ii-Iy 1-1? ' IL` I My " ' 'rue.-@5ov ma; `$51 be sold _cheapf and. n. . easy ta`:-pa `payment. _ V _ e M up g VILLAGE ,0? ABLANDALE`-F;-out parts [of Lots 211:1! 3,East' of -Essa Rodd {Lot No. 24,`Bontl Wed}; and part of thelbeserve, \_ NqrthE9.s8ofB|`adford Road. - 4 . _ ....~......-nq OOLLINTGWOOD-i- ,Lot 8 St Paul Strec.-t,.r.-lose to the` Railway Station; Easterly hertz of `I-1 .and 12; West of Birch Street, on which is a _ goodidwellinghpuse. wvrrnnn rim .u.r.nn.-- .. . -' 3r`oivN PROPERTY, Houses, &c. BARRIE-_Lots 69 and 60, South of Qollier street, with dwelline house and stables: Lots 13 and 414' NS Elizabeth Street, and I1) to 14 S ,8, Henry Street, -Boys Block; Lot*33 Nof Kempehfeldt Street; Lots 34, S` S,- and144, N'S4Blnke Street; Part of Lot 15 _E S, and ' )2, H and l5,_V_V S of Nelson Street; part of Eghtilf.` Lot 22.1!) 6th Con..,Vesprn, 2 aicres About 25 aerercommanding avview of the ' Buy,` and beautifully situated` foi`priva.t`;e ` residences; wbhld be divided to "suit purv-" - . A V `. any rvnvpinu-'4-sumo. no . - an: _ v. - :.a.I.-uuI.s no sum 11 0, J!4,_l'.1S.; 3 part or W i of [4 in 8th 0011., 3'! acres. ' TINY-1N. half of'86 in 1st. Con.--an improved fatlii; part. of N. half of 10 in 11th (}on., 95 norss. ' T0`SSORONT10--at: df~E'half of 22 in ind. Con; 65 acres. VESPRA-Lot 6Lin 11th 001)., 20(_)'ncre. ' 'COUN['I`Y' or `Gum . MELANCTHO'N--I)ot 214, and 'N W pMt or 215 - in,2nd Com, NE of Toronto and Sydenlnau; A Road--an improved farm. ' p1zo'roN--+1.0: 222 in 2nd` cm, SW'Toronto- agd,Sjdenham Road-a}n improved farm- NU'l`TAWASAGA'-'-Lot '29 in 4th; N. I 3 in 8111 .= '--a.'va_luable farm ;. Lot. 3 in 10th Con. ' ORO- -I_..ot'3Itin"2ud Con.` , . . . . , SUNNII_)ALE'-Part of N. half of 22 in, 41th` Con. TAY--Lots-1|6 and 117, E_,P.R.; 8 pm or W; Com. 3'! acres. - ` ` MR. E75. 3. 3'M-`E_;E`i |(' l MG, Lunnnngn bl... '..lI..-.:.... ...... -u an vunu ' MEDONTE-e-Lot 43 in 2nd Oon.; W. half I6 in 7th; Lot 19 in 81:11; N: W. 1 of 2 in 10th- an improved farm; part of N. W.- of. 22 in 13:13 Con. -' VMULMURV"-E. brpof 22 in` 2nd, and 25 in km Com, E.H.S.;`- part of 23 in 4th 0011., 70 acres; E. half 29 in 5th-habout 40 acres - cleared. 1 _ . { ' . L N0'l`TAWASAGA"-'-Lol: 8th : '---a.-valuable farm` : Lm. R in Iml. mm. FLos-f.o1 25 in'_3rd Gon.; Lot 4` In ism; m hf. of Lot 1 in 7th; part ofS. E. i at 2.iu 8th. INNISF`IL--N; hm 25 in 8th 06m, and ms 26 and 27 in 9th._ . . nannnsrmuw w r r I-IE East. half of Lot 29, in the 6th Couceso` Lsxon. ` - * . * ~'l`heln.nd` is-of `ah excellent-_qua|ily, and there areabonl: 40 acres cleaned and t for cultivation. Immediate possession can be given -Price mod- erate a.ud.te:-ms of payment ea.sy.T1'l!e indis- putable. : ~ . A . . Apply (if by letter, pre-paid.) to ARDAGH av. ARDAAGVH, ' Solicitor-R. Rm-I-in, Pmfie, Nov. 10; 1354. -FARM} FOR SALE` T/V IN THF _T0`NNSHIP__LOFV MMULMUR, -uunn rs--. [50 Acres of End for sa1e.( EING the Sodtb-East quarter of Lot'9, in the let Coxzcession of the. Township of Oro. Distance fonrand ahalfyniles from Barrie. Twelve om-eh cleared. Land of :,the beat qunli: y; and a vnaivhin-dw?ood hush. good for Cordwoodg For "particulars apply to _ I V H Iv . us iuuubilll L n \- N.B.-4-CIIBIIOIIIOIIA may rely on having garments made to vmeasure in elegant styles, and in the latest fashions. * r . -..-- ..-...- --..-.. uvuuluuuaunun From long. experience, and sttict persohal af- _ -tendnucem business, the subscriber fels con- dent that he-can give ample satisiaction to his -old friends, and also to any new patrons who may favorhim with their orders. man, being made by rst-class workmen, from ' every Variety of goods, in styles to `suit, all cus- >_ ., - ---~- ---'---av V"" . His sidck of Clothing is Worthy of special no-ll |0mPl`S.~ _.' --- -n-and` av vv'a.1v.1:.1-IL \l.l.` uJ.I'JL_'LIJ.VJ.J.'J, in said County ofvsimcoe, being composed of the North corner of `lot. nnmher`t.w_en`t_y- tltree, in the tweilt Concession of said Township, containing two acres, more or less. Also another portion of said lot number twenty-three, being composed of I part oi` the West halt` of the lot, containing half , an acre, more or',_lt'-ss. Both of which said parcels are more particularly described by males and bounds in said lndenture of Mortgage. Tho having in! n`A mill I... .......I.. l....._.- -1. ....`.. Iuuu us. For Qnanly, Qmlity, and Price, in tl41isj Ad-, parlmemfhe dees competition. ' Innm l'.\..... -............__ -_..I _. -,. - wuguu uu nus purulmseu In 'I_ne -cneapest mzuket for cash, couszsung in part of B:oad Cloths, Casvsimeres, Doeskins, Silk-Mixtures, _ Canadian Tweeds; A Beaver and Pi'ot Cloths, .. . Hats", Caps, Shirts, Collars, Neckties,` Socks, - - Gloves, Drrnvers, . ` - , which He has purchased in `the -cheapest manket cash. consisting} in mm nf` jenxunanouwlwrrxansmusummJ 4 HE Subscriber. has now on hand a. complete assortment of I ' v FA'LL&.\jNINTE.R.G0.0DS, -.L!_'L IA- .