l;ULLu_`_',U uuxuv auuucnn, ulyaunnvu, la`.-._u Maggie: came out . ' SI1e""stnnjt_d `When! she `saw him', anc1coIoure dj `vxo1e1_1'tI y ~ 1) p to h'_er s`now-\vhiteAtgm.ples.` `V ` " " -- ; `i.A`~ LU lI\.4I ouv :7 vv Ilnvv `VII-`lvuvuv `I ne`Ver",.expet_ed td see f)'*o1i'1`Vl1_e'i,e`;_ ,i sl1e`s-cliid,` l`OiQk-ihjg [$ai'nfull_y' e ixil)`airrais se'il', and ,s peuk'iug ">_\-.*ill1l, {'y';i`g*l:ent.i cedfstfdint;; `Will you start "llbnlj :'1`1;' ohce '!-`-'-tl1'_ atA is` __t_o say if _y,ou are -going hume_. `It \vp1ulcl|1 t`dd for me to he with you_al p'resent.f .,I slmll. take a long wa_lx-\\-ill you `kih`dly' tell Bessie 'so,Aand when I ream) -Lg s|1all_.,go_sNlr,uigl1t tozmy, o{vn mon1, .-it--slie. will ~:leI. `nxealiaveu cup inf 'tea~there. I hope you believe thi1tI ~ would riofleli *'yfuu'-=|"u11"j 1-he leaBf?'risk~for, the \vo_xjlLl._ -'l`hVi1t`W\'*olL il(l l`b`etob` lcrlieli 'f'r:{'y' 6o"'nira1j;'a'1:.0nb`e`. ' ' 5"` ' '7 V _ Willi-;1n1"wz`xs"piqued by _l_\"e,rV't_ra'n_"sp'a.r.v=, e;_1_t.eox'.ts.to. geugvrid of him,;o_.nl.;_escape`i _ his,.:compa.nionsl1ip during 1118: ;.Wal`k; ' home, and he .b_o\ved; t,o-her with great` _ cqldness. nude ;hurri,ed ,a,way..:; Did __she i mean the risk to his lfeart or -to her repmastion -`ls ~It`\va_>cs it strangespeech to ' Lmakg ;`.the speech `'fanf'*ifisolent 1be`auty= whb"' `knew 5her " powei-`, gnd he ver; ' 'th9,ugh_t it ppssille`_thatl' she vsl(1_oiild"s9.'` ; ;\ir`ithb1|t- eoiiqiie{iiig;_'ih.I;Ie'N\rQh :.`m 1ilp 7` obliges! "to. .l.ref}(ux . h,'eK i=ar=.,,l3l,i h,os,v=.;ic A I . `A mild `sigiii to isicihe was int n ;~l{Qs.s. to crmceive. , Qi1l.y.i.t..._\gp,,` barely possi- ; l;l;e4:,_4o'I:1..cg.qnside,1`;1l.iQn,_1ha. .13B.$Sia might L zlmxre`-askedaherio sprure-hirn nn.ac'coun.t ' ?of his relationship` with her* late-hus-i huid; "-4Sli`bll`?:1inll]r*:fh0.d"j,Sl1B `slain . r. w/ah ;h'e rieyes; t}iri't:i p6brttfde1_1_t.,` eojllde f ' not sWll,.1ier itxwannhz iF>r.'.;Bessie s'ak'e 's'li'` `lied. _that V Williumslioinld .-be -;kg:jp1`:_`..",1',s'_I.I;l.ll, ap,3ss_ig - jble Imi-teof-danger-.~; 91!: wasavery: kind~.of ? ,_ fthm both to take dare `of?-'l1im?,but--he; ;w!a's"~uot= n {ra'id1;`not= iri*th'e=least.`1f*1h I` in+,..... ._,_'.2n,.2.I_r.- '-_e-.1 -?_i.`..'.`,-r...'.;... . :F`-`4 .. ...."..;'...' i ,lV" " ""' """""". `fr 1 , '_-.-:r. r . t,gHave:y, seem Maggie anywhere? isaid Besszeiwhci-met hun, at thegentrunde` fd cfbck,*`iidsh`haSn L been home_sit}ce, f.Ih`o"p' 1i`6fH`i1igl"S lia p[5e11ed. _ _t'h`'"1"-eplff, `aim she gave me n. my \vaI lt*, nd would like to h_av`_a ci1'p Aof pap. in~`;he; room when. Smioemes. honhe.? - I'-`| n'ur' nh~}n1'o':=. ! said.Bes.sVi-.. l'lldllght. ;of the garden -.`?``I missed her at/twelve - sagw your Shegwas going for'a~".ldi`1`g; `\V`aS-110; ltg-Ilu, u_uI.: nu. uu:.uc:a.3sf -V rxuu _:Wil.lj`am*)_g;ufgh'ed aloud; as ' _1f 'bjt]1e_ ,mgr_e' fide. w"re"ridicu`1ou$ m thfe :e_:< trhe,tr.;;e',V ` WI ,, _--.. 1|Il_......:.. -_...-.L-;..Q9 VI JuUV!._LyJLf q{y _s).uus:.x.xs5Lu,_ . - ' .BesieLg%a11lll e`shnekA '01 "dismay; ` Mary `Ma " `ts the `isma I`I_ pox !" he 's`aid;`fimli -'gr uw xirhite'as>she`- :sp91;."f Q1; , ,W'ii!x"9WfhqLt_ han.:v.ge aorr 2. .n';_.~',-;_`___ _v2.~a.. ..2.'..x.. .3.` O`\;n'4o\"1\psun -.-.'lsI.l tea ingher room- when, S"6.90II_le$ Home: 7 -i How" strange ! , said Bessne, thought~ {g]|y-.Wha't cun~'sh;e` mean` -1. `But. wlyre did yqy m_q3e,t her 1 " "77_1i"\'\:z_1's`T'c|6se byzthe cg*m_pt1];;o Vidaw._MaYl'19S-00'~$?ogX " "Rni}:_ L in a 1iu1'e`sh`ek'- .`o{ `dis`:`n'av: .VV`ll1U'wmg.v._ anuu vV_'u uu ; V I -`_Sl 1rejw`as singing `to. the poor gm, : 11i'iitt`feEl"Wil}iam to himseif`, in a.- self- ?r1irBachni!i=ton-;}'gnd~ I called her sqarn? Vfiiftindiiiigih, virh _e"n she was-only ing offthf itection for B'essie= "arid '~it1y4_ -V aselrgifai-tryingto~kep;u;rree=om:e: ri sk.1 1v.sh'h7|l' .ne'ver~.forgfvemyeifa? ` ' ` :."1"h.!I.L.'..`f ."`2|:h'AxIi?x:3ur` " .Rnhcb `nnfnlno: l.'8l`l|l IIUVUI lUl3|vw' |n_vauu., _ ~ : '2.-"1 Nb? -`Ieithef ,-'3 Said ` Bessie, catching -a'istAiin3_tly`fthe"-Tejhd `*9!-' his suliloquy. f `I_ ,uitgli_ l`vfb.h'av'6 kpts, a: guard` oni her. I. -'ku'evir" h`ow*,mb. s'h`e' Wa'8,'5sO -that I: had- ,:;o*_x`<:u'$'e.= _:hewsx1' - ciitch rtnsev small-;~ gpoxmhdid-" , and tbiiil-shul!wieverfhave; van'othe,r' hhPPY1nom%`hn*"'V5*? 7` ' 1." . :11`: n':na "ia:3;;nd{':12XXHnu:'inai`a:nlf IlULll|:>l' uupp, luvluwul-0 -- ~:..s Hut Bessie:-A.sa:a;ws1xiani;e. `.8peak;;'ng; 2.I'I1om'=`hdfs_efuH'r Ihanv `he: felt, `sho~ may; not ' jcath-_it.~:aIt6r~.a1l; 2 .d_'c...-p'q:`;- ` tojiave a ,f'6ur . "and can assure his patrons egs to inform t\1e'trsw'e1lihg e has taken that f_'xLvo1-ite old ` s,"which is` being tted osl. tl1oronr_(l1~ manner, at his whole endea-' vorsvill be madagg pmce the 'tablishtnent forc- mustin point of comfrt. und.a.cc modation. n .__z_ r..1.. '9 101.21 BINGIIAX\ . community tlm. Stand, the Queeu s - up and re'n0v:nte`d in the seem w.!!a.V.=.w y. war,-. . sba`aa"s tic'> t-"l.t'1'fc5i$" \`\v}ii:`;tTfe2_;:r is,` th`_:it ._s m1r ~":'=~ `-j*`s,%-=1 amt hie`-'i_isi6r-iii e;`1gg;1`~;13gsgi_e,= znolirlni-_ g `b Lgoxnwgarn;_,::'1;. `Vim??? 3hefi*?i1' s a*%`?`irsA*w Lt?-skim" 6 ..__.'_..._.'.__..L Bgsfsi_e iwa's V301-king -ner.se1rv~in:m-av .= ; pai1'ifn`l.de'g:ree"of egtcilemen nd s`1'f*`re- = 3,_pr`oac_|i.1`One=Aming1-teshe ~\Il;`s"'6r nm-* I 1 pia'.'g1to: the-`cttage `='ane`r `-N_1ggie,~ `cu: { though. William had told her repeatedly - that%`her1*frind'=`wa's ~no -- -lot'ig'5r' mete. ' .wm....:.:`.z.~..'. .-u..~.n. ... .:. n..a.u .1.-.m.mzm`hl!.m mat `'ner;"1nenn= was -A no --wager ~ e_m.-us. g 7I`hefr'3sheieE|dfedI that; she` `-1w6u'ld! go :1n'd='iseft'r`ch% it 'he'l -'(m=tei = ihillhl `This sciremyvrilliamf `am -`pmtgdd- tto"1-c- limq~-I`isl1'and= z6rn`ai`n q1h etfy`5 hti Home, ,|_mt ;ahe `wandered rstI,ssiy1in`.rahd'-`dut 5 `thevhonseialf th.e'eveniuga'* 1 " `A3 ;; _ ` .` , . ' : `S6011 -anew niue;o o15ok' they: `Heard Va tepiou the path ontsicle-`-`-a` cuu'tiousvste`p,' axiottsly-disguised; But? Bass`ie"ikn`e`w' I it-well.