to u|[,~ . `lupurt lzeuenn . , ` I ' FFHIS well knownl-Iotel issituated on the mar- gin of Lake Couchicl1ing,'and within usbort. - . distance of the stennlbfmt wlmrf. `_ . ffii` Good accommodation for, Travellexjs and Boarders. - A V V 1.`.......I....a `:L`Sr-rA ' - 1)UilluL'l5. - ' , ` Excellent. stabliug and an a.ttentiv'e ostler al- ` w:1ys on hand; ' ' l>lm.=...m .....1 v..u.:..u--~_u_-__ V I '- _ .. --. ` ______ .- r..\.-- .u. yuan:-Io 1? Please call aqdvexamine for yourselves. .,`.r.--_ .v. ........r..-.4.-.-an an. AV 0ri11'ia,Febumry 20th, 1866. JOHN C; 'Mc`MIJLL:}3tl_\`I1,-. n (1 II zxr-rvnn n '11-In ?E@$;A:r%9A%LI:vea.! -mum: uuurcu, uruuu... _ , - I ` N.-B.--.-Any 0rdersJeftatMr. J. 0. Mc.\'Iullen s Land Agency Office will be promptly u,t`Lende_d to. Orillia, 1-2tbVMu.rcb, 1806; V _ ll`-ly V PROVINCIAL LAND SURVEYOR ANo DRAUGIA-ifrsivIAN. ` . 1 Special attention paid to valuations. I RES1DE.\'CI~.`, on Peter Street opposite the`Presby- , 3 -terian Ch urch, ' OrilIia.. `.\T.L) . 4.... ;...,1-_- 1...-. ~_. in. 1 n .. .. .. uunn\II:.|.I.. I, 'A 1icMT'E1r' & cnvu ENGINEER, N.B_.'--Vu|ua.tions carefully attended to. [iciana GENT for the Iiondurnble Hudson Bily * Coha- L pany, will pay the highest cash price for al nds of . - ' ' COLDWATERH5-T'REET, ORILLIA, the 1n.te_ residence of Dr, Ramsay. 45- namusmn AND` AT'Ttin'N'1i -H-LA\\r, SOLICITOR IN CHANCERY; ; Conveyanerz Commissioner _z'n_B.R.;~c., % [amt j OR1LLIA,VSIMCOE`Co., c.w. Puvswmw, summow GE Accoucnmm, A Ann nu. -_ -ROB_E_B.T Boss, Jm, P,-t:o`PmE$ToR. AI4BERT EOWEIE,` Provincial Land Surveyor, L./IND 6' GENER./1L GENCI, ' ORILLIAJ THOMA`$A.% GdfFK7rT; s. P, POWLEY,j -ORILLIA 7ADVERTISEMEN'I_`S. ,{ .. ._-_ \;._-.II Enquirzitv hisstore, opposit the oaf If .__ __' m__ , P..%=H*.T E or Tug; 'Qm:1~:Ns uxlvz-znsrry IRELAND; rsvv-n-vrvy .-r - .--_ _-_____-,, FRA lnmnn nun Immnnunuv FRONT STREET, The Stock consists Bf 4c_coUNrAN'i `A (LATE or Tonox'ro,) , 0R1I.LL:, f ` Proprietor. `always on hand the convenience 8;ly_ Pf 1` ' `45:1y. uJU_$TICE ISTHE TG'RE TA'1,]V3U;T SIMPLE PRINC'IPLE,' AN.D_r1.`H}.3 1VL')!'1" DOOR-.'T.HE' I;_O9T.QFFIC'E, Where`}ieintendi )`|i? `tiliusibess of 2;. . BREADJ .32: B1sG_I-my,-_1;.4;KE1;~,ANp;;coNFEc- . TIONER, and` ` trusts! tilaw `brsftrict attention` to 3 business; ei-f willTaecure a share pf theig pgtrqggge - '- `nd Sllpp_(3!'~.r`;t :' .- :- ,"_c`.: -All kinarnf w.;:);; `n"...L.}a` 'i2'.:..!$o'i.~:.o .'....c.i`ru:;.1.;.:.;:`. T 1-tf I '3'-.10 3u[)P0|'R- .111 ` fliolls, magic to order. b V ; Soirees, Pic`-Nics sn3,`J1`ei-`Pan -`t_ie, . r .. _ All kindxof Fancy B):-exidi, 1; . . } 0!! ' reasvohabie--terms .-" s ' In... nnm... .....I. 12.1.`. L...r_-_-1.-_:___u-' V .L 01 uarne mat ne u8s.ta.k`e>n me pg-_e_zjn_ise'. NEXT DOOR .v 12 smqrzct, inflfylhg oh? `i '`_lusi"ness a REE! A D` 1+ nrgntum . u A'.`l?Yl3l).*-A'lY.l\--tVr\\1'IxY.Il1` ~ 151: 1, who aving an of i;&ho}i:ed7$gswoiiaroriim ih1;:.i%g;ii3:` ' of Barrie that he_ his_tgkgnAthe pr_exj1 1_fs_e'$` [_ K ; use-._....~ .; _.- _, ANGUS_ BELL,' Issue: of Marriage` Lijeenses, -\-. .-. - --_r_-~.._v-...-- `.1 u. 1.0-, LAND AGENT, &d., 8:0. M Heir aml Devisee, Claim pijdsecuted. ` OFFTIACE -'-Hunoiwrmxo Sraxm, Conmnawooo. November, 1862. . ' , ' ,1 _ V~ HE1.;I.RYVROBEP.TSON, Barrister and -Attorney-at-Law, ' ' S.0LIC'1T01l2IN C'H.NC'ERY, J Notary Public, Gonveyancer, J 'dom1Iss;oNEn` INB.R.,_ ; 0F'zcE-\Vestern }s{s`ux`ancLe Buildiqgs,,.Churcb ` - St`reet.`To1-onto_C.W_ D_ I.1'eeL,_'.I.'OI`Ol1T.0, `Angus Morrison -{ - - -' T B'_(JAf1,A\[A%"j:`H-:<,D,`| .A"'I__ E.: ` M'ORI .ISON`& SAMPSON, . B./ERRISTERS, .dTT%INE Ys, SOLICITORS, . 7 ~ , . L`. _. .3. .l.4.L|oLJo Oice-Church Stret, next door to the old Court lIQu_se, Toronto. It I- nnunnu-`Au ._ .-L_,_,, V ,. -"T`' -'-j'-```' M. c. 0AMERON.- D. M :ucHAzz.. Fbruafy, 1862; _cAMV13:_1iE)'f\f,T MCMICHAEL & MICHAEL, 1 BARRISTERS.` nru..- f [ SINHGJEIAMPTONT ` 7 A`ssociat.'e "Coroner for the Counties of`Simc_Oe - ` . _ V `s.nd:Grey. 7 TII.AT 7 beautifully ;sl'tuated and commodions . Cottage on the Goldwater Road, about half a. mile from the flourishing Village of Orillia, and within 3' few minutes walk ofmthe Stezunboht whn.-rft The building is owned by Mr. Martin .\Va_Lldron, and `in size. is 36 by 24 ft. `It contains '4 rooms; 113.11 full length ofthe house; Kitchen with lire-plitce ;_ Frost-proof Stoned. Cellar; and ' is surrouried 'by`ornamen'ta1 shadevtrees. There _ is about 25 acres of ground enclosed by fence, on winch there is a good well, log burn and stable, onthouses,` and 8_'fl`llle building intended fox; a shop, together with a `splendidyonng orchzirdjust beginning to bear, and a. vegetable garden. Tl1iS.m'0r)erlv, is nitumrpd in ma: nr .1... ......o an _uL'gIuIuI_Ig LU near, and vegetable garden. `Tl1is.px'operly- is situated in one of the most de- sirable and attractive localities in this sctiou of the'Goumy, and in tlielimmediate vicinity of that justly famed and attractive summer resort and \vnt place-+Orill_ia.'