1 "`z-(),-ly T -,Gr\'hMn s 'lL`cmpl If Falbi;>n. iii! r.u'n';. _-p-.ew.'I%-A19r1,9I.V'=~`-thick cannot an to sun pun {."'-V ' In; ------- ----or v-navvAL`Lll1J.LJlLIoy _ JEWELLER, &c., Old Pm! Oicc, 3 doors l'Vest'o_[FarragI1-Ir`: Hotel, _ Dunlap Street, Barrie, just receivegl 2} new stock of fashionahlo _]0\\"0(`l`j' gonsxsung ofsteelanrl Jet. Branches and 'Earm2s, Fmger Rings, gsolid Gold and Silver ghams, 'I_`oys of all descriptions, Violins, Strings, c. Gold and Silver Watches of the best makers. . Also a. good assortment of Croquet. sets. nr .-"4-nvn Ihr\A.- -_ ._, _--.., `A NEW Axn"F;isti16[v}xnLn srocx ` ' 6: 5 M _ 3; A- . ofihe newest. and choices! `styles. - : FASHIONABLE MILLINERY GOODS, S'l`RAW GOODS. `i:mL`MN!s cows 8:. ms, "' ` 13.. &n. I --`---._`----..- ' -v------w T " ` &d.,&o. ` His stock" of StapIe Go6d| has duo just been glarggly increased. ` ` ` 1.. -`I L2_j_'_n :J?T'a.'..ncy Gcbod .Ilp'h..-v. . 'i`.'-.u.I.; -6` '`.._l.:.... ..:n L- p. . : v o uunuuliuua UI D'll'l'lL' unu H18 S'll'T('lH]Hhg I -ounlry, tlmtite has pnrchn.=ed the iircrnises into- iiy occupied by Mr. H. Dongal,I)un|0;vS2rt-I t, ,` lmrrie: and inu-nds`cmrying on lmsiness in tho ':1bm'o line,nnd |m.\'inzlearhed his trade in the Guy of London, Englanj, and having carried on an r-xtensivc ivusinessin the above line in this County for elovenyears, feels condent of giving every satisfaction to all who may favor him with their patronage. ' 19- LEANDER s. SANDERS, WATCH AND CLOCK-`MAKER, JP`.\V'I`.LI.]'c`.D br- . N.l|$K\LV\JlJ I-I\J U ILIIJLJI I Tjverv \'nun;z lady and gemlvman in the United. Smua~ can hear .~mIwl|mIg__ver_\' mm-In lo Iheir ad- \'-.mIaa-.'c In` re.-Iuru mail (free oft-barge). by dd|'e_8S-* my llne u |'.lt`l`.~`|`.{nt`l]. Tlutc: having hears" Or being hmul -nag:-d will ubluge Ivy not noticing this card. AH ullwrs wvnll pieape address their obedient servant, 7i`v'II\n is p... _ ..-- . -- Spring Su;n_I1:Ver Goods, CLOTHING? vunrvu , vavvuv xu-\J.u. omgu ur Iv nnuo. Watches and Clocks cleaned and repaired. All ' work warranicd. ' ` ' n . .- ---- - TuMPi;I11`j:1:ifsi11uN 1 '7i1.Urs AND caps, % - . BOOTS 65 SHOES, `LADIES DRESS GOODS, F W- :3. CAPON", ~i H0llS(`., Cz11'ri;vg'r>, E Sign _ I a1vEnI<`-1`, G'}'n2'ncr,' Pnprr I/(mgrr, and. C:'emaZ iIIuuse Decorator, Dunlap St . 13a/e. ;ra1mT1:.sL PAEPJPEEE H 7mmpmea:~EmAn:.::. %USSELL BR01`IEEJ3S. . V... -- ...u`u-n-u. _B9;'rie, May, 7-I432 w;o. c.e_o` THOMAS_-E3RAHAM has just received V ...-`-V. ..v-.u CLOCKS VFI1-O.\i7Q.'5 UPWARDS. nhshna and l`I....I.. -l-__._:| _A.1 . B. C. hog: respectfully to nnnouuc to the iuh;tlil:mts'of Barrie and the s-Irroundmg rv. that he nnrchmod thp 1?rr-ncsu Imp- s. BULLOCK, Artist. V GRAHAM S T Tess. consisting of `V "In .21 humor . winch reed and harbor wmms. - Now is` the `season of the year" when parents cannm he mo caxeful 0f_lhe hezyllh of Ihir little ones. anddrive from their systein all iu'xp'uril{ies JUI)SOX'S '21: noUN1iALN HERB WORMVTEA, 26"- "(;';`e;"||lJlI\l a man gave. that he_h_a,I.h.