; AT `n0t1Gws'Bdsveaa.saa:c- . D fv-.?o ry`. 6pvosi.t%:.T.sh9;i1!ezistry 03163?-pgigigs: ? ` V.%H6izs.eho.1d, Ed:-ii.t3r,'9f; ..;vari9'u&,dehct;bxionn Y consumuyonhara A'm%d9,to,ensrLu;Mdons t m a FEnrning;;in.nllm`x' brnnchena qx`u1ov1"wm;: ; V neagngpg and despa'tch_.'_ ; ` .3 i :2 ; t` "~`.:_m uh inn.-s ml \ 1y 7, TI*3I`=i`.L'mc. ELLIOT,` , ._. j 3 -- Enquire at his store, opposiie the R.._H. DIONNELIT, _o1r (rm: QUEENS Uxzvzusxnr xmzum); Te Stock-co11'sisAt;.<;t"_. Aii3EP.'r FOWLIE (Lu: oi. Ton.oN'ro',) _. .. .sfMPLE 'PR1Nc iPLE, AND DR. A_R'1'11UR ARDA GH,i'_ MEMBER ROYAL COLLEGE OF SURGEONS`, ve-ly (1 F ; s.B%Iim% Jxlilimwmu 2`35EN7.'.LI:$xA(TET` T V- 1js,<` ` 4~ 3 -__ . ' six "`e1,'m`sLn1`s,_.`_a;o, "I'he ._-l`5ea'!-= h1d*ci`psI*sa "en: Li;i'-fcsanuia: WI<:>'.sr`~.*,v%%-'=I%`r*=`rsv=; % J < ~=:x-., .~ rr.'-.~,- '.`:a I <. Ilxuugiog Cl uu.vllo'LUI_IIU'o' 3: - .- ' .010}! `.iII *lUG9' ::, ?;` .eux:o.'nz::.'z:'I:` .n.:w.\-. v- ,4-. v -c V`... E ..,;;u .,r;} v I `in ;~: . n: v.'.:... -IMIWARE . ._:-., u;.n. Sm: 'E=lv mu .lYl'II1 `|I|`l1I3I1IlI.!lllIl\ar|.\!!lI4'| .- 1 . . ungu iIiIKq`lB>IlII4l|WV-' l 00|l,1U`III|e|'-,3,` nolpse E:=Furnishiug2;Good,s8hpotiag:aand~'F3ihiiIg~'Ih1ckle,V :Sporting_:.'A-InI_1IuIIi'tio',h`,. Gnrdon?and1-`1v`am .To_olsj,` "i5-intLaveI'`B',!u;-~: '; . I`. * `; "..3n'n.'t..~:Ar.._ih:imnI ` Va!-' 1-I-II-_-.--r:1.':-.=: ,:'4.':: :2.4 ~:. 1HuLDER8,.nnd\C:hii3t%Bud~varc 0o.rpente,rs', := 2` and b$|leI:?ll'eha.i ,- 'l odln,i(Ii1lery:,~ House :=Furishiumruodiahhtinau.nIdiEihiiIu."l5anIIn, = FIRST PRIZE PROVINCIAL.` Exatiztriow; `1`in`-Smith` & Iron-p.a."Le Worker -`I I at the ho`ur o_f 10 `o <:`Yo,c.k_ in {be fol-enoou. =. g _ ' { BASH,4_`R. ROWE, I.` n:__ . 3___.__L2A nu: I, ` .. T V ,_ .,.. ` `O1mc1:-_--Western Assurance ` B/uil`dings,. Church St.1'e'et..-Tornn m. C-W_ uxr'1u:s_- II cauzru _nauun1.lu:u nuuumgs, unurcn Stre'et.,:'1`oronto,_C.W. {Anvgus Morrison -4 .-A - - L- D.A.Sampson 'l`.ur-nr\1>(\ \V,.n......|..... 1o:.n` MORRISON gs; SAMPSON, z_2.q1e1z1s TER S, ~.4 TT(gRNE rs, SOLIICI-TOR s, - " C. ` RUE :1 f February, 1862. M. c". amtmo.z._ n. u`mczm:I_.; ,__-_.-_._ _ __.- wv\JV Office--Church Street, next. door to` the old Cour` . - House, Toronto. ' } B A RRl E% ED NE :5 DA Y, MAY 2, I 866- .3-`L'-3.;:'11:4`?.;'-`f)::i~'i.`( !,.iA'T% :_ia`1:fa`xc1a"*`1`~i;`f`5Fi >7niBizi~:<$`.-.;;'f. -:72;s"'- . .i:~..-:1. .5-'-_-oi-'-r:i:1 a.=E, .':~':_.':': unit `.~'i-V; _ ~ . 'IH:LDER8';.uud t%BuId~Imro;0o,rpenten';_ . . .1 -...-I .Ln....:n'._I....L: m-.'I-:n.;1n-.... 114.".-- .4-_: I. _1 `. CAMERON," McMICHAEL &-, Mc- . MICHAEL, - *` BARRISTERS. % A BARBIE BRANCH BIBLE suclmj | I _E` (30%: _ or REVISION for the above 1 ".Ti'lfo'wuslni yviIl_hol_diI.s first sitting at the v_OouIi'cil Room, 1 1e Village of Orillia, ` { -M0NDA YT*1@e 23rd .2111;-z', 1866,` urg=|uu|ug. LU us-.u.r, anu `a. vegetable garden. . ' .'l`his properly is situated in one; of the most de- sirable and attractive localities in` this section of the Goumyf, and in the immediate vicinity of that justly `fame-_d aud, num.clive"summer resort and walerirug place-Orillia. ` 3 _ `Immediate possession given. \ 'l`i1tle' indisputable. - I For further pm~Licula_rs apply (if by letter, post- 'pn.id).to .lho pr_opri.etor,`or to_ ' . IIIIIAT.-bc_a.util_'nlly situated and. comnlodioiis ' . Cotlmge `on, the Qo_ldwa"ter Road, about .hal a mile from the'>_urieliing Villa'{ze of Orillia, and 'within a few `tninuitesf ym1lc ,of tl1e steamboat" wharf. The lmilding is `owned, by Mr. Martin ' Waldron, nndinfsize is 36 by 24 ff. ` It contains 4 rooms; Hall full length of the house; Kitchen with re-place`; Frost-proof Stoned Cellar; and . is surrounded by ornameixtal shade trees. There.- : is about `I; acres of ground enclosed by fence, on } which there is a good well, 10;: barn and. stable, ` ` outhouses, and a frame buildingiutended for a. 2` shop, together with a splendid young orchardjust < l . ` lwg=Iun|ug_ to bear, and vegetable garden. l. nronertv is sxitnmml in mm nftln. vnnui .i.., Cut idlifferent `sizes for sheep orCattIe. A 3_I_-`fr_ic?e $15.5: 0_rde'rs u1.:gil prg5m f;;_ljvlleyd;.T T J. .13. "WAN. _ . \ _9nge'Sl;ee'_I.,fTo rontoV. mu. .1 nuauxp u1cAr1.-ml ls autborizec orders, and "grants re_(_:eipt.3 for accounts. J.'a:va:m'.r nonmsox. Toronto, Novembey, 18n9;_ - - -_.. - ... y.,......-v- Barrie, Feb. 17, 1362; uumurnunm nun, ;-suc per gnu. Rich, with` `great body- and tr`apspo.rency-highly recom- mended. \ ' - I.ON30N._POR'PER-XX. ?.5c.; xxx, 30c. .Jacl:'son"sSpark|ing Champnigne Ale on draft ~and'in bottles,al.'most of ihg leading hotels in. f the County. H 0 x the cha.mctex_is4ics of the ner sorts,.cou- Iv EBEER, 20c per g"all6n. This Beer possesses all i taips great body, and is warranted not to tum` sour. - ` T ' . ,- _ PALE BI'I"1`ER.ALE, 25 ner~{.mll. Rich, full i avoured-excellent for bottling, or present _use. 300. nur nmll Dink m-:oI.