. 1 ` Immediate possession given. _ Title indisputable. _ ~ _ V ' V _ For further particulars apply (if by letter, post- to the proprietor, or t_o .-rr\r1\v ru .. .._---_._ , K . _ _ _ . - w--.- A-J.\JI-I-4-L`\{aI-I _ Mn. THOMAS GRAHAM is authorized to take _orders, and grants re<-.eip`ts'for accouns. " I - -- J. nnvmnr nonmsou. muu-m.-u-excenent I01` bottling, or present use. CU.-XMPAGNE AL-E, 30c per gall. Rich, with` ; great body and ' transparent-y-l1igl1ly recom- I mended.` ` ~ ' ` `LONDON PORTER--X.X. 25c.; xxx, 30c. Jnckson s Sparkling Clmmpaigne Ale on draft . and izrbottles at most of t,he,lea.ding hotels in the C'o_9nt_v. ' ` V ,, *' ,,,-_.~--`Jv :--v-~--< Gomhss1o:um' 1_N:B. R., lcorivnyxcxcn, &o I BEER,_2V0c er gallon. Tl_1is `Beer possesses all ` the chm-actexistics of the ner so;-ts, con- tains great body, and is wnrranteclrnot to `turn sour. ` ' ` PALE BI'I"l`ER ALE, 25c Dr gall; Rich, full 'nvoured'-excelleut for bottling, 30!`. nlar rrnll Dink vial.- %oa:LLeVA saawsnv, V ORILLIA. T JACKSON. S LIST or PRICES; eaeu tion ; `corie%..s;aAa;JJsAT:.E 10-3mo mm nuuuun: pruuqce. ' - N.B.-I\Iessrs. Turner &- Cockerell are 21 agents for.the purcbaseof all kinds of FUR, which the highest price in cash will bevgiven. SEVEN) Bridlrp, Kfan-I1 1101-. `looks - - -_ _..-. - .-`.54.;/;\J1LV1.'JkJ (x;U .,, and yvil adapted fbr the C'olV1'nt-y trade, and which wan be so1d`at unusually low prices for cash, or marketable prod ace. N'_R_.-.\Inuera 'l`n.-..,... 9. n--1_'_,,n 133111}!!! ;%B!!lJ!EE JAS'WWE,1 BYLQESSRS. 'I`U RNER & COCKERELL: . n .. ...- ._.,,........ y;AuU Au unau Wu! '-S_;v,ern Bridge, March 11th, 1866. , oRo1i1~Ts677wTJ3%EiBE/. I `BAHRRISTERS, &`c.',` 1` `A Church Street," Toronto. .B_ARRIE AGENC}-;Y.' . NVTIIXIYACI rhr|avv;up `DRY Goons, - GROCERIES, _- Q HARDWARE, - `* PATENT MEDICINES, &c., IIl'llI'l`r|(1nv\`rsp: ('4. AL. 11' V` - '91! ID cked - hill. 1 1 In 3 ]'H;2RE they kep constantly on hand a `selected and general stock of ' -`no \7' nnnnn ' B%ARRIE 0- % WED N; ES 1) AY A MAY 9, I866. ON Elsyfgyavs. - awxzu Aajgurance blllldl Street,` Toronto, G.W. rison - - T7 _TORONTO; '_;I'E)1's{'N"Vc. MOMULLEN, Land and Genml Agent, V _ Orillia. A. Sampson A JOHN M nmnn. c. m M1cHM:L. 131? . '1'ul:: URH. _ _VVe have ku_9wx_z_.,for_a` long um-e`, and have on.,various' occasiqns, informed our Wyeaders, _of- the suspicious enxtertajned. ;_'con"eining Q Maho1ty,-Killian 85 Co. It.` "vvas very_g_fx1era[lly. understood that the pat_rioti,smV9f,f,the _men by whom.they _ = w_r_e s"urr0,undedV consisted in` their draw- j :-iugfgqILt;lya$-1 ehch per diem Iromthe . 't'f6::$_ Ll;.'l'yjf giumless th`ousands- were' f. t.T?d. may .19 e xPe9Lses fvrspenking. tra-y ` `living _a_l1 ofwhich was Autv.-`V 2 carry; fI;as;1es:.t.,e A0 .M.u.hony-I 1-Roefts 1,1`:-'.'9.n;m9_nced it.'l.1e..}.\?rh.ol.e, -A coY11rj v4 " ":i,r;t'1s`ej', _n|1d,`A'.the._`_qirc1es; F `eV'f'.*'L7?FL'3... `,Lk.`,.%. 5i JW-..m.1d.A.,canL..- :03`. 1iii3* 5;`tifeLiigt. 1 `xes, it.1.,.Ihi,:2;..Ax;,ity. `arid 1 t'1W5 E'F.5r'= t5`;11015i%)5 5 ilS-.t{,.`.h W9..Sty ~:e;1ii1g'af:ii eixigg 3 1[_ ' _`W5here the ;1haz_'g1,1>\;,:ii`Ij;1_g}gn(_l ;n_"q_r qlng also for mg g ;uuu_uu l:ce,s_,z,1va`11pq; ynqmselyes 0] the` Q:io'{'AOr'g`;1piz a .syt_exn pf_.beg-, Maury`; bfy `*`?!'1`1.' Va'StZ!l!I!l5..3., Wzsghtaiued ., Lfrozh` 156- raara n::'r"m'>j of smu':...... ;....a ` am .1 2 ".1 V`! ',.`'- ""- ,l..',`...5-, We"? -9993` >;:` frbtiii `the ; xhrfagre 'p,t4:_'_r'fs of, 5e,rvii;;,tsV well \JAlIUl:'kJ\.1lIl1lU puiuce. I '1`hevO Mahony headquarters are no longer frequented by busy, bustling crowds of military-looking individuals; the oiice-holders have ` skedadled, and` deputations "from "temperance and other societies4i1'oloiiger call to make theirpresentations ofythousands of dol- V lars. Now and then a. few gentlemen arrive with icarypet-bags and yovercoats on arm, deputations sent on from Ncw-Eng- land and_ Pensylvania by indignant cir- cles to enquire the meaning of the late farce on the Canadian frontier.