` for _hi own life 1'- .,- P W? and m pr5en(e4us _:!'e 1: every 1;-nanble. "'3"3"1*`lIden\'or.nud.uever was Ihere a lime in the m;'I"d s hrslory when a man might do Hus wjlh more-anus . mns:"_||'f.e5eIII. fqr_Hadwa)"I Re-gulnung Pulls render al- Mcwal mm-r mmhcin--5 superliunusr. Pkwy pr:-vemlhve Ind Ih"f*'"'grIIu I In-ulth If 1nken.ul nuuuhle man. u, r , "5 P")"1P")' regnove a xllseu-Ie when u _IoIlly am-nnpn "'| NIH! upnn n_s vzclun. Being very cheap. (only 0 '_"` ""3-) NW) mtuluend xlmusv vet In Ihr won- Lnualas we|Ian1he more anullurc-m. Being amped Wllh 51"" '|_ |n_h- latlrleu. they ureuhv (nvnriles ul Ah: di-In. n `e nud_Iasmh_nua._ as well an pf thou: whose, _ In Ire 0 '3 disc-rnnmmungnr pnnjculnr. Being an .,/in their p5"'.'"- 88 Well as 4-factual. 04,-ouion|ng\uo_ p|lII:nnd no `"5,"'_`8.- JG! are preferred, by all who c-uu.u]gptc|ulg I '9) `xce|lem_medaciuo. As my up-inem l|I)`)ll 0 wuh- Dm'n rgvnl. As-o,Ionic_Ihev_ cannot be `uurpapoud. As a D" have tluy arejlerbcl. J: an qllemive ,Ihey- are um-' :W"'h&|!|e. A6`: bouncer.-irrilnul. Ihoy urn, _Il|lII|fIM. ll _mmn1nnt they ;ureMl.IhnI .enu|d he. duxrcd,-' Ag '1 "" .,,.{,',`,,;i" Irtaimmm Io-.. .B;s"r:'!- Rem`;-n`3m Pm- I.-nn bonus` I u Im.t,nv I u re- ;`9dY for bilionnnnu-In pvv -k|:lI slim, nnniim lint. u up .|'__AKVI.-.' :u.v1:;u AND GOLD 1 Whatre` silver and gum. compared.- In 3` '|Jml that he ham.` (or keep wr-H lhnllhx n-.4 .....J _. :"" I _ i uwnlife ?; aml p_raers'_eh|;I xfg: eve-,_ry" I;-_na,1l;.le, aegnh 2 1:rt:i br'IILuI V Inna nu \ u u\,vuuu.nnou\.u. The Great Eutern_ reached New- fotnulluiul safely on Friday last. NO i1ct:itli_utol` any kind occurred on the voytisve, although the weather was un- tisiualiy sturtny. During _the whole periudoftlie luyingof the cable,the sig- T mils through it were perfect. "Nothing could show more clearlythe excellence ot the cable. Arrangements lormeeting "-tltet-.ontin_1encies which the previous at- tempts had shown possible had been i made, but they were not called" into rc- qnisitiuu. Everything seems to have gone like clock-~work. The total dis- `lattice run` was 1',6.b'9 niiles,ind the length of cable paid out 1,864." . l`he average` speed Hf the ship was it little less thun ve nautical miles per |tourj,and the cuhle was paid out at an average of ve and one`-liulftn'Lles an hour. It is proposed, as soon as coal has he-en taken in, to sail V for the spot wheie the'cahle was lost lust your. recover the `end, and com; Me, if possible, in second line" hetwm-n` -ll't l: .tI(l _ and ; amt then the. Illa!- u'u_1/-une_ of the telegraph fleet-\\'i|l proceetl to luyptlie new Cllllz` 2i('t'os.s_` the Gull of _St.~ L:twruu':e.' Nlr -Cyrus W `Field states that the culnle will he open for businessin a few days, and `messages will be sent to Europe in the order in whichtliey are received at I_1eart s Cut)-4 tent. ' ' 1 . .. ....n :. `u -snug Some interesting details will he Afonnid V in our telegraphic clespatclies respecting the voyage across the All-.1_ulic. 'Wecmi. do little.nmre,'tliis morning, than Vcun-" gratulate uur reurlers on the gieut t Vt'ltl. _ The London Times, UF FLU DAY L".