Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 6 Jun 1866, p. 4

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TWestb'alf" of"Lot tenA, i East of Hurouuirio Sue County of Simcoe. n tlie sevemh Cbucession . et, Township of Mulmur, U` u.` ----- BY PUBLIC `AUCTION , ` at ihe Shei-HP : nm... b vs. _wILLrA>M Bonn; Dfepdaut'. 1` .~ -_ In tlie C'ounty'C'bur( of `the Cf7udy'qf'9hrr;e.. JAMES STEWART, _Plaintif_1-,' . ' v.-.v..n. .lJ.\.I\J [ I-N Txiz TOWAN or BARRIE, - the undermentiorid Lands and Tenements, interests of the Defendant therein, under a. of Fieri Facias` inthe folfowing suit. :- IN H13: TN TU IQ` mn II ! xv ._-: G 0UN TY-_ or swoon; . 1'0 WIT : TSHERIFFS` SALE J4-it _.__, --4 7 Westalf o/{Lot lt nf T-Illrnnlin-:.. On..- Susxzm-'s On-Icrc, Bnuun May 23rd, "1866. - 'IN'...L ....I..1:_L__x ..-....- .- ` r whether, in future, the same means may _......J vvAuULVIl , PHILADELPHIA, May 3l,-James - Ste- phens; addressed an audience of 800.- iper`soi1s'to-night, at National Hall. After his speech he requested that questions. might be asked him; whereupon a gentle- man uponthe platform asked him the -follo\ving:--First, wlielher the Fenian Brotherhood, organized as it was for the liberation of Ireland, had notibeen used by bad men-perjure_rs andothers--tor the destruction of its purpose`. Second, not be employed for the benet of Eng- `Iish diplomacy, resulting as it seems; in the Confed`e_ration of the. Canadian_ colonies and the diminishing of `Irish sufl'mge.. ,Z[hird, whetherthe course of the Fe'nlan}Brotherhood, under its prey-. _ se1it'andinast'leaders, has not` been in- *j_urious, instead of advantag`eo_us,.toi the ` [interests of :Irish liberty. Fourth, n ~_gl1nI`r-nun Iv.\.. T ....~_, mun, xuuu. ) ,'Fii-sypnbliahed 30th` May; 1866. __...j-.-.-._-.._-_--._--___.___._- , - - v.vv- -vvn, the undfmgtiond Lands and Tenments, or the interest of the Defendant therein, under a Writ. of Fieri Fgzcfiqzs in the. following snip z-- - - -Int/{ex County Court qf the United .C"o_I'mlies qf . York 6- Peel. r-rune-.. ... . - _.__ BY IN,~TIiE GOURTTEOUSE, ` I nu--I-I-1 lI'Ir\I'I'I-nv ._ _v_ ---. -- um uuuUUl`1, )N the 13:1; day of JUNE, A o clock ,noon, will be soi counw or swoon,-' frovwn: - ` .-.uv.. S$HiE:RlFF S'f -or % -uuuunurra .urHUl, DAKRII, _ ' Mayfgggh, }866. _ FirqtpubI ished.Mny 30th, 1866 HQISHELAA MARWOOD; Defendant. . Lot number 7, in the lltlrconcessiqn of Essa.` ` ' - :BL W. $MITH,_ .c1....`:a' Iv. awn. following is Zpubiislied _.---v- va, \Inl.`.lU\l.llIo at 1_"Tbrh!:e s--t[1e,let[e1:wril.ten by (frarialdu go the ! ' ` Sunni:-i"s .O'r1$ii, Bmiui, f Mav 29ll1-lRRR, 1 _ ---. [HENRY WALKER, Plaintitf, _ Dluauvcy an uuu uuyupon IDETJBSI pill`! Of 1103: N0. 1 in`1he nth Gqncessjoqpthe j1`$:Qxi_`hfpVofEaT, _`~ . , in` ihe'C6umj of ,Si.m'g'o, containing hglf an acre u1or3`oxj less. A ~ - '~ : A ' { ` auruv .u- 11M;`_l{}1_lJHQi', l,_Je%,l`O l_1(,lBl'lt-V _, , , ? . Yiage Lbfpi 6, `on Norgh gigie, dfQI_1e'en Streot,. in` theV[llage of Cookatown, in the County of Simcoe. as laid out upon the"East part of Lot. No. mu Concession hf/the '1` irihfn A4` nu... -. _ _':. - :. 3" We ndmnt`QD9..Lnds$`-or the j mares: of tbia'Deg;`1f(ii1; (herein, ujn`de`r`.`1%m7vritof. Fen Facfias, in_"tE`e"fq1l9wiug'aAuig,:-,- " -' - 1:1 '1-'r:e*anintgc6a`rt bf. lhe Coihdy ar T STEPHEMCLEMENT; Plainzti`-,* , . ` , ' v ` ` . I` J6HN D." ARMSTRQN Defeydaqt v:l'fh',`".`A-fr` '.._ \*r__.n `.91; '1-A 1 ~- Bi ~ -mnxiu` `nni n A.`I)I')I`f.\. 7 : I `-10 __:;f,...;;`. :__e_ . j N the aged? of snP'mn31:;,=v 31.12 1866, . will`-liesol * - cbUNr_p 'ihic3?, , l'0.WI1':.',.. V, ...v uuauvnuaw WHS uy'IlO means destitute of at least the `appear- ance qt`-lvogicv. ' The meeting than a'd-. jourbged _n`fter`,the usual-devotion. . ab. .. _ .-...._u_u uuuu-L" _r-:I..l\..IUD IN; THEE: TOWN or I3Af.RRIE, V .A't:the Sherita V O1 +- Luv: vvv_-w... --Ti\i,i`THE 'TbwN} Fx.B4 3I;1?E; T A4 L:_|.`_ `A!AI__I __4A PUBLIC AUCTION, at the Sherih hm... .__..v 11?? Ai_hTe S_bhei-ia. Ofce, --in A-A--' _ gut`! flie S-herits Oice, t ;twelveZo cloclA: noon; __.c,'u- - -2 Stephonn in P1iiIad'elpIiia-He i's' Badly Cornereq- / D-I'll ACt"- 1" .- gr min` o=1.sai&, '.;_sj._;,_ no . -_ V ,5 `i_`1}:.:ML{SMITH,_'. D-Abnwun I Shemj , C o. Simcoe. ` , mjna-,suje:amm1i;':5- .2-5; B. W. smr, D Sher; Co. S1'm_coe.v Ly `um, _A.v:f1ae~.,L n`-, will be sold` B.; _W. SMITH,- m.....:r n- ~- IE, AD. 1866, mwelve esold . 1`, _ L1){.=.1sb6;a` 3 Sold . - --u &l41lll1l,' A Sherz} Co; S:'m'coe.- f-;Slt e1'if`, o S.-uncae V V [of Botvnianvillel In that body it is ' the Rev. Mr. `Rowe, of Toronto; being 7 ot~B_owmanville, upon the mode -or . Chrislian Baptism, , which was listen- ( L'anada,'\v in session" in: the town customary to hold, previous to the Gene- ral ,C_on,ven_tionv, their Minisferiale A`s- : sociation Meeting fbr _mutual= improve- ment . This` meeting was held to-day, t `in the chair. The attendance was large.