` The _rank and le of the Fenian Brotherhood V were thoroiighly in earnest; and, firmly believing in the honesty and patriotism ofthe leaders, gave their money lil)ei'nlly. and freely, little suspecting that itwould ever be squandered on expensive wines, Havana cigars, -useless ` officials, elegant furniture, and laughable attempts of r_e-_ volution. The receipts of the U Maliony party for the lastsix months are estimat- ed at $300,000., and it is, now stated that there is no money in their treasury. -Ste-. phens has uotreceived more than $70, 000; and" the balancehas been expanded in salaries, bribery, and other inciglental expenses. The eyes of O Mahony s dupes appear to have -been a_t length opened. The Fenian indignation would robably ere this have culminated in a iot `were it not for the expectation held tit to them that Stephens _will,j:irrive in ery short time,`and that; he will inves- tigate the matter and endorse the party . which to him appears most triistwortliy. ' He is expectedin the city to-day by the French steamer. AiipAdjtitant-`General of-the Irish`--Republican army, of the .0`-Mahony persuasion, announces that Stephens will make a tour ofth-e Ameri- can `cities, but it is mtich _more probable - that his time will beioccupied in endea- __vou'ring~to clean the Augean `stable at .Un i('m-snimn:_;v ` ` _vuu| Lug LU uxqu. ...UniOn-square. ......., I-U Luv ~ u mauxqny corrtlplxolllstsj stating that they long ago knew the .cl1aructe'rs of the men who had coz1t1'ol ofthe affairs at the humble rooms in Academy-st., and afterward. in the Union.-Square palace. ` advance will be`a' silent one. Tlie regi- J,.,_,-D -...1...u.-.v nu oi. HVU `months carnpaigii. Some oftlievmenihers ofithe Senate have left for their homes in the West,and oi1.their return hostilities will`, in all propability, _be initiated. The" ments are to muster quietly at certain poiiits,.aiid the crossing of the frontier .will'be effected in less `than 24 hours. Thousands of men every day come for- \vard to join the. Army of Invasion, and t.he only difeinlty at - pr.eseii_t.` experien. cedis the want" of. money. When tl_ie Roberts party seceded from the Uiiion- squaret authorities the strong, box went with the latter, and the work of or- ganizatioii had to be coiiiiiieiiced . uiieiv by the secessionists. The time demand- ed` by PI'8SlLiel]t;RUlJCl`lS within which lie" stipiilated to take the field willexpire in ashort time, and the Great Centre still shows no sign of-breaking his promise. Encouraging reports are daily received from all quarters ofthe country, and the - authorities ofthis branch, now` regarded * as the Fenian Brotlierliood proper,.spe:1k of their-luture prospects in very, hopeful terms. They almost exultingly point i0Vt,ll( , fiiltilliiient of their prophecies re- lative to the O Mahony corriiptioiiistsf stating that tlwv lnno nnn I-mm Hm Fenianziism. _ * (rm the '2;"~n'bune`.)' A great deal of busiinessi was transact- ed a.ttheeRobterts lleadquarters yester- day. During the course of the day.sev- eral hundred Feniunsfliitherto admirers -andsupporters of O Mahony, waited on President Roberts and tendered him . their services, with _`Were accepted. Theyallege that they` have become dis- gusted with the irnbecility and the du plicity of_O .Mahony, Killian and Corn- p-any,` whose` magnicent vapouringse for the last six months have eventuated in dishonor and disgrace on every one connected with the movement. Largie quantities of munitions of War were yes.-T terday stored in some the Roberts ar- senals, but there is not yet a sufficient quantity onihand to warrant Gen. ' Siveeny to cemmence hostilities with any probability of success. VThat gentle- man contemplates the possibility of being cut off from his base of supplies the mo- ment he enters the enemy s country, and j co11se;1uently_insis_ts on not making the first advance until his a-myijs fnlly ] equipped, and every department supplied" 1 with everything requisite for a ve 1 months E iI\`f|1nQnu-AOA L---- ' "- " *' urn-'3,` c'n4'H`-'. . ,, .._-- _.-.. Roberts ; sufficient ) 2 nulunn \ ` "..t,:'I. \!IllIl:!'iII WHOLE SECRET 01?. SUCCESS INALLJ GOVERNMENT. IIIJHIJ i.1!7I.di!. It uuu uc uuuuueu .-'- , . oi1.ot-ams;_eed,`ai1 r%ajjmt,-andi1V of ` ; juniper-eo'f._ `each halt Va`: rdraghm ;gs"uI- ` phtyric aather, half Van}-`ounce ;' sV_t1f9ng s`(nl ~ yphuriq acid; Z-d"`rops ;`sph'jit_ `of. wine, 23` drops; :i:1g_t'(1rfe` of Cin`nar_n'onj, 2 og,'nce_s,_:; I "mix" tb'_d9Se.a9d' in-ke; ten.,d'rop:6 `in a `A tab[p9g`qfyl Ifqf water,- everjagxxarteri of _ .... vow! avvauvuyo ` . "v . I _ TheTCeutral=Board of Hea-lth ,` ag iheir :'meeting on the 28th (rltimo, "in Ottawa, -adopted` and recommndjed' the f'ollaw'_izi g _can be bthid ;re.medv ;_1:nf`<`:'ase_ A .d.i'V."r!rI;_:c__m` _pr'ecediug chq1 ta`,',un1i]_t.:hesexyices org. p_h ys.ic,ian '(\:l v...