Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 30 May 1866, p. 4

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. `and yet leave ypur [breathing apparatus A in Cl_1ristia_1nwo.rkirIg condition ;.a;_shop. [ I` that Is not an `empopium. .*.a, `milliner .. _w'g;.;n% thh . ` It ` 114;` ' ;-:* :- -.---: u----a---5 nu-Hula; 8. ure.ssVmaker`whoj. 1s sgnqntic enough to perfect :a"t, who -d_o'n`t;`come`- `from Pnvris f;g..;g"<.jb1|y-.' d.0me'stxc who; likes. '4 [the fa__`ni__Iy_,;? . fa Westlmlf of`Lo t ten, in the~sevcnthConcession East ot'Hu'ro _ntario Street, Township of Mulmnr, County of Simcog. . I D11-in uuuu .- In the Counly Court of A the C oun(y qf Simwe. JAMES STEWART, Plainti} _ _ V3. WILLIAM BOYLE, Defendant. IN 11113 n0%t;I:i;i_fi:1QUsE, mnri nlnuvv __-_. __.v INVTVHE '1`bwN 01-` BARBIE, ` the undermentioned Lands and Tenemen interests of the Defendant therein, undera. Writ. of Firi .Facias' in the foilowing suit :- ua r\l.n4, ts, or the COUNTY OF s_mooE,_3 TO Wl1`.! '` ` .l\uU UIHLUL +0 URL! LALV U, UH U131! D130 D311` I.` v ING, ' , . _ Defendants. _ S E .i Lot 28, Con. 8, Mulmur, 50vncre's, and S E {Lot 1, Con. l0,TEssa, 50 `acres, and E V; bro- ken Lot,22, Ccin. 15, Tecmnseth, and S i , Lot_ 5, Con. 14`, West Gwillimbury. - 1) `I7 GIIYIIIIT IJIII-ll'l' Ul"llUE DAIKIKIW Feburary 24th: 1866. * _ First._pubIished Feb. 28th, `I866. Satcmrus Orncn, BARBIE, Fehnrarv 24th. 1866. ]%SHERlFF S' fsAL`E %fI:2_nds- Mia grand, fete given by a- noble, lord his !ordship s tailor was present, whom A he thus accustgd: My dear sir, I` reciol-, lect your f'ace,'but cannot rememberyour name. `f I L made your breaches, whispered the tailor. His lordship, taking him by the lmhd, said aloud, Major B_ridges,`I am very glad to see You En. nunn. ` VS. ROBERT hr. EANTING, and CHARLES B1ANT-' `ING. ' nofandnnta- 1 tw_el_ve.6'clock, noon, `the nntieihintiongd Lalids and Ten'enieIits_ 017 _the interest of the"Defendants therein, undej 3 Wm of Fieri Facias, in the following suit." :- ~ 1: u__ .n_-;__. -4 n_.-,._:- u'.-._1. ' ' ' 7'}',;`Ez.L_'-z3.{:rI.}' 22'.I2 _e,I"B`mz... THOMAS , M. 'TH0Ms`oTN,` THOMAS` JAMES CLAXTON, and JOSEPH 0. LANSDALE, Si 7 plnnnli . ._ I1\I_:1`HE*COURT%HOUSE, -u-cu-s-um pun .-ucqgc Is.-Q II\>A`I'\I1II`I West half t.teu, Esau r.r`n..'...;.....-:.. o.-- !GOUN'l`Y Oi` sumo? I am 'wI1I,- .` Q BY TPILlB'L`%i:<>:'.`4`ucTIoN _ I Rf. tho REA:-H'9a nm..- ' , o'clock ,ndon, will be sbld ymem day "of JUNE, A.D. Less; mam AkNa'pls letter_-writer says that seve- ral Roman:Catholic'pries!s have declared their Intentions of: marriage,. under: -the new law which makes "marriage a` 3civil `rite, and one ha already~been tmiled tol alady inlNaples. The writer 'l.hii)ks the example will -be somewh'z_;t `exten-H .siv_ely followed. L _IN THE TOWN op" 13,A_RRIE .uun:u|,Iuucu u`H)GS: nd >'l'8|'I8IIl8DtS, 01` rest of the defendant tliergin, unde'r1_\ Writ 3 Facius in the following suit z- ' rv_"..:_;_. In - - -- - )Nzh;adsecnd` `(liq of;J'UNE.; A.~15.1sa6,'uii1-;be 39 . ` ' ' _ , X BY PUBLIC AUCTION, IN-1`H__E TOWN 01-_*_ `BARBIE; IN THE TOWN OI}; BARRIE, I--...-..a!A--~A` A TO WIT-: At 'fl;e Sheri"s Oice; an V. man 510 lv_vrr,:_ _ an in-u renew, Stamfing in. the pit -on tatie; was A repea-tgdly de,sired--to. pit. ' dow`i',;but would "not *,.- when a vo'ic4e-from the.'tjppeI" gallery called out, Let hfim alone~,ihe s a tailor,:md he s resting him- self)! . ; `_ `r ` I at thief:/Sihe'ri_"s omce, at the .Sii1e(r-if'f _s Oifce, 1 ----u ,\.A-.-____ 5,, an ibg _shritr s Oice, fit. "1', BA`N13i.NG,. - Cm 0lerkA,G{o.-Si_m_c_oe an { --' B. W. .s_.uI'rH, Slzerzf, C_o. Simboe. "B; W; SMITH, . SIAM-n' IT , LY next, A-.D. 1863, n, will be sold - v B. W. SMITH, ' .Ql......'a' n.. o. 'i3.Tw._sM1'rH,V . Shenf, Co. Simcoe. \ ADVANC RIFE. .. . -u.un A 1;, V S/zerzf, Co. Simcae. Tenevmeuts, Pih, undo :-n Writ _19-131 .-_- cw. 14-13 13- 13t 11121! ,Go'nnAty of-Simcbe, b On :I'1mr;da y,1 mg` 19:). 443.39; Jz_4{y;2z`ea:t,. at the hohr oi iwelr o l`6ck',`_1ib"op, 115 follbwing 3. . _ __parce! o1'1and.: - ,. ' . . Lot nenmbej-.. _ei htnn 4t.h;e_; Wesfsido .0! Albert Strt-et`.-:}:|_|(`l.'1 tgsid of 0qmm_eAr,cialA.Smet, in we Vi'll_9;.n._1{opgmon:t, n_s.`Iaid`_but ,on part _of ; _}tbe`E tj-,,hn_lf i)[!;`l9t nnupber one, in ,tll1eV_eihthV ; Q9,II,e.!8} h_lnl,Inur,' ,coII;tiniqg one: qua;-ter`qf ,-:_.:',1f,eu.1.u 7"" _`..EiIsdiii9n liylownt the tifzinef 5 '9-13:` vl_lG VILI;A.17:"'_"<')i" f RoEMoNT, BY. virlveof the Vautho;-ity_ vested in him as `Al- _ signeeof the qbove named insolvent, and in pursuance of a -resol{u_l.i_on of the cxgditors, the vuud eTrsigned will sell by` ' T ` IN-'*';rHE fm T.7f'-`.Z-i"-1t:_'-`-0'I9`.'ED Wnfzzb S_YNN_0TZ',`AN I1v_.soL VL`N1_'. V T 7 IV .D."" `Barrie.-_ uureu esmpxnsnment. For further particulars .