-'-wSh`e :rushed- out and) as Maggie I `opened {the dourrsljg felginto'het=-f:eqd s' ' arms. ' . ` ..ru :11` ' .. .. ,, `..A'3_lA4 . __._A 1.1. ` anms.., - . ~ .v "_<' 1: H xv- ._-gob, Maggxe,= `my3arIiug`,-':myeda r`-`- ' lingzlhxolaimed Bessie subbing; ` What _h:we;you9ben<~'d6iqg1?+ . ' >1 1.` .M|1 }'.c|It J '1`1nn`n `I'I1nIl'3Ik'A- ll;;f.` .70- nu vu.,'uu -uquu " I.IIJIl[B"I' " 7 '-.` vMy.'d-uty`. I ':.i1op'ewas'jth"e quft-' -re- ' ply-:':`Buts .WiH1an1,.~iasfh e` pressed for- ' ward tb touch her-hand, fanciedimhtv heft * (ace:shon{e7 as tlid fdhe`6fn~ angiel.'~+ He t"o'ok?iwitheager- veniwtion t'|1e-sufw-'< - ge?rs"Iso:fratrk}y gave him`, andthis eyes: I btImmedi-*with- tgurs as he - Begum to Wrfiz; c1: t.'1liinI:; %.,e%y(,.,;..se1;yo,.% : Jshduld think ufothersyllf said, -' 3:Your` 'lifei!val(Iabl to n~gr-atsnmnY. : ` - *- '\`c' 7 . ~ C `y\Tn. n-nlu. 16;. thin .`:Ls'nu `Xneca.I1a'rn.' IIIU I-Vl.LII|II|PlC '$\l l.l'3IK.'a'IlIlllI n ` said` Maggie;1sorrowfuHy9.' M Didn t ' you lknow that I'was=an V0rphdn`~% -'2 " ` T "No, .011!-yV=fb` this -`de'ar_ Bessie vhere,-`. . - `Ralf-1vn;` Inn-no *5`.-3n'nJu .a-u~"rnrInHnnu ` l\_ll\" V lllllln L VV`C-IUIIII \/I l'IIllll' ' _ ' M -`;But*-yoii have `friergds -aiidtrsiatives to'whom'yon uwonld answerable`! it you? needlessiy `endangered. you.r- life`. : ' '1'! If u-an hid .n`nn;aan`\v ,"xu`l:f"`.l`f'lI';Q J UH` IICCI-lII.?Ol V UllllGIl'%C'ICll' 'J'V|l.I' IIIUI . . :"!1t..-.v'r: xs not \n`eed|essly,"'s:`1idMaggie, with "a1.-sweet, -.Tso{E smile.x 4` The` poor M girl was.in_sinch 5suIfer.ing,Lnnd: so `deso-. '-;;I :'._~_: I` I V .'r, `'2 1.". : -I I I.'. :1 I. 0 . ,_,. ,1 ICIIUQJA` _... !:=..lxi~i -v, ` - -'-. . _ s '.9!Shta" lids: -her :_-n_)gthe`r, -1 interrupted LBessie.*: [7 ' V1...` 6 .- 5; ' 3 ~;`-: 7:` B11:ts11ej`i`Abt1`t uf \\o`('l fl1p`_"grate}- part of th'e'ay',"*snid" Maggie`, Sh ? 'c2_1_xj a'or to stay at home l`ess,_thaf ve_r , now,"`h*r vdunghter`beirig`sI'ch, ah" "x- p'eSe so hr. Oh, Bessie y _n 'sh6ixld`r'1 t 5563 7ki`ssc'-d `me 2 -she `sii_d<'1enly'adde`d.'_ `.`I'f:\'vzgnte <]"to skep out bfyout,way. I 'as ked =N.Ir.` `G:`1 rdiher' "t_b`,'tel'| }'_0l:l1 {th': 1t;I shand-go straiglmto ri1y*r`6um`~=whi&i` '1 '1-Eli: rib 0 u"`IIu 69 Wlu|sII? ff`, |!l, `KI -WILL VVIIVII -I rttqrnd. _ .3" _ _ ,3 A j'Btit'\`;ou slmn t, said. ?Bs'sie, VtigHn- mg. `1';.'_x_` `hjold "d<:s po"`all`y`. 315 you. 1 with your "yquth, nnd"b'ea1ntY.a tire`not ' amlidj, w'hv's1rquld 1 `b .2 No,IM;xggie3 you Shall hzive your t`e_a down-stairs. wj_lh nan ~WiI|?b nh'|1 ncninish {( `in Iran H111- _VUll Syllll IIKIVU yUlll', l.e_d. U,U\\ l_L`Sll1If_3, \\ }_l|l n_'`..' Wil[ieicfz1Tl1 escape jf he,l_i,lgs,,ai1d tq`moi:ro_\'v vvewf Mayne t1`vgetl1erV. ~" . 4 _ (,`.Np,3v.e wqn_. t,` sriid l\'laggi:. filimly. `,, I.`_henjI will go" alone, `said ..Bessie, m_ ;1~.to,ne..o'f` great. d_ecIsiun. ` Come. I\1iss,Mg1ggic, you sha.n t`have . this good \vo rk alllo yorself. "Now,-`_Wi|lie,`go will go . rind ,e`ml\f.z;1y into, lh_G ,fullillg-_lfQQl'Q,}\D,;V]]lV6` your tga t]}_re,;:3'91I. are notla \n{ea,l;rg;.uded,, Qqjx_'qtic;crea_t'1Ig, Vlifke , this, pc1,0;}`lyI__eI_ggie 95., tn.in.e._ km .-a Ym-.-vg man _'-1>6gium.n.gv |i;fg..wiIh ' great 312099. undA;b9si<.les~-..'ywI ' ia|fe.I.;l1_e_ just of ymgg _m_ql1ef;,9Igil_drenJ t.he_refor'e,I forbid gypu .; tqzrnii ,th_e Al.ea',sI r(Irkfr.r.I1nrcnlra hnll` vnnr nun-i` `viii 'I.|\_a: I.A|}n\au' , ' .5... v. 7. _ "':_.'. "e' "~ ._`Bess1eW;\vns, ve-yly :mpul_s.:`\-e,: certamly, I hifi:.'.he`d.id( 1303;" qw,e,l;is .,ki,ss..eulitely to egqggl. ._ga_nlfim<`2(1Tt.s",`_ 711$ lggke/ d .s3.|ike ;hqr,,'ehl!l*aIxd at 3119 II?9men.;~.t1*a1?lh ' |itl..,W.' 9}FY1 .h.ea rt .'w*a.r5rnedI townrrls him` in 0. why iiad iie)v'r' d_Qne- ]}e('un;e :; -and :4 wpgnen, are T 50 '.epnsl';tL1ted _ thqt. when, their hemfts warm, _.!o\van:dsgy;ou, their like to embmice you if they can nd 1.RYfd_9.13} *2l`99.`4:i!.:'j.'. :;'?";':r.f". Tlmn navf |nnr|'1"I-tn Q4-uuhau Mann, ||`l\4L`Ul Il\-l ou|I\a_ uI u:. VIII V111 Ila -l[;`l`|I: ypu ,Ob_e-y.,me_', sir .'!. A + . v ; H.,,... V: No, ; s`aid _Wiih fn,5'taclil}: I = "".'I`I1e`r`f you araawdeur old fel]9W,. ,. `Sa._Hid-B1SSie,,; and -,n'mde_a daft a_i him, cg:/ugh1,_h.i1bn byfhe neck, _a_nd gave him an '2:nrget.ic _ks..s.s .M9ggis:..,1{wghfInga1J . ,,o'f0. ' -t}1i`..ti`r1`1_(e ,`;_ 4 : ` _ -A v. _ _v ".. - r.: ' V nemn um: up-rv Imnhlaix-A vnnrhznnlv tl;1.e_i'if"<')Vrf,,I` forlyicf ydu Is ): um. [ea'_,sIA riskfpr. her sake. an'd,..your Qyvn, W..i`lL vnn r}ho.ir mn, gir T ' A 4. -- ,- _Tl,1_a_, next ;nor'ipg_ Stanley New`- fciitiie " `over _ with h i:s";f1ulh'5er"t'o `call: upon `Miss3Ma;r'sde'n`. ~1\`IIeg, Nw'co"me` wasa4goo.!- specimen ofh_e`(':'ou my fady . lauu gm \_.s`\guv`nn`:- szevsuoy ?$}I. was , fllssy.:~;ir1d:ir.M1cirtaI5t, had `a ' ;8.r9n,d :.n_!w4=..:9, lost` ozn ;&9P nmnivprv nntrnnimntf tn` vnnnn-,' nannln ,apg-_-e-:.~e;-vrrv:-.31-., -w -exw W9.-1-1:'~--.~'w wa,;.,ve.fy, ,-1*=1tr<*rI..i.$`i.*v'LVs',.,tT - iiwn I . ;80P`- . di strn31itea he i c`l`1:ii'i'Li4_`:% " tea`&3d.`sly,' =nnd conscientiouslyl b'l'WVi`!$`~'1i`.re1f to Theth_e first laily.ilk;.1h'p?di1nd44=afle;5 lien: . | . Gsacious Majesty t`,h;Q1Ien'f--q. jig-.;::,. 9 As a i-nln .1\.'Trn ~:'K[nnun's.-`nan '1-.3.` can ` H`-,---.v-.-I-.-2 new \-or-a`: I--.m-:'41..|I.v.-'-I.I'-'- . :As at r*'}.<`;';.',*`Tr\8_sA-,.% wsvge opi'n`io'1'1 6f pretty;(g:iz?ls (:5. hr :6 -daughters xve_re hupglesgly. lg1in)`;: -when`she*b-ad: *hajr d ~'from_~ '.'s'i 3 rut.-- xm _.....l,-..; ~__.-.._|j_L_ __ _ ,. ,_ , w uuu Buy uuu ucuur uvul ucimv tuux Miss N[aI'$dEl]'-_w0llld 'hnve.'an iu{xea1ci_tn'1- be;-ed iI1gome_q .._Q`gen. h.undred g-year: directly she, cam_o[;Jgge,;sheA gxpresed Aheif r;1ptui'Ou% g'dtn}fntiui) bf Ma gg_i_e in 9. 7 ve'ry audiblt': asmi _ l Mm `lIna'r"!M'I` .`- l!}ul'oc:u-i- 33:41`-an:r"' T`J0Hl4I7:E`V- Dmes, ACCOUNTANT, COLLECTOR; CON VEYANCER; I2\'SUR..VCE, L./IND 5- GENER./IL ./YGENT, COMMISSION SR IN .B.R_.. 