___:_ {Item-' W PHI! enLary_ not only to hangthe Governor but pay out against the trunks of trees, and that : dusty _boots'of_ `Massa; Gurney and lzeg- ' ~.-This is given-as aspecimen of. the sort- M -evidrence. , _ e -` The" Jamacia correspondence lls pagesiof the (newspapers. The Times correspondent cyphers the number of negroes hanged and shot down to less than 400, but the Times is disposed to allowttlittle margin and call it 500._ The _Commissioners appear to have a time of it. .As there is no question about negroes gvivingievidence; in Jamaica, they came in by scores and hundreds, all themore that a notion had taken themthat Missis Vxc'rom.-1 was going, all damagesgso that each one told a big-A ger storythan his neighbor. One wo- mzm swore positively and circumstanti- ally that she saw soldiers take negro ha- bies by the heelsand dash their -brains in an intere:_tmg case in her neighbor- hood sheisaw them kill mother,miilwife and a new born child`-,-saw it with her own eyes, and stuck to it like a good` fel- lo`w,' until being= taken to the spot bythe _Cominissioners her story fell` in pieces,` andshe fellon herknees, kissing the - ging not to he:li'a;nged'-for `her-` perjnries. of work the Commission hushud in silt-V 1.... uuunuuy nu uuu. uuuul. tuls Guy- The_n eanie thecry, "' What is he -ct` doing with the money '!--a cry which er- was for the time being stied by the. W- publication of two very, extraordinary ers and bombastic letters from, Head-Centre Stephens, endorsing O Mahony; and de. nouncing the rest. But this availed only "11 for a-little, and then the absurdly ridicu- ed. lous expedition against the Provinces `is, and Canada was organised;-Heaven save u; the mark!-and the vast" army of 240 men and. two brass bands sallied forth to take the British Lion by the Igsrmaney Of the.asc0 all`, have read. ed O Mal_1ony denounced itsleader as a- ne traitor, and Killian in turn denounced the Head Centre. A party of there - => , turned soldiers, with pistol in hand,con:- pelled O Mahony to pay them for their, i`r- trouble,and others threatened his life] ,1 and placed him in deadly peril, H, `TI-IE HANHATTANS APPEAR. 11-, There are twohlanliattan circles, an e_ O M-ahony and a Roberts. 0 .The former helda stormy meeting on Sunday on Broadwa_y,sent for O Mahony, and ac- 0- tually, by force, desposed him, taking 1d possession of his `mansion in Union- 16 square, holding all hisipapers and effects, ( I and driving him -from place I and Y power. 1t` intteresting for his ' id` followers tojkinow that nota solitary d_~l- t 'e lar -was found in the safe, and the ques- 3 rs tion becomes again quite interesting- what has hedone with it ! A FEW ZWURDSJBOULI` STEPHENS. Abouta very small man a great. fuss has been made. The popular impres- sion here `and elsewhere; is that Ste- phens is `at the head of some `great or- ganization, of which he is absolute mas- ter. This is_ a mistake. In common with others, Stephens was given a cer-- tainwork to do;_that work, which was "the organization ofa civil society in Ire- land, has been done, and 10-day Ste- phens has no more actual power than any one of our leaders. The whole mat- ter now restsjn the hands of. the lVar_ Bureau with which Stephens-has no-V thing `to .do. He saw t to indorse O .\lahony and to denounce Roberts ; the senate differed from him, and now throughout the Great[West the Irish people are disposed: to class Stephens with O Mahony andliillian, rather than withthe friends of the, movement. It, his extremely doubt.f'til_ if Stephens comes to .this country; if he does he Wlll find but one society, and that the one he saw t to stigmatize and denounce. Should Col. Roberts repudiate Stephens, tmi [lead Centre, self-apointed falls to the ground. Should Roberts welcome `S in as to and endorse him, he will auiount to just th what Roberts and Sweeny desire, and _ _ no more :. his ideas ofEnglish invasion are cf perfectly absurd. V `He talks of taking 1 200,000 men to Ireland. "How does he th expect to get $1,500,000 with which` to S. equip them,where the ships in which to to take them,hotgetout of our ports, ` how meet the English. eet, how land `e_ his troops, and where support them ! d1` ALL A MUDDLE: 0 The whole affair is a` muddle,` and in DI the general tide of moving yesterday, fer came upon the people a conviction that with man` all things are not possible, and ' the capture of Canada with two hundred Pl: and fortymen and two brass bands is :1]. one ofthem. ' O Mah_ony tears his long sic hair, bites his thin lips `and blows his , long nose in vain`. The strong box is _- empty, and they -who,` sit in Union ml square are no longer of his household. `to He is altogether a lost sheep, and cannot [ea ; nd his fold ; he `sqandered his money andlost his rriends and would not be controlled. As for Ki|lian no one knows C31 or cares where he goes. a 4 _ . Wa fi1tor'y girls here {add at the East, particularly in and about" this city. Tlien nnrn"n 111A .