Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 13 Jun 1866, p. 4

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7,-V-...-uvuu vwcm. 10 meeting, the father took ~ .forAhis.Atext-- My daughter isgreviously` .Jj-iormented with a devil. .. A ' XII A y'q1IthVwho'had_`;eturn_e`d .{ftomthe' Q. ;eity,was asked by hiyanxious father if -.%iV:}_ne _vhad' be'en.: `.1 ......v._., auyvu ..) Fimpubxisbea Am: 5u:,1sss} _-:. A _[Il'DlC County Court of Vt/Le; Caun!y qf, :9imcp; JAMES STEWART, Plainti',_ ` ' '1 WILLIAM BOYLE, Deredaui. ___` vva-.a_ IN THE` TOWN OF BARRIE, the nndermentioned Lands and Tenemnts, hr me interests of the Defendant therein, uudera Writ. of Fieri Fmrias in the_fo11owing.suit :- , BY PU Buo ATU CT'IO_N, at thp mmm--. nm... . IN T11JnC.9ii]@_Ii0USE; 1' or Lands. COUNTY 01? srucomg T0 W11` 3 SHER%IFF% S SALE] SHERIFF'S Oxvxcx BARRlE,. May 23rd, _1866. 1212..-; ....LI:_L__I Ann, In, _, _,_,-.-,a- \'L uxnuuvlll, ` ' T0 wrr: N the 14:1; day `of JULY nexi, AD. 1865, at t_w_elve o c1ock, noon, will be sold`_ ' Hush up ; it is some of your iunt s churning. T ' Did she churneit ? -Great lazy thin.g'. A "` What, your aunt C1 ? No, the butter. To make the poor old woman chum it when it is strong enough to churn ifself! . u1J..(.1. I 1.1. 1:..- -;...-.. _ '__-_. 1-;- . . , ------- '--; at twelve o c1ock noon, t,heunc.!ex/ihentioned Lands and Tenements, or the interest of the Dcfendanmberein, under a Writ of - Fiari 'Facias in the following suit :"--_ V I In the County Court 'ofth e'U1zi'tede`Counties Qf' ' - ' `York 5- Peel. IN THE" COURT i1oUsE,j - T 'l"l'_I1:fl`nTxT1\*r.n1.1 ~n.n~n COUNTY OF, smcom, 'ro_w1'1f: ~ _ N the First day of SEPTEMBER,- A.D'.~ 1866, will be sold ' ` - SHERlFF- S' SALE o1=- I..__1_a;_:N'Ds. Iuurvl Snsnmfs Ormcit, Bmnx, `. ' - May29th,1866.` ' First published May 30th, 1866; i _ . B.Y PUB'LlCm-XUCTVION, 11! 0114: Qhnrfria f\lYn.. -v...` u- ...u.. -a.-v.u_ alunvllusiutl - `Village Lot No.6, on North side of Queen Street, in`the Village of Oookstown, in the County`. of Simcoe.-as laid out upon the East part of Lot.-No. 1" in the 115th Goncessioniof the T_.)w`nship ofEssa, ` in the County of Simcoe, containing half an acre `more or less. T ' ' ` JOHN D. ARMSTRONG; Defendant, '17:n-.... 1- .. Nr. .9 __ -n.__u_ _:.:.-_ -4-t\'__ at twelve` o'clock, noon, tlie-nnd'ermentionod Lands andb'l`enementsVor. the ' interest of the Defendant. therein, undr a writ of Fieri Facias, in the following suit. z-. T In the County Court of the County of S_'imcotA: o.A STEPEEEN CLEMENT, Plainti`, vz: Iuu uuI.tU|Cu BIUC '1 don t know. . I't l1ad11 t _orter',V had ' it? The strongest, side pt-'1gl1t to be up; this is'the strongest butter I Vlmve ever seen. ' ` ` 1: TI '1 )'N the 13th day of JUNE, AD. 1866, attwelve _o'c1`ock ,no9n, will be,so1d IIBI`I,E,@:TfiRLi?'f9HE,! .-.-J -..-.., `gvvvv ) First published 30th May, 1866. HOSHEL MARWOOD, Defendaht Lot numberfl, in the 11th Concession of Essa; B. W-. SMITH, OL-...'11` '11. n , COUNTY" oF.stMcoi:-,'? ' r " V V-rowx'r:. I._ . ._ ~ Nthe me any of SEPTEMBER, A.D.A1866, L will be sold ' . _ _ 1. LIIENRY WALKER, Piainti`, ... BYT PUBLIC AUG-1_'|ON., of Hun Qlnnni-`In I112-.. S7HERIFF S* of ;; IN THEV`-TOWN)?"lAi?i1Ee-"`%? g______ .0 v-_- (IN THE TOWN OF BAR RIE, Why is it, myson, that when" you drop your bread and butter it is .a1way~s on the buttered side '!' V (r-'! .l,..-9 I-.- ~__. 1; I ,5 In . 1 - '1-N THE TOWN= OF BARBIE, at n....I...-. -v..1....1- _....._ At't_l1e SlV1eri"s(')_i`_ce, V IN_THE' TOWN oF1XIi1{1i=,7,'_ -A A_.-I__- -I_I-_ I IUU l.`ll'U1I U3) be sold_ BY PUBLIC AUCTION, --c at the-S_he'ri' `s Oice,__' z.1t4t11e.Sher`if`f s Oice, at the_?S'hgri`"a Oice, `at the shears O1.Iic`e,. I BRIE A Domestic Farce `in oxie Scene. Iulnun su, I aiter Ca. Simqe. .. . -...u;n;;, ` Sl1erz",' C6. Simcoc. _B. W. SMITH, shen1f,`'co.bsmco'e. \ .Slt;:1:{`, ' an Szmcoe- 711`-%_t.1.:i?_t 14-133 13- 13c ' A22-13: Z2-1>_3I; A: correspondent of .the Inquirer, writ- ing Irorn the north of England, relates a the following as anactual occurrence :- It was 111 the old bad times of the press-gang, when any man likely to "be. of service on board a man-of-war would ' be seized on the street; if he made any resistance, knocked downuand disabled, carried on board, and then, ifuthe ship was ready to sail, be no more heard of jbr many` years. `It was a most c_ruel and frightful thing, t_he terror of the seaports, and info. measure ot the whole . `country. One evening at the edge of dark,-a Yorkshire woman, wanting to `make bread, sent her husband with a mug to the tavern to `get some yeast. On his way the press-gang met h1m',knock-` ed him down, and carried him off. He 1 was `put on board a ship, and though the good wife suspected what might be` his`- fhte, seven years went by without one . _word from the lost husband. Butethe r ' ma11- lived. through it, served out his time, was paid off, and started for his old .home.- Onhis way he procured a mug as near like the one he had lost as pos- A sible, some say it was the same he had hid and found again; be tha-t asit may, John went and procured the yeast that i had cost him so dear, walked into the house with it, and said,+-` Herelass, le broughtthee that yeast ; and the lass said, `I knew thee would bring it,John, if ever thee came back alive. A e I Oh Thursday; the 19:7; day of iJily next, in tho homtof nielve o clock, noon,` the following- parc_e_l of land: 1 `Lot nuxnbemeighf ona thewest side of Albert` Street. andtNo`rth sidgof Oommeroial Street, in -tho.Vil1age ot{,_l3ogexnom,:as- laid` out `on parttof `the East ha_1!