~ Mr..John Williamson, 01` t A 1200.1 substantial and commodi mu ,..m.uresqne corners of Luke Sxmeox ' s house,` which has been recently furnished and tted up for a hotel. It will be let on very favorable terms to any respectable applieunt, experienced in the business of keeping a. comfortable and'wel1' or- dered establishment. V - Fnr fnrilhnn nn-n:....l--- ---- ` ` " ' INm?e` rising mmge of-HAWKSTONE, which - forbeauty of situation. and saglubrily of cli-` mate _wil__lAcompare favorably with any locality, on the picttnresque borders of Luke Sxmcof .V 200.1 substantial nn A - .or_ to V ...... .._..., ...... uvyvvnl no a nun cmy toam. Terms, $1000: one-half to be paid down at the time of sale, and lh balance` in five equal annual instalments with interest, to be secured by Mort- gage on the premises. ` ' Apply (if by `letter,tot . "BEING \Vest half Lot No. 9. in the Ilth Con. Township of Collingw ood, County of Grey 100 acres, live or. six avres_ of which are cleared, and a shanty erected thereon. The land is well vwntergd, and theVsoil is a rich clay loam. T ,rp,,,',,,, gynnn. Ann I...u' .. L; _,- 1 - ' -'1 VI`HE East half of Lot 29, in'the' ch`Con.ces- sion._ ` ' The land isof an excellent quality, and`tbere are about 40 acres cleared and t for cultivation. Immgdiate possession can be given. Price mod- erate and terms of payment easy; Title indis- putable." : ,Apply (if by letter, pre-paid) to Bgirrie, Nov. 10, 1864. ...j_..__.__... Insolvent __A_c_t of 1864. I '1`. W. BIROHALL, ` V British American Assurance_Comp_any. T9rp}ito4:l1_f._May, 1866. - . .1 _19- N.B.-Steamers 1:511 daily from Bll `Ewart and Karrie.-_._ `-' '- V " J FARM FOR SALE IN _THF TOVVNSHIP OF MULMUR, Augn'1st{29,~th,` 1865. . - D"1'1`JA.Vl SAW-;\l.ILL, in a good pine l in the Township 0! Nottawasaga ;_: miles from 3. Railway station, with 600 1 excellent fgrmiug land attached. -ANGUS BELL, Agent, . ' ` Singbazqpgon P.O. " Singbampton, M.ayv7th, 1866. 1 Owen" Sound Times to copy till` forbid; ______j-___.__._______ __ _.. .. .....-su All operations performed in he most a`pp: style, and satisfaction given it everv case charge made ` - 'l`iaVelg_-lled with Gold Foil, Cement, and White Filling, so ns_to preserve them from further decay. Teeth extracted with little or no pain, and par- ticularnttention given to the} regulation of chil dreu s teeth. - ,., ...".J- 'efore, s(iH continues. .:lized so much money thev are dninrr nnur -......... V. um luvncaaruu uun U8 w_a1Leu upon. Teeth inserted in a superior rnanner, from `a single tooth to a. complete set, on Gold or Silver, or Silver Plate,'or on that justly and highly es- teemed materinl, Vulcanized Rubber, and in such a. styloas to afford ease and comfort in mastica- ting the food, giving to the patient, at the some time, that natural expression of countenance so desirable to secure in the operation of_ inserting articial teet.h'._ -.-.._,, V 10- , um.- ORILLI.-\--At T. Mo'att s, on 16th or Marb, May, Juiy, &Vc. - - ` STAYNE R-At. J`. Aigoefs, on lbe 15tb April June, August, &c. ` . CREEMORE-- -`At J. Martin's, oh 16th ofApri_l, June, August,` &c. ,.Wbere allithos requiring his services in any brinch of his professi_o"n can be waited . Teeth inam-nu! in .. ........;:.... _..__.H :- -PfU BALAIC/ 1A uc1-|Ao N ` "5 A 4 At'ile Globe Hbiel, `A ` ` l"rt ' `A-.. SAW-MILL FoP.fs%AI\E ` on T9 RENT.` TEEIMS, MODERATE. Apply (if by letterzpqst-paid) to lkilill BMW 21 RESPECTFULLY announces thatbe will regu-' lnrly visit`. the follo'wing places on the days and at the time stated, viz. 'BARRIE-At his Oice, Dnnlbp Street, from 1st to 31th of each month. V` ~ lrr\nn1nr\rnn' r-. . ----- - - .u U 1\.n.1DU1VIE `May, July, &c. nnnrv: n I Pariicular attention paid to the Regulation- of Ghildxjen s Teeth. . . * will IJC pil. 'collec_tion_. Residence, Newmarket, , where. he 1'nay be consulted the 1st,2nd, and 3rd of eachmonth. _ `Apxil 19, 1865. 1-tf. DR. J. Lo. NCCAUSLAND, ' _ -. SURGICAL; OPERATIVE`, AND Teeth inserted in the most approed style; and as he has made arrangemds forvisiting Barrie -every month, he isjprepared to execute any work entrusted to him, as cheap as any other Demist. in the Province. [IN returning thanks"to.hi3 friends" in Barrie and ` `gurroundingconntry, who have patronized him during `the past thirteen years, beg to intimate that in- future-`he. will attend at` the following ' places monthly ":5- Newmarket,lst_and (2nd of each Mon/tb.7.l Sh:-_ron,3r, Bradford... 4tb............. Bond Head,5!h.'........... , - Brownsville, 6th. . . . . . . . . . . - Lefroy, 13th., . . . . . . . . . . . .A "- Barrie ,. . . . . 14th and 15th . . - Collingwood, 16th and Nth, . ` Markham Village, 23d V8: 24th ' Brown's (`o-.-nets, 25th . . . . . Manilla, 29th .. . . When he will be happy towait uponihose ro- quiring his services in any of? the branches of his profession. A ._ - !r - clxnn... '41.- .x..o.. 0.11. .... Q.._.!__ A. n____ uls urulesslou. -' . 13' `When `the date, falls on Sunday for these places, they will be attended to the day follow- mg; T L ' T" DEEirab1e rain for Sale. .sURGEoN4 ;DR;P.B. PECK, A CHANGE-- OF _ADVEi}iI;'I'(ISEMENT2. his d1ii`,'D.un1bp st. ` MORRISON. S CURNERS-On the 14:5 March, fay, July. ' ;collec_tio'n. ----3; A-LL eraons inVdb.tedA:o {he ndcmigned by either not. _of_ hand`vor{ book account into`. hereby ndiied_Ihat if we same beVn ofnhid on on`. before the 1stDA'Y0F, FEB'RUA"RY-NEXT,they; ` will be placeq. ip thg:;h9ndg ; 91" biz,-iL`;oV:f;i`e_'yf-for applyat Hawixatone, lo 1 to the subscriber, AfLL J WORK AWARRANLTEZD. %Hotte1__f3_1:_ Rent. ARDAGH.& ARDAGH; ' Solicitors, Barrie. 65. AV - 35-tf _.A1~iGUs; BELL, Teaclvzet-, Creemore, P . O. AI%DA-GH & _ARDA GH, V V Solicitors. Barrie. 64. * .2 .. 5`paid) , locality, Nottawasaga: ahmn 5 approvd I everv nnse r nn D_>E` N TT1s'r.% ' ` ' ' . . V V vva .- .ax-ties making: purcbase should inspect his .stock and prigei hofore.apending;1bsir>mqn_e . ' nmnuv . I\I\ .~.._'_-_ . __ -..- .. ..,.-, .o\Ill uuuunues. Furmrrs never realized for their cattle as they are doing now.