- [ H; BENNET'1"S cLnTuINs,fm1.nn1ms,; czxpcuau ul u1weIIIu_;g to queuec. _ Business with the Crown Land and other Gov- ovnment. Departments, which often takes months to do by correspondence, can beftransactedin a few da'ys,and ata small cost, by employing a residentngent. . ` ' Addiesh,` post-paild, to 313-tf` In V 05 I IL!!! I. ['43 `Hill! BOJUSIS UPOWII IJIDO Claims, secures Land Patents, proom-es infor-_ ma.tiIon_obtainable from any of the Public Depart- ments ; takes out patents of inventions; registers . tmds marks and designs; takes charge of private billsduriuz xheir passage` through the ` Legisla- lure;&c., &c. - . F'(iI-~nnrIina.mhn nu-sa nnol-do on dnunha Hugh nuvn v.ure;&c., _ V Idciparties who are unable to devote their own time to-such business or unwilling: to incur ghe expense of travelling to Quebc. Business with the Brown Land and nlhnr Gav- MOR'l`GAGE%SA'LE H1-_3_Nl`2"Y GRIST.` `I Departmental and Parliamentary . _ . ` Agent, Quebec. 7 IN VESTIGATES -and adjusts Cro5vn `Land infor- mnb n .\l.o..:....l..I.. r....... ...._ .4` .1... `D...LI!_ n.._..... eclhway. The Subscriber trusts. by keeping gooqhorses, steady drivers; and paying strict. at- tention, to merit. their patronage. . - . T . D. VANEVERY. Ba}-via . Jliiln-`V)`)n Inna unj-- VH.-_n:-san'sbi:rnEnLbegg to :.`...,.s. the mmbi-.. guts of IJARRIE, and` the Tr:u"e1ling,-_ 00i.':~ ' munity at;lar2e~, that from and after Ibis data-, he will run his Omnibus to and from line BARBIE STATION; nnbe arrival and departure `of each Train.` The P/nssengels goingito, Bun-ie `will be ' landed on e. plaviform in the ceniml part. of tlgo Town; if not especially requesmd to drive to. their rsioeuee, ' . - FOR SUM op 15 CENTS **'--":.'.:'I z '.' "`. .'I v 1oIm.Lu, c. mt. N`.B.L-.Dr.i_B. pays Jxicial mtiention to all `dis eases of women and children. W ` ` n_:n:.. \v-'_~ u." ----r I " for County ; ) ` -~ - -`l'.`I'\l`\YA!1I 1'I\}NLr'-r LANDS Eon `SALE. Quebec, `1864. DUNLOI STREET,.BA R1'iIE_-. V The above Sale is PLDSTPOVED till the"l9th day of JANUARY next, n.t_l.he `anmcrhour, at Meeki_ug B Hotel._~ -_ . , . ARDAGH & ARDAGH; Vlnnmn Snv.mm-`huh . p - -nun 'Ba rfie, Sept, 1864. Bdrrie; J um--22nd, 1863; morania, Nov.` 10'. 1884. . -ovum -nu vulu Ready-Made Clothing, &c. '3: aid:-Ir A!` f'!lnxl.2.(_ . opposrrz THE pos'r yrrlcz, COUNTY or swoon.- mun utts. A'fciANDEn LAURIE, _ " ' Dunlop Street, Barrie, . ` I. `I-IE_NI'{Y GRIsT.' "Rm mm \J'l\l53I "Box 334, 15.0., Quhee. ` - 12- 7.-.. r- -...... IN THE To\A}N.{P"6F MEDON"i`E, in n.\L1 (`A--nlu A9 Q3----- '--3-- ---`--'-- "" " -.... ....,.._ ;nxsw:ns,l .. ..Al..-_._I on Auunuu, Solicitors. Barri 46-tf. H. BENNE'1`?1`. 1'31: 1.` uuug, I0 53 W` pl',B89I'Vl Inem rrom mrlneraeeay . Te_eth)extnced with little or no painmnd par" micularg ttteinipn gifeu to the regumiop of chi dl'en`3t( :`h>u` ' " 5 :,` - , ' = `All bpmuions perfumed in. the mom; app;-on ltyleg xstlvl`-[sjagtiifacticyug g_ig_on[ inuer: !h-trams; V L. V *9~L A -.-.-nu vl ul-I y;uu.uq|u_u val! uI:_- vvulltu upuu. Teeth. inserted in.-.:a. superior manner, from a. sinalegtoolh to a complete set, on Goldpr Silver, or Silvl-l"' Plate, or on that justly and highly es- teemed material. Vulcanized Rubber, and-in such a style as to afford ease} and comfort in` mastica- ting the food, givinto the "patient, at,`the same time, that (natural `exprension of countenance so desirable iolsecure ii: the: operation of: ipsertlng I V articial tee ' " 'l'....aL'7IL}h.".'_2z|.'-I I.u .i:-,9: n__.'_._.. ,1, 3 1": .. ' urllucll `Y ' 'l`g:e_tb.llg_d *_I_ilh Q{:ld-_l'.oi|, Cement, and Whit Fimdp IO #9 to=-pr,esrva1heIn from fnrtherdecny Teethgxtncted Wh Hula or no nninynnd hm- '--a I 1 "'4 1 ',"'.' STAAYNER--Ai Angoew, on thq- 1~5ah Ju_ne, iziuguqt, &c.A . = A V WCREEMGVRE4-VAt"J. Martin's, on 16th of April, June, gpgqst, kc. - _ 1I.A_. QM 41.--- _;-_.x_2_.;19_ _ ,:j,o, .- - -\;|7'l'1g l:ba-i`l_";h`;;e rbequiringghis services `in any branch pf his" profesipn can be,waited uppn. 'l`nn`I|` 3n-`nun! 6-. ~.. -........l.._ __-__A- l'---- A M(_)RRlSON S G0VRNERS-0n-the 14th March,` May, J.Ily,._&c. > A v 0RIbLIA-At T. }1o att's, on 16th of March, A May. -_I 01?. .tc.-( V crnnvrmvn .1 1.. `.. . .. -__.. - . - : AUCTIONEER,`. . - _ . AT THE COURT HOUSE, T In_ the TOWN OF BARRIE in the Bald GUUNT_-Y _ OF SI_.`\H`:UE, - V On MONDAY, 19th day of De_c., .Inst., At fh` hnlll` nf nhannn n7nI..:.Ip . -. 4L.-l`,,l -__------2 :-`._-.---uv-_ innounces that hwill rgu? lnrly visit. the` following places on the days and up phe time stated_. viz. : BARRIE-At. his Oice, Dunlap street, from Isl`. to-;31'th.`of each Tmontb. !',1E1p@:;!*lE!l!0uuc!!*Z!Tgm!! DR; c. MccA'UsLAND%,' 1- S_URGICAL,v~OPERA'l`IVE, AM) .---`-- A - -----i Dy IIIC unuersuznea. ' >A|1o, all Slullenls holding" Schdlarslnipn. signed "amt cnunlersi-_rned in the same manner, and wi.~hing In `complete or review their, course of snuliea with - Mr. Day. are notied that tlleycan do so at anfy time free of change, ` JAMES E. DAY, AL`. 1.. _ , -Au I12 I , V Pra clical.Acco`uulanl,'Toronto, `J70: -rfeoly ofLondon England. N.B.-All partiep lmlding Advertising < Scrip_ signed h_v Bryant, Strallon 66 00., or Bryant. Smu- lou 65 Day, and conmersigned by James E. Dav, are hvvebv info: med lhat Hie same will be redeemed by the unde'rsignd. _ _ Alan all Qnmlnnlu Innl.l.u- Q..|...I..`....|.:_.. _:_..,.n Mr. DAYha's much plasnre in referring to the 'fu|lm}ving gentlemen :-Revd. H. J. Grasset, Alex. Murr.ny- Esq., of Molfau, Murray 6: Co. ; A. R. M-,-Maisu-r, Esq.. of: Me-Mnslc-r55 Brother; George Mic.