-\..\ 1',` well sz~ys,- It `is a great '\vuak- .tlu-. glory.0ftl1eage"and nation, and they: who have achieved it- deverve .10 In- `.` honoured us benefactors uf their race. ? -N0 bettereevide-nce could be given ufils being it giezit the very that -1 that we can. pzihlish to-duy an t*.f.`HtlCl from the 1'2' of three days back! A great stride has been made in the march" of civilization and prugress;corutiierce will reeeive an immense itnpetns, and tlieegenernl interests of peace and gnud feeling aniun._r_ the uutiun_s ufthe world` will be eminently suhserved.--G. obs Tim Tr~nm= no 1m-1 U_M1'I-:n S1'A'ri:.~-. luc/cwnods"Mugazme--ms mumh -_uv-{s a.~_ one --I Ina ;:n.I It`. |.\ ..., ml the lallpf Amvricziu Cunl"-v1-nu-y " Ilie .-mvunfice or incapacity :1 die. B:m.-h vrweumnmnl that rpfuie.-.l_Iu unne `wwh than, of Frallve In acknowiedging Ihe imle}eul..-n.-9:-I Ihv Snulh _ 'J`llvu|(|r. Iluuse ih in 163?}, and is cunseq old, ilw limhe-r inr whi Ilw .<|u`T-. and is still sol"! L-r..|., ..l ................o2.... """"H= I_ne II tIimmjlIIb|O.. _Kguw_ays Kegzqmtnu VIII! "'0'!!! hm. and bobcat! speaking. a ni-vmfaiulurg b_i!}o_nc nlgcku gray ,-kmd ; for nn-rviv_un dim. ` for maladies nrris_iu'g` from 9 _!e_prud ea-nqniou at hm r 3 lo! rhouumlpun: dysuepsln-for y_e_lIhw'._mnd Iy. oven; for on K .1: nndxkinrg Qmmlilll. no gidenthunuhow. be without llulwl '9. ' iI|!1i"i - " 7! thruilnv or `to out man I 1-n-_'_..|_- ,.__-.__.n, - L. -. ,3 1 L;_n.|_ .-;; n_.4' elect-~ nly 0! having other if wi)"0 .h'eruI-_ti--c V to eye: man I?! 'l`I.}- Allunlic Cuhleyhas been success-3 f..;]y mu] ! At_ length, the hopes which {Ur x1..- ,::-1 decade have clusleredaround 'Hns \\'n-ml-rllll enterprise have culminat- ed In :1 zzrund a|_!C(.`(SS, and lhe most im- pnrumt a<-lmwenwm of science of` the 19th century has been accomplished. rm... r`v,..,.; 17`.no-M... ..A....|\n.~l l\| .s.n,, ;v ..._ 7 pm Sm,-May I have the opportunity of cor- recting (through your newspaper) a. amtemem V which appearedin the Ezaminrr of the 26th inst., F . { with respect to the forwarding of the mail matter. for East 6:0. The Post. Uice Inspector's instruc- tions to me are to forward ai_l- correspondence for East Oro on `f-Rugby, and the mnii matter for Rugby is to be eneioaed in st canvas bag ma-iep 1 np_for `,`Duiston," vjvuhir-h is desjalcbed in the . way-br go for Penet.:m'guish_ene.( Eunseq-iently, there ere two oices'(the duties of which I have 1 no doubt are cnrrectly ;wrI'urmed') for the`EaS l Om newspapers tn pass through, after leavin M the Barrie office, before they can reach their des- wtinaiion. - v V ' --- , _'u,e_1_ .1_- n r.-A2.-- -5 I3`......_.'nnv ,'l'| ` -tlnnlluu. V ` ` The error whichlhe Editor of Ezamiv:er`hns madeis that he says the Examiher goes through _ notmher "' cfcv_1ha.n the _one here, before reaching: its d!-stivnalinn. . . . wlf the -Eraminvr was issued every 7Tl:uf8d?'.'l mornmg (me the, Editor says it 'is)'and mailed at that ' I believe "there "would be notroublee a` jm.iv.