- unmn aawzav f V V > ORILLIA} ' g :JACKSON S L_I_s3 or PRICES. and well adapted for the County trude,and whilch { will be sold at unusually low prices {or cash, or _ marketable produce. 'N,R_:DQQr, "`n!Inn|I Ir r`....1-.._..II A__, ,1 munuuuulu pruuuce. - ,'N.B.-Mes_srs. Turner .1: Cockerell are :1 agent; for the purchase of all kinds of FUR, which the highest price in cash will be given. Rmmrn Ru-idhm Mm-nln 1 In. Imus - - - 15-mus '15.3mo at MESsRs TURNER 3; coc:KERELL, BARRI-E `AGENCY. Mn. THOMAS GRAHAM is authorized to take l'dEl'S. and 'nrnIn rnl-pint: fnuu annnnnon E` All Work` Warrantd . uvuureu-exceIIenI lor bottling, or CHAMPAGNE ALE, 30c gall. Rich, With` rreat bodv- and tmnsnarpm-u_m.,m., ......,....- ._--.. -..- u--aunvyv rnlvv on union will ' Severn.B1-idjze, March 11th, 1866. 1?.7()_1'1`1v`oN 55 _MB 11113171, j 'BARRiS'I`ERS, &c.. _ ' . .Ci:u1-ch Sbu-evet, Toronto. rHI'3RE they keej) contahtly`on_hand a. well ' V solevcbited and_gener9.l _sL'ock of`-` ~ ____ _____ 1 DRYGOOBS, T . ` `J GROCERf;*3',"' `PATENT _'1`I4JR`N rP1_fo1>. HARDWARE, PATENT MEDICINES, &.c., A'Q:.jf.`E'ASY TERMS.- . I fTORONTd: Lomsm? _&' 13dY7`s; %' V _ #V . Barristers and. Attorneys, - SOLICITORS IN CIIJNCEIH , CONVE Y- ./INCERS, 'r.`., - V .Ilnvnnr f`. \V, JOHNIAC. Mc.\IULLEN,V _ Land and General -Agent, - > Orillia. JOHN nnmnn. _;ynship -Elrk. c. nmcmsn. an _ '1`: `This~v`er.y Fenian organization In the- . VUn.iI.edi~Stn.'tes,-what doesiit really prov, ' b`_ut thatvth'eIrish%areAsti|J an alien popufs ; "lg3._tii)iiI,`Vt:_ai,rnVpVd`fbu`t notvsetxlvd in arteri- 'a_ ;`_ Aw/i'ritih"j fqrign hofis a'nd_"f a9spiAra,ti'ons _ i fI1 nh'a_red,',`I)_y ; the`, people among? whom: 3 ,. t.hey,,,li;vAeIT.,H;t,heii; ne_w,~ic0uutry was H their--.tnIe gcountny, .w_m`ldi: ;they1 find}, ~ _lime and: ti1onby=taspare,- in`n e constru-,1`- tign of imaginayy ,P.epnbli'c;s` Beyond ? .4553? ,"!fa?f?. 1#9*."i?5i!'17fulfsi 1 " t`Wg!a`!sin.TwIa!si@!1y ,,b"e ["I1a`,`y'inga"tl`L' 31!-"57'.- .".'PLe*" T l.5?.3'C-Y9f' J:!Ir~f3!!93\f- .5-' .i11'?.* b_6f?x?~ 'It7?1%gcaumgthe;fnc&i,z s.pi)rTi,t,a-a.; .. ;_ai;d-;I:_9nAs_t:i0W; a1haTt:_,-.-bein.g. Irish; they have, .> 1 ;no=-h;op_efql zpxaiqmreer in land of "Q ahcKnpw- ot4i:in`gt,` {andithe`:2r?unlt2hz1d`:`- 1! :-:; V. t, ` 2 H: 1+ ; .5:-.. = : ~, ,._ gfg; .~ r~,- ` ,.._-.-_ .. _.,..... .. ....- . IfI have sinned ngainst.my'conntryr_nen in the Statesyas they are constantly told? by their misleaders, at all events it never was in this base way, ]-may have; given many a sore shake totheir fanciful `and 'grot'mdless self`-satisfaction ; but if the truth, as Ilkngw it, is bitter, orifthe, relish. for it is.destroyed.by a surfeit of; _sl.ir_nulnn_t,s, am .I,ntherefore, to shirk my` ,. duty 2 Iwouldirralber neverraise a pub-- 3lie`voiee, norv.put-a pen to -paper ' again, jthan_.betrayvthiem',and dishonnr myselfbv jn_i$h`a`gi'anAt=de'_ni_a'Is-efthe kriown ti'uth`,` #j1s`.tIg`ti m`r`e t,<=.`t >`_5.z*a'y,3 amp common among s :t;|.1`e,-'9;`wh1Ihe'svbict is; theirown 90- `.';Ii_tn`9n-1ti *{_f1;(;l;lj' `n.l;A.ti1eriea. - ' 1|` __-- 'r.1__:_~_- ___-~ - ---' AXE) . \7VAsHING,I\IAcHmI-: IVIANURACTURBR, BARBIE. ' ulluctll I 5. Luv uuiuruct, me `snake or the mosquito, displaces b,` actual contact preconceived opinions, and substitutes simple realities. I cannot hope that any words of mine should dispel" mental or pmoral'Niag-aras, but the understanding convey conviction, as readily as the sting of an insect" or` the venom ofa rep- tile conveyspain to the body. ` Ofthe erroneous impressionsyexisting in Ireland, alike as to Republican and British America,it must be owned the main source is a want of downright candor on the part ofthe Irish on th`is,,in their communications with their friends `9'a,t'home. To give pleasure instead of ;:ain-to keep up heart and `hope in anxious relatives and frieuds-to dazzle the neighl-iours'--to enjoy a triumph even been made toyappeur better; the middling ofluck,_and even `the best success has been exaggerated beyond bounds. I re- member one of our countrymen in Bus- ton a_.bout twenty years ago writing to his friends that `he. inhabited a four- So, indeed, he did ; he inhabited the cel- lar, and drovea back about `town _at. a quarter a dollar fare ! _ ` ` ' -Yb ? n ` _ must be deranged indeed, to which the _ words of tmth and earnestness cannot e in their ahseiice--the worst fortune has ' lot has been putfed into a prodigious run ` storied house, and drove his own carriage. . GENERAL LADVERTISER. -y. vuu muuutu ruu:rpI7Bte!'. . The chief obstacle to the true tinder- _ standing of the Irish position in America, Republican` or British, which I found last V ,year in Ireland, arose from an excessive attachment `to preconceived opinions. Men who have never seen the sunrise - and set on the Atlantic, much less on - the world beyond,yhad `framedilor them-_ selves a fancy picture of this continent, and were prepared to swear it was" the only true likeness. Their notions were like those of that gifteddaughter of the gifted house ofsheridan, who makes her ` emigrant declaretnat when he reaches America he will sitland sigh away his hours, with closed eyes, in our.