Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 13 Jun 1866, p. 3

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gong with tho Eeihs; W soon return-. ed to Franklin vlllage, situated 2; miles , f.-omiheiboundary. Hero a company of * United States troops who had 'l'ft Swan- . ton about :11 milesfoff,` made their up; T pearance ;their arrival had a good effect; the Fenians, fearing arrest if seen with arms i'n St. _Albans, now began"-40 offer ; themffol`_ sale at three dollars per musket, ; y dollars for swdids land; .tep dollars 1 ` fol` crbine'a. - "l run n....._:.. ..._-'_.. 4.1.- 1'_._._1` |.;... :. Remaining-in:Pot 0_`ice,ABa1~71~iei,TJ;4ne 1st, 1866. .I..I\JL .I-.I.J .I.&\.|J \Ja4\I` IASSURANQE vC`OMi :XNY 1 County of Simcoe, 1st June. 1866. , . ' Connmdwoon, g on moufarane Lanna. ' !G'TLa.dies Straw and Felt Hats Claned and A_ltex-ed to the present` Fashion, -_--_...-.:. '..4- 14:11:... A? H... 1.95:9 \....-..-._.- - FIRET, L|FE, at MARINE-. a-.:.._--- subsmbd cqpdqz, One'Mz'Zlz`on Sig. ; Hm omc,n--oomhnl , Limdon, England. \ Cuuouu Bm\xca_ 01rnc1=:- Merchants Ex- change, Montreal. V ` {Taylor Brothers, General Managers. WILLIAM Hour,- ' - . T - ` -' Agent {oi Bairrie. Barrie, June, 1866. - . 23-'15 p J nue_, 1866. FEHEBOARD or pusmc INSTRUCTION for the Northern Circuit of the County'of Simcoe, will meet."at the _ ' COURT` HOUSE, BARRIE, 0n TUESDAY, 3rd '_day ofluly, 1866, at.10 o'c1ock'_a.m.. for the purpose of examining Qpmmon. School Teachers, and" granting cerli-' cates of`qua1ica.v.ion- ' - V A ___1:-__.'.. ... ..-c '....o:'.. Hm Cam-nhn-`v nf thpir than you ever enjoyed before. . N. B.-Dr. Radwaym Pills are not only sperior t'o' met-A cury-as an alt:-.rativc-hut are the best pills in the world as a general physic-purgutive.. IBXRIIVO. aperienl. tonic. suporic, counter tfritant. and pnrler ol the blond." One or two boxes will cure the worst cases ofludigestion, Con- ntt ntiun Costiveness. Dyspepsia. Liver and. Spleen uni- cu ties. -Let those whonre out of order. who feel lit'elan;- cholv. sud, lretful, 5;:-.., take a few (loses. Pnce. 25 cents per box Sold by druggisls. ' . Iwvent A3? 6f1sTI ral character.- CELES U1 \.1un.|II1ct1L|uu- . - Applicants must notify the Secretary of their intention to present t_hemse1 ves for examination one weekprevious to lheday appointed, 'and must state the class of certicate they desire, and `whether they are Protestants or Catholics; . when known,the Municipality and School Secs tion .they intenditeaching in should be stated. They mnstalso forward to the Secretary testi- ' monials stating their names in full, and certifying distinctly to their` temperate habits and good mo- WM, BUYS, i.L.B., no on Spnretarv. I'iE.diposabIe surveyed lands in` the To wnships or Howland, Sheguiendab, Biaweu, Billings, `and rTehk_um9;h, will be open far side, 61': `applica- tion to C. T. DUPONT, Esquire,` Resident Agent, at Manm.ow,anin,- on and after MONDAY, the EIGHTEENTE JUNE next, upon the following terms :- - ' ' - _-. - l'\-II 1--,1 L|_-I-_ -1.` nnn 4.. Ann I.NDIA`N LA_1:1Ds:.'oN ATHEHGREAT . MANITOULINJSLAND; A me time 01 pt_uuuua::. V Lands for settlement at `fty 'ceri'ts` an [acre payable in cash at; time. of purchase; immediate and continonsresidence for threeyesrs to be- es- tablished to thepsaiisfpaction of the Local Agent, before the Patent issues. ` I V In the nnsnryeyed portion of the gonceded part of the Island, lands can be pur'c'has'e'd for Mineral or Oil purposes, on the some terms, as in the sur- veyed Townships, on application at the Indian Oice,'.Crown Lands_Depanment, Ottawa, upon furnishing proper plans by'AaAProvin5cial Land Surveyor. - '. ' ` ` ` ' ' mu nf the disposable surveyed lands can be MILLINERY. Leruls "- Mineral ox-Oil lands ii) blocks of_ 200 or 400 acres, at one dollar per acre payable [in cash at the time of purchase. - - - 1' 1- ,, -_..I-_.....L A` -Rf!-v'}unviv |'d1 an horn - . List of theedisposable surveyed lends 'Iiad"from Mr. Dupont, on the Island, at this Olce, oxgat the Indian Office, Toronto. _ By order of the Superintendent General. _wm. SPRAGGE, `I\ Q `I A Indian onicfe, .' ` ` I . Grown I_.andsTDeptu`lm_,ent_, Qttqwg, 21st May`, 1866. |`N0TI0EBEBEY_aE1Y:l RELIEF IN ;rN% `MINUTES; l`\I11vLl ALI an---u---w-.. _._ _____'y N accordsince igvith Sectibn 308 and its sub-sec- tion of` the Municipal Institution Actof Upper .0a.nada,_thnt.`i!. ia'tbe intention of the Council of then ' . .. .. `;...'.-.-p-irn . 1-`-rt-|1(' nu Mnnprfgnw - JILVAJ sva.\.a-u..-____, > 4 at its sittings in J nne next, to pass a. By-Law for the purpoe opening and establishing a pnblic road b'etvieen Lots 1 and 2, and on a portion of the base ne," on the West.- side of the Mnskoh. Colonization Road, in the Township of Morrison, and qcor'1`n"ne`ncin g at a point on the Western limits . of .