-hie 6: Co.: David Buchnn, Esq, Bursar Uni- ver:-iI_\'; J. Less-Ine. .Esq.. Posnnaulcr; W. Fitch. Enq., ol Hnwlnndgdz. Filch , Adam Crooks, Esq., QC., M A,, L.L.D.; L. 'W._ Smill1,Esq., Barrister, D.C.L.. -Tnronlo '; Hon, Isaac uv.-hanan. M.P.P. ; R. Jm-on, Esq...p`Adam Blown, Esq., Hamilton , Dun:-nn Bell. EFq., -Monlrealg W- Trent, Esq., Newmarkel 3 Rev. Dr. Green, Wellington Square, Chairman of County Board of Public Inslrucuon, I-lallunl-. _ , For terms, address (enc-rosin; leuer stamp). -D-Q-can-n--`--_.. -...... \/I. u.uuvu.unu any .I.lDU.lU1\J.`4li. Mr. DA Y . I-Islrm-tut in the Science of Ancnunls, Cmnmeu-ial (`-alt-ulalions, and Commen-ml. Curres. pomlelwe, an- |'Le_u-mrer an Business Cuslunus. Lil`. R. nn|r;h.u- '.lllII ..... .... pouuenve, an-_I 1;m-Iurer usinvese Cuslonas. Mr. R. SUhLIVAN, M.A., Ban risler, Lecturer on COIll`_meI`('l'M ljaw. - '1.- RICK} R TQVCT (Vidal l\_.-....u-._ 2, `ll . u \JOIll_!Cl'('lEl IAHW. ' I Mr. -BEN. B. TOYE. Chief Operator in Mhmrenl Telegraph (`-ompany. s Oiiir.-_e, Toronto, Insiructor in Telegraph;/V. A Lil`. W. I . '|IiIlIInin- in 131.....- V!IelI6BkPiii|:PBBTY,FIZ.l J. eleg F8 pm), Mr. W. I . THOMPSON, Instructor in Phono- gI'aphy. _ DIM:-I: nwniu STAFF ow rEAdHRs AND LECTURERS, M.. nn v |.... ........... :-.. .1... c..:..._-_. ,.- U|l.\.'IllC3n . - The course of intriu-lion embraces Meroanlile. Bonk-.'cepinr:', Bnnk- Book-keeping, Money Brokc-r.' Books, Gommer(eia|_ Cgalculalions, Commercial La w, Cumnu-rviial Cnrrc_spp_ng-_ng-e, tint -luding the prim-i- 1])|e.~;ofEnglil) Compnsnlviqn), Business Peumanslnp, `elegraplny and Pbonography. ' " nu. . .-nu l\C< ..... _ ---.._._ `lvnuuul mt AUUU1`llllLVlj'_ TU UK_lfl`lSH [J PRACTICE, with such modication suited to the requirentents o_ft|_1e business community 0! North Am-rica. ' ~ DESIGN--Yout_Ig men thoroughly prepared for the duties oltlve ,4.-outgting ha... and for general bttsiness. 'l`t.- ...u.'..... .5 :...`.......a:,... ...._1._-.,-- I- I 775"", _.....v . A\Io Vallur fbr the Canada Pemmnent Build- Ving and Savings Sm-iezy To.ouIo. v 1-.` _.-..---. .....-u - 'l`l_1e'Gomm itIee foithe city entegtaihment to the Prince and-Princess of Wales have just elfected with the Roynllnsurance Company an extra. in- surance "of FIFTY THOUSAND POUNDS on lheghuilding of- Guildlmll, `including the new erections, fittings, and contents." - lF. H. HEWARD, - `T _ ` - Ml-auger Tm on_lo B,muv z A. DAVIDSON, Inspector. H ~ :FIRAE.'i\;_'[\_lD.Ll.FE.. L Cpitall---'1'.ivo `Millions Sterling. Funds in hdnd-Ei_ght Hundred Thou ` sand Pounds Se2fZ,z'ng'. Barrie. J 'an.A. |:esunAm.3_cuwANv 4 I-ulbgv LUIS u . ll. Gilmor, [ * . _ Marcus Rossini, George Michie,_ ` , . `Joshua G. Beard,` v'1`.homa._s Haworth, - _ V . Robert Gilmor, Robe}-t.Sta.nton, ~` " : AND John hlojlrrich, _ -_ Wm. Henderson, Esqs. Sec_ra_ta1;y' and ,1`rida1t`er,-Bernard Huidatl, Esq` . ; Soliitor,-'--Aggus-Morrison,- Esq. '1-`heiwestem bejngggiu old established and suc- cesstul_0ioe and;ha'! fng in. large reserve fund, can afford to do business on most liberal terms, and claims for losses, bnre are promptly and equitably settled. ` "`- e - 4 : ------ -_- ---v-V--.-,-1;-.-' ""1 The North half of lot nnmber seventeen, in the ~ third Coneessi`sno thgt . , fI`l'\I`Kr'A`l Il Yl'I\ "nu-s` -.n\...... .`... .'...x; -.."- . (Formerlv Brvnm. Smmnn Sr. nmn. \ CLAIMS _PROMP l`L_Y .SETTLE.D. wnmnx Assunamcomramv. bA1ITAL - V- `I NEJGS leav`e` lb` inform the" public that, haxiug" .;. Lcomplted his machinery, he is enabled .to "furnish oors and sash of every description, at reasonable prices and on the shortest notice, `-having always a supply of dry material on hand. Hnsnleo, having purcha_sed`the patent right, is `enabled to furnisl1,COFFIN OOVERINGS to imitate every grade of clotlmbpth as to.-color and txmre, together with a goon `Hearse and all other imeral equipments. ` b Buzanc; June, 1863. . _ A j ` 1-ly __ ._ , _,_,,___,,,, r-'yt:s'r 0--or: EAST ouwa.x~Lny.u' uubli mwn. `ONDUCTED ACCORDING. TO BRITISH I PRACTICE. with mu-I1 mmlimnim. ....':...) .. ` IN [SHARES 91-` 340 EACH. -iidun mono E, 'ronoN.1'o. coins 0i' 00LBORNl AND ommca STREET.` Prch'dent,-.Glonan"M1c3m, Esquir`, . Vice-I"resident,-f-!{1A1;cn.s Rossm, Esqpire. .- v wvinuupjliilii IIUI-I-I-I (Form:-r`ly -Bryant,`Slrauon z Day"s,\ KING-ST.. TORONTO, . me-r n...\r~ u.-.--in A.) -n. IN pm.-Msuance of aPowor oi Stile in a certain L ,Mor'urmze, hearing dat the Mtwenly-second daylof October, in the year of our Lord one thou- sand eitrht hundred and sixty-one; `made to WIL-. LIAM C. LI'l`l`LE, Esq., of the Tnlvnsbip of`Iu- riisl, inze County of Simcoe, win he sold by. EXTRACT F'B0lI- THE LONDON ` TIMES 1 - ozunnann at A01` or`1>Aanum'm'r.' mcaitat. ;IA}_l_-ES EDWARDS, _/Ion-n! 'T62{ir'Xi5Z=.C' . .-..po-. . -..._ usuvaucc. r\-u\I\F\'s.'s'\ \Ps\%`.\'\`hl\"hr\:\a\Is. { Amznj n; Pm:-1 it-nl A 1-nnn n 1 9 n "I"........` REFEREES. Jotm ALEXANDER, - A _ A ` .Agent at Barrie. THOMAS DALLAS, Jigent at Orillm. 2. ' _ 1-Iv -1.-- u 7 Marcus Rossini, Rpbert . M ` `I ! - - ` - ' -` ..-..-....u-nu` Van mrclu Terms nd bob; knotn _on:.'|pplicgtl gent, Barrio. _ $4-00,000 Arising frbrl; a bad snags o r`:jhe blood or cnmnin .i=.- eaaegare E -rndiraled,`and a clear and ua.nsp1irenIaur- face. re ned. by the res1o'mive 6!