'c.,`.- BRADFORD. . A',_-run Io.-.42 ` | , V 3| I I-IIIKJ IIIIIJ aIIIc I '1 My,,dear"-`Mr. *`G1`irci1er, s=he`said; vv"11aty11`clIarrg1ing ypgmg person !-~su' `3'.='-Y ;: 49%; a.ris99crAtiq:Iaqking .! You 3 kgqxv hgw i_i:(`.`..l`l~l`f;`Is_;,.)__f]) lo _}1!c7qse, iugd y ef' "I-'a1ssthf_"`y'Bu' `I" tHink hit 21,, v'er y c`h':irri5ih'g` "fif6h`J' `Stanl ` up`- * pears`q;vi1e.. smitten=gwithy her; 11 ven t yomno1~ied:it 1; zjadeclpu-,e. be absolute- ly ravedjahout`-s her` ~.h_'ai.r;e_'and: eyes ; and the_rgj1'.l`s .\3_.yT,t%hey4q;p._q]most .si_<;k "of , Miss *Miarde`1f)ut'it'i `<'J`1`1l y5`1l1fe`ir '_$k_e, '_ ofVcoAurs'e;tl'1ey `wouldn t `be 0' vxf1lga'r . as$9peuk.ix1.e.arnea*.. . . ;-.;:.- 4. In:- :$n'nfl`;nI|I'I`\u`O' aha In-pal lllllil.-`;lLI:I\I1Q N 2' tY,'`;J 3:,.h .W`!"'"f!f `."`r "`""!' jrou must comer auJ"spendAVA9:':iu|1g dgy ` wilh us 2 !i.1Y,, girllfsglre. Ad.yiu'g"'1o Lkhoiiv E inorqqf yjo!,I,,;;}11n;1`(`&j1)2:\3sgid,;to;nelthe ; ver`r""`las:t 't_} ng"A_` Q" m`:i; 'rii'fv you Tma_ke:V'Ma'`Mqt ' era '7;iti;1*ae'~`to`comb_to % sis; and:do t'.-ihb ".:anli`sex1;1;htii~ aha has ` ` ..9nI1.9..i;:t9da9sdI+!s.;%.nfh9ngweSba1%|know A 3.19%; =.an?t 89'*1t.: Qff1.t:rS{1i*?`% .i= so 1`im- `msmpav ~ 2 % V = V` `:1 `;:Z3*'r;`Iijc`} no . 6 'l.|'PV|l\.ut mauuvuu. . . 2 ~F.O!IgB! Lin g. that-. she,had .m_ad9: Serious imgmtatipnsmpoo .- her .damghter s vera- city, WJ1lI=h. .Bessie, .kuowjng. lhem: s well; mighxhg` inh'n`edJo;qndare, Mrs. N SWDOUIG. . Jt8.~.hlg ..curls; and Sidld` t53.\V&IdiM8 i?Ellhir~. :9: ` `MW: :4,-%s.t.:;M}`_L*A '.r9#199.-%;$i3a;$saidg `must-camwn`. spent gimzgmf "I l3I' i. = N6w;`;xng%*` 15$: :biu"_`u{s3;m3u{si;e ! 1`4NGpANlJ, 11 . LvL., DUNLOP S'l`REE'[`, 1:.-umwz. - Coroner for the County of Simcoc. October 2nd 1860. - . 1 my ammh mm.` W .Se1iga:actxnally.`had said" to her"mot_h er -was," she-hated` Miss. Marsden, she ~was-'so:*vainr But-Mfs; - Newcome was {ra1h e`r clever at iniientihg` these little ' `ep`eeches"_forhedatjghters;. and as her 'inevitatjonsVwere always, more amiable ' than [anything that came fr m hem` ' 1naVt_m'a}lye,;some yeqp_!e_,coni efef hex` hanjdly to blame. Maggie had spent a . day at Derwent Hnll,nnd as Selina was ' gnot sos iI11pu_lsive; on thin. occasion, I .Muggie came to the oliclusion that she had not .su_ddenlylehanged hen` chafaicter : `upon such a small_ inducement. She ' Iuhswered Mrs.`Newcome_ politely`; bu't, `Ito Stan1ey s'despair,' she refused her ib- ' `xvitution for the present. 2 . mtonninla hmunu I-mu] arm-nlv nitrnr-.19.] . 'xv_uauon-Io: me presem. 1 I ! r . Maggie s __uty h real y attracte. zlstanley, _tq*l;?:ti`;h i_s_I:i he never =`tlio1igli1/nliit-heI;_m cg: ; but then he -did n'o~~ka_,ejw-r.j_t value so; well: as his 3 . 'mot_he`r:i. d`id.:e"7f-.I?pI,is,:<.1_ii ,Ilier. made him` -a I zlihizmi llawaegigiid;il;g_hever struck ' him that Mr. N,ewicom7-would like to have been spared the necessity. especi- ally _'n9p\\4{ th:;t_ elgperience had taiught. r: :hinj t,,lfa_"tjif';vei'. his -lajnzhteisi were to ;be 1hl`lISt"dl'Z)\Vlk'fl`)>'b(.).(]yrS ithrdat, they `wmnst be_highly gildeil. Therelm-e, if _ rstanley could ha'.ve:ma1"ried.-n .r.ic.h wife, his-allowance could have been put by to : swell his.,sisters dowries.' But Stanley > .had .nev'e"r had tiithinli 'ol'any one but . V himself ever'since he .'was*b0rn,'uI1d he found this system too plealsant :0 care to make any effort to generalise his sympa- thies. _ He didn t dislikes his sisters partieularly, but he meant to take'care ofihiripself, and ifit wasn t `agreeable to .them, why he couldn't help it, that was . all. He'- was more weak.-minded `than anything else, and .bei,ng_'-an; only son ` and. heir, the world had spoilt him a liittl- `um in l\Tncirrie s cns he was fagi, -nVe_tr,V Elle ,_wonu uaq spunt. mu; :1. liittle. _ `Biit; in Maggie s case he was perfctly"_'sincerfihdtlglit` her. very lidttutifnl and very c|ev'er,'-and although hetlfortunenwould not lie a disadvantage, he wou,l_d._,have adn1ired.lier quite as much ifshe had had nothjng atull. He backed ` "his inolher"s .- invitation with great. uency and earnestness. He "prayed Miss Marsden _not to be so cruel asto, deprive them -all at,_Derwent of the.sun'light of her presence. He grew ulniost poetical, but Maggie was ob-i _dum1'e. One glimpse of'the Dertvent ~housho'ld had Vscareil` her out of all pos- ` sible. desire for anolhcr view. The daughters ivere qtiaiqrelsoine, Mr. New- come` \\fas___formal and pompous, Mrs. Newcorne "'pat_roni.iug and insincere, 1 , andpoor Stanley, he was not -a villain, 7 certainly; but he. was an infinite bore. So that Maggie thought she should rather he `excused from meeting them again just yet-, and would not. succumb to any o_f`tlife `inducements held out. _A.`t last Mrs; `Ne\'vcon1e gave up the case in despair, and uttering her-false` cmjlslplayally, declared. that she should send Stanley and one of the girls in 9.` ' dayoi`t'\\'zo to see if Miss Marsd en"had I "got over her obduracy.` Then sheivent , away, Stanley io`llowing, sighing, in | Iver wake. When they were out ol'sight,. = B_essig- proposed ,l1lai.vlh )' vgshould put. on th'e1'r things and`g_o and see poor Marys Mayne. <~m.\7.-.9 . ..;.:.a '-rm......':.. 3 I" la-sun nnitn. never trust. you out. 01 my sign: ugauu. Maggiesiniled, and here `the conver- 'sation drdpped ';=bm Bessie did literally keep an anxious gnagd-L over ;her friend {q1j.t_he l'imuje_.,._Sl1e had another. guoler 3 besides. L `Will`.iamVGardiner, under vari- ~ous pretxts',7'f`reqiIented' their sitting- 'fr'qom exclusively; and. he ucompanietl f tl_1Qu1:._i,I1tll`their-_ walks. , Maggie wsis infqt sojsjlent` n9\\.: .,Some.idnys she wduld s'_a`r.1_1_`i\rer3'I d'i1ll. ,ny1d,lir'ed, but bn 'p'li'ets lie iavciiild b fulliiof animation Igindfarchness, delighting holly her*com-' - '-~`pani_5n9. by-l1.er lu'.illia'n1f..sa`llies`. and gar. -`u_q1_:in'g,up het:_qv_ver9, and lling .l_i_er, ;sAkiftsl_Vwith daisie$.t_;m]_ b_uueroup_'s, after : tfi"1`:irii1e'r'oicli`ild"iv_lio`is come out .:,ftT9I`1iz'. 