` An essay was read by Rev. J. Nattrass, ed to with attention. A discourse upon the Sabbath was then read by the I ,mined purpose necessary to success._ Rev. R. Cade, of Hamilton, in which " he ably commented upon the opinion held` by the Rev." Dr. Macleod, of Scot- land, which drew out a lively and pro- table discussionj until noon. In the .. afternoon, the Rev.- Mr. Newton, of . Gtielph, gave some very -interesting views upon Christian-Union, in which be strongly urged unanimity not only among `Methodist bodies, but in the en- tire Churcn of Christ. A very instruct-' ive essay was then read by the Rev. W. . S. Httghan, of Chatham, upon Deter- In his remarks,the rev.gentleman call__- ed to mind a number ot indivieluals who rose from the most humble" to the most u` exalted positions in life, lhl'01lgl'i' a A5 `determined purpose, 'whi_ch,.he thought,` pr_< furnished an abundance of encourage- P91 ment even to the most disheartened A . tyro. Lastly, came an interesting-dis-' course from thetRev. J. Cheetham, of _ Portland, "upon the second coming`_of A` Christ 2 and ..ln.....-_L - " V ` enements, or the . n, undera. Writ. nit s_ 14-13;` .13`-13!. V22-'1:-It A J, wvv -and $03 _a.Tt,he hour of _twelve o'clock, no g_ I` parcel of land: L_otn_umber eight or; `the Wet 7Street.'.-nud Nmh -.:.a.. _r -11 M the 19t`h<-day of E M thehour'o!z--1.. ..v..:...a'_ _ , _ .. _ ,_ ' Prigjlitive Methodist Conffence. Th ."I:I`nAul>I-u _...`...._`I IV I; L` . D."" _ Barrie. V. ...., y-m.uu1aquu,Q0l'0el 5 of Lake Simcoe. ' ".1 4 good, -substantial and commodions 1)OuS:E,': which has been recently furnished and fitted up for a hotel. It will be let on very favorable terms to` any respectable applicant, experienced in `the business of keeping a comfortable and well" or-_ V dered establishment. For further particulars` apply at Hawkstone; to :bMr.' John Williamson, lot to the subscriber, , '1'. W. BlRCHALL,- V " ` BritishiAmerican Assurance Company: ,;Toronto,i4th Ma'y,1866. _ gs-` . 'N.B.- --Steamlu-`sicall daily from Ben Em: andv ' ' `Nthe risijlg village or HAWKSTONE for beauty of situation aqd salubritg mate will compare favorably with any lot "the pic_turesque_,horders of Lake _A goal, -substantial `mm .mm--A=--- 1' 22"-13:. 1836) `ox-`tar ....--......, ..,.u uu: aun 1511 mm clay loam. " Texms, $l000`:1one-half to be paid down !I_ff3f[J'_` time of sze, and xhe bglance in five equal annual instalments with interest , to Be secured by`-Mort_-_: gage ozrtlie premises; Insolve1}t;A _<:_t of 1864. yhu ---~' . `and a shanty erected thereon. `,The land is ,-A" BEING` Westlialf Lot No. 9. in the Ilth con, _ ' Township of Colliugwood, County of G'rc;\' IU0"ae`res, ve or air acres of which are cleared, watered, and the sbil i'3=a rich clay ioam. Te!m_ .]nnn`-2nnn_|1o'lf on 14.. .._!J J Viarrie, Nov. 10, 1354; ____________ J J .UV'IIIB 3'Jesus can make a dying beii Feel soft as downy pillows are; While on his breast I [lean my head, Andbrealhe my life out sweetly there- ya} cu, 'I_-`hus supported. by her Lord, she` pa'se'd "to the Spirit land without :1 str ug- gie, Her body -rests_in the -Ingersollz V Cemetery- [Funeral services were con- ducted by the .writer.--Herihabsence from the family of Bro. Marts, where she had-been long faithftillycared for,` ` ismuch felt. May they seek to fol- low her to theheovenly home. ` ` V - --`_ 4v_...-`,V : THE East lmlf of Lot 29, in the 5th Choncee-I sion. The land is of an excellent quality,` and there -are about 4'0`act-es cleared and t for cultivation. Immediate possession can be given. Price mod.-y erat e;and terms of payment easy. Title indis- putable. ' Apply (at by letter, pre-paid) to ' . ' t ' ARDAGH & ARDAGH, V Rnlinienrn D.- --3- IN omgnamplon k'.0'." f I Singbampton, May 7th, 1866'. , ] 0wen.So(md Timesyto copy till forbid.` August 29th, 1865. Ekpply (ifbyletter post-paid) fo I { ' ANGUS BELL,ATeacber', __ . { . G_x:eemone,F.O(` ftb" ' K -:1- STEAM SAW-MILL, in a good pine in the Township 9| Noltawasagzs; miles from 3. Railway sta,tion._wiLh U00 excellent farming land `attached. vvullll D - `I 5 Puauc AUcT|oNT 7ffV At the. (:1'ns..L.::'...;.. j ,___. .. .u~-no AH bperations performed in he most app: style, gnd satisfaction given il1e'ver_v case charge made - --\v .;u5-ecu, unli- CREEMORE-At J. Martin's,` on 16th of April, l June,-August, Arc. _ V ' ' Where all thoseprequiring his services in any ' branch of his profession can be waited upon. Teeth inserted in a superior manner, from a single tooth to a complete set, on Gold or Silver, , or Silver Plate, or on that justly and highly es- teemed material, Vulcanized Rnbber, and in such a style astovatford ease and comfort in mastica- ting the food, giving to the patient, at the same time,.that naturalexpression of countenance so ' desirable to secure in the operation of inserting articial teeth. ` ` iticular attention given to the, regulation of chili drenfs. teeth. ' V V ' . Ail 'rEims MODERATE, gtpply (if by letter post-paid) to - 4 ARDAGH `& ARDAGH Y .qnHn3on.... I "a Christian dies. No fretting,,no "m ur-` For a, few weeks before` her death; while gradually sinking, herenjoyment. of the Divine presence was` great,voerr~ giving utterance to her condence in the Saviour. It was the `privilege of the writerlo visither often in -her last days, a_nd`jo!ten felt to say, See how, muring ; ever patient; full of resignation .; and rest with her heavenly Master. Conscious ofber state until the very last. 5 When near her last,:being raised from 3 ._ her. couch, by her attendants, she sweet-' Ty` whispered, 1. 