` `this Oint- ment. - ;_~sIrpg_u__Ieo mam; nnhe cosmetics andiotber. loilgl qp'plv'aaces. in jug power to dispel ruheqand otbTis@ignmeuu;qfjlhe face. - x _.- ..-_~, `usual VIII-l\JIlI-NJ: Cqseqof gnaw years . standing that have pemna ciom-Iv nlmejd to yield lq any olher rcmedyor treat- ment, h`py'efinvariahly_sngcycqmbed lo afqw Applica- lioni of Zlhfiogpowgarfdl ' miguenl. . -_._V ----. - gonnlavl Are two of the most `common ahd virulent dos orders prevalent on this` continent, to these the Ointment in especially-antagonistic, its `icadm -operands` P is rs! to eradicate the `venom and `then complete the cute. n nu-nova ya! m-upuu: erauve operation. _- .. __.n 'l`heSt`omach is this great centre whtch inuences lhejtettlth vr tltsease of the system--alnusetl 0I Id1.'- bihtnled by exc-e_u-,.indige.~t'ton, 0m3l1sIS' breath and -physical prostratiou _a_t:e_ the natural cottscqttettcea. Allied to lh_x-' bra'in_, it is the source 0| headaches, lllelllalvdeprebioll, ngryqus comyiainla and unre- fre-htttg sleep. -'l`h'e' `Ltver bet-omes affected and treneratea billions dii-or-'de'rs, pains in the side, &c `The Bowelin-_vm alhise bv' Costivengss, Diarrhea and Dy:-entery. he `principal action of these PI"! is on the t-tnmm-h. tmd the liver, lungs. boivlp and kidnevs pztrtit-ipate in their recuparutive nndjr egt'.-n- terative .` - V- lnlsonnnns OF _T_H1gisroMAcH, Livmz. a I T V BOWELS. VERY LARGE and complete`Ass o1-tment 1:. A 4 Ladies'Enamelled Kid and Prunella Gaiters,` Buskins, Boots`; Gavs Calf, Kip and"Course; Misses and Children's, of every. variety and style, which will he kept constantly on hand, 7 . A12: PRICES NOT TO BE- UNDERSOLD-! ANDREW GRAHAM. Rm-r.in_ Maw Hi Icn, `I -I` HOLl.0\VAY'S r|u.s,l WULLOWAVYFS oIN'rm: NT. ? THE SCIENCE OF HEALTH. 3Every Man: his own Physician. --- .. wanna; --uuavu}. uvvv UOGDIAKIULILMLB th;ee times per day for an adult. One bottle of R_ADWAY S RESOLVENT , poueases more, of the active cure of disease THIS MEDICINE is for the radical cure of - gllskinds of Sores, Skin Diseases, Scrofula, , Ulcers, Tumors, Swellings of the Glands, Tu- bercles in the Lungs, Ulcers in the Womb, . Sores in the head, in the Nose and Mouh, Z Sore Eyes, Sore Legs, Pimples, Blotches, uhd, 1 in fact, all kinds [of Eruptive, Sypllic and 1 Ohronic Diseases, Bronchitis, Hacking Dry 1 THE GREAT SORE MEDICINE.` nmws RINIVATING masnnvm. ERYSIPELAS AND: s.u.'r RHEUM` . .7 -u-- u: u IIZI For all the purposes of n. Liniment or Opo- dildoc, RADWAY S READY Ru-.L1EF, diluted with proof spirits, will make the best Lini- ment inthe world.'. One pint of proof spirits. mixed with one bottle of Ready Relief, will give asnperior liniment to any in use. This mixture is used bythe most celebrated sport- ing gentlemen in Europe and America, in the treatment of Swellings, Gulls, sprains, Strains, SIEVHIB. M on hfe. Pa!-nnna r`nsI1v\hu nlv` msuumenu 01 nweulngs, uaus, sprains, Strains, Spavina,&c., on horses. Persons desirous of Barri, May 16, 1860. -...w u, up use or ugugw.-\.1 s 1: EADY R E. LIEF. Letfthuse seized withit give it a. trial. Use it as follows: Take a. teaspoonful of RE-' LIEF.in a wine-glass of water, as a. drink, `every half `hour. Two or three doses are ge- and bowels with .the RELIJF, and lay a piece nerally suicien. Also bathe thu stomach An immediate `cure of this comp1a1ntis.se- cured by the use of RADW.-\.Y S 1: may ma. Lat'f.hnnn up;-ma mm. :+ ...:.... :4. .. 4...:_.1 TAK1_m*I1wmnNALLY.-Ono teaspoonful or more, 1f necessary, to a Winegln_.:s8 of water every hour until relief is u.rd-:d. One (low in most cases will prove suicient. DIARRHGIA "Rn.rnr'.Q rvnnyrrv T nnqm ua ILIUHB cases Wu] sumcient. DIARRH(EA, BILIOUS CIIOLIC, LOOSE-. NESS OF THE -BOWELS, SICK or NER-' VOUS HEADACHE, FOUL BREATH, DYS- ..uuu out: many mane; D6 appued 111 this man- nor` for the followihf mmpluints : ~ RHEUMATISM, IC DOLOREUX. TOOTH- ACHE, HEADACHE, EARACIIE, INFl..AM- _MA. l`ION OF THE sToMAc;1, 1sowuLs or VBy'RnbVbl`ng`the part of parts of ti ' bod Where the disease or pain is seated, ugth thg `Ready Relief. ' In ' ninety-ve cases out of 35:9 Hendreci, the M most severe pains will ease by one Rubbing with the. Relief. In ATTACKS on some THROAT, Homanmzss, CROUI , .DI1.='mEnm, IN1rLUx:xzA, THE RELIEF Vbsnounn JmAr9L1nn*vro THE. Trmozvr AND Cmcsr. [IN A FEW-MOMENTS THE Sonamsss, IRRITATION AND INFLAIJMATION WILL CEASE. ,Let an Rnnrlv Pnhnf` lm onnl:..:I :..-u.:.. ..... .. I1; theseucases, -tAhe entire length of the Spine should be rubbed for 10 or 20 `minutes, three KELAIAN .5: Co, Barrie. J. KING, Barrie Station. J. H. SLAVEN, 0rillia_. J. MATHER,` Angus. , u ofappliagon should be resort- in_ in ues-o:~sm1m,_ Ammcrxous, on . Wiglixnss, Bnnuuhrsx, Nnnvousmas, Q. Lmnueo, Smsus, Bowman, * Paralysis,` Numbness; Diseases of the '- Bladder,`Uretl1n, "Difficulty of Pas- d_.ng'VV;f4'er, Pain in _the Small of the Back, T Cramps and Spasms, PAIN in the Hips, Buck and Weakness and Lamenesa in the _Bocko1-Legs. And in all Female Complaints, such as Leu- oorrhma, Weakening Discharges, Obstructions, Retention, Weakness, Prolapsis Uteri, Hyste- rlos, Headache, &e.. dzc. ' AT.'1`HE-TOWN or uni: in tho Cm-mix: nf Rim:-ma n ' . -~ [ m1m_ ` "v 4` to and_VdhIea_ see prescribed. wma'ti'oiii imam; `to reIief,uId ; - . V. _ ;. consequentcure. V `um EFFEBTED-J B.AD'WAY"S READY BELIEF. ' % ME`.;*HBT)-s"' OF APPLICATION; mwuuuu AND INFLAIJMATION .Let the Ready Relief be applied in this IOI followimr r'nn1nlninta - ERUPTIONS; ON THE SKIN, =-f1':MAL;- _cc_>fM_9LAm ris.