\{u's_ko_l'm Road. fty links (50 lks.).' `Northerly . fiotn the monument between Lotgnngnbers 1 and, ' In . n....~.a...ann1haeientv-three.;degreeI and fifty` fi-onitlie tiabnument betweep mug nllmoenu. am..- 2 ; then`c'e~S.outh -seventy-three..degreea tiny minutes West" (S 73 _50' W) tot point. on the: line bdtveen Lots .1 said 2`.'one- chain . and: sixty. links (1 chain 60 31$.) distant` from `the mon_u-, menu; th`e1r'ce North '15 de'grees' and fifty minutes West` N '15?` _ o W)_,:twen. {Edna chains-and foyinksi (2., chain: 40 I s.);_thence Sqmh eighty-nine -`dgrees _ L, A .c bnihs` and" fti-ztc links (7; chniris . 65.1-links) ; !lio,iic eNo1`b_ ftV,I61`ve_, degree: mid" tbift mingnesv ii `!!inks(,2; Won IN 112930` W) two chuixis and West (S'89f' W) s_e.veu~ lljI;`thnc glpng bngeliu dfne chains uid for.'Iy_/-` 5 degrees West (5 595' w ; seven c`bai_nsT9,nd`ftyF_.v;e links (7 __:ba_1ix_is .65, links) lhen'ce_Nor`tb twelve degrees and lhirtg. minutes West (N 12 30` W) two chains and {i ty links (1 chaiiis 60' Ikn .)- ;~t.he.nce` along -:he-l'm:iu between` -Iiota, IV and` 2` North seventy-ve. dexreps and ` lty-_1nin.`utea;Wet (N 75 5' 50 W) fo_u_rten ghnins 'and?fty+y_`e:`links G4` "chnini 55*llt`s';) to_ I soup`-Iigsks `(9 chniija` -47 m.)`- to 1199 hmp the lnu_nd,secon(1,,Gonc6uionsg _I~lR:pi`gl-` ll wgigoi ' " ` widII-'-' . luuunrz ur uunvu-.. , `N we matter of HALL TELFER, or the Town . of Collingwood, in the County of Simcpe. V ...n'nunn' ".1-.. ,, .23-3|: gl/vvERs' NOT_|CE. by _ A- ~ MUNICIPALITY OF M_O_R-.RISON V AND MUSKOKA, -__ - I-2."!-.p__' `A ... _LI'S`|: O_;If |:Ejr'_rEas T0 vocamsrs AND `punnt SP EBKERs. These Wafeirs are peculiarly vlunble; {hey will` in one day remove the most sevemoccaalonal hoarse-V nesl Ind tacit tegular use fora few dnjva will, at all `Animus, `increase I1;e"powcrvall__l `exibility of the `_ voice, gregtlgimproviiqgmlonegcompau; and cJean- ` , `;n_ua,lu Which put `they u -aregulurlyfnqed by - mgny Profehionalg, ocnlisu. - Ni; V invi lipna`-urn: an` n CI ~ ,,;_I.'.:._` 1? If" - H`o1mi ZKND COLONIAL` NOTICE. (;IMIT1`3D');` uwrey, neury 11 Lambert, Miss Sarah Mitchell, Allan . dcArthur, J amesi McCoy, John M_cLane Peter R_ev;ie,'.foseph _ Reynolds. William Rnsivnt. David JARR`E~ A.LAE,., Post. Master. `u.u., _ Secretary . . 23-Wi - -- _v..-.-ac` us: - lenoum mm" mm %PnEvEN`nvn 2| Wheat-Fa11,_1.50 "to 1.65. Spring, 1.2510 1.30. Flour--vF-all 7.00 to 7.50. _ Spring, 6.00 to 6.25. PeaS--50c. -_ - - Oa.ts-28c. Po1atoes--'23 to 24. Bu1.1er-'l7 to 18. Eggs `per . doz.,11 to 13c. Haye-G.50 to -7.00.per ton. Cordwood-2.00 per cord. `A-PPLIOATIOILC-_'will be nxadeeat thg 'n'ex't sion of Parliament for an act `to incorporate a Company to oonatrnofn Railwnyfrom the City of Toronto-1,0 OWEII Sound, with at branch -ti Sangeen, to be 'ca|led.the North Western Rail-_' `way of 0811338.". and for a. grant of public lands in aid of the same. . . > `. . JOHN FOWLER. 28th March, 1866.; _ A ' V 14-93` a. SANATIVE ,{EAsi7REs are. of the ggeaiest M importance at this crisis, for which reason purify -your blood,I)y using. " ;ucun.'n_ucu Iauluusuuuu blot: ffuvluce. ~ Messrs. Lyman, Elliot & Co., vholesai agents, Tpronto, O.W. _ 16~3 mo e n o i}ebfgen s% iliteritive Powders 1 nu_y_ Iuuu. I ' If ydn have "the sliglitt `symptoms 61' Dyae.n- terynse Georgen s Cholera. and D'ysen'tefy Ohre`{ which has never been `known to fail when taken in time; .G01`gen s Almanac and Book of Re-' ` cipes can be got`from any respectable dealer in Medicines throughout the Province, II.._.._. `I ..._.... `D|1:..4 I. I1, 1.` _1-_-'I, _._.-._A- T Vfi1re.bIoo'd fqrevehts liabity to fec'e`i've' disease of } any kind. - V ` ' 1: ...;.s 1...... "H-rn a..I..'u.`.:a. '...*.___....~... 1:: n........, - ' F you want good and 'cheap Watches; Clocks, Jwellery, Electrb-Plated Ware; Spectacles `to, suit all sights; Violins and Strings; Concer- - tinas, Fancy Goods, &c., go and see J. W. Has- tings. _ W . Watches from $5.00 upwards. , .'.Clocks` from $2.60 upwards. _ yspectacles from 25. .up`wards. Watches, Clocks, and Jewellery neatly Repaired and - ' - ' ` ~Warra1_Lled. ' V . Call and examine before going elsewhei-e>.' ` vBa:_'rie, Nov., 1865. ' _ ` ` 45- WATCH & oLbCi:MAiiER A New smcusr Anmvsn; J. W.HAST>INGS, ` rl-I_I\n~rr A l'\ pun-----p . -rod -.