~~'o(/ l`ot.number- one; `in the eichtlr V-Concession of Mnlmur; containing one quarter, of. , -1------ virtue of. the hnthority vestedjn.-himaas As-T ` aignea or the above named insolvent, and in `pursuance of 5," resolution of the Zcl-editors, the undersigned will;-sellfhy ' I'mI- --A : ~ u-.-_:- 1N fVl'HE MZATTERV OF EDWARD . SYNNOTT, AN-INSOLVEVNZ2 . 1` .Do" Ban-ie. I` 4 Luv puuuresque noraers or Lake Simcoe. _ J . A goal substantial and commodious _.l1ouse, which has been recently furnished and tted? up for 9. hotel. 7 It will be let on very fzivorable terms ' to any respectable applicant, expe`rien`cedA'Ain "the business of keeping a" comfqrtable and well or- dered establishment. L For`furthcrparticnla'rs apgly atawkstpne, to - -II.. T..I_'. `T7910,- IN.the`x-ising village or HAwKs1`o'im, `which - for beauty of situation and salubrily of cli- mate will compare favorably with any Ioca.lity,on_ thevpicturesque borders _of Lake Simcoe. 1100.1 mxhnmncinl n...-1 ...............::....-" I AAAA -~ or to ...... -.., v-nu nu. uvu in n nun \;Iu_y- 1031111 4 Term, $1000: orie-half to be paid down.` at the time of sale, and xhe balance in five equal nnnunl [instalments with interest, to be secuied "by Mort- gage on the premises. ' A'_,_u,' Ion . - .. ' -- 1; ;&Ju"13=&1356- EING West half Lot No. 9. in the 11th Con. Township of_Co]lingwood,' County of Gft-y IDO acres, ve or six acres of which are cleared, and a shanty erected thereon- The land is well watered,- and the soil is a `rich clay. loam. . Tarmu nrnrin. n.'..-. l...H` 0.. L- _-:_1 ,1` _Bm-tie, -Nov. 10, 1864. _.._.--.._._.__:-_..__. .< a.- vvv. uxlwunpugl, . _. V "British American Assurahce Company.; Toronto, 4th May',1866.. 7 " 19- ` N.B.-Steamers callvdnilny non}; Bell Eirt and- iarrie. ' V ' 7 ~ ' THE East half ,ofVLotT `29, in the am Conces- ` sion. _ . ' A The-(land is of an excellent quality, and there are about 40 `acres cleared and t for cultivation. Immediate possession can be given. `Price mod-_ erate and tei-ms.ot` payment easy. Title indis- putable. J . _ ' . Apply (if by letter, pre-paid) to ` In;so1vent;1_13;%of 1864; FARM FOR SALE- IN TI-IF TOWNSHIP OF MULMUR, August 29:12, 1865. ` _ S_TE SAW_-l\lIL`vL,' in srgood pine locality, in the Townsliipol Nol!awasa'g';'I,; about 5' miles from 9. Railway station. with 600 _ncres of excellent farmlng land attached. , " TERMS MODERATE; Apply (if by lettpf post-paid) to .lARDAGII & ARDAGH, V Snlihitnra Rn rr-in _11u\JUIJ Duuu, Agent, ' Sibglmmpton P.O. . Singhampton,'May 7th, 1866. -I V 1 Owen Sound Times to copy till forbid.`- All operations peffrmed in he mot approved style, and satisfaction given il everv case r no charge made , . * 41- `Enoch Arden with` a Queer End. -_.._-.. .. ..... l.uvnvaBAVu uuu uc wuuru upon. Teeth inserted in nesuperior manner, from a. single tooth to_ a complete `set, on Gold or Silver, or.Silver Plnte,or'on that justly and highly es- temed material, Vulcanized Rubber,` and in such 3 styleus to afford_~ease- and comfort in mastica- ting the food, givingto the patient, at the same time, .tlm.`t natural. expression of countenance so desirable to secure in the operation ofiuserting articial teeth. Teeth lled with Gold Foil, Clement, and White Filling,- so as to preserve them from further decay. Teeth extracted with little or no pain, and par- ticular nttention given to the regulation OfAChil'/ dren s teeth. Apply (if by leltter post-paid) to . _ _' _Oon`ngy ot`SimcoeT,' ` ' f 17iursd5y} t?1e 19tVh` day` of -July he hour at-t-`.1... ..1..1...`.:. ._..-_ . A - V apply at Hziwkatpne, "to" . John Wil1iamaon, or to the subgcniber, V T. w. BmcHAL_L',' \ 'BritisIi American Asauraime nnmngnv . ESPECTFULLY announoes. that. he will regu- larly visit the following places on the days `and at the time-stated, `viz. : BARRIE-At his Oice, DunlopVSVtreet, from 1st to 31th of. each month. _ 'MORRISON S CU,RNERS-'-On the 14th March, May, July, &c. - ` ORILLIA--At T..Moifatt s, an 16:11 or March, May, July, &c. - A ` ` S l`AYNER-At J, Algoc s, on the 15:11 April . June, August, &c. 7 _ CREEMORE-'-At J. Martin's, on 16th of April, June,.August, &c. 7 Where all those requiring his services in any branch of his profession can be waited upon Tc-nth inanrhul In 'n n........:-_ .......--~ I`- ~~ PGLTJ--B`:'I.-`:lE `u`J;\UCTiO.NA, 'At u? 111-1... 11-.-: V ' :_mgcm1cnL HENTIST H dsAWKaTffF6 KLJ: . I .o'1z TO RENT.) ~._ . I3` Partijclilar attention paid to te Regulation of Children s Teeth;- ' 21) using m uuucuus wuu uuu cteur God save the `Queen 1- Such sounds aa.tb_ee in days of yore,- On warships decknnd battle plain, Have rung o'er heaps of fo_emen slain, And with God a help they l| ring-again, `When warriors blood shall ow no more; I11! an-on cl... l'\......_ I ` A.T`eeth inse'rtedAin the moetapproved'sty1e; and as he; has made arrangements for visiting Barrie every month, .he `is prepared to, execute` any work entrusted to him,7as cheap as any other Dentist in the Province. ' _ Residence, Newma'rket, where he may be consulted thelst, 2nd, and 3rd of each month. _.April 19,'1865. V . ' . 