` THE K1NG s EVIL. RADWAY S READY i2ELu-:F AS A LINIMENT. SECOND METHOD or APPLICATION. % ` j APPLIED EXTERNA~LL`E`.'_ AND .RUBBING THE SPINE. ` Barrie. May. 16,1860. -_._. CANADA CHOLERA. THIRD METHOD CURE. , - V V'" '.". ',`."' l""' I . lG Dealcrs in -my well known znediciries can hate ! Show Cards. Circulars, 15-_c.; sent them, free 0/ e:- ' pe1ue,byqddressing' Thomas Holloway, 80 Maiden Lane, New York. ' '_ . 28-Iy - - v ruin -lI_lII Watt Publishedmfn a SaIed:E1;qclope. Price 6 Cents. A LECTURE on the Nature, `Treatment and Radical Cure of Snermatorrhma or Seminal Wea|m'ess.Invvulm`)lary Etnmissnons, Sexual Debi- lily. and impemlimemslo Marriage. gem-raliy. Npr. vonsness. Consumption, Epilepg-y, and Pins; Ma;-mal . and Phvsi('al,lm-npacilv, n-snlling n-um S;-ll-Alum-e, I 550. BV ROBERT J. ()UI.VI=`Rwr:-t I an n . .....=, ..... sums, nuU\Vl!' uurm H) De spurious. 0,? `Sold at _Ibe mnnm'a_u-lmy of Prolpsor Hon,- LOWAY, $0 Maulen Lane, New YoI_k. 9 :d by all re- spec-lnble Drunggisis and D6-alrs in Medit-ine though- _uul Hus Unilvd Samesand the 1-ovolized wo.-ld,1n pols, at 25 uenls, 62 cams, and Q] each. -.-I_II'\|.',,. __... , T... ,.....y gunn- icr .I_`h`c-runs a considerable sexing by inking the larger BlZ_$._ ` 0 N. B.-Direoliiis for1he.gu7drInce of paiien` every disorder are atxo.-d qt; o._-13-h pol. !%`1'\-..I-..- 4.. -7 " ' Both the biutment an? Pills should be used in the `following cases : Bnmonn, Pile.-. Sore Heath. ~ Burns. ' llheumn-i-m,-' Sore 'I`h-ox-1-. Chap dands, Ringworm - Soreson"alIki.)de, Chillvains, Sn Rim-uzm, Suimin-3. . Fist:-`n. Ht-Mun. _SIi Joints, Gout. ' . skin Dian-M. Te ler, Lumlmgo, swam-(I Glauus, Ulco.-::. Mercurial Erup- Sore l.e,v.,`v-E, Veneu-nlsare-. ` lion:-, Bore Breasts, Wounvsofal-kinds ( .0A U'l`ION:--Noise are ~genn.v;1e unless the wows Hallo-u~a_1/, New York and London, are d'sc-eruible as a lrVn1er-mark in every leaf of lb: book ofdinen-lions amnnd `em-h pol or box ; the same muy be plainly seen by hold-iug rim lmf to the light A han}. reward will _beLa_yven Io any one renv degigng am-h infbmmliun as may lead to the detection of a'ny.imr|v.or D8I'|ies('0IIme|5eiiin9thus rhm`|IninA- ....,,,., mu .. unuuualllull us may term to me do.-leclion of any .'p:mv. or parIie~vnn|rIeI5ei?iI1glhemedlainos or vending lhe same, knowing them to be spurious. .`. 8! Ihn mnnn:'n..linu nf D.~nl;._...- l.l-- TBTOHTS 3; SHOES wnoLEsALE AND: RETAIL anu rnvm-aI_.Im-npacilv, 'I`N||in9l u-um. Sc-III-Alnnseg` V 65 . B_ ROBERT J. CU - Aglhor (V)! Ihe Gs-oen_Book.%.vdcEcl.`wELL' MD" Wrlll-|'En|iwnmI nnllnu. :.. al.:. _I,,,- :- Every form and a'ea*n.e of Ihese prevalent and slubhn-n disorders `.-4 eradicated locallv and enliaely by the use of this emollient; wmm fnmenlalions should precede ils applicalion. IN healthy qualities will be found In be lhorough rnd invariable. w. I v n - ---- ..._. ..._.1-u..-an-uv uanvuv 1uxylUVUl.l.lUllIa In 1163131} by the use of this Remedy for six days. One bottle has cured many hopeless cases. Sold. by Druggists everywhere. ' Price One Dollar. ' than six bottles of the best approved Snaps- rillas in use. There is no person, however, `severely af-` icted with Sores, or Eruptiye Diseases, but will experience agreat improvement in health hv flu-n nan nf Huh: Dm~;..A-- 4`.-- -1- -`|---- " u 5-,uuu umuu'.nI., I ll). ' RADVVATS READY RELIEF is sold by Druggists and Medicine venders everywhere. Price 25 Cents per bottle. In all cases, see that the fuc simile signature of RADWAY & Co. is on the front and back of each 1abe1,'and the letters R. R. R., RADWAY & Co., blown in the glass. DR. JOHN RADWAY & CO., 220 St. Paul Street, Montreal. . of annel r;aIe(1 in RELIEF across the bowels. M This will be found an ebctual and speedy cure. In 1849 uml 54', RADWAY S READY RELIFIF cux-ml theworst cases of Asiatic Cho. lera. after all other remedial agents failed. .It has cured thousands of . Diarrhoea, Painful Discharges from the Bowels, Cholic, Cramps and Spnsms by 02213 dose. a. good Jinimnnt, trj it. RADWAY S mcam "rERrc,' WORMS, CHOLERA MORBUS, \VIN D CIIOLIC. SPASMS, PURGING, HE.-XRTBU RN, FITS, SEA SICKNESS, DY- SENTERY, CRAMPS, VOMITINU, SOUR STO.\1ACI-I. HYSTERIA, CONVULSIONS, BAD DREAMS. PHTIH, \VHl l.lllUl'U. IHIIHGJIZLUU UMBE- ` Them 13- no other remedy, Liniment, or Pain. Iiillvr in the world that will stop so quick six RAD\VAY S. READY RELIE - I:xf1X'sB '{h` 'u7{.?2I1' {1IIa?'vIvi1it}I;SgIi"xI'a as RADWATS READY RELIE . KIDNEYS, SPRAIXS,` STRADIS, CUTS, BRUISES, \-VOUNDS, CRAMPS, BURNS, SCALDS, PIMPLES, BLOTCHES, MOSQUI- TO BITES, STINGS OF POISONOUS IN- SECTS. CHILBLAINS, DEAFNESS; SUN STROKE. APOPLEXY, EPILEPTIC FITS, A ST HM A , BALDNESS, SORENESS and PAINS IN THE LEGS, FEET, JOINTS, &c., L3A-MENESS; SWELLINGS of the KNEES, FEET,7LEGS, &c., SORE EYES, and in all cases wlxcru flu-x_-e is pain or distress; the `|'_`L"..\ `DY RY4`.T.TF`.Ic` if xinnlied nvnr than nan-t mp cases wucru uu-r_e 1_s pum Ur uwbreuu, we READY RELIEF, if up lied over the part or pu rts, will afford immed ate ease. )4 _. _ WA` nu _, ,__.