- Horses,'.slteep,and even calves. are'in `great demand; and selliat very high- prices. It is.to_be.feared that -tempted by high prices, that farmers may sell too" many an imuls, and before long be obliged` to buy them back at prices they can a hard-ly nfliml to pay. -The cattle are wanted not only for beef, but forvthe manufacture of butter and cheese, now fast hecmning leading articles of export ` to England. From the Americanicattle trade returns-it appears that there were exportedtfrom Canada in six months -1-5,000 horses,` 103,810, horned cattle, 1533000` sheep; the total value of this class of exports being $7,923,355; A.Trur:Lv SUGGESTION.--An.eXcl`tange, alluding to the "marked rapidity with which the leaves and buds upon fruit trees have come forward during the past week, makes the following suggestion :--'_ Equally prompt with, the leaves and buds are the worms that infest our fruit trees. , They have begun to form their nests and to feed on the `young foliage. VVith a little attention now they can easily be found and destroyed, and -we beg of everypossessor of a fruit tree to declare a war of .exterminat,ion.upon the pests without delay. The` surest way A to kill. them is to crush nests and worms . with the hand, protected by a glove. or . mitten, in the morning or evening, when all are in the nest ; but. when on limbs they cannot be reached in this way, bet- ter cut 05 the limb entirely than to suf- fer the worms to remain and increase. . Wefrcpeat` it, att.end_to the worm `nui- sance at once, when a good deal in the way of destruction can be accomplished '_ withtcompuratively little effort. t man reading tho "newspapers;-;"'-a real` ~. -ladywho can carrya "parcel-;' a faiher-`at, ': a place. of , amusement withhis cihi!dr,e_n;- .1; a young man with a"clear, ey.e,.;7am:l a 5 ` fresh, virtuous,nnhackneyedface;`a shop- girl neatly dressed, and without sham _n ornamerrtation; batsman, jof '.btIsi,I'1e$$ .. `goiri`g`ho'me at night `with a'"bonquet "for 1. ', .f_hia;f'_wife';j a. shop`-keeper` i'.ci.v'E`_l-iito.i1dn`&' ' .'p7atieri t.w,itba poor =woman,.twb_0,..\Wilh;. .. , aibabyiacross her'arm,~. ventures. to. b_u`y`_ ..-lsvgojne shilling-,ar.ticle;=a dress _ makersiwho; " scientic nninnnlt` On 7,-'-'-i-"-"i *"" " cc"- ; nuuun_y, ;_ about 5 acres of 19-" . ,._ ---...-n-no -5 `I10 uunowmg reduced rates, V11: ` Blackwood from,Se ptember. 1864, to December, 1865. inclusive. as-Iharte of 2.50 a year. ' 4 - The North Britidlanm January. 1863, to De- , and `this V ec'o:`mber, 1865," inclusive, and the-Landon Quarterly fol-'the year _ l65, at the rate of l.50I.year for egclyfor any Re- view. ' ' ' * ' (camber, I865, inc"-[naive-V; the Edinbzirg/1, -Wca!nzi1zster !rom`April, 1864, to D {Cr A few Icqpjevu/ct remain of all Ma Rs-, " _vz'mu [or 18631:!` 4 00 An act, or I_ .50 _fov any one. I`. . _ - tsiaynnr Inn nnamn... .5. w -: - , , _--,....-w 1500. ' Subscriber may alobbtai back numbe}s,.:' reduced rat_es,.\n'z,: ' ._lac.woodom_Se'o1emhm, mm .. rs;-g ,,__.-- - an '3`! bill VV New Subscribers to ariytwo at the above periodi- cals for 1866 will beganlitled to receive. gratis, any one of the LFou'r"_Rw:'cw:,_fur 1865. New Subsect- bersto all ve ol the Periodicals for 1836 will rt-' c'ei\ge,gralis, any 100-_0flhe Four Re 186. .`. - 1_n'aw':_ for , sludied with hdvahlage by the peoplcl of every creed and -`party. V "' '."" ."" `"9. ,` ".'. 1 v 1330,3439 SCOTT 5`f;0Q-f:'...f T 6- 51!/_o;.__2.,_8 Walker Streei;`N`w York. ` V _ .44. ` J ' `L . S. t 00., gl_uo.publish the { 1 1n"'II)ilvin.n -._'__ .- ,__ _ ..`.u,- `I h-Ill\JIJl\I .. \>L_-S, PREMIUM .TO "NEW SUBSCRIBERS. _-_---- -Tm: Lnnfix QU.'sn'rsm.Y Rxvmw' [Conservative Tm: Enxunuhau Ravmw [Whig.]v True \-V14:s1'u_ms'n~:Ii- Ravncw [Radical.] Tun: N o1m_x Bnmsu Rzvxrw [Fgee-Churcb.`] . . _ V and BL Acxjvooxfs . M gamma ['I`ory.] TERMS FOR 1866, PAYABLE IN U.s. CUR- - _ RENCY, .. V ,... ..--.. u-uauuucrs. _ ' ] CLUB` TERMS ON'AP_PLIGATION AT (50 ST. PETER. STREET, MONTREAL K . "0'The u-. uicse rE(lO0lCalS., ' V . They are published by Alexander Slrahan & Co, at 56 Lndgate Hill, London, England; ;C'anaIlu .Bram'lz,-50 St. Peter SL, Montreal. ,'. Messrs. Slrahan Co.. will` send specimen copies, rind one of lhe_ele.guntly bound -volumes `of Good Words, or the Saturday Magazine," or an additional copy to` any one who (`will `fur- nish aliookseller with Five subscribers. rvr rrnnnn...-. ..-- .. , ..-.--.-o , 113 Rea the _AnvANc'z s ' Monthly of these Periodicals. ' Thaw app nnLlZ~L...I L_ A ' ` 15 Centsa Mt-J_I 1:c1:-;"$1.75 a` ILLUSTRATED. vruw-w-1--_ THE %*%;Li`i%`Z }0sY,4 A MAGAZINE INTI? 'I`lC1l:` urns-3 n y n - . . __ _- - -. .. -9 .. m..uu1..u..u.1I .LJ,v EDITED BY THOMAS GUTHRIE, D.D., Authot of _ The Gospel in Ezekiel, `,` Speaking -to the Heart, &c.- . T}II2m::$:\q:N:@}@.lihi@iAf.@i;EpZ:INE` For any one of the Reviews. .. For any? two ofhe Reviews. . . For any ghree of..lhe Reyiews . For all four of thn n.`..s:...... K c u \/ LWLJ EDITED BY NORMAN MACLEOD, D.D_., or HI-:3" Mussnfs Cuunams. ---:-n THE Subscribe? begs leave to inform' the im- bitants of Barrie and surronnding co1m_try,- tlmt he'has bh:han` larg, seasdnable, add well selvejcled stock of DRY GUODS, GRDCERIES; HARDWARE,-' `READY-MA_D_E_ CLOTHING: BOOTS A._nan.sHo1;s,.;a;c,,.zf..-gu or_ 7yvl1j_o:h'l1ieis-. _ prepared to s'ell atl " , . 