1-tf' _ N returning thanks to his friends in Barrie: and surroundingconntry, whqhave patronized him " during the past thirteen yea:-s,rbeg to .intimate~ ` that. in future he will attend-at.the.following t .pl'acea monthly ;- , ` -Newmarket; 1st_ and 2nd of each Month. T,Sharon,3rd.'............... ' Bradf'ord,.. ` Bond `Head, 5-.11.`; ........ .. V Bx-ownsvi11e,"6th .... 7 - ' Lefroy,1'3th.'_ . . . . . Barrie . . . .._ 14th and 15th . . Collingwood, _ 16th and 17th, Markham Village, 23d & 24th Brown's Corners,` 25th . .' . . . Ma.ni1la, h29th When, he will be happy to wait upon those re-' gq-airing his services in any of the branches of I hiigofession. ' ` M .1111.---41.- .3-.- Lu- v._ o.._:__ 4--_ .L-__ 9-l;1 ,%':U u\=l:Vwl1l`a :lxl".the dat-e falls on Sunday for tllese places,_they will be attended to_ the day follow- Ing. _ . ` Desirable ;Farm for Sale. j-DR. P;_J_3._J'?E CK, ;su3GEoN4 .cH'ANGE.:.o1j ADVERTISEMENT; ;1NGUs VBELL, Agenf, Rinnhnvnntnn D ALL WORK WARRANTED. VV LIEU Wl'l'lUl'B IJIUUU Bllll HOW U .lUI'Uo God save the Queen I " God save the Queen, let patriots cry, And palsied be the impi_o_us hand , - Would guide the pen or wield the brand Against our glorious father land! _ Let shouts of free-men rend thesky, ``'God save the Queen and liberty 1 %IIotelj_'o_1? 1Re1L1t.` SURGICAL, OPERATIVE, AND 'Af.ih Globe Hotel, J ns 45-. ----- Aeu BE'LL, 'Ta'ch'er, . Creeinore, P. O. 1%DA_GI' 3; ARDAGII, ` Solicitors. Barrie. 64. ' ' 46-If a nu un u n, Solicitors, Barrie; * * 25-1?` - D: E N TIST. race, I I pnid,.&8.- . ` 1 ".. --V-`, v. avV\>l.l|l>I lllly UIFSC * 1- 6 LEONARD scozrr &jCo., . ' ` -` ` `Pub1ish_ers,j. 1 .:.I+:3i3 .00ri`9:4P!51i5h.'$; ;; . ` ` ' F`ARMER 8;GB7IDEv,*..r.:<' ; . . ., 0: f0ct_ivo` 1 60,019 Vupd; `amen,-ous,ongrav.iug9. . '- ."l'Io`r` t `tvwoT5$fIl_Ii:i"l`I`5;_l-k'4l_5y> ll`l:Ii l;.])`1'>lIg .Dia( g.98. - * 2 _r : ~ -' 1- ' V 6-, '. ' `._ fA1;o'.f3a W1Vi;fgr`"ssm:,'m;';9'o;k. - Bilte enl,` `f`>Ed"b 11 _nd the f'1"t AV J. P ;_N,o;,ton?`o Yala 0&2? 2v6ls. _RA Psi, .._..,.., ._u use rate _0l LOU a year for ech or any; file; _ wew_ 2, . :. ` 2 -L.`-` '- " . M )3-' A few copies. .ft-remiin- of tlie Fau} R5- zqzcwtrtob I863--ac 4.00-.a doc I _ ,-of l'.5&for. any one; ' .-'.".- `-'H; -::- ` V ` '- H` nnA'm'-~ A` -- IV urn Dnunu 3_lUC3 luv pun Lu Luuu I God save the Queen I ' For mid tbosesounds, to Britons deaf, Ne dastard, selsh thoughts intrude, To mar a nation ; gratitude, > But one shoqt moves that multitude, 1`-o sing in accents loud mid clear and mum H|'a`nnnn I. _ ,A.New,QrJea ns editor, when an ap- e `juenfice io`1he printing busmess, went .to.cqu_rtAa preaches daughter. The next" m;'1imeahe:We~nt to meeting, the_fathe'i= tojqk-1 wr.-{or hisatext--- Mvxlnuahoau ;. ........-:-.--.I-'-` . ounscnoers may also` obtain back numbers at !he followmg:reduced_rates,viz`:` T ' M < Blackwood from September, 1854,. to December, _l865, inclusive. a_(Iherale of 2.504; year. A . .The Nor`th Britialp from Januar_y._ 1863, :to De- ;,ce mbe;`, ]865;'in6luai\1e; _lhef Edngbzzrgh and the Westmi7zstcr trom April, 1864, (o_December,' 1865, inclusive, and lhe`Loizda`n `Quarterly for the year l65, gn the rate inf 1.50 a fdr'eagl1_ `uuiy; jRe- ` 'vt`'<\V; :,/ "~* . - " - V .4__.; p;:.', ` _ .. ,.....,..._v uuu uuu. t.l.tx'6E,6l' 1119 K6- . views . .'.'.V;A'. . . . . . . .'. . . . '. .'-.~ 13 00 `jFor'Blackwood. and {he fonr Reviews,.f15`00 The interest of these Periddicaisro Kmerican 'ders is rather increased than d`uni_nished by the arti- - ~c|ea they contain on.our late Civzl War,and though sdmetiines tinged with prejudice, they mayrslill con-- sidering theirgreat ability and the diiierent stand- points from which they _are written, be read and studied with advantage by the people of this country, of every creed and party. _ ' ib ' ' ' PREMIUMVITO NEW SUBS_(.`RIBERS.= `New(Subs'criber_s 19 any two 0! the above periodi- caIs`_ for 1866 will be entitled to receive. gram, any ana`of`lh'e Four Reviews for 1865. _Newf Subscr1- b`e,rs'!o all vg of `the Priodicals for -1866. will `re- cgggeggmlin, `any mg of the `Faur"Re'1it`ow.i for 1.v .- ' .: 4 _v-11% PREMIUM TO NEW SUBSCRIBVEIHISQ Tm: Lofniox QUAn'na:nr.Y REVIEW [Cohervative.] Tm: Enmnunda Ravmw [Whig.] _ Tun \VESTMlNS'I`ER,REYlEW [Radica1.] { Tun`. Noam Bumsn Rnvnzw [Free-Churcb.] >. , and V A , . BLAcK}voon s MAGAZINE [Tory.] ._--_- TERMS FOR 1sce, PAYABLE` ' T RENCY.` ........v.--1: an , _ CLUB Txmis 0N`APPLICATIONAT -4 59 ST. PETER. STREET, MONTREAL __----- B3 Read` the `5 AmjANcE s Monthly Notices of-these Periodicals. ` _They are published by Alexander Sli'ahan 8;` Co, at 56 Lndgate Hill, LOndon,.England;. C'(md4da,B7`a`1lc/I, 50 St. Peter SL, Montreal. .,', Messrs. Strahan 00., ' will send "specimen copies, and one of the elegantly bound- volumes of Good Words, or the Saturday Magazine, or nnadditional copy to any one who -will fur- nish a. Booksellei-_ with Five subscribers. _- ' nr -rvn .--..-.... .. -_ 15 Cents a M3131:-;_ $1.75 a` A ' A ILLUSTRATED. - 7-...-_..;.-__. Ann mane: my poor man puqnsr sun 1 God save the Queen I ` No-ie wag iuke the thrilling `shout; .' . The joyous sounds of pride and praise_ That. patriotheax-ts are wont to raise, Mid cannon s roar and bonres blaze, When Brita'.n sAfoes are put to rant! (End nun: thh nnnn I ' __F`or{any one of` the Reviews. . ._ .. '.For any three of theAReviews; . . . . . . _`_ For Blackwood `and one Review . . . . . P9 ....1 For any two ofthe Reviews. . . . .