1il':a21l+.:`xnt9~lioIi82':ii`.".~` ='>- = * .= W17 .-u|z`_'..-.'__.._..~.`.'." ....u.l.A;.;l; ".......L;. -12.3-2` ".N<)`,"\shid "Maggie, I have qmtev decided` not_ togoo-ay. .~-` - -r .- I . 1 ' _ !IT1_.__3- (1.- GGCIUBG l'lUL` l0tg0 LU-Ullya .Iam].glad to hear it,? said Bessie. ` In. 'deed;1h__erjisVjno necessity for your going now :2 have hired a`-nurse for her this mominw, and oiik has orders to pfepare .this"eveni ng. She `will be perfectly-well cared: for ivithout any risk.to. you. .In any case I tellyon, u_nd.you know _Mug- giga, a[ter_myIAr,ece1)t experiences, I shall both`j`:y and'b`i-o"1" to l)e-taken therei nev.er`t`rust_ you out of my sight again. Mnn:n`b|1;:`nH: Jul-:3 Inn :-n `H11: nnnvnr- ~ "" `r--"".'"'. .And=so,,.the day passed on. "Stanley 'bN.gw`come had come again, and had_ sVtay'e;Vd `so `long, `paying Maggie such ` mx'xrl':'e:cl`atte`rrtiori`,"tliat William was with 1 ;diicn'lt7y"l1eld `back from` driving him siolit ofth'earoom`-withi4more haste than - ceremony,-a.iv As it was, he gave vent to I his ,.,f` in soaaauy - repetitions of ,`:'(!0_l])l')0l|n(_l'!_(3` puppy that" had Stanley l.b'ee{ii"le.s`s`ialisorbed he must inevitably 6` lvn * brought `to understand in gt wl1 atIa`%liivv_.!estimation.ha was ' held by` '"80t|'0e;_mmb;8A.of;V;t;hqparty ; but this i_ atjoxg _;Wng `s,pa.r_ed him, and he I "?`198.`."_ .l~,5l?:l-1'54 ;!31??l'..5Y:,89`;1' iP`F5 9" L .i iida..1vp"on;j`5hllfin6.`tiibrebver hadotiiy to f 5 =agl;`liIis*Mat6n-;t 4:69 ali.'3`3_'-`grt1`te-1'11"!-_*i; l. 3" ' J a .. , . 08p :6 y:.. ,. " I`o c >O(oc--ClVm'rch Street, n'xt door to the old Court House, Toronto. )1. c. cmnnou. D. M'm<;HuI.. ' C. l(.'MlCHAEI{. February, 1862. ' ' L av: v-luau...-..-.- ..-...-.. - ?Willian1'grewM- rhoYe und; more fasci- :nated~and enchained-every day. He he- gun to think now ~t4ha,t/I\ luggie s `beauty 1`-xgas, the lens; ofhe; ehnrms. He came *?t"$vdrship'ljer iri ,a"bliud way, whic f'a'c1e mm absblnteiy n slave: but if she fnoticed-h3sA`infat>n'at_i(m she` nevcr,by word Q;,=look_permi1;ed him. to see that she did. :She,1;ated hj_1l). W:1'll1 slsteyly frankness, acp'ted _all_l1 i`s."o'ers `of `service, with` ;:g8iJw1"[iQQOUS'pibeSS; arid hugvmented` !Ii]a.sin'fot'ar'f'o1d,simply` by ignoring ltignsleqxees ` . . . I - A-.. ' A .L.- 0].... . .`-I... 4......) '.-.n .Q|....l..-'. .ucpI.uu.~_ :2 1 ,That j..v';'ning i1,`1va`47tl.1'I:3_e'frier1'ds at to_- gelhernt tbe_6_Ipen window lopkipg out ";[:ntly at the" night. A sok-`mu still- sjeI'ne_d tQ ' b'mod' 'bv_er the " little . r group. Mag`gie s hand was tight-clasp-" ed in Besi'e s and eyfery now. and` then` "; she lieil yer beautiful `eyes `tltliilf to W,illinm} s fade,` ind bluglled to ` her glance met each time, and retu'tI'1'ed,'_ with passionate ihtereat. It M11 but a lull before `the -temp`estx'-. Tlld giant 1 storm kmg waslsucking in his breilth for 3 9, louder wail ofanger arid m`iglm_ lmq ' V few` minutes the people, who thohght` ; lhemselves so secure, would be shakin " under his fury, and praying on bepdes kneeslor their very life. . . T 1 . _ ,, The little clock on the mantlepieoem _n_.__l_ A-.- -....... .'l:..o:....al.. In. {La unnnuft J ne.m.uu uluun uu 111.9 suauuvynuuu. |.' `struck ten -very distmctly, for the room--'4 \'v_a so quiet. Then Bessie stepped for-f '_' ward to` look `into Maggxe s face. ' ` * . L1... '-.;-.. .:....;r.. 5'... km! 19 c (`'nmn"9A u'1`." ward to1ooK_m_w Maggie's IuW- V_ A ` Afe 'y_`o'u ready for bed '9 Come .y{>u,' ` `lazy c,hilU, Iisee you ha`.V)'e b'eel'!.aSlgiep_ . `already. T "11...- 1 2' ....;.'1 ~.u...m't..1 aannin Imp ` a1r_e/nay. ' , . . . ` Have I 1 said Maggie} (`>'[3'tanin'g' . hen` large, languid eyes, and regardihg theni yam xgith wistful eafnlness ;` I think _....: .. H UUI-ll \VIlII \VlD|. I `Bessie I1, J 13335161 Her beantiinl Bend fell on I6 chair with a dull, heavy sound, and her slnder `ngers becmme hard clendid: , K A ninoa nf uynlnr .1`;rnr\fl\I, RAI- sienuer nngers uecame nuru cwucugu. ` 9 A glass of water, directly, said, Bea- sie, speaking with `outward coolness. whilsvlxer hear sank within her-;~|I: ddresny she is a little in over-fatigued.`-' uI;n:...... .I....a.,A ..mm- an!` in 1: mi`: uurcauy Slit: ls ll. Hun: Ill vvuu-nuusuuuo William darted u_way, and in a mi`-5 ` mite he returned with the water in hi?" ' hand and :1 bottle of scent he had stint- ched o'Be:sie s toilet-table. For a 1:111 hour Maggie remained insensible, then . she suddenly opened her eyes upon them both and smiled. ' ' Are you better 2 inquired Bessie ati-' - xionsly. ` I` don t know, she relied ; ` I think, 1 must be very tired ; all my limbs aehd 1 so terribly,and my head throhs natfit w_ould burst. I had better go to bed at CAMERON, MoMICHAEfT &*T7T1\xJ .,MICHA_EL, . " *'f:{>BARRIsTERs.` ' w_quIa 1 ` once. - New .Gmmzn.-Of what gender is Thomas T asked 2. teacher ofa grammar class Thomas _is of lhe masculine gen- der, replied his pupil; Of what gen- is'Snsan 1 continued the crinuiin gender, of course, was the quick reply. 1.- l'_.___.I aL_A ALA 7.! of the quick reply. , l It has recgntly been found that (lid uslmles of ilfhlotls clay overlying the lironstone ( posits of the Yorkshire lmoors in thelnorth riding can be made Ito produce xxfminernl oil, similar to pc- I troleum,` at cost of 6d. per gallon. in , 1r_,,I_ __ `L. 1241; : ' LIUICUIII, ul. uual. U1 uun ycl suuvuu BIRTI-I--I[}' New York, on the_15tl1.' instant, Mrs".-,_ Jemima Day, -of twin:--3. son gmdl dauVnter.--` Well, well, ex-` lcluimed Mrs. Partington. after reading the above announcement, ` there if A no telling what a heap of trouble at Day may bring forth. fI'-,' ,, _-_._ 11 `I ____ nalism is rapidly becoming the great profcssmn. - In some of the rHral"to_wnr men are badly paid, but thexe is ho wti3 ter Vofmnrked ability in New York who cannot cotnnlalnq t. least ve thousand dollarsu year. . v I , A |'"7E:.Z1iiZ}'ir}$}i; Citizen says-- .10...