` "` grands - old woods. If he did so in some of them`,he wood need to carry aicharm, or he might nd a garter snake about his legs and the mosquitoes about his ears beforehewas seated in the grand old -woods many minutes. In the same way all ourtrans-Atlantic visitors are, at : first sight, "disappointed with Niagara; for stupendous as nature is in that place. i the soaring imagination ofa man over- tops and looks down` on all material grandeur. The cataract, the snake ': ll1nv n1nnnn:l>n A.'....l.-...'.... L - --`-4---` - - -- u Ireland may imagine. Many are silent} Iv: -uv nnlou an LVUTIH America. bill: the minority with whom my views coin-l cide is no.t so small as some here and in ; from a constitutional distaste of contro- versy--man_y from a weak desire for their vown personal ease and trunquility.--l many from downright `disgust of all} things Irish, of a polemicul sort. Butli our minority includes in its numerous ranks, so far 1181 know, all the Catholic _ Bishops, and a vast majority of the Priests of I-rish origin in North Amt.-`l'iCt1 ;. includes a majority of all our well-to do settled agriculturists; our men of "busi- ness,'and prol"ession'ul men ; A includes all A the inuential and. wealthy lrish"Protes- tant population; includes almost "all,-I observe, ofthose who have won on this side the Atlantic any distinction in lit'er- ary or politico-literary pursuits, .The voice of such a minority, not rashly raised, will not; `I am satised, he lightly regarded; and of, this voice, l `dare to assert, I`sh-all be found. in this let- terthel faithful `interpreter. a`|Iinrn'|nInn'n in .\Fl O---A ---~-`*- *1he Irish Position `in British ; and Republican North A America. u:----. BYTIIE HON. THOS. Dnmcy Mo. V GEE MINIS_TE-R_ OF AGRICUL- h.4 ~ TURE..Al'D'EMlG RA'l`ION. V GENTLEMEN: .. T If I venture to address the follow- _'1' the Editors of the Irish Press, `I I ing paragraphs to your atfeution as ai body,-irrespective of the party, I do so in `the fullest condence, that whether you agree with me in part, or in who|e, .or not at all, you` are at least "all equally Eh disposed to give tq a respectful state-i m'ent-, over a responsible name a fair and candid conslderatiun. Tn ...L..o T L..__- A "' vuuulu \4UIlluCll1l:lUno I | -In what I have to say, I own at once! I bear the testimony of a minority only: of the Irish in North America. But . 5 liha nn'r.n:-ilu nyhh ...l-....- ._-. ` .THE WHOLE SECRET OF SUCCESS IN ALL GOVERNMENT. :1 . vwv vvruawvqru U, WDGGI, bl:P6Il.'Tl(/-\'n .' A `VI-s,_1ippose-it will` jbe-a mortal` bence` 1. `against the;vpride.{and..vanit~y of.yo_ur" America-makers, .10 show, on such;nu!ho- 5.-. rity, ied. #0 many .0f l_h9- `Irish--;.in NEW .7 1 York.city.,.`the.head-quartets of xha. two `-': .Remblics, {are still.::ineteg1z`!:tenantry 5` an -depgugent3 5;':thut-theyxdweil in ` 3jj`*'V hidevo('1sA-* (l`,e.-.139, -f sqmet it"nes" six hnn~ 1` 3ghjedffjunder"6ne`i'to9f,{`flu yiqlitiun of ? `I LEW! 9!`. Vde"ny`; EM !'!'!9I*.=:!.i.`)7- Q ....,...,.-_~,~.,.-_M,...c,,.V.\-...,c-N.._\,...=- r Is published Weekly, in.tJ e Town of Barrle,every' WEDNESDAY morning, containing the current news of the du__v,_and all matters pertaining to the a.tf:tirs of the County. Price $1 in advance; or $2.00` if not paid at the time of subscrip- tion. ' 'ADVl~3l'.'I`lSING--.Sl;X lines or under, rstinsertion 50c; each subsequent one l.v2('.. Over six lines, 16 per line, rst insertion; each suhsequen one 4c. Professional or Business Cards $4 per- year; $3 for six months, if not more than ten lines. Specie`. contracts can be made bytbe year, or parts of a. year. `Orders _to discontinue` Advertisements to be made in writing. No paper discontinued until` all :trre:tmges are paid, except at the option of the publisher. PllN'l'l.\ G, Bu0KBINDl.\'G and Rutme done on the` premises. The facilities ofthe `Establishment ` are more complete than any other North of Toronto, having been carefully fitted out in_ every particular. ' ' Communications should be itddresscd to the Pith lisher ost- aid. 'p `.p n nnwtv vv uluu no In uucau wurus: ` It-wilibe noticed`; too, that many of these hideous dens are owned. by ` re- spectable citizens, oicers in banks and I the like, and are let out probably by agents-tl_1ese citizensnever taking the trouhle to look at their p_:operty,tand ut- _ t-erly ijegardless Lwhetiher ,_ tl1eir_ tenants .are,poisoi_1_ed or debauched, or in what way tIteir"houses 3ffe'et the health and morals of the ity; `Surely , if any one sinneeds preaching iigaihst `Hy -gfejslergy `.7it"is'this cruel neglect Qt/- rz'dr; men of." their tenantr.y,- fagid their *zndz[%r`en'_ce ` to _ thiz;depcn:lents; . - i I-1; . T.imn\HneAil`=\z nili-..