--. . . For all four of the Reviews .4 . . . . . . . i For Blackwood s Magazine. . ; ; . . . For Blnckwood' and any two of the "` Reviews . . . . . . . ; , .. . ._. 1 For Bla.ckv_6"ood and threfdf the Re- tviews;.'.'. . .';;..~ " `" ` ._-.- A AIALLHILLLJJLI "A EDITED BY THOMAS:GU l`.HRI_E, D.D., Author of The Gospel in Ezekielf "` Speal to the Heiart, &c. - TfinEm;%;f\Nl?TE%.Yfi\?I.KGf i'ZI NE 1 GOOD WORDS, EDITED RV 1\'n'n\1 AN uh nr nnn nfn .r\ J _-.`a;../V '\J i:D1TED BY NORMAN .\1 A0LI30D,1).Lo.,-~-0:m. ` 7 OF HER 'LIA.lRS'I'\'.R nuAnl.AIua 15 ents a. Month; $1.75 a` PROFUSELY ILLUSTRATED. TT'7'f`\I`I'1*Irnna-- 12% Cents a.Month ;_' $13.50 a Year; ` BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTR.-XTED. STHAHAN: 8L80. S, MAGAZ||\[E r.0.\*noN`: JAMES HOGG 3; SONS. Tonox-[ TO: \V.'C.CHE\VE I`T 85 CO. MU_\"l`REAL: DAWSON BROTHERS ;, AND. ALL Booxsrznm-:us. ~ nun: .:u uumcc we reauez-."--1)oncaster Gazette. Well adapted toll a. vacant place in our serial literature, the" Churcbman appeals _to a large section,a.nd iounds its claims to public consideration on the high` tone of its principles and excellence of its contents.--.King s County Chronicle. ' " ' " - l n: J. w'{nox3'm moon. ..- V V. :" sive tho__Queep, the time his ben,-_9 . ;' When `zes ' char'med,'for said, 3 or sung; eada"_uncove1}ed-every 1ongue_ ;' _ Has excboai ba;ck~God save the Queen}? . "m'1 main Um nnnn F. ' Bu ht-dug the welkin prdudl rung `Antler. y ' u.uu1\.uu' UILUUIEALIUJN AIVU UUUKUH WORK. . By DIl..PARKF.`R. L THE COANDEMNED NOTICE. ANmn.yr1vr;_oxr REAL LIFE. By Mus. Bun. JAMES USS!1ER,_;_1ncnn1snop or'AnMAGn. pm` a Portrait. I . , AN [APRIL SUNSE I`., -BY ASTLEY H. BALDWIN OUR CLERICAL CLUB. By the Enrron; ` _Writings of` Dr. Rennie: Peking and Pekingese Bhotan-Mr. Doolittle on China--Charn0ck s Vcrba Nominalia---Recent Fiction : Leighton Court and ./_1l/`red Hugart s Household-Tbe Musical Senson-Malan's`Philosophy or Truth --Protessor1 lumptre s Sermons-Mcriva1e s Conversion of the Northern Nations. L` The Churchma'n s Magazine is rich in subjects _ ;_that have a direct feference to the Church and its tvorkmnd all ofltbem have an interest that is sure to` attract the reader.--Doncaster Gazette. `Veil adnntpd in an a van... ..1..-.. :.. ---_ uunnox. uuunun uA_1-D :. AN,` UXFOKD STORY- ` V Chapter XXI.-In Exile. `- _ -" I XXlI.-Set7tled for Life. XXIII.---Conclusion. ' . - VAN EASTER IDYLL. By HELEN Mormo. ` ' CHURCH DECORATION AND CHURCH. 7()RR_ I`!!! nn p`ADPDn -n. A MAGAZINE F01: THE FIRESIDE AND ' _THE JOURNEY. 7' ;u 1 un puunun U.l`_ -nnuuhvnlt 1N 1iU1Nb'. By J. T. B. - . . ` IDEM LATINE REDDITUM. - By Lonn RAvxms`- worvm. . - T ' THOUGHTS" ON SICKNESS.` By this Rev; HARRY Jomzs. ` U.. All |`2!'M.U'l"l'. V THE 'WELSHMAN S CANDLE. TO THE CHURCH UF-RECULVER IN RUINS. Rv .1, '1`. R. ; uuu uu 1 0 Un DL_Un1.VnDD. by the KEV. `CHRISTCHURCH DAYS:. ANIOXFOKD STORY. `- nhnntpr YYI _Tn T4`.v:In 1\U) lH \.IUl'I.lIrYl1.ll uuzcune. _ This friend to the Church and the Church- man is as fresh and vigorous as ever.-Ta.unton Courier. ' ' V b Number XL, for ./2IgR1L,-.18,66, cntais: - 0NDR. WORDS\VORTH S BIBLE, with Notes. Bv the Rev. W. ITA Innw, D I) - ' . u_y lllt: ncv. W. -1. 10N8,U.U THE CHURCHTIN THE woR'KHoUsE. By J.` 0.. MEYMOTT. . ---u--- . This is altogether a. sound and clever maga- 7zine,audv every Churchman should possess it.- Royal Cornwall Gazette. ` 'l`h;u frhanr` In Ohn 1".`-n~n-1J1 nu.` OLA lVI........L Viftwas not like the feeble ery,- _ 7 nus excnoeu nacxwuou save the queen :7 _ ` God save the Queen D That slaves `might r_ai_se, as tyrants` pnssetf With trembling knees and hearts downcast-` : While dungeoned victims breathed theirlast In mlngledpgronns of agony! God save the Queen !" Nor were these shouts without the `will W - Thatservile crowds oft send on high, - When goldnnd jewels mettheeye; When prideelooka down on poverty And makes the poor man` poorer still 1" and sun: the Duncan I` ~JF ] CHURCEMAN S- FQJIILY MAGAZINE. lnnnsrngqfnn. 1s. v .MpM'Hmr. H F03 LI.JMBER ERS?' V 1 `Anne 1 ADVANCE OI5FICE.; kNl}W" DEEDS G5 MOBTGAGESJ . At the ADVANCE OFFICE. ` Good H/_'onls are worth 2 `[1..__._ Tables If sc7a?:iI7nii, i n \v'r1v1 r\1-xv-uvrvvu Sunni`:-'3 -Oman, Bmmn, 1 ` Nnvnmhnr .'-10, TREE. WRIT OF ATTACHMENT was issned `in _ this cause, of which all persons interested inithea-estateiof the Defendnn_t,.and [all persons having _in their possession, custody,-orfpower, any portion ofthe assets of the. Defendant, or who are in any way indebted to him, are required to take notice. T _v , B. W. SMITH, V Qha-.ri*'_ (3.3. JOHN D. wAI;KER,` JOHN .Bbiri>. :3: GEQRGE ALLEN` Ajlvrntrnsg <, 2 , ` .Plainti's, .1] "I UL] U DUI1 `\hcYMo'1j'r. `L113 v\lYl'.`I' GYTII` In lJ1\u VVULLUDVVUIVLHDDID By the Rev. W. J. IRONS, D.D. `HE CHURCT-TTN THE`. \V()R`R PR OMISSOR Y NOTES, . uqnnn r\vuu A Inso1vnf.112tf 1934- .-_-_ _...--.. . ..........-.. A-r71-ax?` 1-nmunm IIEKIIF B '}Jl'll|a'I, UAISII. November 30, 1865. J 15! 1\'U1{MAN MAOLEOD, D- 'l\I4.1ss7n"s CHAPLAINS. 7.En'1T1tEv37% _Atf_1he ` ADVA;I'CE=0FF_ICE. Atthe ADv;A'NcE_:oFF1 much and toast little.- HERBERT. OF THE ' GOD SAVEE! mi;n:- Q0:-:'EN.~ ---- IN U.S.- CUR- Per annum.` I0` 00 ' / Defendant. Q Spe"Ai3" .1113 :S'l1g :rit_}", > (3.3. . Year. * . Year. ' - -.-v umy I88!