-__. The most certaira and speedy remedy ever disoovered for all diseases of the C'hert'ami Inmga, Coughs, Colds, AaIhma,C'an- fmmptian, Bronchitis, I n_uw.z.:z. Hoaramess, ` Drcult Breathing, Sara T/urpaz, d-c., doc. THESE WAFERS give the most instarreous and perfect, relief,vwhen perserved with according` to directions never fail to etfect a rapidarid lastinzeure. ` Thounandsrhave been restored to perfect health, who` have tried other means In vain. To an classes and all constitutions they are a blessmg mu] c.ure-none need despair, no matter how long the disease may `have existed, or how severe it may lye, provided the organic structure at thevital organs Is not hopeless-/, ly decayed. Every ne" alicted V should give them an impartial trial. Front Stretet, next to Fraser : Hotel. N. *9 T I c E. AND JEWELLER, G`EO1iAGEN"S [RESUMED B1J1_N1+1ss ?AGm.1 l- . BE undersigned begs to acquaint his oid friends and the public generally with the fact that hehas entered into business again, and has open- ` 4the store underneath `=Gatton`s Photograhic ailery, DunIop.Street,'with, I} new and Varied stock of ` ' ` DRY GOQDS, A... .` ...._'_._.-.-n MONEY 1 Mann 1 L n a`v`c`m I I . : Agoney to Loan! ALL prsoxis in want of monef, for `one Br {en years, can obtgin it on [terms more advan- . tageous to the borrower than those ofaany other -Society, by applying `to ___- _____ _..--_.--.~ __ .. _ HIS hotel, so long and favprably known to the tra.velling'coI_nmunity,4iS niw comfucted-by ' `the prop1ietress,and is under `the auperititendence of Mr. John` McWatt. ` ' , all mulfnine dank: l'nce `'e. -ha; i i 5 Imanfoz `G6,; T;fw;.Georg.:u 739 Northnopc Lyman, Ncwcqutl,-'C,W.,.g1.ano`nl_` Igenlu fdr the Canada. ' ` Sold In Barrie byjie 5 1. Demon, Brndfqgd ;;_(3grgon_ Ornigh ufloind; BARRIE 7 Ho1'n=.i.,9 BARBIE, COUNTY` OF sIMcoE_c'.w. Mrs. MARKS, Proprietrefss. A J ON AMc WA TT, Superintendem. Vuuuuvunuuu nus uuv IV u-5 utvluylvua E The Bar is stocked with the best_ wines find -`liquors. ` Exnelltlstabling and a cateful Inotlcr. , A__2I an:-2 $.41; l3" Commercial travellers will find ample ac- commodation for showing samples. wen m|_- 0.... :. ..s....I....l ...:oL cl..- k..-o ....E._.... ;k_.1 Bums, LINES & RE'ELvs. 1'1--clan ll GARDEN T00Ls.1 GARDE!~J8:T9Ls%PADEs: IROOT CUTTER 1| FIRST PRIZE 1>.Rov_INctAL EXHIBITION. BRITISH` AND FOREIGN HARDWARE, ` - 114 YONGE STREET, TORONTO. ' UILDERS and Cabinet Hardware, Carpenters and other Mechanics Tools, Cutlery, House Furnishing Goods, Shooting and Fishing Tackle, Sporting Ammunition, Garden and Farm Tools, &c., at Lowest Rates. ' !l\___..A- A__._!I can-v - I J . Deleon, l$fIIlQl_'Il ;; G1 '9"_i-29 V9919! I April, 1865.` \$!5W'NGMAGH|NES\ THE mes muv Yuun Goons) ' co_cK:BUBN=s MON .\ . `_ '- . 1 Corner of goldwater and-\~Peter Streets, the well known standof the lateA,Mr.n Adam Patterson, An----. '...-.. ` LL persons bnvingclitims against the estate of the late James Bard, of Meddnte, in the County of Simcoe, deceased,,ar hereby notied to present the same to the executors for payment on or before therst day of July next, and `also all persons indebted to the Estate,'elther by note of hand or'ol_herwise, to pay the same to the Execu- tors, on 01` before the first day of July, 1866. JOSEPH Goss, , . CHARLES JARRATT, E E?`- -- Addlresslto Jarntt Corners P.OL . _0ro, May 1st,` 1866. I 19.3: e A'pp'1-aier and Survey: PM-mnnnnt Rnimi Surveyor for the Canada - . Permanent Building and Savings Society. July, 1864, ` - 4 1`-1y `BARBIE &AUUT%10N MART? Barrie, octane} 4.356;, .Volumtf3 V .|`JJVI-L`-Ullul DUGIIIII-I5 uuu ll Barrie," mu April, 1866. BEGS toinform the Pnyblicv _1hatAhe has j'us_t opened the ahove'Mart, for the convenience `of those desirous of dis_pa'sihg Household Furni- - fu'r',`Sto're`_ Goods, or Cha.ttels' of any description, .Hox-es , Cattle,` Farm Implements,` &c., &c., by Public Auction . _ ' E"}_Cush7./ldlianes made mi Cansignmmts. j Horses and Cnttle bought or sold o"u, Commis- ' o II\I'I nuns-Qzuuv 2---u -1;`; vv x.v-u Gardqn Tools, in Sets. ;;c. For sale at lowest P}-ices`. - GEORGE MAUNDRELL, Auctioneer-& Commission M erchant, `1-\1'.1r\Q 4.. :_r..'...._ .1... D..I..I:.. .1.-. 1... 1...- :~.... '. A Rcstzjy kept for those wfsbidg to buy oi` sll Hoijsee nr`Uattle, &:c., by private; sale. psi Lr.....-'. ...; Inn]. :..1.... _...... ..r ._ ............'..u- mnvnauu un unruly, upvu, ul runvuu. an-nu g` Hbrsek of-Cattle taken care,of , on reasoriable -ternis, until sold. . ' . A V J f}`EnRfE M A n NnR1tI.L. |%'EN!`j'*"T% 9*9F!S~| `s >n|'17I"ii\`i'r _,_..- _ 8100. - , _ .~ Sales punctuallj attended. to in'"a'f1y part of the County. _ ` ' ' . ' -L`-I-u\l ma lsHAvIN&&T.i:'A11`JIIINss'ALu0N. I T -BRYANT >S PULMONIC WM-`Ens: Cults dierent sizeus for sheep or`Ca t`tle'.7 Prie $15.. Orders by mailpromptly lled) T D l'lKfA\T ' . ' .1. Lh\J.l.'. ,\J4.LVa..\z, . _ Assisted by Dominico Cimiq, shaves clean And V drgsags hair in the _b est style at his Newshop, l\,,,L'-_;_ .;`l . 7I_,,,._`_ 1)-_ I_.___ -.' 14-43," U006 1:141!` Dye. H3 IHVIRQTEIOT, nalr t'minufaLctm"ed and iold fnj Prof. Cunio. . Come Gents who wish` a mood srhobth ------ MG_ENTLE.MEN"S` V/Vhfskers and` Hair` Dyed`. ` Ladief, Haircutting done in good of le.' Good H.1iI' Dye.