12.--- -_- SAW-_M|LL FOR `SALE ` OR TORENT. - _ 7 BAR1iIE-4At his `Oice,.Dnnlo . 1st to 31th of each I"D`I3!.`1l'rsn1-I month. p Sytreet; from Desirable I'arm for Sale. uuz nu L1` unur announces that he will regu- I lnrlyvisit the following places on .the days and at the time stated, viz. :- ' DADDID -A; 1- `Ann - ]11y@[;gg1H1"v_1{:nL umis'r1. DR; .1. c.j McCAU*SLvAN D,. 1 u-v-xn.-- . ANGUS BELL, Agent, Sibghampton P.0~j. Ulla!-nun-.n M-.. mu. ...,.... Teeth inserted in the rnost approved style; `and b as he has made arrangements for visiting Barrie ever month, he is prepared to execute any wot eutrhstd to him, as cheap as any other Dnlist in the Province. G Particular attention paid to. the Regulation . of UhiId'r"gn s Tceth. Residlence, _Ne'wmarket_, where he may be consulted_the lst, 2nd,and 3rd of each month. April 19, 1865.- ` _ - V . 1-tf _FA-RM FOR SALE 7 THF TOWNSHIP OF MULIVjI4U_R;j : ms prUl8$$l0D,. ._ !3"'fWlien the date f"z`zV1`IsT on Sunday for, these places, they will be attended to the day follow- ing. . ` * ' ' [ ......-.v.. a. 51:9 uvwuaugy Ur ziggralmug, _U_u W., mere th"an 2'T_-years in Vienna, ';3_1nd3f6r ftbogit tvi year : Sid Ingersoll. She _ e6n\erted te . God ` under the Ia'b0ur:o'fV the. lat'e.N. Bangs; , D. D., and for more than half a` century` ; ; she has been a-faithful `membet ofgthe - M. E. `Church in Canada, Her .eV`r'i4 ,: dence of mentaTstrength,.yntil the very. * Iast, was. _zfe'ma.rkable.' With a hstron'g_ -' contituti6n; and no settled disease, -I'sh`e_ gra`duallysank- under the `pressure, {If `years. He:.`Christian_wo:ks are ddubt-' 3 less; still remembered my many ministers! of the Gospel who had an acquaintane"e- with her. " - e I o- . , lg guguxu-ug ulunxs to mamenag in Barrie and . . 75 _ pg-oundingcbdntry,'who have patronized bini durihg die -pgst thirteen years, beg to ifntimate ` that in fIIi1If*-he will attend at the following. a " plae inontbl y :- Newmarket, 1st, and ;'2;1d bf eachwlfontb. . ` . *-Sb :-ron.`3rd- . . . . . . . . . B`ra'd'f'ord.-'.~4h.-;.'.z.-...... ' ""- 9 ` Bgmd Head, 605 . . . . ..;..;.-.- `Brownsville, 6th.). . . . . . . . 4 . ` " Lefroy, l3t.b..;...'.'......`.'.. . "` Barrie . . . . . 14111 and 15th`. . " Collingwood, 16th and 17th, AMaArkhnm Village, 23d 8: 24th Brown'a Corners,` 25tl; . . . . . - .. , ~Manma,- 29:1: L . 1 When he will be happj to wait upon thos} `re-` v his ;irof_ession_. ' u1i'tWIna 41... .t..4.- 4-_n. ._ :1-.._: n -- qniring his-services in any of the braincbes of . . ?t.W'E thanks to hiafriehds in Batriennd ' gprroupdingcbdutry, who patronized :Ii.'n:';..- I... ......s .1_:_., , svnEoN4 Hotel _ig1_ Rent. - `7cu-v7\rCr?'." .q1niGE."`oF ADVERTISEMENE; 0onnty of Silicon, SURGICAL, OPERATIVE, [AND L 412333 ozr EDWARD 1', TAN-I;vsoLVEN2'.T . _ c-:31. . H KWKSTONE, : which . man and munh.-:.., ..c ..a.-. n 5. W KSTONE, salubrity of-cli-' Iy Iocality,oq,'. xd housue,-' { rnisbed tted an very favorable lormn . Algoe s, on the 15th April I. Martin's,` l6tH , loaIity,; Nollawasazszz abmn. 5 d in him as LAs -V Isolveu-t, apvd-in`- ' : c1-editorsgz thp 2 5: ARDAGH, Solicitors. Barrie. All JO '. A null U11 Solicitors, amostapproved I verv cnse r nn mgmazt; 4; it 23 rd, ms} . pine locality,; mga; about 5 ncreaof % D E N mast. 1'94 v , Barrie. 85-if I` ` By Henry S J. P; 0cta_vo'; - Px-loo wd,;n` . pl! ,,--.__-- IJ uuulli, Milieu . Norton.';`.6 -l`,6007p`Ig"'ela`Ild nfu s9f Edi . "ale .00) burgh, l.lid .C:hO: age. Henry Staph: NOl'Il'I'l'|,' "1 ,_,_._--... av ;v.|:a W DUDL`MBER8:' New Subscribers: to any t'iIo"oM - he1ibo.v'e perlodil calls for 1866 will he e_nIiIle:lto~lecl ems. gratis, -au l `am! of lhenFo'ur Rwmo: for -1865' Ne Subscr hers to all live u1"`Ihe Periodicals for. I866. ' . ynll rc- ,cge, gratis, anytmo of the lFour I529 . [Subscribers may also I U I . A A alga;-i4bak,'nua'nbe:s .1 n...` ` owgnornan-n -" " ' V - Per-annum; For any one of the Reviews. . . . . .-_.. 34 00 For any two of the. Reviews. . . . . . . . . "I 00` ; For Blackwood and three of the Re- VIEWS . . I3 00` The Interest of these P`er?od1cal's to American trea- ders is r_ather increased than diminished b_v'the arti- cles they contain on our late Civil Wqr,and{though Aaometimes tinged,wilh prejudice, thev may stil|.con- sidertng their great ability and dierent stand- point: from which they are wnttn, be read and --._---n "I`m: LmmoN QUARTERLY Rnvmw | THE Emmwncu Rsvmw_,[Whig.] Tmr Wnsmmsmn REVIEW [Radica ;Tux-: Noirm Bnmsa Rzvutw [Free-1 c ' ~ . and ByAc&woon s MAaAzmz [T01-._y.] CLUB TERMS ON . 50 ST. PETER -STE "30- ? of her as-evuuvu, VII l!lU lU!_II_ `II ; II tn.` ;Mth er C_lar@n _ :.