- dt_Ii\'t`y'r)" m any part of this calmly." -If I am the di_$ub)iging man the Editorzcalleme, I 11': ' umy thiukile is equully as unjust a one. :-`Eng you xx ill excuse me for troublihg you`, I am, dear sir, - 7 Your obft aerv t, ' A 1- ..... `D It To the Editor om; Na,-Eh n": Jdvdnce. ' ' V - V O V Docm_,, And -1 Mn only surprised. that respect- Ie M . _ ::",;::,Pw3u1a ailow such pollution to he intro- mon at them. _ duI=:`:,er,,,Ee to Mr. Lane, I think it my d'uty,.as one doing considerable businese in post and ex.- pmg matter, to give expression Ato my `views on the matter, and to state that I concur. in the gen- eral ggiisfaction expressed with regard" to Mr. Mme ; administration of ' the two oiiices. L Yours, &c., a Vox Pomm. who have the good of meat families M v -v-nvcuullt Sold by?a.l.l` dealers Get our Jrhuwc, _ ll!Ul(l(`.\'lVl..lU_l|S( / in [Boston was Built 5535. cmlsequenlly 206 years llw wlxlch was cut n_eur A <|H`T-. sound and in a good ~ -_l |nre'st`r\'ullUl1. The most reliable `tiluvv l-wr u1l'en= the public 10: `:Irc- 1-l smnmer oump|uints,_ sudden rllwummisul. plnurisy, &c.,- Is the .-lmn l`niu Drslr0y_r. Sold by all ._:u l ;u.ceut Medicine at 25 ctspe; `volume xv. '~a~}-ii? ATLANTIC. CABLE.` \\'HAT_ARL} SILVER GOLD? T' bu! V Hist. games _ B0180 - Tm`I`i_. July 30, W. ._.._.._.._._T WORMS :7 wonmfi I i WS"l`RA1\ GE BU r"rRUE. .}pc[1.`W;cg. mos F. CHAPMAN; . 99: n..._.:_..,.. H... _-.... nvaOOI, '83-l'Bmndwa_v, New York 956` U\lI.u\.|' -I, A. Lass, P.M. ANGUS PRINYEA, . of Fredericksbnrg`, , County of'JLennox and Addingmn, 0.W., van. for one. tritly bless (.906 for the discovery of the Great Shnshotieea R :-medv, which has ~it_u_leed snatched me as a brand from `the jaws} oftlealh. Su`:-rmg for ti length of time. from Consumption. last August I became conned to my house; I coughed drenli'u!lv day and nitzltnl exp`et-totaled quarts nfgreenish-looking matter and large quanti- tieu in blood: I (-unld svarcely bleep at all. and when ltlirl daze right sweats hnrnt furlh fearilly. which tlto.-duz-tor ll'lt`tl hut in vain to arrest. My bowels 'were ooetive, I lust my Eppgtllle, and what little { -eat I mostlv vomited. My head at-hed nltnnlit eun- ntmitlv, I was an sttiyt-ated=that l conld hardly` breathe, and racked with pain. I becanie so reduced thug! eonldhardlv-stand alone, and. indeed, an '01.,-,.~..._or pitv at the verge. of"the grave.` I took. Qmnme.- Cwl Liver Oiltcitrate nflrnn. and `Quin- ine, Cough Mitgtttrett; Gut`-. . ,&c.'. hnt slillifew-"wttr*e and worse. hvaia `0'I'N.9ll('t'(" hy ph\'tti('.lII'I!'Wb0`l0lti me to preparegior death. which we: mvonlv hope ;' Iml I tiinnk Gud that abnunwo months no thin Gr.-nt Indian l_iegneqlv. waeintnxlm-I ;intu Cannilapj I arm-pad it an the last hope: I have titlten itwitli the pillil ever fintsftl now. my cough; in Imt little. the gum-|nr,ntion nfgn-e-ni-h matte-rV1nId~hIoud have stupped.'l sleep well. night sweats have ceased,`-. my lmwo-In are regular. mv appetite in good, Vomitinl and Heads:-he lin'\'te+'toppeil.'