12; Cents 9. Month; $1.50 aYga1`. ' BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTRATED. ` 15 ents$.Mo_1-1?i'1-;_$1.75 ?a.' _ PROFUSELY ILLUSTRATED. lTlT'|"|'.I f1TT`I|`r'n I vv --- ~ - - A "Good. Words afe worth much mid 4 ' Hxnmznr; , snwmn suznis, MAGAZ|NE. LONDON: `JANIES mac: .3: SONS. TORON- 1'o: w. C.CHE\VE l"I` 3; co. MONTREAL: DAWSON BROTHERS; AND ALL Booxsxa:z.r.r:ns. , PREMlUM".1j9ANlA3 W suascnrsmzs. few Rluhnnpiknun 0'- sun: to rmragec me render.-Donc'aster Gazette. Well adapted to ll a. vacant place in our serial literature, the, Churcbman appeals to a lame section, and llounds its claims to public consideration on vlhe high tone of its principles and excellence of its contents.--King a County Chronicle. ( T -\J -1- A MAGAZINE FOR THE FIRESIDE AND -` THE JOURNEY . T ' _-__ uuunun UILlJU.tA'l'lU.N AND - CHURCH WORK. By Dn. PARKER. THE CONDE.\l.`IED.NO'l`ICE. A NA}mA'r1vn or " A.&lII.-`-vUonclnsion. __ AN EASTER IDYLL. By HELEN Maxim. CHURCH DECORATION AND -VCHURCH WORK. RV Dr: PAnI(|':n sHER1DiAN>sEH EAP sT%o1'z E,% MARKErjf -`SQUARE, T coL1._mR s"r1zE1aT ,I a,u{1;1E. " - U. m r;)'MU'l"l`- V THE WELSH.\lAN`S CANDLE. V TO THE CHURCH UF REGULVERIN RUINS. Bv J. T. B. - LU I um UFIUIVUH U1 lU.`1'UULVER IN By B. - IDEM LATINEREDDITUM. . By Loan inma- .wori'rn. ` . wuu'1`H. THOUG ON SICKNESS. ' HA RRV Jnxma nuuuungo um b'1U1&NJ.`Jb'b'.> By thevRev. HARRY Jomas. V . CHRIST CHURCHDAYS: AN:OxxroRn STORY. Clmp1erXXl..--In Exi . _ ` ` XXII.-Setlled for-Life; XXIII.-'-VConclnsion. ANEASTRII IhVl'.l'. p.. u......- u--._- _.._o_._. *~ Number XL., for .PRIL, 1866, contains`: A ON DR. WORDSWOR'I`H'SBIBLE, with Notes. Bv Il1e'Rev.,W.'J.`Inmm_ D n uu 1J(\o IvUlUDVV`Util`H'515lUhE, With NOME- By the Rev.,W.` J. Inons, D.D. THE CHURCH IN THE WORKHOUSE. By J. C. Mr-:YMo1"r. -h-$ _ Tliie is altogether 9. sound andclever maga- zine,and every Churchman should possess it.- Royal Cornwall Gazette. V 'I`hu 5':-innrl in o|uo.",ln......L .._:l AL- 'nn,,, n 1.\.u_yrI.I uuruwml uruzeue. _ This friend to the Church and the Church- man is as fresh and vigorous as ever.--Ta.unton Courier. - ' |Tab1e8.9 St;=:I.%;2n_1l11}t_iL<:Ls:l . FORVLUMBERERS, _ ` "Anne . ADVANCE OFFICE. Tm-I %NE\vnm-ms & uonmcns, At the ADVANCE OFFICE. cHEAPffGO0DS :1 ISPEBIFIGATION rmn I SaI:nqrn* s On-men, Bannm-,2 Nnvpmher 30. `IRAS. r `WRIT on ATTACHMENT 1ivas-issneVd'in this cause, of-which all persons interested in the estate of the Defendant, and all persons having in their possession, custody, "or power, -any portion of the assets of the Defendant, or who are in any way indebted to him, are required to.take notice. ` 2 V . - B. W. SMITH, - 4 Rho:-39' (1 Q. V3: idnx D, WALKER, JOHN *B_oY1_> agcnonen ALLYENT ARTHURS -Dlnfniiwa .11"! UHU l`L\)I'l `[10 YD! Gnu PR 0211135012 Y N0 TEE A `van n-nun- 71HURCHMAN S ;'l.A;1:I_"1.Y~ MAGAZINE. I Ir.I.nq'rnnuzn_ u... ..... .. HIIIILTITB \ll'l'lUI UAISIIJ No've_mber 3o,'1s65. Inso1%v/e511t_;A%_%(_:_t of1864; COROAINEAR FOR THE COUNTY o1"srMcoi:, CAN be consulted at`his oice, in rear of'Kel-_ man -& C.o; s Store, and: can supply the'vaVri- ous.Homoepa.thic`Medicinea for tudailyguse-. Barrie. Jan.; 1865. ~ I ' - U LIU L\vUllA'1llL1'|' ILLUSTRATED. 7.12111: NEW NUMBER 1A4 the ADVATICE OFFICE. A At [the ADVXNCE OFFICE. u, rill. IIIU lllnrenl Sla are wrmen, b.,.re'ad ; W neool o`rn.;.. ....-.... ill, ter ; >.. specimen gautlv bound ~I1nlInnnz- IUV may still` can- dierent_ sland- un. bu . um: .....I _....--us-|_ Bulllu` e_n,_ be read and a of this cqun:ry,. I Perjnnum. '41 An ! cost little.- _[ _ .'."4'f1ii:RN.uinsn`n11pj4N.:`j By the Rev. 7_ 00 10 00 12 0.0 4 00 -7 00 5, M |.h'{ L Ye af. I Defedant. gun, Sheriff, Notices . Year. V JIIIILLIUIU `Plainlis, A 1\1l14lLV D} . Momanv. . _' always 0:} hand. being supplied regularly. p from lhe ,Oi|_ Market dire't.' K13 Prescriptions ca;refully,put up undef Mr. - Kelman s immediate supervision . - \ vs:-no--.-- - .. )_.,-'-`Om: l'(' uu._0_!l|_ year of the V 4" " ture. mull _bn ins-: oilo. ,, -- .4, `.r\.li' will be found `a"i5ifect attacks pf any _a`me d: Smmgles, lnnmnmlior `D1rt\n 4! ..a-_ -- rough` and unllriy. mal can be ' urwmg. " \ tram ilsel ,- . ._... ._...,,u.ur_e or nard These Powders causeva healthy action of the dugestive organs, and _ purity `line -blood. of animals, thereby equalizing the circulation oflhe blood.and gmparlingjvigorlo the frame. -Thig goon. demons- f_by "an unpmvemenl in! he ap nrance of ` {he coat, for an`: n mar-lain r..;.. 5..-. -, PE ~ 50- _|_ up Luci!` HOW frm England the pr ` ' have . . complete stock, in pure ENGLISH `DRUGS, and DRUG FURNISHINGS. Havingimported di- esent season, they um: rowpsn cinres Bots. Org; Powosn pm: 1; I-Iore' in cpndinou. ' A ONs_Powmsn makes a Horse shed his coat. and glossy appearance r lolhe hair. _ ' . ' _ - 0u3fPowm=n cures the Horn D ' isfgmper In Cattle. CARLToN:S C()i\rn|-r`rnu' '1-\.\..---- 'Pu`wde`rs. , , _ _.--`....-.1 \JL' IIUII` & can almostall ba 1>nRV`ENISD or 1 Our: Pownsg dn_-ives out Wornzs. Om: Powpsn cures ONE p0\VDER rhlln n ur- _ Fnrrnerswill nd `it a savi a _ ng to them of: dollars by usingthese Powders. - When latte stuck, by mixing a little of these P owders will loud. you will find that they will fat ton quicker: lhu gsh Will be n- every res; 'mer and better i The many- 4 _.__-.-J And for Tm: Rescue TULA Almanac. \Ve also send lhembv Mail. postage paid, for 25 ms. per Box. 1 B. L. JUDSON 6: (}o.,f,PnopmsToizs, 1- 106. Fran/clz'7'z St., ;New York. ............................ r. tucul 10 D6. . _ _ Put up 171 B0176,-9' 40 V1_ :.lI:. - A A_ . PRICE, 25 Cents per Box. ' 3 The `oulsideisa Red Wrapper with Black Letters, with our {ac-simile Signature on it. ARI! bno them io be. : Du: . uu ncsn WI [1 he From any Drnggist. and read Wonderful Discovery; or, as P ` buy and try one box oflhe Pills an ed they are `A11 . urn nu . Paints,` 0[z/s, Varm'slzes,Spz'ces, Dye-Stuf, ` Perjumen , Fancy Articles, Patent 7|/'..J.',..'.- A - a J ....-..... 4/&AJJ.lJLlJ.lJlL)o Cosliv'ene'ss.. Colds} Dirrahaza; Fever and A Kidney Diseases, Chest Diseases. The are 11 BEST FEMALE MEDICINE KN VWN. Rt .-zuovglhe cause and mm mm. n....n.. ` IJlI_I\ Scorlula, Wu:-ms,Z ' . I --.u44 J/JKJJJILKJIJKD They are the remedy the lmunleuus hand of nature has provided [or all DISEOSCS arising from 12`l"l"1-s "I-I ----- - K The I I on .. In I:/\|allZ.|IDl'.'.. Preparvd from simple Rnols nnrl He,-rbs that grow npnnlhe Monnlalins and in lhu ln\'cL\ VALEYS 01-` MEx:cn,where the mighty Cordnliens raise l.1_ir cloud.-piercing heights. ' BV (`It-.'1ISin,tr mm D... ' .. .1.. nr, 1 -- only cure but prevent nearly cnouu.-piercingheights. . - `_B_v <-lensing and -1)lll`I_.f_l]I:.Ig`l/L! Blqod, lhey not ALL DISEASES 'T`L.... __, -I *""B"! ~IulI-`ll U vE;\;'IA-ZRY ONE V930 OWNS srocx DV I(inal'nHn..l.l ...... .L..; in .. A. DAVIDSON, Inspec7;." `I A_Ilf.Vc'1 1 IISLLILLJLJ nu II .'1LI-I10 . T gent: Barrze. ` Also Valuer for the Canada Permanent Build. int: nnd Snvin2sSociety Toronto. _' ; 9 1-tf ` nannnlvsnvl nuvus Aun.uuuuvu lhlln-3 . The Committee for the city entertainment to the Prince and Princess of Wales havejust effected with the Royal Insurance Company an extra in- slirance of FIFTY THOUSAND POUNDS on the building of Guildhall, including the new erections, ttings, and contents. HEWARD, lllunugnr Toronto Branch A nnwrnonxr 1,-__,_.-_. ~ MEDIICAE HALL, DUNLOP STREET, BARR] The cattle trade has yet not been` visibly affected by the imposition_ of the Ame'ric:'u1 30`per centad valarem duty. The drain, the-refore,'.stiH . . _ Fl`-JI-rn.-.2 .......... ..- I FlPc.1E_AND LIFE. V _ Capital---Two Millions Sterling.` Funds in kand--Eight Hundred T/m T ` sand Pounds Sterling. , ` ROYAL lNSllBANlE_0MPANY l3a_.rrie.Jan. . 1862. Secretary an}! Ti'ea._surer,-Be'rnard Hdldan, Esq. Solicitor,--Aixgus Morrison, Esq. CAPITAL % -_ L - - $4 ` IN smmns OF $40 EACH. _ ,,_.__ a .-.v.n..a ..|.JJ-J\J\ he name of those diseases are legion. PILLS are the Best Remedy in Exis ' _lhe following Diseases : [wlssmm 'I1s L7nI\`N`c3ia * comrml OFFICE---Kiug St., a; few doovrs West of Church St., lIo1-onto. - . - , I- CLAIMS PROMPTLY SETTLED. -_ ---.._ u-g--- JIIIU IJIII-_UUl-U,` which eannet be excelled auywllere. All_ orders execuledon the shortest. notice. Reference may be made tothe numerous miners in mis County," and to Aitken Wilkie; late of Axedale. `THE UNI_`ON P'ERN:>lA-NENT BUILDINGHAVINGSSQCIETY. Inwrpqrated pumgakgz to the Acts of the V ' ' V .Provi7zcz'aP?Parlz'ament. _; `, .+ `y `a_g;.a.l..7.I, Loss of B10041 ; ail derangement: ofrlhe Stomach and Bowels. AQVTRT TX TCV13 .l (wrin- nouns: FFFICE, 'l`(_)RON'l`_0 _ G(RNER OF` COLBORNE AND CHURCH S'l'REI1'c_ uuulplullll, %1337'S`Deps1a., B.:0Ddv: nfl lIMl`lrInnn-1.;-no. 2r.o1 rnmahlii MEDICINE KNC\VN. Removglhe and you cure the din`- ' ease. Bad Blood islhe great cause of disease ; Ihese Pills-cleanse any purify it'.~o Ihoroughly .thaI disease, having o nothing to teed ' upon mnajl lake ight. `I ntrm nn-`n .-...---~ _ mg . FRANCIS RICHARDSON, ' President. `f.. _ AR_THUR- LEBP,ER, VTice-President. -j:u- nnlnn nf Iltaoa .I:-,.-- ,_ , - -v-- vu nan:-=', nun `..._,,v- ' - . nnd a-perfect TONIC and 31:31 ' any _ac?me diseases, such `as . -lnnmmalion` of the Lungs,I nnup -;__ Barrie, Sept. 6," __;:.-_-..-____;__ -g-auuvljo - ', . v `??`??""v"`:7`~""`: `Wat. Monrmnxi Chum, Solicit;1-.' 'Wx. Pvmm, Secretary and Treasure:-. "DISEAAVSESV OF HORSES ..n 1.. `-- ...5.... I GET OUR, ALMANAC V EXTRACT FROM, THE LONDON " TIMES 2,` 1 A n ,....c,u mucn easier-and qiuckeg ijwoqld. Find the signature of 77.7. " C`adt_on Oonpstacl, FATTENING STOCK. pill E,. I "- .. I h P w{3$;`:.4;:3f`h:c Tl\RT) nhxvv ----- -- Cl;AIlV'l'EBID BY A01` 0!` PARLIAMENT. vua uuunwptumc mean` Barrie, Jam; 1865: B I L IousNE"s's, Wurmc_ Hnml....l... r... .. -.-u.unm.:u mm D sgrIz\?' `DhISE./ISES. JILL WE CLAIM CANADA . Aua_DC-L . -un.-. 1D. 5' I \\"<... 4;$\mm\%.\\V\ VIN EXlS:I'_!_-ZN_CE. ..._l_7i, . &\Il`I;$ . Headache, Indigestion, Liver Cpmplamt. ` :IV.:&r'L'I-P`3 `EDWARDS, n..-_4 i';_`ea(4.-IV: . mg of l he" Package; . "1 his . JOHEW ALEXANbER; _/hr-nf nf Rnr V ncuu me mslory of lh.5 r, P800!-` COX\'CLl1SIVE- 3 and you wzll besaxis, > _ ___-.. [AXES AND EDGE TOOLS, . OF A VERY SUPERIORQUALITY. A.a;es Jumped and -Warnmted for One V Dollar. VLJLV JIUDAIXLV U01`, gent at Barrie. '_'rH0MAs DALLAS, ,a'nnI 11! [M4] Powders with we fauun nu ,.Lv,u- n ...l the history of Ih.` PRODP nnunv lion`:-s CURE!) by these V :u'rnmtn after ch`as Innenn, ngs, N anal Gleel, v-vucla wunule Ion quicker, and - tespecl. gin...` Junozvvs Existence for ex : ' x-:y..;. 1 evef A gue lhe `KN \VN' - l.I1l.lLJl1|3' ./lgent at Orillm. 1-lv Mm Picks MAEEAANDDamn. Fmanyj llenino $400,000 . Ln DYBPKPTXCB nun. A8 A DINNER PILL. To - - hr! " .eom.`E'1?.`}'?u3'%7.'1'aa"3f.:'.$'L Z;'.'"'1-'..',".."{`. ?'Ics_',*.,` Are invaluable. six days` use o1l(ndv\ay'.