-.k.-n .m..'.5-l'. Z.n....-'.i - Horrible details are then given of these general statements, and as showing the lrrelwtion which [your unhappy. country- ! men and women who have `fallen into 2 such hopeless servitude lo the devil and 'his agents in the American seaports, bear_torthe_ proprietaty_class-the land- lord `class-'-in such cities as New York, I I quote the 'Tribun'e s next statement, founded on the slime Annual Report, wbichis in"thes Words: ` u1'o_.;.:n r... ..-.e,- 1., . , .u ,. . ~- . u**n".`_" _ ' .Wlnle thus occupied they cannot be made decent or healthy, and those who frequent them are beyond the reiich of `of. the law. reform, except through -the strong arm J _,,___ --.- _. ---_ ...v-.u.-up: From the cln;irnc_t.er of these apart- meuts, their owners and occupants, and _the manner of their use, cleanliness is impossible, and hideous diseases of vari- ous classess and `types are engendered and propagated. .11 TTYI I . Busy In violation of the laws and decency and morality, men, wumen and ch1ldre`u, white and bIack,'wi-lh no regard to the famIly'relati0n,sleep promis.-uously to- gethenexhihitiug less of the impulses ofdeceucy than thebrute "creation. ..-in nunu uuu Allltctctl U)` auto. Into thse ~h_ideousplaces'are packed nightly an average _ol ten persons. to- ` each place, or six hundred in the aggre- n T... ..:-I.{o:,... As` `L- 1_.--_ ,_, I 1 I acuucq. 1118 zrwzme say: , '1he places are chiey in cellars with naked stone or brick walls, damp and decayed qbrs, without beds or bed- ding fit for human beings. They are mainly unventilaled or lighted, except _through the entrance door. In condi- liun they are lthy and disgusting be- yond description,overowing with ver- minand i'nf'estetl by rats. 6: Tnm1k.;m..I.:rl........ ..i......... .;_- ..- -I_- J ..... vlvuvlo vs AVCW l.Ull\, WIHCII I HIKE- in a condensed form from New York Tribuneof January 20th, 1866. iu lhis4 Report. the te'nement_ house population city, chiey inhabited by `our bro- Qflhe Fourth and Sixth Wards of thali `scribed . The Tribune say : ken down poor pepple, are thus [Ude- 'I ha hi-Anna urn nlainu 2... ....`ll.--- uulul yncacul. a parallel. -I described in outline the town Irish, high and low, [making, ,however, many honourahleand required exceptions] in my speech at Wexford, in May 1865. Those whose minds were full ofa fancy America, of course could not admit that twenty years experience enabled and authorized me to describe things as they `are. Of course not ! For us all, too often, Experience is the false, and Ima- gination the true guide. But the edi- tors of the Irish preas will not pooh! pooh! the testimony of the last Animal Report of the Metropolitan Police Com- missioners of New York, which 1 take. in n nnn11nne.:` t`..-..... t........ 1u-.__ `XVWL Pl .l l , , l i. I =! l E i t 1 I l l l 1 service, works ofart. hardly unuu. : ouuu uuu tut: at-sueu, Well'Uf(l9f- ; ed country, Irish. Unfortunately for 3 their own peace, and yours and ours, the former bear the proportion of fully 75 percent. to the whole. Causes, some natural and justifiable enough-astready I ettiployment, for their labor on landing,--~ detained thcmat the great seaports, or d'rcn?Vthern to thefactory and railway _centres. Never in the world s history, were a purely agricultural population so suddenly.-and nnpreparedly converted into mere` town laborers. They did not, indeed, exchange agriculture for arti- cial pursuits, for you cannot well call. mere loading and unloading ships, or porterage, or digging drains, -or domestic But the tens of tlionsands ofthis class who were pea-' sants in Ireland in the Spring. and town laborersin same Summer, threw up to the su'ri'ace, by the_ natural law of their numbers, a small fry oi demagogues and overseers [or bosses] whose interest it never was that they should look to dock and suburb labor as a temporary condition, but to the acquisition and ownership otland as their ultimate ob- ject. Hence this _stangely`contradic- tory result, that a. people who liungered and thirstod for land in Ireland, who struggled for conacre and cabin even to the shedding of blood, that'this_same peoplewlien they reachedia newworld, in` which a d:i_y s wagessaved would pur- chase an acre of wild land in fee, wil- fully concurred, under the lead ofbad ad- visers, to sink into `the condition of a miserable town tenantry, to whose squalor even European seaports can present a parallel. ` `l (inert!-ihnrl in nInI`:nts cl... 4..-..- `l..:.,L Barrie, _Jan . 1, 1862. le feel that whilel their stoma.ch`"are lled their affections are starved in that . hard and last new state ofsociety, that all ` this weak and wiclied yearning after the : {impossible has developed itself in bothl classes, It is on the one part folly; on} the othr putt crime; but it is -human nature after all ; at least it is a. new , Irish American variety of human na- 5 I ture. rnv o . - V -- ' l |vI.Il\4I be drawn, however, between those Of? our countrymen pf whom you hear so` much at home, namelv,' the town, and i what I shall call the setted, well-order 9,; `r..:..1. 