-u-nr Ul7I~...- .'.. 'GhoIe1"aA R`emedy. nnhn.-.Iv'I),......l. _t 71' ` 1.1- L 11 Ire- D'. =l\rIeGa:rIl1y, Jr., for plamti ;- Lount &B9y`s-`f4r dgfendany; " : _ 7 V` I ; ' 677iaiZes' Banting 1):.-7'Ie'1Viagara_~D_iS-'* zn'c;>1I4u;;ggzjg:;surance company.--This! suit_V::occ_'up`i1-lheremgixider of the day and...ha:lf: _I_-he.~fAu1lu\nng'-one (Thursdtiy,) anf"\ir'iis' `Wif_H'il' vVi:th`: 11'i'icl1 1' merest. on ..".....'.Q. ..n. 0 in _v_. .. --.. .-an-wan aupuniaau VII a0,lInf of th issues raised by" the de-I V -.v.;'.4.` 'I_: . -.4` Y - _a. 'I'VlI_O;J: tiff.__'.4 .......-, .m_ uuu-uuuuuem or us conditions`. The defendant s coumiel again cl`ai`med' that the plaintiff"s adoption of the lease after the execution, of which there was ' "evidence, opei'ated' as .a ' delivery, and ' {hat ?l_1'is cli:x`t7h'iid,=sinc .thg: lease actvu-`-_; ally` cgtne into` force, q1eu'rd -115 much of i the:.I,anVd as be was bound to do.~ _ F 'l"l... -:.... .. :....A.- J V i But uess, for, non-fullment of its condiltions. I I - .. . - 1 ,, _, ,,_. ._-- -v- w-v --nu ll\l|l IJUCII \JUUCu I ` The pYainti seol1nselcalled no wit-I nesses but contended that the lease pro-' duced by defendant was nothbimling 011 ~ the plaint_iff; as Mi . Henderson who signed it on his behalf hold no sufficient! aiuthority for doing so, and that `suppos-AV . mg his authority to be sufcient. the ! lease. had become void according1_o- the testimony of the ie{`endant s own WI!-`. 'l"!1a 1L~.p.-.v.V.3...>.n9.. - -.. .. AL I The lease contained a condition that the defendant should clear seven acres every year; otherwise it was to be void, :'L` ,, _ _.o--.-, -.-.. ..-\.uuv..aauuu V `I Jzmd this therst witness called for the dfendant swore had not been done. ` mu- _:'_,-,,.-'n- rt | ,, _,_.. .. ...., uuoowvllll/Ill! _ ' George Cummings, proved the drawj ing of t_he lease u`_nder the instruction ; of p_iaintiff s agent, Mr. Henderson. 1 IIVL _ I .- _ _ ,..........,. Thomas Hcnderson,.the rst witness l called for tlieldefendant, proved that he l . . . l was instructed by plamtiff to lease the ` lot, and did Aso-rtb defendant, on certain `conditions as to clearing the land, &c. He was of opinion tlra t .def'end.1nt' had I not performed his agreement. 1 rw r- - ' I be entitled to llold possession under a I The defen:lant s counsel admitted the title set up. by the plaintiff, but claimed . lease l"romtl1e plaintiff. ` l r|\|_A___,,, 71' 1 7- r- - Ileizry Peuigrcw '0. Edmund -Dog/Ze.- Plavinti claimed to recover possession of theleasft h`aI'f of lot 7, in the 6th conces- sion of` Tossoronliu. A V ' nu. , A ..~.------, -on-u I,.}L\l\I \.lllAH.1sC5o Boultun & McCarthy for plaintiff; J. D`1rgg'an,-Q.(};,- and J: A. Ardagh, for de- fendan. ' l -._-....,- .._......\u.. L no Jul _y, ter.a short absence,'retumed with a" v dict for pluintifT, and $100 damages. -Rnnlfnn X} 1\1..!"....ol.-. I-.. , ,-,_._._-.-...- ...... ., The defendant, altl1o`L1giI without wit-" nesses (who had been subpcenaed for the 5 following morning),showed by cross-ex- amiuation ofrthose of the plaintiff, that f ` \Villoughby had intended going to the_j`] `States, and-also that the farm in Mulmnr r which he had taken In exchange for his ! . . , ( own, was under a lease for six years, ' . l and that the rent for the whole of` that l] period had already been paid in advance I I to `the former owner. They. also showed `la that plaintiff" admitted that defendant tt could not have urrested him through ma--lt lice, but on account of the many rumors ` that existed of his`-intention to go to the States--uone of which were attributed ; the.defendant himself. The jury, a{- ver- in .13-; I`..- ....I,_:__.,-tr I .--n- - - The plaintiffafterproving the arrest, &c., called witnesses that the selling of hisproperty,(\vhiel1 was one of the chief groundsof his arrest), _ was made for the purpose ofpaying his credi-ll` f 1 l tors, and the proceeds of the sale were ' left in` the liands of Mr. Rogers, the ( Auctioneer, who, as Bailiff of` the Divi- ii sion Court applied them in payment of several executions in his hands against `L the plaintiff`. That plaintiff had agreed . to come` in to - make some arrange-;' mc_nts' with defendant on the morn-ll ing of the day after he was arrested,l and that he had traded l1is,['arm in Essa, {or II. more valuable one in Mul-i mur. `And althonggli they could not deny that plaintifI"nad had some in- tention of going tothe States, yet still it was contended that itwas not to defraud any of his creditors, all of whom except the defendantlie had satised. V '1' Ir I F . sick- 5 Thomas W'iZZoughbg/ vs. Daniel Jlfc-i I_{crnan.