` Hair Invigorator, Hair Oil, .c., V ninlxfdctnied mid infd l`n'Prt')f. Cunio. Cornerof Dunlbp a_nd 11arl\:etv.Sf("1*`nzets,E3;rrr7ie. UUIIIU `JVLILH WHO WI_8ll ll KUUU IIIIUULIJ Ill`: V is! while_ Ijell y'q u of .3 place V _ ` WLe:{e "razors afe kept. in-ighz arid k'een', The easiest chairs, and xoyyels _c1e_rm. , Where weyl, shave, shampooor prim,` Aug zgighteq faces wich look dim`;'. `And if o_`ur_,hai;, is iv ite or red} _ -`Prof. nnj'o Lotiii Tc'o1o'm".s H911. II`... ("no 634;; n`..a.-`.... nan`: `mill nhniin -~ T 1'9`- . omna, -i It]: bray,"-1366.` T all prices,('r'a.n'ging from $12 to $60. Fox? L ._sa`le and afways on hand. T ' 117 n fVL`T\l\\v" V (.- Barrie, May,`186%. DO YOU OBJECT TO ACALO.\IVEL?' -nu, -__ ' Canadian line, 1* 101 carmnesa. . . _ -_ . _- * Col. Coutrie was at theehotel here, it. , is said`, shedding tears_over thefnilure of the` expedition`. M _'The people on the border s'ympath*is'e strongly with the` Canadiam; All the way down the; `enians were. met cem- ing toSt.1-Hbans . , ' ' ' . , . - ` -- ` . ' - .> ` ' \`-nan 1-nu I-nhn-n has -n H-an l1r'\2n:n-urnnnf, I nanumcmreu auq sold In rror.. uumo. ` Come Gents who wish` good face, Lint while T 053]} in}: nf A nlnm! l'l'l')|. \Jllll.IU'3 IJUIIUU CUIUUFU Wlilh For just 1ie- cents we now "will shoe, A_nd._do it so smoothkabnd clean . Yonill soy` we are e` gxjowing machine , . Around your nosoand chin wefll creep; , With so umch ease 'ou l_l drop`g`s}ep'; Your nap will pay or c_onging`h'ero ; The old we coin {nuke look so greeri, . . ;.',lfl:pLggl,: _Will-l9J you :-o sweet. aixtoen ;" ,;And- wb,n L `mlflrave bare-for the street,` . `'o_nr njicn ;fvVvAi1l;'sIiiil_e4ivh'en them you meet, =' A`u`d'f':a`y w,ha`tV makes, your ban s'o;.dg';gk. ~ Oh. is was me'peomm.'. ma. m.-... ;..`.:. Auu lay {runs ululsvs your lllulf 50.03 Oh. it via the Professor : Hair Kitig Ahd`-he dntdo you black of brown, (A: Iiille btte than a'nv hnui I}. may ,4" limp bqtter than any_hou96 i"p I;pwn_, has` .5 ylzlgg gbnfuchc-30?. 1_t4(= `lulu so,.nnu{. :?z'%3i?`$?3`I'5.1'ff5if `io 32f" ""' A . litllp bqtter than any 110096 town 1 Initial m'o:m'ichawm'.a iswow S l'URDzi.Y nedt; ]6;h'znst$ JAMES B. _RYA:N,- GROCETRIEVS,` &.c. T. D. McCONI_(EY.A PATENT TURNIP `OR PRO'FL'-.,EUNI(), In: nnIv\:n:n-\ r`.l.7':l'\ chang nl Spcual Noting. A`UCTION SALE 03` -_>Ai51N'e ijdm{s.'V db` iois ' W:fLLIAM' SANDERS, P.L.S., BA mmz. NOTIfQE.- Inmoxmm or i J. B. RYAN, 114 Yonge Street, _To1`ohto. - -4 _- V`--\r-nurvu ....v_. , RYA1}, 114 Yonge Street, Toronto. G'EORG'EMA17NDRELL. 5. A ` 13-If '17v".'I c.;poN,'_` ` Agent, Dunlap Strget Barrie. tnmmcttial. '`<$E:'i'Li,'i}{; 3Tr. nnI_.._ .-__, - . 20-ly p r 1'8"-U` 41 NEW I SPRING Goons : SHAWLS, MANTLE CLOTHS, Canadian, Scotch. and West of England Twaeds, FOR SPRING AND SUMMER WEAR. ;SPRING& SUMMER DRESS GO`\DS, I4I*0si%ery'., I ial)crdasI_cLery,'% Gloves`, Flowc'rs, . HATS, BONN_ETS`,.PAARASOLS, &.c. And `:1 Well assorted Stock ofTwo.and. Thfee Ply, all Wool,Kidminster Carpeting. I)t'.Iggeting Hearth Rugs, &c. STRANGE _BU'l' TRUE. Tm: Usuu. ASSORTMENT or GROCERIES, HARDW.ARE, CROCKERY, &c., Anwns on r'u.-n [GREA'l`} SACRIFICE 1N DRY GOODS uROBT. WALKER & SONS , laool) FANCY DRESSES WORTH $2100 FOR. $1.50 ' 3.00 ` 2.50 0 3.75 3.00 V V . _ . /1 _2.50 - 1.75 . . A`1Oali1rge lot of New Goods per_Steamers St. David s, St. Patrick, and - Belgian,- consisting of 0 _ A N.B.--`In coneq11nce of bur sen_ior pa`:tI1er, Mr. R. S'Va11'er', faking his depnrl ture for England, in ox dei' to make the fali (purchases, the above inducements arc oered to the public. _ ' . -. _ V * ' ROBERT WALKER 8:. SONS, OH Tf.'.-..-.. C'o......o 'l`....,\..on ".."" ,',',"'.",. |4 _ ' J .l _ None geriuino xx-ixhonta fac-mile signature 01 vi," H._H. McKenzie, M.D., Glasgow, on each ~wmpper. r V ; rt-._WImlaale.Aems forcnnnda Eastaud West: . H11Rs; Barrie, 30th April, 18.66`. I3"! .Pt_1ce only 7&8 alo;_rling','(l$ cents) n, pack- I age, or 23 (59 cents ft, Iour, pack1_Ige`n. Sold bi` eyerv Druggigt and gdicine Dealer in Europe and Ameri`a.'~ B.R1i1E h1.AR-wIE{S;I`SV.j The cottnlentinc pale and leaden-cnlorled with occasional ushes, ora circumsa-ribed spot on one or botcheeks; tl e'e_ves become dull ; the pupils dilate; an nz'ure's~temi-circle runs along the lower -eyelid`; the nose is irritated; a swelling of the up- ' per lip; occasional headache. with humming oi the cars; an`, unusual secretion of saliva; furrcd tongue ;.bre'ath_very foulf appetite some.-times_ vo- : raciuus, with agnawing eensation at the atom- ach, at otherb entirely gone; eeting `pains in the stomach ;' occasional nausea and vom- iting; stoola slimy; not unlreqnently tinged with blood ; `belly swollen and hard , urineturbid; respi- u-minn`n-r-nninnalll: dimuult and accompanied with ....-..- ------ ---~--_-., . 