~`1 M 5 `Pill: will enable those, who, mm their .-M, \Veakn_esa and indigestion, are obligultu:ucnM(`m ,-hem: *0 .9910)` tho most savor y moms If-d_`, " , 4 N0 sneh~po`wc.-rs were ever possrssod 5.` M - `"915 thenrnm ext-lei:-9 over the weak sum` 9 "<` DY3PPti8. fur in 0.-ix days` they so fN`l`"",a to-I Ive; u-Iish. ind digest ma: Infill, " `-" "|'4.r.1\'.?I`Tflc.nrtburu, no Pnfpitation. n0 D 1 1.!',333` follow the use of these excellent P9 * ,;,__;,58 Q,Ja,l2.'_.n.)f. .4 L L 0 R U G (H s 1' s- ' _: lge` cenu per Box. ' 7 7-." "5 "U5lllKVWllll (113800 pills. .01 Appetito-me1ancho1y-Nerv' % n9"3Ad Dreams'--81e.`.;12s:ne,55 5 . .. _ By Dr. BADWATS Pills. I u-unx a1r.\r.\:.- Tsuppression of. the Memes, Headadr Hystqncs. Nervousness Cured. NI?\DAnt_v \: v n,. on.Ll --,.--w.--nu, ouvl. vV|LDllCD UU1 CU- V Nxwuxx. N. J.. on. 1o;b.15 ' DR. RADWAT: Your Pills and Road) heI:ex'D' saved : my daI_:ghter's life. In June hm she " eighteen years orange, and for three nnolllhshcrm- -' wen 9PP"9559d. b`he would 1l'('I`ll|'|.lI)` H mu 1'19" suffer ten-ibl xroln headache and pan: :1: them" the back an thighs, and had 9': oqucm 1:25 I hmr-` "V9 commenced by giving her six (:1 yur l1lL`1 4 Kilt, and rubbed the Ready Relief (.1! In-r.~`;in.t` -||1d`hips. We conunucd this m~mn~.(nt we W hn."0. Our -Jo she was xelieved on her at: I ha nowawe "and teguhr. and has been M` `uh: _ = Y T `D6503 Y" Plulucgg gglgf Plles'thJa.t (L-umd ,I,!I89dA bx over-doting with dmsuc pills. A"l____`u. V -- - - - -0 4-` .._ .,...........-.., nt 11 .a..n.. u\c.'.-1 1130"-9 ill. and for live du s gave him 1 me psi: : o_ts now well and early. In all t`I:e.~' .Ii ammation of the bowels, I succeed in nine '9 nger by a sin le dose of from six to out-l. hours. In lead 0 olic, I give the Ilils in lugs ll six to eight. and a teuspoonrul or .1-11-t` to a in`-xi` of water every three hours-`-it nl\\`u}.~' t'un'.~1. _ '2nd Cntus.--1)avid lsruce. aged tm-x.t_\--.-ix. ca ~` 8 PJI. on Nov. 25th; found that he had lcrn ai`>' with bilions fever for twenty-two liohrs. 1 gm ' slx ofyour pills every four Lours. and gave lm 1 drinks of bonnet tea. lu tuemy-tu:r lmuxs '~t' `convalescent; is now at work and pul'cll_ I-.3-"~` 3d CASE.-Stll`al| Burns, aged six _wur.~`. mad` scarlet fever; gave her two pills en-r_v tmlrbl-ti-" twenty-four hours; applied the ]it`lld_\ lleliel H`-' throat, gave her lemonade with hat n It-us;u;LIL . Koliefas a drink. In thirty-six 'hour.~' illt` M: P '-V with her brothers and sisters. 1 l.<~\*e } n.~u:.-.hd.`* Pills in cases of Dyspepsia, Indigvstnm. (l>ll\t`l slugglsluxess of the Liver. or 'ltrpit1:_\'. Ir-d witnessed the most aetoniahing cum. I lrlzml the only true purgatlve in u.~c; they axe 1l1\`-W having a greater controlling ii.u(-ncv lll 1_.;\;-:1 S Ieen dorangemonts than cnlcmel or bI1;' 1 I _1' , I` lie are the onlyEpurgative that can be mzuumee` with salety in rysipolns, lyplnrid lvwr. Fever, Small Box, and all Lrnptivo luors: -~_ soothing, tonic, and. mild aperient pxupim-sN*~ them invaluable. - mm acalm sleep: at 4 A.)l. he Lad tn nl:9 A.M. eat his breakfn.-xt; at 11 .A.: ills.and ve hn \ gay; q_is no_w_well earn-. lx _ gbnu GREAVE8, {.`ollingwood- DRAGON, Bndford. 00.; Men ` M J; `KING; "Bin-lo Station- J. `H. 8LAVBN,\`0If;llin. - v _Dr- Sydny Stevens Treatment ofqf? . wxth Ra.dway s :Pil1s. Inammation of the Bowels--Bi1ipus 1~'o,vr.'r-I`_"`-' sia-CosLiveuws-b'carlet Fen.-r-L-ud U1u,n:.\, ~ U. S. INVALID H0SPlTAL.N}.'\\'13* _DI_z_. R_ADWA\' & Co.: [send \'nn1':-r ....:.1.. 4 AVING, in connection with his b-isiness of Carriagemaking and Blacksmxlhing, tted np tl1e'necessary machinery for manufaolilriniz Axes, and all kinds of Edge Tools, on his old premises as above, begs toinform Farmers, Chop- pers, and others, than he is now manufacturing __._j ---:-- Q VAIIJLLLLVH _ J _ The celcbxatcd Prof. Reid, of New York, b.~:; on Chemistry in the College of l'll'.lrlH'.lI.`) : l{ad\\"uy s Pills as the Great l urgutive." llI.(l IL l ilediciiie safe to udmini:'tor in c;1:e>.1 trcmc Dcbility, and in Eryipelas, email-l' T_:;` Fever. Biliuus Fever, their action [wing e - lhculiug, cleansing, purifying, inetoud of gr; irritating, debilitating, and nau.<(-uting "A131: uminiug these Pills," writes the l'r}-torsor, '1 them cumpouuded of iDgrL`divnt.~: uf(s H l:..\`l` I ll: and are free from Mercury` and other (iax;gen:.-=' stances, `and prepared with skill and can-. Ii: long known Dr. Rudwny as 11 scientic gentler: high attainments, I place every coulideucu 2:, remedies and statements. 5 ` ' ' iii A nu-v-.-.-.. .,.. 7 f-- 1~-V-- - r-Iu-L1..; ' It is a v.'cll'l;:xr..`.`n f'..::t :L t l .'.~.{ have long sought to lE. 1 v.-.-_, p purgativc as :1 Substituf: fin` (,:tfur... that would cleanse the Alizxn-rxtznry all diseased and Aretuinerl hum:-.:, roughly as Lobelin will the St0I.`l`i'l1, -~ out producing si'-kness at .=tonrrt-lz, 1 ness, or irritation of the Inuoous iueitiz In Dr. R-ad\_vay's Pills, this vet; portzint and essential principle is A dose of two to six (accortlin; 2; condition-of the system) of Dr. Ibi- .Pills ivill produce all the positive ..`.:-..-._ healthy action of`, the Li'.'c~'r-as tl.~.~~ sician hopes to obtain by a timid of Z -Pills, or Calomel; and will as thoro; cleanse! the Stomach, and purge iron [bowels the diseased and retained ha: as the most approved emetic, or c::':;- without occasioning inconvcni_-n:_-:: L1.` - ness to the patient. , THE GREAT runeuxvn Tho ....I._I....L..