-0! H16 % cram-J` C4RLTON S -CONDITION" .'ITgk an .H`,` ,Condilion Powders '3 with: `KL. -1 -' I'L I A-LL ersbnanindebtevfl tnthe iIndrsignd'by `either note of hand or book account "are: hereby notied nut if fthe Same i.be1n'ot- paid on or before the 1stDA,Y'0Fs;gEBRUARY.-NEX l`, they will be` plgcgd"injt;h.d-`h`t:6d:`V9f ;hin a.ttori`a`eVy for ;qIli;ctiop.; - ; unnmhills wno ARE FA'r'r`r:mNc: theirs use these CONDITION POWDERS. V-lreep; of stock healthy and m `a'nJ`make`them fatten much easier and q they (irwim un-u.l.I b:._ .1 .1 - _ _ _ ,.,-. --uu{5uuLurc '. .3 . ...',J'. Carlton Counted`, 1;: full on ne Wrapper bf each Pafckage. " ~~ .~Iheonly-teal-ofthe_ 1Tn"E`A `D I l'Br\\~r.-- `- -A - una make them n they gthgrwise would. `nsunyxcmn. and is so 1: _'_I1'Ihg_1ven`wil_|:nul fear`. ` ,/....-, .uuvu| \J]CC|,v 100` EVERY om: WHO owNs_ srocx 0}? tiny kinii `ahbulduse this-Metlicine. his ALWAYS .umL:ss that it can always ARMERQ Iran Ann I7"..._:~_-.}, ' V- I ` . ,, -- .- ganlavslll wili b` I'onnd`a'perTe'c~t- Tome - attacks of any acute diseases, Sprgngles, Inammation of the elc.- ` , , __...-...uu l.\J vv unlt, I gtvcn accordin'g'to*direclions, are the best thing in the world to aTJ:ENG`I'HEN a horse, and to restore him to health and vigor after severe exposure or hard driving. ` . _ These - Powders cause` a healthy action of the digestive organs, and purify the blood of animals, thereby equalizing the circulation of the blood. and `imparting vigor to the frame. This soon demons- trates itself by an improvement intha ap ranceof tho;:coat;.for uien certain fact that norm. nral can be in per!ect,health if thecoat be rough and untltriliy. g . ('.1;;"l"I".'I`l\.\'l! nnmnounnnuc -- can almosrall be '1-xuzvxznrsn or cmuan by these Powders`. A ' - ON: Powmm drives out Worms. ONE Powm-:11 cures Bots. - . Om-2 Powmanv puts a Horse in condiuom - M Our; Powmm makges a Horse shed his coat. > On: Pownnn _ givesa soft and glossy appearance '30 the hair. ` _ Om: Bowman cure; the Horn Distemper in Game. 6A.=RLTON S CONDITION POWDERS, - ..;.AA.AA11L Farmers will find it. :2 dollars by using these R Block, by ' mixing it liule Q food. you will nd lhal ihe lheesh will be rmer and The many ` _ , ,--...,.. 1. my uucu no ruugn and unlluifly Cg\R.'I:aTON S CONDITION POWDERS 3 I3 fnnnri` n .;...'n-._'-. ----- ` T . - `::'_.."'.,'-T Parties making p'ur.chnse.'should, inspect his stock and_pries_ hefoxfe _s,pgengli__:1g';beAir money. ` . , EIITIYIIV . nu. a-...'..s--_ 5-- . . - v.,...v-v vv \/U-, Sole `Propriefbrs, Brockv-`He, C.W. 55' l\`ew,York' Dr. Morse s Indian Root Pi'Is have Forlv- Pulls in ` each box, andare sold by all dealers m Medicines. Iv` ---- _ ,,,,- ... -...,...\..uv..c. I Panic;-:' 25.C1:NTs mm BOX, ve boxes mu be sent on receipt of ~5l,posIage paid. V 1- - ..... v.IIllAUIl5o Bgware Qfa c'Qnnler!'eit bearing the name bf JAMES BLAKELY, but none but those hearing the {ac-simila signature of A. J. WHITE 65 Co. . ' B L.3]:UDS0N 5; Co., ' .Q..I.. -n ____ ,2,-C unu 1IUN-15ewa have the Signature others are spurious, Beware nfn nnnn Fwy Wllu-Iu[ le r_ ARMERS WHO ARE ` 1: these (':nNn'n~rr $3.7: than TDR. MORSE S A . INDIAN} ROOT PILL. V . - ./lg;/nt, Barrtc. Also Valuer for the Canada Tezinanent Bui)d- I ing and Savings Society Toronto, 1_.-tf { . JAMES EDWARDS, I nuu um Vnuynl 1nsur:I.ncc uumpany an extra. Ln- surance of FIFTY THOUSAND POUNDS on _the building of Guil.dhall,- including the new erections, ttings, and contents. ' F. H. HEWARD, . }Wnn/Irrnr . I'm-nnln Rrnm-is ..,muwAm.~, msavr-"MADE -CLOTHING} BOOTS AND SHOES, auc.,.&c., awot. w_ hi_oh-`he is `prepared to sell at W - V L ` _ ` M ` .lll|t In. A. DAVIDSON, Inspector. `rntrnn 1 .....unun A'|i\ILlL ;un uvnuvn Aunna , , `},Tl1e Committee for the city entertainment to the Princc'a.nd Princess of Wales have just effected with the `Royal Insurance Company an extra." in- nf FIFTY 'I`nnn. DOITNDQ -m. VFm2ds in hand-Ez'ght v.HumZrVed '1'/mu sand Pounds SterZz'ng.v ` FIRE AND LIFE. Capital--'-Twp` Millions Sterling. ROYAL msunnncz commav Barrie ; Jah.. 1862. Secretary and Treasurcr,-Brnrd`ian,VEsq. Solicitor,--Angus Mqrrison, Esq. xvnsmzm ASSUIIANCET comvv. CAPITAL - - - $4 IN. SHARES OF $40 EACH. great quanlnes 3AUTlON-E Un ilsa Q:..'..--. 'D..-0:... '____"':_. I 0FFIOEs-'King s:., a raw doors Wen of Church St., Torpnto. ' . 1- Emjxeayro NOTES . THE UNION PERMANEN17 A BUILDING &SNGS SOCIETY. 4 Inowated io the Acts of the ' V Prqvincial Parliament. CLAIMS PROMPTLY SETTLED. O4RL'1fON -`CONDITION ' POWDERS. uf,`,C_o_{1d_ilion " without this signa- I I ` ` - HOME OFF! CE, TORONTO" COBNEB OP` ~CQLBORNE AND CHURCH STREET. Mr. FRANCIS RICHARDSON, President. ARTHUR LEPPER, Vice-President. V ...... .. pcI`u:c~t* Tome ,-and nnm ' diseases,` such _as ` , the Lungs, N2 `rs saving to `them of many w_v Powders. \Vhen fattening "mixing of these Powders with-the I they will fatten quicker, and and better in every respect. any V THE Snbscribbr bets leave ttrinfbrm Hie inha- - bitants of Barrie `and sutroutiding " country, that he has onuhand a large, aeasonable, a'n5`d"w'ell selected `srocksof DRY GOODS, G-RQCERIES, HARDWARE, READY-'MAD`E` `_CL 0THING.' AND SHOES. Aan..,Am nlimr. -`I.:..1.:L.. :. ....._,u.-5v.-ruruao, wuu uuvu :1 great dear .to say about their public services, and `very little about their private stealings. Our New Orleans correspondent l1im- . self saw six or eight boxes of household knick-knacks '\and women s and children s clothing which were stol- en in Pensacola by Neal Dow, and were stopped at the ctistoni-hylse in New 'Orleans.