1. ....`.`m aim` your ma, _and 5' win: fti` c'i'u`ae - ybii will save your o'spring" mnc V sufferir_1g. , V 1 nu in it;.Iz'.....':.. ....v..........I - 4 .'.;:AR III-an! Ilmia sv_vo1|en.nnd hard urpnelurmu; l'8pl- raliouoccaaionally with ' hiccouah; uneasy and disturhd sleep, `with grind- ingg of thetelh; temper genralfy frritabie, etc.` 4 When 'y of .tl;os ayrptofi oc_( -uf, J _ ___ _ ` . __ ` `. I `_ I yii v(ill_sav_e your okpring mm-`n gurfemlrg. Old Dt, Mt-Kenzie eXp;e_ed;a_wi,~\h'_.Iba! this Remedy should bqpu_t _al such,ic,'a s would en- able_ alI,lhe,poor pspecjlly tq use it. in defenence to that wish, we have pm 1 at tli following price. ." Q` W_holesale Aents to; Canada East and and only nmpoqters, (to whom all order! jhonld be 'dd('d') " xix M 13oN,u.n 6: c ` I _ ' ', . ` .. - 0 . 9 > 0-9` ` " ~ ' ` - Baocxv|'I.Lt:,C.W- I gt.""`.s;1;;*:..:'1v.:.a,::.i.;7a; 5533.. Tom?-:5. c..w : J... M. Hg 3:2:;`i1'.':;;`.2?:.:M':':...`E.:?".a_s OU , 0| AY3~'%_o`-,%c3?."= -Wu: 'GEN'I1RAIVJ;)PI!'-I0LE4SbA.I.~3 AGE-I`1;I"i;Sz'--Nof- -throp -E Iiyuap. Nimdaul. 0. W-,: Lyman.-Elliot In cm. `I'm-nmn. G.W'. : J.. M`. .HL1nry_ 5,Spns-_,-Ly.-, TORONTO '1,:1f ROSS & GILCH RIST. Banie, April 25th, 1866. 7 17- Dn.Mc. KE NZI E s TI`1eT`SubAscri1')ers`}`1ave received a. Large and Well Assorted tock of Dundzjs Stfeet, Londlon; Gre3f,C'0`tt0ns, [Vluslins, Ginfg/mwns, 5'0. E om C.L9.T,"NG..PEF 4R'1`1`1EN 1`s :37 King street East. ERRORS-OF i*oUTH. ,,,a-,_,..l t` . _ . . n . III! I as usual, is f'u'1l of the newest styles and patterns. : 7 ?'3'..'71V."IF!V"':w"r'y.'ti5I.?ki-'.?I y.-. e'rry Bro.-.. C_ralbIg`n-.lIIpI!'| Montreal, G.E.; E: _ catheldp Wyn; '00., am lxiI?,_ 0-`.W SIGN OF THE GOLDEN JNALLU 9: uo.,- BBOCKVl`l.LE, C_`.W. gym; Lyman,-;:.II[oL nry. ` . f.`ri:thern-LIll'Ir A'T `RUSSELL BROTHEIES. GRAI-IA1\*I S' K TEMPLE [IE FASHIBN I A NEW MD 'FASlll0.\ ABLE STOCK spring & suinmer Goods,- * idf$i6,7ox._r;.p.seu;gx.v;_'. . cILo'_rHING:' --.a-u eENTLEMVEil7s'f cuLLAns"& ms, _ _ ` ` _ &:c., &c. His stock of Staple Goods} Has also just boserr largely inqfeasecf. ' .- 1.. --tr |__~`.:.u_` -1- Gocis "i1}1`s AND cA1>s',- _ BOOTS ,9, snoxzs,` LADIES DRESS Goons, Gfx-_aham s Tem`pl`e of fashion w'ill be found rc- plete,;_s;t pries which cannot fail to suit pur- rlmnm-s:_ V 10;- VIC LUi_ BI: chasers. %| jlNTINE! f Aannn PAIm_]Anm AT um, 'Graz'ner, Paper` Hanger, wand Gcncm! l Haus Dedorhtor`, Du'nlq}St'. Barrie. Country, will CB naapnrcnnsen `DE PTCIUIFFS Jll ly occupied by_Mr._ H. Doqga|,Dqnlo;-Sjrem, Barrie;'am_dir_uen({s Caityipg on business in Fa.-. above1inU,ahd`h:ivinlEa'rned _l'1ls mid in ma, Cityof I55I`$a0j"Elj ' n`,f;a&td hhiing carried on ans_-3'te`n'si_'7ee_..YgI'n'sine te above. line in thia .((_3_(_mq`ty; [by .e1vep years, feel; condent of giving; `p%br;gLga.tig!gqti4n";pV _iI._1l whg may favor him with -"thei 'pdtt91'u_e`3=" - " 1-91 5 _ _ - . '- . . -.-r_..___- JOHN B; OGIBEN, No. 13 (`-ham_lers~St., New York. I `W . :3. GAi=ON, _Honsc, Carriage, & Sign Pain'{cr,- 'B,'G. beAgn respectfully to oinnhune to lin- ' ,' inhabitants of Bhrvio and the aIn`ronnd'm;1 I country} that he haa,pnrclia`s_ed the premises hm ' Iv` nnminipd hv Mr- H. Dnnon|_I)unlnnStrm~1 -of the ncgwest avnd choicestAlst_yIe'sV'." FASHIOMQLE M`1I.L_xN1:1:Y GOODS, STRAW GOODS." TI-Io'MAs'"Z:`P.AHAM has just received :iui1 i;, 1866.- consisting of "I -BA`RRIE. `In all kfrid of Kigg St're'et., 'T:)r onto. ' 24- June` 12, I, `M - -mum. i -V MEEKING-At Barrie, on Friday, 8th June, the wife of E. 8._l\leeking, Esq., of a. daughter. . DIED. T T `i _ l JOHNSON-In'tl1e township of Medonte, on the _ 8th instant, Mr. David Jolmso_n', n.ged_ 62 years, ` Deceased was a. native-ofDumbartonshire, Scot- I I land, and oneqof our earliest settlers, having lived` 34 years in this section. ' _ WlLLlS--On tlieisth instant, zit her residence, , near -Barrie, C.W., aged 64, l\lary,`relict off Doctor George Willis, late` of Waterford, Ire-, land, and survivingdaugdrhter of the late `John Llojd, .Esq., formerly of St. Johns, .County Wexford, Ireland. _ V --~-------- ------:-*-- - H 0 you `wan !-Whiskers drlforfstnche? Our Grecian Compound will force `them to grow `on the smoothest {ace of chin. or hair oi: bald heads, in Six \Vee`( 3. Price, $1.00-3_pa.ckuges for` 52.00. Senfby mail anywhere, closely sealed, on receipt of price. . T w , ` A.IJ,,-_ nvnnivnn L tI_- 11'... `oh h'_-_LI_._ L xnguunu-;|a;n. 1.; 411.: I :41. I.A~4naAvn.IJsV `~- ' A Goon THING !-A,-TRY t'r.--The_~ Canadian Pain Destroyer is amediclne for the immedtate and er- manent removal of allpaln lrom the system. he Canadian` Pain'Dest4rover cures rheumatism._pleurisy _ and pain in the back a'nd.c.ide. The C,i'ua dian Pain Destroyer CllY'E3.blllli)lIS chnlic and cramps` tn_ the stotriaclt. The Canadian Paln Destroyer cures cholera, vholem mnrbus, dysenterv, and bowel com- plaints. The Canadtatt Pain Destroyer cures sudden colds and sore throatS.