- I ., .._ ._ .4 AN IRRESISTIBLE APPEAL.--A young widow, who had married an old man,` was for ever speaking of my rs! hiss -VT band. The second husband, nf last, gently remonstratcd. I expect, said the young wife, ponting, you ll want me to remember you when you are-dead and gone. - r\ .9 11 rv I, 011,, 4, uuu guuc. ' -. . H -Rev.o `J. P. Cook, of `he French Wed- ieynn Conference, who was at the Illi- nois Sunday School Anniversary, told an`une`cdote of a little boy, whom His minister` asked among other questions.` ` Does not the deyiitell `you you are` not a. christifm! Yes, sometimesft ` Well, what do you say `P ` I tell him" nnsweredihe boy,` that whelhex I am or not, is none of his business. 1-\ :-u `I .0 ,1 ._ V. ..v-, ._.. ---_.- V. ..V- .. _ __ Dr. Chalmers was no exception to the saying that a prophet is not without honor save among his countrymen. When heipreahed in London his own hrother.James, never went to hear him. One day at the`co'ee house which he frequented, the brother -was asked by one who was ignorant of the relationship if he had heard this wonderful country`. man and namesake of his`! ` Yes, said `James, somewhat drily,` I have heard him. ` And what do you think- ot hi_m `t ._`Very- little, indeed, was the reply. "Dear me, exclaimed. the inquirer, ` when did` You hear him `P ` About half an hour after he was born, . "was the cool answer of the brother. -..y vvv. y.uv v- V. V. v--V -any-nu. _ Mn. Munpmr or Tonon'ro.-Spenk{n V qr this gentleman, who was so scarie by Mr. Devnny the other day in the pohce Court, the Ottawa Times says:-4 We perceive by the late arrivals at `the Russell House, that the loyal city of Otf `(awe is now desecrated by the presence uffthe a ;chImter Murphy, the purpo`rt_u'I Whose sit is unmistekeeble.` Doubt-'7 legs we:shal`l.,shortIy hear, that some mock rel or-other device smile: to `that: played offal Quebec is so take place in {Mtanuw - Nlnrnhu in anbnmninniui` lllal [Hi.lyI'.'U` UH Ill \:{||l$UCU I3 30 lull` IIIIIUU in Ottawa. Murphy {is Vaccompnicd here by one Stevens tom New ork.f We'have nothing to shy of this latte; [1e`rs6n,`for thegimplahrgason 1113;`, ivg have np,ln_1owl 'ge_oA ig ahtece Ls; but ud\'ise,I1im;t.hnthl. us . in bad; com-`a pany and like It ' pigeon who got amon gst th; -crows, must` not comphfin if he is thought as black as his co`mpanii>'n' and shares this samg (qty. Tq what 'c_a1l 1_ ingVSt'vnsHbe_l`c_m ed3;\fa_q[e n]>_tfpVr-_ med to; J. 1>_ut".i hg1:n,am'at all ma _:,anav,om:h for 1! lhnt.|LAw.aa far. 1" 33"."`*},`i':?.i`;f...*L."}.?.'.-`?.'?,73,".'$ or ` I u V V 2 j ;,q`u`I te r_9'tnllo'_.". Jtji;1 high ti . .2h auhese sed.ili9r!`I?!6*91ii;fbI1T? `S-`'.." ~`. '.. 9! : *!!**'.;:P'B$h";_ -`F! l '- we ; ` *"5'3'.95V*61*7`K=.[!3!.;37~&`F31m.9'!` [J IIOH(3(3l" Ulvlaluu uuuu aux. \.....-.... _-- C [IA RLOTTE ST REET, BARRIE. Nof_._ _\V5,_1Vae4. . 46-1 CHRISTOPHER HvA1u-1'1soNT, Taii `$2 on . if not , 7 in advance. To be cminucd . _- I ' no No. REET` 'WESr'I`,` I-ly %\`70L.A Xv:'% [5 pnblishedweekly, in l.h}3?D!Wn of Ba.rrie,every Wnoxxsnn morning, mleitaixning. the current. newsaofstlxe day,-`and all nmtters perta.in'ing,to , the etfaics of the County. ,Price $1 in advance, Q\n,J,f$`. ..00 if not paid at the time of subscrip- tion. . - Anvnrir1smc:--Six lines or `under, rstinsertion 50c; each subsequent one 1?.c. ' Over six lines, 18 per line, first insertion;-each subsequen one 4c.. Professional orliusiness Cards $4 per year; $3 for six months, if not more than ten lines. Special contmctscan be made by the year, or parts of a. year. Orders to discontinue Advertisenlents to be made in writing. No paper discontinued until all a.r'rea.rn'ges are paid, except nt. the option of the publisher. ` Pumrmn, Boounnmxxc: nnd Romm done on the premises. The facilities of the Establishment are more complete than any other North of Toronto, having been carefully tted out in every particular. - Communications should be addressed to the Pub- lisher, post-paid. V - ` D. CREW, - -- - . II\r`l'I 'Pnnr_I:ill'-`.11. Barrie, my 3, 186i, Church Stfeet, Toronto. .:.n:vnnm' ROBINS-0N.._ 1` ~ :03. _________________________ '0rncI:: 0nt.a_rio\i sutance Buildings,L`b Jan. 1862. .I_JLI0 Ap:a1'16,Is5o. um AGE-.\I 1`,' Accountant, Rm Esmte-Auc.l tionecr, Division Court and-' General Agent, tuvv` . u\r.'\'I1'I\I.` cmnnuw` 12AT?DH'<`. ` QUE`sQ IS .A_1:1_VIS"I{0'1_`EI.. lllbnwef, Accountant, SOLlCl'l`0|l5 IN CHv.\!\`Cl-`.l .\', Notaries Public, ~C0m:cyancers, ; BARRIE,`C,o. snxcoxa, c.w. nnnnnlv MoRRIsoN_-so _sAAM1>soN," `,3 ; mnzsrtns. 4rTo&RzvfEYs; S9L1I`1'.0R>. Bafrie, Jan. 1, 1362. . '.:`:e;1`t{s"';4oTE LT SIDNEY M. SANFORD, {oi-V-W.ester`n_ Assurgihce Buiiding, .Ghu!'.'_;h ': ' Sreet.,`Toronto,0.W.\ 'T :',.., . {Its M0r'r'-sdn . .4`?-L -_% 4-,. ;,-" fps A-'S#1t>'.n dnonto,Novembex .1859. _~ . u , I 1_ I :1 ' mm- `RdB ~5sZ)1\I.& McBR'l DE, A BARRIS'IfE-RS, &c..' A ; v-as "i='i=L. )K%i~ifi'Ti}'Ii msw. AN9fA1I`0BNEY-AT~LA\v,: f `soLfc11*o1zm 'oH;A.1'v_cn.n:1r;j V __ . ~9.o'na_er;i .'nB-;R,-. ` ; - 'i5t}:?r{ 5;. 13{0.Ys, WILLIAM 'I4"YP`ER,v .. nE1~osn`ouY' or THE llu \J\lJAl.lLJ\.I :4 V. EN<;y.ANn, L. M., nn nnunnrnvn U A T iXBi5oT.B7 iwvvvwvvvvvvvv . - DR. Aarmm ARDAGII, MEMBERTROYAL COLLEGE OF SURGEON_S.; ' l.`m-yum Y. M, DITNLOP STIKI-IE1`. -on LL L11 `.A..;f : (snout-: orncu, L _A __;._' _. "A'i>.DA(;I-I, Attorneys, I .1`on.~: A. Anmcu, 3.1. I ' I din-g _sdcie%, Wesm p. 0 ?!a\St;eet,. rqnto. I A I JG, Bmmu, C. W. Joni: Eamon l'LI`A n , 1 .um.xsm-Hi. mme 3nA'NEH}BaBL SUBIETY V 4e-:r A`Why,`but ha- nver A seen Maggie ! 'saId'Bessie1 openingvher: blue eyes v-ery+wide, and Mlooki_ng~Wxl- , ham fu!l?in theface.~' i - , `No--V-but any one can tell-I fliolighf. _ ` stammeredg - William, blusin`g= up to the brows ; at any rate, she is n splgan-.-T did singer. - - . ~ M C A vs}: lfni \IYt'|I`I`I'I "\nm";II&t :1ll.'hI-nD.;,nid (HQ ll1gCl'a_' ` `And that would be:"j`llSl A`1.!';eth`1ng, Tsn}id Bessie `for-.Stan'ly'~is so fond of`_mt'|sic: f fBessie !" exclaimed` her brother,-=m `a2 tone of great severity. .1 V-.. .......';...