?l hm`z'the'- easy. and_ n'er no pain. The Dex-t_nr` exmnined mv l3I_n_tr. the other evening. niil it wan open ngnin, _anl'fo_rGnd'u -nke'to'sti-lg` to this Indian Re_.tnedv},_ 'I"'_|kI"lllh'lI`t|,\_V, feeling, In-nrl.\'.. have been .oItl"`V_itiitl _hp. chi! hive` - lately. i l_o it j!i 5llEtll, l15l'l_}}'fvd trim irmer t,l'(V'Il-," epatiun . nndnll p rnisioi,,tltrnn`g'h Ilte'ble;i8ttI,gf'of Gutl,` to the Great"Bho(hQiii&`. _Rem`etly-', ` `L . `si. 5 'E This I s'}le m'r`il0 `151-ll ' I|nde'r`i\hih iii Ihn'ni-onbnren` lu me U`fPl_D`V`W!Pu_9lHly- ' ` -- ' _ - Tnin I sulemnlv decliref funderbalh, in lhpprenenee of God. In follows. -' ' -- - _Al\_'AG.-US PRINYBA. 'Sworn-be.l'nr`e '11:. I;!'%ff'IeIicI{blrg, Q.}V,, this [lly I 2....` am} day'ofM|rch, 1869. _ _ T ;,JoHNPn__:smA ..1.P. , , . N-\VA.F`.1?l.-}1[`~ER8:DN`,-5`.P..V `.'.' _{V. -"c '. " 3..-B-'s.u!l`3: .5"! M The Great Slmhonees Remedy, ' V IN CANADA. To all who desire it, he nvill send _a copy of the prvscriplinn used (free of charge), with th -'dure-- litm.-4 lnr preparing and using the same. whit-h. thev will nd in :~'URE cum-: {or (`-o NsnMP"T-on. A.~"rnMA.' Btuiucurrts. Couans, Cows,` `pad `all Throat and Lung Al-ctinns. The onlv object of the 'advc-rliser in sending the Prescriptinn is to benet the alit-ted, and upread informatiun which he cnm-eives to be ins valuable. and he hppo.-is every sntferer will try his remedy as it will cost them nothing, and may ptfnve u blessing. . ' ~ ` Thadviser. having he:-In restored to health in a few \'V( Pk by a very simple remedy. after having sun`:-rt-d f`-ur severalyears with a severe Inns: a3-(-- lion, anal that dread `cli.-xewe. C0nsumDlinn-is, amu- nus to make known to_ his fellow-smfererslhe means M` hurt: I ! Parties winhinglhe prescription, than by return 1 mail will please address \ . ' n mica- gnu. . ---..- ....-- . This`invalu'able medu-inc is unfailing in the cur n! all lhuse pmnlul am! tlangeruu: diseases to WllI(`h the-female conwlitulinn is sulvje-cl. It `moderates all em-es_s-and remuvvs all obstructions, and a _apeetly cure may be relied on. A -In Int: Imlnully [_lt'l'll)(l wnn r(`,`zIlHll'll_\'. - Em-h huule . p-ice One Dzrllar. bears the Govern- .nem St -ampuf Great Brxlam to prevent 1_2x')unler-_ wiik V . I , .. n A Tr'rrn7\r _'rI.... 13:77.. .I.....u ..... 1.. .../. (/41 U .l1lJLV.--JIIPSR I'll/S SIIDTUIE 7107. [)2 taken [)1] /g:nr1/e~"rlm'i:4g the FIRST THREE HIONTIIS ml` Prwru/n1r11_ rm I`/tenure ! urn In` In-1'}: rr nu 71/I-1.e nrn-_` [P}.'}Illl5` um I Ifg mu: 1' 1 no 1. 1. 1111. D1; u1U1v 1. (1-3 of Preg'ua.nc_7/, as t/:.e`1/`arr -`Hare to` bri/1,;r an Zllisltar-` rinse. but at an-y 0!/Ier tum tlmy re safe.- I ll`) all vases of Noervnmx nml uinal AH`.-1-linne , 7`I,(l2 f3. [H65 U-l (ll/-`U 0 /I67" II/Ill! [II-y 5,8.' If: all vases of Nervous and .ninal Al-cliuns Pulns in tlyje. Bm-k and Lim`-s." .FnIi_=.:ue' on .~li2h - .ex:-yliun, Palpulmion ml the Heart. Hxslerius nd x Wl:ite.~`.1|n-sc- _P|H.~: WI eff:-c-1 a cure when all ufher l menus have-Tiiled: and Hllhnugh a puwerfnl re-medv, 1 Id nut 1-umain ir.nn1._>al-mnel. antimony, or anything - . o ` I hm-llul In-the (-ousmunun. DI ll!