| r... u. -- ichange--fr0m 8- sluggish or torpi-_l, :. Professor P..eid._-_-College of Pharmatr ~mmlicim-. and u.~'.P4.-cl I. __-.._' u-1;` `Which rr-nders them '.'m".` cm. ed fan-children, an-.2 [3v`!`*~uu : -.v:. _ I . ority uf liaulwav as i;.~s 4..--r use. is thn inc: uf tin --' 'w.u. btfimg hi;z .:._\' cmn:(-xm-an-rl. (I will act m.--e I It-I"!-1. 4--`um! nut}: \;uuu:..\nxu i pr!-III?" 1.15! : mus, L-tc., L1` it any u:.'u.-;1"2` in use ' - rivv Ugh) V'- :"""! 'r7'~v-. .-$117 V7111`-.' s(:J 1 ;_;- THE - ABE camoszn VEGEMBLS um - , P?.E?A3.3B IN VACU); Superior to UN } ur;,rt1. iL-1-. (J'[,g,,'H.,_, {Inn Jr.u. ;r;nn: 1'.` If/l.. .....I ': 9" y. Warrantd'L"Ia.'effaci a PM DR RADW;Vl"I)' , . " " --l.V]_1J1`\ FOR THE CURE OP ' yam. msonosns or Tm} Stomach, Liver, Bowels, Kid, Bladder, Nervous Disease, -Headache, Constipation, Costiveness, Indiges- D tion, _ s- e sna, Bilio3:u.s;:1epss, Bil- ious Fever, Inflam- mation of the Bowels, piles and all derangements oft;1e' terna-I Viscera; om; TO snx 1.-ax:-:.s .xs:.v, BANK Tononm mm in pmper form fo ' . A 0 cl... r.q.I?c0mmnR. THE GREAT PURGA \ I .!"'.;'Tn Ba'rrie,AJan;, 1865. DR.` RADWA.Y S Im; op" ca.`a"'ii;Va9 '3 .-'7a'2`; _._._1.._, .L-_, ugeu nun) 1' Uctober \\ at. In :2 u - NOTE`-n HI tub 1 cu ;,-11.1571-. :_/U tiue Jfedicitzcs in gm, /IN a E ~ ,w= (Ilia pv V , fa` } Pva . ag` )9 } LAWRE.\'Cl-I RI-`JD. Prq/'cssor q/' (7mm':.`.'; Yours, etc.. sum 1' s1`r;\': 1-- -._.__.-__... "At the AX.3.mF;91:9=R Y! iiems of T; m:..\'r 1 Li V` (iax;gen':.e.- I1 skill s scienmic r form for han1.:-_ A..\l.. .- 1: In all _ -..n.uunllng, ` ADVANCE on; l)Ul.'H; ctory. mm ._qus(-hum I": ` !Sst:1nH_vnn V` `liming, in II and dc-'.::p sade` ~_I1\5I'PO4RTA 1TT " |`.\ 0rdiu;_' I 33 his ()1? M1 W111 {URI} 4 CAR P 27 Barriste g. mu 1: 1'. Snnfm-.1. nil formvr [m $4211) ?>r: lI_1`.3I}'~:`1-11" . `Tin-Smi |'\ .V tr) (`(1 D1,}: BARRIE pg] Llitf iug, Jzc. _ _. -- .--vvvsun CONSEQUENCES.--The consequence of V getting into-an empty omnibus is`, the bavingto wait until it is lled before you start. The consequence of having a haunch of venison sent you is,"the hav- ing to invite a dozen friends to eat it.-- _The consequence of your- daughters wearing thin shoes is, the having a per- petual inuenza in the house. The con- sequence of celibacy is, the nding no one who cares a button about you, as. is sufficiently shown by the "state of your shirts. The consequence of quarrelling with your wife is, that you will have to go with her to the ~mercerM s next `morn- ingtfor a pence offerinm Th_e conse- quence of` lending either a book or an umbrella, or your uuime to a` bill, is, the comfortable certainty that the latter one willbe returned, and the former two `won t. ` * A ` ` Barri ._._..-.. 'WAs1xxx Bax-ris SOI.'lI f`/ 1 - Nlbv.` COM] 1: . Baf 15 pm I. 'JU4I.| ._ Adv No I nrd Och; Barrie, l\l a.y- 16, 1860; ` ,A`.\' D mu FRAS D1j.\"1._(w r4r_r.f,. .1~` I`.T..\x-1` I...` . I ?Aii" m T I) .D_'_r "1 1-11:1 1, : 11'` Bo,rrie, 1\Ia_v'v16,- 1860. A VERY LARGE and complete Assortment of Ladies Ennmelled Kid` and Prunella.'Gaiters, Buskins, Boots; G'.1t s Calf, Kip and Course; Misses and Children s, of every variety and style, which will be" kept constantly on hand, } ` V AT DnTf`.T-FQ RYl'\'l\ mn hm rvxvnnnnnv 15 - BOOTS &, SHOES` _ WHOLESALE ANDE RETAIL THO-S. T SUMMEAR'.S ETT, |'T..\VH\Yl'1 :.. ......._'.--2. k Lamps. Chimnys, &c. `I... ......a,..: 1-____- j -:-slit ? TI Pkzrties havig Cloth" to be fulled` 'can have it` _done also, as I shall have a. Falling Mil in oper-. ation this season. ` 13- _ _ ; J AME'S, N. GRAHAM. ______________________._ , , ,___ ..._.--a -u-vvvoQ-BIIH `in constant operation, he hopes to be able to exe- cute promptly all work entrusted to him. , "I-_-I-I--in: it ---- -- --1- Sniiscriber is now'rea.dy. to Card Wooi for farmers` and_.oth_ers requiring` his services, having the most improved Machinery and beat .workmeu._ `- - - Parties cah depend on having their work done to their entire satisfaction. ' 'l1he'ia_rge amount of Cm-ding required last year has ioducedjhe subscriber to nadjanotber Bra- ichine to his establishment, in order 19 meet the demands made upon him, in this branch of his business. With ` - .,\. nvyll uuuratauuy uu uauu, "Xi,-__i{icEs NO.T TO BE UNDERSOLD! . \?'\v\v-quuo A... . ._ . __ THrf_I'MPoRTANce or Vmmzn Exrmcrse. -- Strength is health, has become a favorite phrase. But, like many com.- _-mon saws, it,is an error. Visit the rst half-dozen circuses that.may come to town, andask the manager whether the cannon-litter or the general performer has the better health.. in every case it is the -latter. Ask the V doctors whether thecartmen, who are the strongest men in-thecity, have bet- ter. health than other classes, who, like them, work in the open air, but with light and varied labor. You will not find that the measure of strength is _the measure or health. Flexibility has You will nd `in- far more tofdu with it.--Dr. Dzfo Leufzs. T rm Leathr! iigathef !: Leather `! iS'!'FWR1N FAUTHBYI 1PANISH Sol,Sl1iughtr, Upper, Kip, Cal 5 Ha.ruess`,.Binding,'Linir.g,`Shoemakers Find- '2s ' l ' -. 4.|..u.vvJ..l.