`h5;_}`;:_; -f:;";1 Dcineg Co., N. 1?. stage, in 1770 manviea-3:9 Joshuie on;June:~16zh, r1395 ; 4 senleiiin {hi t6iVubhip`6 'M`ukham, _C_'. f W.. n`n-1803:. vginaa me... 15;... mm..- ~ y one. who will fa}-I nish a. Bookseller with Five subscribers. rev run ---- ur umse renoaxcals. .- . They are published by Alexan Cp,_at 56 Lndgate Hill, Lon: Cmzatla Branch, 50 St. Peter St.., I J. Messrs. Stralian Co.. will copies, and one of the elegantly 1 oft`-am: w..-A- -v - -- -- - -- Tf \Jv\/ Read the ADVANGl - Monthly Notice of these Periodicals. _ Thnv nv-n n..|.I:..L...1 L THE ` ZCRGGSY `A MAGAZINE FOR THE Pfbnurnn . -__ 15 Cents a M<->:1;:1_1T$1.754a'V ` - `ILLUSTRATED. r.-1-r-u---1 - >_ >.- _ _. or as 1 ].l] -Llfulll EDITED`BY THOMAS GUTHRIE, Aullior of The Gospel in Ezekiel, I to the Heart, &c._ 1 ILLUSTRATED. T THE `Wi5`A K 011:/g3gTgg12;LNE, ED'ITED"BY Tnmi [PREMIUM T)N;:2W:SI5BSCR11;;Rg."' few Snbu-riImn'o.. ...... ..'_, ,. L ,. IV)- ' ' _` :__: L 05itI_1gy.. ,_ _ a Cunxso an the. r'_sVii- figs -01? her son- n"_1'a-Alafv_.y,;{Ale|nl\lf:';:`r"1-`, '!nmoll,on the18_th_x1._t;,`vjinth9 `\ nf hop nan ' -r - gun; I LZIJI GOOD `WORDS, EDITED BY NORMAN mmjmn `n n A _ nnY1 A 15 J entsa Moh_;s1.75 a'f PROFUSEDY ILLUSTRATED. THTTITI FITTITH I 11 `II: A. . - 12% Cents a Mohth; `$1.50 aYe:ar. ` ` BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTRATED. ' r\`,.\__} smnmm 8:. cuss, MA6AElhiE. __________________________._____ nu'.VUUN: JAMES HOGG & S4 `TO : '\V.. C. CHEVAVETT & C0. DAWSON BROTHERS ;'Axn AL`, j LONDON: JAMES HOGG soNs.V `TO:W.. CHE\v1=:'r1* Ar on um aunt in nuract the reader.-Doncaster Gazette. Well adapted to fill a ,vacant place in our serial literaturepthe Churcbman appeals to 3. large section, and {minds its claims to. public consideration on the high tone, of its principles and excellence of its contents.-K;ing s County Chronicle. , _..--&lII\IHL j" l V PREMIUM TO NEW SUBSCRIBERS; I ..m...m uoolinlt, ARCBBISHOP or Amman. With ' a Portrait. ' ' ' AN APRIL SUNSET. _ By As-rnnv H. BALDWIN OUR CLERICAL CLUB. iBy, the_Em'roa. [Writings of Dr. Rennie;-Peking and Pekingese Bhotan-Mr. Doolittle `on China-V-Charnock's Verba Nominalig1-- Recent Fiction : Leighton `Court and lfred Hagizrt : Hbusehold-'I`he Musical Season-.\1alan's Philosophy of Truth V-A-Professor PIumptre s' Sermons`-Merivale s ` Conversion of the*Nor|thern Nations. - , The Chnrcbman s Magazine is rich in subjects that have a direct reference to the Church and its work,and all of them have an interest -that is sure to attract the reader.-Doncaster Bdpted E val-um ninnn :- "-` direct `and 7 ; be made by_Mr. Stephens, suspicious regardmg him ' llewsnahergnnrl n... ....u. _ .. " ))lll.'-Conclusion. . AN EASTER IDYLL. .By. HELEN Momzo. CHURCH DECORATION AND CHURCH WORK. By Din. PARKER. THE CONDE.\l.\'ED NOTICE. ' REAL LIFE. By Mus. Bnu. JAMES USSHER, Aacnmssop A NA_mxA'r'rvz or Good -Words are-worth much and 4 'Hn:n3Im'r. U Inn uuunxgn Ur` MSUULVERIN RUINS. By J. 1'. 13. - - IDEM LATINE REDDITUM. By LORERAVEHS-_ WORTH. ` THOUGHTS ON SICKNESS; By the Rev. Hum? Jorucs. _ _ nuuur JONES. A _ ' CHRIST CHURCH DAYS: AN Oxrokn _ Chapter XXf.-In Exile. XXlI.-Setlled for Life. XXllI.'-Conclusion. EASTER Invm. 12- n----- -rm U . [M II X DI.U`l'T- THE WELSHMAN S CANDILE. ' TO THE CHURCH OF RECULVER IN -:o____ ' ` -'Numb_'er XL., for .dPRIL,186`6, tontaim: ` ON DR.- WORDSWOR'I'H'S BIBLE, with Notes. By the Rev. W. J. IRONS, D.D. ` THE CHURCH IN` THE WORKHOUSE. By J. C.1}Invuci'r'r. , ` n.u_ym u ornwau uazeue. This friend to tbe'.Ghi'1rch and the Chu.rcb'-- man is a9'tresb' and vigorous as ever.-3-Tauuton Courier. ` ~ ' . , __o . I This is altogether a. sound and clever mags: zine,and every Churchm T h Id ' _ Royal Cornwall Gazette?! 3 0 possess T N 'm`.:. r..:...'.a 4.. .1... n:..'-...-1. -_.1 .L, ... .- % mm mm mm f&&uonmmzs,' At the . ADVANCE OFFICE. 3 -- Tables V `var: :\-_- Au... ucwapilpts and the pub- No answer was made to hnu7DVi nun` AI-- ---5 ~- ' lmnlrlcnrvornvnl DUUUH 1D Hum? `.lJ-DIQ'l| nurror Stmzm-`s Ormcr, B`mn1'n,2 Novemhei 30. MR5, ' ' LL! "1 UDUIUUII C. \h:Yuci'r'r. `I117 `I713! Q1111 _, -- ...._. uuc~ wuo will fur- 3ookseHer UB APPLICATION AT -STREET, MONTREAL of : Joan ncz1ra1>'.3.' nOI.IG1uLLnN LRTHURS . V3 is. L M " _ . , Z .1 _ 5 V _-V. .,,.-`41..'__'_`lietendnnt,n WRIT OF ATTAQEMEN1` in iunedin this canoe, of which all persons interested in the estate of the Defendant, and II} persons having. in their poesessl,on,;cus_tody,, nrupower, any portion of the a.s'_set`aof the` Defendant, `or who are in, any yray indebted.-;to `him, age gequited to take notice. ` ' ' ' ' ' mix ibt."ev;Lzn1;; t wr-`Vt -117 nnnrrnrv `1HURCHMAN S FAMILY MAGAZINE. J lnnuamunn. . .173.` Monfau. j-nj_ 'P1.u ._0Jl{I.S`;S"011?:I'/_--T37-0v2"`":S'u,' axnxnrs urmcl, UARE _ Noygyn 30, 186. 4 .`..nuvU\I, uuuer IE8 pre-. ers, norbeen m- advantageo_us,.to the sh 83 Slenhang urn nno .