`~..1.....u Ihn nnrlintr,-' dear. tone 01' great S8VBl'lly. You mean"`abom the _`}):1`Iflding; dear, sand Bessie;asinnocentasaau angel; .` I quite forgot-'you'r-dislike to lemon. It" was very'lhbngh3tiess`om; but Maggie` has sncha-fan(_:yL for-this sort of pud- ding, ad I couldn t tell that she would be out.` Nev`er"`mind, another timev Uf'g'nul Vv litmus, uuu uu.-n nu. oI.\Jlrll\.4V\lu `I hope I have not failed in politeness to you, said Bessie, with dignity. `I sliould be very, very grivedi_fy]_;_l1a_ve done so. . But you told me so`part'icu- larly that Miss Marsden s visit was dis- agreeable to you, so I tried to keep "her out of your way as much as possible. - truth as I was naturally obliged todo, for fear of appearing rnde,.said_ so._nicely, `Oh, I quite -understand; Mr.C-ardiner is reading hard, and we women, with our long tongues, would be sadly in his way. _ `Dispose. of me as you will ; only miud that,-ifI am allowed ,to disturb Mr. Gardiner,I will leave` `immedi- ately. VVasu t that syveet of her, W11- 3 I I And she, dear girl; when I told her ~the lie ! r J __94 _-- 4l.-L IA. --.-- .-................ `Al `You will oblige me by calling in my services when you have any lady guests - in the house who need an escort, inter-. V rupted -Williar gravely, ` 51'2"! ma (`ah cu snrnajthnt Von` W01]-ldn t IIIIU3 `There re certain courtesies L , `I began William, and then he stopped. {- 1! L _,.._ I 1.....- no lnilnrl un nnlirnnaau ll: y `I don t see that it was necessary to repeat my nonsense, said William ; ` it was buta joke after all. ~ T c r`nrno w;n;.. Hunt ummt an, gum. zruptea -W Ullalll gluvciy-_ ' I b `But we felr so sure'th-at you.` wouldnt like `to be"'di'sturbed, _said Bessle. V V ' . n ,-,_,I:.___...o..-'l....a ....\nn' larnilrnr 'un`r`- D VVUS UlIL"a. JUl\l7 u.n.\:1 nu. . Come, Willie, that won t do, said` Bessie, shaking her head; ` You were quite in earnest at the time. 6 'I`hnn I II llI&" hnvn hnpii n til`!-inf. V z&1{DAI:ii\:~ Barristers - & D16, lilllslllllya Ulll ICLIVIIJS LIIC IQIJICO - Then William got up too, and strolled into the garden. He felt hurt and un- `noycdv at Bes,sie s indiscretion.. VVhata Goth Miss Marsden must think him! Not that it signied whet Miss Marsden thought,only--and here Wi|li_:1m "could find no satisfactory explanation, and branched off-'into_other questions". But, ' in another minute, he had returned `again to Miss Marsden, and was ,cont.in- ruling the argument with increased an- xiety. He tried to represent himself to himselfin the worst` possible `light; he blackened his own. character to a"de- Vgree that left reformation eltost Impe- less, and then turned suddenly, and said .` Whit must she` 'think7_of me '1 when there was no do__uht in th e -world what Miss Marsden lv('ol1 ld have` [thought of such`:1n' zihand`on`e_d c'reature' if Bessie had" been wickedenough t'o bring.her`in' contz'1ct_\vitl1 . him. ' ' ,. ,, 1., .;'_g ... 4L-4 _..:.-a 3... L3- .... llKe to De (usunrucu, _a-mu Jlcaau`-o - ! `_ Compliments between brother 'and`, sister !-wouldn t that be rath.er-absurd" 117%!` as HILG Ill Culucan. ul. Luv uunuo `Then I must have been at .great brute, said William. ( T\n.,.3t (Ink 4...: n..ynnl:nr-unnf:c an:r` nan- DIDLCI o-` \ \ViHie '9" :Vl`l ,. UIIIIU, eulu VVIIIILIIIII _ , t ` Don t fish for compliments, snid Bes- sie, laughing and leaving the table. 'l`I~...-. \l7CH:.\n-\ n-nf nn fnn IIYII` cIrnor` . UUll|U.L'aL_ \`\ |l-`ll |l_llllo > Jiist as he got to that point in his . re- d verie;.whre he .had turned over a new leaf with such rapidity that the too. trust'~f'ul Maggie had thrown `herself on his bosonnand wzmcobing ouitithe sw.et-.- est little love songthat human..ears even: heard ; Bessie opened the ~diruwin,6;-rooni window and called him to tea. William reluctantly obey-ed. , Aftersuch a feast of the _imagin,atio_n, Bessie s Sotichong 1 .a1Id;\\'}1'fe'r bread "and but ler was. mi'sAe'r`a-_ V bleifarie. Stillhe did justice 10 hojlh. . '17he'u he -went out imthe :garde'n'L-t,o dream over again. ._ / . . ' 'PInn . n:nv"|f' Idvu cn~..I-nan-nIH'nl Thu vens, making the `lesser ,lights; .gr.ow \4II`;C-lIII \IV\lI K16!-Iy||IO _ v ' ' I The-night` wasso=be_auti-ful. The moon 'w;1s at its` full, i ngihg.'long st.1feaks`of ligh't"qn` the ower, which . hung their ftagiggnt heads, ahd bow: ed softly e"ve_ry.. n,o\_v.`and` t a'n' to ma 7 cvezzibg-.breez`e.s .Y.0uVco,ulcl. `see a Jgdg way -`over the elds,and the white road, winding `along by the b|owu,`hilI side, was clearl y*visiblc {'or more thtm:a.mile, when `ddafk fchusm seemed *to` swal- low it u,`p,"ca r1jyibg jt`.:tl1rOlIgh 9.`_n arch-` way of . free: to the gr een`,< vAal_l`ey.b'e`|owV. During that dreamy silence,-`Whilst the moon rose majestically in the calm, hen; dim at her isid, was it` to-be wondered :that."he`linge`red in the] gardnykept _onipan`y_l;y"his drgamsii 1 ' 1|`, ,,,.._-_`l LL , _____ j____ __ __- ` murmur from the.hous_eL It1 was.p'rOh9.'-_: ~v...|u...J `(J -.... ---_v-..-- He pasbsed-the` windoiv no ` f and then, and {ound=`tha Bessie, had. abd6kvbefdre `her. Therefore~sha was.sufcieutly_en.- 1 _ lerlained without him.-L--Wheu.heA was = w'tit:ed'it 'w`as easy I6't7th`r to caH,4orVtap on, 1hej,g1ass.' Meajiwhile `The ,-should . aumse mrfhself in his own w'ay_. f.:`.',I`I1e'j clock stgilging .;en,ce;me `in ;a, rr;`usi,il. I ble that::Miss.-Mnrsdeu `wouldsootabge : home*n'ow'.~?`:. She would not *`sn:ely.care' to `stay l,t_it`e',-hinder {the 1 A hd_j s6r_}1oi'_ Wi 1,l`iggri'c`ame . 130 the. ` - 'c9P`.Ui9'!!I!ba`?' i.=?f`,;`i`,*.`".-"W ..-f, 1-~him.;.toV.sehi8 ilif : .I."...s iggof B`t 6t` 11 T .pit11Bd fin; ' l`deed,*I real! y:-...a .I1 ,.t slot. - I Xer strolling about fax ,a {gut minuts longer, he Aheaid. the sound .:of wheels Va1o'n`g, the'{ro'ujd ; and? qsreaentlyy a catriage` stqppgclgint _tl'e' `gntg. fl -I-Ia .rwalked=-thatv way 'at; <)_ug';_`,`nd[`was'so9n',near enough to [hefia `_S__I.a1_iIfe;y'1', Ne`\{qn; ' yoi`e . . `9fush~. %f!7E9`9dI,k9Y .f`?m...!w Waltyel-0811,30 egsyly. gu_g;;n ,;_i_p_:.1_;n;_;,*j4i;:-` * tong`! ` fxomwligt high 1s[eat.:tiy:v.you; B: :~.