______,)_ `| :_:_____A ___1'\A_ The Rubbing should be oontinuegl until a sense of heat and irritation or burning is ex- perienced. If you- succeed in securing this action on the skin and back, you may feel per- fectly satised of a cm-e-it is 9. sum aign_._ -nuaov vv ylnyynl '01-ll? I; will curely cure. Persons qu'ering{f_1-em eithex-`of the above named complaints,` should not hesitate a mo ment to ,apply4.he`Bea._dy Belief, as directed. Tl am )! .......I.. .....- times per_ day. In manyinsthnoas the most severe` and agonizingnpaingwl ceape during the process of the FIRST Igvnpma. Its con- tinued use a few timedwill cuxje the patient of the most a.ggra.vat.in`g and long standing disea- IRE J. MCKEGGIE, Stayner. JOHN GREAVES, Collingwood. J. DEACON, (Bradford, DB. J. BADWAY a 00., 220 ST. PAUL -STREET, MONTREAL. P!LES AND. FISTULA. LTo%Y1bu 11g.Men.' 9 .Qan n:" l`....-I.._- ing, arc.` A;Lc1uma Sore` Sore: ofall kinda, ,s:nr V1-new-al Saran, Wouncs ofalekcnds r ;uuuun enlain VI`I- Uu I. I'D nn H19 ()lll1|K.[l` Wf [)Dt`l'~ B0 %P"P"'_8d by 5121'}; W FOWLE 8; 0" ?9n.,aa;d fa age by _all Drugggm. -' isoldu Bam`e,by'~T. W. `GEORGEN. 3' EJN !::,cfo.;.;GEa1zaE LANE. . 1! 31:. I 73,3-an`... 3,3 .. ..=_..-- -.- -urn-1n'I"I' uunce inn. . Youirs P. UU'_' :. _ . Q!/`I/Ia C`tmr1'6r dc St H.V"""lm; JQ Tbe're;ll` a vile counterfeit oflhis BL5v . "'*.I'5 . be;-lyre and jmv onlv um prepnm "-"W. `w- _ 8! 58 Co. Bualnn 'wh ic-h has the 8'8"` f:1 00 "19 outside wrapper- u1I3vJun...l'L... clivlr `:17 unit]! I` L l_'n..B g w_no nnv_o:u_g-ed it and-in no vase have I know ' F". r m-`(".'l`8 H Speedy civic. ' Yomne at lib:-rly to make anv use n! the ,5'_Iuhi"k D'D.0`I'. '1 il slm||,inlm-9 any l)n'."`_"5, V 53:;;a.'2:.m '."'7"' '" ;:'a*.s.m- n....__,_-,. .... A . . a. z1.mn'Il`l' -"'*' v-`-H III I-cl VII!!!" `J. J. 1Inv-- I A Onto for Whooping cough. `_ . 37- H_"AC|N`I1~lE, Cuum 15., Aug. 21; 1396 Mxasas. S. W. Fowu. & co G"'.*`~'BefI :--Several momhq since I lmle dmb Mr or mine ten years of 33; W, taken wuh wh"P508 Cough in a veiy 'agg'*rava;ed form "J noshinswe t-ohld do for her .-.-en`..~d in am` we)` ' '"V h" "'m"'5"9- We at length 1|;-1-i1|e'dl"'Y' bank! of your Dr. Witty : Balm". of Wild C/I" ."_' [In three boon: alter she had (rnnmwm-ed uM'n8 * the` `)'08..8rateJv relieved a'n'd`s:3 um uummree" ,`?_`"'?. 9|v mirt-d And in novrwell. 3 `'`' Mr: ',"' mmeuided lhe Balsam to many nf m nei#""" n` I|'ha-.n'_..J .`. ___I 2-A , A I |-nnI'D :1 . ""31-`ll|'fVlV l'IlI`t'u and Is now Well. I "3": "M, '."'."'"||.detl the Bulunmlo mv neuxh , who h` ..;~ . 11.-now!" irniIur.'31"i-1..l'.?.'l.{.{'fil" W T _ qulreu. _In-flu": ration, mrlu I/It "_""`- Of-i_ 6 `harry. I/nrrr arc rom- -a '. .`.},-n_ungIed wu/4 1'1 ollter ingml1'enI.vo} . 4 :1 : valur, I/ms im-rea.n'ng in ra/It: ilff /I1,.arul-for1nv'21,gr n R,,,,,1y 1,./H, },,,,,,, ,4 '" v W I'M . !0 '6/iwv. Mid to cure diocasr, (rm: Jn M afher medicine yet discovered. l!nI;amt.&.._-I 1 n_,. _ -.. . v ;..-_J4./ \/.J.L.I.JL`/ll` 1 Has been used for nearly ball` a ccmuny, w.1b 11:: most aslonushingsuccess in curing Coughs, Colds, Hoarscness, Sore I7z1oat, In- uenza, Whoopiirg Cough, Croup, Liz-cr. Complaint, Bronrlzitis, Dzculty "of Breathing, ./Lsrluna, and every , - afcction of THE THROAT. LUNGS AND CHEST INCLUDING EVEN CONSUMPTION. r--'-~ --- - V R. s. N. Pncltilms been compelled. by an zhmltb, to retire from business. The Purvm-r- ship heretofore existing between himself and Dr. -P`. B, PECK is lherefonedissolved. All accnunxs due the late rm must he paid to Dr. P - B. Peck, who will continue the bus?ness as he-`e -o-`ore um. .. r. C o.f,,=;GI:fo_1eaE pd . ve Lb.;,LYJ;A1~f,; ELL10{`1'&!_, 0'3` Particular attention paid to the Regulation of Clxildren s Tetb. , ,_.,_ .. -..--.. rr 4c.Lv4|..'.!LV 1411. ']'ee.h inserted in the moat appmve style: and as he has made arrangements for visiting Harrie" everv month`, he'is prepared to execute any work entrusted to him, as cheap as any olhcr Dentist in the Province. - .4 " "` "`7 JWht-n he wiil be happy to wait upon l'nn_=e re- quiring his services in any of the branches of I his profession. ~ ~ N returning thanks to his friends in Barrie and surrounding couniry, who have pa'.roni7.:-d him during the past thirteen yems, beg to inlinmle that in future he will amend at the followinrv places monthly :- Mewmarket, 19:, 2nd and 3rd of each Month. Bmdfond... 4.'h............ 1)rangeville,5tb............ Bond Head, Brownsville, 7th.... . . . . . . .. Sulton...V.. 10th...." . . . . Lef'roy..._..13lh........... Barrie Hub and 15th .. Collingwood, 1tiIh, and 17th, ` '1'ettcnex's and granttngcertiticutes oi'qun.lilicalion. Te'stimoniu.ls' certifying to the strictly temperate habits and correctmornl character of the `appli- cants must be forwarded to the undersigned at least two days `previous to the examination. The class of certicate applied for must. also be e specied. . . . I -`llE`\TDV A r`.r.n.*n-nnn |lCHA NGVE OF ADvERTi._s[E:\1V1:.}\:'rH, :SURGEON4 CAN be cousnlied at his oice, in`renr of K9} man 8: Co. s Store, and can supply the van . ous Homtepatbic Medicines for tamily use. No. "i quamy ROCK OIL always on hand; Glass, Putty, &c. - H3 Prescriptions carefully put up under Kelman s immediate supervision. Barrie, Feb, 1864. October 17, 1864' ... .7.