- 1 NORMAN MAG LEOD,.D.D., or HER Mu}-:srr s CHAPLAINS. THE NEW Numnniz nun -.... ,_ .a. . ~``,"" At. the _V `ADVANCE OFFICE; A__ _ A> _ _. - .,._..., At the _ ADVANCEOFFICE j y Alexahder Stra? r Hill, London, Enn V. Montreal; Co.. will .....a - [Conservative.]' [W_h_is-J V L; 31.75 ai Year. A I YYGVIVH A I""" 01' THE iiicanj ree-Church.) Bszvsoxy i1 -Jw,` Su-1}," V V ' ' Shot-I IN U.S. CUR~ ,;u. mun-1 1il'JAh: ALL BooxssLt_.1-ms. g nder Straban dz xdon, England; send speimen bound vnl nun-- Oxrokn. Smut. Rrila 31,77 (5, ! cai1i::ze.*- ; TORON- DNTREAL: nnnvagw - us- . Year; Notices 9.,-Om: nu, . xjamuzns wno ME; .9159 they olhprwiio would. A ume CONDITION pow ,ke`: pnll kinds of stock heahhy "I pd make them` {amen mu'ici-eds" iny `kind alibi Id tisfeilhw Medicine. VIII 1 9' , -V ._v -`null l_`U5.l ONE` WHO OWNS STOCK \ ,sIu:_ncm.. an is so`a'um.x`u lhal it can` aivhyr , ,__by' gwen wilhnul fear. j1IAR1|!BB8 Wno-ARE Frrn N _ 6 their stock should _.,_'nt_se_ PK DERS. Theyvwxkl` ,`f,':'[Inll kindxol` a'nd in ' ` good heart, and mfici-eI'uir { , . and quu;-ker than fhey olhgrwjag would. `-_Fiud;I8ai ` ' - `will be fauna ;-` _oItIc|ts_oI` an no __ --- ,.-...... u we can be rough and CARETOWQ C98-DITION POWDERS perfect TONIC A _ulg diseuea, ` EVERV mm! mm` --- _ _ such. an Inuenz, ; S,Ii:vnglo.3o_,;W`I!uVHi|urA[{z2nIi_q~I_) of the L_ungn,gNuaal Gloel, me world I .him to heal rivinn DISEA SES OF HORSES an almost all be 1-mzvsvunm` or cons: Powders. Om: Pownnh Jriveaaom. WoEn:s; Om; Pownnm cures Bola. ' j Om: gowns: puts a Horse in condihm . _n _ . A :1; hnliwi hm. tin: L piso eithe bted to} rnulo of,-hqnd org tidrlbulfif um. _lu:A`Yj, OF FEBRUA Isccd i:_I.tho.?.hand|.,.6f-his A 1 _.`~f1-.-fi * 1' ' f mob! E-`-Account org not-paid on or. _ Farmers willnd it a saving to them of manv dollars by using these Powders. When fattening stock, by mixing a little of these: Powderswith the food. you will nd that they will fatten quicker, and the Bush Will be 6'-met and better in ev The many - cry respect. `ALLA will find dollars lhe: li lh: Ihn nan}, ....II S. A And for " Ta: Rx-zslctrz TULAJ . send lbetab;/_MIsaIiTl,".;:`1)r.:t:1g.e y3:_n'd,_ JU15_S.(;1-\I S` MOUNTAIN HIQRB PILLS; ru.u._`E S The outside is a Red Letters, with our {ac-aimile E A nu --- them {o be. ab-' , _.. V--. ;;;4u.|nJ.VAU F'roni any Druggist. and rezfd the hisro}-_v of this Wuriderlul Discovery`; or, as ,PRooP CONCLUslVl- buy and lryibne box oflh e Pills and you WI be snlis, ` tied they are 1 . ALI. WE CLAIM to - -v._-.44.! Cosliveness. Colds. Kidney Diseases, C BEST FENIA Ll Parties milking yinfcliue, A :a='s`!`x9TIld. in'spe.ct:l;IiI`H: spook andprices hofore.qpe;gding,;tbei1_-cnoney. 5 . >REN,l `curing.-. `- _- u |_ L. I Scortula, Worms, _.-.v4.J. LJ J:'SJ:i Tbe nmne'bl` those diseases are legion. "are the Best Remedy in Exis the following Diseases : ;.:.u.A JJJOILADDC The}; are ibe remedy the bounteous I has provided lor alj Diseases ari 7-` .w-.____- - ttpnnlhe Monntatins and in th jli` l-I\IJI El-Ir-u _ Vrepared from simple Ra-ots and Hetbs that grow e lovely V.u.r:\'s or Mt~:xtcn,where the mighty Cordilletas raise their cloud-piert-ing heights. By lensing and P-ur1:f_';/i72g the Blood only cure but prevent nearly A I T TNTKV I`! A f"""` , they not ` ./Igent, Barrie. Also Valuer for the Canada.Permanent. Build- ing and Savings_Socioty Toronto. . 1-Lf Jlll LA. DAVIDSON, Inspector. Ytiln 1 ...... ulc u.u_yn._I insurance uompany an extra. in- surance of FIFTY THOUSAND. POUNDS on the building of Guildhall, including the new erections, ttings, and contents. F. H. HEWARD, - Illanuger Toronto Branch `A, `hAVl nQnxr r.....--a-_ nan--nu; nnunl. `nut LONDON ' TIMES 3' The Committee for the city-entertainment to the Prince and Princess of Wales bavejust effected with the Royal Insurance Company in- FIFTY 'I`H(mSANn pmmnn .... uuney Uaseases, Chesl Diseansese V'1`.|1c-E;/":` BEST FEMALE MEDICINE KNOWN. Remove [he (-ausand vou (turn lhu .n_. % "FIRE A-l\l--5LlF'E:V 'C`apital_---Two Millions Sterling. Funds `in kan'd--Eight I-Iundred Tlznu sand Pounds Sterling. ` % Pmaea mi;ki..` .s... .u.`..~... .;._..~ ,, ROYAL INSURANCE COMPANY no pa. ` ` Put up an 4 Barrie. Jam. 1862. Segretafg and Treac-urer;--Bernard Haldn, Esq. plicitor,s-Angus Morrison, Esq. vp.-u.- . - ___. . ___ __ Loss of Blood ; a'l derangemenh _ of the Stomach and Bowels. SI(T7\T D101?` 1 "" CLAIMS PBOMPTLY SETTLED. CAPITAL 4 L. \J.r&-5` ELJJ-3. nmsmw _ ASSURANCE ` tummy. A D EDI. rhMAl.ab' MEDICIN the (-auseand ease Bad Blnodjs the great cause of disease; these Pills_ cleanse any purify it so thoroughly that di-.-easey having nothing to Iv.-ed upon must take ight. ' E Ksdfr. you cure the dis- _` -1 mm uunscmoer begs leave to infbm the inha- J` bitauta of Barrie and aurroogdidg colintty, that he has on hand a In-ge,vaeaso_nabl'e,land welft aeleotedv stock of DR_-IG_U(9DS' ,GIlOCERlRS;. naaowmm, READY-M5015. : cL,o'rHIN_G-. BOOTS AND SH_OES ,_;&c;f,j&;.,'a'll`of Wvhieha heaia prepared Iojaell,"at ' A _ V -` _ '('5l'FICEKing St., a few door; West at Chnrch - Wk._M9i:f;1}i1g.CL;nx,--Solicitor. -V " Wu; Pint, Sacretary and Treasurer. - St_., -Toronto. . 4 1- _WI'lpPeI' 6feach'Pa`kq_gg.' .Ih'a, is , ( .- uiaouly teaw the {,'1'O1If;gON'JFrl0N powo ms.?' uIIH'lhnno II..'