1`1'.-n._-.-., . I nnnn I -uv ` ' " ` There is -.1 fundamental distinction to! The ignorance as to the United States in Ireland is only equalled by the ignor- ance as to Canada in the United States There again the great obstacle to the re- ception of truth lies in preconceived "opinions. The demagogical` Irish` lea- ders also,` mariy of whom are glad to -3311}! their o'wn"sons and_daught'ers to be edu"ci1ted?in dur; higher mora'l;utmos- L `pliers, have not '.th'm'oral coiifage, or jrat'_hai the Acor1iiiionp'honest'y`,`_to`tell the- *trn1h"'pul`J'licly" as to" thisebuntry. ' They know, right _\ve_ll they know, -from per"-' ruonalobsentation, that;-the Irish `,hqre is v9ilY=h.igbet;.than..- eater 1.1. ;_'n8 with thri_1._. ` But.th.y__.nd;it more: .pro-_ ftal)'l'esto=_ trade upon impulsive igtporuirce` ` to;ii1_1pg_rt~' nnpalatalile .f_g"s;t.rtt't`ion-.` ` - Our riir_al tinmbers hear an almost iii- verse ratio to the iirlnin, to what the same classes do to each other in the United States. lspeak now.of Canada. lf not quite tlirce-fourths, certainly the large majority of our emigrants in this Province now, liye by land, and own . land. There are at least thirty counties I in Canada where the Irish Catholic vote rangesfrom a lth to a third of the 3 V}/liole c(I>nstlittiency,aiid in most ofthese i the risi Protestants and (latholic were taken altogether, they would form aclear majority of the whole. Persis- te_nt attempts have lieeii made, and greenback; have not been wanting to introduce the pest-of Feiiianisni among our towns people, lint I.ar n proud to say [with the single exception of Toronto] wholly without success.` In Toronto one extreme. is made uuxiliar to the other; Orangeism has been nlade the pretext of Fetiianism, and Feniiiiiisiii is V doing its best to_jusl'ify and ciga-;iiif'y Oraiigeisiii. Even in 'l`or~.mto_ the li_n-- three of sedition are a l1:tt)t.'illl',_ and _tlieir Head Centre a nobody. Mean- wliileitlie great healthliil inass of the V -lrisihv farniers 0_f"i_C1'l|lt1dI].-v-l:t'l8Tcalltlltg pure air and livingpnre livr-s--are llll`-. 'toiiclied`by the infection, tliaiiks to their "own so_trnd s'eiise, to the iiievitalile con`- servatism which springs from property,` and thanks too, yvlieiiever it is required, to the timely warnings of their loyal i"`E e . , r t .,.'., ..-...-V... _\uu ovtlult nu: Hut. 1 alulco we lure all toltl_ in Montreal, men, wo- men,_nnd children, some 27,000 souls- Irish Catholics`. At St. Patrick's,-our 4 principal church, between `the middle lot `Decernlier. and New Year s day-- lthanks mainly to the good Redemptor- ' ist Fathers, 15,000 persons received holy communion, or very nearly every man and women of an age to approach the Blessed Sacrmnent. Since New Ye'ai s `we took up the project of builtlino a St. Patrick s H:1ll,au d during the rstamonth $75,000 of the stock was ,su_bscribed, and above $10,000 of the first 'call promptly paid in! And these are the people, their own flesh and blond [though not of the same spirit], tl.e New York - bloody` sixth ward boys, are coming here to plunder, or, as they call it, to liberate ! Let me gwe you aniillustrution drawn I from this very spot, where 120,000 wit- nesses _can vouch for` what I state. We urn H nll luljl 3.. ?\ l .--I--- ' ua Jul, oLl|ID|.l|lIl.CLl lu tlllill bltiilll. A I say the 1`n'bmze`s description, with some initigations,lioldstrue ofonr poorer people in all the large cities of the States; and the _poor are the majority of the town rlrish, who are 75 per cent. ol- the whole. But this horrible descrip- tion of the New York Tribune does very ' p rarely applied to the kindred poptllatioil in our Provincial cities. Here, fortn- I I nately for themselves and for society at I large, this perverted peasantry have not been concentrated so suddenly, or in such dense masses us in New York, 1305-1 ton, and l hila.delphia. Here, too, the leaders [for our race, like all others, will have leaders] liave geiierally been gen- tlemen. In every British Province the foremost-Irishmen have been ainoiig the first people in the Judiciary, in politics, in coniinerce and in society. This high standing has kept up the standardol the class, while: liappilv for us Uutliolies, the Church in tliese Trot"iiices has always been sufficiently up with the people to preserve its legitimate control of their faith and niorais. We are, however, but a tithe ofoui race in North America, and though we hold our own. respectab- ly andiiiifluentially with the rest of the Provincial population, it can hardly be expected that the example of 400,000 oi tisiii the Provinces can bring about any radical correction in the con 000,000 of Yaiikee Irish. I have great faith, for my part, in our steadily doing, our duty by_our own government, by our fellow-sulijects, and by one another as Irislimcn. 