-V \J. LJZLJ. `.lJ-I-14,71-_-I-11.7 .1. K)` which he will sell to farmers as cheap as they c_anV be got at any other establishment. Ploughs, with ;Iteel'and..east mouldhoards, which will be. found; to be the best iinplenienls infuse; Cnlti- ; 7 Voters, Gang ?vPlough`s,' "Strain Cutters, Fanningf Mills,; Hot-se Hoes, tB.oa.d"Scrapers.A -Hot-se'H_oe V` and Weeder, P-l0li2h~P0_iDl.'S, Stump Machines. .9 Horse Rakes, Mow,'ing* and Reaping Machines. `These machines are of the latest improvements, and are the best. now in use.`_ . DR . -% L: 01.1 vea, < I {xvnn sun`-. ......_ .. THE s_mbscribe_r inform the -_farmeTrs_of - _' . this County than he irasm`ade afrangments W_|h Patterson Bros., or Richmond Hill,fto;fur- ;T msh all kinda of . . FARMIJVG -IMPLEMENTS A ll.':'l an" In (no-n'n-us an nlunnn new cl...-I "i'7sEb Erding Machines [1 CODSUIIH. nnranh kn I-nun... 4.. L- -|_u_ Igcgngction with Graham's - Tannery." _ -p v'4._'l:'o = iE"`}a.rn1Le1fs.L _ _ v` "1 " Imported from New York, and otfej ` at the lowest Cash prices. `- , The best quaiitis gf ` ,, J ---- The Just wnnderftul [spiritual story` "comes from England. ' `A gentleman, was asked if he sho-uld hke to call a spirIt_.v .1 should, the gentleman replied.- Whose? asked the medium. Lind.- leyh Murray s!" sLindleyA Murray s ghostuppeared erect right thrQlI;gl1`.the table. 'l`hc gentleman shudderedg, All trembled. Themedium was visihl y a_f- fected. Are you the spirituof Lindley Murray ! asked the gentleman, astn.n1sh- ed.-zit his own courage in thus addressing -a. visitant of -the lower wdrld. Yes, I are!.buIdl`v resnnnrlprl Tjmllmr M..........e..' Iiqcii , .-.--,.-._, .... "van 0uuu3l.Cu w mm. FULLING, ".4.-- L.._:___nu .n . . .. .. .-- ..-_\r.-.6 Co1lie`1:_St:1:3e;, "Ba,'r1fie.. ) H`E' S11bsribe1's wnuld dr.'w atten- 'to their no_w complete stock, pure ENGLISH Dnnag om: nrmn Besides a large assortment of J _-- vvvu I Jjl1ed%.z';zes, nluua Ul r.m_;e 10013, 01], Old ve, 's, `\'r'I\ 11-. .-.._. ----- Bsxgggiahgbm. - PUMPS, h. n... I`... _.._.._..I. .. . .....-uu ya uu.-. nuwcr WUUU. " X63, 1. are!.buldly responded Lindley Murray s ghost. {Poor Lmdley Murray ! 'I"u:-5 Turn.-...... . ---_ .:_ YT _"rH0s. SU.\i.\1ERSETT. ANDREW GRAHAM. Isl` A_1`I-I)1I:3`V-{7-(`}'I~.-1IIAV1.\l. 1al`r ' Ydrk, and offered nal: no-Inna 1 ` rKELMAN as, `Co; ' A-HPPI..~l`OATION vvill be `ma'de}Q:_n:a'; $_exc;.ss- - - siou of Parliament for gu act to i,n_cor,p,onte [a Company-Q0 eonnvu-qcg. g:l$_silyia,v frgim 139-_JJity 'A -of .To:onto to. Owen i8Vou_m!', 7wiih_ .a. Zbganch to t Saugeen, to be c:l,l'd[lhe<'~ 'Norlhi`Wente:ip: Rail-I way, o .:_(}n,ndn`," `and for 3 grain. qfjiziblxc laid; inAnid`oftl}ou:ne}._ 2 H . . '1 . , T. = ' NOTIC.E IS HEREBY `GIVEN. .that application 7- `wilt.-` be `made by the Corporation of'tb.e Countyof Simcoe for an act. tojncorpoljato 5 Bank, to b,eAen'ti_lAled ."'l`h Simcoe County Bank;. and for other". purp0ses,d'uring the next"_Sg`ssion of I the Piovincial . ParAi_aAmeh`t. I Snxnm" s Ofrxcn BAnnm,` `ind May, -1866. ~ `Di.-no ....L|:-u'___1 n` ' -.- Th -ca[ttAle Isiblv nfrpntnd hm} Han :m..,...:a: ' Lot No. 19, m the 2nd `Concession, Tecumseth, Co_unty_ of Simcoe, containing _by ndmenaurement. 100 acres, the same being an imppoved farm; with good Dwelling H_ous`e,-Barns, &t_:; T V3- ` LBERT GEEY, Defendant.`rnV1enLi`oned Lands: `and, the ihtrest there of Fieri followings} , _.. -V.... ....-v--nus null.` i'* V, In the Cdiaizly Court of the United Counties of , _ - Ybrlc 5' Pgel; ' W. s. LOCTKARD -anid. 'cLA`12Ks6NI HUGHES, trading under the nnme,,st_vle and `firm of W. ' s. LOCKARD & COMPANY, _Plaiptiff s, IVE, wwuvuui W" _LcoRPo_14T1QN PF` THE | Barrie, M_u-qh sun, was. i IN THE COURT HOUSE, -7 TN TDD mnuru nu n`. ...' - TO WIT 1 ON the 18th day- of AUGUST, A.D.L.1866,at - A twelve o'clock, noon, will be sold . I .-n. -----o - COUT.NT_Yl0F smcom, Snrckm- s Ormoz, Buzain, f March-31st, 1866. 1 `D:...... ....LI_u_-:I A -- -U ..v.u---5 auuugc, Ill!`-y CJSUIHIIIIEU: " We see" only our own. faces.-' Well, re- plied the tgipsy, those twill. be your husbands . faces," when yonr r,e married. The Saturday Press, among other sug- gestions which will enable a.person `to avoid the cholera. .- recommends :-`-Don t get it on the brain,Aandt, to this end", avoid reading the daily papers . Endea- -.vout',it' possible, [to keep` a clean com I science, and two or three clean 'shirts_.. 1 Rise with the lark,"but avoid_ .lark_s, in `the evening. Be above-ground in your _ dealings, and `above-board,in all your dwellings- `Love your neighbours as yourself, but don t` have. too many of them in the same house with you. ' rru - . - - - V ,.,V,,-__ -.-v -vn-`cu-nus |l|Uc:- . In tlzeAC'ountyA Court of the County of Simcoe. THOMAS CUNDLE, Plainti; the undermentioned Land_s andv'l`enements, or the `interest of the Defendants therein, undera Writ oVfTFeu'.VFacia; in the following suit:- - 1.: II... IV......J.. IV..,.,; ,1 n n- - - A - IN` 1313113 oo1iff}:ioUsE, . rnn-n mnvw..- BY PUBj_'IC_ AUCTION, A rel... QL.._2m._.nm ' T0 WIT: ' `ON the 14:1; day or JULY at twelve.o c1qck, noon, : COUNTY` OF SIMCOE, 3 SHmmn a Omxc, B_ARIE,2 * 1 March 21st, 1866. First published March 28th, 1866. o`/zer BY. PUBLIC` AUCTION .. . '1 ' _at the Show-i*"n nm... ' A Some time since, two young ladies near Newmarket tell intoicompany with a gipsy, who, for a triingsum, proposed showing them their future husbands faces in 9; 'pail._of'water. The water bing Zprocinred, they._were desired to look. 1 They did so; when. discovering nothing-`strange, they exclaimed :iWE A Qf5P' nnlv nnr nnin R.nn'n 93' U \X7'-H 9 --

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