`-~. u. .n:..`sn.--. .n.:?.-1. : :`.o`m`nli:n .n. ,UIu Ulla` IIIEII 355`: ll -,IJlI_I_CI|I.';.l apt the m_i_as:,o; `St'njay' d ; `remn- ~ - ; ( ` .` : 7"} ,5; wax. u. Auomxx. nlsltggi Marsden. Continued. : 4: I y..`- u. H. 7 :4", ' L - " 5 " ""5 "3 '* "' `.';.,=7j r.::','A.'} -I`.'_:.,_ 1" \":>`:;'V,4.",`.'.. 3 . _ .!;:` " '7 I. ' T" A. .5 `V . . . JUSTiCE IS 'r HE*GRE'A'r, BUT srM1>'r;E PMNGIPL-E,=AND~Inn:TwHoLE INasLy-GOYERNMENT- I 3:: ,'. -v.' " 7 V. A`. :~' .`. ~:_1;,':;_ _..`___`v:v - L `_ ' "Ii" :/`;'...m`;',_,:`._. __:_s- " -"1-`L.-f; ,'E . "M, 3< $'."'~-`:'T4V_'.2 ;: . ` _ ` .. : . ,1, .:';;_=n!::"' l..'x :.`:.~ mu. s_trancs and protest ations7, VMag"g`ieT {give a. sudden, light` spring, , and; came down ` on'the*tips olrher -toes. . ' t n...: .-nun: - rncrnlv .:nnI-ant, `in; aha ring I Ull HIE ,tllI3_ Us 'I|Ul' Iv\'WDo '~ v} r ` e ` On-i -`now, rcn lly,;~whal:- `tr shame ! said the woung mun-5;.rbut V:Mag?glwas already sw.ishing.. him good..night, and: _ . Ja1-t.holJgl1. hen. dismissal- was: grqc.iot1s, it was a; dismissal, `and V Stanley, .N.e}w-, come tnuned his horse; s,l1ea.d,van.d sdrsave All` rpl-`nan aka nnnna 11-urnrvun-u<;-can Inn {kn uUuI$"I|I"III\` III II\II5C,'_IIG_\C\.,'(`lII. off.` ..The,z_1 she cam humming-_up;,the path. William concealed lnimselhtill `she had 1m,s_ged.l}i_m,`.but Q. s1igt`1t._r_ust}ir'1Ag(.__ noise he "made" a'1(d_`_'h`ei" t'0"`tiIfn"f\`o`i'1nd`; ` and he I-1a`d am" `1ig'ht v'i,vi?`6f of lU(I_HCU H BUID Ul"lli.llU U.UUlI|- IIUl"lIUl_IU, KEIIU her blue` eyes," wide-*i:`6fi e'`}' `ziri(l'{1"li`alf T seabed,`--l1ad'-tea` lovelygmtender light in them, like -tl1e"c`.ea'=r Igliimm er._ofastar. William was fascilmtediivy the"-purity of "her beauty. I t- vn:ight:..:1nwe v-`been usthe nioonliglltv which gave-_1t.- t-l1_is- eITect}.; but - the impressiqu she.,mz_1de on him was so peculiar lhatjpr Lhe. \\_rorldj,he ,w9uld not h -,1\!.e.;.-1);e:,;rcVl her, speak, ,forl.Ifenr,l1is illusions should .be dispelled, ,When Tsl1e.g|ided?,`away,_smiling' at her own i timidity, 'Willjz1n1_ _e'merged_ frbnj A lfis hiding-plae, .but "he took ;,`<:z1'reV.i1ot to enter `the "house 'li'ntil he had Seen) V,l1er leave the drawing-rooln with l1e1nigllt- l candle in` her lxdndg ` ' " .111-n. . , , . , ,. ,, -n"-u ` tilt? Iuvvlluus lfntyvtt. `v:v)4|yuu\`_V1 0 " 1"! i `he hag1"`_ih` Vxtsj vgoldep j'luxuriance \ formed a`sort~of=(halo about lier*h'ea` " "-- '..'..'.I'.;aJ...H` \l..... LI...` 'n'\14x~ cud}.-IL .-`.s.. I'll`) VIIIUII Ul. `LI llsllb IIILIIGKI VVUIIIUIII, \Vl|-II a white, - moonlit face, who seemed to gaze at him until,l1er.very- soul. melted into his. Everywllele he moved, those; calm, clear. eyes A'ol.low_ed_,hi_n1. The steady glan1 ,w z1vere_d 7or_ sank. I`he_re was no glow of cqlo.ur..ou the round white cheek ; doillxoiigllt oij $e,|jsa`t,iq11Ao~. M shame,_n'1oved_ her` from: _"lir,,_l_aily,' unceasiug scrut.mAyV_.A She might have been an 'ai1gel from purity and uncon- sciousness. And the nig|1t_\vore `a]\v.ay5 \n'l1il$t he still `tossed about _u_ncler.the ;s_teady gaze ofllnoselsoletn`/Q. e'ye s._ ; ut just nsllhe'd:i\vu broke` he sleplzlsqun ly, and _th. vision fuded_aivu_y into1.l)e day- ' light, and no longer trollblgci%Ii_is"drea;13}.; `Ti um sn late "when Willihm dsnehd- `Will wonders never c`ense"! L said Bessie; laiig`-hing `at him ' directly be M Vnppeared; = `You, walking `by undon- light, and coming in` *\vft1h 1- your `hair damp wilh . de\'v.~ ~M:1ggiei' says you`! were -In me. middle of 1he.sh.r_uhs, for she saw you, and was _a, little , frightened nf Hr:-O. `Ira:-A l7l\I'l lnnlzinn {nu n-lnnv, ll`-I 8`-|lIv"" J'\".`$ '`'l`'` `? `_..'I, IIVWUK7 IlI"6II`IClIC\J at orst, . .VVere you looking for glow- oms? because, if so, tha,t back by the hedge would _lm__ve been; 9. more likely place. A G 1'1-|nun`|I lf"1n|C:v-`$1;-` Iiiuknn! lv`nIIV_I/Ivn|.0I`\ac luuuc. , , `.. ,. ' , . , F _I'ne_ver tfholight` `tibout_g]o_\v- won'ns, William `szi_i'd Vim[`)aVtientIy_; `i'how._ can you be so cliildish .BessieL ! ' C T `nan! IYIIIIP nn II:`nn I:-uh` nben:;;? inn`,- ~ wlint else y")l1 M . Ull US EU Dllllbllll 3 . '5: _ I beg your pardon, said Bessie , look- ing very eolglrite. ` But 1,d1_dn t 'know` ' , . .- ~ . :. < ..~4-_1'};;`:`- V 1T:.`l:n1d I|nI `ah: .I\n-I> 'uo.IoI~.- .. f;.n`.-.'-.1.-..-u iv nun. on-us; Jyu . V V 4- . `William`. cnt her short with u fre`e`zjng goodiiigiit, * ahd took. up l1-i s`camiiqim- ` ligllted, and sialked "o"io` i:ed.""IIe i_'co1l__ld not, howeve_r, s_leep?.in=1'th`e`etirly ;. parl`0{ the n'igiht.A ` Heiwus` .haun`ted by the vision of a light haired W0man, with n In`-u:fn rnnnn-`:9 (`nan nuv`-un 1-nt\r|-Il\ul In Ilglll-, uuu UU IUHECI LlU||y|u lllD_kIICI1l1leOo- Ii was so late 'whe'n Wil,liz'm"dsch'&i1 d to the >bre'-alifat i'oo m, l.ljzi't"li;e -{was V not surprised to nd even Bessiggone. So he poured outhis own ten; p,nd g|f{nn1- bled to hirrjseIf.\\'liilst he ate`, pI'etending|_ to_ fellver_yill-"used that Bes'sigS a"1id'.He`1" friend hadhot waited for ['1_i'm."' Bin be well knew that he `had lndt` th L l'ensi. right to expect such attenlio.` ` Indeed, itrwasunreasonable"to`think=of `thir 'sa"'-7' ' cricingthe >bright:,-lovely a morning `he- [causevhe happened to bemlazy andmut of ......on TIA. I-nor` --inbf .r;uun->' {.1-rln-n` fdhln ,c-uuav IIC Ilu,|I|vvucI 'uu uu'~1u_u auu vuu. ul. sorts. He had :.just:risen':r from; table when Bes's_ie'came'in'. .. 1 17'--- --____-.l -._ L....a. -..I.._I Wllcll uuaalc UGIIIU Iuo - -- r .-f9.tIe.med -solwrt..=Yesteda.:at um: 11-einsatold o.f 9!Ir.p1an.!?%~slze ;said,. stutter E havinmg wished. him gqgd-1fnom:J'|)g, .__th.'1t \ I thought I would give _y9_I1_;_.earl;yn.