`/6 06 D0. IS 0" (`HUN [`"K't!. . - Nurlhnp 65 Lyman, Nr wt-aslle, C. W., proprietofs for lhr' Camulas , - Q..|.u :.. n.....:.`. 3. '1' w r:.............. ....'.I 1(..I....... x. ngs'Ih nnents, `bnpif u Wun` ck" of make s.-nmly. , nnhm II is neculiarlv suited. It will, in a s|1g:r'trliirie, bring M on the murillnly pa-rind with re-, Fkvh hnnla. n.ia-ts On n-zllnr lunar; Ilua l'.uy..u-n- N.B.-$ 1 00-anJ six poslage siaizxps em-lace-I fr anv '-Huh--riz--1| t|2t`|1l`Wi i_'u.~ure`i'buule comaiuiug \ hl'\y 4P|Hs,|)y return mull. KY |__, __ 1- I _.__',,, L`. . ',| A .-- I `We sotne-tiumxe he-nr persons say`, mv horse is S ` smltv nu! ut`(-umliti'Iu.umJ I annut tell eitlver what I is thu malt:-r with him. or how In get him-in!n lN:`llt f- t~n.~e;"t|1c*\'a])prnt' tube ignorn_ut'nt the fact that I IhI'I't. 2` vvittwin their rem-ha remetty sate. sure. and ` e-}-t-t-val in all ('c'l.~t`.\`. Mam per.-anus, who `(t*tll"i|l` hxVn'.~'e-.~4 use large quantities of it. and le.~tit'y that Its I ri-A-I~' are inxist .~'aIi.~'t'ai-tnrv.- Que tmx-.~c-`deal:-r'in- [urn'..u` -us mat hi-z lmr_-'e<` cuhdttinn tfml app:-aratu-e are so mu.-h Improved by its use that they sell mare rratlilv and fur higher prices, The nrlit-les is Dar- [e\"s Arabian Heave Retn(_l_v a'nd Condition Medi- cnne-, Nothing, else is equal to it tor the same pllrltttsz` ` . .5` ' ` ` Runtumhnr the names. and map Ihlll the su':`r'nnn`u-n lUl'lt' LIHHIHIHS Sold in Bmri bv_ T. W.}l Kelmandc l Cn.'; J. Deacon. HrH_dfm`d ; Green 65 Bro., Craig- hur.~'l, and all _nm-dic-iin-`dealers. ' '41- agents mr me uanauas. , Sold In Barrie l)_V Kelman 65 Co., T. W. Georgen J. Deacon. Bradford; Green 65 Bro.,- Craighursl,and -all um-divine deal:-Is. i -, _ t 41- . THESE WAEERS give the most instaneons and perfec-I relic-f, when perservedwith at-curdintl to diret-lions nver fall to c-lfecl a rapid and lastinz -ure. ` Thousand.-.x have been restored to perfect health. whn ha_ve tried other means In vain. To all classes and all` constitutions they are a blessing and cure-none need despair, no matter how long the dtseam. may have existed, or how sevvre it m'a_vv_be,,provided the organic structure at the vital organs Is not'hopeless- ly decay;-_d. Every _one alicted should give them an impartial trial-. ` ` ` These \Vl'c-rs are peculiarly valuable, they. will in one day remove the most severe occasional hoarse- ness and Ih-ir regular use for in `few davs will, at all limes, ln('l'e`&:O the powerand gexilxiliry of the` voice, greally improving its _mne.'compass, and clear- ness, lm Whl(`h purpose lhey are regularly used by many Prolebsional Vocalists. JOB MOSES, Sole Proprietor N-`Y. 'I-u.._- .h! _,,,._ , I , ,r.'._.____`r , . . , 7.- _. Pnce 25 ents per box. Norlhropz Lvman, Newcastle, .C.W;, genefal agents for the Cafntidds. Q..I.1 ... u.....a.. 1... r(..u....... Kr n... '1` ur r:..,........ Preparnil ffom, a'rITpu'an 0fSir J. Clark, M .D. , .P/cy_.n_cz'zzn Eq:l2-aordiuary to zlm`Queen. purpn.