1 tell that we, at all events, have acliieved a home and have a posi- tion to guard; l leel that we are in the right path ; if we go on steadily in that path, good must come ofit, for us and for all. duct of ,4,-_ No , if these be facts--frightful as they' are to conteinplate,-what are we to think of those` irrepressible Wtriots, whose love for Ireland i's so ardent, that ! they are willing to cross the Lakes or g the Atlantic to die for her, while they will not turn their steps aside down one of the dark lanes they pass daily on i their walks where their countrymen and women perish by the huindred,.budy and ;soul ! There is an Ireland enslaved ; 5 there is a battle to be fouglit in the New 5 World ; there is a glorious, redeeming i work to be done for her here ; it is to be' lfotigzlit and wrought in the Fourtli and Sixth Wards of New York, and in every flare city smith of the line, where our laboring population have suddenly been` cent alized, with all their old peasant lizihits stripped rudely off, and no new lhabits of discipline and self-government, [as yet, Substituted in their stead. 1 {Il'\Ii cl..- rn,,:1,,_, ,9- ,1 -ctuuyuuuus, rena ll backwards. You will "be prglly safe if you 'ol;ey'this rule. V `A310 Feliiahism,-it is`3lTg"1 tlio mass, and kddvgtyiin the legddtsy `Wily very `If 5. `7."' Nov. 15, 1864. neagngss nag ueapatcn. `Z: (`-- ' I `I avn'u V, ,,V_ `W, . ,..,.,... ..u_ cu: nu tun. mass that must ,emigra'te'. Tolhuse who can remain in-Ireland I wi |l'only add--be- wars of zle Inlelligenhce from !he`Uni- l,ed,'$utAe,s.A Never was the manuluc- lure of,-.1,lse intelligence catriedglor such 'a_ pitch hdf 'perj`.c_1ion-_-'_if ppa muysayso of ` such'iz`'l;Lisiuess--``-as' `those who make re'migra:hso n aw `rra'ae~=a Ii6ng"`oi1`r `neigh-V bnrs. .-; Eveniy 0l'ilh7y0|i?- sqgboui the Irish repu_blicnu`s, read it baclnimrds. You 'w_m-Le nreuv safe if Von `aha-{chin ml- 44-1!-at 'j:$uh is pl) _]_ lgqve _Io_ say to the. class` that must '1`o7ll1use remain in- Ireland 1`uri"|l'u'n|.o ...l.l 1 - Id That the views I laid before my coun- trymen at home nine months ago, were ,n not mine alone, l-have since had many ,_ a proof from well-informed men, lay and re clerical. But of all which has appeared, 3_ nothing equals In/tlllll)Ol'll.y a recent let- __ ter on this subject from the Arclihislmp " of Halifax to the Lieutenant-Governor of Le 1\.cw Brunswick, which letter you, gen- _ tlemon, have most probably seen and ,_ reproduced. In that letter, with. all Y the weight attaching to his station, his ii age, his powerful talents and sagacious e Judgement, the Archbishop points out the contrast between our two states of society ; and while doing generous jus- h tioe to the United Stntes,asserts fbr these L Provinces, as a home. for lrislinien. a H vcrydccided si_ipei'iority over the 11- e public. Fortliistestiniony against their h talsehoods, Archbisliop Connolly has k been denounced by the Fenian `brother- hood ; an additional proof, it any were wanting, tlzathis views were founded on accurate observation, guided l-y sound irinciples ofjiidgeinent. t V Idid not, when in Ireland, gentlemen, and ldo not iiinv ask you to circulate, these views and arguments in orderto sti- niulate cuiigrntioi`. from lreland to'Britisli America. 1 say now, as `J said then, Vi" let every man who can live at home, stay at borne. Too a high price inx body and soul may be paid for butcher s meat, and the wearing of glazed shoddy. instead of honest trivze. It menjand wo- men too, mnstsell their souls t vthe de- cent, well-dressedidevil, wliwfisets his inau trap at the sliip s side-well, of course they must. l\'oadviee will pro- bably reach those who are ready to l-e so disposed of. But it among those who iuust eiiiigrate somewhere there are some thousands lelt, who are neither drcamers nor dupes. but who can cheer- fully encounter hard work, and joyfully - obey good laws, then let them try Cana- da, or any other part ofBritish America. Soon, with the blessing of God, British America will be one country, with one system ofadministration, and one wide field of enterprise and settlement. Four hundred thousand of your countrymen-- nearly two millions ol your co-religion- isis out of our total four-are here .to guarantee you a fair field anal no'_dis- tavour--=to goarantee"your full civil and religious rights, not in * theory only but in practice, not in nanie but in fact. Come,'you who must emigrate, to us, and join with iisin gbllildlng up for our coni'mon' desc_endants a'{ree, an unsig- gressive,an'd.a prosperous" nation`to the North of the st. Lawrence and the ',I.