-c, wueulrulq yer msrovcrad. ' ceitioato from L. J. Racine, Esq., _of the V linerva. _ .MuN'rmzu., L. C., Oct., 20,1553- . W.`Fnwru Kr (`A D-----~ Just received, direct from New ` I assortment of - -r 111"` Which are offered cheaper than ever before i market. 5 `-0; us- PURE ENGLISH DRUGS, ,5, Would beg to intimate that their stock replete in all that pertains to a. rst~ lishment. They have besides is now Pahts, 0zIs,'Vamz'shes,Spz'ces, Dye-S;,,,, .Per_/um`ery, Fancy Articles, Patent Medicines, c. ' class eslab. I_1,l`IIl|l HI) I W steps will: [1 fnlinnn ml 'W"w' HENRY A. CLIFFORD, , T Secretary. Dalston, Dec. 1?.tb,_ 1864. ` 50-3:; lov.ember, - " ,I);g;,186l.: :, ,.,v__ -_. _..f.? gag. vv Ol\lOI\J6I,` contaiujzig one hundro_d acres`, mom or less... ~ The tsboveproperty will be sold under a Power of Sale in_a.. certain Morxgageg. _ to one Ilary Wilson, oth _z-wise Archer, ' ` 23rd day of -.:_ HE Subscribers thankful f tb T bestowedon {heir emabli:f1megt,p:t;$u:E: appreciation shown of their efforts to keep only 7r1- DTTDE nvnr run -nun ... own-nan; ugumu pllrcnaslug either Pills '0} `"5" mint pn` tutu: to be my prey ovations. that m` ' i'UNI'P D STATES STAMP AROUND ,oronnd each Box or Pot. Before you BOXES OR POTS; . There is no Treaty 5.1213 the people of the Staten and the Home Gwen ment, therefore an -American Stamp does um "'* tect mytprepamtions. There are no stamp. up my Canadian style of Pills and Ointment, cam 11 from the United States. I rely only to 8 V r- tion on the water mark in the book of aarf,f; them, see was THEBE.ARE N0 u.s. 'H',;' n the Box of Bills or Ointment. P 3:0 that have United $tnte_s stamps on. mm ` . T. HOLLOWAY` 3+ . . I '30 Maiden Lnne,x_Y ` 4 mint pdrpdrting be Ere; uau3.'.L", 3. UNITED swvrzs `STAMP moi BOXES OR POTS. There no 'I`ren:y`| of and , menl. therefore ~Americnn Sum... ,:n__ V .- ;nm1--'ro r1;n'" ` Worthy ~cit_izens of Canada; ` `BE WARNED INTIME. -----o 13.1": 10, Feb.. 1864. neamber %31;%n Lamps; Chimneys, &c,, HYLIAL 1...- ..E'.__.l -L--____ .1, Dissolutioh of Partnership. (sgned) `ALL WORK WA1a12_1z_vT13D. :V-_ L :___-.,. HE ' Board of Pubiic Inslrution fof the North- ern Circuit of the County` of Simcoe will meet. at the;CuURT HOUSE, in BARRIE, On Wednesday, the 4th January, 1865, I30 I nhufnnb n can MEDICAL HALL,` DUNLOP STREET, BARBIE, WISTARB BALSAM an DR. L. OLIVER.` ` There is scarcely one individual ix the`;-ommunily who whullv m-apes during :1 season, from sonu-"um-, Low EV" Slighllv dcvelvpetl. of the nhovt Ymloms-_-a ncnlecl of whim-h ni:gh' dreaded disease in lhe whole 0313 0811!`, The power of lhe mediu-ml 9"! 02 lhe Wild Cherry Tree nve `h|3.'3&i 0i'('0mplainls ie well known: so great is the good it has perl..nmd_ and 80 great [he Donnlnrllv it has at- ow-H --n uur guuu ll mas perlurlllru. :3 8|`!-`,3! lh_e popularity it has at- =r . ~ S. N. PECK. P. B. PECK. l_IE1.1lAN at c.,_ Ll D E N TIST. , Mr. * York, a large -' .;v~ V"-V"-'-""'.7! ""1 _ gal 10 o`cIock a.m., for. the` purpose of examining Common School ' Teachers and granting certicates ofqamlicalion. Te's(im9nin.ls' cenifvino tn 1lm`slr:':~Iln Inmnn-an It U0, I-ly. e in this ; also Y Barrie, O.W., 2), 1864. STRAYED into t_htg_premiaes of the subscriber, I A V hot. 17, in the_ nth Con.,.V,espra, in0ctober last, aidark rd Steer, about 4 years old; 1 black and while cow-aged. vm... ....... ...._ 1.--- n_J_.o_._ -1 U,- ---- --.-cu vww~--wv\I- Thejowner can have th(m by rovinz properly and paying expenses. It not claimed in a month . the cattle will be `sold to pay costs. I'f\lI\Y Il-'l\l\\V n r n - ._ ..._..v _. - -_ -. , -vwv uvUv:, V, J/DI-pl, ,`lh)Uu At the` hour of eleven o'clock a.m., tbefol. - ' lowing . PPLICATION W11-I:-BE.MADE TO THE 7 -Provincial Parlinment,'at its nextosession. for an`Ameudment to the Act` Incorporating the 'l or_onI.o and Georgian Bay Canal Company. .'.[`o1f_onto. 26th Nov. 1864. M 48-8t-p.e. '1 `ART of L... uu::bee`.guiisen, in threigbth - 0<'mceaion}of th Tqwnbhip bf Sunnidale, containing 133 acres. 1 ~ ' _ . , Terms easy. Apply V ' H ' V hllzssns. O BRIE'-If & STEWART, "n_ - n-I2-2._,_ n, vo," ST RAY- -STHEER. Leather aather ! `Leather! y. ., :5 Y? 3 . at `A . ` -V `.~A3'nAu.s*z: rosreor{gom1 the x >rxs`.~~_min.-1 . ~-fr. `-FM.`-~i.--:.'..T.. `4: ,.., e*VIunn 1,. liim 1': 1'1: , .` AEDNUH 19w .1` ._' _ ` _ I K . those certain parcels of land and premises L9 rntv-1 on`..------..-._ -- --_._ --____ ;1PANISB SO18? Slt1llgh.(~`l', Upper, Kip; '03 5 Hgrness, Bindmg, Lxmng, Shoemakers Fiud- _ 12. c. ~ - vespra.-Deo.,` 1864. MoIm:A_n_E %sALE V I Auctioneernhe nliwing A `tflllnnin nndnnnmu n "aT.The`cZJ.72: `s'n.nc;B y NOTICE. ;.;;;....;; Dun! umu u\II.I\5r3lUll UlVl.|l_U- _ TOWN S_HvI,P "013" NQ?[fBAWASl:"lGA, nnnhninn 1.-.(.I....'..I...I --..; _--- -_ . Solicitor: Rn I-'1 ANDREW` GRA rmfm. 1-: ._% u n G AHUAUI1, V;_m>op. I .Somcrr'ons. V Barrie. nu : n "J<')'I}}' MoDONA L1). 5034! _e1ojwu1 be. mung glut, pouepaid) `to. i ARDAGH, min : Snunnnnar I nnunuu, an : Souqrroas, ` V Barrio. .v on uuuvvntu`, Solicitors, Bar'rieT." H I IV! 51- Illlllll 1-if .` I HUQIIODEGP, me IOIIDWIBK VERY VALU Tho N'nu-Ila In. W PW.r;_%?4>v%!r,l .LE_A`NDER s. SANDERS, j - r wucn AN!) , 7 ` ` ` JEWELLER, &c.,_ 7 _ - F Old Pact: Oice, 3 born Wat ofFurragh;f8 E2151, , _' . J Street, -; 8.