.. -=--'- - .. ,..a..-ca unsung Iron I14:P'b`Ri=J BLOOD_ lnnkn I--`* I . ~'-7 ( `L iurdzagt T to the Actsv {he- prmnninl bnrlihpnaml I ,'BUILDWfS[NSTSCiETY I T _, -_._., ,...,, $111.1 Jr-HUN Fndilfoni Powders with noun FFFI CE, TORONTO CORNER OI COLBOBNI AND GHURCH STREET. Iuunpyruocu fluTJ'ua7_!E'l0 me acts 0] l I Pqrlzumem; `Ml:-.` ziixcis VRIGHARDSON, Preident. ... ARTHEIR Lnrgrnzgz, Vice-President. -n-:-- . . 3 V :-2?R1i439`* ?E3.!QA1{` b M_-i..,...,... ma -' mmnnac. V V ni {postag aid I 25 s. . L. JUDSON E" or m P - Co,.,~'.Psoxrm ETO 1506 Franklin S_5., New --_-.-.-- FATTENING srocx. v:" A_J '- EXTRACT FROM THE LONDON `TIMES! I... l1.._.__:u-_ p .. .. B I. L I J s"KaEc.s, Worms. I-lnaclnnl... u. we; awmach and E SKIN DISEASES. 3 lVnl.|..- l\:,- I `* Wm TAIN. HERB \' PERMXNEN'T' __~,___--_ van---A cninrnuhn at mm or m7nx.iAunn'r. . ..........n.. .-nu unnl Iy KLL DISEASES mvsxmnns or $40 EACH.'. OOLLIEESTREET, BARBIE. " THE Subacxiiblet-TI)Ae{.g`sl`:'aAve t'oil1VfE>r1:~ in `I Burns surroogdidg colint `rsn.-L----L- -' ` I Bozo: contaz'ning 40 .Pt'l Pmnp. ' 0: n--- - -'4 4 ea.-% Bozo: .Pills. PRICE, 25 Cents per Box. isa Wrapper with Black nc-aimile Signature on it." I ASK -FOR u-VI\I~l`l us, Headache, J Co_m plaml. _.._._....,u,;_,._ . 3:` Difi`8ha, Fever Dimes ' v - - ses. J` _LI' N|F'.nl(`lI\Yt` 1: lnnlvnnnvnuu - . 1 " J. I V ,;.;\`k\\\`-\\\\`V-"\'\Q \ IN` E-X|STEN`CE. Fa-nnl.. l')_... - - _.iXn'1'13: `EDWARDS, ..._'__n' rULA> Klnmnac. \Ve 3 Re Paid. for 9. ) nm Is-nu D Jonfv ALEXANDER, - Jgenbt at Barrie. THOMAS DALLAS, gent at Orillza. I-Iv For cunxn by these --....--uuu. v_v E RISO id, for as. per Box. )_.,~'.Pnopau-:ToRs, nu. -- _ .- -v :.Il:a_l\Uu' gem. `is??? l`I-W ga, Indigestion, Liver I'll. - ' as hand of nature ; arising from gic:n.'JUDON S Existence for 85 3 I ver and Ague They are 111:: KN()\\/N `-/lgnl: Barrie. D_1____'__, VCHEA1iG0ODS!i York . 3 also $400,000 ' lmf4disc0I0rati`on* of the skin ; if they burn or int? relieves them from anguish. Icould not sca}d`tl1e1nse1v'es,wth'e`Raelief takes out the fire` l$- DI > kebpex-5, .--_, ........uuu my stomach or bowels are out of order, one of Radway's Pills is all that I req uire 9.0 restore my system-to order and regularity. E ? solo by Druggists and Country Store kebpers. ' M AN EXPERIENCED NURSE OF \VESTCIIESTER- READ `VIIAT SHE SAYS: "` Your Ready Relief and Regulating Pills do our family more good than all the physic and doctors we have had for years. If I have the headache I take Radway s Relief and one , of the Pills--in auhour I am all right ;if pain in my bowels, Radwny s Ready Relief gives me ease and comfort ;' if rheumatism, I use the _Relief; if sore throator hoarseness, I use the Relief; if neuralgic `us shoot about my ; cold, I take the Relief; if toothache, or ea}-ache, or mceache,-I apply the Relief--in a ` few moments the most severe pains are lulled. body, I stop them with the Relief; if I catch - .. _.-. -nruavvi, bILVIIUll tpdv :1; N6. 81-. Maiden Lane, N ew~Yorh JL,MA'l_`HER, ~Ai,inins. J. McKEGGi I-: ,'s:a,ner. ,.JOH.`I GREA:VEa...jcollin`gwobd. ' -'J...DEAOON1,x1Mil'ord.=-, . . KBLMAN as oo., Barrie.---v 1 _ J._,x1Na,;-amt. Station -, _ V .-J. H.` s;.nn1v,_ornu.+ * ` I READ VVIIAT MRS. \VESTCOT'J AFIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND . [_ SAY THE SAME: MRS. VVESTCOTT, V ` l {I _wV.?_I]V ili CORONER FOR THE COUNTY OF SH CAN be_ consulted at his oic, in 1-`ear, c_ _ {man & Co. s Store, and camsupply the 01:5 Hommpsuhic Medicines for family use. Barrie, Jam. 1865. . ' fdo1!nr s worth of the ' linimcnts, &c.; of the day. .. .. uuu cneapest medicine in the world. One ftyjcent bottle contains more medicinr`. as well as being a. superior medicine, than one ordinary pain-killers. One fty cen$ bottle of R'ADVVAY S READY RELIEF`will do more good, and for more purposes, than ten doll for any other medicine in use. n can be uswl an; expanded ,, ........u cuuu nna pleas.a:At. sleep. This Remedy is mt .'.nily Medicine. ` It can be used with the pos1tivc' assurance of . doing good in all cases where pain or uucusi~ ' ness exist; ` ` . digestion reg spirits happy, you ular. will insure calm an Remedv is ur nerves strong, your` 1- appetite good, and your A dose taken at bedtime d pleasazt 11-.` .....:I-- In -- - ____ \uallIUo It is the .. __1>n_. JOHN nwwu & co. ona..n.;: n- ,4: -. 5th'.--All who, by exposure to hard l=.0r'.`iro` either military, xixufal,. or otherwise, or by `.Lc use 0fAT`l]L`I'Cl1T_V,ll1\' contru_ctc painful dlsvx. ses, and those sulexing from Rlzeumatisrgi 3:. any form, pains in the joints or limbs, I :.l.-"y or Paralysis, Wcakness,-Coldness, in the Ex- tremitics, and all pains and nclics, l:uncnc.~s. and otherinrmilics, will be quickly cure-J lv_x_ the use of RADVVAYS READY RELIEF. .~,:f]L---Tf`YhD Dnn-\.rnnn:o.. :_ A1 (1 - ` 4-4v V V uvu uuunncutlcituiu Cl \VAY'S EADY RELIEF, apfwlicntion, has etfectcd pen .ures. '4th.-RUBBn\'o "rm: S1>m1a:.