-,a|. V ' - 3, 4 nvlul IUIJOO The game of mutual deception now played between the Know-Nothing l and the Fenian, is to the spectator, in-_ `terested either in Ireland or America, l utterly disgusting. The shrewd anti- ` Irish Yankee puts the Fenian on the hack--nrges him on to'his own destruc- tion,-and chuckles as he turns aside his head,-at. the verdure of his victim. The Fenian, on his part, who knows his gra- cious pztron to he a liognit to the cure. to be an absolute liaiter of everything Hi- hernian, pretends, in public, to see him a genuine American,a real republican, a gushing lover of the entire Irish race! J`r_\'in:; to deceive each other they fancy they deceive all the rest. of the world ! Quite otherwise. The intelligent Ameri- can rcgaids them both with just as hearty a contempt, as` any Englishman, or Canadian can! He feels that the only practical resiiltofa Fenian invasion of Canada, will he to make repuhlicnnism odious for this generation at least, throughout British America. a He fore- `sees that French Lower Canada, and Protestant Upper Canada, will alike re-V volt against an Irish travesty of Ameri- cunism, which, without the shadow of a pretext, breaks in upon their peacful po- pulations to destroy property in the name ofprogress,and murder unof`Ieiidiiig`lroii- tier settlers, to the cry of Viva la Repu- blique ! nu . .u - - - 'They prefer to let their poor deluded followers believe of Canada what they -have all along taught them, that neither lreedonfgnorjustice, nor, good govern- ment can exist under the British flag. Right well theylknow we have no State Church,-no irresponsible territorial aris- tocracy, no proselytizing schools or col- leges; but they suffer `their dupes to believe that Canada endures all the ills of which Ireland complains. Blinded | by such falsehoods they would dash their ireckless, homeless masses against this peaceful Province, which has done them no wrong, but where alone, in North A merica, their race has always had the fullest recognition. They do not see-- fools that they are !-that they are still playingthe game of the Know-Noth- lugs, who rejoiced two years ago over every hutcher s hill coming up from Vir- ginia, that, at all events, `the War would kill off the d-'--d Irish. There are a few more thousands, it seems ready to he killed` off`. and. your genuine Know-Nothing is quite content the Britishers should do it, so that he is not compromised in his trade or his foreign i relations. III! I . I I And '52 00 if not" paid * in advance. "' No. 18. _ DUNL0;="_1;'1ii:'1`jBKRRIE. _ Coroner far the Couktg/ of_ Simcoc. October 2nd 1860.. .. 1 to 52-v13` 'AND A_GE;\'T, Accountant , Rafa! Estate Auc- J tioncer, Division Court and General Agent, nu I nr :\rn1\n Qmnnnm .n A n'n1'n' FRET-:a's H_.(5_1`EL, DUN-LOP STR~EE'I` BARBIE, DEALER IN srovms Am) GENERAL HARDWARE, 4.. an __1n' , r" ---- V` 1Votarz'ges` Public, Co:n*vcya2zce2-3, . BARRIE, Co. SHICOE, C_.VV. D. ARDAGH. ' .xoiL\' A`. ARDAGH, n._A Il)c Nurtlnru bnaucc _ m-:R-11'.u{nIs0N, T. E. RAWSON, (T. Lmn T`. Ilvx-nu. H FRASER begs to inform` his friends that he . has taken the premises lately occupied by Mr. Sanford, where he vgill be able to accommodate his former patrons. i ` : 39 ..v...~.., .. o1xA::Ll5'a.7rE r'i{x:?i,'1.iii1ix"zl;. R.` T. BAVNTINVG, SiDNEY rMr.mS(ANFORD, ixtsiucss 1'ircrtan_1. TERMS: $1 -per year. 1n advance`; " ` VOL. XV; NEAR THE POST OFFICE. COUN'lfY CLERK, ...`I -L l!_ nnu__ _. r_.., .......u nu nu uuw uucrlug Ill IOW prices. VHe,_has also on `hand a choice assortment of A Ridiqg and Driving Whips, Bits; Lines, `Brvusbea, . Curry Combs, &c. ' - " ` . s, 5%: An - A " (I..'.'r1: G. I] L'N l`K1l,) `m:1-osrrom` _`or fun: Excnaxn, L. .\I., I`\r\ nwinnnrn l\AI BARBIE. Dunno S'mE1c'r, Bnnnm`. ' cn.x:vc z-xmf, Convcytuzcei`-.45, ARDAGH, Attornejs; an n unun ,,... 7 -B uu;1s, C. W. \t\.II4Lv A n. wanna, ILL attend at his Oice, at Barrie, every SATURDAY, from 11 a.m., till 3 p'.m., ac- cording to order of Council and every other day at his oice at Cookstown. ~ ' -u . .- D. cmcw, Pvvnfl. HI`; '1' 1 vm;1smcn. 40-tf` 46.-tf Ii 'p='r}}i.'p'{?2}.'7i.:E.}iEZs"g}.7.`aT;?;; 7";'?.~ Rzmnuwoss :-Hon. D. L. Macphersonc M.L.O.V; :H0Dt-`Jbbnisimpgdi,=M.L:-4:}: H`{lI6\G,0l'Iz,OT3,'_"' .`"3~+. .~1r-~:~.N- :9: r09i!49as'zQr=- .;.P #5? ; J-., .-.Dun.sford.;Esq..`Jl.P. ,_A.n if on son. -' 1,; E=q..;'M.P:P; f; 1*; *0": mi`c`ao`gk; `E 3 d A1`*P_.;j i ""."-`Wu .BrrmIe lu iItr.3I`~' Vn'Mu5:\Y-s Ha::;H|glnS,fgvEg`; uEgigog __ %S:: `V ` ; 3 0-` Wzqeges-.,,13.!9:ks5V:%r,,.,...,,,..- _ I z :: 9,"392:.u!!H5,l5 1Q;'m_,'.f?,.;,~:,.1:*:g.Y? (,2. xv "W V " ' tor `sate -run us uiounues `o_r'm`na|;no 'nna__. ;Simco;;g: ~,::'* ,"/.I".n.:--~-_.,.. 3' ,'7."1_Z`] i;:`i1: ,,_. and promptTremi.ttances.;i;adg;;5; ;:;-Lu ~12: Rrcrmuumn -.._Flnn.. D.'l .. llnnnhpm . I auaggsowgza-as, oanca9.e.; - an I Shnnnozxr-: - , =_}.';+?~.`.3.`?;IN,TA}Y;T..s;.,;;.;;z;;,-=;,; 1 ~I:and and Genemfl:?