- 8:` having recently removed, to {he premises . . known as the_.0ld Omce, neagx-Ilyioppol, V ` ;\site;h`1'sf6rn;er aurid,-begs to announce to big " friend! a,n"d,- the plnbjicgenorgllv-`that he. has on alignd A stood. supply `of? A`li:1-u_> rloaki*, 3iWdtclies,~_ -L .J!7'Vl'3.!% #6.. which lie` aim-mu nhnn `An -nmr. u guuu BIIPPIJA Ill? Ilulll "Ul0CK8,' WIIBIIEB, "can heigoj qpyherejuortb of 'l`oro_nLo.' , cnecgp FROM 32.25 Uvwgzns. ' Qalfbfgg pnrchuigg elaewhgre. - b_s`_1tll:1]lliwog*l;j1rsrr anl9?d. , _ naiz.`.1..":.h.: .a-. . ...s.'.. =" v~--- . _;;;llery-', qe;. whigh lie o'eFs=ss chgap as they. r .~';.}{:._13_.-L-A}fvlVe'Iode.7c>I':et,~,i?'.Iutit 11Is , Acei61.v A ' ANDE[`u'l'O`N BROTHERS have just added largely to the brewing capacity of their establish- ment, in order to meet the incrpaaing demand for theix'A|_es, and are now prepared, to supply any demands made upon them. a . " V I _ -._---. -,.- _.`..-..-, And free from adulteration, whilst in body they are equal to any made in the Province. ' - A Goon M`A%LTl[1\%G;` v`]`3ix'I-u LEY __ __ ___-_.,v-- ;--v- Iv ` V BEG to return their thanks to their F1 ienda and `theipublic I II the very .exten_s|v'e V patmhnge. `they have been favored with during the past iluee years. They. also would assure the public; lhatall .Ales mtnqfacturedfby them are . [rune MALr:hNu nor uouuns, And free frnm ndliftnrnnn whim : IFAIRVEEZREEEWEBY, 7 Work not called for within 12' months will be hold to pay expenses. -` `D....._:- |_,u no. .....- V M BURNS, GUN- ..MA`KER,- Dun'- T ~ .. _ lopStree`.,Bn.rrie, begs _ _ `a to return his[ain_'cer.e' " ; ` thanks Atvo his e,ci1s- ' tomerefor the very . liberal `support he` has` received since his'_ te- sidence in Barrie;-and _. - having increased- his . ' " .. -4 A facilities for doing. work of the very best descrip- tion, he presumes to have stronger-claim upon` their patronage. 13...`-.. .........:-!A_ D-.. 4 -- - - .wn=':. E. s'.%%i}a" }i'i'-:"':<"u"%'&"c :j,{ A TTf`.'l`I t'\\TV`!.`, D V ---u r ---- -1106`. a Every requisite for sportsmen supplied on the most reasonable terms. / s REPAIRS Exzurzo WITH or-:sp`A1-cu. All kinds of FISHING TACKLE, at moderate prices. . ` ._..,~,,....-., `op! -nun -won 'B "s-cie',`;`De. 1'2,~ 1S3.` .. _ . ca '- .+ nusnluos, unurns. 1'01-k Burma, Moat Tubes,- Butter Kggs, Liquor~Keg-s, of all sizes, coqslaully. on hand and madgto order. ' ' THE Subscriber, thankful efoxfpast f.jiv_ors, takes this opportnn;ity of -remindiing-IQlmse` of-1-his Iriends in want of articles in his line'~,l_harbe has on hand a large qmmtiLyvo*` well seasoned male- rial, and is pu-pu;:1_ad to execute all ordens whb dispruch. ' ' V ; `.` anhI:n`I\n `IVI.......- YI-_I_ n I -I - "I ' -B-Y? M. Lvnfzcl-I,,} Camera/' Mary and Stj'eetsA oiacll a. nun: IQIE February, 1864. uuuu I`:I`_ VVI&I\IE,' . AXEDALE, - BEGS, to info.-m the Al'armer_s of the County of Simone the -Mzmufncttlring of Axes-, "at his Factory, one mile from the Barrie Station, wheie he is prepared Ito supply Axes of the" bestquality, and also 'to lm be has ccmmenced business in, Jump Axes, making them better than new store Axes,'mnd warn.-at med, for ONE DOLLAR. - Stave .Knives,gSlxingle Knives, Straw Cullen Knives, and all kinds of Knives for machiuety, made and repaired.. . . * Pump Augnrs {nude to order. Mill Picks dressed on the shortest-notice. Febmm-v. mm- ' - 7 `. BARIE_ % CQQPEBAGEQ At biges: market mice.` 001. 24:11, 1864. , I ___ -- ,..._, --,.,...-.. Barrie, Apri1.23, I861. _._.._-v---, -rvvv -, --_.-, g--.r- pawn, At the; bomruf hnlfgpast Eleven inthe forenoou, A '11 mun .Dnn n'rn.unna nu 'Vl`fze':\w,( and light refreshments` always ready. V ' ROBERT KING. Barrie, December. 1863. . LI-v .... ..., u-uv Iv vluclo Soirees, `Pic-Nics and Tea-Parties, M supplied on reasonable terms. ' . ' on A... -~-- Barrie, December, l8_63._ AXE FAC l`()R`Y he undersigned begs to inform th e' 'inhn.`oitnnts` of `Barrie that be has taken the premises NEXT DOOR TO _THE POST `OFFICE,- \'l7l.......` I..- 2.. A _, J, l)I\'l.`l.\IJ M D.ID`UUl`.l' BAKER AND TIONER, and trusts that by strict attention 10 business, he will secure u. share of their patrouago and support. All kinds of F_aecy Bread,`Breakfast and (I)i n:ner Rolls, made to order; ` ' a_g___A7 .5. `U: -_ _. Where he intends caying on the business of a BREAD & BISCUIT BAKER AND CONFEO-_. TIONER. and {rude that In: uni... ..u.....:.... .. REPAIRINC; NEATLY EXECUTED. Barrie. March 8-, 1864. V T _ ,_ ll- Wht-re_' & BISCUIT Rntrm .1 ` . . ` - V -Monmsox &_SAnPsox. Solmtara. ' ~ \VlLLlAll PY2`EK, Esq.. becretary 4' Treasurer. b ujjn OFFICE--`Western Assurducg Buildihgs, Curc ' Street, Toronto. _ . T ` WILLIAM PYPER, I V - ~ Secrcta1*11,& Treasurer} The terms of sale will be made. known at anly. time on application (if by letter, post-pagd) to ._ ' ARDAGH as ARDAGH, ` I - ` .Y1mnou`s Soucrrons, ` A . ' `B1trri:` Barrie, C.W., Deg. 3rd, 1864. ' < 49-2t -`-u-.. u. uuuu uuucuuuv VI aluu Ialluro > [NE-W BAKERY; ENGLISH BUN HOUSE. GU.NS,._' RIFLES, (&.: ms_u:lIo ' v\ ashtubs, Chur.ns. Pork Bnmeis, Meat Tubs, :ter Kegs, Liquor Ken's. sizes. (-nnsmmlv Amnnronomms CASH PAID `for an} quanti_1y'of A so` ._.______ AlT'KEN_ WILKIE, AVDDAI T.` - WILL Bmsopp . T On MONDAY, `l_9t/5'-`ofDe1_c.,'A.D. 1864-, A4 -L. 1.-.... -1 I_-I"l- _--. 1-:u__,__ 1,, .u ,