-If afflicted with Spinal ditcultiesor with Diabetes, 12;- continence of Urine, Irritation of the Bladdv-r Paralysis of the Sphincter of the Bladdvr Sluggishuess of the Kidneys, Leuchorrhrm \Vhit(s, `Fleur Albus, Falling of the \\Tg;;.=;_ and other uterine difIi'cu1ti.~s, RAD\\'.\1._~' E V READY RELIEF, rubbed the entire Iengtix r.: _ the Spine for ten or twenty minutes, twic day, will cure the worst cases. \\'e have our 1000 well nuthenticated cases, when: 12.0- \\'.\\",'\' DDAnv 'f)L`fT1~7V . ... . , t,-t.. _..-v ---v uauuuuuuu uA3Cl1DU. 2d.--If suffering from any acute, in..a:,. matory, neuralgic, rheumatic, miasrmil; .~ other disease, whether Rheumatism or N; ,; gia, Cho1era._`Morbus, Canada Cho,'r,-ru, lI;__. rhaza, Bilious Colic, Fever and A gm-,\\'.ar.;._.,, in the Limbs, Back, Legs, Strains, Bruls,-5 Burns, or any Pain or Inrmity, RAD\\'Al' 5 READY RELIEF will quickly cure the pullers`. without occasioning loss of time, changg {,3 diet, or the use of other medicines. 3rd.-If subject to Headaches, Sour Taste i: the Mouth, Dizziness, Sickness at Smmarfg Melancholy, Fits, Toothache, Loss of A ppc`./.12, . General Debility, Coldness of the Extro-Ixlities, Swollen Joints, Nervousness, Iicszlcssn:-sg, Difficult Breathing, Asthma, Sore Tllf"J{'.'., Coughs, Colds, Inuenza, Diptlieria, Crr.-r Inammation ofthe Bowels, Stomach, liirizr `or Bladder, RADVV.-`xY S READY RlZl.l.7j` will afford immediate ease and quickly cg-r: the complaint. A ` -`L`, 7\--~-- ' _ 1st."--If suddenly seized with pain or 4-3.: ~ ness, the usejof RA D\VAY S READY IiEI.1j;; will a'ord`IMMEDIATE EASE and cxtc.-;-_` nate the treatened disease. 0,! YD _,lI ` _ ` j onimnd. being snppiieii regularly. ;_.; fxjqni the Oil Marke direct. n:a'v-`P1-esc_rip :iiins `carefully it` up unt1.`e1-g. Kelman sim_xned1ste supgrvisiom; . 4 ; - ; K1aLMAN&7'co1 Barrie,Jan.,.l865. . ~ 1 - Gold and Silver Watches or the Also a. good assortment of Croque work warranted. Barrie, May, 1866. ._._.i__----__._-------} uumua, says or 9.11 descriptions, V` b93l map. 1 sets, ` SEVEN GREAT Bmissrmcs SECURED TO THE HUMAN I .Ar_: .. ....uuu, ac, K Old Pm`! o cei3'do Wt p , . _D,unlo1)m;treeets, l?{:'r;`le:rQ5f1ery I12; 1_IA_S just received a. new stock or gm. Jewellery consisting ofaleel and J ;.)_"` and Earings, Finger Rings, solid Gold "M &c n . -I.1_,an.. .__ Chains, Toys of all descriptions, V'io1mz;M I . { - ~ -- 878;S_t.`.` Paul Street, Montreal, L`?_ QC in an - A" LEANDER /sf SAND ERg WATC ` = ' .r(2zI;o9,K`MAKPD 01 Oic, n! I cheapest medicine =.n.Imn1.. t\fI""`! -r . fall and bmie J:-V ;;;i.;;.?;."., 3, the Relief removes all pain tn` ofthe skin; rs,~ the Relief pin fancy: .....-!-I- _._..,.., u .1. {BABY I21-`:LI F: by this an-:z[..,1 1;: n, permanent nnd speedy T nu mu:5u1NGb`. Having imported'_div-" `rect__ from `England. '-the prese in season they- have - , - Paints, 0113, Varnz',9lzes,Spz'ces,'Dye-StznC9,- . Perjumery, Fancy Articles, Patent ' Medici7z_es,j-c.` - [1, Besides a large assortment of ' T . Rheumatism IS orlimbs,I :J.-'_v Vcakncss,-Coldness in lnlnchcss, mhhm ...:n 1.- -,,s ` - BY ONE BOTTLE OF ._\'vEsTco'rT sns. VT`/\uc~ . __ ---- at \I UU JEWELLER, &c., 'g_ 3 than IV: I! I` D OTHERS" BAH` 3': E11 ma nommpsunxc Medi Barrie, .ug,_e. Jvazianc 'annoI .Inoe:1 -l -I-1:;-.6cvldlAe.l Gnaclu 7 V .}"?"'"'d"1`.'9Y3`55i` Ti: Nom .M,EDICA-l: HZALL, DUNLOP " STR`J_3ET,; "BARBIE.- Bauie, :Ja., . 1865: j` ,. _ . .-..v :uu4uu-I n__lIIJ UIIII-0C which cannot be excelled.an_vwhere. All grdqrs execuledfop the shortest. notice.` Reference ma be made to ;be numerous` miersfin tis County, uad=toAitken',Wilkie,-litre` of Axedale. - am, Sept: 5`, 13653- MILL PICKS M"AiiE'nn;_ss;n, cannot be pvnnllm-I ... AXES AND. `EDGE TOOLS, _ 0F A.-VERY SUPERIOR `QUALITY. ' V Axes Jumped and Warmnted for Om: A . Dollar. ` pars, and others, thgt he is now "man AYFQ A1\Th -n-nrv --*- A - ufactllring _ _ ,> - `-vu'1l`U9 l HAVING,- in connection with his Carriagemaking and Blacksmnl tap the [necessary machinery for ma: Am-no .....I-..n ue...x_ A --- - . dence3-~whach:= ypnu u`m`nifstq.towards'-tn'e"` ` m'ade;- .-`.,`I.1.|l 31"lI.i,elI=. have xeceivd his maje'sty s sanptipn, yelqtive to the .vo[l`un-. ~ to-er-corps. I :g';;';itefu1 tor the 'c6zj"-_ % in the command`oEthe_corps.. Benny. in- terprgfer with the` king, `and express to hing m) ._8entim6hts_. I hope veyy saga ,tu as_s1s}_; wath on: glopous army `in aocpme `- Barrie, -May 16, 1860. _P-ANISH Stuale,-Slaughter , Upper, Kip, H1srness;Binding,{Lining, Shoemakers 1 ing, &c. v ' . _ Barrie, May 16, 1860. ---_-_-- 1'1-nos. SUMIMERSAETT`, r`r.\vnm :.. -----1 ~ ~AT PRIGES'N0_'1`, TO BE UNDERSOLD!" B0O.T;&' SHO'ES4 wnoLEs.u.E AND RETAIL j Leather! T Ltther !-I_Qeather'! j i ---c---5`-I-C 1 Parties ha/ving Cloth 10 be fulledg done also, as! shallhave 3. Falling . ation this season. . -:2. . A , _. -- - A in Eons'lLa ntToperalion, he hopes to bev stile to (axe- Acute promptly all work qumxsted to him. T ` A` Italixnvgninistenof war in re'ply `taran- no'u ceyninftgfihd royal decree foith fornxationiofa volunteer corps under the geu eral?s--comm?au.d :-f1/._ ` - ff?!) 1?