~ Th_e Can_adiati Pain Des - . troyer cures burns. scalds,lrost bites, and chilblains. tliingfor spt'ains,strains, wounds, and bruises; .it takes away all parintlte moment it is applied. No famtly should be without. a bottle of the Canadian Pain Destroyer. . ' 11- .. u 7;, ': L1 .1 in '11!- The Canadian Pain Destroyer isnlso an excellent THE cam ENGLISH REMEDY. s1R4JAMI :s CLARKE'S ~ T , CELEBLATED I?-EM-ALE PILLS. I To all who dsire'it, he will `send in copy of the {preset-iplion used (free of charge), Wllh the dlrec-' ltions tor preparing and using the same. Vyhich they ,will nd asutu-: ohm: {or .(`v_oNsUuiP'1'toN. ASTHM4, Bm.1cHi'rt's. CoUem=,Co'x.Us, ad rill Throat, and Lung Affectinns. '. The only olij_e<'-l 61' the advertiser { in sending the Prescription is to benet the aficted, I and spread information which he ct;-noeives to be in- .valuable.and he hops.every suerer will try his remedy a_s it will cost them nothing, an'd may prove _l-I blessing; V ' A Partiugxuislminzr the nrpsr-rintinn. war: In: retI`:rn 1. lll ucelluytlo - `Northrop 65 Lymziri, Nevaslle,C.VV., proprietors for'lhe`Canadas. . ,Q..I.l :.. :2...-...:.. L.."1` ur ` t':.,m..-mu. mi Y-I.~..... .1, rorlne uanuuas. _ - _ Sold in Barrie by T. W.. Georgen, and Kelman 65 Co.; J. Deaon, -Bradnrd ; Green,&` Bro., Craig- hurst, and all medicine dealers. A. V 4|- v.. .--...r. u, I.-.--- V Address, W .(}d.',_Bok 138, Bfobklyn E New York. ' 15-ly n V The 2dvi.=er,'havihg`be"en restored to heallli in a I few weeks by a very qiuhple remeiiy. `aer having, = suffered f-r several years with a severe hing "am-c-, tion, and t_hal dread disgase, Consump1ion-is anxi- 1 ous to make known tohls Hallow-sufferers the megns ;.r .....-a . . gun I. gxuu 11 7V 1.11`. I. a.v yva We sometimes hear persons say, my horse is sadly outol'condition.and'I cannortell eitherwhat `is the matter with him,,or how to get him into better i('Se,; they appearjto be ignorant oi the fact that there is within their reach a remedy safe. sure. and ielfg;-ctualin all r-ases. Many persons who deal in- ' ltnrses use lnrgelqnantities o{_`it,. gamltestify V that _ns I ecl are most satisfactory. One horse dealer in- ! forn:;~xns1hat'his horses eondition and `appearance ' .~ are so much improved. by its use that they sell more ' readily and for higher prices. The articles is Dar.- l ley s Arabian Heave Relncdy and Condition Medi- 'ctne. ? Nothing else is equal to it tor `the same |purpo_se. , - ___ Rmnnmhm` the name. and see that the signature How like` M/anrym, rfr<`aVsbin'g:and nourishing; ; to the poor pilgrim in tbe'Ari-1 Desert of Disease - iand despozidencyfis the Twoi1derful.Manochan of `I the Aztecs. ` -.....~A--..-. -..-..-o.-.-.'.`-.o -nu-nn '-n~r' 11]" EU |.)Iro 4a:vu.uuu ol Since _'n1 y`retur'n here the Government, through the civil and r`nilitary`author._i- ties, are making every effort to move the Fenians from the frontier by rail. General _Spier says he was to have thir-4 teen thousand'Fenia'ns at this point, but `the failure to receivelhis material; in ~ consequence of_ the interference of the .U.S. forces, prevented "the men from`: coming here. There is no doubt that} . the Federal authorities` acted` with energy` "of war from reaching them. since the President s proclamation tvasi issued, and speedily prevented n1.1ir1xl1Ol1S , The attack on Canada will do good "in showing Fenians that they render themselves. well as that Canadians are determined .. liable by violation of` the 1 law here, `as f and able._to defend their7home_s._ V -ST. ALBANS, June -10th, `.1 a. m. V Fourteen hundred Fenians" have been shipped south on the Vermont `Central Railroad, from this point, who, have re- turned lrom the expedition into Canada. -The village is quiet to-`day, but few Fenians are left. here. The hail required of Sweeney has been reduced to ve thousanddollars; but he hes not secured it. Gen. Spier who_commanded.the Fe- 5 nian expedition and who was arrested at i the Province` line yesterday morning,} giving his word of honor that he would 1 surrender to the military here, has Just-l done so. ' , _ I ULIC J"ll|C\aGo ' i . ' j JUDSON S `MOUNTAIN HERB ~PIL_LS. T i Like the Brazen Serpent,` raised by Moses in the 1 desert, they cure almostvmiraculously. ` mrnzi nun nniirn rnnvvn ""%1}'H13f3aEw.s LOOKED . `Upon the Serpent and were healed. The Gen- ` tiles and the Jewgrlsoth". ` ` ` ` ,_ 4-1,- '- vuu Vuauu-.....v....~J . 1 this remedy and an ? cu_re 5."- V Get the Rescue of Tula. Aimanace Sold by all Medicine` Dealers; _u ulcsslngs .. .Par1ies-wishing the prescription, FREE by reuhrn _ mail will please address ` ' . . , . 