--'I`his was an" action for ma1ici- ' ous arrest, the defendant. having sued out a'ca_7'2ias =agi1inst the plaintiff, who ,. was indebted to him, and caused him to . 1 i be arrested on the ground that he was _~ , about to abscond from the Province. The plaintiff when arrested had not given: bail, but" had gone to Gaol where he re-_ 1 mnined only a few days; when the writ 3 was set aside and. he was discharged from custody. - . ` 5 rno u ,-n- n The Queen vs. Houston.--'I;he . . . . .. I .pnsoner was charged wrth havmg stolen i two promissory notes, but the Crown Couizeel stated that he was not in a posi- tion to produce evidence for the prosecu- : tion and desired that a verdict ofacquit- 1 ml should be rendered, whichwas done . . -- I accordmgly.-. A E _County of Simoe Sring Asizes. , *7 yv-uuu IU uUn ajury found a verdict-for the f)lain- A Cohl inued. 'll|D QLUUISU . Thomas - Donelly, d"oflih'g led` of about` twelve said that he was tprfesem. when 4 the prisoner hndcome _int'o'D.fury s store J to `chdnge the` boots. The `evidence Aal- l though calculated to lfaiseua doubt. of the` _g_lefen`dant. having come hy the property wasevldentljr , not _cousndered suicient' to warrant e conviction and the jury ac-' cordiongw acquitt_ed_:he'r. ` . _ _ . , l . . I 1` Th Vlrlanhnn "nus".-up J-l'_._J-,I I I IJUIUHI Th `.3 gly ucqumedfhe prisoner `was Britten, of Kingston. uuuslllo ' i The prosecutor being rev-called identi-` i cd a pair of boots shown him as those: . he had taken from theprisoner, and said i that `they were his, and had not been sold by him to her. He had miss- ed a pair of the smile description out of -his stock. . .1 ~ i :1 ` . 1-` -_ M- _- ...., ,....,.....,. ` Juhn McCloud Was` present in Drury's` i the eve'ni'z1g; t'he boots were supposed to 1 have been stolengeund heard the sound iof the bells hanging at the end of the 5 counter" where some boots were also` ` hanging. ~ ' ' I 'I'Imn nvnannninn I...1..... _. _, II 1 - :7 . ,_ , __..,__.....D .n..;, pl. tut: ume, Ullt lshe returned the follotging evening anti [asked to exchange the boots alleging "that she had bought them atuthc ' store of one Kidd, some 7 miles distant`- I ior rather that her brother had bought `them for her." \Vitness `clailmed 1119" boots as his property. `[,_|_... IlI-I`l-.. J 3 the`- why`: V-ativ_o I __ -......., -nu luvuuuutlllo James Dinvry deposed that the. defeu-` dnnt had been in his store cm the 19th 1 of March last, and had bought 9. pair _if J boot laces. He had ift the store forfu few minutes, and when he returned she had gone. Suspecting something to be `wrong he enquired ofo. young man pre- '`sent if she had taken auythiug,and was` gt told that some bells hung near the door `on the same nail with some boots had: rung as she went but. Witness` did not - follow her,being the time, but plan rain:-n;'\.1 IL- I, II :. I I Tlie`Quce7z against fame Bmwn'.---' l"Th'e prisoner was indi_cted for stealing a ,pair of w.omen s boots from one Jgnxcs I Dmry, `of Essa, the prosecutor. T...-..;... T\_`._._-_ J ~ ' -' ` l : Other eviclefice was bgiven to throw " jsuspicion on the plaintiff, such as lHS 'l';l1aving sent away a quantity of the ggoods shortly before the re, but Dor- " :_rington s statement was evidently con- `L:-{Sl(ll`Cd as the most materials It was l greatly weakened, hotvcver, if not ran ' Ederod altogether uu'\vorthy of credit in _the mindset the jury, by the fact of his {lnot having acted` on the suspicion ! he: 8 }spoke of, with a view to prevent the t';_anticipated mischief`, or mentioned any- ;thing cf `it at the inquest. He did rm: ~ make any declaration on the subject un- r til some time` afterwards at the 1`nstanc'u, 5 j of dete_ctive Armstrong. The boy,Wil- T lliam Banting, also atly contradicatcd ' l his statement about having returned to lthe store the evening before the re, `and another witness who had been in ' the store, said_ he thought that Dorrin`g- " ton had taken the yarn-away with him , when they both left together. ' I 'Pimi..._..-.: T..J_, - I 'I`hisWczJ:; was closed at about one 'o clock on Thursday, (the jury havxing been locked up all night) and the crimi- E 11:11 business was then proceeded wxth 9 a the rst case tried being I ,, ___, _--.. .-.. w5.....c.. I .Tl1e learned Judge charged the jury at great f'englh,going very pa!fhif?'nI1d [minutely over all the evidence and T pointing out everythmg necessary to be 'remembered by the jury, who after iwabout an hour s absence returned a vcrd Idiot in 1"-avor of plainti' for $1800. {` T?.J.1a..._.... 