- `This-'sarne Dow was convict; edlof stealing a silver pitcher from Brandish John'ston.- Libraries, ward- robes,iplate closets, and picture galleries in New_gOrleans, and in other cities, were stripped during the war; and the peculiar . perlormancestof Butler and--this- follows a ers,in this line, are -more notorious~- in - _ history than are any` of their-exploitsin thcveld. Peace ought to bring repent-- nnce,and,- if conscience does not `urge ' - the return of` these family relicsand pri~ fvate property, the large rewards now `of--; `*fe_red oughtr to induce the, particularly .;` triotic to disgorge at least-`a portion` V - o theirplunderv. 'VVe do not= appeal to * their sense of propriety `or .hon_esty, or ` `Jt'tsti`ce'. .VVe' merely take leav`e`toVin- fora;-_tliegm that they-_can_ -make a good ring of it pecuniarily by disgorgmgtheir ';'i"pltInder.-NewvI ork World. :- ' Wis. Molu-main Cuax, Solicitor. WM. Pvmm, Secfetary and Treasurer. EXTRACT FROM THE` LONDON `TIMES Z I,,n - .. p.Iope`r form for disconnnflngg u At the ADVANCE OFFICE. No'rEsT FILLED l=N DISEASES op `HORSES CHARTERED BY ACT OF PARLIAMENT. FATTENING srpcx, . :nn 1 - Iesyuy me bowels. -Beware ofcoumerfeils. >alun-. nf'A T \Vr--1~- _inV pgopqr {mm for banking, . -- . qonvi :r.FKTTNiNG their stock should EON. PQWDERS. ' Thou ....'n CJ.A.].\T.A.2D..A. SH.E"RIDAN S7(3HEA__P_Sf1*_QRE; V MARKET SQUARE, W GA(A)LLI13R`S.'1`REET'_1`,TBARl.%`IE.... V . . . . ..-..unu umtr QIOCK snould .'()N They will I: {good heart, I quxcker than t. Find lhe sjgnatureof .;z..., n `V "'A{:n'e' ADVANOIE OFFICE . A I Barrie. ' -.;;{i1E 'ED_W:.aRns, ` 11,. . _.4 ..... uv n 1.1.`: are Allgenuine QFA. J. \VH|I_'E 65 Co. All ":t5~ C'0- l"AImAanao. _.. Jolv ALEXANDER; ./9zrxml at Rin- momX'i3A}L7{s; "7 `./Igent at 0r_illza. . 1-ly .11: 111) UV IIIVIJ , Mznavnr Toronto Branch a . . --l.... and antenna alter !g' Huck Bl 'Inllnnun JJIDAALVUDIV, Agent at Barrie. .IAC` T\AY1 AC1 , ---..._ .,-_ uuaAIA\I\Il.'l, CAN be consulted at his olce, in rear of Kel- , man `J: Co. s Store, and can supply the vari- ous Homcnpalhic Medicines for family use. , ` Barrie. Jan.. 1865. . ` * ' ` as `Jnnuenza, , Nasal GleeI,f -e. ms is : uwoa. and on ) :1 . mt:-s-.-... 1'-ly-o e" "mun alter `Inuenza, lasal Glenn.` $400,000 :.;`..%..?;.` fgod- Ni.` Your Pins c m 68118911 by 'ovez_'-dosing with dnatiov I.oss of A..'...m.. truly I J- 9 of Piles that G. HODGSON; 1 reel Issued w.-1 pills. ICHEAPWGOODSEI ` more Kills, and for live dn 3 gave him I . , W. _ ..-.. .u uuv Aunt) lllg 011588: 1st C.AsE.--Inflnmmation ofihe Bowels. John ('. Chapman, aged thirty-four, was seized on the night of the 22nd`of Uctober with iM1uuiniutiun_of the bowel.-: was called at 10 P.M.; he had thou been null`:-rin our three hours;_ had not a passage for six days; lzgmr himsix of your Pills, and applied the Ready ll :-lull in the abdomen; in afew minutes the pain ceased, in: fell into a caluislecp; at-1 A.M. he had a free In 8('lll1Il'(-ll; at9A.M. eat his breakfast; at 11' 4.11.. fave him six in: pills yer day; e is now well and iunmntion of the bowels, I succeed in ronioving xill danger by a. sin le dose of from six to eight in sx.\ hours. In lead c olic, I give the ills in large duicr`-Ar six to eight, and a teaspoouful of` :1-lief to a \\'inegl'.1ss of water every three hours--it nl\\`a_\ 3 cures. d CASE.--DnVid Bruce, aged tm-uty-six. cull:-cl at 8 P.ll. on Noly. 25th; found -that he had boon nnnol. .. * with Luz... hr earty. In all cases of in-' auu u_as1:'.--1)uvid 1!. Nov. 25:11; 11 with bllious feve: for 1 s_i:; `Qf your pills even 1 `_ ___ ..u.:un:uL-ac-oI:urlCl rcvc-r--Lc-ad ChoIic.'&'c.` U. S. I.\`\'ALID H091-rr.Au.. Nzw 1'o1':x. DILRADWAY 8.: Co.: I send yuutur publication the rgsult of my treatment with your Pills in the following cases: - . CARR _.Innnn-.....a:..,. .1 .. - ,,,... --......u\,u .LA:RE.\'(`E REID. 1-)s-BiIious Fever-- : l-`L-w.-r--LL-ad ("I101 11 c v......., .. Dyspep- ic, _ V ..__._.-- ova.-uauL.I.LIJ-h \', The celebrated Prof. Reid, of 1\ ew.York. Lecturer on Chemistry in the College of 1 lmrniacy; Fl]-`K! Radway s l'ills_as the Great l'urgative," and the only Purgative Medicine safe to administer in cares of ex- _ `treme Dobility,` and in Erysipelu, Small-Pox, Typlul-ial Fever, Bilious Fever, their action being.sootlm:_.g, healing, cleansing, purifying, instead of griping, "irritating, debilitating, and nauseating. ".-\t`tc~r (X- zunining these Pills," writesrthe Professor, "1 xiii; _them compounded of_ ingredients of G REAT l L'l-:l`l '1', and are free from Mercury and other dangerous aub- atunces, and prepared mm skill and care. llm-mg long known Dr. Radway as a scientic gcntlunan rt high attainments," I place every contidenco in his remedies and statements. * 0 ' ' Air Awnv-nn-- .... _.--- ..- ----m ufu fine or tnesefxcelle 801-D BY `A_LjL 03116015 Price 25 cent: per Box. J. MATHER, Angus.` - 7 J.` .McKEGGIE,'Stayner. JQRN GR.EAVES,- Collingwopd. J. DEAOON',-- Bmfford. - `KEIJMAN ant 0o.;:Bm-1e. - J KING, 3'81`:-ie Statioir _'JI g. 's1.Avm_, Vormn. < porrant and essential riuciplc is .~--I.-'1)"-A.l V w hut; uxuuuua 11.`cIuDr':1.'.O. Radwafs Pills,` this xv.