~`e'. - Rumemher the name. and se that the ig'na!ure ufHunl 65 Cu. is on each pavkage. Nnrlhnn Rx L\'mnn_ N. wt-mill:-. C. \V._ nrnnriptnrin it To- Park _ nit_y"o'. - hulk` [THE GREAT msusn REMEDY. _ sIn'._I.\n,ua:_s-cLARK|3's _ . CELEBIJATED; FEMALE PILLS. (In mu l'(llA||`.1lII` |rIIII._``l}lllEl. uuumony, an)unng h|||'l-[.I|| ('0lls1llI\liull. _ ~ \ Full line:-lions in the pinnphlet arnnnd each pack-'; age. whi(-I) ,-huuld be:-'are1'n||v pr.'seg'\'ed. - - ; Sulcagcnls fur" the United Slates and Cnnac_|as. , u ,NorIhrnp 6: L\'rri:m, Newctille, C.\V., genera .Izent.- f`.n'lhcCa1\:\(l:as. ' SHH ill BII'I'it"|)' Kvlnmn X`, Cn.,'T. \V.C'rcnr2eh,: 3 J D.-:1u-nn..Bra|f3u'.l; Green 55 Bru.-, Cx'aighur.gI: and ` i all ujmlir-i.u:.(lcalcrs. ' _ 4]- The mdst cert:in an}! speedy`remedy`i}er;discovered' - ' for alldiseasesof thq `TO VOCALISTS AND PUBLIC SPVEBKERSV. ` _ . . am In mums. Chest and Lrmgs, Cougla. Cols, Aallmm. Can- .mm;m7o., Brant/Lilia, Inuenza. Hoarnmsa, 7 .DI_'({lt Brant/(, Sore , Throat, , A Gentleman _who nuI'red Tm yeais llfom Nervous, Dehihlv. Pro-mamre`D`co'a_\'. and-all ilhe' el-rvts of _vouIhFu| indist-r'Ii0n.' will rorlhe zale of suffering 'humanil\', send free to all who need it, Ihe,_-rripe and dire`:-tinny for .m|:inE the simple rmedv hy which he was cur:-d._ Sn erers-wnsliingluprut `by we adveru'ser s'experince. can do so by addressing- - anpvuvnnanu :5 Anna: 14:: lauuuanasv n-an ` A'G__mp Tame !e'l'nv 11-.-T_he Cnadian Pain Detuoyer is a medicine for the immediate [and `p(-r- 1 mam-nt removal I all painjlrum me. system; `The Canadian Pain Dex`-Iruy_er'c`ure-5 e`uri'Iy" g and pain in the bark and,-.-ide. `The Canadian Pain ' "Dex-l_rn\'er cures lnlliou-5 chulio and k-ramps in "me stmnm-'l'I'. ' Thi: Canadian "Pain Des'.`m_ver cures } cholera, 1-Hnlern morbus. dysemerv, and bowel com- plaimsx TheCanndIau Pain Dexllru\'t|r cures sudden mlds a`mlsore-Ihx-oats.` Theicanailian Pain Dez- ` Iruyer cure-s burns. S(`ld8,.lI`0Sl bites,` and chill-lains. The Can'm'ian_ Pain Dezglrmer is also an ,ex't'"e|1_! thingl'ur:1praiIIS.olraina, wounds, and bruises; It lakesawny all`pm'nI1se moment it is applied -'_N0 fnmI';.vshmild be_wiIhm_u a. bottle of the Canadian Pain Deslroyer;- - -` V ' ' u- 1- ..-,,,_-_. n..-'__--_.n I A It? _;_-__:;.-_. -eejn I _ E0` 0313' 5 an: n.n.euv~,...- Nnnhrop 5: Lyinang. Newcgmle, C.W}, proprietors for the Canadas. . , . ; `- _- V Q..I.l in Rm-rin ha 'I'`_- W, K}-3-nrgen. nml Ka-lmnn & fur the tanaaas. - Sold in Ban-rie.hv T.- W. G6.-organ, pnd"Ke|m_a_n 65 C0,; J. Deacon,` Bradfurd ; Greendit Bro._, Craig- Im.-.n_ am] all inmlioime ch`-nlers. 4|- (30.3 J. l}e8(.'0, Dfulllfll ; KIN`. hum, and {ill inedicingdaiers. an u an `llbuuur -u-u.-vu - nay. EDWARD 1;.` WILSON, 7-ly -Williamsburg, Kings Co. New Y9rk._ ms _ CA UTI ON .--T/use P//Is s/um"/zl not be Ia,{-an by a:11r1/8| /luring A/M FIRS 7` TH]? E F.` 71-10 NTIIR WQNDERFUL CURE 'A>DvEm'1sE'M_1:NTs. BRYANT S i=ULMoN1c WM-`ERS! .DON"I`L KNOW WHAT To DO. oozvs UMP Tlozv; I/ndfelthy 'e him)!` A slyAtnd_

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