1` I" ` . _- .. lvausallllll Av: q,plOUU. C R74gbi`nson, Q.C. and Boliltun I for plaintiff; D. McMicha'el~ and R. Miller ' for cleferndants. A ,J ..-._, l,--.--...-'-.. y..- -novvllunlthll uu\.. l The only evidence calculated to com- ;`promise the plaintiff seriously, wus given by one Dorrington, formerly u ,sergezmt in the line, who stated that plaintiffhad given him to understand j that> he could earn some money by flightinga re in the cellar under the ` shop, by which he c`on'sr'dered was meant 4 to burn the premiscs.. The witness flir- jther swore that after leaving the store {the evening before the fire, he had rc- fturned there for some yarnhe bad for~ lgotteu, and on the door being opened by 5' the clerk, a lad named William Banting, i he noticed that there was an appearance` of smoke, inside and on reaching home :about two miles lrom. the village, he had told his wife that Bunting s store would i be burnt before morning. (1'*\l'|I' I1I';I'/..o'1nA --.__ -.. ...... -.--` nu--vu- 3 A great number of witnesses were examined on both sides, amongst then: detective Armstrong, who had been em-` I ployed by defendant s to investigate into i the origin of the re, which a corcncr s !jury had pronounced an incendiary one: 1 "`ln/\ ..-.i.. ....:.1-.--_ __r-..L-V I - I V The plainti had kept a. [store in the 'Village of Cookstosyn, and had insured :. his stock with the defendants for $2506. {Some months afterwards the `premises 3 were totally destroyed by re, and the ` piaihti demanded payment of his policy, it but was.ref'used on several grounds, the `two principal objections or pleas of the- fdcfendants being that the plaintiff had "committed arson,and that the value of i ; the goods destroyed was overt-rated. And :52 oo J V in advance. `:`:i'efeI`1Vde('I by M10 No. 19. l}lf0\\" It ' " - ' 'x .9 . AVID DOUQAUS. Bedsbead= and Ohi'1ir,M.nn".'- factory, opposite V the Regisgry 0ice,xBarti., . Household Furnit.ur_e~of Am:-1o'us d'escVx-iptiou"s constantiy on hzndm: made to ordm-.*Wo_oa =TIn-nlngh in Aallnits branches; gexcnite neutneds and espath.-. _ ' I 1* ~ A..'.:l u. gang. 1 __ , -- _._..-..vun-Va QIQMIALVQ iD-[iNLO'P STREET, BARBIE, I BEGS,to call attention to his Stock of Harnesa,- ' Riding Saddles, Bridles, Collars, Trunks , &c., which he is now offering at. low prices. . b He has u.lso.on hand a choice assortment of Riding and Driving Whips, Bits,.'Linea, Brushes,` Curry Combs, &c.' . H FRASER. bgs to inform his friends that he . has taken the premises lately occupied by Mr. Sanford ,where he will be able to accbmmo'date his-former patrons, = - .` V .39 ~:_?:_ k MARTIN MOORE, - '1 Saddle & Harness Maker, DUNLOP RTRWJM` DADDID ' . \J\J\.ILVJ. ; \./AJJJLIIAX, ~ _ ILL attend at his Oice,-at _Barrie,'evex-y! SATURDAY, from 11 a..m., till 3 p.m., ac- cording to order of Couhcil and every other day at his oice at Cookstown. _ ` ' h vs -_ _...- lJiLL|r.l.|rl uu All work in the above line.dode with punctu- ality and on the lowest terms. , 1., war. 0. ARDAGK. GEO. TB'ALL, CARPENTER, BUILDER,} A`RDA,G.H &* Barristers & ' DR. ARfT1-IUR _A_RDAGH, : MEMBER ROYAL COLLEGE SURGEONS, ._._ `I It -, ..-. r B3; `All Wok-k .Wa1-ra._11 tex-1. Tin-S{n%1ith\& Illoniialgie Wdrker .- ..... V...-we nu. yuunnvul Barrie, Feb. 17, 1862. BARBIE %BnANcHrBiB [ SDBIETY;' V Am) WASHING MACHINE MANUFACTURER, BARBIE. I An _. ._..., .......uu yum. mun \J\-lJ\-Alli L - HEHARLOTTE STREET, BARBIE. lNov.15,18G4. T , 4 LoUN7r' '.s;'V'Isvo'1 ~'s:v\' v . I Barristers and. Attorneys, S OLICITORS IN C CI[.4NCER Y, CON VE Y-, JNCERS, 5-I.-., ' . ' , .H.n)rnn.` f`. \V ' " J "October 2nd-`I860. -s.vv\-.A.-.~\- '\.'\ \ -.-- x.-t.--.x-.\.\/V--\,.-u Is published Weekly,-in the Town of Bo.rrie,every Wsoxrzsnu morning, containing the current news of the day, and all matters pertaining to the affairs of the County. Price 31 in advance, or $2.00 "if not paid at the timeiof subscrip- tion. , _ V A1_)vur:'r1smG-Six lines or `under, firstinsertion 50c; each subsequent one l2c. Over six lines, 16iper line, first insertion; each snhsequen one 4c. year; $3 for six months, if not" more'th:tn ten lines. Special contracts can be made by-the year, or pertsiof ll. year. Ortlers to discontinue Advertisements to be made in writing. No paper discontinued until -all ztrrenmges are. `paid, except at the option of the publisher. PICINTING, Booimixpixt: and Iienixt: doneon the premises. The f-.t_cilities of the Establishment are more complete than any other:l\'orth of ' ATo_ron`to, having `been carefully tted out in ` every particular. Communic:t_ti_ons should be ad dressed to the Pub lisher, post-paid. ` ' TX f`l'1T.