=gent;, %0%?.`%1<.?E gg;3_19r4'- 9f Mfg. % :1: iANI2`T9!PB0V *4 =foi- s I1e'-Fin `am we -` ` ' .`a1E'.`n' 1 ~ v. . ..1?,,,:IgsiN153.; cggl.t-5 . (`founues-o_F'0?1ax;uo' ndd .a7:u:~_. bssz: x `EDGE UK pBll'UHEg'8. 1 U9 llU3BI'lDFl"`l5 'BlS() ` Is.sUE1%AF[M%&`i?R1AGEI+II?N%$ES=[ 1-.,,s,.1jioi%%xA.;r1i..?' 4 P.S.'-L-`Also /A_g(:'.`1; fCn4I'_ the. P51rlr_ae =p13 nzkuds .,`h MEWS.` P`u??, ,`7i! '9f,.ahinp.i.n.z:8"d Manufggtgrigq Fxg;r..;.f9A;;; vg};ich_ .. x1a,1_.- ~. ' T MARTIN Moon!`-:, Saddle & Harness Make 1',i ntmrnb Qmnvmm Drnnvn ivhic1a'1'ie' win sen git'ixrice_ Lo_'nix19g7'af 9o'..;;",,.,. vauce of 'pnt'rongge.' `The subsc!er_is_*also .__,_ A 7v - _ +,_ , ._;_ _ _'L _'x;_-.-\ ' I111`; 5UUUl'll1UI' VYUUIU Hlllllllilli l.0_lI|S Il'||'5llll!, _ I. and the public generally, than he has opened store in his new preugisea at the . ' assuaasusmE:=s'.l I 'PHE subscribef WONT gtirmate tohis friends, and flu: nnhlin annoy-Anllv than Inn has nnnnnri 9Pos'r on-`Pica, kO F,l:lLLIA.v. i` Goons AT VERYLOW PRICES, IN C-ONSEQUENCE 0F 3sMALL.__ APROFITASA`_`. V - [HEW 80B`S!FE$HBS!I . N.B.-'l`r.-wppers. Hunters, etc., willnd suitable supplies for their bu_siness at low price; for chair. I'\ ans. I : L ___-____ -\l\nL `nun .n 1,, :, T. G. begs to call the attention of the public generally. to the 7 fact that he has commenced business in the premises lately occupied by Mr; J. Hind, where he is prepared to offer goods at the lowest possible pri ces_for cash. ' 54. n|_,-__ _,n _..I -__.__.,,. t_._..._..___I__,_ _L_|_ pill!` "kinds of`. DU'NLOP STREET, BARBIE, _ ._ ; :BEGS to call attention to his Stock of Harness,-: Riding Saddles, Bridles, Cullars, T'ruuksg.g &c., which he is now o'ering at lowprics. HE }`IRQ 0" "'0'". " : " *"` `I. _,__--- __.,..--, I imywj FURS- IUIIH ' His Bur will be found" stocked "with pchoicest Liquors, Cigars, &c. ' Larva Rnnvns: Q31:-R: and Qoalunm I-xv:O"'I nOIun_ . V THE proprietor` of tllislold estiilxlislieil I-Intel ' begs to inform his iiumexous friends and the, travelling public that he has rented the abov premises where he will attend personally to the wautsv of hisguests. ' , . , ' Private [m[`llD. lIlS can be bad if :eqt_1ired.: I'mvellers and. Boarders` will nd umplel accom- modation and every attention paid to thgir com.-A fort. ' ' ' n:_r$_._ ...:n L; 1- ,, ,1` . o ,s ,- ..'u u unquul 3, ulgurs, doc. 7 , Large Rooms, Sheds, and Stabling, with anon- tive usller`s`cons',tanlly on hand". _ ' 1 T Ollia, 1511: March; 1866:. T 12- PO.STOFFlCAE,-OP.`|LL|A . [na1u1aan,unm1a1 n u_) a mu uuuu . Pleasure Boats and Vebicle ahvays oh hand during the summe'r `seasoh for the _coliVeuirnce and accommodation ot visiiors ; L I );-m_...m.n..... n. ' A...I..._|. cv..'......:....._.a..... GROCERIES; . _ cnocxmmr, `, . lVIARD\NABE, . - READY-MAVDAE cLo1*mNu, . " BOOTS}: saoins.-am. gutliuuls. V , , - V Excellent stablingnud an a'.I'Leutive osllec a._I- svays on hand. ` DI............ 0-..- ..`...1 v..I.:..I.._ _1..__;_ -_ :.-_; uua IICUUIIIHIUUH [IUD OI VISIIOTS. 3 ' - REFEIRENCKS :,--Dr. Ardagh, Supepiuteudcnt I Lunatic Asylum, o.ndrJnmes $ zu1sou,Esq.,Uri`lIiu. ` '. Orillia, 151.1; Murch,1866. _ ' 12-ly All work in tlie above line donewith plinctn-' . ahly and on the lowest. terms. . A _ 1 Q _,_ .j:;_?__:., _ I 11113 well known Hotel issituatedu on` the man! giu'of Lake Colicliicliimz, lllid within a_shorl:.| distance of.llie steamboat wharf. ' 13 Good accommodation `for Tra.VellL-rs and, Boarders. * . ` D..--.|...'. _..y.I:,,., ) , .- .- 0rillia,- Fc-.bx`xra'ry 20th, 186$. l?E%%;E$$AA:%%EE1ALJE%?EL% " "' I "" " . . 513' Please call and examine fo_r yourselves. IUKIII ll. \)UU|'CLI \Jlill|l- ` V. N._B.-Any orders left at Mr. J_.` O. .\IcMulln s Land Agency Ollicewill be promptly attended to. n..:n:.. mu. M..`...;1. m`m,~ . . I,_ AND DRAUGHTSMAN. Special attention paid to valuations. RESIDENCE, on Peter Street opposite the Presby- terinn Church, Orillia. Ml-:'_Anu nrtlnrc huff at ur J ` n \r..u..|1. ...`v.. c"OLbV'V'A1'R"s1'REET, omLuA, _At the late residence of"-Dr". Ramsay. .45-lyrb ruvs1s1AN,snmmoN & Accoucunmgj .-\~: - 1Jf0HNf `1\1c3,iiJ;L.;I~:1I.w ' ;' 1`--:"ir! !.>:= Q: -.1' -.`..1 n-_.-...-.1"1l ..`._.- 3 Fax&kevAas, BARRISTER AND.` A1`T0lL\ E\ -AT-LA\V,% V SOLICITORIN CHANCERYV, _ ` Canveyancer, Comrnimbner in B.R., (540,, I 36-tt" 0R_ILLIA,SI.\1COE cg.,c.w.: I A71-{DAG H &, Barristers &% N-B:--Vulu_ati0ns cztrefufly attended `E03 1`-tf ? ARCHITECT 3; CIAVIL ENGIhiEE,! ROBE1 -.'I` 11OSS,.JR., Paowgmeon. GENT for the Honourable Hudson Bay Omn- L puny, will pay the highest cash price for al nds of` , ~ ` PRC)VINC.lAL LAND `SURVEYOR .._D._..- _,__.-- .... V- 1.- J . Orillia, 12th Ma'r_<`:h, 1366.4 Provincial Land `Surveyor, - LAND 8; GENERAL JJGENI, ' ` ORILLIA. ` ORILLIA A DV_EjRTlS.EMAENTS. nomj [S'l`TREET, oRxI.EA', . S. P. POWLEY, Proprietor, THOMAS * (_}'() FFA'l T, F GEO. BALL, CARPENTER, BUILDER,