-ry im- A doselof two to SlX(2lCC0l';ll!lj_; L: :1 ,- condition` of the system) of Dr. ll:: Pills will produce all the positiw; aim-..::.'-: 'change -.-froxn a sluggish 0x`"tr>x'1:i~l. 1; '5 ealthy action of the Liver---:ls Xl.L `u. sician hopes to Obtain by 3.. d')FC ml` l3I.;a~ Pills, bx` Culoniel; and ivillas tlmro :5_-Lly olcanso the Stomach, and pur__Vre from _*.l.a bowelsihe` diseased and retained humors as the 310st approved emetic, br catlxrmie ilwithout occasinning inom1\'m1i~ncu ~1' =i-;k- 110: l`-W fl)? p"?l-'( '. 'THE[GVREAT WANT SU " LCIu_l7 `A It is a wcI1AI:xA1owuf.u;t :1: '& I }~.'-2;` have lung sought to.dE.~fco'.'c. 1 v _ purgative as a substitute xr C'uf::::(-I, x that would cleanse the AIimcnt;:r_v \ ,'.-mu. . all diseased and re't-ained huIu'v1'.~`, u.~; `ti. roughly as Loblia will the _St0IIJ:.'( ?1, mt. out producing si~kncss at .`~:tmn:a(:h, Vv'_.L?\ ncss, or irritation of the mucous mumbr;::.< T 1-`_ 1)" 1 - -nu. - - Professor ZReid.-Co11ege of Pharmacy. THE GREAT PUBGATIVE. . `V Tho (`tall- \r`nfnl1 1)....r 1;..:.: .g- 1-, THE] GREAT DR. L; OLIVER," . CORONER Eon THE COUNTY on smcon, /M1171, , I- `,v.__.-.._ . -rwnnpu Wlxich renders them very crmw-nic--v`. 2 ed furcl|ildren.um1 )1.-r.~im< um; la: :1 medicine-, and (.--Ipcmally pilhe. `.\....:1.. ority uTI{udway s1`iZls ow-r ail m2.--. 1 use. is w lac: uf flu-L`-' W.-m :-r1'zxl m--X; being: highly ceuxcumx-:m-:1. (Inn tn ,-i- will ac: umre t wrumgmy, and clnzmw I canal, Witimut pl-olm'i:n;( (,-:':un;;-'-, .~p:`.~`I ` mus, otc., than any other MU":-or rurav: in `use. .n.n5uLnLu'4u Lu VAUUU; Superior to ull'I ur.r;u/iv/3, Ca!/LuI'li:- ur .. (we, Iilcrlicines 2'/1 genera. mp, lun -`.-._.-_ --.-_.-__.# ALL DISOI{DERS_0I<` TIIE Stomach, Liver, Bowels, Kidneys, Bladder, Nervous Diseases. Headache, Constipation, V Costiveness, I I.ndiges- ` ' tion, Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Bil- . ious Fever , Inflam- mation_of the Bowels, Piles, and all de`rangements of the in- ternal Viscera. ' ONE `TO SIX uoxz-zs A WarranIdj#Ia% Veffit ya...`15J0.I`iA:".}l: L` % % PR. 1 -.A.`I)WAY S` -- -- v_ -.a.4\J, ACCOUNTANT, coLLEcTo1i, CON VEYANCER. iNsUR.ANcE, LJND as; GENERJIQ .JGI.`_\'T V COMMISSIONER IN 13.12., 5,0,, BRADFORD." 1 _..`.n 11!. Inn! - - , \/ ABE comeoszn or VEGETABLE EKTRACTS PREPARED IN vacuo; c.........',;.. 4.. ..II' n....._..; .-_.,. THE GREAT PURGATIVE: BI` Dl'0lll0!'S I n cases of 13 ihntua nf cl Apn 16', Tee; DR; `RADWAY S PILLS, unn mun nvvnn 113" _Pres`cripti'on s carefully put up nder Mr; Kelmuxs immediate supervision. ` ' run- u.,. _. . __ co,n`m:p W Pris }?n:, nhsh u-nnn-.. 01.,-.... ......... ...._. r_'A;_ I; I. 1`)n`I':Vea1srs. u cbn`_u p A......'_.~ . purgntivc that can be ncuiuiatercd mysnpelaa, Typhoid Fever, Scarlet (, and all Lruptivc fevers; their ud mild nperlent pmperties tender , oi nu V U uBl.lU3 Nxcwuzx, N. J.. (our Pills and In- JOHN F. DAVIES HRTTIV 'l'|nT`I"l'.Inmn~r\\ .....--,, ...., . snu une ms In large easpoouful ahuurs--it nl\\`u_\s lllruce, ; fuuud been attack. I ur twenty-two hours.- I gmgo Luu ry-four hours. and gave mm warm :1. In twenty-four [mum hr um-= Voltiirnca` Headache, an I-ml . A % %%%%`nsnNAnD-s`1i*niub4N- .-ia.gmsqua:e. Bmig._JanA;=a,,;see. _4-*u{ . . um uuusu-nuers;wou1a draw atten- J. to their now complete stock, in _ -~ ' "pure ENGLISH DRUGS, and DRUG -`:~;_7. " FURNISIIINGS. Havingimported di- vrevct from England the present season, they_ have Paints, Oils,` Varizislzcs,Spicesgye-Sguc, T- Perfumery, Fgmcy Artic/es,g`1 .ate7z_t ` T Medicines_,';~c, A 'M'EDlCAj :l;a HALL, LT DUNLOP STREE1`, BARRIE. Barrie, Sept. 5, 1865. .:jj_:__.___..__ 5` 3*" nus numwpaullc med: Bamfia, Jau., 1865-. __ - ---.-......-- uuuu UIIEUUHII" Qbich cannot b xceflqd anywhere. .All orders executed on_ the sbortesit noxic. Reference`may' be made -to the numerous millrs in this County, and to'Ait_ken Wjlkie,"lale ofAxeda1e. .-~--- ..----v-~-.- --vvuvn `OF A `VERY SU`PERI()R QUALITY. Axes Jumped Aaml I/Vfarrcmted for One ' ' Dalian? T _ _; : I MILL PICKS MADE%W'ANn??%nRVEsSED, which b excened nnv mm All Barrie, 111111., 1365. u nun. aulvllvl-1:.-r1b`.I:._ll`,' ` AVING, in connection with his business of Cnrringemaking and Blacksmxthing, tted up the necessary machinery for manufacturing "Axes, and all kinds of Edge Tools, on his old premises as above, begs tqiuform F:inners, Chop- pers, and others, thatvglzgis now mnnufacmringv . AVIFC1 A1151-'\"" -I-1-nan.-1 .....A_. _. AXES A1'\I1i9`: E'1'E;E .. ....... .u % f 0Ls,} OF A vmnv .QT`r~DDDrnn nrr . I y 1193 Y IMPORTANT} N(i'I`IC.E.{ V .1121. ['11 ring, &c. A NOVEL " Anveryrisnmenrs. - A note from a friend in New Orleans asks ustop callattention to several peculiar adver- tisements now appearing in Southern papers. The advertisements offer re- wards for the return or valuable private libraries stolen by officers of the Union? armies, duringrthe late war. One gentle- _man-saysvvthere were taken from his house some three hundred volumes, oinostly rare French and Spanish -books, relating to the early history ofVLouisi- a-na, which cannot` be replaced hyopur- chase, and for which he now oers ve dollars per volume. ` Large rewards are also offered (and no questions asked) for the return of other souvenirs stripped from Southern/houses, and wvhich are - `now known to be in the possession of certain captains,.col.onels, brigadier and rna_]or-generals, who have a great deal Sv bnllt 'hll;l' hllkldn I5nFI9:Ar\n ...