`\(' Professional or Business Cards $4 per- 'Barrie,,J:in. 1', 1362, to 52-v1`3_ ' AND AGENT, Acuuintnnt, Real Estate Auc- J tioneer, Division Court and General Agent. nru rn..'m~1wx%~.' `LIA nnrn ' T FI=a_.KsEP. "s `HOTEL DUNLOP STREE'l?`._BARRIEV, m1 DUNI4_0Y>_`-1_111~s1?:1`; BARBIE; Coroner for the County; of Simcoe. nonk-.. n....:I 1 non DEALER IN STOVI-IS AND. GENERAL" IIARDWARE, ` +1: !'.')_..19 --~ (`A " V II SOLICITORS IN CIIANCEIKY, "Notaries Public, C_7a2weya2zce7-.9, BARRIE, co.` SIMCOE, e.w. n .r....... Gin N=ortl)c1911 C2\hnu11c CII111S 1`OPIIEI1 1IAmus_oN,J T; E. P.AJT\?s}`T7AVt3*IiH,f (T.A.rm:~ (1 ITv~n-mun \ mxnL {;ExEn;xL%7\JdExa\ . R. T. BAN"l'|iNG7: YY\Y'I'\\T hr min?! SIDNEY M. SANFORD, iusiucss %% _3irL`fI0l'l_.).' In of I1 0 1 in-_ P91 '.l'ERMs:"$l per year; 1n advance; ` ' VOL. XV. NEAR mm posr ormcn. > `COUNTY :('3I_.E'RIT<',: A ...,1 -4. L2- A112,- _L (-LA IE G. 1IcS:n,) -I)EVX`()SIT0.I{_Y on THE E.\'GLAND,> L. 1\I , !'\D G'I\nI:T1'n H A I DUKLOP si'ni:E1'. lL1 3Q{13[i{1? _` 7` "I Dom.-01' STREET, BAmzm E "nd Ivnv ARDAGH, Attorneys, A vrlnnv Jon}; A. Axumcn, BIA '1-l..[3 AI{I .`lE,> C. W. D. cimcxv, TH`-m I4 _40-t f un n ,_ 1 L"l`.LISIII~2R.` 46-tf - _ jg,`.i4vg;;si`<;5,;,gsz;;7g;7}.' ' LI ) JAN-D `IMPROVED HANDS,` ~&'e:.- '56.; foraaln.ineer!;e.Ooup}_if;19 '* 1,1:_t!vx_:-it); ' ,s.u Silncoe. n-1` .41` -N-.23.~-`specsa1 ~~a;ftxn':16n""1b%iii 1'0 oogionr-Q, ` 9-D4 _p10Ippl.5emittgncesimb,de .. :' '.lJ"`g$ 3.2;`; 1.1; a, .;;i ' _~i Rzunnxcna .:+'~H6h.'.D.Iz.Mnonhezsons=M1I.:;:!3 Auuuuu gun I,` '%I@;ndLa.nd~Genera1 .C'E oh" 'Ptefi Streti and dbbr. ' ..-T. Slev'n3s..`PrugA Slm. . . = 'nr'.i'r.r ) SA '1'-upm-.wm.`n wanna`: :3. xii?-E; '3: ' ISSUER OF 'MAB:RIA`GE LICENSES . i L V .- A 'r.;s. MQFFAT1`. P.S.-Also`Agekit for the 1i;;rphzz;sq3'n'al1`kiuds of shippirig .an.'d Mannfacturidg F.u;ra', for. which thehighedt.prices.willb paid`. ; ` 4-1f, ' __ _-. -:: .-.'1?.s.u. had It. rlid. nuuiprorppp_|;emma.ncpsL1na,ae;_ -.~._.~_.-, .;.a Rmrmnngacr-_:s .:-.3_-_Hon._. D..'LMnphzson6 M.:L:G.:;7. .HF1;.:J011l1.__S_.I_zx1psox_1', M;L_.C'. ;<._-.H`on.`.GeO'fgi;Urnvv;' 79rd,. BLL-,C. 5, M: ~G.I~. Cameron; --Q;U`:,'"WP':Pa_' ',` ? -T'- W. D,unsford`,'- -Esqs.~,'. M .-P11 -.~'.--,"5Aiiagtwllgirk-iio:t,5" E5?-s_ M.P.-`P. ; T`.. D` ;jMGonkgy;}7E5q;i M=_`p;P'_v'-if John HumPerry;~Eaq.;I.`lFe]titx`ll1`%0f?0Yz ti`i;i',*. ` '5 3 _ - mgina. Esa.. Edim:-am`. 1.:n..1r.&'.**%'r.-1kw.".i.-'.-;:`t;i } w1ii wn1'se11a:pices to ensunre a'cdini"n,iz'-' ance of patronage, The subscriber is also IJUI 1, ! I HE subscriber won-Id` initimate :6 his. -friends,. -and the public geuera1l_y,~ that he has opened store in his new premises at the -' . POST OI-LFIICE, ORl'L..LIA'.1 fl\l_- Qn_-1 nesumaiiusuusses. GOODS AT VERY Low PRICES, IN C`-ONSEQUENCE OF SMALL T PROFITS.` V / NEWEHIIIISI ransmnnsrj r N.B.-"h-appers, Hunters, etc., willu n.dsIv1itTable supplies for tbeinbusipess at lowvprices for cash. lW..ll'l.. `l7`..I-......'..__ ALL -Inna I\ I I T. G. begs to ca.1l- the attention of the publ_ic generally, to the fact that be has commenced business in` the premi'_se`s lately occupied by Mr. J. > Hind, where he is prepared to offer goods at the 3 lowest possible prices for cash. ` ' . xv-& DI . . . . -..n __.1'__-.__: , L- be: bid Yin! 3' our_ " " """" `." .`ia ,`4-I3, ,_ 7,5115 L %Qsi!1i#:Ma;'ez;1 tE;;1i; ;.`c" F 3 .1. pun; kinds PIOST _O FFIvCE, ORILLIA. AU! la- Ilis Bar will be found stocked with cizoiest Liquors, Cigars, &c. " -- _- Large `Rooms, Sheds, and Stabling, with o.tu`=n- tive os_tlex`s cohstuntly on hamd- ' ' _ . ' Orillia; 15th March, 1866. ` . . I fWllE'propriet0r of this ol'd`.esm'blisl1ed Hoteli begs tolnform his u'umerous.friend,s.a.nd the travelling public that;he has'_ rented the above premises where he will attend personally to the \vants_of his guests. ' - . . Private apartments can belmd if required. Tra.vellers and lioarderswill nd ample accom- m0dation_ and every attention paid to their com- fort. ' Y!:_ n.,, .,,-in u . - . - - GROCERIES, -- ACR0CKERY','-' _ HARDWARE, T` . . RE ADY-IAIADE ' cL'o_TH1NjG,' ' ` ` B_oo1's'& sHoEs;&., ;un11.Lm HgI1_sE,un1LL1n. >\v .L_)a Ull uuuu. Pleasure Boats and Vehicles`: during`lh`e summer season for l?ax'1:i accommodation or visitors. ' R ._._.,_.,,.,\.,.,,. . IL. A ...a.. -1. I uuq uccummuua uon or \'ISlt0I`3., _ -- ` .I{x-:1~'r:m:.\jc::s:--Dr. Ardagh, _ Superintendent ` Lunatic j.-\sylnVm, and James Samson, Esq-, 0;'il|ia..7 Orillia, 15th .\l:1rcIx, 1866. _ _1, ,, ` 1- u yu enenk n th. .e'ilh