` bnsinelss. With w mun enu_re aaualaction. . - ` The large amount of Gnrding required last year , has induced the subscriber to and another ma.- chine to 1133 establishment, in order to meet the demands made,up`on him in this branch of his -----u farmers and othersreqniring his services, workmen. to their entire satisfaction. This Ian-an an-.......o ..a- n.'._~.::, .. , - 4 - l f `H'EiSubscribe'r. is' Card Wool for: having .th_e mostiimproved Mschineryi and best . 5 -Patties` chn dependen having their ivnrk donei '1 My ` = ; 2 P_rovn_1c;al 'Land%Su1fve5_qqr : 3vALt*E1r, ;_c.',- . N ' -BARR}:-.;:~ v -mu-.uucu|. ul ~ ' LamP8:6iimney-s{&c, I Imnnr-Ind O`-no.5. `M -__ Y)`, o from ;Capre;-g, which _`_he has` visite._`<>l,_g'n ; 0fdF_1(-D. Eoni m~anieate1o General Gitigi-V `v buldi=` the ai*ra`ngemei`it*'erelativ'e t6_:;lJIe' :vpl_m;tee_rs;- [The adds: :one[Cucehismtes 1_it tI1;'e.gene'I'u~l;-i;;g'-2 ? fp_te.k8:eIlin1selfsal_)'.a__e._T~v'wiIh the `.-Vgv;_o ? :euuuent; arrangeIi5` i}, and appeiff .v_'er:y jxlesuoua that ho.e_nrolm;)tsshou_ld i Icon-mane it} once 'in` artist th:a`t the vol-_ Euhlfersf 131ish'be..!aJ,y to 512si"e..1!Ie' : Icauggniggi, Gene V1,_Garibaldi' willjjfpo fnjntnf gt". Cdforem `until the .day';;pgp' . which he can `put himgelf at the head;;of ZlI.isi<{>r1'>s- T. . `* ` ,: ; - ` (---va Imported from New_Y'ork, and otfered an the; lowest Cash prices. --i-- 1 , -- u an 11:16 Il.lU_U lo the questions, however, and the proposer was hustled oH3 the stage. Mr. Stephens, m an eloquent style, called upon Irish- men- to rush to the rescue of their coun- try. _`Ql,Iest_i0t!s were asked `by. the audienfcje` as `to the disposal of. the funds; and how he came toiescape wliileother -patriots?-were let! to perish. The replies ` seemed `satisfactory tova.- "majority. 06` the " audience, j -.-- `I, .l. \J-J.` Collie: Str`et,_ BRrri1'e.' D THE Subscribers wot-M draw atten- ` _;-to their nowucompletev stock, in pure ENG!-.ISH{DRl-J(_}S, and DRUG FURNISHINGS. Hav1ngimpc~rted"di-"' | `England. -the Dresent namann um-. 'HEN_RYj cREsw;cKE,1Jm_v.,~ 1865; __ I ,4. ---v-A IIIVIIVJI ` nmmuno. `samm_>AN.1 -van`: -vr oval ` 'i`anne1`y. . . aunn? siMc_oE, 1-`ear . `of K614 Yd the van-is I fortamilv man. 7 ANDREW GRAHAM. 2 1`~tf _ .....e,. ...e aua'pu:l0l]S regarding entertained by newspapers and the lie generally. e answer mud n prof fvas Steph eloauent mun. ....n...n --- 3 BEEWUNDERSOLD av- . ANDREW GRAHAM. 1'01` . JAMES. N. GRAHAM`. . 2: Shae!-.):$.x;a 1epr:.rava:..g]_ )a fu1_led_~ .;u_cve if M Mil in opex- ,6 _____ uuv uluuc, ll: I9 I .5. LOGEARD` cconm ~- ' r ' ` Lot` No. 19, `the 2hd.,Oonelii;'in;'Tggfmstbg. is` -}06n`nty of Sim c9'o ,- eoBiuiIping`by4nllmisib' ' 1100 acres, 1he`ume`' u 1 5 -~ _'_o,,. . P _4 `-1 . i :..`".!"i`\'l1!'0,i_d"f|rlI), _" V good;-Dm( gngms;.&c:` " ._`__ f.{`_;i": 0 V _ .`--.->-. in THE TOAWN`.OFrB_A R_RIE,: i ' ` . the Undemeptioned-~ Lands and .. l'AeVnemenu, `or 1 the interest of the.-defendant the:-ein,j under Writ of eri-E1c_iquin_tha~foHqI_vhs`gsui:e- ` ~- "Iiz-t,Iu 0ouvily"'6Ift ;j"t 'Uiii'l;a5El_':'Ea1un!neg . , , ;1'0r.4' P!-,;' - `W; s. LOOKA`RD `an'd _CD'A-RKSON 1em`c;`11;ns-,~ : , V trading under me name, at tepnd pr-;w.: [ ` LOGKARD` 5:` con-PA_1"y-,=:_, 7fPligi_:`! 'ALBEnT`a:R-mt; Defendant:'_ 1 pa: 19, iir tli efznd,donei5fiiu;4'l'1i?:1si!l?&.y, [County c_)`o'; eoIiuining`l$yj`aimghi$j'i1int Aaron ii."-'~n.`_.t':1`_,o-,3-`. -- '~ 1, U8! Find- I INTHE covfzovsml `COUNTY 61% SIMEEQ To WIT! - 3 ;" -`....f......_g.,ue merely ottered order. that and un answers might to correct the regal on!r._I..-'---' ` 1 J pnnanurr':I UFFIOE, BARBIE, ` ` March 31st, 1866. First pdblisbgdv Ami 5th,V186.` L .,_ SHERIFE"Su-' ALE QF cvunru. - . Jsabrunn-r s Dmucn, BAnm,] March 3lst._ mm: 4 , - v -r.-v4.. .I-1.,`-I IN" THE TOWN: or` BARRIE, - time undermentioned Lands nd Tenmxntg or the interest of the, Defendanwtherein, undera ` Writ ofFien`Faciusin the following suit:'-A-V ' Cleland. . In the County Court of the-Counfy` of'Simcae THOMAS CUNDLE, mi-u:`is_;_ ' `A .- , _ , V vs. , , ' L JOHN` DUNN, -ELI-ZABETH KAERRID`GE,T and - CHARLES KERRIDGE, Defendants. % North mm or Lot 53, in the 1st 0 _ oncession of Flos, less 10 acres" heretofore sold, to one Peter 3v7>%* IN THE '65'ifRi`f_iQUsE,= In "|'|nI.` l'I'Il\I`lV\D 15" * ` To vim ON the mu day` o_'t".r'a'L1K . at t'wel ve o i:l'ock, noon`, wi COUNTY. OF s1Mc'oE,; ` vuanxl. Ul.` DIMUUE, _ I. WIT.` .5 " )N, the mu day of AUGUST, "A .n' -.' tygelye o'clock, noon, will be mild E~\l-\'.~?IIrI>IIu- -'-""- ~ "' _ f &'_`II7"J.$K"! SHER]FF SSALEj T: -`Sakmn-`s Orricicg March 21-st, 186 " Aimxh, b._ 15/167` 2.} Film pub,lishdMa`r_cb-` 28th,` 1566: ' y....e.csm on .msn _J_1berty. ` whethyeroyou,-James Stephens, areynot a British egent"e`_mployejd for the purpose of destroying the inuence of American Irishman in resetting their native country. from' the thraldom of the Englis,h'Gov- ernrnent.` T_he proposer of the questions stated-flhhati he merely oered them, in direnf ana ...... -

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