-`J Barrie,May_1t;, 1860.. .._____---..j.:__j. _ Misses and Childrn s, of every variety Ladies Enamclled Kid and Pruneila. Gaiters, Buskins, Boots; Gcnt s' Calf, Kip and Course; andstyle, whicbAwi11'_be kept constantly on hand, - ' . AT PRIGES4_NO I` VTO BE UNDERSOLD! - _ -ANDREW GRAHAM. Barrie, hlsiy 16, 1860. 1-ti`. A VERY LARGE and complete Assortment of" `BOOT'S &" SHOES. J WHOLESALE AND. RETAIL _-__j. "Til-lOS.. wS'U`NlM EIlv1_SEf_l'T,` r1'.\vnqn. :.. ..,......i..`:._ _. ation this season. `- j t TI 1"a.rtTes having Cloth. tokbe fulled ban have it done also, as I shall have a. Fulling Mil in oper- 13-_ " V a JAMES. N, GRAHAML , --_ 7 Z_Tfm-v in constant operation. he hopes to'be able-to exe- cute promptly all work entrusted to him. Lu -uuu. cuure' eaausracuon. The large amount of Carding required last year has induced the subscriber to add another ma.- chine to his establishment, in `orderito 1`neet't`he' demands xnadeupou him in this branch of his` business. `With , Two carding 1VIachine?e cdnstant nnm-Minn, lm `anvuan 4'.-1.... ..L.l.. ._ _,, I3'!.l1!.f!1_!3_L2R.!l1_1|I!?E|3T|IllY1 n Connection with Grahanfs Tannery-iii . THE,` `Subsa-iber is now reayi to Card Wool for farmers, and others requiring his services,` having the most improved Machinery andbeat workmen. - ` ' Parties can depend on having their work done to their entire -satisfaction. Tina Ian-nu a-nnnno AL` rV.....l!..__ --~- ` ` ' uuuun away. 7 _ _ - ' I tell y u what I-would do with it- ke_epT it to raw blisters. You ought to see the [flies keel" over as soon as they touch it. :._. -__--v: -.--I - vAsv\I_a.,L"a_Il.>L4_lI-S45`) - ` _ JEWELLER, &'c`., ' 5 _ ' Old. Bast Oice, 3 door; West of FarragIz_er s Hotel, ` - . Dunlap Street, Barrie, ' HAS just receivedixa new stoek of fashionable ` jewellery consisting of steel and Jet Brooches- and} Earings, Finger Rings, solid Gold and Silver ghains, Toys of all-, descriptions, Violins, Strings, Gold and Silver Watches of the Best makers: ' ~ Also a good assortment of Croquet sets.` ,n'r nnrrn -an--' -- --- ---- *~-7 * _vv gucnes and U work`. warranted . n_,- u-' -- PANJSH Sole, Slaughtef, Upper, Kip, Cal. `1 5 Harness, Binding, Lining, Shoemakers Find; xg. &c. - ` LEANDER s. ASANDE_lS,- wixrcn `AND. CLOCK-MAKER, ..n``.W!at.r.1:'.p 1,. - -- --~~~---'-- -- V-~'1"' '3' CLOCKS FRoM`s2.25 UPWARDS, - "Watches and Clocks cleaned and repaired} All rork`. warranted. - ` .--_. .. vvnoICIlUU\lv Bgrrie, May, 1566'. always on hand, being supplied regularly , from the Oil Market direct. Lamps, .&c. %l Imported from: 1;*eW.Y rk-, and offered { at the Io_west',.Cn._'sb prices`. * The begt qgaligies of %J.=:.oc>J':4_>11L .l.\l|-I VCQI so` smart. ! n HI`! A _..._..;.-.w couiefset; Barrie. Besidek a large vassorttnenf of WHE Subsribersfwould draw 5 to main hnln *m......\I..... ...-_ 19555; . ,- ,_._--J . ' =Bi'1zNA'R|1 )-`fs;1mn1DAN.. rmos. `SUMMERSETT. ANDREW `Gm HAM. lol` mIE_LMAN- & CoA._ I atten- zud. 2.. vu any |U1lb"uUu _ , . _ , f'Jeb* don tf he!'3 I _can t throw [the butter away. ` u T tn Iynn ...1...+ `r ..... ..u .1- ---:.L .-A _ am.-.L o.i:'1c:ffBX:::i`.`2 _ ,2nd May; ' on-`I.I-I__.I' I: IV. mu uv:re3_, we same bo_ing;I!l"lh[-)_i'1 g_ood_Dwe'l|in`g ,HAou_se,Ba`rVns,V &c'._' Vi. ; Lot No. 19, in the 2nd County of Simcoe, coats 100 acres, the mime begin good Dwellin"`gHouse."Ba 5`-nf-iinp.'r:v oneessingmiamsntti. was |_>.'v adx=e..aU9rmen~ 3:591! ``'m' inn. &'o_;'- . w."s: LooKARD"and cLARxsoi-'1iUGiIEs`,- trading under the mime, style iaiuid_ . firm of W. S. LQOKA RD &. ,1 ; P1:T|inti",s,` ' . `F8- .._. .. ......u.uuag-` tbTe U'ndAermentio{ne<`i-`slnds `ind Ten emegifs,, or: the interesl of the" defendant therein,` nndern Writ of`-Fieri Facias in :he_ro11gyipg`_;pi_z:,-- _ _ Inytha County C'abu'rt. b_f`.7tI1e bf . .: ,YorIc,-.Peel.~ ' -. ON the i8th'(iay of AUGUST, A.D..1866, ; twelve b clock,'h`oon, will be sold sH.ER1FF sF,% SALE CF LANDS- VSmem1rr s 0li'F1CE,`BAR8IE,; " _ Mar 3.156, ' 1866. 'l'4`3....4.'....LI!_L-1 A ,0: --I -- '. Cause the butter has taken the skin-' offm-y tongue. '> - V '46 -TAR. tJr\|r\"A I.'.. I-' 1 __.-94. .v.___._. ,n' V30 JOHN DUNN. ELIZABETH KERRIDGE; and (}HARI_;ES KERRIDGE,-w . Defendants. `North half of Lot'53,- in the 1s`: Cohces`sion bf {F109, less 10 acres he_retolore. sold to one Peter Cleland. .. , A_ V _ B. W. SMITH, O]. .....'.R' IV. A`: ' In th County Court of the County of _Sin}c_e. THOMAS CUNDLE;:Plainti`, ' ` ' BY PuB1%i67' xo5`+.o~, ~. I A5 I... GI.....:.|n_-r\n9'_, th undrmentioned Landshnd Trgemuts, or the "interest of the ,Defendants therein, under a Writ of'.1<`icri Facias in the following suit;--_ In ll: IV...-.1_. n_-__.A _z u n . - -- INCQIE o0U1f i'}:iOUSE, mri-v1 nun:--- - - `COUNTY `OF SIMCOE,g . WIT! . 'Sa1:nmv's Orncz, ' BARBIE, E Ma.rcb 21st. 1866. '- uumurlu Ul."FICE, ISARRIE, z March 2181?, 1366. `First p>ubl`ishd March. 28th, 1866. West half of;Lot ten, in the sevhtb Concession East of Ilurontaripvsujeet, Township of Mulmnr, ';County of Simcoe. V V an-ux4n5u nu uuulu uccu I _ > Hush! Jeb, l ve eaten a great deal worse 1n the most aristocratic houses. ` "` Well, people of rank ought to `eat it. T Why people of rank ?7 l " Cause it[is`rank butter. . T You varment! what makes you talk` so smart. I ' ' " '

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