1 Drjhe Unnadns ' - , _ Sold- in Bmrie b_vT. W. Georgen, and Kelman & ; Co. ;' J. Dem-.0n, Bradfurd ; Green 65 Bro., Craig- ` ; hursl,_and all medicine dealers. ' ` "4l- J `_,.._.._.._____-_ _?- _ _,_, .I, )'q1are(l_fr0"I/`ta ])re._9rI'pt:1'}n/1 of S-ir J. Cldili, M .D. , W - '1 /L_1/s1c_2'an. E:clraor:l172zm:_1/ to the Queen. This invaluable medicine is unfailing. in the cgre :01 all those pmnlul and dangerous diseases to Which 1 the female constiuninn is subject. It -moderates all .excess and removes all obstructions, and a speedy- ilcure may be relied on. ` V purpose. _ -- , _. Remember the name, th_al1he sIgnature_ -nfH2mldz C0. is on each package. 7 v _ I N...-nlmn Ar I.vman.'N+~w-aslle. C.W:.`nronr1elors MD! Hunt 65 U0. IS eacu pavxage. - ,Nur| hop 6; Lyman,'Newcaslle, C. W;,Apropr1e1ors orjhe Cnnadzis ` Q:\'ll. :.. R... .-.'.. luv.'T`, `V, (Iran:-ann _ ant` Knlmnn K7: 1feils.- ' " - - .. 3 CA l`ITION.- Tluesn Pills sl/o'1zId not be Int-rln by /emrilev (luring t/4e,FIRST THREE MONTHS of Prerrnzmcy, as they are sure to bring an Miscar- riag'e, int at a77.y.oth.ert1.'1ne they are safe. in all cases of Nervous ' and Spinal Affeclions Pains in the Back and Limbs, Fnljgne on sligh exertion, Pnlpilalion ofxhe Heart, Hvslerics and _Whiles, lhse Pi|ls_wi1le`ecl a cure whenall other | means have failed : and altlloligh a puwerful remedy, `(In not coniain iron, oa|'mnel','antinmny, or anything ihnrlfnl to the consmulion; _. o - 1:-..u .1:...,..:n..a an the mimrihiet around each back- J none 11. The attendance of farmers was to-day very limited. and little lzmsiness ivas done. Prices are i generally maintained without change lit the; rntes quoted on Snturdn. . A few lots of wool- brought 33 and 34 per b. S'pring.w'heat soldin K. cars at $l.40. Nothing doing in fnl1 w.heaL.- . Barleynnominal 21; 50 to:60c. Oats` 320.. Pens G9 to 71 forvwaggon loa.ds._ Flour-No _`r sold hi I $6 40 ; other grades . nominal. Hay $12 to $14 4 per ton. Straw $5 50 to $6 50 per ton.` ` - , It is_.r'reculiar1.y Sl1ilt;'d.' ll wlill-, i a short time, bring : on the monthly period wilh regularity. I ' T<`.n(`h fmnle. mice One Dullar. bears the Govrn- ; the monthly period wnn regularity. 4 |' Each Boule, pxioe Dullar. men! Stamp of Great Britain to prevent counter- I failu- ?h(|rI{'ul to constitution; J Full dinemions in the psimphiet around ack- ` .-1ge, \vhich shduld be cerfullv prservedl , Sole agents for lhe7Uni1ed States` and Cnnadm. . ` 'rr\1~|. Ill.'\QI'.\V `AT 1? |uJ\II\_4 llhlvllvhl Iv! ---v - ---~~-r -r I V . ;. JOB MOSES, N.Y. 5N.B;-$1.00 and six postage stamps` enclosed lo any authorized agent will insure a bottle containing fty Pills,l)y relurri mail. - V ` ' I Norlhrop dz Lvma`n, Newctislle, C.W., genera` V _- ._; , . rw .... ._ - . , ' _I`._L.. inwnEi:Kis7iiLnnv 1` lllly 1III.V,uy |_cuuu nun... Northrop Lyman, Newciistle, genera ` agehis for lhg Canadas, : Sold in`Barrie by Kelman Co., T. W.Georgen : I J. Deacon-, Bradford ; Green 6; Bro., Craighunl, and `all mg-vvjiciue dealers. ` V _- '4_l- sHEmFF s SALE C)! I_..__nds. V COUNTY` OF SIMOOE,% Th TIT ' A `IN THE TOWN or BARRII-V3," A" ` ' the nndermentioned Lands `and Tenements, or the interest of the Defendant that-ein,_ mfdera. Writ. of VFien' Facias in__the following suit. :- . - _ 1'.lU\L\u1:. VDU 1 xnun I Every young lady and gentleman in the 'lJ`niled' Stalescanhenr somelhingvery much to their ad- vvanlage by return mail (free of clxarge); by address- l inglhe undersigned. Those having feavrsof being 5 humbugged will oblige by not nolic-ing this -card, All others -will please address their obedient serilam, THOS. F.'CH`APMA N, v ' '7-ly-w.o.c.eo S31_ Broadway, New York. kn the County Coittt af'th`e Courily qf Simcoe. A ` ALFREIIP. -PATTERSON AND PETER PAT- TERSON, T ? _ V - A Plainti`s*." Rtv. Enxvannx. WILSON, 7- lzy Williamsburg, l{ings_C'o. New York. IN THii 1i9_USEA HUGH cA~RM1oHAv:-L7` East lialf of Lot number tweAnty-?fV`our`, in the eighth Con. of the Township of Nottawaaaga, in. the Gqnty oflsimcoe-V-1'00,acres`, more_or less. '- ?B. -W. S2d`I'1 H,' " b - ` "Sher':j",VCoL 'Sit_ncae..J .- c, I\_';__._ .n..____ \ `Snn:mn s 0r'hc2,'BAnm,z . June 8th,; 1-see`. ` '-u -,. _._L::-I_;.1` f:.;_.'. uni. \PrviniW.-.994 Survmr Irlnnv v--. _ --iv." - V j { . I :Fir`st`publiahed,% Jim 13:11, 1866." Wmsxmzsz wmsxnnszr Applylo _ - _ `A . I i. ABDAGH_&"_'ARDAGVB,;' f '_*,. _ '.'.>:,. v. Barbie,-h_Ia; 4969; ` .1; L , 7 H!) above uauery vxs uuw upcu uulu 0 n, .... IV 12, noon, and from 1 to half past six p.m Barrie June 12, 1866, A V A 24- 'B`.`l="iJ'EVI:LIVA'C1T37'.AUCTION. WIRE nbdv Gallery is now ope froth 8 a. m.-to m ........ und frnin 1 in half mast. six on Nme 15th.dy of SEPTEAIBER. AD. 1866, at twelve o clock, noon, willbevsold ' _ 3 - x ISARAGRAPH ADVERTISEMENTS` MANNA TIN TT_H.E DESERT. )r#`aa ::eeun1q'aaurs;y,.jn21i: n!.