~n;a\vs cfqur .day s pi'ocg_edings_.; .,I_\pIz;g<.gLr_ig.;_\1s_z; z11ts to have a good long tin1e,o;3,_l,l1.Jii1l, so ;I proposed our starting a_t_p_qc{e and, talk; .ing s:qn1_: I(mch___lvitl} fus.` s:l3z7i)l`)c}4 A_t a,inly`_bVe l1Qo,me by six, soj_`th:af,"'y`(}u' wi1I not l|a\e 10di`ll`e ulAoAne. , q ' `the_lu not uave_ nu uum uIuuc.'_ _ _ ` But` shouldn t Ibe useful `t,p_`. carry _ .. ,9*g It sygsestd Wit; 1.qgm`. ` < '1' .I.} . :~fv;.:w_ -I-`I #. .x._ in`. 4- 'm.r ~:' .5` - '.i vi: . .9-F-W A .. . 4 `.1 . - u .7` Oh !d.enfr f_m'fe, xx_ge cog:1dn4 ;;;h; of`: such a thvingilv Xcl;1ig1ed_]3gsje,:g{;pha- tically. `Wh'a'.ttakejo1tu` xvhole giay } '{ron1.~yourbOoks~! ;:~ I I211!-"111-In It `raging. in "`|n.l!'A>-'-Q 3 griannis: $11 per year i . _ In advance; ` \ __ I l_l'Ul|l.`yULCI"UUU3'u' -' ` V A I "~ " . . `But;'a m.!I never` to ha-vgesa; holiday . like _olhe1`people2 inquine&-.-;W.illiam; ! wilha -little olfendedsaic. ~ .22 -'~'f A ,I_;._~ :1` wllll U. IIIIJU UIl.Ull|.lUL|.'K1|I*n'z `Oh; you - kn9_w,: dear; to . come; I~.hall.be only too sglad-, ~ greped I BessIe',~:_trying.:-gto .hide -t_h`e: -Isinile that quivered rourid-:l1Mer_=pnrI.ed :Ii'ps.w It.-ewns solely onyour account-that`-1 objected. But are you*quit-e,sure.- that you w are not doing thisout.-of politeness only 3 -, -Mug- giewonld be so; displeased if - I-_al.lownd `you to 1eaveyoLnr,'bouks on` any ,snc;hi_u.- dncement ; and we r..eal:ly-_;c_an. do .wi_thr 011%: .ybuTgtd1egrgL:b|'yIwlf. -1-g`v Vu_t you wjould =d9=hct1ar\s'i1h7m1e.1.;hopei; .. W _ .1 -~ ..-rrr.-n- - s_-:._) L2- -xv. -'-P.'-P ` '1 -r-x If-1-1*) -.. "'.l' '. .~ ' ~`=Don t be::ViiI;'Wi`l!i8, .S&id;hiSt8iSt`0E' : in-Iaw'da_t1ghing; V` butg :{eth .yom` !'htu:,. vif.-you %-m`eanV to go with ma, ffo: -we vijttcnd .s'taningVailmosbedireclriyg: 32*` wt" ~ ' :':.-::.;:~ (LT. n`-:n= ha 1-4sg`Ab an &:\nI'i;n'.-,1Vnn'r`-Vsrll .slaumg B`l[llU8E ' l_llf8|:l!J= g; .- ` : ' V ' `A I shallthe ready-as soonv.a.sssyou`:sam; :1 =.':./.'s'~,"__:"3 f"._:::2 :`;?`z , _,,-_ __- 1.--. -:..L:.. 1....:..'.. 'I..;_ 8XOIalH1El1`VVll|lb|.l'o' , - . . :.-,= - There was. no - fear` o:e}Iiss;bei81g'L.`ber -hiudhand. A .He:sprang vIJp.lI!3= S-.1113-,il'.8V.$`,"9 V -.s'.eps. at a tima-,9graspe_dhold :01. a" straw. .hat,:,which some lady, cousin.s.~=sai<.1~19-_` M came mm teniarkablys, well: .-and ;,w;;..9~ standing on. the`lawn,- l.l:e`-:l,un,o_l)e.0gl, 11.88.-; = ket -in;-his,:haud,_.wh.n' .-;'-`-.11.T!`,$m.`-}!."v to. hi1n.-,Maggi`e; ;\a_ra&,lQ$e:b.Eh1Qd;. ' ` the.-sunlight, c:eepi'ng~.tl,1I_:0}'833..e;,1,l,l..6, 9.113 : Afcathr on herfhat, left ` of .r9.se.3colou,r_ ran "her. -:s9f1:h53,6k8 glans? : _`l_tj er' 3; t5f:r ig;_;r beaixtyfgjjj` igri*j_H'i_1gsjI ` '1i~5?ii`%,jcfdE;ti3i3` :a&:*tr;a%ia:a*>5ntneegv3e& > .wi`m4 ' ;.,........... .._.._._...__._. ____..?._%___.._.._n.,---..,._,.._.;.,,.;,..'v.,_3~_._-J:_.-.. i.-,m...r..."..._._..7...... . . ...~ vr Atoiur .WiII:am,.`.o;:sf ,.S5?d mp aw ; H5 ? `into `the conversant ;-;,1;, .H_f})g9,rj,_gg_ wonder if she _\v=._re 6`i1ei$ft'nos5 '- s9LI,Irl``s;s ` wI)i';1`ia iii7&7hr&ii' *Tor xlyT 'Ife :it 1ti?xt1L`f?_fi'1_'; mg ,_ eyes. ` They jwere'ou1. for `h0lIl S';'|fYl:q:'B;_ SP`$e;:f'I1'?':-Z !i'..$'. 31.15 1h'.B"LitlIiiQf3#=b!1_ waste complain .of the heat .on'ca in-,{:e:_r.= pres _s! her -prejud ice` against chicken; and lf1er`_V;`p'artia}ly "for `ham ;' 'on'*; the` Qth`_;' two)` 6qca'si'J'n s}i;!iiereIy';Lh's_w'"1"ed `semi: _tjmi'd=` % qn`em$ia` ` 'of- Wn1iam*sA'by;j gait ; monmsyllubies, but it wu > j'f)'I`-" hapf, ;on-'- -account 'ot ' the 'sof`tne _f.; ` pf those -_ `V m9.r10'9Y1!'9.T.s,,. . itit=i .l.it1Isi beauty of ,Lhe_v.oic.e in sylxiqh. lheywere mm`r_mIred,that- William= decided, as ` entr_ecl the -house,` that he` hat} uq_tjqi1'itje ' l_ost'his. ` . -7 . At din"ner'tim`e.` and"aIl"tHoiIgh tI1'e t0sII1Is._9=:~y ,4, L;.,. . At dinier time, a_ud'allthoiIgh this lo|1g,VqlIjLeszening'TMuggie.was}equally . silent. William gbqgan to . speculate 1V%.s.t1!y.. .I'I?<?*?-...111e m9.twe$-1.` ~ `Was .h.e angry with lum .B1IIAthv_a.n.he ,d.;d not. s'pgaj k to` .} 3`s`4's i .'ei;i,li`er, Van} _s_h,e_ \;\(;`1,s._,_,_1)_o$; ceittiinlly dngry` wi1l1_.JB,esiq.` d;S;l,.x3.}),i_._ with those deen sP1gnd:i. castes; d-givlceuing and ch:iu1gin1,`.'.M_-!l: SIJ_e, _ saltnfsi-. lent Q:\I:ert1'rVyqo,1;1{,L! . 1\I`<>_,sl;1e,_\_Ia_'ast,{}jnk- ing, if hQ_t'a1ki_ng, and stupi`d._,fpe_oTp)`e` ,. do ) not m`in1:. Tl'n11vvhi1t.waS she zipigd-.i_ing; -fuwl, scm'n|l, _cQ.!,l] empl_llO|l,S!:'-1]1at_, was it ; `W1, the d..$i6_ made W;il|.idn1 xi_<%ni`1Y tnrn_`his back on tl)e]f:1ir I1an1ghfy`:bgaxity, and '_ .a.mus.e ',,hims<...l.f .b_"Y vwctgiinz-i. Bes- s1e s xvdbls` xvfith p'_t`_;'xise'3vo1"`t1i y:a ss'idtiny. v 'i`ho novvl" Ant` niftl BU EIXII Io~II .`lQ4|!|I II>" blU_ W uum _w_uu>. 1 The next day, ziifd raj; ,d;; y;;ir;;_e:,,ry`1';;.. giej was still si\lx_1'tV in 1)i s `nrVe_s:gea1Ag'ga`; `the music of her voic had` cegsei} jfto. _ecliq through the`opei1Wi'n,duws`, nia.k:x r`i`g flue ; birds gmulative ;er _1'iI>,i u__slV. \YilA'l`iuii1 had taken'to~'is`bo(gksvagningbut` not v;<')- I;.-n.- 11.. ....:.,1:.`.-2:ea.-.;..,r:s.~.-ima:>':..,.;..; had taKenTXo~nIs DOQK'S _agf1I!1,.DllE not v;o- le'1_1tly.` ' ` IIe stiidiil 11'.'i;rdA: it:1".".t'f)`3"" I1_1o |`-11_L; mg`, bu} vvns i1lways teddy m 'th.1'di'i1-(`L n'ail1'o1'1.r ;"'_:{r1_d,gri'g1l|y _lQ\ tot,Q ."hi_` whole" evenings t0 ,sie s"vbo_l." 7"Ii)" the 'n'fternoo'n l1_e` woytild` sometimes? take gm walk m the |a'ns,"apd`ou on 6f't hese: occasions; as she was passing, 9, lO,_nelyM co}tag`e:'o11' the, ,b'dr`ders oftl1 e:.f:o%inih1o11, l1'e\vus `ast_unish`e`d to heat it rich "but" softly 1It1(1ii1z'1tif1:gTvbice4 Si'11:7giug {1i3' ev- ening [lvmn ._ ___He '"'list_g3ne d,` ~'1 hb"loiV to sTc'a$ ed, dy'i|1g away in; the failitest murmer, am! whilst h_l-illgerd about-tl1ie'spov, hoped to hea_r 1`11oke`,"th`g' cottage" `dimrv M sudde`nt'y` "o`pe'hed', ' and` 1\n......'..:..`.........- ....o Q11:-`mn.-n`-I uryhms` Barristers and. Attorneys, soucrrozcs IN CHJJNCERY, CONVEY- ./i.\'CERS, (8-6,, ' ' Rmmw.. C.