>a..a.. " _Inlereat. 1,. 1 -_ fr , 1 _v AA_I_.A" `New , l\hnetti5cmcnt:i. HE nmYIh;BEsW{1c1:E,` Jung nnnuno "Ur xvu ; u. A Gentleman who sffered for years from Nervous` Debilny, Premuure Decay, and all the effet-ls_ of: oulhful indiscrelion,` will for the sake oi sufTerI__i1g~' umanily, send free to all who need it, the re:-lpe .and dire:-.lion's.fur making the simple remedy by I which he was cured. Sixtferers Wishing-lo profit by _ the adverliser s experience, can do so by addressing" I -....g~ n. r\rvl\1'\lY AD0N T KNOW WHA"1` TO DO. Lillian:-aria Apply " T0 _MA_RmI3D LADIES` TO CONSUMPTIVES. at vthe Shg5-,`ri; ; (sfiice, , Iouime take #ALEnB;3 e.','> VDef ehd`ar':tL. A jB'A'_IBIAE. DU luu uuauvn nu y............_ ,Many persons `will not take cnlomel. They will not ' take mercury in any form _if they are aware of it. -And et thousant_ls have it prescribed for them. when they are ill,ana swallow it under the imprcssioii that they are lak- ing something else. \\ hen the violently out of . order. calomel is the chief reliaiiceofthe, nicdicnl faculty. ' and treating the popular fear ofit as a vulgnr l'allucy,'lhey coiisider it a -` pious fraud" to prescrtbe culomel clandes- tinely,-under the mercurial svmhohnnd soon. But. as long as Radway s Regulating_Pills can he obtained. _there` I _ is no necessity whatever for emploving culoinel. its use may. wholly be dispensed with. Rndway s Ptlls are -a vegetable substitute `for the ' rnineiul poisons which the- popular mind so iiaturallydreads, and tliesepills exercise all the medical effect of cwloinel,-mercury. arsenic. &c... without producing any ofthc evils which` sometimes fol- low the action oi those powerful poil-minis upon tliesystem. Dr. Radway"s_PiI|s area liver-' icgulxttor " and whether: that organ be torpid or ova.-r-:tcti,ve Radway s l'ills coinpel it to return to a state of eqtiililirium, (luing IIS duty in an equal, mndemte. and healthful manner. In the mime way these pills regulnte"the nCl_l0IltIf1he spleen. the liliidder, , the stomach, the bowels. &c.. superinducing in- all a suits;-. ble vigor. quite an effective as if arsenic. calomcl. `or any other poison had been judiciouslv administered by an ex- ' periencesl physician. while at theisame time the pills. una like the poisons. leave no accumulation of the seeds of death behind them. for subsequent developemt*tit. I'ake-R_ad- way : Regulating Pills it you would avoid` calomel. Take these pills if you object to mercury. The ' are mild and strengthening. yet. tliorouglily eiclem. l hey never fall to cure-you, and they u'lways_leave you inbetler health enjoyed before. . - Radway s st'tperio`_r _P1aLingitrs=.'j 7 24-13: _V 'IY`HE'(i4OI.I1*.1TY COURT OF TH ____.---;..-- A-a .-mu-any-in-\1'.1 . - ` T _ %_CoU1'~zV"1:r. 5FV;;;1 1\i'c _(>E; PROVINCE 011- CANADA,'z`:,- Cumin or Snxcon: -_.-- murnun -lLl.. Auereu (0 But: pu-acu-. ;.-ac.-.y..._ _A` choice a'ssortmen'tTotV' Millinery of thelatat Tstyles always on hand.- -v_-.. no--- An hnnlnn Rn-nn,t-.nne dam. {vest of -1;- WE, the undersigned Brewers of Barrie, hav- ing heretofore borne the burden of 3 cts. per gallon duty on all `Malt Liquors made by us, hgye found by past. experience that we `are not able to do it longer, We, therefore, shell for the futnre`chs.rge 23 cents per gallon for PRESENT. USE ALE ,-`wholesale; and from 25 to 30 `cents ` for best STOCK ALE & ponrrm. . ROBERT smpson, ` T ANDERTQN BB._0'l`BERS.l Barrie, June lst, 1866. L - _ . 23-6% . Barrie Examiner and Brhdford News insert six limes. . Amery; VT, A._ `, Bauldry, Leonard , Barnard Thos. ` -` Bell, Mrs. Caroline Bergen, Miss Annie Bertram, Andi-_ew Cameron, John ` Chapple, James Lawrey, Henry . A _ James M_cLane R_eyie, Joseph Williari! Cochrin,Alexander [2] Roviat, Dayid Day, Miss Matilda Dunn, John _ Goodin, Samuel Grover, Miss Eliza J ans - , Taylor, Wm. Harding. William Hill. John _- Hockridg, John, I-look, Robert ' . Johnston, Capt.` L. Johnson, Miss Susan Keenan; James " _Seadon,"_Keirn Smith, James Smith, George Strong, Michael Thompson, Wu}. G- Tuck, Jar_nes Walters, J. , Warren,` William, F. Williams, Kira. Emma A` f.Av:_ .l. U: Uvlllua vlvvu-`I -- --- .V~_,,-:,_ `K On ,r`m_N'1>AY, the THIRTEENTE day of AUGUST next, the undersigned will apply to the J udge, of the said Court for La. diseharge, under lhe'said Act.'W ' . _ .. ' . `HALL TELFE_R. ` on-uv-7.-_.. ,_ .1 , ,_, _ _ _ V EGS fo inform theALa_.<.iies of Barrie and viin-` _ .it.y, that she is now prepared to exenute all orders for Millinery in the Latest Fashions and Modrate terms. ~`- ' "`-J G ____ -_A 13-14 n}: nldono and styles always uu unuu.- LIE" Store on Dunlap Streei-6ne door ivest of Maike; Sufeet. V. A V Barrie, Sept, l8$5.L f '3`!-ti` _

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